jacek: oO
geppoz: hi
cakeman38: print("imagine talking like this") :pensive:
Allis: imagine(imagining);
dbdr: eulerscheZahl: font size is too big :)
eulerscheZahl: looked fine for illedan
dbdr: must be system dependent
dbdr: no big deal
eulerscheZahl: it is, we noticed that in the OoC preparation already
eulerscheZahl: how many chars to allow for messages I think
eulerscheZahl: i'm about to push an update. larger replays should load a little faster
dbdr: nice
eulerscheZahl: still slow, just not THAT slow anymore :D
eulerscheZahl: turns out that cloning objects with newObj = { ...oldObj, some stuff you replace } is slow
dbdr: very cool that you improve the perf!
eulerscheZahl: and it's live
eulerscheZahl: also getting around the SDK a little more
eulerscheZahl: also learning for my other project that you haven't seen yet
eulerscheZahl: slow loading is always annoying
eulerscheZahl: i admit i liked the old code more regarding readability
Illedan: Hi
eulerscheZahl: hi
MSmits: hi
Illedan: Oh, kovi above me too now
Illedan: :)
eulerscheZahl: i disclosed your screenshot you send me in private
dbdr: hey Illedan
eulerscheZahl: now everyone knows you use the bottom right corner
Illedan: I have 2 different snakes ;)
MSmits: snakes?
Illedan: Depending on where the tile will spawn at the round where you can get 131k tile :P
dbdr: oh, that's a good idea :D
Illedan: :P
dbdr: MSmits: snake shape
MSmits: oh
Illedan: public int[] Neigh = new int[] { 0, 0, 1, 2,
5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 11 };
dbdr: for 2048
MSmits: sounds advanced
Illedan: Not really if you played the game
Illedan: I added that before I had a functioning search xD
MSmits: I havent, much. I doubt I got past bunny shape
dbdr: potato shape
eulerscheZahl: snake, even I can get something that remotely resembles that
dbdr: animal is more advanced
kovi: dbdr are you hardcoding? (kinda)
dbdr: I test offline
Illedan: I found that you can get above 40 mill with only 3 directions too :D
kovi: nice
eulerscheZahl: tuning some params per testcase already?
dbdr: yeah
kovi: yes i guessed so
kovi: but i dont play that game
Illedan: Same
eulerscheZahl: i should drop 1 action from my sim then :D
MSmits: it's a great game
Illedan: This game is so 2 days ago.
kovi: :)
MSmits: eulerscheZahl do you have any advice for checkers. I suck at this game
eulerscheZahl: you had some fun with it, i'll call that a victory for the contribution
Illedan: Ofc
eulerscheZahl: nah, my checkers is stupid minimax
Illedan: I used one whole afternoon + got distacted at work. GJ
eulerscheZahl: failing to attack even if i would win by sacrificing 1 or 2 stones
MSmits: i tried stupid minimax, it didnt get above your minimax even though it was c++ and used TT + AB
MSmits: well probably same strength as yours
eulerscheZahl: i have alpha beta too no TT
MSmits: TT didnt seem to help much anyway
MSmits: I got it working, improved my eval, got it all the way to the same rank as my mcts-like version. Then put the eval in that old bot at it's better :(
MSmits: and
MSmits: I can never get a negamax that's better than a mcts-type bot
eulerscheZahl: you are submitting
eulerscheZahl: how dare you destabilizing a perfect ecosystem?
MSmits: sorry :P
dbdr: a perfect ecosystem is at equilibrium
dbdr: cannot be destabilized
MSmits: what he said
**eulerscheZahl slaps dbdr around a bit with a large fishbot
MSmits: maybe I should just fit my parameters for the mcts version. Get as high as possible and then counterbook the top 3. Seems to work on other games
MSmits: I have no idea how these guys at the top 3 get so strong
eulerscheZahl: level up your social engineering
MSmits: mmh you mean nicely ask them ?
eulerscheZahl: yes :D
MSmits: dbdr doesn't remember :P
MSmits: hi fella
MSmits: ok, just coding
MSmits: and following the 2048 safa
MSmits: saga
dbdr: soap opera?
Zikyyyyy: im just goin through intro
MSmits: soap opera works too
MSmits: thats cool Zikyyyyy
Zikyyyyy: Was studing IT school, but it was a while since last "codin session" :D
Zikyyyyy: tryin to learn on my ow
dbdr: ouch, this hurts the eyes:
eulerscheZahl: got messy in the end :D
eulerscheZahl: did you notice a speedup in loading btw?
dbdr: yes
eulerscheZahl: nice
dbdr: ah, was reponding to the previous message
dbdr: I need to reload
eulerscheZahl: i half-feared that race condition in the answer :D
dbdr: :D
dbdr: still slow, but yes it seems better :+1:
eulerscheZahl: still a lot of data to process and generate
eulerscheZahl: all the animations are loaded before the viewer gets responsive
eulerscheZahl: which isn't optimal, now that I'm thinking of it
eulerscheZahl: but too deeply buried to touch
kovi: how many tests above 3m?
dbdr: 1
dbdr: you?
kovi: 1 in ide tests but i meant final tests, which i havent checked
dbdr: ide is the same as validators
kovi: oh
kovi: didnt even looked
dbdr: there is a display bug in the results window
dbdr: off by one
eulerscheZahl: you mean the "random"?
eulerscheZahl: i blame CG for it
dbdr: yes, and all shifted. understood that it's CG's bug
AntiSquid: are you doing any more CTFs euler? :P
eulerscheZahl: i don't have anything planned
eulerscheZahl: but i enjoyed it, so maybe if you find a good one...
eulerscheZahl: but i sucked in all categories except coding :(
AntiSquid: you earned points that's the goal
eulerscheZahl: i had fun, that's the goal
wlesavo: lol illedans 3 action heuristic works :slight_smile: easy + 10M with a freakin bruteforce
AntiSquid: what heurisitc?
eulerscheZahl: this one was a cool challenge solve it in 3s to get the next level
eulerscheZahl: or reset the counter to 0
wlesavo: AntiSquid never go down
dbdr: 3s?
eulerscheZahl: 3 seconds
AntiSquid: they had a really complicated one in a previous year : solve captchas in 3 seconds ... multiple ones but with that kind of program you can basically solve most captchas :D
eulerscheZahl: would give you the link but it seems down now
AntiSquid: i've read the write up for that
eulerscheZahl: sounds fun. i plan to try it again next year
dbdr: I mean, how can you solve it in 3d? is it automated?
eulerscheZahl: of course
AntiSquid: there are donzens of ctfs, i just skimmed over a few before this
eulerscheZahl: and numpy failed me on it
eulerscheZahl: refused to solve for a non-square matrix
eulerscheZahl: more equations than variables
dbdr: wlesavo improving :+1:
dbdr: you still use MC?
wlesavo: dbdr 3 actions now :smiley:
wlesavo: bruteforce
dbdr: ah, full search? how deep?
wlesavo: 7
wlesavo: it could be optimised from what i having, but 3 actions lets for a bit deeper search. i think game could be solved on around 8-10 depth
Illedan: Define solved
dbdr: reach perfect score
wlesavo: well 2+4+8+16...+2^16
dbdr: 8-10 is far from enough, I think
Illedan: You need a depth of 100 to get the max score
dbdr: you're mixing things up
kovi: more than 100 on 1 certain test
dbdr: you could do several depth 10 searches per turn
wlesavo: but thats a bold guessing from what i see now
Illedan: ah, true
wlesavo: yeah, you probably right, im just not there yet
dbdr: you're not that far though
wlesavo: hitting 65k at 600 turn with depth 7 and 3 actions, hm. yeah, for perfect a lot should line up, 100 might be not enough, but still it feels like depth 9-10 should be able to go a long way
geppoz: "3 actions" means?
dbdr: ULR
geppoz: any reason for doing that?
wlesavo: фддщцы ащк вуузук ыуфкср фтв нщг вщте куфддн туув ше гтешд ыщьу зщште
wlesavo: oh
wlesavo: allows for deeper search and you dont really need it until some point
eulerscheZahl: did you write English to a Russian layout?
wlesavo: yeah forgot to change layout :slight_smile:
dbdr: ψαν ηαππεν το αλλ οφ θσ ;)
dbdr: :D
dkov: what can I do, if the standard error stream, started to only show: `...'
Illedan: Nice dbdr, swapping snake helped?
dbdr: no, haven't done that yet
dbdr: will keep it as an option if any of you threaten me ;)
Illedan: :P
Illedan: Dont count on me
eulerscheZahl: you should stop at a score of 67108864
eulerscheZahl: that's 2^26, don't exceed it
eulerscheZahl: dkov there's not much you can do about it except printing less
dbdr: I only know the 2^(2^N)
dbdr: and 2^N for N <= 16
dbdr: surprised you know 2^26
eulerscheZahl: i'm talking about a total score for 30 validators (not a power of 2)
eulerscheZahl: just giving a random number that would be nice to see as a score on the leaderboard of this game
eulerscheZahl: or half of it for wlesavo
dbdr: it's only nice if you know what 2^26 is
eulerscheZahl: oh, that's what you meant
eulerscheZahl: i used python to calculate it :D
eulerscheZahl: i'm not even sure if i can get up to 2^16 at the top of my head
eulerscheZahl: till 4096 it's fine, then i have to think a bit
dbdr: but you would recognize 32768
dbdr: useful to know what fits in a signed short :)
eulerscheZahl: of course, i recognize it
eulerscheZahl: but can't tell if it's 32768 or 678 or something when i don't see it
kovi: huh, 62m? picked a random 3m+?
eulerscheZahl: did you get the 3m on the same testcase before he improved further?
kovi: hmm, i thought it is not possible to go above 60m, but it seems it is (22*1.74+6*2.8+2*3.4)
eulerscheZahl: that profile pic looks familiar
geppoz: that is Doom boss if I remember
eulerscheZahl: was thinking about
geppoz: y
eulerscheZahl: i never played doom
geppoz: you too young :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: doom still runs in DOSBOX, fun
PatrickMcGinnisII: the engine was nice for it's time
Shadowtick: I played doom 1,2 and 3 because I found the games and everything to play them
Shadowtick: :3
Shadowtick: I hate doom 2016
PatrickMcGinnisII: i believe it was compiled w/ DJGPP 16-bit of course
Shadowtick: yes it was actually
Shadowtick: they used to only have 8-bit plus 16-bit games back when doom 1 and 2 came out
PatrickMcGinnisII: modeX graphics were actually a thing
Shadowtick: I know but some games wouldnt be able to use that
Shadowtick: idk why they couldn't
PatrickMcGinnisII: I did alot of matrix transformations in asm back then, z- ordering, etc. *sigh*
Shadowtick: ok
Shadowtick: but I am good at coding on p5.js
Shadowtick: and I am trying to make a game on it
PatrickMcGinnisII: inline asm in C++ was very powerful back then, back when coders weren't lazy because Pentiums weren't quite as common
PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm too old for this conversation
eulerscheZahl: and don't even clean up the garbage myself anymore
eulerscheZahl: thank you managed code <3
PatrickMcGinnisII: I need a bot to change the cat box
jacek: :3
Astrobytes: just done mine, and the little bugger promptly shat in it and walked off. Didn't even cover it :/
eulerscheZahl: mine does her business outside
PatrickMcGinnisII: better than the tile in the foyer, listening to one of my cats (who is blind) trying to cover it up reminds me of CG somehow
eulerscheZahl: enough neighbors to cover
Astrobytes: my eldest used to, but she doesn't go out much nowadays
eulerscheZahl: corona lockdown? :(
Astrobytes: Nah, she doesn't like it up here since I moved
Astrobytes: Used to have a huge garden with a big tree and lots of places to hide
eulerscheZahl: oh
Shadowtick: aight imma head out
PatrickMcGinnisII: my GF came over last night and my animals (3 cats and a dog) all cock blocked me...little shits
Astrobytes: PatrickMcGinnisII: Mines scratches the floor, wall and sometimes in mid air. That's her definition of covering it
eulerscheZahl: when mine was still new, she had the freedom to go outside but didn't quite understand the concept so she came inside to go to toilet and then outside again right away
Astrobytes: hehe, my friends cat still does that after many years
eulerscheZahl: :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: I have a cat door ... use it you lil sumbitches
eulerscheZahl: mine was always completely dusted afterwards
Shadowtick: see you I am gonna be coding in p5.js or editing a khan academy game spin-off I have
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok Shadowtick glhf
PatrickMcGinnisII: people shake their heads about php, that's how i feel about JS
Astrobytes: my previous cat before this pair couldn't figure out getting back inside via the cat flap
mgajda: anyone knows keybinding to run all tests in the CodinGame editor? Or is this chat corona-only?
Astrobytes: that's not exactly a nice way to ask for help
Astrobytes: :P
mgajda: can you please kindly give me a pointer towards the possible keybinding to run all the tests. Please, please, please
eulerscheZahl: ctrl+enter for one test ctrl+shift+enter did something too
eulerscheZahl: i forgot if it's all tests or submit
PatrickMcGinnisII: keybinding, editor has changed, but clicking run all testcases usually works fine
mgajda: (I use VS Code all day, but did not find a solution quickly.)
Astrobytes: ^ second one runs all
mgajda: (obviously my VS Code is non-default config, maybe that is why)
Astrobytes: If you right click and check the command palette it's in there I think
mgajda: Thanks! I want to live without clicking, less RSI
Astrobytes: True
mgajda: and thanks for "Command palette" pointer.
Astrobytes: no worries, quite a few useful commands
mgajda: and sorry for rough question, we are all spoiled by the good UIs we get daily, and get enraged when we cannot find command palette :-)
Astrobytes: All good :)
Astrobytes: You can edit keybindings through Settings on the left too btw
mgajda: or am I only one with the anger-control problem when UI is anything less intuitive than reading my mind?
Astrobytes: No, it happens lol
PatrickMcGinnisII: no untrigger suggest, stupid box pisses me off
mgajda: yep, found keybindings, so the command palette is only one I needed to make it work :-)
Astrobytes: Awesome. Handy for assigning Ctrl-S to something other than save in my case lol
PatrickMcGinnisII: spam to follow, me thinks
mgajda: yeah, that is the one I will assign to "run tests" next. (I usually have `build --file-watch` setup.)
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh :3 is a cat face smile...smh, i feel so dumb
Astrobytes: You can run CG-local and automate everything that way
Astrobytes: At least then you are in your own IDE
PatrickMcGinnisII: rewriting COIF isn't any fun, wth...I was so sloppy the first time thru
Astrobytes: CG-local is another similar one, think it's for Chrome actually now I think about it
Astrobytes: thread here:
Astrobytes: Same PatrickMcGinnisII
Astrobytes: alright, afk for a bit. Making flatbreads
mgajda: still cannot find the command from palette...
mgajda: what is the editor command name for "Play" or "Play all" command? (One that I can put into keybindings.)
PatrickMcGinnisII: what did ctrl+shift+enter do?
PatrickMcGinnisII: might just insert a line
Outjamboned: Hi , I just beat the Boss of Onitama but i dont get the quest "puzzle of the eek" completed
Einwickler: Im pretty sure you will get it after some time. I spent some time on Onitama yesterday and got the achievement an hour afterI beat the boss I guess.
Einwickler: So just be patient :)
Outjamboned: Ok , thank you :)
Einwickler: Did you just beat the boss once or did you get promoted to the next league? I was also promoted after some time so maybe thats important too
Outjamboned: I was promoted to Wood 1
mgajda: yeah, it ctrl-shift-enter works in standard keybindings, but I do not see how to check them. In Vim keybindings it just inserts a line :-)
Einwickler: Outjamboned so then just spend some more time on this and Im pretty certain you will get the achievement soon
MattSOrme: This match showed up as a loss in my last battles :/ but i clearly won
Nerchio: sometimes the match history feels bugged
Nerchio: maybe you need to open and close xD
geppoz: anyone likes to put drawings in code?
geppoz: ;)
Outjamboned: I got the achievement in the end :) Just needed to wait
CopperFr: it's a crazy crazy world (Scorpions 1990)
Armenz: Is there a way to autoindent my code?
eulerscheZahl: no
CopperFr: you can use Format document
Armenz: Where can I find that?
eulerscheZahl: oh, that's new
CopperFr: i have that in right click menu
eulerscheZahl: right click in the editor, command palette
eulerscheZahl: the old editor didn't have such a feature
CopperFr: you have multi-cursor too :D
duckymirror: It doesn't do indent my Rust code though
eulerscheZahl: i have an offline IDE ;)
CopperFr: perhaps it's not in all languages
eulerscheZahl: worked the the C# code where I just broke formatting on purpose
duckymirror: I sometimes open VS Code, paste my code, format it and paste it back into the online editor :smile:
eulerscheZahl: i code in my offline IDE and then copy-paste it here
duckymirror: Coding online is much more comfortable with the new editor
duckymirror: I mean it's more comfortable than with the old editor
CopperFr: yes the online editor is ok
PatrickMcGinnisII: only thing i miss is right click paste
eulerscheZahl: don't you usually use ctrl+v?
CopperFr: i prefer ctrl+v
PatrickMcGinnisII: i few things i don't like about new editor as well, but I've been told to shutup and like it, basically
eulerscheZahl: i hate it when i close the autocomplete with escape and the editor loses focus entirely
CopperFr: it's strange there is Copy / Cut but not Paste
PatrickMcGinnisII: i like having options, i drink coffee with left hand, etc. i know, wierd
AntiSquid: from a left handed mug?
CopperFr: ah yes the editor don't do coffee it's a problem
PatrickMcGinnisII: I got it at the left hand mug store
PatrickMcGinnisII: gheesh, rewriting COIF, got all my pretty new data structures setup and it plays... 100 lines of code to print "MSG Are we having fun yet\n"
PatrickMcGinnisII: at this rate the unnoficial contest will be over
Majeck: Wait
Majeck: I just realized mugs can be left-handed
Majeck: I had never thought about that before hahaha
duckymirror: I just found this
PatrickMcGinnisII: I just realized that in 10k years when an archaeologist digs up Disney World he's gonna think we worship Mickey Mouse and that we tortured people with "rides" to nowhere.
eulerscheZahl: nah, too well documented
Majeck: eulerscheZahl I bet every single civilization on the face of the earth has thought the same thing
Majeck: "We're all around and we've built so much, no way people in the future don't know who we were"
eulerscheZahl: and we still know a lot about ROmans
Astrobytes: Meh, "what have the Romans ever done for us?" :P
Majeck: Well apart from the roads, sewage, aqueducts, law and order
Majeck: Putting all of that aside
Astrobytes: :D
duckymirror: And being our ancestors.
Majeck: What have the romans ever done for us?
Astrobytes: Glad someone got it ;)
magaiti: i mean they didnt leave a single blog
FatihAltuntas: what is the code for power of thor
Astrobytes: Look at the Hints button on the left
Hugo-NL: anonyone know that if you created your account with oauth if there is way to reset your password without actually knowing it ?
Guven: hi all, come over solve puzzles with us
PatrickMcGinnisII: Guven Welcome to the chat room! You need to be a follower of SonerGonul to chat.
PatrickMcGinnisII: yawn, CoC twitch lol
Shadowtick: I mad a song
Shadowtick: made*
PatrickMcGinnisII: Shadowtick addicted to CG huh
Shadowtick: no
Shadowtick: I made a song on another website that I found
PatrickMcGinnisII: will your song annoy my 14 year old daughter?
Shadowtick: Idk
PatrickMcGinnisII: if so, I will play it
Shadowtick: it doesnt have any lyrics
Shadowtick: I am publishing my song right now
Shadowtick: so I got to wait a bit
PatrickMcGinnisII: melt your brain
Shadowtick: no I'm not gonna do it
Shadowtick: it is almost done publishing
PatrickMcGinnisII: I play this song when i rollup on a gas station
PatrickMcGinnisII: keep in mind I'm old AF
Shadowtick: ok?
Shadowtick: but your not someone that has to deal with trying to keep their youtube channel alive
Shadowtick: I have to
PatrickMcGinnisII: My 14 yr old has her own youtube, 1k subs
PatrickMcGinnisII: u?
PatrickMcGinnisII: I lost all my coif changes when my intenet went down, i hit didn't save the code
Shadowtick: I dont even have 50
PatrickMcGinnisII: drop a link, I'll sub, if its any good you'll get a couple huno more
PatrickMcGinnisII: er hundo
Shadowtick: I will send you the link to mine
Shadowtick: I sent the link to my channel and to my song
PatrickMcGinnisII: she lied, she only has 441
PatrickMcGinnisII: ouch
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh she needs 1k
PatrickMcGinnisII: damn lost 40 lines of code in the coif internet drop debacle
Shadowtick: ooof
jacek: fffuuu?
Shadowtick: ummmm?
geppoz: done
geppoz: lol
geppoz: I unrolled the shift routine of 2048
Shadowtick: imma just go make a bass boosted version of my song
Shadowtick: so brb
geppoz: for calc each of the new 4 rows i do no cycles
geppoz: just 5 cmp (max) and 4 assignment (max)
Shadowtick: back and dear god my ears are dying
Shadowtick: I think I messed up editing my song
PatrickMcGinnisII: geppoz that for 2048?
geppoz: y
geppoz: :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: well you have 4 inputs to condense right
Shadowtick: I think my ears are bleeding
PatrickMcGinnisII: take out all the zeros, put them on the end
geppoz: y, so i hated that two cycles that lasted 4 or 3 times
PatrickMcGinnisII: then all you need is 2 ifs and an else
PatrickMcGinnisII: because at most you have to merge two positions
geppoz: "take out all the zeros" -> that is already a cycle 0 to 4
PatrickMcGinnisII: it's one function in php
PatrickMcGinnisII: i see what you mean tho
geppoz: i had a 120% increase
PatrickMcGinnisII: so mine is 4 + a max of 3 more ifs
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm
geppoz: (but im far from top solutions)
geppoz: this is my microelectronic soul that tries to emerge :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: so you have to do 6 ifs and then assign
geppoz: 3 to 5 ifs, then 2 to 4 assign
PatrickMcGinnisII: exaplains why mine runs a hair slower on fuller boards
PatrickMcGinnisII: i thought about just precomputing a list
PatrickMcGinnisII: since my code never gets up to 64k
geppoz: anyway, I did that because I like this things, but with a better evaluation you gain far more that all that code optimizations
PatrickMcGinnisII: so a 0 is 1, 1 is 2, 2 is 4, 3 is 8, 4 is 16,5 is 32, 6=64,7=128,8=256,9=512,10=1k,11=2k,12=4k,13=8k,14=16k,15=32k, 16=64k...hmmm 16^4 combos
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh no a 0 is 0
Shadowtick: ... ummmmmmmmm imma just go
PatrickMcGinnisII: lookup table too big
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, glhf
MSmits: Shadowtick couldn't handle the Patrick :(
jacek: the star?
geppoz: lookup with all possible value impossible
geppoz: uhm TBH if you suppose never go over 32678
geppoz: you can represent every value with 4 bits, so x4cells = 16bits
MSmits: oh btw, jacek, I misunderstood what you meant by tempo
Shadowtick: I am easily confused that's why MSmits
jacek: MSmits ?
MSmits: tempo is how advanced your pieces are. I meant a bonus to the player who's next to move
jacek: but thats what i mean by temp - a player to move
MSmits: oh, that's weird, I came across it with the other definition
Shadowtick: I am gonna edit my bio and put a link to my first song
Shadowtick: because Idk why
Shadowtick: why not*
MSmits: sure
jacek: you mean breakthrough? i saw a paper that gave some score for the furthest pawn
Shadowtick: I forgot how to
MSmits: nah checkers
MSmits: same idea I suppose
geppoz: so there will be a an array of 65536 words (16bits)
jacek: and tempo is
MSmits: you mean parity I think?
MSmits: When a player achieves a result in one fewer move, he gains a tempo
jacek: no, just a player to move
jacek: hmm
MSmits: I'm thinking this is one of those things that are used with different definitions
jacek: meh
MSmits: in any case, I found that giving a bonus or penalty to the player that is next to move is really important in best first search type algos
Shadowtick: I did it
MSmits: doesnt matter in minimax/negamax
Shadowtick: I added my song to my bio
jacek: good for you
MSmits: that's enough productivity out of you this week Shadowtick, relax now
jacek: does your negamax still oscillate between even odd?
Shadowtick: ok
MSmits: nah, that earlier version had tons of bugs
Shadowtick: I am gonna be done talking for a few minutes
MSmits: it was on onitama btw, i got all the bugs out and then it was worse tha my mcts version
MSmits: I got an improvement switching to negamax on checkers, after improving the eval, then i used that eval in my mcts and it was better =/
MSmits: negamax seems a waste of time for me
jacek: at least you improved your eval
jacek: also, any fancy move ordering?
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: I store the best move from an earlier iteration
MSmits: search that first
MSmits: dont remember what thats called
MSmits: killer move, history ? dunno
MSmits: seemed to make sense
jacek: best move from previous principal variation
MSmits: not exactly
MSmits: I store everying in TT
MSmits: take the best move out of there
MSmits: so not just the PV,
jacek: oh right, not only pv
jacek: just best move from previous iteration
MSmits: yea
MSmits: not sure if this is the standard way to do it
jacek: it is
MSmits: well then I figured it out. I guess it was too much to hope for to get some actual improvement over mcts. I spent 2 years perfecting coding that.
MSmits: i'm still a newbie at negamax
jacek: killer move is about taking best move of the same level
jacek: i.e. if b2c3 is best in one situation, it may be best in similar one
MSmits: yeah i guess that works for games where the overall board structure stays the same during the search
MSmits: but if the board changes wildly after every move, kller move doesnt work
jacek: like bt, but i think checkers too
MSmits: maybe yeah
MSmits: not onitama i think though
MSmits: with all the card switching and the few pieces
Shadowtick: hey i'm back
jacek: welcome back
Shadowtick: gtg eat dinner
Shadowtick: ;-;
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, rewrote my 40 lines of code
PatrickMcGinnisII: breaktime
PatrickMcGinnisII: glhf
tobk: What's that new contest? Rerun of Code of Ice and Fire?
Majeck: Yep
Astrobytes: Not a rerun, just informal 'see how much you can improve'
Astrobytes: (if you have a bot already)
Shadowtick: hey
Shadowtick: im back
maras: is there a way to check memory usage in CG?
Majeck: Not that I know of
Majeck: You can check the ms it takes to run your program though
Majeck: Hey in the "Counting Squares on Pegs" what does it mean when it says that: "Note that we do not require the squares to be axis-aligned."?
Majeck: Is it saying that the squares don't need to be squares, ergo they're actually quadrilaterals?
Majeck: Or is it referring to them not needing to be in a "grid"
LastRick: Look at PetrKlic's image in the community discussion for the puzzle:
Majeck: Oh
Majeck: Thanks you just saved me a lot of wasted time lol
LastRick: Np
Sunkin351: In recent years, the C# language has evolved quite a bit, and I'm wondering what version of the language this place is using.
Sunkin351: The presence of Span<T> Indicates this is C# 7.2+ and I'm very happy about that.
Schwase: im sure there are specifics available somewhere
Schwase: id check the forums if youd like a definite answer
DaNinja: versions are in the faq
Sunkin351: C# 8, compiled with unsafe code on... Sweet.
Sunkin351: For the project "Unique Prefixes", I was lead to believe the same string of letters would not appear twice, yet in the 7th test case, there are 2 and 3 identical strings. Can someone explain this?