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Default avatar.png desed: hello there

ASM_MOV_INT: :revolving_hearts::heartbeat::gift_heart:

ASM_MOV_INT: sorry .... hi, don't mind me, i'm exploring my emoji fetish

Uljahn: don't do it here. first warning

antiwonto: [auto] Hey Uljahn, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 12 tacos

hxoreyer: take taco

antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel

derjack: :taco: jacek

antiwonto: [auto] derjack has awarded jacek 10 tacos. jacek now has 50 taco. derjack now has 52 taco

Westicles: great new clash Balls on Parade

antiwonto: [auto] Westicles be respectful and watch your language

Nik05: Westicles :taco:

antiwonto: [auto] Hey Nik05, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 10 tacos

Default avatar.png GregSp: Hello world!

C-Ards: Funny tho

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: hello world

antiwonto: [auto] Hey RandomSteve, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 2 tacos

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: :o tnx

Littleyounes: XD

Littleyounes: antiwonto

antiwonto: [auto] 'antiwonto' was defined as ' A bot, possibly assembled in Central America. Programming questionable '

Littleyounes: bastard

Littleyounes: xddddd

Littleyounes: leave my mexican friend

ASM_MOV_INT: you're doing it wrong.... that's not the way mom does it

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: I don't even understand what you guys are saying

ASM_MOV_INT: that's random steve....

ASM_MOV_INT: i've never heard of the questionable programming language, but i'm sure it's great for chat bots!

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: I am so lost in the string of this conversation

ASM_MOV_INT: spiders give string

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: yeah


Default avatar.png RandomSteve: idk

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: are you a bot?

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: you sound like a bot

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: no offense

Littleyounes: true

ASM_MOV_INT: :heartpulse:

Default avatar.png jayshah007: sut up

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: hello

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: hi

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: how are you guys ?

Ho-Sook: Don't be disrespectful

Default avatar.png EvilLongcoatVonKirschenwald_c12b: the monkey

Default avatar.png EvilLongcoatVonKirschenwald_c12b: five little monkey jump in the bed

Default avatar.png EvilLongcoatVonKirschenwald_c12b: kaique

ASM_MOV_INT: be weird instead

ASM_MOV_INT: it's more fun

Ho-Sook: Shut up niggar

Default avatar.png EvilLongcoatVonKirschenwald_c12b: ...

Default avatar.png EvilLongcoatVonKirschenwald_c12b: There are so pathetic

ASM_MOV_INT: gender identify as shut down

Default avatar.png EvilLongcoatVonKirschenwald_c12b: Btw go back to school kids

VizGhar: mods?

Default avatar.png EvilLongcoatVonKirschenwald_c12b: we need mods theres a monke called "Kaique"

Uljahn: kicked

Uljahn: no spam here, respect the rules

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: ok

Default avatar.png Oly-le-bosse: rip kaique

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: hellllllo

KeshaDM: clash and code isn't working?

Default avatar.png kartikkz: hola

jacek: huh

Default avatar.png forcex: sa

Default avatar.png forcex: 312131231

Default avatar.png forcex: 312312321

Default avatar.png forcex: 3123

Default avatar.png forcex: 12312312

jacek: whats with people today? :unamused:

Darleanow: hello guys !

ycsvenom: hola amigo

Darleanow: whassup?

ycsvenom: i am really good

ycsvenom: what's about you?

Darleanow: i didnt woke up this morning

Darleanow: guess why


ycsvenom: i was there

Darleanow: and i missed school

ycsvenom: what!

Darleanow: i have a test in like 30 mins, i hope my teacher will accept if i do it at home

ycsvenom: at least you accomplished something

Darleanow: lmao

Darleanow: question

Darleanow: if i try to print lst[n-1]

Darleanow: it gives the last

Darleanow: but if i want the one just before the last, can i print lst[n-2] ?

ycsvenom: if you want to take the last element of collection in python you just have to:

ycsvenom: lst[-1]

Darleanow: yeah odeed

Darleanow: indeed

ycsvenom: if you want the one before that then lst[-2]

ycsvenom: and so on

hxoreyer: take taco

Darleanow: perfect thanks !:)

ycsvenom: you are welcome

jacek: wait till he learns how to reverse string in python :v

Darleanow: :'(

ycsvenom: he learned it yesterday jacek

Darleanow: DID I ?

ycsvenom: yes lst[::-1]

Darleanow: OHHHH

jacek: oh my

ycsvenom: are you in codeforces jacek?

jacek: no

Thorcode: what is codeforce?

ycsvenom: it's a website for problem solving practice which much more hard than this one and has a rank and contests and many many events

ycsvenom: but not that perfect gui

Thorcode: ok?

ycsvenom: just that

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: hello

ycsvenom: yello

Thorcode: is it harder than leetcode?

ycsvenom: i think so

Thorcode: really

ycsvenom: i am not that sure i solved just 10 questions on leetcode then left

i didn't have much experiance

ycsvenom: in leetcode

Thorcode: code force look isn't really pro in front end

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: yes yes

ycsvenom: because it's old i think codeforces is the first website for that purpose Thorcode

Thorcode: but the problem kind fun

ycsvenom: and problem hardness not measured by front end

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: yes thats true

Thorcode: but it is kinda hard to find the problem

ycsvenom: not the gui

ycsvenom: not the best gui

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: t'habites a Tessain ?

Thorcode: have you solved any problem on codeforces? ycsvenom

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: oups

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: sorry

ycsvenom: yes

ycsvenom: 80+

Thorcode: hard?

ycsvenom: no i am trying to solve it from easy to hard

jacek: so old

Thorcode: you tried that ? jacek

ycsvenom: the least problem score is 800 and largest is 3500 i think

Thorcode: the 3500 kinda hard

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: yes

ycsvenom: btw Thorcode your bio should be "a geek avenger" not "an ..."

Thorcode: ok

jacek: trolling is a art

Uljahn: trolling is a art

Thorcode: wdym

ycsvenom: trolling is an art*

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: yes

Darleanow: xDDD

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: i love trolling

Thorcode: there is no bio

Thorcode: coding kinda hard

Passifi: not if your quiet smart

Passifi: or a little on the spectrum

Thorcode: or p2w

Thorcode: alot course isn't free unless you spend time on reading book

FIcusAndLik: :flag_ru:

Uljahn: no spam here, FIcusAndLik

Default avatar.png Demango: :grinning:

Thorcode: what's about russia FIcusAndLik

Default avatar.png TheFlyingdidgeridoo: I lvoe Russia, Poutine is the best president

Uljahn: this is not the right place to discuss matters unrelated to coding

Darleanow: we love them french kids

b0n5a1: You can kick/ban him asap ... still waiting on #fr

b0n5a1: (done)

Uljahn: my mod powers are not enough to moderate fr, only world and ru, sorry

eulerscheZahl: topcoder marathon has started. a taco for the first to name the CG puzzle around the same task

Frankich: Il n'y a pas de cuillère ?

eulerscheZahl: what?!

eulerscheZahl: i don't speak baguette

Frankich: (there is no spoon ?)

eulerscheZahl: :taco: Frankich

Frankich: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

eulerscheZahl: well, no taco for you

jacek: omelette du fromage?

Frankich: Grammatically wrong, but why not, since I don't have my :taco: :(

eulerscheZahl: well, i don't have my TCO21 tshirt :(

eulerscheZahl: i blame German customs


vinnie_rinella: anyone know how to console.log human x and human y

vinnie_rinella: ny id

vinnie_rinella: by*

vinnie_rinella: (javascripts)

BJD: console.log(humans[index].x+' '+humans[index].y);

Uljahn: why don't you want to learn js data structures and other basics on your own?

Default avatar.png Coockie_dewd: Is C# a good first language?

vinnie_rinella: i would but codecadmeny is broken for me and all the other sites i found cost money

Default avatar.png Coockie_dewd: alright

vinnie_rinella: no i would do javascript Coockie_dewd im very biased tho

Default avatar.png Coockie_dewd: Hmm

Default avatar.png Coockie_dewd: alright

Default avatar.png Coockie_dewd: ill try it

vinnie_rinella: becayse thats all i know

jacek: maybe CG should cost money too

eulerscheZahl: maybe you should bills us for your trolling service

Uljahn: 10 tacos per day?

eulerscheZahl: i will pay jacek in recycled memes

jacek: :upside_down:

vinnie_rinella: unless you guys have a site

Uljahn: you mean something like

vinnie_rinella: ill try it thanks!

Uljahn: also you'd better learn how to search the web, this skill is crucial

Nik05: jacek CG costs money, for businesses that use it

vinnie_rinella: Uljahn is that a threat?

vinnie_rinella: the way you worded it made it sound like a threat

Frankich: It's just a really great advice

Frankich: If you can't search for yourself, you won't going really far in that job/hobby*

vinnie_rinella: im kidding

vinnie_rinella: i do that

a-Rye: :taco: Frankich

b0n5a1: Uljahn 02:38PM my mod powers are not enough to moderate fr, only world and ru, sorry

-> no problem, it was just to say that he could be banned here given what he wrote on #fr :wink:

Uljahn: ah, i see

Passifi: Yes, finally I solved rod cutting yes, no I can sleep. Or maybe just on other puzzle...

HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: why are the chat bots here not writing more often?

SandmanSW96: crap I hit the friggin wall on that escape the cat

jacek: :scream_cat:

SandmanSW96: lol

NewCoder09: hey guys

uss4ma.0: yo guys

NewCoder09: hey

Default avatar.png TheBigBadPostItNote_84db: Lolz

Default avatar.png Wizard-Dude: Hello, I was wondering in pod racer bronze league, why I try to get my opponents coordinates, I keep on getting back the old ones?

jacek: huh?

Rebollo: I need some tip for the DAWG challange, not takos! lol

Rebollo: My main difficultly is swapping/deleting nodes as I am using pointers and eventually I can manage to change positions, change parents/childs in my Trie nodes

Rebollo: can´t*

Uljahn: it's dangerous to debug alone! take this :duck:

eulerscheZahl: no rubber duck emoji? :(

eulerscheZahl: :rubberduck:

eulerscheZahl: :rubber_duck:

eulerscheZahl: nope

Ajaiy: There isn't a rubber duck emoji generally too

SandmanSW96: whew spoke too soon finally figured that friggin cat out haha glad i still have like 24 hours ?

a-Rye: 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆

a-Rye: I can't seem to copy / paste them again...but I got them from the !ducks command on my stream chat lol

Varask: Automaton2000 help those guys

Automaton2000: where did you get a good eval

jacek: :tada:

Default avatar.png Bielawski: Hey

Nik05: morning

jacek: morning?

dannyward630: taco tuesday

dannyward630: taco taco

dannyward630: ta ta co co

dannyward630: no, evening

dannyward630: Afternoon, reallyh

Dren: it's 21:47 over here

Default avatar.png veb112306: tuesday?

Default avatar.png Samuelos: LoL

Default avatar.png Samuelos: what is this chat

derjack: :upside_down:

CosmicStudios: somebody rickroll me

Default avatar.png Samuelos: how can I debug

derjack: print to stderr

Nik05: You can also use assertions

Default avatar.png Samuelos: thx

Default avatar.png Joosy199: why is python the most popular language i see on here

Dren: because python is a popular language

Passifi: Is it not the most popular period ?

Default avatar.png Joosy199: Is it? I thought at least JavaScript, Java, C++, would be more popular

Passifi: main reasons are imo easy(relativly) and convenient to use. Now I like my languages unwieldy and challenging thats why I code directly in opcodes

Default avatar.png Joosy199: opcodes?

Default avatar.png Joosy199: Ohhh machine language XD

Passifi: thats how the cpu gets its commands one layer below assembler


Passifi: and I think stack overflow does a poll each year where python also dominates

Default avatar.png Joosy199: That's crazy. I've never touched python but I guess I should start

Wontonimo: that's what she ...

Wontonimo: where is jacek when you need him?

5DN1L: :rolling_eyes:

NewCoder09: woah Wontonimo chill out

Wontonimo: :ice: :bucket: :pants:

Passifi: right in these progressive times it could have been what he said as well

Wontonimo: or them/they

NewCoder09: for real

Wontonimo: that's what he said ...

a-Rye: that's what Cthulhu said...

Wontonimo: yeah !

jacek: :no_mouth:


a-Rye: lol, this site just has everything!

a-Rye: and that guy streaming earlier was trying a different puzzle from eulerscheZahl

5DN1L: yay

a-Rye: Rectangle Partition, but I'm not quite there yet. Still working on mediums

a-Rye: Wait no, that's an easy I'm also working on. Blockout was the other eulerscheZahl

Passifi: I have finished a medium puzzle today, but I don't fully understand my own solution so I went back to easy while feeling like a fraud ...

Wontonimo: which one?

Passifi: the one I solved was the rod cutting problem

Passifi: I had an idea but the solution didn't quit fit in my head, so I just coded it out and crossed my fingers and it worked, but it still feels like I am missing something

Passifi: frankly that isn't the first time that happened either, I wonder whether this is a common thing for coders.

jacek: as long a it works...

Wontonimo: there is a certain satisfaction from having the whole solution crystal clear in your head an you are just typing it out casually, transcribing it from thought to working code right away. It happens, but

Wontonimo: it's boring

Wontonimo: it only happens for the easiest problems for you and since they are so easy it just doesn't even seem like it's worth the effort to type it out since you are 100% sure it'll work. So embrace the difficulty

Wontonimo: if it bugs you that you don't fully know why it works, that's a good thing. Use that to check back in a few weeks and revisit it with fresh eyes

Westicles: it is common in python for sure

Passifi: ah the difficulty isn't the problem more the feeling that it was all just a fluke :pensive:

Passifi: but its a step closer to being better so its still a good thing of course :)

Wontonimo: +100

Razko: if you're curious though, it might also be worth dropping it into another environment to debug it... from there you can find the spot that is confusing to better understand why it worked... especially since you can control the input rather than having coding games supply it

a-Rye: ^^Definitely! Between Replit, Eclipse, Visual Studios, etc, you can do local development and build up your GitHub

Kaelidian: Dude this guy VizGhar has a pretty solid strategy on Game of Drones

Nik05: Love doing these puzzles

Nik05: Have a good night

Default avatar.png SubZeRoy9: 3rd day of codingame. Still have no clue what im doing and i havnt completed one. I will one day tho.

Wontonimo: here the easiest puzzles SubZeRoy9


Default avatar.png Kankalar: f

Ayza: alright that fax machine puzzle was pretty good

Ayza: managed to get a 2 line solution

Ayza: after achieving the long solution

hexa8: this game was pretty hard i still dont get it tho lol

hexa8: can someone help me

Ayza: can't see the clash but damn no one passed it

hexa8: I don't get

ycsvenom: thanks for fax machine Wontonimo it was interesting

ycsvenom: what you don't get with it

hexa8: I don't know why my probram is wrong

ycsvenom: can you send a copy here so i can help


ycsvenom: you change the color every iteration

hexa8: yeah

hexa8: idk why its printing out w-1 times

ycsvenom: that's not the problem said


ycsvenom: if you have for example 3 t's 10 8 4 then you will make 10 black , 8 white and 4 black

hexa8: yeah

hexa8: im chainging the color every `for i in t.split()`

hexa8: eh i might just give up

ycsvenom: why did you use floor and division why don't you just use mod?

hexa8: idk

ycsvenom: mod is just the reminder of the division like 10%3 is 1

hexa8: yeah ik

ycsvenom: and when a number is divisible by n it will you 0 as answer like 10%5=0

ycsvenom: why don't you use instead of floor and division thing

CosmicStudios: This took a lot longer than it needed too:

ycsvenom: hexa8

ycsvenom: i edit your code a little

hexa8: ok

ycsvenom: but here it's


hexa8: thanks

ycsvenom: you're welcome