thanhhv317: where are u from?
U.N.Owen: He's from california
thanhhv317: why are you know it?
thanhhv317: yeah
thanhhv317: do you want play code game with me
U.N.Owen: We are, I got first in the same one as u
U.N.Owen: He still hasn't finished
thanhhv317: okay !!
thanhhv317: how old are u
thanhhv317: wow
thanhhv317: what is language code
thanhhv317: nono
thanhhv317: :)
thanhhv317: js
thanhhv317: i am student
thanhhv317: and i want to a job
U.N.Owen: i am too, and i do too
thanhhv317: i can build a website with php,html,css,js
thanhhv317: you can do it?
U.N.Owen: i typically use django, cause it's easier for me to code in python
thanhhv317: wow
thanhhv317: i think python fit for algothym, AI
U.N.Owen: Yeah, i use it on ai too, but with django it's simple to make websites
thanhhv317: with web, python not power
U.N.Owen: But I don't have much practice with js
thanhhv317: good
thanhhv317: but
thanhhv317: 13 year old ?
thanhhv317: 16
thanhhv317: u very cool
thanhhv317: i am bad
U.N.Owen: Ur prbly better than me
thanhhv317: do u want play a game with me
thanhhv317: solo code :xd
U.N.Owen: Aren't we in the same one rn?
U.N.Owen: Oh, what is the solo code thing
saarques: Hey everyone! :)
U.N.Owen: I wonder why we're using the world chat
U.N.Owen: isn't there one for only our game?
saarques: Glad to be a part of this community!, thanks for your amazing support
saarques: Don't know, Seems like there is
saarques: Coc####
U.N.Owen: I sent a message on it
saarques: Indidrect support, I was literaaly craving to start coding for a while
U.N.Owen: oh, lol, coding's a great world
U.N.Owen: I've been doing it since I was about 6
saarques: Yu it is.
saarques: I couldn't do it this much, I am in my final year lol
U.N.Owen: college or high school?
saarques: And that too CSE
saarques: College
saarques: :)
U.N.Owen: I'm in middle school, i have nothing but time
saarques: Cool
saarques: Getting itno new COC, wanna join?
U.N.Owen: yeah, one sec, I'm messing with my friend
saarques: Sure thing
U.N.Owen: he and i are the last ones on this and I'm lying about my character count to make him submit
saarques: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
saarques: Yup
saarques: Aaaaa
saarques: You got it
U.N.Owen: only cause i cut the spaces
saarques: Yup
U.N.Owen: apart from that, u and i did the exact same thing
Andriamanitra: did you even need end="" ?
saarques: I have this habit of putting spaces
saarques: Yup, it was needed
U.N.Owen: lol, its a good havit
saarques: Yeah, it makes things clear for me, when I'm doing some big nasty work
U.N.Owen: u needed the end="" because otherwise u would've had a new line at the end, but I guess it wouldn't have mattered much to them
U.N.Owen: Cleaner code is better code
saarques: No, it did matter
saarques: I tried that, it wasn't accepting the newline
Andriamanitra: weird, i had newline at the end of my square
saarques: That's cool too Andriamanitra
U.N.Owen: urs would be fine, because the default value of end is a newline char
U.N.Owen: But we wrote it in one print statement
saarques: No, your may not have been a newline, I in my case, put it forcefully
saarques: Yup, just as owen said
U.N.Owen: so, we had to add our own newlines and then there would be excess at the end
U.N.Owen: Oh, owen isn't my name, its just a username thing
U.N.Owen: I use it in a lot of places, its from a book
saarques: Ohkay :)
U.N.Owen: It's supposed to be sounded out as Unknown, ya know
saarques: I remember only one Owen, that's a footballer
saarques: :)
saarques: Ohh, right
U.N.Owen: It's from agatha christie's "And then there were none"
saarques: Hmm, that's cool
saarques: Up for the next one? :upside_down:
U.N.Owen: One sec though, i have to wait for my friend
saarques: Sure
U.N.Owen: no, he did it in the same time as me
saarques: forky is your friend, it seems
U.N.Owen: k, I can join the next one now
U.N.Owen: hm, no, its ArhanMisra
saarques: Ohh, okay
U.N.Owen: Oh, I think I missed urs
jistjoalal: i just did a clash that only required 3 buttons on keyboard
saarques: That's great
Andriamanitra: why am i getting security checks every single time i join a clash T_T
kazuki_fuze: ok lets go
jacek: because youre bot
Kyojin_MasterX: funny
thanhhv317: hi
thanhhv317: i using js
jacek: im sorry
DomiKo: another top1 in gold ehhh
DomiKo: that's the feeling when you love it and hate it at the same time
jacek: but youre in legend now?
jacek: also, go to wybory
dbdr: gg on joining the top pack, MSmits!
jacek: :F
DomiKo: wybory done ;)
DomiKo: and no ;(
MSmits: thanks dbdr, I just have a few eval parameters, super basic
MSmits: trying to tune them but half of my opponents cant be tested against
MSmits: also there's some serious rock paper scissors, already found a set of parameters that beats tric trac half the time
Astrobytes: Yes, it's very annoying not being able to test
Astrobytes: gj btw ;)
MSmits: thanks
MSmits: I think a simple set of params like i use in oware is going to be really limited here
MSmits: I do think one of those fancy trained evals is necessary
Astrobytes: Seems like the way to go
MSmits: I'll see if I can make something work after I get back from vacation
MSmits: never done this before
jacek: trained eval?
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: like the ntuples
Astrobytes: How is the election going jacek
MSmits: jacek running for office?
Astrobytes: lol
jacek: for codingame president
jacek: im gonna ban rust
MSmits: ahh I see
MSmits: good idea
MSmits: those damn rusties, coming in and stealing our leaderboard spots
dbdr: easier than to compete? ;)
JBM: just claim it's unfair for some reason and get them banned
MSmits: they'd choke otherwise?
Astrobytes: ffs :D
dbdr: C/C++ gets #pragma. ban them! :)
Andriamanitra: in clash of code is there no way to see where my code went from after the round? i was a bit too quick on the old submit button
dbdr: CG should only accept OISC code. how to generate it is up to players
jacek: oisc?
MSmits: Othello submit is like: Wreck anyone rank 8 and below, then get wrecked by anyone 1-4 while trying to catch a tomatoe
MSmits: gap below tomatoes is huge
dbdr: i like the "catch a tomatoe" expression :D
MSmits: thanks :copyright:
dbdr: wow, you just caught a tomatoe :D
MSmits: seems like it yeah
MSmits: i am just messing with parameters
MSmits: that frontier stuff is useless btw
MSmits: in an eval
MSmits: took it out, best param value was 0
jacek: oO
eulerscheZahl: maybe it helps in one stage of the problem and not in another?
MSmits: i have the corners thing and also tried to add a separate eval for corner adjacents
MSmits: could be eulerscheZahl
MSmits: could not make corner adjacents work yet either. Maybe I need to check whether the corner has been taken already
MSmits: if the corner is taken, then its no problem to have a corner adjacent cell
jacek: thats why ntuple would take care of
MSmits: otherwise when you own a corner, you'll get punished for also having a corner adjacent
MSmits: yeah i know
dbdr: tomato is still fresh after all
MSmits: yeah, rock paper scissors
jacek: no, tomato is already rusted
jacek: and rotten
tomatoes: :smile:
MSmits: hi
tomatoes: i think frontiers is a bit usefull in the early game
tomatoes: first 20 plies maybe
MSmits: maybe, couldn't tell
MSmits: this is really the perfect game to experiment with. I get why it's so popular as a research subject
MSmits: damnit jacek, 9 wins in a row to start my submit. You just had to ruin it
jacek: :cat:
MSmits: trying to get past tomatoes, renard and tric trac
MSmits: otherwise known as
MSmits: fox and friends
MSmits: oo first jacek win
jacek: :E
struct: Damn even with no books
struct: The game was played perfectly for 10 turns
struct: until MSmits made a mistake
struct: The right move was D7
jacek: how do you know
SkyDreamer: just did a shortest code contest and i cant understand why my code didnt work
SkyDreamer: print('+'.join(sorted([int(i)for i in input().split('+')])))
MSmits: well this is definitely a good submit then
Astrobytes: It would certainly appear so, very nice
MSmits: I love that this game has a public opening book
MSmits: if i ever make one for othello i can check it against that
jacek: or jsut copy paste
MSmits: whats the fun in that
MSmits: I hope people do that
MSmits: it's so easy to counter a deep opening book :)
jacek: there is logistello database games, for which you can train from
jacek: or compare
MSmits: yeah hjax is going to do that
jacek: you pushed me above robo, thx
MSmits: you're welcome
MSmits: my current test:
MSmits: RoboStac GW=25,00% [ W=16,67% L=66,67% D=16,67% ] [18]
Renard GW=68,75% [ W=68,75% L=31,25% D=0,00% ] [16] trictrac GW=60,71% [ W=57,14% L=35,71% D=7,14% ] [14] -- TOTAL -- GW=50,00% [ W=45,83% L=45,83% D=8,33% ] [48 games]
MSmits: doing well against renard and trick trac
MSmits: but Robo is strong
jacek: youre not testing against me?
MSmits: not yet, you're too tough, waste of games
jacek: i feel so unworthy
MSmits: if you lose everything, then there is no test
MSmits: I try to pick opponents around my bots strength
MSmits: in this case, many are rust, so not much to choose from
dbdr: only tomatoes
MSmits: and hjax, and that one guy at the top, forgot his name
jacek: but he uploads the binary :?
MSmits: oh dbdr is testable
Astrobytes: Yeah, you'll just lose
MSmits: not that it matters. I am not going to play 2000 games to see whether I win 1 or 2
struct: high expectations I see
Astrobytes: :D
dbdr: and hij*x is quite lower, so test probably not useful either
dbdr: lol
MSmits: had the same problem in oware, tests against robo and re curse were useless for a long time
MSmits: true
dbdr: so improving my bot would be a good investment
MSmits: if I dont find a fancy eval like the top 3 did, I will not come anywhere near I think
MSmits: unless I cheese it and counterbook your bot, but I only do that when I am already in the ballpark, otherwise it feels like cheating
dbdr: and should be easy to counter if needed
MSmits: not exactly
MSmits: unless you randomize your bot
dbdr: book against your book
MSmits: so far I won every book war. It's a matter of who is most obsessed
dbdr: :D
MSmits: i can hold on because I think its fun to do :P
dbdr: sounds fun to me too :)
MSmits: well we'll have one later then maybe. But I need a good bot first
MSmits: btw, i try to counter book robo in oware atm
MSmits: not having much luck at all
MSmits: he plays perfectly deterministic
MSmits: but
MSmits: so far first 15 plies he plays perfectly. He doesnt seem to make a mistake :P
MSmits: so kinda hard to counter. Expected seed difference stays at 0 and I lose the rest of the game
jacek: and yet here i am weith the move 10 as p2
MSmits: oh right, seems to work fine jacek
MSmits: my tests say 1, 4 and 5 are good as p2
jacek: so you cant outbook me!
MSmits: Robo does 1, I do 5, Agade as well
MSmits: It takes forever, iwont get to you with in a month probably, if it even works
MSmits: maybe my bot is not good enough to create a reliable oware book. It's a long game
jacek: when i search deep, there is 5 vs 4, sometimes 1
MSmits: I saw a paper that listed games of top bots
jacek: and robo resubmited
MSmits: they started with F a lot (6th pit)
MSmits: yeah I know I am testing vs his current bot
MSmits: i meant they replied with F a lot sorry
MSmits: so 5
jacek: i use 6-11 for the upper ~
MSmits: I think multiple replies are solved as a draw
MSmits: ah I just always use 0 to 5
MSmits: from what i can tell only the 0 reply (6) is bad
MSmits: maybe 2 also
jacek: i wonder if in ancient times they researched that game thoroughly
MSmits: maybe it would explain some cave drawings :P
Astrobytes: That was during the Owarecene era
MSmits: :)
jacek: good morning
MSmits: when Robo's bot says -100 he lost?
MSmits: I am just wondering how a NN can solve this soon
eulerscheZahl: An error occurred (#UNAUTHORIZED): "You are not authorised to view replay 476766964".
MSmits: ahh right
MSmits: i forgot about that
jacek: ?
MSmits: i cant share a cg bench game
struct: if you do share-replay in the link MSmits
eulerscheZahl: you can
struct: will it work?
MSmits: how?
eulerscheZahl: click the share button
MSmits: the share button isn there
jacek: na sharing
jacek: no caring
eulerscheZahl: screenshot or i don't believe you
struct: If he edits the link to
struct: and then opens it
struct: wont it share it?
Astrobytes: Button? For cg-bench?
eulerscheZahl: hmmm...
MSmits: you dont need the link though, I was just referring to the -100 he says one ply after I solved it on my side
MSmits: so I am guessing he solved his loss
dbdr: that does not look very soon
MSmits: but NN's dont search very deep
MSmits: 16 plies before the end though
eulerscheZahl: i don't even care about the -100, just wanted to nag you
MSmits: i know :P
dbdr: very few legal moves
dbdr: tree is narrow
MSmits: true
dbdr: why does NN not search very deep
dbdr: eval is more expensive?
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: I think they have 10x less rollouts or something
MSmits: maybe even less than that
dbdr: must depend a lot on the network
MSmits: sure
MSmits: i guess good eval also does help you solve a bit sooner
dbdr: say it's linear in the number of weights
MSmits: might have been a fluke
MSmits: here i solve pretty late, but he solves much later even
MSmits: perhaps because he doesnt do his eval when there's just 1 child
struct: dbdr you have no opening book right?
dbdr: none
dbdr: yet ;)
struct: Your bot early moves are optimal, even when oponent makes a mistake
struct: amazing
MSmits: i think some training methods might basically encode an opening book within the weights. Early game positions occur much more often than middle game ones, so if you just train on games, you may train harder on the opening
dbdr: well, since I have no book, it makes no different what the opponent does
RoboStac: MSmits - yeah, -100 is I know I've lost
MSmits: ahh ok thought so
RoboStac: the policy from the nn means I search good moves effieciently
dbdr: right
struct: Yeah dbdr but what I was trying to say is that you answer the wrong move with the perfect move
RoboStac: despite only eval'ing about 3000 positions per turn
MSmits: yeah that makes sense
MSmits: I eval 650k positions :P
dbdr: it means ntest has book entries for opponent "mistakes"?
struct: yeah
dbdr: interesting
struct: you can try the link I posted
dbdr: might not need it if it's a big mistake
dbdr: but they have different constraints
dbdr: space is not an issue
struct: even if opponent makes a mistake
struct: you can do a worse mistake after
RoboStac: was hoping for better from this submit, hadn't spotted tric had updated and msmits was now an issue :(
MSmits: thanks
MSmits: well you put some distance between me and the fox so thats good
dbdr: true in principle, struct, but othello is short enough and close to draw, that one mistake is probably fatal, if you have a good enough search
MSmits: oware is even worse like that
MSmits: well its not short, but it has crazy loops
MSmits: 1 mistake does lead to loss
struct: Cant be worse than Yavalath
MSmits: hmm, its different
MSmits: yavalath is harder to solve probably
MSmits: but it has early game ends
MSmits: many
RARH: hi im kinda new to coding
MSmits: welcome
RARH: my dad keeps making me do things like this even though he knows i struggle like crazy with them
MSmits: your dad is making you code?
MSmits: modern of him
MSmits: he coulda been making you practice baseball or something cliché like that
RARH: i do sort of like coding but not when its waaaaay too hard
MSmits: small steps
Astrobytes: *we have rounders and cricket here MSmits
Astrobytes: No baseball.
MSmits: ow
MSmits: RARH do easy puzzles here
MSmits: the easiest ones should be doable
MSmits: you can pick what language you think is easiest
MSmits: small steps
RARH: is that meant to be a link?
MSmits: oh you mean the red color?
MSmits: thats what you see when someone types your name
RARH: it wont work like one if i hover my mouse over it (yh the red)
MSmits: you can finish names with tab button on your keyboard
Astrobytes: This is definitely a link:
eulerscheZahl: it's a trao!
eulerscheZahl: trap
Astrobytes: :D
eulerscheZahl: i need an artist :(
MSmits: it seems 11 new easy puzzles were created since my last vacation in july last year
struct: JBM
Astrobytes: ^
eulerscheZahl: *a good artist
eulerscheZahl: more like Zerplin
Astrobytes: :scream_cat:
RARH: how do i set my profile picture type thing? i c u all have one
eulerscheZahl: go to your profile
eulerscheZahl: click the avatar
MSmits: put a random animal
MSmits: JBM euler is in a mood where he annoys people
eulerscheZahl: yes you did RARH
MSmits: you know how that is
eulerscheZahl: why do I annoy people?
MSmits: you said you were nagging me earlier :P
eulerscheZahl: you shared an invalid link
MSmits: thats true
Astrobytes: trollerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: and i still need an artist
RARH: it doesnt look like i have the profile pic thing on my screen...
eulerscheZahl: that's MK style, Astrobytes
dbdr: was thinking the same :)
eulerscheZahl: clear your cache and reload RARH
Astrobytes: lol
RARH: done that
MSmits: I see fire
RARH: oooh it works now!
Astrobytes: Confirmed
MSmits: :fire:
eulerscheZahl: :water:
eulerscheZahl: :bucket:
eulerscheZahl: come on
MSmits: :water_polo_tone1:
Astrobytes: :fountain:
RARH: :fire:
RARH: :fire:
eulerscheZahl: :ice:
eulerscheZahl: :snow:
RARH: :earth:
eulerscheZahl: :snowflake:
RARH: lol
RARH: :ice:
eulerscheZahl: 8 arms for the snowflake?
RARH: :snowflake:
MSmits: :ice_cream:
Astrobytes: :wind:
MSmits: :nauseated_face:
eulerscheZahl: stop puking off the fire
Astrobytes: Actually, that's accurate. Been eating a lot of bean chilli recently
MSmits: that explains it
RARH: lol
jacek: :scream;
Schwase: do medium+ puzzles not have java lang assist enabled?
jacek: they do :?
jacek: restart browser then
Schwase: its been open at least overnight
Astrobytes: that'll be the issue
69razer69: hey guys
69razer69: anyone solved the weekly challenge
jacek: overnight? youre some cg addict
Schwase: haha wasnt coding just had some macros running
Anonymous33: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
**Anonymous33 slaps Schwase around a bit with a large fishbot
Schwase: stock exchange losses short be an easy puzzle lol
eulerscheZahl: easy to code. needs a little thinking what to code
Schwase: store max, substract new value store difference if new minimum
Zenoscave: Oh man I almost had a SSD bite the bullet
Zenoscave: just about lost a lot of private git repos I don't have backed up.
inoryy: aren't private git repos free now on github?
Zenoscave: Not sure
struct: they are
Zenoscave: should probably check
jacek: yes, but github belongs to m$, so
struct: up to N members I think
Zenoscave: Yes!!!! Good news everybody
Zenoscave: where's hypnotoad
eulerscheZahl: private repos are free for up to 3 collaborators
inoryy: jacek so..?
jacek: i dont trust them :v
eulerscheZahl: not everything MS does is bad
inoryy: are you hanging onto outdated stereotypes?
eulerscheZahl: .net core is under MIT license
jacek: outdated?
inoryy: alright, what is your distrust based on
eulerscheZahl: i wouldn't install a windows on my personal computer. too much ways to collect your data and i don't like the OS itself
eulerscheZahl: but i don't hate MS as a whole company
jacek: i have windows only for the games
eulerscheZahl: only windows + MS office
Astrobytes: Apple kinda out-MS'd MS tbh
jacek: but i dont like windows 10 nagging and forces updates
eulerscheZahl: i only play old games that run with wine
jacek: better games are played with vodka
Astrobytes: lol
jacek: as for the elections, welp exit polls: 50.4% vs 49.6%
Astrobytes: To Duda?
inoryy: if you're studying in university I wonder if you're even old enough to remember why MS was hated for in the first place; peake of their cutt-throat and anti-consumer practices was almost 20 years ago
jacek: yes, but we need to wait for vote counting
Astrobytes: :/ best of luck
eulerscheZahl: back in those days when Linux was considered the enemy
MSmits: it's not anymore?
Astrobytes: Ah the antitrust case days, it almost doesn't feel like that long ago until I remember my age
eulerscheZahl: they even integrated a linux shell in windows
inoryy: point is that it's under a completely different leadership, arguably a different company basically.
Astrobytes: Very different.
Astrobytes: Anyway, it's Google everyone needs to worry about now eh inoryy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
tomatoes: ads in paid OS
tomatoes: :money_mouth:
struct: ads in tvs :)
Astrobytes: On point.
caubeloatchoat24: Come here bros
Astrobytes: No.
eulerscheZahl: NO!
eulerscheZahl: tomorrow this will be a kick *insert evil laughter*
eulerscheZahl: (just kidding)
Astrobytes: heh heh heh
Scarfield: AdstroBytes
Astrobytes: Scarfertising
jacek: all hail princess Luna
PatrickMcGinnisII: Kali
PatrickMcGinnisII: no one <3s Kali?
MSmits: trictrac
MSmits: your solver has a bug i think
jacek: well for oware i treat draw as lose
MSmits: why?
trictrac: yes thank you draw is bad managed
MSmits: kk np
jacek: copied from old code mcts, too lazy to change into draw
MSmits: lol ok
MSmits: is this normal or do i have a bug:
struct: you did not find loss?
MSmits: ahh no, it must be a bug
jacek: tomato did win with me like that or with dbd
tomatoes: both :sunglasses:
jacek: turn on legal moves
jacek: you get many legal moves, and trapot has many frontiers
MSmits: hmm ok
jacek: if your eval account for that, it will say its very good
MSmits: i dont do frontiers
MSmits: ohh I see
MSmits: I dont end the game properly I think
jacek: maybe your solver didnt kick in to ruin the fun
MSmits: yeah something like that
MSmits: i wonder if this is only my new version or that it also happened in the old
jacek: hmm
zombi3123: Is anyone else terrible at codinggame or just me? I'm rubbish and getting quite worried. Am I just dumb or what? I've just started my internship is this a sign I'll be useless and get sacked or what?
Schwase: m8 thats pretty hard for any of us to weigh in on. but id say if its an internship leading to employment, you should measure your success based on the tasks they give you, if its work study itd be awfully hard to lose the position without some form of rule breaking
Schwase: dont let CG be the standard you use to measure if youll be good at your internship, just let it be a measure if youre good at what skills CG requires/tests
Andriamanitra: none of us really know what we're doing, just keep grinding and checking stackoverflow for every stupid little thing
struct: What stuff are you doing zombi3123?
struct: puzzles?
zombi3123: Just abit worried is all
zombi3123: What about the euler problems. I find they take me about an hour or longer to do each
zombi3123: and I don't think I can do many on the next pages
Schwase: some people could never get through them tho you have a leg up on all of those people
zombi3123: Not really clear on that
zombi3123: Some people find things difficult I find easy
zombi3123: Did haskell coursework in uni and some people couldn't do question 1 where as I did nearly every question
zombi3123: Without uch difficulty
Schwase: and show them what you know they want to see
Schwase: are you good socially? like do people (professionally) like you usually?
zombi3123: I'm alright. i think I have aspergers syndrome which makes me abit socially weird, but nothing major people like me
zombi3123: Usually when I'm stressed out I act more normal than in my calm state
zombi3123: I'm more normal in work than school/college
Schwase: performing under pressure is a good trait
struct: I recommend puzzles over clash
struct: no time pressure
zombi3123: not so much that lol. I just mean my personality is less weird when under pressure ahaha
Uljahn: agreed, clashes are like 10% of experience CG can deliver
zombi3123: I have anxiety which is anoother thing
Schwase: yeah you wont ever need to speed code for most work
Schwase: just take your time and get through your assignments without letting things go for too long and you should be ok
Uljahn: in multis you can test your ability to handle larger projects
Schwase: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Zombie, Spock and the Large Hadron Collider
Schwase: when can we expect this to be coming to CG?
zombi3123: goin to bed now. Night xx
Schwase: dont stress about it too much
Schwase: at the end of the day, we have control only over the present and never over the future itself
thanhhv317: hi
thanhhv317: i come from vietnam
thanhhv317: where are u from?
thanhhv317: wow
thanhhv317: good morning
U.N.Owen: It's evening here but... hey
Kyojin_MasterX: morning for me
soraly: .
thanhhv317: sorry, i don't know about that
U.N.Owen: oh no, its fine, i was just saying
thanhhv317: here GTM +7