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Default avatar.png someone-owo: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Default avatar.png someone-owo: :grimacing:

Default avatar.png pang1217: hi

Default avatar.png Shizo: peter griffin funny moments

RalseiOwO: owo

derjack: uwu

Passifi: mind your spelling people the Oxford dictionary says it's: OwO big O notation :P

magaiti: '(OvO)'

Abduljabar: Hello

Abduljabar: Im very famous player

Abduljabar: i have 5 mvp

Abduljabar: :japanese_ogre:

Abduljabar: were are you from

Abduljabar: :ok_hand_tone5::punch_tone1:

Abduljabar: šalam akarabam

Abduljabar: :white_circle:

Abduljabar: why no answer

AntiSquid: desperate for attention ?

Abduljabar: HELOOOOO?

AntiSquid: ya no spam

derjack: oh, kovi in w1 chess :tada:

kovi: hardest promote ever vs. boss so high above anybody else

Turtho: hey, i have a question, if i want to keep and update a variable from one run to another, how do i do it ? can i use external files as input for example ?

derjack: no, you cant save anything here

Turtho: ah.. so i were to do a monte carlo tree search it would start for the beginning each time, ie it would suck ?

AntiSquid: if it would suck you could make money ... :thinking:

derjack: by each run, you mean each submit or each iteration per loop?

Turtho: clever... each submit

AntiSquid: you can't store extra files, so you train offline and then paste whatever you can into the IDE

Turtho: it would be random everytime no ?

Turtho: oh ok thanks

derjack: everyone starts from scratch

derjack: and what you would store between each run?

Turtho: the values of the nodes (number of wins and number of uses)

derjack: this only would be slightly useful in the beginning of game.

Turtho: ok thanks for the help

AntiSquid: are you sure Jack ? he could have basically an opening book with that, how is it only slightly useful? :P

derjack: useless for random openings games

Manchi_o6o7: If someone could help me out why scanf isn't been executed


DaNinja: suma(niz,n) recurses forever

Manchi_o6o7: but it doesn't allows me to input n, when I start the program it ends

DaNinja: which puzzle?

Manchi_o6o7: my code

Manchi_o6o7: it isn't connected with a certain puzzle

DaNinja: you are running it locally?

Manchi_o6o7: yes

darkhorse64: Your code bombs before reaching print

Manchi_o6o7: yea, but it doesn't allow me to input n

Manchi_o6o7: it excetues

DaNinja: n is undefined at when you declare int n,niz[n];

DaNinja: doesnt compile

darkhorse64: ^

Manchi_o6o7: DaNjina thanks, it solved

DaNinja: np

Manchi_o6o7: the code should sum the numbers of an array recursively

Manchi_o6o7: what it the correct recursive formula

darkhorse64: Using recursion to sum an array is strange: use a loop

DaNinja: yep, shouldnt use recursion for that

DaNinja: but try return niz[n-1] + suma(niz,n-1);

Manchi_o6o7: what is the best way to understand recursion, to visualize it

BlaiseEbuth: int recursion(){return recursion();}


derjack: to understand recursion first you must understand recursion

Default avatar.png MonteKrysto: lol

AntiSquid: where is recursion useful on CG ?

AntiSquid: in non-functional languages

derjack: minimax :?

DaNinja: backtracking puzzles like the Bridge?

AntiSquid: and how is it faster than iteration

BlaiseEbuth: Oo

AntiSquid: UwU it's not the fastest, just looks more interesting

darkhorse64: If you do not care about performance, it's easier to write a minimax in a recursive manner

darkhorse64: backtracking is also a good example

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: fy

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: yffy

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: fyg

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: gf

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: fy

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: gy

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: g

AntiSquid: Chris_Obi ?

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: yes

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: whatsup

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: ???

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: ???

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: ???

derjack: recursion cost is negligible in minimax

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: AntiSquid du huan

Default avatar.png MassiveShoeEater_535f: sewas chis du motherfucker

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: i werd da glei dei maul zuastopfn du idiot

Default avatar.png MassiveShoeEater_535f: sewas andi du orschloch

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: warum is do unt so aufgrissn?

Default avatar.png MassiveShoeEater_535f: Rectangle Partition is so schwirig

Default avatar.png MassiveShoeEater_535f: wei in zaht hobn

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: du idiot

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: kathi

Default avatar.png MassiveShoeEater_535f: wer hiot do alles asngspritz

DaNinja: stop that

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: maxl for live

Default avatar.png MassiveShoeEater_535f: du idiot i bin frisch tätowiert

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: wo is saufn

Default avatar.png MassiveShoeEater_535f: why we shoudstopp taht

Default avatar.png Chris_Obi: du homo

Default avatar.png MassiveShoeEater_535f: oida i bin vo da schule sack

AntiSquid: can't even write properly in german why write at all ?

derjack: to scare peopole

derjack: poles even

AntiSquid: it's some hill-billy dialect from the mountains they write in btw

Default avatar.png TheFlashLady_6b91: he oida wows los du kollege

AntiSquid: good grief

derjack: oO

AntiSquid: he said what's up colleague, but with really fucked up spelling

AntiSquid: now DM with more of that crap

AntiSquid: world -> english only please

KelvinAndHubbles: Whats the fastest 100% clash submission time?

DaNinja: about tree fiddy

ANONYMOUS42: damn loch ness monster playing CoC

MadKnight: KelvinAndHubbles some bots can submit known solution in seconds

Manchi_o6o7: can you help me with a task. to calculate the sum recursively of two vectors with the prototype void saberi(double *vektor_a, double *vektor_b, double *vektor_rez, int n)

Default avatar.png TFeld: KelvinAndHubbles, mine is about 20-30 seconds

Default avatar.png TFeld: I might have some <20s i think

ill-be-waiting-outside: hey


synchoz: how do u even get close to under <60s in CoC 0_o

Default avatar.png amiraliii: hi

Default avatar.png amiraliii: I am new to C ++, what should I do now ?? Can anyone help me?

ANONYMOUS42: you can go have ice cream maybe?

Default avatar.png Tuo: its cold outside so hot chocolate is better

Default avatar.png NguyenDuyAn: im so gay

ANONYMOUS42: hey so gay i'm dad

Default avatar.png NguyenDuyAn: omg

Default avatar.png NguyenDuyAn: XD

Default avatar.png NguyenDuyAn: i love this website

derjack: sometimes you dont need to read the statement fully and code right away, hence <20s

Default avatar.png NguyenDuyAn: its like social media for nerds

derjack: irc?

Passifi: is irc still a thing ? and social media for nerds would be stack overflow minus the social aspect :P

derjack: irc still a thing? kids these days...

Passifi: if I was a kid of these days I wouldn't know about irc :P

Passifi: you still using ICQ too, derJack ? ;)

derjack: i am antisocial, so no

ANONYMOUS42: what's irc

derjack: better complain about it in myspace

Passifi: irc is a place to hang out idly without ever saying a thing. its the best alternative to a chatroom

synchoz: derjack still some times i need to think of how to approach the problem XD

Default avatar.png ChloelaBoss: Hiiiiiiiiiii whats up

-oa-: HI! Working on a bot(:

derjack: bot? game?

-oa-: For legends of code and magic:) Still in silver though

AlinHero: Hi Guys

AlinHero: who's good at react?

KelvinAndHubbles: atleast for the CoC thing, some problems are literally like "output square of input" or something that I can get like sub 10 seconds on

orangesnowfox: Yeah, I ran into that one a week or two ago

JLukeSkywalker: please downvote those so they get removed

JLukeSkywalker: unless they have some unique spin on them

orangesnowfox: ig, I assume they were approved for a reason though. The one I actually ran into was a *bit* more complex than x^2, and it was a code golf, so I found it interesting enough

JLukeSkywalker: thats what I meant by unique spin

JLukeSkywalker: but I have defenitely seen some where it is just square or even multiply by 2

JLukeSkywalker: and you would be surprised what gets approved

JLukeSkywalker: ran into one yesterday that had a completely broken stub

orangesnowfox: mm, I don't clash that much, honestly, I mostly code bots right now. Only doing a clash or two once in a while

orangesnowfox: Working on GiTC right now, but I've been working on others too

KelvinAndHubbles: hate the reverses that kept approved with missing testcases. Have had multiple where you get like 1 input and 2 output out of 7 cases and they aren't even for the same case

orangesnowfox: ...

Sakisan: that sounds more like the site is experiencing issues. No challenge would be admitted like that

orangesnowfox: They're community approved iirc

JLukeSkywalker: people approve them all the time

orangesnowfox: At least in part

orangesnowfox: I've seen some stuff over the past 4 years :p

JLukeSkywalker: if enough people downvote and report in the post-game screen, the bot will remove them

Astrobytes: Actually there is a technical issue with reverse mode CoCs not showing testcases currently.

Astrobytes: (there are poor quality CoCs too)

orangesnowfox: Oh, hey astro

Astrobytes: hey :)

derjack: AutomatonNN where is Him?

AutomatonNN: why do you even know what it is to tell the same problem

Default avatar.png Tuo: FINALY clobbersan is down!

Default avatar.png Tuo: Days of coding

Astrobytes: good job Tuo!

wlesavo: finally rewrited bnc in C++, i guess now i just have to do space maze

AntiSquid: sorry, what is bnc? ring a bell

AntiSquid: rings *

Astrobytes: bulls n cows optim

AntiSquid: really???

AntiSquid: isnt it some algo?

orangesnowfox: Is there an algo? I use bruteforce and resubmit when it times out :v

AntiSquid: quite sure i saw the acronym somewher related to some algo

orangesnowfox: oh, bnc algo

orangesnowfox: hmm, not sure

Astrobytes: Bayesian Network Classifier?

eulerscheZahl: Astrobytes you changed your avatar :(

eulerscheZahl: now I had to read the name to realize it's you

AntiSquid: Structure learning for Bayesian networks classifier is NP-hard problem, K2 algorithm is one of efficacious and accurate algorithm


Astrobytes: eulerscheZahl: Scarfield provided a hi-res version with the piano

Astrobytes: It was rude not to change it

eulerscheZahl: it was rude to do it

Astrobytes: lol

Scarfield: what a dilemma :p

Scarfield: you provided the link with the high res picture euler, you have yourself to blame :p

eulerscheZahl: i didn't even know what it was about

eulerscheZahl: just saw you posting an astrobytes profile pic without any context

eulerscheZahl: didn't even realize it was modified

Scarfield: yes, my art is subtle

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Scarfield: just as with the squids avatar, you hardly notice the change

eulerscheZahl: wait, are you responsible for the zarthaxx change too?

Scarfield: :smirk:


Scarfield: xD

Astrobytes: hahaha excellent

derjack: and change for my avatar too?

derjack: ops wrong account

jacek: .

Scarfield: have been thinking chessCek avatar was missing a unicorn horn :p

jacek: thats earth pony, they dont have horns

jacek: educate yourself on equestria plz

Astrobytes: ...

Scarfield: I thought the were small unicorns, you learn something every day

Scarfield: they *

jacek: there are earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns. and very rare alicorns

jacek: im so good at bt i lose points when i win :(

struct: fix it

kovi: dont resubmit, it seems I slowly ascended to precious 5th place

kovi: wow, tryangle w1 league is alive

jacek: its almost as it were a contest

AntiSquid: are people getting more active in multis now?

jacek: yeah, where are those coc links? :(

KelvinAndHubbles: is there a constant lap count for CSB?

AntiSquid: 3 ?

struct: yes its 3

Default avatar.png ValplOU: Hello

Kitkat260: hi

Default avatar.png ValplOU: hom are you ??

Default avatar.png ValplOU: How*

jacek: hmm in clobber 1st player has advantage :?

darkhorse64: MSmits meta MCTS says no

KelvinAndHubbles: thats wacked, I just versed a bot in CoK that I thought was very familar and then realized it was my old account from many long years ago that I can't find the email it belongs too :/

YurkovAS: darkhorse64 in bandas you has game specific bonuses/penalties?

jacek: darkhorse64 first move maybe no, but overall game yes. at least i think so far with my mcts games

MSmits: jacek, that should show up on my meta mcts

MSmits: it plays full games

darkhorse64: I have no heuristics for bandas. It looks like having pawns in the center is good but I have not found a metric for that

MSmits: but your bot may be different

MSmits: I only went to 90k games though, but just for determining p1 advantage in my bots case, that should be plenty

MSmits: darkhorse64 same, i have tried a few heuristics, but they were no good

jacek: :c

MSmits: all 1st moves converged on 50% as far as i could tell

MSmits: for clobber

MSmits: could just be a sign my bot is not that great

MSmits: anyway, i'm taking a nap, was just saying hi :P

Scarfield: gn(ap)

MSmits: thanks :P

jacek: bye grampa

MSmits: yep us old people need naps between yelling at clouds

pardouin: for bandas maybe you can calculate the average distance from center

pardouin: and maybe weight it somehow, like square it or something

Default avatar.png wouter173: :grin:

jacek: or let the NN figure it out

pardouin: ahah

YurkovAS: pardouin thanks. i'm checked this feature without success. can't find any improvements, only performance helped a bit.

Manchi_o6o7: Can someone help me with some C code.

jacek: stupid clobber. turned out i had 'reversed' internal board representation

jacek: it didnt matter when i used vanilla mcts. but when i added piece square tables then the eval became whacked

jacek: i had to do my usual board parsing and move formatting brute force until i get it right

Default avatar.png thacuber: what

jacek: Astrobytes you were right, looking at neighbours does help

jacek: why so low kovi

Manchi_o6o7: if someone can help me out why it doesn't prints me out the "parni" function


JLukeSkywalker: is it printing anything?

Manchi_o6o7: it prints blank

JLukeSkywalker: your seond for loop in your function is never running it looks like

JLukeSkywalker: the variables you passed make it start and end at 0

JLukeSkywalker: maybe try printing them in your first for loop to make sure they are getting set

kovi: was a bugged submit jacek

jacek: :thinking:

Astrobytes: sorry for the late reply jacek, but yes it does

Default avatar.png blobonmyknob: these r to hard for begginer python code clash

Default avatar.png blobonmyknob: ive only solved 1 so far

Astrobytes: Obvious troll is obvious.

leojean890: clobber is not very hard, I should migrate to C++ ;P

Astrobytes: :D

leojean890: I did that for othello and oware that are not very hard but harder than clobber

leojean890: and B&C2

Astrobytes: I still have to do B&C2

leojean890: not the worst^^

leojean890: sometimes I also use go

leojean890: (FC2020, 2048)

Astrobytes: Go is nice, I've played with it a bit

Astrobytes: I'm not 100% happy with its string manipulation but other than that I quite like it

Astrobytes: (possibly just personal preference)

leojean890: connect 4 is not hard to migrate either

leojean890: go is easier than C++ yes :)

leojean890: faster than python:p

Astrobytes: Yes indeed. And easy to get something working quickly.

leojean890: about strings it's not the most user friendly, yeah

leojean890: indeed

leojean890: my first go program was FC2020

leojean890: just I told me, let's migrate this python in go even if I never used go before;)

leojean890: even during a contest

Astrobytes: Yeah, I first seriously used it for I think Zenoscav e's Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe pi algo puzzle

Astrobytes: Just to challenge myself a bit

leojean890: ow new contrib multi by euler

Astrobytes: Yeah, the dice one

leojean890: didn't do this puzzle

Astrobytes: Oh it's a nice one

leojean890: Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe

Astrobytes: Yep

leojean890: (for the moment)

Astrobytes: When you finish it, check out Zeno's solution: it's so elegant

leojean890: anyway I did something for nine men's morris but it's still not validated

leojean890: only EricSMSO and me accepted^^

leojean890: seems like to be a nice game

leojean890: Night of war is not WIP anymore as well but didn't code something yet

leojean890: ok I'll check his solution

leojean890: after

Astrobytes: It's a python solution and made me feel ashamed :D

leojean890: concise I suppose^^

Astrobytes: Yes, Nine Men's Morris I still have to code for, it seems fine on testing but no bot yet. I worry a little about Night of War because we try to test games really thoroughly for imbalances etc now, and it's apparently an original game (not a port of an existing one) so it's tough. It seems fun though.

leojean890: we've almost the same ELO on cultist-wars by the way xD

leojean890: 26.25 26.22 hmm

Astrobytes: I desperately need to rewrite that bot of mine on Cultist Wars

Astrobytes: I can barely read it

leojean890: Nine Men's Morris seems fine yes ^^

leojean890: ok, Night of War stayed WIP for a long time

leojean890: maybe to balance the game

leojean890: with rules of sell/buy

leojean890: sell enabling to get gold back but less

leojean890: (logical, for this game to be correctly balanced)

leojean890: maybe it's hard to balance it fine

leojean890: same for me, my c-w bot is not easy to read, an if-forest

Astrobytes: I made the fatal mistake of early-optimisation in my Cultist Wars bot, and therefore it has bugs. That I cannot find :D

Astrobytes: re Night of War, yes exactly

Astrobytes: It seems to be OK but we need some heavy testing on it now from good players

leojean890: early-optim ? before there are enough bots ?

Astrobytes: No, almost everything is encoded in uints

Astrobytes: And I have no idea what half of the variables are or mean

leojean890: ok so you did that too early

leojean890: bunch of if or search algo ?

Astrobytes: I had some crappy minimax going iirc

Astrobytes: I will do the same when I rewrite I think.

leojean890: oh ok

leojean890: minmax could reach W1 :)

Astrobytes: Oh and leojean890: regarding your last comment in last night's discussion, Chick Corea does indeed do that. And may he rest in peace. A sad loss this year

Astrobytes: Yes, the reason I am not in W1 is my bugs :D

leojean890: yes, he is great with that. So is Tigran Hamsayan :)

Red64: why do console errors look different then what I see on powershell? are error messages not universal?

leojean890: the reason I am not in W1 is my unoptimal algo:p

Astrobytes: Yes Tigran is amazing!

leojean890: yeah too bad chick died :s

leojean890: yes, he does very complex stuff

Astrobytes: Always been a big fan (guitar-wise) of Al Di Meola, and I can't mention him without Paco de Lucia

Astrobytes: Not quite the same thing, but man, such music

leojean890: and rdrigo and gabriela

leojean890: rodrigo

Astrobytes: yay rodrigo y gabriela!

leojean890: django reinhardt

leojean890: ;)

leojean890: not the same style but like it as much:)

Astrobytes: Yes yes yes. I remember when they were just random people spreading on the grapevine before real internet videos became a thing

Astrobytes: Ohhhhh Django 100000000%

leojean890: yes it was hard for musicians to be known ^^and it is still but it's different using the web;)

Astrobytes: And I have to throw Stephane Grappelli in there too because the work they did together was incredible

leojean890: indeed!

leojean890: do you play this style using guitar ?^^

Astrobytes: Hey, if you explore some more of what Jerry Garcia did (some stuff I linked you yesterday) you will hear a django and perhaps coltrane influence, amongst others

Astrobytes: leojean890: I wish. I can pretend a bit

leojean890: coltrane, nice^^

leojean890: I like monk as well

leojean890: monk is very unique^^

Astrobytes: Yes 100%!

Astrobytes: I love most players that experimented or played any kind of bop or went on to fusion

leojean890: I can't play this style with guitar except improv

leojean890: but didn't work rhythmic

Astrobytes: The rhythm is HARD

leojean890: (I began with classical guitar)

leojean890: so it was easier to do solos than rhythmic

Astrobytes: I'm self taught

leojean890: and I specialized in solos with guitar

leojean890: and bands with piano

Astrobytes: And it took some time

leojean890: bop, fusion, good yes:)

leojean890: my band with who we play polymetrics is mostly fusion

Astrobytes: The trick on guitar is that to play the correct (or good sounding) comping you need to A. Know the melody inside out B. Know every damn inversion there is of every damn chord. C. Know the notes to NOT play.

struct: cuda drivers coming to wsl

leojean890: I have an interesting video to show you but the other guy put it private, so another day when he will change its status, I asked him^^

leojean890: need the melody to better understand chords ?

Astrobytes: Ah hey struct, sorry, me and leojean890 have derailed the chat into music related stuff. I blame myself. It's not the first time :)

leojean890: oh yes, like tritonic substitution

struct: its fine lol

struct: I just saw that cuda will be available soon

struct: and decided to share

Astrobytes: and that *is* cool

leojean890: but I can do that on piano, my difficulty on guitar is rhythmic because I didn't train

leojean890: what notes to play and not to play, indeed^^but you can play every notes on every chord:p

leojean890: chromatisms:p

Astrobytes: Not just with tritones and such leojean890, but knowing how to 'stay out of the way' on guitar is really important unless you are leading

leojean890: E G F# F C# E D# D

leojean890: E G Bb G G# A

leojean890: C# E G F# E F

Astrobytes: ofc, chromaticism. There is no wrong note. "What do you mean I played the wrong note? I was increasing the tension with my chromatic run" :D

leojean890: oh other ways to substitute I see

leojean890: yeah and bebop scales:p

Astrobytes: Back to rhythm guitar, you need to remember the part of the sonic spectrum you're in

leojean890: like I was writing at 1h37

leojean890: to turn around a main note to finally end on it

leojean890: I have to learn how to use a mediator as well

leojean890: I use fingers and low volume^^

Astrobytes: From my limited French I believe you mean a plectrum?

leojean890: (I wrote notes sequences, not chords)

leojean890: yeah plectrum

Astrobytes: Fingers are fine, if you are happy with using fingers only, then do that

Astrobytes: If you need to amplify it, amplify it, don't change what you do just for volume

Astrobytes: They're two completely different ways of working. My fingerstyle is nowhere near as good as my ability with a plectrum

Astrobytes: I can strum well with either but I'll use a plectrum mostly, sometimes some hyprid picking

Astrobytes: *hybrid

leojean890: but plectrum is better to have precise sounds

leojean890: for example, rock sounds

Astrobytes: Not if you have good nails and know how to use them!

leojean890: yes, electroacoustic to amplify

leojean890: it's the contrary, have more experience with fingers^^

leojean890: I don't have nails^^

leojean890: play with fingers only xD

Astrobytes: Ah, nails help.

Astrobytes: I play banjo too so it helps to grow them on a few fingers. I have neglected it recently though.

leojean890: yes to produce huger volume

leojean890: I should try banjo^^

leojean890: have a ukulele as well:P

leojean890: 2 guitars, 1 keyboard and a grand piano

leojean890: you favored the guitar ?

Astrobytes: It's a cool instrument. I have a 5-string without a resonator, sometimes I use the metal fingerpicks for bluegrass or loud Celtic songs, otherwise I use my thumb and fingers for a clawhammer style

Astrobytes: I also have my mandolin, but it needs repaired :(

Astrobytes: And yeah, I was into guitar before banjo or mandolin, I bought a bass guitar after both of those though.

Astrobytes: I wish I had an upright and a grand piano.

leojean890: I see

leojean890: I tried a mandolin once but don't have one

leojean890: it's a way to change a little, at least the sound

leojean890: guitar => bass, banjo, mandolin, uku..

leojean890: same for me, I played a little the bass aster

leojean890: after

Astrobytes: Yeah, it's different techniques etc

leojean890: and sound

Astrobytes: Of course, yes

leojean890: it's interesting to try this variation

leojean890: I also have an ancient guitar

leojean890: (< 1900)

leojean890: with 4 strings

Astrobytes: Oh wow. Do you play or have you ever played it?

leojean890: never built again now

leojean890: yes my grandpa had it :P

leojean890: now I have it^^

Astrobytes: Fantastic. Keep it in the best condition you can. These instruments matter!

leojean890: I encounter difficulties to get strings to be accurate^^

Astrobytes: Might be worth getting it set up by someone experienced in vintage instruments

Astrobytes: I only know 2 people (one tiny company) in London. There must be people over there that could do this.

leojean890: yes

leojean890: in Paris I think that there are :)

Astrobytes: It's not quite as simple as a quick turn of the truss rod with older instruments

leojean890: some

leojean890: of them

leojean890: yes..:s

Astrobytes: Anyway. I'll see you later, going to bed, bn!

leojean890: gn :)

MadKnight: how do i iterate over all subsets of array a with n elements with subset size=m and with elements order preserved ?

orangesnowfox: ... Maddy, shouldn't you know this by now?