kira_kira: normrm2191 guys I need some help w/ the puzzle of the week
Im so lost
micoze-stella: i think its puzzle is difficult, too
WOLFRAHH: yeah same here i want some hint with puzzle of the week
davilla: PotW literally has published papers on algorithms to solve it
davilla: ridiculously hard problem, unless n=2
DanniBoy: i dont get why these people dont share their codes
bobby2: @DanniBoy yeah me neither. Aren't we all here to learn?
JSboss: Fermat's Little Theorem helps with the POTW
KiwiTae: i dont like nuggets
Uljahn: AutomatonNN: damn euler's toadient
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to see the code in the contest ?
Doju: Well
Doju: I managed to make my new c++ code run
Doju: good news: got 55k nodes vs 2k on python
Doju: bad news: all the nodes are the same pointer :-D
WOLFRAHH: can anybody tell where is my mistake
WOLFRAHH: in power of thor
Doju: What's the problem?
Doju: WOLFRAHH what's the problem?
WOLFRAHH: falier of 3 and 4th test cases
jacek: in first you have d+= in second you have d=
Doju: oh right yeah, they should be the other way around
Doju: check north and south first
Doju: because now if you need to go north or south you'll overwrite the variable d
WOLFRAHH: again failier
Doju: Are you now checking north and south first?
Doju: so that they have =
Doju: but east and west have +=
WOLFRAHH: yeah i checked
WOLFRAHH: not worked
Doju: hm...
WOLFRAHH: so what for me
Doju: can i see your code again?
Doju: ok i see
Doju: so
Doju: lets think about it
Doju: so you have d=
KiwiTae: WOLFRAHH indeed if u had to go NW u fail cause your code return N
Doju: you want it to be one of these: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW
Doju: you had the right idea with the first version of your code
Doju: but it was just in the wrong order
Doju: you need check N and S first
Doju: so they come at the beginning of the string
Doju: now you're checking them after E and W
Doju: Then whatever d is after checking north and south you just add E or W to the end if needed
KiwiTae: im stuck at 83char in power of thor
WOLFRAHH: hey i do it
KiwiTae: gg
Doju: Nice!
KiwiTae: WOLFRAHH u can try the episode 2 now
WOLFRAHH: thanks for help
WOLFRAHH: after some time
WOLFRAHH: thanks for help Doju
jacek: :3
Doju: Now i need some help :d
Doju: How is it possible that ptr is always the same?
Doju: Node child{current_node, value};
Node* ptr = &child;
Doju: that is in a loop and ptr is always the same address
magaiti: is this c++?
Doju: yes, magaiti
magaiti: you are constructing a temporary object on the stack, then taking address of it
magaiti: you should create the object on the heap, or something
magaiti: use operator new
jacek: i think he knows that. but he wonders why it has the same address
Doju: i did not know that
magaiti: like Node* ptr = new Node{current_node, value};
magaiti: because it's the address of the object on the stack
magaiti: which happens to be the same
magaiti: because it's recreated over and over
Doju: ohh
Doju: this is a really unfriendly language for beginners :p
Doju: thanks
magaiti: it is
Doju: now it works
magaiti: remember to delete your tree when you dont need it
Doju: Right
magaiti: using operator delete. or you could use smart pointers, which is another huge chunk of knowledge
Doju: Erm
magaiti: or you could manage your nodes in an array, and store array index instead of a pointer
jacek: or dont delete at all on CG, no wasted time
Doju: so i need to somehow loop though each node and delete it
magaiti: yeah, kinda, you can do it recursively
Doju: oh yeah i can take the last nodes and do it recursively there, true
jacek: virtual ~MctsMove() { for (auto & m : children) { delete m; } }
Doju: I'm storing the parent instead of the children
Doju: but yeah i think i got it
jacek: oO
magaiti: how do you walk your tree then?
Doju: i don't really need to go from the root outwards ever
Doju: i'm storing the last "layer" of nodes
Doju: and when i run out of time
magaiti: then i humbly assume it's something different from mcts
Doju: just breadth first pretty much
Doju: hahah
Doju: when i run out of time i just evaluate the last nodes, grab the best one and then go towards the root to get the first child node
magaiti: hmm, but
magaiti: your opponent will not make bad moves
magaiti: hopefully for him
magaiti: how do you account for that
Doju: The opponent doesn't even exist in my program :D
Doju: This is for the fall challenge
magaiti: ahh well then
Doju: I think considering the opponent's moves is not important enough for me
Doju: given that i'm a beginner in c++
Doju: and i just want to make something that works
magaiti: depends on your definition of "works"
Doju: it has taken me 3 or 4 days just to translate my 500 lines of python to c++
magaiti: compile and doesn't crash != works
Doju: Makes somewhat sensible moves = works
magaiti: "somewhat sensible"
Doju: and can go beyond 3 moves in depth (unlike the python version) :p
jacek: do you have pragmas?
Doju: err
Doju: i'm not really sure what they are but i have #pragma once in all of my headers
Doju: which doesnt really matter since this is all one file now
jacek: as first lines
jacek: #pragma GCC optimize "Ofast,unroll-loops,omit-frame-pointer,inline"
- pragma GCC option("arch=native", "tune=native", "no-zero-upper")
- pragma GCC target("rdrnd", "popcnt", "avx", "bmi2")
jacek: to tell compiler to compile with optimizations
Doju: thanks
magaiti: do you need popcnt? i think it's included in bmi2
Doju: i'll plug that in and see
Doju: WOAH
jacek: i copy pasted mindlessly
Doju: it's 5 times faster
Doju: hahah
jacek: as everything
magaiti: also i doubt a beginner would use avx and bmi2
jacek: well the compiler could translate some loops to avx itself
magaiti: maybe, doesn't really happens thet much
magaiti: welp i stand corrected,
magaiti: "avx" just increased my rollouts count in clobber from 60k to 100k
Doju: Hmm
Doju: why should I need to manually delete my tree?
Doju: if it gets out of scope on every turn in the game
magaiti: nodes created by operator new dont get out of scope, only their pointers do
JSboss: for those who were asking for more solutions to be published for the weekly challenge, i just posted a JS one
Doju: oh, alright
Doju: Ouch, deleting the nodes is gonna be rather difficult without storing the children
magaiti: i recommend using array instead
magaiti: use push_back() to add node, and store index istead of pointer. then just clear the array
magaiti: as a rule of thumb, you should not use poerator new in modern c++, unless you know what you are doing
Doju: okay
magaiti: so just grow your array of nodes, and store index of parent
Doju: I guess i'll do that
magaiti: then clear the array (resize to 0) when you dont need them any more
magaiti: std::vector<MYNODE>
Doju: got it
Doju: oh dear
Doju: my string, which is supposed to be one of these: "BREW", "CAST", "LEARN", "REST"
Doju: is "-1100793648"
jacek: how do you assign it
Rens2005: fuck <- is this filtered
WOLFRAHH: hey what do you say Rens2003
WOLFRAHH: Rens2005
WOLFRAHH: you say fuck
WOLFRAHH: plz don't abuse in chat
jacek: it also filters passwords
jacek: ***********
Rens2005: to see if it was gonna get filtered do you know english?
jacek: see?
Rens2005: my password: yourmum
linjoehan: pogglepops
jacek: only you can see your password
WOLFRAHH: what about jacek he abused the chat
linjoehan: hey it dosent filter passwords
jacek: i will hack your checkers bot
linjoehan: my checkers bot is weak
linjoehan: wanna see my tetris bot?
Rens2005: no i want to see ur mom
jacek: :no_mouth:
linjoehan: to late my mom passed 4 years ago
WOLFRAHH: ohh so sad linjoehan
linjoehan: anyway tetrisAI
linjoehan: still gots work to do on it though
jacek: for NES? noice
linjoehan: yeah one day I want to get scores like the pros
jacek: trying RL?
zukarinkuari2: hello
linjoehan: No time for RL
zukarinkuari2: my onee san isnt replying to me anymore:sob:
jacek: your senpai didnt notice you?
WOLFRAHH: can anybody help me to solving fall challange 2020
wlesavo: beam search ezpz
zukarinkuari2: no shes my onee san
zukarinkuari2: not senpai
Insta-x: help, want to solve mars lander using GA but couldn't meet time limit of 100ms, is it even possible?
zukarinkuari2: hmmmm
zukarinkuari2: idek
darkhorse64: If your GA works properly, it will converge towards a good first move. Use that and keep on searching
darkhorse64: If I recall correctly, I find an answer within the first second with ML2
_Jeffry_: You can run the GA for as long as you can (like 98ms) each turn to get the best possible "first move" every time. Just restart your GA every turn with new starting settings from inputs
Insta-x: so reset GA and use the best first move every turn?
Insta-x: in the blog that i read about solving mars lander with GA, i think that the code solve everything in the first turn and use that solution. though its funny that the blog said the time limit is several seconds
Insta-x: thx for the help
warsameabdalla: i am really stuck on the chuck norris problem
warsameabdalla: can somebody check my code i keep getting a bus error
Alshock: Insta-x the blog made everything in the first turn, but you can delay. You can also reause your poppulation from the previous turn in your search, try stuff and keep what works
Alshock: @warsameabdalla you're probably writing something that's out of bound
Alshock: You can dump your code in this chat and it should give you a nice pastebin for it
Insta-x: ok, thx for the tips
Uljahn: the first turn time limit is 1 second btw
Alshock: the best tip I can give you is: look at what your AI is doing. And if it fails to converge or converges too fast, try to find out why. Try to stay calm and tolerant in your fitness though, you don't want to accentuate local minima
warsameabdalla: thanks Alshock i just posted it
Alshock: xD just a note from first glance warsameabdalla: *(p+t) = 1 + '0' <=> p[t] = '1'
Alshock: not your actual issue though
warsameabdalla: I literally just got the function from the internet lol
warsameabdalla: the bus error seems to be coming from this line
warsameabdalla: char asciiNumber = MESSAGE[j];
Alshock: there's too much I don't understand in your code, for instance, why do you use strtok to split words? I thought CN was about characters
Alshock: Oh mb I was reading commented bits, should get the highlighting in an editor rather than pastebins xD
warsameabdalla: i am new to this ill try post it without the commented bits
warsameabdalla: i hope this is easier to read
RoboStac: your scanf doesn't do anything (it doesn't support regex and even if it did that still wouldn't match)
Alshock: for some reason, it does. That's what I don't understand.
warsameabdalla: thanks for that guys the bus error has gone,
warsameabdalla: however the game came with that scanf("%[^\n]", MESSAGE);
warsameabdalla: i changed it to this now scanf("%s", MESSAGE);
RoboStac: oh wow, apparently that is actually a thing
Alshock: AH AH AH LMFAO you manage to put stuff in MESSAGE somehow
RoboStac: looks like your str[] array isn't big enough so you overwrite other variables
Alshock: There's a lot of stuff that gets overwritten, j included
Alshock: btw all your decimal_to_binary are leaking memory, but that's a secondary issue at this point)
warsameabdalla: im really confused lool
Alshock: When I write j and MESSAGE[j] at every step I get this:
Alshock: That's kinda wrong
Alshock: ooooh I get it
Alshock: the strcat
Alshock: you're not giving a pointer as second param
Alshock: you're actually also writing a pointer in a char to begin with
BlaiseEbuth: Alshock ! Stop annoying people on world ! Go back on FR !
warsameabdalla: i know ive been asking alot of questions but what shall i change alshock
AntiSquid: why? it's ok, less users on FR more for World
Tuo: warsameabdalla you are trying to add to str (length 9) multiple return values of decimal_to_binary(length 8?)
Tuo: also string variable is a char ** for some reason. thats why you need to dereference it, *string in code
2kpro: hey
2kpro: good morning everyone\
tax0801: Hi!
MasterCoderxD: hey guys
MasterCoderxD: help
Qyxi: Morning. I'm new here. I read the weekly puzzle and I'm not sure I understand the question as the author intended. I look at the possible solutions to the example, and 3 isn't the highest number of nuggets that can not be served. Buying a 5 and a 1 isn't possible, so 6. But even more so, 20 x 5 + 1, infinity * 5 +1 is the highest that can not be served. Since there is not a 1 pack.
MasterCoderxD: Can somebody edit and fix the errors in this Java code?
MasterCoderxD: I am trying to create a range() function, like the one in python3
jacek: Qyxi you can buy 5 and 2. you can buy 6 by buying 3 x 2 nuggets
MasterCoderxD: Just experimenting as i am a noob in Java
jacek: MasterCoderxD there is no default values in java methods
MasterCoderxD: The problem is the part where i set default values for my functional parameters (like in C++)
jacek: use range(int a,int b,int c)
MasterCoderxD: But how do i set default values
Qyxi: Indeed, overlooked that. So, infinity * 5 + 1 if it's odd becomes the answer.
jacek: the only way to achieve this in java is to overload method
MasterCoderxD: i know i googles it, but i don't quite get it
MasterCoderxD: can u plz just rewrite the code? if u have time?
MasterCoderxD: it's open to everyone btw
linjoehan: I'm need to learn how to write tests in java quick. any helps?
MasterCoderxD: *googled not googles
jacek: junit tests?
Tuo: int[] l = new int[b]; is too big. real size is b - a
MasterCoderxD: that works?
jacek: dunno
MasterCoderxD: yeah thanks for that TUO
MasterCoderxD: oh ok
jacek: but should give you idea how this would work
MasterCoderxD: but the problem is with that, it makes it compulsory to enter all the 3 parameters, for example; range(0,10,1) works but not range(10) (this is what i want)
jacek: oh right for one
MasterCoderxD: my output is:
MasterCoderxD: 9
MasterCoderxD: followed by 9 zeroes
MasterCoderxD: wait i got it
darkhorse64: gg jacek
jacek: hm?
darkhorse64: clobber
jacek: quite lucky submit
jacek: leaderboard small so much oscillations
darkhorse64: You did such a big jump that you surely improve something
jacek: why yes, new net
jacek: and i still think p1 has advantage
jacek: its about 60% win in my tests
ill-be-waiting-outside: hey
darkhorse64: Definitely time to wok on new weapons.
darkhorse64: I have been reading a lot of things lately on NNUE, design and implementation
jacek: :+1:
jacek: well someone got increased speed when he added avx to pragma
darkhorse64: I wrote avx code for clobber with no effect (actually it was slower). I also did that for C4 and gained nothing. But I already got the pragma
darkhorse64: Fun fact, my eval = 57%, your eval = 75% at one point in a game. You won ...
jacek: look for games when i lose
jacek: i get 0.8 then suddenly loss
darkhorse64: I see you won a game where your eval was 0.04 at one point. You have got some bias
jacek: or opponent made mistake
jacek: i know theres something wrong when i evaluate high and lose anyway
darkhorse64: At the same point, I see 50%. Tbh, I sometimes get the impression that my bot is clueless until the solver takes over
jacek: thats vanilla mcts for ya
Ordonnateur: Hi, can someone explain me more clearly the puzzle of the week ?
darkhorse64: yep. No eval in sight and no winning moves for heavy rollouts
jacek: Ordonnateur whats the problem?
Ordonnateur: I don't understand why the 68 portion part have no maximum ç_ç
Qyxi: I keep failing first test case. 20 * 5 + 3 = 103 nuggets. That's the max I cannot buy.
darkhorse64: I'd look for diophantian equation of the first degree
jacek: Ordonnateur because you cant buy any odd nuggets. you cant buy 10001, 255545, 5762347856348765348799 and more
jacek: so its infinity
Qyxi: I agree jacek, however, when I run it it expects 3.
Ordonnateur: yes but you can't buy 1 or 3 in the first case what's the diff ? the fact there is no stop ?
jacek: 3 is max you cant buy. from 2 and 5 you can buy 4,5,6,7,8,9... and so on
Qyxi: Ordonnateur 6 and 8 are both even, there can never be an odd number generated from those values.
darkhorse64: Only Chuck Norris can buy any number of nuggets
jacek: Qyxi 17 * 5 + 4 * 2
jacek: wait, 19 * 5
Ordonnateur: Ok, I have to found how to manage the infinity part (to avoid endless loop) and I think I understand what I should do :)
Ordonnateur: thank you Jacek :)
2kpro: hello
2kpro: how are you
ill-be-waiting-outside: hey
2kpro: yo
ill-be-waiting-outside: whats up my brother
2kpro: nothing much you
ill-be-waiting-outside: working
2kpro: working on what
ill-be-waiting-outside: school and my job
2kpro: im doing in school to
2kpro: virtual
ill-be-waiting-outside: see at my age i have too work in the morning i go to school and at night i work
2kpro: ok
2kpro: well my class started so talk to you later
ill-be-waiting-outside: ight bye
2kpro: bye
evirginie: Hi ! About the weekly puzzle, i really don't see how i can solve it. Could someone give me a hint ? I think maybe a lack a math knowledge.
KelvinAndHubbles: hint: You have to pass all the test cases
evirginie: no wayyyy !
Snovrain: lmao, although i also dont know how to solve that
evirginie: i thought it must have something to do with GCD but it does not seem to add up
zukarinkuari2: hey guys
2kpro: let ans=[]
zukarinkuari2: i wann acreate a simple game on blender
Snovrain: actually i am new to codingame, where to access the weekly puzzle?
evirginie: if i just put "print("-1"), i i should past a few tests
zukarinkuari2: bro i cant relate too much
evirginie: here :
Snovrain: tq btw, but what i mean is where can i get this link by myself, from discord?
evirginie: i dont remember how i got here :disappointed_relieved:
evirginie: don't you find it from the home page ?
Snovrain: yes, my home page dint have something like weekly puzzle section wwww
2kpro: try your best evirginie
2kpro: i made a 36
2kpro: -1
Uljahn: Snovrain: should be in your notifications, click the bell and then "show read"
2kpro: :hamburger: :fries:
2kpro: hey
2kpro: :wave:
2kpro: im eat so can you keep it down a bit
2kpro: how do you play code4life
**AntiSquid assumes that's an invisible ball and kicks it
AntiSquid: you don't, life plays you
2kpro: antisquid how do i play code4life
jacek: with joystick
AntiSquid: no joystick, here's a version of the game it's inspired from it should help understand it
AntiSquid: or search on youtube the codingame tutorial for code4life, it explains it well
warsameabdalla: hello people i have been on chuck norris for 10 hours now
warsameabdalla: i still can not figure out the issue can someone help me
warsameabdalla: you can ignore the deblank part
warsameabdalla: anybody there to save the day
jacek: youre doing chuck norris in C? :scream:
AntiSquid: that's so hardcore
AntiSquid: jrke online ?!
jacek: hm?
Therabidpanther: bruh i think this question is broken
2kpro: hahaha:joy:
jacek: question?
jacek: are those... solutions!?
jlb1108: still working on mine in C#
2kpro: sup
Westicles: hii
2kpro: yo
**AntiSquid kicks Westicles
Westicles: heh heh. I thought you guys made up?
AntiSquid: wdym? it's the special chat command to request a kick
Westicles: Just a kick? That seems like a de-escalation
AntiSquid: what do you want me to do? gather some random people and protest in front of his house at night ?
jacek: oO
BlaiseEbuth: AntiSquid is kicking innocent people again ?
2kpro: what the...
ill-be-waiting-outside: don't say it
jacek: bloody hell
2kpro: ohh sh
jacek: oh bash?
BlaiseEbuth: ./2kpro
2kpro: what
BlaiseEbuth: Unexpected exception...
BlaiseEbuth: Hmmm...
2kpro: can someone hold my mouth before i say something bad
BlaiseEbuth: chmod a+x 2kpro
BlaiseEbuth: ./2kpro
2kpro: shut the fu..
AntiSquid: 2kpro >/dev/null
ill-be-waiting-outside: stop
ill-be-waiting-outside: chill
BlaiseEbuth: Oh thx AntiSquid.
2kpro: im chil
2kpro: :relieved:
2kpro: hey
_Coding_Princess_: hi:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
2kpro: yo
2kpro: antisquid can you give me some pointers i wish i was experianced like you
jacek: he can give you only nullptr
2kpro: ok thanks for teling me jacek
2kpro: im so stupid i wished i started coding a year or2 ago but im just a child
ZarthaxX: you got a lifetime still
2kpro: but you and other people are experianced and i just started
2kpro: :disappointed:
2kpro: i wish i was older
jacek: just wait and you will be
jacek: [solved]
_Coding_Princess_: yeah im new too
_Coding_Princess_: i just finished intro
jacek: onboarding?
2kpro: im just stupid
JLukeSkywalker: no, im stupid
_Coding_Princess_: im super stupid
_Coding_Princess_: i am so stupid i cant figure out Coders Strike Back... lol
_Coding_Princess_: :grimacing:
2kpro: i wished someone like antisquid could give me pointers but his probaly busy
2kpro: :disappointed:
JLukeSkywalker: most people that talk on here can give you pointers like that
2kpro: but antisquid is busy and jonny 7 is busy
JLukeSkywalker: just ask the questions you would ask them in here
2kpro: so who can give me pointers
Stormalix: everyone
JLukeSkywalker: ^^
jacek: int *x; here you go
JLukeSkywalker: how dare you not use python
YunoSama: Guys.. I really need help with something'
Stormalix: how dare you not use JavaScript
Stormalix: what do u need help with
YunoSama: I am in the-descent and I don't see the GUI of the mountains nor anything
2kpro: i wished i hade my dad
YunoSama: I can't print in console
jacek: restart browser
YunoSama: I mean.. It only shows the goal and notes etc.
YunoSama: I guess there might be an option somewhere where I view the animation instead ?
2kpro: :sob:
JLukeSkywalker: what puzzle
JLukeSkywalker: can u link the url?
jacek: you should see the viewer normally
JLukeSkywalker: have you hit run?
YunoSama: Play all testcases? or submit?
JLukeSkywalker: just play the first test case
JLukeSkywalker: does the console pop up?
2kpro: :worried::disappointed::sob: im a piece of trash im nothing but a loser
jacek: can you screenshot?
YunoSama: Yes.. The console is there but it's totally empty
YunoSama: I don't think I can send any pictures here ..
_Coding_Princess_: 2kpro you are not a loser, nor a piece of trash
jacek: try
_Coding_Princess_: you are just learning 2kpro
_Coding_Princess_: nothing to feel bad about
Stormalix: ^
JLukeSkywalker: thought we had a thing on here that captured images like code?
2kpro: :disappointed: ok
2kpro: :worried:
2kpro: ok
ErrorRazor: Lol I just discovered the button that shows the input and expected output of test cases. I've been printing the inputs to error output until now....
YunoSama: Can I send it in discord instead? It requires registration and I am pretty lazy tbh xD
jacek: so send it to discord
jacek: but imgur doesnt require registration oO
YunoSama: It asked me to register when I tried to add new post :/
2kpro: :relieved:
_Coding_Princess_: :grin: happy is fun
2kpro: thanks _coding_princess_
2kpro: :relaxed:
_Coding_Princess_: :clap_tone1:
Messi100: how are you doing today
Messi100: do you know how to code
Stormalix: try Khan Acadenmy
Stormalix: Academy
Stormalix: its very helpful
Stormalix: i learn JavaScript from KA
Stormalix: learned
Stormalix: it was very easy for me to understand
_Coding_Princess_: i use..... idk
2kpro: try code academy not khan academy
Stormalix: if you have any questions u can hmu on KA I'm xXMoonLightXx
Stormalix: nahh KA is better imo
2kpro: are you a youtuber
Stormalix: you can take a look at my projects here:
thats how far KA has gotten me so far.. all made in JavaScript
Stormalix: The community is also very helpful so if you have any questions ask anyone
Stormalix: nobody asked rip0906 stfu
2kpro: :joy:
2kpro: ye
2kpro: me to
_Coding_Princess_: nobody supreme god rip0906
JLukeSkywalker: the way to learn is totally pick a project you want to do, pick a language, and google the shit out of it
_Coding_Princess_: and if there was one it would DEFINITELY not be you
JLukeSkywalker: thats how i learn new languages
Messi100: I will try that idea thank you
Stormalix: JLukeSkywalker
For beginners i think its better to have a teacher rather than googling information that may or may not be relevant and may not be the best practive
Stormalix: practice
_Coding_Princess_: practice makes perfect
2kpro: you got that right
Stormalix: practice also makes permanent so dont learn the wrong way xD
Messi100: do you the YouTuber Mark Rober
Stormalix: yes
_Coding_Princess_: YES I LOVE HIM
orangesnowfox: I'd argue practice doesn't really make *perfect* as much as *progress*
Stormalix: cya
2kpro: cyu
2kpro: cya
Messi100: do you know dude perfect fromm youtube
Stormalix: yepp
Stormalix: do u know Mr. Beast
Stormalix: mrbeast
Stormalix: am i the only one who read that as mr breast
jacek: oO
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: helllo everyone
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: can anyone help with this :
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: the first digit of a really big number using javascript
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: 123**15
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: should be 7
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: any takers ??
AntiSquid: nah i am good
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: naaaa
ErrorRazor: Can't remember any javascript sorry
PatrickMcGinnisII: 22313961097670283270314823109107
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: PatrickMcGinnisII how did you do it
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: it should be rounded up
ErrorRazor: You mean least significant digit right?
jacek: in python its just 123**15
jacek: i bet there is some mathematical trick to that
jacek: could it be you only need to power the last digit, so its 3**15 ?
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: that would be greate
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: is it
N-ONE: @Yessine_EL_HOSNI can you send the problem link ?
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: i dont have it anymore
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: it was a clash of code
N-ONE: oh
ErrorRazor: Does the calculation time out if you just do 123**15 etc?
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: nop
ErrorRazor: So what's the problem
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: for me in javascript it shows ...e+31
ErrorRazor: Convert to a string, output the last character
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: ErrorRazor it did not work in javascript
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: at least for me
N-ONE: any help
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: thank you jacek
jacek: is this puzzle?
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: yap
ErrorRazor: @Yassine_EL_HOSNI what if you check if the string contains "e", and if it does, take the last digit before e?
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: true
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: but it was a "shortest" mode
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: and my solution was as followed :
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: r=readline,[n,p]=[+r(),+r()]
N-ONE: use mod
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: i did
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: % is mod in javascript
ErrorRazor: Is there a language in which % is not mod
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: i guess there is
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: 90% sure
jacek: pascal?
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: hhhh guys
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: stop
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: task at hand
jacek: N-ONE well there is O(n) solution for that
N-ONE: hmm really ?
N-ONE: any tips
N-ONE: yassine ,, try computing the power
jacek: i use for loop from n+1 to 2*n
N-ONE: i mean manually
ErrorRazor: I don't understand the problem
N-ONE: which one ? mine ?
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: NO-ONE i did
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: anyways i give up
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: next clash
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: have fun everyone
N-ONE: i still don't know how did u do it in o(n)
jacek: for i in [...]: if n*i % (i-n) == 0: magic happens
jacek: Oo
N-ONE: yoo @Yassine_EL_HOSNI
N-ONE: check this out
orangesnowfox: jacek, why does everyone use *that* solution?
jacek: is there other no brute-force one?
N-ONE: yes
orangesnowfox: Yeah... `i` is a factor `n^2`
orangesnowfox: *of
jacek: too mathy, do not want
N-ONE: but i don't understand the math lol
orangesnowfox: jacek "i % (n**2 == 0"
orangesnowfox: err, with the closing paren
orangesnowfox: and you go from 1 to n
jacek: syntax error :c
orangesnowfox: well just fix it :p
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: hhhhhhhhh
N-ONE: i wonder how to copy code when using vim here ?
Messi100: can someone tell me how they learn Jave coding please
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: look for a tutorial online, google is your best friend
N-ONE: there is a book called : Object-Oriented Programming and Java
N-ONE: check it out
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: or dont
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: books get old
ErrorRazor: You don't need to buy books, you'll learn best by doing tutorials and projects on your pc
N-ONE: it's free i guess ,,, i know it from college lol
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: new thing come up..
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: *things
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: look for "learn java 2020" or "learn java 2021" .. you might get lucky
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: dont forget to have fun
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: and if you have chosen Java as your first language every, you might what to rethink that
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: *ever
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: *want
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: god damn
jacek: kree java!
jacek: AutomatonNN what do you think of java
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to read the example of a starting point in the middle of a different pl
Messi100: is khan Academy good
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: no clue
jacek: someone was recommending khan today :thinking:
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: who was it i am guessing
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: was it you??
jacek: no, i dont use any courses
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: naaaa
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: you sure
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: ???
Messi100: do you know how to use this website In a iPad because my ground want to chat what us so we can answer question for hem
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: i dont understand the question
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: logically i would say "use a mobile browser"
Messi100: so he can't chat like we do
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: ow i see
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: you mean use the codingame chat ??
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: in mobile
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: can you download discord on ipad?
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: if so.. and just join the codingame discord
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: this is link
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: i think
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: can someone elaborate?
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: ~and~
Messi100: do you need a account
Yassine_EL_HOSNI: discord probably not.. but the CodinGame server.. i am guessing it is a must
Stormalix: In my opinion Khan Academy is really good, you can learn HTML and JavaScript from there and the tutorials are very clear (the object oriented tutorial was a bit confusing for me but i understood it on the second run)
Stormalix: There's also a large community willing to help. Its also free sooo why not? lol
0MNIP0TENT: i liked java as my first language. i learned it on a free app called solo learn. i went from that to cloning the classic 2d games within 2months
therealbeef: is it a known bug of CSB that in the first turn you always get -1 as the angle of all pods?
ErrorRazor: It's actually not a bug, you can go any direction on the first turn, after that you'll be limited to an angle that is within 18 degrees of your previous angle
AntiSquid: there was something you could hardcode in that regard, for player 1 and player 2
AntiSquid: for first turn
therealbeef: i think it's a bug because it's a protocol violation
therealbeef: (and search race doesnt have this)
AntiSquid: alright good night
don't let the chat trolls bite
therealbeef: who will ban the kiddies now?
davilla: haha I was a bronze level coding speed yesterday
davilla: today I'm "legend"
Messi100: Hi do someone know a way to learn Jave programming
davilla: you've come to the right place
_Coding_Princess_: nice website, hex.master8
Nagna_Script: any ideas on how to double 10$ in 15min ?
Nagna_Script: shoot me with some creativity please ?