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PatrickMcGinnisII: Maybe i need to go back to basics on clash of bots

PatrickMcGinnisII: it's still not running right anyways, would have to run for like 3 days as it is

gokubill: hi

gokubill: em ăn cơm chưa

Ajaiy: Do we have to simulate things in another IDE to develop Genetic Algorithms in CodinGame?

Uljahn: what do you mean by "another IDE"? the simulation of a game engine should be implemented in your bot because you need to calculate fitness score in GA

Ajaiy: oh okay thanks

jacek: oh ive been rick rolled

antiwonto: [auto] Hey jacek, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 23 tacos

gokubill: taco

PatrickMcGinnisII: 26 xp to lvl, not tonight

gokubill: wow

gokubill: pro vip

gokubill: =]

gokubill: [=

**PatrickMcGinnisII is an amateur

jacek: :taco: Ajaiy

antiwonto: [auto] jacek has awarded Ajaiy 3 tacos. Ajaiy now has 5 taco. jacek now has 24 taco

Ajaiy: shakedown struct

antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel

TINOUAINANI: Hi, good mprning

gokubill: tacos gokubill

gokubill: now is the afternoon

gokubill: hi , good afternoon

Ajaiy: jacek: Did you use the CodinGame featured puzzle to get the "Babylon tower" Achievement?

Default avatar.png Angelovski: what kind alien language is clojure

jacek: Ajaiy i used some puzzle that always passes and used different langs

Ajaiy: Like?

Ajaiy: All puzzles always pass if the correct answer is given

Ajaiy: So you used a random puzzle?

Ayza: I just used onboarding

Ajaiy: lol

Ajaiy: So basically you can "cheat" to get Babylon Tower

Ayza: learn how to print and use if statements in each language, 0 guilt

Ayza: but I didn't :slight_smile:

Ajaiy: Doing it via the CodinGame featured puzzle is even easier

Ajaiy: you just replace the printing string by *SPOILER*

Mortis_666: or just go to optimization puzzles like and submit the default code

5DN1L: You guys are creative :rolling_eyes:

Mortis_666: 😁

Default avatar.png Sephirious: Hello everyone, I have a question with There is no Spoon - Episode 1 game

Default avatar.png Sephirious: In example given, shouldn't that 1,0 and 0,1 needs to have 1 neighbor ?

Default avatar.png Sephirious: Game says they don't have a neughbor but they are connected with 0,0

5DN1L: The statement says:

5DN1L: To do this, you must find each (x1,y1) coordinates containing a node, and display the (x2,y2) coordinates of the next node to the right, and the (x3,y3) coordinates of the next node to the bottom within the grid.

5DN1L: so only check the right neighbour and the bottom neighbour

Default avatar.png Sephirious: Oh missed it, thank you so much :)

5DN1L: np :)

Default avatar.png BryanFRD: Hi, I was wondering why the expected output on the conway-sequence is "3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 25" for the 4th test

5DN1L: What do you think should be the answer?

Default avatar.png BryanFRD: 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 5

5DN1L: where's 25 gone?

Default avatar.png BryanFRD: Why would it write 25

5DN1L: because the starting number is 25

5DN1L: 2nd line becomes "1 25"

5DN1L: 3rd line becomes "1 1 1 25"

5DN1L: and so on

Default avatar.png BryanFRD: oh i see

Default avatar.png BryanFRD: thx :D

5DN1L: np :D

waterproofsodium: gm

cuongkashi: :unamused:

5DN1L: Time to reject:


PatrickMcGinnisII: a lvl2 can contribute a coc? smh

Default avatar.png Lemniscate_29:

5DN1L: please use #clash channel for clash invites, thanks. Lemniscate_29

5DN1L: OK, that contribution is gone now

J3adHero: Warning: your code did not read all available input before printing an instruction, your outputs will not be synchronized with the game's turns and unexpected behaviour may occur.

J3adHero: Any help on this ?

5DN1L: You may have output something before you have read all the inputs

5DN1L: Or you may have output more than you are required for a turn


5DN1L: In your case, the while true loop looks wrong

PatrickMcGinnisII: INF

5DN1L: it will keep doing printf without scanning the inputs again for the next round

J3adHero: oh

J3adHero: Thanks, i will fix that.

5DN1L: np

Default avatar.png marwakar: gm

Rafarafa: hi, I'd like to find a regex pattern to remove every html tag except for and , any ideas?

Default avatar.png caz1x: lazy way would be to replace with >i<, then remove all html tags and then correct after :P

Default avatar.png caz1x: using >i< specifically is a horrible idea actually, but you get the drift

Rafarafa: yeah I thought about that but then I said to myself that I might as well learn some regex :upside_down:

Rafarafa: thanks though

Default avatar.png DrWildLife: Hello guys, did you know where is the test button plz ?

5DN1L: in the area below where you type your code

Default avatar.png DrWildLife: Oooh thanks you !

5DN1L: np

derjack: :taco: jacek

antiwonto: [auto] Hey derjack, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 51 tacos

derjack: :taco: jacek

antiwonto: [auto] You used your taco giving ability for the day to discover that you need to spread the love. Give tacos to someone else.

derjack: w00t

JustCarpinThemDiems: Is there any info on the thingie? It's being missed


5DN1L: it'll be up again tomorrow

JustCarpinThemDiems: sweet

Default avatar.png CAL22: Coucou les enfants, c'est l'heure du goulag :joy:

ValentinDubois: cc

LeoFerrrrrand: oh non pas lui

Default avatar.png CAL22: Et siii

ValentinDubois: ex 1 else if

ValentinDubois: svp

Default avatar.png CAL22: c moi :kissing_heart:

ValentinDubois: vasi donne

5DN1L: English only please, and no spam

ValentinDubois: Exercice 1 : Calcul de l'inverse d'un nombre

Default avatar.png CAL22: niquez vos grosses daronnes

ValentinDubois: Exercice 1 : Calcul de l'inverse d'un nombre

ValentinDubois: Exercice 1 : Calcul de l'inverse d'un nombre

ValentinDubois: Exercice 1 : Calcul de l'inverse d'un nombre

5DN1L: kicked

LeoFerrrrrand: How are you ? CAL22

LeoFerrrrrand: t ki meme


5DN1L: anyone who disrupts this chatroom will get kicked out or banned

lafripouille: why is everyone except the mod on the world chat french?

Magus: Most of time, this is because we ban them from the chat channel. So they come here.

coconnexion: what is chat channel

lafripouille: what's the chat channel?

Uljahn: the #fr chat channel

lafripouille: CORALIE

coconnexion: JEANNE

lafripouille: ooooh

lafripouille: okayyy

lafripouille: thanks

coconnexion: thx

TimothyAlexisVass: :trophy: SuperMuppet

Mamie-Sid: yes mec

Default avatar.png Papi-Sid: Hey

JystoDussPipouPrime: is int x; is the same thing as int x=0; ? (c++)

therealbeef: no

therealbeef: very much no

therealbeef: basic type are not initialized in c++

JystoDussPipouPrime: ok thanks

therealbeef: initialization is (for some reason) one of the trickiest things in c++

therealbeef: really a weakness in the language i think

Prince6502: is int x; is the same thing as int x=0; ? (c++):

struct: no

Prince6502: Here int x is NULL but x = 0 is 0

struct: i dont think its NULL

jacek: its some random value from memory

jacek: it may depend on compiler options and/or system

Default avatar.png Tien118: why autocomplete doesn't work if i type a letter :(

therealbeef: also inside structs basic types are not initialized. so struct foo { int a; }; foo bar; --> bar.a is uninitialized

LeoFerrrrrrrand: Pls help me to clear the fr chat

LeoFerrrrrrrand: Dont ban LARABE he do nothing its mamies id

Mamie-Sid: deban LARABE pseudo in fr chat dont speak english

jesuisperdu: pk m'avoir ban ?

Mamie-Sid: pls don't spam in chat fr

5DN1L: don't spam here either

Mamie-Sid: escuse me

Prince6502: a

Prince6502: a

Prince6502: a

jesuisperdu: b

Default avatar.png evrusha: c

Ayza: I feel bad for the mods

5DN1L: I feel bad for anyone affected

LarabeIsUnbanEhehehehehe: je suis unban heheeeahahhahazhzh

jesuisperdu: trop fort

jesuisperdu: vive larabe

5DN1L: both kicked, next is a ban

LarabeIsUnbanEhehehehehe: 00

LarabeIsUnbanEhehehehehe: +

LarabeIsUnbanEhehehehehe: laissez moi tranquil svp

LarabeIsUnbanEhehehehehe: vous etes rasistes

5DN1L: Does that translate to "I request to be banned"?

5DN1L: I don't know that language

Default avatar.png Papi-Sid: Larabe says you are racist and he want to work on calm

5DN1L: does he? sorry, i've banned him

5DN1L: don't even know where the racism accusation comes from

LeoFerrrrrrrand: non plus

Ayza: can someone explain the logic behind the asterisk in

Default avatar.png Papi-Sid: me too i dont know

Ayza: I know you turn left/right when the current direction is up/down and vice versa

Ayza: but how do I pick between right/left and up/down

Ayza: hope you get what I mean

5DN1L: you have to check both ways whether a correct character is present

Ayza: oh so if it's one of right/left I have to check both of them right?

5DN1L: yes

Ayza: I see thanks

5DN1L: np :)


Default avatar.png Papi-Sid: oh no

LeoFerrrrrrrand: again and again

Police-des-modos-discord: are you raciste, because he is arab

5DN1L: No


LeoFerrrrrrrand: he is ad

LeoFerrrrrrrand: sad

5DN1L: Anyone who doesn't follow the code of conduct is kicked out or banned

Police-des-modos-discord: I understand

Police-des-modos-discord: pls clear chat in 1sn

Wontonimo: how ya doing 5DN1L ? working on anything lately?

5DN1L: Hi Wontonimo

jacek: using banning hammer lately eh

Wontonimo: :hammer:

5DN1L: True :D

Wontonimo: anyone else you think should get the :hammer: jacek?

Wontonimo: how goes the NN work jacek?

jacek: slowly. ill get more time at weekend

Ayza: great, thanks 5D1NL

Ayza: finished the puzzle

jacek: :tada:

5DN1L: 👍

Ahmed77: yo*

jacek: good evening

Ajaiy: good night? (or evening maybe)

Default avatar.png Chateux: Hello

DomiKo: heloo helooo

Default avatar.png TNWatts: hi

LastRick: howdy

Dr.Henry: hi there

TechTheAwesome: any rustaceans here? :P

jacek: :scream:

Default avatar.png AstaWisdom: hello

TechTheAwesome: just a dumb question... but how'd you go about parsing multiple input lines into an Vec<> array to work with? Since "".split("") only return &str reference and they get dropped inside the for loop

Uljahn: just undrop them [solved]

TechTheAwesome: :joy:

Uljahn: can't you declare a vec outside the loop and assign its elements inside the loop?

Fasty_V-12_Engine: Hi

TechTheAwesome: well since split("") returns &str if i declare vec outside, then vec.push(&str) its only contains the ref, and will be dropped because string is inside loop. The borrow-check rule.

TechTheAwesome: I can get around this by declaring String::new()

TechTheAwesome: but then that'd mean pushing the entire input into heap, then parse it later on when input loop ends

Alan_Greyrock: What program. language is that?

TechTheAwesome: Rust

Alan_Greyrock: Oh okay

TechTheAwesome: its a good rule for memory safety. But can limit some solutions at times.

jacek: so rust programs never get dementia

jacek: o:

DomiKo: :(

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

antiwonto: [auto] Hey struct, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 50 tacos

J3adHero: Clash has been started since: ? I get getting this message and not joining any clash

5DN1L: Refresh the page

J3adHero: It worked thanks, I thought of everything , restarting the PC, relaunching the browser, closing the site and opening none worked, but refresh did :joy::pray:

TimothyAlexisVass: :trophy:struct

jacek: oO

struct: its the trophy for stc

struct: after I finish

C_breeze: I keep getting a fail to load chunk error about some .js file, only happens on my old chromebook - anyone any ideas why? I can't access code or clashes

struct: maybe something is blocking?

struct: can it be an extension?

TimothyAlexisVass: :medal:C_breeze

fawzeus: hi

Hadd2: gm

jacek: :upside_down:

antiwonto: [auto] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo '

jacek: the net, such accuracy *_*

jacek: meh, this one

Cryptohnic: su

Cryptohnic: sup

Default avatar.png seanmabli: i like pizza hut

Default avatar.png seanmabli: kj]rghdfsjgkfjgskldf

Default avatar.png seanmabli: gfgkjdsflkgjdfs

Default avatar.png seanmabli: gkjdfskl

Default avatar.png Adamimoka: shush

Default avatar.png Adamimoka: please no spam

TimothyAlexisVass: :medal:seanmabli

Default avatar.png GNye22: Anyone know why Pair cannot be resolved to a type for Java? Does the IDE not support Java 9?

jacek: have you tried import

Default avatar.png GNye22: Yeah, it's javafx.util.Paths and it says javafx cannot be resolved


jacek: i dont think CG support javafx

Default avatar.png GNye22: I wasn't even aware until now that it was part of the JavaFX library, I figured it was part of the standard util library with ArrayList and such

jacek: the more you know

Default avatar.png GNye22: Ok, bummer, guess I'll just have to insert nodes into the graph object rather than populate it with a Pair array on construction

jacek: or create your own pair ~

Default avatar.png GNye22: True, but not worth the work for what I'm trying to accomplish.

Default avatar.png GNye22: Just easier to ditch it and add a separate method for adding graph paths

jacek: graphs :heart:

Default avatar.png interest: im new to coding and this looks really complicated my teacher is making me do this but its already the end of the year we were used to doing but this is just completely different how should i start?

tokachiwa: :slight_smile:

jacek: do you have any programming knowledge?

jacek: try easy puzzles like the descent, temperatures, dual horse racing, power of thor

tokachiwa: cool

j4at: How can i change max game duration in cg-brutaltester/spider attack

antiwonto: [auto] Hey j4at, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 14 tacos


j4at: :taco: anitwonto

j4at: :taco: antiwonto

antiwonto: [auto] That's a bot. Bots don't eat tacos

jacek: ask Automaton2000

Automaton2000: what should i do it

Hadd2: ilysm autiwonto

Hadd2: *antiwonto :3c

Wontonimo: i'm hungry

antiwonto: [auto] Hey Wontonimo, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 36 tacos

Wontonimo: nice

**PatrickMcGinnisII is hungry

j4at: help ? :(

Wontonimo: have you tried getting brutaltester to work with 2 dummy scripts that just output wait ?

Wontonimo: to figure out if it is your code of the ref?

PatrickMcGinnisII: j4at I have little experience with this, but my cli has it's own runtime parameters ... memory, time limits, etc. I often have to set memory limits much higher, so depending on your setup you might have to look at cli default constants. I dunno tho. I think brutaltester just passes what it knows back to you. I mean, your cli could be terminating the exec and brutal assumes it's an out of time thing

struct: cg sdk is limited to 30seconds

struct: per game

j4at: There is nothing wrong with my script i tested with dummy script that prints only "WAIT" every x time (total +30sec)

struct: with wait you get this error?

j4at: i put delay

j4at: thats why

j4at: to simulate my AI being slow

PatrickMcGinnisII: ahhh, it .addtime for this reason ... entire game went over time eh. good info struct

struct: well if the time adds up to 30 sec it will throw that error

j4at: anyway to change it ?

struct: custom referee or change the sdk

struct: The second one I dont know how to do it

struct: but euler does

struct: By chaning sdk I mean change the values that cause this error

struct: You can increase it to higher

struct: but I dont know how.

j4at: :'(

j4at: Well, I will try to make it faster for now

PatrickMcGinnisII: private static final int GAME_DURATION_HARD_QUOTA = 30_000;

PatrickMcGinnisII: i guess where your error came from:

PatrickMcGinnisII: sry i interject too much, like I dunno how to rebuild it anyways... would take me a day...I'm too old fer this.

j4at: Well, me either :( I guess I will wait for now

PatrickMcGinnisII: I haven't even used my apache server since 27/Mar/2021, wow, I'm a slacker

PatrickMcGinnisII: local one anyway

NinjaZMY: I'm back to code, I still haven't finished studying complexity yet but I figured that I need to code a bit

antiwonto: [auto] Hey NinjaZMY, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 1 tacos

Wontonimo: that's sneaky of you NinjaZMY

NinjaZMY: thank you sir wontonimo

struct: is complexity important?

NinjaZMY: struct, I never had to learn it but I remember once on a job hunting website there were a question about complexity and I understood nothing

struct: I see I guess it is importants for algorithms

struct: Which is something im not really familiar with

NinjaZMY: I see, don't worry step by step, you can become really good in less than a year

NinjaZMY: I've seen some people in the community who had learnt a lot in just one year

struct: Yeah, I just enjoy doing other things

struct: Different skills I guess

NinjaZMY: I can totally relate to that

NinjaZMY: If you can enjoy a skill, you can have fun mastering that skill

NinjaZMY: I personally enjoy a huge range of things/ skills but I couldn't master all of those skills

struct: my skills are not really usefull

struct: though :p

NinjaZMY: if you enjoy them, then they are worth it

gokubill: good morning

antiwonto: [auto] Hey gokubill, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 2 tacos

gokubill: tacos

struct: hi

Minh4893IT: hi

ASM_MOV_INT: hi train

bobth: tacos?

Husoski: ain't no tacos for the wicked, tacos don't grow on trees:musical_score:

j4at: they don't ?

NinjaZMY: j4at you can create a game for tacos to grow on trees