Sayach8: this constant security check is making me miss out clashes.
Sayach8: anybody else facing this issue?
Sayach8: yes
Maexel: yes, it's very annoying
Maexel: although I don't get it constant . At times, it pops up before every clash
Maexel: We might get flagged as bots... :grin:
Sayach8: i get it everytime :(
Maexel: @admins is this a known issue?
Sayach8: this started very recently. Did not face this in the begining
Uljahn: captcha check starts to pop up after a number of clashes played, this counter resets after some time (like 5 hours or a day, not sure)
Maexel: need to stop... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
jacek: happy Caturday
baguettes: There's a player named "Vagina_"
baguettes: His profile picture seems gore to be honest
baguettes: **hmm**
jacek: oO
baguettes: Oo
Robin-Hood: i couldn't find my first id where is it
Westicles: Hi Robin-Hood, not sure what you mean
jacek: new account?
Westicles: Check on here:
Robin-Hood: i think they deleted my account
jacek: why
AntiSquid: this one? how many accounts are you making ??
AntiSquid: do you work for the company Robin Hood or something ?
Robin-Hood: hey it not mine i mine the horse is not my avtar AntiSquid
AntiSquid: aha ok
Westicles: I got fooled too into following. Sad
Innoble: it's a MLP, gotta be jacek's alt
Ballu-Bhai: i am sad, it was just the sum of digits in reverse mode and i was unable to see it *solution was infornt of me *
jacek: huh
MSmits: huh?
baguettes: Oo
AntiSquid: omg spam
AntiSquid: AutomatonNN ban
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to see the link in the list of stuff there is nothing to do with the de
Robinsstudio: eulerscheZahl is so famous
AntiSquid: i want to play around with something but feels like i need to roll a die and then i am not happy with the result
AntiSquid: maybe i need to make my own recommendation system :thinking:
jacek: you flip a coin not to get the result, but to see what result you hope for
UncleZam: Is this too why Anton Chigurh flipped the coin in the movie..
ParallaxWave: sup
Uljahn: just flip one-sided möbius coin with CSB on it
miejs: Hello, can anyone tell me: is it possible to search for existing clash of code puzzles? I'd like to create one but don't know if it exists already.
Uljahn: it's ok to make similar clash puzzles just don't copy existing ones
AntiSquid: nobody created a guess the lottery number clash of code, just saying
miejs: I already had one rejected because it's too similar to an existing one (even though I think mine is better and following the guidelines, while the other one isn't)
miejs: So now I want to make sure nothing like it exists before I put effort into a new one
Uljahn: was it for clash? uniquness is reqired for common puzzles i guess
miejs: yes, for a clash. and it really was pretty much the same so it was my bad
zapakh: It's all to do with which three people see your contribution first
jacek: bribe them
Westicles: no caesar/rot13, no snakes and camels, and most people don't like ASCII art
HunterEhrenfeld: Hello Friends
zapakh: Most people don't like math etiehr
Noy78: true
zapakh: Yet I'm doing one right now that's been approved and it's like two pages of storytime
Westicles: People who do so many clashes that they see the same ones over and over like to approve the ones with long descriptions, it seems. Gives them an advantage over the fresh fish
Wontonimo: i made 2 contributions. One got a lot of upvotes and one got a lot of downvotes. guess which one finally got approved? That's right, the down voted one. Just keep looking for feedback, make modifications. It can take a couple months
MasterCoderxD: hi
Westicles: I'll approve the beach one once you fix the validator
Wontonimo: Cool!
Imdone: Hi there
Imdone: guys i have question about ruby
Imdone: how can i mix two strings
tibithegreat: what do you mean by mixing?
Imdone: "0246" + "135" = "0123456"
Imdone: but short
Imdone: i have no idea
Imdone: tried with zip but didnt workout
Imdone: im not in clash by the way
zapakh: you need to flatten after the zip
AntiSquid: flatten the curve
AntiSquid: sis
DiX: I just found out that the sum of first n odd positive integers is n*n
zapakh: Neat
AntiSquid: numberphile ?
DMMVS: lol I found it there too..
AntiSquid: #clash for clash links ... don't post them here
elderlybeginner: how often CG stats (magusgeek site) is updated?
elderlybeginner: oh, constantly
jacek: eeyup
DMMVS: only java
DMMVS: if anyone wants to join
DMMVS: you are welcome
DMMVS: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Andriamanitra: you should be locked up for crimes against humanity for hosting a java only clash
jacek: shortest java?
DMMVS: only java if anyone wants to join you are welcome
- stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Wontonimo: Okay, I like this tank game that's WIP in contribution. I haven't made a good bot for it yet, but it's super easy to make an initial bot Very friendly to beginner programmers
jacek: is this... physics?
MarTiaNe: guys I created private clash of code and after each challenge it does not continue, I have to re-create every time ?
Darkdarkbruhbruhlmao: who can teach me C# advanced :<
MelCha: hello, who can help me on js
GeorgiD: In reverse mode what is the algorithm to go from 3 4 5 6 to 2 3 5 8
GeorgiD: And I cant figure out how the numbers change
awnion: it's fibbonacci numbers
MelCha: i need Help on javascrpit
MelCha: could anyome can help on javascript please?
AndreMarasca: What you need?
MelCha: i have a class Ball and i create class animation ,i want to bounce the ball
m1nicrusher: Anyone use C# in Clash of Code?
GeorgiD: Guys if 3 and 4 is 21 and 2 and 8 is 20 and 0 and 8 is 0 what is the pattern in reverse mode
GeorgiD: Because I couldnt solve it
darkhorse64: (3+4)*3
rifqiAly: the patter is like @darkhorse64 said
Astrobytes: darkhorse64: how's the boss coming along?
reCurse: MSmits: are you done soon? :P
jacek: with what? :?
MSmits: doubtful
MSmits: it's weird that this bot does so well vs yours reCurse
MSmits: it's basically the bot I had a few months ago, with an upgraded solver
dericeketli: alooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
dericeketli: where are you from?
jacek: you can see in our profiles
darkhorse64: Badly, it's sunny here ...
Astrobytes: sunny?
darkhorse64: last week, we had -10, food was frozen on the market, today +15
darkhorse64: So, I went for a ride
Astrobytes: Ah. Yeah, we had 40cm of snow, now it's pissing with rain and gale-force winds
darkhorse64: I am bitboarding the engine with AVX code. masks, shift, shuffle ...
Astrobytes: Heh heh heh, you wish for a beast of a boss
jacek: the boss?
jacek: but struct showed boss can be leaked
Scarfield: thats sounds like a bossy boss
Astrobytes: Yes, I would advise some kind of obfuscation unless it doesn't bother you
jacek: using avx is obfuscation
Astrobytes: lol, not wrong
struct: I was not the one who discovered the bug though
Astrobytes: It was the guy who suddenly went to the top really early in BR
Astrobytes: Also euler iirc
Astrobytes: It's a very peculiar 'feature' of their API imo
struct: I think its a feature that would not take longer than 10 minutes to fix
struct: But I can be wrong
struct: I think it would make a nice calsh
Astrobytes: From where we're sitting I agree with you
struct: clash*
Astrobytes: haha
Astrobytes: No, new escape room
Astrobytes: hey dericeketli: english in World chat please
Astrobytes: we're good though
beowolf23: vreun roman pe aici?
AntiSquid: good question to ask at 1 AM when most your time zone is sleeping :D
Or64bit: Hey guys
Or64bit: Anybody up that has done some pentesting before?
Or64bit: I have a really simple question and I'd very much appreciate it if someone could answer it