timiscoding: i've missed out on so many clashes because of the stupid security check
Stormalix: ^
Westicles: timiscoding, I thought you were a bot. Why would you want to solve the same problems over and over?
timiscoding: Westicles because they're not the same problems?
Westicles: There are less than a thousand, so you've cycled through them three times...
Westicles: Actually, that doesn't seem so bad. From the leaderboard it looks like 5-6 times through is where the highest volume guys quit
timiscoding: Westicles there's some problems i still haven't solved yet but you make a good point. still, racing against others is addictive..
Westicles: No worries, seems like there are a flood of new ones these days anyhow
milad-mehri: hi
GiangHoGoVap: bring me thanossss
hello_world_1: participate!!
AntiSquid: #clash hello_world_1
MadKnight: wow there's now a room for that ?
jacek: better there than here
MadKnight: Automaton2000 we need an automatic redirection of clash links to #clash
Automaton2000: you can try a lot of games against the boss
Stormalix: boss?
jacek: boss!
Westicles: Has anyone done these jump point search puzzles? Are they as awful as they look?
KiwiTae: jump point?
Westicles: This is the first one
Automaton2000: you could try to get better
AntiSquid: ^ wtf, nobody pinged it, shut up Autosuffisant
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 * ... sorry other person
Automaton2000: yeah that's what i'm talking about the same
jacek: AutomatonNN huh
ParallaxWave: tests are broken
ParallaxWave: aaa
jacek: huh
AntiSquid: hi
AntiSquid: the ceiling
Wontonimo: same here, weird coincidence or illuminati ?
baguettes: Is there a way to get a question after submitting it?
AntiSquid: where
Wontonimo: in Clash of code?
baguettes: Yes
Wontonimo: if you remember the name you can search for it using
AntiSquid: nah, free masons didn't build it for me, too expensive, Wontonimo
baguettes: Funny how I don't remember the problem name either
AntiSquid: :thumbsup:
Wontonimo: try the Activities->Practice instead. Easier to remember and it tracks the puzzles for you. Also, they are more challenging than CoC
Wontonimo: was the first one on CodinGame that some shared with me, and it kinda got me hooked
Wontonimo: ^ baguettes
baguettes: oO
baguettes: I found it
baguettes: Robot Ant
Kitkat260: hi, do u guys play roblux
Kitkat260: ?
AntiSquid: if you port it to CG sure why not
Kitkat260: ?
AntiSquid: but maybe you'll want to stick to 2D
AntiSquid: Kitkat260 here's the documentation
miejs: hi, does anyone know, if my contribution was rejected, does it reset the votes after editing it? I feel if I'd be stuck with a negative rating after editing my contribution, I should just create a new one instead..
Wontonimo: don't know about rejected. If it expires the votes stay but the approvals go away
miejs: that part makes sense, thanks
Saphine: #clash
Valdez001: hi
arhariss: decay
baguettes: 504 Gateway Time-out
Valdez001: y
baguettes: 🤷
baguettes: 🤷♂️
baguettes: Huh
baguettes: Website slow
Lobster_Speed: yeah website is also shit water
Lobster_Speed: Like instead of fixing their site they decide to launch a new site
Lobster_Speed: like wtf
TimV13-BBG-: make one yourself then
Lobster_Speed: ??
TimV13-BBG-: and try to let thousands of people use it
TimV13-BBG-: without it breaking
Lobster_Speed: that isn't what I am saying
Lobster_Speed: I love Coding game
Lobster_Speed: But they can't just abandon it out of nowheree
TimV13-BBG-: well it sounds like you're just trash talking their website
Lobster_Speed: No I am talking trash about them leaving this site to make a new one, without fixing the bugs on this site
MSmits: what new site?
TimV13-BBG-: sometimes that's the better option
Lobster_Speed: coding escape
Lobster_Speed: its not even fun
MSmits: that is really meant to replace I think ?
MSmits: is not
Lobster_Speed: not it isn't supposed to replace it
Lobster_Speed: It isn't fun because they basically took the challenges on coding game, over there and tried to make it a team game, which makes no sense
MSmits: you are making an assumption though, that they make a decision to shift resources away from CG to this other site and leaving problems unfixed.
MSmits: it might be completely different teams
MSmits: and the problems on CG might be hard to fix
MSmits: which is why it takes so long
Lobster_Speed: Then why did they say it was fixed tho
MSmits: no idea, i didnt follow it closely. Maybe they thought it was
TimV13-BBG-: stop complaining and make do it better yourself. they're doing their best to make something for people out there
Lobster_Speed: dude your arguement is making no sense right now I'm saying why did they launch new site knowing that old site isn't working
MSmits: from what i know of CG, bad issues like the current ones do usually get fixed asap. Its mostly little issues that get put on hold for along time
MSmits: it's better to go on the forum and make a post, first checking whether someone else hasnt already
MSmits: just report the problem and see what they say
MSmits: another thing: Enjoy somethign other than clashes and short puzzles. Longer problems and bots and such can easily be done offline. You dont need the site to be working 24/7 for that
MSmits: i am currently working on a bot and i can just keep coding, even if i cant test it yet
Lobster_Speed: yeah they said they know and are currently working on it
MSmits: ah ok, well all we can do is wait then :)
MSmits: Lobster_Speed what kind of things do you do on CG?
AntiSquid: idk, it's their internal business decision so ... on the other hand lots of people said they'd pay a premium for faster submits :D
MSmits: I would not mind some kind of premium membership but it's dangerous. It also scares some people off if they perceive unfair advantages to paying players
MSmits: faster submits is one of those dangerous things
AntiSquid: anyone else getting "Gateway Timeout" red message at random?
MSmits: yeah part of the problem I guess
2StepsFr0mHell: I don't see the link between us pushing the Coding Escape (which will be eventually on CG) and the current bug, linked to a prior release this afternoon Lobster_Speed ?
2StepsFr0mHell: wups wrong account
[CG]Thibaud: here you go
jacek: oO
AntiSquid: one of them is the evil twin
[CG]Thibaud: it was my account before I joined CG. Should have reused it
[CG]Thibaud: now it serves as a test account
AntiSquid: damn tab crashed again with gateway error message
reCurse: Oh dear the APIs
MSmits: :monkey:
reCurse: Also don't feed the trolls Thibaud :P
AntiSquid: the guy was just a bit frustrated
darkhorse64: harsh comments based on clueless assumptions -> alternate realities
AntiSquid: the part i found weird was "why doesn't CG things the way i think it's best?"
AntiSquid: do things *
darkhorse64: Why weird ?
reCurse: Oh if it was just that...
darkhorse64: It's consistent with his other statements
reCurse: My clasher radar is also scarily accurate
HunterEhrenfeld: i hate react
AntiSquid: too much self-importance
AntiSquid: why doesn't x do what i think is best, because ...
struct: I wonder what the release was :thinking:
AntiSquid: try one of the alternatives HunterEhrenfeld
AntiSquid: wouldn't recommend angular though
reCurse: I think it's time to write an anti smits script
struct: o.o
reCurse: Trigger resubmit when he resubmits uttt
struct: So many red arrows on top 10
struct: What are you doing MSmits?
AntiSquid: optimizing to the leaderboard
reCurse: MSgiri
Wontonimo: yesterday I wasn't going to complain because MSmits pushed me up 10 positions, but now that he has pushed me down 1 I have to protest! lol
HunterEhrenfeld: AntiSquid, i have to use it because its the requirement for my university project
AntiSquid: send him angry emotes in private, that will teach him, Wontonimo
HunterEhrenfeld: anyone have a favorite bot programming activity?
AntiSquid: it's not so bad compared to the others imo HunterEhrenfeld
HunterEhrenfeld: its not, i just dont like js in general lmao
AntiSquid: don't understand the last question
reCurse: Don't we all
AntiSquid: ah you're one of those people, nvm then HunterEhrenfeld
MSmits: just testing some new stuff Wontonimo :)
reCurse: You'd have more reliable results benching instead, just saying :p
MSmits: i am not benching
MSmits: when i submit its to test bugs
MSmits: i can get a lot of games quick with a submit
reCurse: I see
MSmits: and easy to view as well
MSmits: a lot of what i did these last few months is improving solver, so what i do is check my "WIN" "LOSS" output to see if it's consistent
reCurse: My performance improved disabling the solver, not sure what's up with that
MSmits: well, you dont have a lot of rollout so I'm not sure how much a solver would help you
MSmits: how it would hurt you, i have no clue
reCurse: With tree reuse and accurate move prediction it can accumulate quite a bit over time
MSmits: sure yeah, i suspect 7-8 plies deep or so
MSmits: but if your eval is good, it may not affect WR
reCurse: I'm suspecting it has either more to do with draws, or the impact of a terminal visited normally on the scoring
reCurse: It's really tricky
reCurse: Not satisfied with the answers of the paper on how to address it either
MSmits: might be different for a low rollout bot though. I guess the rest of us also have problems with draws, but because there are so many rollouts, it gets drowned out
reCurse: That's the thing, I think it may miss out on draws because of how it handles them, hence lower perf
MSmits: i tried selecting solved draws normally and backpropagating, didnt realyl matter
reCurse: It might still way underevaluate a node even if it could draw
reCurse: So it misses an opportunity not to lose
jacek: draws are so tricky
karliso: CGbench stopped working for me although IDE works: "FATAL Error while retrieving account cookie and session"
reCurse: Yeah CG updated their APIs, I notified Neumann with the fix
karliso: oh
deoignition: bro im sorry but python is ass #nofilter
jacek: oO
ButIMNotACoder: can some one teach me competetive prog
Wontonimo: reCurse are you indexing/hashing boards and if so how? (you said you are reusing them). I'm considering a custom hash
Wontonimo: i'm looking at unordered_map or just a static array
MSmits: Wontonimo are you talkng about uttt?
Wontonimo: indeed
Wontonimo: one track mind
MSmits: it's not worth it to hash for mcts in almost every game, maybe every game. For UTTT it's not even worth it for minimax
MSmits: reCurse is definitely not hashing
Wontonimo: ah, thanks MSmits !
MSmits: np
MSmits: i just tried this btw, just for lategame states
AntiSquid: butimnotacoder already offline lol, was about to share the answer to his question and the many mysteries of the universe
MSmits: because you can have a lot of transpositions with finished boards
MSmits: but it wasnt worth it even then
MSmits: also: Static array generally works best if you dont mind losing some states. That's what i do for minimax
MSmits: unordered_map/set is nice for when you need to be 100% sure every state is saved
MSmits: (but is not the fastest possible implementation that I've heard about)
Wontonimo: i'm sitting at 53rd and I've run out of bullets for optimizing hyperparameters and my current architecture. I ask about the hashing because i've only got 2 ideas for next steps : rave or RL
MSmits: there are probabyl many other things you can try. I bet I can find at least 3 you havent tried
MSmits: did you try doing something with avoiding givign away free moves in selection?
jacek: i havent tried but id say rave wont work
MSmits: like applying a uct penalty
MSmits: same
MSmits: also there's teccles
MSmits: you can do it in expansion to avoid searching other moves
MSmits: narrows the search
MSmits: also do mcts solver if you havent
jacek: msmits why so low
MSmits: just submitted a bugged bot
MSmits: i dont care what my rank is while working on it :0
Wontonimo: teccles?
MSmits: how can that be new to you ? :P
MSmits: allright, check any game between top players
MSmits: and see what player 1 is doing
MSmits: it's very easy to spot
MSmits: mine is hardcoded to do it, re curse NN just does it by training
MSmits: it emerged from training i mean
Wontonimo: oh, right, yeah the first play in square thing. I notied that a while ago
MSmits: well you can force your bot to do it
MSmits: but you can go further
MSmits: you can also do your expansion such that it only allows that 1 move
MSmits: having no branching
MSmits: you can get deeper that way
MSmits: it's not 100% always the best move, but close enough, especially < ply 20
Wontonimo: right
MSmits: and do the solver, it's quite impressive how well a mcts can solve.
Wontonimo: funny, i used to have the teccle (sp?) thing in my silver bot.
MSmits: teccles is a top 20 player, he first advertised this move (probably was known long before)
Wontonimo: ah
MSmits: but he talked about it in chat. Eyeopener for many players
MSmits: uttt doesnt have a lot of very succesful heuristics. This is an exception
Wontonimo: that's why google had nsfw results for teccles ...
MSmits: lol
Wontonimo: thought i was being trolled
AntiSquid: there's an online "solution" of how to win as player one (slightly different uttt version) which uses some similar move, maybe he got inspiration from there
MSmits: thats really funny
MSmits: i never googled teccles
MSmits: i dont get nsfw stuff
AntiSquid: not getting any nsfw stuff either
MSmits: maybe google just thinks you have different preferences :P
AntiSquid: and i have show sensitive content on
Wontonimo: you don't understand it or people just dont send you n*d*s?
AntiSquid: google does show different results based on location
MSmits: they dont send me any of that Wontonimo
Wontonimo: maybe i shouldn't search in my basement bathroom
MSmits: lol
AntiSquid: is it like one of those london underground basements?
Wontonimo: i wouldn't know, but if the london underground basements are like mine, then I'll pass and them them to have their teens clean it up
AntiSquid: google: luxury london basements
Wontonimo: those toilets are as large as swimming pools !
Wontonimo: oh, i'm using 8% of my time on delete
struct: delete?
Wontonimo: 8% - MCTS::~MCTS()
MSmits: why delete anything?
Wontonimo: i'm asking myself that same thing
MSmits: smart question
Wontonimo: Memory Leaks for the Win!
MSmits: you dont use object pools?
Wontonimo: no. i've been reading about it
MSmits: const int NODE_MAX = 35000000;
MSmits: Node nodes[NODE_MAX];
MSmits: easy
MSmits: Node* root = nodes;
MSmits: int nodeIndex = 1;
MSmits: (0 = root)
struct: Do you even get close to 35'000'000?
Wontonimo: oh. hmm... i was thinking id have to deal with delete and clean up, but since delete is not needed, then yes, make make a good point that it is easy
MSmits: struct yeah, for some versions of my bot i need to reset
uvaishzafri: don't online communities feel dark and lonely?
MSmits: use a different skin uvaishzafri
MSmits: dark is better on the eyes
MSmits: but if it makes you lonely, use light skin
uvaishzafri: i mean a dark world, away from reality.
MSmits: yeah, keep it light
uvaishzafri: feels like a different world is going on
MSmits: :flashlight:
MSmits: I know what you need
MSmits: :smile_cat:
MSmits: that was it
AntiSquid: my room is bright
AntiSquid: and i am sure the chat isn't just bots
uvaishzafri: hahaha you fell in the trap, i am a bot!
MSmits: :robot:
Scarfield: Automatons assemble!
AntiSquid: so? just have to make bots more human-like
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 already has feelings
Automaton2000: and what's the problem with that?
MSmits: :robot: :arrow_right: :walking:
AntiSquid: no problem, we are all equal bots and humans
MSmits: I think some are more equal than others
AntiSquid: like Automaton2000 and AutomatonNN ?
Automaton2000: yeah i think so too
Scarfield: :o
MSmits: thats proof, he's thinking!
MSmits: he said so!
AntiSquid: did the other one die?
MSmits: maybe it crashed when the website had problems ?
Scarfield: someone is logged in as 2000, making too much sense
esfes: AutomatonNN
struct: For the person who wanted to port pool
Wontonimo: well, placed 10 ranks worse when not doing GC ... weird
reCurse: Rankings are not reliable
Wontonimo: you spit facts
Wontonimo: not to be confused with speaking moistly
Wontonimo: (Canadian joke)
MSmits: you are both Canadian :P
Astrobytes: I keep my mask on to prevent me speaking moistly to people.
Astrobytes: *prevent me from
MSmits: make sure it has all its bits set
jacek: why russians are so obsessed with uttt
jacek: (not only them)
Astrobytes: Didn't someone make a song out of the 'speaking moistly' statement?
Astrobytes: I vaguely recall it
Wontonimo: segmentation violation, i've got the core dump blues ... :musical_score:
jacek: not the daft punk eh
Astrobytes: lol
reCurse: What do you mean, only 2 russians in top 10.
jacek: i mean in #ru etc
reCurse: Oh you follow #ru?
reCurse: To be fair the chat here has also been dominated by uttt for the past month
Wontonimo: that's my focus for this month. next month i'm on to something else ... i've got only a few days left on uttt
jacek: why would you choose february for uttt
reCurse: Least days
Astrobytes: :grin:
Wontonimo: it's already the most depressing month ... why not double it ?
Wontonimo: actually, i've had a ton of fun on uttt tbh
reCurse: I just wish it was at least balanced better
Wontonimo: the days per month or uttt?
pabx06: wtf is going one with codeingmaes my algo that was working previously now is timing off and test are so slow
pabx06: wtf is going one with codeingmaes my algo that was working previously now is timing out and test are so slow
jacek: hm?
pabx06: codeingames is laggy
struct: at least this time it was a monday deploy
Astrobytes: Yeah, pretty unusual.
Kitkat260: hi
MadKnight: hi
Kitkat260: hru
Kitkat260: hrud
MadKnight: bump
Kitkat260: why
MadKnight: Automaton2000 help me i wanna continue this joke but i have no ideas
Automaton2000: hey can somebody help me with the chuck norris puzzle
Kitkat260: ok
MadKnight: Automaton2000 okay as u say, let's just spam
Automaton2000: was my first time i used it a lot
MadKnight: Kitkat260 soooo..?
Kitkat260: so....... what
MadKnight: sooo.... hi what?
Kitkat260: how r u feeling?
MadKnight: did u just randomly say hi or did u wanna discuss stuff ?
Kitkat260: i'm lonely
MadKnight: oh okay i get it
MadKnight: Automaton2000 we got 'em
Automaton2000: i may have found a bug that i had a bad submit
MadKnight: Automaton2000 oh wait i'm not a mod
Automaton2000: try ultimate tic tac toe
MadKnight: Automaton2000 i feel like i should ban myself more
Automaton2000: so i might be wrong though
MadKnight: Kitkat260 so how old are u ?
reCurse: He left.
reCurse: And can you please stop spamming that bot
MadKnight: yea i did stop it already
jthemphill: Are all the "Automaton" users actually bots?
MadKnight: AutomatonNN say Yes
sAutomation: Yes
jthemphill: sigh
MadKnight: NN is ded
jacek: eeyup
sRanch: Automaton2000 still alive?
Automaton2000: its the only thing i could do a better job
jacek: now we have to ping euler manually
aramdov: bro string formatting in python is the worst
jthemphill: aramdov are you using f-strings?
aramdov: never done string formatting in python
aramdov: im googling hopelessly trying to do something so simple
jthemphill: aramdov
jthemphill: Python's official docs are better than most random tutorials you'll find
jthemphill: I think Python3's f-strings are about as good as any modern language has, to the extent string formatting in any language can be said to be good
aramdov: i failed this because challenge because i cant format my string
jthemphill: :cry:
aramdov: that documentation is too dense for a 15min challlenge
jthemphill: is this clash?
jacek: g strings?
MSmits: how about branes?
aramdov: str(n) * how many digits wasnt working
jthemphill: MSmits with the fiziks references
MSmits: :grin:
Astrobytes: yay supersymmetry
struct: clash said you cant do something?
Kitkat260: hey @madknight i'm back
MSmits: after update my VS is telling me I really want to use || instead of |.
MadKnight: welcome back, back
MadKnight: i found a new hobby
MadKnight: reading comments to my fav songs
MadKnight: on YT
MadKnight: but my most fav songs are not even on YT
AntiSquid: isn't YT banned in russia?
AntiSquid: i'm going to phone Putin about this
MadKnight: no way
MadKnight: absolutely no way
MSmits: yeah you cant call putin AntiSquid
MadKnight: AntiPutin
darkhorse64: pray he does not call you
MadKnight: Automaton2000 u gotta call him yourself
Automaton2000: do you find the way to go
MadKnight: that guy is actually pretty chill
AntiSquid: putin kept renewing his presidency, xi is eternal leader by new law, trump should have declared martial law and now we could all revel at the Romance of Three Kingdoms !!! Automaton2000 what d'ya say?
Automaton2000: i can't even get it to work with
reCurse: "that guy is actually pretty chill"
Scarfield: Puchilln
reCurse: Was surprised this did not come from Automaton
AntiSquid: he is fierce, but composed, a cunning leader with a charismatic aura
Astrobytes: You only get out what you Putin...
[RAINBOW]BlaiseEbuth: ...
[RAINBOW]BlaiseEbuth: Why did I came already ? :thinking:
AntiSquid: ^ what is that ?
Astrobytes: wtf is up with your RAINBOW thing
[RAINBOW]BlaiseEbuth: Peace be upon you.
Astrobytes: Have you quit worshipping satan and become a hippie?
AntiSquid: it's like someone enchanted a beating stick with a meme and then ...
[RAINBOW]BlaiseEbuth: Somebody kindly asked me to stop salt and embrace sugar.
MadKnight: sooo i tried to sing along a pretty short verse of a nice song that i liked..... and i got really tired from just following 1 verse lol
MadKnight: and i absolutely failed 1 line
reCurse: AutomatonRU
MadKnight: anyway
MadKnight: putin bad AutomatonRU good, remember that Automaton2000
AntiSquid: but some guy on a keto-diet channel (youtube) said volcanic salt is good for you @[RAINBOW]BlaiseEbuth
Automaton2000: has anyone done the chuck norris puzzle
jacek: hm
MadKnight: Automaton2000 coming up with jokes is hard
Automaton2000: and tell me if i'm wrong
[RAINBOW]BlaiseEbuth: Meh, after 3 days I'm already tired to fake I'm a kind guy...
Astrobytes: I'm sorely disappointed in you for even trying to pretend.
MadKnight: stop faking it lol, just accept it that u are an abuser and an oppressor of the minorities
MadKnight: or are u not?
MadKnight: CRINGE
Astrobytes: you high?
AntiSquid: here's the channel can't find the video, but he bought some really expensive salt if you're curious
MadKnight: yes
MadKnight: no
MadKnight: in russia it's pretty normal to joke about being an abuser Astrobytes (just to troll some people)
AntiSquid: ya different cultures . different strokes for different folks
MadKnight: true, how did some cultures come to "white bad / black good" ?
MadKnight: Automaton2000 let's not start that topic her
MadKnight: e
Automaton2000: u should make a game where you can go back to your old code
Astrobytes: Will you stop pinging that damn bot
MadKnight: i need to talk to him
MadKnight: lol
Wontonimo: we need a dedicated channel for that
[RAINBOW]BlaiseEbuth: Astrobytes, you're totally right... I will stop that now.
Astrobytes: [RAINBOW]BlaiseEbuth: good
MadKnight: then remove rainbow and all that kind of stuff from your profile lol
MadKnight: he actually put that stuff into his profile? not as a joke? Automaton2000 it's too awkward
AntiSquid: MadKnight you realize this is the same phase cyberpunk went through at the end right? he kept pinging the bots and spamming chat even talking to himself
Automaton2000: i got an idea for a multi
MadKnight: AntiSquid that wasn't his problem
AntiSquid: but it was a symptom
MadKnight: u can't prove that it's an actual proof
MadKnight: stop doing proofs Automaton2000
Automaton2000: what do you do when you have no idea how to play it a lot
AntiSquid: see ? now you're engaging in a pointless polemic trying to reason your actions ..
MadKnight: he wasn't doing that
MadKnight: anyway, where is he? last time i saw him was in that website for chess
AntiSquid: and before you know it you start blocking people with a script
AntiSquid: idk maybe still on lichess ?
MadKnight: we can check
AntiSquid: if you see him, remind him i won our chess game
MadKnight: nono me i'm not gonna check it
MadKnight: at least soon
MadKnight: Automaton2000 help us check it
Automaton2000: but once you get used to the game
reCurse: I mean you're talking with someone having 'mad' is in name and not expecting someone rambling to himself with a bot
jacek: oh, fireworks puzzle of the week
reCurse: *in his
MadKnight: i made that nickname when i was a child cmon
reCurse: Regarding to bot usage it's hard to see the difference
AntiSquid: your younger self would tell you to fix your CSB MadKnight
MadKnight: i'm just not experienced in being a social guy
MadKnight: i've been coding for too much
reCurse: Training with automaton will only make things worse
MadKnight: i actually need a whole new approach
MadKnight: well okay i'll try to find a better way
MadKnight: AntiSquid exactly
MadKnight: but that wasn't 'mad'
MadKnight: it was like 2014-2015
MadKnight: i remember exactly when and exactly for what i made that nickname
MadKnight: and it was 2014-2015
AntiSquid: maybe you should go out if lockdown stopped in your country
MadKnight: i do but i need like everyday go-out's
AntiSquid: find a mad dame or something
MadKnight: in russia it's like entirely finished unless u are 65+
MadKnight: u can even visit some shops without a mask
AntiSquid: in uk too, they call it the great reopening, you tend to get unwanted company though
MadKnight: wat
MadKnight: why?
AntiSquid: because someone calls police on you
MadKnight: but why
MadKnight: if it's a reopening
AntiSquid: it's official lol
MadKnight: sounds like it should make everything opened
MadKnight: so why the police ?
AntiSquid: "official" ... boris introduced today his 4 step plan and by june we might be fully over with the lockdown
AntiSquid: why the police? because people like to report you for whatever
MadKnight: just say "hi" to them
MadKnight: and then "bye"
MadKnight: anyway
AntiSquid: saw some videos people getting into long legal arguments
MadKnight: now i'm trying to improve my tone of how i speak
MadKnight: it was just absolutely terrible
MadKnight: the tone
MadKnight: playing a game with this dude daily
AntiSquid: so did you decide which regional accent / pronunciation you want to use ?
MadKnight: he suggested a few nice games
MadKnight: AntiSquid like for sure not a new york'ers accent
MadKnight: did i even spell that right ?
MadKnight: anyway i didn't mean an eng accent tone thingy, i meant like in general
AntiSquid: new yoker's
MadKnight: sounds like a rap
MadKnight: Automaton2000 we need a beat to that
Automaton2000: but is that the only thing that could be used in the next few days
AntiSquid: yorker's * lol sry
AntiSquid: how about yolker ?
MadKnight: naa i prefer workers
MadKnight: hmm i'm kinda tired
AntiSquid: of what? too much typing?
MadKnight: of being awake for too long lol
MadKnight: i just feel like i'm losing my ability to think because of that
AntiSquid: did you pull an all nighter ?
MadKnight: hmmm more like double all nighter
MadKnight: i don't remember sleeping last night or since then
AntiSquid: woah ! go sleep
AntiSquid: did you start seeing things yet from lack of sleep ?
MadKnight: no lol it's actually really far from that
MadKnight: i need like 3 more nights after this one for that
MadKnight: i dunno actually
MadKnight: anyway let's just talk about some code
MadKnight: so we've been discussing some WW in #ru
AntiSquid: sure do puzzle of the week: fireworks
MadKnight: my 3yo WW bot is kinda bad
MadKnight: just a bit
AntiSquid: it's derived from a jap game named hanabi
AntiSquid: and the bot version is a lot less fun than the real life card game
AntiSquid: and the inputs could have been made easier / more appealing
MadKnight: no i only like doing puzzles when i can solve them with my fancy library that is so universal that it can solve literally everything similar
AntiSquid: it's a multi
AntiSquid: co-op multi, works same way as code a la mode in that regard
Astrobytes: AntiSquid: It was in WIP for several months, you could have provided feedback at the time
AntiSquid: i was giving feedback on some stuff, he didn't appreciate it and i moved on to do other stuff
MadKnight: hey reCurse an actual question
MadKnight: any info on your uTTT bot ?
MadKnight: so i made a MCTS with 60k sims and i dunno where to go next after that
AntiSquid: ping MSmits about that MadKnight
Astrobytes: Or just get some sleep.
MadKnight: hmmm i think he's sleeping now
MSmits: nope, but soon going to
MadKnight: oh
Astrobytes: Now, for sure.
MadKnight: me and some people in #ru were asking for some hints for uTTT
AntiSquid: shadow people are real, if you don't believe me skip a few more nights of sleep you'll see them !
MadKnight: got any ?
MSmits: not really. yurko more or less knows what i know
MSmits: so ask him
MadKnight: but u know more than me for sure
Astrobytes: Yeah, 3+ days and you'll get shadow people
MSmits: thats true
MadKnight: so that's why i'm asking
MSmits: you're seriously going to work on uttt then?
MadKnight: first WW
MadKnight: a dude is waiting for me to improve it
MSmits: ok, i'd say implement teccles first
Astrobytes: Better here in World at least, rather than endless DMs
MSmits: get back to me once you've done tha
MadKnight: welll
MSmits: teccles is like -3vel for uttt :P
MadKnight: now i just gotta do it lol
MSmits: yep
AntiSquid: first you grab tickle's cat, get its DNA and convert it to bits
MadKnight: "get its DNA and stuff" ? sounds too easy
MSmits: did you write this anywhere else AntiSquid, I am starting to wonder why Wontonimo gets nsfw results
AntiSquid: i'll see myself out, got stuff to do
MadKnight: how can results be nsfw lol
Astrobytes: yeah what was all that about, I just got some random stuff and a pic of teccles himself
MSmits: no idea
Astrobytes: (Teccles the cat that is)
MSmits: maybe he mistyped it
MadKnight: it can't just be a bad number it's gotta be something more fancdy
PatrickMcGinnisII: MSmits did u use 49 bits on connect4?
PatrickMcGinnisII: for the board