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Blokops: oh the achivmnet

Default avatar.png 7teen: clesh of cod

Wontonimo: oh, i hated the clash one

Blokops: tried doing the code of legends bot

Blokops: but only made it to silver

Wontonimo: i don't play any more

Blokops: i think you can reach top 100 if you grid CoC

Wontonimo: maybe top 100 in clash, but not overall

Wontonimo: without playing multis, you'll probably not even get into the top 2000 with just working clash

Blokops: mmm did i make a mistke for playing code of legends

Blokops: i yet to see a top ranker that playe dthat game

Wontonimo: looks like legends of code is very heuristic based and not about high optimization

Wontonimo: so any language has a fighting chance

Wontonimo: i even see python3 and java in legend

Blokops: let me tell you is like 40% luck

Blokops: i when from bronze 100 to silver 1 with the same code

Thorcode: bruh

Wontonimo: lol

Blokops: tried to push my luck to reach gold and now i can go past silver 30

Blokops: cant*

Thorcode: haha

Wontonimo: do you have a local simulation?

Blokops: nope

Wontonimo: have you looked at brutal tester to see if there is support for it?

Blokops: you know what lts run it right now

Blokops: and no idea what that is

Blokops: top 16 silver right now lets see what happens

Wontonimo: oh yeah, brutal tester supports legends of code and magic

Blokops: i might lose my top 0.9%

Wontonimo: you can run different versions of your code locally against eachother

Wontonimo: and get better stats

Blokops: does it support python

Wontonimo: all languages

Blokops: top 57 with 20% done

Wontonimo: i hear mad pod racing is the easiest to get legend in. I got my first legend in ultimate tic tac toe

Blokops: i want to do the pod racing but alas school has begun

Wontonimo: good luck with the learning

Wontonimo: feel the knowledge

Blokops: yea it was a bad idea to run code of legends

Blokops: i just lost my place

drollins214: I just did a puzzle authored by Wontonimo and approved by Blokops. Small world haha

Default avatar.png gabyy420: hi

Blokops: hey

Default avatar.png gabyy420: I'm now here..

Blokops: you sure are

Blokops: so what you working on

Default avatar.png gabyy420: I just really want to learn how to code.

Blokops: i recommend trying the "easy puzzles"

Blokops: detective pickachu part 1 is a good start

Blokops: lets me get you the link


Default avatar.png gabyy420: Thank you

Blokops: dang got one bad clash of code and my rank drop like a brick

Husoski: Blokops Don't I know it! Seems like it takes 10 first or 2nd clashes to make up for one crash-n-burn.

Default avatar.png Xascoria: just don't lose even once 4head

Default avatar.png Xascoria: sup

kurtesy: dang it

Blokops: bad clash?

eulerscheZahl: > You have used 80% of your 550 free dyno hours for January 2022.

If you keep this pace, there will be no puzzle search for the last 1 or 2 days of the month

Blokops: what

xyh_from_China: ??

xyh_from_China: 疑惑?

Kururugi: dyno hrs?

Kururugi: what is that?

eulerscheZahl: that's the currency to run my puzzle search at

eulerscheZahl: i don't pay for hosting, so they will just shut it down if it has too high activity

Jerrasterix: So are people searching on your website and just copy pasting the code :astonished:

Uljahn: might be worse: people make bots to abuse the search

eulerscheZahl: once i watched a twitch stream and there was a reverse clash. checked the logs and 2 different IP addresses were searching for the task while the clash was still running :(

Jerrasterix: They are cheating.... This is atrocious

eulerscheZahl: dual use thing. you can use a knife to cut your bread. or to stab someone

Jerrasterix: ohh yeah I remember, isn't it the codingame and coderpad merger stream ??

eulerscheZahl: exactly

eulerscheZahl: initially i wrote it to help myself moderating contributions and refuse duplicates

eulerscheZahl: also look at this

Uljahn: is there a way to add a delay to server responcs?

eulerscheZahl: that's my RAIC 2020 tshirt + hoodie :sob:

Uljahn: *response

eulerscheZahl: a 15min delay? :D

Uljahn: or 5 min

eulerscheZahl: even if there is (would be some work, heroku sets the timeout to much less), that would make the site pretty much useless

Jerrasterix: wait a sec, you are not a mod anymore ahh.. euler??

eulerscheZahl: no, i resigned

eulerscheZahl: together with astro, ille, neuman n

Jerrasterix: ohhh... why did you guys quit as a bunch ??

eulerscheZahl: CG: just to check with you if you still want to be mods me: i'll resign if the next contest will be another escape CG: maybe you should quit if that's your only motivation me: ok, bye

eulerscheZahl: paraphrasing here

eulerscheZahl: CG: thanks for your service. THIS IS SPARTA me: removed from mods channel :D

Jerrasterix: and one more doubt, for Pathfinding , do you guys use 2d arrays or someother things

eulerscheZahl: check my forum profile, i may have left an easter egg there as my status

eulerscheZahl: depends on my current mood. 2D array is fine

eulerscheZahl: sometimes i define a Node class containing a List<Node> neighbors

Jerrasterix: you are also 3rd in ranking, who is 1st ??

eulerscheZahl: tric trac i think

Jerrasterix: cool


Jerrasterix: you can see others rankings ???

Jerrasterix: I didn't know that...

eulerscheZahl: that's what happens when you turn inactive while new games keep popping up

eulerscheZahl: i'm more on topcoder these days

Jerrasterix: CP ??

eulerscheZahl: the marathon track

Jerrasterix: cool...

Jerrasterix: class started gtg, nice chatting with euler, bye :wave:

eulerscheZahl: bye, see you

eulerscheZahl: i'm old, no more classes for me :oloder_man:

eulerscheZahl: :older_man:

dreadylein: "old" :D

eulerscheZahl: 30

eulerscheZahl: and declining amount of hair

Husoski: Is that 30 or 0x30?

eulerscheZahl: 0b11110

eulerscheZahl: almost a round one

dreadylein: ;)

derjack: :upside_down:

derjack: youre younger than me? oO

Default avatar.png DjDijei: whats up my fellow zoomers

Rebollo: Guys, need help:

Rebollo: I have this class


Rebollo: This object:

Rebollo: GolfGame *root = new GolfGame(gameStateControl->matrixOfArea, height, width);

Rebollo: How can I create a copy of this guy wihtou referenciing it?

Default avatar.png Kcbeebooboobop: .-- .... .- - / .. ... / ..- .--. / -- .- -.

Rebollo: It seems to be impossible

Rebollo: I tried to create this copy function:


Rebollo: c++

Default avatar.png DjDijei: have you tried fixing the code?

Rebollo: Sorry what do you mean?

C26_1: @Rebollo, he means debug the code to find the error

Rebollo: Hum I see I tried a lot of things

C26_1: @Rebollo, debug means run the code step-by-step until find the error that made the code worked wrongly

Rebollo: The code sseems to be alright

5DN1L: C26_1 ok

C26_1: @Rebollo, so your mission is to make a copy of an array and change it without change the old one right

Rebollo: yes

C26_1: So B copy A, changed B and not change A by some referenced error

C26_1: ok I understand now

C26_1: I think you neeed to do something else

Rebollo: The class properties are all pointers as well

C26_1: it looks something like this

Rebollo: I dont know if it amtters

C26_1: - Step 1: For each elements in A, copy to B until copied all of it - Step 2: Tried to change B, see if A is also changed

Rebollo: I did it

Rebollo: by using this copy function


Rebollo: But still a reference

Rebollo: DO you think the problem is that all the properties of my class A are pointers as well?


AYB: good morning geeks

AYB: need some help


AYB: i have passed all the tests except test number 03

AYB: Failure Found: 222222222 Expected: 2222122222

AYB: i dont now why my number found is wrong

C26_1: So wait

C26_1: 1412211512 => 2222122222

AYB: yes the is the result that should be consoled

C26_1: one 1, one 4, one 1, two 2, two 1, one 5, one 1, one 2

C26_1: Wait

AYB: 141221512

C26_1: It's the string multiplication

C26_1: So the number of digits of every input must be even

AYB: actually my algo find the result and its add one more step

AYB: 2222122222

C26_1: 1412211512

AYB: two 2,two 2,one 2,two 2, two 2.

C26_1: That means: 1 x "4" + 1 x "2" + 2 x "1" + 1 x "5" + 1 x "2"

AYB: 222222222

AYB: ok

C26_1: 421152

C26_1: 4 x "2" + 1 x "1" + 5 x "2"

AYB: 2222 1 22222

C26_1: = 44122222

C26_1: Ah ok, I'm confused at this step

AYB: i see

AYB: but you are right until now

C26_1: 2222122222

C26_1: 4 x "2" means 4 consecutive 2

C26_1: I think the backwards as 2 consecutive 4

C26_1: That's why I'm vonfused

C26_1: confused*

AYB: why i should stop in this result i mean 2222122222

AYB: is it because i have four "2"??

C26_1: Hmmm

C26_1: reversible

C26_1: Let me check

Kururugi: why

5DN1L: Because 222222222 doesn't lead to 421152

AYB: hmm

C26_1: Ok

AYB: and 2222122222 does?

C26_1: So iterated until the number cannot be reversible

5DN1L: AYB yes

AYB: how pls?

5DN1L: four 2s, one 1, five 2s

AYB: yeap

C26_1: Wait

5DN1L: 222222222 is nine 2s

5DN1L: 222222222 -> 92

AYB: thank you 5DN1l and thank you C26_1

C26_1: I find that number 2222122222 can still be reversible

C26_1: So I'm counting the number of each digit by groups, if I encouter another number then reset the counter and start counting again

C26_1: And after all counting things, I could just make 421152 from 2222122222

AYB: ok

AYB: nice idea

AYB: so i just need to make a method that reverse my result if cant reveres it should return false

C26_1: yea

AYB: on it

AYB: thank you

C26_1: At least if someone want to make the puzzle then it needs to be consistents

C26_1: I read the puzzle Look-and-say and found some inconsistent test case

5DN1L: What do you mean

BlaiseEbuth: Another bug in the puzzle...

C26_1: @5DN1L, in Reversed Look-and-say puzzle, there's an inconsistent test case

BlaiseEbuth: That's clearer...

5DN1L: C26_1 Elaborate instead of repeat

ASM_MOV_INT: so elaborate = rinse.... he's really asking you to rinse and repeat

ASM_MOV_INT: whoops i meant rinse, not repeat


AYB: how we can reveres from 1 to 1211??

AYB: :confounded:

AYB: i dont know but i found this puzzle a little confusing

C26_1: 1 = 1 x "1" => 11 11 = 2 x "1" => 21 1 x "2" + 1 x "1" => 1211

C26_1: @AYB

AYB: ok i see

AYB: thank you @C26_1

C26_1: ok

AYB: look and say indeed

BlaiseEbuth: Still don't know what is inconsistent, excepted your affirmation C26_1

C26_1: @BlaiseEbuth, 2222122222 = 2 x "2" + 2 x "2" + 1 x "2" + 2 x "2" + 2 x "2" = 222222222

C26_1: Oh wait

C26_1: I understand

C26_1: That means from 222222222, you cannot make 2222122222

C26_1: So 2222122222 is the last valid number and you print it out

derjack: wtf in othello? :scream:

C26_1: @derjack, what do you mean (wdym)?

C26_1: Random Fun Fact: Lobsters used to be the only food for poors, prisoners and slaves. Todays, to even buy a lobsters would be a huge problem for your wallet (Except in America and all countries who has lots of sea or countries that has a very valuable type of money)

C26_1: Random means it doesn't related to coding

C26_1: And I wish everyone's year lucky and safe

C26_1: Cuz this is the first day of Tet holiday (According to Lunar Calendar)

5DN1L: Don't do that again, C26_1

C26_1: ok

C26_1: Bye bye

jacek: Nyanyan is on :fire:

struct: I wonder how strong his bot his without the book

struct: bot is*

jacek: well ~37 plies against mah bot

jacek: if hes not trolling

struct: Only if I had done what recurse suggested

struct: too bad othello was already approved by then

jacek: nah, opening books are part of botting in classic games

jacek: not i single lose :o

struct: 3 draws

xyh_from_China: umm?

jacek: maybe perfect game

xyh_from_China: emm

jacek: ohai

struct: 45/46 plies on the draw

struct: then its solved as draw

KanekiWeb: hi

jacek: wheres MSmits when we need him

struct: Msmits lost his book title

Nyanyan: struct I think my bot is as strong as 3rd-5th in codingame othello without book

struct: :thumbsup:

Nyanyan: Mean absolute error of my bot's evaluation function is about 5.0 stones to 6.4 stones.

Default avatar.png _Faycal_: can we find the solution after the ens of the clash code ?

Jacxk: not really

IamFish: Usually people will share their solutions after a clash, so you can look at how they did it

C26_1: Does playing CoC gained exp?

jacek: no

IamFish: Not directly

IamFish: you can get achievements for playing a lot, and you can progress the Quest Map

Nyanyan: I wonder if othello bots competes each other from random positions. Then opening books become useless.

jacek: its called xot starting from random balanced 8-plies games

jacek: implemented in some online othello tournaments

Nyanyan: That's what I suggested!

jacek: personally i have nothing against opening books though

C26_1: Hello everyone

IamFish: Hello

C26_1: I'm studying about Bitwise now

C26_1: ~ What do you called this operator?

C26_1: Cuz there are two names for it

C26_1: UNARY


jacek: negation

C26_1: ok

C26_1: thank you

jacek: and the character is called tilde

struct: I would add those openings but its too late now

struct: would break 99% of the bots

Astrobytes: Othello II: Cassio's Revenge

jacek: then make othello960

Nyanyan: I think creating new arena is a good idea. If there is something I can do for that, I'll do it.

darkhorse64: add a league and break the rules

Astrobytes: Or add a rule and break the league :tada:

Astrobytes: Seriously though, I have no issues with the alternative start othello being added

jacek: but who would be the boss :thinking:

ninjadip: Tony?

Default avatar.png TheBioComet_2eba: ee

Default avatar.png Flowerbear: what is the "my last play" on clash of code?

Default avatar.png dmuraco: guys

Default avatar.png dmuraco: i am gay

5DN1L: dmuraco Appreciate your coming out, but this is not the platform to do that

Default avatar.png aquaz_cinx: i dont know what im doing lol

Default avatar.png sir_creator: ,

BlaiseEbuth: We don't know what you're doing either if that can reassure you.

5DN1L: \o/ Yay, privacy

Wontonimo: :eye_of_sauron:

jacek: oO

Wontonimo: if only free-form emoji's where created like giphy

Default avatar.png Sailer1014: turtle

Default avatar.png Sailer1014: is

Default avatar.png Sailer1014: good

Default avatar.png Sailer1014: and

Default avatar.png Sailer1014: tasty

Wontonimo: don't spam

Default avatar.png Sailer1014: im not

Default avatar.png dmuraco: @5DN1L

Wontonimo: keep it to one line

Default avatar.png dmuraco: why not?

Default avatar.png dmuraco: dont'

Default avatar.png Sailer1014: you realize there is only 3 people in this chat right

Default avatar.png dmuraco: okay dude it literally clicked enter by it seflf

Default avatar.png dmuraco: ^^

5DN1L: the list of online participants don't show everyone online

Uljahn: these are 3 most recent posters

Default avatar.png dmuraco: are you guys master god programmers?

Default avatar.png dmuraco: do any of you work at FAANG?

Wontonimo: my list shows over 200 participants lol

Default avatar.png dmuraco: Same

Micos: Hello guys

Wontonimo: no and no from me

jacek: oh my

Default avatar.png dmuraco: don

Default avatar.png dmuraco: don't use the cloud use botnets

Default avatar.png dmuraco: ^^

Default avatar.png infeenux: hi people

Wontonimo: yeah, cloud costs with services like azure and amazon can get way out of hand quickly. i'm glad i'm not footing the bill for a serious service anymore

Alshock: shouldn't we say MAANG now?

Wontonimo: i prefer manga over maang

Default avatar.png sir_creator: bababoi

Default avatar.png dmuraco: microsoft isn't real and bill touches people weirdlt

jacek: :upside_down:

Wontonimo: last night I swung the ban hammer wildly. very unlike me.

some noobs thought it was a great idea to misbehave right after I specifically said their flavour of misbehavour if continued will result in a ban... and then they laid it on thick

Wontonimo: sigh

struct: and nothing of value was lost

Wontonimo: you could say that negative value was purged

jacek: ._.

Wontonimo: YEAH ! was published! (sorry for being slow to notice)

struct: next jacek tutorial: neural network for breakthrough

Wontonimo: did you use convolution (or something like it) for breakthrough jacek ?

Default avatar.png p.p.o.p.: Just completed my first medium puzzle and feeling pumped!

5DN1L: :thumbsup:

jacek: Wontonimo no

jacek: good old one-hot inputs

Wontonimo: wth

jacek: ?

Wontonimo: how do you convert a 8x8 board with 3 states per square into 1hot? is that 8x8x3 one-hots?

Wontonimo: no, it's way more than that...

Wontonimo: actually, i don't understand at all what is in your one-hot

jacek: in simplest form: 64 squares, each square can have empty, white, black

jacek: so 192 inputs

jacek: in which exactly 64 are 'ones'

Wontonimo: got it

jacek: in my case, each square can have 12 states

Wontonimo: how 12?

Wontonimo: and not 3

jacek: *2 - it the square is also attacked, *2 - if the square is also defended by my pawn

Wontonimo: oh, clever to encode priors

jacek: i used to use 24 states for *2 - side to move, but rotating the board depending on side to move is sufficient

Wontonimo: I'll call that pseudo convolution

jacek: most of my NNs are overparametized

Wontonimo: that's a great prior

jacek: im more limited by size than calculation time

struct: you dont take into account mobility?

struct: or is a move forward considered an attack?

jacek: maybe the attacked squares could be seen as mobility

jacek: also thanks to one-hots, each move changes at most 6 squares, so no need to recalculate all the NN

jacek: or if i used the simplest form - only 2 squares would change

Wontonimo: hmm. the recalculate savings is just for the first layer, but that could be a significant savings if your one-hot is the largest part

Wontonimo: that's cool

Wontonimo: makes mcts playouts much faster

jacek: yeah, for bt i use 2 layers. for most games i only use 1

Wontonimo: lol wow

Kururugi: only 1 hidden layer?

Wontonimo: that really insults human ability

Wontonimo: to be outdone with 1 layer of nn

Wontonimo: *hidden

jacek: its the matter of speed vs quality

jacek: and youre slowpoke, i published that tutorial week ago :v

Wontonimo: i am!

Wontonimo: tell me, where are these articles highlighted and promoted ?

Wontonimo: how, when i log onto CG, am I notified of these gems?

Astrobytes: You're not.

jacek: you dont :?

Wontonimo: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Wontonimo: i know ;(

Astrobytes: the whole of platform is completely underutilised

Wontonimo: it's like it is a secret club

Astrobytes: I mean it's used frequently, but CG-wise it's not leveraged properly imo

Wontonimo: i help noobs by sharing snippets and the reaction is "wow, that's cool you can share runnable code like that"

Kururugi: would be nice if we were notified of posts in instead of contributions for cg

Astrobytes: hehehe indeed

Astrobytes: Wontonimo: right?

jacek: yeah, why they do distract this clash of code site with nonsenses like or multiplayer games :unamused:

struct: jacek do you have any recommended source for ntuples?

jacek: hmm


struct: thanks

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: wtf moet ik doen

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: ik doe javascript en ben net begonnen en vragen me een of andere gare vraag

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: waz up

5DN1L: beedeeboe, English only, please

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: Как дела

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: can anyone help me with what i need to do, im doin javascript and they asking some question

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: wat how

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: im typing english but on my screen it look dutch

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: XD

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: jacascirpt, huh?

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: ye

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: yes

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hmmmmmm

5DN1L: obviously we're able to read your mind/screen and know what question "they" are asking

Default avatar.png ionKOT: i dont understand where to write the code

5DN1L: and where are you in the first place? ionKOT

Default avatar.png ionKOT: what you mean

5DN1L: i mean which page you're looking at

Default avatar.png ionKOT: im doing clash codes

5DN1L: if the clash hasn't been loaded, reload the page to get in

5DN1L: if the clash has been loaded, the coding area is below where you choose the programming language

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: yea, what he/she said

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: still don't know what to do :(

5DN1L: we don't know what to answer either

jacek: no one knows what to do with javascript. many people would just put it to trash :v

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: ever try looking up how to do it?

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: nup wouldnt know where to start seraching

5DN1L: try google?

LADYSMAN905: hello

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: look up codngames javasciprt

LADYSMAN905: how do you create a game from scratch

dwaltsch: hello peoplö

dwaltsch: amogus

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: dont know lady'sman

dwaltsch: i am searching for duo mate

dwaltsch: fortnite i have 2k hours

LADYSMAN905: Thank you for your help eve

5DN1L: dwaltsch wrong place

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: ladysman906, how did i help?

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: you know what imma stop with this crap im done after only fudging 20ins cus i have NO clue what to do

Default avatar.png beedeeboe: bye

5DN1L: bye

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: bye-bye

FrancoRoura: ladysman906, you can try getting a few assets for your game on Unity and write code to move the assets when the player clicks or presses a key


eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: im gonna go try tynker

Butanium: for protyping a game you can get assets here

Nachosauce: unity is really nice for making games. It makes it a lot easier than you'd expect :D

jacek: i though CG SDK was easiest for making games :v

Butanium: lol

Butanium: as far as you don't try to do some js stuff

Butanium: it's not that complicated

Butanium: but once you start doing js stuff

Butanium: you are entering hell

ninjadip: i gotta learn me some JS

Butanium: js is not the problem I think

Butanium: it's that nothing is really documented

Butanium: so you have to try to copy existing code and understand how they work to make your own

Default avatar.png PringleOrange: do i get extra cp in bot programming if i rank up?

5DN1L: depends on how much you rank up


Default avatar.png PringleOrange: but i mean like

Default avatar.png PringleOrange: wood and bronze league

Default avatar.png PringleOrange: would i get extra cp for going from wood league to bronze league

5DN1L: there's only one single leaderboard for cp calculation no matter your league

Nachosauce: In that link, scroll down to "How are the CPs calculated". It will answer your question :)

5DN1L: you get xp from going up a league though

Default avatar.png PringleOrange: ah okay ty

The_Village_Whizz: @efe44 that was a close one

Default avatar.png efe44: yes

Default avatar.png efe44: but it is about character number

Default avatar.png blokman: no

ProCrazyCoder: nybody knows how to remove thick cursor from IDE?

ninjadip: cut it in half

Nachosauce: try pressing insert

ProCrazyCoder: im pressing but nothing happens

ProCrazyCoder: ninjadip :)

ninjadip: lol

ninjadip: tried to show my non coding co-workers how i passed the mars lander 2. i think they are more confused after my explanation then before..

ninjadip: than*

5DN1L: that's the whole point isn't it? :upside_down:

Blokops: do part 3 now

ProCrazyCoder: What about mass of fuel in MarsLander task?

Blokops: also dont forget to submit your work into the optimization version (free cp)

Blokops: sad times i went from clash rank 300 to 500 in the spam of 1 day

Blokops: i really need to learn regular expresions

ninjadip: i was a beast at one time with it, had to use it for a class project. now i have no idea... in the span of a year

ninjadip: yeah i'm in both versions

ninjadip: i'll come back to part 3. working on genome sequencing now

zophia2222: hello

ProCrazyCoder: hi

ninjadip: whats up crazy

ninjadip: better than amateur

zophia2222: why you call me crazy??

ProCrazyCoder: she is definitely gonna hack someone

zophia2222: poo]\

zophia2222: ooh

zophia2222: uh oh

Master_Zain: criminal mastermind

ProCrazyCoder: tab doesnt work in ide who knows why

Josdel: hello guys

Josdel: all fine?

OctoCat_: :grin:

ProCrazyCoder: hhihihihi

Default avatar.png dickclayer: hey fuckers

Default avatar.png ClaudCRS: hello people

FrancoRoura: @5DN1L

**Tien2k9 slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

ninjadip: slaps who around?

ninjadip: i don't get it... why does my own substring function perform as expected and the built-in c++ string.substr() give me weird results

ninjadip: re: genome sequencing

ninjadip: ugh.. at least now i'm getting them. i have all the validators except the last two

ninjadip: there is one validator i'm not passing on Genome Sequencing. Does anyone know if the validator "Sequences included and disjointed" means that one sequence could have two sequences?? like a space in between? nothing like that is mentioned in the the game details

Wontonimo: what are you working on ninjadip ?

Smelty: o. O

Wontonimo: hey Smelty. do you know?

Wontonimo: you look like you are lookking at my code

ninjadip: re: genome sequencing

Wontonimo: oh

Smelty: oh

Wontonimo: i thought that was the algo you were using not the name of the puzzle

ninjadip: on the very last one, i'm getting 10 instead of 11

Smelty: also huh im getting slightly better on coc

ninjadip: oh lol

ninjadip: yeah that's understandable

Smelty: can you send the link of the puzzle?

ASM_MOV_INT: clash of code is LIFE



Wontonimo: no it isn't!

Wontonimo: double sequenced

ninjadip: jinx

Smelty: joinxed

Smelty: forgot how to ping people in world chat

ninjadip: i see something...

Wontonimo: me too!

ninjadip: going to write my own search instead of using string.find()

ninjadip: stupid builtin junk

Wontonimo: what lang?

Smelty: ninja wait a couple months im going to try the puzzle then give feedback

ninjadip: got me all the way there except for one step

ninjadip: c++

Smelty: hmm not too far from java ig

Smelty: i coded auton for vex contests with c++

ninjadip: maybe i can tweak the find() to my use

Smelty: hm

ninjadip: wish i was back into regex.. would have had it done

ninjadip: but i quit, i'm 12 months clean from regex.. i was hooked bad

Smelty: good

ninjadip: always know what to expect with regex though

ninjadip: no surprises

Wontonimo: did you got to regex rehab?

Wontonimo: i hear Scientologists expect people to purge themselves of regex. is that why?

ninjadip: dodm

ninjadip: didn't have the money

ninjadip: for rehab let alone scientolgy

Smelty: for some reason i feel like using a recursive function that combines the two with the most overlapping chars

ninjadip: not needed

Smelty: h umst

ninjadip: just search then beginning and end of the string for matches, cause that's the only place you can add them anyway

ninjadip: effiency

Smelty: i like being inefficient so a octuple nested recursive for loop inside nested if it is

Wontonimo: most recursion can be changed into a loop. and if it can then a loop is usually a better solution

ninjadip: how else are you going to add a truncated string to merge to another except on the ends? so only search the ends

Smelty: hmm yes

ninjadip: it's already a loop

Smelty: while(wordCount>0) {



Smelty: my code is done

ninjadip: everything's ball bearings now-a-days, don't you see?

ninjadip: ok.. you have to find a match

ninjadip: then add the difference of the match to either the front or the end

Smelty: oh yea forgot

ninjadip: yep

Smelty: cout << length << endl;

Smelty: dOnE

ninjadip: 70% of the time, it works everytime. right?

Smelty: yep

ninjadip: that's good enough for me

Smelty: in fact recent research has proven that it works an entire -10% chance

Smelty: *of the time

ninjadip: sequencing... done. next project

Smelty: :thinking:

ASM_MOV_INT: next project: virtual copy bitwise of planet earth

ninjadip: oh man, speaking of, have you seen any of these cool game boy camera images from projects on hackaday?

ninjadip: one guy put a telephoto lens attachment on it with a 3-d printer

Smelty: oh wow

Wontonimo: what's your next project ninjadip ?

Wontonimo: I'd be honoured if you tried wave function collapse

ninjadip: idk yet

ninjadip: rewriting this.. might finish it tomorrow

ninjadip: Wontonimo is that something you wrote?

Wontonimo: yeah

Wontonimo: i didn't come up with the concept

ninjadip: ok i'll have to remember

ninjadip: ok

Wontonimo: here's a gif of WFC in action for inspiration

ninjadip: oh man that's trippy

Wontonimo: given a small example, WFC can create many unique variations of it

ASM_MOV_INT: wave function collapse huh, looks like it can make some neat looking stuff!

ninjadip: is that what they use in map generation or older retro games?

ninjadip: for like repeating the background

Wontonimo: yeah, it's making its way into game dev also

Wontonimo: for city and dungeon generation

ninjadip: yeah yeah

ASM_MOV_INT: awesome, definitely have to do a project on this

Wontonimo: the puzzle here is designed as a tutorial and skips the shannon entropy part of WFC to make it easier

ninjadip: YES!!!!

ninjadip: 100% :)

ninjadip: sequence that b*?#!

ASM_MOV_INT: wave form collapse seems quite awesome

ninjadip: oh mug... it's loaded

ninjadip: time to chill, i will come to it tomorrow Wontonimo

ninjadip: i want to enjoy my completion buzz for a bit

ninjadip: peace


ASM_MOV_INT: wave function* collapse is what I meant


Blokops: nothing like the feeling like feeling dumb because you cant solve a "easy" puzzle

Wontonimo: which 'easy' puzzle?


Default avatar.png RedClownFTW_350c: Hi

Blokops: hullo

Wontonimo: are you familiar with cellular automata ?

Blokops: nope

Wontonimo: conways game of life?

Blokops: nope * 2

Wontonimo: flood fill

Blokops: print("nope "*3)

Wontonimo: sadness

Blokops: print(True)

Wontonimo: well, all those are great things to google after this

Wontonimo: do you want more hints than those topics?

Blokops: found a cool easter egg if you google conways game of life

Blokops: and yes please

Wontonimo: okay, let's just start with the sides. everything will spill off the sides

Blokops: i refuse to beleive that a "easy" puzzle uses graph search and memoization

Blokops: so find the side with the smalles value

Wontonimo: so, if a side has a height of 3, then there will be no water on it, and anything directly beside it will have it's water reduced to 3

Blokops: but what if inside theres a enclosing of side 100

Blokops: then it could hold more water

Wontonimo: wait wait

Wontonimo: 99999 31179 99999

Wontonimo: let's say this is the height map

Wontonimo: where 1 is lowest

Blokops: brbr class back in session

Default avatar.png RedClownFTW_350c: help MARS LANDER - EPISODE 1 здуфыу

Default avatar.png RedClownFTW_350c: please

Default avatar.png RedClownFTW_350c: sorry

Wontonimo: sure

Wontonimo: have you rread the instructions on the left?

Wontonimo: and found out how fast you are allowed to crash into the ground RedClownFTW_350c ?

Default avatar.png RedClownFTW_350c: Yes. I am not understand(((

Wontonimo: well, i can't really help with reading for you, since whatever I write you'd also have to read

Wontonimo: what have you tried so far

Wontonimo: you don't have to use an angle other than 0

Wontonimo: just change the thrust

Default avatar.png RedClownFTW_350c: I tried using the condition:grin:

Wontonimo: which condition?

Wontonimo: have you tried using a thrust of 3 or 4 ?

Default avatar.png RedClown:

Wontonimo: ah

Default avatar.png RedClown: I'm new at this

Wontonimo: try this power = vSpeed > -35 ? 2 : 4;

Wontonimo: possibly this power = ( vSpeed > -35 ? 2 : 4 );

Wontonimo: it means

Wontonimo: check vSpeed > -35

Wontonimo: if it is true ? 2

Wontonimo: else : 4

Default avatar.png RedClown: One second

Wontonimo: another way is to abuse the fact that false = 0 and true = 1 and do this

Wontonimo: power = 2*(vSpeed > -35) + 2;

Wontonimo: or if you wanted a power of 4 or 0 then simply power = 4*(vSpeed > -35);

Wontonimo: or power = vSpeed > -35 ? 4 : 0;

Wontonimo: same thing, completed differently using different language features

Default avatar.png RedClown: this should be put in "if"?

Blokops: im back :wave:

Blokops: has anyone gotten all the achivemnets

Blokops: is that even possible

Default avatar.png RedClown: what language do you use?

Default avatar.png FORMS1:

Default avatar.png FORMS1: I'm so close, can anyone tell me why I'm getting the small foramatting error on only the top 3 rows?

Default avatar.png FORMS1: test case 5

Default avatar.png FORMS1: nm, just figured it out.

Default avatar.png FORMS1: Oh validators can go suck it

Default avatar.png RedClown: do not say that

Default avatar.png FORMS1: You're right, they're doing their job.

Default avatar.png FORMS1: Is there somewhere I go to understand what particular validator I have not met and how I can correct it?