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Husoski: taco

antiwonto: [auto] Hey Husoski, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 23 tacos

jacek: hmm

antiwonto: [auto] Hey jacek, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 7 tacos

Default avatar.png coder1404: taco

derjack: :taco: coder1404

antiwonto: [auto] derjack has awarded coder1404 1 tacos. coder1404 now has 1 taco. derjack now has 49 taco

StephensonDavid: Hello

alex104: anyone wanna join clash of code?

Prince6502: help me to get level up

antiwonto: [auto] Hey Prince6502, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 1 tacos


Prince6502: upvote it pls.

Default avatar.png JohnShepard: its 2:50 am my dude no one is on

Prince6502: but in india its 1:20 pm

PatrickMcGinnisII: what mode of CoC is it?

PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh fastest


PatrickMcGinnisII: I think there are similar

PatrickMcGinnisII: but I don't play coc much

PatrickMcGinnisII: Prince6502?

Prince6502: you answer is correct

Prince6502: any feedback (question for new programmers)

timbersson: o/

antiwonto: [auto] Hey timbersson, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 5 tacos

VilBoub_junior: hello UwU

Scouipou: leeeeeetsgo i have tacos

VilBoub_junior: i love tacos

Prince6502: hi

clxm: pizzas

derjack: :taco: Astrobytes

antiwonto: [auto] Sorry but you can only award tacos once per day


MarinDeNsi: UwU everyone~:3

Audran227: hi onychan Marin

clxm: ︻┳テ=一

MarinDeNsi: Nani audran-chan ?!

VilBoub_junior: I opened an onlyfan or I code naked on codingame

5DN1L: no spam please, or get kicked

Scouipou: ok bro

VilBoub_junior: ok bro sry

Audran227: ok mate

VilBoub_junior: UwUUUUUUUU

Scouipou: Onniiii-chaaan :heart_eyes_cat:

derjack: friday eh

MarinDeNsi: :point_right: :point_left:

Default avatar.png AlexV06: bruh


5DN1L: no spam GabCol

5DN1L: or get kicked

Default avatar.png GabCol: ma non sto spammando bro

RiccardoDeiuri: GabCol kicked !!!!

Default avatar.png AlexV06: agreed

RiccardoDeiuri: :flag_af:

Default avatar.png AlexV06: is that italy flag?

5DN1L: coding-related topics only, please

420always: gab

gioele.chiodoni: sium

420always: cazzo fai

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: @5dn1l

420always: @Gabcol



GabCol: cosa

Mammadellene: vOLPE PULLAPPATO

Mammadellene: CV

5DN1L: no spam please, or get kicked or banned

Mammadellene: i'M sORRY

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: I have a question related to output data. I am actually coding for Mad Pod Racing Suppose I want some data output for CNN training, how can I output data files?

GabCol: i didn' t do anything bro for real

gioele.chiodoni: HCAP

Default avatar.png AlexV06: no cap

5DN1L: elie.f.asmar I usually just print to error stream, and copy and paste from the console

GabCol: ngul a mammt cap

Steamyyy: ich habe die hausaufgabe nicht gemacht

JacKixx: gut

Steamyyy: danke bro

5DN1L: no spam please

5DN1L: all of you will be kicked out

JacKixx: deut-ish

gioele.chiodoni: :flag_ch:

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: 5DN1L the process requires colossal amount of data so printing to the console is not a choice

BarcaVolante: Meine Mutter magst Mathematik un Programmieren,.

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: anyway, thank you

JacKixx: you're welcome

I21RATVAL: ndị na-eme egwuregwu na-atọ ụtọ

Uljahn: elie.f.asmar: have you considered downloarding and parsing replays?

5DN1L: I21RATVAL English only, and no spam here

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: I dont know it currently existed

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: I can download replay data files?


I21RATVAL: 5DN1L Kedu?

Mammadellene: How trasform an int number in bit in java?

Mammadellene: what's the command

GabCol: i don' t know

Mammadellene: can somebody aswer me?

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar:

Mammadellene: BRO THANKS

Ayza: the answer always lies in google

gokubill: gét gô

Default avatar.png coder1404: for how longu guys codin

gokubill: 1s

Steamyyy: only english

Default avatar.png NathanKneT: KAWAIIIIII

Default avatar.png yedi: anyone who wants to do a reverse clash of code?

Mugrim_FF: i do

Default avatar.png thunder123: me

jacek: edoc fo hsalc


MatvejRossi: hi! enter this magnificus websites!

5DN1L: coding-related topics please

MatvejRossi: SORRY

Steamyyy: hi bro

NotErosito: Hi

Steamyyy: Whatsupp

NotErosito: good you??

Steamyyy: im fine

MatvejRossi: good thanks

Steamyyy: what are you doing?

KHUSHBAKHT: hi everyone

waterproofsodium: gm


KHUSHBAKHT: so how are you doing

LastRick: good morning all

KHUSHBAKHT: good morning

Default avatar.png Almezj: why did they change the clash of codes??

Default avatar.png Almezj: I enjoyed them when I could come in and play them and not wait for hours for a clash to come in my preffered language

5DN1L: No there is no change

5DN1L: you can still play ordinary clashes


jacek: and you can still write your code in bash

Kumalala: 5DN1L are online 24/7?

Kumalala: are you*

5DN1L: no, definitely not

gioele.chiodoni: :flag_it: not :soccer:

MatvejRossi: mhh

Kumalala: you were on like 5 hours ago

naves: helloooooooooooooooooooooooo

MatvejRossi: i dont thinks so

solumineur: who can help me for my exam I need to creat a program

waterproofsodium: reverse mode:

b0ot: Is there a way to output to debug and not have it considered console output for javascript

waterproofsodium: 2+1 -> 3

b0ot: I tried console.debug

5DN1L: the default code tells you what code to use to debug

waterproofsodium: turned out it was length of the input string....

waterproofsodium: I'm triggered

jacek: clever

jacek: id like to meet the author

Ayza: use console.error b0ot

zakacat: give :taco: Ayza

antiwonto: [auto] Sorry but you can only award tacos once per day

zakacat: :sadface:

Ayza: at least you tried :taco:

zakacat: I am just a tacoless girl in a tacoless world

Default avatar.png OnlyNik: hello

giochi-belli89: hi, click here to win 3000$

5DN1L: no spam please

Default avatar.png DadaDunga: hello men

Default avatar.png Marco_Amaro: ciao belli

Default avatar.png Marco_Amaro: come butta?

Default avatar.png Gabriele_Bee: only english pls

Default avatar.png Marco_Amaro: ok daddy

Default avatar.png Gabriele_Bee: ty <3

Default avatar.png Gabriele_Bee: nyah

Default avatar.png ghiggiNicolas13: :eyes:

Default avatar.png Bribbo: gabri tutto ok?

Default avatar.png Marco_Amaro: :tired_face:

Default avatar.png ghiggiNicolas13: uhdfvahdfg

Default avatar.png ghiggiNicolas13: ab

Default avatar.png ghiggiNicolas13: b

Default avatar.png ghiggiNicolas13: asb

Default avatar.png Gabriele_Bee: Don't spam pls

5DN1L: spammers are kicked or banned

5DN1L: two have been kicked just now

TKirishima: uwu

Default avatar.png DadaDunga: hello

Default avatar.png Gabriele_Bee: Thank you @5DN1L

Default avatar.png Marco_Amaro: I'm sorry but I didn't spam

Default avatar.png OnlyNik: Marco Amaro stop spamming

5DN1L: would you guys just stick to coding-related topics please

Default avatar.png ghiggiNicolas13: io


Ayza: is there a specific reason why they all used c++


Ayza: I see

struct: Ayza the game is pretty much based on performance

Ayza: speed

struct: unless you use a NN

struct: but its not the only thing that matters

Ayza: algorithm

struct: Most of the players use mcts there

struct: you can get less performance if you use an heavier rollout

struct: and the bot will be better

Uljahn: i guess it's relatively easy to get legend with vanilla MCTS and C++, while almost impossible with python

struct: all you need is bitboards and vanilla mcts

struct: Maybe bitboards are not even needed

jacek: or chocolate mcts

Murat_Eroglu: lol

Magus: by experience, a vanilla MCTS is quickly crushed by a "not so vanilla" MCTS with the same performances.

Magus: A simple tweak in the rollout can skyrocket a vanilla MCTS

jacek: depends on definition of "vanilla". for me, mcts solver is vanilla

Magus: vanilla = a MCTS with random everywhere.

Magus: But you can tweak the rollout, you can tweak the move selection, you can tweak the board eval (and not just assigning +1 or -1).

struct: vanilla = random and only check win when game actually ends

struct: Checking early wins is a big improvement

Uljahn: is it some sort of EPT?

struct: well I would say so but you dont have a fixed depth

struct: You just check if a game was won before it reached the last move

struct: This is possible in multiple games

struct: connect 4, uttt, onitama, bt

struct: I used on all of them

jacek: decisive and antidecisive moves eh

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: why do some puzzles save progress but others don't?

struct: you need to press play my code before closing the ide

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: ohhhhh

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: thanks you that is actually so useful

Default avatar.png Marco_Amaro: ciao Tôm

Default avatar.png ufoq: Who loves dicksucking?

kyleADHD: your mom

Default avatar.png ufoq: :tongue:

kyleADHD: :grin:

jacek: oO

kxysy: erisa

Default avatar.png Erisa: keisy


giochi-belli89: your dad

Default avatar.png Marco_Amaro: -.-- .- -- . - . -.- ..- -.. .- ... .- ..

5DN1L: that's decoded to: you've been banned

Prince6502: hay 5DN1L


Prince6502: join this

5DN1L: Sorry, I'm not interested

Prince6502: are u a member of codingame

Prince6502: i mean developer or mentanance

5DN1L: I'm an unpaid moderator. I'm not their staff.

Prince6502: ok i check your profile many times

Prince6502: you mastered every programming

5DN1L: No, passing many tests doesn't mean i master everything

Prince6502: no i think u are

5DN1L: :shrug:

Prince6502: you very well know about policies and contribution details like that.

Prince6502: i think u are a one of the member of codingame

5DN1L: time to correct your misconception then

5DN1L: Automaton2000, teach me more

antiwonto: [auto] hey 5DN1L looking for some intro tutorials on programming? This isn't the place probably. Try , 'The Coding Train' on youtube, or first levels in

Automaton2000: i just need to go to the next step. thanks.

Ayza: Automaton2000 teach me less

antiwonto: [auto] hey Ayza looking for some intro tutorials on programming? This isn't the place probably. Try , 'The Coding Train' on youtube, or first levels in

Automaton2000: do you mean by that

Default avatar.png coder1404: taco

Wontonimo: :taco:

antiwonto: [auto] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others '

Wontonimo: CSB

antiwonto: [auto] 'CSB' was defined as ' Coders Strikes Back (aka Mad Pod Racing) '

BJD: bot

antiwonto: [auto] 'bot' was defined as ' Automaton2000 '

Automaton2000: i was not able to get the best move is not to play


antiwonto: [auto] Hey Westicles, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 67 tacos

Default avatar.png Ghap: Hey guys

Default avatar.png Fallheur: hellohello

Manchi_o6o7: Hey guys. Is someone familiar with some approximation algorithms for the Travelling Salesman Problem?

5DN1L: you can google

5DN1L: there are lots of online resources

Manchi_o6o7: I've tried to, but I am looking for something which should work with directed graphs

Manchi_o6o7: The minimum spanning tree approach works for undirected graphs, as far as I could notice

abt8601: I know GA can solve it, but I'm not sure whether or not it's what you're looking for.

jacek: yeah try some meta heuristics like GA, SA etc

jacek: or

MSmits: if you mean GA can get a solution to the TSP, then yeah, but so can a simple random order. A solution just means you visited all the nodes one time.

MSmits: if you mean GA can find the exact solution, then no it can't. It can just find a good one

MSmits: unless you are lucky, but then you don't know it is exactly optimal

jacek: even amoebas can do traveling salesman, why cant you

MSmits: indeed

MSmits: I think 2 more days before my 38 seed DB finishes. Hope it's error-free

MSmits: then I'll try to make a good meta mcts DB for a rematch vs professor X :)

Default avatar.png Fallheur: hello again

jacek: ohai

MSmits: hi

Default avatar.png Fallheur: i am trying to finish Astroid Puzzle and I can't find a way to pass test 7

Default avatar.png Fallheur: sorry forget what i said...

Default avatar.png Fallheur: I just found the information i was missing

jacek: :duck:

DomiKo: MSmits 38 sounds really crazy

jacek: and he still cant beat us

DomiKo: :joy:

MSmits: If I use the full information from it and counterbook you guys, I'm pretty sure I can. I might give it a whirl :)

waterproofsodium: wew

MSmits: but yea 38 is crazy. The last iteration (states with exactly 38 seeds) is 25 GB. Total database is around 100 GB

jacek: 38 is the max you can establish your db collapses

MSmits: 38 is the max i can reach with my current method, unless i buy more RAM

MSmits: I have 32 GB currently

MSmits: I could probably get 40 seeds if I doubled this, but then I'd need 2 months of runtime and use up another 80 GB storage

MSmits: different methods exist, but I don't think I'll go there. No matter what method i use, it's an insane amount of cpu time

MSmits: and storage space

jacek: how much ram your gpu has

MSmits: not that much

jacek: can you use gpu ram as swap? :thinking:

MSmits: no idea, but I think the delay from the communication between them will slow it too much

MSmits: the memory is really used randomly

MSmits: i cant just cordon off a piece that mostly does not talk with another piece

jacek: youre not talking about you and your wife right?

MSmits: nope

MSmits: we talk :P

MSmits: for example, the other day she told me i should turn my computer off at night because the humming drives her nuts

jacek: she cant appreciate science

MSmits: indeed

MSmits: btw, I looked at othello

MSmits: that guy at nr 1 really did a serious counterbooking

MSmits: i think it's silly he wrote such a good bot and then proceded to make an enormous counterbook. He booked like 30 plies deep

MSmits: just win without the trick if you can.

jacek: :unamused:

jacek: he tweets only about othello and rubik cube

MSmits: I mean i know i cant win without it, unless I do a NN also, so I dont mind using my tricks, but he doesnt need to

MSmits: yeah i saw that

MSmits: he basically threw his bot on github also

MSmits: though it's not his CG version afaik

MSmits: he did that probcut thing dbdr did

MSmits: dbdr's bot is one of the best, recurse had problems beating it with his nn

jacek: so do i. he got beaten by others so hes low

MSmits: yeah, he's extremely easy to book against

MSmits: when i tried, it only took me like half an hour or so

MSmits: but that's exploiting the 1 mistake he makes in the entire game. Almost perfect play

MSmits: pretty sure nyan yan does that also

jacek: time to counterbook the booker

MSmits: yeah i was really tempted to, but I need more computers.

MSmits: also, he might be unbeatable, with only a draw as an ideal result

MSmits: perhaps i can find a really unlikely line of perfect play most bots dont find and then work from there

jacek: well you managed recurce to rage quit

MSmits: yeah but he didnt play perfectly either, just almost, like dbdr

jacek: i dont play perfectly either, i just use more random

MSmits: I think their bots make on average 1 mistake per game. Yours 2, unless you improved it. The random makes it super hard to counter

MSmits: takes days to find all the possible lines of play

MSmits: allright, going to watch the boys season 3, ttyl :)

jacek: oh, theres new orville

Default avatar.png AustinB77: Please remove shortest code mode from COC :pray:

ethaneCH3CH3: why? it is fun

jacek: oO

aaravm4: ocaml moment

Scarfield: the boys season 3 :O

Westicles: Yes, keep watching American TV

aaravm4: stranger things

aaravm4: is good tho

thethiny: I agree with Austin

thethiny: it adds no value

thethiny: only teaches people to write bad code

thethiny: illegible code

thethiny: and write fast without assurance of quality

thethiny: or learning anything

Ayza: but I guess it's just a challenge, no one would try to do it in real world problems

drnobody: I respectfully disagree. I've learned a lot about the various ways to do things. I don't love it and I lose a lot, but I've learned a ton.

Ayza: personally I learned a lot of language tricks from other people's code

drnobody: ditto

Ayza: + these tricks won't affect my code performance, just saves me time

mogzhey: the shortest code mode is the most fun one

mogzhey: doesn't matter if you don't learn anything, it's a game

jacek: and your colleagues will love you for writing incomprehensible code without comments

thethiny: >personally I learned a lot of language tricks from other people's code

You can learn them with them being legible, not with them being named "a _ i b p() fn()"

5DN1L: don't focus on the variable names

5DN1L: there are other language tricks

5DN1L: that can be used in legible code

thethiny: that's why I'm saying

thethiny: this game mode produces illegible code

5DN1L: it's just a way to learn things

5DN1L: if you don't like it, fine

Ayza: my point is there are functions or operators that I never knew before

Ayza: as 5D1NL said

5DN1L: others can learn from it, it's also fine

thethiny: I don't like it but it's part of the clash and I have to play it

thethiny: >Ayza 10:55ᴾᴹ my point is there are functions or operators that I never knew before

I can agree with this

5DN1L: nobody forces you to play it

thethiny: cool story

mogzhey: the game mode is also fun

mogzhey: at the end of the day, it's a game

mogzhey: I'm a slow typer so I don't like fastest mode but you don't see me asking people to remove it lmao

thethiny: as long as you like it

thethiny: you do you

struct: Hi

Ayza: hi

struct: MSmits are you doing othello again?

jacek: hes still on oware endbook

struct: oh I see

struct: his passion with oware is the same passion I have with STC

Default avatar.png IsaicRobert: 528 chars in JS :joy

Default avatar.png IsaicRobert: :joy:

jacek: hm

antiwonto: [auto] Hey jacek, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 16 tacos

jacek: :tada:

Default avatar.png edmond1: hello, anyonr knows python well ?

thethiny: tell me

Default avatar.png edmond1: come at discord I have the photo please

Default avatar.png edmond1: its about ffmpeg

thethiny: add me thethiny#0580

Default avatar.png edmond1: ok

Default avatar.png edmond1: did

jacek: ffmpeg python?

thethiny: python uses lots of prebuilt binaries

thethiny: one of them is ffmpeg

jacek: on cg?

Default avatar.png GrandePolackoCocoLoco: hey, is there a possiblity to view clash description and test cases after its ened?


struct: Search it there

Default avatar.png GrandePolackoCocoLoco: thanks :thumbsup: :flag_pl:

Westicles: you know, trolls vs. castles will be a WIP forever. Why don't we just move chat to there?

struct: lol

waterproofsodium: #trollcastles

waterproofsodium: :)

jacek: :scream:

thethiny: @jacek no not on cg, he had out of cg question

ASM_MOV_INT: trolls vs castles... sounds like a great game, let's make it!

struct: ASM_MOV_INT its already a thing

ASM_MOV_INT: hahaha, are you trolling me? rofl just kidding....


thethiny: the linear sRGB gamma thingy is too complicated and unclear

thethiny: for the life of me I'd never figured out that I should ADD the value

struct: which puzzle?

thethiny: the one about linear Gamma Correction

struct: is it a clash?

thethiny: yes the clash

thethiny: sorry I forgot to say

struct: Well I can share the link that has the solution if you want

thethiny: I did see the solution to be able to understand the problem, but without the solution I'd never have understood the requirements

struct: ah yeah

thethiny: and the chat agreed with me on that one, so I think more explanation needed for that clash

struct: The statement was not clear to me too

thethiny: I submitted the feedback anyhow so we'll see if they adjust it for the future

struct: :thumbsup:

waterproofsodium: i recently downvoted a very mean clash puzzle that made me score place 8 because not reading :smirk:

thethiny: ascii-art is by far my most favorite puzzle

Wontonimo: hey thethiny, I see you have been on pretty regularly and your point score is surging. Welcome to CG ! :wave:

thethiny: Thank you :D

Wontonimo: Hope someone mentioned that there is more than clash of code here. Lots of us really like the multi bot battles

thethiny: yeah don't worry about it

Wontonimo: oh, thank goodness. cuz i was so worried that I burnt through all my medication

thethiny: lol

Wontonimo: hey, i you ascii stuff, you may like what is NOT ascii art but it could be if you want (my puzzle)

thethiny: oh wave collapse, I dig it

thethiny: will give it a try

Wontonimo: only 12 people have actually solved it, so when it says "Hard", it is.

thethiny: once I have time I'll have a look at it

Wontonimo: cool. i'm going drinking now. later

Default avatar.png goblim: co

waterproofsodium: hm so how many CP did I lose..

waterproofsodium: 1 q_q

waterproofsodium: at this level it's equivalent to 1 IQ point

Minh4893IT: hey there

Minh4893IT: good morning from GMT+7

cs540: good morning from UTC +3

Default avatar.png levelemitter: good morning from GMT+3

Wild_Python: hello Vietnam

zakacat: Good morning, VIetnam!

zakacat: Canada here, definitely night time

zakacat: taco