Kokoz: hello all :) Anyone good with python? I have a question
baguettes: Kokoz, don't ask to ask
Kokoz: it is more complicated and I dont want to flood this chat..
jacek: multiple lines will be automatically pastebined
Bickio: I know python (perhaps expert? idk) fire away
Dan4Life: Hi
Dan4Life: just wanted to say that
Dan4Life: for no reason whatsoever
derjack: oh my
Reaper_for_you: i thought i knew it,looks like i do not
derjack: hm?
mangoorange08: i thought im doing great in coding but when I tried this clash of code, I figured that I was noob :<
derjack: try some easy puzzles
derjack: youll be more noob than ever before
ngdangtu: Does anyone understand wtf counting around the circle is?
Passifi: Coding is there to break your Ego if you want to keep it intact try doing Feminist Dance Therapy instead
ngdangtu: ' The answer has to do with the total count of circles in each number. '
derjack: 8 has 2 circles, 0 has 1 circle
ngdangtu: I have no ideal what circles is in this math -_-
B365564984: hi guys, is there any javascript framework/library support to build a chatbot?
ngdangtu: And here is the answer: print(s.count('6') + s.count('9') + s.count('0') + s.count('8') * 2)
ngdangtu: what does that do with the circle!!!
Passifi: 6 has a circle 9 has one 8 has 2 and 0 has 1
Passifi: its the shape of the digits
Passifi: its not really a circle so my inner autists understands your pain
ngdangtu: Do you have document about this? I couldn't google anything from the problem.
ngdangtu: Wasting 15' and gain nothing -_-
Passifi: I don't think this is a common way to talk about the digits thats why you don't find anything its more of a language barrier I suppose it hasn't really got anything to do with math
B365564984: if the problem isnt solved, you still learn something
Passifi: eight is two circle o o stacked on top of each other try thinking about that :)
ngdangtu: And I still try to google with the left results of other players.
ngdangtu: Ok, finally got. It is not a math problem.
derjack: well if you use roman numbers every day you may not understand it
derjack: :v
ngdangtu: @derjack , I totally agree with you.
ngdangtu: Perhaps I have been too insensitive about familiar things around me
ngdangtu: What a bad science attitude :))
Passifi: Nah your mind just got stuck on something and then it couldn't break free its the human condition :)
ngdangtu: Do you have any advice on this case?
Passifi: Try reading Zen and the Art of motorcycle maintenance it applies here wonderfully :) Getting your mind unstuck is a rather ardous process, tho, I am afraid. So no quick fixes for that.
derjack: or acid
Passifi: that might help too or it might get you on Joe Rogans Podcast
ngdangtu: @derjack where do you want me to pour it onto?
derjack: brain
ngdangtu: You mean yours? Sure, open it
Dan4Life: I hate C++ when it comes to shortest mode
Dan4Life: Anyone else?
derjack: then dont use c++ for shortest mode
ngdangtu: But I think that's unfair to compare C++/PHP to Py or Js
Dan4Life: derjak you have a point
Dan4Life: but like im still going to use c++ nonetheless, at least until im good at python
ngdangtu: I wonder how many languages a normal dev would have :?
Dan4Life: all the rank from fastest just to reduce cuz of shortest lol
Dan4Life: Just a suggestion:
Dan4Life: dont know why its in pastebin
Dan4Life: *divide the clash of code
derjack: codingame is not only about the clashes
Dan4Life: *divide the clash of code
baguettes: That doesn't look like a good suggestion
baguettes: Clash of code is only possible if all of them do the same mod
baguettes: mode*
Dan4Life: like i mean something like this: before entering a clash, pick the mode you want to play, or pick random, then you will play with others that are also playing that mode
Dan4Life: just curious
Dan4Life: is there a link showing how clash of code points work
Dan4Life: cuz i think there is a points decay(?) system
derjack: its trueskill algorithm
derjack: and for clashes points decay over time
Dan4Life: oh
baguettes: Xbox live oO
nnovich-OK: Are there vim-mode users? I'm struggling with remapping ESC to different key, would appreciate any help
elderlybeginner: imap jj <Esc>
elderlybeginner: not permanent thou, as you cannot save your configuration
nnovich-OK: Wow, thanks. I was trying inoremap, but it isn't accepted
elderlybeginner: It's kind of crippled vim-mode
nnovich-OK: I believe, keybinding configuration can make thigs permanent, but I can't figure out proper command to bind.
elderlybeginner: I stopped using CG editor. Try CG Local.
biktim: come
nnovich-OK: CG local is great! Thank you for pointing
bigmazi: is it possible to know whether validation failed due to timeout or due to incorrect answer?
ANONYMOUS42: i think it should tell you in the error output that it timed out
bigmazi: I have all tests passed, it's validation after after submit that fails
bigmazi: 1 validator to be exact
bigmazi: The first post on forum is about the same validator failure... probably, a bug in tests?
bigmazi: entire forum for that task is about a single validator failure
jacek: what puzzle
bigmazi: Genome Sequencing
bigmazi: I actually found what's the issue
bigmazi: interesting, how there's no such tricky edges in the tests
bigmazi: the fun part of it is that validator has misleading name
bigmazi: A + C = AC all people (including me) think that A and C are inputs and AC is expected output
bigmazi: but it actually means that AC is in input too
AntiSquid: :thumbsup:
struct: hi
Astrobytes: hello
AntiSquid: hi
Wontonimo: and a happy Sunday to everyone
Astrobytes: and to you Wontonimo
Warpup: How do you go backa level in mean max?
jacek: you cant go to lower league
Warpup: rips wanted to try and do it faster
Wontonimo: submit a horrible bot before being promoted
Nachosauce: This site tickles my brain in good ways
Wontonimo: i did that in UTTT before advancing from silver. Got my bot to be 4 pts above the boss before advancing ... real fun to watch it destroy everyone in the league, and then back to being humbled in Gold
Wontonimo: hey Nachosauce, how are you liking Coders Strikes Back?
Nachosauce: I was having a great time until I got to where they added collisions and I hit a bit of a wall haha. Going to play in mean max a bit then I'll be going back and win somehow :D
AntiSquid: baka * Warpup
AntiSquid: spelling
AntiSquid: :alien:
AntiSquid: should i buy yuan? i wonder
jacek: btc? yes
AntiSquid: wouldn't go all in on btc
AntiSquid: the buy-in phase was imo early this year ... maybe it goes up maybe not, are you continuing to buy btc?
jacek: just holding
AntiSquid: do you never sell when you see / expect a dip ?
AntiSquid: sell *
jacek: i have less than 0.5
jacek: maybe ill sell it itll be 1 millions
AntiSquid: don't think so, expecting some gov created crypto coins at some point
Creaator: Where should I start learning algorithms?
Nachosauce: here! :D
Creaator: First one was Voronoi diagram.
Creaator: for AI
jacek: tron?
Creaator: Let's give it a try😁
AntiSquid: clobber :o
Creaator: is that an expression or game?
struct: I think wondev woman also requires voronoi diagrams
Creaator: To find her sword or lasso🤣
jacek: does :notebook: :soccer: require voronoi?
jacek: :thinking:
Creaator: Yes, to check reach for footbal, and avoid getting in range of others
Creaator: BTW you can use any other better suited algo
struct: paper soccer isnt football
Creaator: I didn't see paper😉😉
ichwarsnix: I just played Clash of Code, but it was rather strange reverse challenge and none of the participants found a soloution. Im curious what the solution is. Is there any way to find out?
Creaator: Sorry, new here.
jacek: there are external 'tools'
jacek: what was that frog's site?
Nachosauce: ohh I don't like the reverse ones. I'm terrible at them haha. So really I should be practicing them but bleh.
jacek: maybe here if you remember some words of that clash
ichwarsnix: Thanks, i have found it now
rubber_duckie: which one was it?
ichwarsnix: you have to see the input strings as hexadicimals, but everyone thought about ascii code
jacek: such a plot twist
darkhorse64: what a lack of nerd culture.
testachehab: all tests are tests for coders not engineers
darkhorse64: A coder that does not speak hex is not a coder. It reminds of this joke. Why nerds can't tell the difference between Haloween and Xmas ? Because 31 oct = 25 dec
jacek: :drum:
Nachosauce: Cup<T> :)
Scarfield: what a deadbeef joke :p
AntiSquid: where's the hex in that joke ?
darkhorse64: Jokes shall never be explained
AntiSquid: irrelevant if you explain it or not, there's no hex in it
Scarfield: like magicians never reveal a trick
jacek: theres no hex in hexapawn as well
AntiSquid: ya but if one expected a rabbit and they get something else they are disappointed
AntiSquid: promised hex delivered oct
Scarfield: oh he pulled a pony out of his hat, what a disapointment :p
Nachosauce: Someone pull some lunch out of a hat, I'm hungry
AntiSquid: maybe he had no hat and the pony was an asspull
Scarfield: ^
jacek: expected rabies, got herpes
Nachosauce: Been there.
PatrickMcGinnisII: Toss that 1 in the bin
MasterCoderxD: hey guys
MasterCoderxD: i need help
MasterCoderxD: Problem:
MasterCoderxD: My Solution:
MadKnight: what is the question ?
MasterCoderxD: I am getting 2/10 test cases failed
MasterCoderxD: Can y'all tell me why?
MadKnight: be more specific
MadKnight: what exactly goes wrong in these cases ?
MasterCoderxD: one is too long, the other idk (it's a validator/hidden testcase)
MadKnight: what do u mean by too long
MasterCoderxD: i mean it's a timeout error (the input is too long)
MasterCoderxD: hello?
MadKnight: are u sure it's the length of the input ?
MadKnight: maybe your ccode just crashes ?
PatrickMcGinnisII: eww, you have a few wierd things going on
MasterCoderxD: i know i am just 16, i am still learning lol
MasterCoderxD: and MadKnight: Yes I mean, the number of files is way too high, and my code can't calculate it in the given time period
MasterCoderxD: :upside_down:
MadKnight: just use map
PatrickMcGinnisII: use associative array
MasterCoderxD: if u can, can u give me a solution? (in code)?
PatrickMcGinnisII: d[a.lower]=b
PatrickMcGinnisII: then you dont have to loop thru all of them
MasterCoderxD: that's what i am asking, can u give me the code?
PatrickMcGinnisII: d.haskey(blah) :
PatrickMcGinnisII: google is your friend
MasterCoderxD: omg
PatrickMcGinnisII: i don't do python
MasterCoderxD: k
PatrickMcGinnisII: Use a dictionary
MasterCoderxD: that's what i did
MadKnight: d[key] = value
MasterCoderxD: mad knight can u give me a solution?
MasterCoderxD: as in entire code? lol if u can
MasterCoderxD: gotta go now, see y'all later
MasterCoderxD: if u can y'all can send me a solution
PatrickMcGinnisII: a MasterCoderxD huh, yea we don't do that
Scarfield: "im learning, give me solution" :p
jacek: xD
Scarfield: hey hey now, i have copyrighted "xD"
MadKnight: lol when did that happen ?
Astrobytes: Ages ago. Even changed names to EcksDee at some point.
Scarfield: ^
MadKnight: and how did that happen ?
Scarfield: I'll accept paypal
jacek: so mastercoder is his alt
Scarfield: i actually dont have an alt
Astrobytes: Fix it AltlessField
Scarfield: xD
MadKnight: mastercoder asking for a full solution
Scarfield: oh, his name :o
PatrickMcGinnisII: paypal for solutions... wow this could turn into DiabloII real quick
Scarfield: i see you added en passant jachess
Passifi: since there are so many bot people around here anyone got any recommendations for getting into Deep Learning and Neural Networks ? Books, online resources ? I know some of the basics like linear opimization and stuff but I'd like to get a bit more of a practical insight
jacek: reinforcement learning by sutton
jacek: and/or ng andrew's coursera course about machine learning
Scarfield: you know python? the book: "make your own neural network" by tariq rashid is good to get into the basics
Passifi: Oh cool even a link thanks Jacek I check it out and yeah Scarfield I know some Python enough to hack myself thru I guess so I take a look at rashid too thanks :)
RSBat: For reinforcement learning I watched a course by David Silver from DeepMind
Passifi: btw the german version of the rashid book cost 25 € on amazon the english original almost 45 € I'll never understand these english textbook prices...
jacek: or random tutorials from until it clicks
jacek: it clicked when i made xor example from scratch without libs
Scarfield: this seems to be a presentation of much of what is in his book, havent seen it though, so no idea if its worth the watch. Cheaper than the book though :p
Passifi: oh well I like books ;) and thanks to you BSBat that should do it for awhile no I just need to dig in, not get it, think I get it , then realizes I didn't get if after all and then rinse and repeat. Ahhh learning computer stuff.
wlesavo: Passifi, on RL there is this book by Sutton, who is i believe one of the main ideologists for the problem. and it is disscussed there from the very fundumental point of view
Passifi: yeah thats the one Jacek has recommended its already on my harddrive :)
Nachosauce: Roundabouts what time do they update ranks?
Scarfield: i think its around 4am paris time (?)
Astrobytes: 2 am - ish iirc
baguettes: am?
baguettes: It's pm
baguettes: Oh
baguettes: I thought you were talking about the current time
Scarfield: xD
BlaiseEbuth: Depends of where you are.
Astrobytes: Hence "paris time" :P
BlaiseEbuth: I really would like to ban you for cultural appropriation, baguette.
Astrobytes: :flag_fr: :cheese: :wine_glass:
jacek: :french_bread:
Scarfield: :fromage:
jacek: hows your chess
jacek: any search yet
MadKnight: wow 4am in paris
MadKnight: it's not even 22h here
MadKnight: stop moving paris on the world map, Automaton2000
Automaton2000: you are supposed to be in silver
jacek: noob
MadKnight: imagine being in bronze
MadKnight: cool kids chill in wood
jacek: bronze csb?
Scarfield: started writing the search today, will hopefully finish it up tomorrow. Redoing my weird non-recursive minmax, but with iterative deepening
jacek: non-recursive minimax? what witchery is that
Scarfield: i was told at some point "recursion is slow" so made it without recursion. no idea if it was worth it, but for iterative deepening i can reuse the tree, which i suppose will be worth it
jacek: recursion is generally slow, but its not the bottleneck here
MadKnight: recursion is actually bad in MCTS
struct: Which one was doing better in csb, minimax or smitsimax?
struct: before the NNs showed up
jacek: MadKnight only if its really deep
MadKnight: yea
Scarfield: i believe you jacursion, but recursive functions are not my friend, and all the expansion i save might actually be worth it here. im just assuming (as always xD)
jacek: xDDDD
Scarfield: wait.. do you reuse the tree when you increase the maxdepth?
Astrobytes: struct: smitsi replaced minimax iirc
jacek: in minimax there is no 'tree'. though i somewhat reuse it via TT in iterative deepening
jacek: but for chess im using jacekmax so i dont care
Scarfield: hmm i have a tree, maybe this abomination is worthy of being EcksdeeMax
Astrobytes: ScarfecksMax
Scarfield: im sure it will revalutionize the chess bot community
Scarfield: xD
Astrobytes: Get yourself a placeholder on chessprogrammingwiki
Scarfield: i must
Scarfield: if my intuition for this is as good as my sense of direction, its certainly wrong
Astrobytes: :rofl:
Nachosauce: Code vs Zombies is a fun one
struct: One of the most beginner friendly I think
AntiSquid: what's that link for jacek?
struct: even stockfish lets you change the elo I think
struct: But it just makes obvious blunders, so its not very realistic
AntiSquid: chess engines play completely different from humans though, i don't see how it helps playing vs them yourself
reCurse: There's ways to make it realistic it's just not been quite as explored
struct: I agree, if you change elo it just seems to make a random move based on chance, the lower the elo the higher the chance
struct: But I could be wrong
struct: I never read the code
jacek: and it was obviously trolling from my part. xD guy could revolutionize weakest chess
Wontonimo: using published games of humans vs humans. For each configuration+move, have the bot make it's move. Now you have labeled data: human vs machine move choice. Use that as training data for a discriminator NN.
Wontonimo: now you have an NN that can say if a move looks human. Use that with your chess engine to restrict the kinds of moves it is allowed to do to not be too machine like
AntiSquid: i'll believe you when i see it work on
Wontonimo: haha .. yes. for sure
struct: Their bots that are named after players dont even resemble their playstile at all
Wontonimo: the other thing about, is the time it takes a human to make a move.
struct: not even the openings
AntiSquid: does it track mouse gestures? window active state ?
Wontonimo: (if you are good which i'm not) it's real easy to notice when someone is using an engine while playing
struct: Probably
Wontonimo: because they take just as long to make really hard moves as super obvious ones
struct: But their cheat detection is not great
AntiSquid: because they are doing it wrong Wontonimo
Wontonimo: how would they do it better AntiSquid ?
struct: to be fair its not that easy to detect a good cheater
Wontonimo: i saw 1 video by 1 YT guy (so i must be an expert now) where he showed someones win rate over time,
Wontonimo: "noone jumps 500 elo in a month"
struct: What if its a new account?
Wontonimo: and the looked at their strength of move throughout the game and when there is not enough time left to check an engine the % accuracy of plays drops through the floor
Wontonimo: he was looking at accounts that have a few years of history ... starts at 100, climbs slowly ... maybe to 800 over a year, then jumps to 1800
Wontonimo: in a month
struct: You dont even need to check an engine
struct: I saw a script that wrote the css on the page with arrows
struct: to highlight the moves
AntiSquid: you can drop a lot if you play stupid or have a bad streak, depends who is online
jacek: turing test for chess eh
AntiSquid: bad idea
Astrobytes: ping MSmits: How's your Clobber meta mcts?
MSmits: useless :)
Astrobytes: Hahaha
MSmits: all converging on 50% I think
BlaiseEbuth: MSmits 50 packets sent, 50 received. Time 0.002 sec
Astrobytes: Certainly looks that way MSmits
MSmits: if i try to go down the tree by the principal variation, i get to depth 3 or 4
Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth: :rofl:
jacek: visits are not uniform
jacek: eh
MSmits: maybe if i did 100 million games I would be able to get a tiny advantage
MSmits: jacek no i just did a normal exploration
MSmits: in connect 4 i forced equal visits because we were considering steal option
MSmits: this game is just not bookable I think
MSmits: maybe with a far better bot. I dunno
Astrobytes: You may have more luck with endgame solvers
jacek: the game is msmits-unfriendly. approve already
MSmits: hmm, yes maybe
MSmits: :)
Astrobytes: Yeah, on that note, do we mostly agree that it's ready?
MSmits: in any case, sticking with 8x8 is justified
DevilJamJar: lol they have mods for this? damn ok
MSmits: very much needed DevilJamJar
Astrobytes: For CG purposes 8x8 is more than enough yes
jacek: hm?
Astrobytes: 10x10 is used in Olympiads and such jacek, not really feasible for CG
jacek: hm was for the mods
Astrobytes: Oh ok, lol
MSmits: well Astrobytes is a mod
Astrobytes: Yeah DevilJamJar, sadly necessary, we don't just kick/ban people though
MSmits: no, they also bring a happy cheer
jacek: why i havent been kicked alreay is beyond me
Astrobytes: MSmits :rofl:
Astrobytes: jacek: I have been sorely tempted many a time
Astrobytes: But you're regular and we know you're a massive troll so...
BlaiseEbuth: I just kick/ban people
MSmits: Today, i did some scheduling and found out that about 80% of my study work left needs to be done in the next 30 days =/
MSmits: so will be pretty busy i guess
Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth: that's why we love you dude
BlaiseEbuth: :hugging:
Astrobytes: MSmits: that sounds doable but definitely head-down time
MSmits: at least the stuff will be done when next contest happens
Astrobytes: Oh yeah, when is that
MSmits: earl ymay
MSmits: 5 or 6, i forget
Astrobytes: Ah yeah, 6th iirc
Astrobytes: Right, gonna put a comment on Clobber that I think it's ready
MSmits: how do you feel about nine men's morris?
MSmits: it has 2/3 approved already
Astrobytes: I haven't tried it properly yet but it also seems good to go. Won't approve without a bot though ofc
MSmits: yeah i didnt try a bot yet either, i just spotted a couple textual errors and the creator fixed those
MSmits: it's one of those boardgames i found in an old pile when i was young and i just played my own version of it. Never knew the actual game rules
MSmits: that's kinda why i like it. Nostalgia
Astrobytes: Also, on that note, if we are gonna have nine men's morris, there's a whole bunch of 'simple' games we should probably port too. As we said before, nothing wrong with games to practice on.
Astrobytes: I think I learned nine men's morris from my grandad
MSmits: it's not actually as simple as it seems
MSmits: I think brute force alone might not cut it. Needs some domain knowledge to solve
Astrobytes: Yes I know, what I mean is "ooh it's solved can't port that"
MSmits: yeah thats nonsense
MSmits: it will be my next game when this study stuff is done
MSmits: it's interesting, entire game state fits in 1 uint64_t, but because there's 24 spots on the board, there's quite a lot of early branching
MSmits: they solved it in 1993, which leads me to believe there's some provably safe pruning you can do
Astrobytes: Yes for sure
MSmits: if i can understand the method they used to solve, I should be able to reproduce locally. But that's not the same as putting a perfect playing bot together in CG constraints
Astrobytes: No it certainly is not. Unless you book the feck out of it ofc :P
MSmits: there's still CG constraints with that
Astrobytes: Well yeah
MSmits: normally the code size limit is not a real limit, because calculation time locally is the real bottleneck
MSmits: but when it is all solved, the codesize does become a limit
Astrobytes: Fix your compression :P
MSmits: because you dont need to keep running games to be more sure of the node value
MSmits: yeah. The game has about 10^12 gamestates if you also consider the turn you're in i think
MSmits: lots of transpositions
MSmits: tree is much more complex than this
MSmits: ofc
Astrobytes: Fairly beastly but definitely pruneable.
Astrobytes: (With a Prune Array ofc)
MSmits: it's like oware and onitama, not that many states, but a huge tree
MSmits: ofc :)
Astrobytes: Yeah, similar. Ah sht, still have to do Onitama
MSmits: it's a fun game
MSmits: I just ran out of ideas to improve further, or i would still be doing it
MSmits: one of euler's masterpieces imho. He keeps saying "I only ported it", but he sells himself short
Astrobytes: He always does
Astrobytes: So does struct
MSmits: yeah
Astrobytes: I need to get through the pending contrib games before anything else
Astrobytes: There's still jrke's game, need to write an actual bot not just movegen for amazons
MSmits: is jrke's game based on anything?
Astrobytes: And there's another 2 or 3?
MSmits: volcanoes too
Astrobytes: MSmits: He says not
Astrobytes: Yeah Volcanoes, the tanks one
MSmits: that's dangerous. I mean it;s cool he has his own idea, but it could more easily backfire if it isnt tested well enough
MSmits: certainly looked cool
Astrobytes: I thought it was based on something if I'm honest
Astrobytes: I haven't played it yet though, so I will reserve judgement
darkhorse64: Clobber is ready for approval
Astrobytes: Have all language stubs been tested?
darkhorse64: C++ is enough
Astrobytes: lol
Astrobytes: Just in case of someone trying it in VB and it doesn't work
darkhorse64: It does. Should I check PHP ?
MSmits: you can also just ask Patrick if he intends to ever play it. If not, it's cool
Astrobytes: :rofl:
Astrobytes: I got a rockstar quote into my approval
MSmits: Jokes aside and then you write it as a game review :P
Astrobytes: It's a game!
MSmits: yeah ok...
Astrobytes: :grin:
MSmits: I wonder if mikkla will play this
MSmits: he did wel on D&B
MSmits: well
Astrobytes: ah yes
Astrobytes: Yeah, I'm interested as to who is going to solve this more mathematically
Astrobytes: *play this
MSmits: I might try that at some point, but not any time soon. It's very time consuming
MSmits: I wrote the clobber bot in less than a day, but with math itll be weeks at least
Astrobytes: I struggle to find much literature on it
MSmits: well there's enough imho. It's just a lot to learn before you understand what they are talking about
Astrobytes: I mean, it's used in loads and loads of papers as a benchmark, but not much actually out there dedicated to it
MSmits: it's starting to look like you need to become a combinatorial expert to do some of these multis. At least at the top
Astrobytes: Mmhm, and btw, I meant to mention it previously, the notation we were seeing that we spoke about I believe refers to combinatorial games
MSmits: yeah i knew that part
MSmits: I just cant read it
Astrobytes: Some papers have a handy table at the start or as an appendix
MSmits: yeah the D&B ones do
Astrobytes: I didn't save the damn paper
MSmits: which
Astrobytes: The best one I found to help reading one of the clobber papers
Astrobytes: Grr.
MSmits: it's probably in the references of this:
MSmits: file:///C:/Users/Michiel/Downloads/An_introduction_to_Clobber.pdf
Astrobytes: I should have used brain nicely to constrate
MSmits: oops
MSmits: file:///C:/Users/Michiel/Downloads/An_introduction_to_Clobber.pdf
MSmits: again
Astrobytes: Thanks for giving us your filesystem
MSmits: np
MSmits: I'll rename my HD
MSmits: to make it harder to hack me
MSmits: for some reason it likes to open the file in a browser window
MSmits: then it seems like it is a webadress and you copy it as if it is
V_Brawl: if someone hacks you he can do anything with your computer(he doesn't need to know your username to do it)
Astrobytes: Yeah, because you've downloaded it and it's locally available
Astrobytes: But no, not that one
MSmits: yeah i know V_Brawl that's why I wasnt worried :)
Astrobytes: Oh wait, references, yes, might be
Astrobytes: C:/Users/MyNameHere/ is mine
jacek: this one is a must read's_Dragon_Maid_Character
Astrobytes: Not exactly helpful info :P
MSmits: too long jacek
MSmits: use url shortener
jacek: its a physics paper
MSmits: I know, you shared it before
Astrobytes: jacek: is that paper not a bit overdone here now?
jacek: overdone?
Astrobytes: overused
MSmits: jacek is of the opinion you can't overdo large breasts I think
MSmits: not me ofc,
jacek: where do you use the knowledge of the paper here
Astrobytes: Well I won't comment on that part but the paper has been linked too many times to be funny any more :P
jacek: im gonna reference it in my engineering paper
Astrobytes: jacek: We obviously need a multi where it is applicable
MSmits: maybe if csb had aerodynamics
Astrobytes: Eh. You'll give emh ideas
pardouin: Bust-A-Boob
MSmits: ah. Emh likes things that flap in the wind?
Astrobytes: You have never seen his NSFW CSB?
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: thats why i think he might like things that flap in the wind
MSmits: did he make that on the sdk?
MSmits: i just saw the screenshot of it
struct: I dont think so
Astrobytes: Not on SDK no, was his own engine iirc
MSmits: ahh ok
MSmits: hi struct
struct: hi
MSmits: hey, do you know some good (easy) examples where you can use greedy solutions and hillclimbing?
jacek: what screenshot? what are you talking about?
MSmits: so far i got the TSP
MSmits: i got the hospitals having to be near houses on a grid (minimize nearest distance)
MSmits: backpacking problem, or at least, filling moving boxes
struct: Tower of Hanoi should be simple
MSmits: yeah but i mean an optimization problem
MSmits: where its easy to find a solution
MSmits: but not easy to find the best solution
MSmits: Hanoi seems more like an easily solved game
GeorgiD: duck -> udkc giraffe -> rigaeff programmer -> rgorpremma
GeorgiD: Any idea what algorithm shuffles these words?
jacek: the halves of a word
MSmits: ye, keeps middle in place
pardouin: (.)(.) ->revert
struct: sorry MSmits I dont know any
MSmits: ahh thats ok. I can find one i think
pardouin: n queens probem
pardouin: +l
MSmits: I need it for my study paper
MSmits: what is n queens problem? Sounds like amazons
MSmits: ohh wait
MSmits: i got it
MSmits: its filling a board with as many queens as possible
MSmits: without having them be able to hit eachother
pardouin: yes
Astrobytes: Without them attacking each other
Astrobytes: ah you got it
MSmits: i remember reading that somewhere
Westicles: Are you really unable to imagine eight powerful women in the same room without them trying to kill each other?
jacek: n queens? without attacking each other? especially when they are dressed the same?
MSmits: seems hard to use hillclimbing on it though
MSmits: I mean it is an optimization problem, but not one with small enough steps to use hill clmbing with my students
MSmits: TSP has some easy changes you can make to create better solutions
Astrobytes: Small enough steps? Moving a queen to another square?
MSmits: yeah but you need to fit extra queens at some point
pardouin: in an aerodynamoic way
MSmits: well I guess you can make a list of all possible changes and then check if any allow for an extra added queen
Astrobytes: lol
Astrobytes: And yeah
MSmits: I can put it with the hard examples
MSmits: it does have a good way to do a greedy solution
Astrobytes: It's an acceptable problem to tackle with hill-climbing for demonstration purposes
MSmits: just start top left and move systematically downward, if a queen is allowed, place it
MSmits: yeah seems to be
MSmits: I'm gonna use it I think
Astrobytes: Haricots froids
pardouin: nonogram maybe
Astrobytes: mmm yeah, nonogram could be cool
MSmits: seems hard
MSmits: also why are you advertising vegetables Astrobytes
Astrobytes: I just said "cool beans"
darkhorse64: you know there is a n-queens puzzle here ?
MSmits: oh ok
MSmits: did not know darkhorse64
pardouin: also a nonogram one
MSmits: but wont be using CG anyways, it's a coding-free course I am doing
MSmits: so it's mostly about putting algorithms into words
MSmits: ahh nice
pardouin: (but the idea is more to solve it logically, no real backtracking)
MSmits: there is a puzzle for everything on CG :)
MSmits: thanks for the suggestions guys
MSmits: I think the queens problem is great for my class
darkhorse64: Actually, you can hardcode the answers making it an easy puzzle. I have seen also a nearly one liner python solution
MSmits: I can actually make them solve it by hand using the pawn-sets i have and a paper grid
Astrobytes: also you can use optimisation algos to solve mathematical problems
MSmits: Maybe create another python turtle visualization
MSmits: yeah thats not part of the class, but also very interesting
Astrobytes: as in equations etc
Astrobytes: approximations etc etc
MSmits: how complicated is the queens problem btw?
Astrobytes: you know what I mean
MSmits: yeah I know
MSmits: I mean... TSP goes off the chart quickly in complexity
MSmits: how does this go with the queens problem?
Astrobytes: I think it's NP complete
Astrobytes: Depending on the algorithm the time complexity can vary
MSmits: ahh ok
MSmits: I found an old website about it that has a solver
MSmits: However, your browser does not support Java. If it did you would not see this message! Get a java compatible browser such as Netscape, of a sufficiently advanced version.
MSmits: it says that
Astrobytes: "such as Netscape" - love it.
MSmits: yeah :)
MSmits: it was the browser on our university computers when I was there
MSmits: only time i ever used netscape
Westicles: A coding-free algorithm course... er, was that your idea?
MSmits: yes, but mostly out of necessity
MSmits: they just dont have the coding knowledge to be able to do an AI course using actual code
MSmits: AI tends to be more complicated than other things related to coding
MSmits: it's kind of all or nothing that way
MSmits: we do teach doing, but mostly simple python
MSmits: coding
Westicles: Huh. Back in the old days they tried to weed out people like that
MSmits: i am teaching 15-17 year old Westicles, in high school. Not university students :)
Westicles: Ah, okay :)
MSmits: I even let them do machine learning
MSmits: it's quite cool how much of an understand they can get without coding
MSmits: I did the wolf/dog/snow question on a test
MSmits: and many got it right
Astrobytes: The world needs more teachers like yourself
MSmits: thanks
MSmits: if you dont know the example I mentioned, it's quite cool
MSmits: they trained a NN to differentiate wolves and dogs in pictures, but they didnt realize all the wolf pictures had a snowy background
MSmits: so they trained a NN to recognize white :)
Astrobytes: Yeah, it's a bias thing
MSmits: so my question in the test showed these pictures
MSmits: and then a wolf on grass and the question was why the NN mislabeled it
MSmits: as a dog
MSmits: they also got quite far with the tensorflow playground
MSmits: it just needs some cutting up into managable pieces.
Astrobytes: That's cool. Yeah, breaking each part into understandable chunks. Chunking is half the battle
MSmits: but for my paper i am just focusing on the optimization chapter. It's just 3-4 50 min lessons that I have to improve
MSmits: i have to find literature, get design rules, hypotheses, use data i gathered, improve design etc.
MSmits: lots of work
Astrobytes: I think you'll breeze this
MSmits: meh, I think it's mostly lack of motivation for the literature stuff
Scarfield: saw a video once where they made a NN recognize some different animals, one of the animals was a "prize fish" so almost always some fisherman holding it in his hands. The NN learned to recognize the fingers around the fish xD
Astrobytes: It's like - wait, being a student again! :P
MSmits: yes :)
Westicles: Somehow I envision a class full of kids with propeller hats and trying to eat the glue, and MSmits is trying to teach them algorithms ;P
MSmits: lol
Astrobytes: It's the Netherlands Westicles, don't be silly - they SNIFF the glue!
MSmits: Scarfield yeah i know that example, good too
MSmits: I think i used it in a powerpoint
MSmits: well some of them read this chat so I wonder if they will read it and mention this tomorrow :P
Astrobytes: Hopefully :grin:
MSmits: "Sir, why did you not defend us last night, not ALL of us sniff glue! "
Scarfield: "Mr teacher, what is your opinion of aerodynamics on big breasts?"
Astrobytes: :rofl:
MSmits: eh I hope they skipped that part of the chat
Astrobytes: You see Scarfield? Glue sniffing is fine in the Netherlands but don't get breasts involved
jacek: i will repeat if they forget
MSmits: I did not doubt it
MSmits: you will probably repeat if they don't
jacek: when does your class starts
MSmits: mmh I think I should stop talking now :P
Astrobytes: Fantastic Breasts and Where To Find Them: a study by jacek
Scarfield: xD
MSmits: did you just think of this one?
Astrobytes: yes, I am fairly sure it's not original
jacek: he browsed the arxiv
MSmits: lol
Astrobytes: hahaha
Astrobytes: UnnamedCodinGamer or jacek, one of you able to approve Clobber?
Astrobytes: tric is offline or I would have asked him too
jacek: i used all my points in fireworks
MSmits: there's points?
jacek: trust
MSmits: you had trust?
jacek: apparently
MSmits: where can you see trust?
jacek: AntiSquid complained i approved fireworks without bot
MSmits: ohh ok
MSmits: AntiSquid points
UnnamedCodinGamer: but you have one in clobber
MSmits: I remember seeing some drama about that, but it did not prevent him and others getting hooked on fireworks
Astrobytes: You had a bot in fireworks jacek
jacek: random one
Astrobytes: Yes, but that's enough to test usually
UnnamedCodinGamer: what is the difference if it is for testing?
MSmits: the mechanics yeah
MSmits: well depends on the game really
MSmits: the game could be too easy to play perfectly, then you need more than a random bot to test. But this does not apply to fireworks
Astrobytes: The 'issue' that arose from squiddy was something that could have been addressed during the wip stage, squiddy wasn't around for a while though and didn't pursue writing a bot for it
jacek: its heuristic and much rps
Astrobytes: Yes
jacek: and im 1st in clobber :tada:
MSmits: yay
MSmits: still mcts?
Scarfield: you used EcksdeeMax didnt you?
jacek: yes
Scarfield: i knew
Scarfield: xD
jacek: i had trouble train it
Astrobytes: Gonna use ToDeeMax I think
MSmits: right
jacek: EcksdeeMax is powerful. just use opposite move
Astrobytes: betaAlphaMaxMin?
Scarfield: well that is how i choose a direction if im lost
MSmits: anyways, heading to bed early(er) tonight. Long day tomorrow
MSmits: gn guys
Scarfield: gn
Astrobytes: Gn MSmits, take it easy
darkhorse64: :white_check_mark: level 40 !
Scarfield: well farmed
Astrobytes: ayyy congrats!
KoliaYovko: I'm only playing clashes and I think i will never achieve lvl 10 or so
Astrobytes: You can rest your ankles a bit now after all that farming activity :D
Astrobytes: Do puzzles, multiplayer bot programming, optimisation or codegolf instead KoliaYovko
KoliaYovko: but clashes is so fun and easy nah
darkhorse64: It's a nice thing to promote with a contrib
Astrobytes: Indeed. How much is a contrib? 250?
KoliaYovko: anyway, python guys smash me in Shortest code mode
Astrobytes: Use ruby or python then.
darkhorse64: Yep, plus upvotes
Astrobytes: It saddens me that clash contribs give the same as multis :(
KoliaYovko: I only need C++ for my work, so...
Astrobytes: KoliaYovko: If C++ is your thing you really should be doing bot programming imo ;)
KoliaYovko: I'll think about it, sounds interesting
Astrobytes: Plenty games to choose from, whether you like physics-based, board games, maze/grid-based games or none of the above
darkhorse64: A multi is more work but it's also more interesting. I did some Java, learn more from the SDK, ...
Astrobytes: I need to get my finger out and do morpion solitaire
Astrobytes: It's just java that puts me off and makes me procrastinate
Astrobytes: Also I recently discovered the different meanings of 'morpion(s)' :D
darkhorse64: If you know C++ or C#, Java is not that different
Astrobytes: Well, it is. It's much clunkier and terribly verbose.
darkhorse64: French is a rich language
Astrobytes: oh hey JBM, where you been hiding
darkhorse64: 47/50 vs my boss
darkhorse64: :flushed:
Astrobytes: Good stuff. I did sneak a peek - that poor man's iterative deepening... shocking
KiwiTae: french shouldnt be a language :stuck_out_tongue:
darkhorse64: Comments for insiders
Astrobytes: I noticed :D
KiwiTae: o/
Astrobytes: Kiwiiiii how is Bretagne
UnnamedCodinGamer: what algorithm is the boss, darkhorse64?
Astrobytes: alphabeta minimax
KiwiTae: sweeet :) Astrobytes its chill love it
darkhorse64: That was enough to strengthen the boss and beat random. In the end, there are so few choices that a random bot can play quite perfectly
Astrobytes: Yes, this is very true
UnnamedCodinGamer: to which depth does it go?
darkhorse64: 10
Astrobytes: KiwiTae: Don't forget to eat as many kouign-amann as you can and drink as much lambig (if you can find it) as you can
KiwiTae: Astrobytes what are those >< so far only been eating crepesand drinkin cider
darkhorse64: lambig is an awful thing
Astrobytes: Seriously darkhorse64? I've had some rather good 'homebrew' varieties myself
darkhorse64: Only tasted it once, too bitter, too strong. I prefer chouchen
Astrobytes: KiwiTae: The former is a cake/pastry depending who makes it and the latter is a distilled cider concoction
darkhorse64: Stealing #1 from jacek
Astrobytes: darkhorse64: You need to taste more lambigs, really. Also, chouchen (and most mead-based drinks) is great
UnnamedCodinGamer: it would have been nice to be able to test against the bot more than once
JBM: how did i not know lambig
ridafkih: Can I turn off the sound
ridafkih: on this website
Astrobytes: Oh JBM you would love it, I am pretty sure of this.
JBM: will definitely give it a try next time
UnnamedCodinGamer: ridafkih, I would like to know the same
Astrobytes: Not sure how much you find in shops, there's usually guys go around selling it from local stills
Astrobytes: Don't just get a random one though ,talk to people and find the best
Astrobytes: It should be smooth, packed with flavour, and just a little bit deadly :D
darkhorse64: UnnamedCodinGamer: the default boss is the league 2 boss
UnnamedCodinGamer: once you are past him, there is no way back
UnnamedCodinGamer: that is what I meant
darkhorse64: Yep, but it is available in Wood 1 too
Astrobytes: It's only there to filter out random bots with no algorithm
ridafkih: The sound from the countdown timer/notifications is earblasting me
ridafkih: I can't take it hahah
Astrobytes: Do you have a volume control
Scarfield: you can mute your browser tab
ridafkih: There is no volume indicator, and I don't want to turn down my browsers volume in the mixer
ridafkih: Guess I'll just deal with it meh
ridafkih: Good to get me flinching before a coding exercise, I guess.
Scarfield: if firefox rightclick the tab, mute
ridafkih: oh u right
darkhorse64: ^
ridafkih: Brave has it as well
Astrobytes: Or just don't clash, do multis and puzzles instead :P
Scarfield: xD
Astrobytes: Less noisy :D
darkhorse64: Ah, the nice level up beep
Astrobytes: That's always good. That and the next league beep.
UnnamedCodinGamer: Scarfield, nice I had not noticed that
Scarfield: np :)
UnnamedCodinGamer: UnnamedCodinGamer
UnnamedCodinGamer: I can not self-ping
Astrobytes: Circular reference?
Astrobytes: No you cannot
Astrobytes: Nope
UnnamedCodinGamer: I meant me :)
Astrobytes: ping you? UnnamedCodinGamer
Scarfield: ooh testing sound xD
UnnamedCodinGamer: I wanted to try the mute feature
Astrobytes: lol
UnnamedCodinGamer: yes, I have multiple tabs open and only one muted
Astrobytes: Random trivia: some Scottish people say 'pung' instead of 'pinged'
Scarfield: and some Scottish people teach smitsi new funny words
Astrobytes: And 'jamp' rather than 'jumped'
UnnamedCodinGamer: hah, that is funny
Astrobytes: Scarfield: euler was the one I used to teach the most new vocabulary (proper English) to
UnnamedCodinGamer: watching snooker I also noticed that they use took instead of taken
UnnamedCodinGamer: sounds unnatural to me
Astrobytes: "I jamp e'er the fence 'n' the barbed wire pung me in the leg!
Scarfield: fool of a Too
Scarfield: Took*
UnnamedCodinGamer: could have took
Scarfield: i hope he comes back to learn some more
Astrobytes: That's past tense vs past participle iirc UnnamedCodinGamer?
Astrobytes: The UK English speakers can be a touch lazy about that
UnnamedCodinGamer: yes I think it is UK English vs American one
Astrobytes: It's (I think) 'simple' past tense, so it's gettable-away-able-with :P
UnnamedCodinGamer: it still sounds unnatural to an ear trained to watch american productions
Astrobytes: Yeah of course, they got it all wrong :D
UnnamedCodinGamer: yes, they could have taken another path
Astrobytes: What like learning the native languages when they arrived there? :D
UnnamedCodinGamer: but I guess they did not need it, as they had their own
Astrobytes: Extermination is easier than assimilation I suppose. Woop, sorry, getting political. I stop now.
Astrobytes: Anyway, Clobber-wise, I can't remember which bot is my good one
darkhorse64: Try all of them
Astrobytes: Yes I'm doing that hehehe
Astrobytes: I submitted something
UnnamedCodinGamer: yes, especially "extermination" is pretty loaded, and rightly so
UnnamedCodinGamer: I have the same problem
UnnamedCodinGamer: I have four of them
Astrobytes: I've got 8
Astrobytes: Meh. Not like it's gonna disappear or anything :)
darkhorse64: This one looks OK for promotion
Astrobytes: Should just have submitted the current one probably, it had a bug that I fixed though :D
Astrobytes: Always a losing move to fix the winning bug
Astrobytes: ahhh
ridafkih: yall ever just look at a question
ridafkih: and you know you're capable
ridafkih: but just
ridafkih: "nah" and nope out?
Astrobytes: No.
Michael_48: when the thing on the side is like 3 paragraphs and it gives like 4 variables
Michael_48: i just nope
Astrobytes: Good luck with a real life project
Michael_48: yeah
Michael_48: i have braindead attention span
ridafkih: lmao Astro
ridafkih: If it was a real life project
ridafkih: I would sit there and solve it
ridafkih: but you see
ridafkih: it isn't
ridafkih: Mans takes this too seriously
Astrobytes: Not at all. If, in fact, you're talking about a clash I don't consider them at all never mind take them seriously.
Michael_48: nahh
Michael_48: its just when the problem is trying to understand what is being asked, instead of figuring out how to code it
Astrobytes: Well isn't that half or more of the actual problem? The coding part should be the easiest.
Michael_48: right but its a coding website :/
Astrobytes: Understand the problem, formulate some kind of solution - code it.
Michael_48: comprehend the problem... spend 5 minutes reading the problem... still trying to comprehend the problem...
Michael_48: it never gets to the code part
Astrobytes: You doing clashes?
Michael_48: yeah
UnnamedCodinGamer: 6 losses out of 81 games
Michael_48: dang
UnnamedCodinGamer: solid performance
Astrobytes: Try puzzles. No time limit
Michael_48: hmm
Michael_48: maybe
ridafkih: Oh, I guess there is more stuff on this website huh
Astrobytes: No not 'maybe'. The problems are *far* more interesting in the puzzles section
Astrobytes: Eh yes
Astrobytes: Most of the guys you've seen in chat the past while do multiplayer bot programming
Astrobytes: We write bots to play games.
Michael_48: haha i just like the competitive aspect of clashes
Michael_48: but ill try out puzzles
struct: there is also ai programming
Astrobytes: Try the competitive aspect of a bot programming leaderboard ;)
Michael_48: ooou
Michael_48: :)
Astrobytes: (that's what struct means by AI programming)
Michael_48: interesting
UnnamedCodinGamer: do not get overwhelmed by bot programming if you are new to algorithms
Astrobytes: Yeh, just go with if else
Astrobytes: Learn along the way
UnnamedCodinGamer: first learn and try out algorithms in the puzzles section
MadKnight: he's just doing clashes calm down
AntiSquid: make a better one that tops them all, no need to choose then
AntiSquid: ah chat scroll :D
MeSeet: Hi all, I've got a small question, been there for a while, mostly doing clashes (I like the fact that I just have to focus for a few minutes and go away after that), but I kinda feel that I'm wasting my 'learning' time with clashes, cause usually, either I kinda have an idea how to solve them or I just skip/hardcode/random them. What would you suggest if you were in my shoes?
Astrobytes: Puzzles? Depends what you want to accomplish really.
Astrobytes: There's a whole bunch of stuff to choose from other than clashes
AntiSquid: multiplayer section MeSeet
AntiSquid: oh clobber got approved
Westicles: In computational play, clobber is generally played on a 10x10 board.
Westicles: A shame it is 8x8 here
Astrobytes: We made it that way for CG constraints, I initially wanted 10x10
Westicles: Just for the bitboards?
Astrobytes: Olympiad versions of games don't necessarily work too well on CG
Astrobytes: There's that, but you can bitboard 10x10 too it's just a little bit more work
struct: 1 thread, also timelimit is 15sec per player
struct: But there isnt a time bank
Astrobytes: Point being, there's enough there within the CG constrains to keep people busy
Astrobytes: *there in the 8x8 and *constraints (Should've used my brain to constrate) and
Astrobytes: and nothing
Astrobytes: Same goes for Amazons
Astrobytes: 10x10 on CG is not realistic compared to Olympiad conditions
Westicles: I see. No draws allowed so the game needs to finish in 150 turns or whatever
Astrobytes: There are no draws in Clobber
Astrobytes: The loser is the one who has no moves left
UwU_HEWO: sup yall
Michael_48: yoo
UwU_HEWO: :p
UwU_HEWO: wach de spam
Michael_48: umm
Astrobytes: banned
Astrobytes: Anyway, goodnight
MadKnight: Automaton2000 is anyone even still online ?
Automaton2000: i am still in bronze
MadKnight: Automaton2000 i spam AmongUs chats now
Automaton2000: and if you have a sim for
MadKnight: this game is perfect for someone when they feel like spamming
MadKnight: Automaton2000
Automaton2000: is there anything i can do that
MadKnight: yes Automaton2000, let's go play this game and spam people
Automaton2000: is there no way to be more careful