LastRick: that's exactly what i'm trying NOT to do
LastRick: Holy wow. That jumped me all the way to top 75 Gold. So close, @MadKnight.
MadKnight: do u start going towards future nextCP early ?
LastRick: yeah, I bank. But now I will probably revisit my banking seeing how it's turning a lot better now
MadKnight: u need to somehow improve your condition of when to "bank"
LastRick: Oh yeah, definitely. I think thats the last hurdle to legend, when to bank + a slight offset to the bank
MadKnight: u can calculate movement
MadKnight: pos += vel
MadKnight: to check if it hits checkpoint in a few turns
MadKnight: LastRick
LastRick: In other words, if I start banking "now", would it stop before getting there? if so, don't bank yet
MadKnight: like, would it miss checkpoint ?
LastRick: yeah
MadKnight: yea check for it
LastRick: Interesting. this feels like some math coming on. :)
MadKnight: some basic gamedev math
LastRick: for you guys, this is all new to me. Never done anything remotely like this.
MadKnight: u just need some operations with vectors
LastRick: yeah, i got work to do it would seem
NguyenVinhHien: whats wrong with the server?
NguyenVinhHien: error 504
Amirfluids: Something is wrong with Dungeons and Maps - Epic quest
Amirfluids: Map 3 does not load properly
Amirfluids: took me an entire evening to double check everything
Amirfluids: code works on Jupyter
Rockstar555: hii
ChampionCoder: By the way, there is no verification for the Sign Up option. Feel you should add a verification as it prevents bots in that part of CodinGame
ChampionCoder: [Ignore the whitespace]
Uljahn: you mean google captcha which doesn't work in china?
Uljahn: also verification doesn't prevent bots, it makes signing up harder for bots AND normal users
MadKnight: nothing can prevent Automaton2000
Automaton2000: if you are on the same turn
Rockstar555: hello
Rockstar555: all of u
MadKnight: hey rockstar
XprophEtX: hello guys
MadKnight: Automaton2000 are u botstar ?
Automaton2000: as long as it is
MadKnight: are u guys in a class ?
Rockstar555: yeah
Rockstar555: nono
Rockstar555: hii
XprophEtX: Hey MadKnight, how much snow is there currently in Moscow and how cold is it?
MadKnight: just barely a layer of snow
MadKnight: but pretty cold
XprophEtX: -10, -20 degrees or colder?
XprophEtX: i just wanna get a feeling for the coldness in Russia :)
Rockstar555: MadKnight 12:28PM Automaton2000 are u botstar ?
Automaton2000: no, i mean to get to know the basics of c#
Rockstar555: hi
PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 you talk dirty to Siri and Alexa when we aren't watching don't you?
Automaton2000: how come you don't use them
**PatrickMcGinnisII : Alexa play Metal. Alexa: Playing Never gonna give you up by rick astley. ME: bitch
Rockstar555: * PatrickMcGinnisII : Alexa play Metal. Alexa: Playing Never gonna give you up by rick astley. ME: bitch
PatrickMcGinnisII: 03:17AM
Rockstar555: what is this
Rockstar555: 03:17AM
PatrickMcGinnisII: it what it said after my emote on my screen
PatrickMcGinnisII: how many hours off are we?
Westicles: 13 1/2
Rockstar555: C#
Rockstar555: hii
Westicles: hi rockstar
Rockstar555: hii
Rockstar555: wlcome to codingame
Rockstar555: hey Westicles any contribution from ure side
Westicles: hey, no just the same two. Looking for one more vote
Rockstar555: okk
Rockstar555: championcoder voted
PatrickMcGinnisII: the PI thing?
Rockstar555: okk
Westicles: heh heh, yes the pi thing :)
PatrickMcGinnisII: i found code for base-16 PI generation ... still don't think I can do 998k digits in time
Rockstar555: let talk to personal chat Westicles
Westicles: lots of drama, it is sitting at 2-2
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh, all i see is +11 votes
Westicles: Yes, it is protecting now from the angry mob in WIP
Westicles: protected
Westicles: probably stay there forever...
jacek: like trolls
PatrickMcGinnisII: i guess bc math works in alot of languages on CG
PatrickMcGinnisII: imo the real math problem is the ease at which pi can be caculated in hex
Westicles: Yeah, there is a nice problem for that already
PatrickMcGinnisII: looks like PY can do 13 hex digits from any N position of pi which equates to 16 base 10 digits of pi, i don't know if it's possible get 50 digits in PY either
Westicles: Yeah, see that's a different clever approach. Why I didn't want to just point to an algorithm and say please implement this
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh i see, it's the conversion ... how many hex digits=how many base 10 digits
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm
Westicles: right
PatrickMcGinnisII: well i know the Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe Pi puzzle can be done in php
PatrickMcGinnisII: maybe yours should be very hard and named Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe Pi part 2
PatrickMcGinnisII: heh
Westicles: ha, maybe. funny one guy argued strenuously and rejected because it is a math problem. There are like a million of those on here
PatrickMcGinnisII: it's all about algorithms, yes the math can get pretty deep
PatrickMcGinnisII: the left and right side of the binary PI calc recursion is a little strenous
PatrickMcGinnisII: alot of puzzles have many paths (algorithms) to get passing
PatrickMcGinnisII: some....only 1
PatrickMcGinnisII: in this case, even pointing at the formulas doesn't really get us there
Westicles: well, I would guess it'll never be approved, and even if it is the moderation bot will get it eventually
PatrickMcGinnisII: i respect its "depth" of understanding, unfortunately not every 'coder' has had higher maths in college muchless fringe experimentation
PatrickMcGinnisII: eh, resub next month as what i suggested above ... maybe I can tell you the limits of php in the Nth digit... i know it's well below 998,581 + 50
PatrickMcGinnisII: maybe someone a little smarter than me can give you the max validator testcase computable by a scripting language without gmp bc math
Westicles: My first version was around 300k with hardcoded solution. Boy everyone really hated that one
Westicles: Anyhow, thanks for trying to solve it. You and rockstar are the only ones to try
PatrickMcGinnisII: i guess Bash is just the wrapper for gcc compiling with gmp?
Westicles: yeah
PatrickMcGinnisII: i'm still learning
**PatrickMcGinnisII is a slow old fart
Westicles: We're the AARP crew
PatrickMcGinnisII: i'll have to do other puzzle first, didn't know i was there, tx for that
PatrickMcGinnisII: past my bedtime, g'nite g/l
MadKnight: hey Westicles
Westicles: hey
MadKnight: are u playing RAIC ?
Westicles: no
MadKnight: why so ?
jacek: its russian so its hoaxed
Westicles: It is similar to a contest here? I'm not all that good at fast bot code
Westicles: Are you guys winning?
MadKnight: yea it's similar to contest here
Rockstar555: hii
StenNoode: can anyone help me please. i want to change my coding language. At first i started with java but I need c#. cant find the place to add new language
StenNoode: under my profile i see java but no place to add or choose new for deafult
VizGhar: You can choose programming language above CG IDE (while you are coding your solution)
Uljahn: your default is the last one you used i guess
VizGhar: check onboarding again :)
Rockstar555: hii
Rockstar555: guys
Uljahn: Rockstar555: stop spamming, what's wrong with you?
VizGhar: mg another one :D So I have this idea for CoC with name antispam :P
Rockstar555: what i do
AntiSquid: Uljahn didn't he already get banned :thinking:
StenNoode: damn, Im just getting into coding and got the link to this page. they said you can start as complete beginner but this is way too dificult :D
Uljahn: you can but you'd better not :)
AntiSquid: you can, if you're ready to learn as you go and keep googling StenNoode
Uljahn: at least read some tutorials first
AntiSquid: and besides that, i bet everyone still has to look up stuff regardless how far they are with their learning
Uljahn: the rabbit hole never ends
StenNoode: guess I have to go back to codecademy for some basics :D wanted to try something more intresting
jacek: :notepad_spiral: :soccer:
AntiSquid: notepad ball ?
AntiSquid: StenNoode
AntiSquid: just a randomly picked suggestion from the multiplayer section
StenNoode: i opened Mars Lander - Episode 1 and understanded that I dont understand anything :D :D
Rockstar555: Sorry
StenNoode: will check this out. than you antiSquid
Rockstar555: i don't use codingame in my life
AntiSquid: hm, what language are you using?
Rockstar555: but i don't use codingame i am going to delete my Id
Rockstar555: ::disappointed:
AntiSquid: ^ heard that from other users before, can't be related though :thinking:
AntiSquid: def not same guy
StenNoode: I went to university in september to study web technologies. they teach c# in there. just finished fisrt semester with it. I have really crappy teacher, old man and I realised I have to figure this out by myself
AntiSquid: ahm, ok . well just practice c# here if you need it for uni, i think you would need to know at least this much ?!
codybumba: @stenNoode: There are tons of info online. Read online.
AntiSquid: + whatever you can do on codesignal, it has a good arcade section
Bugy: Has codingame stopped working properly or something is wrong with my internet?
jacek: hm?
jacek: it works for meh
Bugy: It shows me "Network error: status -1" when I try to check how test cases are built.
Bugy: Furthermore I can't see images like backgrounds of some practice tasks
emamt: it says "Join a 5min coding battle!"
AntiSquid: can't load any new tab
emamt: but its 15min
DrDrunkenstein: bugy i got the same error
Visual: codingame https cert expired
jacek: huh? its till feb 2021
Tunga: I cant even solve an easy problem
NoobMaster96: @ Tunga
Coury: hi
Coury: does anyone here know how to code
Coury: I dont
jacek: no one
miszu: what is coding?
Wontonimo: no coders but a bunch of apparently under-bridge dwellers ;)
ParticleBeam: In blocking, what is the axis of rotation? it it block 4 or different for each block?
Wontonimo: i haven't played, but from the diagram it certainly looks like block 1
ParticleBeam: I suppose it doesnt matter. The offset just changes.
Wontonimo: weird, in the writeup it first says that the descriptor is letter-flip-rotate like Q12, then later it gives examples like Q113 and Q033. What is the third number for?
Wontonimo: oh, the last number is the square that goes to the x-y
Wontonimo: so, to answer your question above, if you want 4 to be placed at the xy that you specify, then the last number would be 4, like so Q104 or q004
Wontonimo: there is no offset, you specify the block that is your center
jacek: oO
eulerscheZahl: moin
struct: Olá
LastRick: morgen
jacek: hello AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to see a bot that will be done in the contest yet
NguyenVinhHien: i cant load my clash
jacek: hm?
LastRick: CSB is going to be the end of me. For the love of pete why does my pod wobble going through a checkpoint?
jacek: clashes work fine for me
MetehanBayraktar: can't solve ascii art question , anyone can give me a hint ?
LastRick: will try, which problem
jacek: you have hints on the left
MetehanBayraktar: ascii art problem on easy section , yes but those hints not enough for now :)
jacek: Bubaptik there are some post mortems on fall challenge
LastRick: Bubaptik: A good source would be the post contest wrapup
Dartisan: LastRick I see you have well progressed in Coders Strike, I think I have go back to the code :-)
khasanjonovich: Hi everyone I'm joined 5 mins ago
derjack: 1800+ :tada:
Samzok123: 01101101011010010`01010101010101010101\
derjack: oO
CS_ALPHA: Im Kinda A noob In Cometitive coding
Wontonimo: I'm pretty new also. Joined a couple weeks ago. I'm super impressed with all the different challenges
LastRick: @Dartisan, the fall contest gave me some new perspective about AI bots in general, a lot more knowledge than when i joined CG this fall.
jacek: :thumbsup:
Dartisan: yes, me too, and spent more and more time in a single puzzle than fast swap over to the next one.
LastRick: Right. Pick a puzzle and focus on it.
LastRick: Do you think Dart is holding you back? For CSB, I don't. For the Fall Contest, definitely. No Priority Queue is a big disadvantage
jacek: so make your own
Dartisan: There will come once a day, I will switch the language. But currently I have a great pleasure to find new hacks out on Dart. When it comes to performance, one day I will ;-)
LastRick: of course i can make my own. it's just not my priority right now pun intended
Dartisan: You can do I think all with the List and Set components on Dart. And you can even pass on different implementations of them.
Dartisan: the import of the collection library works, like also look on SplayTreeSet or other collection components
Dartisan: or the ListQueue class
LastRick: Right, I use collection for queues. but if you look at its definition, it does appear that PriorityQueue is available.
LastRick: *doesn't appear, I should say
MetehanBayraktar: guys ascii art is so hard is there anyone can give me a hand for it ?maybe just say key thing to solve it?
Dartisan: yes. but also Dart is a young language it changes new features arrive and I am also curious on the performance how it progress.
Simann: is there any way to output some debug info with cpp programs
Astrobytes: cerr << debugInfo << endl;
Astrobytes: @Simann
Astrobytes: np
Simann: :joy: im just here crying over my code wondering what is f***ing up
Astrobytes: it happens ;)
Simann: power of thor episode 2 is hard man
Astrobytes: Try something easier?
AntiSquid: simann ? so siman but with NN bots? :thinking: AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to watch this puzzle to make a contest on the site and it said "what ar
eulerscheZahl: stop that AntiSquid
eulerscheZahl: AutomatonNN you are hereby officially warned
AutomatonNN: good i guess
Astrobytes: :D
eulerscheZahl: i think he understood
AntiSquid: ^ this is what i aimed for lol the funny follow up reply
eulerscheZahl: did you know that upvotes aren't anonymous? I just realized I can see who upvoted me
AntiSquid: pinging you adds some comic relief too, but not the main reason to ping
eulerscheZahl: with with CG API once again
eulerscheZahl: fun with*
Astrobytes: not working on your RAIC?
eulerscheZahl: still a long time
Astrobytes: true
Astrobytes: I only submitted something awful today, had a busy weekend unfortunately
eulerscheZahl: but i've learned that we can edit the default starter
eulerscheZahl: 2 years ago it was not possible and after that i haven't tried again
eulerscheZahl: but seems they allow it now, admin confirmed on their discord
AntiSquid: wonder how many of the original halite 3 players are participating in RAIC, 3 months halite 3 + 3 months kaggle halite + now RAIC 2 months? :D had enough yet?
eulerscheZahl: so i refactored a bit
Astrobytes: Yeah, worked fine for me
eulerscheZahl: screw those structs, i want classes
reCurse: Wasn't it closer to halite 2 than 3?
reCurse: I didn't check
eulerscheZahl: i didn't played any of those but i see a halite 3 relation
AntiSquid: i see a halite field like in 3
reCurse: Oh ok
AntiSquid: didn't really try it, no idea how much physics it has
eulerscheZahl: harvesting resources to build fighting units and attack
reCurse: Attacking wasn't really a thing in halite 3
eulerscheZahl: starcraft oriented
reCurse: Suicide bombing however
Astrobytes: yeah, starcraft but halite-y
AntiSquid: any weird rules yet?
reCurse: I really liked halite 2's attacking, it was super quirky but fun to tweak somehow
Astrobytes: nothing overly weird other than their code tbh
AntiSquid: you playing ?
Astrobytes: Yeah just submitted something crap today, gonna try and put in some hours now
reCurse: Brave soul
Astrobytes: would've done it on weekend as planned but was busy.
AntiSquid: ya
AntiSquid: RAIC reminds me i want to paint my walls
reCurse: ^
Astrobytes: Yeah, once you get past the WTF reading the code it get's a *little* bit less frustrating
dbf: Astrobytes if you have a busy weekend you need to submit on Friday to get a t-shirt
Astrobytes: dbf, no last weekend was busy, I submitted today
Astrobytes: have more time to play now
dbf: cool
kovi: raic from halite3 to20: siestaguru, greentea, tonyk and me
kovi: but still time, someone might be starting or hiding
kovi: and this year there are more cg players
Astrobytes: less CG contests + COVID = more CG players doing RAIC I guess
kovi: still: fall challenge 7k players. raic <600
Astrobytes: yeah... I guess that's an "accessibility" issue :D
eulerscheZahl: and visibility?
Astrobytes: Yes, that too most likely
reCurse: These 2 are not even remotely comparable
Astrobytes: RAIC and CG? OR accessibility and visibility?
reCurse: Former
Astrobytes: Fair
MadKnight: raic is a huge game kovi
jacek: Automaton2000 huh
Automaton2000: that's not really a thing in python
jacek: Oo
MaximusG: yall like mario bros ds?
Astrobytes: look, keep it coding related or vaguely on topic. Spam crap and you'll be kicked
HorseNuggets: good question
HorseNuggets: ayy clash of code just hit 200k nice
focce: Hey! how do i print debug output in typescript?
Wontonimo: @HorseNuggets - u b killin it on clash of code !
Wontonimo: @focce " // Write an action using console.log()
// To debug: console.error('Debug messages...');
Mal30: is there a way to skip "shortest mode"?
struct: Only on private clashes
Astrobytes: hey struct, how's things
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 show us your hexagon implants
Automaton2000: what's the point of the site
Matr1x-101: to learn coding in a fun way
struct: hi Astrobytes
Zenoscave: pewpew
struct: Just playing a bit on STC, what about you?
Astrobytes: pewpewpew cool struct, doing RAIC
struct: Hi zeno
struct: I cant understand one thing though
struct: From what I checked CG has 5 different cpus
Astrobytes: yeah 4 or 5 from what I heard
struct: 2 2.2, one of them with no lvl 3 cache 2.4 with no lvl 3 cache 3.0 and 3.1
struct: My code performs the bets on the cpus with no lvl 3 cache
struct: I cant understand why
AntiSquid: only 5 ? that explains why contests with 7k participants wreck the servers i guess :thinking:
struct: the best*
struct: AntiSquid but they have multiple cores
struct: You only use 1
AntiSquid: how many cores each? 4 ?
struct: Not sure if they do 2 matches at same time on 1 machine though
struct: I think so yes
Astrobytes: struct, time to speak to re curse imo
struct: Yeah, Ill ask him when I see him
FilipBallek: Hey, is it possible to do something like 1v1 with friend?
struct: in multiplayers?
Hobogre: I think you can just make a private clash
FilipBallek: Okay, i'll try that, thanks
struct: Yeah for the past 2 or 3 days its been laggy around this hour
Samzok123: :point_right_tone2:
Rockstar555: Goodmormimh
Rockstar555: Goodmorning
Rockstar555: :smile: