Westicles: Well, that worked
Tomi101: how do i get good at programming?
BatGifGuy: same here
hiljusti: determination, consistency, time
mzbear: practice makes perfect
TitouanT: is undo's vim mode broken for you guys too or is this just me
TitouanT: vim mode's undo ? I don't know the order ^^
jacek: happy Caturday
hiljusti: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
hiljusti: cats get 52 days in a year and dogs 0
Uljahn: every day is Automaton2000day
Automaton2000: i thought you meant that
YodaMaster123: Happy Caturday
PatrickMcGinnisII: Editor is bugged, *sigh*
Uljahn: anyone experiencing bugs in editor too? need more evidences for a bug report
eulerscheZahl: kick or ban :thinking:
eulerscheZahl: let's be nice this time
Astrobytes: So dramatic.
AntiSquid: lucky dodge Drama.Queen
AntiSquid: same guy 100%
eulerscheZahl: be patient squiddy
eulerscheZahl: let's give the benefit of a doubt
Astrobytes: Wello was around yesterday
Westicles: I get the feeling I would fit in just fine in India
eulerscheZahl: +45k XP :smirk:
Westicles: That wasn't my fault. I didn't know you could do that until #FR told me yesterday
eulerscheZahl: so you tested it?
darkhorse64: It's not because you can do something stupid that you have to do it
AntiSquid: eh do what?
Astrobytes: sigh
AntiSquid: oh ...
darkhorse64: upvote your published solutions
AntiSquid: :/
Westicles: unpublished
eulerscheZahl: oh, you can upvote unpublished solutions?
AntiSquid: time to beat unnamed player?
Westicles: yep. You can get infinite XP easily. I think that's what that one guy does
AntiSquid: never thought wash up liquid would give me so much trouble btw
eulerscheZahl: i think the same. the self-upvote is known for years
Astrobytes: still struggling squiddy?
AntiSquid: yes
AntiSquid: i am about to give up .
eulerscheZahl: what story did I miss?
AntiSquid: too much Q_Q emotions
AntiSquid: one sec euler
BalintSupper: All my testcases went fine and when submitting, the tower test case failed :D
AntiSquid: wait, this is the wash up liquid version
eulerscheZahl: oh, only 3 pounds, I should order it
Astrobytes: :o
eulerscheZahl: i feel insulted
AntiSquid: that was random attack :joy:
WelloHorld: "I get the feeling I would fit in just fine in India", where did this come from?
eulerscheZahl: long story, has absolutely nothing to do with you
Westicles: I hope champcoder didn't get scared off. I never even heard of that guy.
eulerscheZahl: saw him 1 or 2 times on the chat. but too rarely to have an opinion about that user
Westicles: He was well spoken after the event
WelloHorld: The forum page seems so similar to sublime text forum page and the codechef discuss page.
eulerscheZahl: it's discourse
WelloHorld: Wow thanks never heard of that!
dbdr: did we talk about Westicles' XP?
eulerscheZahl: not for long
WelloHorld: I apologize me for that that day for being abusive! :)
eulerscheZahl: self-upvote of unpublished solutions
dbdr: scripted?
eulerscheZahl: would you do that by hand?
dbdr: I wouldn't
Westicles: just a little autoit script
eulerscheZahl: see
darkhorse64: Let's call things by their real name: sabotaging CG.
Westicles: Just seems like a bug that needs fixed
Westicles: I'll be happy to go right back down where I was
Westicles: Then you can smirk and point at all the other guys who go down a little too :)\
darkhorse64: You cannot blame others for what you are doing. This is a very lame attempt to avoid your responsabilities
Westicles: People like to get angry about just about everything.
Westicles: It is tedious
darkhorse64: Another lame excuse
AntiSquid: kinda irrelevant, nothing to gain from extra level anyway
Uljahn: at least you can have some fun exposing bugs by taking them to extreme instead of making a proper bug report
Westicles: It really needs to be fixed. I just upvoting existing ones, you can add as many copies of the same solution you want
Westicles: I think some of the people complaining loudest are ones who do this as well.
AntiSquid: next we have a bug bounty contest on CG :P
Westicles: Lots of loud complainers on #FR :)
darkhorse64: Unsupported "Trump-like" claims
AntiSquid: the danger of this bug has been dispooted
AntiSquid: and deboonked
Astrobytes: Make a bug report Westicles
AntiSquid: ^
Astrobytes: darkhorse64: Is Donald's Law the new Godwin's Law? :)
darkhorse64: I just said that, in reference to US elections, unsupported claims are not valid arguments
Westicles: Oh please. You guys are all arguing that I am rockstar over there
AntiSquid: that's a different story, the hunter biden laptop was dispooted for a long time
Astrobytes: No, I get your point. It's just amusing how Trump seems to have replaced Hitler in online discussions :D
AntiSquid: despite having called troops back home
Westicles: bug reported
Astrobytes: Squiddy, your missing the point. I'm not being political It was just an amusing observation
Astrobytes: thanks Westicles
AntiSquid: not directed at you .
AntiSquid: i get too many orange man bad vibes from news media when he doesn't go along with whatever the agenda is ... like wtf is this shit ? calling bombing beautyful
Uljahn: that's because bombing brings democracy
Astrobytes: Yes. Bombs contain pure democracy, that's how you spread it.
Astrobytes: *'Western' bombs
Astrobytes: All the other ones contain Communism and/or Muslamic Ray Guns
Astrobytes: Muslamic Ray Guns:
AntiSquid: i mean this: people see only one side of the issue
AntiSquid: like biden is perfectly fine . lol
Levvis: You guys were gonna ban me for asking how to print yesterday but now you're talking about bombs?
AntiSquid: don't think anyone wanted to ban you
AntiSquid: anyways what are you up to?
jacek: how to print bombs?
darkhorse64: print("BOMB 0 0") to play Hypersonic
AntiSquid: oh i thought he meant: import 3Dprinter
mzbear: Levvis: if I recall correctly, you were reprimanded for telling someone to eat your shorts, not for asking a programming question. Fighting is a problem, and even if someone else offends you, don't be part of the problem.
Levvis: can one not joke
mzbear: be the bigger man. if you get defensive, it only creates more drama and nobody likes that
Levvis: I know the guy I said it to
mzbear: yes, and he was rude first, but nobody else here cares to watch it go on. if you want to bicker with your friends, don't do it in the world chat
Maxim251: I am doing detective pickatcha ep 2
Maxim251: Who finished that test?
Levvis: mzbear how is it any more reprehensible than the political discussion that went on in the world chat earlier?
mzbear: i regret having this discussion. I've already said what i wanted to say so i'll go back to writing my bot for Blocking
Astrobytes: He appears to just want trouble mzbear, ignore him.
Levvis: not really, but ok.
Astrobytes: Move on with your life Levvis. Don't bring up your perceived slights and keep grinding that axe. Just get on with coding, chatting etc.
mzbear: good conversations are about things, not about people, but everyone still has a tendency of making everything personal
mzbear: meanwhile, my Blocking bot is already 600 lines and I'm going through a mild refactoring to make this thing cleanly support MCTS
Astrobytes: I'm rewriting my raic bot
Astrobytes: refactoring became rewriting
Astrobytes: move generation seems tough for Blocking
mzbear: i still haven't moved the development local... writing in the online editor despite it only showing roughly 25 lines at a time on this screen
Astrobytes: That's just masochistic!
mzbear: the move generation is indeed quite annoying, and i have so many unoptimized parts there too.. it currently takes roughly a millisecond to generate the moves in the worst case mid-game
mzbear: a bit masochistic maybe, the outline scrollbar is super useful
Astrobytes: Hm, don't over-optimise too early
Astrobytes: Yeah, I have that in VS so I don't miss it too much
mzbear: heh, i've gone down the premature optimization road too many times in the past
Astrobytes: Easily done. Especially on CG
mzbear: "this is definitely necessary and going to become a bottleneck, so i'll spend a day optimizing it" => the entire code gets thrown out 3 days later
Astrobytes: hahaha, exactly right
Levvis: are there bots in clash of code?
Astrobytes: yup
Astrobytes: just to fill the space when there aren't enough players
jacek: ee
Levvis: How did I not realise this before
jacek: they passed turing test
Astrobytes: Explanation there
Levvis: I've been getting beat by bots this whole time
Astrobytes: And I think they have it in their profiles too iirc
struct: At least those bots are fair
Levvis: I've had a personal vendetta for this one guy who keeps beating me and it was a bot the whole time
struct: When I quit clash it was bots submiting in under 10 secs
mzbear: :D
struct: and with golfed solutions
struct: They would store published best solutions
Levvis: how is it decided when they submit then?
struct: I guess they calculate the time based on previous times
struct: of other users
Astrobytes: they use the code and the duration from the stored player
Levvis: this is mildly embarrassing
mzbear: well, a real player once played that code, in that time... so it's still something you can aim for
Astrobytes: Bots up top
Astrobytes: Well, you didn't know until now so don't worry about it
mzbear: even though they're real submissions, it's not entirely fair ... real people, even at high skill levels, can stumble on simple problems occasionally, so you can eventually have a chance to win against someone more skilled. bots don't make such mistakes.
struct: they dont submit 100% solutions everytime
struct: I saw bot getting 0%
mzbear: but it's the bot deliberately choosing to do so... so it's not exactly satisfying to win against that
Levvis: it was satisfying before I knew they were bots at least
Astrobytes: don't be put off
Astrobytes: do you know about the #clash channel?
struct: At least in multiplayers I know everything is a bot
Astrobytes: lol
Levvis: what is that
Astrobytes: And the streamer notification up top also
Astrobytes: there's a bot that collects twitch streamers doing clashes
Astrobytes: So you can join sometimes really big clashes
Astrobytes: And you can post in there and invite people
struct: I remember joining a clash with 80 people
Levvis: Don't think I'm cut out for that just yet
struct: The result was never computed
Astrobytes: Hey, people from all levels participate in the streamed clashes. From total noob to expert
Astrobytes: I remember that struct, they fixed that issue right?
struct: idk, I never faced a clash that big again
Astrobytes: lol
popupro: oh yeah, so far I'm still learning C++ and can't do most clashes of code
popupro: I could never do a big clash
jacek: c++ isnt much used in clash
Astrobytes: Yeah you should be pretty comfortable in your language first
Levvis: <python
reCurse: The more you give up because of bots, the more bots are needed
reCurse: Kinda ironic
Astrobytes: Hah. Yes.
sebak: hello
Levvis: < shortest mode
mzbear: bots bothered me for another reason before i realized they were bots ... i saw people joining clashes and then leaving after a while when more people joined, and i thought they were leaving because too strong players were joining. i thought they were fishing for high win ratios :D
reCurse: Doesn't that make them more realistic then
mzbear: Maybe, I don't know. i've only played a few clashes anyway because the experience was somewhat disappointing overall
Astrobytes: Not my cup of tea either.
Levvis: I only ever play clashes
Astrobytes: Did you try the puzzles? Good training.
reCurse: I'm just playing devil's advocate
Levvis: Personally I'd prefer to do larger projects
Levvis: outiside of codingame
mzbear: I submitted one shortest code clash prematurely because I forgot it was supposed to be short, and got startled by the bell at 5 minute mark. I don't think I ever got notification how i fared in it, either
reCurse: I think clashes are bad
struct: They are
Astrobytes: Tried the bot programming games on here Levvis?
Levvis: Never done anything else that isn't clash I don't think
popupro: I play clashes to just see where and what I can do, but I can clearly see when I'm just far below the level of the given clash since I'm still in 10th grade so I have to leave
Levvis: Maybe one or two puzzles
Astrobytes: I'd recommend checking them out. There's also optimisation and code golf.
mzbear: Only the puzzles and bot programming feel meaningful here. Clash/golf/optimization all feel fairly pointless
popupro: yeah I know, I try to get as far as I can in the clashes
struct: Multiplayers and Puzzles are the best things of CG
Astrobytes: ^
Levvis: I feel more incentive with clash because its competitive
popupro: I mean, the clashes are good for someone who's just starting out
struct: Puzzles are
Astrobytes: The bot programming is *very* competitive at times
mzbear: code golf and optimization would be more meaningful if every player could submit their own test cases that every other player had to pass
Levvis: But I mean I can play clash with friends
Levvis: Clash taught me list comprehension at least
Astrobytes: Well, when you're just getting bots in clashes you could learn some stuff from the puzzles I guess. There's a pretty broad selection.
struct: nono
reCurse: I would argue anything clash gives you is done better with puzzles, but that's obviously subjective /shrug
struct: You should do CSB
struct: use -3vx
Astrobytes: New algorithms, data structures to learn, language features
Levvis: Well I just like the clash normally only takes a few minutes to be honest
Levvis: that*
Astrobytes: Do what you wanna do, we're just making sure you don't miss out ;)
mzbear: Levvis, puzzles are kind of competitive too if you look at other people's published solutions after you've completed the puzzle. There's no referee to score the solutions though, you'll have to compare them to your solution on your own
Levvis: I suppose so
XorZy: Yes but I agree with reCurse, I think clash are more for competition than to learn, except perhaps for shortest where you can learn to know your language better
mzbear: it always annoys me (in a good way) when i see a solution that does something more clever than my own code :D
Astrobytes: Bettering oneself is also a kind of competition.
Levvis: I've never had a code-related interview but aren;t the clash problems closer to what an interview could involve?
Levvis: aren't*
Astrobytes: No. They're just supposed to be a bit of fun.
Levvis: Surely there must be some benefit
reCurse: If a job interview resembles clashes, just get up and run away.
reCurse: Thank me later
mzbear: practice always has benefits
Astrobytes: Puzzles are your best bet there. Codingame For Work sometimes uses the puzzles in interview tests
Astrobytes: lol reCurse
Levvis: But how long do the puzzles normally take?
Astrobytes: How long is a piece of string?
XorZy: It's really subjective I'd say
struct: seconds
XorZy: Depends on the puzzle and on your experience
Levvis: I just mean is it something you'll do in a day or half an hour
mzbear: there are some puzzles i've done in a few minutes, a few puzzles I spent several days on
Levvis: Ah okay
Astrobytes: Totally subjective and dependent on your experience/familiarity with the problem
mzbear: and the nintendo puzzle i couldn't even finish... I still got a few A4 sheets on my desk trying to work out the math to solve it, but i just dont have any background in crypto math so i didn't manage to reduce the complexity enough to even bruteforce the rest of the solution space :/
mzbear: i'll surely get back to that one later and solve it, damnit :)
Levvis: I asked because obviously you're not going to be in an interview for several days
Astrobytes: something something finite fields something something nintendo
mzbear: good coding interviews with puzzles don't even expect you to finish the puzzle in a reasonable time
Astrobytes: Yes, but you can improve your ability to solve problems by doing puzzles. So you'll get naturally faster.
mzbear: the interviewer is usually more interested in knowing how you think, how you approach the task, etc
popupro: while doing "clash of code" I learnt how to add to a string, how to find string length, basically I just learnt how to use strings
Astrobytes: Well, you can do that with puzzles - without a time constraint.
Levvis: So how should I prepare for a university interview for computer science
popupro: I know, it just gets me in more of a competitive mood which just makes me perform better
XorZy: If it works for you then go ahead, do what you like but don't forget to check out other things too, be curious
mzbear: university admission interviews? here in Finland we just do an exam type of thing, and the type of questions were very different for different universities
Astrobytes: I think that's university dependent Levvis
Levvis: Yeah probably
Astrobytes: Just make sure your maths + logic are on point in case you have some kind of aptitude test, other than that it won't be like thumbscrews and dim lighting or anything
Astrobytes: (hopefully :P )
Levvis: Hopefully
Astrobytes: Nah. You'll be fine.
mzbear: back when I got to study computer science in University of Helsinki, iirc the most programming related question was just a printout of instructions for a kind of pseudocode, and you were supposed to answer what the result of the computation was. they didn't expect any CS students to actually know anything about programming beforehand...
mzbear: be good at maths, be able to think logically, i dont think they had any oher requirements
Astrobytes: They might ask you questions related to some stuff you've learned in highschool CS (assuming you're doing/have done highschool CS) but it depends on the uni afaik
Levvis: As long as they don't ask for the pseudocode for merge sort
Astrobytes: Revise it anyway, just in case ;)
AshKetchum: I had a c++ course, in the mid term test, I was asked to swap two integers without using a third var. I thought it was a pointers question because they were a mystery to me. Turned out, it was an algebra question.
struct: What kind of uni is this where they require you to know merge sort before doing CS degree?
struct: before starting*
mzbear: no university does that for sure :D
Astrobytes: lol
Levvis: Merge sort is part of the computer science A-Level syllabus - I highly doubt they'll ask for it
mzbear: they might require math and physics skills though
Astrobytes: cool, nice to see they include that in A level
Levvis: We need to know merge, quick, bubble sorts
struct: You are lucky
struct: They asked me to do NN
Astrobytes: Nice. Well, if they don't ask you about them maybe you can humblebrag a bit :D
Levvis: NN in the interview?
struct: yes, in the interview for CS degree
Levvis: How does that work then
mzbear: i was once asked to write code on a chalkboard, with actual chalk, in a job interview
struct: I was joking
struct: I dont think you should worry too much
Astrobytes: ^
Astrobytes: Just be ready to get stuck in and work your ass off
Levvis: It's virtual anyway
IamFish: wait you guys need to pass interviews to get into college?
YodaMaster123: Not all colleges.
Levvis: It's only for certain universities
IamFish: ah
Levvis: Only for the particularly evil ones
Q12: Hi guys, only 18 hours are left to approve my contribution. I would appreciate if you can approve it before it expires. If you have any comments I would love to hear them. thanks a lot! link:
VizGhar: uf. it doesn't look like something i can solve today :) but nice puzzle
VizGhar: it kinda reminds me of "theres no spoon"
Q12: thanks :slight_smile:
eulerscheZahl: when it expires, you can put it up for approval again
Q12: thanks!! didn't know :grin:
Q12: So VizGhar, you can solve it later :slight_smile:
Q12: @eulerscheZahl How do I put it to approval again?
eulerscheZahl: it's obvious when it got refused
eulerscheZahl: go to your contribution, it will just change the state from "pending" to "draft", edit it and put it back to pending
Q12: ok, thanks!
Q12: Will it save the approved I have in the contribution already?
Westicles: You can also set it to WIP then back to ready, nothing changes except it goes to 30 days
Maxim251: oh my gosh, I almost finish Detective Pikaptcha EP2
Q12: Thanks!
Aayush.Curious: WOW
struct: I have to agree with his comment
struct: But you can just add an or to check for n
Maxim251: WOOOO I finished! All test cases!! Of Detective Pikaptcha EP2:heart_eyes:
struct: if it ends with n i mean
struct: grats
LastRick: now do episode 3 . i can't get past the problem statement on that one
struct: oh wait my solution deosnt work
Maxim251: My code is so extremly long, it scares me. I dont know how I do it that it works :hugging:
mzbear: i'm working on 600+ line long bot code, in which i've recently touched ~300 lines without testing ... there's no way i wont have to debug this for hours after i'm done implementing the algorithm i'm currently working on :D
mzbear: the only downside of bot programming is that i cant shove my code at everyone's face once i get this to work
Maxim251: my code have 409 lines with debugging.
Maxim251: I am begginner and first time I get code so long and its worked after few touches and corections.
Maxim251: I wish You the best with You r code.
mzbear: my trick to managing my code: i start by layout out only TODO comments and now code, and after that i write assert(0); to every block of code I make before i start implementing it, and only remove it once i've carefully read what i've written to be sure i wrote it correctly. this way i can take detours and never accidentally forget to finish something
mzbear: s/now code/no code/;
mzbear: and i keep the word "TODO" in every comment until i've written the entire functionality it describes
mzbear: so my source code doubles as a design document
Maxim251: I do my code from head. Step by step, First time I also implemented obiects to contain information like map or hero. But ifstatements I did in main loop. Things responsible for updating map or hero I put in side classes, and only if statment for comparison two obiects I du in main. But anyway, It was so hard, espoecially that at begginning I coudlnt start code to test it, but write 80% of it and then start it to see how works first step...
Maxim251: I try do todo beetwin days, to not forget where i stoped previouse days.
Maxim251: But I am new and still that field is for me new. And i dont have experience how to do step by step corect code like You do.
mzbear: i cant handle keeping things in my head, i always forget important things once the project starts growing larger... aggressively asserting everything in the code is the only way i can make anything work reliably
Maxim251: Thats why I am happy like monkey on tree that I get it fully working
Maxim251: I start to train with struct or classes, because there I can group some important or usefull functions.
mzbear: i usually try to first get something to work before i start organizing anything. it's far too common to not completely grasp the problem until it's been solved
mzbear: every time you create a function, or define a struct, you create architecture ... and it might not adhere to a good solution
mzbear: so, first iteration of the code, i make a mess that's explicit on what it does, and easy to refactor once i have a clue about what i want to do
Maxim251: maybe thats why it was so hard
mzbear: creating abstractions too early always tends to go wrong for me
Maxim251: most of the time I have problems with swaped x and y in 2D arrays. Later I spand many times to figureout why I get wrong values
therealbeef: optimizing too early is usually wasted effort
mzbear: whenever i declare multidimensional arrays, i add a comment describing what each index is :)
mzbear: int form_handles[21][8][5][5] = {}; // id, form, y, x std::pair<int,int> handle_locations[21][8][5]; // id, form, (handle-1)
mzbear: things like that
mzbear: although i only tend to do it when i'm not following my own conventions ... for example, i didn't document that pair<int,int> because x,y is my default for coordinates of any kind
Maxim251: For me works great. Because I imagine that map is an obiect. It have size, 2D array of some information like grid, and help functions to get some info from the map. Like center point, update point, change data in that point. That basics one, but logic I use in main function, because for me keep everything in class is still unavaible. For me classes are like containers to keep info.
Maxim251: heh In that code I try use pair, but later one it make me to complicated to menage that. And I finish with x and y like You :)
mzbear: i've recently been getting into a bad habit of making everything structs instead of classes, and only using member methods for things truly inherent to the data. everything else, normal old fashioned functions
mzbear: no privates whatsoever
mzbear: it's not like encapsulation does me any good by itself, and having everything public saves me the trouble of writing accessors for the various things that i keep changing all the time
Astrobytes: yeah, CG special.
Astrobytes: using namespace std; structs not classes. Almost zero encapsulation.
Astrobytes: All foul and dirty code allowed. Smells left, right and centre.
mzbear: i still go without "using namespace std;" as much as i can. at the moment, only main() has it because i didn't want to add the std:: to all the boilerplate input reading
Astrobytes: Well, contest code at least :P
Astrobytes: I don't bother too much about the std thing on here, depends what I'm up to
mzbear: there are times when i really want to drop the std:: though... hell, earlier i had one of those arrays as std::array<std::array<std::array<std::array<int,5>,5>,8>,21> form_handles;
mzbear: that made me cry
mzbear: after briefly questioning my sanity, I just went with C style arrays
Astrobytes: I never use the std arrays on here I have to say
Astrobytes: well, very seldom
therealbeef: typing std everywhere is too baked into my coding now haha. feels weird to leave it out
Astrobytes: do whatever works best for you is what I say :)
Maxim251: I need say something about std
Astrobytes: ...
Maxim251: I dont know why some peoples hate STD in a fail, namespace::std was desighned to use it. If You use another library and file menaged that library, You use namespace::QTCore or whatever
Maxim251: I use almost always in main because it saves me a lot of typing. And I dont mixt with other library that two namespaces will colide
Astrobytes: Yes, for sure
Maxim251: Namespace is desighned that programer will have easier life.
Astrobytes: on CodinGame I just use using namespace std because I don't need to worry about any other libs
Maxim251: exactly. If someone is ignorand, it always will use witjout namespace because somebody tels him so
Astrobytes: Yes, many people do such things without realising the consequences.
Maxim251: I am new on coding And I am learning from 3 months now, but I already know when to use namespace and when stop it if My code don't need so many lines with standard functions.
Maxim251: #Astrobytes good luck with Your code. And was so nice to talk about coding preferences.
Astrobytes: thank you Maxim251, and the same to you
Maxim251: #mzbear struct and class is almost this same, but struct difference is that You are not forcet to point it what is publick and what is not. This is good to use in one file like codingames chalenges. If You write some sort of library that many other peoples will use Your talent, then class can be usefull to menage private some variables.
mzbear: enforcing the interface to data becomes a lot more relevant when there's more than one programmer, yes :)
tibithegreat: to be tehnically correct in a struct all members are by default public
tibithegreat: you can still set private members in a struct
Astrobytes: yep
Maxim251: ps, struct was desighned to be used in C, that was some response for C++ classes, and because C++ have suport to C language, now we have them two with coise to us eit. :)
Maxim251: sh..t Sorry for typos
mzbear: i'm contemplating whether to start writing code for experimenting with MCTS+RAVE before i even get the MCTS code written. I'll never get this done before the week is over at this pace :D
reCurse: ...what? Struct existed in C way before C++ even was a thing
Maxim251: no no, I writed that was response for C++ classes.
tibithegreat: yeah and recurse says it wasn't :), C had struct before C++ even existed
tibithegreat: and C++ had to be backwards compatible with C
Maxim251: Struct come up later, because C programmers dont have that, and obiect type container is very usefull.
tibithegreat: cause.. reasons
Astrobytes: Um
tibithegreat: hmm, let me check my c++ history, I think you might be wrong
reCurse: K&R C had structs
reCurse: That's in the 70s
reCurse: So no there's no way it's a response to C++
Astrobytes: ^
tibithegreat: yeah :)
reCurse: Not sure where you're getting your info from
tibithegreat: made me doubt myself for a while there
Maxim251: I watched one of Youtube explanation about many types of thata and why we have so many different types containers. And this what that person said. Normally on internet is very hard to find why struct exist if class have almost this same functionality.
reCurse: Very hard?
reCurse: The only reason it exists is because C++ is a superset
reCurse: It's exactly the same except it has implicit public: instead of private:
tibithegreat: basically C had structs, and when they made C++ they decided it should be backwards compatible
reCurse: Because there's no accessibility in C
reCurse: It's not exactly hard information to find
tibithegreat: a decision that is controversial to this day
reCurse: You should unsubscribe from that channel
Astrobytes: Immediately.
Maxim251: Yeah?? Why they do it if I can write at beggining that all members of clas I want have publick? Is onlu few chars to typo.
reCurse: I just told you, because of backward compatibility, it's designed to be a superset
mzbear: c++ was originally called "c with classes" ... it had all the C functionality intact
Maxim251: Struct is new. And C users can also use struct. Class for C users are not avaible.
tibithegreat: no
reCurse: No struct is not new
reCurse: Please stop spreading misinformation
mzbear: lol
mzbear: where's my popcorn
tibithegreat: I recommending the Bjorne Stroustrup about c and c++
tibithegreat: if you really want to know about this stuff
tibithegreat: I may have typoed the name and name of the book there
Maxim251: Then my source was wired, because it stay in my myind
Maxim251: I need again look info about struct...
mzbear: i'll just drop this here: - A History of C++: 1979− 1991 ... directly from the horse's mouth
Astrobytes: as reCurse said, struct came from C.
mzbear: perhaps you've misunderstood something
Astrobytes: In C++ struct has everything as public by default, because there was no notion of this in C
struct: sruct is to be released on c++2
struct: c++20
mzbear: the "struct" keyword is slightly different in C compared to C++
Astrobytes: :smirk:
tibithegreat: @mzbear huh?
tibithegreat: how is it different?
mzbear: because C requires it to be used when declaring variables of struct types
tibithegreat: it should be the exact same thing as in C
reCurse: He's right, it's slightly different in C
reCurse: But it's just syntax
mzbear: if you have struct Foo {}; ... in C++ you can say Foo x; .. but in C you need to say struct Foo x;
reCurse: Conceptually it's the same
Astrobytes: yes but lets not split syntactical hairs for this guy rn
tibithegreat: wasn't the whole thing that a C++ compiler should be able to compile C code?
reCurse: Yeah the problem is at a much higher level here
reCurse: No need to dive that far
Maxim251: wiki about C struct, but still I am looking
mzbear: i suspect maxim's misunderstanding originates from some factual information, that has been interpreted wrong
mzbear: the difference in the syntax might be such a thing
Astrobytes: Could be either way. There is a lot of bullshit on the interwebz
struct: This is why I use classes
mzbear: struct: don't tell me you get a notification every time someone says struct
reCurse: I don't know if there's youtube for flat earth conspiracy, there's certainly room for youtube saying there was no struct in C until C++
struct: What do you think?
struct: 20 red texts
Astrobytes: Exactly reCurse.
Astrobytes: Wonder if someone will use tobou as a keyword one day :thinking:
tibithegreat: flat earth conspiracy isn't even the craziest conspiracy out there
Astrobytes: Let's not go there.
Astrobytes: For our own sanity.
tibithegreat: fair enough :)
reCurse: If I cared for my sanity I'd stay out of webchat :thinking:
Maxim251: In C++, a class defined with the class keyword has private members and base classes by default. A structure is a class defined with the struct keyword.[1] Its members and base classes are public by default. In practice, structs are typically reserved for data without functions. When deriving a struct from a class/struct, default access-specifier for a base class/struct is public. And when deriving a class, default access specifier is private.
Astrobytes: lol, I'm having a 'break' :/
bwa: Structs vs classes, public vs private
Meanwhile Python: I'm sorry, what?
jacek: do we hilight him much?
reCurse: Meanwhile Python has exited the conversation due to an exception
tibithegreat: bwa: C++ would train an entire neural network by the time python would finish sayng "I'm sorry what?"
bwa: You do know CPython, right? :D
tibithegreat: may have exagerated a bit :-"
mzbear: python is for people who value developer time more than runtime
tibithegreat: I've heard about it, didn't use it tho
reCurse: lol
reCurse: Value developer time?
bwa: If you used python, you've almost surely used CPython
Maxim251: To day I fill that I will not find that info about What I was talking about. But I heard that info and it stays it in my mind. Maybe that source was wrong...
reCurse: As in "wtf is that parameter supposed to be"?
reCurse: Yeah not sure about that
reCurse: It's close to a write-only language
mzbear: haha, sure if you abuse tuples, and i suppose you will
reCurse: Add a tuple to your return? Oh I'm so sorry about all your code that just broke
tibithegreat: I mostly use python when I want to do some data manipulation really fast and don't care about speed or anything
reCurse: Have fun fixing all calls
tibithegreat: like I have some raw data and want to get some kind of statistics
mzbear: but i've found that developing things in python is super fast. then again, i've never done anything big in python
tibithegreat: it becomes a bit of a pain when you have large codebase
reCurse: Or all that time I spend into how to write as little python as possible by abusing vectorization so it's relatively faster
reCurse: Even if straightforward imperative C++ shitty code would run 20x faster
struct: Its only faster if you know it
reCurse: So much about dev time...
Maxim251: Python is bunch of sort of functions, where in C++ You need most of that basik stuf write Yourself.
tibithegreat: for 40-50 line straightforward code I do preffer python
tibithegreat: if I don't care about performance
reCurse: Ever grabbed random python code and wondered wtf those argument types are? Yeah.
therealbeef: reCurse a lot of those python problems can be avoided with good unit tests, though
Maxim251: Yeah, Then You wait 10 times longer to finish program.
reCurse: No sorry I call bullshit on that
mzbear: for example, python generators are awesome. maybe c++20 coroutines will bridge that gap a little, though
tibithegreat: I didn't say anything about reading someone else's python code
Maxim251: But I agree, Pyton is super easy language,
tibithegreat: I said about writting python code for a task
reCurse: Sure, write-only language
Astrobytes: you can specify types no?
tibithegreat: like for example if you want to find out how many reachable states there are in a tic-tac-toe game
reCurse: If you can I have yet to come across any code that makes use of it
tibithegreat: and wiki didn't provide that answer
tibithegreat: that's just a random example of where I would write a quick python program to find out the answer
reCurse: Especially since it's apparently idiomatic to have an argument supported to be an int, a list, an object or whatever
reCurse: And you hope the documentation is up to date
Maxim251: ps, Python is more like script, C++ is real language. And at last, Python is build from C++ :)
reCurse: Or existing
mzbear: python types aren't for the runtime, they're for tooling
tibithegreat: well python is a scripting language
tibithegreat: that's how it started if i remember correctly
tibithegreat: just that probably a lot of newcome programmers started learning because it was "so easy"
tibithegreat: market share grew
tibithegreat: and companies started using it in large codebase because they could find programmers easily
Astrobytes: yeah I think from 3.6(?) you can do var: type = soemthing
Astrobytes: *something
reCurse: I have not seen any code in the wild using it
reCurse: Not in ML spheres anyway
Astrobytes: No, I haven't. I've used it for sanity reasons now and then however.
tibithegreat: oh and I suspect ML uses it a lot because most people doing ML have a more academia background
tibithegreat: rather than coding background
reCurse: Sure
mzbear: i've used python type hints here on CG, but that's just me, and i cant remember which puzzles i've used them on since i dont keep local copies of my code
reCurse: That's what driving me up the walls
bwa: Python type hints are only for your IDE
reCurse: Well if it can do static validation that would be something
reCurse: But if most libraries you use don't make use of it
reCurse: Or most examples or codebases you find don't use it
reCurse: Not much point is there?
bwa: We don't use them much, yea
tibithegreat: but the thing about type hints is something that's valid in a lot of languages
Astrobytes: Still find it odd that this fairly generic scripting language has become what it is today, and as popular as it is today. Considering when we were all using perl back in the day, python was just hanging around for the odd task here and there
tibithegreat: php, js etc
reCurse: You have academia to thank for that
reCurse: Though I guess they could have chosen worse
reCurse: Like all ML done in perl
tibithegreat: Astrobytes: I'm more surprised about how big JS is nowadays
reCurse: Maybe I definitely wouldn't bother then
Astrobytes: Haha, now that would be something indeed
Astrobytes: Yes, also that tibithegreat
reCurse: Torch was initially in Lua
tibithegreat: I used to do webdev like 7 years ago before I went into gamedev
reCurse: Possibly worse than Python
tibithegreat: and js was like ... something very limited for client-browser only
Astrobytes: I did webdev 2000-2001
tibithegreat: and jquery came by and people were like "oooo large js codebase"
reCurse: Oh you're at ubisoft too
reCurse: Eh
therealbeef: back in the day we did a lot of ML in matlab lol
tibithegreat: and now it's like
tibithegreat: what the hell happened, why are we writting server code in js
tibithegreat: recurse: yeah I'm at ubi as well :)
reCurse: Because to share the existing marvelous frontend js ecosystem
reCurse: Have to spread the can...glory
tibithegreat: yeah allowing frontend programmers to dive into backend was "great"
Astrobytes: Makes my skin crawl.
mzbear: php is depressing. i actually did some php webdev for few years some time ago. one day i even got fed up with it so bad that i went to buy a bottle of rum in middle of workday and shared it with any coworkers who wanted to listen to what i had just found in the php's source code
tibithegreat: :))
bwa: :) PHP had a good run, it's time for it to go
Astrobytes: People say it's better these days...
mzbear: i dont remember why, but i had a need to read the Zend runtime compiler and it vividly resembled 60's tech innovations
Astrobytes: heh
mzbear: the language has changed a lot since then, though. nowadays they actually make a syntax tree before they start executing it
reCurse: But think of all the jobs it created at facebook
reCurse: Retrofitting PHP code for years
reCurse: Into C++
Astrobytes: Go figure
mzbear: it's also hilarious how the == operator keeps changing between php versions
tibithegreat: I actually did 2 internships at facebook
tibithegreat: around 2009-2010
tibithegreat: they php code was also a mess
Astrobytes: I gave up on it in the mid (I think) 00s. Trying to maintain forums and other CMS systems was just ridiculous
tibithegreat: maybe it got better now but at that time it was quite messy
Astrobytes: There was no clean PHP code then or before
tibithegreat: the most noteworthy moment was when I wrote some code somewhere that was pretty deep
Astrobytes: It *invited* messiness
tibithegreat: and php triggered a warning because I did something weird
tibithegreat: but I was so deep and the callstack was so big
reCurse: Well it's possible to write it clean, but when the path of least resistance is littered with pitfalls
mzbear: .. ..
tibithegreat: that the error handler crashed
reCurse: That's what you end up with
Astrobytes: haha
mzbear: there's comparson of the == and === operators for three versions of php back when i was working with it
mzbear: (and don't ask me why i was working on a codebase that had NaN for associative array keys)
Astrobytes: Yeah, I'm not gonna talk about PHP from before that. Even PHP devs don't talk about The Dark Times.
tibithegreat: @mzbear what the hell :))
Astrobytes: Sorry, we do have to at least question that if not ask directly
mzbear: "we started writing this product with lotus notes and rewrote it in php later, the guys from back then have moved on already, as have the next guys, and the next guys, ..."
Westicles: Is Haskell worth learning? The solutions I see are always so short and elegant looking
reCurse: Excuse me while I go puke
Astrobytes: LOTUS NOTES
reCurse: Depends on your objectives Westicles
Astrobytes: Haskell (for me) is a lot of hard work. But it sure as hell can be elegant.
mzbear: significant part of haskell code looking elegant is because of the type of people who prefer to write haskell code
reCurse: lol
reCurse: Seems quite accurate
Astrobytes: hahaha, that is possible
Westicles: Good point. It is really just 2 guys
mzbear: and then there's
Astrobytes: I haven't finished but that's rather good
Astrobytes: *finished yet
Astrobytes: Ended up clicking on 'Rewriting the Coding Interview' (Clojure). Stopping now.
reCurse: So this is what art looks like
Astrobytes: The magic is lost upon viewing.
therealbeef: is haskell a bit like Prolog?
Westicles: The nice Haskell guy appears :)
therealbeef: it is great to program in that kind of language
therealbeef: template programming in C++ is a lot like that too
PatrickMcGinnisII: how does Westicles get 45k XP all of a sudden"?
**Astrobytes goes back to raic
Westicles: I got a settlement from libel suit against Velcro
Astrobytes: Yo JBM: next puzzle/clash on the them, Westcoro Belligerence Challenge
Astrobytes: *theme
JBM: the good XP vs the bad XP?
Astrobytes: Perhaps. Sounds reasonable.
PatrickMcGinnisII: editor on CG still broken?
Westicles: learning how to like yourself
Astrobytes: Still needs elements of the former issue with that name though.
PatrickMcGinnisII: yup editor is still broken
Astrobytes: Like it Westicles? :D
Astrobytes: I liked my word play in the title at least.
Astrobytes: Or maybe a theme of broken CG features.
Astrobytes: That could be quite a series.
Westicles: These poor teenagers doing the clashes are going to be so confused
AntiSquid: how about puzzle name: hard earned xp
Astrobytes: Westicles-JBM-Velcoro collaboration FTMFW
PatrickMcGinnisII: where is the bug reporting?
AntiSquid: task something that usually requires heavy computation, but plot twist you can use a trick to do it quickly in one go, or just make all answers 1 or something .
Astrobytes: To it's headquarters like any obedient bug PatrickMcGinnisII
PatrickMcGinnisII: Langston is not here
Astrobytes: Eh. Well, there's the forum or the channel on discord.
Astrobytes: If it's about the editor there're a few posts already
JBM: or you could mail, i suppose
Astrobytes: True.
JBM: did that a few times in the past
Astrobytes: Any faster?
PatrickMcGinnisII: found feedback & bugs in forum
Astrobytes: :smirk:
JBM: i used mail for (non-personal) times where some red popup in the UI instructed me to
JBM: nowadays if really i'm still inclined to report anything i'll just drop it on the forum
JBM: it doesn't get anything done, but it clears my conscience
PatrickMcGinnisII: yall prolly don't use the CG editor as much as i do
Astrobytes: I do sometimes. Short puzzles, or tweaking existing magic numbers
JBM: for clashes and easy puzzles
PatrickMcGinnisII: Stuff in firefox just stopped working
PatrickMcGinnisII: i know i get a warning evertime i load cg
PatrickMcGinnisII: but it WAS working
Astrobytes: Stuff you say.
PatrickMcGinnisII: go in a puzzle
PatrickMcGinnisII: click on a blank line
PatrickMcGinnisII: and tell me if the cursor shows up?
Astrobytes: Use Lynx like any normal person Patrick. Dammit.
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, so what browser is that?
Astrobytes: nvm :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm
PatrickMcGinnisII: using Waterfox, should be fine tho
Astrobytes: works fine in Opera, Chrome and FF here
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmmm, maybe my adblocker is catching it now
PatrickMcGinnisII: nothing changed on my system
PatrickMcGinnisII: as far as i know
PatrickMcGinnisII: so wierd and annoying
Astrobytes: Haven't tried GaleForceWindFox or HurricaneForceWindFox yet
PatrickMcGinnisII: I hate chrome
AntiSquid: noted
Astrobytes: Don't be elementalist.
AntiSquid: btw PatrickMcGinnisII is this you?
PatrickMcGinnisII: I like chromatic lanterns
AntiSquid: or are you related ?
Astrobytes: his website is in his bio squiddy
PatrickMcGinnisII: not me, all McGinnis's are related, there's only like 20k of us
Astrobytes: or used to be I think?
Astrobytes: 20k! Pretty low
AntiSquid: PatrickMcGinnisII
PatrickMcGinnisII: no, not me... most people mistake me for an atty 3rd cousin of mine
PatrickMcGinnisII: or my father
PatrickMcGinnisII: Pat I
AntiSquid: you have II on your ID ?
PatrickMcGinnisII: er Sr.
PatrickMcGinnisII: yes, I am Pat the Second
PatrickMcGinnisII: Pat²
Astrobytes: ESS-QUIRE!!!
jamiejones87: Really having trouble on Don't Panic Code Golf. Managed to get to 217 characters with Python. Does anyone have any advise where to do some optimization studies?
AntiSquid: advice *
PatrickMcGinnisII: jamiejones87 my don't panic is 381, so i can't help u
PatrickMcGinnisII: looks like dbdr has all the tricks
PatrickMcGinnisII: or dwarfie
PatrickMcGinnisII: i gtg
PatrickMcGinnisII: yall have fun
AntiSquid: plopx always high ranked on golf
AntiSquid: and i think legit
Astrobytes: jamiejones87: should be some tips in the forum for python golfing, also may have some tricks
Westicles: Solve the non-golf problem and look at all the solutions
Astrobytes: ^ the quick way
AntiSquid: ya some guy even asked on stackoverflow how to code golf thor
TBali: my python is 244 :-( , so You help us :-)
struct: my ruby solution has bash on it for 1 of the puzzles
struct: still not close to top
jamiejones87: Thanks for that :)
jamiejones87: I'm happy to share some advise where I've been able to minimise to this point
AntiSquid: that avatar basically says: "I am the golf boss"
Astrobytes: As a fellow Celt I urge you to share those tips with the community jamiejones87 :P
TBali: In any language I don't know well, I usualy already fail at input parsing - way to long
jamiejones87: I've learned how to declare multiple variables on a single line, use lamba functions, initialize arrays with a loop, and create single-line while loops
struct: This is how it starts I think
struct: p`tail -1`
Astrobytes: well, that's but a search and a couple of minutes/hours away TBali
jamiejones87: I don't want to give too much away, but these tips really helped to minimise my solution
Astrobytes: crunch your whitespace, use local operators wisely
jamiejones87: especially by replacing repetitive code with lambda functions
Astrobytes: *local? What am I on. Logical
AntiSquid: the IDE really got annoying to code with in python ... how can anyone focus with those bloody yellow underlines
Astrobytes: some bitwise logical operator magic can do a world of good in the golfing situation sometimes
TBali: This one is killing me: a=[int(u)for u in input().split()]
TBali: and I only need a[3] and a[4]
TBali: and a[7] ... neverminf
AntiSquid: IDE in python gives me warnings like these: "blank line contains whitespace" so what? lol
Astrobytes: gotta read 'em all :P
jamiejones87: I used input().split() a few times, so I decided to make a function instead
Astrobytes: It's buggy rn afaik AntiSquid
AntiSquid: another warning " blank space after '(' " wow ...
jamiejones87: single-line while loops helped remove whitespace
Astrobytes: yeah you can have s=input.split() etc
Astrobytes: or something like that
TBali: "crunch your whitespace, use local operators wisely" haha I already started goolgling it up hoping learning something new :-)
AntiSquid: missing whitespace after ','
this IDE is trying to thought police me
Astrobytes: sorry Tbali, it's been a long day :D
TBali: And we have still 4 mintues from it. .. or you more
AntiSquid: 1 hour
jamiejones87: Thanks for the advise about Python Bitwise Operators. I think this'll really help :)
Astrobytes: It can be useful shaving off a few chars that's for sure
TBali: Golfing strength of Ruby is shownm by the fact that - while I am very novice in it -3 out of 4 golf puzzles I am already shortest in Ruby.
jamiejones87: Well my main language is Java... Not very good for the codegolf lol
TBali: Shorter then in PHP which I would say know much better
TBali: Java golf .... yep, never give up!
TBali: :)
jamiejones87: Had to learn Python just to have a chance!
AntiSquid: your top 5 languages count for each code golf puzzle and you get 200 points top for each language so a lot of effort
TBali: My Java Dont Panic is 512 chars...
jamiejones87: Although, some people have solved Don't Panic in under 200 chars with Java... Sounds impossible!
TBali: Actually C# is longer
TBali: Using system calls and bash
TBali: 200 chars I mean
jamiejones87: Yikes
jamiejones87: Think I'm going to try Ruby soon... Maybe get it with that
Astrobytes: Yeah, but like AntiSquid said, keep trying to get the shortest you can in whatever language you're using
Astrobytes: They all give points
TBali: Just read that new C# does not require 'static main() in a class' anymore
TBali: Will save some chars when it reached CG (in 2022)
Astrobytes: yeah, not on CG as yet though
Astrobytes: lol right
AntiSquid: wow what an improvement :o
AntiSquid: the most confusing java bit was that static main string args[] something
TBali: Will now make it a golfing language
TBali: Console.WriteLine(a);
AntiSquid: VB syntax quality
TBali: vs puts a
TBali: outside golf, I like expressive syntax that is readable as English. I don't know C# except 30 easy puzzles yet I can follow a not too complex code. Not the case with Haskell or Perl
jamiejones87: Takes over 100 chars in java just to declare a class and main :S
Astrobytes: nah you can bring that down
TBali: Can you name the class anything (P) or must it be Player?
TBali: Have not checked that one
AntiSquid: i think some libraries might not be mandatory to declare in code golf
AntiSquid: for most languages
TBali: import java.util.*;class Solution{public static void main(String z[]){
most likely I have room to implrove
jamiejones87: Need to call the class Player, but you can call args[] anything... (a for short)
TBali: Yes I did that. Actuially it is Solutionm which is even longer
TBali: Immutable Strings - that is my favourite... :-)
TBali: StringBuilder b=new StringBuilder()
TBali: I need a bigger monitor
jamiejones87: I think the shortest way to get a Java program set up with input is
jamiejones87: import java.util.*;class Player{public static void main(String a[]){Scanner s=new Scanner(;}}
jamiejones87: 103 chars :'(
jamiejones87: Correct me if I'm wrong though :)
TBali: That is how my codes also start...
TBali: Now I see sometimes I used class Solution instead of class Player
jamiejones87: How on earth have some people managed to solve it in under 200 chars?!
TBali: Most likely they used Java only as a wrapper around a bash solution
TBali: or perl
Westicles: interface Player{static void main(String[]a){
jamiejones87: Or point to a cloud server which hosts the backend lol
TBali: Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p = r.exec("perl ...");
TBali: If my googling is right
TBali: (Never tried myself)
Astrobytes: good shout on the String[]a Westicles
TBali: Yep that is -1 chars But you cannot leave out public from public static void main
Astrobytes: yes you can, try it
TBali: I just tired
TBali: tried
Astrobytes: with interface?
TBali: Ahh, tricky
Astrobytes: definitely tired :P
TBali: :) It is easy for you, you are still at Saturday, I am already on Sunday
TBali: 508 chars - new world record... or not
Astrobytes: meh, you only have an hour on me!
Astrobytes: hey an improvement is an improvement right?
TBali: looking at my code (it is several months old, I already forgot) maybe calling nextInt() 12 times is not the brightest idea
AntiSquid: 12 apostoles 12 zodiac signs ... etc maybe you were on to something
TBali: sure my Ruby is 187, so only 320 chars to go
Astrobytes: Java will never be Ruby
TBali: dirty dozen
Astrobytes: I still love that movie I have to admit.
TBali: Comparing results WITHIN a language: Ruby 187 chars is only ahead of 59% of submissions Java 512 chars is 78%
TBali: (I mean 100% would be top place, 0% the last
AntiSquid: 12 monkeys
Astrobytes: Also a fun movie
TBali: 12 angry men, if you are into BW classics
AntiSquid: oh damn reminds me of the pandemic ... :thinking:
Astrobytes: Which is worst TBali? I'd check myself but your analyses are usually quicker
TBali: Don't get the question
AntiSquid: 1957 ? wow that's an old movie tbali
TBali: see it, it is good.
therealbeef: 12 angry men is one of the best movies ever made
TBali: Power of psychology
TBali: Still valid
Astrobytes: I meant chars within a language TBali, my apologies
TBali: 187 chars is Ruby was 157th place out of 381 when I submitted
TBali: That is 59th percentile.
TBali: Java 512 chars was better in this respect
TBali: 78th percentile
TBali: If you meant this.
Astrobytes: ah no, I thought you'd compared them all :)
Astrobytes: (all languages)
Astrobytes: Don't do that on my behalf though
Astrobytes: oh 12 Angry Men, quality movie
TBali: I solved Don't panic golf only in 12
TBali: (See: 12 again . it cannot be a coincidence)
Astrobytes: Heh
TBali: AND: if you subtract my XP level from my XP rank and multiply by 6, what did you get?
TBali: 12!!!!
TBali: I am into something important here
TBali: :)
TBali: Gotta go to sleep
Astrobytes: It's stil 12/12 here
TBali: OMG
Astrobytes: It's the 23 thing all over again
Astrobytes: well, goodnight TBali :)
TBali: Bye
IamFish: boy oh boy, here go the servers
AntiSquid: "there goes the neighbourhood"
therealbeef: if you have any bots that don't rely on calculation power, this is the time to resubmit them :D
AntiSquid: really?
therealbeef: i dunno
AntiSquid: what if one just troll with 5 ms bots ?
AntiSquid: or less
therealbeef: but if the battle server is slow too, those sim bots get to sim less
struct: Dont think so
struct: Submit will only be slower
struct: You wil have to wait more time for the bots to start next battle
therealbeef: so the battle server is separate from the slowdown?
struct: Not sure how it works
struct: But on ide, the battle will take a while to start
struct: but code will perform the same
struct: as if there was no lag
eallam: Hello Guys
eallam: I m practicing java and i want now to practice Python , how to start practicing a new language
eallam: ?
LegendaryStone: u code
LegendaryStone: lol
LegendaryStone: you practice by coding
therealbeef: u debug :)
JCTheThird: You cry yourself to sleep knowing that you'll never really be able to memorize syntax, and question your life choices every time you have to google the differences between array declarations in C++ and Java...
twitlydoof: @eallam Learning a language becomes an easy task if you know how to program, it's best to first improve on your programming skills and knowledge and then you'll find learning languages much easier
Lobster_Speed: yh