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DrQuarius: \msg R3Ked hey

hex.master8: @everyone

creeperZnation4: Was that a test?

hex.master8: maybe

hex.master8: maybe not

hex.master8: \msg hex.master8 sup




NINJAPRIYANSH: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihihihih

Default avatar.png Binary_Sky: hello

hex.master8: hi

hex.master8: a mod is on


hex.master8: this guy is

hex.master8: 9999th

hex.master8: LOL

hex.master8: im impressed

MSmits: he's 9999th because he doesn't understand binary

MSmits: :P

kovi: 9999 is still top5%

MSmits: I meant, if he understood binary, he would have tried to be 32767th or 16383th or something

aramdov: interesting

aramdov: i was looking at the permissions websites have in my google chrome browser and codingame was copying my clipboard randomly?

aramdov: thanks so much for user privacy!

Default avatar.png jeffkubler: interesting

Default avatar.png jeffkubler: are you in ATL?

Default avatar.png jeffkubler: jk. saw your school. I'm originally from there and currently applying for a new position that gets back home

Uljahn: that's a known issue with obsolete versions of monaco editor i guess

TheSpiffiest: eh... middle of clash and just don't feel like typing the answer

TheSpiffiest: good night folks, my thinkers done

Stormalix: relatable

Passifi: Good morning everyone

Butanium: yay 250 th for platinium Rift 2

Butanium: and I didn't start any pathfinding algorithm

Butanium: I chose to use a bonus and malus strategy and every agent go in a direction determined on a score based on those bonus and malus and on the distance from the ally base

Joris_Serva: Gusti

Joris_Serva: ateik faceita

Joris_Serva: zinau kad matai

Default avatar.png MatasPowerPointPro: gusti ateik

tutubalin: what happens if contribution gets only 1 approval when time to validate ends? is it accepted or rejected?

Default avatar.png MatasPowerPointPro: plasau

Default avatar.png MatasPowerPointPro: hi guys

Default avatar.png MatasPowerPointPro: what are you doing guys

Default avatar.png Bandiulis: hello

Default avatar.png GabrieliusKaubrys11: hello i have zalgiris virus

Default avatar.png Bandiulis: gustas go facfeit

Default avatar.png Bandiulis: :blush:

Default avatar.png Bandiulis: im lvl 3 on faceit

shredyz: alio kur skola

Default avatar.png Abduljabar: hey guys can you speak english?

Neklausiau: nebaisiai

Abduljabar: okay

pardouin: I don't know tutubalin, I've seen contributions with only 2 approvals but they were old so maybe it was an old rule

pardouin: I just approved the fibonnacci one so maybe he'll have his 3rd validation in time anyway

[CG]Thibaud: tutubalin pardouin it goes back as a draft for the author and the approval votes are lost

pardouin: ok

pardouin: is it ok to advertise its own contrib on the forum ? cause I got one that ends in 3 days and no feedbacks yet so I'm a bit worried ^^"

nnovich-OK: If time to approve contribution ends, it's automatically rejected, but it's ok, because author can immediately re-publish it.

MadKnight: yea but he loses all the approvals

MadKnight: [CG]Thibaud why don't u sort the contribs by days left and mark those that have less than 5 days for example ?

darkhorse64: They are sorted this way already

[CG]Thibaud: pardouin I wouldn't remove such a post but if everyone does that, the forum won't be usable.

MadKnight: and some kind of a small note in the header of website saying like 'contrib needs your response asap!"

darkhorse64: @pardouin: I have looked at your contribution some time ago but I am unconvinced. It's certainly not a piece of junk but it's too light content-wise

[CG]Thibaud: actually the red notif could indicate the ones that don't have much time left to be validated instead of the new ones :thinking_face:

[CG]Thibaud: puzzles take longer to validate, it's difficult to motivate people to look into it

MadKnight: yea but then u would need to change the icon so it would be intuitive that it means the ones that don't have much time left

MadKnight: because the red circle just doesn't do it

Passifi: Holy smokes shortest mode counts all the generated code and the comments as characters oO jesus so much wasted chars in so many battles...

MadKnight: lol

pardouin: and spaces too ! well now you won't do that same mistake again ^^

MadKnight: of course it counts that didn't u notice the counter in the bottom right corner Passifi ?

Passifi: well I didn't ^^

MadKnight: darkhorse64 why didn't u leave a comment under the contrib? or u dud?

MadKnight: did*

pardouin: you can indente it as you would normally do and spam shift+tab in the end ^^

MadKnight: yea they use a 4-char whitespace instead of a tab character

darkhorse64: Yep, I should have done that

MSmits: comments in shortest mode :grin:

Passifi: I always write a little message to my self #You're fierce, powerful and fearless. as a comment to get myself hyped :P

MSmits: #stop talking to yourself, score is dropping!

tutubalin: in shortest mode on Python i use 1-space indent, and usually try to get rid of extra lines inside blocks using semicolon

AntiSquid: actions speak louder than words

Passifi: in coding all our actions are words...

Passifi: I think this breaks the transitive property. A fresh new way to create a paradox to destroy AIs who've gone mad *takesnote*

tutubalin: if contribution gets 3 approvals does it still wait until end of 30 days period, or approved instantly?

MadKnight: ofc no

MadKnight: now i think u are trolling

MadKnight: yea let's wait more days so that people change their mind and get to 4 declines

Theino: the only way to know is if people give me two more approvals for my contribution


Theino: clearly the logical thing to do :)

tutubalin: MadKnight i remember times when there were group of friends approving each other, which resulted in a bunch of bad-worded puzzles.

Theino: I should feel ashamed, but when the quest map says you need one more upvote... Honestly, its amazing how much the quest map has motivated me to do things on this site

tutubalin: pardouin i'm looking at your contrib. the hardest thing is that i have to solve it before approving :)

pardouin: thanks

pardouin: it's not that hard, I wanted to label it medium initially

pardouin: it shouldn't take you too long :)

derjack: contributions should be divided into categories ~

darkhorse64: clash/others ?

derjack: yes, trash/others

darkhorse64: do you request an auto reject feature ?

derjack: eeyup

darkhorse64: 3 people checking the box. No more CoCs

darkhorse64: Not sure CG will approve :grin:

AntiSquid: obv CG likes clash, that's why it's there

Astrobytes: I propose 3 categories. Trash, Puzzle and 5%

AntiSquid: makes sense ^

BlaiseEbuth: I agree. But only if "approve contribution" is changed to "move to trash" for clashs.

Astrobytes: :grin:

AntiSquid: reminds me of the times people post clash invites and questions during contests

AntiSquid: one couldn't be any more tone deaf

Astrobytes: Yeah. Or puzzle of the week questions...

Astrobytes: They should disable that in contest times. Or have an 'opt in' option.

BlaiseEbuth: Disable questions, and let me troll in peace.

Astrobytes: hahaha

magaiti: what's wrong with questions or clashes during contests?

magaiti: itsnot like you have to pay attention to them if you dont want to

Astrobytes: Don't worry, we're just moaning needlessly ;)

magaiti: figured as much

AntiSquid: well imagine someone bringing their harmonica at the cinema during the movie

AntiSquid: and playing it .

Theino: Are you comparing playing coc during a contest to playing a harmonica at the cinema?

Theino: I like it, the imagery make me laugh

MSmits: perfect analogy

MSmits: mowing the lawn of the soccer field during the world cup finals

Astrobytes: Actually reminded me of that video with a helmetless Darth Vader, only every sound he makes is from a harmonica.

MSmits: funny

MSmits: I suggested to a student he try to solve bender 4

MSmits: I didn't know only 41 out of 800+ people who tried it, solved it 100%

Astrobytes: Did he do it?

MSmits: I guess it's kinda hard :grin:

MSmits: still working on it

MSmits: he made a flowchart

Astrobytes: Yeah, it's not the easiest!

Astrobytes: Cool. At least he's gonna give it a shot

MSmits: maybe if i have time over the weekend I'll try to get 100%

MSmits: easy CPs

MSmits: well if i finish it that is

Astrobytes: It's been on my list for a while

kovi: there are tricky cases

MSmits: not if i get stuck :)

derjack: try space maze

MSmits: space maze not worth cp :(

Astrobytes: Ah yeah, XP only

derjack: who cares about cp

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: ^

MSmits: well not you, you're just an alt

Astrobytes: lol

MSmits: derjack the testpony

derjack: AutomatonNN where is everypony

AutomatonNN: could not be there

Astrobytes: derpjack

MSmits: i did not know you have a penguin father Astrobytes

Astrobytes: Yes. An Adélie one at that.

MSmits: did you not mean feather?

Astrobytes: I did in the conversation where someone mistook it for 'father' yes.

MSmits: ohhh ok, yeah i think i was there, vaguely remember

MSmits: that was funny

derjack: hm?

Astrobytes: Yeah, don't remember who it was but it was funny.

MSmits: mmh says on mk's profile he is an android

MSmits: i should read the profiles more

MSmits: you learn a lot

AntiSquid: let's ban all alts

MSmits: is that what humans evolve into before we go up into space AntiSquid ?

MSmits: i am referring to your profile pic

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: dogs?

MSmits: not sure, it's a small pic

Astrobytes: Thought it was a cat in a flying saucer.

MSmits: i was thinking it could be an evolved human, because of the text

MSmits: it doesnt say dogkind or catkind, it says mankind

derjack: womankind*

MSmits: any kind of man, woman <null>man, whatever

magaiti: hooman

MSmits: sure

MSmits: thats ferengi slang

MSmits: I got the ds9 reference

Astrobytes: haha yes MSmits

MSmits: I think i watched all 7 seasons of that 4 times now

Astrobytes: Gotta drag out the 'hoo' part

MSmits: ye

Astrobytes: I always begrudge watching the first couple of seasons, as they're fairly boring, but they do develop the story somewhat. Gets epic in the last few.

MSmits: yeah

derjack: sisko with hair? huh

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: MSmits, second in clobber using your method

MSmits: reminds me of babylon 5 a bit

MSmits: though thats more epic even

derjack: clobber method?

MSmits: gj UnnamedCodinGamer

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: nice job :)

Astrobytes: gratz UnnamedCodinGamer, strong bot

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: rollout method

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: nah

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: it is using alien methods :)

MSmits: yeah I didnt mind sharing it really. There's no bells and whistles in my bot. I just did the bare minimum

MSmits: I expect more people to pass me

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I do not feel comfortable

MSmits: get a better chair

MSmits: sometimes putting the monitor higher helps

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: just tested to see if higher simulation count helps

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: hah MSmits

Astrobytes: :rofl:

MSmits: for clobber, you should really dive into the math

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: it seems so

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I am just trying algorithm variations

MSmits: what i mean is, if you're going to invest in this game, dont bother doing anything other than that next.

MSmits: thats your bottleneck, not using math

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I do not

MSmits: same with D&B

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I like algorithms more than math

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: :)

MSmits: without the math its top 10 barely

MSmits: most people dont use it, but people who do, become unbeatable by people who dont

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: makes sense

MSmits: the only two really mathy games afaik

MSmits: other board games are about finding the right search algorithm/eval/nn

MSmits: I liked it in D&B, but it also took loads of time, i dont want to invest that much into 1 game currently

MSmits: first i want to do bender 4 and nine mens morris

Astrobytes: Oh btw:

Astrobytes: If you didn't see it already.

Astrobytes: 2nd MCTS review, released on Monday

Astrobytes: (prev survey was the 2012 paper)

derjack: mcts survey?

Astrobytes: Yeah

Astrobytes: Thanks to Uljahn who posted it in discord #ru

derjack: eww you follow #ru?

BlaiseEbuth: da

Astrobytes: I check new posts in most channels. You know, FOMO and all that.

derjack: FOMO?

Astrobytes: ...

Astrobytes: Want me to google it for you too? smh

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: fear of missing out

derjack: youre using some weird acronyms

Astrobytes: ikr wtf

derjack: i didnt google fomo because i thought it was cg specific

ijnhhujhnh: hyybjyb

Astrobytes: Now that's just nonsense.

magaiti: lmgtfy

darkhorse64: re the clobber thread: I am unsure if math is the only way: 1- there are a few heuristics available 2 - I have noticed that endgames are quite deterministic (you have only a few moves that you can play in any order). I stumbled on this when writing the boss, I got more often than not beaten by the random bot and I had to increase the search depth to 10

darkhorse64: A good search with transpositions for the endgame should do well. Rn my MCTS predicts the outcome 10 to 15 plys before the end

Astrobytes: Shhh don't tell smits things like that. He'll have the endgames booked in an hour

AntiSquid: MSmits scarfield was adding cats and memes to avatars, he made this ... added it to support memes

darkhorse64: MSmits does not need me to google. Usually, he has read the papers before me. He even pays for them :relaxed:.

Astrobytes: hahaha, very true :D

AntiSquid: they are free if you are in academia

darkhorse64: The endgame comment is for free. I also used his advice for my rollouts (with a slightly less messy code)

Astrobytes: I think we've all shared useful info re. Clobber recently. Team effort in order to wreck each other.

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: definitely

darkhorse64: I made the best use of other people's tips

AntiSquid: i thought the end goal is to make bots that can surpass skynet

AntiSquid: that are better at taking over the world? ok my joke failed, time for AutomatonNN ping to clear chat

AutomatonNN: what does it mean with the player?

derjack: the ultimate goal is some bioengineering

AntiSquid: the bots redesigning humans?

derjack: or combining female human dna with cat dna

derjack: the possibilities are limitless

AntiSquid: i don't see the appeal in cat ears and cat like behaviour

AntiSquid: cats can be nasty

magaiti: boing-engineering, hmm

AntiSquid: so sexy

HunterEhrenfeld: why did i click that...

AntiSquid: ya it's not anime, real life is ... different

derjack: then dont watch cats movie

derjack: its... unanny

derjack: c

AntiSquid: cats from Dr Monreau's island didn't look great either

nicola: Dr Moreau.

nicola: Not Monroe. ;)

AntiSquid: Doctrix Monroe

MSmits: I paid for *one* paper

MSmits: you guys are never letting that go are you ? :P

Astrobytes: Never :D

Passifi: So if I make a bot with ML and it then decides the best way to win is to destroy the other players lifes who's then to blame morally once he got them thrown into jail or killed ? I am asking for a friend

MSmits: :grin:

MSmits: ask recurse or jacek about nns

AntiSquid: why, they paid for papers too ?

Astrobytes: see previous comment

Passifi: I actually had this thought when I talked to some AI guy and he told me that neural networks already sometimes go on a tangent and start solving subproblems and it then hit me that a really smart bot would possibly just try and learn to cheat ? How would CodinGame react if that happens ? So many questions ;)

struct: how does a bot cheat?

struct: At least on CG

Passifi: he learns how to hack the back end and manipulates the outcome ?

AntiSquid: lol

AntiSquid: then every clash would have accidentally done this already by submitting bugged code

AntiSquid: clasher * is what i meant ...

MSmits: i dont think its possible to hack from the input/output scheme all CG puzzles/multis etc. use

MSmits: it would have to do something weird on compilation

Passifi: Not saying this will happen any time soon ;) Just found the idea that the AI would try to solve another problem to avoid the orignal one interesting. its something humans do all the time, after all often using up more resources for the secondary problem too ;)

MSmits: well actually Passifi

MSmits: it happens all the time

MSmits: if you create a physics simulation for example

MSmits: the NN will find your glitch

MSmits: and abuse it

MSmits: ML researchers run into it all the time

ijnhhujhnh: # target checkpoint 1

AntiSquid: it would find bugs maybe, but actually it aims to reach higher reward ... that's it do you refer to this video or what Passifi ?

Passifi: well that would be an example :)

AntiSquid: i am sure games on CG don't have such corner cases


AntiSquid: not even double hulk is that bad

MSmits: best video for what you are talking about Passifi

MSmits: fun to watch

MSmits: wait thats the right subject but wrong video, sec

AntiSquid: why wrong video? those AI were exploiting the environment


MSmits: this onje

MSmits: no it's that crappy 2 min paper narrator

MSmits: you dont want to hear him

MSmits: this one is better

Astrobytes: lol

AntiSquid: he has amazing video ... MSmits hating accents again :(

MSmits: it's not an accent if you're speaking like a robot

MSmits: you can do that in any language

Astrobytes: Robotist

MSmits: sure, i'll take that

Astrobytes: :grin:

Passifi: Well the OpenAI video gives me such warm documentary vibes :)

MSmits: it's the same subject anyway, if you prefer the robot-speak it's fine :)

MSmits: i just cant listen to him for more than a minute before i get the urge to throw things

MSmits: i would just turn off the sound and do auto-subtitles

MSmits: because the content is super interesting

AntiSquid: MSmits do these guys sound like robots to you? curious

MSmits: cant listen now, in the train, no headphones

MSmits: i'll listen to it later

MSmits: and possibly throw things

AntiSquid: just play it on loud speakers, if voice is robotic tell everyone your laptop is talking to you ... ez

MSmits: will do

MSmits: wait no

MSmits: at home i will do that

ijnhhujhnh: hi

derjack: be like those cool kids who have bt speakers and play it loud in buses

MSmits: people are already on edge in the train, because of covid

AntiSquid: derjack guess MSmits isn't cool anymore

derjack: anymore?

MSmits: I remember one time, before covid, I got into the train with a hoody and i had a cola in a plastic bottle and i opened it, lid exploded off. So many scared faces

AntiSquid: idk, i'd like to believe he used to be cool

AntiSquid: dutch soda bomber

MSmits: actually, I am at peak coolness. I was less cool in the past

Astrobytes: Smits is cooler than Bose-Einstein condensate, whatcha talking about

MSmits: thats really cool

MSmits: fyi

Astrobytes: Ultra cool

AntiSquid: i think trying to shower innocent pasangers in cola is cool, bit anti-social, but cool

MSmits: I said oops when it happened

MSmits: did not know what else to say

Astrobytes: In keeping with the temp I guess we shoudl say Kool

Astrobytes: *should

MSmits: I could have said: "dont worry, not a terroris"

AntiSquid: maybe it was a sarcastic sounding oops

MSmits: but thats what a terrorist would say

Astrobytes: That would have been twice as bad

MSmits: not sure if it was sarcastic. Sarcastic doesnt work that well when you're covered in cola

Passifi: I'm pretty sure realizing that a coke explosion doesn't kill anybody the terrorist would just hide his face in shame and say nothing

Astrobytes: MSticky

MSmits: well thats mostly what i did Passifi

MSmits: except for the oops

MSmits: surprised noone mentioned the fact that a physicist could have guessed the thing would explode

Astrobytes: Yeah but it's you though

Astrobytes: :P

MSmits: ah.. right

Passifi: a 4 year old child could have guessed that coke explodes

MSmits: mmh yeah

Passifi: don't need no degree for that

AntiSquid: Passifi the top can jump into someone's mouth while they yawn or are about to say something

Passifi: try putting mentos in it next time

Passifi: *the next time

kovi: lovely ai cheat video msmits...from a hungarian guy

Astrobytes: Yeah, give them something to really be afraid of

MSmits: I think it was like this. There was this after party work thing after a long day and they were serving cola. I wanted to go home but still get the free cola

Astrobytes: :rofl:

MSmits: there's usually water in the bottle

MSmits: kovi, do you mean the 6 min thing?

kovi: yes

MSmits: doesnt he sound more than hungarian to you?

MSmits: its not just an accent is it?

MSmits: it's robo-hungarian

Astrobytes: :laughing:

MSmits: maybe this is not the same guy, havent listened to this one yet, but 2 min papers always has this guy i think]

kovi: maybe reading it

kovi: i havent listened first

MSmits: ohh ok

AntiSquid: i think it's the intonation you find strange MSmits

MSmits: its so monotonous

darkhorse64: poor zolnai

MSmits: no variation at all

MSmits: thats why i say robotic

AntiSquid: the 2minpaper channel belongs to that guy

AntiSquid: karoly

MSmits: there's this guy edward witten, biggest guy in string theory

kovi: and sub/sentences are split with an equal delay

MSmits: go listen to him speak

MSmits: same thing

MSmits: i cant listen to him either

MSmits: kovi yeah

AntiSquid: if you want to join his discord and inquire about unforgetable voice

kovi: looking back to further on the chat: mcts it "our" jacek within the authors?

MSmits: i think jacek is a talented amateur, but not sure

MSmits: dont think he wrote those

Astrobytes: No, I don't believe it is

struct: Is he an amateur?

MSmits: AntiSquid lol... i dont really want to insult this guy, it's mainly my issue :)

struct: Is he not mobile dev?

Astrobytes: Yes.

AntiSquid: oh that far back ... so did you click the cat girl picture too kovi ?

kovi: damn i missed that one

MSmits: wait are we talking about the aerodynamics paper?

MSmits: again?

Astrobytes: Nope.

MSmits: whew ok

AntiSquid: Monte Carlo Tree Search: A Review of RecentModifications and ApplicationsMaciej Świechowski∗, Konrad Godlewski†,Bartosz Sawicki‡, Jacek Mańdziuk§

MSmits: did Konrad die?

MSmits: :(

Astrobytes: Sorry, all I see is "schneep schneep shneepshneep scheep"

Astrobytes: MSmits :rofl:

Astrobytes: Bartosz too but it either happened twice to him or he came back.

MSmits: yeah whats up with that

darkhorse64: :upside_down:

AntiSquid: edward witten does sound a bit weird, but i wouldmn't call it robotic

MSmits: well just very monotonous also

MSmits: i am not a language expert, i am probably not using the right jargon

MSmits: this guy is amazing btw

MSmits: if you hear other string theorist talk about him it's like they worship the guy

AntiSquid: for edward witten it sounds like he makes guttural sounds, talks a bit through his nose ...

AntiSquid: i can't compare it to the other guy

MSmits: ah ok

MSmits: been a while since i heard him, but i got the same urge to throw things

MSmits: maybe for different reasons

Astrobytes: hahaha

Astrobytes: Witten's cool tho'

MSmits: yeah

AntiSquid: maybe masks help muffle the sounds for MSmits

MSmits: they sure do

MSmits: when colleagues talk to me through them i just nod and move on

MSmits: anyway, train arriving ttyl

Astrobytes: Must remember that one

Astrobytes: afk for a bit, back later


AntiSquid: weird bug

jrke: lol


Default avatar.png deoignition: guys would you rather code in assembly :heart_eyes: or python :poop:

jacek: yes

AntiSquid: as opposed to what ?

-oa-: Assembly is not available, bc codingame is my IDE

-oa-: so python

AntiSquid: it's rather in ass or py than x language he didn't mention !

-oa-: we need answers

TBali: why the luxury of assembly when we could do machine language directly?

-oa-: thats the attitude

-oa-: i prefer punch cards

AntiSquid: and 24 hours wait to see if your code even compiled

TBali: you mean executed? no need to compile.

AntiSquid: yes

TBali: could be an interesting sideproject for CG, but with much simpler puzzles only. And I don't think too high attendance could be reached.

-oa-: could make a game based on little man computer or something similar

TBali: Not in line the 'target the broad audience' mission

BlaiseEbuth: Not even 5% would be interested... :(

JLukeSkywalker: i love it when someone elses bot pushes you up into the next league

jacek: smits may like the board

AntiSquid: lol

JLukeSkywalker: squid, i think it was you and jumpmaster that pushed my c4 bot up to wood 1

JLukeSkywalker: ty

AntiSquid: c4 ?

JLukeSkywalker: connect 4

AntiSquid: ah

jacek: :bomb:

JLukeSkywalker: ^^

AntiSquid: print(random.choice(actionz))

AntiSquid: my bot

JLukeSkywalker: lol

AntiSquid: jump is wrecking boss

AntiSquid: and randomly losing to me

jacek: maybe he'll push you

AntiSquid: he has a bungee jump avatar

AntiSquid: he pushed me

AntiSquid: :D

AntiSquid: Automaton2000 bow to my skillz

Automaton2000: u can just switch to c#

AntiSquid: i won't

JLukeSkywalker: mine is pretty odd rn, checks for win, then blocks opponents win, otherwise picks random move that doesnt let the opponent win next turn

JLukeSkywalker: so most moves are still random

AntiSquid: so much hard work only to get same wood league as me

JLukeSkywalker: im in 1

AntiSquid: me too

JLukeSkywalker: lol, did he just push you up over the boss too?

AntiSquid: reach chat history

AntiSquid: read *

JLukeSkywalker: gross, reading

AntiSquid: i said it was skillz

jacek: oh i lost pots by winning with such noob

AntiSquid: looks like game engine recognizes luck for what it is, learn to play don't rely on luck maybe ?

derjack: i pushed big by using random bot

derjack: well not so random, it uses last available action

JLukeSkywalker: last action might actually be better than full random in connect 4 because would win you a column

JLukeSkywalker: if opponent is full random

derjack: always losing to boss yet im above him

derjack: meh need to break bot

darkhorse64: That boss is too easy. Let me rewrite it

JLukeSkywalker: yeah, everyone is flying out of wood 2 today

darkhorse64: derjack: trying to reach earth center ?

JLukeSkywalker: lol

Default avatar.png Shabari: i am new here

JLukeSkywalker: welcome

derjack: hello new here, were dads

Default avatar.png Shabari: where i want to start to code

JLukeSkywalker: i would just follow the quests on that home page

Default avatar.png Shabari: where to start coding

JLukeSkywalker: have you coded before?

derjack: descent, mars lander 1, coding strickes back...

derjack: :notebook: :soccer:

Default avatar.png Shabari: i know some basic about python

Default avatar.png Shabari: i came here to learn code

Default avatar.png Shabari: where to start

Default avatar.png Shabari: tips??


AntiSquid: start here Shabari

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: hm, here is not exactly the place for learning

Default avatar.png Shabari: ohh

AntiSquid: press JOIN and hit submit on that link, good start Shadow25

AntiSquid: Shabari

Default avatar.png Shabari: ok

Default avatar.png Shabari: tqq

AntiSquid: no problemo

JLukeSkywalker: i mean, i would learn from a site like this if i was starting out. I think if he can solve some easy puzzles, this site should be fine

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I would learn some basic algorithms first

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: then come here and practice them

Default avatar.png Shabari: any other website to learn coding

Default avatar.png Shabari: where you learn those algorithms

Default avatar.png Shabari: ??

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I used books, youtube tutorials

JLukeSkywalker: I just started with a site like this, and when you hit an algorithm you need and dont know, look it up online or books

Default avatar.png Shabari: youtube channel name plz

JLukeSkywalker: there are infinite

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: there are many (some good some not so much)

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: you have to know what to look for first

Default avatar.png Shabari: i love to code

Default avatar.png Shabari: but i dont to code

Default avatar.png Shabari: i want to learn

Default avatar.png Shabari: plz say any youtube channel to learn

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: pick an algorithm, read about it in a book, if you do not understand it, go to youtube or google it

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: this is what I do


jacek: ?

AntiSquid: any youtube channel

Default avatar.png Shabari: lol

JLukeSkywalker: yeah, just search what you want to learn, and pick a random channel until you find one you like

Default avatar.png Shabari: ohh

Default avatar.png Shabari: ok

AntiSquid: hey gaiz i knew google shitz for me plz

Default avatar.png Shabari: :grinning:

AntiSquid: this guy teaches coding Shabari :

JLukeSkywalker: I teach coding

JLukeSkywalker: just not on youtube tho

JLukeSkywalker: i hate computers

jacek: oO

JLukeSkywalker: whiteboard >> youtube

jacek: i dont have whiteboard at home

JLukeSkywalker: sharpie + mirror?

JLukeSkywalker: ur mom or wife will love you forever for it

jacek: red sharpie?

JLukeSkywalker: that would work

JLukeSkywalker: somehow my c4 checkWin misses it every now and then, but I cant debug it bc everyone is random

Default avatar.png Shabari: tqq

AntiSquid: sure blame it on skilled players

JLukeSkywalker: ^^

JLukeSkywalker: replays in same conditions, game changes drastically and doesnt have the error im looking for

JLukeSkywalker: REEEE

jacek: oh my

jacek: so [solved]?

JLukeSkywalker: cant even find it

JLukeSkywalker: it only happens in list battles

JLukeSkywalker: big beat me in the list, just manually played him 100 times and didnt lose once

jacek: lucky eh

JLukeSkywalker: it broke my win check algo

JLukeSkywalker: but i cant replicate it to try to fix it

JLukeSkywalker: gonna have to just start from scratch

jacek: linux from scratch

JLukeSkywalker: did a small 16b os from scratch back in college

JLukeSkywalker: was actually kind of fun

JLukeSkywalker: final project was to give a power point type presentation using your os

KelvinAndHubbles: for the earlier conversation, if you want to see some interesting comp sci youtube stuff check o

KelvinAndHubbles: out 2 minute papers*

jacek: o my

Scarfield: 2 min papersoccer

Astrobytes: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Astrobytes: Clobbering F****** clobberating clobbertrons

Scarfield: what up?

Astrobytes: Everyone elses clobber but and not mine :P

Astrobytes: *bot

Scarfield: submitting the wrong one mayhaps? and i know the feeling, my chess bot likes to try h1h1 atm xD

Astrobytes: It seemed to be working well before I submitted it...

Astrobytes: Aha! Never submit.

Astrobytes: oh lol, sounds like you have something round the way or no move

Astrobytes: My clobber bot was quite fond of a1a1 for a while

Scarfield: fixed something else, just got this bug now, but somehow i point to an unset node in some cases

Astrobytes: that's your h1h1. Time to debug!

jacek: h1h1? meh

Scarfield: h1h1q would be a nice move

Astrobytes: :D

jacek: good enough for production then

ShortBaited: #GoodNightOVH lmao

Default avatar.png Adiz983: hahaha

Default avatar.png Adiz983: haha

Default avatar.png Adiz983: Who are kids in this chat log

Astrobytes: trictrac: some improvement! Good job. It's like running into a brick wall, however!

AntiSquid: will never know since he's already deleted lol

jacek: hm?

trictrac: my first MCTS working

kovi: mcts tryangle?

Scarfield: :muscle:

Astrobytes: trictrac: If you're joining the MCTS then I am too

trictrac: clobber

trictrac: It's quite impossible to have a good eval for minmax @ clobber

Astrobytes: I fear without the correct heuristics (and there may be some) alphabeta will nto work here

kovi: you minimaxed bandas/uttt?

Astrobytes: Yes trictrac, exactly

trictrac: yes all my bot are minmax today

jacek: :scream:

Astrobytes: Apart from Clobber

kovi: nice, nn you have then :)

trictrac: yes apart clobber !

Astrobytes: :)

jacek: nn?

kovi: between his ears

Astrobytes: trictrac is the alphabeta master kovi

Scarfield: the alpha and omega

kovi: is there an alphbeta0 nn based minmax pruning?


Astrobytes: I had some success in alphabeta with Clobber after TT and some search window modifications but it cannot compete without more eval heuristics. If trictrac concedes and switches to MCTS, I will do this also

kovi: im most interested in bandas

jacek: there are some NN-based moves ordering prototypes. chess folks are experimenting with nn-based nodes pruning

Astrobytes: Does SF do something with that?

jacek: yeah, sf guys experiment with that

Astrobytes: Yeah, I thought I read that somewhere

jacek: you have razoring, LMR etc. based on some rules. why not let the NN figure those out

Astrobytes: Yes, prime candidates for nn

Astrobytes: Why bandas kovi?

kovi: that seemed without strong heuristics. but maybe trictrac found one

trictrac: @ bandas, the coef for the eval are learned

kovi: nice

Astrobytes: trictrac: nn or probcut?

trictrac: perceptron : nn @ one layer

Astrobytes: Yep, cool. Thanks :)

AntiSquid: perceptron = you can adjust the numbers in your conditions by hand and submit spam :P

AntiSquid: or use brutal tester

Scarfield: figured out the h1h1 bug, and its working, but still i 7 point leap up to Jachess

jacek: AntiSquid n-tuples is also perceptron. good luck adjust that by hand

trictrac: Antisquid, it depends of the number of coef to tune !!! It can take years of processing power @ CG with spam submit

jacek: msmits would be: "hold my beer"

struct: hi

Scarfield: hey

Astrobytes: hi struct

AntiSquid: bruteforce jacek

Scarfield: if you are a brute, will doing it by hand be bruteforce :thinking:

AntiSquid: why by hand ?

Astrobytes: ffs jacek could you not just have left me at 6/7

JohnnyHotBody: Hello:smiley::wave:

k2xl: where can we send in feature requests/suggestions for clash of code stuff?

jacek: you mean contribute?

jacek: im so dumb... the reason clobber nn didnt learn at all was i gave it faulty target

Astrobytes: jacek: Faulty target?

jacek: for proven positions i always gave it -1

jacek: instead of wins = 1 and loses = -1

Astrobytes: :clap:

AntiSquid: k2xl

jacek: :?

Astrobytes: wth does that have to do with feature requests/suggestions for coc?

AntiSquid: huh? why did i need to answer coc stuff ? answer forums k2xl ...

AntiSquid: do *

jacek: because youre the helpful mod

Astrobytes: Then what am I jacek?

MSmits: The spawn of a penguin

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: You've been on good form today MSmits

MSmits: thanks :)

AntiSquid: reference to pengu game?

MSmits: read Astrobytes profile

MSmits: one time he said in the chat he has a penguin feather

MSmits: and someone misread it

MSmits: dont remember who, could be me

MSmits: was funny anyway

Astrobytes: It may have been you, but I don't remember either.

Astrobytes: Oh feck, penguins, totally forgot about that game.

Astrobytes: I need a secretary or something.

MSmits: same, its a cool game, so much else to do

AntiSquid: it's ok no need to check on me, i am fine

MSmits: Astrobytes is this a British thing, does he want us to check on him?

Astrobytes: I have no idea what AntiSquid is referring to

MSmits: allright gonna go back to work, got a deadline tomorrow. Have to write some stuff

MSmits: gn in advance

Scarfield: gn

Astrobytes: gn MSmits, good luck with the stuff :)

Astrobytes: aCat made a chess-based Solo Game, and linked to the chess multi in the statement

AntiSquid: gn8

AntiSquid: so book of chess endings ! :O

AntiSquid: hm. or not

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: gn

Astrobytes: Are you saying gn to Smits or us UnnamedCodinGamer?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: to MSmits

Astrobytes: Ah

Astrobytes: AntiSquid no, it's quite specific

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I am looking at connect4 bitboards

AntiSquid: ya noticed afterwards

Astrobytes: :)

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: or better said looking for :)

Astrobytes: UnnamedCodinGamer: Once I switch to MCTS I am coming for you in Clobber :P

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: you are welcome

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I do not intend to try new things for now

Astrobytes: I tried a bunch of new things in a/b minimax that's for sure

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I want to try to implement what I learned on another game

Scarfield: but have you done it without using recursion-resmursion :p

Astrobytes: I did not use ClobberfieldScarfomax no

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: minimax seems to do bad in clobber

k2xl: Suggestion (to any devs for codingame), huge fan of the site. Love the clash of code. It would be cool if when mousing over a user's avatar that it showed their clash of code leaderboard ranking (when playing clash of code)

Astrobytes: Yes UnnamedCodinGamer, neither trictrac nor myself have come up with many viable heuristics for the evaluation function

Astrobytes: So any enhancements are only effective to a small degree

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes

AntiSquid: see ? i answered that's best to post on forums, no effect

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: this seems like a lot of coding

Astrobytes: TTs, altering search windows, move ordering with various methods

Astrobytes: UnnamedCodinGamer: Connect4?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: maybe some pruning would help, but I guess you will need the maths stuff that MSmits mentioned multiple times

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes I am looking at connect4

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I want to start with the bitboards

Astrobytes: Well the move ordering, TTs and search window alterations all contribute to pruning. But without a good eval it's not much use against stronger MCTS bots. There are heuristics but I have yet to understand the paper, if I'm totally honest.

Astrobytes: re Connect4: it's just the usual uint64 bitboards?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes it should be

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: there are 63 cells

Astrobytes: yeah, just mask off the appropriate cells and you're good to go

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I just started with bitboards and admittedly clobber was easy

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: this seems more complicated

Astrobytes: Since i'm a little tired atm I won't go into much detail but there are a bunch on intrinsic functions you can use to make life easier

Astrobytes: *a bunch of

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: no problem

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I will figure it out

Astrobytes: Not just figure it out, talk about it in chat tomorrow

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: sure

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: go get some rest

Astrobytes: There's a whole load of ways to do this stuff, Smits is a good one to ask

Astrobytes: Yes, gn UnnamedCodinGamer and everyone else

Scarfield: gn

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I will ask if I see that my implementation is slow (which it probably will)

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: gn

Astrobytes: We try to help each other get the best bots as possible to wreck each other with, like I said earlier :) gn!

k2xl: AntiSquid sorry, i missed your suggestion about the forums. i shared on the forums just now. thanks

AntiSquid: :thumbsup:

ZarthaxX: Astrobytes you sound adorable

Default avatar.png BigDo: who knows python3

Nachosauce: I know a tiny bit, certainly no expert though

Default avatar.png BigDo: I need a python 3 master.

creeperZnation4: what for?

Default avatar.png BigDo: i really need to improve my python3

Default avatar.png void_main_sucks: are interpreted languages real programming languages

Default avatar.png Binary_Sky: i code only in python for clash of code but I don't have lots of experience

creeperZnation4: Then I would suggest looking at other python3 submissions in gamemodes like clash of code or other programming things

creeperZnation4: you'd be surprised to see how much you'll pick up XD

Default avatar.png Binary_Sky: indeed

Default avatar.png Binary_Sky: lol

Default avatar.png BigDo: who can build a webapp

Default avatar.png BigDo: ?

Default avatar.png Binary_Sky: i can only build ios app

Nachosauce: I'm aiming for top 1% global this weekend :D I have no idea how I'm even getting close but hey I'll take it

Wontonimo: Nachosauce good luck!

Wontonimo: check your DM

Lucky45: hello fellow humans

Default avatar.png AGroatEatingGoat: sup

Default avatar.png Binary_Sky: hello

Default avatar.png void_main_sucks: hello

Default avatar.png AGroatEatingGoat: Lol, I misread the problem

Default avatar.png Binary_Sky: is c# good for clash of code