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Wontonimo: seems very level headed from what I've seen

Thorcode: solve puzzle to level up :D

Wontonimo: haven't chatted with him though

Default avatar.png ZXC01: does puzzels improve ranking?

Thorcode: no

Wontonimo: puzzles work with levels

Default avatar.png ZXC01: oh

Thorcode: CP improve rank

Wontonimo: multis work with experience and ranking

Default avatar.png ZXC01: o

Wontonimo: hey Struct, when did they introduce the 2 different scores : XP / CP ?

n0b1e: Hey Wontonimo im a big fan of your keep it up man

Thorcode: I'm very close to master onlly 300 rank more

struct: I dont know about it Wontonimo

n0b1e: I hope to reach your level one day

Thorcode: but it is a long way

Wontonimo: oh, thanks n0b1e

Thorcode: I think the quest map do that for you Wontonimo

n0b1e: np

Wontonimo: i know the quest map was sometime late last year right?

struct: I was afk when it was released

Thorcode: I know how to earn cp through clicking at my rank

DialFrost: js do bot programming

DialFrost: u can get up to more than 150,000 cp

DialFrost: (if ur good at coding)

Thorcode: or code golf and clash or optimization

DialFrost: clash only has max of 5,000

Default avatar.png ZXC01: what ?? earn cp through click your rank?

DialFrost: noononono

Thorcode: no

DialFrost: he click rank so he can see how to earn cp

Default avatar.png ZXC01: lol just kiding

Thorcode: yep

DialFrost: ...

Thorcode: my rank at my country pretty cool

Default avatar.png ZXC01: how do you check that?

DialFrost: go profile

DialFrost: then click the box where it shows u ur rank

DialFrost: it will show the breakdown of the cp u have earned

Default avatar.png ZXC01: om top 0.3%

Default avatar.png ZXC01: your from sg too right DialFrost?

DialFrost: er yes

DialFrost: not many from sg

Default avatar.png ZXC01: yeah

DialFrost: uk anyone else?

n0b1e: am from uk

Default avatar.png ZXC01: some one name See Translation

Default avatar.png ZXC01: and codeab

DialFrost: huh wat lol

Thorcode: I am from VN :D

n0b1e: nice

Codeab: someone call me? zxc01

Codeab: :)

Default avatar.png ZXC01: no... just talking about i we know anyone from sg:neutral_face:

DialFrost: lol

Thorcode: or little bear

Thorcode: he was one of my friend but now he is afk :(

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hmm

Thorcode: he is kinda cool

Default avatar.png ZXC01: lots of people just play for a while and disappears

Thorcode: yep

Jerrasterix: Morning guys :wave:

Stephen10121: Morning?

Stephen10121: its 9:38 pm for me

Jerrasterix: bruh... so called "timezones"

Stephen10121: what timezone are you?

**Tien2k9 says hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi Jerrasterix

Default avatar.png ZXC01: thx for your help last time!

Jerrasterix: are you in gold ??

Jerrasterix: IST Stephen101

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hmm may i know how i should simplify this code?

Default avatar.png ZXC01:

Uljahn: ZXC01: have you seen this?

Default avatar.png ZXC01: no

Default avatar.png ZXC01: thanks

Default avatar.png ZXC01: lemme check

jacek: huh? potw without leagues? ohm y

Jerrasterix: ONLY one league, WTF :rage:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: ???

Jerrasterix: did you see the puzzle of the week ??

Stephen10121: whats the link?


Stephen10121: thnx

Jerrasterix: :+1:

Default avatar.png ZXC01:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: i used one space indent

Default avatar.png ZXC01: but still got 171 char

Default avatar.png ZXC01:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: more simplyfied

Uljahn: X,Y,x,y=map(int,input().split())

Default avatar.png ZXC01: wow thanks!!

Uljahn: did your code pass all testcases? i think i see some errors

Default avatar.png ZXC01: it passed

Uljahn: indeed

Uljahn: it doesn't pass original puzzle tests though

Default avatar.png ZXC01: really?

Default avatar.png ZXC01: i think it the test 4 right?

Uljahn: ye, because of different coverage

Default avatar.png ZXC01: yeah

Uljahn: codegolf and classic puzzle have different testcases

Default avatar.png ZXC01: i didnt know that

Uljahn: me too

Thorcode: no I think they are same

Uljahn: :rolling_eyes:

Uljahn: test 4 is clearly not the same, Power of Thor ep.1 classic vs codegolf

Thorcode: no I don't think so

Uljahn: bruh

Thorcode: I use the same code it still work

Thorcode: oh yeah

Uljahn: you clearly can't read

Thorcode: why I can't read

Uljahn: we are talking about the code which passes golf and doesn't pass classic, in the link above

Thorcode: oh ok

Uljahn: jeez

Thorcode: FOr that code I think in codegolf I can golf more

Thorcode: that code is strange

derjack: :upside_down:

derjack: Nyanyan :scream:

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Nyanyannyanya :smiley_cat::rainbow:

Nyanyan: I first knew Nyan cat after I started to use this name

derjack: nice othello rank

derjack: n-tuples?

Nyanyan: thanks

square1001: Congratulations Nyanyan!!!

square1001: You are undisputed #1 in Othello

QLSTNT: what do you write in validation while creating a problem?

QLSTNT: validator*


Thorcode: hi when I start to learn code which web shall I start to learn

QLSTNT: thanks 5DN1L

5DN1L: Automaton2000 do you learn World Wide Web, Deep Web or Dark Web?

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: is it the same as the test cases

Default avatar.png ibontome: l

Malouvid: i got problem for the Mad pod Racing,

Default avatar.png cipwns: how do I refresh default code?

5DN1L: cipwns Click the refresh button near the top right corner

Default avatar.png cipwns: Yep, found it. Thanks!

Ryuuk: Hi, any hint to solve this problem ?

struct: thats a large lead on othello

13uk: 97% winrate :o

struct: Do you have an opening book Nyanyan?

square1001: I think so. He tweets about opening book almost every day.

JeremyRoussy: Hello, someone can help me please ? My code is to slow for the puzzle "stock exchange losses". Indeed I have a for loop into another for loop. I know it's bad for optimisation, but I don't know how to do it in another way.

WildSmilodon: Jeremy, you need an if before the second loop

JeremyRoussy: to verify what ?

WildSmilodon: and the second loop goes from i+1 not from 0

JeremyRoussy: and why i+1 and not i ?

WildSmilodon: Cant really remember, it was long ago, I just looked at my solution

WildSmilodon: Send a private message, I can share the entire loop privately

JeremyRoussy: sure

5DN1L: You may also try reading the discussion to find hints:

WildSmilodon: Yes, that is probably a better idea. Otherwise, I will spoil all the fun :)

JeremyRoussy: thanks !

JeremyRoussy: I will read all tips

vaeng: What happens when my contribution has not been approved or rejected after 30 days?

struct: you can reupload it

struct: and it gets 30 days again

struct: it keeps the upvotes and approvals

vaeng: and the rejects and downvotes as well?

struct: I think so

vaeng: So it's mainly waiting, or is there some kind of promotion channel?

eulerscheZahl: it will not keep the approvals and refusals in fact. only the upvotes/downvotes and comments

eulerscheZahl: you can only play the waiting game

eulerscheZahl: together with the 100 or so other contributions

vaeng: Yeah, it's a lot. I'm glad this site is so active

eulerscheZahl: you get a good idea about when the quest map got introduced

eulerscheZahl: at the cost of content quality I have a feeling

struct: at least they didnt create a quest for "create a multi"

eulerscheZahl: we have "play 12 contests"

eulerscheZahl: and "create a contest"

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: TIP

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: RIP

derjack: yet another book wars in othello

struct: time to delete it

struct: :fire:

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Your account?

struct: no, othello

eulerscheZahl: we can downvote it if you want

struct: cg needs to remove downvotes just like youtube

eulerscheZahl: i don't get it: i still see them for some videos. can the uploader decide whether or not to show downvotes?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: I still can downvote...

struct: dont know how it works, I can still see downvotes

eulerscheZahl: oh wait: i see and don't see the downvotes depending on cookies it seems

struct: But some people for the same video cant see it

struct: yeah euler

eulerscheZahl: incognito hides downvotes

eulerscheZahl: most of the time they give you an idea whether or not it's worth watching a video

eulerscheZahl: except if it's about covid. then many downvotes mean high quality

Medoo: Aheahaeh

[CG]Thibaud: > cg needs to remove downvotes just like youtube I've written down an idea about this 2 weeks ago

eulerscheZahl: are you kidding?

[CG]Thibaud: no

[CG]Thibaud: not sure I should push for it though or how to back it up with some kind of data

eulerscheZahl: hiding downvotes also makes upvotes pointless. it turns into a number without any relation

**BlaiseVonEbuthIV erase the message saying this is a shitty idea he was about to send before the cm pop...

[CG]Thibaud: not entirely pointless, but yeah, you lose some sense

struct: I dont see the benefits of hiding it

eulerscheZahl: less hurt feelings for creators of sub-par contributions?

struct: oh no my feelings

struct: who cares

eulerscheZahl: we have to actively write something to hurt feeling now

[CG]Thibaud: I don't see their benefits actually.

[CG]Thibaud: good puzzles get upvotes, bad puzzles don't

eulerscheZahl: but because they are bad or because no one has seen them yet?

struct: checking downvotes is easier

struct: ^

struct: on youtube they say it was used to target individuals, I think its easier to control on cg

[CG]Thibaud: there is a views counter (which gives an idea)

eulerscheZahl: there's still a range between good(=upvote) and bad(=downvote) when you just close the tab and not vote at all

eulerscheZahl: removing downvotes merges those two

[CG]Thibaud: true

[CG]Thibaud: merging bad and "not interesting enough for now" ?

[CG]Thibaud: I mean highlighting good contribs is enough, do we need to highlight bad ones? Same for comments?

[CG]Thibaud: as contributors, did you care at all about downvotes? Wondered why you got some? (if you did ^^)

struct: well I didnt because I didnt really put any real effort into my contribtuions

eulerscheZahl: there are always a few downvotes or 1-star reviews. but it's interesting to see if it's really just 1 or 2 or more than that. especially when you try completely new ideas such as Number Shifting where you are supposed to solve offline

eulerscheZahl: of course I like text comments more

[CG]Thibaud: maybe it's a bad idea

[CG]Thibaud: I filed it after a second contributor, which seemed decent, received a few downvotes without any comment on a new contrib. Not really friendly

Uljahn: i think bad contributions should be rejected, which is easier when highlighted by massive downvotes, so it's mot your personal taste but backed up by community

Uljahn: *it's not

eulerscheZahl: personally I prefer having downvotes. but nothing I care enough about to start a lengthy discussion

eulerscheZahl: also see it this way: there is 1 contributor who might have a bad experience. but if we want to please that one user and approve bad content, it will be played by over 100 users until it gets refused, displeasing many more

[CG]Thibaud: true

Westicles: If you want contrib reform, I would recommend doing something about all the WIPs. So many of them get created and abandoned, they just clog the page for a month

eulerscheZahl: ++

eulerscheZahl: or much longer *cough*troll vs castle*cough*

struct: add "trending"

eulerscheZahl: there was trending years ago (most upvotes)

eulerscheZahl: before the WIP and 30 day features got added

Uljahn: 50+ upvotes == +1 auto-approval, each upvote is +1 day in the list (starting from 5-10) :upside_down:

eulerscheZahl: auto-approval doesn't sound right

eulerscheZahl: i upvote semi-finished stuff like jrke's rubik cube, if i see potnetial

Andriamanitra: if anything the contribution approval process needs to be less friendly

Westicles: hmmm, one of my reverses got deactivated. people just don't appreciate great art

eulerscheZahl: which one?


eulerscheZahl: i saw it while i was pending. only understood what's going on after reading your solution

eulerscheZahl: so i guess it got refused because too hard to guess

Westicles: yeah, reverses are tricky. probably you want at least 90% of people to see the trick in under a minute (or something)

eulerscheZahl: hard to find the sweet spot. too obvious is boring too

Default avatar.png JBM: but approvals are biased because they see the solution

Default avatar.png JBM: which biases more

Default avatar.png JBM: oh wait no, they're biased because they don't need to solve and they're part of the quest map

Andriamanitra: i ran into that in the wild a while back, even after seeing the trick it is ambiguous if it's required that the other two words combine into exactly the third word or can there be duplicate letters or overlap or any number of other things

eulerscheZahl: it's reverse(a+b) == c => print(c)

Andriamanitra: yeah i think i did (a+b).chars.tally == c.chars.tally or something

eulerscheZahl: tally?

eulerscheZahl: i don't know RUby

Andriamanitra: similar to python's Counter

eulerscheZahl: apparently i don't know Python either :D

Westicles: well, sounds like the process worked. it wasn't so great and got removed after a couple weeks

eulerscheZahl: i thought I did

Andriamanitra: it counts how many of each character, returns a hash

AyanChawak: # This is a single line comment

jacek: oO

Husoski: while that_may_be: # I thought it was an end-of-line comment

eulerscheZahl: // \u000A comment here

how not to write a line comment in Java

Default avatar.png ReaperXD9101: iM A NOOb NEED HELP WITH POD RACIN

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: The better way to not write line comments in java is to not use java.

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: There's a key with a lock on it on the left of your keyboard ReaperXD9101, press it.


Wontonimo: how far are you along in pod racing ReaperXD9101?

Wontonimo: have you completed the tutorial where you have to fix the XY targeting error?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Seriously, you should press this key and try again. Your code'll probably works better without caps...

GER-NaN: my caps lock has a house with an up arrow

Wontonimo: ReaperXD9101 ? are you still there ?

**Wontonimo sigh

jacek: hm?

Wontonimo: woot - people have tried my new puzzle and it is hard enough this time that the success rate isn't ~100%

Wontonimo: oh, the sigh was because capslockdude asked for help then just ghosted

Manchi_o6o7: Can someone give me an idea why would my while loop stop executing without ending the programm or crashing :/


Manchi_o6o7: here is the part of code

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: "I have a loop that run while the list size is > 0, inside this loop I delete an element of this list by 1 each turn. I really don't see why it stop... :thinking:"

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: -by one

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: tired

Manchi_o6o7: but the thing it it freezes after the second iteration

Manchi_o6o7: is*

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: "freezes"

Manchi_o6o7: what am I saying wrong?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: What is "it" and what is "freezes"

Manchi_o6o7: the console isn't printing or doing anything

Manchi_o6o7: it prints the first two random numbers (so it iterates two times)

Manchi_o6o7: and after that nothing happens

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Yeah. But is something supposed to happens ?

Manchi_o6o7: it is supposed to delete 1020 elements from the list

Manchi_o6o7: the list size is >0

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: You're using cout to print, so it's considered as your answer.

Manchi_o6o7: ?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Well I supposed it's on Codingame. Is it ?

jacek: cerr

Default avatar.png Mic3: Can someone explain what to do when first opening mad pod racing?

eulerscheZahl: move to x,y instead of y,y

jacek: i would start with crying

jacek: but to each their own

Default avatar.png Mic3: I am crying indeed


Schwase: never mind

jacek: hm?

Schwase: i figured out that im still having the same issue i thought i solved a while back, hadnt considered it in my debugging

Schwase: ok yeah, im doing temperatures and cant imagine what validator 12 could be. I thought it was N = 0 but it isnt...'

Schwase: a=gets.to_i if a>0;a=gets.split.min_by{|x|(x.to_i-0.5).abs};end puts a

Schwase: i dont get it, i pass everything including the N=0 test case and everything else, i can't imagine why 12 is an issue

Schwase: oh i probably shouldnt have shared my code since its supposed to be hidden

Schwase: at least it doesnt work

Default avatar.png Greycooper: you have that positive values are put before negative ones?

Schwase: oh i figured it out. my code makes 0 and 1 equivalent

Schwase: very easy fix

Schwase: and it worked. cool

jacek: :tada:

JJWooster: how the heck do I private message someone

Schwase: i usually follow / add them and then the option becomes available

GamingGnawer: If they're in this chat you can also just click their name to open a private chat

YCSVenom: how can i detect if someone is bot or not?

GamingGnawer: if you mean for clash of code, the codin game bots state it in their profile

jacek: Automaton2000 how do you detect bots

Schwase: they are usually level 7 and have no bio.

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: i have a feeling like i should be able to test it

Westicles: I'm glad the chat logger worked yesterday, it is fun reading

jacek: hm?

xxd: is it worth "fixing" my Uncertified status

jacek: the what

xxd: it says on my profile that for example Python 3 41 puzzles - Uncertified

xxd: and i need to take the test to certify

Westicles: are you wanting to get a job in framce?

Uljahn: it took me 15 minutes to "fix" it, the test was as easy as CoC

xxd: alrighty

xxd: thanks

xxd: also, how was the fall contest? i was too bogged down by work to do it

xxd: it was an escape room i think right?

jacek: the fall what?

Uljahn: yep

xxd: fall challenge

jacek: :thinking:

Uljahn: fall team-building event

xxd: ohh.... hahaha

xxd: is there a relevant thread i can view to get up to speed on this

Uljahn: it's not available i guess

Uljahn: i mean the escape room

xxd: normally there are the discussion threads right

xxd: not for this one?

jacek: there is/was discord channel

Uljahn: and the thread is on the forums

Scarfield: i dont think the contest will be available (?)

jacek: soon as multiplayer bot game, as it was always with past contests...

jacek: :(

Scarfield: "bot game" oof

Uljahn: bot games are soo 2019

Westicles: It was very difficult to solve for non-English speakers and other indigenous peoples without computers. Hopefully they will work on that next year

Scarfield: but on a serious note, didnt they say that the contest wouldnt be available again?

Scarfield: xD

Uljahn: yes, they did

xxd: wow that was limited edition

xxd: (╬ ಠ益ಠ)

Scarfield: yup, you can still try the other escapes already available, which are fun

jacek: oO

Scarfield: oO oO

Uljahn: it's an abstract kind of fun

Scarfield: tbf it is fun, but not contest material, but we have been through this :)

jacek: we will never be through this

derjack: eeyup

Scarfield: i need minions to back me up

jacek: Automaton2000 eh

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: but you can disable it

Scarfield: dont disable derjack :o

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png PATTRIM: wassup

Default avatar.png ZXC01: i didnt know there are so many sg here



Thorcode: is these replay use same code?

Default avatar.png ZXC01:

Wontonimo: oh Thor, you are using a copied mad pod racing bot ...

DialFrost: welp with great escape

Thorcode: what?

DialFrost: bot programming

DialFrost: "great escape"

Thorcode: I know that

programX: ok

DialFrost: i see that ur in wood 2 league as well thor

Thorcode: yep

DialFrost: rn im brute forcing the positions

DialFrost: only 4 cases so ez

DialFrost: although it might not wokr

Wontonimo: ah, sorry Thorcode ... i thought i saw something

Thorcode: oh ok

Husoski: Wontonimo: Just finished your new encryption puzzle. Nice contribution!