eulerscheZahl: the award for the best pond still goes to recurs e, followed by Tobou
eulerscheZahl: not the one i was looking for
eulerscheZahl: ah, that one!
eulerscheZahl: and
eulerscheZahl: 5 lakes
Zenoscave: oops. no battling in lakes
skotz: wow
eulerscheZahl: Swagboy 01:43AM I can break any code with one character
eulerscheZahl: ok, you can still add one. impressive anyways
Zenoscave: mame has some cool quines
eulerscheZahl: oh, that's even the same user. I knew about this one too, just didn't recognize the author
cegprakash: last battles is crashing
eulerscheZahl: fix it
metahom: omg. 0.15 pts to boss
metahom: do I wait? do I resubmit?
dbdr: which boss?
metahom: gold one
dbdr: I would wait
metahom: ok, thx
kovi: wait for push
kovi: sorry for late/scroll
eulerscheZahl: yes, you wait. your winrate against the boss isn't good enough to spam him down
metahom: yea, that makes sence. I need 2 games from anyone whosubmits to gols
metahom: gold*
metahom: thanks guys
dbdr: I broke my bot by removing spaces in the code :D
eulerscheZahl: that's why i suddenly get so many wins against you
eulerscheZahl: did you convert to python?
dbdr: sed 's/ {/{/g'
dbdr: blindly
dbdr: except that the positioning is print("{} {}", x, y);
dbdr: :D
eulerscheZahl: oh :D
cegprakash: phew
cegprakash: Bronze
kovi: :)
kovi: gratz ceg
eulerscheZahl: now you spawn at 127
dbdr: exactly
cegprakash: now what do mines do
cegprakash: I don't want to read statement
dbdr: as wondering where I left a debugging print on stdout by accident
dbdr: *was
struct: I think the statement is a require to understand the rules
dbdr: legend is too big
struct: But I guess you can keep asking in chat
eulerscheZahl: reading the statement is an entry barrier to play bronze
AntiSquid: last battles don't load anymore for me from the leaderboard
eulerscheZahl: changes are even in green
struct: perks of joining late
eulerscheZahl: buy premium AntiSquid
eulerscheZahl: works for me
eulerscheZahl: even though a bot has 359 battles in the history, yet it says progress: 5%
eulerscheZahl: 361 now
dbdr: the 7K match submit :D
dbdr: if it ever finishes
eulerscheZahl: it might show *my* progress on someone elses battles
dbdr: makes total sense
eulerscheZahl: got increased to 15%, no matter which player battles i open
dbdr: very self-centered
eulerscheZahl: is that something for your discord bugs channel? :D
dbdr: I saw it as mostly for emergencies
dbdr: so I would say forum
dbdr: but you're free ;)
eulerscheZahl: i see the forum for more serious cases. this one is a minor bug i don't really care about
dbdr: /dev/null then :)
dbdr: winrate increased as I moved up the lb
dbdr: let's see how long that trend continues ;)
AntiSquid: maybe you only have half-member package euler? otherwise you'd see the other 95%
dbdr: better to struggle against bottom and do well against middle than the opposite, I think :)
eulerscheZahl: so i actually have the 5% member package then?
dbdr: wow, Fangel #5 in python
elusivecodes: Is it just me or does Python always win the Shortest code clashes?
eulerscheZahl: just you
eulerscheZahl: ruby and bash can beat python
AntiSquid: or "basic membership" whatever they call it
eulerscheZahl: perl too
AntiSquid: it's just you there was someone in chat moaning ruby users are basically cheating
eulerscheZahl: so you are doing CPU heavy operations dbdr?
eulerscheZahl: oh, i missed that ruby chat
dbdr: partially
eulerscheZahl: but always easier to complain about others using technology to their advantage than to learn it yourself
dbdr: why are you asking eulerscheZahl?
eulerscheZahl: because you mentioned a python bot at the top
eulerscheZahl: for a heuristic only bot it wouldn't matter
dbdr: right
dbdr: there is also a correlation, most top players use fast languages
eulerscheZahl: exactly
eulerscheZahl: top player => C++, not only c++ => top player
AntiSquid: why doesn't this give an error? torpedo = {-1.-1.-9999,-1}
dbdr: isn't there plenty of C++ in bronze?
struct: language?
AntiSquid: imo there should be more python bots in gold since it's easier to code
struct: I dont think that makes a lot of sence
AntiSquid: but at least it makes sense
dbdr: it does, esp if you have limited time
AntiSquid: there's a lot more you need to write just to get started with this contest
struct: Most of the time isnt about language difficulty
AntiSquid: struct c++ wood1 ! i think you stopped since there's an awful lot more to write up just to get started, but hey i could be wrong
kovi: dbdr came out of hiding?
dbdr: not hiding, i was working on a new feature :)
dbdr: might be lucky right now
eulerscheZahl: hungarians united again
dbdr: it's too early to come out of hiding
dbdr: for those doing that
dbdr: same code finished #12, but that started 5/5 and spent half the time in bottom
dbdr: this one started 9/10
eulerscheZahl: do you mean 9/1 or 5/10 maybe?
dbdr: right, not being consistent :D
dbdr: 5/10 and 9/10
dbdr: clearer
kovi: owned me hard, hence screwed my analyze by submit strat
dbdr: you're only #2? ;)
kovi: you also messed up others, joli #1, pb #3
dbdr: you mean bc I lose badly against them?
kovi: oh, hmm....not sure why then
metahom: weeeeee
eulerscheZahl: congrats
eulerscheZahl: waiting was a good idea
metahom: thanks for advices
metahom: thanks
eulerscheZahl: oh, another c# bot that will beat me :(
dbdr: gz metahom!
dbdr: you can still switch languages ;)
kovi: gratz
metahom: thanks, dbdr
eulerscheZahl: dummy submit in D
metahom: I guess I will not, eulerscheZahl
AntiSquid: you'll have the entire D community come over to praise you
eulerscheZahl: still timing out kovi?
eulerscheZahl: AntiSquid both of them? :o
kovi: i blame dbdr, he became more resilient and now i timeout
cegprakash: wait.. now I've to detonate mines in bronze?
cegprakash: is mines necessary in bronze
Nerchio: ;o 8 new people in legend since yesterday
cegprakash: I got to bronze by using only Move and SONAR
cegprakash: and torpedo ofc
dbdr: the real challenge is to go legend using only SURFACE
Quidome: :D
eulerscheZahl: :D
AntiSquid: :D
cegprakash: i don't want challenge
cegprakash: I want promotion
dbdr: look at you URL. it's a challenge
dbdr: *your
vbplaya: I've made it to Silver only using torpedo and silence. Just got promoted
lxnn: Hi, I was wondering: is there any kind of easy way to overlay a heat-map on the game, for debugging and analysis purposes?
lxnn: Or is it even possible at all?
kovi: i like the idea of debug layer
eulerscheZahl: on the codingame website: no
eulerscheZahl: you can clone the official repo and add whatever you want. but that will only work offline
eulerscheZahl: RAIC had that kind of visual debugging, i highly appreciated it
Nerchio: damn i got pushed from ~20 to ~35 :pp
lxnn: Ok thanks, I'll have to brush up on my Java :sweat_smile:
ThomasNicoullaud: \o
eulerscheZahl: hello chat
Nerchio: :no_mouth:
AntiSquid: free?
eulerscheZahl: dobby is freeeee
Nerchio: btw you guys chrome or something else
Nerchio: i swear it eats so much cpu
eulerscheZahl: chromium
AntiSquid: firefox
eulerscheZahl: the CG website takes a lot of RAM
eulerscheZahl: but it got better with the SDK games aleady
eulerscheZahl: once i had to hold a presentation about game theory at a university class. decided CG would be a good idea to visualize (tron game for minimax)
eulerscheZahl: was the 2nd to hold a presentation that day, opened the replay before
eulerscheZahl: when it was my turn, the laptop was completely frozen, had to reboot with everyone waiting for me
Nerchio: :D
Nerchio: feelsbad
NormantasStankevicius: eulerscheZahl that sounds somewhat like a shitty nightmare
AntiSquid: could have recorded the video ?
Riyuk: Live demos effect
AntiSquid: should have done backflips while waiting for it to load
eulerscheZahl: tutors said something like "i bet it's a Windows" (was a Linux)
AntiSquid: do people still meet with their university colleagues?
eulerscheZahl: i haven't seen any of them after i graduated
Nerchio: so you find yourself in a middle of a minefield
Nerchio: how do you escape xD
eulerscheZahl: either you have silence charged and run for your life or you die
cegprakash: is using mines required in bronze or silver?
cegprakash: I see bronze boss doesn't use mines
cegprakash: I want to get into silver
eulerscheZahl: it's your free decision what to use
YannT: either I found an actual improvement or I had a very lucky push :)
kovi: not lucky vs. me
YannT: jesus I didn't see that
YannT: I'm so bad vs. top3
pb4: Improve against kovi please
wlesavo: i have 50% against top 2-4 this submit and then 1-10 against kovi
kovi: top2 is really close now
wlesavo: oh, wrong stats, not counting siman
NormantasStankevicius: I was just placed 2nd
NormantasStankevicius: in silver, I kinda want to somewhat cry xd
MSmits: people time out so much in this contest still, even in legend
MSmits: it's pretty weird
MSmits: if I do a test on cg bench I get 10% timeouts
MSmits: from other people
MSmits: I guess it depends on the balance between mines and silence. I probably cause people to timeout more than average
MSmits: or not... it's weird either way
MSmits: Yannt, I think if you chain submit, you can push me into top 10 :P
MSmits: my winrate vs you is very high somehow. Maybe timeouts :)
YannT: yes I'm pretty vulnerable to chain silencing ;)
YannT: I have a thing for that, but depending on how it falls I might still timeout
MSmits: well I am not actually chain silencing, I just selftrack and if your cellcount gets below a certain value, I silence
YannT: yes, a.k.a chain silencing :p
MSmits: well ok :P
YannT: doing that will inflate your path count dramatically
MSmits: yeah it seems so
MSmits: thats why i timeouted myself a lot before, until i fixed it :)
YannT: but I've elected not to bother with it because the top bots don't do that, it's bad in the grand scheme of thiings against any bot that doesn't timeout :p
MSmits: it's just a constant in my case. I try different values, this is what I end up with more or less
YannT: the trick is to silence when actually needed, not just to prop up your positions count when it doesn't matter ;)
MSmits: this is not chain silence is it? Look at the mines i placed
MSmits: iguess at the end it is
MSmits: but thats because I covered the map pretty well already
MSmits: in that area
MSmits: my bot doesnt like to put mines that overlap so if the game is long it ends up silencing a lot
YannT: you're way under my timeout threshold here too, I shouldn't timeout
YannT: but I guess GC is going to do its thing whenever it feels like it anyway :p
MSmits: hmm ok
MSmits: oh right, kotlin
MSmits: I have almost everything object pooled
MSmits: you can do this in kotlin too I'm sure
YannT: I wish you could disable the GC
MSmits: no garbage then
YannT: it's actually pointless it just collects a gazillion tiny objects
YannT: I don't know how much heap you've got on CG but my guess is it's enough to just hold everything in memory
MSmits: Node nodes[NODE_MAX];
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: so do that, make a global array
MSmits: put nodes, paths, states, or whatever in them
MSmits: and use those objects
YannT: yeah I did that on UTTT
MSmits: on uttt it wont work well
MSmits: unless you do c++
YannT: it does work well
MSmits: how many objects?
MSmits: above 2 million, C# gave out
MSmits: I do 25 million in C++
YannT: private const val MAX_STATES = 1500000
MSmits: thats peanuts
MSmits: i use 25 milion twice in a game of uttt in c++
MSmits: probably 30-40 million nodes during the whole game
MSmits: you cant do that with a language that forces you to initialize your objects
MSmits: it means writing 700 mb of memory
MSmits: took me a while to figure that out for C#, i kept getting weird errors
MSmits: but for this game (ooc) you can easily initialize the objects. You dont need very many
YannT: yes I could probably do that but to me it's a non issue, the top bots don't time me out
YannT: I'm more concerned about my disposition towards trying to collect ennemy mines like pokemons
MSmits: gotta catch em all
MSmits: I'm done coding for this for now. The only thing I can think of is a minimax for combat, but I dont feel like another day of frantic heavy coding
MSmits: just trying to fit some constants
WINWINWIN: Guys in top 3 are constant but order is changing constantly xD
MSmits: had to say now with people submitting so much
MSmits: seems pb 4 is pretty much in the lead
AntiSquid: indeed maybe after contest it's easier to gain clarity
WINWINWIN: Yeah, does anyone AI hide here?
MSmits: you mean by looking at the final leaderboard ? :P
AntiSquid: but this might be the advantage of having so many multis, one of them got to be quiet
MSmits: WINWINWIN it sometimes happens yes, but it's not the main way we do things
MSmits: many are quiet AntiSquid, go uttt :)
WINWINWIN: So no-one would suddenly pop up to the top?
MSmits: It can happen
pb4: WINWINWIN : how would we know beforehand ?
MSmits: he means from earlier contest
WINWINWIN: Meant, has it happened before
MSmits: the answer is yes, I think on average one good player does it per contest
MSmits: but they dont always end up top 5
eulerscheZahl: but sometimes they come out of nowhere and win
MSmits: yep
MSmits: it's not illegal, but most of us dont like it, because if everyone did it, the excitement would be gone
pb4: ^
WINWINWIN: Yeah, it kind of kills the competition
pb4: not the competition, the fun
MSmits: The one or two times I have been near the top I held back 1 or 2 improvements until I saw people passing me
MSmits: in the end its all on the leaderboard because I need it
eulerscheZahl: i like the RAIC platform more on that: every game you play is public and you can play against every version of each player
eulerscheZahl: so of course you can hide your bot and submit last second
eulerscheZahl: but it's not that 1-sided advantage of A testing against B but B not even knowing about A
MSmits: yeah thats a weak part of CG's system
AntiSquid: i go by CG points usually MSmits
AntiSquid: need to re-do crystal rush next
MSmits: you mean cp?
MSmits: oh to decide which multi to do
MSmits: I want to finish onitama first
MSmits: maybe then breakthrough, or some multi that gives a lot of cp
Luxer: how to make binary searching in 2 dimensions?
MSmits: stc seems ok, still need to think more on tge and back to the code is easy cp
MSmits: do it separately Luxer
AntiSquid: you mean shadow of the knight puzzle luxer?
MSmits: for batman
Luxer: yes
MSmits: keep pushing me guys
WINWINWIN: lol MSmits, only the guys that timeout against u are submitting?
MSmits: not sure
MSmits: some lucky streak maybe
AntiSquid: give me your luck
MSmits: where are you at in gold now AntiSquid ?
AntiSquid: random rank
AntiSquid: #11 - #70 to be absolutely accurate and precise
MSmits: really? It was never *that* random for me
AntiSquid: final rank will be down to luck no doubt
MSmits: when I was near top gold, I was #2-#12 or so
MSmits: maybe the margin widens when you go down
AntiSquid: well i don't cover the mine tracking very well to be honest
AntiSquid: so when i get it right i get good rank ?
MSmits: if you still have time to code it, i have no problems explaining it
MSmits: but i use bitboard
MSmits: not sure if that would help
AntiSquid: i even eliminate paths based on where mines were triggered
AntiSquid: there might be a bug somewhere but too many paths to analyze
MSmits: yeah thats essential
MSmits: oh you time out?
AntiSquid: no
AntiSquid: just can't debug
MSmits: ah yeah.... well I completely suck at debugging myself. I just reread the same code dozens of times until I get lucky and see the bug
AntiSquid: takes too long to debug anyway i mean and sometimes i end up breaking stuff more
AntiSquid: i have a very complicated structure which is part of the issue
wlesavo: fix it?
AntiSquid: i opted for easy to move stuff around route instead of readability :p
wlesavo: 20 more hours
MSmits: AntiSquid I know the feeling. My structure isnt complicated but for some reason I went with a weird recursion instead of a loop
Nerchio: zenos needs to fix his finishing shots xD
AntiSquid: nah, i rather add new bugs wlesavo
MSmits: so i have a list of opponent orders and feed them into a recursive function that handles them 1 by 1
MSmits: with an increasing index
MSmits: so basically it's just a loop :P
MSmits: dunno how that happened
AntiSquid: you could rewrite no?
dbdr: MSmits "for some reason I went with a weird recursion instead of a loop"
dbdr: rings a bell :D
MSmits: yes i know I did it before :P
dbdr: seems you are made for LISP :)
MSmits: yea maybe
dbdr: in LISP recursion is more natural than loops
AntiSquid: here some fun syntax my bot has MSmits: mapp[tx][ty].ending[p][idx]->mines->operator[](k)->x
wlesavo: top5 went to full resub mode
MSmits: nice AntiSquid
AntiSquid: more fun to play with pointers than the actual game
wlesavo: do you charge the pointer before using it?
YannT: player.findTorpedo()?.apply { player.torpedo(this) }
AntiSquid: no, it costs life points instead wlesavo
YannT: kotlin has fun syntax too sometimes
YannT: find torpedo? TORPEDO THIS!
MSmits: my most complicated and bug vulnerable lines look like this:
MSmits: if (posX < 14 && ((blocked[posY] & (1 << (14 - (posX + 1)))) == 0))
wlesavo: AntiSquid oh, i see, i believe you decrease your mental health as well
MSmits: HS is the only game where I used pointers to pointers
MSmits: never touching that code again
AntiSquid: nah it's fun
MSmits: makes my head hurt
MSmits: bitboards dont anymore, but pointers to pointers are wicked magic
AntiSquid: easy to mess up
MSmits: yes
AntiSquid: too often something points to the exact same address :D
AntiSquid: and when i delete one thing i cleaned up half of my tracking
MSmits: stuff like that happens yea
MSmits: I also like how you can recast pointers to different types and such and the compiler optimizations starts optimizing stuff out that is actually still needed
MSmits: because you are doing stuff the compiler assumes you would never do
wlesavo: i wonder if illedan will make his rewrite in time
duckquackduck: "An error occurred (#314): "Submitted code is too big". Please contact"
Does this mean I need to reduce my number of lines?
dbdr: oh, Illedan is rewriting?
MSmits: not exactly
MSmits: you need to reduce the number of characters
MSmits: you can also rename some big variables
MSmits: but gz on coding so much :)
duckquackduck: ok thanks, I have lot of commented code, removing that should help, right?
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: better to keep a diary in a separate
MSmits: file
wlesavo: dbdr he said he have a complete different version, dunno the fate of this rewrite though
dbdr: his current bot is from last night
dbdr: but might just be a repush of the same
cegprakash: I just added some nice check. But I clear enemy history of movements whenever he uses a silence
cegprakash: I now fire only if enemy target is a possible position for enemy
MSmits: i wouldnt clear history unless you really need to because of state explosion
cegprakash: what do I do when he uses silence
cegprakash: ignore?
MSmits: you create a new state for each position he can go to
cegprakash: that's too many
MSmits: so it's a giant state multiplier, could easily make your number of states go x10
MSmits: but then it quickly drops down over the next few turns, it only becomes a problem when he chain silences
MSmits: then you write a pruning function
MSmits: to prune states and lower the amount
MSmits: it's easier to do with a bitboard, the pruning is
MSmits: take all the states, get some kind of map with a key based on position
MSmits: loop over states
MSmits: check if the key exists, if so, combine their separate histories and make it 1 state
MSmits: if not, add the state to the map
MSmits: you'll get at most 200 states or so after pruning
cegprakash: impossible
MSmits: make sure you only use common cells for the histories, if one state has a cell in history and the other doesnt, clear it out
cegprakash: there are more than 300 states
MSmits: not after pruning
MSmits: there are max 225 cells so...
cegprakash: but the final answer is 225 cells yes
MSmits: the difficulty is with mines
MSmits: but usually when they mine, i dont get chain silence problems
MSmits: it sure is AntiSquid
AntiSquid: was a reply to the 300 states
MSmits: oww ok
MSmits: i thought you were going for a last minute dash for legend
MSmits: and just shared the sentiment
AntiSquid: lol
AntiSquid: uhm gave up in wood2
AntiSquid: dunno how even got here
MSmits: what is your usual rank on contests?
AntiSquid: random
AntiSquid: depends on time
AntiSquid: or not
cegprakash: my history remover for silence is in top 30.. I'll remove sonar and try if it improves my bot
MSmits: if i look at your contest history, this is maybe your best result isnt it?
AntiSquid: no
MSmits: maybe looking wrong
AntiSquid: how can this be the best?
MSmits: oh wait
MSmits: i was looking at cp lol
MSmits: not rank
AntiSquid: kutulu was my best
AntiSquid: i think
MSmits: yes
MSmits: and code a la mode second best
eulerscheZahl: and wondev woman at 3
AntiSquid: but i honestly didn't have that much for kutulu and didn't have a pathfinding, which is weird i got where i did
MSmits: its a bit hard to compare fairly, because the participant count matters and also eulerscheZahl always says people improved in the last few years
MSmits: so this might still be the best achievement
MSmits: with so many participants
AntiSquid: then ooc is my best result? most complicated game
cegprakash: MSmits what u said sounds like a BFS
cegprakash: that should work?
MSmits: you mean the pruning cegprakash?
AntiSquid: rank / complication
cegprakash: yes
MSmits: it only shares the hash function
MSmits: with bfs
MSmits: other than that it is different
MSmits: you just keep 1 state for every possible cell and you combine the histories
cegprakash: I can clear the history after an enemy surface
MSmits: if you want to track mines properly, you also need to combine mine-history, thats painful
cegprakash: this way no point is repeated
MSmits: ah, i dont clear on surface either
MSmits: AntiSquid not sure if complication is a fair way to assess your achievement, because your opponents have the same complication as you
cegprakash: at any depth I, I can't have more than 225 points
MSmits: so its'both an advantage and a disadvantage
kovi: pb4, what is this magic? now i have 25% vs. you
cegprakash: say if there are 500 turns in the game, I'll have to calculate 500*225 points
cegprakash: but I only need the last level
cegprakash: last turn*
MSmits: ah... well its because you dont use a bitboard that you get into problems on long games cegprakash
MSmits: you probably have some huge path object ?
cegprakash: what is a bitboard
cegprakash: yes I have a string MSmits
MSmits: ouch
MSmits: strings are slow
MSmits: let me show you the bitboard
MSmits: thats the entire state
MSmits: includes history also
MSmits: well a visited cells map that is
MSmits: and a "mines were laid from" map
YannT: I use int[16] (the last int is position) :p
MSmits: that works
cegprakash: why 16 bits?
cegprakash: shouldn't it be 15*15 = 225 bits
MSmits: 15 bits is a row
YannT: no, an array of 16 32 bits ints
MSmits: there is no uint15_t
MSmits: so i cant use it :p
MSmits: thats why i need to do things like this:
MSmits: I the "LEFT_EDGE" is to remove the unused bit
cegprakash: u do something like a matrix multipication MSmits?
MSmits: no thats not it
MSmits: its just shifting maps
MSmits: for example, to place a blast area on a map I get this:
MSmits: and then i shift it to the right position
YannT: why do you need to shift the bitboard tho?
MSmits: just said that above :)
MSmits: also this:
MSmits: i shift sectors too
YannT: ah I see
cegprakash: u don't know enemy's start position or current position I don't know how can u make a map like this
cegprakash: u can only ignore the impossibilities
MSmits: you make a map for each possible cell, I start a state for each possible position
MSmits: visited map is empty
MSmits: mine map is empty
MSmits: (except for start cell btw, that is on the visited map ofcv)
MSmits: i even have 64 bit blast map
MSmits: this is to record damage
MSmits: because center cell gets 2 damage
MSmits: I shift that too, but i shift it 4x as much
MSmits: (because 4 bit per 1 cell)
cegprakash: hey
cegprakash: I don't understand all this theory shit
MSmits: this sort of thing is fun for me. After all that stuff was done, the game became less fun and i lost motivation
cegprakash: say enemy moves NEWS
cegprakash: what does ur map have
cegprakash: it should basically have all points
MSmits: it has 4 new set bits on the visited
cegprakash: right?
Grudo: i saw people write on game screen, how to do that?
cegprakash: in case of no islands
MSmits: yes, it has 4 bits set on visited and the position (x, y) will have changed
MSmits: Grudo if it is ooc, then with MSG, check the statement
cegprakash: now lets say it's a 3x3 grid for simplicity instead of 15x15..
cegprakash: enemy moves NE
cegprakash: now what does ur map have
MSmits: well i will have 9 states at first, because i dont know where he starts
MSmits: but because he moved N and E some will be removed
MSmits: top row
MSmits: and left column
MSmits: so there will be 4 states left
MSmits: say i pick the one where he started bottom left
MSmits: he will then be in the middle at 1,1
eulerscheZahl: Grudo "game screen"? like ?
MSmits: so the visited map will be
MSmits: 000 110 100
MSmits: for that state
MSmits: and the positon is 1,1
MSmits: it might also be at 2,1
MSmits: with visited:
MSmits: 000 011 010
MSmits: or at 2,0
MSmits: with visited:
MSmits: 011 010 000
MSmits: you get the idea
cegprakash: sorry start positions
MSmits: yes
MSmits: thats why there are 4 possible states, after those moves
MSmits: the int x, int y in my state is the current position
cegprakash: end positions will be 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
MSmits: correct
cegprakash: is this what ur map will have?
MSmits: no
cegprakash: these end positions
MSmits: my map 1 just 1 state
cegprakash: but I want these
MSmits: a visited map
MSmits: ahhh
cegprakash: I want 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
MSmits: then what you do is, you loop over all states, get the position and add it to a amp
MSmits: map
MSmits: uint16_t[15] oppMap = { 0}
for (int i = 0; i < activeCount; i++)
AddPos(oppMap, states[i].x, states[i].y);
MSmits: easy :)
cegprakash: in a 500 turn game, 83 silences can be used. But there can be atmost 6 surfaces
cegprakash: because there are only 6 lives
MSmits: right
cegprakash: so I'm thinking of going with BFS with surface clear history
cegprakash: for now
cegprakash: that should work for bronze right?
MSmits: do what you can manage
cegprakash: yeah I don't understand what u say now.. and time is short
MSmits: no idea what works for bronze, but you shouldnt need black magic to get to silver
MSmits: right, that is indeed what you need for most logic
MSmits: been trying CG bench tests vs darkhorse, euler, blaster, yannt and robo.
MSmits: [200 games] [31 crash(es)]
MSmits: none of those crashes are mine
Famout: So what happens when the timer is up, all code is lost and the contest vanishes?
YannT: MSmits: got to wonder how much of your rank is actually due to your timeouting opponent bots ;)
MSmits: some of it, for sure
MSmits: but hey, anything I do to them, I do to myself. Selftracking is symmetrical :)
MSmits: Famout code doesnt vanish
MSmits: it becomes a multiplayer arena
MSmits: you can continue to play
MSmits: before this would take months before the arena was activated
MSmits: supposedly it is faster now
Famout: Neat, kinda turns into something like CSB then?
MSmits: csb was a contest also yes
Quidome: Are all the leages recomputed at the end or only legend?
andichin: hello guys
MSmits: legend I think, but only top 100 of legend
MSmits: not 100% sure of this
Quidome: How is this with hiding or camping do you expect a lot of them surfacing the coming hours?
MSmits: no, not a lot
MSmits: at most 1 or 2, maybe 0
Famout: Interesting, and good to know! Got a solid framework here, but now that I finally figured out how I am adding in tracking for my foe, I was worried I wouldn't have a chance to refine offense.
MSmits: some will be promoted out of gold ofc
Quidome: Aha, ok, better
MSmits: and some might be very good when they come out
YannT: on this, I can't imagine someone managed to successfully hide a killer bot
MSmits: but that is not necessarily hiding
YannT: benching is so irregular
Quidome: what is benching?
YannT: they would have to try stuff on the ladder to be successful
YannT: running matches offline
MSmits: ch benchmark is a tool where you can run IDE games automatically
MSmits: its not offline
MSmits: just scripted
MSmits: unless you mean brutaltester
YannT: offline in that you don't submit your bot
MSmits: which you definitely should not do for this game
MSmits: ahh ok
Quidome: It feels as bad sportmanship though
YannT: it is
MSmits: thats pretty much it
MSmits: it's not cheating, but it is bad sportmanship
Quidome: ok thnxs for the info
YannT: and on this particular game, I don't think it will work too because you can't really have reliable testing without submitting
Quidome: it will not affect me but was just curious
MSmits: well if you really want to, you can make a very large cg bench
MSmits: with 10 players in there or something
Quidome: hm, some google neural network approach would work I think
MSmits: a submit in itself is not accurate either
MSmits: Quidome maybe, but it's not your typical game because of the information aspect.
MSmits: sure you can use machine learning for one part of the game
MSmits: the logic when you have some probabilities that came out of your tracking system
MSmits: you can feed those to a NN
YannT: it's very slow tho
YannT: I think one condition for successfull hiding is that brutaltester can get relevant results (not the case with this game)
MSmits: yea I think so
YannT: it's the only tool that will let you have enough statistics to do everything offline
MSmits: well it, or similar
YannT: cgbench is nice but too slow to do everything with
YannT: yeah or similar
MSmits: you're better off writing your own arena of course
MSmits: if you have the time
MSmits: brutaltester is quite slow
MSmits: sometimes I even let bots use eachothers resources when i write an arena
cegprakash: MSmits I'm using set<Poiint> to remove duplicates hope it won't timeout
cegprakash: :D
MSmits: good luck ceg
MSmits: for my uttt meta mcts I actually have 1 bot that plays itself and uses a single tree to select moves
MSmits: so p1 uses the tree to select a move, then p2 uses the same tree to select its move etc.
MSmits: saves some resources
MSmits: esp. memory
cegprakash: should I clear enemy tail when he uses silence?
MSmits: tail?
cegprakash: his past moves
Quidome: trail
Quidome: yes
MSmits: I don't
cegprakash: that's why u are legend #20
cegprakash: :D
MSmits: but again, i use a fast system for this
MSmits: well my real rank is 30 prolly
MSmits: i'm a bit pushed up
Quidome: clearing can save you states i think
cegprakash: yeah Quidome is legend too.. I'm gonna respect him. and gonna try that
cegprakash: :D
MSmits: it does, but it also makes your tracking worse. It just depends on what your bot can handle
cegprakash: because I don't know other options
cegprakash: lul
Quidome: Aha, yes I have a seperate mine probability field :)
MSmits: Quidome is gold ceg
Quidome: yep
cegprakash: oh
MSmits: which tbh is not that easy to get into also, this is some heavy competition because it last a month
MSmits: you dont get into gold with a quick bot
cegprakash: not even cegprakash?
MSmits: well people who talk about themselves in the 3rd person can do anything really
Quidome: 00:19:35:31
Quidome: well I am out of here, good luck to you all for now
MSmits: bye Quidome
AntiSquid: finally triggered the captcha minigame
AntiSquid: was totally missing it
AntiSquid: my life is pain without
MSmits: yes, you need the confirmation of not being a robot
Nurutomo: before i wasnt
Nurutomo: it*
MSmits: ah
gaspadorius: what does silence do?
MSmits: for a moment there I thought you were goign to tell us you transplanted your mind into a machine Nurutomo
AntiSquid: it prevents heroes from casting spells
MSmits: villains too
AntiSquid: wrong game nvm
AntiSquid: was joking gaspadorius but the answer is in the statement, one must read it to unlock its knowledge
MSmits: gnawlesh is powwah
eulerscheZahl: robo up to 23 again, was around 50 this morning. didn't submit for 2 days. i don't understand the ranking
MSmits: if you dont, then noone does
eulerscheZahl: and i felt like locam was random
MSmits: that was similarly random though
MSmits: you were just ranked a little bit higher
MSmits: well +10 or so
AntiSquid: i feel like this is the worst, but then i only vaguley remember the previous ones
eulerscheZahl: i was top20? when? (took a nap)
eulerscheZahl: or is +10 = 36 then?
MSmits: in locam you were top 20 most of the time and very unlucky on the last day
eulerscheZahl: ah
eulerscheZahl: i thought you were talking about OOC
MSmits: I was saying ooc and locam had the same random spread, but your random spread in ooc + 10 = your random spread in locam
MSmits: just everything 10 higher
eulerscheZahl: ah, now i get it
MSmits: wouldnt say you did worse here though, it's like 3x more participants
MSmits: started working on onitama
MSmits: done with occ
MSmits: ooc
MSmits: still running some cg bench but it's mostly lists of you, yannt and darkhorse timing out :P
MSmits: not that helpful
eulerscheZahl: i'm not surprised as i have my own timeout stats
eulerscheZahl: i had 4 timeouts in the last submit that i analyzed
eulerscheZahl: and always silence spam related
eulerscheZahl: i still don't know if or when i should use sonar
eulerscheZahl: any suggestion?
eulerscheZahl: and i'm not happy with my own silence usage (when+where)
cegprakash: check my IDE code eulerscheZahl
cegprakash: before I subit
cegprakash: it has lot of sonars used
eulerscheZahl: i don't think that your bot is a good reference
cegprakash: I only sonar when the information from the sonar is useful to fire the enemy
cegprakash: it looks obvious but it'sn ot
eulerscheZahl: hm, that even sounds somewhat promising
AntiSquid: how do you decide it's useful ?
cegprakash: useful in the next immediate turn
cegprakash: to be more precise
eulerscheZahl: my current attempts were just reducing the amount of possible candidates. but if i just sonar too early, it reduces those candidates that would eliminate on their own in a few turns
AntiSquid: i guess it's maybe good if you have 2 groups of paths
wlesavo: eulerscheZahl i charge and use sonar only if there more then two sectors, it can be late some times, i.e to the time sonar chrged there is only one sector, but i found it to be more appropriate
cegprakash: how do I escape from pond? is it possible to silence out off a pond?
eulerscheZahl: you don't spawn in a pond
AntiSquid: same as escaping from a fountain
AntiSquid: don't jump in there
AntiSquid: i meant well
wlesavo: lol, i had to google pond
eulerscheZahl: lake
cegprakash: I did spawn in pond in many maps eulerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: that that's what to change
eulerscheZahl: find the biggest lake and spawn there
eulerscheZahl: BFS
cegprakash: oh
cegprakash: we are the ones chosing the spawn
cegprakash: I forgot that
cegprakash: lolol
NormantasStankevicius: xd
AntiSquid: lololol
eulerscheZahl: AntiSquid finish him!
AntiSquid: who ?
kovi: he cant he is on another lake
eulerscheZahl: :D
cegprakash: my spawn algo s**ks
Badzio69k: Can you give me a hint to 1D bush fire?
eulerscheZahl: even with infinite recursion possible
eulerscheZahl: there's a greedy solution Badzio69k
wlesavo: im kinda glad the contest is over in a day, because i wont have to feel bad for not working on my code, which was the case for almost two weeks now
eulerscheZahl: always make sure that you extinguish the first fire and as many behind as possible with a single action
eulerscheZahl: that sounds depressing wlesavo
AntiSquid: sounds like he is trying to rub it in
eulerscheZahl: for locam i skipped the first 2 weeks on purpose to avoid such a situation
Grudo: cegprakash our last 4 duels results 2/2 :D
wlesavo: euler i want to improove it, but have not much motivation neither really good ideas, and its kinda hanging back on my mind even though i tried couple of other multis and codejam problems in the mean time
wlesavo: i think ill read some pms for good ideas afterwards
wlesavo: dont know if i deserve to write one though :slight_smile:
AntiSquid: you clearly don't /s
darkhorse64: wlesavo: after making so many people suffer on top gold, we deserve a PM
AntiSquid: ya
eulerscheZahl: check old forum threads, lots of post mortems
eulerscheZahl: even players stuck in silver write them sometimes
AntiSquid: even some posts from wood players complaining they got stuck lol
eulerscheZahl: to be fair top players usually get the most upvotes on their analysis
eulerscheZahl: there are different types of post mortems:
wlesavo: AntiSquid lol
eulerscheZahl: 1. the analysis and description of the algo to solve the problem
eulerscheZahl: 2. the story teller. "i was right below the boss when i went to bed but still not promoted the next day"
darkhorse64: Your contrib matters because your bot is Python based and necessarily don't rely only on heavy computations. There should be some smartness in it
eulerscheZahl: 3. the angry user complaining that the rules are bad
eulerscheZahl: of course you can combine these types
AntiSquid: ya imagine your approach got taken and adapted into a faster language wlesavo
eulerscheZahl: my post mortem will probably just be some statistics this time as i really don't know what else to write
eulerscheZahl: track opponent: check heuristic bot: check
wlesavo: stats would be awesome
kovi: 4. latecomer....others have covered all the basic features, so here are some minor ideas/improvements
AntiSquid: so how to achieve good story teller status in post mortem?
eulerscheZahl: read unihedron or the user whos nick i forgot or ranarama
AntiSquid: i like the pictures some post
AntiSquid: kodel or whatever his name is
eulerscheZahl: blitz prog
eulerscheZahl: (the story teller)
AntiSquid: i need to post a picture too :D
AntiSquid: hand drawn in paint
eulerscheZahl: sharing an animation is on my TODO as well
kovi: duh, pb4 resubmit....just when i was getting closer with so many other submissions it is hard to tell the status anyway
eulerscheZahl: easy way to collect some upvotes :D
darkhorse64: How do you see the size of your bot in the IDE ?
AntiSquid: i only check locally
eulerscheZahl: 54.6 kB
cegprakash: how many lines of code eulerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: 1439
AntiSquid: 46kb O_O
eulerscheZahl: but that includes some debug code and map drawing
AntiSquid: O__O
-ac: Hello Hello, May I ask is anyone meet CGInterview question about memory leak here ?)???
darkhorse64: 2k, 50ko
wlesavo: eulerscheZahl that animation of your local visualiser would totally make sence
MSmits: eulerscheZahl sorry was gone. I use silence when the selftracking count drops below some value and when silence itself increases the selftracking count by some minimal value. Sonar is only used when nothing else is allowed to be used
eulerscheZahl: that animation will be past of my short post mortem
eulerscheZahl: sounds like we have the same sonar usage
MSmits: yeah, i often see it charge by 3 points during a game, never finishing
MSmits: btw, i just set my torpedo threshold to some lower value in cg bench so it more easily starts shooting and you never time out then euler
eulerscheZahl: because that simplifies my tracking
MSmits: yeah
eulerscheZahl: why are you even benching against me?
MSmits: i dunno, i just picked 5 people spread out over the board
MSmits: i dont know these other fellas
MSmits: also picked robo, darkhorse etc.
eulerscheZahl: my winrate vs top and bottom players doesn't even differ that much
eulerscheZahl: i have a hard time at the beginning of my submits
MSmits: i just need a baseline to see if any of these changes in constants do anything
MSmits: but they dont do much =/
MSmits: either that or I guessed them all right at the start
MSmits: I often dont get much benefit out of parameter fitting. Only in oware did it help me a lot. Other games it didnt reall
Nerchio: i think you usually need a couple of submits to actually see a difference ;p
AntiSquid: lol ^
eulerscheZahl: he's playing lots of games in the IDE (automated)
AntiSquid: a lifetime might not be enough with this game
MSmits: true
darkhorse64: Mines should destructible
dbdr: arg, timeouting at turn 1
darkhorse64: *be*
dbdr: I suppose it's compilation timeout?
dbdr: pb4 had that problem, right?
WINWINWIN: why are there so many resubmits on the last day?
darkhorse64: wait for the last hours. It will be frantic
eulerscheZahl: darkhorse64 in the original game they are, we screwed up but didn't want to change it mid-contest :(
kovi: might be interesting to see in multi
WINWINWIN: What happens to the code after contest?
kovi: (to add some new flavour and not collection of postemortem copypastes)
WINWINWIN: do I have to save a copy?
darkhorse64: I know that and I cannot blame you. The lesson is that any power shoud have its counter
eulerscheZahl: will break a lot of bots of players that will never return :(
Swagboy: What was the way to destroy them in original concept ?
eulerscheZahl: silence is the counter to mines
eulerscheZahl: and surface as a last ressort
eulerscheZahl: shoot them
AntiSquid: would have been more fun
AntiSquid: you detect enemy in between his own mines, shoot randomly explode everything
Swagboy: Oh funny to shoot them
Swagboy: Were there chain explosion also haha ?
MSmits: lots of frames then
AntiSquid: but if you lay a mine you also need to move away from them then
darkhorse64: In the original, you destroy mines but they don't do damages, I believe
AntiSquid: otherwise it's worth to take a random shot every time enemy lays a mine
AntiSquid: everyone needs to change their bot if the game changes
eulerscheZahl: no chain explosions
Swagboy: :(
cegprakash: I just added spawn location fix
eulerscheZahl: that was a mistake in the last russian AI cup: you could explode mines by shooting them (not just remove but trigger)
cegprakash: also fixed a bug where I only shoot exactly on enemy position I can shoot his neighbors as well
darkhorse64: Chain explosions with so little information on mine layout would make the game random
eulerscheZahl: so people got as close to the opponent as possible and then did a kamikaze
wlesavo: yeah, i dont wanna touch my mine tracking ever again, imagine mine tracking would change completely
eulerscheZahl: they deal more damage to the opponent than the other way, so they win
eulerscheZahl: wlesavo as you are russian: did you ever play russian AI cup?
AntiSquid: imo that was one of the few redeeming things about RAIC, but they done the change mid contest i think
cegprakash: what am I doing wrong
cegprakash: got rekt in 40 turns
eulerscheZahl: the meta just got completely dull because of this
eulerscheZahl: and yes, was introduced mid contest, at the end of beta mode
wlesavo: euler not really, i basically started programming last year or so, i had some background but not competitive, this year on CG i wrote more then my whole life i believe
eulerscheZahl: ceg :D
eulerscheZahl: i boss made a lucky guess about your position
eulerscheZahl: the boss*
eulerscheZahl: wow impressive wlesavo :o
cegprakash: I hate lucky
cegprakash: when I die
eulerscheZahl: let me know if it gets too personal: do you work? or are you a student?
cegprakash: me?
cegprakash: I work
eulerscheZahl: not you
eulerscheZahl: i know that you work. and that you studied at CEG
wlesavo: its fine :slight_smile: i finished phd in condensed matter, thinking about switching to programming but not completely sure yet to what area of it
eulerscheZahl: and that your name is prakash
wlesavo: got my phd in november'19
cegprakash: I want to implement anti lucky strat
cegprakash: counter lucky
cegprakash: can someone help
eulerscheZahl: fresh enough to congratulate you
AntiSquid: condensed matter?
AntiSquid: what are the job prospects for that?
eulerscheZahl: that's a very technical wikipedia article, i might even switch to German to understand what it's about
darkhorse64: cegprakash: implementing a proper tracking system will help you survive lucky strikes
wlesavo: thx, not an easy way for sure, experimental physics in russia is almost dead, but i even got 2 papers in scientific reports, quite lucky for the state science in russia is right now
cegprakash: darkhorse64 u mean like run away from enemy?
AntiSquid: is it only solid matter wlesavo ?
eulerscheZahl: solid+liquid
AntiSquid: google gave a definition mentioning solid
Astrobytes: Condensed matter covers more than just solid
wlesavo: AntiSquid worldwide actually it is ok, basically its a very general area, including quantum computers and spintronics and stuff like that
AntiSquid: ya was first thinking about quantum computer chips when i read that because of the complicated process they use to build them
AntiSquid: but where do you apply ?
AntiSquid: what do YOU want to do?
wlesavo: its an area of physics that studies mostly ordered states of the matter, there are magnetism and low temperatures involved, and most of progress the technology made last 50 years is basically condensed matter physic
Astrobytes: Exciting field to work in
AntiSquid: cold fusion, zero friction dunno what you aim for :p
AntiSquid: what happened to podkletnov anyway ?
wlesavo: as for me i dont really want to do that anymore, it was fun while it lasted
AntiSquid: but you just graduated lol
wlesavo: basically i worked in the field for 7 years
AntiSquid: good you didn't go for a doctor's degree ?
wlesavo: the process of graduation was not that fast as it could be :slight_smile:
AntiSquid: i mean they study 10 years +
wlesavo: i did
Astrobytes: You have limited options after that, usually the only thing to do is stay in academia - research. Not for everyone. Most people I know with PhDs no longer work in research.
wlesavo: phd that is
AntiSquid: i mean actual doctor
wlesavo: i studied like for 11 years, most of which worked in a lab
wlesavo: Astrobytes same, most people i know who even leaved russia no longer work in research
AntiSquid: what would you do instead
AntiSquid: also with the lockdown not much to pick from anyway
wlesavo: programming i guess, there are other possibilities, but this i really enjoy
eulerscheZahl: it won't be like that forever
eulerscheZahl: i mean the lockdown
AntiSquid: ofc not, just a long time
eulerscheZahl: not the joy of coding
wlesavo: lol
AntiSquid: make android games slap some ads on it and publish
eulerscheZahl: but i fear that it will take a while too. saw an estimation for germany: if we want to keep the curve flat enough not to overload hospitals, we have to keep going for about a year
MSmits: corona makes me use all my free time for coding, as opposed to what i did before.... use all my free time for coding
AntiSquid: UK plans to go for 2022 i think
AntiSquid: and continue brexit plans :D
MSmits: well... the effect of brexit on the UK economy may as well be negligible compared to what this virus does
wlesavo: i just like the idea that i can make stuff happen with just a computer, opposed to highly consumable experimental devices, and im not smart enough for theoretical work
AntiSquid: if no lockdown would mean extra brexit with cream and cherry on top they'd go for it starting now
eulerscheZahl: and you can easily distribute your work, make it available for others
Astrobytes: Yeah AntiSquid, "the coronavirus crisis shows how important it is to break regulatory alignment with the EU" was a quote that chilled me somewhat
MSmits: it makes no sense either
AntiSquid: it's a religion
Astrobytes: Fanaticism at the very least yes
MSmits: if there's something wrong with EU regulations, then try to change that
Astrobytes: No, they want the whole race-to-the-bottom stuff, deregulation, more power for corporations
wlesavo: euler, true, also community and easy to understand docs/litterature, opposed to academic papers
AntiSquid: not all laws are the same anyway
MSmits: that would mean that all but 1 are redundant
AntiSquid: so virus is perfect for that Astrobytes
Astrobytes: Yes
eulerscheZahl: the virus helps to obfuscate the harm caused by Brexit
Astrobytes: Can be used as a partial smokescreen yes
Astrobytes: Utterly sickening imo.
AntiSquid: but brexit needs to be dee-liver-d
AntiSquid: astro are you still doing contest at all?
AntiSquid: nvm i see now
Astrobytes: Some half-hearted submits. I fcked up my bot, then reverted back to a bugged old version and trying to salvage what I can
AntiSquid: thought you quit it for good
AntiSquid: my best bot is 6 version before the latest :/
Astrobytes: I might rewrite it after the contest
Astrobytes: But there's loads of games :/
AntiSquid: ya
AntiSquid: is this the most exciting one?
Astrobytes: This was a good game, annoying, but good. Donno about exciting
eulerscheZahl: takes some time to set up
eulerscheZahl: parse opponent actions, write a tracker
eulerscheZahl: only then you can concentrate on actually playing the game
Astrobytes: With hindsight, I should have started once I'd recovered from the virus, as that's when I messed up a lot
AntiSquid: imagine you want to also write a sim :p
Swagboy: Realized yesterday that my tracker wasn't optimal
eulerscheZahl: and now i give you an extra idea to use self-tracking to track your opponent
eulerscheZahl: when the opponent knows where you are and doesn't trigger a mine, it's because there is no mine
AntiSquid: 400 people in gold ... the submits should be run within a smaller range not the entire league
Swagboy: Sure, I wanted to implement a belief updating also
Swagboy: His best move would be to go N, he goes S so he is likely not there
eulerscheZahl: good point, at least for some situations
eulerscheZahl: no self-trapping
Swagboy: Yes for example
Swagboy: Or torpedo, like for mines
eulerscheZahl: but too much effort to code all of that
eulerscheZahl: i'll just wait for pacman
Swagboy: Hehe, not sure I'll go for another in less than a month
AntiSquid: still fishy it got taken down
AntiSquid: expecting pacman game .
eulerscheZahl: yeah, the reaction surprised me too
eulerscheZahl: i even PMed thibaud about your contribution earlier. he said it's not the contest
Swagboy: What has got taken down?
eulerscheZahl: but why did he take it offline then? :thinking:
AntiSquid: you told me
eulerscheZahl: squiddy found a game on pending contributions
eulerscheZahl: a pacman multiplayer by julien from CG staff
AntiSquid: my only guess is maybe they got paid to make it but there is an issue with the contract or didn't receive the pay? something like the contract with crystal rush ??
eulerscheZahl: offline shortly after
Swagboy: Hmm ok
eulerscheZahl: but squiddy downloaded the game and made a reupload as a private draft
AntiSquid: was sat there for 2 years or so i think
eulerscheZahl: it was a pacman game and we have a pacman contest soon
eulerscheZahl: not 2 years. community contributions are only a thing for a bit more than 1 year
AntiSquid: but i didn't make it public
AntiSquid: just shared link
Swagboy: Find it a bit disappointing to know so precisely the theme one month before
eulerscheZahl: feb 19th 2019 (maybe i downloaded the squiddy contribution)
AntiSquid: well you have a cover picture, what else do you expect ?
AntiSquid: and the name in the title ?
AntiSquid: definitely uploaded earlier than that
eulerscheZahl: feb 11th, failed to remember when switching virtual screens
AntiSquid: how's your codejam btw?
Swagboy: It'll most likely be close to the pacman game, hence you already know what the game will look like
eulerscheZahl: starts in 90min
Swagboy: Not like if it was some random contest name
AntiSquid: maybe you are the ghost and you need to catch pacmans!
Astrobytes: Pac to the Code
AntiSquid: Ghostman
Astrobytes: Coders Strike Pac!
Swagboy: Haha right, interesting
eulerscheZahl: so far i didn't even read all the rules. no way for you to check but i don't plan to get an advantage on this
MSmits: Pacalath!
eulerscheZahl: and it's 1 year old, lots of rules changes or redesigns might have happened
Astrobytes: Yavaman
AntiSquid: might be a slight difference in this game
eulerscheZahl: ultimate pacman
MSmits: Pacthrough
Astrobytes: Pacwoman
MSmits: that's just mrs. pacman
eulerscheZahl: the great pacman
AntiSquid: Fudge Packers of the Galaxy
Astrobytes: ffs
kovi: mr and mrs pacman
Astrobytes: Pacman & Friends
AntiSquid: Russian Pacman AI cup
eulerscheZahl: pacman4life
eulerscheZahl: packers (instead of checkers)
AntiSquid: Call of Pacman
MSmits: Pac Norris
AntiSquid: MPacmits
wlesavo: winrarman
MSmits: now we're derailing :P
AntiSquid: you derailed it
MSmits: meh ok
MSmits: I was supposed to do DnD today
MSmits: DM got sick
AntiSquid: hope it's a tiny caricature like the one in your avatar running away from the ghosts with its hands stretched forward
MSmits: that sounds cool AntiSquid
wlesavo: MSmits bad roll?
MSmits: someone did suggest he should roll higher on his disease check
MSmits: first question everyone asks is, is it corona? But of course noone can know this
MSmits: only when you've been sick for a while and actually get tested
MSmits: I wonder what the chances are now, to get corona as opposed to other viruses. The less infectious viruses should mostly die out now shouldnt they? With the social distancing
MSmits: so if you get sick now, there's not much chance of having gotten those
MSmits: ordinary flu and such
MSmits: Astrobytes will know this
Astrobytes: Hey I'm no epidemiologist
Febrin: Somebody has an idea what could caused that my game loop did 2 iterations in one round?
kovi: you write end of line
kovi: maybe
MSmits: allright, me neither, was just wondering :)
Febrin: Oh yea I think it is for sure in this spaghetti mess
Astrobytes: But MSmits, since the coronavirus infection rate is likely to be *much* higher than currently known, it is more likely to get it yes. And the seasonal 'flu's and such are dying out now anyway.
MSmits: right
MSmits: but apart from it being seasonal, it should die out even faster
MSmits: and any other virus should die out faster as well
Astrobytes: Increased distancing and more diligence wrt hygiene should decrease transmission of many yes, depends on the environment
cegprakash: is it a tie if nobody dies? say opponent has 4 lives and I have 2 lives
Astrobytes: He wins
Astrobytes: If you both have equal lives, it's a tie
eulerscheZahl: "Victory Conditions Have more lifes than your enemy at the end of the game."
wlesavo: hm, i though the timer of contest became red to match the league color, and only now noticed that it is slightly more intensive, so its color in fact indicating remaining time
Astrobytes: Come on euler, you don't expect ceg to have read that do you? :D
eulerscheZahl: it will start blinking the last 6h
eulerscheZahl: actually i do: RTFM
eulerscheZahl: zarthaxx stop hiding
ZarthaxX: wish i was
ZarthaxX: i just dont understand this game
eulerscheZahl: RTFM
ZarthaxX: LOL
ZarthaxX: what does it have to do
eulerscheZahl: torpedo = bad. except if you shoot it. then torpedo=good
wlesavo: except if you shoot it in yourself
eulerscheZahl: no spoilers!
cegprakash: I am just submitting my enemyTracker and enemy avoidance
Astrobytes: Thank you for the update ceg
eulerscheZahl: just get ready for codejam in 1h
ZarthaxX: thanks for the advice eulerscheZahl
ZarthaxX: didnt thought of that
eulerscheZahl: wasn't even for you :D
ZarthaxX: the torpedo thing
cegprakash: I only replace my move with silence for now. I don't know how to use silence with multiple steps
cegprakash: like when and why
eulerscheZahl: to kill
cegprakash: i currently run away from enemy
eulerscheZahl: check the ending ceg
eulerscheZahl: that's how to use silence to your advantage
cegprakash: I see mines
Astrobytes: lol, sneaky
eulerscheZahl: last frame
cegprakash: wow
cegprakash: the killing blow
eulerscheZahl: you should add this to your bot
eulerscheZahl: sometimes you don't even have to know the exact location to go for the kill
ZarthaxX: why a replay smacking me
ZarthaxX: smack ceg
ZarthaxX: ;(
eulerscheZahl: was the first i could find where this worked
eulerscheZahl: last battles, you submitted
ZarthaxX: i see
ZarthaxX: :P
eulerscheZahl: and i can't find ceg, below top1000
eulerscheZahl: getting some food before codejam, see you
ZarthaxX: cya
cegprakash: rank #15 60%
AntiSquid: please don't
Astrobytes: we'll have 16 hours of this you know
AntiSquid: no we won't
Astrobytes: ceg doesn't sleep on the last day of contest
cegprakash: do mines dominate legend league?
cegprakash: plz show me a replay that's good at mining
cegprakash: plz
pb4: cegprakash : no
cegprakash: oh
cegprakash: I saw eulerscheZahl use a lot of mines
pb4: Legend league : per game you'll lose 0.5 lives from mines, 3 from torpedoes, 1.5 from surface
pb4: Obviously this means you need to avoid mines, so yes, they are hugely important
dbdr: pb4: did you completely solve your compilation timeout issues?
pb4: as I said, removed a bunch of code and functionnalities and pragmas
pb4: and yes those went away
pb4: but any feature i add needs to replace an old one :(
dbdr: cool. I wonder if server load might fluctuate and affect those
dbdr: yeah, that sucks
cegprakash: I'm doing a binary search to find which turn my bot bugged it's tracking
icecream17: Red timer... 56th....
cegprakash: what.. SILENCE 0 is allowed?
cegprakash: :O
cegprakash: I can use that
icecream17: No, people shoot at the silence 0 anyway
icecream17: (Well, actually, I silenced 0 for quite awhile)
icecream17: Why did I say this information? (Sigh. Nevermind)
tobk: weird, sometimes just out of the blue my bot is timeouting. no error message, so I guess it's a "real" timeout, but my regular execution time by turn is well below 50ms... :confused:
dbdr: tobk does it happen on turn 1?
tobk: no, but often early in the game
dbdr: what language?
tobk: Python. e.g. here:
dbdr: then I don't know
dbdr: sometimes it's a good idea to print something short early on to make sure the bot is running at all
dbdr: but more relevant for turn 1 and 2
tobk: do you mean for debugging, or to make sure the bot does not timeout?
tobk: (e.g. print some no-op MSG; but i'd have to terminate it with a newline, so how would that work?)
dbdr: 70% of the top 20 is in submit right now :D
dbdr: I meant to print to sys.tderr
dbdr: sometimes the bot does not even start because it's a CG error
dbdr: if you see your message, you ruled that out
MSmits: ohh, i should submit too then
tobk: yeah, I do lots of debug-output already, but none of that shown in the last offending turn, not even stuff that should have been completed well before timeouting
dbdr: gogogo MSmits :)
dbdr: join the party
MSmits: it's on!
dbdr: \o/
dbdr: good start ;)
MSmits: typo :P
dbdr: hm?
MSmits: changed a constant, made a typo
MSmits: 1,0f
dbdr: ah yes, not a real win
dbdr: you ignored the warning dialog from CG I see :D
MSmits: whats that
dbdr: "You did not test your code..."
MSmits: oh right, yeah
eulerscheZahl: i ignore that too :D
MSmits: new constant not looking good so far
eulerscheZahl: but usually i compile it offline at least
MSmits: I'm beeting creapy rabbit at least
MSmits: creepy
ZarthaxX: creepy rabbit lmao
wlesavo: tobk you sure its not related to placing mine around a board edge?
dbdr: that should say something else than timeout
dbdr: if the referee rejects it
wlesavo: you can also use flush = true to see if its a real timeout
eulerscheZahl: creepy rabbit = nagraro k
dbdr: why?
MSmits: no it's this guy:
tobk: wlesavo Pretty sure. If it was some weird edge-case, it should be reproducible at least.
eulerscheZahl: oh :D
wlesavo: hm
eulerscheZahl: i thought you said that nagra looks like a bunny in the small viewer
MSmits: nah
MSmits: this guy is creepy because you only see he is creepy when you focus on the little pic
eulerscheZahl: 10min to codejam
MSmits: at first you think, ahhh cute bunny, then you zoom in, it's like WTH
wlesavo: i finally got an idea for improvement, just 10 min before codejam :slight_smile: i guess there is still a night
eulerscheZahl: and my cat just entered the room
eulerscheZahl: why now? :/
dbdr: 16 hours wlesavo
dbdr: not even flashing yet
eulerscheZahl: the last 6h will be intense UI-wise
wlesavo: probably wont have time tommorow, so its night or never
dbdr: flash is like 6 hours?
kovi: pb4 has solid lead...
dbdr: *last
eulerscheZahl: yes
dbdr: kovi are you sure it's solid?
kovi: well, his winrate is decisive vs. me
wlesavo: i think this one thing can actually make a difference, although obivously it can make it worse as always
eulerscheZahl: but losing to val growth
Nerchio: i can't work on my bot anymore i burned out on this challenge ;p
ZarthaxX: wanna play chess Nerchio
ZarthaxX: kidding
ZarthaxX: lets go outside and workout.. oh wait
Nerchio: lol
Nerchio: i am not bad at chess actually but also got bored with it :D
ZarthaxX: i dont like it mmh
Nerchio: when you get slightly good memorizing openings is too important :p
icecream17: A huge bug! What a miracle
Astrobytes: Try Chess960/Fischer Random, more about playing chess than openings
icecream17: theres Crazyhouse....
Nerchio: when i am programming a lot i find that mental exercises outside are exhausting more than fun so no chess
icecream17: hmm... what fun game uses no mental excersize....
Astrobytes: Yes, true for me sometimes too Nerchio
tobk: is there something better than "time.time()" in Python? seems not to be very precise...
Nerchio: msmits timeout again xD
MSmits: not on my current submit. I made a mistake earlier
tobk: or put differently:if the output is correct, then just reading the input per turn already takes 20-50ms... and sometimes the bot takes longer than 50ms without timeouting
icecream17: I wonder if the website starts the 50ms timeout timer before the code starts, or just after?
Febrin: I just realised i have random timeouts too, (I'm using time.time())
Febrin: And sometimes It says that my move lasted 3ms which is impossible
tobk: ah, wait, I guess I'm including the Opp's runtime in my timing...
tobk: I set the "start" time for the turn right at the top of the game loop, before reading the first input. guess I should put it just after the first input instead
Astrobytes: tobk make sure you start the timer immediately after you read the first input
tobk: exactly :-D
Astrobytes: :D
tobk: yes, now the readouts make a lot more sense. no more 30ms for input parsing.
Astrobytes: lol
tobk: (my bot does not do any "until time permits" stuff, but it was kind of confusing anyway)
MadKnight: who is Automaton2020 and who made him ?
TidyMaze: it's actually Magus pretending to be a bot
MadKnight: 2020, not 2000 TidyMaze
icecream17: Hey, Automaton2000, is that true?
Automaton2000: i feel like there's a lot to me
TidyMaze: I have no idea MadKnight but I like the Mechanical Turk profile picture
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 created it so he stops getting pinged 24/7
Automaton2000: it depends on how you define it
icecream17: Great examples
Automaton2000: on this, i can't imagine someone managed to successfully hide a killer bot
icecream17: Hey... I just noticed something....
icecream17: auTOMATOn2000 XD
Automaton2000: i have a question for you
Quidome: automaton2000 is a chatbot????
Automaton2000: i should be able to find it
icecream17: in my for loop.... i = -13???
AntiSquid: Quidome no, read above tidymace already said it's magus playing as a bot in chat, that's why he isn't on the leaderboard, can't do both, no time
cegprakash: You have been promoted to Silver League of "Ocean of Code"!
You win +100XP
cegprakash: codejam is hard
Badzio69k: can you tell me what is wrong with it?
Badzio69k: It is bank Robbers quest
NormantasStankevicius: hellyeah! added a tracking function
NormantasStankevicius: on opponent mine trigger
NormantasStankevicius: he had like 30places
NormantasStankevicius: 1 mine made into 1
cegprakash: can I get a replay against a legend player plz
cegprakash: in ocean of code
cegprakash: I've reached silver.. I want to aim legend to reach gold
Febrin: You can watch them in leaderboard
cegprakash: me vs legend guy
NormantasStankevicius: cegprakash took me a week to get out of silver, that place is a meat grinder
Febrin: You can't play vs legend
Febrin: Try to beat 1st bot first
Idleless: @Badzio69k The problem is that there are more vaults than robbers so at least one robber will have to crack more than one vault and his time will be the sum of the vaults he cracks.
cegprakash: I already beat silver boss
Febrin: Okay, so try gold one then
pb4: cegprakash
cegprakash: interesting radars
cegprakash: sonars*
cegprakash: but u have bugs with ur mine trigger
cegprakash: should I try random combination of moves?
cegprakash: for now I always do Torpedo + Move/Silence
cegprakash: no mines and no sonars
cegprakash: it's time for me to do GA
cegprakash: ceGA
Grudo: why i lost on last move?
cegprakash: checking
**eulerscheZahl is back
Counterbalance: timeout
Grudo: oh i forgot about timeouts...
Astrobytes: How was codejame eulerscheZahl?
Astrobytes: *codejame
Astrobytes: *CODEJAM
eulerscheZahl: 58 out of 100 points
eulerscheZahl: should be enough
eulerscheZahl: still going 30min
cegprakash: eulerscheZahl I reached Silver
eulerscheZahl: cegprakash you forgot codejam
cegprakash: no
cegprakash: I gave up
eulerscheZahl: oh
cegprakash: tough probs
cegprakash: couldn't even solve 1st
eulerscheZahl: i liked them
cegprakash: so closed
cegprakash: my code gave WA for the smallest input
cegprakash: :')
cegprakash: I did bfs
eulerscheZahl: even if i didn't solve the large case for B and C
eulerscheZahl: so now you think you can do a better BFS on CG?
cegprakash: no first problem
eulerscheZahl: there's a nice trick (as usually)
eulerscheZahl: i'd love to tell you but have to wait 30 min
cegprakash: yes
cegprakash: I know something exists in the line of bitmask or something
cegprakash: but f**k it
cegprakash: lets do CG
cegprakash: get Gold
cegprakash: I've reached Silver
eulerscheZahl: do you have the killer move i showed you?
cegprakash: just going to Add GA
eulerscheZahl: 14h before the end?
cegprakash: and simulation
eulerscheZahl: bad idea
AntiSquid: go cegprakash get legend
AntiSquid: don't listen to haters
cegprakash: u are the only hater I have AntiSquid
AntiSquid: add GA, sim and linear regression
AntiSquid: i don't hate you
Riyuk: :joy:
cegprakash: I don't know linear regression
AntiSquid: JUST DO IT!
MSmits: just draw a straight line that properly goes through a bunch of points
MSmits: minimize the distance of the points to this line
Astrobytes: ^
Astrobytes: InstaLegend
pb4: bugs with my mine triggers ? Care to explain ? :)
cegprakash: what are the points and lines though
cegprakash: :D
cegprakash: line could be enemy possible positions
cegprakash: sorry points
eulerscheZahl: you need a troll detector cegprakash
cegprakash: and in the line I throw a torpedo?
Astrobytes: :joy:
eulerscheZahl: you are lucky, i still have one that i could sell you
cegprakash: sell what
cegprakash: a joke?
tobk: just realized that my code for this contest is twice as long as any other of my contest or MP code so far... guess it's about time it's over
cegprakash: how many LOC tobk
cegprakash: I'm only half the size of what I wrote for other contests. May be I'm too far from legend or gold
tobk: 520 in Python (guess that's still very low compared with others)
Nerchio: wtf
Nerchio: i have 2700
tobk: see?
tobk: :-D
cegprakash: 965 so far
cegprakash: I am
cegprakash: in 3 days
Nerchio: cant read input in java without 500 lines
cegprakash: lol Nerchio
AntiSquid: 1000
cegprakash: you useBufferedReader Nerchio?
wolf-555: how would someone make an arcsin function with python?
Nerchio: no
AntiSquid: wolf-555
Astrobytes: lmgtfy opportunity missed squidster
AntiSquid: too much effort
Astrobytes: :D
Riyuk: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
eulerscheZahl: also good: "anagram"
Ajanx112: Hey guys, is there a way to make the coding windows' font a bit larger?
eulerscheZahl: ctrl + comma
Ajanx112: Omg thx
eulerscheZahl: full hotkey list:
eulerscheZahl: cegprakash as codejam is over now: i used a BFS for the last problem. to bruteforce the easy version
cegprakash: u mean first problem?
cegprakash: I only read first problem
cegprakash: the stick jumping
eulerscheZahl: last problem, the card stack
cegprakash: I din read that
eulerscheZahl: the pogo had to do with binary representation, true
eulerscheZahl: but not really a bitmask
AntiSquid: how long was codejam?
AntiSquid: nvm found
cegprakash: it's not a bfs eulerscheZahl?
eulerscheZahl: you try to find a sum of numbers adding up to abs(x)+abs(y)
AntiSquid: so i had to qualify on 3rd of april to participate today?
eulerscheZahl: that always works, if x+y is odd
eulerscheZahl: yes AntiSquid. good luck next year
AntiSquid: lol
ZarthaxX: did u pass toad'
AntiSquid: ZarthaxX did you play?
ZarthaxX: nope
ZarthaxX: dont feeling it
ZarthaxX: not
AntiSquid: woah wtf, you said it requires thinking
eulerscheZahl: yes ZarthaxX, #680
ZarthaxX: niceee
ZarthaxX: was it easy? lol
ZarthaxX: AntiSquid which i lack :)
eulerscheZahl: i was quite relaxed. didn't try too hard on those i couldn't solve :P
AntiSquid: how comes you wait about a month for next round?
ZarthaxX: isnt there round 1 C yet?
AntiSquid: i meant this:
AntiSquid: there's a big gap between rounds
ZarthaxX: 1c ye
eulerscheZahl: 1C in 12 days
eulerscheZahl: you don't eat all chocolate from your xmas calendar on a single day either AntiSquid, do you?
eulerscheZahl: so codejam shall last for months
AntiSquid: i never buy a calendar
eulerscheZahl: me neither. but my mom always did when i was young
AntiSquid: would probably eat it in one day
MostComplicatedUsername: eat it?
MostComplicatedUsername: oh chocolate
MostComplicatedUsername: not calendar
wlesavo: >the pogo had to do with binary representation, true thought of that but could not make it in time, went with a simple brute forse and still screwed up somewhere
wolf-555: does this game have bots?
AntiSquid: which one
MSmits: there's many games here wolf-555, most have bots yes
MSmits: that's the point
MSmits: oh coc
MSmits: thats a bit different
MSmits: the bots arent actual bots, they are just copying a players earlier solution
MSmits: so you're still playing against a player, but asynchronously
ZarthaxX: *smart bots*
MSmits: the bots exist to fill up the roster so you can play
sharkdog: Is there any leaderboard system for coc?
MSmits: that said, I have never done a coc, so correct me if i am wrong
sharkdog: Or is it jsut fo fun?
MSmits: there is a leaderboard
wlesavo: >I have never done a coc thats what she said
MSmits: :p
Counterbalance: wslavo I tried really hard not to say anything ;)
AntiSquid: :')
MostComplicatedUsername: Msmits you've never done CoC??
MSmits: no
dbdr: same :)
Zenoscave: I've done so many cocs
MSmits: I did a short puzzle race with euler once, but it was a regular medium class puzzle
Zenoscave: ranked #1 at a point
MSmits: Zenoscave is the cocmaster
Counterbalance: no-one's going to mention the D
wlesavo: puzzle race sounds fun
MSmits: it was just to prove he is faster :)
MSmits: he is :)
Zenoscave: lol he's the puzzle master
wlesavo: puzzle racer
MSmits: he used to be twice as fast as I am, It's probably closer to 70% faster now
MostComplicatedUsername: um
MSmits: I got a bit better
MSmits: not that we did any good measurement, but just judging from what I have seen
Astrobytes: Are we still talking about cocs?
MSmits: lol
Astrobytes: :P
AntiSquid: you could always race here MSmits:
MostComplicatedUsername: Sigh
MostComplicatedUsername: Children
AntiSquid: woah!
AntiSquid: and how old are you darling?
ZarthaxX: 80
Zenoscave: I turn 25 in june
reCurse: Just looked up the D zealots for fun
reCurse: They solved 6 and 4 puzzles respectively
reCurse: :clap:
Zenoscave: yikes
MostComplicatedUsername: 17
Astrobytes: And zero multis/contests I presume
Zenoscave: any bots?
MostComplicatedUsername: Why?
AntiSquid: for real zeno? i doubt it
Zenoscave: Truly I turn 25 in June
AntiSquid: well MostComplicatedUsername because you called everyone children
MostComplicatedUsername: You're acting like children
AntiSquid: well lead by example then
Zenoscave: you're acting like childish adults (a.k.a software devs)
Astrobytes: As adults, that is our right
Zenoscave: ftfy
AntiSquid: if you think about it carefully everyone is the child of their parents MostComplicatedUsername
Zenoscave: ^truth
Counterbalance: adults are just children with a lot of experience
Zenoscave: AntiSquid what do you doubt?
AntiSquid: so just a bunch of elderly kids here
Astrobytes: Oi, less of the elderly
AntiSquid: i thought you were older zeno, that's all
wolf-555: what are some good games for a noob like myself
Zenoscave: CSB
AntiSquid: vindinium
ZarthaxX: lol no way vindi
cegprakash: wuut
AntiSquid: play anything but CSB
cegprakash: eulerscheZahl that's awesome
Astrobytes: Yava... no
AntiSquid: ok kutulu then, it has auto pathing
Zenoscave: wolf-555 what style of games do you like?
MSmits: and monsters
wlesavo: dont play with coc, enything else is fine
eulerscheZahl: cegprakash what's awesome?
eulerscheZahl: wolf-555 try checkers, it has really simple rules
wolf-555: I like coc, don't know any other games really @Zenoscave
eulerscheZahl: maybe you even know them already
Zenoscave: eulerscheZahl has a good idea
Zenoscave: wolf-555 i say do checkers
wolf-555: did alot of hackerrank and hackerearth before this
MSmits: or just try the list wolf-555
MSmits: there's all of them
Astrobytes: Or maybe you just prefer the puzzles?
eulerscheZahl: 42 multiplayer games :o
Astrobytes: Nice!
MSmits: yeah. Too much
eulerscheZahl: there are also optimization puzzles
MSmits: but relatively few
MSmits: and like half of them are yours :P
eulerscheZahl: when i joined CG, there were 10 multiplayers and 4 optims
reCurse: In other words you were better off before asking chat
reCurse: :P
Zenoscave: :+1: we helped
Astrobytes: lol
AntiSquid: did you do the bot puzzles on hackrrank? wolf-555
eulerscheZahl: hackerrank has a checkers too
eulerscheZahl: but CG players are stronger i would say. as linjoehan is at the top on hackerrank
AntiSquid: kutulu is like the cleaning bot puzzle, except you need to run away while the other players are being cleaned up by monsters, wolf-555
wolf-555: I did these paths gold :python, statistics, 30 days. I should finish the problem solving one this week
Zenoscave: hackerrank has bot challenges?
AntiSquid: well ya Zenoscave, but the UI is shit
eulerscheZahl: it has UI for it?
eulerscheZahl: hackerrank multiplayers:
AntiSquid: checkers is under expert category :o
MSmits: makes sense
eulerscheZahl: depending on how hard you try, it can be justified
MSmits: it's not an easy game to code a bot for imho
MSmits: the jumping is pretty complicated
eulerscheZahl: damn, smits 0.03 points above me on the CG checkers
MSmits: thats random though
MSmits: i was below you before
MSmits: i stopped when i was 8th I think
AntiSquid: just admit it's skill, stop being so humble
ZarthaxX: humble smito
MSmits: this time all the skill i used was high performance
MSmits: i didnt even try to get a good eval which is more important
MSmits: didnt feel like it and quit
MSmits: I think it just counts the pieces now
Astrobytes: MSmits I thought you were remote-DnD'ing tonight?
MSmits: DM got a virus
MSmits: was supposed to be during the day btw
Astrobytes: Oh crap, no stand-in?
MSmits: nah
Astrobytes: Ah
MSmits: we'll make a new appointment
Astrobytes: Cool
ZarthaxX: DM?
MSmits: dungeon master
ZarthaxX: thought so
ZarthaxX: the guy that manages all the story of the game?
MSmits: yes
wolf-555: I like csb, just tried it
ZarthaxX: the most entwertaining one :P
MSmits: well he tries to, then we go our own way and screw it all up
MSmits: it's tradition
Astrobytes: The Dungeon Master keeps all the gimps in the dungeon and... oh wait, wrong Dungeon
MSmits: whats that from?
eulerscheZahl: gimp? the gnu image editing program?
Astrobytes: Not that gimp no
eulerscheZahl: manipulation*
ZarthaxX: lmao
eulerscheZahl: ah, looked it up
Astrobytes: :P
eulerscheZahl: definitely not standard vocabulary you learn in school
MSmits: from what google tells me, i should not click further
lukasg: hey, does a mine have to be in water or can it be on land?
eulerscheZahl: maybe from Southpark, Mr. slave
MSmits: depends lukasg is this a land or sea mine?
Astrobytes: That type of thing, yes
eulerscheZahl: that makes the name of the image program weird to me now
DanTheMan832: has to be on water
eulerscheZahl: thanks for ruining it
Astrobytes: It was made that way euler lol
eulerscheZahl: someone else already ruined git for me
MSmits: git gud
MSmits: o right, a git, thats something
MSmits: not googling again
Astrobytes: WAsn't that cause Linus is a grumpy git?
eulerscheZahl: linus thorvalds being friendly when naming his programs
eulerscheZahl: "use that, git!"
Astrobytes: Seen Pulp Fiction? It has a gimp.
AntiSquid: in crystal rush it's on land, in ocean of code it's in water
AntiSquid: ezpz
Astrobytes: It will forever be UTG to me
AntiSquid: the utg letters are silent though
AntiSquid: in writing and in speech
Astrobytes: Can I just say Ultra Tedious Game instead? :P
MSmits: I think you offended AntiSquid and he left
AntiSquid: yes i left
Astrobytes: It's impossible to offend the squid
AntiSquid: all you need to do is submit a typescript bot that wreck mine, just for the sake of wrecking my bot with a typescript bot, i find that very offensive
Astrobytes: Ah yeah, fair point
Astrobytes: Forgot about your TS sensitivity
cegprakash: music at full volume when I'm so tired + coding keeps me alive for a while
YannT: siman has gone into overdrive he doesn't let his submits go anymore than 25% before resubmiting :D
eulerscheZahl: he already had a good lead on ice and fire before everyone else came and passed him. now it's happening again
eulerscheZahl: i feel sad for him :(
MSmits: he's in legend though
MSmits: only 60 people
kovi: he is in top5....
MSmits: and that...
AntiSquid: is he upset if he can't get #1 ?
kovi: atm i cant tell the order any more (pb4 and joli is probably most stable)
Astrobytes: I swear he stays awake for days just resubmitting
eulerscheZahl: i think the only chatting i did with him was "hi"
ZarthaxX: LOL
ZarthaxX: u epressed me toad
ZarthaxX: poor sima n
MSmits: depressed?
Astrobytes: His english is not so good he said
ZarthaxX: ye
eulerscheZahl: i see
ZarthaxX: with the sima n story
Astrobytes: And yours too Zar
MSmits: ah ok
eulerscheZahl: kawano wrote nice post mortems. but always in japanese
ZarthaxX: Astrobytes ???
MSmits: I thought maybe epressed was the opposite of depressed
ZarthaxX: i just cant type
Astrobytes: Fix your English Zarthington
ZarthaxX: fix my keyboard astrotardo
Astrobytes: Fix your typing Zarthington
Astrobytes: TARDAX
Astrobytes: :P
ZarthaxX: :c
MSmits: eulerscheZahl that site is like one of jacek's opening books
Astrobytes: hahaha
ZarthaxX: its kawano's blog
ZarthaxX: beast of a player
MSmits: yeah it looks cool
MSmits: wish I could read it
ZarthaxX: translate lol
AntiSquid: google translate works alright
AntiSquid: even for webpages
eulerscheZahl: yes, does a good job for japanese to english
MSmits: oh cool
MSmits: never done that before
eulerscheZahl: that's how i was able to play mini RAIC
Astrobytes: Nice blog
Astrobytes: Didn't know he had one
AntiSquid: looks like he was playing some other contest ?!
eulerscheZahl: kawano is quite active on twitter too
eulerscheZahl: contests and cooking
eulerscheZahl: sushi that is
MSmits: there is some funny translation though
kovi: mass resubmit on top....just when im on winstreak....
Nerchio: from the blog translation
Nerchio: Reflection I didn't understand anything
MSmits: he talks about some kind of pest in his code
Nerchio: lol
Astrobytes: The puyo one AntiSquid?
AntiSquid: but does he slice his fish with a katana?
reCurse: Oh what's that puyo game on his blog
reCurse: Looks nice
eulerscheZahl: it's what STC never was
reCurse: :(
AntiSquid: A game AI contest that was on April 15, 2019 to May 10, 2019. Puyo like a falling object puzzle game.
eulerscheZahl: somehow he got inactive after
eulerscheZahl: still playing on CG but didn't try hard on UTG i think
Astrobytes: And JP only
MSmits: he linked to my playhround
MSmits: I am on a japanese blog!
**MSmits is proud
Astrobytes: lol
MSmits: lol
AntiSquid: maybe you can get an anime wifu now MSmits
MSmits: that's another thing I probably should not google
MSmits: nsfw
AntiSquid: it's ok MSmits that's what friends are for
MSmits: ...
AntiSquid: he says the concept of love is different for each person MSmits
MSmits: sure
MadKnight: does anyone love Automaton2000 ?
Automaton2000: if i get the error
MSmits: but i dont think his anime doll gave consent
AntiSquid: need an AI that gives consent?
MadKnight: who created this AI ?
duckquackduck: what collection do you guys use to store all opponent paths? I used HashSet, but then saw there were many ways to come to same cell. Then tried queue, but that had issues with duplicates.
reCurse: That looks fun
reCurse: siman was in there too
AntiSquid: nice, you can chose your pokemon avatar?
reCurse: I guess
reCurse: Seems like they got timebank too
eulerscheZahl: and kera played as well
kovi: and iwashi
reCurse: Finals were played with a live audience it seems? :o
kovi: they also play on tc marathons occasionally
struct: get me full rules and I port
pb4: What is kera and iwashi ?
Astrobytes: *who are
Astrobytes: Some other of our JP players
pb4: I just saw y_kawano too
Astrobytes: and siman
Illedan: JP?
Astrobytes: Japanese
Illedan: ah, k
wlesavo: ok, submiting gold boss for the last time, lets see how it does in current meta
Illedan: did you try earlier?
wlesavo: a week ago
wlesavo: it landed around 12-15
Illedan: Is meta so different now?
wlesavo: i dunno, may be people evolved
wlesavo: hows your rewrite btw?
Illedan: Slooow
Illedan: Just starting now today
wlesavo: do you think you will make it in time?
Illedan: If I can't see progress in the next hour or 2 I'll let it go for the contest and maybe try on the multi
wlesavo: i see
wlesavo: i hope you will see some progress and wont sleep tonight :slight_smile:
Astrobytes: lol
wlesavo: till #1
Illedan: 10 point lead would be nice before going to bed
Astrobytes: Delete account if < #1
ZarthaxX: u mean >
ZarthaxX: :thinking:
Astrobytes: If not #1 delete account
wlesavo: !#1
Astrobytes: I was pseudo-coding it for Tardax here
Astrobytes: :P
Illedan: xD
ZarthaxX: ..
wlesavo: hm, lechuck is not doing very well for now
struct: this seems like all i can find for rules
Astrobytes: Best be learning Japanese then struct ;) OR speak nicely to one of our JP users
struct: Oh well, they also have 3 min
struct: while CG 15 sec max per player
Astrobytes: The limit is what makes CG versions of games special
AntiSquid: struct it can be translated easy @_@
struct: Its based on sum of pieces number
Nerchio: jolinden 33.5 pt ;o
Nerchio: sic
struct: The sum of the numerical values of two adjacent blocks in the vertical, horizontal, or diagonal directions is 10. Blocks that meet the conditions will disappear.
Astrobytes: (direct google translate from y kawano blog)
Astrobytes: struct
struct: I guess i will read that too
struct: thasnks
Illedan: 30% of legend in submission :o Impossible to conclude with anything now :D
wlesavo: so, gold boss seems to be doing ok against higher players, but almost not being able to climb due to really low wr in 40-60 places, which kinda makes sence, and its placing 40-50
Zenoscave: This is hard to gauge what is working
Zenoscave: legend is a mess
ZarthaxX: yeah :)
Zenoscave: new sub Zarthie?
ZarthaxX: trash submits over and over
ZarthaxX: im close to quitting this it just makes me sad
Illedan: :(
Nerchio: ye i accepted i will be between 20 and 40 probably and thats it :p
Zenoscave: I'm hoping for at least 60
ZarthaxX: at least 60?
Zenoscave: yup
ZarthaxX: we are all fighting for not ending last
ZarthaxX: im gonna be the one anyway
ZarthaxX: :rofl:
Zenoscave: Did you wreck bot?
ZarthaxX: its weirsd
ZarthaxX: submitted my bot that got legend and ended like 28
ZarthaxX: but then dropped to 45
ZarthaxX: so... idk what to think
Nerchio: top people submitting beat you over and over like me as well :p
ZarthaxX: that's a thing right
ZarthaxX: u just endsomewhere
ZarthaxX: and they submit permanently and smack u
Nerchio: y xD
ZarthaxX: its annoying :P
ZarthaxX: doesnt happen often in contests
ZarthaxX: also losing pts to top players that resubmit just when u submit
ZarthaxX: lmao
Nerchio: i have a a laugh when i beat top5 submiters though :D
pb4: wlesavo : how high did you say the legend boss ends up currently ?
wlesavo: 40-50
wlesavo: it does ok on the first 10 estimation games, but then gets reckt
pb4: and the non-bugged-AI-you-had-when-they-picked-the-bugged-legend-boss ?
pb4: I have no idea how much we've improved since legend opening
wlesavo: its not really not bugged, just some different parameters values, didnt test that, dont think it would matter that much
Nerchio: new people in legend? ;p
wlesavo: turn out i did change something that improoved my bot quite significantly, wonder what that was
Swagboy: It might be that you changed your bot without significantly improving it but just modified its general behaviour
Swagboy: And now since every newcomer in legend has specialized his bot against the gold boss, your old bot has troubles
Zenoscave: I definitely optimized to gold boss at first
Zenoscave: rip just lost 8 matches in a row on submit
MSmits: I just improved my bot until it beat gold boss, I did not try to counter it in any specific way
cegprakash: I'm halfway completed through my simulation
cegprakash: just 2 functions left
cegprakash: play and scoring
wlesavo: Swagboy yeah, that for sure can be the case, but i dont think i changed much significantly
jojoisyoyis: download swim grader
Swagboy: Ok strange!
jojoisyoyis: u r strange
jojoisyoyis: wrecked boi
MSmits: I want to download it, but no link :(
MSmits: dont have a smartphone :(
MSmits: can i download it on my pc?
jojoisyoyis: muy mal
jojoisyoyis: heck no boi
MSmits: lame
Zenoscave: jojoisyoyis what is swim grader
MSmits: it grades your swimming...
Zenoscave: sounds dumb
MSmits: how else are you going to know if you swim gud
Nerchio: download swim grader guys
Nerchio: lol
Nerchio: sounds like a scam
Nerchio: like
Nerchio: downloading more ram from appstore
MSmits: thats real
skotz: just reverted 50 hours worth of changes
skotz: feels bad
cegprakash: why do some games end at 680 turns? is there an upper limit for number of turns
MSmits: yes
MSmits: and it's frames
MSmits: not turns
MSmits: the 680 that is
cegprakash: frames?
MSmits: a frame != turn
MSmits: visual thingy
MSmits: changes in what you see
MSmits: multiple things happen during a turn
MSmits: each is a frame
cegprakash: mm
MSmits: but once again
cegprakash: so better to use more combos then
MSmits: read the statement :)
cegprakash: use the frames for myself
MSmits: sure do that
Astrobytes: Work it into your GA
cegprakash: yes
MSmits: what you can do is place a mine and blow it up the next turn, lots of frames for you
MSmits: think I improved my bot
MSmits: but who knows
Astrobytes: submit or die not knowing
MSmits: I was working on onitama and then i started getting ideas about logic in ordering of actions
MSmits: so i coded some stuff in that regard
cegprakash: no mines or sonar for now
cegprakash: I think about mines and sonar later
cegprakash: silver boss doesn't use mines or sonar
cegprakash: so there should be a way to get to gold without them
Zenoscave: What orderings did you find MSmits? care to share ;)
cegprakash: don't
MSmits: nothing crazy, just torpedo first, move second, or the other way around
MSmits: it's pretty basic
MSmits: i never considered it
YannT: it's lucky that you weren't gonna have time to do the contest today MSmits
Zenoscave: Ive got that luckily
YannT: got bitten by the competitivity bug :D
MSmits: nah, it's more that I don't want to leave good ideas untried. Dont want to have any low-hanging fruit unpicked
MSmits: ordering of moves is a simple thing
YannT: it's actually a cornerstone of what makes my bot work
YannT: just like locam :p
MSmits: yes
MSmits: but it is simple none the less
MSmits: not like tracking or mine avoidance
pb4: what do you call ordering of moves in this case ?
YannT: like maybe don't silence before surface ;)
pb4: do you consider a lot of move combinations ?
pb4: all except some criteria like no silence before surface ?
MSmits: i dont consider many. I had a very simple bot, but now I consider torpedo and trigger both before and after move
MSmits: always silence last
MSmits: sometimes you wanna get out of the way of your own mine triggering
MSmits: and sometimes you can do more torpedo damage if you move first
YannT: move+silence and silence+move don't necessarily let you access the same tiles because of islands ;)
MSmits: my silence always is distance 0 :P
YannT: ah :D
MSmits: i need to code something for that as well i suppose
Swagboy: Haha sly MSmits
MSmits: i just saw kovi hop over a mine
MSmits: like that creepy bunny
pb4: I do that too
MSmits: i wanna code 2 things before bed
MSmits: 1) surface to avoid mine
MSmits: 2) silence mine hopping
dbdr: did you finish that rewrite Illedan?
Illedan: Nope
pb4: MSmits do you consider those two different ? They're the same calculation for me
dbdr: not enough time? :(
MSmits: Then you must have some comprehensive search
MSmits: I have an if forest for logic
Illedan: Not enough motivation :(
MSmits: I spent very little time on getting good logic for orders. Mostly I did the tracking, beamsearch and such
MSmits: coded about a week total
MSmits: happy about that choice. I know what would have happened if i coded all month. I would be maybe 10 ranks higher and not been able to do anything else. This is not a contest i could have been top 5 at i think
Swagboy: Why not.
Swagboy: ?
MSmits: I don't know. The tracking and such clicks with me. But the game logic a bit less
MSmits: strategy
MSmits: like if you played it as a human player, I would not make the right decisions either I think
Swagboy: I see
Swagboy: I'm not sure I would either
MSmits: most of these contests have a strong tactics/strategy aspect to them
MSmits: it's not just brute force optimization, finding the best search type etc.
YannT: actually if you write your bot as a minmax type of thing, there's little actual strategy involved
Swagboy: I really enjoyed the partial information side tho, first time I played such a game
MSmits: yeah, thats my thing YannT, I am not that good at that
MSmits: unless its a simpler game
MSmits: this game is pretty complex
Astrobytes: You just haven't reduced the problem space enough
MSmits: sure, that could be the case
blasterpoard: definitely very complex... I think I can now say that I gave up several days ago
YannT: I have a heuristic for what order combination make sense and should be evaluated, but other than that I don't think I've got much "strategy"
Astrobytes: really blaster? I expected some big submits from you today
MSmits: blasterpoard remember kutulu? That was simple by comparison. The sim was super complex, but the decisions were few
blasterpoard: no submits; I had very good algo for pathfinding, for fighting, for when to surface etc.
blasterpoard: but when I tried to combine them, it just devolved into an ocean of heuristics
MSmits: thats exactly my problem
MSmits: bots like that horrify me
MSmits: so many ifs
blasterpoard: I had a GA to find path... also had eval of each action involving a silence or torpedo
blasterpoard: now try to put those two together
blasterpoard: and also a surface heuristic
blasterpoard: it just got very messy because of different and incompatible types of "evals"
YannT: pathfinding is actually the worst part of my bot and the big thing I could've worked more on to rank better
blasterpoard: MSmits yes, kutulu is a simple game and I think there wasn't that strong competition in that contest
YannT: as it is I just have a depth 4 BFS to evaluate moves
pb4: blasterpoard : silence isn't considered in your pathfinder ?
YannT: so it will happily make decision that lead him straight to a minefield if it's more than 4 moves away :(
blasterpoard: pb4 only for first couple of turns; but my GA can eval how many cells I "am in" in the future turns
kovi: even without submit, blaster reached top5 :)
pb4: I basically launched 144 dijkstra at depth 5 every turn
blasterpoard: I'll drop to 10 or so
cegprakash: rofl
MSmits: blasterpoard the competition seemed pretty strong to me for a 10 day contest, but this is a 30 day contest and it has 3x as many players
cegprakash: dijkstra to chase enemy?
cegprakash: why not BFS
cegprakash: pb4
YannT: why djikstra for pathing pb4? Oo
MSmits: dijkstra takes into account cost
MSmits: bfs does not
pb4: YannT : I absolutely don't care where I go
cegprakash: it's unweighted graph
pb4: I can about avoiding mines
cegprakash: why dijkstra
YannT: ahhh soo you weight mines
YannT: got it
Astrobytes: WEight the mines
MSmits: mine probability damage cegprakash
MSmits: it is stored per cell
pb4: So dijkstra will answer the question "what's the cheapest path to go 5 cells deep"
MSmits: so each cell has a different cost for mine damage
pb4: I do one of those for each movement combination
cegprakash: :O
cegprakash: escape route
MSmits: i do something similar, only i beamsearch it
blasterpoard: my pathfinding GA scores each path based on enemy mines it encounters, reaching places where I want to put a mine, length...
MSmits: weirdly i combine it with a floodfill and a tracking score (to avoid being tracked)
MSmits: all of that in the same beamsearch
YannT: that's kind of what I do as well actually, because I have a depth 4 DFS that will backpropagate the mine chance
MSmits: not sure if thats a good idea
Illedan: I have that too MSmits
YannT: main problem is: depth 4 isn't enough
Illedan: In my 4 depth bfs
MSmits: I go depth 15 for some reason :P
MSmits: it's beamsearch so..
YannT: plenty of situations where I'll take a turn that leads straight into a minefield and/or forced surface if it's 5 moves away :(
Illedan: Yeah, that makes no sense :P
MSmits: well yeah, i should drop it to 10 at the most
blasterpoard: I go depth 15*15, because individuals in my GA are entire maps (imagine there's an arrow on each cell)
blasterpoard: that's why the bot is so good at tron
YannT: MSmits: I combine with floodfill too (not self tracking though)
blasterpoard: until the fight logic breaks it with a bad move
YannT: depth 4 BFS with backprop of a mini eval from mine chance and floodfill
YannT: and that's basically the move score parameter for the actual eval
MSmits: btw pb4 dont share too much, some of these guys wont go to bed till end of contest :)
Swagboy: Hehe
Illedan: True
Zenoscave: It's only 4PM here ;0
Illedan: :scream:
pb4: kovi lucky push or did you actually make a bot that's not weak against me anymore ?
kovi: i have no idea
pb4: I really liked your pushs these last 3 weeks :D
kovi: have been here few hours ago
dbdr: Illedan back in top 10 :thumbsup:
Illedan: Shhhh, don't break my luck
dbdr: :no_mouth:
kovi: you dont need luck here, just after 10 hours
Illedan: That message gave me a huge lose streak :(
Illedan: And the planets are not aligned anymore
dbdr: :(
Zenoscave: Oops
dbdr: 6 out of top 8 in submit
Illedan: Crazy times
dbdr: not counting those further down on their way back
YannT: it's curfew time no one submit until tomorrow morning now
dbdr: only in select countries
Astrobytes: Internet curfew?
YannT: opkay fine just don't kick my out of top20 then, I want that tshirt :p
dbdr: no worries
YannT: :thumbsup:
1998marcom: Q: Is there any way to ask for a complete output of the compiler errors? It gets truncated too early and I can't understand the issue. And I cannot reproduce the error on my PC, because there is no error according to my g++, and I can even run my program locally on the git cloned server.
wlesavo: me too
Zenoscave: How important is sonar?
MSmits: depends on how well you use it i guess. Not sure otherwise
dbdr: you can do without it
Zenoscave: ok
Zenoscave: I'm losing matches a lot in stupid ways and i cant figujre out why
Zenoscave: I think it's mine detection
MSmits: definitely a big deal
MSmits: i dont think I got it right either
MSmits: it works-ish
Zenoscave: Same
dbdr: same
kovi: hmm, maybe its not just luck
dbdr: as YannT said, there is constantly one person 1-2 points above the rest
pb4: big change ?
dbdr: it's just that that person changes every 20 minutes
kovi: no, im just parameter finetuning
kovi: but i know what blaster realized
kovi: some parameters may have more influence, than adding a full algo
kovi: and a loosestreak...val is strong
blasterpoard: meh... I'm not sure anything has any influence
blasterpoard: this exact bot ended at #35 on its first submit
blasterpoard: and it's also been as high as #5
kovi: well, most game is decided on bad luck on some all-out fire
blasterpoard: the crazy variance is mostly why I stopped trying (but it mostly means that my bot breaks a lot)
kovi: but your bot has battle....
kovi: so it must be suffering from the luck of winning the minefield
kovi: (bigger part of the field)
blasterpoard: my bot doesn't have the battle thing I made, because although it won battles, it wanted to battle way too often
kovi: i c
blasterpoard: that's what I spoke about; I have good algos for most of the game, but putting it all together was beyond my abilities
kovi: pity. it looked promising
kovi: i started to implemented battle for 1vs1 chance...but realized that it would be too narrow
Illedan: Just need 2k lines of narrow handling to beat this game :P ANd then you need the generic stuff on top of it
blasterpoard: kovi this is what the bot does with that battle sim turned on
blasterpoard: it works out quite often, but the bot just doesn't climb
MSmits: it's hard to say what would have happened without the battle sim, it may work, but if you would have won without it and it sometimes hurts...
blasterpoard: usually it randomly uses torpedo + silence because it "wins the fight" and loses out on 3 mines
blasterpoard: and trying to make some rules for when to fight just didn't work
MSmits: yeah sounds hard
cegprakash: is this the input format in first 2 turns
cegprakash: feels like 1 line is missing in between to me
cegprakash: positions should come before NAs right
cegprakash: okay my bad
cegprakash: cegbug
cegprakash: used cerr and stringstream instead of using only stringstream
cegprakash: I usually append my cerrs to stringstream
cegprakash: and finally cerrr the stringstream
MostComplicatedUsername: I asked god for a bike, but I know god doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.
Uljahn: some atoms moved, no big deal, Automaton2000
Automaton2000: yeah, i need to do
MostComplicatedUsername: Why does breach gotta be so hard?
MostComplicatedUsername: Automaton2000 you have any answers?
Automaton2000: did you mean you dont need to use in real life
cegprakash: submitting my first sim bot
cegprakash: pray for my bot
CyrusTheCurator: -prays-
MostComplicatedUsername: pra- AHHHHH
**MostComplicatedUsername gets incinerated by god
**MostComplicatedUsername regrets stealing the bike
cegprakash: I don't know how to give direction priority in my eval
cegprakash: in case of ties
lxnn: Is 'SILENCE N 0' considered a valid move when silence isn't fully charged?
cegprakash: yes lukasg
cegprakash: yes lxnn
MostComplicatedUsername: Is it possible to silence and move on the same turn?
cegprakash: my simu acts like a drunkard
cegprakash: especially move commands
icecream17: yes
lxnn: I was wondering why my tracker was doing such a bad job. The bot was spamming silence 0 and I believed it.
lxnn: without tracking the charge levels to check that the command was valid
VincentBab: hum i dont think you receive the SILENCE order when the opponent SILENCE is not valid
lxnn: ok thanks, I'll try printing the output and see
icecream17: Imagine this command: "MOVE N TORPEDO | TORPEDO 7 7 | SONAR 5 | SURFACE | TRIGGER 6 4 | MINE S | MSG *wins*"
icecream17: Oh no I forgot the "SILENCE N 4"
VincentBab: whats the point of SURFACE after MOVE & TORPEDO ? ^^
icecream17: Avoid mines? Run away to silence? Bug?
MostComplicatedUsername: No he's trying to do every possible action
icecream17: My record is 5. (But I almost never use sonar... and surface...)
VincentBab: SURFACE | MOVE N TORPEDO | SILENCE N 4 | TORPEDO 7 7 | TRIGGER 7 8 | MSG *u didnt see that one comming huh ?!*
VincentBab: xD
MSmits: I prefer my MSG "FATALITY"
MSmits: it's rare, but it happens. a win vs pb4 on the lb :)
VincentBab: haha you locked him up in the corner with your mines ^^
MSmits: yeah :)
wlesavo: MSmits thats my MSG :slight_smile: gold boss have it as well
MSmits: I know
MSmits: I like it
wlesavo: dam, battle for #1 in python is really close
MSmits: I have absolutely no idea which bot version i wrote is best =/
Swagboy: So is for c++ wlesavo !
icecream17: How long can your messages be?
MadKnight: in OoC ?
MadKnight: how long do u need them ?
icecream17: Not on screen, but as shown in the stdout stream. (Onscreen is enough room, but i'm planning to do something....)
MostComplicatedUsername: oh
MadKnight: std is pretty long
MadKnight: like 1000
MadKnight: why don't u use stderr ?
cegprakash: Tried to fire out of range
MadKnight: fix it ceg
cegprakash: I can't fire when there is an island i between
cegprakash: damn
cegprakash: I love my simu though
cegprakash: oh I'm using manhattan on my distances everywhere
cegprakash: instead of BFS distance
icecream17: Awwww.... this message was too long and didn't work:
VincentBab: LOOL:
MSmits: I do that too
VincentBab: whats the point lol ?
dbdr: did not help euler
skotz: alternative is surface, so might as well dispose of mines
MSmits: you might kill the other guy
dbdr: stay alive longer
MSmits: with some luck
dbdr: also
dbdr: maybe the other one will have to surface and die
VincentBab: ohhhh im stupid, i didn't see he had to surface xD
dbdr: now THAT's a good start :)
VincentBab: maybe i should implement that feature xD
dbdr: VincentBab it's minor but does not hurt
VincentBab: yeah but thats hard to test
dbdr: it's very easy actually
dbdr: if you cannot move and you have one life and you have a mine, trigger it
MSmits: uh, try to trigger the mine you're sitting on last :P
dbdr: yeah, I skipped that part knowingly :D
dbdr: going out with a bang
MSmits: yeah, i just use the same logic for mines i normally do except omit the rule for them having the cause the opponent damage
MSmits: this has got to be one of the worst contests for gauging your bot strength
MSmits: I still have no idea if this is my best version or not
MSmits: I'm somewhere between 25 and 50
dbdr: calling 42 ;)
icecream17: Uh-oh. The timer is flashing
MSmits: heh, hoping for better
MSmits: but sure
icecream17: I'm 44th right now in silver!
dbdr: ranking 42 gives a ecret achievement
dbdr: *secret
MSmits: cool
cegprakash: how do I debug this tracker that bugs at 55th turn
dbdr: flashing since when?
dbdr: 7H 5 minutes? maybe a round number of seconds :)
MSmits: allright, I am going to bed. Tomorrow is my last day teaching before vacation
dbdr: good night!
MSmits: well its not really a day, mor elike an hour :P
MSmits: gn :)
icecream17: Ugh! I keep trying to shoot 4 square down, but there's an island in the way....
tarriel: I hate it when my code base reaches the size limit, it sucks all the fun out of this game
TrentT: What is the size limit?
tarriel: once your code reaches a certain size coding game rejects it
tarriel: At this point in the competition I have a lot of cruft that i don't want to clean up, lots of comments ro remind me of things and aparently I have hit the code limit
skotz: 100kb
skotz: meaningful variable names and comments are overrated anyway :)
tarriel: I 'm not sure what the number is, I just know it won't run when I upload it, so I have to delete comments, remove spaces , rename variables, it sucks the fun out of the game...
TrentT: It makes it more realistic, can't just keep sizing up your EC2 instances..
TrentT: Amazon will be happy with you but your wallet won't
tarriel: hmm but it is a tiny amount in this day and age
tarriel: I end up with a different version in my editor and the game
TrentT: How many lines do you have?
tarriel: 2422
tarriel: not including my tests :)
cegprakash: why is my sim not working so good on arena
cegprakash: works like a charm on IDE
tarriel: whatch some games from your submission, particularly the ones you lose, there will be a bug there somewhere...
reCurse: tarriel the limit is 100k characters fyi
icecream17: Submitting. Good night. Still silver. I hope.
icecream17: Wow. Almost no one submitting. 9:28 PM
reCurse: Majority of contestants are in europe
reCurse: It's 4am there :p
muslim: why there are no c++ programmers here xd
KrembledKatsuo: i know c++ ..
eulerscheZahl: happy 5am
dbdr: \o eulerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: you are early too
eulerscheZahl: i had a full month, time for some panic changes
Swagboy: With you on those
Swagboy: funny map
dbdr: eulerscheZahl I'm late :D
eulerscheZahl: oh, wow
dbdr: jolindien has been in submit the whole night too I think :)
jolindien: yeah
jolindien: sorry for spam push
Swagboy: No worries
jolindien: last tunings :)
eulerscheZahl: i only do this when i'm desperate and home for the golden param
eulerscheZahl: and i missed the neumann promotion
reCurse: So I looked up code vs a bit more, was curious
reCurse: Seems defunct now :/ Used to be japan's version of CG apparently
reCurse: Similar games
eulerscheZahl: too bad we only find out about it now that it's too late :(
reCurse: I'm a bit amazed at the production value though
reCurse: Code vs reborn has tons of arts and even music tracks
reCurse: And live audience finals
reCurse: It's a bit over the top
eulerscheZahl: expensive prizes too?
reCurse: No clue
reCurse: I think it was mainly used as a recruitment platform
reCurse: Judging from their old signup page
reCurse: I've been able to dig up the japanese statement of all their games should we ever need more inspiration
eulerscheZahl: how many were there?
reCurse: 6 in total
eulerscheZahl: how often? once a year?
reCurse: Roughly, except there was a few years hiatus between 5.0 and reborn
reCurse: Probably why the codename
reCurse: The next one would have been due for right now too
reCurse: But everything is gone
reCurse: Twitter is deleted
eulerscheZahl: :(
reCurse: Anyway was fun detective work
cegprakash: and it performs too bad
reCurse: Rerun is going to be tight
eulerscheZahl: even for LOCAM it was easier to predict the winner
reCurse: Nah
reCurse: No way
eulerscheZahl: i still bet on a final blasterpoard submit
struct: I bet on pb
reCurse: I'll go with pb3 for the meme :D
Swagboy: Benchmarked against kovi pb4 jolindien
eulerscheZahl: the US starwars toaster
Swagboy: 50.0 55.0 50.0
Swagboy: That's tight
kovi: morning
eulerscheZahl: hi