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Default avatar.png SuperWhiteFish: hi

eulerscheZahl: atcoder optim contest started

eulerscheZahl: after reading the task: i have to read it a few more times just to understand it

HarryYo: If it would have been confidential I would have asked help from my dad. Right now he is out of city and out of my reach too

HarryYo: Otherwise would have asked him for sure

5DN1L: I think we can't help you here.

HarryYo: ok thnks np

icecream17: with trolls vs castles, I wonder if there's a better ranking system

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: that moment when you realize that u can only code lua well if its roblox api

Default avatar.png NeelD31: is python golfer allowed or considered cheating?

Default avatar.png NeelD31: for clash of code

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: like for least lines id assume cheating

ycsvenom: the shortest mode is counting characters not bytes so not cheat and the goal is to make the code as short as possible

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: i just spent 11 minutes working something out and then realized i can do a 3 line answer

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: ayeee new fastest time for a solve

struct: eulerscheZahl are you up just for at coder?

Default avatar.png paatt: scanf("%[^\n]" what does it mean anyone?

struct: scan everything until \n

struct: \n = new line

Default avatar.png paatt: thanks!

VizGhar: can i see the task without registering?


VizGhar: :thumbsup:

VizGhar: huge memory limit for 2second task :)

eulerscheZahl: i'll wait a few days until topcoder starts

jacek: :upside_down:

VizGhar: I'd like to see next contest poster already :)

VizGhar: (art)

VizGhar: do we already know something about the contest already?

martinpapa69: it will be an ai contest

VizGhar: sounds good... I believe we know nothing more? :)

martinpapa69: nah, thats all I've heard

VizGhar: I can accept any format except the escape

Jerrasterix: any good sites for practising competitive coding ?? other than codeforces and leetcode

Thorcode: dunno i'm learning leetcode and codeforces

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: hey guys what is the diference of normal list and enumerate list?

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: i don't know why pp use enumerate?

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: and for some puzzle here the enum can solve the puzzle but the normal list isn't

Ayza: If you mean in for loops

Ayza: enumerate gives you the value and the index

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: yep I know

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: what is the difference?

Ayza: depending on the puzzle the index might be an important part

Ayza: so that's why using enumerate wins over using a normal loop

Default avatar.png Aimee.S: is leetcode for python3 programmers too?

Thorcode: yep

Thorcode: it for a lot of language programmers

Mortis_666: Nice

eulerscheZahl: have fun Jerrasterix

abt8601: Wait, CodinGame's account number is just 44k?

Thorcode: yeah XD

abt8601: Or is it the number of accounts that have participated in a contest?

eulerscheZahl: contest players

eulerscheZahl: CG has less contests. so that number is understandably lower than codeforces with weekly events

eulerscheZahl: that clist site had a lot of statistics, really cool. it's created by "aropan" who's also active on codingame

JFB: eulerscheZahl said: "after reading the task: i have to read it a few more times just to understand it" - so maybe because it was just in kanji ? ;-)

ahozepha: for each input you take the count the number of words which start with the same letter

ahozepha: and you pick the shortest one

eulerscheZahl: they have an english version and also a visualizer to see the sample input+output

ahozepha: and order the word to output that word

eulerscheZahl: but i'd rather save my energy for topcoder

eulerscheZahl: tiny chance of still making it to the finals, but unlikely

ahozepha: is topcoder better than this one and how please?

ahozepha: i'd really like to know why please?

ahozepha: no judjement here, i myselft train though google kickstart and code jam

eulerscheZahl: i don't know the task yet. they have more and less interesting ones

eulerscheZahl: i'm talking about the marathon track. 1 optimization problem and 1 week to solve it

eulerscheZahl: i've played codejam the last 5 or 6 years with mediocre success. it's just completely different from marathons

ahozepha: okay then

ahozepha: i'll definitely try

eulerscheZahl: Illedan just confirmed that he'll play the atcoder one

Illedan: I trusted you

Illedan: But yeah

Illedan: xD

Jerrasterix: Thanks eulerscheZahl for the link :smile:

JFB: So no one will participate in (bomberland)? Final is April 3th

JFB: My poor bot is 3th. And bot from 1st position probably will not improve :-(

struct: how long ago did it started?

eulerscheZahl: looked into it a bit. but when i want to code in c#, there's a lot to do just to get started

eulerscheZahl: and matches only once per week, so you can barely test anything

JFB: In December. But it is not many paricipants

nitekat: There's no any participants in the latest clash event, after 5 minutes since that clash should start. So I came in, wait for the 2 minutes count down, more people came in, then the clash start, and ..... 8 minutes later the clash is over :laughing: wth

eulerscheZahl: game itself seems ok, but those 2 points turn me off

JFB: eulerscheZahl - yes

eulerscheZahl: do you know what you won in the mid-terms already?

JFB: But it is starter kit in Python, Go and C++

JFB: I do not asked :-)

JFB: To be honest any cash from Australia will be bit tax problem for me :-)

JFB: *big tax problem

eulerscheZahl: at least you get the possibility to pay taxes

JFB: Now I have tax problem with payments from topcoder

eulerscheZahl: german customs just shipped my RAIC tshirt+hoodie back to Russia without even asking

JFB: Now any contact with Russia is a big problem, I understand

eulerscheZahl: tbh i have no idea who topcoder taxing works. won $50, received all of it except paypal fees (expected $35 after 30% US taxes)

eulerscheZahl: that RAIC was in January

eulerscheZahl: so do i have to pay taxes in germany?

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: dunno

JFB: I do not know german taxes

struct: 30% paypal fees?

JFB: 30% US tax

struct: ah

eulerscheZahl: your reading comprehension can be improved ;)

eulerscheZahl: is your topcoder payment from the weather prediction or something else?

eulerscheZahl: i got rewarded for spam submitting. no joke

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: can someone tell me why the -3vel is effective in search race and mad pod racing

eulerscheZahl: they drew random winners among submission of the week

JFB: Yes - from weather prediction

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: really

JFB: Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk - simply speaking - because it is ;-)

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: lmao

JFB: But seriously - it is special case of move general one.

Default avatar.png Hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: gonna change name

JFB: *more general

eulerscheZahl: i'm still on the edge whether or not to try bomberland

eulerscheZahl: looks like an easy top3 but the setup...

eulerscheZahl: i'm in this state for several weeks already

struct: how long will it take me to setup docker for c++?

martinpapa69: docker :dizzy_face:

eulerscheZahl: with the mid-terms stream i first saw the bots in action. replays aren't even public so it was hard to estimate the strength of the competition

eulerscheZahl: JFB was kind enough to create that C++ starter btw

JFB: 1st bot probably will not improve. Author is from Russia and just going abroad from the country so have other problems

struct: I probably wont try it, Im very bad on these types of games

JFB: 1st bot is mainly: pathfinding + avoid places in bomb range + go to the midle of the board as fast as possible

eulerscheZahl: JFB at #3 still dying to own bombs

JFB: Exactly :-)

eulerscheZahl: and randomly placing bombs. or like the guy on the stream called it: "map control"

JFB: Randomly but with weights ;-)

JFB: At least ;-)

eulerscheZahl: they also had someone on their server talking about neural networks. and then mentioned low sim as bottleneck. he uses the game engine via some process communication to simulate future turns

eulerscheZahl: this is so totally beatable if i could find some motivation

JFB: It is 2nd bot

JFB: From Germant by the way

JFB: *Germany

eulerscheZahl: i saw that

eulerscheZahl: but germany is big, i don't know the competitor

jacek: :scream:

JFB: :-) Really? :-)

eulerscheZahl: yes. we are at least 7 people in Germany. probably more

JFB: :-D

jacek: id say there are 10 people in germany


JFB: :-D

Default avatar.png 4SP0VA: Selam


MSmits: hi guys

struct: hi

eulerscheZahl: welcome back

abt8601: hello

MSmits: yeah, havent had time for chat

JFB: hi

MSmits: been busy coding for cg anyways though. I got a working endgame book generator for nine mens morris now


MSmits: it's on 8x7, should be at most a few days till it's done, then it becomes easy to solve

eulerscheZahl: that's a lot of bestand

eulerscheZahl: look at that Grootte

MSmits: nothing compared to my oware books

MSmits: lol :)

JFB: :-) When you prepare endgame book generatr for chess ? ;-)

MSmits: nah chess is too hard

MSmits: I could do a few pieces maybe, but dont see much point

eulerscheZahl: jacek your turn

MSmits: what do you mean his turn?

eulerscheZahl: somehow the word "hard" triggers him

MSmits: oh ok

MSmits: did anyone else solve nmm here? I found a DB online somewhere, but the source code was hungarian

MSmits: so i dont know how to index the file and get the results out

eulerscheZahl: i hate it when that happens

**eulerscheZahl codes in English

MSmits: well it was partially english, just all the comments were hungarian and you really need those

**eulerscheZahl comments in English

MSmits: the algorithms to index endgame books are difficult

eulerscheZahl: if /me comments at all

MSmits: yeah everything i do is english except when teaching

MSmits: also sometimes using your own language gets you past reserved keywords

MSmits: lijst = []

eulerscheZahl: right, you code in python now. maybe you want to play bomberland

MSmits: whats that?

eulerscheZahl: bot contest


eulerscheZahl: finals in 1 month

MSmits: is that like hypersonic?

eulerscheZahl: there's the animation i was looking for

eulerscheZahl: 1 vs 1. but each player controls 3 units

MSmits: oh I see

MSmits: kinda like hypersonic

jacek: oh, i missed the hard part :(

MSmits: are you playing that?

MSmits: jacek how come, was it not working for a while? Should visit a doctor

eulerscheZahl: no. i have some objections to the website

eulerscheZahl: eulerscheZahl 03:33PM i'm still on the edge whether or not to try bomberland looks like an easy top3 but the setup... i'm in this state for several weeks already

jacek: also, have you seen some oware like challenge

eulerscheZahl: is this the same oware as on CG or different variation?

MSmits: if it is the same, i can draw it probably

jacek: i think yes. maybe except few endgames edge cases

jacek: as i understand you compete against their database mostly

eulerscheZahl: using a website to manually play moves that your bot prints

eulerscheZahl: and they do the same with their database bot

MSmits: so I run my oware meta mcts and play the moves? Seems easy

eulerscheZahl: yes. you are the interface

jacek: playok aka which hosts many games mostly card games online

jacek: and paper soccer

MSmits: I think my offline db is actually perfect for this as it does not use the endturn 200 from CG

eulerscheZahl: get them stuck in an infinite loop. and then win by clicking on the website faster than they do. so they lose by timeout

MSmits: haha, no, on loop the game ends afaik

MSmits: loops are not easy to get early game though

eulerscheZahl: does the website know this?

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: they equally distribute seeds on loop

MSmits: so basically net score added = 0

jacek: i think there is something on their rules

eulerscheZahl: but does have a loop detection?

MSmits: it just records gamestates i guess

MSmits: if a repeat happens, it's a loop

jacek: As part of general game etiquette, players are asked, in the event of a loop during the endgame, to settle the game by distributing to the players the remaining seeds in play. This is to avoid excessively long games, waiting for the playok platform to recognise the loop (which on rare occasions may not settle the end result accurately, a known flaw in playok).

struct: etiquette?

struct: my bot doesnt know that word

eulerscheZahl: but you as a human interface do

MSmits: I can have the meta mcts running games while playing vs their bot

MSmits: so it explorers whatever gamestate it's on

MSmits: then when it's down to 36 seeds on the board, all moves would be perfect

MSmits: it's just the first 12 seeds that are uncertain, but i have like 50 million games played, i doubt it makes mistakes

struct: doesnt their bot have 48 seeds db?

MSmits: yeah but that means i can draw

jacek: i cant. my pictures are horrible

MSmits: my opening book is perfect against any opponent on the CG leaderboard already, it's just i havent trained a NN on the last 36 seed endgame book yet, so it makes mistakes when going below 37 seeds

MSmits: but offline, that is no issue

MSmits: so how does this work. I register and get contacted by this guy?

jacek: dunno. just posting random links :shrug:

eulerscheZahl: find out, for the honors of CG community

MSmits: well i registered, going to try and beat him.

struct: gl

struct: if you dont draw Ill ban you

MSmits: lol

eulerscheZahl: you have karma points left for unbanning darkhorse

MSmits: why was he banned?>

eulerscheZahl: :popcorn:

MSmits: uh oh

MSmits: seems like I missed some drama

eulerscheZahl: oh yeah

struct: Im not really sure, I just unbanned him

eulerscheZahl: complained about squidd sharing questionable links in discord status message

MSmits: and squid banned him?

eulerscheZahl: so squiddy used his mod powers to ban him. then some events that i don't know either. now squiddy is deleted from CG

MSmits: are we talking about the negated squid?

eulerscheZahl: yes

MSmits: wow

MSmits: he really went too far this time then


eulerscheZahl: bots also gone

MSmits: I see

jacek: oh my

struct: Even His bots are gonne

struct: gone*

eulerscheZahl: but then who prints MUDA MUDA as a message?

eulerscheZahl: i never figured out what that even means

struct: "Something that happens when an anime character gets angry and punches things."

jacek: puta?

struct: o.o

MSmits: btw jacek, i think your bot may have a shot at drawing in that oware challenge also

MSmits: it often plays perfectly in the first 12 seeds anyways

MSmits: havent much checked deeper than that

jacek: and it can have more time

MSmits: yeah, just make sure you adapt it to let go of the 200 turn limit

MSmits: shouldnt have any problematic consequences i think, unless you made the turn index part of the input

MSmits: i dont think you did

jacek: nope

ycsvenom: Scrabble problem is really ambiguous or is it just me?

jacek: hm?

ycsvenom: sometimes it prefer length ,sometimes prefer score , sometimes prefer no-repetition


MAWAAW: prefer score

ycsvenom: sometimes it give false answer for that

eulerscheZahl: share your code if you want. just paste it in the chat

ycsvenom: it suddenly work :expressionless:

ycsvenom: but here it is


ycsvenom: i will clean code somethings before submitting

martinpapa69: bruhh, use code formatter

martinpapa69: (){ ) {

martinpapa69: im in tears

ycsvenom: i used it >_<

eulerscheZahl: that's what annoys you?

eulerscheZahl: for me it's wordScores.erase(wordScores.begin()+i--);

eulerscheZahl: the end in particular (pasted again because of linebreak above) wordScores.begin()+i--;

martinpapa69: im more annoyed about incosistent format

martinpapa69: for(int i=0;i<wordScores.size();i++){


VizGhar: for me its single line for block on separate line :P

VizGhar: (and without {} of course)

ycsvenom: guys i didn't know that my code is that shity >_<

martinpapa69: its not that bad, ive seen much worse

eulerscheZahl: i do that block of 1 statement without {} too sometimes

Default avatar.png Aimee.S: better than me still..

eulerscheZahl: i just avoid i++ or i-- in combination with other math operations

ycsvenom: it's annoying for me to make a 1 block statement with {}

eulerscheZahl: a++ + ++b

ycsvenom: why?

ycsvenom: no i don't use it like

ycsvenom: that

martinpapa69: while(i-->0)

eulerscheZahl: classic

ycsvenom: never -_-

ycsvenom: i use it just for erasing things

martinpapa69: its fine to leave the {} imo

eulerscheZahl: btw you get rid of the fabulous putin avatar in time martinpapa69, well done

martinpapa69: but if you leave it, leave it for the whole block

martinpapa69: like for()if()if() do_something();

VizGhar: a+=++i*2

eulerscheZahl: when nesting for, if, ... i only leave out the {} on the inner-most place

ycsvenom: b+=i+++++j

VizGhar: :D

martinpapa69: putin avatar :joy:

eulerscheZahl: i remember that

eulerscheZahl: from when you were Csipcsirip

ycsvenom: i found you on codeforces euler


ycsvenom: you are a candidate master

martinpapa69: that was not putin

eulerscheZahl: not too impressive but ok-ish. i rarely play on topcoder

eulerscheZahl: didn't you have the putin with naked upper body half on a horse?

martinpapa69: nah that was me

eulerscheZahl: "i'm so fabulous"

eulerscheZahl: s/topcoder/codeforces

eulerscheZahl: sometimes they have marathon rounds. but these are unrated

JFB: ycsvenom - for me this code is correct . Of course +i-- and one line if, for without {} is potentially asking for troble but it looks that you do not make mistake. I think that you can have performance issues: personally I will use const string& in instead of string in functions definitions


ycsvenom: check that

ycsvenom: i used already i was just testing

VizGhar: we are just making fun of you :) no stress if it works

ycsvenom: i learned it from theCherrno

ycsvenom: no problem

eulerscheZahl: different people have different styles

VizGhar: just don't sell this code

ycsvenom: LOOOOOL

eulerscheZahl: e.g. a prof of mine condemned

 for (char c : "qz")
   scores[c] = 10;

eulerscheZahl: "use {} or place the assignment in the same line as the for"

VizGhar: we still didn't tell him why

MAWAAW: now ur ready for

ycsvenom: my prof condemned me for using for statement :smiley:

eulerscheZahl: actually there's a famous bug that could have been avoided with that code style


eulerscheZahl: if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &signedParams)) != 0)

   goto fail;

VizGhar: goto :facepalm:

VizGhar: I know that this is not root of problem but still

ycsvenom: isn't "goto" a bad thing in code? because it make debugging harder

JFB: i-- make debugging harder :-)

eulerscheZahl: it's widely considered bad practice, creating spaghetti code

VizGhar: if you are not using blocks {} for if/for/while/anything body, you will -sooner or later- miss the bug euler pinpointed.

JFB: goto make code less readable (spagetti code as eulerscheZahl said) :-)

ycsvenom: depending on the place :smily_face:

ycsvenom: i mean i--

martinpapa69: rust doesnt even allow if/for... without {}. superior coding language

ycsvenom: i totally agree on goto thing

VizGhar: if (a) { thingone; thingtwo) }; will execute thingthwo only if a == true, but if(a) thingone; thingwto will execute thingtwo no matter what

ycsvenom: what's new :neutral_face:

VizGhar: not sure you got me :D maybe there is nothing new

eulerscheZahl: just use python, problem solved

VizGhar: I made same mistake in production some 7 years back

JFB: eulerscheZahl :-D

ycsvenom: i don't want a new line for "i--" so i have composed it with that statement

VizGhar: pyhton ftw

ycsvenom: @VizGhar counter+=txt[i] == ch; what do you think about that >-<

martinpapa69: after using python for like 4 years, i almost dont hate it anymore

ycsvenom: ALMOST

Hyperplane: ALMOOST*

martinpapa69: after all the tab-bullshit our relationship cant be fixed

JFB: By the way. You have cout << validWords.size() << " " << validScores.size() << endl;

5DN1L: martinpapa69 use spaces instead of tabs <solved>

ycsvenom: it would be better if it had "end" like lua

eulerscheZahl: Pascal also has begin, end as keywords yet i wouldn't recommend the language

ycsvenom: JFB i know i am debugging i still have bug

eulerscheZahl: doesn't even have generics. library has a stringlist for you. but a list of your own class? good luck

JFB: For debugin guse cerr instead cout

ycsvenom: :thumbsup:

JFB: ycsvenom - in description: a letter can only be used once

JFB: In your previous code you do not check duplicates

JFB: in last code your checking is wrong

eulerscheZahl: oh, somehow i thought he passes all testcases now and didn't check for correctness

JFB: rep/2 < 2 is true for rep = 1. rep == 1 is for one duplicat.

ycsvenom: yes i saw it just now :worried:

JFB: inply instead of rep += count > 1; use if (count>1) return false;

ycsvenom: i tried that but there is cases like "which"

ycsvenom: there is two 'h'

ycsvenom: so i am checking if there is more than one duplicate

eulerscheZahl: but why?

eulerscheZahl: you should check if you have more of a kind than in the letters given to you

ycsvenom: because of this "restaurateur" = 12 "satire" = 6 they prefer satire because there is no duplicate

ycsvenom: the test number 7

eulerscheZahl: now you make me open the puzzle again to prove you wrong

eulerscheZahl: aretsui that's the letters you have

ycsvenom: i just realized that the first one is more than length of letters in the first place :relaxed:

eulerscheZahl: how many r's do you have in "aretsui"?

eulerscheZahl: yeah, something doesn't work out

ycsvenom: thanks to you all

ycsvenom: i finished it :grimacing:


ycsvenom: lvl15 :sunglasses:

MAWAAW: gg ^^

ycsvenom: i will translate it to other languages now :joy:

MAWAAW: validScores.push_back(word2score(wordScores[i]));


MAWAAW: these lines was the key

ycsvenom: what do you mean? do you mean the key to win? or the key as in key:val?

MAWAAW: I mean the key to resolve the "restaurant" vs "aretsui" score problem

ycsvenom: yeah

MAWAAW: you have to remove back from letters u did it well done :)

ycsvenom: thanks any tips or notes on code?

MAWAAW: I'm not the c++ guy :D

eulerscheZahl: you can view solutions of other users now that you solved it

elderlybeginner: What's in 04 validator of CGFunge?

elderlybeginner: OK, it's 3

eulerscheZahl: you can see all validators on github

elderlybeginner: nah, I'm not going into validators tree

jacek: so validate

jacek: do you even validate, Automaton2000?

Automaton2000: yeah i had some issues with generators not counting correctly :)

jacek: what do you think of :notebook: :soccer:, Automaton2000

Automaton2000: jacek give me a hand?

jacek: oh my

struct: o.o

Default avatar.png thecoder88: has anyone done a react

Default avatar.png thecoder88: coding interview?

struct: not me

KalamariKing: react as in reactjs?

KalamariKing: hey did they change the boss code for the pod racing challenge? my code is as simple as it gets, and i havent touched it in months, but 8 days ago I beat the silver boss

Default avatar.png thecoder88: yea

Default avatar.png thecoder88: was trying to prepare

Default avatar.png thecoder88: looking for sites i can practice coding on

struct: no KalamariKing

struct: someone probably pushed you up

UZIHAMA: Hello world

struct: hi

UZIHAMA: antiwonto is sleeping i guess

Drakon1c: ok

KalamariKing: rip antiwonto

ycsvenom: why lua is very fast in term of "play all testcases" is it because it is an interpreted language?

Katespizer: probably yeah

Katespizer: but some languages on site are fast even when are compiled

Valdez001: Somebody to do a coop?

Default avatar.png Kofi.eo: damn i know nothing about coding apparently

Default avatar.png Madara-Uchiha: hi

Default avatar.png Madara-Uchiha: :taco: KalamariKing

Default avatar.png Madara-Uchiha: yeah anti slept

Default avatar.png Madara-Uchiha: it like that almost everyone slept too

Default avatar.png Madara-Uchiha: no mod online XD