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Babyface-Developer: HeLlO rIVaL819 :))

GilbertGaming27: Gilbert

WOLFRAHH: hii eulerscheZahl

ParallaxWave: a

ParallaxWave: a

ParallaxWave: a

ParallaxWave: a

jacek: happy Caturday

WOLFRAHH: hii jacek

Huday.object: hi jacek

AnandMan: hello

AnandMan: hello

rufusek: Hello

TanHoa_24: hello guys

HellcatDinh: hello

HellcatDinh: mtfk

TanHoa_24: i'm the vietnamese people

Default avatar.png LoneCuriosity: hello

jrke: happy astroday->caturday

KiwiTae: o/

KiwiTae: MadKnight hows your android

jacek: is AutomatonNN android?

AutomatonNN: what do you mean?

Uljahn: do AutomatonNNs dream of electric eulers?

AutomatonNN: yeah i get it

MarTiaNe: Is there any way I can check old coc games ? Some kind of history or whatever

Uljahn: like "show read" at the bottom of notifications?

jacek: but it wont show the clashes problems themselves

MarTiaNe: Oh I did not know about that, also it show only games in this week, but still at least something. thx

MSmits: hey jacek, I was wondering if i could ask you some questions about ML in oware/

MSmits: or boardgames in general maybe

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: hi MSmits, do you use mcts in breakthrough?

MSmits: yeah, a form of it, but i kinda failed with eval in breakthrough

MSmits: i eval all children on expansion and backpropagate scores. No random rollout

MSmits: but then the eval needs to be good and it isn't

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I try random rollouts but they do not seem to work either

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes

MSmits: they don't

MSmits: there are many games where they don't

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: so good evaluation seems to be key

MSmits: you can use random rollouts very well in bandas, uttt, connect 4 and some others

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: btw sometimes random rollouts also require some heuristics in the rollout

MSmits: a good rollout policy

MSmits: like in yavalath: Don't play instant loss moves

MSmits: take wins when they appear

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes, I try to do that - detect and use instant win or loss

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes

MSmits: might not be enough for some games

MSmits: the problem is that random moves just dont sample the space of reasonable moves very well

MSmits: and if you dont play reasonable moves, the result is useless

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: exactly

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: no matter how many times you sample

MSmits: well eventually you build the tree deep enough ofc

MSmits: you will just solve the game :0

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes, near the end when you would most probably detect a loss :)

MSmits: I've been trying to get a handle on machine learning

MSmits: in what little free time i have these weeks

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: makes sense

MSmits: I can do little things, but board games are definitely a step up

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: this seems to be the way

MSmits: not in every game I think and ML alone might not be enough in games where it does work

MSmits: like you might still need endgame db and opening books and such

MSmits: at least on CG

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I looked briefly into alpha zero, it seemed complicated to me

MSmits: yeah i dont want to do azero

MSmits: I'll just try a MLP

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: what is mlp?

MSmits: but I need to figure out how to do the actual training part

MSmits: thats a basic NN, just a bunch of hidden layers, input, output.

MSmits: no resnet, convolution etc.

MSmits: i think oware is good to do this with

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: mh

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: did you solve the two nn puzzles?

MSmits: nope

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: they give you a good intuition

MSmits: what does it teach you

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: and you implement nn from scratch

MSmits: because i do know the basics

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: implementing your own nn

MSmits: i just need to know how to train it in the domain of boardgames with self play

MSmits: do the puzzles teach you that?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: well

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: there is the training part

MSmits: i know training and backpropagation on a data set

MSmits: thats not what i need to learn

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: and you must output the expected output after the training

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: ok

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I see

MSmits: i need to know how to generate the data and use it, in a boardgame

MSmits: thats what i wanted to ask jacek about

MSmits: I mean i can let it play games against itself

MSmits: that would give me board positions

MSmits: and there is an endgame result

MSmits: but not sure how to combine them and how search ties into this. With search you get deeper and find more positions for moves you dont even play

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I would like to also figure this out

MSmits: my guess is that search with more depth just makes the endgame result more realistic/accurate, but otherwise does not add value

MSmits: and that you actually train on the real positions that occurred in the game

MSmits: you put those through the network and backpropagate with the end game resukt

MSmits: result

MSmits: but I am just guessing, so would help if someone confirmed :)

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: the nn from the puzzles takes and outputs binary data, which can be board game states

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: so on a basic level I see how the training should work

MSmits: yeah i know, i did some tutorials with simple truth table

MSmits: like the XOR operations

MSmits: or you can train it to all states of TTT

MSmits: that's a solved game so no need to do any self play

MSmits: if you just have the data, there's a lot of good information to google and learn from

MSmits: but generating through selfplay and train on it, that's a bit harder. There's a bunch of stuff about azero you can download and try, but thats so far beyond what I want that it's not helpful

MSmits: also, i want to avoid using tensorflow/keras/pytorch for now otherwise i end up with models i dont know how to put through CG

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: so basically the input is a game state and the output in the training data is the best move given the input

MSmits: you can do it two basic ways i think

MSmits: the output can be moves

MSmits: or it can be board value

MSmits: (or both actually)

Doju: gosh, learning c++ is horrible after getting so used to python and javascript

MSmits: so in oware you can say there's 6 outputs, one for each of the moves

MSmits: or you can do between -1 and 1 for loss/draw/win

MSmits: and then just pick the move with the best value

MSmits: Doju yes it is

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: and you generate the training data offline using for instance mcts?

MSmits: yeah, some search

MSmits: otherwise the endgame results are going to be crap, if it's just depth 0

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: If I try it it I would probably stay away from python and ready to use packages

MSmits: that's probably best yeah

MSmits: btw, i tried a bunch of those

MSmits: the amount of crap you have to install and the version problems are horrible

MSmits: nothing works with the newest versions of packages

MSmits: say you want to use the newest tensorflow... you cant use the newest python

MSmits: if you use the newest tensorflow, you cant run many of the things people shared, with an older version

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes, I have had similar problems with python packages for more trivial stuff

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: have you managed to make something work and perform better than normal search?

MSmits: nah, i have not done anything i need to search for

MSmits: i was going to do this with oware, it is such a simple game

MSmits: and i know it very well

MSmits: it's like starting with TTT almost, except it's not solved

Doju: Btw MSmits you've been online here every time that I've logged in in the past 10 months

MSmits: lol

Doju: I'm not entirely convinced that you're not a bot :D

KiwiTae: Doju why u only lvl8?

MSmits: well i've been a lot less active lately. This time it's really a coincidence :)

Doju: KiwiTae i'm only really interested in the competitions

KiwiTae: nice :)

Doju: Now i'm here to check out my python code for the fall challenge

Doju: trying to translate it to c++

MSmits: ouch

Doju: this is a rather slow process :d

MSmits: yes

Doju: given that my only experience with c++ is an introductory course on another website

Doju: which took like 3 hours to complete

MSmits: also, c++ has a lot of tricks that can make you use less code, but beginners wont know those

KiwiTae: hehe

MSmits: (i dont know those)

jacek: ohai

MSmits: hey jacek

KiwiTae: i realised there are many tricks to stl when i tried to use c instead of cpp

MSmits: so jacek, i was meaning to ask you some questions about ML in oware specifically, but not sure how much you are sharing about this

jacek: its alright

MSmits: ok, so do you use selfplay or supervised in oware?

Doju: I just wish there was an option to select the interpreter for python here

jacek: selfplay

MSmits: when you train, do you play real games, or games with more depth or less depth?

jacek: or maybe 'self-supervised' would be more accurate

MSmits: when you generate data i mean

jacek: yes, real games with fast mcts

MSmits: what do you mean fast? Lower calculation time?

jacek: then i have position -> value of the mcts' root

MSmits: dont you use the endgame result as value to train on?

jacek: lower time, or even just fixed iterations count

jacek: i used that in the past, but using value from shallow search is faster and gave better results

jacek: even if at first generations it comes from random network

jacek: at the very least, near endgames have accurate values

MSmits: well it makes sense that the endgame reslt is a poor value to use for early game states

MSmits: because it is too far away

MSmits: and in later states, the mcts root value should coincide with the endgame result anyway

MSmits: ok, so you don't have 6 outputs, one for each of the moves, like some other implementations

jacek: my training pipeline is similar to a0's now, just i train only value, and my target value is mcts result, not game final outcom

jacek: yeah, only value

MSmits: ok, so do you use convolution layers?

jacek: still simple MLP

MSmits: seems less useful in oware because it is not a 2D game

MSmits: in what way is it close to azero then?

MSmits: azero uses convolution and resnet

jacek: i mean the training pipeline

MSmits: oh ok

MSmits: generating data in batches, training, validation etc.

jacek: yes

MSmits: well you do exactly what i would prefer to try, it seems like a good baseline to experiment with

jacek: it is evaltype-agnostic

jacek: could be nn, n-tuple or handcrafter features

MSmits: yeah it's a nn, it could be whatever :)

MSmits: oh

MSmits: you mean the pipeline

MSmits: yeah

jacek: well anything that has adjustable parameters

MSmits: you could use it to train handcrafted features

MSmits: parameters

MSmits: yea

MSmits: thats something i need also

MSmits: so could learn 2 things at once here

MSmits: if i stick with it

kovi: bookmark

MSmits: do you use anything like tensorflow?

MSmits: or is it fully homemade

jacek: no, i made things in c++ from scratch

MSmits: thats great, also what i want to try

MSmits: that way you can more easily get it into CG

kovi: not sure if c++ tensor fits into cg

kovi: yeah

MSmits: he can just make a long string and then convert it into tensors

MSmits: thats not the hard part

kovi: yeah but runtime lib

MSmits: the hard part is writing efficient matrix calculations

jacek: it all started when i finally rewrote the xor example from python's to c++

kovi: it was not written with 100k limit consideration

MSmits: right, thats good

jacek: i think i have somewhere the python example without using np

MSmits: when you say "the python example" which one do you mean?

Doju: Hmm, I must be doing something wrong because I want to make pretty much everything protected instead of private

kovi: there are a0 examples

MSmits: yeah, but we are doing this far below a0 level :)

MSmits: i dont want to touch that anymore


MSmits: a0 is so complicated

kovi: true, jacek value based thing is pretty wise

jacek: XOR mlp, 1 hidden layer

jacek: no fancy numpy

Doju: Oh jeez

Doju: are you doing neural nets without numpy?

MSmits: thats great jacek, finally something without numpy

jacek: just for learning for myself

Doju: thats nuts :o

jacek: no numpy in c++ standard libs

MSmits: numpy makes things faster, but it doesnt make it more clear to learn

Doju: great if you want to learn

Doju: yeah thats true

Doju: if the objective is to learn instead of making a fast thing then that makes sense

kovi: but without numpy usually 1/10 speed

MSmits: jacek for the matrix calcs, did you use any c++ library, or did you just figure out what intrinsics and other tricks to use, yourself?

kovi: and without tf/gpu 1/100

kovi: or worse

MSmits: kovi if i take weeks to code something and the training takes 24 hrs instead of 1 hr, it's fine :)

jacek: i use good old for loops, not even intrinsics

kovi: oh, you do c++ calc, sorry

kovi: than its ok

MSmits: I see, doesn't it bother you that it might be much faster jacek, with some tricks?

MSmits: i mean obviously you dont need more speed atm

jacek: yeah, NN eval is most consuming part of my code

jacek: and i tried several times. im just too dumb

MSmits: well if I ever get to the point where I can write this stuff and it's better than what you have, I will share it with you

MSmits: might be a couple months. I want to get something before the end of my summer vacation. Trying to be generous with my time estimate here, apparently it's hard to learn

jacek: and i finally got this work for Y. its 5th without opening book

MSmits: nice one, Robo did as well

MSmits: but yavalath has huge problems with determinism because of the early game endings

jacek: its N-tuple with small hidden layer, MLP-tuple :v

MSmits: ohh ok

MSmits: I am going to be solving connect4 i think

Doju: welp now i've got circular dependencies

jacek: determinism... in training i choose final moves according softmax

jacek: it was another thing that i lacked before

jacek: allows for exploration but not too dumb exploration

MSmits: I see

MSmits: hey, you train on cpu right?

jacek: yeah

MSmits: i read about gpu being 20-100 times faster

MSmits: but i feel that's probably also because when people do that they have 4 really expensive ones running at once

MSmits: doubt i'd achieve that factor with mine

DomiKo: not really

jacek: i have rather small nn

WOLFRAHH: hii guys what was going

jacek: not quite parallelizable

MSmits: ahh ok

jacek: well maybe for training batch itself, the gpu would come in handy

MSmits: seems so difficult to write that yourself

MSmits: i would prefer to do it with tensorflow then and just convert their models somehow

jacek: thats why i havent written convnets yet. i could write gazillion layers etc. in python but at first i want to make something small myself

MSmits: and resnets?

jacek: too

WOLFRAHH: can any body tell what was going

MSmits: convnets supposedly help for games like othello/yavalath, where the surroundings of a hex/square are important

MSmits: doubt it would help much for oware

jacek: my NNs so far have at most 2 hidden layers, so resnets are pointless.

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: 2 is not much at all

jacek: also i mostly exploit the fact that there is little change between game states, i.e. only few squares are affected

MSmits: did you experiment with trading layer size for depth?

MSmits: how do you exploit this?

jacek: yeah, and this is what i came up for my framework and cg constraints

jacek: for input/first hidden layer you need to only update the values instead of summing everything all over again

jacek: partial updates, the main idea behind nnue

MSmits: oh you mean it's a performance improvement

MSmits: do you mean during training or running a game?

jacek: yes

jacek: well both

MSmits: well that seems useful and alleviates the problem with you just using for loops

jacek: though i do not use that in oware

MSmits: it's easier to implement improvements like this when your code is not stuck in weird intrinsic and avx stuff

Default avatar.png proace21: hi

MSmits: once you've gotten into that, you generally dont touch the code anymore. At least I dont

jacek: have you read the updated

jacek: the guy finally used patterns

MSmits: wow really

MSmits: i thought that was dead

MSmits: it's cool he did that

MSmits: anyways, thanks a lot jacek. I saved the chat and your xor example. When I have more free time I know what to do with it

jacek: :+1:

WOLFRAHH: hey jack what's about python


WOLFRAHH: MSmits are you pro in coding


jacek: oO

AntiSquid: making bubbles again?

LaMeccaGuy: Hi guys

LaMeccaGuy: How ranking is done?

therealbeef: which ranking?

jacek: yes

AntiSquid: LaMeccaGuy is it yes ?

jacek: i wonder how to debug print this dice duel board...

AntiSquid: LaMeccaGuy

PULSAR2105: best joke ever !

jacek: MSmits trained chess values it took just few seconds and it converged to typical 'sane' values though knights seem to be undervalued here

MSmits: is this chess960 or normal chess?

MSmits: also I am guessing you kept the pawn fixed because you didn't need the extra free parameter :)

MSmits: the other pieces are defined in terms of pawn value

MSmits: you might get a different value for the pieces if you split the game into early, mid and lategame

Default avatar.png Ghostyy: bruh, i'm a begginerin c++ and i know how to make small programs, but when i join this website i knew that i'm a fool

AntiSquid: wrong

AntiSquid: you'd be a fool not to join

Default avatar.png Ghostyy: ?

Default avatar.png Ghostyy: maybe you're right

KiwiTae: Ghostyy your not a fool your at the bottom of the sigmoid curve

ANONYMOUS42: anyone else have the problem where the CoC chat just crashes whenever i try to load it

BlaiseEbuth: No 'cause nobody here does clashes...

UltraCookie: I do they are fun

BlaiseEbuth: Perhaps. But are you here ?

MSmits: are you getting all existential on us BlaiseEbuth?

BlaiseEbuth: I think so I am.

BlaiseEbuth: Are you ?

MSmits: no idea

MSmits: I will ask the NN jacek shared with me earlier

MSmits: it says 0 1 1 0

MSmits: so that's that

BlaiseEbuth: So perhaps you exist, perhaps not... Schrodingsmith

MSmits: indeed

AntiSquid: what kind of NN ?

MSmits: heh, this is the xor example

AntiSquid: ah the basic xor stuff @_@

MSmits: i am pleased that I understand it even though all the variables are 1 character

AntiSquid: internet is flooded with those

MSmits: W, H, b etc.

MSmits: yes, but this one has no numpy

MSmits: so i can translate it to c++ without hurting my brain

MSmits: then I can try to add more layers

MSmits: oh and another reason why the example is good: It contains bias

MSmits: many xor examples do not

AntiSquid: you have a link or something ?

MSmits: he pasted it here, sec


MSmits: it makes no sense if you've not seen any other examples though

AntiSquid: cool thanks just wanted to see this one

inoryy: I'm starting to seriously think I have a sixth sense for when NNs are discussed here

MSmits: hey inoryy :)

inoryy: hello!

AntiSquid: you missed an awful lot of discussions related to that then

MSmits: I am just getting started trying things

AntiSquid: sharpen your senses

MSmits: after reading way too much about it

inoryy: AntiSquid damn :(

MSmits: I'm doing what jacek is doing, a MLP for oware

AntiSquid: hey inoryy where do you look for news updates on anything ML related in general ?

MSmits: well... after a long time messing :P

inoryy: MSmits nice!

MSmits: so my first job is translating this xor example to c++

inoryy: AntiSquid colleagues, twitter, sometimes r/ML

inoryy: holy moly I dropped from ~50th to 208, are there lots of newcomers at the top?

MSmits: probably

jacek: ohai

MSmits: they also recalculated like a year ago, not sure when you last looked

jacek: other example dont have biases? really?

DaNinja: Agad e has a nice and simple c++ NN here


AntiSquid: probably the bigger contests brought in a lot stronger folks? no idea

MSmits: thanks DaNinja

AntiSquid: last one had 7k participants

inoryy: wow

MSmits: DaNinja lol... do i need to solve onboarding in C++ to see it?

wlesavo: also a lot of points for recent contest make it easier to climb

DaNinja: yes, trya mcts for it :D

MSmits: lol

inoryy: I remember that one, I think that's the first NN on CG :)

darkhorse64: small multis give more cp

MSmits: it came after the csb tests?

MSmits: or before?

inoryy: noo, way before

MSmits: hmm ok

AntiSquid: no backprop

AntiSquid: here's the big NN thread of stuff shared on CG

inoryy: I remember it because whenever I would argue NNs on CG are near impossible people would point me to that solution and I would laugh and be even more convinced because it's so absurd :D

jacek: NN are possible on CG

MSmits: well.. from what i know now, i dont see why anyone would ever think it was impossible

MSmits: any small nn should be better than most evaluation functions

inoryy: eh, hindsight 20/20

MSmits: yeah :)

inoryy: not ashamed to admit I was way off, was a good lesson for me

MSmits: i dont get why the onboarding has no backpropagation though

jacek: trained offline

KiwiTae: its already trained

MSmits: ohhh

MSmits: lol

AntiSquid: missing a lot more than that :P

darkhorse64: you can look at the binary neural network exercises too

MSmits: would be even cooler if he trained it in the time available

MSmits: and then used it

jacek: zenoscave has backprop

darkhorse64: it includes training data

MSmits: nice

MSmits: weird that he uses numpy and still has 200+ lines

MSmits: mmh i think he doesnt even really use it, he seems to use normal python lists

MSmits: oh nvm, he uses


jacek: that doesnt look like relu

inoryy: haha

MSmits: no i think he forgot to fix that

AntiSquid: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

AntiSquid: submission too fast again

jacek: hm?

DomiKo: wait

AntiSquid: the red rekt angle

DomiKo: we can use numpy here :scream:

AntiSquid: yes

Smelty: hmm

jacek: so silent today here

BlaiseEbuth: AutomatonNN is there a way to make som noise since euler is not here ?

AutomatonNN: with many changes

KiwiTae: im struggling with roller coaster here

BlaiseEbuth: Do it in clojure

KiwiTae: took me 2days to make hello world in clojure :p

BlaiseEbuth: There's an achievement !

KiwiTae: Noooo way? whyyy

KiwiTae: :joy: ill have to do it one day ah

KiwiTae: havent seen that one yet

KiwiTae: damn just saw it

BlaiseEbuth: Go on !

KiwiTae: damn clojure bible thanks

AntiSquid: one of those things you need to cleanse with holy water eh ?

jacek: spam

AntiSquid: unicorn spam

aaronshenhao: Magic in every bite! Lol



KiwiTae: aah well got 2/3 ach on that one ... just gonna have to learn clojure for next one ><

BlaiseEbuth: ^^

jacek: vv

Smelty: > >

AntiSquid: anyone who did 2048 had a % 0 bug when trying to use the formula for next seed ? not sure how i get it, but it's only offline @_@

orangesnowfox: AntiSquid: If there aren't any tiles to place...

AntiSquid: yes i realize that, but how come it doesn't bug out on CG ? :/

jacek: hm?

AntiSquid: idk ... i get gibberish occasionally

jacek: thats your code

AntiSquid: in the memory

AntiSquid: Automaton2000 show him the door @_@

Automaton2000: or do you still get promoted

jacek: AutomatonNN his code is executed in memory?

AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to see the code in the contest to a solution in my code

AntiSquid: euler isn't here, he doesn't love you anymore AutomatonNN

AutomatonNN: change all the contributions

AntiSquid: wow AutomatonNN is taking revenge

AutomatonNN: good luck

AntiSquid: 1430539332 4 16 4 1279544405 32 8 2 -1733645660 64 512 8 1280660818 1381324114 16 1146442325 my board contains gibberish i mean jacek

jacek: stop puting gibberish to your board then [solved]

orangesnowfox: That isn't giberish, it's very important and belongs there [closed as not a bug]

AntiSquid: i set them to 0s for sure, but then somehow get those magical numbers

jacek: indexing issues?

AntiSquid: think it was memset()

AntiSquid: now i got a different wonderful bug! it's like metamorphosis

AntiSquid: Exception has occurred. Segmentation fault

orangesnowfox: Nice UB you got there

AntiSquid: UB ?

jacek: undefined behavior

orangesnowfox: Segfaults almost *certainly* mean some kind of undefined behavior happened

KiwiTae: using vectors?

AntiSquid: you think i messed up something with index ? i checked that bit over and over, might still be wrong though lol

KiwiTae: might be u didnt reserve the memory

orangesnowfox: might be a signed integer overflow, those are UB

jacek: show all your code

AntiSquid: could be i didn't translate the java function properly for spawning tile

orangesnowfox: In the Java code it never has to worry about the % 0 error, because moves have to make *something* happen, which means there has to be an empty tile after the move

jacek: blame euler

orangesnowfox: Yeah, blame euler lol :p


KiwiTae: u missing a return 0;

AntiSquid: is there a limit of commands / turn ?

orangesnowfox: There might be a line length limit, but I haven't found it yet

jacek: i think i tried over 1000 moves and it failed

AntiSquid: ok will inspect seed later, got to shop something @_@

jacek: at 22? :thinking:

KiwiTae: online shopping maybe

orangesnowfox: Would someone be willing to help me figure out why my tron doesn't like filling spaces very much? eg

KiwiTae: look like u have border issues

orangesnowfox: yea, but y tho lol

BlaiseEbuth: Are you always considering the opponent in your evaluation when "caged" ?

orangesnowfox: Yeah, never got around to checking if my bot was isolated

BlaiseEbuth: That's the point.

BlaiseEbuth: Had the same problem long time ago.

KiwiTae: im still stuck in gold there

KiwiTae: i think

orangesnowfox: near the top of silver :v

KiwiTae: u gonna crush me soon

orangesnowfox: BlaiseEbuth: Is the point that you *do* check, or that you *shouldn't*?

orangesnowfox: KiwiTae: I wouldn't be so sure about that, my first submit was 4 years ago, and I only have 28, I might just vanish again

BlaiseEbuth: You should check. ^^

BlaiseEbuth: 28 what ?

orangesnowfox: submits

BlaiseEbuth: Oh

BlaiseEbuth: Same. But with a 0 between the 2 and the 8.


orangesnowfox: Okay, I just realized that didn't make it any less ambiguous for me sorry

orangesnowfox: > You should check. ^^ Like, check if I'm isolated, or check what the opponent is doing

BlaiseEbuth: Check if you are isolated to avoid your cycle to taking the opponent position into account when that does not matter.

BlaiseEbuth: "It has cost us $43 billion, so far..." who is "us" ?

orangesnowfox: The world economy

BlaiseEbuth: Yes. So why "us" ?

orangesnowfox: Dunno

AntiSquid: 21:29 here jacek, shop open until late

jacek: oh tomorrow that time change

AntiSquid: jacek there's a truck from same company blocking a road too :

AntiSquid: they're good at blocking stuff


Rival819: slim shady

AntiSquid: blyat

Rival819: =D

Rival819: Meanwhile the evergreen truck....SKIIIIIRRRRRTTTT !!!

AntiSquid: well if you want more of it, this is from january:

AntiSquid: evergreen drop 36 containers in the see :D

AntiSquid: sea *

AntiSquid: too much news for today, 3D printed chicken nuggets

Rival819: Antiqsquid: Breaking new, Evergreen will never be called Seavergreen

davilla: man, I really want to progress down the algorithms track, but I need more achievements and I don't know where to get them

davilla: I'm at 27/30

Rival819: They drowned so now they will be uncalled. :D

davilla: oh, I guess I could do an easy puzzle in a different language to get 2 achievements :-P

therealbeef: Yeah puzzles is the way to quick achievements

davilla: good, then I can continue down this path

davilla: haha I just copied my code from other Mars Lander puzzles into episode 1, achievement unlocked!

Hiachi: Im a new programmer

davilla: hi

Hiachi: These exercises are really good

Hiachi: hi

davilla: yeah it's fun

Rival819: YES !! FUN T.T

Rival819: Hard, but fun :D

Default avatar.png sherry7392: hi

Rival819: Yes high, that what you need to be better you are right sherry. It helps me

Rival819: high to you too :D

Default avatar.png Snovrain: good morning everyone

Rival819: hi :)

Babyface-Developer: 48 65 6c 6c 6f

Babyface-Developer: 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 41 6e 79 6f 6e 65 20 74 68 65 72 65 20 3f

Default avatar.png MiinhTrann: e