rahulsain3000: ok so i shouldnt back out and solve those easy puzzles first
jacek: good morning
eulerscheZahl: hi
jacek: AutomatonNN do your job
AutomatonNN: how do you know that the boss will be a wood league the match?
O-pera: Do I have to check messages not separate in ?
AntiSquid: happy caturday
AntiSquid: AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: if it solved your code
mark7: hello
aCat: What is the CoC quest after 'reach top 1000'?
jacek: win 3 games in a row
aCat: hmm, hope I did this in teh past ;-)
aCat: Dzięki ;-)
eulerscheZahl: sounds like aCat and me were blocked at the same step when the quest map appeared
aCat: :D
eulerscheZahl: i even had 3 languages before
aCat: I've been also heavily blocked by MarsLander - which I plan to start from years
eulerscheZahl: that was no problem for me. but don't panic with 200 chars
aCat: I didn't - probably only Lua and Python, I had to do some stuff in c#
aCat: this one I didn't even reveal
jacek: whats after solve puzzle of the week?
eulerscheZahl: for me probably C#, Python and Ruby, i don't remember
aCat: haha no idea jacek :D
eulerscheZahl: 30 achievements
eulerscheZahl: 2 hard
eulerscheZahl: lvl20
aCat: lol, easy
eulerscheZahl: 2 very hard
eulerscheZahl: 100 achievements
jacek: so just wait a week for more sane puzzle of the week
dbdr: the current one is interesting
eulerscheZahl: agreed
MSmits: is it still the wifi one?
MSmits: when are they updated?
DomiKo: i guess still the wifi one
hydraaaaa: how do i find out what language these guys are gonna add next?
darkhorse64: don't panic in 200 chars for code golf ? Much too long for a one liner
Washier: i suck at code gold
Washier: *golf
Washier: much rather obsess about some 2 player board game (hint-hint)
darkhorse64: My recipe for golfing: solve the puzzle, look for published solutions, google "golf tips for target language", do a pass every couple of months. Solving in different languages helps too
Washier: sounds like a good recipe. if dipped my toes into ruby like that, and enjoyed it.
Washier: but obsesses with the 2 player board games for now, and some while. wish we had more players though(must be patient i guess)
Washier: *obsessed
Insufficient: Any of you guys ever got this? : 'Oups An error occurred (#407): "You reached the limit of plays for a period of time.".'
mark7: B o o E
| | o---o........o A C D
mark7: how is minimum communication distance is 1.00 here?
mark7: and what is is to connect A-C?
jacek: Insufficient youre clash addict
DomiKo: mark7 use satellite transmitters in C and D
Insufficient: no i get it when playing testcases in puzzles and things sometimes - i dont really play clash of code
mark7: DomiKo what is communication distance?
mark7: how is distance between B-E 1.00?
mark7: maybe i didnt understood the question properly
DomiKo: only calculate that between direct links
DomiKo: so only BA AC CD DE
darkhorse64: 83 for don't panic/ruby
darkhorse64: it makes real golfers laughing
Washier: Console.WriteLine...and i've lost already
mark7: okay satellite has distance 0, all other are already one unit apart
mark7: Washier coc provides template though
mark7: DomiKo thanks
DomiKo: mark7 no problem
DomiKo: code golf quests are after mars lander?
MSmits: who needs advice on puzzle of the week?
eulerscheZahl: Automaton does
MSmits: AutomatonNN do you need advice on puzzle of the week?
AutomatonNN: ̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤
eulerscheZahl: hahaha
MSmits: uh oh
MSmits: so it's finally doing what you want instead of stalking you eulerscheZahl ?
eulerscheZahl: but atm i don't care about it. where is my struct?
darkhorse64: MSmits perverting innocent chat bots
MSmits: hey it's not me, it's Euler
MSmits: i don't influence it at all
eulerscheZahl: i even filed a PR while doing what's struct's part of our game
MSmits: what game?
eulerscheZahl: secret game
MSmits: oh that one
Washier: if its 2 player perfect info board game i promise i will obsess about it
MSmits: same
MSmits: maybe it's chess
Washier: ooh
eulerscheZahl: it's not!
Washier: phew!
eulerscheZahl: enough said
MSmits: would you tell us if it was?
eulerscheZahl: if you volunteer to test the game and not tell anyone, i might show it to you
Washier: he would i guess. chess is a touchy thing around here imho
darkhorse64: illedan has an empty github repo about chess
MSmits: mmh
eulerscheZahl: that's him at its finest :D
MSmits: is it complicated to create a sim for this game?
eulerscheZahl: i won't comment on this
MSmits: if not, i'll test it
Washier: fishing
darkhorse64: Are there collisions ?
eulerscheZahl: :mouth_zipper:
jacek: is there fog of war?
Washier: hehe
MSmits: :zipper_mouth:
darkhorse64: and rps ?
eulerscheZahl: thanks
Washier: its not the contest is it. noob doesnt know
jacek: does this game make people go crazy?
Washier: already has
eulerscheZahl: it might become a contest. thibaud didn't exclude the possibility
darkhorse64: does this game make MSmits crazy ?
eulerscheZahl: which is why i won't share anything here
Washier: already is
Washier: :)
MSmits: I'm working on othello, oware and yavalath currently. Don't need another game I think
eulerscheZahl: no UTTT?
MSmits: nah not for now, maybe in the future
Washier: beat you today in othello. fluke, might want to check if bug? my bot cowers
eulerscheZahl: yinsh didn't get any popular, did it?
MSmits: hmm nah, my leaderboard version is outdated
MSmits: got a far better one in the works
MSmits: wins 100% vs renard and averages 30-40% against rest
MSmits: top 4 i mean
eulerscheZahl: with an opening book or with real gameplay?
MSmits: real gameplay
MSmits: it will still end 5th i think, but it will pull down dbd r hard while getting there, maybe i'll get 4th because of the rating bonuses from doing that
dbdr: with a real AI?
MSmits: he'll still be 1
MSmits: yes dbd r just with my 8 params fitted
MSmits: that's all i did
dbdr: you're avoiding pinging me while replying to me? :D
MSmits: yeah i just realized that
MSmits: habit
**dbdr needs to check the logs now, if it's a habbit
dbdr: I was refering to the "real AIs don't use search" forum post
MSmits: just search for dbd r
MSmits: ohh
dbdr: exactly
MSmits: that one
MSmits: ridiculous post
dbdr: find all the secret things you said about me
MSmits: yeah I am curious myself, i dont remember half of what i said
dbdr: 14 days with hits
MSmits: nice
MSmits: so i talked about you for 14 days?
mark7: link to chess coding contest?
MSmits: there isn't one I think ?
caubeloatchoat24: hey! i want to switch from win to ubuntu, but i still dont find any particularly about. Can anyone tell me. Plzzz
MSmits: you're looking for ubuntu?
dbdr: not just you MSmits
MSmits: ahh yes other people talk about you too
MSmits: filter those out, seems far less interesting
dbdr: surely :)
eulerscheZahl: but we don't avoid the ping while dbdr being here
MSmits: makes sense
dbdr: struc t did too actually, as I just saw
MSmits: now i wanna know what my submit does. gonna submit my current version. Just once, so it won't hurt dbdr too much
dbdr: :grin:
Washier: oof
MSmits: then you can also correct your bot, if it is some apparent weakness
Washier: here we go.
dbdr: othello grew slowly
dbdr: 54 players
jacek: yinsh grows slowlier
MSmits: othello wouldnt be attractive to any but board game enthousiasts i think
MSmits: yinish has much branching doesnt it?
jacek: and more complicated rules
MSmits: it's harder to write a search for games like that
MSmits: like the tulips game
dbdr: MSmits's version optimized to push jacek and trictac delivers so far :)
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: first draw vs you dbdr
MSmits: some versions have 50% vs jacek or tric trac
MSmits: not sure what this one has
Washier: <spectating, motuh open>
MSmits: nother draw :P
Astrobytes: how does it fare against robo?
MSmits: probabyl crappily
MSmits: most did
dbdr: looks like draws count
MSmits: though once or twice hit 45% or so
Washier: being whipped by oyu right now
dbdr: i'm going down
Washier: whipped
Astrobytes: nice improvement btw Washier
Washier: soldily
MSmits: yeah they count a little bit, not sure how much
Washier: ty
Washier: and again
MSmits: btw i didnt fit it to beat you dbdr
Washier: they all matter to me MSmits. gg
Astrobytes: I didn't do any othello past couple days, got sucked into doing optims and golf for the quest map
MSmits: i fit it to maximize the score of the top 5 opponents on the board
dbdr: that's fair
MSmits: obviously some version that beats you 30% is gonna be better than one that does 0%
Washier: cool
Washier: how tho? must work on my simming then.
Astrobytes: nice submit so far MSmits
MSmits: yeah it peforms the way cg bench told me
MSmits: i was assuming that if the cg bench says 100% vs renard, it will beat anyone below that
Washier: cg bench. ok i'll shut up and rtfm
Astrobytes: Assumption works
MSmits: yep
DomiKo: lul
DomiKo: i still cant find time for othello :(
Astrobytes: yeah just saw that
Astrobytes: that hurt
dbdr: oh, many people promoted
dbdr: 18 now
MSmits: lost most games vs dbdr in this submit
MSmits: did really well vs 6th and downward though
Washier: edge of seat
MSmits: yay win vs dbdr :P
MSmits: 1
dbdr: :)
Washier: gg
MSmits: so it's possible at least
MSmits: currently trying to see if disk-count is good to have in eval. I didn't have it yet
MSmits: mostly because i only read bad thigns about it
dbdr: might be good with a negative sign
Washier: same here for what its worth. very small part of my eval
dbdr: early on
Washier: ty
MSmits: yeah, or positive, it really depends on how the rest of your eval works
dbdr: true
MSmits: i am already giving bonuses to all edges and corners
Washier: true.
dbdr: or imaginary
MSmits: top 4 really is far far ahead of the rest
MSmits: my bot has a hard time winning any
MSmits: hmm well my previous submit had a 2 rating lead over 6th, now its 5.5 so I am happy
dbdr: it's top 5 now ;)
MSmits: was already
jacek: submit more, push me up, push push!
Washier: must say, ties in with what MSmits says, eval is quite important for Othello. might be wrong
dbdr: I mean, as a pack
MSmits: oh right
MSmits: it's in the ballpark
inoryy: which multi are you discussing
MSmits: Othello
MSmits: Washier yes it is super important
Washier: come play Inoryy
MSmits: more important than what search type you're using
Washier: ty MSmits
inoryy: I don't have enough time to contirbute anymore unfortunately :( I just lurk here every now and then
Washier: my broken experiments say the same.
MSmits: we're happy to see you lurk
MSmits: or not, because you're lurking
Washier: absolutely.
JBM: "we're happy to see you, for lurk or other at your convenience"
Astrobytes: "I teach computers to play games"=>"I lurk in chatrooms" :P
jacek: but othello is so NN friendly
inoryy: haha I still do the first part, just not on CG :)
Astrobytes: True
dbdr: there are games outside of CG? :O
dbdr: coding games?
dbdr: how can that be? that's in the name
Washier: haha
JBM: still puzzled at that cg-for-work concept
dbdr: (credits to A. Asimov)
Washier: my fav writer
Washier: *author
dbdr: he has this story where people forgot how to do manual calculations, they just reproduce the blueprints for calculators and trust them
MSmits: isn't that foundation?
Washier: yes, with the abacus.
dbdr: no, it's a short story
MSmits: oh ok
Washier: space calculations. took months.
dbdr: and someone rediscovers the principle of calculations, and others don't believe him
dbdr: "calculation is by definition what is done on a calculator, how could you do it by hand?"
Washier: Asimov's short stories are his best works imho
eulerscheZahl: help! is this a troll or a clueless coder?
Astrobytes: Saw that, clueless I think
eulerscheZahl: and i'm clueless how to respond
jacek: it means number shifting is not clear enough
Astrobytes: Maybe he needs to be teamviewered
JBM: what's that teamview meme?
Astrobytes: MK
JBM: too many occurences here to be a coincidence by now
Astrobytes: He used to try to get people to let him teamview him, and succeeded a few times iirc
eulerscheZahl: that teamviewer got so popular that one user asked me to connect to his PC and help him (i guess after MK treated him)
Astrobytes: *let him teamview them
JBM: i think my dad wants me to install it so i can debug his linux remotely
Washier: haha
dbdr: Standard Error Stream:
MSmits: MK was weird about teamviewe
dbdr: he's right, it does not work
MSmits: he would just ask me to teamviewer for no reason
Astrobytes: Never asked me, I feel cheated.
JBM: missing out on the best cg had to offer
eulerscheZahl: i tried that before i wrote the reply on the forum. now i'm confused it dbdr wants to troll me too
Washier: you guys realise this chat is like a complicated soap opera?
Washier: good thing.
eulerscheZahl: you definitely missed some drama Washier
dbdr: oh, I'm moderator on the forum
Washier: double haha
eulerscheZahl: since Friday
Astrobytes: Yeah, happened on FRiday dbdr
Astrobytes: grrr
eulerscheZahl: click the link in the private message. that admin interface has more semi-useful data than i expected
Astrobytes: Yeah, it was much more feature-rich than I expected
dbdr: "A critical update is available. Please upgrade!"
dbdr: hm, shouldn't have revealed that
dbdr: If I had mod rights on the chat I would ban myself now
eulerscheZahl: that's the first thing i saw too. and was about to share my thoughts in a PRIVATE message
Astrobytes: :grin:
dbdr: yeah, I'm dumb
Washier: drama
Washier: sure yo're not
Astrobytes: Oh, euler/dbdr, try to access the FAQ from the hamburger menu and let me know if anything odd happens
Astrobytes: In the forum I mean
dbdr: yeah
Washier: hamburger menu? pam pam paaa
dbdr: CG in CG
Astrobytes: Yeah, CG inception thingy
eulerscheZahl: double status bar
JBM: yeah noticed that the other day
eulerscheZahl: someone reported that recently on discord. but without the step needed to get there
Astrobytes: haha
Astrobytes: I was literally a second away from doing that
Astrobytes: Well, you beat me so you can report it.
Astrobytes: That is awesome.
JBM: ah, that famous discord sign-in page
eulerscheZahl: i was faster dbdr :D
dbdr: stealing my original work ;)
Washier: pam pam paaa
eulerscheZahl: it's obvious by your avatar being shown everwhere so i don't feel like quoting
dbdr: yeah :)
dbdr: now I can choose one of 3 chatboxes to write into
eulerscheZahl: when you ping yourself, you don't see it in the same tab
eulerscheZahl: try the self-ping now
dbdr: dbdr
dbdr: no
eulerscheZahl: nowhere red?
dbdr: no
dbdr: but it does not ping with pidgin either, so no big surprise
dbdr: was worth a try though
dbdr: hm, I could you could use alts in the inner frames :D
eulerscheZahl: :D
eulerscheZahl: i deleted them :(
dbdr: to follow the rules?
eulerscheZahl: and because i didn't need them anymore
eulerscheZahl: now i understand why OOC was lagging with really long text messages
dbdr: :scream:
dbdr: those poor CPU cycles on our machines :(
dbdr: PR incoming eulerscheZahl?
dbdr: we should make a clash out of it
Fxguy1: Ok, new here. Storing the FactoryID with the highest troops, but cant figure out why that ID isnt changing once conditions change?
eulerscheZahl: meh but binary search would be smarter here
Fxguy1: It changes with adding a new factory, but once the old factory surpasses the new in troops, it wont change back
eulerscheZahl: i like your clash idea :D
dbdr: Am I missing something, or shouldn't it be O(1)?
dbdr: or are you joking?
eulerscheZahl: it renders the text over and over again in pixi to know the width in pixels
dbdr: ah, it's in pixels
dbdr: right
dbdr: that's what I was missing
eulerscheZahl: so either binary search or go the opposite direction (start with empty string) i would say
dbdr: yeah, starting from empty is easy and technically O(1) :)
eulerscheZahl: trying to draw anything without the entity module, not that easy :(
eulerscheZahl: struct got it working. never committed and is ghosting us now
dbdr: how is this related?
eulerscheZahl: was curious what that utils file contains
dbdr: the if is useless, btw
dbdr: though that's a smaller problem
eulerscheZahl: yeah, part of the while
dbdr: font: { size: state.fontSize || 1
dbdr: must be useful to have font size 1 :D
dbdr: if that's in pt
dbdr: maybe not
dbdr: seems like the default would be better than 1
JBM: if useless? only in absence of... wait for it... SIDE EFFECTS
JBM: screw bypassing the entity module, I want to get rid of pixi altogether
eulerscheZahl: it's possible. but i want to finish my game one day
JBM: priorities and compromise
eulerscheZahl: and when using the SDK, i'm close to 1MB after 100 frames already
eulerscheZahl: so i might exceed it in certain worst-case games
eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
eulerscheZahl: 1MB is the limit for a single replay
eulerscheZahl: CG doesn't allow more
JBM: oh 1MB of game replay data?
eulerscheZahl: which is why i already filed a PR for the toggle module this morning
JBM: silly me, i thought "tab RAM use"
eulerscheZahl: yes, 1MB json file
eulerscheZahl: :D
jacek: did atari go fix it?
JBM: using a more compact format seems like the easiest of what's possible with theirr module system
eulerscheZahl: but forces me to create my own sprites i think
JBM: well, or link back to the js side of GEM
eulerscheZahl: that's what i'm trying
JBM: i know i certainly considered all i could to bypass that mess for tvc
JBM: and threw the towel, too much for me for a first game
eulerscheZahl: TVC doesn't really need to bypass it
eulerscheZahl: much less going on in that replay
JBM: i merely wishes very dearly to
eulerscheZahl: yay, my first inserted image \o/
eulerscheZahl: on calling the EntityModule in JS
eulerscheZahl: so it has an ID and all the benefits from the EntityModule
eulerscheZahl: handles viewer resize and everything
JBM: and fwd/bck in the replay
eulerscheZahl: it's a static thing, background-like
eulerscheZahl: that will be the next step
eulerscheZahl: and i want to reference to it in the toggle module
JBM: so to react on the "tvc doesn't need it", i'm just so uncomfortable with my CPU pegging to 100% when tvc is open, even if the viewer is perfectly idle
JBM: browser-based animation doesn't need to be that sloppy
eulerscheZahl: then you definitely have to replace pixi entirely
JBM: and the sdk is definitely not going to help me on that path
eulerscheZahl: there isn't much going on, yet enough to make my laptop's fans turn on
eulerscheZahl: and i don't think that i coded it badly
eulerscheZahl: oh, I always thought setScale() would be a "cheap" command in the SDK it translates into 2 commands for x and y scale :o
JBM: does that make it expensive?
JBM: isn't there a setMatrix() they could compress all of those to?
eulerscheZahl: a little more json data
JBM: oh, right, that's your bottleneck
icecream17: i just noticed the quest map.
jacek: what quest map
icecream17: at the home screen. think its something new
jacek: O:
icecream17: by just clicking ive levelled up twice
icecream17: lol
jacek: nowai
MSmits: mmh i think i found a bug in the c++ language assist
MSmits: If I page my 1 line opening book between two " " it cuts off at the end and it colors the rest of the code as if it is a string
MSmits: even though the bot works fine
MSmits: page = paste
MSmits: doesn't show any errors though
MSmits: just the whole thing is orange after the start of the string
MSmits: dont really care as I am not in the habit of coding with really long lines in the IDE
MSmits: but it's weird
eulerscheZahl: others reported issues with long lines too
eulerscheZahl: up to the website completely freezing
jacek: eeyup
MSmits: mmh maybe thats why it's being cut off now with -...- at the end?
MSmits: they just forgot to add the closing " for the language assist
MSmits: I am guessing they fixed the freezing and added this bug
dbdr: "forgot"
MSmits: yep
dbdr: it's asking much to modify your code but keep it syntactically correct
MSmits: what I mean is, they forgot to make the language assist read the code as if the "; is still in there
RoboStac: it's done that since the new editor msmits
MSmits: oh ok
RoboStac: displays larger lines with ... on the end and breaks formatting
MSmits: yeah
dbdr: 2020 and some editors still don't handle long lines
dbdr: that stuff was solved in the 70s
dbdr: just need to use the right data structures and algorithms
MSmits: my opening book would not fit in 70s RAM though
dbdr: but the algo could still be able to handle it :)
MSmits: true
RoboStac: it probably didn't try to syntax highlight it in the 70's though :)
dbdr: true
MSmits: especially since they only had 1 color...
MSmits: yellow?
dbdr: you can do bold in monochrome :)
MSmits: true
jacek: *impossibru*
jacek: argh
dbdr: early syntax highligting would just show keywords
jacek: **x**
MSmits: your autocorrect on bro-speak again jacek?
dbdr: which you can do in constant time
jacek: tried to bold message
dbdr: *x* ?
dbdr: x
dbdr: works in pidgin :)
MSmits: i dont see bold
dbdr: you would in pidgin
MSmits: i deinstalled pidgin
dbdr: probably webchat does not support it
jacek: deinstalled... who says that
**dbdr has this though
MSmits: only used it once because I needed some secretive hacker chatroom thingy
MSmits: had to decrypt a codeword to get in even
dbdr: real hackers write their own XMPP client ;)
MSmits: true
MSmits: they were amateurs
MSmits: btw disc-count does not look promising as an eval feature in othello
MSmits: tried some values, 0 is still best as a weight
MSmits: maybe i need to start at 0 and give it a weight * (60- empty squares)
MSmits: or make the 60 also a weight
MSmits: well ... a parameter i mean
dbdr: wieght*60 is a constant
MSmits: yeah you can take it out of the parentheses
dbdr: changing 60 would change nothing would it?
MSmits: i am just trying to make it look sensical
MSmits: this is multiplied with the disc-count
MSmits: so it would
dbdr: ah yes, sorry
MSmits: it would be a constant weight + a weight dependent on how deep into the game you are
MSmits: maybe something like (400 - 20 * empty) * weight * disccount
dbdr: make sure you have a discount variable too
MSmits: lol
dbdr: so typos go unnoticed ;)
MSmits: disc-count
dbdr: I know
dbdr: have both
MSmits: really?
MSmits: you do?
dbdr: no, I mean that's super dangerous
MSmits: ahh ok
dbdr: make a typo and it will still compile, just do something stupid
MSmits: or something that puts me at nr 1
MSmits: it happens
dbdr: could very well happen
MSmits: worst thing is when a bug makes your bot better and you want to fix it, but you cant
dbdr: wasn't penicilin discovered by mistake?
MSmits: yes
MSmits: he left a fungus and bacteria on a petri dish
MSmits: as you do
MSmits: I'm sure if i took a microscope into my bathroom I could discover penicilin all over the place
dbdr: there was also a guy who predicted the existence of a planet, a few centuries ago
MSmits: uranus
dbdr: someone looked, and it was exactly there, and people were amazed
MSmits: yes
dbdr: turned out the formula was quite wrong
MSmits: Dutch guy of course
dbdr: it was just a lucky time when it did not matter
dbdr: yes?
MSmits: I think so
dbdr: I think he was french :D
Astrobytes: Fleming was Scotttish, we're terrible microbiologists
Astrobytes: *Scottish
Astrobytes: (penicillin guy)
MSmits: mmh i am trying to look it up
MSmits: Neptune was predicted before disovery
MSmits: says wiki
MSmits: nah i was wrong, it was Neptune
Astrobytes: Le Verrier
MSmits: French guy and Britisch guy both predicted i
jacek: maybe someone else discovered uranus
Astrobytes: :smirk:
MSmits: but not by math
MSmits: Neptune was the first to be discovered by math
Astrobytes: I hope Uranus is explored one day jacek
Astrobytes: Lecture any good?
Astrobytes: Seems watchable, might save it to watch later
MSmits: seems ok
MSmits: Urbain was a gangster
dbdr: yeah :D
Astrobytes: yeah
Astrobytes: Guy's got good delivery
Scarfield: there is very likely another planet in our system, that still havent been discovered. 1 sec
jacek: urectrum
dbdr: that's the main topic of that video
dbdr: and this guy's research
Scarfield: oh the video you linked, just assumed it was about Neptune/Uranus
Astrobytes: clue's in the title ;)
Scarfield: lol, just joined and wanted to share, didnt read much of chat. but its really cool
Scarfield: 5-J6g.. real give away :p
Scarfield: didnt click the link xD
Astrobytes: The *video* title not the url Impatientfiield
Scarfield: xD
Astrobytes: :grin:
Scarfield: its kind of crazy that there could be another planet so "close" and it hasnt been spotted. but we have pictures of other galaxies "slightly" futher away
dbdr: need to do casear decoding on the URL
dbdr: yes I did too many clashes
eulerscheZahl: 48+2
jacek: i think i saw some lecture how we can see far things but not close ones
jacek: like they discovered recently proxima centauri planet
Scarfield: i guess the star in revolves around, and the angle between them makes it easier
dbdr: isn't it because we see the light of stars?
dbdr: and of their planets passing in front?
dbdr: unlike an outer solar planet
Scarfield: that would make sense, also the star will change its movement based on the planets orbit, so that could be one way of looking for where the planet should be
dbdr: but yeah, it's weird. it feels like you should just be able to look around to see what's there :)
dbdr: space is big and empty
Astrobytes: Well, it's only empty if you're looking for what you can see ;)
Scarfield: "Its called space, because there is a lot of it"
dbdr: it's full of vacuum?
Scarfield: space, its full of space :p
Astrobytes: My God, it's full of... something
Astrobytes: No, I mean like dark matter
Scarfield: like me, ive been told
Astrobytes: lol
RShields: very brave of dyson engineers to go all the way out to space to harness the vacuum for our vacuum cleaners
Astrobytes: Dyson sucks
RShields: what vacuum company doesn't
Astrobytes: Quite
Scarfield: hmm or do they blow :thinking:
RShields: gonna make me a vacuum company that doesn't suck
RShields: it only makes money via stock buybacks
RShields: dyson does indeed blow too
RShields: if a fan blows, it necessarily sucks
Zenoscave: As you can see it sucks as it cuts
Astrobytes: lol poopooooo, what a movie
jacek: is it made in java
pedrosorio: top20 in clash of code, finally!
TLun: congratz
FLQ4: do you have some tips on how i can get a higher rank
JBM: (experts only) play better
Rachit1510: hii
AntiSquid: add to CV: i am good at coc
wes337: i feel like an idiot when i play coc
jjhiggz: it pisses me off that python has .capitalize haha
jjhiggz: like I was wondering how I got crushed in JS
poopooooo: tfw python gang keeps getting crushed by ruby gang ;(
Feeg4ever: yippie, yippie yeah
benschreyer: people who use ruby == tryhards
Andriamanitra: people who use ruby enjoy life more because it's the most fun language
Zenoscave: people who evangelize languages are likely to not understand that a language is a tool and often times a tool is meant for a task. There isn't one language that is "best"
Andriamanitra: no one said best, just fun
Zenoscave: I agree with the fact that it is a fun language, I have yet to find one that is most fun, though.
Zenoscave: elixir is a blast
Zenoscave: think erlang + ruby
Zenoscave: I misread sorry
fccloud: it does not matter what language you use. a language is a tool and you use whatever tool you're most comfortable with and does the job the best
Feeg4ever: trying to solve a problem this late
Feeg4ever: with right tools of course!!
Feeg4ever: and that is python!!!!!!
Feeg4ever: what is your favorite "tool"?or "toys".. ehm ehm
Allis: Regarding languages:
Andriamanitra: you can't really say the language does not matter, although there are often many perfectly reasonable choices it's obvious that some are better than others
fccloud: yes, of course. each tool has its specialty
Feeg4ever: yes, right, that is PYTHON
Feeg4ever: just accept the truth
Feeg4ever: embrace the truth..
fccloud: i'd say python's okay for short scripts but as it gets longer the performance drawback is too bad
Kariin: lmao
Feeg4ever: you are right. {that is bullshit!!}
fccloud: with zero optimization i was able to update a 10k by 10k array with random values 120 times faster in java than i was able to do in python
fccloud: with threading the difference grew to 150
Andriamanitra: in my experience it's very rare that the speed of a language is a bottleneck in the real world
Feeg4ever: what about coding in binary?
fccloud: that's assembly/machine code
fccloud: basically the most performance you can get
Feeg4ever: no not assebly, step the level.
fccloud: machine language then
fccloud: but python is such a high level language (it's easy to write) that you cannot get performance out of it
fccloud: i have run into performance issues with python. i recommend you try other languages after you get one down
Feeg4ever: like which language?
fccloud: in terms of level, c#/java or maybe js is a step down from python
fccloud: you can work your way down from there
fccloud: c++ probably after that
fccloud: c++ can do everything c can
fccloud: and you can go wherever you feel honestly
Feeg4ever: im interested in C#
fccloud: c# is really nice for interfacing with the OS
Feeg4ever: thats my boy!!!!!!!!
fccloud: it is strict typing and strict oop tho
fccloud: that's probably the biggest change from py
Feeg4ever: still my boy!!!!!!!
Feeg4ever: from the creator of C#
fccloud: although c# is a tiny bit slower than java it's still tens-hundreds times faster than java
Andriamanitra: if you're trying to get a benchmark score down in a coding game then sure go learn c or c++ but if you want to actually get stuff done then python is a fine choice
Feeg4ever: guys , three languages that is a must
Allis: That really is like asking which three screwdrivers are the best.
Allis: You need to fix your thinking.
Feeg4ever: i mean ... what if the world is about to end.
Feeg4ever: and you have to save ti
Allis: Then you probably wanna learn Forth so you can hack on CollapseOS.
Feeg4ever: i would call my grandpa
Feeg4ever: what is CollapseOS?
Feeg4ever: short explaination pls
Andriamanitra: my list would be javascript for web, python for scripting and getting shit done quickly, and julia for fun and maths
Feeg4ever: that is what im talking about.
Feeg4ever: that is nice list tho
RShields: Use the right language for the job
RShields: And that means, know what's different between different langs
RShields: I would not try to write webcode in Haskell and I would not try to write an OS in Python
Feeg4ever: right, i dont know alot about other programming languages and what they suitable for.
Feeg4ever: im a noob alright { confession }
Feeg4ever: im not what you think i am alright. { another confession }
Feeg4ever: please say something. { i wanna leave }
RShields: As far as if you're picking languages to learn, you need to learn either C or C++ at some point, just because they have raw memory management, pointers, that stuff
RShields: JS is basically required for web dev, so that's on the list
Andriamanitra: i disagree with that, although c is such a simple language you can probably learn the basics in an hour
Feeg4ever: memories are my friends. good for game hacking.
Andriamanitra: raw memory management is not something your average programmer needs to know in 2020
RShields: you may not need to use it, but you should know how
RShields: C++ is also still a very used language, and if you go into C++ dev, you need to know how pointers work to know how shared pointers work, etc.
Feeg4ever: do you think that in future, somebody with a new programming lanugage? a really good one, suitable for everything?
RShields: No
Andriamanitra: quite the opposite, people keep coming up with domain-specific languages for *very* specific tasks
Feeg4ever: then i will not plan it.
RShields: Well, it's a trick question because in a literal sense, C++ is already that language
RShields: The thing is, yeah, people write languages that are specifically suited to each task, so as a master-of-none language, C++ isn't the best for any task
Andriamanitra: i think c++ is a terribly designed language from a syntax perspective to be quite honest
RShields: It's definitely dated
RShields: C# is a good language which nobody uses
Feeg4ever: oh men, im gonna be alone
RShields: And as it develops, it's becoming a frankenlang
RShields: it's got ideas from all over the place
RShields: bit of this, bit of that
Feeg4ever: it is becoming frankenlang
RShields: C# will probably always target Windows a little better than Linux or Mac
Andriamanitra: i've never seen the appeal of c#, just seems like a slightly less terrible and less portable version of java
Andriamanitra: i guess people love their visual studio
RShields: the syntax has a bunch of incremental improvements over Java
Feeg4ever: i realize that visual studio does alot in background.
Feeg4ever: is that good? i dont like it
Feeg4ever: it makes me feel dumb
RShields: and portability difference is like, anything you can't target with C# you should be writing C for anyway
RShields: :3
RShields: "doing a lot in the background" isn't good or bad per se
RShields: it's about *what* you're doing
Andriamanitra: mobile? in c?
RShields: you can target mobile with C#
Feeg4ever: i wanna be a hacker. im gonna be arreseted.
Feeg4ever: have you hacked into anything?
Feeg4ever: and also red hacker
Feeg4ever: you guys are getting sleepy.
RShields: hacking is almost always, make a phone call to someone stupid, say you're IT, and ask for their username and password
Feeg4ever: hacking the satellite. start the laser beam... then booom
Andriamanitra: very true, humans are almost always the weakest link in any security system
Feeg4ever: what an AI will code for us?
RShields: who will write the ai
Oregane: maybe they'll do something like caml, get a bunch of mathematicians to check the thing is secure and when you add anything, make it auto check itself
rajington: js is all about the ecosystem and not a standard library, should at least have access to lodash/underscore
rajington: for the length ones, use `var` or `let` instead of `const`, much shorter
rajington: and drop unnecessary spaces
rajington: or variable allocation