lllllllllllllll: what is the best programming language for practical use
gabe2code: obviosly, javascript
JLukeSkywalker: just had a clash of code made by Fillan, reverse where you had to make an ascii thing that looks like __|__ |___|
JLukeSkywalker: 100% tests, 0% verification
JLukeSkywalker: everyone got a 0%
JLukeSkywalker: tried looking it up on the CG Puzzle search, but it isnt on there
Westicles: It was approved a half hour ago. Just downvote and the moderation bot will get it
Medshay: how do i become a mod?
jacek: fiest become div
Medshay: what is div
Vigasaurus: division :P
Vigasaurus: first become /, then you can become %
Medshay: wow those are words of wisdom
eecho: finally understand the gameChat Log (talk)perfect!! It's so interesting
Medshay: how do I revisit the question after clash?
BelusKirill: Влад какой-то пишет на c# какой-то бред
TWrecks: What the hell is this?
TWrecks: All the clash questions are crap.
TWrecks: How do I engage with them at all?
TWrecks: It's making me cranky.
Tuanas: let me teach u some vietnammese
lopidav: TWrecksyou can evaluate clash puzzle after clash is done. There should be a form on the results page
lopidav: if a puzzle gets evaluated too poorly it'll get deleted from the roster
EntropyThot: dna denialism ftw!
ShawnHeyli: prout
Stan2703: Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout Prout
ShawnHeyli: frout
Stan2703: Ah
Aegnor615: mrout
Stan2703: crout ?
ShawnHeyli: les bonnes croutasses la
ShawnHeyli: prout ?
Stan2703: Prout ?
ShawnHeyli: prout
ShawnHeyli: prout sur toi mon frère
Boitapain: PROUT
Stan2703: Un grand sage a dit : "Un beau prout c'est bien, sauf quand t'as la chiasse"
ShawnHeyli: j'en suis ému... c'est beau
Uljahn: please use english here, or go to #fr
Stan2703: OK sorry bro
Boitapain: Fart
jrke: is just me or thr game refree showing that big avatar
Uljahn: wow very large
jrke: oh its already big
plushaty: 500x500
random12313: how can i like floor division
random12313: but not floor divison
random12313: example 0.99 to output 1
Vigasaurus: for the former, most lanugages have a ceil
Vigasaurus: the latter would need a round(1) or similar
random12313: math.ceil is the answer
lopidav: hi all. In js how do I overwrite fetch so on client-side so when the response is there my code is executed?
Vigasaurus: you'd need to use the promise `.then` format (or async) and then supply a callback - see:
lopidav: oh, thank you very much
lopidav: ok, doesn't look like that's what I need. Fetch is not performed by my code. I try to detect when it's performed, catch the data, and do some stuff. Do I need to overwrite "then"?
Rocky[K.G.F.]: hii
Saad-py: I made a library to make life easy for programmers, gonna release next week at
Saad-py: Be sure to checck it out after release
Saad-py: Name for lib is NexusZ
Saad-py: PLS sheck it out next week
uvBoss: anyone on who can help me with mars colonization(puzzle XD)?
Rocky[K.G.F.]: see the problem again and check what was the situation good luck uvBoss
uvBoss: ?
uvBoss: whats that supposed to mean?
uvBoss: @Rocky[K.G.F.]
uvBoss: oke
uvBoss: ty
TWrecks: I may or may not be able to help
uvBoss: npnp
Rocky[K.G.F.]: hey u have to find the minimum wireless transmission distance required for the wireless transmitters, accurate to the nearest 2 decimal places.
uvBoss: here?
Rocky[K.G.F.]: it is not private chat
Passifi: oh sweet jesus finally a puzzle of the week I can solves ,oh the joy :)
Passifi: I'm pretty sure last weeks problem is going to take me another week to solve :upside_down:
CALLmeANIKET: python coders are not coders they are script kiddie
CALLmeANIKET: they just apply functions and libraries
Passifi: so anyone who isn't coding in assembler isn't a coder ?
muraterogl: You need to write machine code directly, otherwise you are a script kiddie
muraterogl: All languages have pros and cons, python is really good for creating working prototypes in short amounts of time. Don't need to be toxic about it
Uljahn: libraries save your time which is the most valued resource
Passifi: and if you want to be toxic about it concentrate on its true flaws the way its syntax look :thinking:
Passifi: code is like live. it needs brackets and semicolons to be beautiful :)
CodeHub-CreamPy: CALLmeANIKET is sad... give him/her hugs
Wontonimo: no thanks
Wontonimo: @Uljahn spits facts, libraries save time
Wontonimo: "Script kiddie" - that's the funniest insult I've read in a long time. I guess I'm a script kiddie then and have been for over 30 years. Makes me feel young, thanks.
CodeHub-CreamPy: being a script kiddie means re-using already written program without knowing how to replicate that said program (for me that is)
Uljahn: b-but you can't debug your code if you don't understand how library algorithms work and how to detect their possible nonsensical behavior
dCSeven: Beeing able to debug ones code and knowing how libraries work are two different things (at least for me) The core point of the script kiddie thing normally is, that libraries one doesn't understand can do a lot more than what is needed, which can cause performance, security or other problems --> knowing how things work and what they do before using them is key to avoid later problems
catostefa: help
JLukeSkywalker: with wat
catostefa: we are in the basement
catostefa: play
live207reed: we are in the basement
live207reed: we are in the basement
catostefa: in my house
live207reed: we work for EA, we make Battlefield yet we shit on blacks
[CG]Thibaud: :eyes:
catostefa: it is joke
live207reed: ITS NOT JOKE!!!!!!
Uljahn: that's not clever
catostefa: about blacks
Uljahn: please stop, guys
catostefa: Ukraine is threatening us with pigs
bobrdobr228: we will be raped we will be killed, help me we will be raped we will be killed, help me
Uljahn: wth
jacek: schmetterling?
JLukeSkywalker: doest seem like a bot, eventually they will run out of accounts or free time
CodeHub-CreamPy: ughhh optimization is giving me a hard time
Spacialman: Luke.....
Spacialman: I am not your father.
Spacialman: YEES
Spacialman: some one know something
depthzer0: :joy:
Spacialman: Kylo
Spacialman: I am definitely not your father
Spacialman: But, I am your grandfather
Spacialman: @depthzer0, I just realized what your background is.
depthzer0: good job, son
Spacialman: Well lets just say it's about 215.6 million miles from earth
Spacialman: traveling about 6,000 miles per hour. and it is about 96.1 million miles away from mars.
jacek: would 600 frames be enough?
jacek: over 3 billion devices
BIG_DA_WAE: who uses bash?
BIG_DA_WAE: and vbs
BIG_DA_WAE: ...?
BIG_DA_WAE: :disappointed_relieved:
jacek: why would anyone use such esoteric languages
BIG_DA_WAE: bash?
ERF4N: I like to learn bash, do u have any resource ?
BIG_DA_WAE: im still new
BIG_DA_WAE: sorry
BIG_DA_WAE: about that
BIG_DA_WAE: im following you right now
BIG_DA_WAE: you might be helpful some day
jacek: oO
BIG_DA_WAE: oO what?
BIG_DA_WAE: oops that didnt come out right sorry
BIG_DA_WAE: you ever tried making a fake virus using vbs?
BIG_DA_WAE: just to troll your friends
jacek: i havent trolled anyone like that
jacek: i just run fake update if colleague forgets to lock his computer
BIG_DA_WAE: lol how?
BIG_DA_WAE: wow you made this or did you find it?
BIG_DA_WAE: do they got one for chromebooks
jacek: no i didnt
BIG_DA_WAE: chromebooks?
BIG_DA_WAE: any more stuff like this?
jacek: dunno, its a common prank i just googled first site
BIG_DA_WAE: oh well thanks
dbf: eulerscheZahl, when your game will be promoted as the puzzle of the week?
jrke: he was hoping that game for official contest on CG but unfortunately .....
dbf: I know, but I think CG guys mentioned that we will have some promoted puzzles?
AntiSquid: you can spam non-clash puzzle links in chat, it's what clashers do with coc anyway @_@
AntiSquid: therefore: promotion ! lol
dbf: it was promoted in CG telegram channel, but still to few players :(
AntiSquid: cg has telegram ?
jrke: what cg has telegram? really?
AntiSquid: 4 even
AntiSquid: 1 clash, 2 russian, 1 "studenti",
AntiSquid: haha:
dbf: lol, it is just a community chat, not official
jrke: lol
AntiSquid: i am not criticizing, just laughing at the guy asking for english on there
jrke: `before the exams` same my situations
jrke: gn going to have some rest
AntiSquid: good memes on there:
dbf: @AntiSquid here is a valid one:
AntiSquid: ya but i don't speak russian, i didn't even learn your alphabet
dbf: should not be very difficult - some of the letters are the same
AntiSquid: stuck arguing with the chatbot:
jacek: AutomatonNN would pass
AutomatonNN: kutulu is popular one that is cool
dbf: don't give up!
j_barbs: lucky numbers is wild
dbf: lol, I see you passed the bot and enjoying russian now
AntiSquid: was hard though
dbf: next level is to join codingame chinese channel in wechat
AntiSquid: hm, i would but wechat randomly suspends accounts "due to suspicious activity"
AntiSquid: even on chinese sim card
KiwiTae: just need to avoid a few words
jacek: like?
KiwiTae: free the uighurs
KiwiTae: taiwan is an independant country
KiwiTae: or posting an image of winnie the pooh
KiwiTae: :grin: im sure there are plenty others
Kitkat260: sup guys
IgnacioGb: hi is "bc" allowed in bash?
Ladycoder_08: :expressionless:
jacek: ^_^
IgnacioGb: i answer myself. Yes it is
jacek: :o
mr.Ozzi: Hey guy's
mr.Ozzi: How are u?
mr.Ozzi: me2
mr.Ozzi: ha ha ha LoL
krsthe1st: take it bro, it's all for you :)
Spacialman: I promise this is not spam.
Spacialman: It is something I found and I'm trying to figure out how it works.
Spacialman: HI
Spacialman: How are you?
YOYITsM3M8: late response eeeeeee
sinteclado: Hi, how can i submit a challenge to clash of code?