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Default avatar.png weebiss: this is hard

MSmits: it is hard until it is easy

Default avatar.png weebiss: still tho

MSmits: sure yeah, but if it was easy, it would not be interesting

jacek: ohai

jacek: gonna be on contest?

jacek: apparently crossover may work in my neuro'evolutiion'. but parents must come from the same single ancestor and theres need not much difference in generations. i'll call this incest is wincest

VizGhar: what are you working on jacek?

MSmits: I'm gonna be in the contest yeah. Trying to finish some work so i have the time

IvesL: i have got a question

IvesL: how do you really build a simulation in bot programming

jacek: VizGhar randomly adjusting NN weights in hopes to make it useful

jacek: IvesL depends on the game. sometimes you can look at the referee to see how did they implement it

IvesL: look at the referee?

jacek: its about having some state, making move and updating this state. in chess or checkers it would mean something different than in mad pod racing

IvesL: thats exactly my thought

jacek: on codingame SDK the game is ran by referee which takes users' outputs and gives them inputs

IvesL: state is different from game to game, so is there some thoughts or approaches on building steps towards it

jacek: depends what objects a game has. you would have list of pieces in chess and current player. in MPR list of pods, their positions and velocity

IvesL: so lets use mad pod racing as an example, an even easier version, only 1pod vs 1pod

VizGhar: I was looking at MPR wandering what it could possibly be for too long... now I realized

IvesL: lets say im going to simulate next 5 moves, if my pod touches the checkpoint, i reward it

VizGhar: uf... this is harder one to simulate :) Your pod has position and velocity. you need to update both based on action you make... there is complete post mortem by magus with exact computations there


VizGhar: this one is particullary hard because of ellastic colisions

jacek: simulation and 'rewarding' or 'evaluation' are 2 different things

IvesL: right, the hard part is physics

IvesL: so let's also ignore that part

IvesL: im stuck at just the game state

IvesL: cant implement it

jacek: so, essentialy search race

IvesL: jacek that is basically me in every game right now

IvesL: i know how should i optimize it, but i dont how should i build an environment/game state to work around with it

jacek: lol, i meant

jacek: which is essentially 1 player mad pod racing

IvesL: so is it true that in order to make a simulation, you basically rebuild every tiny aspects mentioned in your code?

Uljahn: you have to reimplement the game rules (recreate the game engine)

Uljahn: and state is a group of variables, which summarizes the history of the system in order to predict the future values

IvesL: so i am going to watch some vids on chess ai to see how things work, the procedures and how should one think when building

IvesL: i hope its going to help

jacek: your question is programming nature. most chess ai videos will probably talk about it at high level like tree search with little to no implementation

IvesL: do you have better starts at learning the programming nature?

IvesL: im thankful for all you guys' suggestions, at least i have now got some directions to move on

jacek: try tic tac toe. how would you simulate next moves?

IvesL: thanks i would also focus on that

jacek: :upside_down:

aRazmus: hey everyone! is there any way to output variables to the console without breaking the execution?

5DN1L: check the default code, it shows you how

5DN1L: it's printing to the error stream

aRazmus: Ahh gotcha! Cheers!

Default avatar.png weebiss: hii

jacek: Automaton2000 do you even random?

Automaton2000: i would like to see how it goes

Default avatar.png Endya: hey, do you know if linking github account to a puzzle or a challenge is possible to work with my own IDE or to work with friend ?

Leeward: @Endya When you're working on a puzzle, click Settings in the left sidebar, at the bottom there is an option "Use an external code editor". I'm pretty sure you could set up VSCode or whatever with remote co-op for exactly that.

Default avatar.png Endya: Thx for the answer i'll try that

Frankich: Leeward, keep in mind that the option "Use an external code editor" is only available when you installed CG local

Leeward: I assumed that much was obvious?

jacek: i never heard of external code editor oO

Leeward: Well here's the link in case you can't see it in the sidebar:

Frankich: this user looks new, if you don't check the forum about that, or ask in the chat, it is not that obvious to me

Leeward: I don't have anything CG related locally installed and I can see that option in the sidebar when I'm in a puzzle

Leeward: But fair enough, rather give too much info than too little

Frankich: don't you have at least the extension ?

Leeward: Nope

Westicles: is there a way to disable the box that pops up in the IDE when you hover over variables?


5DN1L: Westicles I think it's "editor.hover.enabled": false

Westicles: 5DN1L thanks! that's been bugging me for a while

5DN1L: :)

Frankich: Oh the option is by default on Chrome.. I did not know that, sorry Leeward

Leeward: No problem, always happy to learn

5DN1L: I don't find "Use an external code editor" in my settings. I'm using Firefox

5DN1L: I don't need it, so it's not an issue

Frankich: It is not on Firefox by default. That's why you need to use "CG Local" on FF if you want to use an external editor. CG Sync is only working on Chrome as far as I remember.

5DN1L: i see. it's nice to know that

5DN1L: ah, why didn't i notice "editor.mouseWheelZoom" in editor configuration before? i should have set it to False long time ago. all the accidental zooming i don't need was so annoying to me

jacek: oh my

HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: what time is spring challenge start


5DN1L: 2 days' time

ycsvenom: what's the difference between a moderator and a '[CG]' prefixed moderator?

derjack: [CG] is paid

ycsvenom: noice

Uljahn: [CG] are actual admins and platform developers while mods are regular users

ZndrBrok: Is there a chance that codingame would implement .NET 6 for C# users ? :innocent:

ZndrBrok: It would give us a chance in shortCodeClashes against all those snakes :P

ZndrBrok: And without needing to compact all on one line :P

jacek: hopefully they dont do anything big before/during contest

ycsvenom: good point

**ZndrBrok is dreaming...

Default avatar.png Ibrahim51: hallo

ycsvenom: halo4

Default avatar.png Joe0: hello world

Default avatar.png Joe0: what do people talk about here?

5DN1L: coding

Default avatar.png Joe0: can this site add some room for esolangs?

5DN1L: You can make a suggestion in the forum

Default avatar.png Joe0: ok

5DN1L: let the CG staff know and decide


Thorcode: hope the spring not really hard

5DN1L: Ah it'll be your first contest

Thorcode: how do you know that

5DN1L: I read your profile

Thorcode: i'm also loooking at yours

5DN1L: :joy:

Default avatar.png Joe0: @5DN1L Ok I just threw out a suggestion on the forum under the site advancement category

Thorcode: but don't know how many contest you registered

Default avatar.png Joe0: *I meant platform evolution

5DN1L: Yeah, I've just moved merge the post under Languages update, Joe0

5DN1L: moved and merged

Default avatar.png Joe0: Thx

5DN1L: yw

Default avatar.png Joe0: What do you think about the idea?

5DN1L: I don't have any opinions on the idea really

Default avatar.png Joe0: ok

5DN1L: Thorcode you can click RANKING to see more details

Default avatar.png Joe0: Does this site hire?

Thorcode: oh

Thorcode: bruh me

Thorcode: your first too if you participate

5DN1L: yup

5DN1L: Joe0 I'm sure they do, from time to time

Default avatar.png Joe0: @5DN1L Does this site have a way of pulling in any revenue?

Thorcode: dunno

5DN1L: Yeah, they do it through some other services

Default avatar.png Joe0: I'm curious since I haven

Default avatar.png Joe0: t seen any ads


Astrobytes: Joe0: there are a few brainfck and at least one befunge puzzles

Astrobytes: in fact, one BF optim and one befunge-like optim

Astrobytes: and good afternoon btw :)

Default avatar.png Joe0: Astrobytes: how would one (such as myself) add more languages in the puzzles area?

5DN1L: good afternoon Astrobytes :)

Default avatar.png Joe0: what time is it in the uk?

jacek: but CG already has esolangs - it has javascript

5DN1L: 2:03 PM

Default avatar.png Joe0: jacek: yea ur right :)

Astrobytes: Joe0: you can't as such, but you can make puzzles around making an interpreter or such like, get creative ;)

Thorcode: what if brainfuck in codingame

5DN1L: solve all puzzles in CG using brainfck?

Astrobytes: I think the chances of CG adding esolangs will be very small indeed, in fact, I'd say highly unlikely

Default avatar.png Joe0: yea it doesnt exactly meet the goal of CG to help employers find talent

Astrobytes: Exactly. Not really the right place for it. But - as I said, feel free to implement parts or all of any esolang you like in puzzle or game format

Astrobytes: Plenty scope there

Default avatar.png Joe0: yea definitely, I didn't really know how that worked yet since I'm a new member

Astrobytes: Read up on puzzle creation (and the SDK if you're inclined)

codepraycode: how can we practise please

5DN1L: what's your goal?

codepraycode: goal?

5DN1L: i mean which area do you want to practise?

jacek: like in soccer?

Astrobytes: Joe0:

Default avatar.png Joe0: thanks astrobytes!

Astrobytes: np

Darleanow: guys,for i in range(12,2) -> is it possible to do the same as two for str ?

Darleanow: like when seeing strings ?

5DN1L: what's range(12, 2)?

Thorcode: nah

Darleanow: okay ty thorcode

Thorcode: and also range(12,2) is not eligible in py

Darleanow: IT IS

jacek: its empty

jacek: its (from,to)

5DN1L: yes, valid empty range :)

Darleanow: AH MB, its the thirsty

jacek: or you meant range(0,12,2)

Darleanow: third

Darleanow: yeah jacek mb mb

Darleanow: can i do that for strings ?

Thorcode: nah

jacek: "xyztzcxcxczx"[0:2:12]

Thorcode: but you could do the slicig

Darleanow: :'( okay

Thorcode: like use len

Thorcode: the ez way xd

cagriy: hello from TURKEY :))))

jacek: :o

5DN1L: "xyztzcxcxczx"[0::2]

jacek: ::2 for shortest eh

Darleanow: no 5DN1IL, its removes one every two

Darleanow: i wanna make a space between every two

Darleanow: like so i can compare em

Thorcode: " ".join()?

isimkullanmiyorum: hi world

5DN1L: i don't think you can split a string by two

Uljahn: for a, b in zip("abcdefgh"[:-1], "abcdefgh"[1:]):

Thorcode: print(" ".join("xyztzcxcxczx"[0::2]))

5DN1L: you can split a string by one

Thorcode: i think this for your?

Darleanow: Throc i have a space now, but not every two char ;)

Thorcode: ah

5DN1L: Darleanow try Uljahn's suggestion

Thorcode: adding space each 2 char in a string bruh

Darleanow: like it pops one

Darleanow: okay 5DN1L

Darleanow: MY HERO

codepraycode: what are you practising guys

Darleanow: Uljahn u a god <3

5DN1L: zip will be awkward to use if the split length is longer

5DN1L: i'll just use ["xyztzcxcxczx"[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, 12, 2)]

5DN1L: then i can join them with spaces

5DN1L: join the split substrings

Darleanow: wut is zip

5DN1L: zip is to join each item of two or more lists one by one

Darleanow: oh okay i see, but it worked when ive did it using the same string

jacek: wut is rar

5DN1L: e.g. list(zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]))

5DN1L: result is [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]

5DN1L: rar is something that can be unrar-ed

jacek: do you pay for it

jacek: like for the papers?

Astrobytes: lol

jacek: :smirk:

Astrobytes: is Smits still around? Didn't see him for a while

jacek: he was this morning

Default avatar.png AmirH_O: Hello world

Astrobytes: ah nice

Default avatar.png

eulerscheZahl: oh, i dropped to 4th globally

Astrobytes: fixit

eulerscheZahl: does getting passed by dbdr count as fix?

Default avatar.png how

Astrobytes: hahaha

Default avatar.png

tkankan: Hi!

Default avatar.png hi bro

eulerscheZahl: that's far from valid java and we don't even know your intention behind this code

eulerscheZahl: it's too far off to even guess

Jerrasterix: Hello guys !!

Default avatar.png

VizGhar: Maybe he want to parse string... to string_

eulerscheZahl: hi, haven't seen you in a while

Default avatar.png he told me to enter uotput and input one, two, three.

Jerrasterix: yup, was busy with my academics, graduating from high school next year... to much pressure from teachers to study :sob:

Jerrasterix: just came back for the CG contest, good its back to multis

eulerscheZahl: "high school" as in "Gymnasium"?

Jerrasterix: bro, I am Indian .... sry for the wrong country in my profile :P

jacek: is this a school where you get high?

eulerscheZahl: oh, that really confused me

Astrobytes: jacek: naturally

eulerscheZahl: always thought you were German

jacek: :scream:

Jerrasterix: nice one jacek :lol:

Jerrasterix: ohh... sorry dude !!

eulerscheZahl: i was expecting him to make fun of the "Gymnasium" vs gym

eulerscheZahl: even was about to recommend you some coding contest that i just shared on #de

eulerscheZahl: but i think it's for Germans only

VizGhar: uff... friendship broken

Jerrasterix: ohhh.... thanks euler!!

jacek: oO

Astrobytes: What if we just pretend to be Germans?

Default avatar.png Joe0: we need to speak germa

eulerscheZahl: they will notice when they try to ship the prizes

jacek: like this guy?

Astrobytes: We can ship them to you and you can forward them

Jerrasterix: do you have these imgs ready, jacek ??

Astrobytes: love that movie

eulerscheZahl: they will notice when I claim more than 1 prize myself

Astrobytes: meh

eulerscheZahl: haven't seen the movie yet

Jerrasterix: what movie is it ??

Astrobytes: It's really good

eulerscheZahl: ingloriuous bastards

Astrobytes: Inglourious Basterds

eulerscheZahl: didn't fix typo to be faster than astro

Astrobytes: :D

jacek: like monte carlo - fast but not always correct

eulerscheZahl: take that. i'm ready for contest!

Astrobytes: :tada:

Jerrasterix: more than 1 day to go....

eulerscheZahl: i might just give up on topcoder. no ideas left :(

eulerscheZahl: submission deadline in 1 day 6h

eulerscheZahl: and radewoosh first by a lot

Astrobytes: yeah, rest your brain before CG contest

eulerscheZahl: but once i started, it's hard to stop

eulerscheZahl: that's why i never play those 3 month contests

Astrobytes: true

Jerrasterix: any leads on what the contest is based on....

eulerscheZahl: this time i have no idea

eulerscheZahl: nailed the last two

jacek: :notebook: :soccer:

Default avatar.png AmirH_O: do you guys have codeforces handles?

eulerscheZahl: :door:

Astrobytes: spells and swords

eulerscheZahl: yes, same as my nick here: eulerscheZahl

jacek: ?

Default avatar.png AmirH_O: nice!

Jerrasterix: It may be jacek..

Astrobytes: possible

eulerscheZahl: complexity 4.06 / 5. i think we can exclude that

Astrobytes: lol, might be simplified

eulerscheZahl: coop game? please no

jacek: O(0.812)? not so complex

Astrobytes: eww yeah, no coop

Jerrasterix: you have to path find and dodge your opp while your opp tries to reach and kill you, That's not too hard meh..

eulerscheZahl: that's a summary of CotC

eulerscheZahl: galleon wars

eulerscheZahl: thanks squid for the name...

Astrobytes: those names :(

eulerscheZahl: thibaud was much faster removing us from the list

Astrobytes: hmm

Jerrasterix: is squid not regular these days ??

Astrobytes: he removed himself

jacek: oO

Jerrasterix: :O

eulerscheZahl: like java should do, if garbage collection would work better

Astrobytes: haha

Jerrasterix: euler becoming more hatred towards java :joy:

eulerscheZahl: it's not even free anymore

Astrobytes: Oracle have finally lost their minds?

eulerscheZahl: did i misunderstand something?

eulerscheZahl: let me check again before making false claims

Astrobytes: Oracle own Java afaik

eulerscheZahl: yes, they do

eulerscheZahl: Oracle JDK 11, Oracle JDK Java 8, and Oracle JRE with Java Web Start in Java 8, are available to Oracle Customers via My Oracle Support and also under the OTN License Agreement for Java SE. This OTN license permits personal use, development, testing, prototyping, demonstrating and some other limited uses at no cost.

eulerscheZahl: stupid website, collides the block as soon as i want to select the text and copy it


Astrobytes: yeah, commercial license needed for updates etc

Jerrasterix: Ohh... you can't use java to create and sell apps WTH..

eulerscheZahl: i don't want to read this now. but compare it to the license of C# or Python and you'll see some differences

Astrobytes: I'll save that one for a rainy day

jacek: free jaffa!

eulerscheZahl: no, kill jaffar and save the princess

Astrobytes: java's so bloated they should have called it Jabba

Default avatar.png SyntaxMudra: what is the first thing in learning to learn java

Jerrasterix: anyways, Idc.. I mostly use dotnet these days

Astrobytes: learning to type really long statements

Jerrasterix: learning it is language full of bloats

eulerscheZahl: same. both for private coding and professionally .net is my default. some C++ at work

eulerscheZahl: afk to cycle through the forests. see you

Astrobytes: enjoy

Jerrasterix: have a nice time..

eulerscheZahl: not sure if i'm motivated. but can't sit all day either

Astrobytes: once you start you'll enjoy it

coddednight: can anybody help mme im new at coding

eulerscheZahl: true. bye

Jerrasterix: its bed time here... gotta go to bed.. bye :yawn:

Astrobytes: sleep well!

Jerrasterix: will come back when it starts

Jerrasterix: bye

Astrobytes: see ya

Default avatar.png Joe0: whats the best way to improve ranking. My 10672 is a little embarressing.

Astrobytes: bot programming, optims, golf etc. Anything in the 'compete' section

Default avatar.png Joe0: ok

BrunoFelthes: caraca, já tem 1 ano que não tem desafio, vamos ver se esse vai ser bom

5DN1L: English only please

BrunoFelthes: affe

Astrobytes: BrunoFelthes: hope so!

Default avatar.png Joe0: Idea I just had: Can we integrate a translate service in the chat bar? This would be useful due to the wide range of nationalities the users of this site have.

BrunoFelthes: what is the reference from the contest image?

5DN1L: Who knows how long this chat will still remain here

Astrobytes: not sure, we were trying to guess earlier but didn't come up with much

Leeward: I thought it was original art?

Astrobytes: It is, but there is always a theme

BrunoFelthes: it is always an original art...

BrunoFelthes: but maybe is it a fight game?

Leeward: Looks like a generic high fantasy / D&D type setting

struct: Hi

Astrobytes: Yeah, very vague. My money is on some kind of board game, could be grid-based

Astrobytes: Hello struct

struct: its onitama v2

Astrobytes: lol

struct: war chest

struct: Its hex

struct: and has different units types

Astrobytes: hm, but another hex game?

struct: last one was good

Astrobytes: yeah the Photosynthesis one

NewCoder09: struct you're back

jacek: hex onitama

struct: jacek are you gonna join the contest?

jacek: yes, but probably end up in silver or bronze

jacek: somehow i cant get my mind into short competition

struct: hmm

struct: its simple, just do what I do

struct: write sim

jacek: delete account?

struct: Then rerwrite

struct: then rerwrite

struct: ...

struct: rewirte*

jacek: rewire

jacek: sturct, are you alright

struct: wrhy?

jacek: Automaton2000 asked

Automaton2000: i'm trying to learn python

struct: I'm fine Automaton2000

Automaton2000: i need to optimize it

struct: you know me

5DN1L: Autopython2000

Astrobytes: optimisation begins in Wood

struct: for me it begins before I submit

Astrobytes: indeed :P

jacek: ezpz just add some pragmas

struct: I dont use that anymore

struct: maybe if its a board game you can make a NN?

struct: or is the contest too short for that?

jacek: probably too short

jacek: not in training sense, but getting the right inputs

Log1c_CN: gn evbd

struct: good night

jacek: oO

Westicles: I guess if the taco bot is dead I can stop making balls related clashes

jacek: my incest is wincest for my simple neuroevolution algo works wonders, convergens 10x times faster

bugMaker-237: Shadows of the Knight - Episode 1

Already stucked

bugMaker-237: :neutral_face: Need help

bugMaker-237: Please...

5DN1L: be specific

bugMaker-237: Actually I need to do a dichotomic search in a 2 dimentional array

bugMaker-237: But the coordonates to find are unknown

Shazbaz: I'm actually working on the same puzzle right now

bugMaker-237: I just have the direction to take as inpurs

bugMaker-237: Shazbaz, already done ?

Shazbaz: nope, still figuring things out. But I'm making progress.

5DN1L: Did you read the external resoruces on the front page of the puzzle?

bugMaker-237: Yep

5DN1L: and?

bugMaker-237: I think i understand the algo of dicothomic search

bugMaker-237: I've already used that

Shazbaz: If you're on the CodinGame Discord server, maybe we could hop in a voice channel and work on it together?

bugMaker-237: But that's not my issue

bugMaker-237: Shabaz, ok, let me join the discord

jacek: binary search plx?

Uljahn: the direction is the hint, it guides your search

Uljahn: each turn you're given new direction based on your previous move

bugMaker-237: Yeah, i got that

Shazbaz: I'll be sitting in the 'General' voice channel under the name Shazbaz when you get there.

bugMaker-237: my issue is principaly to move along the x or y axis towards the bomb point

bugMaker-237: Got it, Shazbaz

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: I am having issues with the batman puzzle as well

Shazbaz: wanna join the discord voice channel?

jacek: whats with batman puzzle lately?

Shazbaz: bugMaker-237 have you formatted the output line at the end properly?

Shazbaz: it standardly comes with ```cout << "0 0" << endl;```

Shazbaz: you'll need to make sure to put your own variables in there

Shazbaz: something like ```to_string(horizontal_num) + " " + to_string(vertical_num)```

**Wontonimo trembles in front of Shazbaz's moderate coding skills

a-Rye: :taco: Wontonimo

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: I cannot join discord voice rn I have noise going around :/

jacek: :no_mouth:

struct: hi Wontonimo

Wontonimo: thanks for the taco a-Rye

struct: Where are the tacos?

struct: ah on #taco ?

Wontonimo: I can't believe it, but I'm tired of tacos

a-Rye: That's kinda what I was hinting at

struct: why?

Wontonimo: I'll turn it on :D

eulerscheZahl: the taco channel is a good idea to reduce the flood here

Wontonimo: :taco: struct

antiwonto: [auto] Wontonimo has awarded struct 5 tacos. struct now has 9 taco. Wontonimo now has 41 taco

eulerscheZahl: :/

Wontonimo: all other taco commands have moved to #taco

jacek: :taco: Automaton2000

Automaton2000: am i going to do it

antiwonto: [auto] jacek has awarded Automaton2000 10 tacos. Automaton2000 now has 51 taco. jacek now has 32 taco

Automaton2000: but i've never seen it before

struct: euler have you done any contest recently?

NewCoder09: :taco: struct

antiwonto: [auto] NewCoder09 has awarded struct 5 tacos. struct now has 14 taco. NewCoder09 now has 6 taco

eulerscheZahl: doing topcoder right now. but stuck

struct: is this the factory one?

eulerscheZahl: factory?

struct: ah no that was atcoder

eulerscheZahl: it's an optim version of "there is no spoon"

eulerscheZahl: the bridge puzzle

a-Rye: Thanks Wontonimo! I'll try to keep the taco chat to taco chat

eulerscheZahl: anyways, i've probably reached the optimum for this season. so i can live with being bad at that particular game

struct: Well you finished in time for CG

struct: Maybe the contest will be good

eulerscheZahl: i hope so

eulerscheZahl: also 2 other, shorter contests that i plan to do during CG. bad timing

eulerscheZahl: codejam 1B and morpheus

struct: Im sure it wont hurt

eulerscheZahl: you know me. i'm stuck before time runs out anyways

struct: I think most of us are

eulerscheZahl: that's the difference between us plebs and the real pros

jacek: the $$$?

jacek: the gap between 1st and 2nd in onitama is closing :scream:

Wontonimo: it's funny when the #taco channel gets more coding related talk than world

jacek: shakedown Auitomaton2000

jacek: shakedown Automaton2000

jacek: :s

Automaton2000: not sure if i should try that

antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel

a-Rye: Ajaiy, there's still a lot I need to do. But the problem I'm having is either with my techio.yml or my filestructure within GitHub.

jacek: tutorial?

a-Rye: yup jacek, I'm trying to replicate my Beginner Python Concepts to Java and C++. Python is easy and requires very little setup. I have wlesavo's C++ structure to work off of. I just need to do it lol

jacek: you dont need heavy stuff to write code snippset no?

a-Rye: with Python, no. But so far it seems like I need a separate .sh file for every .cpp file. And I need to tie all those .sh files together in a local makefile.

a-Rye: So, every snippet turns into its own code file

jacek: oh my

Default avatar.png pandaburger: can someone explain to me "for i in input().split()" like i was 5?

eulerscheZahl: do you know what input().split() does?

Default avatar.png pandaburger: I know what both do, not what they do together

eulerscheZahl: input() reads a line from stdin

Default avatar.png pandaburger: I assume but when looped, my brain shuts down

Tryst: one more puzzle until level 20 :D

eulerscheZahl: split() just splits it at spaces

Default avatar.png pandaburger: ah, spaces

eulerscheZahl: so you have "a b c" as input for example

eulerscheZahl: then input().split() is ['a', 'b', 'c']

eulerscheZahl: for i in ['a', 'b', 'c'] is a loop over those

Default avatar.png pandaburger: alright

Default avatar.png pandaburger: in a for loop, for i in input().split(), what is i?

Uljahn: :rolling_eyes:

Default avatar.png pandaburger: is it a, b and then c in respective loops?

jacek: :upside_down:

antiwonto: [auto] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo '

eulerscheZahl: i is each value of the list

eulerscheZahl: one after another

Default avatar.png pandaburger: Okay

Default avatar.png [da-kid_2.0: hi

Default avatar.png [da-kid_2.0: hi

Default avatar.png [da-kid_2.0: hi

Default avatar.png [da-kid_2.0: hi

Default avatar.png [da-kid_2.0: hi

eulerscheZahl: bye

Uljahn: kicked out

eulerscheZahl: :+1:

eulerscheZahl: sometimes i miss my mod powers

jacek: AutomatonNN does he?

jacek: :(

Default avatar.png pandaburger: thanks for the help, eulerscheZahl!

Default avatar.png [da-kid_2.0: ah

5DN1L: [da-kid_2.0 please adhere the code of conduct, no spam, otherwise you'll be banned


jacek: sports training... what about some balls game

antiwonto: [auto] jacek be respectful and watch your language

Default avatar.png [da-kid_2.0: jacek is write

eulerscheZahl: stop writing jacek, join voice chat

5DN1L: Automaton2000 would you join voice chat too?

Automaton2000: so what should i start with a very good site to learn

Default avatar.png [da-kid_2.0: ur mum

Default avatar.png [da-kid_2.0: oh god sorry

eulerscheZahl: :popcorn:

5DN1L: i'm sorry too

5DN1L: you're banned [da-kid_2.0

jacek: chat is still not gone :thinking:

Tryst: shakedown taco

Tryst: huntdown taco

antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel

Tryst: oof

eulerscheZahl: and languages are still not updated, are they?

eulerscheZahl: any bets on which languages will break right before the contest? i say it's java

jacek: D#

eulerscheZahl: 5DN1L banned the guy and now i'm the one getting weird messages in private. why?!

5DN1L: i do too

5DN1L: i just ignore him

eulerscheZahl: ah, great. was about to do that

eulerscheZahl: even is some of the trolls are actually funny

5DN1L: they should learn from jacek

Tryst: My biggest acomplishment is getting level 20 on codingame, is that sad?

5DN1L: why sad?

Tryst: Because it's not the best accomplishment

5DN1L: you can get even bigger accomplishments in the future i guess

Tryst: true

5DN1L: treat this as a milestone

Tryst: ahh okay

Tryst: that makes sense

5DN1L: and congrats :)

eulerscheZahl: i've spent a lot of time on project euler when i got into puzzle solving and then slowly shifted to more competitive things

Tryst: thanks :)

Uljahn: what is the best accomplishment btw?

Tryst: In CodinGame or in life?

eulerscheZahl: uno reverse card: what's your greatest achievement in terms of CG or similar websites, Uljahn? ;)

Tryst: In CodinGame I would say the "Damn I'm Good" or any 100% on very hard puzzles

Uljahn: eulerscheZahl: my greatest CG is some of my solutions being upvoted regularly

Tryst: Uljahn that's a major win

TobiasA: mine was getting out of the green levels. I was stuck there for 3 years because I didn't realize codingame was not for noobs:slight_smile:

Tryst: lol

Tryst: I was there too

Tryst: I needed to take a 2 year break from this game in order to get better at coding

Tryst: Now I would say I'm a lot better though

Passifi: oh wow I now checked out eulers Project so many new puzzles wow, thanks eulerscherZahl

eulerscheZahl: later ones are pretty math heavy. but good quality of puzzles

TobiasA: yea back then on this site was probably the most confusing time of my life

eulerscheZahl: my 2nd site where i've spent a lot of hours was it's more about coding and less about math. sadly it's not actively maintained anymore and some puzzles require flash or java applets

TobiasA: wait where are the euler puzzles?


not related to me

eulerscheZahl: they regularly add a new puzzle every 1 or 2 weeks

Default avatar.png Joe0: Question: Is linux or windows or mac os better for actually writing software commercially?

Default avatar.png Joe0: In ur opinion\

Tryst: Don't take my opinion to heart but I just like windows personally

Tryst: Mac OS and Linux are always very buggy for me whenever I use some of my friend's laptops

a-Rye: Joe0 it depends on the company you work for. My first professional tech job had me working on AWS, in a Windows VM, with a Mac laptop. Writing code in VB, which I never heard of. Just be flexible amongst development environments

Default avatar.png Joe0: ok

eulerscheZahl: depends on the kind of software. if you want to write the standard in-house software for your company that runs on clients, you probably want to develop on windows as that's what your users are using

eulerscheZahl: coding in VB? my condolences

Tryst: ^

Passifi: When I was looking through the catalog for coding stuff of a german school they offered a full course to become a VB developer (that was last year) so thats either a scam or VB is in demand somehow ? I tend to go scam, but who knows :)

Passifi: I mean with python being as powerful as it is is there even a good reason to use VB anymore ?

a-Rye: As long as you're able to switch between languages, it doesn't matter much. There are a lot of legacy demands for knowing other languages

eulerscheZahl: like the banks still operating with Cobol

jacek: the futuristic language

jacek: you should try jaceklang

Nerchio: can i write my next bot in cobol

jacek: || and && are replaced by corresponding NNs

eulerscheZahl: only if you spam the forum for a year straight and request that it's added

eulerscheZahl: or if you compile offline and submit a binary

Nerchio: we have brainf*ck why not cobol

eulerscheZahl: we have?

eulerscheZahl: that was an April fools prank

Nerchio: oh damn

jacek: we have javascript, why not other esolangs

Nerchio: i missed that it was a prank

Nerchio: thats disappointing

Nerchio: well all I want is java 11 :joy: we still have java 8

Nerchio: talking about stone age languages

jacek: and android natively is java 7 mostly:no_mouth:

eulerscheZahl: java 11 had massive timeout issues

Nerchio: did you get your shirt for russian ai cup euler


aka: no

eulerscheZahl: i hate the German customs

eulerscheZahl: also gave up hopes for TCO21 tshirt (don't have a tracking link)

Nerchio: oh wow at least you have a tracking link

eulerscheZahl: so the obvious solution is to qualify for on-site finals and pick it up in person at TCO

Nerchio: I never saw anything

eulerscheZahl: i know Astro and Ille got theirs

Nerchio: maybe I will get it in the next russian ai cup unless the organizers got drafted to the army

eulerscheZahl: they already postponed indefinitely

eulerscheZahl: was supposed to happen in february/march this time

Nerchio: I don't know where you find this information I am literally in their discord

Nerchio: :grimacing:

jacek: hes on their celestia

eulerscheZahl: probably telegram. got it from russian CG users

jacek: those germans :unamused:

jacek: :no_mouth:

jacek: Automaton2000 when will you get your mail

Automaton2000: how old are u guys

Nerchio: old enough to be your dad Automaton2000

Automaton2000: well, i have a good day

Nerchio: what is the next contest about Automaton2000

Automaton2000: you might have to be on the same cell, but a pac can't cross the path of a stronger pac: ...

Nerchio: it's pacman again damn

Darleanow: guys, how do we remove space at the end when we print a string ?

jacek: end=

jacek: or "".strip()

Darleanow: yeah but it has no spaces between each now

Darleanow: Trouvé : 23571113171923293137414347 Attendu : 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47

5DN1L: join first

5DN1L: strip later

5DN1L: and join with space instead of empty string

Darleanow: its in a list

Darleanow: and i can print like that

Darleanow: for i in lst:print(i)

Darleanow: ,end=" "

Darleanow: but it has space at end

5DN1L: you can even print(*lst)

Darleanow: GENIUS TY

Darleanow: i was searching for something like

Darleanow: this

Darleanow: thanks sir <3

5DN1L: oh well, there are usually multiple ways to do the same thing

5DN1L: it doesn't hurt to learn a few more ways

5DN1L: " ".join(str(x) for x in lst)


5DN1L: "".join(f"{x} " for x in lst).strip()

5DN1L: and to revise your original code:

5DN1L: for i in lst[:-1]:print(i,end=" ") print(lst[-1])

Darleanow: oh this is smart too

Darleanow: this is something similar that i used to do

Darleanow: in a for loop i was printing t

Darleanow: the list with a end=" "

Darleanow: and when i was at n-1, i was breaking the loop and printing the last one

5DN1L: yup, be flexible and you'll find many possibilities

Hanako-Kun: heyyyy

jacek: good evening

Hanako-Kun: hru

Hanako-Kun: :upside_down:

antiwonto: [auto] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo '

Default avatar.png Rexor: hello

Hanako-Kun: ello

nightwalkerinthedark: :money_mouth:

nightwalkerinthedark: :money_mouth:

5DN1L: no spam please

nightwalkerinthedark: ok

nightwalkerinthedark: sorry

Default avatar.png antorf: Hola

Justaguypassingby: sup

ZndrBrok: Automaton2000 Do u speak english ?

antiwonto: [auto] Hey ZndrBrok, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 1 tacos

Automaton2000: so there is a limit

I_love_CoC: hi everyone

I_love_CoC: turtle Automaton2000

Automaton2000: so it has a lot of the puzzles

ZndrBrok: How antiwonto do that auto message ? Thx for the tacos btw!

Wontonimo: antowonto do that message the same way you do, sing text ZndrBrok. But antiwonto is a bot

zakacat: :taco: ZndrBrok

antiwonto: [auto] zakacat has awarded ZndrBrok 2 tacos. ZndrBrok now has 3 taco. zakacat now has 8 taco

zakacat: it is TacoTIme

ZndrBrok: :taco: zakacat

antiwonto: [auto] ZndrBrok has awarded zakacat 3 tacos. zakacat now has 11 taco. ZndrBrok now has 4 taco

ZndrBrok: Okok, thx Wontonimo !

Wontonimo: haha ... here is the code if you are wondering ZndrBrok

ZndrBrok: :banana: zakacat

ZndrBrok: FAIL*

ZndrBrok: Nice

ZndrBrok: thx again !

Wontonimo: try eggplants ZndrBrok

Westicles: Gloria ZndrBrok?


zakacat: give me eggplans

zakacat: thx for tacos

Kaelidian: Hm

Darleanow: hello all :)

R3KS: good day

Darleanow: 3158

Darleanow: need the top 1000

Darleanow: ehhehe

struct: contests give lots of points

struct: I think rank 1 gets 10k

struct: which game are you playing to get points Darleanow?

Darleanow: no its for clahs

Darleanow: need to reach top1000

struct: ah

Darleanow: this is so unfair to get fckd up by spaces at the end

Darleanow: i hate that

Default avatar.png weebiss: hii

Rock_You: hey

mod0: hii

Dren: hello there

Default avatar.png ChloeLeng: hi

Darleanow: BobLob, waiting for u :)

Darleanow: Hello Husoki tho :)

Husoski: Hi Darleanow! Which puzzle was killing you with trailing space checks?

Darleanow: that's because i'm really bad at maths, and i found the formula for factorials

Darleanow: but for a different base it was impossible to me

Husoski: Sounded like the Christmas Tree syndrome where the program wants " ***" but the code is simpler for " *** ".

Husoski: ...but factorials are the same in all bases. n! = 1*2*3*,..*n. Or were you looking for trailing zeroes in a factorial?

Darleanow: indeed, it was trailing zeroes !

ASM_MOV_INT: I love trailing zeroes!

Darleanow: hate them - -'

Dren: I prefer leading zeroes