Xedux: @KiwiTae have you it's solution
KiwiTae: for each node u need to print its right and bottom neighbours or -1 -1 if they dont exist
Xedux: yeah i understand
Xedux: but not able to write the code in proper format
KiwiTae: can send me your code maybe i can check whats wrong with it hehe
Xedux: ok
RohanasaurusRex: hey im relatively new to programming i have learnt python and c, so I was wondering if I should learn Javascript or Java. Which do you think would be more useful. Thanks for the help!
KiwiTae: go for c# :D
RohanasaurusRex: Oh ok thanks lol
Deeps2104: why everyone here is using python or javascript even though c++ beats em all
eulerscheZahl: beat in regards to what? speed? code size?
eulerscheZahl: how easy it is to write it?
eulerscheZahl: use the right tool for the right problem. contests are usually dominated by C++
Deeps2104: ofc in speed dude
Deeps2104: Yupp i actually got the idea.For such easy stuff python is way more superior than c++ because of its library
eulerscheZahl: c++ all the way
eulerscheZahl: language potporee
thanhhv317: yeah
thanhhv317: what time is it
thanhhv317: in your country
eulerscheZahl: 7am
eulerscheZahl: soon logging off and switching to my office PC
_Forever_: how to write a great AI
Deeps2104: yupp i see
MACKEYTH: OMG, Java, why?
MACKEYTH: Can't say "Hi" when "Greetings and salutations this fine morning, afternoon, or evening my good sir or madam"
MACKEYTH: would do
Trap-chan: hello everyone :D
DejaVu_0081: hello
sid12123: blackpink in your area
AntiSquid: na na na
PaarthThePro: :grinning:
AntiSquid: PaarthThePro you get banned for that
AntiSquid: use
AntiSquid: use
PaarthThePro: :grimacing:
PaarthThePro: :upside_down:
AntiSquid: #clash channel .
PaarthThePro: :open_mouth:
PaarthThePro: :grinning:
G-Rom: we just released a new page to highlight streamers (reload your page, it's at the top right). Very excited to see upcoming streams ;)
KiwiTae: G-Rom good job, feels dangerous to click this new button hehe
G-Rom: oh, you mean you're afraid to do immediate live stream by clicking it?
jrke: new lice button nice
jrke: live*
Marchete: noice
DomiKo: really nice
KiwiTae: G-Rom yes ><
KiwiTae: but I did click it :D noice feature
AntiSquid: G-Rom that's awesome!
AntiSquid: now other coding puzzle sites will probably do the same :joy:
AntiSquid: i will try to get a better connection for streams, wonder if people still watch if i go a bit slow though
G-Rom: let's try it ;)
AntiSquid: thibpat has a good stream imo, i mean the way he handles it
Illedan: Like that new Stream button :O Maybe I should try a stream now :thinking:
KiwiTae: Illedan u should hehe
Illedan: No idea what to stream, but I will stream the next contest I think
JBM: that's what 90% o ftwitch views are about
Metanoob: mantits
Metanoob: sry
Illedan: I'll think about it
AntiSquid: would you date a streamer girl JBM?
AntiSquid: i don't mean a normally dressed one
JBM: let's say, not any less than any other girl
JBM: i don't believe in discrimination
AntiSquid: one of those that just show off their looks and giggle for the thousands of fans
JBM: where are you going with this?
AntiSquid: just asking
AntiSquid: nowhere
Goldwave: wtf did i just walk in on
AntiSquid: we don't know what you do at home ...
jacek: i know, i work for the gov
jacek: you nasty boy
AntiSquid: jacek = NSA spy
Shrimpster: he didnt say what gov
AntiSquid: KGB
KiwiTae: CCP
Shrimpster: mi6
Westicles: la Sûreté
KiwiTae: hey does it get cold in France during winter? :/
AntiSquid: Spaz
AntiSquid: yes KiwiTae
KiwiTae: :scream: im gonna miss my island >,<
AntiSquid: how's china treating you ?
AntiSquid: western media doesn't cover much
Westicles: Still having those crazy air raid drills in Taipei? Almost made me miss my flight once
KiwiTae: hahah its not crazy we just do that every few months
AntiSquid: what flight? US army chopper Westicles ? hmmmmm
KiwiTae: we have military drills, so cannot go out for like 30min its no big deal
KiwiTae: CCP is bullying everyone in the south sea so theres that >,< as long as they dont invade us we gucci..
jrke: chinese army is also under india's border
jacek: oO
tibu: how to reverse module 5 and -1 to 400000003?
tibu: *reverse modulus
kill-code: hi
Olusola: hello world
kill-code: hi
Olusola: whose in the current clash?
KiwiTae: #Clash
kill-code: oh
Shrimpster: hello
Shrimpster: :D
kill-code: hi
Olusola: it's starting in less than 30 secs
Tanvirt073: wanna play clash of code?
kill-code: cant
kill-code: i not good at codeing
Shrimpster: *sad noises*
Tanvirt073: so what ? practice makes a man perfest
kill-code: oh
kill-code: ur right
Shrimpster: (and a woman lets not be sexist)
kill-code: #kiilcoodeown
croraf: What is clash of code?
kill-code: idk
kill-code: join my chat
Shrimpster: a little competition to show and improve your coding skills
pharesmostafa: hi all
Remembered_Goodbye: hey guys, howd u do the mime type puzzle
_Lion_: hi
LeisureSkrellingtons: is there a way to turn off the 'special modes' in clash? like reverse etc.
Einwickler: LeisureSkrellingtons no there isn't
Remembered_Goodbye: no i think its just random
LeisureSkrellingtons: ok, thanks
kill-code: hi
Ethaen: caca
AntiSquid: don't .
kill-code: hi
eulerscheZahl: when was that LIVE box added to the top bar?
Astrobytes: today
eulerscheZahl: i see
eulerscheZahl: but i don't understand what the streamer is saying
Astrobytes: I've not checked the streamer
eulerscheZahl: CoC and loud music
Astrobytes: lol, how entertaining
kill-code: wyd
eulerscheZahl: how does that even work? does CG regularly poll twitch to see if there are streams?
G-Rom: yep
codeing: wesh
codeing: does it exist another platform fun like codingame ?
kill-code: ys
kill-code: a
codeing: kill-code what ?
kill-code: what
kill-code: why are you mean :sob:
Shrimpster: there is codechef or smthin like that
VampiresKing: i dont think so their is other fun platform codiningame.this; . lol
Shrimpster: but I prefer cg too^^
eulerscheZahl: for classic textbased puzzles there are tons of other websites
eulerscheZahl: hackerrank, codeforces, codechef, spoj, ...
VampiresKing: but this one is interactive
Astrobytes: project euler
eulerscheZahl: the interactive part of CodinGame however is pretty unique
Westicles: Let's get dbdr a carton of cigarettes and he can stream 2048 info
Astrobytes: yes, CG has the graphical aspect, multiplayers etc. Far more features than other sites
dbdr: Westicles, I don't smoke
eulerscheZahl: good decision
Astrobytes: Indeed
kill-code: smoke
Westicles: Okay, well this current guy is the only twitch I've watched. Dancing girls then?
darkhorse64: Coding girls only
eulerscheZahl: is KnittingDev still a thing?
kill-code: i am a girl
Astrobytes: hm, I just tuned in and he was googling 'square'
darkhorse64: Then you can stream
eulerscheZahl: she was streaming regularly when i was new to CG
Shrimpster: ahahaha
kill-code: maybe\
Westicles: dbdr, I was reading the ru chat. They all call you the 'monster'
kill-code: im dieing
dbdr: honored :D
Astrobytes: gotta add that to your bio now dbdr, 'a.k.a The Monster' :)
dbdr: lol
dbdr: you know russian Westicles?
darkhorse64: In Cyrillic
Astrobytes: haha yes
Westicles: no, just read the translation.
dbdr: dbdr он же Монстр
dbdr: looking for clues?
Astrobytes: It even looks good!
Westicles: Yeah, but it turns out we are doing the same thing. Considering we pretty much have exact same scores now
AntiSquid: there's a streamer, let's RAID
Astrobytes: ?
kill-code: i am streaming
eulerscheZahl: your lead is surprisingly persistent. without you i would say the maximum possible is somewhere around 59353k
dbdr: I didn't know that was the maximum
dbdr: that's how I beat it
eulerscheZahl: like the bumblebee who doesn't know that it can't fly
AntiSquid: game ?
dbdr: 2048
eulerscheZahl: meanwhile royale is climbing ranks at onitama. he keeps playing although the last few CP are quite hard to get compared to the effort needed. I think he likes the game :)
Astrobytes: oh you're 2nd now
dbdr: oh, gg on lvl 54 btw
eulerscheZahl: for a few days again
eulerscheZahl: lvl54 since yesterday
eulerscheZahl: minesweeper got approved
Astrobytes: ah that's why all the new contributions from you :P
AntiSquid: go faster! it's fast mode ! faster ! damn it lol
eulerscheZahl: if i was going for XP, i would create clashes
Astrobytes: hm, fair point
Monstrux: hey Guys, quick question
how does this clash of code for beginners work? DO I have so solve only 1 problem or, theres more after you finish the first one?
AntiSquid: for clash how would you know the puzzle you want to make doesn't exist#
eulerscheZahl: you join and solve 1 problem
eulerscheZahl: then you can join again to solve the next
dbdr: now there are two puzzles both called Minesweeper :D
eulerscheZahl: and if you do that too often you have to solve a captcha
eulerscheZahl: i know dbdr. I just didn't care :D
Astrobytes: darkhorse64, dbdr: off-topic but what's the meta on Penguins? Just the usual minimax/MCTS-fest or anything special going on?
eulerscheZahl: there are almost 2 2048 as well
AntiSquid: and multiple bulls and caws
dbdr: Astrobytes: no Idea, I just have greedy I think
dbdr: depth 1
AntiSquid: nvm
darkhorse64: greedy, don't get pushed
Astrobytes: cool, thanks
dbdr: bulls and calves
darkhorse64: I could write a MCTS for two players but I don't know how handle 3,4 players. MaxN does not look too appealing
AntiSquid: @Coderbekka check BotG lol
Astrobytes: Yeah I was considering options and nothing looked overly appealing, or at least not worth the effort in terms of reward
darkhorse64: Waiting for GoTW magic to add 200 players
Astrobytes: lol yeah, hopefully
dbdr: let's see how CG deals with this link :D
Hjax: almost exactly three weeks until the fall contest :D
AntiSquid: wtf ^
AntiSquid: guy above hjax
Hjax: i sniped squids wtf
kill-code: lol
Astrobytes: it's the original 'monster' quote from ru AntiSquid
dbdr: I'm a monster cg apparently. maybe means cg monster?
JBM: maybe it means you're scary to them
dbdr: I'm the monster under your bed when you switch off the lights at night
AntiSquid: but i sleep under the bed ...
AntiSquid: alone
AntiSquid: where's the monster
Hjax: dbdr is a giant, city destroying crab (rustacean)
Astrobytes: 'rustacean' :smile:
Hjax: thats what the rust community calls themselves
Hjax: rustaceans :D
Astrobytes: brilliant, I love it
Hjax: the mascot for rust is a crab called Ferris
Astrobytes: Like 'ferrous'?
Astrobytes: (iron, rust etc)
dbdr: probably, good catch!
Hjax: yep!
Astrobytes: Nice!
dbdr: original c2rust tool was call corrode
zapakh: That is awesome
Astrobytes: It wouldn't be right if there weren't multiple puns on the language name within a language community/toolchain
kill-code: #kiilcoodeown
Hjax: ?
dbdr: I guess 'cargo' is also in the industrial theme as a package manager and build tool
kill-code: it a chaat
kill-code: u can spam anything you want
AntiSquid: no
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 will find you and ban you
Automaton2000: then again, i don't have any idea of how to code
Astrobytes: cargo, crates, container/ship, rust. Works for me :P
kill-code: T-T
kill-code: yall are mean
eulerscheZahl: AntiSquid quick: hit the edit button and change a letter in the title!
Astrobytes: lol
Jetim: Just found this website, it loooks great!
AntiSquid: squal ? eulerscheZahl
Hjax: squat?
dbdr: deploy the squid!
Shadowtick: I made a translator its called the translator of randomness
Astrobytes: squab
Shadowtick: does anyone wanna see it?
Astrobytes: No.
Hjax: oh thats a good one astro
AntiSquid: no Shadowtick
Astrobytes: :)
Shadowtick: ;-; it took me forever
Hjax: the art for the fall challenge looks pretty cool
eulerscheZahl: and it's even 4k
AntiSquid: lots of dishes with the bird's head on display, how can someone eat like that
eulerscheZahl: the full size
AntiSquid: (squab)
dbdr: eulerscheZahl: isn't your mineseeper much harder than VilBoub's?
eulerscheZahl: i think easier
dbdr: his solver only does local reasoning
eulerscheZahl: you can guess and get lucky
eulerscheZahl: sometimes you have to
dbdr: so probably his problems are very easy
eulerscheZahl: vilboub requires a full solving at once
Hjax: now as long as they dont have insanely limited information to the point of randomless
dbdr: did you look at his code?
eulerscheZahl: taking into account the total number of mines
dbdr: 50 lines, only trivial reasoning
eulerscheZahl: no but solved his puzzle
eulerscheZahl: oh, mine is longer than his
dbdr: maybe you overdid it. or I am missing something
eulerscheZahl: blatant copy-paste then :D
dbdr: ?
eulerscheZahl: i stole his puzzle
dbdr: no, yours is harder
dbdr: and nicer looking of course :)
AntiSquid: but the desktop items ...
eulerscheZahl: i don't even think it's harder. if you fail at some reasoning, you can reveal more numbers first and get extra clues
eulerscheZahl: btw check out for todays newsletter, you may see some minesweeper
dbdr: I have the same logic and make a guess in yours, but almost always die
AntiSquid: newsletter?
eulerscheZahl: i guess they'll announce the twitch streaming indicator
eulerscheZahl: not sent yet
Hjax: hmm the file name for the contest art is "codin_zelda_witches_fr"
eulerscheZahl: but can you find the _en version
eulerscheZahl: i failed to translate it, don't understand the art :(
Astrobytes: Zelda Witches from France
LegendaryStone: is the live section new
LegendaryStone: or im blind
Hjax: yes
jrke: what type of bot programming it should be state machine or minimax? :thinking:
AntiSquid: yes, blind, was there for years now, ask Automaton2000
Automaton2000: yeah, i use it as a win for p1
AntiSquid: see ? LegendaryStone
eulerscheZahl: that LIVE was added today
eulerscheZahl: seems to sort by the number of viewers
Shadowtick: ...ummmmmmmmmmmmm
AntiSquid: no ^
Shadowtick: I am just gonna ignore this chat so I don't get confused
Shadowtick: so yeah imma just go
AntiSquid: :hamburger:
Shadowtick: :radioactive::hamburger:
Shadowtick: radioactive hamburger
Rovetown: xd
Shadowtick: I was thinking to put just a biohazard and hamburger after it but I thought you know radioactive hamburger is smarter
Rovetown: lol
AntiSquid: the second coding stream looks weird
Rovetown: so im kinda new to python, and im doing the fantastic bit puzzle. what im trying to do is get the entityId of the Snaffles and let my wizards move to the x and y of these balls
Rovetown: but idk how im able to get the entitieid of the balls
Rovetown: and then access their x and y coords
Rovetown: could anyone lend me a helping hand?
AntiSquid: see statement
AntiSquid: check entity type
AntiSquid: or something
Rovetown: ok ima try that
HoussemNinja: ah layth wenek hh
HoussemNinja: hani bdit.. mizelt nefhem fih
LaythGhandri: khdemt wahda mta3 les mountians
LaythGhandri: w haw 9a3d nchouuf f jma3a fach yahkou
HoussemNinja: hh hani ne5dem fehe taw
LaythGhandri: hhh bahi gued rouhek
Astrobytes: guys, English only in World chat please
LaythGhandri: b anahi langage khdemt
HoussemNinja: i work with js layth
Astrobytes: if you want your own channel to talk in you can use #tn
HoussemNinja: okay bro no problem
Astrobytes: :)
LaythGhandri: I have worked with java
Astrobytes: it's alright, don't worry
dbdr: careful, this is an expert puzzle:
Astrobytes: lol wat
Astrobytes: how did that happen?
dbdr: I always found it strange the level is in the url
dbdr: since the level can change
dbdr: so I guessed they just ignore that part
Astrobytes: guessed correctly!
dbdr: for beginners:
Astrobytes: :grin:
AntiSquid: "it's easy, skill up noobs"
dbdr: inb4 a horde of programmers reconsider their career choice after failing that easy puzzle for days
AntiSquid: o _ o
Shadowtick: I can speak the furry language now :3
Astrobytes: Shadowtick, give it a rest will you
Shadowtick: which is actually funny because it is just taking r's and making it w's like for = fow
Rovetown: hell yeah i threw away the python idea, went to java again with a new idea, and bam! my wizards now go to a rdm snaffle
Rovetown: now i only need to check for the state and then make them score
Shadowtick: and how about you leave me alone Astrobytes
Hjax: you are walking on some thin ice there buddy
Hjax: astro is a chat moderator
MSmits: what did I just walk into?
Hjax: nothing important
MSmits: kk
Astrobytes: lol MSmits, well played :P
MSmits: hehe someone got it at least
Astrobytes: :grin:
Hjax: i still dont get it
**Hjax sips more coffee
MSmits: check shadow ticks messages from the last days and you'll see
Shadowtick: welp imma go away for a bit
Shadowtick: because I need to get some school stuff done
Hjax: i havent seen re curse in a while, has he said if hes going to play the contest?
Shadowtick: so have a great day everyone
Astrobytes: bye Shadowtick, same to you
Astrobytes: I doubt it Hjax
Astrobytes: Don't think he's feeling it much recently
dbdr: he might lurk as other times
Astrobytes: yeah possibly
Hjax: i keep crossing my fingers teccles will randomly pop up and play as well, but thats looking less and less likely
MSmits: too much pressure I think, he usually wins or almost wins but it does still take him a lot of time like the rest of us. It's not acceptable for him to perform less because he has less time to invest. and he doesnt like recent games I believe
Astrobytes: yeah I guess when teccles said he was done he really meant it
Astrobytes: and yeah MSmits. Plus time invested vs reward
MSmits: personally I accepted that when I invest time like a normal person I will end between 10 and 40 and that's ok
MSmits: my first few contests were really obsessive for me
Hjax: i have enough PTO to take the whole week off, but im not sure thats worth it
Astrobytes: that's why teccles stopped, too much time for not a lot of reward
MSmits: I will be very busy during that time, but i'll invest what little free time i have
Hjax: smits post mortem is going to be like, i only had 20 minutes to write my bot, so i was pleased that i finished in top 30 legend
Astrobytes: hahaha
Astrobytes: not wrong :D
MSmits: thats overstating it lol, at least 20 hrs :P
MSmits: I used to invest like 60 hrs in a contest though
MSmits: first contest i slept for 16 hrs straight when it was done
MSmits: and i was not recovered when i woke up
jacek: so traumatizing
MSmits: lol
Astrobytes: lol, ceg stays up for the last couple of days of contests, all-nighters
MSmits: it's probably the best time period during the contest to do that
MSmits: by that time I'm usually out of ideas or too tired to recode things
Hjax: at least in UTG i spent the last day watching replays and shouting HOW DOES THIS WORK
dbdr: lol
MSmits: hey jacek, I had this bonus for oware EPT for whomever's turn it is and it was pretty big. When I fitted it for jacekmax, i got the best result for 0 for some reason
Hjax: i got a good idea with a few hours left
Astrobytes: that was a frantic last day
jacek: for 0?
Hjax: and then i skipped OOC and ran out of motivation on friday in pacman
Hjax: i really hope the fall game is nothing like pacamn
Astrobytes: I didn't even bother trying to go further than bronze in pacman, was totally unmotivated
MSmits: imean of 0
MSmits: meaning it's deactivated
Hjax: i never worked out why my bot was bad, i think me and smits were doing roughly the same thing
MSmits: 56% with it at 0, 40-48% for higher values
Hjax: could have just been not enough sims because i was using java
MSmits: tried negative too... was worse again
MSmits: Hjax yeah we did the same thing
MSmits: just more performance, i went a little deeper because of that, or at least it converged well for higher depths
Hjax: either way that game was incredibly frustrating
Hjax: it was very difficult to watch a replay and know why you lost
dbdr: MSmits: which is better: +0 or -0? ;)
MSmits: lol... i just tried 0 :P
dbdr: there is no 0, just +0 and -0 in floats
MSmits: Hjax yeah, also most things didnt seem to work even though you felt like it should
MSmits: i have floats
MSmits: wait no they're ints
Astrobytes: they're all floats down here...
MSmits: :grin:
Hjax: youll float too?
dbdr: get out of this body, JS
AntiSquid: postmortems for pacman pointed a lot of interesting things one could have done
Hjax: ill just never touch it again and hope the next contest is better :D
Hjax: it cant possibly be worse....... right? :P
inoryy: I kind of liked it :(
Astrobytes: weirdooo :P
Hjax: hi inoryy :D
jacek: "If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music"
inoryy: hello :)
Hjax: i wonder if i can get some people from the starcraft 2 AI discord to play the contest
Astrobytes: that would be cool
inoryy: CG was plugged there just recently wasn't it
jacek: ohh an admin
jacek: good evening!
Hjax: yeah people were talking about it in the "other competitions" channel
Hjax: might be fun to get a bunch of people to play and see how they stack up :D
inoryy: for sure!
Hjax: oh nice the fall challenge is bringing back the t-shirt prizes
inoryy: it also falls on the weekend CP2077 is released :grimacing:
Astrobytes: ah, lol. Well, I'm sure people will still find some time at least
Shadowtick: ok back
Shadowtick: but I am not staying on long
jacek: you need to work on focus
inoryy: also the starting date on the website is wrong assuming they're not planning to start on Thu
Hjax: didnt pacman also start on a thursday?
inoryy: oh, did it?
Shadowtick: alright imma go check
Hjax: past contests says may 7th, which was a thursday
Shadowtick: I meant the actual game is what I am checking
Hjax: unless thats wrong too :D
Shadowtick: the pacman game came out on May 22, 1980
AntiSquid: Shadowtick not staying long? that's ok darling leave any time you want
351062: Is it possible to reach 50M+ with just the snake eval on 2048 ? Can't figure out if my bottleneck is my exploration or my eval
RohanasaurusRex: Hey im relatively new and have learned python and c. Which do you think would be more useful to learn next, Java or Javascript? Thanks
Shadowtick: pffffffff wait why did you say darling to me????? AntiSquid
Hjax: java and javascript are different tools for different jobs
wlesavo: inoryy yeah they probably wanted to end on monday, for 2 weekends to be included
wlesavo: Neumann for sure possible
Neumann: ffs
Neumann: I don't understand
wlesavo: but keep in mind that some snakes better than the others
AntiSquid: is it a trigger Shadowtick ?
AntiSquid: don't read too much into it
Shadowtick: no I am confused why you said it to me AntiSquid
wlesavo: my best perfoming snake was horizontal bottom right headed i believe
inoryy: wlesavo but that's already how it worked for the last 2 years, start on Fri and end on Mon following 2 weekends
AntiSquid: i could say it to anyone, you're not special, don't get any ideas
Shadowtick: I just feel like I got called a child when I am 16 that's all AntiSquid
inoryy: :)
wlesavo: inoryy oh i see, then difference not that important anyway
AntiSquid: ok sweety
jacek: oO
inoryy: just seems like a random change if it's really starting on Thu
kill-code: hi
Shadowtick: Stop it AntiSquid I don't want to feel like I am being called a child!
Neumann: wlesavo: hu. How would that make a difference ?
kill-code: ya plz stop
AntiSquid: 2 accounts?
wlesavo: oh, bottom left headed. well i guess some local minimas are escaped by some snakes better than the others
inoryy: CG chat never changes I see :)
wlesavo: with other parameters being equal at least
Shadowtick: Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff what is happening what have you started AntiSquid
AntiSquid: daddy and a kid that wants to be adopted but got rejected GoogleJeff
Astrobytes: we had a fairly good run until recently inoryy
GoogleJeff: that's not a very nice thing to say, daddy. try practicing some compassion, eh?
kill-code: WHAT
inoryy: maybe I'm just lucky then, Astrobytes
kill-code: yo
Shadowtick: welp imma disappear out of the chat for a bit
AntiSquid: kill-code i will kick both
kill-code: why
kill-code: me
AntiSquid: work on the timing then
Astrobytes: inoryy: nah, these 2 have been hanging around for a while now
kill-code: dude
AntiSquid: you come across as 2 in 1
kill-code: why
kill-code: are u so mean
kill-code: and question
AntiSquid: also try to create more interesting varied deep personalities if you play that game
Shadowtick: I am gonna stop ok AntiSquid so don't worry since I won't be around to do anything
Shadowtick: anyways I am gonna go so byeee
MSmits: Shadowtick maybe next time you log in do some coding
Astrobytes: see you in another 20 minutes 'tick
kill-code: is it still eng
kill-code: lish
Shadowtick: I have done enough puzzles for 2 weeks which that is 7 puzzles a week MSmits so don't make me do more pls don't
Hjax: maybe try a multi instead?
L810: i dont even know where to start on power of thor episode 2
kill-code: لماذا أنت لئيم
kill-code.: hi
MSmits: Shadowtick, you must!
L810: can someone plz help me complete this? its for an assignment
DoxLee: can i ask a question for databases ?
DoxLee: i mean about databases
2020qwerty: hi
Shadowtick: no I dont have to MSmits
Hjax: i thought you were leaving
Astrobytes: Astrobytes 06:22PM see you in another 20 minutes 'tick
Shadowtick: I did and I finished my school work early so I am back
Astrobytes: was a few minutes out but close
Shadowtick: no pls no not my battery I have 14% left ;-;
Shadowtick: my chromebook is about to dieeeeeee
AntiSquid: reeeeeee
Hjax: oh no what a shame
Shadowtick: back
Shadowtick: I plugged my chromebook in
Shadowtick: so I can stay on longerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Hjax: arent you a student, shouldnt you be paying attention or something
Astrobytes: 'ADHD' apparently
Hjax: he surely has no trouble paying attention to this chat
Astrobytes: so says the bio
Astrobytes: Yes indeed
DejaVu_0081: Can you check "LIVE" button? We will have fun. Soner is streaming now
Astrobytes: No need to ask in here, we can all see the LIVE button and it's in the discord server
Astrobytes: People will join if interested
AntiSquid: add twitch link invites now? :D
Shadowtick: I actually have both adhd and autism Astrobytes
Shadowtick: wait did kill-code get banned with the ban hammer?
Westicles: I have advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage
Astrobytes: lol
Astrobytes: Me, Myself and Irene right?
Westicles: heh heh, yeah nice catch
AntiSquid: no idea, astro might have used a whip instead
AntiSquid: @tic
Shadowtick: ...I am not gonna ask what I walked into
Phalax: This was too hard for me
Mee42: what are these chat rooms lol
jacek: oO
Astrobytes: Oo
Illedan: -.O
Astrobytes: o_o
jacek: :O
Astrobytes: kicked, don't worry
DejaVu_0081: lots of joking people have started coming here lately
Astrobytes: It happens every now and then yeah
Astrobytes: We try to keep them under control
Gordinflon: @plieuse un marron
AntiSquid: FB stream :o
fishy15: orz
L810: can someone plz walk me through power of thor ep 2?
AntiSquid: hold Automaton2000's hand
Automaton2000: but i need a way to see which one of them
icecream17: i don't think anyone will give you the answer but if you are stuck on something specific you can ask
AntiSquid: you basically need to lure them to the same spot and then thunder them
AntiSquid: this is all i can remember
HotDogWater: I've passed all testcases but am failing a validator. Is there a way to get info on the validator to see what code tweaks are required?
AntiSquid: i guessing it's the last validator which is like the last testcase
Smish314: Weirdly, it's validator 6 of 9 in "A Child's Play"
Smish314: Though I pass test 6 with ye olde flying colors.
Skynse: yo wtf, why are there so many teletubbies in this clashofcode match
Skynse: probably bots
Skynse: lol
Y0ursTruly: xD
TheEvilSkull_cad6: How do i report a bug on a puzzle?
RohanasaurusRex: once you submit you can give feedback on the right
RohanasaurusRex: im pretty new here though so there might be a better way
Y0ursTruly: that redirector was really fun
Y0ursTruly: came second tho owo
LastRick: What puzzle has a bug?
Mingus: guys who code wth python wdu use as a frameworks plz
Mingus: cerryOy?
Mingus: cherryPy*?
icecream17: i just add frameworks whenever i have a problem i can solve with it
Mingus: or django
Skynse: depends on the task at hand
RohanasaurusRex: im pretty new to this website and it seems nice do you guys happen to know any websites similar to these where you can solve puzzles and compete? Thanks
Skynse: I don't know of any other websites where you can compete in real time, but for problem solving, I'd recommend, or leetcode
Y0ursTruly: hmm that find circles in the numbers, made u read the question twice
BkDevDude: @RohanasarusRex Try Codewars, I'm not sure if you can compete but it's pretty similar.
BkDevDude: How do I determine the numbers that have the lowest difference? For example if the input is "1,7,4,8" It would choose 4 and 8.
Y0ursTruly: try running abs between the numbers
Y0ursTruly: Math.abs
Y0ursTruly: if u do js
Laminator: would 7,4 have a lower differest?
BkDevDude: Well true, but it's only doing smaller, bigger. Not bigger, smaller.
Y0ursTruly: well doesnt python have those versatile variables and stuff :l
BkDevDude: Is there a way to generate words using letters? If the input is 'ethal' it would make 'lethal' or something.
zapakh: [c+'ethal' for c in map(chr,range(97,123))]
KiwiTae: BkDevDude no shade but lowest dif with this set 1,7,4,8 would be abs(8-7) right?
Metanoob: ye however it would be possible if you have to treat it as a sequence
Metanoob: (i.e. 7, 4 and/or 4, 8)
Metanoob: 4,8 ) *
KiwiTae: looks like the horse racing duals puzzle~
KiwiTae: need to sort the array hehe
Creetch: So i sorted the vector for the horse-racing and it passes the 3 test cases, but fails on 2 of the extended challenges for who know what reason.
Creetch: Now its failing on more after making 0 changes. FML, FTP
icecream17: yes yes! (not very interesting just celebrating)
KiwiTae: :joy:
Creetch: wow, needed to set my different to INT_MAX....
KiwiTae: Creetchgj
KILLINA13: how do you create private clashes?
NotSpice: Any chance someone here has done the credit card verifier easy puzzle? Sorry if this isn't the place to ask.
KiwiTae: u got the puzzle link?
NotSpice: This is the link:
NotSpice: I've since figured out my problem though, thanks!
KiwiTae: :innocent: