GoogleJeff: you're hired!
GoogleJeff: j/k i can't actually hire people
Sarzorus: Honestly, seeing d2hf's comment made me a little happy. Job searching has been gross lately.
Sarzorus: Even though I know it's not just me I'm glad to see it isn't just me
GoogleJeff: :(){ :|:& };:
KiwiTae: there are tons of jobs
KiwiTae: depends what u looking for
KiwiTae: maybe u can improve how you sell yourself for them hehe
d2hf: congrats GoogleJeff, you just matched the profile I'm searching for
KiwiTae: :joy:
Extrimizz: :bug:
AntiSquid: #clash Nicky1812
Sacrilegious: How can I know if mine can be upgraded to next level?
Monstrux: Sacrilegious, you're coding code royale as well?
KiwiTae: oh code royale the one with the towers and giants?
AntiSquid: can you upgrade CIF mines?
wlesavo: can you upgrade OOC mines?
Uljahn: Automaton2000: can you mine OS upgrades?
Automaton2000: i want to get into top 10
JuB420: does someone have diamonds?
jacek: huh
Uljahn: deadly diamonds of death?
AntiSquid: this ?
AntiSquid: " Diamond gives your 8-bit Atari a high-tech graphic user interface."
Astrobytes: loving the MAC/65 program at the bottom
DaNinja: requires 48K memory!
Lafihalas: Hey guys, what happened to the interface for ghost in the cell, when it is in "windowed mode" aka. not fullscreen, only the top left section of the game is shown, the rest is cut off, its a little better proportion that is shown on HD, but still the part is cutoff, and that part gets bigger the more i increase the size of the section where i write code
eulerscheZahl: just tested this with my own Casio fx-991 PLUS. also getting the Pi :D
Astrobytes: I tried with my Casio fx83GT+ and discovered it is dead. Not going downstairs for the other one right now so will take your word for it
eulerscheZahl: oh, RIP Casio :(
Astrobytes: I think there's 4 of them in the house in total, scattered around
Astrobytes: plus a big chunky graphing one that I haven't used in years
Astrobytes: haha the best forum post of all time:
darkhorse64: PEBCAC Hall of Fame
eulerscheZahl: and such an accurate description of the problem
Astrobytes: :D
eulerscheZahl: reminds me of some colleagues "your program is broken"
darkhorse64: Typical User Story: Description of the problem: the program crashes. Expected state: the program does not crash
darkhorse64: me: Moved to rejection
eulerscheZahl: me: fix later when another user complains with more details
Astrobytes: when I used to work full time at a pharma distribution place, I came in after hours to do some labelling and paperwork to a note that said: "Stopped labelling, machine broken". We had 10 labelling machines.
eulerscheZahl: lazy colleague
Astrobytes: That was a long evening.
Astrobytes: And our labelling software ran on a really old NT machine
Astrobytes: Horrible, horrible software.
Astrobytes: *label design software that is
eulerscheZahl: and the funny thread got closed :(
257832: Ah yes. Sorry eulerscheZahl, I broke your toy. ^^
eulerscheZahl: i wanted to know which puzzle was 100% broken
BlaiseEbuth: He gonna post on the dedicated thread... Perhaps
eulerscheZahl: but first someone doesn't understand the site at all
BlaiseEbuth: Again...
eulerscheZahl: i don't think this requires an answer, enough said in that thread already
Astrobytes: "I just need the method signature and I will implement"
Astrobytes: some folks need to lighten up a bit
Skynse: Does the language used determine how fast a bot will perform?
Skynse: for instance, if I used c++ instead of python, would it respond to input faster
eulerscheZahl: yes. but that's only a concern for more complicated puzzles and bot programming
eulerscheZahl: back to the other topic: apparently the Temperatures puzzle is broken :D
AntiSquid: meaning ?
eulerscheZahl: catch up here
eulerscheZahl: and then have a look at the temperatures puzzle thread
eulerscheZahl: 171k users who solved it were wrong :shocked:
AntiSquid: bug exploiters should be banned
Astrobytes: Man, so many bugged puzzles. It's a wonder so many people keep using the site :P
Dartisan: Automaton2000 Please fixe that ;-)
Automaton2000: i am not even a ga
Hjax: oh noes temperatures is broken
Hjax: im glad someone pointed it out
Hjax: :P
Hjax: its funny because if the site ever glitches and breaks an easy puzzle, no one will believe whoever is reporting it
Majeck: I mean
Majeck: If the person was really insistent then somebody would probably test their answer again
Majeck: and if it failed then we'd know the puzzle was actually broken
Astrobytes: There is the odd glitch now and then, but 99.99% of the time it's PEBCAC
Majeck: PEBCAC?
Astrobytes: Problem Exists Between Chair and Computer
Majeck: That's amazing
Majeck: I'm adding that to my vocabulary
SPDene: similar to an ID ten T error :P
Astrobytes: lol, there's a few variations of it. Keyboard and chair etc
Astrobytes: and yeah SPDene :D
Dartisan: I hav more to smile on the link Euler posted and hoped Automaton2000 would fix it ;-) Problems could always exists. I don't even know how Codingame manages all the Language upgrades, knowing newer languages could be challenging.
Automaton2000: if you guys have any idea why?
AntiSquid: he should have been more specific what is bork. i remember one puzzle was randomly passing or not passing for a language and i had no random lol
Dartisan: oh my first bots I wrote, I used also random, and it is not so long ago ;-)
eulerscheZahl: my favorite PEBCAC variation: layer 8 error (in reference to the ISO-OSI model)
Skynse: "OSI"
jacek: guys, can you solve it
jacek: its not coc
eulerscheZahl: what's the task?
jacek: whats in the '?'
eulerscheZahl: so i have to come up with my own rules?
eulerscheZahl: reverse clash
jacek: eeyup
PatrickMcGinnisII: must be a polish thing
jacek: polish remover thing?
PatrickMcGinnisII: the answer is 21
AntiSquid: you need to figure out the pattern basically ...
eulerscheZahl: 21 is only half the truth
AntiSquid: why not 42 ?
jacek: why 21 D:
PatrickMcGinnisII: eulerscheZahl g/j
AntiSquid: whatever the pattern is it's confusing af
jacek: maybe brain's nn isnt powerful enough
PatrickMcGinnisII: the shaded regions should = 100 and the diff of the light ones should sum to 100, hench 21
eulerscheZahl: maybe those are just random numbers arranged to drive you nuts
PatrickMcGinnisII: but 1/2 of 42 is great
eulerscheZahl: 100 for shaded sounds very arbitrary to me
eulerscheZahl: any indications why this should be true?
jacek: and why diff of light ones, they dont sum too 100 hmm
Christakool: does anyone find a job here?
jacek: ask euler has much they pay him for being mod
eulerscheZahl: how much?
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh, u r right
PatrickMcGinnisII: the diff doesn't work
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm
eulerscheZahl: my payment is free trolls messaging me when i use my mod powers
jacek: - taxes
eulerscheZahl: but as a more serious answer: some companies use codingame for recruiting
Kr3sZ: but not microsoft... xD
eulerscheZahl: they'll give you a link and you can solve preselected tasks
eulerscheZahl: on the other hand, what does not work: have a profile here, solve some puzzles and hope to get contacted by a company
jacek: :(
PatrickMcGinnisII: what's the answer jacek?
BlaiseEbuth: Wait What ?! I'm waiting since more than 5 years and you're tellin' me I will not get a job like this ! :rage:
jacek: i dont know :D
eulerscheZahl: google image search is useless
eulerscheZahl: for more than 5 years, not since ;)
eulerscheZahl: and it's true, you are here for ages :o
jacek: how come you have solid? i have clock
BlaiseEbuth: Yeah... It's CodinGame here not TranslateGame ! ^^
eulerscheZahl: i'm on winter time now, i don't need a clock
eulerscheZahl: always waking up too early anyways
eulerscheZahl: so, who else wants to do a google image search and tell us what they get?
jacek: perhaps MSmits will make opening book for that
Astrobytes: Possible related search: ecuadorian serie
Astrobytes: ^from the puzzle image
jacek: soccer?
Astrobytes: seems that way
Astrobytes: yandex gives: 2020fw Travis Scott Whoisjacov Pocket Cargo Pants Men Women Joggers Drawstring Sweatpants Cactus Jack Trousers - купить по цене
eulerscheZahl: that's a long one
eulerscheZahl: higher odds that any is true
Astrobytes: thanks Patrick
eulerscheZahl: you found the toad
BlaiseEbuth: :o
PatrickMcGinnisII: guess it works
eulerscheZahl: i have a fun collection of hypnotoads. like
eulerscheZahl: but using that might make me look like a Trump supporter
Xerock: hello do you know how to convert a phrase into binary ?
eulerscheZahl: chuck norris puzzle?
Xerock: exact :)
eulerscheZahl: depends on your programming language
Xerock: python 3
eulerscheZahl: binary = "".join(format(ord(char), '07b') for char in input())
eulerscheZahl: credits to Uljahn, i copied from his published solution
PatrickMcGinnisII: even after perspective correction, google thinks its a barcode
eulerscheZahl: do you know what URL shorteners are?
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok ok
AntiSquid: how come that link doesn't get picked up by CG's pastebin thingy?
eulerscheZahl: no http or www
BlaiseEbuth: no \n
eulerscheZahl: typed the link from the top of my head, not even sure if it does what i want
AntiSquid: :(
AntiSquid: 4th and 5th grade maths ... they must have done something similar in class, know the pattern or how to look for it and now call that educaycion
jacek: edacuyation
PatrickMcGinnisII: back to PEBCAC
PatrickMcGinnisII: best result is a variation of magic square
PatrickMcGinnisII: since 67 is prime it shouldn't be a multiplicative thing
eulerscheZahl: i factored the numbers too. nothing that sticks to my eye
PatrickMcGinnisII: shaded could be in x,y and non shaded in y,x limiting answer range 1..9,1..9
eulerscheZahl: i'll go with just random numbers
Drakkhonian: for j in range(len(message)) :
aux = message[0:j] print(j) print(message[j])
Drakkhonian: somehow this gives me index out of range
Drakkhonian: for j in range( len(message) ) :
aux = message[0:j] print( j ) print( message[j] )
Drakkhonian: jsut for clarification it gives me the error on the print( message[j] ) line
eulerscheZahl: works fine for me
Drakkhonian: did i break the compiler? lol
eulerscheZahl: no error
Drakkhonian: yeah, strage as hell
eulerscheZahl: not strange. the error must be at a part that you haven't shared
Drakkhonian: thing is, if i comment the message[j] line the error goes away
yurv: when j=len(message) message[0:j] is ok message[j] is out of range, right?
PatrickMcGinnisII: try lem(msg)-1
PatrickMcGinnisII: len
eulerscheZahl: try sharing more code
Drakkhonian: wait, does len() shouldnt include the last number, should it?
Drakkhonian: range(4) should be 0 1 2 3
eulerscheZahl: range(len(string)) goes from 0 to length-1
eulerscheZahl: message = aux
Drakkhonian: it wont run on the snippet cause no inputs
eulerscheZahl: what i expected: you shorten the message in that loop
PatrickMcGinnisII: range defaults to include last # unless you add a start value
PatrickMcGinnisII: euler is always right tho
eulerscheZahl: range(x) is from 0 to x-1
eulerscheZahl: >>> list(range(10)) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Drakkhonian: what do you mean shorten the message?
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm
eulerscheZahl: look at line 33
eulerscheZahl: you have a fixed range defined, with the original message
eulerscheZahl: then you reassign message to something shorter
eulerscheZahl: but still go to the old limit
Drakkhonian: wait tho, it shouldnt shorten the message
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, I'm giving up on the polish magicv square
eulerscheZahl: it does, because aux is a substring of it
Drakkhonian: it should be right
Drakkhonian: aux = aux + chr( rotor_list[i][aux2] )
Drakkhonian: this would add the chr part as string right?
eulerscheZahl: yes
Drakkhonian: or do i have to cast it into str() to amke it concatenate properly
eulerscheZahl: or: aux += chr(...) for short
eulerscheZahl: should be fine without str() try it, my python isn't that good
eulerscheZahl: do you still modify the message variable?
Drakkhonian: every iteration the message gets changed
eulerscheZahl: never modify the variable you are iterating over unless you want chaos
Drakkhonian: so maybe putting the entire message in an aux_string and then updating message after i finished would work
eulerscheZahl: for c in message:
print(c) + or do something else with it
Drakkhonian: now that i think about it, its acutally easier to do that then what im trying to do
eulerscheZahl: for c in message:
print(c) # or do something else with it
eulerscheZahl: wanted to comment, typo
eulerscheZahl: try this if you want to iterate over the characters
Drakkhonian: thing is, i need the actual position of what im using in the string
Drakkhonian: wait no, not good idea
Drakkhonian: better to just put the message in an aux, change aux, then update message
Drakkhonian: or just recreate the new message in aux using aux += new_letter
Drakkhonian: strage tho, cause i also iterated message and updated it in a previous for and it worked fine tho
Drakkhonian: no, it didnt work
Drakkhonian: the first for completely emptied the message
Drakkhonian: thats why it was out of range
Astrobytes: print(x, file=sys.stderr) is your friend
eulerscheZahl: for (index, value) in enumerate(message):
eulerscheZahl: gives you the index as well
Drakkhonian: no, problem wasnt indexing
Drakkhonian: problem was my stupid brain not working with ord() properly
eulerscheZahl: replying to an older message, was afk
eulerscheZahl: thought you might be interested in learned a handy language feature, my bad
PatrickMcGinnisII: puzzle tree paths is pretty easy
eulerscheZahl: there's a reason why it's in the easy section
BlaiseEbuth: :thinking:
PatrickMcGinnisII: getting froggy euler? heh
Astrobytes: But... but...
BlaiseEbuth: lel
Astrobytes: (courtesy of dbdr ;) )
PatrickMcGinnisII: "/expert"
PatrickMcGinnisII: wth
BlaiseEbuth: Yes we spoke about it on Fr ^^
Astrobytes: :grin:
eulerscheZahl: the /easy /medium is just a slug. which is a good thing if we want to change the difficulty later
PatrickMcGinnisII: expert bumps to very hard page
eulerscheZahl: when i was new to CG, it was called export iirc
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh, puzzle name is more important
eulerscheZahl: and you had to solve easier tasks first to unlock the harder ones
dbdr: export (sic?)
eulerscheZahl: oops
Astrobytes: :D
dbdr: some words are hard to type
PatrickMcGinnisII: and.... poofda dbdr
dbdr: too close to a keyword
eulerscheZahl: seems i'm incontinent at typing
dbdr: whole might be hard too
Astrobytes: typing incontinence?
dbdr: I guess that's a pun
Astrobytes: So would I
Astrobytes: But I'd usually use that one if an extra letter was included
Astrobytes: (leakage...)
eulerscheZahl: still working
Astrobytes: meh
Astrobytes: works tho'
PatrickMcGinnisII: typing incontinence, chatting over internet with someone in the same computer lab i hope
Astrobytes: lol euler
PatrickMcGinnisII: probably involves poetry, unrequited promises, and a bathroom quickie....oh crap, I'm reliving college
PatrickMcGinnisII: probably a nice php global used in there
eulerscheZahl: very unlikely
eulerscheZahl: a java backend seems much more likely to me
dbdr:"Hello world!")/tree-paths <!%22)/tree-paths> you can include your code in the URL
PatrickMcGinnisII: btw, I turned 50 today. So bow that I've gotten my puzzle fix I will be adjourning to a steak dinner and coercing the GF into stuff
PatrickMcGinnisII: er now
Astrobytes: gj on the level up
eulerscheZahl: ok boomer
**PatrickMcGinnisII slaps PatrickMcGinnisII around a bit with a large fishbot
Astrobytes: :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm a Xer! big diff
dbdr: how is it ok to include coercing in a birthday plan?
Kuzey: KEKW
Astrobytes: yeah, perhaps coercing is not the word you were looking for
Astrobytes: Either that... welll
PatrickMcGinnisII: may be innapropriate for chat, it involves a sex swing ... dangling her from the ceiling takes some ...coercion
PatrickMcGinnisII: no incontinence involved
PatrickMcGinnisII: 'nite
**Astrobytes regrets the whole conversation
ZeroWnD: where can i find easy practice levels? when i click on AI or something it goes to level 4 stuff already
ZeroWnD: i just started out here xD
dbdr: <>
Astrobytes: hehehehe
Zenoscave: Just signed up for my last semester of undergrad. 8 years is the right timeline, yeah?
Zenoscave: errr. 7? I can't remember anymore
dbdr: 8 years old?
eulerscheZahl: so you will finish it at least? yay!
dbdr: you're doing fine
eulerscheZahl: i remember you journey with bureaucracy
Zenoscave: If i was 8, i would hav estarted college at birth ;) Thx eulerscheZahl
Zenoscave: It was a tough one for sure
Astrobytes: yeah, that's been some hard slog!
Zenoscave: We should call the Codingame Fall Challenge the ozone killer
Astrobytes: Hope everything goes smoothly and without any crap, not like you *need* the qualification but still ;)
Zenoscave: I hope so too ;)
eulerscheZahl: that will be like a wood league for you
Zenoscave: the unversity wood league would be nice
dbdr: Zenoscave: why Ozone Killer?
eulerscheZahl: busy CG servers?
CursingLlama: Out of curiousity, is there a reason for the delays for promotion in league puzzles?
eulerscheZahl: just guessing, was wondering the same
Zenoscave: Finally someone took the bait! Because the acronym is CFC
dbdr: :D
eulerscheZahl: because CodinGame is mean and wants to force you to take a break
Zenoscave: Chlorofluorocarbon reference
eulerscheZahl: but even kidding. making you take a break is the only reason
dbdr: if the CG servers are in France, they are mostly nuclear-powered
Zenoscave: just a word pun, no ties to the servers in this joke
eulerscheZahl: servers are either AWS or Azure. CG made misleading statements
eulerscheZahl: i know that their email server is till AWS by the headers they send
dbdr: > <> is an alias for
Zenoscave: there you have it
Zenoscave: >
eulerscheZahl: they wanted to move the user code execution to Azure
Zenoscave: how'd you do that link thingy dbdr
dbdr: this?
Zenoscave: yes
dbdr: ah, copy paste into pidgin
Zenoscave: ah external client.
dbdr: ^ typed in webchat
Zenoscave: makes sense
Astrobytes: lawl, CFC
Astrobytes: ooh scroll
Astrobytes: well played regardless
dbdr: Regulus is motivated
Astrobytes: haha, that is true dedication
eulerscheZahl: *tree dedication
Astrobytes: :smirk:
Zenoscave: What problem is that on?
eulerscheZahl: tree paths
Zenoscave: Makes sense
AntiSquid: should just pull a westicles and tehn retire from doing it in all languages
Zenoscave: dbdr: How do you keep pidgin from showing enter/exits
dbdr: I don't. but it must be an option
eulerscheZahl: challenge accepted
eulerscheZahl: did you see it? :imp:
Zenoscave: yes euler.
Zenoscave: along with 30 others
AntiSquid: mass join leave ?
eulerscheZahl: the enter/leave messages are what made me switch back from external client to webchat
AntiSquid: (don't have pidgin open)
eulerscheZahl: i reloaded the website twice
Zenoscave: But can you do this?
Zenoscave: it doesn't show up in webchat. nevermind
dbdr: 30 others? I just saw euler reenter twice
AntiSquid: ah, quite sure you can automate that nonsense somehow. back when i was using messenger for yahoo / hotmail there were some troll tools to instantly leave and rejoin 20-30 times
AntiSquid: really annoyed friendlist people
dbdr: Yes I can
Zenoscave: Nice dbdr
eulerscheZahl: you forgot the cg icon
Zenoscave: True enough
Zenoscave: not a mod unfortunately
Zenoscave: Don't have the time to truly mod appropriately often enough
Astrobytes: nobody does, it's a team effort ;)
Zenoscave: Is their an application process?
Zenoscave: there*
Zenoscave: Also pidgin has a plugin for mute enter/exit
eulerscheZahl: wait for thibaud to ask and then hoppe for astro to say your name while you are offline
Astrobytes: Don't think so, Thibaud just went on a mad recruitment drive a few months back
Astrobytes: lol euler
**Astrobytes adds Zenoscave to the list
Zenoscave: lol interesting
dbdr: match d { Dir::L => buf.push_str(" tfeL"), Dir::R => buf.push_str(" thgiR"),
- D
Zenoscave: what in the world dbdr
dbdr: don't see it?
Zenoscave: Left and Right tree matching?
dbdr: yes
Zenoscave: I don't get it
Zenoscave: r/woosh
dbdr: the lol is in the string literals
eulerscheZahl: and a string reverse to change the node order
eulerscheZahl: child->root to root->child
dbdr: it's not mine, it's a published rust solution
Zenoscave: must be missing or overthinking something
dbdr: it's building the string from right to left
dbdr: you know the end first
eulerscheZahl: i like that thinking out of the box
eulerscheZahl: but a little minus on the readability score :D
dbdr: I did something like that at work once, but not production code, just a proof of concept
Zenoscave: I should learn rust. Been thinking that or Go should be a good training
dbdr: eulerscheZahl: might be quite readable to arabic speakers
Zenoscave: Little stagnated on python progress
jacek: rust? :x
Zenoscave: jacek would you choose Rust or Go?
dbdr: both MS and Facebook just posted job offers for positions to work on the rust compiler
Zenoscave: hmmmmm...
jacek: though decision
Zenoscave: that settles it. Go it is
dbdr: lol
Zenoscave: The only letter in FAANG I want to be a part of is the worst one.
jacek: if you choose rust, your bot wont work in debug mode and smits wont counter book you
Zenoscave: (flame bait) but it's the G
dbdr: I don't like either companies. but it's good news for the language in terms of viability. I don't expected either would have control anyways
dbdr: Mozilla is the historic sponsor, and the community is diverse
Zenoscave: I love me some mozilla
Hjax: love it while you can, it might evaporate soon :(
dbdr: yeah, not in the best shape :(
jacek: hm?
dbdr: Mozilla announced layoffs
Hjax: mozilla is going downhill in a hurry
Hjax: they laid off a ton of their staff recently
Zenoscave: 25% I read
eulerscheZahl: that's more than kovi did :o
eulerscheZahl: that classname :D
Astrobytes: 25%.. .that's pretty grim
Astrobytes: lol wtf
Zenoscave: enetprise java ftw
eulerscheZahl: yeah. i'm pretty sure they'll keep supporting firefox. but what about their other products like thunderbird? :(
eulerscheZahl: i know that without clicking the link
Zenoscave: Did not read on that so i can't speak to it
Astrobytes: hehehe
Astrobytes: I'm sure the products will live on euler, just not from mozilla
Astrobytes: yeah that's a classic jacek
Zenoscave: Have not seen this one yet jacek. was a good laugh
Astrobytes: I KNEW that was incoming
Hjax: lol 3.2k issues, 428 pulls
Zenoscave: Just astounding
Zenoscave: Saw that one
Zenoscave: pretty good find
Astrobytes: lol jacek
Hjax: what a pleasant, helpful community, the power of open source
eulerscheZahl: my git skills aren't good enough to even commit nothing :D
eulerscheZahl: it's still hacktoberfest, make a pull request :D
Zenoscave: `git commit --allow-empty`
jacek: git commit -m suicide
Astrobytes: hell no, I don't want that t-shirt
Zenoscave: Yeah that t-shirt is not the one I'm after
Zenoscave: It is a farce really
eulerscheZahl: it is
eulerscheZahl: but CG has 20 tshirts this time :)
Zenoscave: I'm already prepping
Zenoscave: Any news as to the game type / play
eulerscheZahl: multiplayer
Astrobytes: Bot programming
Zenoscave: FoW
Zenoscave: ?
eulerscheZahl: unknown
Astrobytes: Oh probably :/
Zenoscave: what's the theme
eulerscheZahl: the rules are foggy for now
Astrobytes: Zelda witches
Zenoscave: So that's the known portion?
eulerscheZahl: oh, 6.0 is out
Astrobytes: :no_mouth:
Astrobytes: yeah Zenoscave
jacek: oO
Zenoscave: who you calling pinhead 26
Astrobytes: end acquiescence large man
Zenoscave: lol Astrobytes nice word use
Astrobytes: ;)
Zenoscave: eulerscheZahl: I probably will use C# again this competition
Zenoscave: got me my first legend in comp last time
eulerscheZahl: i see C# I give :+1:
Zenoscave: :+1:
Zenoscave: Was 3rd in C# for ooc
eulerscheZahl: then i think i was 2nd
eulerscheZahl: illedan :rage:
Zenoscave: wonder who could have been first :thinking:
Zenoscave: ah you beat me to it
eulerscheZahl: meh, got the language achievement already
eulerscheZahl: only top3 and victory missing
eulerscheZahl: but somehow those seem to be the hardest
Hjax: if teccles has actually quit for good maybe i can get #1 java
eulerscheZahl: maybe i should try java next time :thinking: i practiced it a bit while using the codingame SDK
eulerscheZahl: and it's similar to C# anyways
Hjax: no no no, its ok you can use C#
Hjax: :P
Astrobytes: Think you're fine staying with C#, don't see what you'd get switching to Java
Hjax: he'd get a shot at stealing my #1 language ranking trophy
Hjax: thats what he'd get
Astrobytes: :D
eulerscheZahl: but C# has .net Core and release mode now
eulerscheZahl: so i'll stick with it
Astrobytes: I guess re-implementing the engine would be easier, still gotta make it performant though
eulerscheZahl: depends on the game
Astrobytes: true
eulerscheZahl: last time i didn't even read the referee code
eulerscheZahl: nor did i code the full engine
Astrobytes: Last time I didn't even code
eulerscheZahl: nocode
Astrobytes: Well, not much
Hjax: im really hoping this game is nothing like ooc and pacman
eulerscheZahl: i hate fog
Hjax: me too
jacek: ooc pacman it is
Astrobytes: OOC was a lot better than pacman
Astrobytes: imo
Hjax: i didnt make an honest attempt at ooc, so i guess im not in a real position to complain about it
Astrobytes: But I wasn't keen on either
Hjax: but im still bitter about pacman
Astrobytes: OOC was nice just cause it was a 'free' contest cause of lockdown
Hjax: i enjoyed utg a lot
Astrobytes: No shit :D
Hjax: :P
jacek: will the s appear for contest?
Astrobytes: The 's'?
jacek: struct
Astrobytes: oooh
Astrobytes: who knows
Astrobytes: Hope he's OK
elmajouli: Hello world ! :stuck_out_tongue:
Hjax: oh right he just vanished a while ago didnt he
Astrobytes: yep
Astrobytes: Hi elmajouli
Gabbek: Anyone interested in ? I think I like it too much and I'm waiting for some more people to submit :)
Hjax: i wonder what scary people will play the contest
Hjax: probably karliso
Astrobytes: Oh I haven't done anything serious for that yet Gabbek, forgot about it tbh
hiljusti: it sucks; they're a company with principles
Astrobytes: Depends on the type of contest Hjax
hiljusti: oops replying to old news (about mozilla layoffs)
Astrobytes: chat scroll issues, happens every day :)
jacek: 4 wood leagues? w00t
Gabbek: Just curious, how do you reply to someone directly on the chat, so the message appears in red? Do you have to mention their name, or is it something else?
Astrobytes: Try BotG jacek, it has about 30
Astrobytes: Just their name Gabbek
Gabbek: I see, Astrobytes
Astrobytes: yep, just like that. And you can autocomplete with the Tab key
jacek: ok AntiSquid
hiljusti: neat
jacek: meh
Astrobytes: But watch out for 'false positives' like jacek just did
Astrobytes: (deliberately)
Gabbek: Oh, that's helpful, awesome. Thank you!
Astrobytes: no worries :)
Gabbek: What's the best way to test your new bot against the old one, I assume just selecting it and trying in the practice mode a lot? (apart from making your own game engine)
Hjax: brutaltester
Astrobytes: ^
Astrobytes: But watch out for overfitting against yourself
Gabbek: Aye, for sure. Currently learning some C# and my bot is worse than my python one so no worries yet :D
Gabbek: I always struggle with codingame... there's just way too many cool things to do. I'm always undecided on what I wanna do next :(
Hjax: well theres a contest in two weeks
Hjax: so thats something to do :D
Gabbek: haven't tried any contest yet, so that would be something new for sure :D
Hjax: oh contests are my favorite thing
Hjax: i get lazy with multis lol
jacek: contests are bot programming, so do some multi
Gabbek: I think I like the learning aspect of multis the most, I'm not much of a competitive person
Gabbek: but it's really great to learn new things and improve a bit :)
Hjax: the cool thing about contests (imo) is watching strategies change over the course of the event
Hjax: since people are racing to come up with new ideas
Gabbek: that's a very cool aspect, for sure - read a bit about it on crystal rush
Astrobytes: and yeah, you don't have to compete seriously if you don't want to, just participating is cool
Astrobytes: and yeah Hjax, so true
Astrobytes: the chat comes alive
Gabbek: Astrobytes - actually, this is quite funny because with quests I think it incentivize lazy people like me to actually join one :D looks quite funny to have that bronze badge with bot programming while you have some not-so-horrible in legend :)
Gabbek: (the 2nd quest is to join the competition)
Astrobytes: Haha, the quest feature is working then :D
jacek: yes, even clash haters when on clashing spree
jacek: went
Astrobytes: When I first joined CG in 2015 I didn't even realise they had contests going on
Gabbek: yep, for sure - I was trying to convince one of my colleagues and he wanted to see my profile - the very first question was about the bronze medal, so it's doing some work for sure, hehe
Gabbek: I haven't realized there were contests for a very long time, now that I think of it
Gabbek: just one day I randomly clicked on code & magic thing and it was multi - then it was like... ohh, there are contests, interesting. I remember that.
Astrobytes: There's only 2 official contests per year currently (though we had an extra one due to COVID lockdown this year)
Astrobytes: I neglected CG for ages, busy with life and other things, then randomly decided to visit again, there was a contest pretty soon and that was that lol
Astrobytes: Code Royale
Astrobytes: What a mess of a bot I made :D
Astrobytes: hey JBM
Gabbek: I really like that you can learn so many things. I used to be very active on codewars - but I got bored after solving 4k+ exercises; it was much more like just doing easy stuff rather than interesting like on codingame
Gabbek: But I truly appreciate that there's so many different ones for those who look for something else :) math-related euler page is awesome, love it - even though I really struggle there :D
Astrobytes: Yeah, it's definitely got an edge on other sites in some respects
Astrobytes: (CG that is)
Gabbek: Code Royale - Astrobytes, is that the one where you control two heroes against the other player?
Astrobytes: Gabbek: No, it's the one with the queens, knights, mines and towers
Gabbek: ohh, right - maybe I'll find some motivation to try further with that one :D
Astrobytes: 2 heroes against the other player, what's that? Botters of the Galaxy?
jacek: ultimate tic tac toe
Gabbek: I usually hit gold and move onto the next exercise / contest - but it never seems to stop, too much interesting puzzles. I'm hoping I'll learn some java after c#, would like to create a puzzle or two for others to enjoy
Astrobytes: You don't need Java skills to make puzzles unless you use the SDK (non-visual versus visual that is)
Gabbek: I remember trying Smash the Code one day - had a really hard time with it due to, hmm, "accessibility" of that contest? I gave up in wood 1 :D
Gabbek: multi*, not contest, whoops
Astrobytes: Everything becomes accessible at some point in your learning ;)
Astrobytes: People get scared off with a lot of the multis but you can get really far without even knowing much in the way of specialised search algos etc
Gabbek: that's very true :) What's your favorite contest so far? From the multis I've tried I think it would be legends of code & magic - probably because I used to play some heartstone in the past and found it somewhat familar; the cooking one would be my #2, really liked ocean of code as well.
Gabbek: I think it's all about finding a way to make it enjoyable for yourself, regardless of results - as long as you learn something, it's a net positive, I think
Gabbek: but surely it's "scary", just like a lot of people don't play ranked games in multiplayer games for similar reason :D
Astrobytes: You did pretty well in LoCam and OOC right? I wasn't keen on either of those :D I really enjoyed A Code of Ice & Fire
Astrobytes: Oh and I *hated* the cooking one :D
Astrobytes: Not as much as I disliked the PacMan one but it was very 'meh' for me!
Hjax: im still kicking myself for all of the contests i missed because codingames UI scared me away years ago
Astrobytes: And yes, you have a good attitude Gabbek, learning and a healthy dose of fun on the way
Astrobytes: Same Hjax, though just my not noticing rather than the UI (or maybe that was the reason I didn't notice, it was grim back then lol)
Gabbek: Currently my python bot is #1 in LoCam, #10 overall, probably my best result so far, in Ice&Fire I see I'm last now, probably because .net core change - should change that soon, I guess :D it was around 20-30ish if I remember correctly. But I guess I should join some contest regardless of everything - if just so to share the strategy I've used, since I've learned so much by reading other people's postmortems.
Gabbek: Hjax - I can't recall how it used to look back in the day, but it seems some people indeed had this problem
Hjax: easily the most clunky UI design ive seen on a website
Astrobytes: You should definitely join! It's a great atmosphere in the chat and really good fun
Hjax: its much better now
Astrobytes: Yeeep
jacek: eeyup
Astrobytes: (didn't wanna steal your catchphrase jacek)
jacek: its not mine
Astrobytes: it is on here
Gabbek: I rarely talk/write on forum - rather silent person in general, but it's really great community and it's a pleasure to speak to you guys!
jacek: i never use forum
Astrobytes: yes you do
Gabbek: but I must admit - CG has a very positive effect on me. I play a lot of video games and lately... I'm just getting bored of it - I would rather struggle with one of the exercises :D
Astrobytes: It is a great community Gabbek, one of the best features of CG
Zenoscave: Gabbek do you know SihardOussama
Hjax: @Gabbek I love discussing contests, and will be in chat for a lot of the upcoming one I imagine, feel free to shoot me a PM if you want to talk some strategy during the contest :)
ZarthaxX: Gabbek we are gud ppl
Hjax: a wild ZarthaxX appeared
Zenoscave: Pewpew
Zenoscave: Hiya zarthie
ZarthaxX: heyo Hjax
Astrobytes: Hjax mining for tips already
ZarthaxX: mah man zenopew
Gabbek: Zenoscave doesn't ring a bell, unfortunately. But maybe if I would see the icon then I would know :D for some reason icons are easier to remember, atleast initially
Astrobytes: Zarthoutofthedarkness
ZarthaxX: what the f
Hjax: @Gabbek same profile picture as you, thats why he asked
Zenoscave: It's the same profile
Zenoscave: *picture
Zenoscave: ^ what Hjax said
Gabbek: ohh, I see - well it's from darker than black (anime), so I guess there might be some people using it
Zenoscave: Interesting
Gabbek: but I think ZarthaxX profile picture is the most known out of all :D
Hjax: ive seen a ton of anime, but i havent seen darker than black yet
Hjax: ive heard its good though
Zenoscave: ZarthaxX what's your picture from
Astrobytes: It's Zarth Vader
Gabbek: Hjax most people say that first season is good and 2nd one is worse, if you like nice fighting animation then you would probably enjoy it
Zenoscave: The bear?
Astrobytes: (it's not really)
derjack: cat?
Hjax: theres lots of anime profile pictures on this site, i had one until i joined the cat army
Astrobytes: #catpower
Zenoscave: Catpower is diminished as it isn't caturday
Skynse: meow
Astrobytes: It's Chews-day
Zenoscave: Like chew toys? Like dogs?
derjack: chomusuke
Gabbek: Hjax regarding tactics and contests - sure, will definitely poke you. Do you use discord as well? More than happy to talk about some multis if you would like to as well.
Astrobytes: My cats chew all sorts of things, one has real pica and chews plastic
Hjax: yeah im in the CG discord
derjack: thereis cg discord
Hjax: i havent played a ton of multis, mostly just ones for unofficial contests
Zenoscave: I have a feeling this'll be a great contest
Astrobytes: Think most of us are on the CG discord
Hjax: platinum rift 2, code of kutulu
Hjax: didnt end up playing code of ice and fire, was busy that week
Scarfield: there was a unofficial contest for plat rift 2?
Astrobytes: I hope your feeling is correct Zeno!
Hjax: there was, the one thibpat ran
Astrobytes: Yes Slowoffthemarkfield
Scarfield: chewstroBytes
Astrobytes: :D
Scarfield: i missed that one then :'(
Astrobytes: Hjax I seem to recall you telling me you were lazy not busy :D
Zenoscave: Astrobytes ready for a cooking witch version of CaLM ?
Zenoscave: ;)
Hjax: no no no, i was busy some days and lazy the others
Scarfield: but then again didnt even submit for the last one Coif
Astrobytes: :D
Gabbek: when it comes to easiest multi I think the title would go to Tower Dereference :D
Astrobytes: lol Zenoscave, hell on Earth
Zenoscave: That's me!
Scarfield: Hansel & Gretel recipies
Hjax: basically i was busy the first week, and then wasnt motivated during the week, and then the contest was almost over by that point
Hjax: first weekend*
Zenoscave: is there another unofficial currently?
Hjax: one just ended not too long ago
Hjax: next contest of any fashion is the official one in two weeks
Scarfield: HYPE !
inoryy: rookie mistake to be busy on first weekend
Astrobytes: I tried to pick some low hanging fruit but ultimately lost a few places. Couldn't be assed to rewrite contest code
Zenoscave: hey inoryy long time
inoryy: hello!
Hjax: inoryy are you going to play the contest?
Astrobytes: evening inoryy
inoryy: I'll probably do the usual
Gabbek: evening :)
Astrobytes: first weekend and quit?
inoryy: try to get as far as I can within 1 weekend and then pretend I'm too busy the rest of the contest
Scarfield: xD
Zenoscave: inoryy What is your bet on fog of war?
Scarfield: you have "moved" a lot :p
Gabbek: that's one way to go about it :D
inoryy: no idea, haven't even looked at the hints or anything; going completely blind
Zenoscave: there's hints!?!?!
Astrobytes: Zelda, witches
inoryy: well now you've ruined it
Zenoscave: we were over this. right
Hjax: lol rip inoryy
Zenoscave: sorry inorry
inoryy: literally unplayable
Astrobytes: :P
Zenoscave: well the type of witch can still be a surprise
Gabbek: might as well not sign up with so much knowledge already :D
inoryy: right?
Zenoscave: queue astro ruining the type
Hjax: just write your bot now, you already basically know the spec
Zenoscave: Throw back to recurse during crystal rush
inoryy: lol
Astrobytes: Probably a smokescreen for some FOW fighter plane sim anyway, don't worry
Scarfield: at least there hasnt been a replay shared.. im slow
Zenoscave: Scarfield are you searching?
Hjax: oh right we did have a crystal rush replay early didnt we
Hjax: i totally forgot about that
inoryy: first person CSB
ZarthaxX: Gabbek my profile pic is common? what
ZarthaxX: lol
Astrobytes: lol inoryy
Scarfield: wasnt it patrickMc.. who spoiled it?
Zenoscave: ZarthaxX if you were a pokemon you'd be a slowpoke
ZarthaxX: the bear is frm itnernet
ZarthaxX: the hat is edited
Astrobytes: FRM ITNERNET
ZarthaxX: Zenoscave pikachu :P
Gabbek: ZarthaxX not common, just known - as in popular, I've seen it being mentioned just about anywhere, on forums, on discord, often in the chats :D
ZarthaxX: Astrobytes lemme be
Astrobytes: ;) <3
Hjax: the bear is actually wearing an eyepatch in the photo already, only the hat is photoshopped
ZarthaxX: patch also is photoshoped
ZarthaxX: lol
Hjax: shhhhh
Astrobytes: I like Zartho's github pic better
ZarthaxX: imagine poor bear
ZarthaxX: that dogo is ded
Astrobytes: I know, but nice dogo
Zenoscave: always a good dogo
Scarfield: 11/10
Zenoscave: they're good dogs brent
Gabbek: I don't know any bad dogo, do they exist?
ZarthaxX: it was an amazing dogo
ZarthaxX: ;(
Hjax: the cat in my profile picture will be 19 in a month
Zenoscave: nope
inoryy: is that from potc contest?
Scarfield: My mom has a dog that was born dead, but they managed to revive it. Its kind of brain damaged, but still a very good dogo
Astrobytes: Ah he's a legend Hjax
Zenoscave: potc?
inoryy: pirates of the carribbean
Astrobytes: Pirates of the .. nvm
inoryy: bear with an eye patch and pirate hat
Zenoscave: ah right. couldn't think of that one
Zenoscave: holy butter nuts. Have people been actively playing CSB?
Astrobytes: promotion happening again?
Zenoscave: ecurse is at 59.88. did the penguin even get that high?
Zenoscave: I might be the slowpoke
inoryy: yeah there's been a bunch of activity in #ru
Gabbek: Scarfield that's great news that he got saved! Mine always was afraid of cats... there's one lady who would always walk with her black cat on the leash :D
Zenoscave: MK active again?
Astrobytes: Top CSB is now NN dominated Zeno
Scarfield: yea he is sometimes
Astrobytes: And yeah he's around again now
Scarfield: and yea, its super cute, and extra derpy :)
Gabbek: Hjax ohh, you're a starcraft player - interesting. I'm "starcraft watcher" on youtube :D
Egrace: Hi everyone! Can somebody give me some tips how to solve Mars Lander? I mean what approach will be easy enough to use to solve 2nd chapter?
Scarfield: wait till you meet nerchio then Gabbek
Hjax: no dont take this away from me
Hjax: stop
Zenoscave: Almost made legend in ruby no tricks
Astrobytes: aw bless him Scarfield, had a friend with a similarly brain damaged cat, was the sweetest little thing but needed brushed constantly, couldn't look after himself properly
Hjax: Nerchio is only 100x better than me at starcraft :P
Astrobytes: :D
Hjax: my claim to fame is that i beat alphastar a few times
inoryy: and it never recovered since
Hjax: lol
Zenoscave: what's alphastar
Hjax: deepminds starcraft agent
Gabbek: Egrace hello, hmm - easy enough approach for Mars Lander, now that's a bit of a pickle for me :D
Astrobytes: "what's alphastar" :o
Zenoscave: loop{puts "0 3\n0 4"}
Zenoscave: I'm awful at keeping up with ML stuff
Egrace: :grimacing:
Hjax: alphastar is quite good, although not better than the best humans
Astrobytes: yet . . .
cg000: see almost beat it in ruby.
Hjax: i dont think they are working on it anymore, so my title is safe
Gabbek: if I'm not mistaken it was hell of expensive and they discontinued it, right?
Hjax: well, they accomplished what they set out to do
Hjax: and published their paper
Gabbek: aye, that's for sure :)
inoryy: :zipper_mouth:
Astrobytes: Nerchio is the next evolution of alphastar, and now he competes in bot programming :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Zenoscave: nerchio are you a bot
Hjax: ive never played nerchio in starcraft, but no doubt he would destroy me
Gabbek: Astrobytes ohh, really? Didn't know that
Zenoscave: Do you know Automaton2000?
Astrobytes: nice inoryy, look forward to it
Automaton2000: will have to play with me
Astrobytes: just kidding Gabbek!!
Gabbek: Astrobytes and I was about to ask for some link, darn it :D
Gabbek: I felt for it so easily :P
Hjax: ive beaten players of nerchios level, although not many times
inoryy: wait what are you looking forward to, Astrobytes?
Astrobytes: The things you zippermouthed at inoryy
Zenoscave: GPT3 is cool though amirite
Hjax: AutomatonGPT when?
Zenoscave: oh god
Scarfield: yea, it seems crazy
Zenoscave: the world is ready
inoryy: haha I wouldn't hold my breath Astrobytes
Scarfield: cant wait for it to ping euler with better jokes
Astrobytes: Ah, OK. Fair enough :)
Zenoscave: What do you get if you cross a highway in a wheel barrow
Astrobytes: lol Scarfield
Zenoscave: run over.
Scarfield: lol
Astrobytes: ...
Zenoscave: You can thank euler for that one
Astrobytes: Atrocious.
Astrobytes: Always the best kind of joke.
Zenoscave: did you know you can't run in a campground
Gabbek: it's one of those moments when I know that I need to improve my english, because I don't know like 2 words and I don't know if I should laugh or not :D
Zenoscave: you can only ran. it's passed tents
Hjax: i got tricked for a while by an article written by GPT-3
Scarfield: sigh xD
Astrobytes: FFS Zeno
Hjax: took me a few paragraphs before i realized it was kind of off
Astrobytes: :rofl:
inoryy: what's funny is to keep stumbling on conspiracy theories about whether this or that barcode is AlphaStar, some people are *really* convinced too
Zenoscave: what is barcode
Hjax: people who name themselves IIIIIIIIIIII
Hjax: to hide their real name
Gabbek: basically a blank name
Zenoscave: ah
Astrobytes: that's a thing?
Gabbek: in starcraft, yeah :)
Astrobytes: I was totally thinking actual barcodes
Hjax: yeah, enough people do it that its hard to tell them apart
Hjax: so you get anonymous accounts basically
Astrobytes: Man I'm out of the SC loop these days
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: here too
inoryy: AlphaStar played under barcodes too
Hjax: people sniffed out one of its accounts pretty fast
Gabbek: haven't seen it being utilized in starcraft broodwar though - so I guess it's only because AlphaStar used to play under barcodes
inoryy: not really, took 5 days until first one iirc
Hjax: nah barcodes happened long before alphastar
inoryy: first games were on Friday and first reddit thread was late Tuesday
Scarfield: well it only really works if more than one does it
Hjax: someone beat alphastar and said "gg alphastar" at the end
Hjax: made me laugh
inoryy: yeah I remembed that one : D
Hjax: a zerg player who beat alphastar terran with a nydus
inoryy: beasty "lost" twice lol
inoryy: failed a cannon rush and the instaquit the next game
Hjax: beasty threw super hard
Hjax: he should have won that cannon rush game
Gabbek: beasty had a funny series about pretending to be alphastar
Hjax: alphastar final never really solved cannon rush, which is why i could beat it
Hjax: i think i could have beaten it on my own mouse / keyboard, the terran looked especially mortal
inoryy: terran was weakest, yeah
Gabbek: while we're on topic of bots - what are your initially thoughts what would be useful in ? Initially I thought that going deep would yield quite good results, but from my testing it didn't really do as well as I thought it would
inoryy: which is funny because it was the strongest for most of the training run
Hjax: the protoss one had really great micro
Hjax: the zerg one just liked that ravager all in
Hjax: boy did it like that ravager all in
Gabbek: building placement was a real biggie for alphastar
Gabbek: if there's one thing I remember the most about its' terran playstyle :D
inoryy: mid one failed spectacularily a few games, final was ok at placement
Hjax: i wonder how many times final lost at blizzcon
Hjax: since there were some mid agents mixed in
inoryy: < 10 iirc
Hjax: oriol confirmed that my first win (and advanced's first defeat in general) was vs final
Hjax: and i know serral was playing against it in his games
inoryy: couldn't go to blizzcon :(
Hjax: :(
Hjax: it was cool to meet a lot of the team
Hjax: i talked to Timo a lot
inoryy: yeah, they were quite happy about meeting everyone and how the event went
Hjax: when they announced the alphastar thing at the start of blizzcon
Hjax: i RAN there lol
Hjax: and spent most of blizzcon there
Hjax: #worthit
inoryy: haha
Astrobytes: That's rather awesome. Slightly OT but any joy with recruiting some SC2 botters?
Hjax: i havent asked yet, inorry and i are both admins in the sc2ai discord
Hjax: so im sure we can convince some people to play
Astrobytes: *force
Astrobytes: :P
inoryy: I vaguely hinted about it to Crypt but he didn't follow I think : D
Gabbek: interesting :D that must have been cool on blizzcon, never been on such a big event
inoryy: (not an admin there anymore btw)
Hjax: admin in spirit!
inoryy: alright, I'll take it :)
Astrobytes: transcended? :)
inoryy: well it was a wild run, when I joined initially there were less than 10 people and I had no idea how to do RL and only barely had experience with DL for that matter
Gabbek: I think one of the best AIs is probably AoE2HD? Bots are doing rather well against normal people and aren't cheating (sure - they don't stand a chance against pros, but in general it's pretty good)
Gabbek: RL / DL stands for?
inoryy: reinforcement learning / deep learning
Astrobytes: Reinforcement Learning/Deep Learning
Gabbek: ahh, right, thank you very much
Astrobytes: ugh, too slow
inoryy: too slow
Gabbek: haha
inoryy: bah
Astrobytes: Hah, vengeance
inoryy: lol
Gabbek: Astrobytes that capitalization made you lose the first one :P
Scarfield: afaik the AIs for aoe2 are written by the same one guy
Astrobytes: Can't help it Gabbek! :D
Scarfield: SpellStrobytes
Astrobytes: Grammarfield
Gabbek: Scarfield yeah I think so too, I think I remember it vaguely; spirit of the law made some video about the guy
Scarfield: yea i think thats where i heard it :)
Gabbek: I have quite bad memory, wish I would atleast remember more names!
Gabbek: I remember reading somewhere that Battle Brothers (if any of you know this game) uses MCTS, but I'm not sure if it's true - but it would be quite nice surprise :D
Scarfield: never heard of it, untill now i guess
Astrobytes: MCTS is used as part of some game AI decision making in some games so it's possible
Astrobytes: It's not like it's MCTS only though
Gabbek: I've only tried MCTS once, in UTTT, at first in python - either I did some mistakes or it was just really bad :D
Gabbek: slighty better in C#, but I should try to re-write in c++ one day, really enjoyable experience
Scarfield: python is too slow to get any useful statistics for UTTT from MCTS
Gabbek: by the way - any of you did some heavy website scrapping? What would be the best language for such a task?
Hjax: python has lots of libraries for that sort of thing i think
Astrobytes: you can get good results for MCTS in C#, better in C++ yes but still good enough
Astrobytes: python
Gabbek: I've got a working solution but I initially thought it would be around 3k requests... well - it's about 300k; guess it'll be time to learn some async then :D
Gabbek: just gonna share this lovely link if anyone would like to learn something new:
Gabbek: there's java, python and kotlin, as well as tons of learning materials
Gabbek: they are also giving out licences to all of their tools for personal use if you complete *no idea how much* content, which you might find useful :)
inoryy: yeah JB are great
inoryy: I'm considering buying a license even though I have it at work, just to support them
Astrobytes: Looks interesting!
Gabbek: inoryy I know the feeling, exactly what I did myself
Astrobytes: meh, having one of those days where I feel like I should change careers again
Astrobytes: Time to go offline methinks!
Gabbek: but I must say that I'm not using much of pro features :D I don't do any web development, pretty much
Gabbek: Astrobytes good night!
Astrobytes: gn Gabbek, nice chatting with you
inoryy: Astrobytes gn and hope tomorrow goes better!
inoryy: Gabbek, nice! if you ever decide to give C++ a go then their CLion IDE is really good
Gabbek: woot
Gabbek: is this what happens when your message is too long? :D
Gabbek: inoryy do you know any decent place for learning some c++?
ZarthaxX: inoryy my profile pic is from cotc, yes :P
ZarthaxX: late response
Gabbek: good night everyone!
Laminator: come get Laminated
SPDene: Laminator use #clash for CoC invites
Laminator: It auto-posted there