jrke: can't say its slow
Gonny: oh nice
Illedan: Wait 5 hours and they are faster :)
Gonny: so 3rd 1 point below the boss, probably best to resubmit?
Gonny: lol
jrke: nice 7000+
Illedan: Wait a little Gonny
MadKnight: yea submit in the last 10sec
Illedan: I'll join you up there in a sec and push around
Illedan: :D
Gonny: haha :)
Gonny: you went 5-5 against me in your last commit
Gonny: can you lose a tad more plz?
Gonny: thx :)
Illedan: after promotion yes
Gonny: haha
Gonny: I'm thinking of resubmitting tbh
Gonny: I've been up there for 3 hours now
Gonny: time is scarse
Runner87: always second under boss is terrible.
jrke: btw what does this do
jrke: #pragma GCC option("arch=native","tune=native","no-zero-upper") //Enable AVX
Gonny: I repushed. You know how to help me Illedan :)
Illedan: I hope you help me ;)
Gonny: I will do my best
Gonny: damn it's fast
Illedan: Don't say it too high
Gonny: haha
**Rodrigo_the_coder slaps :rage: around a bit with a large fishbot
Gonny: last push took me 2h
Gonny: that's the benchmark
Gonny: so very low point of comparison
Gonny: alright Illedan, I hope we make the cut!
Runner87: it is possible be the first in league and no promotion?
Gonny: yes
Gonny: the boss doesn't count as first
jrke: yup in legend
Gonny: that too
WINWINWIN: If you are not ahead of the boss then you wouldn't be promoted, if you have not finished your submit you would not be promoted
Illedan: So damn close
Illedan: :scream:
Runner87: :expressionless:
DomiKo: maras is helping!
Illedan: They are winning me too :(
maras: I'm trying to lower the boss's score
maras: :P
maras: so far it's working
JohnCM: why is the silver boss rising in rank
DomiKo: 0.17
Illedan: Do it faster than I lose points :(
DomiKo: so close
JohnCM: now the rift is bigger and bigger
maras: the boss is going down XD
maras: I just won 4 times against him
JohnCM: bring the boss down
JohnCM: this is gold boss is it?
maras: yep
JohnCM: haven't reached there yet
JohnCM: i was rank 13 silver, will be happy to break into gold before end of comp
Illedan: maras, don't beat me too :(
maras: I spent the whole day
maras: from noon
JohnCM: there's chance... 80% more battles and rank 50 alr
JohnCM: bring me up!
pde-bakk: whats the biggest thing separating top of gold with low gold in your eyes?
jrke: illedan needs 2 wins
pde-bakk: Are you guys simulating turns for you opponent too and seeing what path they might likely take?
maras: we are the champions!
Zenoscave: yes but my sim is awful
maras: now it's your turn Illedan
Illedan: gratz
DomiKo: come come
ClockSort: pde-bakk some of us are. (I'm not)
Illedan: Dont leave me here :(
Illedan: You welcome Gonny
jrke: 2 more to legend :(
pde-bakk: @ClockSort what did you improve on when you went from silver to gold?
ClockSort: i went to gold when it opened. the key was really slimming down my state so i could hit depth 6-8 full bfs
pde-bakk: oh yeah I cant hit 8 consistently
Illedan: :tada:
jrke: congrats ill
Illedan: Thx MSz
ClockSort: congrats Illedan !!
maras: nice
DomiKo: Gratz
maras: :D
struct: grats
DomiKo: Wrocław helped!
mlemm: Clocksort what did you mean by slimming state to reach more depth ?
mlemm: narrowing case number after each depth ? ?
ClockSort: my state contained my list of potions in it, and i was copying it around for every sim. I switched to storing the "Castable" status in a bitfield, and storing the potion data outside the state. Then making a new sim was quick. I also put the sims in an array and created them all at turn 1. That saved the time to new up the memory for each sim.
ClockSort: hope this helps. C# is a ****. I can't let the GC clean up my sims.
mlemm: yeah im using c# aswell and was gonna give up and sleep until i saw your msg
mlemm: stuck at depth 4
ClockSort: well the memory (mis)management is a key to being faster in C#, for sure. :)
Gonny: Illedan!
Gonny: damn it I wasn't here to see us go up lol :(
mlemm: hopefully i can optimize something in the remaining time, thanks
Gonny: what happened?
Illedan: \o/
Illedan: I helped you and MSz helped me
Illedan: :D
Gonny: oh! Thanks :)
JohnCM: gosh silver boss rose in rank by 1 full point
Gonny: First time I will complain the push went too quickly lol
Gonny: did I get promoted before the push ended?
Illedan: About time it went quickly
Illedan: You got promoted before me
Illedan: You were keeping me down :(
Gonny: oh you resubmitted again?
Illedan: Nah
Illedan: was 5 submits in top 10
Gonny: oh I didn't know we could get promoted before the end of our push
Illedan: ah, no
Illedan: You can't
Gonny: but I pushed after you
Gonny: how did I get promoted before you?
Illedan: Yeah, but my submit was done and I was below boss
Illedan: I got fights vs others that submitted and they pushed me up and the boss down
Gonny: oh got it, you helped me finish my submit above the boss and then someone pushed you
Illedan: :+1:
Gonny: well, ggs! :)
Gonny: damn it, it's always really fun to see the last fights before promotion when you're freaking out you'll see a loss lol
Illedan: :D
Gonny: I can't believe I missed it
JohnCM: almost beat the boss... rank 4
Gonny: was I right above the boss or did I have some margin?
Illedan: Huge margin
Gonny: oh really?
JohnCM: thanks to blitzprog who defeated me 4 times, my rank was pushed down
Illedan: 1,5 points or so in the end
Gonny: wow
Illedan: you did beat me like 5 - 0 :P
JohnCM: lucky blitzprog promoted to gold alr
Samer: anything wrong with gold boss? or just a fluke?
Gonny: that explains how I'm not even that bad in legends
BlitzProg: Sorry lol
Gonny: haha sorry oO
Illedan: NP
Illedan: All worked out in the end :)
BlitzProg: just pushed a very different AI I had very high confidence in, compared to the previous one
Gonny: :punch:
Rodrigo_the_coder: lol you win
Gonny: Smaer gold boss times out sometimes
Gonny: Samer *
JohnCM: lol no worries, with you out of the pool, i shld be able to beat silver boss now
BlitzProg: But yeah unlucky that I wasn't paired against the boss, it decided to pick other players to steal rank from
BlitzProg: upgrade was BFS with hardcoded "Learn" to BS that also explore "Learn" routes
JohnCM: haha i'm doing that too, only that my learn is only at current turn and not lookahead
Samer: JohnCM how are you learning spells?
BlitzProg: Now my AI tend to find quicker routes for potions by learning
BlitzProg: and outspeeded nearly everyone in silver
JohnCM: i learn the first 6 spells
JohnCM: then after that i do comparison between learn spell 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 vs not learning
JohnCM: and pick the route that gives highest returns
Samer: the silver boss looks at the first 2 spells, he nabs the second if it's all positive ingredients
BlitzProg: Well I am also "learn first 7 spells"
Samer: nab it at third rank before he gets a chance, you'll beat him
JohnCM: if this push doesn't make it, i'm gonna do the learn 7 spells
JohnCM: rank 2 now:)
BlitzProg: But I also start one BS for no spell learnt and one for every spell I can learn
JohnCM: wa lucky no blitzprog ai to push me down now
BlitzProg: and it seems very effective
Samer: try learning 8 or 9 spells instead too
BlitzProg: rank 110 gold / 467
JohnCM: what depth is your bfs?
JohnCM: i can only hit 7 without timeout
JohnCM: 8 is 50
JohnCM: 8 is 50% timeout
JohnCM: 1st silver now.. let me promote!
JohnCM: let me promote!!
BlitzProg: Depth isn't really relevant now I use BS, I can easily explore the entire game if I want, at cost of pruning alternative possibilites that seemed weak at first
BlitzProg: gl man!
JohnCM: looking good, i already beat the boss in rank
JohnCM: but ppl are bumping the boss up
BlitzProg: If you're in front of the boss when you reach 100% then you're promoted
JohnCM: 14% more to go
BlitzProg: if not but you're close then it's up to you, maybe you can let someone push you in front for instant promotion, or send it again and try your luck
struct: oh no clock is blinking
JohnCM: woohoo gold baby!
Gonny: I'm curious, is that a deleted account last in legends? :thinking:
Gonny: gg JohnCM
struct: it is re curse alt
JohnCM: thanks for the support
struct: grats
Illedan: oh, emil was re curse alt?
Gonny: oh haha ok
struct: yes
BrunoFelthes: what is the smallest and biggest possible brew price?
JohnCM: lol i'm gonna be last in gold
Lysk: 20 for max
Lysk: without bonus
struct: 6 min
BrunoFelthes: thx
linjoehan: BrunoFelthes
Gonny: I was wondering why I didn't see reCurse anywhere before popping in the top 3
Gonny: that explains it
JohnCM: ty kreska
linjoehan: man the time remaining is flashing red I'm still trying to get a sim working
JohnCM: what nonsense is this gold boss.. 30 turns 90 points
JohnCM: wa it's kinda sick
JohnCM: it predicted i didn't have ingredients for a particular brew, so it held back the order and did another one
JohnCM: a pity i won't have much time to play around with it
BlitzProg: pushing in a little update
BlitzProg: not expecting much but here we go
cegprakash: I should have gone with greedy :( last day simulation no time to debug
Gonny: eh Illedan looks like we're inseparable now lol
pedrosorio: so depressing when you have no ideas / can't be bothered to re-write the whole thing and just pushing random changes in parameters that don't make any difference
JohnCM: blitzprog, add in opponent prediction to win gold boss
JohnCM: the gold boss obviously knows how many turns you take to brew a spell
BlitzProg: in 4h, no lol
JohnCM: i mean brew a potion
Zenoscave: pedrosorio do you mean my last 10 hours
JohnCM: haha i'm very satisfied with my outcome for this comp alr... spent days thinking how to get gold
BlitzProg: I only wanted to be gold in this challenge, goal is reached :D
pedrosorio: I actually wrote a simulator calling into the github code to test random parameters and see how they did against each other
Tyir: interesting, i removed some random fallback code that seemed to only trigger once in a blue moon, and it is doing way better
pedrosorio: I think it just times out a bunch of times, cause I'm running several in parallel, completely useless
pedrosorio: yeah... I reached gold "easily" soon after it opened, then did nothing during the rest of the week
pedrosorio: no sense of achievement
JohnCM: then try legend
pedrosorio: I've been near the top100 of gold since Wednesday
pedrosorio: I'm just wasting what would've been a good night's sleep
pedrosorio: to end up in the same position
struct: same
struct: except the top 100 part :p
struct: I wasnt there until today
Gonny: last contest I spent 2 days adding a super smart quite complicated feature on FoW to see it... make no difference
pedrosorio: have a good final hours on the challenge and enjoy
struct: thanks
Gonny: it's super annoying but it happens...
Gonny: good night
miszu: struct how you doing with your bot?
struct: Bad cant get legend
struct: :(
miszu: sorry to hear that :(
cegprakash: No gold November
BrunoFelthes: I think that people are sending their final version... it is to hard to climb now...
eulerscheZahl: good morning
struct: hi euler
eulerscheZahl: i see SaiksyApo entered the game
struct: send help
struct: I have to delete
eulerscheZahl: ?
struct: jk
Zaphus: Not sure if I'm moving up the ranks because my bot is better, or all the people above me just resubmitted :-)
struct: I was so close to legend :(
miszu: in my UTTT, the getallpossiblemoves() function timeout randomly..
Illedan: Haha, eulerscheZahl waking up before I'm going to bed xD
eulerscheZahl: not completely new
Illedan: True
struct: Dont know what else to do
eulerscheZahl: same struct
Illedan: 2 points up to euler :D
eulerscheZahl: that's nothing you make jokes about
Illedan: :(
struct: upsides of this contest is that I learned a lot
struct: learned BFS and beam search
miszu: found my issue
struct: thanks to icebox for explaining me beam search in under 2 minutes
rockstar555: hii
struct: I had wong idea
miszu: anyone will stay up till the end?
eulerscheZahl: are you serious struct? you didn't know that before?
Illedan: :/
struct: yes
ZarthaxX: u prob did bfs for floodfill in STC
miszu: Icebox, tomorrow I am looking forward for the O(1) for getting all legal moves :
miszu: :)
Illedan: O(1)?
eulerscheZahl: how?
struct: lol
struct: I do it in O(0.5)
eulerscheZahl: that's a constant => O(1)
**eulerscheZahl paid attention in the lecture
miszu: I feel stupid compared to you guys
Zenoscave: gj euler
struct: we all started somewhere
struct: When I made my first STC sim
struct: I had 30k sims
struct: I think
JohnCM: seeing the gold boss play is very relaxing
struct: Lets go rng gods
struct: bless me
JohnCM: the ingredients go in and out in one whole mass
miszu: I have a master in CS... yet I have so much to learn about AIs and optimizations
linjoehan: Ok I think I got a aprox sim to work now I need to get it into a MCTS and see if it works
Zenoscave: My ide gives different results :/ with almost every game. hard to debug
eulerscheZahl: that's nothing i've learnt at university either
struct: omg
struct: thiis submit
struct: looks good
miszu: took AI class in uni and have basic understanding
struct: I cant watch
miszu: I remember how I understood 0 about MCTS. Now I finally get it
JohnCM: i love how the tier 1 ingredients all become tier 2, then all tier 3 for a full board of tier 3
JohnCM: that's the gold boss
miszu: plz nerf gold boss
struct: sorry if I sound a bit hyperactive too much coffee
JohnCM: i wonder whose algo is gold boss
struct: dbdr
miszu: wasn't dbdr?
Scarfield: i would have thought you learned alot about AI in CS uni, what do you learn about then?
miszu: will you guys be active post contest?
struct: nope
JohnCM: i figured it out
miszu: Scarfield I learned A*, heuristics, manhattan distance, MCTS, minimax, then lots of probabilities like Bayen and stuff
miszu: bfs,dfs with limited depth
miszu: 1st half of the course was interesting and applicable here. 2nd half is mostly math
eulerscheZahl: "will you guys be active post contest?" yes
miszu: well you yes eulerscheZahl cuz you are a mod :)
struct: Yeah, I will too, now that I finally learn these new algos
struct: I must try them more
miszu: I am hoping getting gold with UTTT
struct: and i dont really considered floodfill as bfs because all I do is a for loop to check next by cells
kreska: so after the contest can we still submit to this game to test some algos??
JohnCM: yea the game should still be there on codingame site
JohnCM: haha my fav contest i tried so far was the harry potter one. pure heuristics got me to gold within 4-5 hours.
miszu: the competition that I dread the most are multi agents
JohnCM: love those
JohnCM: it got me easy gold the last challenge
kreska: its my first contest on this site so i dont know what game you are talking about but this thing is addicting
JohnCM: almost made it to legend
miszu: yeah but I have 0 clue what algorith mto use
JohnCM: heuristics, good ones
miszu: like the race game
JohnCM: or.. monte carlo tree search for each agent separately
miszu: you have to use genetics
miszu: I find it complicated to implement it
JohnCM: wa the gold games typically end within 30 turns
JohnCM: look at this crazy efficiency.. tier 0 -> tier 1 -> tier 2 -> tier 3 full board
miszu: pretty funny
AT274: Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JohnCM: the spell selection is key
JohnCM: the gold boss selects the right spell most of the time
JohnCM: enabling crazy efficient moves that fill the entire inventory
JohnCM: lol never thought i could win gold boss
miszu: good night all
Bobbadillio: Is there a way to tell which potion has the urgency bonus?
Bobbadillio: A bit late to be asking THAT one
eulerscheZahl: it's in the tax or somewhere
Bobbadillio: ah, tomeIndex for potions, yeah
ClockSort: submitting a better endgame handler. Go ClockSort!
struct: gl
ClockSort: if the opponent can finish in one move, don't make a move that ends with fewer points. If there isn't a move that avoids loss, "REST I return to my maker."
struct: I have 3:20 to leave legend
JohnCM: leave legend?
JohnCM: you mean enter legend
struct: yeah, sorry too much hours awake
JohnCM: haha what's after legend
struct: I keep this tab open
struct: for motivation
JohnCM: lol
AntiSquid: :D
JohnCM: i'm thinking if a couple heuristic tweaks can beat gold boss
JohnCM: haha.. now that i've analyzed 100s of his games
ClockSort: johncm beating the boss isn't enough, you have to rank above him
Bobbadillio: I've got about 1:20 before I've gotta log off, and I'm just hoping for gold league at this point :) not sure I'll make it, we'll see!
JohnCM: for starters, i try to beat the boss
struct: gl Bobbadillio
JohnCM: he wins me 90% of the time lol
struct: Yesterday I was also silver, you can do it man
JohnCM: yea.. some spell learning tweaks can win silver already
JohnCM: the silver boss only has hardcoded spell learning mechanisms
Bobbadillio: Thanks! :D I'm pretty sure I've got a shot at finishing the current move selection code I've got in mind.
JohnCM: oh just realized i'm ranked above thibaud now
ClockSort: at the end, is your position your final position, or do they have some kind of re-rank?
kishorecoder: im new to this chat
player_one: Yes! Made it to gold league. I'm satisfied. Time to get some sleep!
struct: hi
struct: nn player_one
JohnCM: woohoo
AntiSquid: best victory is when no shot is fired
Samer: AntiSquid i tested that earlier against gold boss... didn't work :P
eulerscheZahl: JohnCM you have to beat all staff members
AbundantPuddle: Lmao AntiSquid
Illedan: hmm, swapping some params swaps which game I win or lose -.-
dbf: Illedan, convert param swaps task to inventory swaps and ask your bot to solve it!
Illedan: :P
eulerscheZahl: i don't know if i should dare to submit :(
eulerscheZahl: arena.out: 158 test.out: 186 draws: 108
eulerscheZahl: it's better offline but my score is high and probably some luck
struct: hmm
struct: hard decision
struct: you are #15
Csipcsirip: servers will be dead soon
dbdr: so many draws, because of same(ish) bot
Gonny: is there a "penalty" to resubmiting even in legend?
dbdr: not very meaningful I would say
lifetimeLearner007: where do I see wins, losses, draws?
struct: that is from local test lifetimeLearner007
lifetimeLearner007: oh! does CG not provide such stats?
struct: There is cg stats but only works for top 1000
JohnCM: which staff member is in legend?
lifetimeLearner007: nice. during or post contest?
struct: oh its the stats for your current submit only
struct: cg doesnt share the stats of your entire contest run
eulerscheZahl: @john saiksyApo is
lifetimeLearner007: stats for last submit is sufficient. can you please share the link where to see stats?
lifetimeLearner007: Thanks @struct
kreska: can it hurt me if i submit just before the end? How much longer will the site calculate my position?
struct: until the end
struct: until your submit finishes
kreska: So until it stabilizes?
Lysk: yes
rockstar555: hii guys
rockstar555: what are you doing today
rockstar555: :thinking:
WINWINWIN: Hey rockstar, same as usual, the contest
Illedan: I'm off, may the ranking gods be with us. Bye
struct: nn Illedan
eulerscheZahl: bye ille
Lysk: :wave:
Illedan: Gl everyone
Zenoscave: thanks night!
eulerscheZahl: me having luck implies others not having it
eulerscheZahl: so your wish is impossible
Bobbadillio: tyvm! I need it if I'm going to hit my 1 pm gold goal ;)
dbdr: what should be the name of this contest? witches2020 I guess
dbdr: spring was pacman2020
struct: witches7k
rockstar555: hii eulerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: hi
kovi: my local directory name is witch
dbdr: why 7k?
eulerscheZahl: players
dbdr: ah :)
WINWINWIN: participants :)
eulerscheZahl: mine is FallChallenge2020
eulerscheZahl: created it before the contest started
dbdr: spring/fall is too generic, no fantasy in it
eulerscheZahl: and now FallChallengeCpp :(
dbdr: bring back the names
rockstar555: i am playing Back to the Code
eulerscheZahl: my game proposal has a funny name i think. but i still haven't heard anything
struct: found a solution to it yet?
Q12: I am in rank 30 in Silver and don't know what else to improve, please help me!
eulerscheZahl: which might be a bad sign as they like to announce the next contest right after the end of the previous one
Cappefra: top 20 is entirely c++, this might be the first time afaik
dbdr: kovi, my folder is boszorkányok ;)
Bobbadillio: What happened to Emil, the guy who was up there writing in Rust?
Zenoscave: recurse smurf
eulerscheZahl: special chars in the name? shame on you
eulerscheZahl: is it confirmed to be recurse?
struct: yes
eulerscheZahl: by himself?
dbdr: not supporting more than 7 bits? stuck in the 1980's? shame on you eulerscheZahl ;)
lifetimeLearner007: why is cpp always the most frequently used language in these contests? Is it that cpp experts are more in this community or the language itself has some serious advantages?
eulerscheZahl: i do. but i'm not sure if all my programs do
eulerscheZahl: i also avoid spaces
struct: im not sure he said exactly he was emil
Cappefra: @lifetimelearner007 it is faster, it performs just better
dbdr: yeah, spaces can be annoying in bash scripts
struct: But at the moment that re curse reached legend emil deleted
struct: Maybe they had a deal, legend in 1 submit and i delete
Rodrigo_the_coder: I'm so lonely :(
rockstar555: why
Rodrigo_the_coder: I'm so lonely
lifetimeLearner007: @Cappefra, what makes cpp faster? I mean there are other good ones like java,cs right?
ClockSort: can someone give me a little background -- why is recurse so "legendary"?
rockstar555: i am asking why Rodrigo_the_coder
Zenoscave: ClockSort He is 1st in a number of multis
Rodrigo_the_coder: because nobody chatted
ClockSort: multi = ?
struct: multiplayers
Zenoscave: competition after the time limit
Bobbadillio: I think learned about reCurse through Halite, where I think reCurse also did well, and found this site through that one.
Lysk: same person
Rodrigo_the_coder: i feel so lonely
rockstar555: are you mad Rodrigo_the_coder
Rodrigo_the_coder: I am asking why rockstar555
Rodrigo_the_coder: 2Rockstar555
Rodrigo_the_coder: @rockstar555
Uljahn: Rodrigo_the_coder: please stop spamming
rockstar555: :laughing:
Rodrigo_the_coder: afk mode: on for 9 min
**Rodrigo_the_coder slaps himself around a bit with a large fishbot
WINWINWIN: Rodrigo_the_coder, rockstar555 both of you can take this to a private chat. But avoid spamming the general during a contest.
rockstar555: Ok
struct: Not sure if I submit this version
struct: or stay happy with top 110
eulerscheZahl: submit
Lysk: submit to the submit
eulerscheZahl: is that with enemy prediction?
WINWINWIN: Can always resubmit old version :P
struct: its very simple enemy prediction
eulerscheZahl: do it
MadKnight: but will your old version win ?
eulerscheZahl: it's the yellow button
jrke: my bot is having 0% enemy prediction :(
eulerscheZahl: mine is having 9 enemy prediction
eulerscheZahl: to throw in a useless number :D
dbdr: 9?
dbdr: top 9 paths?
eulerscheZahl: wait, changed it to 8
eulerscheZahl: depth 8 to predict end of game
Zenoscave: 42
dbdr: ah, I have 12
eulerscheZahl: nothing minimax-like with potions disappearing
**eulerscheZahl is lazy
linjoehan: man this one has beaten me. I'll have to just be silver for this one
dbdr: I have a version with +12% winrate. +/- 16% ...
WINWINWIN: What about the #2 toad, how is he doing?
jrke: davier?
eulerscheZahl: top gold and submitting
pb4: I found opponent prediction really difficult to get right, only the lightest versions were even remotely good
dbdr: if I resub, will I be stuck by freshmen optimized to play against me? :D
eulerscheZahl: end of game is important
eulerscheZahl: the rest seemed hard
pb4: dbdr, you might :D
rockstar555: eulerscheZahl you are right
pb4: I have a version +10 elo better locally
dbdr: well, past me at least
pb4: Considering whether it's good to submit it...
dbdr: you compute elo locally, using TS pb4?
pb4: Probably won't take the risk
pb4: Nope, elo is elo
dbdr: ok
pb4: But yes I do
dbdr: nice
struct: pb4 are you going to try and get rank 1 back?
dbdr: selfplay then?
pb4: It's good to track improvements this way, keeps motivation up
pb4: dbdr, yes selfplay, but I play against many old versions of myself to try and get some variety in
dbdr: right
eulerscheZahl: was about to ask that
pb4: I'll typically select 5-6 old versions of my code when playing locally
pb4: Hence the use of elo score instead of "just" winrate
pb4: struct : which rank 1 ?
struct: fb
pb4: :(
pb4: Nope
struct: ok, just wanted to know if you had any plans for it
pb4: Failed at CSB NN, failed at SR NN, won't get back into FB at the moment
1400179: No NN in FB
eulerscheZahl: oh, i totally missed the latest changes at FB
eulerscheZahl: impressive lead
1400179: I'm only good at dead games
pb4: oh wow, no NN and such a big lead ? Nice !
pb4: Might try later then
eulerscheZahl: and some broken bots from top players e.g. MrBrown77 :(
1400179: I gotta learn to shut up
pb4: but not in the near future, spent far too much time on CG this week :D
rockstar555: 2662 rank in coder strike back
ClockSort: man, couldn't make legend in my first big competition. disappointing.
ClockSort: I don't think I have the capacity to make more improvements. Looking like it's a finish around 50th Gold.
ClockSort: gg
Csipcsirip: I didnt even reach top500 in my first one
struct: Im not really disapointed, I fell like I didnt try hard enough for legend
struct: despite past 3 nights
ClockSort: sitting for 9th place among C# users, I guess that's something :laughing:
eulerscheZahl: 10 if you add me ;)
ClockSort: hah I will be careful not to
Csipcsirip: you betrayed c#
struct: I think my enemy prediciton was very simplistic
eulerscheZahl: next on your list: read the post mortems to get an idea of what you missed
struct: I need to think of something more
ClockSort: i entirely ignored the opponent until this final day. now i look 1 move ahead so i don't immediately walk into a loss
ClockSort: I guess that's too simple still :)
Csipcsirip: what about killer moves ?
ClockSort: gl in these final hours! bye now
rockstar555: hey guys fall challange end 2 hours
struct: bye
rockstar555: bye
rockstar555: struct
Rodrigo_the_coder: potion = choice([potionlist])
rockstar555: what are you saying
Zenoscave: guys please use PM don't spam the general
rockstar555: couldn't understand Zenoscave
WINWINWIN: Thanks struct
struct: more than enough warnings
struct: I havent slept for a long time
struct: no patience
rockstar555: hii
struct: next time ban
dbdr: +11.6% +/- 12.2 :thinking:
Zenoscave: dbdr what are those numbers?
dbdr: winrate improvement, with confidence interval
Presac: Finally managed to get to silver
Zenoscave: That CI is awful lol
dbdr: sure, needs time to go down
Zenoscave: how many trials?
dbdr: sqrt is a heatless bi***
Zenoscave: Argghh so close
struct: maybe im missing some sqrt in my code
eulerscheZahl: heatless?
eulerscheZahl: doesn't it make you CPU warm?
dbdr: heartless :D
Zenoscave: Where did I mess up?
dbdr: good thing is the CI goes both ways :)
Rodrigo_the_coder: probably slow potions
dbdr: 12.5% +/- 11.9 :)
Rodrigo_the_coder: U need fast potions
dbdr: looking good, but will I dare?
struct: what rank are you?
struct: atm
dbdr: #19, but that's overrated
Zenoscave: this topped out at 13th last submit
dbdr: probably many subs
Zenoscave: 13th gold
dbdr: so not much to lose anyways
AntiSquid: why overrated ?
dbdr: because of subs in progress. did not check that
eulerscheZahl: you have a 12.5% winrate vs the old? that doesn't sound too thrilling
dbdr: +12.5
Zenoscave: so 62.5?
YurkovAS: submits is fast now
eulerscheZahl: but when the score is inflated, anything can happen on resubmit
eulerscheZahl: getting stuck in low ranks
dbdr: say 57.5% vs 45%
1400179: The submits on this game are crazy
eulerscheZahl: arena.out: 95 test.out: 111 draws: 128
eulerscheZahl: i think that's too risky for me to submit
1400179: And by crazy I mean incredibly stupid
eulerscheZahl: we've long exceeded the point where i start to have the contest again
Nerchio: poor agade lost to me and i am closing legend ranks lol
dbdr: submits are stupid? what does that mean?
1400179: Maybe my memory fails me but locam was better for submits if not for points?
1400179: Submit can get stuck with random games in the middle of the league forever
eulerscheZahl: CG system stuck or no climbing stuck?
1400179: Or can skyrocket to top 5, wreak havoc before diving back down
eulerscheZahl: been there. now i'm happy with my current #15 and scared to touch it again
dbdr: I think because many games are close, could go either way. and random potions appear
1400179: Mixture of flawed matchmaking with the game being way too random
eulerscheZahl: and we have some kind of fog of war again
eulerscheZahl: the next potion
aCat: I'm happy with my uwr position
eulerscheZahl: (and spell but that's less relevant i think)
aCat: and my own too
aCat: first time contest legend
struct: grats
dbdr: I thought about doing stats on remaining potions. but games are too short to get much signal I think
dbdr: compared to total number of potions
eulerscheZahl: agreed
Rodrigo_the_coder: can sombodee help me brew the fastest potion
1400179: Game can flip from win to lose with those draws
1400179: Please no more card games
1400179: Even fog of war is better than this
Rodrigo_the_coder: victory potion: using id4
Gonny: I thought I read some people in legend tried to reverse the seed to know everything in advance?
1400179: Not quite possible
struct: Dont think it possible
Rodrigo_the_coder: reverse mode clash of code
1400179: At least in the time frame
Zenoscave: Struct wanna ban?
Gonny: ah ok
dbdr: reCurse: "fog of war is better" this technically true quote will be used out of context ;)
eulerscheZahl: i really think they did a great job on the visuals. you can clearly see the difference to community contests. but i'm not totally happy with the gameplay
reCurse: Would expect no less
dbdr: actually this would be good for a shorter contest
dbdr: 4 days maybe
eulerscheZahl: yes
reCurse: Visuals are nice, problem is debugging with it is as annoying as ever
dbdr: where's your battle station? ;)
struct: true
reCurse: Am I reading the output for what the viewer is showing me or not? Why is it always such a chore
aCat: visuals are unreadable ;/
reCurse: Why is the share replay more readable than ide
eulerscheZahl: and really hard to tell what's going on. you lose a game 10 turns before but as a human you don't even notice
reCurse: Sorry I'm super grumpy right now
rmuskovets: 1.5 hours left, and I'm adding repeatable spells to my code... are the submits fast now?
struct: yes
reCurse: -ish
reCurse: They were at their best 2 hours ago
aCat: yes way batter than 10 hs ago ;p
rmuskovets: what does this mean: rmuskovets attempted an invalid action: Command does not match action, expected 'LEARN' but got 'CAST'
ParticleBeam: You used the wrong command with a certain actionId
eulerscheZahl: you tried to cast a spell from the tome?
ParticleBeam: You tried to Brew a Learn etc
rmuskovets: eulerscheZahl 1. I learned a spell 2. I used the same id to cast it
ParticleBeam: The ids are different once you learn a spell
JohnCM: when you learn a spell, different id dpeending on player
aCat: ParticleBeam yes they are
aCat: spell in time id != learned spell id
struct: so tired, not sure I will make it to legend
aCat: This cal could - you can
aCat: *This cat
eulerscheZahl: you always start too late struct
struct: true I only started for real friday
eulerscheZahl: and are not as good as ninjadoggy or chokuda i
JohnCM: wow
Nerchio: OOF
struct: i coded before
struct: but i kept rewriting code
reCurse: That's rough
struct: just for sims
eulerscheZahl: ok, kick me :(
struct: Im aware that im not as good, I dont really mind
dbdr: chokudai tried again, but no legend (yet) this time
JohnCM: finally mastering the art of full inventory stocking
Nerchio: can mod ban a mod :thinking:
eulerscheZahl: kick works
eulerscheZahl: haven't tried ban
dbdr: +12 +/- 10. I ill have to do it :sweat_smile:
struct: I think top ~100 is still a nice goal to achieve
struct: in this large contest
JohnCM: yea i'm trying top 100 gold now
eulerscheZahl: top 2%
eulerscheZahl: and dbdr is gone
struct: I still have 1:30 hours
dbdr: :D
Zenoscave: dbdr is link404 detirministic
eulerscheZahl: no
struct: but I mean im awake for 20+ hours atm
dbdr: Zenoscave no
Zenoscave: Any tips on it's weaknesses :P
dbdr: but just because of timing
Zenoscave: I'm missing something but not sure what
JohnCM: i found gold boss weakness
dbdr: it crashes when it is stuck to learn only. not that it matters, that's why I left it
eulerscheZahl: for search based contests there's rarely a real weakness at that level of gameplay
JohnCM: he gets too engrossed in efficient conversion, sometimes he gets stuck with full inventory
JohnCM: XD
eulerscheZahl: just good vs even more optimal moves
dbdr: JohnCM yes, but that's a tradeoff
dbdr: most of the time it's worth it
dbdr: +13 +/- 9
rmuskovets: is the tome spells list sorted from bottom to top?
aCat: yes
Gonny: how do they pick the gold boss btw? They ask whoever's number XX if they can use their code as the boss?
1400179: Do they even ask
dbdr: in this case they asked me, yes
aCat: they do't ask, they take!
1400179: Ah ok
JohnCM: they pick the #1 boss and let everyone suffer
aCat: oh, thay did?
dbdr: not sure if it's standard
JohnCM: just kidding
aCat: ok , how nice of them ;-)
rmuskovets: why does #1 work as a chat channel?
JohnCM: probably top 20 boss
Gonny: what rank were you when they asked you dbdr?
dbdr: #18
JohnCM: dbdr share your bot's weakness so we can rise
JohnCM: haha
Gonny: well thanks for making a boss that difficult :p
dbdr: my pleasure :)
1400179: They aim for 100 legend
1400179: I think it's pretty reasonable gold boss
Nerchio: you can advance to legend without being much better than boss i think
Gonny: yeah that worked pretty well
rmuskovets: > why does #1 work as a chat channel?
1400179: Because hashtags
rmuskovets: I can even send messages there
Ifthel: Anything with a hashtag is a channel name
Ifthel: #ifthel_fanclub for example
AntiSquid: job title : chat channel
AntiSquid: oh missread @_@
AntiSquid: thought #1 on LB works as chat channel
AntiSquid: xdee
Q12: I am 11 in silver, do I have a chance of getting to gold without submit another time?
rmuskovets: if boss get low enough, yes
struct: unlikely
struct: what is the point difference?
JohnCM: oh yea.. I am more efficient than gold boss now:
Q12: How can I see how much points the boss has?
aCat: ide panel on the right
aCat: leaderboard
Q12: I have 39.55
aCat: you see it then
Q12: the boss is 41.13
aCat: what happened to emil?
Zenoscave: ask reCurse
AntiSquid: he killed email. :(
lowzhao: the boss is 2% higher than everyone nice
dbdr: wanna watch me crash and burn?
reCurse: :popcorn:
Zenoscave: do it
AntiSquid: YOLO
JohnCM: just do it
dbdr: yolo
eulerscheZahl: submitted
JohnCM: i'm pleasantly surprised how a simple change of heuristics can lead to a win in gold boss
JohnCM: maybe i should train against #1 legend
eulerscheZahl: i don't like those numbers dbdr
dbdr: :D
dbdr: let's find a better start :)
Nerchio: poor people in lower part of legend getting bombed by the top :x
JohnCM: damn i need to go legend to play against agade's bot
eulerscheZahl: not even that hard. everyone can beat everyone
eulerscheZahl: except emil
Nerchio: why does it say unnamed player
Nerchio: you can remove your bot from contest?
struct: deleted
eulerscheZahl: like me having 100% vs Agade
eulerscheZahl: 3 games, not that relevant yet
rmuskovets: struct was that emil?
struct: yes
aCat: you will say wahat happened?
struct: I was not that emil
struct: I was on discord with icebox and he deletes during a strange moment
aCat: xD, ok, true that
JohnCM: lol gold boss rising in rank
Nerchio: pb has a nice lead going into the last hour
pb4: eulerscheZahl : please continue beating Agade
eulerscheZahl: won't get any matches with a rank difference > 10 :(
struct: submit to beat agade euler
JohnCM: wa that is a big personal sacrifice
eulerscheZahl: i will just idle in the chat
eulerscheZahl: i don't dare to submit again
dbdr: who let this many pople get into legend??
struct: yeah submits are starting to get slow
rmuskovets: who didn't let me get into silver?
eulerscheZahl: i'm still surprised that they asked you about being boss
eulerscheZahl: and didn't just take it
dbdr: apo must like me :blush:
pb4: dbdr : any idea where you're boss code would rank if you submitted it to legend ?
pb4: your*
pb4: ...
dbdr: around #50 is my guess
dbdr: actually, Zorg1 barely passed and is #25
dbdr: very hard to know
Zorg1: hé hé
JohnCM: depends on your submit luck
dbdr: at least I did not stay stuck at bottom :sweat_smile:
Zenoscave: If most my losses are less than 10 points what's a good strategy to mitigate that?
Zenoscave: usually around 3/4
JohnCM: try rushing ur last pot
JohnCM: if opp frequently last pot u gain less
struct: JohnCM ty, I will try that
struct: I dont even have that
Zenoscave: I do already
struct: I pray that my search finds it
Zenoscave: :/
Scarfield: prioritize some extra above tier 1 ingredients in inventory
AntiSquid: maybe that was your alt dbdr, so you're at the bottom :thinking:
dbdr: what AntiSquid?
dbdr: Zorg1, tu quoque?
AntiSquid: the deleted rust account
dbdr: ah
struct: It was me, legend and delete
struct: obvious
Scarfield: xD
AntiSquid: make one for every language struct
JohnCM: then can just clock the legend every language achievement
eulerscheZahl: zeno coming for legend now?
eulerscheZahl: oh you dropped
Zenoscave: sssshhhh don't risk jinxing it
eulerscheZahl: 35
JohnCM: oo rank 139 gold...
JohnCM: very happy with my bot's performance
JohnCM: i totally revamped my heuristics after playing with gold boss
JohnCM: try to get that clear entire inventory effect
dbdr: someone should make an extension to disable the submit button
Gonny: did you submit by mistake?
dbdr: "CG safety mode"
Zenoscave: did you press it accident
jrke: yes happens sometimes i press submit sometimes accidently
Gonny: actually they should put a popup asking if you really want to submit
rmuskovets: make you need to do up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A-Enter to enable the submit button
Zenoscave: they do if you haven't played yet
Gonny: we don't submit enough that the hasle outweighs the benefits
dbdr: "solve the descent to prove you're sober"
Gonny: yeah but have it all the time
AntiSquid: there is . if you modify code after pressing play = safety mode
ToshiTuringMachine: Hi guys. How do you get elapsed milliseconds in c++?
struct: high resolution clock
eulerscheZahl: chrono::_V2::system_clock::time_point start= std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start).count() > maxTime
ToshiTuringMachine: ty eulerscheZahl :)
Cappefra: ah yes the straightforwardness of c++
aCat: why is benchmar so slow I wanted to tune one thing xD
Cappefra: how was it again? silver doesn't get an automatical resubmit right?
aCat: nope
aCat: only end of calc of those who already submitted and didn;t finish
rockstar555: HII
Gonny: what happens if you submit a legend bot in silver right before the end?
Gonny: does it compute to gold, then recomputes there, then gets to legend?
Cappefra: @gonny then you wake up and it was for sure a beautiful dream
Gonny: lol
rmuskovets: and you remember the silver was also a dream
Cappefra: haha
Cappefra: for real though I'm so disappointed :/ first time not making it to gold
rmuskovets: I'm in bronze for the first time
SirLoxley: grats mate
rmuskovets: on OOC and Platinum Rift 2 I was in wood-1
rmuskovets: this one is "simple to learn, hard to master" imo
JohnCM: this game is hard
Traquila: Gold for my first contest
rmuskovets: Traquila fall challenge is the first contest you participated in?
Nerchio: tbh what i wrote for silver here is also the same thing in legend except more sophisticated lol
Traquila: Yes I discover this website 3 weeks ago
Nerchio: improved performance, from bfs to beam search and some eval changes
Nerchio: nice Traquila
RicksMLC: *phew* This is fun! Hi all.
rockstar555: Sorry
struct: Why is my bot trollinng
Gronahak: He just wants to assert dominance
Gronahak: And win by letting opponent timing out
Inc_: sophisticated end game strategy
JohnCM: new meta strat: time your opponent out
JohnCM: take spells which and brew potions which give them the most possibilities
Inc_: both are trolling
rockstar555: yes both are trolling
Inc_: Well, AI tries to somehow beat player
Inc_: because he is behind
rockstar555: JohnCM is right
JohnCM: i have two versions of a program, shall submit each one and see which does better
Zenoscave: Maybe. submits are slow. may only have time for one
Inc_: let them fight against eachother
Gonny: def only time for one
JohnCM: but the better one fares worse in arena
Gonny: I don't think it'll finish by 4
Nerchio: what i suggest is
AntiSquid: 39 minutes
Nerchio: submit until you get a good starter streak
Nerchio: which is like 9/10 wins if you can do it
Nerchio: :D
eulerscheZahl: he is top gold already
JohnCM: either way the better one is in arena now
eulerscheZahl: 60% and right below the boss
Zenoscave: euler i drop every time you mention my rank lol
Zenoscave: :P
eulerscheZahl: biggy smalls
eulerscheZahl: biggy smalls
eulerscheZahl: biggy smalls
AntiSquid: Zenoscave Zenoscave Zenoscave
Zenoscave: biggy smalls?
AntiSquid: o.o
Gonny: guys can you take that on e a side chat plz? Too much spamming
Gonny: thx
Gonny: :D
Gonny: damn I'm like euler, I'm pretty sure I have a better bot now but I'll never dare to resubmit :/
eulerscheZahl: add ?disableChat to the URL if you mean it
dbdr: cowards!
JohnCM: alt it
Gonny: no I was trolling
Gonny: no I was trolling
Gonny: either my chat died or you kicked me? oO
jrke: CG please increse battles speed
Gonny: hum
struct: was making changes and was not syncing with ide...
struct: lets go Zenoscave
AntiSquid: rip chat ?!
eulerscheZahl: you'll see a message when you got kicked
eulerscheZahl: and for ban the whole chat just disappears
Gonny: sorry looks like my chat died for a minute
Nerchio: jrke.battlespeed--;
eulerscheZahl: chat is back
eulerscheZahl: or is it?
struct: I think so
struct: Maybe not
Nerchio: chat.alive = true;
eulerscheZahl: we need quantum computing to define the chat state
rmuskovets: match chat.alive { true => println!("{}", true); false => println!("{}", false); }
dbdr: Player stats:
eulerscheZahl: you learn a lot
Zenoscave: why so many?
dbdr: yeah, saw that
dbdr: tried to reduce earlier, did worse
dbdr: but my last sub is reducing in a different way, that's the +12% :)
kovi: interesing and gonny 6.6
eulerscheZahl: do you have a diagram of when the LEARNs happen?
eulerscheZahl: i do some very late
dbdr: no. do you?
eulerscheZahl: no :(
dbdr: thought about it but did not implement
dbdr: you must do late if you search finds it
dbdr: so it shoud be fine
eulerscheZahl: yes. either to use it or for the blues
The_Duck: or to get rid of blues :)
dbdr: you got the blues?
eulerscheZahl: that too
jrke: why i made resubmit ;(
eulerscheZahl: Zenoscave resubmit
jrke: not sure if i remain first in country
Zenoscave: should I?
eulerscheZahl: this won't promote you
eulerscheZahl: do you have hopes for legend?
eulerscheZahl: or want to stay gate keeper?
Zenoscave: I'll wait 10 min
Gonny: what did you mean kovi?
eulerscheZahl: you learn much less spells than average Gonny
eulerscheZahl: i'll close the IDE before i do anything stupid
Gonny: oh yes I noticed that, I tried to figure out where I should learn more but on the replays my bot just seemed smarter than me lol
eulerscheZahl: yeah, hard to analyze these matches
BoBot: I would love to have a bot smarter than me
kovi: and python
dbdr: and let that better version go to waste, eulerscheZahl? ;(
eulerscheZahl: it's no a coinflip
dbdr: flip it!
eulerscheZahl: arena.out: 200 test.out: 213 draws: 263
dbdr: ah, not good enough
eulerscheZahl: no way
kovi: no way
BoBot: I actually thought about reducing learns to reduce the branching factor later, and get more sims in
dbdr: that's noise
eulerscheZahl: kovi echoing or same thought?
struct: Why did I start so late
struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
kovi: sitting on similar 3-5% for hours
andrefpoliveira: Ahahaha
Zenoscave: should i param tweak or resub same bot?
struct: andre I did not sleep yet
dbdr: struct: to relax, focus on that flashing clock
kovi: but a settled good position is better
struct: Maybe this submit?
struct: Doesnt look that bad
struct: rank 28 20%
Gonny: yeah python killed me on this contest, couldn't reach top 100 until Friday, I basically spent the whole week trying to get to a depth comparable to you guy's
andrefpoliveira: Damn struct
andrefpoliveira: Its almost finished ahah
andrefpoliveira: Then you can go sleep
andrefpoliveira: :)
Ravi1269: how do i run my code in clash of code
jrke: i got an idea for resubmission 1 hour ago and now i am thinking why i resubmitted
Q12: Can I submit now?
struct: I think I will gamble and submit again
aCat: yes
jrke: Q12 at your own randomness risk
Q12: ok
Q12: I will take the risk
BoBot: lol I am going through my submits 2 days ago because I remembered that I sometimes beat Gold boss then - after getting to Gold...I do not now...
jrke: randomness just stay with me for till my submission ends
Michael_Howard: Well good luck everyone!
eulerscheZahl: i make screenshots when my bot did will. configured it to save it directly to my disk with a single key press. that makes it easy to find the code again
hasleron: What does resubmitting mean for the end result? Are you getting the rank you're at in 8 min?
Nerchio: no
aCat: no wait for recalc finish
jrke: no after 8 mins you won't be able to make any submits
struct: euler in your opinion do I resubmit or not?
eulerscheZahl: legend league has a recalc. for leagues below your submit will finish
struct: I have bot that is beating my best one that placed around 30 by 78% to 15%
jrke: but ongoing dubmits will continue
hasleron: oh damn
eulerscheZahl: that's significant, try it
struct: Did it
Michael_Howard: I finally submitted yesterday's version (#100 silver) with the 2-depth tree & no repeatables because I didn't leave myself enough time to get repeatables & full trees working well together. :sob:
eulerscheZahl: and resubmit at 9:59 if it's not working on the leaderboard ;)
reCurse: Stop saying that
reCurse: Rerun will start 2 hours later
reCurse: -_-
eulerscheZahl: it's night for you, isn't it?
struct: I thnk it will be more
reCurse: 4am
jrke: i think rerun will start when all ongoing submissions will end
eulerscheZahl: oh dear
struct: 9 am
struct: woke up at 11am
eulerscheZahl: 9:54am
eulerscheZahl: woke up at 6
jrke: its 2:24pm
Michael_Howard: I've been up 23.5 hours
eulerscheZahl: 5:30 actually. neighbors cat broke into my house again
eulerscheZahl: stole my cat's food
reCurse: So don't resubmit
reCurse: Bad idea
jrke: that bad idea came in my mind 1 hour ago :(
eulerscheZahl: 307 computing
jrke: i was ending easy 1st in India but resubmit ....................
tomatoes: :fire:
jrke: 1 is above gold boss
Zenoscave: I would've been legend... Syamashi dropped boss...
Zenoscave: dumb mistake
struct: lost 2/13 maybe i resubmit :fire:
NOaga6690: can someone help me in coders strike back tutorial?
eulerscheZahl: you will get captchas
struct: I dont even know anymore which version was best
struct: Ill just leave this one
struct: I dont really keep track
jrke: 3 mins
rmuskovets: the best win is the idle win
eulerscheZahl: looks like syamashi will join legend
struct: yeah
rmuskovets: there's something happening with the chat
Zenoscave: :(
struct: ok last second submit
AntiSquid: oh i think there's one tiny tweak you could do euler
AntiSquid: ah chat dead again ?
eulerscheZahl: final minute, 321 computing
struct: even had to solve captcha
eulerscheZahl: contest is over!
eulerscheZahl: i'm stuck on that tiny tweak for days
BoBot: ooh, syamashi about Gold Boss, last to get to Legend?!
PED: yeah his food was stolen
struct: site breaking all over the place?
AntiSquid: yes
Astrobytes: seems to be a bit weird
Gonny: where can we see the temporary leaderboard?
Gonny: oh I found it
Whiskee: if the last run doesn't go through I'm gonna cri
BoBot: wait were you guys discussing chokudai yesterday? that he started yesterday? he is mid-Gold now and his last submit seems to be doing well
struct: early too tell
dbdr: wlesavo nice start!
rmuskovets: can I still write code for the challenge?
jrke: not yet
eulerscheZahl: yes, in 1 or 2 days probably
andrefpoliveira: How do we check our final placement?
jrke: ^^
wlesavo: dbdr nah, just had to resubmit because over night got dragged down quite a bit, waned to check if it was a real place
andrefpoliveira: Tyyyy
struct: oh well
struct: I go to sleep
struct: my last submit started very badly
ChrisSkyRo: do previous contests become normal games after a while?
eulerscheZahl: ok, good morning struct :)
jrke: where can we see boss's points
dbdr: chokudai going for that last minute legend
wlesavo: which forum topic should i lurk for the pm
eulerscheZahl: @jrke
Uljahn: wlesavo:
wlesavo: oh thx
jrke: dbdr lets get back to D&B :wink:
Michael_Howard: So, Spring Challenge May 6, 2021... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
dbdr: :)
eulerscheZahl: and a survey how you liked the contest
wlesavo: jrke D&B&D&R
jrke: 177 registered for Codingame spring challenge 2021
Clagus: +1
lifetimeLearner007: 2021 contest poster looks cool. I was expecting something like that this time but...
eulerscheZahl: it's a placeholder
Clagus: xD
eulerscheZahl: they always use that before they have the final one
lifetimeLearner007: lol. xD
Murleys: has anyone done the weekly challenge, I cannot seem to get the faces correct and eulers formula doesn't work ...
1400179: Oh May 6... earlier than I thought.
LunaBread: when can we see our code for the fall challenge
Astrobytes: not early enough imo :P
lifetimeLearner007: contest every 5-6 months right.?
LunaBread: so true
eulerscheZahl: view report
1400179: Was expecting june
eulerscheZahl: and game itself will probably be back in 1-2 days
Astrobytes: fingers crossed for your one euler
Murleys: the lost files, anyone done this challenge?
lifetimeLearner007: it would be nice if next one is in march like in 2019
AntiSquid: choku didn't get legend in one day, guess the contest was very hard indeed
eulerscheZahl: and kodle only silver :(
andrefpoliveira: When will the leaderboard stabilizy?
andrefpoliveira: 1h?
1400179: lol
andrefpoliveira: stabilize*
Murleys: can someone look into the lost files challenge, it says planar graphs, however none of the test cases besides the first one actually follows eulers rule, making it technically impossible to know the exact number of faces ...
Astrobytes: a good couple of hours
andrefpoliveira: Okok
andrefpoliveira: Tomorrow I will came back and check xD
aCat: lower leagues should finish quite fast
Zaphus: only 65 left computing, I don't think it will take hours
Sheeptoaster: Got a question about starting up here if anyone has any time to help a new guy out, I'd appreciate it.
andrefpoliveira: Where do you see how many are still going on
aCat: 58 I see ;p
Astrobytes: oh, yeah, sorry. Legend rerun will be ages
andrefpoliveira: Oh I found it
aCat: you can sort by score: computing
jrke: andrefpoliveira where you ended?
andrefpoliveira: Silver xD
Zenoscave: 6th :/
Zenoscave: Had a bad streak at the end
eulerscheZahl: fix it
eulerscheZahl: oh wait
Zenoscave: -_-
andrefpoliveira: AHAHAH
aCat: vaery funny ;p
Zenoscave: 87th is probably one of my best so far
eulerscheZahl: amoung 7k
andrefpoliveira: Well my first challenge so it was good :)
LordSkaven: I am very happy with my 804th, I wanted to do better, but literally everything I tried made my bot worse
SinOfWrath: Global 200-215 is less than 0.1 from each other. My rank is changing on every 5 sec refresh by 10 even though no one is submitting there. :D
aCat: so legend close at 81
Zenoscave: yup
aCat: if they don't kick anyone out
Zenoscave: maybe one
aCat: yep
aCat: 80/7k
aCat: seems legend a good name
Bojan: gg, it was a great challenge :D
jrke: damn was 1st from last 5 days in INDIA but in last resubmit ended 2nd
jrke: ;( ;( ;(
lifetimeLearner007: anid boosted up in the last few hours
eulerscheZahl: found another repo? :P
jrke: lol
Zenoscave: lol
Astrobytes: :smirk:
jrke: Anid started from python3 then javascript then changed to C#
Zenoscave: anid just copies code found online jrke
Astrobytes: just saw that. Wonder why... :thinking:
eulerscheZahl: CG has some cheat detection
AntiSquid: boot ksaw and start recalc :P
eulerscheZahl: i'm pretty sure it will get removed
Astrobytes: ffs, didn't even bother to change the output text
1400179: What is shame
Zenoscave: pity
Zenoscave: at least he didn't get a higher rank
eulerscheZahl: still awake reCurse?
AntiSquid: actually they booted alts last contest, so similar codes can be booted, best to avoid alts even for testing
1400179: Somehow
1400179: Please do not hold me responsible for things I say
Astrobytes: oof, late one. Or early :thinking:
lifetimeLearner007: get some sleep, the contest is over
tobk: huh, leaderboard already settled? no day-long recompute of top 100?
1400179: It's not over
lifetimeLearner007: well, no more submissions possible right.. so, I think its over
Zenoscave: they recalc legend
1400179: Not over until rerun is over
aCat: yeah... I should change one param :(
aCat: ;p
eulerscheZahl: it ain't over till the fat lady sings
karliso: recurse First 3 places are same same as in csb. Did you find this similar to csb in some way?
reCurse: Strange question :) Not at all
daffie: my grandpa used to say that
Astrobytes: your grandpa played CSB? :D
Zenoscave: Mine too
WINWINWIN: Legend recalc done?
daffie: I mean when the fat lady sings
reCurse: Didn't start
eulerscheZahl: not even started windows_98
eulerscheZahl: WINWINWIN
Astrobytes: I know :grin:
eulerscheZahl: too many users online for tab completion
WINWINWIN: Oh, all top 3 have always been close :)
WINWINWIN: Coders strike Back
WINWINWIN: Another contest.
AntiSquid: windows 93
Zenoscave: only two i see in my list aren't mods
reCurse: Come on
reCurse: Press the button
Zenoscave: Press it
andrefpoliveira: Only legeds left to recalculate?
dbdr: bring back .emil!
Zenoscave: make emil great again
AntiSquid: emil. 's life matters !
reCurse: Yay
jrke: so its confirmed that i am not getting a tee:slight_smile:
Westicles: press the whopper button
eulerscheZahl: it started
reCurse: itshappening.gif
andrefpoliveira: Good luck everyone
Zenoscave: surpised dapo didn't show up after all
lifetimeLearner007: didn't know there's a re-count for legends.. well.... good luck guys..
Rounddice: I hope for top 10
reCurse: No prizes
Zenoscave: ah
Csipcsirip: gl boys
andrefpoliveira: I guess lower leagues are closed
WINWINWIN: Will the leaderboard shrink later?
AntiSquid: why zeno? he hasn't been around for a long time
Zenoscave: there was some speculation
andrefpoliveira: This will take a while xD
AntiSquid: based on what
lifetimeLearner007: it'll be interesting if the whole leaderboard gets changed after this recount.
jrke: every league is closed andrefpoliveira but they will release a multi for same
Zenoscave: he was typing on discord before contest and stopped
lifetimeLearner007: whole legend leaderboard*
eulerscheZahl: yes
WINWINWIN: Like it did in Spring Challenge? Any idea how much it would shrink by?
jrke: it didn't shrinked i think
eulerscheZahl: they moved the complete leaderboard and bot history from contest to multi
eulerscheZahl: (the code history)
wlesavo: would there be an alternative ranking euler? :slight_smile:
AntiSquid: it didn't shrink, just removed duplicate / very similar bots WINWINWIN
AntiSquid: there were like 5-7
WINWINWIN: So no mmajor changes in LB?
eulerscheZahl: wlesavo
Zenoscave: jrke did you post your bot on github
wlesavo: ohh nice
jrke: nope
jrke: so should we expect anid will be removed antisquid
maddenvvs: Good luck everyone! You're very welcoming and motivating community!
AntiSquid: what's that euler ?
jrke: btw Zenoscave why are you asking that
eulerscheZahl: my virtual desktop #4
WINWINWIN: Yeah, maddenvvs they`re all really nice guys.
WINWINWIN: Hope to see you in the next contest.
Zenoscave: anid gives very similar output to you. just wondering if he stole yours. but it seems he is in a diff lang
jrke: anid changed 3 langs
AntiSquid: i mean what is it for ? just replay download or what ?
eulerscheZahl: python -> JS -> C#
jrke: ^^
eulerscheZahl: i only did 2 :(
Zenoscave: ah right
eulerscheZahl: failed to find a 3rd good repo :D
Zenoscave: 1st time i stuck with my first lang through
jrke: me c++ python3(just for random choice move selection on first day) then back to c++
AntiSquid: i used python for bronze, does it count as 2 languages?
eulerscheZahl: let's only consider changes at silver+
Zenoscave: how arbitrary euler
Zenoscave: ;)
jrke: when will we get CPs for this
eulerscheZahl: just be patient
dbdr: ah, just got in range to feed off eulerscheZahl :)
eulerscheZahl: i can say tomorrow or next week. will you believe me if i do?
**eulerscheZahl slaps dbdr around a bit with a large fishbot
eulerscheZahl: and i already lost to you
dbdr: that's why I'm saying it
wlesavo: dbdr i feed everyone equally, i think i have a communist in me
eulerscheZahl: only good guy kovi is helping me
Zenoscave: why would you eat a communist wlesavo
Zenoscave: they're starchy from all the potatoes
dbdr: wlesavo nice
XprophEtX: guys, how long until the fall challenge is reopened again?
kovi: be my gues euler. hopefully i can afford it
kovi: guest
WINWINWIN: XprophEtX I think it took a week last timme before it came out as a multi
wlesavo: Zenoscave you should try one, some are delicious
Zenoscave: I might
xSkyline: is there going to be some editorials from legend coders for this event ?
Zenoscave: fixit XprophEtX
Zenoscave: xSkyline
Zenoscave: ezpz
Westicles: Things are tight at the tshirt line
Zenoscave: ok 3 am here. third night with little sleep i gotta go
Zenoscave: gn
eulerscheZahl: good night
Astrobytes: gn Zeno
Zenoscave: PEWPEWPEW
dbdr: so nice to see matches this fast!
eulerscheZahl: no. how shall i keep the pace at downloading?
dbdr: crowdsource it
eulerscheZahl: my system isn't designed for that. maybe next time
kovi: :)
eulerscheZahl: sounds like an interesting project
dbdr: if you fetch the ids in priority, hopfully the replayis don't disappear too fast
jrke: how to see report of someone else
eulerscheZahl: that's what i do
eulerscheZahl: regular fetching
eulerscheZahl: so far i got all i wanted
kovi: dl only top20
eulerscheZahl: which is about 24k replays
eulerscheZahl: did Rounddice break the bot? saw him much higher this day
Rounddice: No, it's actually the same as submitted ca. 12 hours ago
AntiSquid: hopefully you can still roll a good rank
eulerscheZahl: oh. i guess i just got really lucky then. or you unlucky
kovi: which place you started with?
eulerscheZahl: me?
kovi: rounddice
Rounddice: I think like 8th
Nerchio: i was like 50th at best and i dropped to 73 rip :D
Rounddice: Maybe I was just stuck up there because I submitted a long time ago
kovi: yeah, some kind of nemesis ascended and pushed you down
andrefpoliveira: What is the prize for the 3 winners?
eulerscheZahl: canvas with contest artwork
eulerscheZahl: 40x30cm
AntiSquid: it's a canvas with the witches on it
rockstar555: COMPETE CONTEST CODINGAME SPRING CHALLENGE 2021 you have registered to this contest
andrefpoliveira: Like to put on a wall?
eulerscheZahl: yes
andrefpoliveira: Damn thats nice
eulerscheZahl: screws are included
andrefpoliveira: Ahahah
rockstar555: 323 CodinGamers have registered to this contest
wlesavo: whichvas
lifetimeLearner007: witch canvas might look ugly in any part of the home
eulerscheZahl: thank you AntiSquid
kovi: on the other hand karliso is improving well
AntiSquid: it's the 2nd kick though
karliso: I submitted in last seconds
karliso: It was not planned
AntiSquid: just random lines nonstop . ban next time rockstar555
karliso: I think I submitted worse version
eulerscheZahl: oh
Nerchio: damn euler you're getting beat down
eulerscheZahl: the classic last second bad idea
eulerscheZahl: well, i have a pretty bad bot :P
karliso: I was testing some version and it gave good results... vs me.
eulerscheZahl: it's your duty to beat it
Nerchio: i went from 50 to 73 sad to see :(
AntiSquid: i didn't submit my best bot, but there's only 100 ranks difference wouldn't have matters :D
eulerscheZahl: my best was 25->91
AntiSquid: mattered *
eulerscheZahl: evil recalc
dbdr: lucky precalc rank
lifetimeLearner007: will there be another recalc after this one?
dbdr: recalc the recalc
karliso: I would be happy with top 10.
eulerscheZahl: in the multiplayer i got right next to those uses who were next to me before
dbdr: ah then ok
AntiSquid: yes on the multiplayer game you can recalc all day every day lifetimeLearner007
dbdr: pacman2020 right?
Westicles: I think a good prize would be 55ms for the next contest
lifetimeLearner007: haha...
eulerscheZahl: coders of the carribean
dbdr: ah, wasn't born
lifetimeLearner007: why stop at 55ms, let it be 100ms :p
wlesavo: Westicles the real prize is the time we spent? :smiley:
AntiSquid: no, that's the investment you made
Westicles: groan
Donotalo: next contest May 6?? :( i'll forget how to spell codinggame :(
Westicles: you already did
AntiSquid: does it help to keep track of how often you visit a state that leads to a brew so you focus on states that are more likely to yield brews ?
eulerscheZahl: thanks for explaining the joke
Astrobytes: lmao westicles, play multiplayers in the meantime Donotalo
Donotalo: (that's intentional)
Westicles: ah, that's a whoosh on me
Donotalo: i like real contest
AntiSquid: a long woooooooooosh :P
Donotalo: missing those days when CG used to release a game every 2/3 months
Astrobytes: yeah
lifetimeLearner007: yeah
AntiSquid: they were probably too much under pressure ?!
eulerscheZahl: i remember 2 CG contests at once
Astrobytes: try the user-created games, some of them are pretty good
eulerscheZahl: hypersonic and the accountant
dbdr: wat?
eulerscheZahl: HS wasn't finished when TAC started
JFB: It was strange contest. Congratulations for aCat - you school 1st. And 6 persons in Legend. And it looks that contest was very popular in Japan schools - 2nd - 6th places in the rank
Donotalo: i've played many games on CG all are fun when i started
Donotalo: but now i like real contest
Donotalo: life is not giving enough time
dbdr: I mean what were they thinking?
dbdr: maybe a sponsor request?
eulerscheZahl: TAC was sponsored and related to a movie coming to cinemas
eulerscheZahl: HS was long announced
AntiSquid: do students who beat aCat get better marks as bonus ?
eulerscheZahl: TAC even had $10k for the winner
Astrobytes: nah they lose marks AntiSquid :P
dbdr: good movie too if I remember correctly
eulerscheZahl: i've never seen it
JFB: I have on DVD :-)
eulerscheZahl: so smits didn't play this contest :(
dbdr: yeah :(
Nerchio: :(
Astrobytes: nor robo
Westicles: I remember when they used to make movies
JFB: All OK with him?
AntiSquid: maybe no time ?
Astrobytes: Smits is just busy
Astrobytes: teaching & learning etc
AntiSquid: i only was here about 2-3 days trying to fix something
AntiSquid: hi
AntiSquid: what's the r in your name? recycled ?
Rounddice: My bot is coming for yours eulerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: oh no!
JFB: I have mixed filling about my results. 1st time I in 1st 100 (83) so success for me. But from 2nd hand - I 2nd in Gold - so very near Legend. Maybe next time
AntiSquid: and live in russia ?
eulerscheZahl: as long as i stay in top20 i'm fine with you beating me Rounddice
lifetimeLearner007: mixed feeling*
AntiSquid: :thinking: that's random
JFB: Yes
Astrobytes: very close JFB
AntiSquid: asked about the r because your name is r KFC cccc, get it ?
dbdr: top 2 is super close
Westicles: seize back our KFC?
rkfcccccc: if u will write it with my keyboard layout, u will get a word "cool" written in my language
BoBot: yea, my version from ~2 days ago did ~200 places better than my most recent version, glad I found that version in the last 15 minutes of the contest and could resubmit :D I was wondering if it was because my Gold opponents had gotten, it was because I had gotten worse..
Nerchio: 20th is a hotspot :P
aCat: AntiSquid
aCat: nope
Guinsoo: when can we play the fall challenge again
eulerscheZahl: and you can be relaxed while watching it Nerchio
BoBot: so much effort spent for a T-shirt
Nerchio: like 12 ppl +- 0.5 points
AntiSquid: so astro was right then, aCat
aCat: but +1 point for legend, +1 for top 50, +1 for top 100
Nerchio: yeah i am relaxed steadily going down :D
Astrobytes: :D
Guinsoo: oh euler u made tower dereference :D
eulerscheZahl: i consider that the weakest of my contributions :(
Astrobytes: Guinsoo, fall challenge will be available again in a day or 2
Guinsoo: ye it's kinda dumb with the fire tower but it was fun!!
JFB: No other school with >3 persons in Legend aCat
AntiSquid: BoBot i mean if it were just for t-shirt then there's no point competing since you work those hours and buy a CG shirt :P
Guinsoo: Okay thanks a lot
eulerscheZahl: bad balancing
andrefpoliveira: The fire tower is op?
BoBot: @AntiSquid yea it was mostly a joke - though I did not know you could buy them :D
eulerscheZahl: yes
Guinsoo: Yesss
Westicles: engineers will do anything for a tshirt
andrefpoliveira: Ahah okok
andrefpoliveira: I just took a look last day
eulerscheZahl: but i won't change that now after release
AntiSquid: i think i like tower defence game most from your contribs, just didn't hav etime yet for it euler
wlesavo: what a time to look at cg stats
Guinsoo: I always loved TDs
eulerscheZahl: different players have a different taste. TD isn't for sim but can probably be fun with heuristics
lifetimeLearner007: recurse score is finally rising after a constant drop
AntiSquid: i use sims, just not very hardcore on the sims
Nerchio: pb4 and agade close too interesting :P
BoBot: btw, people who have programmed both in Rust and C++, do you think Rust is easier to pick up/learn? it seems like performance wise it is at least competitive with C++ I have never really gotten into low level not-memory-managed languages, coming from Java/Python background
dbdr: BoBot do you prefer stricter compiler checks or debugging crashes?
dbdr: (honest question)
Guinsoo: Which one is stricter
dbdr: rust
AntiSquid: how do you feel about the syntax c++ vs rust dbdr ?
dbdr: then I recommend rust
BoBot: fail fast, I am scared of undefined behaviors and weird bugs that apparently C++ can have :D
NicolasH_42: BoBot ive learn rust during this challenge and its very nice
AntiSquid: let's say c++ was like rust, apart from syntax only
BoBot: again, I started programming in Java
Guinsoo: It has no garbage collection but is still safe? whoa
dbdr: AntiSquid rust syntax is slightly more unusual at first, but I think nice afterwards. I don't think syntax matters much in the end
BoBot: yea @Guinsoo I am also very interested in how that works
BoBot: @dbdr the syntax is what is putting me off a bit - so many special character - that is why I hated PHP as well $ everywhere
dbdr: not that many, is there? & for references, but that's in C++ too
lifetimeLearner007: you wouldn't like angularjs then
BoBot: seems like a minor thing, easy to get used to, but I believe in clean and clutterless syntax :D
dbdr: ? for unwrapping
dbdr: what else?
BoBot: @dbdr that is just first impressions, I literally learned about the language's existance last week :D
dbdr: :)
AntiSquid: syntax looks really weird, only reason i didn't try rust
BoBot: and I have been doing Python for the last few years, which does not even have curly brackets
AntiSquid: python best syntax :P
BoBot: I almost started converting my code to Rust this weekend, but got cold feet - probably too short of a timeframe anyway with a new language
dbdr: yeah, a few days is too short
BoBot: I will try with smaller problems first, maybe next contest :D
wlesavo: знерщт вщуы рфму curly brackets ерщгпр
wlesavo: damn
dbdr: I really started rust in a one month constest, and taking my time
tomatoes: :grinning:
wlesavo: python does have curly brackets though
AntiSquid: ban
BoBot: @wlesavo well yea, but not for code blocks
Guinsoo: I like C for his performance and control (pointers) but I've been learning java at uni and I like the objects, it's just better organized. My friend tells me that Java is slow af and he's right I guess so I think I should try C++ next?
aCat: I definitaly want to learn rust
wlesavo: oh you meant that
BoBot: @Guinsoo lol Java is not slow as fuck, that is some C++ privileged speak
aCat: seems I need some fast language in my portfolio
Guinsoo: Oh really
dbdr: aCat what's your main lang?
eulerscheZahl: RAIC codeball contest
aCat: hmmm
Guinsoo: I'll just keep doing Java for now then
eulerscheZahl: and i used java for it :D
dbdr: yes, one fast one is definitely a good idea
Nerchio: BoBot for competitions here and 50ms time limit Java feels slow when its competition is C++
BoBot: if "slow as fuck" is "top 3 out of the top 10" most popular languages then yea
aCat: I use c# whan I can, Python when its easier, Java when I have to
BoBot: true Nerchio, but this site is pretty much a corner case in programming :D
aCat: Lua when I tteach Lua or have to do something with c++
Nerchio: i like Java but here it has obvious disadvantages
Guinsoo: I did a tree search for the Fall contest in Java and could only look 3 turns ahead, but I guess I didn't optimize it well
TwoLate: I'm right behind FrequentlyMissedDeadlines. How appropriate..
dreadylein: :D
eulerscheZahl: for the top you probably need more than 10 turns lookahead
Guinsoo: But how
eulerscheZahl: i might write something about bit operations for the inventory later the day
AntiSquid: 1001 states guinso
Guinsoo: :heart_eyes:
Guinsoo: What?
WINWINWIN: No imagination in contest titles any more :(
Nerchio: euler im scared for you
dbdr: eulerscheZahl how do you feel about your tshirt?
dbdr: same thought
AntiSquid: total possible combinations of gems player can have GuillaumeSLD
eulerscheZahl: i'm skydiving right now
AntiSquid: Guinsoo *
Nerchio: there is a nice and cozy place 77th place below me if u want :D
dbdr: I can only fall too, let's stop the recalc, who's for that?
WINWINWIN: :joy: :joy:
BoBot: did not know the chat does that
Nerchio: not again antisquid
AntiSquid: sorry
AntiSquid: pinged wrong person
AntiSquid: was addressing Guinsoo
Guinsoo: A Rigged Election!
wlesavo: euler dont drop out of tshirt range :worried:
LordSkaven: Do they make tshirts for frogs?
WINWINWIN: Tshirt is Top 50 right? And top of lang?
Astrobytes: Toads man, toads!
AntiSquid: go offline euler . live the dream
eulerscheZahl: top20
eulerscheZahl: top50 was years ago
WINWINWIN: So Euler anyway gets a tshirt for 1st in C#?
eulerscheZahl: the first in a language is also long gone
LordSkaven: he was a traitor and used C++ as well
BoBot: that T-shirt inflation :/
AntiSquid: they didn't do any more top of lang since WW
WINWINWIN: I`m behind the times :(
BoBot: wait, it is the other way around with inflation
eulerscheZahl: down to 20, i'm ready to /flip
AntiSquid: deflation BoBot
WINWINWIN: Tied with Yorkov and .01 ahead of wala :)
BoBot: some of the first contests I did even had monetary prizes :O
BoBot: Accountant optimization was one I think
eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
eulerscheZahl: there we go
Guinsoo: :laughing:
ToshiTuringMachine: and the winner is.... C++ ! (again)
eulerscheZahl: tbh i don't think that i belong in top20 with that bot
AntiSquid: this is where one starts to look forward to RAIC
eulerscheZahl: not sure if i will play RAIC
WINWINWIN: Did you submit a wrong version euler?
eulerscheZahl: don't think so
eulerscheZahl: just other players being better than me
AntiSquid: 1 rust 1 java
eulerscheZahl: and 22nd
Traquila: python #25
AntiSquid: nice
WINWINWIN: Awesome Gonny
BoBot: keep that Python dream alive!
Traquila: and java #24 its crazy
BoBot: wala 19th with Java as well rn
**LordSkaven starts petition to ban all non toads that are in legend
WINWINWIN: The #2 Toad, Daiver, is now #320? He was in the top 100 for a long time wasnt he?
eulerscheZahl: broken submit?
WINWINWIN: Looks like it, his score isnt computing.
eulerscheZahl: back to 20
eulerscheZahl: oh dear, that thrill
dbdr: by 0.0
Nerchio: what happens when 10 people at 20th will have the same score
Nerchio: they give out 30 tshirts?
Nerchio: :joy:
eulerscheZahl: there are more decimals
eulerscheZahl: just not shown
dbdr: tshirt decided by a rounding error
eulerscheZahl: yes
eulerscheZahl: random winner
AntiSquid: i think they would, there was a convo once, but there are decimals Nerchio
kovi: lets make a deal: cut it half (left-right arm/side)
eulerscheZahl: thank you king salomon
jrke: top3 looks similar as expected
Nerchio: the biggest upset of the recalc is me going down 25 places
Nerchio: for sure
dbdr: eulerscheZahl at 90%, what is your timer? I have 35ms, at 85%
Nerchio: i blame java because why not
eulerscheZahl: pb didn't even plot you
eulerscheZahl: 40ms
eulerscheZahl: shorter matches?
AntiSquid: when did the limit get fixed?
dbdr: can be
eulerscheZahl: that's something we could extract as i got the replays now
eulerscheZahl: 46k already
AntiSquid: i only tried this morning 40ms
eulerscheZahl: i always used 40
karliso: cgstats says that Agade is 53% vs pb4 over 86 games
AntiSquid: was timing out at 20-25 last week :/
eulerscheZahl: CG stats doesn't have the full history
pb4: We've exchanged binaries to test right now karliso
karliso: cool
eulerscheZahl: did you send him a virus?
JFB: trojan :-)
pb4: Should have in case he won :D
eulerscheZahl: pb4 Agade 68 75 7
eulerscheZahl: win loss draw
pb4: He has 45.9% +- 0.5 winrate vs me
eulerscheZahl: so a little in Agade's favor
pb4: over 17k games apparently
eulerscheZahl: and how do you could draws in that?
pb4: 0.5
karliso: 17k games?
eulerscheZahl: so you are a little stronger on the long run
pb4: Seems so
eulerscheZahl: looking good for you to win. i'll wait a little longer to congratulate
karliso: I need a new pc
AntiSquid: RAIC will probably have one as prize
JFB: Usually had
eulerscheZahl: but they are saving on tshirts+hoodies this year
JFB: Mac
pb4: Revenge for COTC
eulerscheZahl: as in: none at all
Nerchio: some recalcs already finished and mine is still like 15% does it mean the system believes in me? :D
eulerscheZahl: why revenge? agade didn't do anything to you
lifetimeLearner007: top 2 are so close
pb4: In COTC ?
eulerscheZahl: oh, i was at OOC :D
eulerscheZahl: the other ocean game
eulerscheZahl: wait, you won that
pb4: for 50% of the rerun we were at 0.00 score difference
eulerscheZahl: i remember, close one between #2 and #3
pb4: Very very very close
pb4: I was ahead until the very last match
pb4: ....
eulerscheZahl: then agade got unlucky at WW
pb4: Don't remember that
WINWINWIN: Congrats PB4, 3rd contest win :)
eulerscheZahl: i think it's decided now. congrats, well played!
eulerscheZahl: and reCurse still shown as online, already getting morning for him
rockstar555: C0ngrats PB4
dreadylein: Grats to all the winners :)
rockstar555: :smiley:
XprophEtX: Congrats to all winners! :relaxed:
pb4: Thanks :)
lifetimeLearner007: congrats @pb4, @Agade, and @reCurse
Agade: Ty
rockstar555: Congrats Agade
lifetimeLearner007: and congrats to all the legends... next time, I'll try to reach legend
eulerscheZahl: well played Agade. nice to see you back
AntiSquid: that's an old timer top 3, was wondering if it's going to end up like that :)
AntiSquid: (account age ofc)
eulerscheZahl: same top 3 as on CotC, reverse order
Guinsoo: Do you guys write all your code in the CG ide
Guinsoo: It gets messy
eulerscheZahl: of course not. offline IDE
JFB: Really a bit nostalgic top 3 rank
eulerscheZahl: and different files that we merge with a script
DomiKo: ohhh wow
DomiKo: so close to top5
Guinsoo: Okay I'll look into it, sorry I'm quite new
AntiSquid: i used VSC, but later stuck to the IDE to check for timeouts Guinsoo
pedrosorio: when do submissions reopen?
JFB: An eulerscheZahl it looks that tsheert for you :-)
DomiKo: 0.02 nice
eulerscheZahl: wait for wala
eulerscheZahl: i have a horrible winrate
karliso: Did you like this game?
eulerscheZahl: not that much tbh
eulerscheZahl: little interaction, felt random sometimes
eulerscheZahl: you can lose the game with a single bad action that only turns out to be bad later
Astrobytes: Yeah, almost no point in having an opponent
karliso: yeah. similar to pac in that regard
AntiSquid: i didn't dislike it, could have practiced a bit more searching / simulations but timeouts where a huge turnoff
DomiKo: felt more random than pac
eulerscheZahl: but here it was more obvious what to do than PAC
eulerscheZahl: so we have less skill variation for bot
eulerscheZahl: s
DomiKo: everybody have really similiar tactic
eulerscheZahl: and hard for me as a human to analyze a replay
DomiKo: and a "magic values" in eval matter :(
eulerscheZahl: so I liked pacman more
AntiSquid: they forced interaction with opponent with the 6 brew limit
DomiKo: not really
mzbear: i wrote all my code in the web ide, and it was horrible. started late, ran out of time, and only in the very end i got a somewhat interesting idea that i didn't have time to take to the end
AntiSquid: yes because it matters if you end it before opponent can do his 6th
eulerscheZahl: 4 still computing. 3x java
DomiKo: I didn't care about opponent at all, and go to top5
eulerscheZahl: coincidence or does CG take longer to start a java?
eulerscheZahl: now 3 out of 3 in java
dbdr: they might use the 1s more
AntiSquid: 1 brew makes a world of difference regardless of your rank domiko
dbdr: wow, DomiKo ignores opponent totally? :O
DomiKo: I'm only saying that one of my programs played solo game, and win rate wasn't affected that much
DomiKo: dbdr right now no
eulerscheZahl: but you detected the end of game?
DomiKo: but I was
dbdr: ok
DomiKo: right know I only dettect if i can brew 6th potion
DomiKo: but ithout it
DomiKo: I had same winrates
eulerscheZahl: you don't know when you have to hurry before the opponent ends the game?
DomiKo: yes
DomiKo: I don't care
eulerscheZahl: wow
Rounddice: I tried to detect whether an opponent can brew a recipe before me, but it made my winrate worse...
DomiKo: true
DomiKo: because you can make every potion in 5 turns
eulerscheZahl: i also failed with that opponent brew
eulerscheZahl: but at least the end of game felt mandatory to me
dbdr: everyone did :D
pedrosorio: Rounddice same here, avoiding recipes my opponent can reach first just made my bot worse - but endgame prediction worked
eulerscheZahl: i'm afk-ing a bit
jrke: endgame predictor ??
AntiSquid: ya jrke, to see who gets a 6th potion first
jrke: by minimax?
MichalOp: I anticipate what opponent will do using the same beam search with less time given to it, and do full minmax if someone has 5 potions, both seemed to improve performance a bit
jrke: all recalc ended
AntiSquid: just counting distance to next potion when either player has 5 potions
jrke: we have the final leaderboard
mzbear: this was the basis of my final idea: ... a lookup table of spells (without rest) for minimum distance to brew. the next step would've been creation of recipe+recipe tables in a similar fashion by looping through all possible pivot points, and then dynamic programming to make all paths for 5 recipes. viable? not 100% sure, but it looked promising
jrke: ah got it
DomiKo: Wrocław 3rd win! :D
AntiSquid: let's all enlist there
AntiSquid: i'll be domiko's desk mate
Nerchio: :joy:
jrke: mzbear don't you use 'using namespace std;'
Nerchio: i don't think they enlist people from silver antisquid
Nerchio: ;)
JFB: And the winner is ..... eulerscheZahl (last t-shirt)
mzbear: uint64_t is enough to contain a mask of viable spells, and then a pathfinder can be built around that to only test the best spells at each inventory position
eulerscheZahl: :shirt:
DomiKo: nice one!
Nerchio: gratz euler
mzbear: jrke: nope, i never do :)
eulerscheZahl: thanks, didn't even expect it anymore :)
Astrobytes: well done :)
LordSkaven: well done everyone who competed, looking forward to the post mortems
AntiSquid: lol Nerchio thanks for rubbing it in, but i spent least time on this one :/
DomiKo: I can't wait to read pb4's postmodern
eulerscheZahl: inb4 10 versions of "i wrote a beam search"
Nerchio: haha i thought I needed to counter the jab against Wroclaw signing everyone :D
eulerscheZahl: pb did some interesting stuff
DomiKo: I know
DomiKo: I tried to copy his eval of spells
AntiSquid: i wrote a beam search too, although i didn't mention it on forums eulerscheZahl
jrke: my current submitted code is beam searcg
DomiKo: I made 40 games with same choiced of cards :joy:
Nerchio: yeah i will probably not write a post mortem since i am 76th :D
AntiSquid: ah, well you can move uni Nerchio
AntiSquid: people had spell evals like in LOCM afterall? lol
eulerscheZahl: pb extracted more than me
AntiSquid: i was considering it but thought it's not relevant
Guinsoo: Lol
AntiSquid: nvm i do have a formula in there, but it's very basic, sharing on forums
Nerchio: i kind of expected spells that produce a lot of ingredients to rank low
Nerchio: but i think my eval was the opposite lol
AntiSquid: i mean if you're serious about it, wouldn't spell scores be dependent on what you already learned ?
AntiSquid: if you have 2 blue -> 2 green then 2 green -> 2 orange matters a lot more
Nerchio: well beginning of the game you usually buy spells anyway
Nerchio: so you want general 'good' spells
Nerchio: but balancing your spell inventory is probably quite important too
eulerscheZahl: i gave up on the latter
eulerscheZahl: => wait for pb's post mortem here
Nerchio: why is it so hard to find link to post mortems :D
Nerchio: thanks i closed it and couldnt find
eulerscheZahl: they are just not there yet
AntiSquid: yes Nerchio, but there was also the issue of getting better spells and giving more blues to the opponent
Nerchio: yeah thats why my bot ended up with 7 spells for free
Nerchio: in the end
Nerchio: it was easy to randomly lose at the start by feeding your opponent
Nerchio: but its the first time i worked with bot which basically only part was search
Nerchio: tuning it was kind of a pain since you cant see direct results
Nerchio: you need to look at many games and win ratios
BoBot: from PMs it looks like the basic ideas/principles are similar - something I did not pay attention to, was how many resources you have left after casting - I did have some points for ingredients in eval, but I think that was strongly outdone by brew eval
mzbear: my biggest mistake was sticking to the web editor instead of working locally .. i started the challenge late and didn't want to "waste time" setting up a local referee. in the end, it was impossible to figure out what changes were an improvement :(
BoBot: oh, I was very happy with how I organized my coding this time - I found a good library for combining Python scripts, so I could work with several files, also I used unittests way more than ever before for a CG contest
BoBot: that worked for basic logic at least, once I got deeper I stopped creating tests - and that might have hurt my progress actually :P :/
ZarthaxX: eulerscheZahl you got into the cut gz :O
DomiKo: forum down?
ZarthaxX: im viewing it
DomiKo: :/
AntiSquid: domiko too pesimistic: "I will probably finish around the 13th rank in the legend league." you're already 7th on stable leaderboard :P
special_agent: .
AntiSquid: .
Nerchio: .
DomiKo: I messed up
DomiKo: I preseed reply button
DomiKo: and ehhh...
ZarthaxX: wait, wasnt there a run of the game?
ZarthaxX: there was right?
AntiSquid: recalc you mean? there was
ZarthaxX: yeah that
ZarthaxX: ah ok
DomiKo: I always have to press wrong button wrrrr
WINWINWIN: They removes emil. from the leaderboard?
WINWINWIN: *removed
special_agent: guy why my account showing N/A in contest view repport ?
WINWINWIN: Did you delete and reactivate your account or something like that?
AntiSquid: hey domiko i delete your second post, you double posted due to a bug or whatever
DomiKo: ok
DomiKo: I see now
special_agent: no i did not do anything to my account
DomiKo: I pressed delete button on first one
DomiKo: So I can't see my first post :(
AntiSquid: shit
AntiSquid: wait
DomiKo: I got "too many request" error
WINWINWIN: I`m not sure what happened special_agent, ask the [CG] team. But dont spam themm.
DomiKo: and someting went wrong
AntiSquid: you deleted the first one with the likes on it :/
AntiSquid: i restored the second one
DomiKo: :sob::sob::sob:
special_agent: help me guys please
WINWINWIN: Any idea what happened to him, Squid?
AntiSquid: uhm yes but i'd rather not say it in chat
WINWINWIN: Ohh... got it.
Clagus: :scream:
special_agent: AntiSquid please dm me
AntiSquid: WINWINWIN i went up in rank from 808 to 802 so 6 bots removed above me
WINWINWIN: Yeah, I just checked, total is now 7036 from 7045
WINWINWIN: So excluding emil. 8 removed
eulerscheZahl: damn, i wanted to take a snapshot to see who got removed
ZarthaxX: 7035*
ZarthaxX: :rofl:
eulerscheZahl: anid still there
ZarthaxX: he should get removed soon
ZarthaxX: :D
eulerscheZahl: i expect some movement here
ZarthaxX: they didnt bother in changing the text..
ZarthaxX: wtf
Zanoshky: anyone from the top wish to share code?
Zanoshky: would love to learn and improve myself
darkhorse64: Copy/pasting is really the least effort
ntroPi: the game will be an opten bot competition, so sharing full code is ... not optimal?
ntroPi: *open
ZarthaxX: yep
AntiSquid: Zanoshky not a website where people share or where it's encouraged. Actually discouraged.
Zanoshky: sorry did not know
AntiSquid: it's ok
ntroPi: There will be post mortem blogposts about used strategies though. So plenty to learn.
WINWINWIN: Special agent had an alt which he used for testing, he has just joined and didnt know the rules, can anything be done?
darkhorse64: Sharing knowledge is encouraged.
AntiSquid: kaggle is in the other extreme though, people actively share during contest and you got to take top code and improve it unless you got top notebook yourself Zanoshky
eulerscheZahl: CG decisions are final
eulerscheZahl: you can politely ask Thibaud but don't expect anything from it
AntiSquid: WINWINWIN those with alt (there were a few) last contest were lucky to dodge the removal
WINWINWIN: last contest alts were allowed?
AntiSquid: also alts are never allowed according to Thibaud so use at own risk .
eulerscheZahl: thibaud removed alts but showed mercy to the main accounts
AntiSquid: no WINWINWIN they were removed, but let mains stay
WINWINWIN: Oh, understood.
WINWINWIN: But why bother with alts? No shame in trying a bad submit...
AntiSquid: but still wish there was a way to self-demote to wood especially during contest when you want to try a new approach
rockstar555: how to became a moderator
AntiSquid: everyone approaches progression on ladder differently
eulerscheZahl: :popcorn:
WINWINWIN: Oh, yeah. to start from basic rules.
AntiSquid: yes
DomiKo: pb4 is repylng!
DomiKo: here we go!
AntiSquid: record it
DomiKo: posted!
DomiKo: lets read
pb4: Not the PM yet :P
eulerscheZahl: :D
WINWINWIN: You got their hopes up :D
DomiKo: You got me
DomiKo: I'm so hyped
pb4: Should I delete ? :innocent:
DomiKo: I have SS's
eulerscheZahl: you changed the scores
eulerscheZahl: 513 => 514 for me
pb4: Good for you then :D
eulerscheZahl: rounding errors?
pb4: It's based on a numerical solver, maybe you were right on the edge ?
pb4: oh I excluded emil in the last calculation
eulerscheZahl: poor emil
pb4: Could have changed somebody else's score, which changed yours in turn
AntiSquid: RIP email. best member
AntiSquid: why is Jeff06 at 0 ?
pb4: Had to pick a value to normalize
pb4: so... last at 0
MenoIy: euh there was someone ahead of me in the leader and I don't see him anymore is there still match in gold ?
WINWINWIN: No, the guys with alternate accounts are being removed.
MenoIy: alternate ?
MadKnight: multiple
WINWINWIN: Spare accounts, for testing.
MenoIy: ah niiice
ntroPi: multi account is forbidden - some people did it anywas.
MenoIy: so they check the code if it s same ?
eulerscheZahl: yes
MenoIy: Nice
pedrosorio: I see more than one person saying the used inventory in their eval function with: tier0 + 2*tier1 + 3*tier2 + 4*tier3
where did this come from?
eulerscheZahl: afaik they only check gold+legend
MenoIy: I hop more poeple drop Jk Xd
WINWINWIN: They probably have some script to check everything
ntroPi: Thats the formula to calculate potion value.
ntroPi: (plus one extra rule)
AntiSquid: mine was based on rounds it takes to get the ingredient with the starting spells pedrosorio
AntiSquid: i guess they ignored the resting turn for their scoring
eulerscheZahl: safe bet that you will climb
eulerscheZahl: but ranking was stable in this case. just 6 spots apart
Westicles: They both used the ETSI standard for comments
AntiSquid: which is why i imagine the scores would drastically change as you acquire new spells, not sure how to evaluate it in that case
Illedan: Is the multi open yet?
eulerscheZahl: no
Westicles: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
karliso: Poor guy. There are probably people doing worse things than that.
Illedan: Nice tshirt rank euler :D
BrunoFelthes: Will moderator win t-shirts?
Illedan: Sure
WINWINWIN: 7035 now, one more guy gone.
eulerscheZahl: thanks illedan
eulerscheZahl: why not BrunoFelthes?
eulerscheZahl: shall i be punished for doing some voluntary work for CG?
BrunoFelthes: I'm 24th
eulerscheZahl: i didn't know the game before, same chances for everyone
dbdr: erichto knew it before
eulerscheZahl: true
BrunoFelthes: Was you not a beta tester for the gamer euler?
dbdr: not sure how much and what was the deal
eulerscheZahl: no
AntiSquid: knew what?
eulerscheZahl: that's purely a CG created contest
BrunoFelthes: I just want a t-shirt :(
dbdr: erichto had a video showing the game when it opened
eulerscheZahl: you have one already
eulerscheZahl: locam, do you remember?
BrunoFelthes: yes
AntiSquid: i think they just contacted him for the streaming part that's it .
BrunoFelthes: it was so close... congrats euler
eulerscheZahl: thanks. was on a coin flip
dbdr: sure, but so he had access in advance
eulerscheZahl: in that ranking i'm below the line (but so are you)
Astrobytes: maybe on the day only dbdr? Either way, didn't help his rank :P
BrunoFelthes: I position below
AntiSquid: that's a 3.5 hour bot Astrobytes
dbdr: yes, not complaining :)
eulerscheZahl: i don't think he ever planned to really try the contest. just some streaming
eulerscheZahl: which was nice, extra exposure for CG
Astrobytes: He usually streams contests now, at least once or twice
Nerchio: well he probably got paid for it
Nerchio: since he seemed to spend quite some time on it
DomiKo: CG is growing and that's important
eulerscheZahl: i bet against. probably a tshirt
AntiSquid: doubt he got paid for some streaming
Nerchio: it's advertisement and not a bad one, doesnt need to be paid a lot tbh
Astrobytes: Yeah, don't think he'd be paid. But yeah, more exposure is always good
eulerscheZahl: i know illedan got a tshirt for streaming in the past. so i see it realistic that errichto got one as well
eulerscheZahl: but that's all
DomiKo: Is there any photo of CG T-shirt?
Nerchio: ok you guys know CG better than me :P but I would imagine something specific like this would consider as paid advertisement
AntiSquid: he had an interesting DP bot, nobody mentioned DP regarding their bot here, guess it's not feasible at all on CG ?
AntiSquid: BAN !
Astrobytes: thanks for that euler
eulerscheZahl: old one, no longer available. and i never managed to win it :(
eulerscheZahl: the robot arm and stdin stdout are still available
eulerscheZahl: and some twisted rubiks cube
DomiKo: we can choose TShirt?
eulerscheZahl: yes
DomiKo: O.o
eulerscheZahl: you get a link to an online shop
eulerscheZahl: enter size, address
AntiSquid: gratz on shirt domiko
eulerscheZahl: just no payment
DomiKo: thank AntiSquid
eulerscheZahl: was about time that you get one ;)
Nerchio: ah i thought these are custom shirts for the event
Nerchio: :sweat_smile:
**eulerscheZahl already has a duplicate robot arm
eulerscheZahl: in the past they had more expensive prizes:
eulerscheZahl: but i like the canvas more. something collectible, nothing you buy in a shop
AntiSquid: also different funding system
WINWINWIN: I just want the T Shirt :( It shall be mine in the spring challenge!
Nerchio: true bot top3 is a little bit harder than top20 :D
eulerscheZahl: i know
eulerscheZahl: once i was close :(
AntiSquid: you could get the address of the shop the canvases are made at and order a custom made one with whatever text you want euler :D
Nerchio: this time looks like there was a lot of strong players
WINWINWIN: It has to be won.
eulerscheZahl: that's not the same AntiSquid :D
AntiSquid: someone got a CG shirt for their baby
AntiSquid: so .. i mean the contest isn't so much about the prizes
eulerscheZahl: this time there were 7k players. odds are good that some of the new ones are strong
dbdr: #5 is lvl 8
AntiSquid: odds are some are even better since, some are new / just getting started, not everyone has same amount of time
Nerchio: im glad i got legend so i dont have to come back to the game anymore
WINWINWIN: Karliso, experimenting with avatars?
eulerscheZahl: oh, look at karliso's new profile pic :D
Nerchio: i want to slowly fill my profile with legend :D
karliso: you like it?
eulerscheZahl: yes
eulerscheZahl: who recognizes where it's from?
Uljahn: CR?
eulerscheZahl: no
AntiSquid: just a suggestion
AntiSquid: it's from that knight and wizard game euler made
Nerchio: some of them are pretty good
Nerchio: :D
AntiSquid: o something i thing
AntiSquid: onitama ah
WINWINWIN: What do you think AutomatonNN>
AutomatonNN: I was talking about the polar bear
AntiSquid: ZarthaxX
Nerchio: my elo so low in pb post :(
ZarthaxX: squido
ZarthaxX: ah
ZarthaxX: the bot :rofl:
WINWINWIN: I like AutomatonNN :)
AutomatonNN: good idea
BrunoFelthes: What was the AutomatonNN position?
AutomatonNN: why do you think they are really challenging?
BrunoFelthes: 1th AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: ̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤
eulerscheZahl: not again!
Nerchio: lol
Nerchio: troll automatonn
AntiSquid: don't type if you don't want to get stabbed
WINWINWIN: Which one is the one that kept pinging euler?
AntiSquid: NN
AntiSquid: ah just noticed your pokeball WINWINWIN
WINWINWIN: pokeball?
WINWINWIN: What Pokeball?
AntiSquid: the pokeball icon moderators have
AntiSquid: you catch pokemans in chat but never release them in the wild, that pokeball
struct: oh well
WINWINWIN: :P Rockstar555 and rodrigo are among those Pokemon
struct: just woke up
eulerscheZahl: you banned them?
struct: rank 120 doesnt seem bad
WINWINWIN: I didnt, I` not sure how to.
ZarthaxX: gz struct :)
struct: ty ZarthaxX
struct: and ty for the help too, on suggestions
eulerscheZahl: write "/ban username"
eulerscheZahl: i'm still at 0 bans :)
DomiKo: we will get CP from contest at night?
WINWINWIN: Got it, andd to kick, its /kick?
eulerscheZahl: but some kicks
eulerscheZahl: yes
AntiSquid: yes
WINWINWIN: Thanks :)
Lachrymosa: Morning CG
AntiSquid: 9922 CP for you DomiKo
eulerscheZahl: DomiKo this night or next probably. sometimes it takes a bit
AntiSquid: struct 8557 CP
Illedan: Wow, karlis o changed his avatar? :O
DomiKo: I can't wait for multi
AntiSquid: 10000^((7035-120+1)/7035)
DomiKo: I will break 100K CP
struct: 8557 is nice
eulerscheZahl: do you recognize it Illedan?
ZarthaxX: struct i didnt do anything but ok :P
Illedan: Ofc
Illedan: :)
eulerscheZahl: :)
eulerscheZahl: the original was red
DomiKo: :joy:
struct: 8557 is almost 7 times of what i currently have from all contests combined lol
Illedan: Very good game which got me through some boring days in Sri Lanka :P
eulerscheZahl: i tried with gimp and then wrote a script to make it blue
AntiSquid: it goes down by 500 every contest struct
struct: I dont think i ever took a contest so seriously
Illedan: I wonder how they managed to set the date 6th of May already :thinking:
struct: next time ill "start" day 1
AntiSquid: placeholder for sure
AntiSquid: select a date and go with it
Illedan: Last time they didn't set a set date
AntiSquid: then postpone as needed
Illedan: Hope not
Illedan: I'll plan next year around that date
AntiSquid: didn't they set a date for sept last year or so and then postponed to spring this year ?
WINWINWIN: I hope it does get postponed a bit... exams then :(
pedrosorio: I'd like to see what rank the bot I had 24h ago would have achieved, before I drunkenly submitted a lame version right before the end of the contest xD
Majeck: When will the codinpoints for the contest be updated? in 24 hours?
eulerscheZahl: we don't know. usually 1 or 2 days
Majeck: Also, how long ago did the contest end? All I knew was that it ended in monday :P
eulerscheZahl: 4h 42min ago
ATaco: I only just started it today, got through to wood 1, then it ended.
eulerscheZahl: first post mortems are there already
ATaco: Was a shame, spent a few hours thinking about it
eulerscheZahl: the game will come back in the multiplayer section
eulerscheZahl: probably in 1 or 2 days as well
AntiSquid: you joined about 10 days too late ATaco
eulerscheZahl: will appear at
MSmits: hey euler what rank did you get?
eulerscheZahl: 20 \o/
eulerscheZahl: we missed you :(
MSmits: thats very good
struct: grats
ATaco: Still enjoyed fiddling with it.
MSmits: yeah it sucks, but i had no time
ATaco: I was sure the concept was easy until the layers started adding on
AntiSquid: there are lots of other games
MSmits: I could have started on saturday for a 2 day rush till monday, but too tired
eulerscheZahl: i think you would have liked that param tuning contest
ATaco: (I was quick to destroy the time limit :P)
DomiKo: Euler I will share my inventory too
DomiKo: :D
BrunoFelthes: OMG euler, I even undertand what you wrote at your feedback... I need to study more about bitwise
eulerscheZahl: yours is better?
DomiKo: I believe
eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
DomiKo: union tricks :joy:
eulerscheZahl: that was an instant kick without warning
WINWINWIN: Definitely
miszu: hi all
miszu: any post morterm published?
eulerscheZahl: hi
eulerscheZahl: yes
BrunoFelthes: a lot of miszu
AntiSquid: Oliverboi420 i was about to ban . no racial slurs of any kind .
miszu: I would like to know how simple person I am
eulerscheZahl: yes, next is ban for sure
AntiSquid: not even the cracker one .
miszu: what happened?
eulerscheZahl: racial insult
miszu: the N word? :O
miszu: oh my...
DomiKo: Euler are you ready?
eulerscheZahl: for your post mortem? yes
eulerscheZahl: MSmits "I reached #43 legend using smitsimax"
DomiKo: for my one trick
eulerscheZahl: my code formatting is better for sure :P
eulerscheZahl: oh, you edited
DomiKo: 4 ` insted of 3
DomiKo: :(
LordSkaven: yep, my brain is broken after reading eulers and DomiKo's post mortems. Very smart ideas, dont understand them one bit yet
MSmits: wait eulerscheZahl, you used smitsimax? ?
eulerscheZahl: no
DomiKo: Euler you like it?
eulerscheZahl: let me read
MSmits: ohh ok
MSmits: yeah i was more thinking about DUCT
MSmits: because the possible moves are interrelated
eulerscheZahl: repeatable looks nice
DomiKo: :grin:
eulerscheZahl: i just generated a state with the spell applied once
eulerscheZahl: and then applied the spell again to that new state
MSmits: decoupled uct
MSmits: two different trees, but joined gamestates
MSmits: a lot more branching than smitsimax
MSmits: because it's state-coherent
MadKnight: DUCT but extra branching only if enemy move affects u
pb4: who used DUCT ?
miszu: most people use beam search. I need to read about this algorithm
MSmits: i was saying thats what i would have tried
MSmits: pb4
miszu: never heard of it in my AI class
MSmits: if i had time
pb4: :)
pb4: I used double DUCT :D
MSmits: whats double duct?
MadKnight: miszu it's like BFS but with n best nodes instead of all
MadKnight: DDUCT ?
pb4: DUCT for draft phase
AntiSquid: but i don't see why he used smitsimax
pb4: DUCT for endgame
MSmits: ahh ok
pb4: BS in the middle
MSmits: sounds good yeah
wlesavo: euler gratz with t-shirt, i missed the end of recalc :slight_smile:
MSmits: I'll join next contest for sure
MSmits: at least i wont be moving or stuck trying to create an AI course from scratch
MSmits: in weeks
eulerscheZahl: thanks wlesavo. was really close. dropped from 15 to 22 and back up on the roller coaster
miszu: why beam search vs bfs?
eulerscheZahl: to go deeper
miszu: all you care is the best move
eulerscheZahl: but what's the best move?
eulerscheZahl: if you finish a potion now, you have no ingredients left for the next
eulerscheZahl: reloading them takes some turns you don't want to waste
wlesavo: yeah, i saw you droping out of top 20 and then had to go
miszu: eulerscheZahl yeah but you need to reload inventories anyways
struct: well if you have more ingredients after brewing
eulerscheZahl: with a half-full inventory you can use better spells to reload the rest
struct: you can reload faster
eulerscheZahl: repeatable spells
miszu: in bfs, you don't need to stop right after brewing a spell
miszu: you could go deeper no?
struct: yes
eulerscheZahl: state count just explodes at some point
struct: but with beam you prune the worst nodes
eulerscheZahl: and some paths are obviously stupid
miszu: onvious :D
struct: I was getting like depth 14 with width of 6500?
eulerscheZahl: so you remove the garbage early to have a cluser look at the rest
AntiSquid: didn't you prune equal states?
eulerscheZahl: of course we did
miszu: in bfs you can't prume easilly as in beam?
struct: or more cant really recall
eulerscheZahl: unordered_set
dbdr: bfs with pruning = beam
AntiSquid: i forced it to stay at 1001 max
miszu: ohh
struct: can i post the beam part here to see if its right?
struct: it has really no evaluation and stuff like that
struct: that shows on the code*
dbdr: sure
AntiSquid: if it goes over you might have a bug really, i checked mine when it went over was counting extra possible stated going into 11-14 gems total so ...
struct: very dirty
eulerscheZahl: oh, you were faster because i did a little cleanup
struct: State* Agent::pool = new State[1000000]; State** Agent::queue = new State*[1000000]();
WINWINWIN: looks like they stopped kicking in the contest now. Rankings are final.
eulerscheZahl: huh? there are some kicks missing?
struct: thanks for sharing euler
dbdr: struct: you're not removing duplicates?
struct: no
dbdr: that's a huge impact
struct: I "did not have time "
dbdr: ok
WINWINWIN: Kicks are over in the contest...
[CG]SaiksyApo: No they are not.
eulerscheZahl: you will find some more :)
eulerscheZahl: also congrats on reaching legend [CG]SaiksyApo
eulerscheZahl: did you break your bot in the end? i even saw you a bit above me this morning
miszu: man I feel stupid now haha
miszu: beamsearch is not something so fancy
[CG]SaiksyApo: Won't keep an bugged AI so I fixed the known bug and made it worst :p
Astrobytes: lol, classic
dbdr: struct: what do you do with best?
dbdr: is that how to pick your action?
struct: yes, I store the first action id in the state
struct: and then just increase by 1
struct: first action that started that state
struct: so origin
player_one: I've noticed that my bots tend to get "entrenched" if I don't resubmit for a while.
struct: not the parent, but the parent of all I guess
dbdr: so you don't actually pick the best action/state
player_one: I didn't do anything for about 5 days, and mine was sitting at about 16th in Silver last night.
miszu: but hold on, you need a good heuristics for beam search. It is difficult to find good heuristic
struct: dbdr how should I have done it?
player_one: I then spent an hour or so improving it, and couldn't get above 100 in Silver, even though I know it was better! :-)
struct: eval just the best state?
dbdr: pool[0].actionId
dbdr: that would be a pure beam search
Maciulis: so whole state is added to unordered set or just inv deltas after casts?
meh1001: I used A* with the.. euclidian distance? as the heuristic
dbdr: pool[start].actionId
dbdr: you get the idea
struct: I see, thanks
dbdr: I mean what you do has some kind of sense. but you don't even consider the order inside the beam
dbdr: just what is inside or outside the beem
miszu: 1993/7035. Top 2000 I am happy
eulerscheZahl: "After REST, in the next turn only the ‘unlocked’ spells are available" some clever pruning from valcodi. how could I miss that?
miszu: eulerscheZahl why is that good pruning?
dbdr: ah yes, makes sense
miszu: you are missing lots of states
dbdr: ideally the beam would take care of it anyways
eulerscheZahl: why should you REST and then not do anything with that action
player_one: No. That's brilliant.
eulerscheZahl: sure, beam handles it. after some non-optimal states
dbdr: actually, I do REST - BREW sometimes
miszu: oh makes sense yeah
player_one: I only checked for BREW after CAST.
dbdr: if I'm sure the opp will not brew it
eulerscheZahl: that rest-brew only makes sense if you predict the opponent
eulerscheZahl: opp: i'll do that #3 potion
dbdr: easy to do depth 2
struct: it makes a lot of sense if you predict
eulerscheZahl: you: i want that +1. but it will be a #3 soon
eulerscheZahl: +3, not #3
struct: since you will have all spells ready when the net potion shows up
dbdr: yes, that's why I wait
dbdr: in case the price goes up :)
player_one: Got it. Yeah, I ignored bonuses. Out of scope for me. :-)
eulerscheZahl: i ignored them too
JohnCM: where's the forum to post strats for this?
JohnCM: ok
eulerscheZahl: 47 posts to read already
BrunoFelthes: 429 Too Many Requests
CowZow: hey I saw a lot of players using beam search - from what I read it is like bfs but then you limit the best nodes of each level to open. Is this right?
eulerscheZahl: right
player_one: Prioritize and limit, yes.
SirLoxley: How much does this bit shift hackery gain in terms of compute time? I used regular ints, and sometimes even Strings
CowZow: I see thanks
player_one: It's going to depend on the language, SirLokley.
eulerscheZahl: strings usually cost you quite a lot
player_one: If you want to compare in your language, I recommend you time some simple loops using different techniques.
SirLoxley: My chosen runtime was Java/jvm. Well Strings I used mainly as keys for Hashtables
JRFerguson: euler
eulerscheZahl: JRFerguson
SirLoxley: Next time I swear I use Rust. Spring I used C++ and hated it. Java is ok-ish but with all that memory allocation happening for you ... not good in real hard time situations
Nerchio: true
Nerchio: i might be trying Rust as well
Nerchio: we will see :D
eulerscheZahl: not every contest is as CPU heavy as this one
dbdr: but most are
eulerscheZahl: there have been some with python in top3
dbdr: let's say many are, and in all it helps
Nerchio: but it would be nice if i didn't have to start optimizing before i sit down to strategy so to speak
eulerscheZahl: that was extreme in this one
Nerchio: 'strategy' matters only so much when you can reach depth 3 or 4
eulerscheZahl: you need a lot of sims to feed the beam search at get results where param tuning makes sense
dbdr: true, though I think at some level perf was enough, it did not make the difference
struct: multi available
Nerchio: so yeah i used a bitset in java for the first time and i enjoyed it quite a bit
struct: oh not yet
eulerscheZahl: really?
dbdr: people reached depth 35
Nerchio: i think if you do it well it's not a much bigger mess with nicer performance
eulerscheZahl: fair warning for kick next time ;)
dbdr: don't need to go deeper :D
CowZow: eulerschezahl - your bitwise trick for the inventories was too clever PogChamp
dbdr: esp with beam
eulerscheZahl: thanks :)
struct: ah no
JRFerguson: i don't quite get the beam search
struct: link doesnt work
JRFerguson: can anyone share a resource about it ?
dbdr: perf might distinguish mid gold from legend, more than mid legend to top legend
eulerscheZahl: did you read this?
eulerscheZahl: @JRFerguson
eulerscheZahl: assume width = BeamWidth i screwed up trimming my snippet
Nerchio: ^ java would explode if i did this
eulerscheZahl: i did that in C#
eulerscheZahl: and then converted to C++
eulerscheZahl: not sure if it was necessary in hindsight
eulerscheZahl: given the close #20 i'd like to think that it was
Nerchio: maybe if you spent time rewriting on your C# bot it would be better
struct: oh they removed the box from home page :(
Nerchio: high placement of Wala in java also makes me thing you could reach higher with C#
eulerscheZahl: i know
Nerchio: even though java is quite slow compared to C++ i underestimated the possibilities
Nerchio: that you can do in this contest
JRFerguson: mmm, thanks eulsr
JRFerguson: euler
Nerchio: that's why im impressed with non C++ languages reaching higher spots :P
JRFerguson: i think i got it
eulerscheZahl: nice
dbdr: nice reference implementation
JohnCM: ok i shared my strat there
struct: states = next.OrderByDescending(n => n.HeuristicScore).ToList();
if (states.Count > BeamWidth) states = states.Take(width).ToList();
struct: so if I understand right
eulerscheZahl: that speed efficiency right there :D
struct: at the end you will pick the best at final depth right?
struct: and return it?
eulerscheZahl: yes
struct: ok i did it wrong like dbd said
eulerscheZahl: how did yours even work? :D
Nerchio: i liked the comment somebody wrote where they picked the most common starting move from 20 best
eulerscheZahl: now you know what to test in multi
struct: if i get legend with that change
struct: i delete
eulerscheZahl: you did right and i did wrong. don't delete
dbdr: it does some kind of vote on actions that lead to stay inside the beam
dbdr: it's not completely meaningless
dbdr: just not using all the information
dbdr: it might be more robust in a way, if the best path gets blocked
struct: I dont read the papers and then I come up with these implementations...
eulerscheZahl: that's what i did for MCTS
eulerscheZahl: but i think i understood it and got it right
eulerscheZahl: then implemented an MCTS solver without readin the paper :D
eulerscheZahl: seems to work. managed to make a colleague from work rage when playing connect4 against it
dbdr: :)
eulerscheZahl: "why does that idiot tell my that i lost?" 10 turns later...
JRFerguson: how do you score a rest action ?
eulerscheZahl: no special score
JohnCM: the score depends on the later actions you do
JohnCM: but it opens up possibilities for more spells
JRFerguson: when does the beam search think it is a good choice ?
eulerscheZahl: you reward with later spells that you apply
eulerscheZahl: oh and i slightly reward having a spell available
JohnCM: i realized the more heuristics i do to hardcore the actions, the worse it performs
JohnCM: so i just let the bfs do its job
JohnCM: hardcode*
JRFerguson: as i understand, you evaluate all the nodes at a certain depth
JRFerguson: and keep the best N
JRFerguson: 1200 in your case euler
eulerscheZahl: beam is wide enough. when the start leading to the REST is good, it won't get pruned instantly
eulerscheZahl: so even a bad REST can keep you in best N
JRFerguson: ok
wlesavo: euler dont you mind sharing your hash function for educational reasons? :slight_smile:
eulerscheZahl: i should then specify how i store my spells
eulerscheZahl: int64 for active, another one for exhausted
struct: I stored mine on u64
struct: same
Nerchio: i didn't know how to do the hash function so i was pruning by score :P
eulerscheZahl: REST: active |= exhausted; exhausted = 0
eulerscheZahl: the spell bits will overflow in that hash eventually
eulerscheZahl: but i start filling at the least significant bit
eulerscheZahl: so it's fine unless the opponent spams LEARN
struct: active is the same as learned right?
wlesavo: oh also, i thought to store in int64, but how you check if particular spell is active or not for this state?
eulerscheZahl: learned =active | exhausted
eulerscheZahl: and the last 6 bit are the tome
eulerscheZahl: for a score lookup of my currently learnt spells
struct: ah ok i had learned and exhausted
eulerscheZahl: scoreLookup[(active|exhausted)&0X3F]
dbdr: oh, you precalc the score? nice
eulerscheZahl: only 64 combos
dbdr: yeah, that allows for complex scoring if you want to
eulerscheZahl: i did. and then discarded :(
dbdr: yeah, it's hard/dangerous to be clever :D
Astrobytes: wow, it's available in multi already
eulerscheZahl: similar to my iterating
eulerscheZahl: even C# has a PopCount
dbdr: ERROR 404
JohnCM: i think i can hit legend for this comp if i finetune my bot a little
wlesavo: i feel dumb reading this code
eulerscheZahl: tried to access the multi dbdr?
JohnCM: it was alr beating gold pretty frequently
Astrobytes: I'm looking at my code in the IDE
dbdr: yes
JohnCM: a pity i reached gold late. the silver boss was too tough
struct: wlesavo popcount counts number of set bits
struct: __builtin_ctzl returns the first bit index from left?
eulerscheZahl: while (__builtin_popcountl(mask))
eulerscheZahl: while (mask)
struct: mask &= set the bit to 0
eulerscheZahl: how about that?
struct: oh right
wlesavo: ok i have to read about masks
eulerscheZahl: i bitboarded my hypersonic, that was a beast
dbdr: 1 year of covid and you don't know about masks?
eulerscheZahl: :D
Uljahn: :smiley:
Nerchio: only pokeballs in this chat
Astrobytes: lol
eulerscheZahl: are you scared?
wlesavo: dbdr apparently not enough :smiley:
Nerchio: i was using beam search with 400 nodes and i see people were using like 1.2k
Nerchio: feelsbad
Astrobytes: some eager beavers already resubmitting
dbdr: Nerchio: don't feel bad, test
eulerscheZahl: my c# version was at 500 only
eulerscheZahl: and i didn't gain much
wlesavo: 0 computing in legend :smirk:
Nerchio: in the end i finished with 400 depth 0 and +50 each depth
JohnCM: i haven't seen any legend python share their strats yet
JohnCM: would be interesting to see how python works
NitMpez: has any pm's been posted yet
NitMpez: was curious what i messed up :P
Astrobytes: yeah, loads
cegprakash: link plz
NitMpez: cool, i need to check them out
eulerscheZahl: is the player deletion finished yet?
wlesavo: wtf nercio you submit broke my rank ebven though i won a game
tomatoes: just click forums link :expressionless:
eulerscheZahl: 7025 remaining
Astrobytes: Since the multi is out I would think so
SandmanSW96: hey, in the contests/multis/etc, is there a hotkey for "replay with same conditions" ?
eulerscheZahl: i still see those 3
Nerchio: i lost all games cause i had a bug
Nerchio: :D
Astrobytes: maybe inform staff euler
eulerscheZahl: ok
miszu: I am struggling a bit with my datastructure for my MCTS. Is my Node too complicated or it looks alright?
TwoLate: Siharde is DQ'ed
pedrosorio: speaking of bitwise operations, I went full retard and stored the whole state in single Java long lol
Nerchio: that's good
Nerchio: if you can pull it out
Nerchio: :D
Nerchio: pull it off
BrunoFelthes: eulerscheZahl how do you deal with repeatable spells?
Nerchio: thats the correct statement :D
eulerscheZahl: apply again on the result of my first spell cast
eulerscheZahl: and then patch the parent relation
dbdr: I do that too. no need to multiply :)
pedrosorio: Nerchio, it makes the code messy and harder to iterate, and then I didn't even spend time tweaking the eval function which seems to be the main diff to get to legend
AshKetchum: euler do yo use std::map or your own map
dbdr: repeated additions
Nerchio: pedrosorio true but its quite efficient if you can handle it :)
pedrosorio: how do you paste code here?
Astrobytes: just paste it, it'll auto-pastebin
eulerscheZahl: unordered_map
eulerscheZahl: not using my own implementation AshKetchum
Backtomars: Guys, when you prune equal states, do you consider your spell states?
eulerscheZahl: of course
pedrosorio: brew, cast, learn functions that update the state bits:
Backtomars: thanks
BrunoFelthes: they will release the game today?
BrunoFelthes: wow
Nerchio: its up D
Nerchio: :D
Nerchio: and you just beat me -_-
BrunoFelthes: nice... the last contest that i participate, it take days...
Backtomars: After brewing one potion,should the states map be cleared for the next brew?
AntiSquid: so from rank 808 to 801 to 788 O__O that's a lot of deletz
AntiSquid: need to do a full rewrite
AntiSquid: one day ...
wlesavo: ещвфн шы еру вфн
wlesavo: damn cyrilic
AntiSquid: DA
eulerscheZahl: :D
eulerscheZahl: "today is the day"
wlesavo: today is the day i was gonna say
tomatoes: damn communist
wlesavo: damn you euler
Astrobytes: :rofl:
AntiSquid: isn't that the lyrics of the wonder wall song ?
eulerscheZahl: too much sitting lately. i'm off for a walk
Nerchio: enjoy
AntiSquid: wear a mask /s
Nerchio: take some bits with you to protect yourself
AntiSquid: funny this bugged version is my best one . it has bad enemy prediction, why does it rank 100 places higher?
JFB: Waw - small change of the parameters, 1st run in arena - and promotion to Legend (+ one more pushed too ;-) So I really can be in Legend in contest.
DomiKo: bot programming?
Nerchio: nice congratz
JFB: DomiKo - yes
AntiSquid: lol did you just missed legend JFB ?
AntiSquid: for contest i mean
wlesavo: submits are so smuth rn
JFB: Yes - I finished 2nd in Gold
AntiSquid: sux
AntiSquid: all the brutal testers stopped running in the background
Nerchio: benchmarks if anything :D
Nerchio: ok my bot is trash
Nerchio: goodbye bot i will never start it again :D
JFB: But it is trash from the Legend ;-)
Nerchio: true
tomatoes: legendary trash
kovi: is it just me not getting in?
struct: remove fail
struct: from end
kovi: oh thx, weitd
Alexians: new newbie, zero experience, trying to find something new to do
Alexians: Got into Crypto from coinbase, and wanted to see what else blockchain programming could offer
AntiSquid: haha
AntiSquid: that link
JFB: So it looks that middle of Legend was 1 submit away. C'est la vie
DomiKo: :(
DomiKo: close
JFB: So may 2021 - next try ;-)
DomiKo: so legend fell unstable right now
DomiKo: first submit top50
DomiKo: second submit top16 right now
AntiSquid: JFB damn that's some bad luck
MSmits: hi
MSmits: chat lagging?
miszu: qq for MCTS, the uct formula is ln(x) where x = total number of simulations of MCTS or the parent node visits?
twoeyes: hello! by any chance, is there a way to 'join' previous challenges and try them out?
twoeyes: nevermind, I JUST found it XD
DomiKo: hi MSmits :smiley:
DomiKo: yes its so laggy
Zenoscave: wow quick turnaround on the multi
eulerscheZahl: chat is back
Zenoscave: hi eulerscheZahl
Zenoscave: where'd you end up?
eulerscheZahl: 20 :)
Zenoscave: nice!
eulerscheZahl: my first CG contest without C# :(
Zenoscave: don't worry there's always a chance to redeem ;)
struct: There is no going back now
Zenoscave: struct will you delete?
Zenoscave: you made gold!
Zenoscave: turns out I could increase my beamwidth by 25% with no depth loss
Zenoscave: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
struct: delete why?
Zenoscave: you joked delete if no legend
Zenoscave: or was it no gold
struct: no gold
AntiSquid: i joked about delete if stuck in silver :P
Zenoscave: well what are you waiting for :P
geppoz: ok, now back to nintendo puzzle ;)
AntiSquid: :'(
Zenoscave: jk Anti
Uljahn: silver in python == gold in c++ :smirk:
AntiSquid: but seriously i can't tell anymore, was it really that hard of a contest or did i not invest enough time / attention, i don't remember facing such difficulties to promote
eulerscheZahl: nintendo or delete @geppoz?
geppoz: :D
Zenoscave: in 100 attempts or less
geppoz: I already risked saying "1st in country or delete"
miszu: AntiSquid I think it was a matter of time
geppoz: barely did it ;)
miszu: but the bots were good
eulerscheZahl: after emil was gone, the country victory became much easier for me
geppoz: there is 100 times french that any other country so...
AntiSquid: emil self-deported
geppoz: 60 it vs 3000 fr
struct: Not much competition in portugal
struct: there were only 2 people in gold
geppoz: 4 italy in gold
miszu: guess my competition in Canada...
AntiSquid: lots of new faces overall, wonder how many stay
geppoz: about nintendo i tried hard years ago
geppoz: timeouting in final tests
geppoz: then forgot about it, now it came again in my mind :D
struct: Just change country
eulerscheZahl: only 2 Germany in legend
eulerscheZahl: at least 22 in gold
miszu: we are the peaceful country. Why would I change it?
Nerchio: stop submiting in fall challenge guys its over
Nerchio: you are pushing me down
Nerchio: :rage:
eulerscheZahl: me too
BoBot: sry guys, can someone explain something about the beam search - people comment that they have beam width of X, f.e. X=1000 at depth is it possible to have X larger than the branching factor in this game...which is like <30 even with multiplications
Zenoscave: you use up to the beam width but not all of it
eulerscheZahl: at depth 1 you don't reach that width
eulerscheZahl: but at higher depths around 3-4 you do
BoBot: ok, so the descriptions are a bit suspect :D then I get it thx
Nerchio: i looked up RUST as an alternative to C++ for next competition damn the language looks rough
struct: maybe my beam width was too high
eulerscheZahl: a 1 month contest to learn it
eulerscheZahl: that's how dbdr started. on RAIC
BoBot: damn, reading the PMs it makes me feel I missed very little from hitting legend...I mean I got mid gold but I feel like I could have gotten farther
eulerscheZahl: He came from Java as well
Nerchio: i might try raic out
BoBot: I did not implement patience in my eval, and right now shoehorning it in does not seem to work
struct: I would try rust, but I feel like I still have so much to learn on c++
eulerscheZahl: warning: the next contest might be burnout complex
BoBot: I also did best-first search, not beam search, I guess that is the reason
dbdr: :+1:
eulerscheZahl: a starcraft game with base building, resource management, fighting units
Nerchio: sounds good
Astrobytes: in 3d
Nerchio: not good
Nerchio: :D
BoBot: ofcourse it sounds good to you @Nerchio ;)
Gronahak: 4d !
eulerscheZahl: might be just UI in 3D and game in 2D
Astrobytes: hm, it's RAIC
Nerchio: dbdr how do i work without 2d arrays
struct: is it like CG games?
eulerscheZahl: and
BoBot: haha I did best in the contest that played like a MOBA game, and I have played thousands of hours of Dota, felt like it helped
eulerscheZahl: RAIC is always more complex than CG games
Nerchio: i can't even create an array with the size i read from input in rust :joy:
eulerscheZahl: more tiny little details to make the engine complicated
dbdr: Nerchio use Vec
eulerscheZahl: a starter code that's like 30 files
AllYourMCTS: i like rust!
Nerchio: it's not slow?
struct: What are the machine specs in raic usually?
dbdr: no
AntiSquid: do you think they'll introduce some weird kind of aiming again for RAIC?
eulerscheZahl: no idea struct
AntiSquid: or maybe ships have velocity and fly by when trying to shoot
struct: is multi thread allowed there?
eulerscheZahl: but the games last much longer than on CG
AllYourMCTS: rust is touted as equal speed of c++
AllYourMCTS: not sure about actual performance for CG stuff though
Nerchio: i know thats why i wanna try it out
eulerscheZahl: CodeBall had 15k ticks where your bot could make an action
dbdr: Vec is like an array in Java/C#, in that it's behind a reference
eulerscheZahl: a replay with a 5min viewing duration and 60FPS
dbdr: rust array is an immediate value, you can't even do that in Java at all
AntiSquid: they never release source code of game engine do they?
eulerscheZahl: your bot had 6min in total to play the game. add the opponent and you are at 12min for a single match
struct: 12 min total?
struct: Are submits slow?
AntiSquid: and the starter code was pain
eulerscheZahl: that video is edited for highlights only
eulerscheZahl: and RAIC always has a debug mode (offline) where you can draw your own stuff
Astrobytes: do players do PMs for RAIC?
eulerscheZahl: yes. in Russian
eulerscheZahl: but publishing the code after the contest is common there
reCurse: Easier when there's no multi after
eulerscheZahl: yes
Astrobytes: Yeah indeed
eulerscheZahl: i think i won't enter RAIC this time to keep my sanity. others might enjoy it
Nerchio: looks difficult
reCurse: I have a hard time believing it's enjoyable
dbf: they promised to publish some promo about raic tomorrow, so maybe we will have a bit more details
struct: I doubt ill join
AllYourMCTS: did anyone use spell values based on the available potions for content?
AllYourMCTS: contest*
reCurse: They're in the category of contests that think design needs a billion details otherwise it's bad
reCurse: Then you realize what a horrible mess it is
eulerscheZahl: when it comes to completing a potion and LEARN is a good path: yes
dbf: yep, they like to add a lot of details, that are mostly ignored :)
eulerscheZahl: specifically choosing that spell in the first turns: i don't think so
reCurse: If you like figuring out a broken game sure. AI though...
eulerscheZahl: like: you can only climb a ladder if the bottom half of your body center line is on it
eulerscheZahl: (last RAIC)
eulerscheZahl: and you have a gun. but everytime you change your aim, you add some randomness to where you shoot
eulerscheZahl: so don't shake too much
reCurse: The contest is a second thought
reCurse: Let's have fun with the design instead
dbf: I hope it will be easier to control units, than in 2017
eulerscheZahl: if it wasn't for the suicide mine, i might have actually enjoyed the lat RAIC
eulerscheZahl: 2017 was a pain
eulerscheZahl: draw a rectangle to select units
eulerscheZahl: next turn: you have them selected
eulerscheZahl: now you can move that block of units
eulerscheZahl: but don't move into the other units as they will get stuck and none is moving anymore
dbf: but you can't move them every step :)
eulerscheZahl: yes, your code gets called 60x per second
eulerscheZahl: but you can only file 10 commands
eulerscheZahl: except if you capture command centers, then you get a few more
tibithegreat: Question: in the questmap I had a challenge to get gold in a contest, and I managed to get to gold in the fall challenge but the quest map doesn't see it :(
BoBot: wait, so you were literally fighting for time/cpu resources in the game?
tibithegreat: is there anything else I need to do?
eulerscheZahl: my guess: you never really promoted in the fall challenge multiplayer game
eulerscheZahl: they just moved the arena
eulerscheZahl: so that might not trigger the quest completion
eulerscheZahl: someone reported that on the forum already
tibithegreat: but in the arena I'm already gold
dbf: @BoBot no, it was just to make this game closer to how humans plays rts (don't know why they wanted it)
tibithegreat: so I can't promote to gold there either
eulerscheZahl: known bug, that's all I can say
tibithegreat: oh ok
BoBot: I think this is the first time you did not have to resubmit to the MP yourself?
reCurse: Spring was like that too I think
Astrobytes: "closer to how humans plays rts " - when we're coding bots to play against bots... :D
eulerscheZahl: RAIC organizers sometimes put the game experience over the bot programming experience
reCurse: This.
reCurse: A thousand times
eulerscheZahl: Astrobytes you can play the game vs a bot in your browser
eulerscheZahl: or offline runner
Astrobytes: Yeah, but that's not the point of the contest
eulerscheZahl: but then i always struggled with the controls and lost to my bot as i was just to slow to do anything
eulerscheZahl: as i said: i'll probably pass
Astrobytes: Not like you have a panel of judges all playing manually against all the bots :P
eulerscheZahl: :D
geppoz: any of you solved Nintendo? it is really possible?
struct: ofc its possible
struct: I just dont know how to solve it
Astrobytes: It's somewhat mathematical apparently :P
Astrobytes: all I know about it is Galois fields are a small part of it. And I'm weak in field theory. And everything else that pertains to that puzzle :D
reCurse: Strange puzzle for nintendo tbh
Astrobytes: Yeah, not sure what they were looking for with that...
AllYourWhat: i mean don't game devs usually need to heavily optimize stuff and use math a lot for trig/pruning/visuals/etc?
Zenoscave: not that kind of math
reCurse: There are a lot of different prog fields in game dev
reCurse: Just not that kind of stuff, normally
Astrobytes: Maybe they wanted someone to make really, really good license keys
reCurse: Or just hire a company actually specialized in the domain shrug
geppoz: +1 :D
eulerscheZahl: i'm completely clueless at nintendo. the only official puzzle that i have not solved
Astrobytes: Yeah, would make more sense
AllYourWhat: why get a company when you can get a dev on cheap who doesn't know how much they're worth!
reCurse: Because it's actually more expensive
Astrobytes: didn't someone say there's a video about it? Some dude paid a mathematics professor to explain the maths to him
player_one: I solved the 32 bit ones, and then wasn't motivated to optimize my solution for bigger numbers.
reCurse: With the notable few exceptions of some middlewares with shark royalties
reCurse: But not like you will recode those anyway
player_one: Now my head's not in that space anymore.
AllYourWhat: while answer not foudn:
reCurse: 4.2% timeout during rerun :o
eulerscheZahl: and who timed out the most?
reCurse: That's harder to grep
reCurse: Need to plug that in c#
eulerscheZahl: some parsing for the winrates by bot
reCurse: eww python
reCurse: But thanks
reCurse: Already got the structures mapped out in c# anyway
eulerscheZahl: did the download in python. somehow i once encountered difficulties with C# on another website. My Linux didn't have the encryption algo needed and Mono said it's the task of the OS
eulerscheZahl: me: shall i really fiddle with my system to get it working? nope, python
miszu: my MCTS does 3k simulations but chose the worst path. I guess my backpropagate is not doing it properly
eulerscheZahl: somehow i stuck with it
reCurse: Well Mono...
eulerscheZahl: yes..
reCurse: At least you have .net core now
eulerscheZahl: i'm on .net core now
eulerscheZahl: :D
reCurse: Or .net 5 now
eulerscheZahl: was years ago before .net core was a thing
reCurse: Microsoft, there's a lot of things I like about you, but your marketing is not one of them
Astrobytes: I swear their whole marketing dept is high
reCurse: They've been consistently weird for what. 30 years?
reCurse: It's an achivement
dbdr: not just the marketing
Astrobytes: lol
reCurse: Was waiting for that snark
eulerscheZahl: they made a lot of good decisions in the near past IMO
reCurse: Not trendy to like Microsoft I know
eulerscheZahl: .net under MIT, getting closer to Linux, ..
reCurse: They needed to get Ballmer out
reCurse: Now it's better
eulerscheZahl: i'm just not a fan of Windows itself. with there telemetry and all that. and i got used to my linux now
reCurse: They get a lot of flak for their telemetry and deservedly so
reCurse: But at the same time
reCurse: You're getting it much worse from websites
reCurse: So shrug
dbdr: it's my machine, why should I run secret code on it?
eulerscheZahl: true :(
reCurse: Do you have intel dbdr?
dbdr: yes
reCurse: Ok.
Zenoscave: well then...
eulerscheZahl: i don't see why i should pay for something that i can get for free in a more customizable version
reCurse: Well have I got news for you
dbdr: i kno the hardware situation is far from ideal
dbdr: not a reason to add one more layer if I can avoid it
dbdr: not news to me
dbdr: I know
reCurse: Just saying
reCurse: You don't own anything
reCurse: Not modern hardware anyway
eulerscheZahl: but in general my opinion about MS improved in the last few years with their new open source mentality
dbdr: that does not make software irrelevant
reCurse: "it's mine, why should it run secret stuff" is a lost cause imo
reCurse: But I agree just saying
dbdr: are you saying open source will somehow disappear?
reCurse: Which browser are you using?
dbdr: firefox
reCurse: Their privacy is just marketing
dbdr: I had phases with chromium too
reCurse: You're getting f* from so many angles
dbdr: just marketing for what? Mozilla is a non-profit (owning a corporation for legal reasons, does not change the principle)
reCurse: They're far from stellar in privacy
dbdr: nothing's perfect
dbdr: I can still make choice
dbdr: s
reCurse: I was just saying I'm not sure microsoft's make a big difference in the big picture
reCurse: But of course it's your choice
dbdr: google might be worse now, yes
reCurse: The privacy landscape is a dumpster fire that's too late to extinguish imo
AllYourWhat: lets just pull the plug on the entire internet
AllYourWhat: and start over
dbdr: for me benefit of open source is not only privacy
dbdr: it's also: if the maintainer/owner company makes a stupid decision, can someone fork the project to make take it in another direction?
reCurse: I was not arguing against open source or am I misreading
dbdr: I don't know :) I was saying I prefer to run open source on my machine when I have the choice
reCurse: Oh ok, sure. That's valid
reCurse: Wish it was easier to like Microsoft publically sometimes.
dbdr: it's ok, you did your coming out, we still like you ;)
dbdr: the way you are ;)
reCurse: Doesn't mean I hate linux or open source, heck I always have a wsl terminal up and running.
dbdr: :)
Astrobytes: always found it odd that Apple never got the same level of hate as MS
struct: Im hoping that GUI comes soon to wsl
struct: They have showcased it
reCurse: Apple has good marketing
reCurse: Which is the complete opposite
reCurse: Wasn't it already released?
reCurse: I mean insiders
Zenoscave: i don't think so. I haven't seen it
struct: Havent tried on insiders
Zenoscave: ah insiders maybe yeah
struct: "GUI app support in WSL is becoming a reality! We are getting closer to an initial preview and happy to announce a preview release for Windows Insiders within the next couple of months."
struct: september 22
reCurse: Oh ok my bad
reCurse: I really don't care about linux gui tbh
reCurse: But it's always good
reCurse: I'd say it's one of the main reasons I stick to windows
Astrobytes: Yep. Convenience.
reCurse: Or not horrible gui
Zenoscave: even the better gui's for distros are a pain
Zenoscave: Elementary tries but still...
reCurse: It takes a lot of work to pull off
reCurse: And not something sexy to work on
reCurse: So you need to get paid
Zenoscave: ^ this
reCurse: It's been a while I did C#
reCurse: When did they add automated source download and break
AntiSquid: lol linux gui for windows :D
reCurse: That's so good
Astrobytes: Yeah, good UI (and overall UX) needs a healthy dose of good HCI knowledge, something many lack
struct: AntiSquid is just to run the apps
Zenoscave: The c# field is really improving
reCurse: I wish I still had a use for c#
reCurse: I mean work or otherwise
struct: Only app gui will show
AntiSquid: yes it's good, what's not good is windows people who are afraid to understand/ have a look at WSL and probably even at this new feature ... hard to convince some folks
struct: Well with wsl i dont really need dual boot anymore
reCurse: WSL2 is amazing tbh
struct: its so fast
Astrobytes: I need to upgrade my windows version (still on 8.1 for music software/plugins), but I'm willing to break them after all the latest WSL developments
Zenoscave: 8.1 !?!?!?!?!?
Zenoscave: Astro...
ZarthaxX: im on win7 lol
Astrobytes: It would have broken a lot of plugins and software :shrug:
Astrobytes: I run it like classic windows though, not all that weird app shit
Zenoscave: Wait i thought win7 were all pushed to 10. Am I wrong
reCurse: They offered free upgrade
reCurse: Not forced
Zenoscave: Huh some were forced i vaguely remember.
reCurse: Hmm
struct: I recal earing something like forced
Zenoscave: I heard of updates auto starting and switching to 10 on a patch day
Astrobytes: I think the download was forced but not the install or something
Astrobytes: Yeah, I think it depended on your update settings
ZarthaxX: :thi
Astrobytes: how much is the upgrade anyway?
ZarthaxX: i didnt know about that :P
Zenoscave: it was 80-100 USD when i looked
Zenoscave: perhaps as changed
struct: Isnt upgrade free?
struct: from windows 7 and 8.1
dbf: I decided to switch to win 10 once I have a new pc, but I don't have any upgrades in last ~7 years, lol
Astrobytes: it was struct but not now
player_one: I haven't tried it, but this information still pops up every once-in-a-while.
struct: "You can also still upgrade Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro by using a product key from a previous business edition of Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 (Pro/Ultimate)."
emh: are points for contest delivered yet? what rank do you need to get points?
emh: I got 0 so far it seems
reCurse: Points will be done in a few hours I believe
Astrobytes: player_one: I've seen that but haven't tried it
reCurse: It's done once per day
dbf: emh, they are recalced overnight usually
emh: ahh ok
struct: I think its added at 1:00 am france time
emh: btw I released my first game on Steam today
emh: it's in Early Access Program
emh: just an alpha so far
player_one: Is it good? ;-)
emh: nahh not yet
emh: but might become :)
emh: hehe
Astrobytes: It's not based on that NSFW CSB thingy is it? :D
dbf: is there any AI for asteroids?
emh: Atrobytes hehehe noooo
emh: dbf nope
Astrobytes: good! :D
Astrobytes: emh, can you make that a CG game or something please :P
reCurse: grats emh
miszu: question for MCTS, does a node represent who is the next player to play or is it the previous player who played?
tibithegreat: I've worked in gamedev for almost 7 years and I have the utmost respect for anyone who manages to actually launch a game. So congrats emh
PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm still running 8.1 pro, 10 was crashing all my apps and hogging resources. The superfetch was killing it's usability. I had to turn off all the updates,cloud,play store crap ... but 8.1 is stable as hell. So I can't play some win10 directx12 dependent first person shooters... i have other machines for that. Chrome & silverlight are my nemesis, they open too many security holes and I refuse to use them. ok, TMI.
AntiSquid: looks like a nice pew pew game emh
AntiSquid: see? that's why CSB needs lazors and asteroids flying towards the pods!
tibithegreat: doesn't matter how big or complex the game is, if you went through the launching pains, you've been through stuff
Astrobytes: hm? You need to keep track of whose turn it is miszu, then score the nodes accordingly
miszu: Astrobytes my mcts returns the worst possible move
Astrobytes: reversed scoring?
AllYourWhat: the score in the current node is from applying the action from the parent node
reCurse: Ok so player with most timeouts in rerun is :drum:
PatrickMcGinnisII: emh did you write a postmortem?
reCurse: Deleted account with 1081 timeouts
emh: Astrobytes hehe it's made with Unity. porting to PIXI would be a challenge
emh: tibithegreat thanks :)
emh: AntiSquid thanks :)
reCurse: 2nd place goes to SaiksyApo with 65 timeouts
emh: PatrickMcGinnisII nope
Astrobytes: Yeah, simplified I mean emh ;) and yeah, well done!
miszu: my node has a player variable. That variable is who's turn it is
emh: thanks Astrobytes hehe
miszu: and my node
AllYourWhat: change the first condition to ```result != node->player```
miszu: why though?
Zenoscave: you're counting wins for opponent not you
AllYourWhat: you're root node is your action, to get the best action you're looking at its children's scores
AllYourWhat: but the children of the root will be your opponents action
AllYourWhat: that continues down the tree, just easiest to think about from the root and children fo root
miszu: yeah I get that
miszu: but the child wants to win as much as possible so it should increase its score if it wins no?
AllYourWhat: yeah but an actions score is contained in the child node that it leads to
struct: emh you dont have to use PIXi
PatrickMcGinnisII: miszu you do realize you can do all that back peddling in one while loop without recursion right? like while(node!=NULL) {node->visit++; node->wincount+=(result==.5?:.5:1);node=node->paremt;} thaqt kinda thing
PatrickMcGinnisII: man my typing is bad
miszu: PatrickMcGinnisII yeah I realized that :/ was following a website for the skeleton of MCTS. I can see you could optimize it
miszu: does doing stack calling is slower than loop?
PatrickMcGinnisII: everytime you push and pop and branch or instantiate objects you are wasting time
emh: struct can I use Unity WebGL? wonder how CG integration would work though and still, my game uses the HDRP pipeline so would need to convert it to the WebGL pipeline (LWRP/URP or what it's called)
miszu: PatrickMcGinnisII branch you mean like if else if statement?
struct: I dont know emh, I never tried or looked into it, I just know that euler maged to use three js with viewer
struct: press play my code
PatrickMcGinnisII: calling any function you push vars and change the instruction pointer, etc... if/else is fine if its organized properly
miszu: I'll benchmark it to see how big of a difference does it make
miszu: ok it clicked now
PatrickMcGinnisII: I often write code that's not efficient, but after it's working properly ... it needs to be efficient. Recursion is your enemy, unless you have a super efficient use for it.
miszu: your children is your score basically
AllYourWhat: :)
reCurse: Rerun timeout data for those interested:
emh: struct ahh cool it's doable then.. I have some experience with WebGL and three.js, see my homepage
PatrickMcGinnisII: thanks reCurse, anyone over 1% should be penalized ... that's sloppy
reCurse: ?
reCurse: There were server issues
PatrickMcGinnisII: I was seeing plenty of bots ranked 400 places above me, timing out ... it wasn't the server, instead of scaling back and refiguring what they were doing they would rather take the 1%+ loss ... it's just sloppy
Astrobytes: No, there really were server issues.
struct: Even CG aknowledged the timeouts
Astrobytes: never clicking on your homepage again emh :P
kovi: imho speed was not that important so i have chosen the safe 36ms
kovi: (not that important for c++/beam)
miszu: ok I am beating the silver boss bot easilly
PatrickMcGinnisII: I have run speed tests ... and the execution times for multiple runs on same code can vary alot.
miszu: with 3k sims at turn 2
struct: nice you should place around top 150 in gold
Astrobytes: cool miszu!
PatrickMcGinnisII: I would think there would be less variance on a compiled code than a scripting lang
miszu: let me see if I can win if the bot starts... just to not humiliate myself
Astrobytes: oh, not a submit, just IDE?
miszu: yeah
Astrobytes: watch out for that ;)
miszu: and I won vs bot when I am the O
miszu: the bot won when I am the O just now...
miszu: NIUUUUU
PatrickMcGinnisII: maybe I'm wrong, i guess sending and recieving responses can get tied up in que
miszu: I think I missed a condition check if I start 2nd
reCurse: There were random hiccups were your code would be interrupted for up to 30ms
PatrickMcGinnisII: miszu this uttt?
reCurse: *where
reCurse: Even in C++
miszu: yeah
miszu: super wierd. When I am X I beat the boss like for breakfast. If I am O, my bot is doing horrible
emh: Astrobytes hehe. nsfw stuff is hidden. you need direct link to go there. on front is safe for children
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmmm, there must be some kinda timestamping ... but i guess hyperthreading cores... sh*t what do i know
Astrobytes: lol, I'm no child but I can't unsee that emh. CSB has never looked the same since :D
Astrobytes: miszu: bug in your sim?
miszu: my mcts looks fine
miszu: but why when you flip role you don't do well
Astrobytes: that's why I said check your sim
PatrickMcGinnisII: reading the post mortem on the challenge and seeing how euler and domiko bitpacked the inventory and applied the transformations is pretty kewl
AntiSquid: kovi what is tc-ish ? ", so it is too much a solo optimization game with relatively narrow possible approaches (more tc-ish than cg-ish)"
reCurse: topcoder
AntiSquid: ah
Astrobytes: I get his point completely.
AntiSquid: i thought i'd be amongst the very few that didn't really liked it that much .
AntiSquid: thought more people would enjoy the heavy opti focus
Astrobytes: I wasn't keen from the start. But I grew some motivation on Saturday and Sunday :P
AntiSquid: i was enjoying this more :P
AntiSquid: actually we can play that as guests if anyone is interested
Astrobytes: lol
reCurse: No thanks
AntiSquid: not best graphics, but it's ok game
Astrobytes: I only came across the mattle site recently
reCurse: This game is horrible
PatrickMcGinnisII: love the dragons emh
AntiSquid: are you going to write a PM reCurse ? about your approach
reCurse: Maybe, unlikely
kovi: too bad this game has no use for battlestation
struct: Next contest physics please
reCurse: I could have used it to analyze search
struct: I want fb like
reCurse: Until I realized there is no point in having good search
AntiSquid: physics with fog or we delete in protest, right struct ?
Astrobytes: Give it a day or so reCurse. There's a lot of interest ;)
Astrobytes: (re. PM)
reCurse: A lot of the stuff has been spoiled with other PMs and top 2 deserve it more since I'm so far from them.
Astrobytes: Meh. Like I said, give it a day or 2
kovi: well, i like anything which is not beamsearch
Astrobytes: ^
reCurse: And chokudai?
miszu: so muy UTTT bot chose path that has high chance to win and output % of win and then suddently it drops by 10% even < 50%
miszu: I don't cache my mcts. I do a completely new mcts each time
kovi: ok, some totally different approach (eg. include enemy prediction or something)
kovi: and effective (dp and full-grapf resolve was interesting, but not useful enough)
reCurse: Well I have a mostly useless endgame search I guess
reCurse: Spent too much time on endgame before realizing it's also pointless
Astrobytes: This is why you should write a PM (no pressure)
Rounddice: I'm confused, why am I rank 5 again!? I was 19th when the Legend recount happened.
reCurse: That's the purpose of a recount
Rounddice: No, but I was 19th at the END of the recount.
reCurse: Oh you meant the multi sorry
reCurse: They duplicated the arena for rerun
kovi: was endgame pointless? i only had simple heuristics toward that one
reCurse: What you have is before rerun I think
reCurse: Ok let me rephrase
reCurse: It's pointless to go further than 'good enough'
reCurse: Just like it's pointless with search to go further than 'good enough'
reCurse: It's a strange game, the recipe draw breaks everything
reCurse: Which is why I found amusing so much talk about perf when it didn't matter
Cosmeen: Is clash of code actually helping me improve my coding, or am I just procrastinating? xd
reCurse: It looks like more optim should be great but actually
Astrobytes: The latter Cosmeen
ClockSort: where can i see final standings? is this this, or is this the multi?
Zenoscave: multi
kovi: recurse, yeah you are right
Astrobytes: ClockSort:
reCurse: On every compute intensive CG game I always get something out of more perf or more efficient
reCurse: This game? Had to stop my bot from searching more because it played worse for it
kovi: true
-Rutger-: @reCurse did you output the gamestate in challenge aswell? to debug locally ?
reCurse: I used... :drum:
reCurse: Bitstreams
Zenoscave: Lol duh
PatrickMcGinnisII: I didn't know taking the first 8 0 cost learns was actually a thing at op of leaderboard
Astrobytes: damn you were faster than my inb4
-Rutger-: ah like you explained in your video ?
reCurse: Yes
reCurse: Except don't do this at home
reCurse: There are much better ways
Astrobytes: (it's subjective)
reCurse: And with a small game state like this one I just base64 the whole state pointer
AntiSquid: his 3rd video holds the secret to sentient AI, ask him about it -Rutger-
Zenoscave: Serialization is an interesting subject
Zenoscave: What depth performed best for your bot reCurse? mine seems to be 8-12
reCurse: 15
Zenoscave: I tried that but perhaps beam width played a part too
reCurse: Found with much cursing and submitting
Zenoscave: too large a beam width gave bad results also
Astrobytes: (re)cursing and re(submitting)
-Rutger-: @AntiSquid im still hoping for more video's ;)
Rounddice: I made it dependent on the state of the game. Not sure whether that was a good idea
Zenoscave: don't hold your breath
reCurse: It was a fun experiment but I'm done with those
-Rutger-: haha i would be dead by now :p
reCurse: Even part 2 is debatable
Astrobytes: the beam width Rounddice?
Astrobytes: or the depth?
Rounddice: Both
Astrobytes: Oh
Rounddice: I decreased depth and increased with towards end
struct: re curse why did you decided to not do it anymore? Do you think the locam videos did not have enough quality?
reCurse: Part 2 was a downgrade
Astrobytes: interesting
reCurse: I'm not a showman
reCurse: I understand the effort required to make good content
reCurse: I'm not interested in putting it
Astrobytes: No, but it was very informative
Astrobytes: And you don't have to do much to impress an audience of programmers
PatrickMcGinnisII: Where is this Ai takes over the world video?
reCurse: Thanks but meh
struct: I understand
reCurse: There's much better out there
struct: I enjoyed them though
-Rutger-: yeah me too. i liked the fact that it wasn't prepared
Astrobytes: I dislike programming streams for the most part. I watch some youtube stuff now and then
NitMpez: i'd hate someone to watch my programming stream... it'd be awful for them and me
struct: It can be fustrating I guess
reCurse: There's a lot of pressure to be entertaining. It's a weird feeling.
PatrickMcGinnisII: I watch a couple PY streams during contest... it was actually kinda funny watching them pull their hair out
reCurse: Made me understand a lot more how some streamers work.
Astrobytes: I prefer content over entertainment in "knowledge-based" media
AntiSquid: i am amazed by instafluff guy gathering such a huge audience
NitMpez: i get coders block too much, i feel like i would be streaming me staring at code trying to figure out what to do next
Astrobytes: look at erricht o ... not exactly riveting
Astrobytes: But gets the job done
AntiSquid: ya but he's been doing it for a long time
struct: I opened his stream when he was trying to do DP for Fall challenge
Astrobytes: in between being harassed by randos wanting to know how to be the best at CP in a week
struct: it was too much complicated for me
AntiSquid: he paces it well imo
struct: Yeah, but im not really familiar with DP
AntiSquid: and i like his replies to the randos :D
Astrobytes: I just don't like the whole CP community thing for the most part
Astrobytes: Yeah I agree there AntiSquid
reCurse: Youtube for programming definitely works. I don't understand its appeal for streaming though.
Astrobytes: For a bit of fun it's alright, in the context of CG I think it works depending who is doing it
NitMpez: I just don't want to deal with the negative criticism on what I stream
Astrobytes: Don't stream. Upload video. Delete trolls.
AntiSquid: DrDisrespect moved to youtube because of twitch ban, still tons of views. I just maximize view and don't care about chat most of the time.
reCurse: I say youtube as in video
AntiSquid: yes
reCurse: Youtube streaming is still streaming
miszu: alright submitting my bot in UTT. Wish me luck
Astrobytes: yeah totally
Majeck: Astrobytes what do you mean by the CP community?
NitMpez: gl
struct: videos is way easier to make it look better
reCurse: Competitive Programming
Astrobytes: oh Competitive Programming
Majeck: Oh
Cosmeen: Is there anything more productive I can do on this website? I finished all my hw for college, and have some free time, but I don't want to go back to playing Minecraft :))
Majeck: what a horrible acronym lol
Astrobytes: oh not that again
Majeck: Cosmeen Bot programming
AntiSquid: uninstall minecraft Cosmeen
Majeck: Or code golf
Astrobytes: ^
Majeck: Both are fun and easy to get into
struct: Check fall challenge 2020
Astrobytes: (not code golf, bot programming)
Cosmeen: I saw they added a quest map, what path is most interesting?
struct: AI
reCurse: Clash of course
Astrobytes: all of them except the ones you don't like
AntiSquid: the ML one
Astrobytes: It's not like you *have* to complete it
miszu: 1st in silver
Cosmeen: AntiSquid just for the memories man, really felt good since I didn't play in like 2 years
Cosmeen: AI is that one?
Astrobytes: problem with switching player id's miszu?
miszu: Astrobytes I don't think so. I doubled check and it looks fine
AntiSquid: actually you could try to do some Minecraft ML if you are willing to put up with debugging and setup headaches ...
miszu: sometimes it goes for promising move but actually it made it worse and the % went down
miszu: I do 3k sims
Cosmeen: I didn't get into ML yet actually, would be nice to go ahead on what they teach at college, where should I start with that?
Astrobytes: cool, so it's working to some extent at least
miszu: maybe my numbers are not high enough
miszu: 3k might not be enough to see if a move would be a bad move but my mcts sees it as most promissing
miszu: at least my rating is above the boss
NitMpez: feel like first contest i did in a while... i actually di code vs zombies again in c++ and acraft to prepare doing this contest in c++
miszu: I have 29.69 and boss has 28.14
Astrobytes: looks like you're going up if you keep that score going
miszu: oh for sure I am going to gold
Astrobytes: Cosmeen: what have you learned in college?
miszu: but will it cut to legendary? :P
Astrobytes: That's when you need the optimisations.
Astrobytes: 20K+ iirc for legend?
Astrobytes: I don't have a proper UTTT bot yet. I've been putting it off.
reCurse: Don't
NitMpez: haven't even tried yet
struct: Only was worth it because I didnt spent much time on it
NitMpez: been trying to go back and do contests i missed
Astrobytes: It's one of those rainy day ones where something else is always preferable for me
miszu: look at this and the debug values
PatrickMcGinnisII: my backyard is 2 foot tall grass now because of the contest
miszu: I am around 50%, one time 60%ish and then 40% and then lost
Astrobytes: guessing your debug values are going to stderr
miszu: yeah
AntiSquid: PatrickMcGinnisII just put fake grass on top
PatrickMcGinnisII: miszu i played your bot before it promoted, good job...better than me, butt hat's not hard
Astrobytes: (so we can't see that... :D )
NitMpez: :P
miszu: PatrickMcGinnisII when did you play vs my bot?
PatrickMcGinnisII: my hottub has a frog living in it now, wth
PatrickMcGinnisII: damn it CG
PatrickMcGinnisII: just now miszu
Astrobytes: get in there and 'befriend' it
miszu: I can't see your bot
PatrickMcGinnisII: hes' actually pretty cool, just hope he doesn't die when i put chems in it
miszu: like I don't see your profile pic
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh I'm way down in silver in uttt, i didn't put in alot of effort
Astrobytes: take the poor wee thing out before you put anything in it Patrick
PatrickMcGinnisII: I usually only get in it in the winter, too freakin hot in summer
Astrobytes: You don't have a thermostat?
AntiSquid: is that how you see your tenant? as a frog ?
Astrobytes: Not that I own a hot tub I may add.
PatrickMcGinnisII: they are tree frogs, they geet around... sticky feet
Astrobytes: well put it back on a tree before dosing it with muriatic acid or chlorine
miszu: promotion to gold in 30 min! :)
PatrickMcGinnisII: I actually have another house, I'm kicking that tenant out in february
PatrickMcGinnisII: i'd rather have the frogs
Astrobytes: nice one miszu :)
miszu: 3.6 points difference than the bot
miszu: let's see gold later :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: no acid, I'll prolly drain it first so I don't have to use as many cchems
miszu: my next improvement is to actually keep the mcts used and continue for next iterations
AntiSquid: kicking out? oof what happened
miszu: it does fresh mcts each turn
PatrickMcGinnisII: i didn't do beam in contest, I'm probably going to have to now
Astrobytes: just set your root to the best node and go from there. But you're gonna need some more optimisations
miszu: yeah but I use dynamic allocations :/
miszu: so I need to modify that
Astrobytes: turn 1, preallocate or die screaming
AntiSquid: i reach all states, but only for creating one potion :D
miszu: yeah I need a datastructure for my pool of nodes
PatrickMcGinnisII: tenant always tearing up my stuff, they broke the kitchen faucet, the tub spout, the front door, holes in the walls... they suck! house was perfect when they moved in. They put an above ground pool up in backyard w/o telling it's full of fungi and mosquito larvae. And they killed all the grass, i could go on and on.
AntiSquid: wow assholes .
miszu: PatrickMcGinnisII do you have damage deposit?
PatrickMcGinnisII: I gotta work on stuff b4 dark...
PatrickMcGinnisII: more dmg. than that'll pay for
AntiSquid: sounds like my former next door neighbours
AntiSquid: digging holes in the backyard :D
miszu: can't you sue them?
AntiSquid: guy walking around in towel ... not sure if with or w/o underwear
Astrobytes: Node* nodes; Node nodes[NODE_MAX]; have a play an d see what works miszu
miszu: Astrobytes how can you guarantee that the next one you use is not used in your mcts?
struct: everytime you store in a node
struct: you increment
PatrickMcGinnisII: i told tenant already to prep for move, they tried to change the numbers on the lease for the deposit...I'm like, yall ain't getting any $ back ... go ahead and sue me with your fraudulent documents... dumb asses.
Astrobytes: ^ and make a s**tload of them
miszu: is it possible your whole array is used?
struct: well yes
miszu: # of sims = # of nodes you need right?
Astrobytes: I'll let struct answer that one ;)
struct: I think thats seems right
PatrickMcGinnisII: I'll trade rental house for condo in scotland, rofl
struct: On uttt I allocate like 18Mill
struct: But that is because my MCTS is not right
miszu: cuz in traverse() you keep digging if your node is full of visited children, then you create new node
miszu: 18 mils?
miszu: CG can handle that shit?
Astrobytes: you must be mad PatrickMcGinnisII
struct: depends on the size of node
struct: you have 768MB
Astrobytes: ^
miszu: plz don't roast me :(
Astrobytes: this is where the optimisation part begins
**PatrickMcGinnisII is crazy ... in a good way.
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, work to do, glhf.
Astrobytes: later PatrickMcGinnisII
struct: and I can even reduce the size
struct: if I change the first 3 vars to int8_t
miszu: yeah but 1st child index can be misleading, what if the next index is used for another node?
Astrobytes: I was gonna say
struct: i know how many childs the node have
miszu: fair enough
miszu: but you need to select a child at random
miszu: unvisited
struct: There are multiple ways to do this
Astrobytes: Yes but you use the next available node in the preallocated array
miszu: also, do you use cin for read input?
miszu: btw, I haven't even include the pragmas
miszu: so that 3k could be a full 4k
Astrobytes: add those
Astrobytes: possibly more
struct: pragmas on Fall challenge was 10x boost for me
struct: for some reason
Astrobytes: bit twiddling weirdo things struct :P
miszu: I am proud of my bitboarding
Astrobytes: Voodoo
miszu: 1st time bitboarding
struct: What was the questin about cin though?
miszu: is cin okay to use?
miszu: or better scanf?
miszu: reading inputs is slow
damoah2: hello
struct: I use cin
miszu: ok no optimization for readings?
struct: never cared about the performance of reading inputs
struct: idk, never checked
darkhorse64: miszu: use tables instead
miszu: darkhorse64 tables instead of what?
Astrobytes: your win checking I believe
miszu: so instead of 11 ors I should have an array where it's precomputed if it is a win or not?
Majeck: What happened to "emil" in the leaderboard
Majeck: I can't find the user
darkhorse64: use a lookup table to compute vitory, loss
miszu: does it make big difference?
miszu: in performance?
Astrobytes: well, you've got almost a second in the first turn, do the maths ;)
Astrobytes: Majeck: #3
struct: gn everyone
Majeck: #3 in the contest leaderboard shows up as reCurse
Astrobytes: gn struct, well done on gold again :)
Majeck: was reCurse emil :O
struct: thanks
miszu: Astrobytes no I meant instead of using the ors, would using lookup table be much faster?
miszu: :)
Astrobytes: should be
miszu: alright gold runs now!
struct: Majeck you must play Nier to understand who was emil.
Majeck: Nier Automata
AntiSquid: i never played nier automata but the avatar made me think of ...
Astrobytes: <incoming random anime picture/video>
Majeck: I thought it represented the lady fish in the Shark Movie
Majeck: *Shark Tale
Astrobytes: lol wtaf
Majeck: Looked like a fish to me hahaha
Astrobytes: :D
miszu: top 50% in gold
AntiSquid: eh Astrobytes ? it made me think of recurz avatar
Astrobytes: nice, should end up top 1/3 or thereabouts miszu
miszu: good news is that it shouldn't take much optimisations
Astrobytes: ah OK AntiSquid, was expecting the usual ;P
miszu: bad new is... I am about to enter in a world where it's very easy to make a mistake
Astrobytes: Gold boss is tough from what I know
miszu: I can draw sometimes with gold boss
miszu: but didn't win yet
Astrobytes: good start regardless
Astrobytes: hey darkhorse64, how did you like the contest?
miszu: I need to read about pragmas and which one to turn on
AntiSquid: already gold ?
Astrobytes: start with #pragma GCC optimize("O3","unroll-loops","omit-frame-pointer","inline"), try some combinations out.
Astrobytes: Depending what you're doing you may need to enable certain vectorization flags
Astrobytes: etc
miszu: gonna read about optimize
miszu: time to activate cheat codes :D
darkhorse64: Not a first sight. It took me quite some time to figure out what to do. I finally wrote an optimized BFS on Saturday (the previous was slow and buggy) but I failed to design a proper eval
Astrobytes: Similar to me, though I wasn't keen on the game at all from the start. Didn't get motivated until Saturday, by Sunday I didn't finish my rewrite in time so stayed in silver
darkhorse64: The key points were compressing the state (600 -> 48 bytes) and removing duplicates (for more depth)
darkhorse64: Probably, I can get a lot smaller but 500K + visited nodes per turn is enough
Astrobytes: think it might be more eval-centric rather than raw node counts from what I've heard so far
miszu: MadKnight here:
darkhorse64: May be I should try the inventory bits trick just to see how much it gains. Having a break rn. The weekend coding session 2x12h has been tiring
Astrobytes: strange game anyway, don't like it too much. I prefer the user contributions these days
Astrobytes: Yeah, it takes the energy out of you for sure
ScriptKiddie0101: genshin impact
darkhorse64: The penguins & blocking multis are interesting to try out 3/4 players algos
Astrobytes: Yeah, next stop for me
Astrobytes: Also trictrac's fireworks one
Astrobytes: in contributions
darkhorse64: miszu: computing moves on a mini board is also a lookup
darkhorse64: filling a vector :scream:
miszu: yeah... correctness first, then optimizations :P
Astrobytes: darkhorse64: he just started with it ;)
darkhorse64: I spent months on optimizing UTTT
miszu: pragmas, pool of nodes, getting rid of vectors
Astrobytes: still haven't bothered
Astrobytes: haven't even check my Oware in a while, need to get back in top 10
Astrobytes: *checked
miszu: UTT is a cool project to master basic knowledge of c++
miszu: 159th/611 in gold
miszu: if I reach legendary I change my profile pic
Astrobytes: submit finished?
miszu: golds run is done
darkhorse64: This as my first multi and I foolishly imagine that I could be #1. So I try hard. Now I am more modest ...
Astrobytes: :grin:
darkhorse64: *was*
Astrobytes: it's those ankles again darkhorse
Astrobytes: miszu: top 1/3, struct was correct
miszu: yeah looks like it
darkhorse64: Dying PC. Waiting for Black Friday
miszu: almost top 1/4 :D
Astrobytes: Indeed miszu
darkhorse64: How many rollouts second turn ?
Astrobytes: < 3000
miszu: 3k on average
darkhorse64: You need a 6/7 x improvement for Legend
miszu: darkhorse64 here is an example and look at cerr:
miszu: 3.5k sometimes
miszu: gonna start with pragmas
miszu: easiest to fine tune
miszu: then basic lookup table for smallboard
miszu: then ???
Astrobytes: miszu: we can't see your cerr output, only you (that might be weird in a contest if we could right?)
miszu: oh...
Astrobytes: You can output stats or whatever after your turn output before the endl/\n
darkhorse64: move generation. Pragma for Legend might be enough
miszu: Astrobytes let me try that
Astrobytes: rerun your submit with the pragma I gave you
miszu: I want to benchmark the optimize() and the target() as well
Astrobytes: are you using any special instructions?
miszu: what special is special?
Astrobytes: popcnt, ctz etc
miszu: nope
miszu: simple c++
Astrobytes: right, well try with just the pragma I gave you
darkhorse64: +1
miszu: I'll try it
miszu: ok here it is
miszu: with the # of sims in cout
Astrobytes: sorry, was petting my cat :D What happened to output on first 2 turns? And is that with or w/out pragma?
MadKnight: Astrocats
miszu: haha
miszu: 1st turn I always play middle
miszu: 2nd turn is the opponent
miszu: 3rd turn is me starting mcts
Astrobytes: Catstrobytes ;)
miszu: before pragmas
Astrobytes: oh, yeah, lol, sorry
Astrobytes: long day
Astrobytes: now pragma
miszu: benchmarking the Os
miszu: ok so Ofast gives me most sims
miszu: >= 6k
Astrobytes: I usually start with Ofast and work my way down
miszu: I did all of them
miszu: ofast is most consistent
Astrobytes: try it out and see
miszu: yeah I just did it
miszu: brb
Astrobytes: argh
Astrobytes: 3326
Astrobytes: woops, wrong window
Scarfield: xD
Astrobytes: away with your EcksDees :P
Astrobytes: How did you like the contest Scarfield?
Scarfield: haha, it gave me a needed laugh, judt looked at my contest code and realised why it did so bad
Astrobytes: I had a similar revelation last night lol
Scarfield: i liked it well enough, but didnt put enough time in to do much, and also apparently coded something different than what i wanted :'(
Scarfield: in an effort to simplify my initial approach, i took 1 ingredient at a time, somehow forgot to change it so it would look for the entire recipe.. saw it within 10 minutes today lol
Astrobytes: Yeah, I didn't get motivated until the weekend really, not a big fan of the game, but it was alright
Astrobytes: hahaha, I had something similar going on Saturday I think
miszu: funroll-loops doesn't help relaly
Astrobytes: have you submitted miszu?
miszu: I just put Ofast for now
miszu: what's the pragmas you use again?
Scarfield: i was doing UTTT when i learned about using pragmas, got almost double the simcount from these:
- pragma GCC optimize "O3,omit-frame-pointer,inline"
- pragma GCC option("arch=native", "tune=native", "no-zero-upper")
miszu: nvm foudn it
Astrobytes: uhhh from memory pragma GCC optimize("03", "inline", "unroll-loops", "omit-frame-pointer ")
phord: I started out with beam search (didn't know what it was called, though) and couldn't get out of bronze. Sounds like most of the winners used beam, though.
Astrobytes: Scarfield's one should be used with avx/avx2 I believe for auto-vectorization
phord: I guess my beam was too narrow. :-(
Astrobytes: *target of avx/avx2
Scarfield: ah, just copied them from someone in chat, never really looked into what it does :p
Astrobytes: Anyway, I am totally exhausted. I shall see you all tomorrow, good luck miszu!
miszu: thanks Astrobytes!
Scarfield: gn :wave:
miszu: 102th/611 now
Zenoscave: separate param tunings but same bot
Zenoscave: this was weird
lazily.evaluated: YOOOOOOOOOOOO
ScriptKiddie0101: YOOOOOOOOOOOO
miszu: simple lookup table for my UTT increases # of sims from 9k to 13k
ClockSort: UTT = ?
miszu: Ultimate tic tac toe
miszu: question about MCTS, is saving the sims and applying your move and opponent move doesn't affect the correctness of the MCTS algorithm? Like I want to know if you can save your mcts for future sims and not restart from 0.
Lysk: yes you have to select your new root node based on the move you made + move opponent made
miszu: ok thanks
crystal_prince: hello