MadKnight: Raynor1994 u need help ?
MadKnight: is anyone here, Automaton2000 ?
Automaton2000: what would be the only one that has a handler -_-
msd9126: guys i am live! join me =!
eulerscheZahl: happy Caturday
rockstar555: hi
msd9126: Join me in twitch livestream!
senticoder: we are live streaming
eulerscheZahl: you can share your links on #clash
Raynor1994: Did anyone do There is no Spoon Episode 1 on JS?
MadKnight: happy 28nov Automaton2000
Automaton2000: MadKnight how are you doing right now
MadKnight: my 28nov is going very well Automaton2000 thk
Automaton2000: at the same time for a test case
jacek: happy Caturday
PrO_Ogrmr: :)
jrke: oh yes happy caturday
Doju: How can i profile my code without running it locally?
Doju: or alternatively how can i get all of the inputs out of a game to run it locally?
Doju: printing all of it will truncate it
wodayilemeiyoushan: Why don't I get into the League when I win boss?:angry:joy:
Doju: You have to stay above the boss for a while, wodayilemeiyoushan
PrO_Ogrmr: #reverse
jacek: #esrever
Uljahn: jacek: could you give some hints on how to compress NN weights to utf8? or is it utf16? im lost
jacek: utf16
jacek: i use python to 'compress' and c++ code to 'decompress'
Uljahn: thanks
pb4: wut ?
pb4: You compress/decompress in a different language ?
jacek: pb4 i mean i have NN in my comp, i encode to utf16 in python. then in code on CG i decompress it
jacek: as for python code
Uljahn: oh
jacek: not every utf16 character will be only one character
Westicles: yeah, base2048 addresses this but it is only in JS
Pierrebr: Hey guys, I passed the test cases but when I submit it fails some of the randomly generated tests. I can't debug at this stage. How to get more info and correct my code ?
eulerscheZahl: which puzzle are you even talking about?
jrke: you can't get info of validators in any puzzle
eulerscheZahl: for some you can
Pierrebr: Pirate's treasure, beginners
Mr-DillinG: Damn this is more tricky than i thought :P
Mr-DillinG: definately a good practice and a good way to learn more :)
Doju: this is a shame
Doju: deepcopying game states takes up like 80% of the available time
Uljahn: classic, i guess a faster way to copy gamestates in python would be to use structured numpy arrays, you can even preallocate memory for children with np.repeat to make the needed number of copies at once
Doju: I suppose i have to make my gamestates into simpler objects to make that work
Doju: currently they're pretty complex
jacek: do you need to copy gamestate instead of incrementally do/undo game moves?
Doju: I guess i could do that too, jacek
Doju: might be a lot faster, in fact...
wlesavo: deepcopy is a pure evil
jacek: deeplearning even more
wlesavo: coming from python i undo mutations in SA instead of copying state even in cpp code
Doju: Doesn't that get slower the deeper you go?
Doju: Since you have to apply all the actions to the original state for each node in the branch
jacek: dont you copy more as deeper you go as well?
jacek: or better, measure time and see what is bette
Doju: well yes, but that's O(1) for each step whereas doing and undoing mutations is O(depth_of_current_node)
Doju: anyways i'm gonna refactor everything and then think about that
eulerscheZahl: "Each game tick, first all active entities’ actions are being performed sequentually in random order (the order is different each tick). " :/
rockstar555: hii
MadKnight: no more perfectly predictable games for u
kovi: well, not different from raic2019
kovi: and with so many units it would not be possible to plan ahead except for a few turns
with this rule the importance of micromanagement is lowered even more
struct: managed to create a piece yesterday on blender
struct: but i think im gonna cancel it, the pieces zoomed out are barely visible
struct: to see which is which
jacek: well the shape is the same
eulerscheZahl: my Blockout has the problem that some surfaces aren't rendered depending on how you rotate the view
eulerscheZahl: so there's still a justification to have pixi. still a fun experience to mess with three.js
eulerscheZahl: after reading the RAIC rules: sounds fun (except that I hate fog), i'll join the contest
struct: nice euler, did not see that was wip now
eulerscheZahl: as it's playable now
eulerscheZahl: except i forgot to mark it as a win after that 200 turns, so you always lose :D
AntiSquid: you can scale objects to make them bigger struct
AntiSquid: english malik27
struct: AntiSquid the quality seems fine in other gltf loaders, just not on threejs
AntiSquid: i am sure you can speak it well . malik27
eulerscheZahl: struct then use any other JS library
struct: ill check, i think i found another game though
struct: might be a little more interesting since is not studied
so many options :o
AntiSquid: i have a huge list of bookmarked JS frameworks / engines / libraries btw :P
never got around trying them all
AntiSquid: there's always new JS stuff popping out of nowhere
eulerscheZahl: i've only done a little 3D charting with plotly so far
AntiSquid: struct look up matter js, good physics engine
struct: im not really familiar with 3d stuff
struct: to create the piece i had to look up multiple tutorials
AntiSquid: but now you know how to, or got the idea of how to
struct: I imported the svg, then added scalibility then I had to change from curves to mesh
struct: yeah, thanks
bayukendhil10: Hello
struct: hi
jacek: :upside_down:
AntiSquid: :jacek:
AntiSquid: oh it doesn't work
PrO_Ogrmr: hello everyone everyday i will contribute a clash of code problem :)
meh1001: you are a month early for new years resolutions!
PrO_Ogrmr: ha
Y0ursTruly: 2020 as good as over tho
PrO_Ogrmr: hey
PrO_Ogrmr: can i set my IDE a default template as my like
PrO_Ogrmr: forever
meh1001: not sure what you mean, but mine seems to remember my settings
PrO_Ogrmr: oh,ok
meh1001: then again maybe I never changed any and so it just seems like it's remembering because I'm used to the default...:sweat_smile:
PrO_Ogrmr: :D
Y0ursTruly: {[-_-]}
PrO_Ogrmr: (-_-)
Y0ursTruly: >{0}_{0}<
PrO_Ogrmr: :|
Y0ursTruly: 0)_(0
PrO_Ogrmr: let's play a private clash
PrO_Ogrmr: ?
Y0ursTruly: hmm the "Impossible" test case i cudn't deal
Y0ursTruly: gg
Y0ursTruly: oh it was to multiply it
PrO_Ogrmr: yeah
Y0ursTruly: i just did a check for if the divisor divides all clean.. then realised putting the opposite of that got a lot of them
PrO_Ogrmr: :\
Y0ursTruly: LOLOL
Y0ursTruly: ite gtg
PrO_Ogrmr: :D
PrO_Ogrmr: :\
PrO_Ogrmr: hello
Y0ursTruly: round 2
PrO_Ogrmr: clash ?
Y0ursTruly: make a new clash
PrO_Ogrmr: yup
PrO_Ogrmr: #link
Y0ursTruly: did u let me win owo
PrO_Ogrmr: nice game, my first test passed
PrO_Ogrmr: i making a contribution now, second contribution of today
PrO_Ogrmr: check it out
Stanworld: hello ,
from most of the challenge, the referree is on github.
is there a tutorial to explain how to run a simulation on local computer?
Lysk: yes, search for cg-brutaltester on github
Stanworld: thanks Lysk
eulerscheZahl: well, depends on what you want to do
eulerscheZahl: brutaltester is a community tool
eulerscheZahl: to run it the way it's intended (single threaded, with a replay showing in your webbrowser, local server) you have to build the maven project
eulerscheZahl: brutaltester is to run a lot of games offline. but it will require some modifications of the referee first
struct: managed to port the mirror example
struct: But it is very lagy on chrome :(
eulerscheZahl: three.js or another framework?
struct: threejs
struct: its this example
struct: care on chrome might kill your browser
eulerscheZahl: works perfectly fine for me
AntiSquid: it's a different size for every browser? struct ... i don't see how
Y0ursTruly: the clash in this asks for one thing, i give it but the "anwers" are incorrect
struct: what do you mean AntiSquid?
AntiSquid: oh nvm misread .
struct: ok euler, i guess ill work on firefox, i dont really need mirrors, but i think it will add something to the game, since the real one uses it
eulerscheZahl: Y0ursTruly Something wrong happened
Only the CodinGamer associated with this testsession can access it (412)
struct: only add visual wise
eulerscheZahl: share the task, IDE links won't work
eulerscheZahl: i'm on chromium btw
struct: The game im porting come with dlcs
struct: and its a board game
struct: lol
AntiSquid: what game is it
AntiSquid: and why do you use mirrors?
struct: I dont really need mirrors
struct: its just for visual
struct: there is one expansion there at bottom
struct: and there is this one
AntiSquid: well it has lazers so i have to give thumbs up
struct: :D
TWW: has anyone had one of the debug overlay options not be available? in a contest the 'fog of war' option is disabled for me but other players say it's working for them. It's not a league based contest so it's not like I haven't unlocked it yet
struct: which game?
PrO_Ogrmr: how read n lines in stub generator
PrO_Ogrmr: with for loop
PrO_Ogrmr: i got synta
PrO_Ogrmr: syntax error
eulerscheZahl: how does your broken stub look like?
PrO_Ogrmr: loop 10
eulerscheZahl: loop 10 what?
PrO_Ogrmr: i should read n lines a string
PrO_Ogrmr: loon n
PrO_Ogrmr: loop n ?
eulerscheZahl: then tell to read a string in the loop
PrO_Ogrmr: ok
eulerscheZahl: loop 10 read text:string(256)
PrO_Ogrmr: ok
eulerscheZahl: as documented ;)
PrO_Ogrmr: :)
struct: cant increase line width on three js
eulerscheZahl: what did you try? change material properties for the line?
struct: i tried new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0x0000ff, linewidth: 2 } );
eulerscheZahl: looks reasonable, let me try
struct: but the max is 1.0
struct: Due to limitations of the OpenGL Core Profile with the WebGL renderer on most platforms linewidth will always be 1 regardless of the set value.
struct: oh well
set it to 10, definitely thicker than before
struct: hmm, ill search a bit about it thanks
PrO_Ogrmr: #new_contribution
eulerscheZahl: and now that i know the puzzle i don't like the stub generator that i suggested anymore
eulerscheZahl: loop n loopline n cell:int
eulerscheZahl: and you forget a write statement in the stub
PrO_Ogrmr: :\
PrO_Ogrmr: but
PrO_Ogrmr: it is
PrO_Ogrmr: not needed
PrO_Ogrmr: for nice solution
PrO_Ogrmr: i think
print((n*n-s) * 7)
PrO_Ogrmr: oh write
PrO_Ogrmr: statement
eulerscheZahl: just do something like
write 7
in the stub
PrO_Ogrmr: ok
struct: Something is not right
struct: I know your solution works
struct: But it seems like validators and testcases are made for that solution to work
struct: ah wait
struct: I didnt read properly
eulerscheZahl: the statement is made for that
struct: There is exactly C cells which contains 1
struct: yeah euler
**eulerscheZahl came up with that formula too
struct: I missed this part
eulerscheZahl: and I missed you
eulerscheZahl: but now you are back :)
struct: thanks euler im happy to be back, i missed you too
struct: PrO_Ogrmr my ears please
struct: you dont have to follow me everyday
PrO_Ogrmr: i delteted my old account
PrO_Ogrmr: this is new
PrO_Ogrmr: there was some error
PrO_Ogrmr: alwatyz
PrO_Ogrmr: alwayz
struct: ah ok
jacek: delete account? it seems you picked right person
eulerscheZahl: struct turn off the sound
struct: ty
Astrobytes: good evening
Astrobytes: oh wow, euler made a 3D contrib for real, nice
struct: hi Astrobytes
Astrobytes: hey struct, how's it going?
struct: good, I think im going to port this game
struct: Shogi was very hard to read pieces on 3d board
struct: due to loss of quality when you zoom out
Mr-DillinG: damn just finished my first puzzle on my own :D
struct: grats
Mr-DillinG: Very new to coding so feels really good :D
Mr-DillinG: still one puzzle really have me puzzled ;) it is about arrays and sorting them according
Mr-DillinG: Really need to reed up on tha
Astrobytes: wow struct, that looks interesting
Astrobytes: well done Mr-DillinG
struct: There is also one that lasers go up
struct: its like an extension for the previous versions
Astrobytes: yeah I spotted this when I googled it
struct: looks different and i dont think its studied
Astrobytes: Mr-DillinG: sometimes writing things out on paper before doing any coding/looking up language features can really help
Astrobytes: You reckon it's doable struct?
struct: yeah
Mr-DillinG: yea i started using adobe photoshop to write some ideas and calculations up in first :P
struct: even if the 3d version isnt the normal version is
Astrobytes: Mr-DillinG: use an online whiteboard or something lol
Astrobytes: Yeah, I meant the 3D one struct, normal version looks doable for sure. And fun
Mr-DillinG: Do you have any recommendations for an online whiteboard?
Astrobytes: I only know this one:
Astrobytes: It's also collaborative
Astrobytes: So you can share the link and anyone can write on it
Astrobytes: Probably a few others too
Astrobytes: I use a real one because I'm old and in the way
Astrobytes: :P
jacek: it was the one we used that day?
Astrobytes: Yeah :D
Astrobytes: Or if you're on Windows you could use MS OneNote or something I guess
therealbeef: or MS Whiteboard
Astrobytes: yep
Astrobytes: (lol, I am slow today :D )
jacek: today
Astrobytes: shuddup you two! :P
Astrobytes: ...
yhyoxx: bonsoir
jacek: :scream:
yhyoxx: i scared myself too sorry
Astrobytes: Automaton2000, AutomatonNN: où est la tortue?
Automaton2000: also i have a bug where i was able to get there
AutomatonNN: ̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤
struct: what have i done
struct: I just discovered a way
struct: viewer might be a bit bigger than usual
PatrickMcGinnisII: Very Knotty struct
struct: ty lets see if i can start doing the board today
struct: I think i know enough of threejs now
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, I'm not that familiar, but I do know all the ordering that's involve with 3d->2d transformation viewing
struct: viewer is 3d
PatrickMcGinnisII: so it's taking care of all the low-level stuff for you
PatrickMcGinnisII: CG minecraft, that would take some of these puzzles to a new level
Astrobytes: did you see euler's latest contrib PatrickMcGinnisII?
Astrobytes: struct: what am I looking at in your images
struct: the first was a "feature"
struct: that made me stretch viewer
PatrickMcGinnisII: CG DOOMII
struct: did not even know it was possible
struct: the other one shows like 2 renders
Astrobytes: Aha, gotcha
struct: So you can have 2 cams
struct: or even more
Astrobytes: yep, I get it now
Astrobytes: How's the performance?
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh, the tetris style thing?
struct: on firefox is 60fps, on chrome it isnt, might be a me problem
struct: since euler tested something on chromium and was fine
PatrickMcGinnisII: spining it with the mouse is pretty cool!
PatrickMcGinnisII: ooooh, mouse wheel zoom
PatrickMcGinnisII: Now we can play Xevious
struct: all we need is more turns
PatrickMcGinnisII: oops, wrong game
Astrobytes: Perhaps when CG sees boundaries being pushed that will happen at some point struct, who knows
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh, I was thinking of Tempest
struct: this?
Astrobytes: Hey, you'll remember Captain Blood Patrick, right?
Astrobytes: (just popped into my head there, I guess some of our older French users might remember better)
struct: never heard of it
struct: but it is older than me
Astrobytes: came out in the mid-late 80s iirc
Astrobytes: we used to sit round the computer and play it as a family
PatrickMcGinnisII: Astrobytes a little, i don't think i liked it... although Ulrich had a kewl pseudonym ... damnit wish i could remember, SpacemanSpiff....nah, something else
Astrobytes: No idea tbh, was a cool game imo though
Astrobytes: PrO_Ogrmr: Again?
PatrickMcGinnisII: i worked for Namco America from 93-95, my name isn't on anything, but I can fix almost any stand-up arcade machine
Astrobytes: is PrO_Ogrm r somebody's alt or something
Astrobytes: Good skill to have Patrick. Now start using C on CG (I will keep nagging you :P )
MSmits: hi guys
Astrobytes: oh hey man, how are ya
MSmits: good, very busy
MSmits: it hurts me to have so many ideas to improve bots and not have time to code them
PatrickMcGinnisII: MSmits, yea screw Bandas, darn thing is pissing me off
PatrickMcGinnisII: heh
Astrobytes: Yeah, had a busy spell myself recently
MSmits: bandas is hard to sim
Astrobytes: AI course design thing go OK?
MSmits: even though its not that much code
MSmits: yeha
MSmits: but thats mostly what i am busy with
Astrobytes: kk
MSmits: currently writing a page on evaluation functions, then minimax
MSmits: there are some nice unplugged activities for minimax, just solving tree puzzles
PatrickMcGinnisII: I managed to put the moves in a lookup table.... 6560 x2 possible move combinations per line
Astrobytes: Yes, it's a great way to get the algo in your head imo
Astrobytes: works with a/b pruning too
PatrickMcGinnisII: takes about 32k of codesize
MSmits: huh PatrickMcGinnisII? why so many, there's 4 moves?
MSmits: Astrobytes yeah it does, i might not go that far though
MSmits: maybe i'll expand it later
PatrickMcGinnisII: every line of the board has a teritary 01201201
struct: hi MSmits
Astrobytes: hey, it's not a huge step in the scheme of things MSmits, perhaps make it optional
PatrickMcGinnisII: do a move on it to the right with either player 0 or player 1 and you have 2 results
MSmits: ohh right PatrickMcGinnisII, i get it, you look up each line to get the new state
MSmits: hi struct
PatrickMcGinnisII: god tired of all the loops
MSmits: 8 lookups is not cheap either though
MSmits: Astrobytes yeah i would keep it optional. I am just strapped for time in writing it right now
MSmits: optional things dont help me get the course done :)
PatrickMcGinnisII: well they are in order, so index lookup might be....I'll time it
PatrickMcGinnisII: time the dirrefernce between functions
Astrobytes: Fair MSmits :)
MSmits: PatrickMcGinnisII, my bitboarded loopy thing does all rows at the same time basically
MSmits: so it is at most 8 iterations
MSmits: it's not 8x8
struct: The rules dont explain well how pieces climb to tower :(
MSmits: huh
struct: new idea for multi MSmits
struct: Khet
MSmits: I see
MSmits: I still havent even done Yinsh
struct: Its fine, not many people did
MSmits: I did do othello though
struct: im bringing lasers this time
struct: and 3d viewer
MSmits: that was yours too wasnt it?
struct: yes
MSmits: my only nr 1's currently are your games :P
Astrobytes: Where's my Amazons :P
struct: I think i have it somewhere
PatrickMcGinnisII: I rewrote the 2 for loop routine i had into more of a bitwise, still think lookup will be faster
struct: let me check hd
MSmits: laser and 3D sounds good
MSmits: cant go wrong with lasers
Astrobytes: indeed :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: there was a laser puzzle game called blackout i think
Astrobytes: this is more like chess with lasers, and layers if you go 3D
Astrobytes: maybe simpler than chess, don't quote me
Astrobytes: I'd never heard of it until this evening
Astrobytes: MSmits did you see euler's new 3D contrib?
PatrickMcGinnisII: can't find it on google, I have it in the other room
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm
PatrickMcGinnisII: doesn't google know how old I am? i know stuff before google existed
PatrickMcGinnisII: smh
MSmits: no i didnt Astrobytes
MSmits: or maybe i did, not sure, link me :)
PatrickMcGinnisII: MSmits the zoom, rotations are worth it
PatrickMcGinnisII: left lick hold, right click hold, and mouse wheel
**PatrickMcGinnisII likes it
MSmits: very nice job
PatrickMcGinnisII: i didn't testdrive the actual contribution
**PatrickMcGinnisII pats Euler on the head
Astrobytes: Same, will give it a go when I have time though
PatrickMcGinnisII: i gtg, glhf
Astrobytes: later Patrick
MSmits: bye!
struct: Still works
Astrobytes: eyyy awesome
MSmits: no idea what i am looking at, but I likey
Astrobytes: Amazons
MSmits: ahh
struct: Astrobytes since you are an english speaker
struct: What do you understand from 3.
struct: From whatI understand he can move up or down in z axis
struct: if tower is directly above
Astrobytes: yes that seems to be the case
struct: very poor rules on the pdf
struct: I dont even know how the tower works
struct: which way it goes in and it goes out
Astrobytes: Yes, it's a touch unclear. I'll need to look into the game a bit further to get a handle on it properly tbh
struct: oh i get it now
Astrobytes: I don't :D
Astrobytes: Right, I'm out for tonight. See you all tomorrow, take care everyone
struct: gn
MSmits: gn
struct: hmm
struct: this game seems a reskin of laser chess
struct: 1987
cagdas001: is there any way to hide the chat section?
Dagavin: Do you guys recommend a language to use here? or it makes no difference?
ItsNotABug: played my missus at ultimate tic tac toe on paper and lost. Dont have much hope for building a bot lol
therealbeef: cagdas001 click the little triangle at the bottom
cagdas001: @therealbeef oh thanks! I first thought its purpose is to send the message :joy:
Uljahn: Dagavin: there is a huge difference for clash and multiplayers, but for puzzles there is none
therealbeef: just use one you enjoy or want to learn more about
MSmits: ItsNotABug I lost to one of my students last week and I'm ranked 3rd on uttt
MSmits: you dont have to be good at it to write a bot is what i'm saying
therealbeef: basic principle of software engineering :D
FerrusDude: :muscle:
FerrusDude: :joy:
FerrusDude: Every bot is a new learning experience. :)
ItsNotABug: those who can't do... write a bot to do it for them
ItsNotABug: is server running crazy slow again?
tibithegreat: it's seems slow for me as well
tibithegreat: thought maybe my internet was acting up or something, but some requests seem to take a bit long
neilpop: the server is definetly acting super slow
ClockSort: agreed
neilpop: test dont run and server error keep showing up
ItsNotABug: well, guess its bed time then. Night
ClockSort: itsnotabug
ClockSort: itsafeature.
ItsNotABug: exactly :D
Rock-Lee: there is no one to play with me?
Rock-Lee: :(
dontcallmenoob: Hi