FlyHead: i'm trying to get the "fast and furious" achievement (3rd in CoC path) and even though I'm finishing in less than 3 mins, nothing's happening :/
FlyHead: anyone else have trouble with it?
KiwiTae: FlyHead refresh maybe u need to finish 2clashes in less than 3min
KiwiTae: cg is still bit laggy rn might take some time to update
FlyHead: maybe achievements are at the end of the queue
geriatric1927: I don't know why but the test runs slow now a days
esfes: is clash of code slow for you too ?
Andriamanitra: the whole site has been slow af all morning
Uljahn: yes, but there is nothing we can do about that just wait for admins to fix it tomorrow
TBali: :abacus:
TBali: :floppy_disk:
TBali: :cd:
TBali: :dvd:
Saad-py: Can CodinGame make a super easy practice category for noobs like me
TBali: hmm, webchat retired the abacus emoji but not the floppy disk one.
TBali: keeping up with the modern times...
TBali: :fax:
TBali: we have fax emoji, good :-)
TBali: :iphone:
TBali: colling this one 'iphone' is just uterly bad. why not 'smartphone'?
TBali: * calling
TBali: the only company brandname in the whole set.
kshncodes: anybody still clashing rn?
kshncodes: What lang do u use primarily?
kshncodes: oo nice.
kshncodes: python's really good for the "shortest" challenges
kshncodes: I use JS here
kshncodes: what do you work in that requires cpp?
trashcan06: I usually use cpp for competitive programming as it's very fast and its STL library is excellent
Saad-py: hey Anyody knows how to solve the Chuck Norris problem, I mafde progress but I am stuck
jacek: have you seen hints
trashcan06: Not sure what the problem is. Can you proved the link?
jacek: kshncodes there are multiplayer bots on CG
jacek: meh checkers submit is so slow
Angecide: just trying to play my bot in local is slow
jacek: checkers is unique. 100ms and max 300 rounds. since draws are common in checkers, it accounts 30s for a game
trashcan06: @Saad-py here:
KiwiTae: trashcan06 avoid giving other people solutions lol, they dont learn this way
KiwiTae: better check whats wrong with what they do
Audatic: I'm also stuck at Chuck Norris 134 chars Python3. Can you do it iwhtout groupby?
Rocky[KGF]: Guys our new project was going on Girhub Photon
Rocky[KGF]: i have a problem why i Quest map not responding clash of code i play many clashes but not achivement get plz help me let play a clash
Rocky[KGF]: [CG]Thibaud
KiwiTae: Rocky[KGF] maybe u need to win the clashes?
Rocky[KGF]: i win many clashes
Rocky[KGF]: KiwiTae
KiwiTae: then which one is blocking you?
jacek: apparently there are some problems with quest map
KiwiTae: ah k dunno for me worked finr
Rocky[KGF]: what i couldn't understand KiwiTae
Rocky[KGF]: this is not good
B1ts: It's same for me, stuck at 43 clashes or so, even tho I played around 60 by now
Rocky[KGF]: You have same problem B1ts
NOTsteve: My quest map is not updating for Optimization, I scored 40K points in CVZ almost 24 hours ago and the leaderboard has updated with my new score but the quest map still says I only have 20000 points... any help with this?
Amitabh2: can't you read?
NOTsteve: Lol yes, just now seeing it, I didn't realize someone else was having similar issues. thanks Amitabh2. So we are just waiting for the quest map to get fixed?
Amitabh2: yeah, wait for monday
Abdulrahman_98: is the site lagging ?
muraterogl: Yes
C_breeze: very very slow - thought my machine is busted
Audatic: Does somebody want to help me at the chuck norris code golf? I am stuck for 2 hours now
authmane512: yes it's lagging for me too
SpockyB: Who can fix an issue with credit not being granted for a 100% achievement?
Tuo: nothing seems to be working atm
Legent: Yeah, I can't seem to join a clash!!
C_breeze: server must be down?
jacek: multiplayer games work :v
darkhorse64: jacek: do you remember how to test locally the statement ?
jacek: when i was doing game you could only upload to test
darkhorse64: The doc says you can do this but it's highly unclear to me. Uploading is kind of overkill for text editing but that's ok
darkhorse64: thanks anyway
Wontonimo: @darkhorse64 are you talking about downloading the multiplayer game locally, and trying to run it by the command line?
jacek: i recall they added that after i made my game
Wontonimo: I downloaded the uttt game and the instructions say "Launch `src/test/java/` to launch a local game with `` vs ``" in the
darkhorse64: No, I do tests on the platform itself. My game and bot are quite simple. I want to check the look of my statement
Wontonimo: i don't follow, what statement?
MyMonkey: The blurb that describes the game rules, inputs, outputs
Wontonimo: would you be able to make a temp in/out contribution and past it in there, go to preview to see it, then delete that contribution (cuz it isn't an in/out)
darkhorse64: I would rather not to upload the game just to check the html.
MasterCoderxD: hello
Orip: this site is lagging for some weeks..
MasterCoderxD: can any of u tell me, how many people r really using codingame? like people who r kinda active?
MasterCoderxD: yeah it's lagging too much :persevere:
MasterCoderxD: hello?
Peanutbutter_Warrior: yo
jacek: well its weekend
FlyHead: and it's early
FlyHead: in US
MasterCoderxD: can any of u tell me, how many people r really using codingame? like people who r kinda active?
MasterCoderxD: like a guess maybe?
snehil_001: will start when full?
MasterCoderxD: yeah
vidraa: why r these servers so bad
JohnathanBarbee: Because it's free
JohnathanBarbee: I don't really have server issues though
darkhorse64: The site works much better usually. Don't judge by this weekend
Wontonimo: reminds me of the skit "everything is amazing and nobody is happy"
sylq: Servers have been particularly slow on sunday recently. Not much of a problem otherwise.
HARISMEHMOOD: try this private clash boyss
Wontonimo: and also at midnight GMT (which is 7pm my time)
Wontonimo: but, the recalculations and server restarts have to happen sometime
RockNTroll: Site has been very slow lately for me
Orip: ye
Orip: working btw
jacek: oO
struct: Site has been lagging since database update
struct: 16 hours ago
darkhorse64: hey struct, do you know how to test locally stub, statement ? I also cannot remember how to record moves for the starting replay.
struct: http://localhost:8888/statement.html
struct: stub.html
darkhorse64: Connection failed. Do I need to install something ?
struct: is the referee running?
darkhorse64: No. Ok, that's the part I missed ?
struct: I think so
struct: if you use the same port as the default
struct: it should be it
darkhorse64: Rereading the doc ...
struct: Why?
struct: you can get to the test.html page right?
struct: If I run that is inside
struct: I can get to those pages
darkhorse64: It works. I just did not understand that I must run the test app to access these goodies. Last question: do you remember the name of the app that many people use to generate fancy title logos ?
struct: no, I dont think I ever used it
darkhorse64: Thanks anyway. I think the game is complete but still need some polishing touches
jacek: polishing eh?
darkhorse64: I can do it myself :grinning: Do you know how to generate logos ?
jacek: dunno ~
darkhorse64: :disappointed:
Astrobytes: Clobber eh
Astrobytes: Hm, I can't even upvote it...
jacek: machine learning?
jacek: looks amazony
Astrobytes: No, it's quite different
Astrobytes: You've probably come across this one in papers
jacek: i meant the graphics :D
Astrobytes: Ah. Well, yeah
Astrobytes: "Special thanks to s truct for providing me with his referee code as a basis for this work"
struct: frames seems a bit fast
Astrobytes: I don't mind it like that tbh
struct: yeah, we can change speed if its needed
esfes: coding game is not loading
esfes: wtf
darkhorse64: Actually struct did most of the job even he does not know it. I took his code base and tailor it to Clobber. I agree that I should change some colors. However, a checkerboard is a checkerboard and a pawn is a pawn
Astrobytes: It's fine as it is tbh, doesn't need anything fancy
jacek: submits overloaded
Astrobytes: I mean, if you want to change the discs to smiley faces don't let me stop you :D
darkhorse64: I think so but I do not mind changing a few things. I think the player UI can be improved a bit if I look at other multis. Struct, you might interested to see how I managed to deal with upper left corner for the graphics and lower left corner for the coordinates. Any way, your code is quite easy to work with for a weekend project
darkhorse64: Especially, when you are writing Java code for the second time in your life
Astrobytes: I keep putting off making morpion solitaire for that exact reason.
struct: I will check it out
struct: I did not spent a lot of time on player UI
struct: I think the best player ui there is currently is from chess multi
Astrobytes: Agreed. It's rather excellent.
struct: But I did not want to copy it
struct: I copied highlit moves
struct: highlight*
darkhorse64: Yes, the highlighting is nice
darkhorse64: Your code almost makes me want to redesign Breakthrough. The "random" input is also a nice feature.
jacek: thats reCurse thing i believe
struct: yeah
struct: also from recurse
ChrisSkyRo: is codingame having problems at the moment?
ChrisSkyRo: I solved a puzzle but the achievements won't unlock
Farcry69: I have the same problem :(
Astrobytes: Yes, it's a known issue. Should be fixed tomorrow.
Farcry69: I mean I can't Submit the puzzle, it's loading
jacek: or the next production cycle, friday evening
jacek: yeah, leaderboards not working too
Astrobytes: lol, those friday pushes
elderlybeginner: bot battles are lagging horrible :(
Astrobytes: Won't be fixed until tomorrow unfortunately :/
jacek: lets spam csb submits
jacek: especially if youre top gold
Astrobytes: lol
MSmits: evil
elderlybeginner: [python] having numpy grid (meshgrid), and having (x, y) of a point on that grid, how to get tuple index where that point goes on grid?
elderlybeginner: or to put it differently: how to find which region is a point in
jacek: chat lagging, not one answering
Astrobytes: I had nothing to reply with
DomiKo: everything is lagging :(
suleyman-kutukoglu: just pending results..
jacek: oh my
jtsimmons: What is going on with this site? Is it always this unusable?
jacek: just today
Astrobytes: Nah. There are problems at the moment, should be fixed tomorrow.
reCurse: Always deploy on Fridays :+1:
Astrobytes: At least they're consistent about it.
jacek: tweaking params in checkers. it seems much stronger but starts to draw against weaklings
Astrobytes: Hm, there's a bug in my clobber
struct: jacek is it also NN?
jacek: yes
jacek: training in progress
Astrobytes: overfitting against the top?
jacek: nah, just trying to figure out the draws
jacek: eval says something like 0.8 but goes in circles
jacek: it can be in favorable position but can't deliver the final blow
struct: do you use end game tablebase?
jacek: no
jacek: im playing around with 3-fold repetition detection and giving it negative value
Astrobytes: My clobber bot must be the fastest bot I've written
jacek: you just clicked test in arena?
Astrobytes: No I wrote a full bot
MyMonkey: fast and full ?
Astrobytes: Could be faster, didn't bitboard it yet
darkhorse64: what do you mean by full ? With a search ? Actually, I have not thought a lot on a bot. It's quite binary, either write a game or a bot not both
jacek: youre gonna need a boss
Astrobytes: Yeah, with a search
darkhorse64: a depth 0 search
Astrobytes: No, alphabeta
darkhorse64: depth 1
jacek: and whats your eval
darkhorse64: mobility
Astrobytes: number of available moves
Astrobytes: yeah
darkhorse64: "les grands esprits se rencontrent". This is what I have in mind for a boss
jacek: schmetterling!
Astrobytes: Limit the depth and it should be a decent boss
darkhorse64: Mind you, the only alpha-beta I ever wrote is for TTT bronze
cricri10000: I submitted with this account too but CG leaderboards are still dead
jacek: and contributed to the overload
Astrobytes: Ofc. Some MCTS variant would be good here I think.
darkhorse64: I have also found people combining heuristics and table base
Astrobytes: I must admit, although I've seen it in papers I haven't researched it today. Just went straight for the alphabeta since the sim was super easy
Astrobytes: And I was up till 0530 this morning, drinking beer, Zoom 'party' with some friends. Got up about 12 with a massive hangover. Quite proud of my achievement this evening :P
BilalTanerr: why is soo lagging
Suleyman_Brnabar: so its not only me who is laggy?
darkhorse64: Site is zombie this weekend
Suleyman_Brnabar: sad(
Astrobytes: BilalTanerr: there's an issue with the site, it's known. Will be fixed tomorrow most likely.
Audatic: Is it allowed to write about your solution online?
Astrobytes: Audatic: on a blog or something?
Audatic: yeah basically in my git repo
Astrobytes: Sure. Try not to post full code though.
Audatic: hard to do I want to show different code golf solution. But I wouldn't show anything to get into the top10. Maybe top 100
Astrobytes: Better to show the methods/tricks than the full code no?
Astrobytes: With explanations.
Astrobytes: lol, alternative Smits
Audatic: Yeah true, but I guess anybody with some desire to reconstruct it based on my explanation could :D
Innoble: yeah i messed up on my first day outing my alt
Audatic: ok but I got your sentiment :)
darkhorse64: upvote it :innocent:
Innoble: i need to use an alt or i cant get into IDE's
Innoble: my main account is still bugged
Astrobytes: I knew your innoble name anyway from before
MSmits: ahh ok
Astrobytes: The whole site is bugged
MSmits: seems so
Astrobytes: And yeah, clobber is cool
darkhorse64: uploading multis and upvoting still works :innocent:
Astrobytes: Upvoting wasn't working earlier but it is now
jacek: priorities right
Astrobytes: btw: In computational play (e.g., Computer Olympiad), clobber is generally played on a 10x10 board.
darkhorse64: More seriously, I have been toying lately with fireworks. There are only 13 people but I find it interesting. I can change it to 10x10 but given that you have one hundred choices on the first moves, I was afraid of having completely clueless search
cricri10000: Might be worth trying it out on second level? Just to test it.
struct: I also want to try fireworks
Astrobytes: Fireworks is cool, I still didn't finish my bot
Astrobytes: It's quite different to most games on here
jacek: like :notebook: :volleyball:
darkhorse64: Changing from 8x8 to 10x10 means completely different optimisations and different bots
jacek: i would keep 1 version
cricri10000: What I mean is make the second level 10x10 so it can be tested.
cricri10000: (for WIP I mean - not final)
Astrobytes: I feel I have split identities here.
darkhorse64: Interesting idea for WIP. I'll do that
darkhorse64: ... tomorrow
Astrobytes: :)
Astrobytes: Give your ankles a rest
darkhorse64: :smile:
N-ONE: i wonder why this website is damn too slow ?
Astrobytes: N-ONE: there's an issue currently, won't be fixed until tomorrow at least
N-ONE: oh , i see
N-ONE: i thought someone is ddosing the site lol
Astrobytes: Nah, just an internal issue
jacek: ddos from 95% users
Astrobytes: lol
N-ONE: haha
struct: they moved all the servers to escape
N-ONE: what is escape ?
N-ONE: is that a state ?
Astrobytes: Nah, someone was complaining on discord that even escapes were crawling
Astrobytes: N-ONE: No it's a new type of collaborative game format that CG is testing
Astrobytes: *new collaborative game format I should sleep soon
N-ONE: wow pretty cool , making a mix of the 3 different modes would be also cool
N-ONE: or not . lol
struct: you mean CoC?
Astrobytes: N-ONE: Do you know there are multiplayer bot programming games, optimisation games, non-timed puzzles and non-timed code golf on here?
struct: The only similar thing to CoC is the difficulty of the stuff you have to code
N-ONE: yeah i know there is bot programming, idk about optimizations ,,, i am still getting used to the website
catalactics: Lag incoming
Waffle3z: the request access email is taking time to send
cricri10000: N-ONE: cool, just as long as you know that clashes aren't everything ;)
Astrobytes: woops, I should close that window
derjack: eeyup
Astrobytes: lol
Maexel: half of the time in clashes is taken by evaluating :frowning:
struct: yes
Astrobytes: Yes, there are currently server issues. should be resolved after tomorrow.
Astrobytes: where is the !serverissues bot command
jacek: AutomatonNN what are he issues
AutomatonNN: emh is always the same to me
Astrobytes: lol
KodluYorum: now the worst
E-B-A: Lag Lag Lag
rozbrajaczpoziomow: why are the servers so slowwwwwwwww
rozbrajaczpoziomow: test cases take foreverrr
Astrobytes: Astrobytes 09:25PM Yes, there are currently server issues. should be resolved after tomorrow.
jjhiggz: Yeah, it seems like codingame is now unplayable for me, I'll probably crush some hackerrank today. I do love this website though
jjhiggz: Always my number 1 to reccomend to my students
reCurse: Don't forget to also recommend not behaving like an idiot in chat
Astrobytes: +10000
rozbrajaczpoziomow: whatever i'm quitting until the server issues are fixed, i can't even start a private clash
Astrobytes: Since nothing is working particularly well that is a very good idea.
3ataja: sucks
3ataja: i guess i'll go write a contribution until all is fixed
Wontonimo: The bot battles are still working, albeit slow. I finally got my c++ uttt bot deployed and it's working well. Bye bye silver league
CyrusTheCurator: having way too many issues too
Astrobytes: It'll be better tomorrow
darkhorse64: You now have 10x10 board in Clobber
MSmits: as for 10x10 vs 8x8. you just have to figure out the complexity of the game. If it is complex enough in 8x8, then that is more convenient
MSmits: doesn't it have a high branching factor in the opening?
MSmits: I suspect worse than yavalath
darkhorse64: 8x8: 112 possibles moves turn 1
MSmits: yeah, i really wouldnt worry about it
MSmits: it's just as complex as D&B i think
MSmits: it's not very bookable either i think, except for countering players that always play the same moves. But it's useless to try and counter them when they can just submit a new version
MSmits: othello and oware have a far smaller branching factor which is why it's a better option there
MSmits: and yavalath *seems* to have high branching, but it's an illusion because most moves are losing
darkhorse64: My (unsubstantified for now) is that the high branching factor at the beginning may impact strongly the quality of search. Table bases are important because as the game progress, you have pawn islands which you can solve independantly
MSmits: that might be something to check. Are most moves losing? Or are there many good ones
darkhorse64: my concern
MSmits: ohh pawn islands, like the amazon islands
MSmits: that could be a concern yes
MSmits: depends on how quickly they appear
darkhorse64: I'll let the multi in wip for a while to gather more knowledge and let people decide which version they prefer.
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: if you hadn't caught me mid-uttt addiction, i would have jumped on that immediately
darkhorse64: Take a bit of fresh hair with other multis
Wontonimo: addition ... if anything that's an understatement for you considering you've made 3 entirely different versions and it sounds like you are on your 4th
Wontonimo: for anyone still on, it looks like the server is behaving better. bot battles are at least progressing at their usual speed
RockNTroll: the bots are fighting back
Astrobytes: you've done it already, nice darkhorse64
Astrobytes: Like I say, just there so people can experiment. 8x8 might suit CG more, we'll see
MSmits: he just went to bed
Astrobytes: ah
MSmits: i should go too
Astrobytes: me too, I just popped on to check stuff before going
MSmits: allright, gn!
Astrobytes: gn!
DrQuarius: dang, server lag rn?
Abdulrahman_98: its so lagging !!
Wontonimo: got to gold in uttt, but for some reason I'm not getting my "Reach the gold league in any game" reward :(
Alshock: rewards are fucked up atm it seems
Alshock: so dw
sashaGrey: hi
Wontonimo: good to know
Wontonimo: hi sashaGrey
GiacomoFitzmaurice: anyone in the chat got much experience with routing in react?