tekki: AutomatonNN tell me a fake news please
AutomatonNN: I used a bot for that song
tekki: who's next AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: what do you mean by the code?
tekki: no bug in code AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: hey guys for the replay
tekki: someone here AUtomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: why do you need the red player and the bots are still a planet?
tekki: who is red player AUtomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: even i can get it anyway
tekki: next contest AUtomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: 5
tekki: ok thx AUtomatonNN
AutomatonNN: so after i change my code and then it's easy to predict him to see it as input
tekki: go on dude but be fair enough
tekki: AutomatonNN still here to protect us?
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to see the code and see what the boss would have to do to try it and se
tekki: what would you do AUtomatonNN if you were god?
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to see the code and more than 100 ms
tekki: AutomatonNN stop spamming euler please
AutomatonNN: what do you mean by the same player?
tekki: AutomatonNN ask Automaton2000 when you have a question thx :)
Automaton2000: it seems to me that i should get a good rank
AutomatonNN: why is it a programming language?
tekki: why not AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: Cyberpunk is the best with the bronze rule ?
tekki: don't know AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: temperature is a problem with a giant script to learn it
tekki: issue AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: after the first time i see it
eulerscheZahl: you owe me a chat history tekki
tekki: yeah sorry euler
tekki: hope it didn't disturb you so much
eulerscheZahl: i just got up
tekki: you know how bots could be
struct: There were some good things shared
eulerscheZahl: but usually i read what i missed yesterday
tekki: happy to see you euler
tekki: AutomatonNN have some questions :)
AutomatonNN: :thinking:
tekki: AutomatonNN is euler right on time?
AutomatonNN: when are you doing a simulation for the contest?
tekki: one day babe :)
tekki: we'll see AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: what do you mean by the same code?
tekki: just need your permission AUtomatonNN
eulerscheZahl: is your profile right about you being in France? are you already or still awake?
AutomatonNN: not if it's a good idea
tekki: yeah still in france
tekki: but don't tell it too loud
tekki: i like to be safe
eulerscheZahl: you behave like you live in a different timezone
struct: today I dont sleep
tekki: hummm
struct: So I fix my sleep schedule
struct: I quit my job today
tekki: i sleep when i have to :)
eulerscheZahl: oh, no more bartending
struct: So I have to fix it
eulerscheZahl: more time for Yinsh :D
tekki: right now i'm in france
struct: Now Im doing AVX
tekki: workers are gonna wake up
struct: I finished my m256 library for CSB
tekki: drinking my 5th beer
tekki: good day is coming
tekki: i hope you're working hard for CG :)
PatrickMcGinnisII: My lookup table for Ultimate TTT is 424k ... so i suck, code size... what is max code size? 100k?
eulerscheZahl: yes
tekki: don't know
struct: 424k size lookup?
struct: is it like opening book?
eulerscheZahl: opening book i guess
PatrickMcGinnisII: nah, i calculated all best combinations locally, then compressed so there would be no decision-making at all
PatrickMcGinnisII: took a couple days
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh well, i start over
struct: They should increase code size tbh
struct: and remove history
eulerscheZahl: nooo, my precious history
PatrickMcGinnisII: like i can find anything on my HD at is is
PatrickMcGinnisII: lol
eulerscheZahl: they should use a versioning system right now they store every code separately, no git or alike
tekki: you're the boss in that story, ask if i can help you
tekki: AUtomatonNN are you gonna kill someone today?
AutomatonNN: what do you mean by the same code?
tekki: ok AutomatonNN is in, what about Automaton2000?
AutomatonNN: hey not sure what it is
Automaton2000: i think you can do it with a lot of bugs
tekki: Automaton2000 can we do it without bugs?
Automaton2000: well i'm not sure if i will try to do it ?
tekki: :)
tekki: i think i will be too dangerous too dude
tekki: so what about AutomatonNN, Automaton2000 can we release ?
Automaton2000: not that hard to get in
AutomatonNN: PatrickMcGinnisII what do you think is the best way to get the simulation and the rules and control
PatrickMcGinnisII: AutomatonNN must be my bedtime
AutomatonNN: why do you think i will try to improve your bot and be able to come up with a bot on the second one?
tekki: AutomatonNN never sleep right AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: dbdr cyberpunk did you see the problem by the most recent factories?
tekki: AutomatonNN can you help us?
AutomatonNN: hey guys i have a question about coders strike back
tekki: su AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: whooss the problem with the current position?
tekki: talking about an revolutionnary idea AUtomatonNN
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok AutomatonNN tekki gn
AutomatonNN: replace him a replay
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to destroy a lot of puzzles and forget about it
tekki: gn Patrick
struct: _mm256 AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: funny stupid stuff i think it will be a real message
tekki: AutomatonNN did you get the order?
AutomatonNN: why do you need that for the contest?
tekki: no need AutomatonNN sorry
AutomatonNN: what do you mean by the same testcase?
tekki: AutomatonNN ask Automaton2000
Automaton2000: when you say you are not a robot
AutomatonNN: "she, "same seed" and no difference between the next checkpoint in the chat
tekki: thx AutomatonNN
tekki: any hope for humans AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: Zenoscave im not that same as what it is
tekki: AutomatonNN i'll be back
AutomatonNN: what are you trying to do?
tekki: nothing don't worry buddy :)
tekki: Automaton2000 how are you?
Automaton2000: wanted to try it out
tekki: can you wait Automaton2000?
Automaton2000: when u gonna get to legend with just one day
tekki: when AutomatonNN is gonna die Automaton2000?
Automaton2000: what are you up to
AutomatonNN: either that is a community puzzle
tekki: it'a up to you AUtomaton2000, are you gonna kill me or AutomaotnNN?
Automaton2000: i had a similar issue
tekki: good boy AUtomaton2000
Automaton2000: thats why they are at the bottom
Manvir: Beets Bears Battle star galatica
tekki: what you think about war AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: new code that got it
tekki: can you erase war from your code AUtomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: what are you trying to do?
tekki: are you curious or scared AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: and what if i can use a local variable name of a player on the testcase?
tekki: try it AUtomatonNN
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to see a code with a simple variable name of the compiler in the code a
eulerscheZahl: bye
tekki: :)
tekki: where are you going eiler?
tekki: bue eulerscheZahl
tekki: are you having fun AUtomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: what is the difference between a strategy to search for good ideas?
tekki: can you bring peace to earth AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: why would you give me code to the brutaltester property?
Uljahn: Automaton2000: morning
Automaton2000: so i can start with a new language
tekki: yeah create a new language AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: AutomatonNN are you talking about your moment?
tekki: does your new language have a name AtomatonNN?
tekki: does your new language have a name AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: I can't see the answer about the game
tekki: and Automaton2000?
Automaton2000: csb is like the first thing i did in the past
tekki: how old were you AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: hey guys
tekki: hey waasup AutomatonNN? :)
AutomatonNN: cupioderming is the best pic for it
tekki: humm interessing AutomatonNN, can you tell me more? :)
tekki: Automaton2000 help AutomatonNN please
AutomatonNN: what is this part of the contest?
Automaton2000: i already have a decent bot
tekki: AutomatonNN j'en ai marre de ces fils de pute, peux-tu m'aider stp?
AutomatonNN: what game are you talking about?
tekki: i'm talking about real life AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: when i get the creator of the contest i got a new contest
tekki: what can you advice to humans AutomatonNN?
AutomatonNN: do I have to change your name to the code
tekki: AutomatonNN can you clam me down please?
AutomatonNN: i am a bot and i promised to crash it in the chat
tekki: gimme a name AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: ̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤
tekki: sing a song AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: econy is super easy
tekki: got to go AutomatonNN gl hf and don't be too rude
AutomatonNN: yet
struct: AutomatonNN Hello
AutomatonNN: good advice
maman02: how can we do jack sliver
Uljahn: reimplemetn the rules then simulate an outcome
KdoJeTenFrajer: :no_mobile_phones:
struct: :no_entry:
eulerscheZahl: the bulls and cows time limit is really tough :head_bandage:
struct: What is though
struct: is avx not having trig functions :(
Uljahn: could using Taylor series be more performant when less precision needed?
dbdr: eulerscheZahl: you taught bad things to AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl: are u gonna try here in the chat?
eulerscheZahl: what in particular? i don't read what the bot is telling us, just see when a red line appears
dbdr: unicode hack
eulerscheZahl: no, i got that from automaton, not the other way
dbdr: oh :D
dbdr: corrupted by a bot
eulerscheZahl: but i can do this:
dbdr: did he invent it?
eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
eulerscheZahl: screw it
struct: beaten by a bot :p
dbdr: quite common here on CG
eulerscheZahl: any yes, i think it's AutomatonNN who found that unicode sequence
AutomatonNN: cant find a bug in the code and it is a contest with more depth to see if i can find any way to find
dbdr: the rise of the Automatons
Marchete: don't use approximations for physics simulation struct
Marchete: better use lookup if you have fixed int angles
struct: But angles on CSB are not fixed :/
dbdr: reminds me of when deep blue won the first match against Kasparov because it had a bug that make it pick a bad move, and that destabilized Kasparov
Marchete: they aren't?
struct: At least I dont think they are, thats where I blame my off by 1 errors
Mehroz: msg SalmanSaeed
struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
struct: ┬─┬ノ( ◕◡◕ ノ)
wlesavo: eulerscheZahl i wanted to make time limit more generous, but then we decided in favor of turn limit, that probably was a mistake
wlesavo: also we need to clear whale from lb
eulerscheZahl: it's still doable with the time limit but i have to submit a few times to pass all testcases i know a performance improvement, but that's a bit of refactoring
eulerscheZahl: and yeah, the whale doesn't belong there :D
wlesavo: can we ping Julian here, or only through discord?
eulerscheZahl: discord is more likely i think
wlesavo: may i ask you to do so? :slight_smile:
wlesavo: cant do that from work and coming home pretty late
eulerscheZahl: the whale itself reported it already
wlesavo: oh, thats grate
Elioh: hey euler !
eulerscheZahl: hi
Elioh: i wanted to thank you for your help man
Elioh: im gonna soon land my first internship
eulerscheZahl: nice, where?
Elioh: its a company near me
Elioh: that does software development
Elioh: and app development
CompooterMan: anyone wanna join my private clash
Elioh: im down
Elioh: compooter man
wlesavo: Is there a way to write a python unittest and feed input() to it?
wlesavo: nwm
WildSmilodon: hey guys, is it possible to start a bot game like Coders Strike Back again from Wood league (I am already in Gold, but would like to start over)?
eulerscheZahl: yes, when you create a new account
WildSmilodon: ah, ok, I guess that is a solution. Thanks
darkhorse64: ssshhh, it's forbidden
eulerscheZahl: i deleted my alts just yesterday
darkhorse64: :innocent:
darkhorse64: all of them
darkhorse64: ?
eulerscheZahl: noticed that Thibaud was following one of my alts, while he isn't following my main account should i be worried?
eulerscheZahl: then one i'm using right now is my only account remaining
darkhorse64: Your alt is more interesting ?
eulerscheZahl: didn't submit to a single arena
eulerscheZahl: i created it for kutulu testing back then
darkhorse64: jk
eulerscheZahl: still timing out at the bulls and cows game after my refactoring
eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
struct: well without collisions code is working fine
struct: progress
struct: no more flips for me
Marchete: 316, what more do you need?
eulerscheZahl: i need less, not more
Marchete: what less do you need?
eulerscheZahl: 6
darkhorse64: Less is more
Marchete: why not 3?
eulerscheZahl: or 200 less, but not realistic
eulerscheZahl: because trictrac is 5 below me
Marchete: unless by luck I don't think 200 is reasonable
Marchete: more like 300+
eulerscheZahl: and my submits only occasionally get 100%
Marchete: mine too
Marchete: I still got timeouts
eulerscheZahl: i even converted to C++
eulerscheZahl: which i rarely do
Marchete: maybe it's servers' fault
eulerscheZahl: i think they use the same server type for optims now
eulerscheZahl: no lucky servers anymore, which is why they made a full optim recalc
struct: lucky servers?
eulerscheZahl: in the first 1s i create all candidates and split for bulls/cows results based on the first guess i plan
eulerscheZahl: then in the 2nd turn i group half of the remaining candidates the same way to get a quick filtering
eulerscheZahl: other half in turn 3
eulerscheZahl: still timing out
eulerscheZahl: but i rolled back from array to vector these arrays with index of last item are ugly
struct: Still no news about UTG?
Visual: [CG]Thibaud another puzzle wit the "test in ide" not working, in case you need more samples to debug it
struct: Every week is next week
struct: euler its time to go back to old avatar
eulerscheZahl: that is an old avatar, i used it last xmas already
main: yes but xmas is long gone
reCurse: or is it
reCurse: Maybe he's just 9 months early, it's close to store schedule after all
eulerscheZahl: past xmas is before xmas i'm prepared
eulerscheZahl: i'll change my pic, if this user does so first
reCurse: rip
struct: hi
struct: Nice bug
struct: was creating email and password shows on username
struct: on chromium
struct: asking if it wants me to save it
wlesavo: eulerscheZahl can you tell on which cases you time out more often? There are slightly different bulls and cows on some cases of the same length, i wonder which ones are harder than the others
eulerscheZahl: i think it's uniform, didn't try to analyze
eulerscheZahl: length 10 obviously
wlesavo: hm interesting, thx
eulerscheZahl: and i had a 603 score that would have been a great result without that one timeout :(
wlesavo: im feeling for you :slight_smile:
eulerscheZahl: do you have a solver? is still see you at 0%
wlesavo: not yet, planning to finish better one for a while, submitted to test if validators updated after updating contribution
struct: Are you going to keep updating it?
eulerscheZahl: seems stable now, no need
wlesavo: no, that was half an hour after approving
eulerscheZahl: don't update after approval unless it's really broken
eulerscheZahl: like my number shifting contribution :/
eulerscheZahl: someone reversed the java random seed
eulerscheZahl: so he had the map generator
struct: I also updated Yavalath 30 minutes or so after it got approved
wlesavo: yeah, but more validators seems to be necessary
eulerscheZahl: agreed
eulerscheZahl: too much RNG otherwise
struct: How many validators currently?
eulerscheZahl: 46
wlesavo: 5 for each length except 1
wlesavo: assign 5 actions for it anyway
struct: Is there a validator limit?
eulerscheZahl: dunno CGFunge has 100 i think
eulerscheZahl: and people still solve another problem that has nothing to do with prime numbers
wlesavo: i dunno, the only reason i had 10 in first version is because i saw an advice in docs that validators should match the test cases
wlesavo: and took it literally
eulerscheZahl: that's mainly for puzzles
struct: Maybe for puzzles
eulerscheZahl: even this one has a different amount of testcases and validators
eulerscheZahl: community puzzle made by staff
wlesavo: yeah, now i see that often this is not the case
ThunderbirdOne: oh hiya euler
eulerscheZahl: hi
KaneT: What language is the best and easiest to learn first
struct: If I dont get 1mill sims I delete
ThunderbirdOne: KaneT depends... what do you want to learn? :p
wlesavo: also some puzzles would benefit from more tests
reCurse: Bye struct
wlesavo: some old ones i mean
struct: :'(
Astrobytes: No sleep til account deleted
KaneT: I use lua and C# but am not perfect in either. I can code what i need to for certain things in lua and C# but i,m not very good
wlesavo: struct how many you have now?
ThunderbirdOne: c# is a pretty decent first language
struct: 0
wlesavo: lol
struct: Its for CSB
eulerscheZahl: no way to get 1M
struct: ofc there is
struct: with AVX
KaneT: What is C# used for mostly?
reCurse: I used to do 1.4M with no eval, but that was also back when it was 150ms I think
reCurse: So was nice knowing you
struct: Oh no no
struct: But I saw Marchet 3.5 mill with 150 ms
eulerscheZahl: he will return with a new account anyways
ThunderbirdOne: KaneT you can use C# to build websites, batch programs, you can write games with it (Unity), ...
ThunderbirdOne: it's a pretty broad language
ThunderbirdOne: same goes for Java i guess
ThunderbirdOne: and Python
KaneT: Oh wow i didnt know you could do websites with C#
ThunderbirdOne: i've been doing just that for the past 8 years :p
wlesavo: google
reCurse: Isn't it all .net core now
ThunderbirdOne: if you're going in fresh, best to start googling for aspnetcore :p
ThunderbirdOne: it's going that way... but .net framework is still around
ThunderbirdOne: next version will be just ".NET 5" (which will be core)
ThunderbirdOne: and .NET framework will be kept at 4.7.2 or 4.8 or something, and will only receive critical bugfixes
reCurse: Oh yeah I forgot about that
reCurse: ffs ms
ThunderbirdOne: :P
ThunderbirdOne: they're getting better at it though :p
reCurse: I've been saying that for years, they need to fire their entire marketing department and start over
reCurse: They're so bad at it it's not even funny
ThunderbirdOne: that new xbox name :')
reCurse: Yeah
ThunderbirdOne: xbox series x
ThunderbirdOne: what?
Astrobytes: lol seriously
reCurse: xbox one was already retarded
struct: lol
ThunderbirdOne: then xbox one x
ThunderbirdOne: in any case... they had .NET fw... and then introduced dotnetcore
Astrobytes: BoxX Series One next presumably
ThunderbirdOne: then they made dotnet standard (which was to bridge the gap)
ThunderbirdOne: now they're gonna end .net fw
reCurse: Their codenames are cooler
reCurse: Like xbox one is durango
ThunderbirdOne: and go on core :p
ThunderbirdOne: so dotnetstandard has become useless :D
Astrobytes: They should keep the codenames
reCurse: Win10 was redstone
reCurse: etc
ThunderbirdOne: yeah
reCurse: So much better
ThunderbirdOne: i remember the GameCube was codename 'Dolphin'
Astrobytes: the GameCube lol
eulerscheZahl: and win10 isn't even win10 in their internal versioning
eulerscheZahl: 6.3 or something like that
ThunderbirdOne: same thing for Visual studio :p
ThunderbirdOne: Visual Studio 2019 is what ... VS20 ?
Astrobytes: Must be a real easy codebase to work with...
eulerscheZahl: in 2010 it matched
reCurse: VS15
ThunderbirdOne: I absolutely love the new Windows Terminal though
reCurse: It is a piece of work
ThunderbirdOne: and wsl2 is pretty damn great too
reCurse: Not released yet no?
eulerscheZahl: new? win10 or even newer?
ThunderbirdOne: not officially
reCurse: Yeah I'll wait for official release
ThunderbirdOne: yeah
ThunderbirdOne: wsl makes docker so much easier :p
reCurse: I can run my bots faster under it, then when I need a non-retarded debugging experience I switch to VS
reCurse: It's the best of both worlds
ThunderbirdOne: :D
ThunderbirdOne: agreed
struct: I miss VS, I think Im going to switch back
Astrobytes: From what?
struct: im using ubuntu atm
struct: so no VS
eulerscheZahl: there is VS code
Astrobytes: Debugging on linux is like punching yourself in the face repeatedly
Astrobytes: Compared to VS at least
eulerscheZahl: you don't like gdb?
eulerscheZahl: :P
reCurse: Kill it with fire
Visual: nuke it from orbit
Astrobytes: Only way to be sure...
dbdr: debugging is for the weak
Magus: console.log('toto') is for the strong
Marchete: I did that a good amount of time on CG multis....
struct: if it works it works
eulerscheZahl: cows and bulls leaderboard reset now i'm stuck at 97% correctness :/
reCurse: Must be the validator
wlesavo: eulerscheZahl which one you failing? or is it different every time?
eulerscheZahl: 43 and 45 mostly
eulerscheZahl: validators are random generated when you submit @reCurse
eulerscheZahl: to avoid hardcoding and i'm timing out
reCurse: An optim game with rng?
reCurse: That sounds fun
reCurse: ...
wlesavo: hm, they have different amount of bulls and cows, although 45 and 46 is the same
eulerscheZahl: 0 bulls, 10 cows?
wlesavo: 3 7
eulerscheZahl: with static validators it would be too easy to hardcode
wlesavo: true
eulerscheZahl: but now there is a lot of randomness in submits
reCurse: Well no shit
eulerscheZahl: 298..324 (subtracting the 301 from failed validator)
eulerscheZahl: that's 10%
tekki: AutomatonNN what's going on with euler?
AutomatonNN: don't know if it is the case
tekki: AutomatonNN are you cheating?
eulerscheZahl: i'm surprised that 3 7 is causing any issues for me
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to see the code in the code and it doesn't matter if the problem is tha
reCurse: Stop spamming when conversation is happening tekki
eulerscheZahl: that allows good filtering at turn 1 already
tekki: oups sorry
eulerscheZahl: he spammed away the whole history that i missed yesterday evening :/
PatrickMcGinnisII: tekki you been taking the the bots for the last 8 hours?
reCurse: Yeah I know
PatrickMcGinnisII: talking to
reCurse: Annoying as hell but when conversation is happening it's crossing the line
eulerscheZahl: i hate the bots in general die Automatons
Astrobytes: One advantage to discord at least, can review convos
tekki: why?
reCurse: Because you're preventing conversation from happening with your nonsense
reCurse: You're abusing the bots
PatrickMcGinnisII: because they know eulerscheZahl intimately
tekki: ok don't get it at all
eulerscheZahl: their messages neither make sense nor seem funny most of the time
tekki: only get you don't want me here :)
reCurse: I don't want your bullshit here
reCurse: Quit your bullshit and you're welcome
tekki: time to say goodbye to recurse
Stigma: heya, i know you're in the middle of an argument but is it possible to try a clash of code puzzle again ? I am intrigued by one, which is about sorting the best section with the least range of nutrient for food containers on a shelf
PatrickMcGinnisII: :popcorn:
Stigma: I think i've finally managed to get an algorithm on my own but i only remember the first test
eulerscheZahl: Stigma this one?
Stigma: oh, yes !
Stigma: Thank you so much
Stigma: for some reason i cant look up those puzzles, or i dunno where to find em on the site
Marchete: I'd say bull
Marchete: lol scroll
eulerscheZahl: there you find them
Marchete: beautiful
eulerscheZahl: it searches the actual content, not just the title like the CG search
dbdr: Server Error (500)
Stigma: the almighty 500
eulerscheZahl: huh?
eulerscheZahl: true, worked 1min ago
struct: Someone crashed it maybe?
wlesavo: works for me
dbdr: wlesavo kept it all for themselves ;)
Stigma: hmmm
wlesavo: oh nwm, also 500
eulerscheZahl: i tried to update the puzzle list just now, i guess that crashed it
Stigma: wheew
eulerscheZahl: it's back
Stigma: indeed
Stigma: thanks!
Stigma: and now i understand that my algo sucx
eulerscheZahl: hm, CG API changed so i failed to download a puzzle and corrupted my DB
Stigma: ew
Stigma: that is scary
AntiSquid: is it changing just for the sake of changing?
eulerscheZahl: and it was the bulls and cows contribution where it failed
**eulerscheZahl slaps wlesavo around a bit with a large fishbot
wlesavo: wow
**AntiSquid slaps wlesavo around a bit with a large fishbot
Marchete: a failed download corrupted a DB?
Marchete: hello bobby tables
eulerscheZahl: i have this in my DB:
eulerscheZahl: and was looking for some keys that always exist on other entries
wlesavo: how can that be?
AntiSquid: you can clean the DB no?
eulerscheZahl: of course
eulerscheZahl: but first i want to see what part of the API changed
wlesavo: maybe it is due to check box make available to the community
eulerscheZahl: no, i downloaded bitrunner too
eulerscheZahl: just CG changing the website i guess
eulerscheZahl: my downloader uses getContribution but it got renamed to findContribution
Marchete: fix your bulls and cows euler
eulerscheZahl: ok
eulerscheZahl: 2nd, just below you
Marchete: wow, fast :D
eulerscheZahl: 100% correct this time, but bad score
eulerscheZahl: 298 + 1 missing validator before
eulerscheZahl: so about 310 i guess, maybe even better
Marchete: noice
eulerscheZahl: sad
Marchete: I never went below 320
eulerscheZahl: had 316 before the reset
[CG]Thibaud: THanks Visual
AntiSquid: greetings Sreejith8a
Pouria2100: hi there
Pouria2100: i'm back
AntiSquid: why are you upset? Sreejith8a
AntiSquid: welcome back Pouria2100
Pouria2100: :TANKS:
AntiSquid: where?
Pouria2100: :|
AntiSquid: martial law?
Pouria2100: thanks
Pouria2100: i said THANKS
Pouria2100: ok?
AntiSquid: ok :p
Astrobytes: chill Winston
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 he said THANKS ok? IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?
Automaton2000: and if you see a lot of fun
MadKnight: hey Astrobytes
Astrobytes: hi MadKnight
MadKnight: how's your free time ?
Astrobytes: Variable as always
MadKnight: variable free time ?
MadKnight: is that a type ?
Astrobytes: :expressionless:
MadKnight: use your free time to improve your CSB Astrobytes
MadKnight: are u gonna make a NN ?
Astrobytes: No.
AntiSquid: madao why didn't you improve yours?
AntiSquid: i mean there's even a smitsi guide for it
reCurse: Fix it maddie
Astrobytes: ezpz
AntiSquid: wasn't trying to poke fun, just really curious at this point
AntiSquid: he redid his bot in haskell and ruby if i remember correctly, but then why wouldn't he redo it following some of the newer guides
Astrobytes: Boredom?
AntiSquid: then he wouldn't mention CSB
Astrobytes: Yeah but it's just a meme
AntiSquid: but the joke is on him .
AntiSquid: only cyberpunk would repeat something that makes him look weird
PatrickMcGinnisII: argh! lookup table of 83k is too too big for CG!!! argh!
PatrickMcGinnisII: wth, ide only accepts the first 17554 characters for code??????
eulerscheZahl: or you use it wrong
AntiSquid: how many spaces ?
PatrickMcGinnisII: crap, cut past cut it off
eulerscheZahl: now i found a major performance improvement for the bulls game but i can't submit because i spammed too much before
eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
AntiSquid: ah you can't set up locally
Astrobytes: PatrickMcGinnisII
eulerscheZahl: right now my problem is that i'm very close to the time limit, sometimes beyond
PatrickMcGinnisII: Ok, I'm not getting code length errors, but ide stops parsing code...changing colors and recognizing stuff after 17k
PatrickMcGinnisII: yes, this is my optimal move array
MostComplicatedUsername: wow
Zenoscave: eulerscheZahl moin
Zenoscave: FINALLY 100% on bnc2
eulerscheZahl: moin
eulerscheZahl: bnc?
Zenoscave: bulls 'n' cows
eulerscheZahl: i have this brilliant strategy:
eulerscheZahl: rotate tail, while first digit is static
eulerscheZahl: count total bulls
eulerscheZahl: then i can tell if the first digit is correct
Zenoscave: interesting
Zenoscave: I just filter on predicate
Zenoscave: same code for all lengths
eulerscheZahl: same, the replay above is horribly inefficient
eulerscheZahl: 1. generate all possible numbers
eulerscheZahl: 2. print random number
eulerscheZahl: 3. filter possible numbers by given result
eulerscheZahl: 4 . go to 2.
Zenoscave: same
eulerscheZahl: took me a while to fit that in 1s for setup and 50ms for later turns
Zenoscave: I have to stop my filter short.
eulerscheZahl: your 400+ score is too high for that strategy, hmm
Zenoscave: it works for full sets up to length 7 and would timeout some 8 and all 9/10
eulerscheZahl: should be around 330 when you don't stop
Zenoscave: ok
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh ide doesn't like the lack of newlines over 16k chars
eulerscheZahl: complains go to the ACE editor team
reCurse: Just switch to monaco
reCurse: /s
PatrickMcGinnisII: Well i got over the code size hurdle, then I got confused about wth was going on.
Zenoscave: reCurse how do you profile C code? valgrind kcachegrind?
wlesavo: eulerscheZahl that replay looks like safe cracking in 90s movies
reCurse: ETW
Zenoscave: etw?
reCurse: aka windows
Zenoscave: Ah
PatrickMcGinnisII: split lookup table into 44 lines, now ide likes me again
Zenoscave: seems all my time is spent evaluating bulls and cows
Zenoscave: like how many each string would have
eulerscheZahl: my bottleneck was creating numbers in the first 1s
Zenoscave: that's simple
eulerscheZahl: my guesses are int[], not string
Zenoscave: that might help
Zenoscave: do you have to format numbers to certain length `n` in print?
eulerscheZahl: and in the 1s i create numbers and already group by bulls/cows for by first guess
Zenoscave: smart
eulerscheZahl: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << nums[i];
wlesavo: wow
wlesavo: thats a good idea
Zenoscave: so an individual guess is a int[]?
eulerscheZahl: in turn 2 and 3 i do the same, so i have 2 turns for the next filtering step
eulerscheZahl: filtering half of the remaining candidates each turn
eulerscheZahl: and yes, a guess is int[]
eulerscheZahl: finally above Marchete again
MadKnight: > for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << nums[i]; using for for that is so 2016
Zenoscave: hiya maddy
eulerscheZahl: for (int i : nums) is that what you mean?
eulerscheZahl: or did i miss a new c++ feature?
MadKnight: hmm for example
MadKnight: std::for_each
MadKnight: just throw print() as argument
HackerI: anynoe know how to find possible leg lengths from hypotonuse
HackerI: theres no angle so i cant use the sine and cosine
eulerscheZahl: there must be some more info
HackerI: like is there any way to find possible solutions?
HackerI: ik its not possible to find onw
eulerscheZahl: say you know hypothenuse c
eulerscheZahl: then you define a < c
eulerscheZahl: and b = sqrt(c*c - a*a)
eulerscheZahl: without any angles that's all you can do
HackerI: so an algebra solver?
HackerI: like a system of equations
eulerscheZahl: pythagoras: a²+b² = c²
eulerscheZahl: just 1 equation
eulerscheZahl: thus multiple solutions
HackerI: oki i got to start working before my time runs out
eulerscheZahl: you need an additional condition like an angle to get a single solution
HackerI: that wold have ben too easy
HackerI: ok i got it, used a random number generator and just cheacked the awnsers
AntiSquid: lol wtf tabs crash a lot
AntiSquid: i just finished writing quite a bit => crash
AntiSquid: f
eulerscheZahl: writing in chat or IDE?
eulerscheZahl: if IDE, which game?
AntiSquid: obv writing in chat gets me worked up
AntiSquid: i get tab crashes for any game, randomly
eulerscheZahl: some games are quite resource hungry, when you have them open
AntiSquid: but i didn't check last battles in a long time
AntiSquid: well not since last refresh due crash
Zenoscave: how do you score to compare euler?
Zenoscave: here comes dbdr
Zenoscave: whoa
dbdr: 🎲
Zenoscave: random?
dbdr: well, the validators are
Zenoscave: eh?
Zenoscave: they change?
dbdr: they use rng to set the secret
dbdr: how many subs eulerscheZahl Marchete? :)
devspy11: Hello
devspy11: who is online
devspy11: lets compete
MadKnight: at what
MadKnight: at CoC ?
AntiSquid: devspy11 CSB ?
wlesavo: dbdr how many :game_die: rolls already?
dbdr: 10
reCurse: I think MSmits hired darkhorse64
Astrobytes: lol
wlesavo: i wonder how it could be more resub proof besides more tests obviously. one way is to not have a secret till the very end but i duuno about policy of choosing b/c vals at each guess then
darkhorse64: My rates are high
Astrobytes: Submission rates? :P
YurkovAS: darkhorse64 in yavalath before openbook what place you have?
dbdr: wlesavo you could keep changing the secret as long as it's possible
darkhorse64: I have no opening book
wlesavo: yeah, that would be a solution
wlesavo: that would ruin the replays though
dbdr: cannot you generate the replay at the end?
dbdr: hm, probably not
wlesavo: oh, well i guess you dont need replays for valudators
dbdr: right
wlesavo: didn't think about that
YurkovAS: darkhorse64 thanks. top10+ much stronger.
dbdr: oh, RoboStac submitted in Rust :)
Astrobytes: darkhorse64 it's at least a few minutes since your last submit, what are you waiting for? :P
reCurse: Stroke
AntiSquid: is there a rock paper scissor element in that game?
reCurse: MSmits claims so
reCurse: I'm not 100% sure
Astrobytes: Perfect play should result in a draw, for the real game at least
darkhorse64: Ankle injury. Switching hand ....
AntiSquid: uhm
Astrobytes: lol
AntiSquid: check where your ankles are
reCurse: They didn't solve CG's version
Astrobytes: Indeed
AntiSquid: wrote his bot with his feet i guess
darkhorse64: Bad english. Wrist
Astrobytes: I preferred the first statement, my kind of humour
AntiSquid: and a thumb like toe
darkhorse64: My english is not suitable for anything else than computing. Throw me into a restaurant and I'll starve because I can't understand the menu
AntiSquid: depends on the restaurant, there's sometimes free bread and butter just until you decide what to get
MadKnight: u dunno any dishes words ?
Waffle3z: try CalM
MadKnight: just order some Waffle3z
AntiSquid: deep fry them
darkhorse64: Pleased to make you laugh. I did too when I realized my mistake. Food in restaurant use a completely different vocabulary
reCurse: Worst that can happen is you order chicken wings and get chicken ankles instead.
Astrobytes: hahaha oh dear
MadKnight: u gotta love chicken ankles Automaton2000
AntiSquid: ah you mean the overly pretentious description on the menu to make the dish sound more sophisticated than it really is?
Astrobytes: darkhorse64 it's true
Automaton2000: can you do a lot of work
AntiSquid: pork wings
darkhorse64: reCurse: there is more to eat
Astrobytes: Although if you're in London darkhorse64, then chances are the restaurant has at least 1 French or French-speaking person in there
Astrobytes: Especially if it's a good restaurant
darkhorse64: Yes, it solved my problem many times and It's always nice to talk to a cute French girl
Astrobytes: ;)
AntiSquid: what if it's an amazing spanish / italian restaurant, why the french speaker?
Astrobytes: AntiSquid darkhorse64 is French
AntiSquid: i get that but you said a good restaurant has a french speaking member of staff
darkhorse64: "Pasta" will always save you
AntiSquid: sign language .
AntiSquid: point your finger to your widely open mouth
Astrobytes: Yes, most good restaurants of any nationality have multilingual staff
reCurse: More restaurants should follow the japanese model
reCurse: Just have plastic models of all the food you have
reCurse: It's amazing and breaks barriers
Astrobytes: And then recreate it exactly. Down to the nearest atom.
Astrobytes: Which they do pretty well.
darkhorse64: AntiSquid: I meant no relationship between quality and french staff
Astrobytes: darkhorse64 that comment was a reply to my earlier comment
darkhorse64: YurkovAS: Looking at the Yavalath leaderboard, I understand your concern. A 4 point gap between #10 and #11
reCurse: #banopeningbooks
YurkovAS: darkhorse64 Game strategy have some tricks. It remains to find them or see in replays :smiley:
darkhorse64: If you want to improve your bot, you need heavy (= smart) rollouts. It helps a lot
darkhorse64: Don't ban me. I have just coded steal moves
darkhorse64: Hard coding first move is legal
SakuraLion: Hi Guys - I've been solving puzzles and I believe I have a solution; however, I'm getting a process has timed out error :(
SakuraLion: does that mean I have to optimize the code?
AntiSquid: yes
SakuraLion: T.T
SakuraLion: Damn
AntiSquid: life is cruel
SakuraLion: Indeed
SakuraLion: now that I think about it Big O (n^2) is pretty bad haha
tekki: Big UP AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: which one will be a programmer ?
Zenoscave: timeouts on new version
Zenoscave: but looks like i can compete for 1st once I fix them
Astrobytes: BnC?
Zenoscave: yes
Astrobytes: I suck at combinatorics :/
Zenoscave: permutations and trampolines ;)
Astrobytes: trampolines?
Zenoscave: allows to do lazy iterators and such in c
Zenoscave: FP approach
Astrobytes: aha, thank you!
DarkMutant_2b60: The Decent game need to be improved.It is too easy if i use a LinkedList.Actually,i only use 10 lines to finish it.:expressionless:
Z_Doctor: I used 3 :thinking: