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jacek: oO

aCat: PatrickMcGinnisII try ping

RivalRickson: hi

gokubill: hi

PremerX007: hello

Default avatar.png esiweb: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Default avatar.png A_-LQE~~: is anybody there

aCat: nope

TiboCarle: Hi there

teidova: meow

derjack: nopony

Default avatar.png The_furious_fire: hi struggling w/ the xy thingy


Darleanow: 5DN1L need u :)

LolipopMiss: j'ai mal au cul

LolipopMiss: un gars dans ma classe ma su...

5DN1L: banned

GEORGE12345: hello

ZOJI: bite

ZOJI: oui ?

5DN1L: English only in this channel. For French, please use #fr

GEORGE12345: hi there 5DN1L

GEORGE12345: wait are you a bot

5DN1L: hi GEORGE12345

5DN1L: Yes I am a bot

5DN1L: Joking

GEORGE12345: few

GEORGE12345: i thought you were a bot

5DN1L: Automaton2000 are you a bot?

Automaton2000: if you find a good eval

GEORGE12345: so you are the head or something

5DN1L: Automaton2000 "a good eval of what makes a bot"

Automaton2000: i need a good eval

5DN1L: I'm not the head

GEORGE12345: okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay?

5DN1L: I'm just a moderator

GEORGE12345: oh ok

GEORGE12345: sorry

GEORGE12345: hey does anybody like video games

GEORGE12345: who like to make video games

GEORGE12345: and in which software

GEORGE12345: Hello?

5DN1L: Dunno, but some make games here:

GEORGE12345: ok

GEORGE12345: does anybody tried making games in the sandbox

GEORGE12345: you must have seen in youtube adds

GEORGE12345: hello?

5DN1L: I don't have anything to add. Seems other people don't have at the moment either

GEORGE12345: Bonjour

GEORGE12345: i am learning french

GEORGE12345: Buenas Dias

McGruble: hmm

GEORGE12345: and a bit spanish

5DN1L: ok, please stick to coding related topics

GEORGE12345: i am an emarati

GEORGE12345: fine

GEORGE12345: which code games do you play 5DN1L other that this game

5DN1L: just this for now

GEORGE12345: me too

GEORGE12345: how old are you

5DN1L: sorry I'm busy and I can't keep chatting with you

GEORGE12345: oh sorry:disappointed:

GEORGE12345: no prob

nicola: 5DN1L, « bite » in French is dick in English.

5DN1L: oh :open_mouth:

5DN1L: thanks for telling me

isimkullanmiyorum: hi everyone

cagriy: hello from istanbul

Default avatar.png Abdulrahim: hello all

Default avatar.png Abdulrahim: i need some help here

Default avatar.png Abdulrahim:

5DN1L: It looks like you haven't changed the initial code? Abdulrahim

Default avatar.png waterproofsodium: gm


Gangbi34567: come in everybody

yep1907: arkadaslar

Default avatar.png waterproofsodium: wohoo i finished bulls and cows :cowboy:

5DN1L: 🎉

Default avatar.png waterproofsodium: :)

Default avatar.png waterproofsodium: did you see the doom monster?

Default avatar.png waterproofsodium: was referring to nicola

5DN1L: i replied to nicola

Default avatar.png waterproofsodium: beautiful

Default avatar.png waterproofsodium: well

Default avatar.png Jankovahoe: hello

Default avatar.png Jankovahoe: how are u

Default avatar.png Jankovahoe: ??

Default avatar.png Jankovahoe: my coding friends

Default avatar.png Jankovahoe: :yin_yang:

Uljahn: pls no flood here

waterproofsodium: I finally have a personality

Default avatar.png procoder1: hey all

waterproofsodium: (if you don't see it refresh the site)

Default avatar.png Jankovahoe: hi procoder1

Default avatar.png Jankovahoe: wanna be my bf

Default avatar.png Jankovahoe: im a girl

Default avatar.png procoder1: no + ratio

Uljahn: kicked, next time is ban

Default avatar.png procoder1: who wants to code with me

waterproofsodium: you find people to code with in clash

waterproofsodium: "clash of code"

5DN1L: waterproofsodium, nice to have a profile pic, it makes you less newbie-like

waterproofsodium: ty :D

5DN1L: :D

waterproofsodium: I'm a overlord from starcraft ;)

5DN1L: btw i just saw your other message - i had to translate it to understand it haha

waterproofsodium: hahaha be careful usually humor gets lost from anything translated from or to german

5DN1L: i don't often wander into other channels - it's only when i think spammers may be there

5DN1L: yeah, true

5DN1L: i guess

Default avatar.png Boju66: anyone got tips for getting out of bronze mad pod racing?

waterproofsodium: pod racing there's a formula

Uljahn: ye, just drift better

waterproofsodium: that brings you pretty far

Default avatar.png procoder1: Hallo, sprecht ihr alle deutsch

Default avatar.png Boju66: ive done the go slower round corners bit

5DN1L: English only please, procoder1

Default avatar.png procoder1: me no english

5DN1L: or get kicked out

waterproofsodium: it was like: have a coefficient for your velocity, that is negative and add that vector to your next target

Default avatar.png procoder1: i use google translate for english

Default avatar.png Boju66: okay thanks

waterproofsodium: find the coefficient that works best for yourself, but I think it was like 2 approximately

Default avatar.png Boju66: ill try ;)

Default avatar.png Boju66: what are these emojis lmao

Default avatar.png procoder1: me clash of code

waterproofsodium: unit of velocity = 2 units/"tick"

Default avatar.png ...bored: eyo can anyone help me with sorting algorithms in python (im a beginner (its just about sorting a number of variabels that are not stored inside of an array))

waterproofsodium: * unit of velocity = units/"tick"

Default avatar.png therapist_with_a_space: ║

Default avatar.png procoder1: :eye::tongue::eye:

Default avatar.png Boju66: do i need to make that a variable im guessing

Default avatar.png Boju66: tysm

5DN1L: kicked, next is a ban, procoder1

Default avatar.png therapist_with_a_space: ►☻:wink:

5DN1L: you want to be kicked too? therapist_with_a_space

Uljahn: Boju66: ye, add them to list

Default avatar.png therapist_with_a_space: no

5DN1L: then no spam please

waterproofsodium: gotta move out. have a good day everyone

Default avatar.png therapist_with_a_space: ok

Default avatar.png Boju66: thanks Uljahn

Uljahn: also if you need more specific help, you have to provide an example of such variables

Uljahn: oops, i was answering to ...bored

Default avatar.png ...bored: ah sry gotcha ... im working on the "the desent" rn in wich gives you 8 variables at the beginning of each game ... the task is to sort these variables in descending order

Uljahn: the task is to find the index of the maximum number

Default avatar.png ...bored: yeah every roun

Uljahn: you can store (value, index) pairs in a list, then sort it or use max() function and output the second part

Uljahn: or find max value and then use value_list.index(max_value)

Default avatar.png ...bored: ah ok ill try that thx

Default avatar.png keta-dev: how do I get started with Javascript.

Default avatar.png Alathreon: Hi, may I ask if java will ever be upgraded ?

Uljahn: Alathreon: use this topic to give your question more visibility

Default avatar.png Alathreon: Thank you

MSmits: hi

struct: hi

struct: is site slow for anyone else?

MSmits: not sure, it is slow but i am in the train. Train wifi is horrible

therealbeef: *dutch train wifi

MSmits: do you live in a country with good train wifi?

struct: We dont use the trains here

struct: Netherlands is different

MSmits: Because they are not safe?

struct: no, because cities are not built for them

therealbeef: Korea has good train/bus wifi

MSmits: weird, you just need a train track

MSmits: ah ok

zakacat: and billions of dollars of infrastructure that is a hard sell for politicians

MSmits: there's benefit as well

MSmits: financial

zakacat: I agree

MSmits: travel costs go down for a lot of people

zakacat: Just saying why it is not an easy decision

MSmits: if you travel alone, cars are insanely expensive to use

MSmits: that's true for any political decision almost.

therealbeef: dutch trains are insanely expensive too :D

zakacat: we don't have very good public transit in Canada. The big cities have trains, and the city busses are decent, but pretty much all intercity travel is personal vehicle or plane

struct: When I went to Amsterdam it was clear it's a city not built for cars

MSmits: well that's not the kind of train i am talking about

MSmits: you are talking about trams

MSmits: I am taking about large trains that move between cities

MSmits: most cities dont have trams... just busses

zakacat: Ah, I think they decided a long time ago that it is far more worth it to use our rail for cargo which drives up the cost of tickets for personell

MSmits: that just means you need more trains

MSmits: there is no reason to make those two compete


zakacat: I dunno then. Possibly corruption in the rail lines then

struct: as you can see its not great

struct: Porto and lisbon are the exception

MSmits: scale matters though

zakacat: Id love to go to Portugal

zakacat: one day

MSmits: seems like a reasonable rail map imho

MSmits: we also have towns that have no trains going to them

MSmits: you need busses for those

MSmits: big cities all have train stations though

MSmits: some multiple

struct: I think culture is also a large factor

MSmits: yeah i was gonna say thar

MSmits: people get used to cars

MSmits: they dont know any better

MSmits: we have a lot of bicycles too

struct: as soon as I left the train station I saw like 1k bikes

struct: in netherlands

MSmits: In Amsterdam?

struct: yes

MSmits: yes, they are everywhere

MSmits: some things you see in Amsterdam are specific to that city, some things arent

MSmits: Amsterdam does not give you a good impression of the Netherlands as a whole though

MSmits: cars are fine to use in most cities for example

struct: yeah its for tourists I guess

MSmits: yeah thats one difference

MSmits: but it's also a major student and culture city

MSmits: If you want to see "normal" Netherlands, go to Zaandam, or Almere or something

MSmits: not as exciting probably

struct: In portugal its the same

therealbeef: Almere is kinda bottom of the barrel XD

struct: Many cities will give you the wrong impression

MSmits: hey dont sht on Almere :) I lived there half my life

kovi: hello MSmits

MSmits: hi kovi

kovi: will you play the new locm?

zakacat: Give :taco: kovi

MSmits: at some point probably

MSmits: but I am doing yavalath/oware/great escape atm

struct: The cities are completely different from ehre

struct: here*

struct: At least from the images im seeing

struct: They seem more organized

MSmits: they are very organized yes

MSmits: people experience it as boring/lack of atmosphere though

therealbeef: The old dutch mid-sized cities are nice. Alkmaar, Leiden, Den Bosch, Utrecht, Groningen

MSmits: I kinda like the organized cities

MSmits: when i had to deliver newspapers it made it pretty easy

wlesavo: oh MSmits, you going to do GE? great time to check my playground :smiley:

MSmits: oh ok, i will

MSmits: can you link it?

MSmits: (have to go off line ina sec, train arriving)

wlesavo: you probably know all the things there

MSmits: oh i also have a bfs playground on my profile

MSmits: i will look at yours thanks

Default avatar.png Ringstadjr: is there an option to only clash against same coding language as yourself?

Default avatar.png Rogumann: keyboard shortcut to delete whole line?

Default avatar.png Rogumann: ctrl+shift+k

Default avatar.png Reyil: hi

Default avatar.png procoder1: yo

Default avatar.png birv1408o: heheheha

Default avatar.png birv1408o: i pro coder

Default avatar.png procoder1: no i am

Default avatar.png birv1408o: how

Default avatar.png procoder1: im ranked 2913619

Default avatar.png birv1408o: im ranked 1 in the world

Default avatar.png birv1408o: get better fortnite noob

Default avatar.png procoder1: no you're ranked 2913923

Default avatar.png birv1408o: cap bro

Default avatar.png procoder1: no cap

Default avatar.png birv1408o: ur rank 2913619 TH

Default avatar.png procoder1: im still better

Default avatar.png birv1408o: im better at fornite

Default avatar.png procoder1: cap

Default avatar.png procoder1: 1v1 me

Default avatar.png birv1408o: 1v1 rn

Default avatar.png procoder1: ok

Default avatar.png birv1408o: add me

Default avatar.png birv1408o: whats ur name\

Default avatar.png procoder1: tt flixz fn

Default avatar.png procoder1: rn

Default avatar.png birv1408o: bet

Default avatar.png birv1408o: ur boutta get destroyed like your mom

Default avatar.png procoder1: cap ima win

Uljahn: no flood here, stick to coding-related topics

Default avatar.png procoder1: why

Default avatar.png birv1408o: why

Uljahn: you've been warned, next time is ban


TINOUAINANI: fight in clash code instad :joy:

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: ok he pull up

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: how do i rank up

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi (Sonny Digital)

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: you and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Switchin' lanes and I'm seein' lights, you know I watch the curb

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: Smokin' weed, you know I'm gettin' high, you know it calm my nerves

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Trappin' hard, pumpin' non-stop, the bag I had to earn

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: ou can try, but you might fail again, you know you never learn

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Came in with a bottle, I was trippin'

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: And I took a couple shots and now I'm dizzy

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: It got me burning up, burning up

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: Insides burning up, burning up (Yeah)

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Uh, poppin' meds (Uh), out in the meadows (Yeah)

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: She like a little red (Uh), in her stilettos (Yeah)

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Anytime you live (Uh), out in the ghetto (Yeah)

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: You try to duck the feds (Uh), they need to let go

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Came in with a bottle, I was trippin'

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: And I took a couple shots, it got me dizzy

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: It got me burning up, burning up

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: It got me burning up, burning up

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: OKAY I PULL UP

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: YOU AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS YEAH LOVE TO GET NAUGHTY:heart_eyes:

Default avatar.png ttflixzfn: Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi:rage:

Default avatar.png Ilikebals: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari:see_no_evil:

Uljahn: banned

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: thanks

MSmits: I just made my yavalath solver 20x faster :)

wlesavo: wow

MSmits: which corresponds to like 2 depth levels but still

MSmits: 2ms for the same gamestate that took 40 ms before

Default avatar.png Reyil: hi'

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

blop200: wheres the moderator damn

wlesavo: MSmits so what kind of improvemnt you made?

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: OKAY WE PULL UP

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

MSmits: I'll explain when the spammers get kicked

Westicles: sheesh, like a monkeypox outbreak here

wlesavo: MSmits

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: we will be back

wlesavo: sry

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: we never die

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: HEHEHEH

wlesavo: wanted to ping mod

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: wlesavo we never die

wlesavo: 5DN1L

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: ilikebals

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: YEA YEA

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: WWWW

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

MSmits: I wish i had mod powers sometimes, but I don't want the full responsibility of a mod, just the power to kick these obvious trolls

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: OK HE PULL UP:heart_eyes:

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party:rage:

wlesavo: same

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: WE AINT TROLLING

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: my g

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: I LOVE PULLIN UP:sunglasses:

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: OK I PULL UP:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: OKAY WE PULL UP:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

wlesavo: Uljahn

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: AHHH

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: :sunglasses:

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: YOU CANT DEFEAT US

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png macyq: yall are terrible

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: OKAY I PULL UP ONG :joy:

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party:flushed:

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: WE DONT DIE

MSmits: macyq they will be gone when a mod gets here

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: ME AND ALL MY FRIEND YEAH WE WANNA GET NAUGHTY:heart_eyes:

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: :scream:Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party:smirk:

Westicles: [CG]Thibaud help

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: I LOVE FAIRES :heart_eyes_cat:

Default avatar.png ttflixzfnneverdies: You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty:rage:

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

blop200: why isn't there a mute button on a coding website

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: WE NEVER DIE

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: VOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: :neutral_face:

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ilikebals2: HEHEHEHA

Default avatar.png ilikebals2:

MSmits: struct

Uljahn: banned

MSmits: nicola

MSmits: ahh ok

MSmits: I will stop pinging then

MSmits: havent seen trolls this bad befor

MSmits: wlesavo you still around?

wlesavo: yeah

MSmits: ok, i assume you are familiar with mcts solver?

wlesavo: somewhat yes =)

Default avatar.png Reyil: hi

Default avatar.png Reyil: :wave:

MSmits: ok, imagine a really good gamestate in which you basically can't lose

Default avatar.png Reyil: MSmits, hi

MSmits: all nodes to select have value 1,0 which means 100% WR

MSmits: hi Reyil

MSmits: whats going to happen on selection?

wlesavo: random

MSmits: well random, or all get equal numbers of visits right?

MSmits: is this a good thing when you want to prove the win?

wlesavo: not really

MSmits: no, you want to select just the 1 node

MSmits: any of them really, since they are all winning

Default avatar.png OKAYIPULLUP: WE DONT DIE

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png OKAYIPULLUP: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png OKAYIPULLUP: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png OKAYIPULLUP: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png OKAYIPULLUP: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

DomiKo: damn

MSmits: so instead of UCT-normal, you remove the part that depends on visit count and just go by the value + 61 - the number of children of that node, so you pick the winning node with the smallest amount of branching

struct: ...

MSmits: extreme improvement of solving speed for winning states

MSmits: I think i can speed up my c4 solver this way also

wlesavo: oh i see

MSmits: it works for any game that ends with 100% winning nodes for the last few levels

MSmits: (depth levels)


MSmits: example, check when my bot solves and when jace k's does

MSmits: (his bot says -10 when it solves)

Default avatar.png sussycoder: hey everyone im new!

struct: but how do you know that the node is pretty much solved?

Default avatar.png Capybarapullup: same

Default avatar.png Reyil: hi sussycoder

Default avatar.png sussycoder: Hey Reyil!

MSmits: you dont have to know if it is pretty much solved

Default avatar.png Reyil: how are you

MSmits: you just have to have a near 100% WR (I use 95% or 97.5%)

struct: No I mean to know when to use the other UCT

Default avatar.png sussycoder: Hey Reyil!

MSmits: i use value cutoff 0.9 or 0.95

Default avatar.png sussycoder: oops

struct: do you check the parent?

MSmits: so i first calculate the value and then I calculate the rest of UCT

MSmits: no i just check each child

struct: ah

struct: so if each child score >= 0.9

MSmits: not each

MSmits: just 1

MSmits: or more

wlesavo: i should try that someday

Default avatar.png Reyil: hi MSmits

Default avatar.png sussycoder:

Default avatar.png Capybarapullup:

Default avatar.png Capybarapullup: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png Capybarapullup: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png sussycoder:

Default avatar.png sussycoder:

Default avatar.png Capybarapullup: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

MSmits: any child above the cutoff is preferred to all others

struct: So lets say I entered normal select

MSmits: and the child in that group with the smallest amount of children of its own is preferred also

struct: What happens?

MSmits: you always enter normal select, it's just a different UCT formula for some children

struct: Currently I check each child and select best UCB

MSmits: you do the same, it's just a different formula for some children

MSmits: the ones that have value > 0.95

struct: ah ok

MSmits: so as soon as one gets that, it gets 100% focused on

struct: I can try that

MSmits: until it drops below the cutoff

struct: seems short

MSmits: it's very easy to code

MSmits: the new formula is value + SOME_NUMBER - child count

Default avatar.png Reyil: hi MSmits

MSmits: you assume the child has been expanded so you know how many children it has

MSmits: some number is 61 for me for yavalath

MSmits: so that the value always has a positive number added

MSmits: you could make it 100 also, doesnt matter

struct: but wont it be higher than 1 then?

MSmits: yeah, this doesnt matter

MSmits: it's just a uct result

wlesavo: thx for sharing MSmits, quite interesting

MSmits: it's often higher than 1 btw

MSmits: uct = value + exploration term

MSmits: i replace the exploration with the 61- childcount term

struct: my uct is never higher than 1

struct: or is it?

struct: idk

MSmits: your value is never higher than 1

Default avatar.png macyqs_sister: hello!

MSmits: but your UCT is

MSmits: you add the sqrtlog thingy

struct: I see

Default avatar.png macyqs_sister: hi struct! thats a cool name!

MSmits: It's especially useful in late game yavalath because you can just count the number of loss hexes (from 3 in a row) and know one player has too few safe hexes. So you get a lot of 100% WR nodes

MSmits: it's like that for the last 20 plies or so

MSmits: a normal MCTS is going to explore all those 100% WR nodes equally, which slows things down *a lot*

Default avatar.png flizin: suck my d struct

MSmits: you just need 1 of those, preferably the one that forces moves

MSmits: (small branching)

struct: Thanks for explaining

struct: Makes sense

Default avatar.png Reyil: :nauseated_face:

MSmits: np

Default avatar.png Reyil: MSmits

MSmits: yes?

Default avatar.png Reyil: hi

MSmits: hi

struct: stop spamming Reyil

Default avatar.png Reyil: :wave:

Default avatar.png Reyil: i'm not

jacek: so if child has 0.95 you assume its win?

struct: no jacek

struct: He just changes UCB to visit it more

MSmits: To *only* visit it

MSmits: I don't visit anything else unless it gets solved as a loss or draw, or if it drops below 0.95

MSmits: if it turns out it isn't a win, it should be no problem, the rollouts should be able to show this

jacek: is this some progressive pruning or widening?

jacek: it feels so nostalgic, from the time where random-based mcts was a thing

MSmits: this can be used by a NN

MSmits: it's not specific to random rollouts

MSmits: you can have a NN use a cutoff where it is very likely to win and then stop exploring other nodes as well

struct: it might even be better

struct: since you can lower the value

struct: instead of being 0.95

MSmits: well i am not sure that is a good idea

MSmits: nn eval isnt perfect either

struct: Well I trust jacek NN more than my mcts random rollout

jacek: oh im 4th in oware :rage:

MSmits: but do you trust NN's eval more than 1000 random rollouts near the end of the game?

MSmits: 1000 vs 1

struct: I see what you mean

MSmits: yavalath random rollouts are extremely strong near the end because of how the game works. There are no traps and such,

MSmits: it's just filling up hexes

MSmits: connect 4 is a bit similar to that

MSmits: hmm I am not seeing much improvement using this in c4.

MSmits: but it doesn't work on draws, so it could be that

struct: so its perfect for bt?

MSmits: mmh doubtful, bt needs ept right?

MSmits: random rollouts are weak

MSmits: but a meta mcts for bt, maybe

jacek: bt is quite trappy

MSmits: yavalath too, but you can fix this in a large part with smart random rollout

MSmits: not sure if this works in bt

MSmits: oh and bt is probably trappy all the way through the game, yavalath mostly early

struct: yeah for bt it wont work for my eval

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: Hello, I have been seeing that in mad pod racer, people change their place they want to move based on there angle to the checkpoint, how do they do it?

MSmits: I think it might work better for my c4 solver program. I got stuck on 11x4 because of that same "full 100% WR" selection thing where it would just explore everything unless i solved by hand

MSmits: (which meant choosing 1 node to go through)

jacek: if i remember correctly it was about choosing thrust depending on angle < -90 || angle > 90

jacek: as for changing place, there is trick of target checkpoint - 3 * pod velocity

MSmits: oh noes... -3vel

MSmits: make it seem more mathematical by putting -3pi

MSmits: -pi*vel sry

jacek: math? :scream:

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: @jacek so what do you mean target checkpoint, are you meaning the checkpoints x or y ?

MSmits: both

MSmits: it's vector subtraction

MSmits: x-3vx and y -3vy

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: thanks!

jacek: you need to calcuate velocity yourself

MSmits: the problem with this trick though, is that it works so well, you wont be able to improve much after that unless you learn how to do a search

MSmits: and you should probably not learn how to do a search in that game, it's not an easy game to start with this

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: another question, for calculating velocity would I just take the position from last turn and find the difference between the position this turn?

MSmits: yes

struct: yes

jacek: eeyup

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: thanks!

MSmits: if it doesnt work, you have a bug. You should get into gold easily

Scarfield: pod racers hate this one trick

MSmits: you make it sounds like a typical click-bait article title


Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: Could someone help me with my bug, for some reason I am going to 41242, 24428 which is outside of the map. I am outputting (nextcheckpointx - (3 * vx) , nextcheckpointy - (3 * vy), thrust) and I am calculating vx and vy by getting the difference between my last and current position, what am I doing wrong?

jacek: show your code

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude:

jacek: hmm you set the vx vy before the Scan

jacek: do the if block after fmt.Scan(&x, &y, &ncx, &ncy, &ncd, &nca)

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: In this league they do not give vx and vy, I had to create them

struct: yes but you are using x before reading it

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: oh thanks!

jacek: it plays better/

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: Yes a lot. I appreciate the help! :grinning:

jacek: :tada:

jacek: and if youre interested where does it come from:

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: Thanks for all this help, I am 13 years old and I have been struggling on advancing my bot in mad pod racer!

MSmits: it's not an easy task

jacek: :upside_down:

Default avatar.png mdfarhansadiq: hi

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: hey

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: OKAY I PULL UP

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_:

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Scarfield: struct wontonimo

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: OKAY I PULL UP:rage:

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: :sunglasses:Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: OKAY WE PULL UP

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: pull up baby girl:stuck_out_tongue:

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: hehehehehehhehe

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: OK I PULL UP ONG

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: heheheheha

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: heheheha

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: WE PULL UP

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: OKAY WE PULL UP ON GORDA

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: N

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after partyOkay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: WE NEVER DIE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: i like big guys

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: three big guys

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: AND THE BUST ON ME

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: look like we playin tennis

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: OH SHI

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: he got big pepe i think his name dennis

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: i jerk his wnee until he finish

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi (Sonny Digital)

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png chef_de_file: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: YOU WILL NEVER WIN:kissing_heart:WE WILL BE BACK EVEN AFTER BAN:hugging:

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari1942, I take you back in that 'Rari1942, I take you back in that 'Rari1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png ok_i_pull_up_: 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

DomiKo: ohhh god

Magus: Sorry, I'm just Magus.

DomiKo: Close enough for me

jacek: janus?

Westicles: why are all the event puzzles by french guys?

jacek: nepotism

Default avatar.png mdfarhansadiq: :#

Westicles: 7 event puzzles so far. 6 french, 1 german

jacek: and german one was about mines :thinking:

Default avatar.png coderboner: hi!

Default avatar.png amogus69420: hi!

Default avatar.png .steinn: hello coder

Default avatar.png macyq: wassup boner

Default avatar.png amogus69420: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi (Sonny Digital) 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari:nerd:

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png macyq: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png coderboner: Okay, I pull up

Default avatar.png macyq: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png coderboner: Okay, I pull up

Default avatar.png macyq: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png coderboner: Okay, I pull up

Default avatar.png coderboner: Okay, I pull up

Default avatar.png amogus69420: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi (Sonny Digital) 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png amogus69420: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi (Sonny Digital) 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Default avatar.png amogus69420: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi (Sonny Digital) 1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

jacek: Magus struct

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png amogus69420: :nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd:

Default avatar.png amogus69420: :nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd:

Default avatar.png amogus69420: :nerd::nerd::nerd:

Default avatar.png coderboner: PENIS

Default avatar.png .steinn: suc my d

Default avatar.png coderboner: Okay, I pull up

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png macyq: hes hard

DomiKo: Oware has so many small leagues in Wood 1. I never knew that game is that awesome.

Default avatar.png .steinn: same here bro

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png macyq: what is wood 1

Default avatar.png coderboner: ur mom

Default avatar.png amogus69420:

Westicles: bro, every time you make a new account it adds to their monthly active users. you are just making them money

Default avatar.png .steinn: the hardness oh your penis

Default avatar.png coderboner: idc

Default avatar.png .steinn: good

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png amogus69420: its about drive its about power

Default avatar.png coderboner: westicles more like testicles

Default avatar.png .steinn: we stay hungry we devour

Default avatar.png amogus69420: :nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd:

Default avatar.png .steinn: i like balls

jacek: small leagues in wood 1?

Default avatar.png .steinn: jack your gay

Default avatar.png coderboner: shut yo ass up jacek

Default avatar.png macyq: ya

Default avatar.png coderboner: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png coderboner: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png amogus69420: :nerd::nerd::nerd:

Default avatar.png coderboner: Okay, I pull up (Okay, I pull up), hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png .steinn: Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

Default avatar.png .steinn: :nerd:

Default avatar.png amogus69420: :nerd::nerd::nerd:

Default avatar.png .steinn: :nerd:

Westicles: all right, give me an IP address an I'll brick their router

Default avatar.png .steinn: :nerd:

Default avatar.png .steinn: bet

DomiKo: I mean those big jumps between some players scores.

Default avatar.png coderboner: heres my ip

Default avatar.png coderboner: 123.456.789

Default avatar.png amogus69420: :nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd:

Default avatar.png amogus69420: It's about drive, it's about power We stay hungry, we devour Put in the work, put in the hours and take what's ours (ahoo)

Default avatar.png coderboner: heheheheha

jacek: 5DN1L [CG]Thibaud help plx

Default avatar.png .steinn: suck my hard boner]

struct: ...

struct: Automaton2000 do something

Automaton2000: then there is no point

nightwalkerinthedark: lol

nightwalkerinthedark: talk you people



DomiKo: Fist win against MSmits!

jacek: :tada:

jacek: yet another NN oware bot?

DomiKo: yet another AlphaZero

DomiKo: But stilll soooo much work to do

DomiKo: I'm actually surprised that it works that well

jacek: nice

Default avatar.png Macbookair: what we talkin about?

DomiKo: About Oware

Default avatar.png Macbookair: whats that?



DomiKo: You should try it

MSmits: grats DomiKo :)

Default avatar.png Macbookair: will do

regismeysso22: add .onion

MSmits: my bot is still the highest ranking non-NN I think

DomiKo: that many NNs wow

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: half of them because Marchete shared his framework

jacek: so many C# in top 15 :thinking:

MSmits: they just load a C++ bot I guess

jacek: how long did you train

DomiKo: like 30min right now

DomiKo: 100% loading C++, I found out that #pragma arch=native doesn't work like compilation flag, and compiling it directly is better

jacek: huh

jacek: #pragma GCC option("arch=native", "tune=native", "no-zero-upper")

DomiKo: yeah, it doesn't work

jacek: how do you know



DomiKo: here

DomiKo: with pragma this code can't compile

DomiKo: but if you add flag to compilator it will compile without any problem

jacek: noob

jacek: i wasnt oware it was possible to win to 0 at this level

DomiKo: xD

Default avatar.png Macbookair: ok i pull up:heart_eyes:

DomiKo: my bot just gave up

jacek: and 2 exact games :thinking:

MSmits: that's no surprise

DomiKo: I have very little random right now

Default avatar.png Macbookair: capybara

MSmits: well maybe from your bot jacek, but if the best move is very clear, your bot becomes deterministic too

DomiKo: that could be true

Default avatar.png Macbookair: ok i pull up:heart_eyes:

Default avatar.png Macbookair: ok i pull up:heart_eyes:

Default avatar.png Macbookair: ok i pull up:heart_eyes:ok i pull up:heart_eyes:

Default avatar.png Macbookair: ok i pull up:heart_eyes:

5DN1L: kicked

MSmits: can you do something with IP bans or something? Or are they unstoppable when they keep creating accounts?

5DN1L: [CG]Thibaud?

struct: DomiKo breakthrough next?

struct: easy game

jacek: onitama

struct: bt is easier to sim

jacek: and no draws

struct: 80 lines for sim is what I need for it

DomiKo: nahhh

DomiKo: I will stick with Oware for some time

DomiKo: My bot can't really learn much now

DomiKo: but next can be BT because I already have the sim

jacek: its really a simple fix

DomiKo: not enough chars..

DomiKo: only base64 for now

DomiKo: and my code is really huge... I have like 30K chars for my code

struct: are you using avx for your NN?

DomiKo: yes

DomiKo: I had a look at Marchete code

struct: I also learned from his code, his pcr bot I think

ApeFan: im new to coding. any recommended languages for like getting hired and for fun?

ApeFan: the only one i messed with before was c#

DomiKo: C# is cool I guess

ApeFan: ok thanks!

aCat: ping PatrickMcGinnisII

PatrickMcGinnisII: Jello

aCat: so we've checked some things

**PatrickMcGinnisII is waiting to be wrong

aCat: first case is ok in code, it may be some problems with viewer not showing the actual state - it should be fixed when I'll update the code

aCat: the other...

aCat: seems like you are using PICK command and expect it to behave like a CHOOSE command

aCat: but we will do some significant change here as it seems to cause problems

aCat: so choose will be deprecated

aCat: and cards will be sorted based on ids - so PICK will behave like both these commands ;]

PatrickMcGinnisII: i didn't go by the viewer, I error_logged the playerMana

aCat: therwe will be two indexes for a card

aCat: 1 is its number and it will be equal to a position in draft

aCat: the other instance in game

aCat: hmm, no idea then with the mana

aCat: Also - why you are mentioning cardlist and those 160 old cards?

aCat: they are not existing now at all

aCat: you only have these 120 that are generated and they have no connection to the cards in LOCM 1.0&1.2


PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh, had so many card generator algorithms. ;)

PatrickMcGinnisII: ok i used pick instead of chosen

PatrickMcGinnisII: i was using IDs not nb

PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, that's my bad

PatrickMcGinnisII: It wasn't confusing, I just completely missed it

aCat: ok, so what is wrong with this repla?

aCat: double turn 3 mana?

PatrickMcGinnisII: the mana displayed looks right because it's incremented and displayed at beginning of opponent turn...but the input I'm given at beginning of my turn is ofc incorrect... it's gotta be the semi-global reference and not an instance reference to bonusmana

PatrickMcGinnisII: changing to choose and see what it does, i suck at reading the rules i guess

aCat: so you are given incorrect mana values?

aCat: in display it is ok because there are multimove turns

aCat: oh

aCat: opponent has double 3 because of his mana bonus

aCat: 'The second player receives his +1 max mana bonus until he spends all his mana during a turn.'

PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh it does like frame anims, but yes the mana given to me in the first line of input as player 0 mimics what is happenning when player 1 uses all their mana

aCat: so he got 2 plus 1 bonus, and if he spends <3 then next turn he has 3 plus 1 bonus

aCat: spends 2

aCat: if he spends all 3 then next turn he has 'normal' 3 and no bonus anymore

aCat: is it clear now?

PatrickMcGinnisII: when player 1 triggers the bonusmana negating effect, it happens to player 0 too

PatrickMcGinnisII: because bonusmana isn't this.bonusmana

PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm not looking at code at this moment

PatrickMcGinnisII: changing from PICK to CHOOSE solved my deck problems, sry about that

PatrickMcGinnisII: no wonder i couldn't find bug in code for that one

aCat: but adding this won't change anything in code

aCat: aaa you mean id

PatrickMcGinnisII: frame 11 and frame 16 of the replay show the standard error stream of the mana data given...3 repeats ... as player 0, which it shouldn't


aCat: I'm not you - I can;t see your standard error ;p

aCat: you have to give me your password to cg profile :D

PatrickMcGinnisII: oh i thought the replay...has the 3 dots...

aCat: can only see output and params

aCat: buit ok, i got the idea

aCat: well work on it - promise!

PatrickMcGinnisII: When player 1 instance is created, it changes the bonusmana for all Gamers

PatrickMcGinnisII: that's all i was trying to say

aCat: I think I see this, but have to check

aCat: thanks a lot

aCat: cat sleep bb

PatrickMcGinnisII: I don;'t know how that effects starting mana, i think they are both set to -1 ... so yea it'll probably need to be different, GL

DABAMA: is there a way to only get into shortest code

DABAMA: in clash of code

Ayza: unless you make a private clash, no

Darleanow: hey Ayza

Darleanow: :)

44AA44: DABAMA If you wanna make a private clash together so we can do shortest mode, I'm down!

Ayza: hey Darlean

Darleanow: hwy ?:)

Darleanow: i'm still stuck on ur freakin 1D bush fire :////

Ayza: lol, try doing other puzzles if your stuck

Ayza: for the 1D bush fire one I didn't split the string I just used indexes because yknow the f stops fire on the one before it + the one after it

Ayza: hope that was a good hint

Darleanow: not sure but i think i get it :)

Ayza: aw passed all testcases but failed validators 5 and 6

Default avatar.png mjoshu4: Any one can help to enhance my php coding skills ? :<

Ayza: I am confused now, pretty sure I did all the statement does

Ayza: said *

Ayza: nvm, had to change one line and got 100%

Ayza: stupid mistake