FlyHead: speaking of bots/NNs, is the main workflow for creating NNs just remaking the game in your own environment?
FlyHead: i've been searching and it seems like CG doesn't provide environments
MadKnight: yea
FlyHead: do a lot of people do that?
FlyHead: i'm curious what games get the most attention
MadKnight: there are referees for some games
MadKnight: like opened game sources
FlyHead: ya, i've seen the referees, that's nice
MadKnight: u can play tons of games with your bot in local
FlyHead: in local?
FlyHead: oh, like if you had your own environment
FlyHead: ya, that's why i'm a little bummed CG doesn't provide environments. other option would be to make a web scraper to pull outputs, clean em, and send em to the NN
FlyHead: would be slower, but maybe more generic, would work on multiple games
FlyHead: might be against terms of service, now that i think about it
Uljahn: the feature is just too niche, FlyHead
**smashraf321 Testing chat features...
ianc1339: the players that are on everytime since like 5 years ago
jacek: eeyup
ianc1339: btw is coc still bugged for some people?
ianc1339: i have to refresh the webpage to get into the clash
jacek: oO
GeorgiD: why do i stay alone in a room every time i try to start today wtf
jacek: forever alone
GeorgiD: Like I literally play 1 clash and then the site bugs out
jacek: oh my
Janraion: hello moto
S1geth: Hi Automaton2000
Automaton2000: because you might have to do to make it even worse
S1geth: yes
Audatic: how do I approve a submission?
Audatic: I want to do it and according to my next progress icon its also what the site wants me to do it, but I don;t know how
Scarfield: Community -> Contributions -> Make sure it works, statement/validators and so on are acceptable for being approved. You need 50+ Clashes played to approve a clash of code, and lvl 20+ to approve classic puzzles
Audatic: ah I am only lvl 9, I guess that is the missing one
Wontonimo: anyone know a fast way of calculating UCB1 ? It's taking a wooping 37.5% of all my compute time in uttt. I made a log lookup and that shaved some off, but only slightly
Wontonimo: a bitshift psudo log also helped
Wontonimo: ah , i see there are fast approximate sqrt functions online ... okay, now I feel like I'm just talking to myself
Automaton2000: could be a good idea
alpha..: :rolling_eyes: Automaton2000
Automaton2000: and i am in the morning
jacek: Wontonimo sqrt is done in 1 instruction. UCB shouldnt be the bottleneck unless the rest is really really optimized
Wontonimo: my ego wants to say that the rest is really optimized, but maybe i'm just recalculating it too often
jacek: so we can assume it isnt
Wontonimo: oh, yeah, the plain-old-sqrt is faster than the "fast sqrt"
Wontonimo: yes, that's a very safe assumption :)
jacek: maybe sqrtf but i doubt it
Wontonimo: thanks, i'll investigate why I'm calling UCB SOOOOO MUCH ... it must be my last bug lol
MSmits: doubtful :P
Wontonimo: yeah, it was a joke :P
jacek: btw do you call log(parentVisits) for every children or just once?
Wontonimo: well, now i'm just embarrassed
MSmits: inline float fastlogf(const float& x) { union { float f; uint32_t i; } vx = { x }; float y = vx.i; y *= 8.2629582881927490e-8f; return(y - 87.989971088f); } inline float fastsqrtf(const float& x) { union { int i; float x; }u; u.x = x; u.i = (1 << 29) + (u.i >> 1) - (1 << 22); return(u.x); } inline float rsqrt_fast(float x) { return _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_rsqrt_ss(_mm_set_ss(x))); }
MSmits: use that
MSmits: the uct function is a child method, gets as parameter the sqrtlog of parent
Wontonimo: I follow, nice!
MSmits: i havent found faster than this, but some other methods are equally fast
MSmits: well... i fact storing the rsqrts in a cache is like 5% faster, but don't... just dont. It's ugly
Wontonimo: is "const float& x" significantly faster than "float x" ? I'm assuming yes because there isn't a copy made
Wontonimo: (in the function parameters)
MSmits: i have no clue, i googled these and tested them
MSmits: possibly the compiler is smart enough to do whatever i sbest?
Wontonimo: thanks ! gotta go
jacek: its inlined so no difference :?
jacek: ryzen 5800x :heart:
MSmits: np, cya
jacek: finally new computer arrived
MSmits: ahh nice, congrats
MSmits: how expensive are these ryzen things compared to a regular computer
jacek: what is regular computer now?
MSmits: no idea, i suspect 1k euros for a reasonable one, including a typical gpu?
MSmits: been a long time since i got new hardware
jacek: ryzen 3000 series were very good in perf/price comparison at the time
jacek: now everything went up due to BTC and covid :unamused:
MSmits: I see
jacek: mine is about 2k euro for ryzen 5800x + gtx 2060
jacek: + the rest (32GB RAM etc)
MSmits: mmh not a bad price at all
jacek: i couldnt get the 3xxx
MSmits: did you want an expensive gpu for training NN?
jacek: fortunately what i do is very parallelizable
jacek: yes, eventually
MSmits: what do you do?
jacek: right now im training NN in cpu only
jacek: well for example generating games is parallelizable
MSmits: yeah that makes sense
MSmits: just make sure you dont do FastRand with a fixed starting seed or something
MSmits: or you'll do the same games in parallel :)
jacek: im using custom xorshift
jacek: though one time i forgot to seed it...
MSmits: yeah thats what i meant
jacek: auto now = high_resolution_clock::now();
auto nanos = duration_cast<nanoseconds>(now.time_since_epoch()).count(); seed = 33*nanos + 12345; seed ^= uint64_t(&nanos);
MSmits: ahh ok good
jacek: or could have called random_device()() for seed
MasterCoderxD: hi
-oa-: hi
GeEexpert: tutoubheras pas la balle on te fait la bresdilienne euhhhhhhhhh*
GeEexpert: chico chico hola hola girls tu toucheras pas la balle ont te fait la bresilienne e
Wontonimo: @jacek the obvious optimization of calculating log once (which I really should have seen) made a huge improvement! Thanks
CrusherBrooks: so... basic I/O question, but how am I supposed to debug in python when the "game" takes any print as a command? lol
Wontonimo: print("my debug statement", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
Wontonimo: ^ that's how you print debug in python. The game doesn't read your debug statements and instead just displays them
CrusherBrooks: never learned about debug statements in uni. oh well
Peanutbutter_Warrior: you never printed everything to find that one annoying error?
CrusherBrooks: eh... only manually, using print
Wontonimo: no errors, no need for debug
Uljahn: there are hints in some puzzles on the left side of IDE, check them
Peanutbutter_Warrior: thats what you're doing here, using print. the file argument like that is specific to codinggame
Wontonimo: what?? I've been on this site for 4 months and I haven't noticed hints?
CrusherBrooks: I saw the hints, but they didn't address my question :P
CrusherBrooks: what do you mean by "printing everything", btw?
Wontonimo: the print like that isn't specific to CG. It works in all python and redirects that print statement to standard error
Uljahn: there is a commented line in default code then
Uljahn: # To debug: print("Debug messages...", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
Peanutbutter_Warrior: yes, but when debugging normally do you direct it to the error stream?
CrusherBrooks: I just print out what I want to print out and see if it's right
Uljahn: that's not normal
Wontonimo: @Peanutbutter_Warrior that's the normal way on CG.
CrusherBrooks: well, that's why I ask lol
Peanutbutter_Warrior: yeah, im saying its not the normal way in most other ides
Wontonimo: use the sys.stderr redirect. But I have seen some people just concat their debug at the end of output. It only works for games where it is supported, like some bot games. Don't depend on the concat option
CrusherBrooks: yeah I used the sys.stderr, it worked. Thanks guys :)
RSBat: Peanutbutter_Warrior it is quite normal - Intellij ides even support different colors for stdout/stderr
Wontonimo: @jacek btw, calc log once moved me from g12 to g6, a bump of 1.5 points. another 2.5 points to go to get to legend ... i can smell it from here
struct: do you have teccles heuristic Wontonimo?
Wontonimo: @struct no ... what? is that something that you can share?
darkhorse64: You have the pragmas ?
Wontonimo: just #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast", "inline", "omit-frame-pointer", "unroll-loops")
struct: If the board you are playing is emtpy force enemy to play on that board on the next turn
struct: if top left is empty
struct: you play 0 0
struct: And he must play on that board
Wontonimo: yeah, i saw that while watching reCurse and others in the top
Wontonimo: i've been meaning to implement that, but haven't yet. thanks for the reminder
Wontonimo: didn't know if it was just coincidence or actual heuristic, now that i know its an actual thing it is bumped up in my priority list. Thanks!
Wontonimo: @darkhorse64 are there other pragma's that you'd recommend? I really only have ~40hours of c++ under by belt at this point, so I'm just shooting in the dark about pragmas
Wontonimo: actually, hold that. MSmits recommended a bunch of others that i haven't been able to get working. let me work on that first
darkhorse64: The other pragmas matter only if you want to use SSE, AVX SIMD programming
darkhorse64: which is yet another level
darkhorse64: Mostly useful for bitboarding although some people also write sim engines with SIMD
Wontonimo: :thumbsup:
JLukeSkywalker: so my csb was all messed up because distance formula had x1-x2 and y1+y2
JLukeSkywalker: i hate single character mistakes that dont actually error
Wontonimo: an assert will turn that into an error for you
Peanutbutter_Warrior: Has anyone done CGX formatter and know what the test case means when it says 'block without spaces not containing a value'?
Peanutbutter_Warrior: because I'm failing the test for it, but I've no idea how. Testing everything I can think of it meaning passes
Peanutbutter_Warrior: nvm i found the problem, apparently without spaces does not mean not havving spaces
DomiKo: CG stats isn't working?
Astrobytes: seems fine for me DomiKo?
DomiKo: hypersonic working too?
Astrobytes: what position and what league you in?
DomiKo: 7place
DomiKo: I tried anyone from top10
DomiKo: and nobody is working :(
Astrobytes: In legend I presume. Could be an error, best to ping Magus
DomiKo: omg
DomiKo: my bad :(
DomiKo: I picked contest
DomiKo: insted of multi
DomiKo: ehhhh
Astrobytes: ahhh lol
Astrobytes: I've done that before :D
DomiKo: My friend send me wrong link
DomiKo: and I didn't think of this
Astrobytes: hehehe, it happens
Audatic: I want more code golf challenges but there aren't any
JLukeSkywalker: you can solve each one in 5 languages
JLukeSkywalker: really, whoever wins one wins the other, golf-wise they are all the same
Audatic: yeah but to actually win them you have to know the languages extremely well
Audatic: maybe I should just create my own one :)
JLukeSkywalker: my point is, as long as you can solve the puzzle, the leaderboard will be the same for every single golf puzzle
JLukeSkywalker: adding more is pointless
Audatic: why? The solutions to the puzzles are different paths that require different ideas?
JLukeSkywalker: but golfing the code is the same
JLukeSkywalker: otherwise they could just make every single puzzle on here a golf
Audatic: yeah I don't get why they don't do that. You seem to suggest that golfing is pointless because you can always do it the same way, but that is no true. Otherwise why would entire websites to golfing different problems exist?
Audatic: maybe it's true for simple problems like "sum the square of these numbers" but surely not for more complex tasks
reCurse: For sheer entertainment purposes
reCurse: It has no practical value
Audatic: yeah this website is for me purely entertainment, I am not learning here - some people might but I don't.
reCurse: Sure, it's valid, it's just maybe the least popular section here.
JLukeSkywalker: just as an example, power of thor and dont panic are insanely different puzzles/algotithms
JLukeSkywalker: while 1:e=s(c-a);f=s(d-b);c-=e;d-=f;print([,'N','S'][f]+[,'W','E'][e])
JLukeSkywalker: while 1:f,p,d=I().split();print("BWLAOICTK"[[e[f]<=int(p),e[f]>=int(p)][d[0]>"L"]::2])
JLukeSkywalker: yet the golfed code is just almost exactly the same
Audatic: reCurse Yeah but ClashOfCode seems popular and it's entertainment for 90% of people playing. I think there could be more interest - but maybe people don't like code golf that much for various reasons
reCurse: To better express what I think you're saying here, the most efficient codegolfing entries are about hardcoding the validator answers rather than having a program working as intended for all inputs.
reCurse: So it's much less about the actual problem
struct: The only popular thing are contests
JLukeSkywalker: well, that is part of the problem, but both solutions i posted were not hardcoded
reCurse: Ah, my bad.
JLukeSkywalker: when you golf it, every solution in that language is just the same
JLukeSkywalker: for example python is just an input into an indexed string or list print
JLukeSkywalker: 99.9% of the time
reCurse: Audatic: I think there is a certain pretense of how useful it can potentially be elsewhere. Codegolfing is definitely at the bottom, so it probably doesn't help its popularity.
reCurse: Of course clashing isn't that much better for how useful it can be, but it's arguably better than golfing.
JLukeSkywalker: plus clash has some python/ruby golfing in it
Audatic: I think those might be similar but my current solutions to chuckNorris,Temperatures and Thor are completely different.
Audatic: I do the clashes because of the golfing, it's just not as interesting as the problems are very easy. But I do get that golfing is maybe the least appealing one
Wontonimo: i think a huge lure to CoC is that it is a small commitment of time to see some results. I think that's also the lure of bot games where the valid moves are provided. Super fast to create something
Wontonimo: how i got on CG was a friend suggested CSB, then we competed in some challenges, then competed on cave dweller, then I discovered CoC then I quit CoC
Audatic: I actually haven't tried the bot-programming because it seemed like such a big time investment, but maybe I should check it out. Is there in general a best solution or is your solution depending on other players?
Astrobytes: Well, you're trying to beat the other players bot at the game in question.
Audatic: but I can't just do a MinMax Tree search and be done with it because of time constraints? Or are the problems usually NP-hard?
JLukeSkywalker: there are time constraints
JLukeSkywalker: usually ~100ms
Astrobytes: That's where the fun starts
JLukeSkywalker: per turn
Astrobytes: A lot are 50ms
Audatic: okay - I can see the appeal but I can also see the time sink potential :D
Astrobytes: There's a reason we're all here you know :P
AntiSquid: masochism
Astrobytes: lol
DomiKo: time sink is huuuggeee
DomiKo: once you fall into the hole, you can't get out
Audatic: yeah that seems a bit scary :D Sorry to come back to this, but how can I create a Golf challenge?
FlyHead: what games have yall been spending time on for the bots?
struct: only by creating private golf clash
struct: and then inviting people
AntiSquid: don't think you can, apart from creating a clash of code shortest mode :/
FlyHead: i'm not too deep in it yet, but i'm drawn toward the resources ones like ghost in the cell and the ore harvest one
Audatic: Why can't I create it via contribute? Like make my own challenge for people (and myself)?
AntiSquid: unless maybe you wanted to do an optimization puzzle in that direction, like cgfunge ?
struct: you can create a clash puzzle
Astrobytes: Well sure, you can create a shortest mode clash as a contribution, or do something like squiddy suggested there (good idea)
Audatic: yeah but I want some code golf where you spend hours/days not 15 min. Like the 4 we have on the website
JLukeSkywalker: cgfudge takes weeks
JLukeSkywalker: im still not done with mine
JLukeSkywalker: took a break from it with bots
AntiSquid: have a look, it's not really the same but sort of same principles
Astrobytes: tbf, there might be better places than CG if you just want straight up golfing
AntiSquid: very much so
Angecide: using this is it possible to, instead of me vs enemies, pick a player using agentId and let it play against the enemies to gauge the strength of that specific bot?
Angecide: like let's say I wanna see how strong someone on top 10 is as player 2 against other top 10 etc.
DreadMCYT: i am horrible with bots and ai's
DreadMCYT: an i have to make one
MSmits: Angecide i am not sure if this is possible with cg bench, but there's no reason it should not be possible to create a tool that can do this, as you can also do it in the IDE
Angecide: ye that was my thoughts as well
Angecide: btw msmits, on your new bot, how much loss % do you have as p2?
Angecide: like purely as player 2
MSmits: didnt test. But if you just want to know what the p1 advantage is in general it's about 65-70% vs 30-35%
MSmits: I think the better the bots are, the more biased towards p1 it becomes
darkhorse64: MSmits, I am looking for the thesis which explained a variety of MM algorithms. Sorry, I failed to bookmark it
MSmits: I think i know which one you meant sec
Astrobytes: carolus?
darkhorse64: yep
MSmits: damnit
Astrobytes: hah!
darkhorse64: You remind me the name
darkhorse64: thanks both
Astrobytes: np
Astrobytes: I accidentally submitted in oware :(
darkhorse64: does it hurt
darkhorse64: ?
Astrobytes: not particularly but it wasn't ready for a submit
darkhorse64: dead last ?
Angecide: I see, I guess those numbers are for bots on similar level I imagine, since top 3 probably have below 50% loss as player 2 against bots lower than top 10
MSmits: yeah, i mean similar level
Astrobytes: no 10th currently darkhorse64
darkhorse64: thzt
Astrobytes: 11th
darkhorse64: that's good for a failed attempt
Astrobytes: yeah it didn't have a typo or anything but I didn't want to submit at all, it'll probably end up where it was before
darkhorse64: 1000 more CP
jacek: huh
DreadMCYT: all i am getting is this
DreadMCYT: at not in a function on line 24
Astrobytes: typo
DreadMCYT: if next_checkpoint_angle > 90 or next_checkpoint_angle > -90 then
DreadMCYT: i am doing the Pseudo Code Algorithm wrong i think
Astrobytes: if next_checkpoint_angle > 90 or next_checkpoint_angle > -90:
Astrobytes: Do you know python?
DreadMCYT: i am trying something new
Astrobytes: 11th, meh. Stupid ankles.
Astrobytes: I figured that
Astrobytes: CG isn't the best unless you have the basics down pat already
JJ-TT: what would be good for revising the basics?
Valdez001: acho que algoritmos
DreadMCYT: what is the best code for my first bot
RSBat: anybody from top gold/low legend in uttt running MCTS here?
RSBat: how many rollouts per turn do you have?
struct: yes
struct: 25k+-
struct: on 2nd turn
DreadMCYT: need help with something
jacek: oh my
JohnathanBarbee: I'm in gold in UTTT and I'm currently trying to implement MCTS
DreadMCYT: line 6 on my coding is incorrect
jacek: missing : ?
JohnathanBarbee: what language?
jacek: gold without MCTS? what do you use now
RSBat: thanks, time to optimize a lot then
struct: I doubt uttt legend with python is feasible
JohnathanBarbee: I did a really simple fitness score that weighed each valid move for the optimal strategy. Highest fitness score was my next move
Angecide: the trick is to use c++ to get into legend and then switch to python
aetrnm: Hey guys, any option to simulate backspace here in c++?
DreadMCYT: i am doing the tutorial on how to make an AI/Bot
Kaldorem: same
DreadMCYT: and i cannot figure this out
Kaldorem: which problem?
DreadMCYT: Pseudo Code Algorithm
JLukeSkywalker: think he means the csb onboarding
Astrobytes: It tells you the logic, you have to implement that in whatever language
Astrobytes: you can post your code here
Astrobytes: It will automatically pastebin and someone will take a look
reCurse: Oh wow it's fixed
jacek: bad indent?
struct: shift tab the print
JLukeSkywalker: yeah, get the print out of indent
Astrobytes: been fixed for a wee while reCurse (and remained fixed!)
struct: tab the if else*
JLukeSkywalker: and put thrust in the print
JLukeSkywalker: instead of 80
struct: replace the "80" by thrust
Astrobytes: everything needs to be in the scope of the while loop
struct: I didnt do it
struct: Also does thrust need to be declared?
Kaldorem: you can declare it or write it on the print instead
Astrobytes: uh, if it's before a conditional I think so
Astrobytes: who knows though, it's python
struct: missing :
struct: after else
struct: else:
Astrobytes: paste the code again
struct: declare thrust
Astrobytes: ^^^
Astrobytes: set it to whatever BEFORE the if else
jacek: this is really very basic syntax problem, something out of scope of noviceness of CG
Astrobytes: jacek: I tried to tell them earlier
struct: you need to ident the stuff inside the if and the else
Astrobytes: Python needs indentation
Astrobytes: You need to practice python. For real.
Andriamanitra: is that not what they're doing..?
Astrobytes: Andriamanitra: not effectively on here, CG won't help you learn the basics if you don't know them
JohnathanBarbee: I disagree
Astrobytes: That's outside the scope of CG, unless you're a very enthusiastic dedicated learner.
JohnathanBarbee: They very well could be
Astrobytes: In which case they'd have looked up the correct syntax already
struct: Unless you are already familiar with programming
JohnathanBarbee: not necessarily. They may not have known what the issue was to look it up.
Kaldorem: Or you can google it as you find it
Astrobytes: We have told them the issue
Astrobytes: And they're new to coding
Astrobytes: *issues
DreadMCYT: i figured out what was wrong
Andriamanitra: gj mate
Kaldorem: that's nice! :D
JohnathanBarbee: Awesome
Astrobytes: I give up.
JLukeSkywalker: csb can only turn by 18 degrees right?
JLukeSkywalker: and does it turn, then thrust?
struct: yes
JLukeSkywalker: ty
DreadMCYT: is this code good XD
struct: Nice copy paste
struct: You are only cheating yourself but w/e
jacek: oO
Astrobytes: Now I could say "I told you so" or I could just gloat silently.
JohnathanBarbee: Again thats assuming that he uses that code in his bot.
JohnathanBarbee: But do either one
struct: You are right
struct: Reading code is fine
struct: I jumped to judgement
JohnathanBarbee: @struct you're good. I was mainly talking to astro
Astrobytes: Whatever.
TomiiPomii: why don't some people share their code
JLukeSkywalker: sometimes because they are already on the next clash
JLukeSkywalker: click submit, click play again
JohnathanBarbee: ^
JLukeSkywalker: also some of those 'people' are bots
JLukeSkywalker: idk if the bots share
Astrobytes: You can also PM them or ping them, sometimes people just forget
Astrobytes: Not sure if the bots do or not tbh.
Scarfield: You can PM the bots to ask
Astrobytes: GoodTimingField
Scarfield: HowSoStrobytes
Astrobytes: It was a good moment for you to pop up and make that comment is all :P
Scarfield: oh, yea im helpful like that
Astrobytes: I meant to send you this when you were here previously:
Scarfield: lol xD
Astrobytes: How's your chess?
jacek: cheesy
Astrobytes: :smirk:
Astrobytes: Did you bitboard it yet jacek?
Astrobytes: I'm not starting until I'm finished with the outstanding multi contributions.
Scarfield: havent done anything the last couple of days, but "done" with the most of the bitboarding. Need to add en passant, and avoid adding moves that either result in a check, or doesnt reject a check
jacek: not yet. got into checkers now
Astrobytes: Nice Scarfield.
Astrobytes: Ah checkers is hot because of reBless?
Scarfield: ye, i really wanted to do EPT for it, but will probably do minmax, still havent decided :)
jacek: im gonna learn how to deal with endgames and draw cycles
Astrobytes: I think everything is fair game in 960 Scarfield.
Astrobytes: Training on endgame tables jacek?
jacek: nah. detecting 3-fold repetitions
jacek: and treating it as draws in selection
Astrobytes: oh yeah, crap, I remember you said the other day
jacek: this way the 'winning' will avoid those, while the 'losing' will keep repeating those
Astrobytes: Yes, makes sense.
jacek: my bot can get into good position and it knows its good, but can't finish it
Scarfield: are you using zobrist, im probably gonna try it for this bot
jacek: i never used zobrist. i just hash entire position
Astrobytes: jacek uses his own special hashing method, everyone else zobrists
Scarfield: xD
Astrobytes: jacek, you know it does hash the whole board state right
Scarfield: hmm just thought that a transpostion table wouldnt take 3fold rep. into account
DreadMCYT: i beat boss 3 and i am not going further i did the boost code
jacek: Astrobytes as i understand, zobrist is just incremental hash, so its faster. but this isnt my bottleneck
Astrobytes: yeah that's fair enough jacek
Astrobytes: Scarfield: Might require extra space in the entries, or maybe a repetition table? I'm actually not sure
Astrobytes: DreadMCYT: you progressed to next league?
Astrobytes: You said you beat Boss 3
Scarfield: im still far from starting to implement TT, but i think i would just have to ignore the potential error from different "repetition tables". seems way more expensive to take into account than its benefit
Astrobytes: Sometimes sacrificing computation/access time can be beneficial, but yeah I couldn't comment currently tbh
jacek: or use EPT and stop dealing with TT :v
Scarfield: xD or that
Astrobytes: He did think of it :)
AntiSquid: massive eruption at etna today
JLukeSkywalker: lol this is hilarious, put in angle based PID into csb, and it isnt tuned yet
JLukeSkywalker: it still made it
Astrobytes: JLukeSkywalker: in gold now?
JLukeSkywalker: no, not tuned at all
Astrobytes: AntiSquid: it was about due one really
Astrobytes: Gold is literally just the formula MK gave you - nothing else other than your vel calc
Anonymous_axel: how do i fix this error Timeout: the program did not provide 1 input lines in due time... will no longer be active in this game.
Astrobytes: You may have actually timed out, not provided a newline after outputting, or failed to provide output
JohnathanBarbee: Could be a couple problems. Biggest one is infinite loop or not outputing a string fast enough
Anonymous_axel: its on coders strike back on the tutorial
Anonymous_axel: tried everything but keep getting same error
Astrobytes: Is there a run on CSB this evening?
JLukeSkywalker: i mean it is the onboarding, they are probably all new to the site
JLukeSkywalker: all MK told me was 'subtract velocity'
Astrobytes: Yeah but unusual to get a glut like this at this time of day.
Anonymous_axel: yeah im new to coding :/ i wanted to learn ha
JLukeSkywalker: i ran a full PID based on distances and tuned it, and was still silver 24k
Scarfield: have you just gotten to a new league Anonymous_axel? the inputs change from league to league in some games
Anonymous_axel: im on wood 2 league
Anonymous_axel: it says i can now use distance and angle
Scarfield: In CSB the input changes thoughout most of the leagues, that could be your issue, if you just ranked up. "Restore default code" in top right will give you the new basic code to read the input. Remember to copy the code you wrote the paste back
Scarfield: *to paste back
Anonymous_axel: ok i just reset the code
Anonymous_axel: now im not moving
JohnathanBarbee: Right. you have to paste back in your code. and alter it to accept and use the new variables given
Scarfield: ^
Scarfield: but im off for now, gn all
Anonymous_axel: oooh ok thanks
JohnathanBarbee: gn
Anonymous_axel: i copied and pasted the psuedo code it still isnt working i should give up haha
Astrobytes: gn Scarfield
Astrobytes: Anonymous_axel: it's 'pseudo' code for a reason - it's not actual code
Anonymous_axel: so how do i apply it?
Astrobytes: What language are you using?
Astrobytes: brb, 1 min
Astrobytes: ok, less than 1 min. Well the pseudo code is almost python, if you can use python you can translate it easily.
Anonymous_axel: ill copy and paste the code here
Anonymous_axel: how do i apply it as a code?
Wontonimo: python needs things like ":" at the end of if and else blocks
Wontonimo: don't paste it as-is, read it over and use it to write python
Astrobytes: ^
Anonymous_axel: do i just use print"nextcheckpointangle"?
Astrobytes: Look up how to do these things in python
Anonymous_axel: still not doing it im so confused right now
Anonymous_axel: it fixed it for fist tutorial now i just need the angle
Astrobytes: ...
Astrobytes: Maybe try an easy puzzle instead?
Astrobytes: You don't *have* to do this tutorial if you struggle with it.
ianc1339: try this out
ianc1339: good for starting out python
DreadMCYT: i need help with boost
RockNTroll: B O O S T
iiAbusinq: whats a widely used programming language which is fun to learn?
Wontonimo: rust
Wontonimo: bwah hahaha
iiAbusinq: i honestly have no idea what im doing
Wontonimo: fun? tell me more about this word. If you want fairly easy, i'd say python. If you want to know what is happening on the metal, c/c++. If you'd like something like c but with training wheels, java
Wontonimo: if you want to make games with unity, c#
Wontonimo: webpage stuff, javascript
iiAbusinq: Easy to understand the basics, don't want to be able to do the diffucult big code things etc yet, but i'd really like to learn the basics of coding
JohnnyLuke: if you just want to learn to code for fun, i would say python
Wontonimo: have you tried scratch by mit ?
JohnnyLuke: if you want to learn to use it later professionally, i would say learn a flavor of c
Wontonimo: it's "fun"
JohnnyLuke: drag'n'drop code
iiAbusinq: So that'll help me understand basic terms I guess?
Wontonimo: and it's turing complete. I gave my kids an assignment to implement the sqrt function using division, multiplication, and the newtonian method.
Wontonimo: yeah, it will definitely help you learn the basics of "if" statements and logic if you've never coded before
iiAbusinq: I understand the concept of the if, then, else, etc
Wontonimo: have you watched "the coding train" on youtube? Fun guy. He does mostly javascript and "FUN" projects
iiAbusinq: but i don't think I can use them correctly
iiAbusinq: I'll check that out!
Wontonimo: he does a wide range of stuff and publishes nearly every day
Wontonimo: he shows his mistakes and debugging also, so for a beginner that stuff is gold
iiAbusinq: Would you say this site would be any use to a beginner beginner like me? or should I come back once I got the basics under control haha
JohnnyLuke: i would say try the on-boarding puzzle and 1 or 2 easy puzzles
JohnnyLuke: if you cant do those, come back
iiAbusinq: Any way to sort on easy puzzles?
JohnnyLuke: if you hit practice, there is a pre-sorted easy category
Wontonimo: yeh, let me find a couple for you
iiAbusinq: What do the starts represent, ratings of difficulty, or how much they'd suggest me doing those?
Wontonimo: and then try
Wontonimo: and then, if you can do both of those, try
Wontonimo: The puzzles become a lot harder after these