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Default avatar.png Hackermengzhi: char(i+96)

SubwayMan: Can we get an option to turn off the tips dialog in the IDE? it often covers the screen and can be very annoying

nuggetbucket54: facts bro

SubwayMan: ;-;

jacek: happy Caturday

MSmits: morning

Marchete: :smiley_cat:

Thyl: Caturday POWER ! :D

Default avatar.png Calamiti: yo how do i proceed to the next step in coders strike back?

jacek: hm?

Default avatar.png Calamiti: like i am at the boost how can i unlock more of the commands?

Default avatar.png Calamiti: the next step/level

jacek: you need to advance to next league

jacek: submit your bot and he must be above boss in the leaderboard

Default avatar.png Calamiti: Ohhh ok got it thanks

Default avatar.png Calamiti: so i must beat the boss?

Default avatar.png Calamiti: thats all?

jacek: yes

DaNinja: ez

Default avatar.png Calamiti: Got it thanks boys

jacek: well, be 1st in leaderboard. sometimes you can be better than boss, but worse than other players

Default avatar.png Calamiti: or girls who knows

Default avatar.png Calamiti: wait do i have to beat all other players toooo?

Default avatar.png Calamiti: or just boss?

DaNinja: aim to beat the boss

Default avatar.png Calamiti: kk

sashaGrey: hi

Default avatar.png Cellsloverwhatidk: hi

Default avatar.png Jameswow: hello


Default avatar.png Jameswow: where are you from?

BIPIN_THE_KING: I am from India

BIPIN_THE_KING: where are you from

Default avatar.png Jameswow: china

Default avatar.png Jameswow: very close


jacek: ohai

Default avatar.png Jameswow: :grinning:

BIPIN_THE_KING: never spoke with anyone from china


BIPIN_THE_KING: first time

Default avatar.png Jameswow: my pleaser

Default avatar.png Jameswow: my pleasure

BIPIN_THE_KING: my pleasure too

Default avatar.png Jameswow: How is your code level

BIPIN_THE_KING: like medium i guess

Default avatar.png Jameswow: I only know a bit

BIPIN_THE_KING: which language do you code

Default avatar.png Jameswow: python

Default avatar.png Jameswow: and

Default avatar.png Jameswow: c++

BIPIN_THE_KING: ohh me too

Default avatar.png Jameswow: good

BIPIN_THE_KING: u code c++

Default avatar.png Jameswow: newfish

BIPIN_THE_KING: i just started javascript

Default avatar.png Jameswow: thats great

BIPIN_THE_KING: what is your age

Default avatar.png Jameswow: One of the best programming languages

Default avatar.png Jameswow: 20

Default avatar.png Jameswow: u?

BIPIN_THE_KING: 16 and a half

Default avatar.png Jameswow: my gd

Default avatar.png Jameswow: crasy

BIPIN_THE_KING: why crazy bro

Default avatar.png Jameswow: its a young age for me

BIPIN_THE_KING: In china where do you live

Default avatar.png Jameswow: I don’t think you know what I said

Default avatar.png Jameswow: hah

Default avatar.png Jameswow: So many cities

BIPIN_THE_KING: what did you say

BIPIN_THE_KING: where are you right now

Default avatar.png Jameswow: i mean

Default avatar.png Jameswow: If I tell you, you won't know


Default avatar.png Aerospa3847F: india

Default avatar.png Jameswow: :wink:

BIPIN_THE_KING: where are you right now

Default avatar.png Aerospa3847F: India

Default avatar.png Jameswow: hah

BIPIN_THE_KING: in ur profile it shows ur account is from USA so

Default avatar.png Aerospa3847F: mine?

BIPIN_THE_KING: no bro james

Default avatar.png Jameswow: oo

Default avatar.png Jameswow: 哈哈


Default avatar.png Jameswow: vpn

Default avatar.png Jameswow: thats it

BIPIN_THE_KING: okkkkkkkkk

Default avatar.png Jameswow: let's make friends


Default avatar.png Jameswow: :grinning:

Default avatar.png Aerospa3847F: ...

jacek: !

Astrobytes: ?

BlaiseEbuth: ;

Astrobytes: chat reading like a perl script

Marchete: <>==>

jacek: (_Y_)

TobiasA: :nerd:

Default avatar.png client2233: :grinning:hello

fireballishere: hey

Default avatar.png Hugh-Yue: It s so hard......

jacek: thats what she said

Default avatar.png Hugh-Yue: what

Astrobytes: was just waiting for that

Default avatar.png Hugh-Yue: :confused:

jacek: :upside_down:


BIPIN_THE_KING: anyone there

BlaiseEbuth: No.

BIPIN_THE_KING: where are you from bro

BIPIN_THE_KING: anyone there

BIPIN_THE_KING: anyonethere

CodeDecodeDev: Hello

Xzoky174: hi

punter147: hello, this is a question to the experts: how do you manage your entire source code of various puzzles and contests at codingame? there must be many common bits and pieces right? do you house all this in a big project like structure with subdirectories for the specific contest/puzzle?

punter147: for example, for many puzzles on pathfinding, do you guys have a framework like code written already for one of the puzzles and just code up the specific changes(lets call it implementing the XNode (insert puzzle name in X))?

KiwiTae: punter147 do you boo ~

KiwiTae: personally i got few templates i reuse

KiwiTae: and ready to go classes

punter147: KiwiTae i did not understand the first line? oh i see, coz i was just refactoring my codebase to neatly arrange the code in proper levels so i can reuse it next time very easily...

KiwiTae: it saves time yesgood good

Counterbalance: I have 1 project and git repo per multi / optim / codegolf / puzzle, and a 'shared lib' with reusable include files / snippets, but I usually write the algorithms from scratch so as to be optimized. I did have generic GA but it got pretty large with all the #ifdefs to suit the different multis :)

Poostang: someone give me job I will iterate through various data structures and write algorithms for USD 50k per year, thanks

darkhorse64: :laughing:

MSmits: I think this is jordan schlansky

MSmits: conan ended so he is looking for a job

darkhorse64: asking here to get paid for writing code when we do it for leisure :rofl:

MSmits: yep

jacek: Oo

Astrobytes: OldJohn: Touché. Did you book me in Oware?

jacek: why would someone want to book you

Astrobytes: Some of us fight battles in the peasant positions.

jacek: sorry didnt notice. i needed to scroll down much

MSmits: :fire:

Astrobytes: :rolling_eyes:

MSmits: it's doubtful though Astrobytes

MSmits: oware is very hard to book effectively

Astrobytes: It was very, very specific.

MSmits: check your games, see if you're playing deterministically or doing different starts

Astrobytes: I've had to increase randomness to be able to beat him at all since his submit today.

Astrobytes: When I tweaked mine the other day, it just happened to demolish him every time. Smells like vengeance :D

MSmits: hmm could be

MSmits: he did it in othello

Astrobytes: I remember. I always enjoy jostling for placements, even if I'm not top 10

MSmits: make sure you set your random seed based on time, not some fixed seed

MSmits: on D&B I was able to get a much higher WR if i wanted, against crazy remi

MSmits: just by trying different random seeds and keeping the one with the highest WR

MSmits: because his random seed was fixed

jacek: thats weird for a guy that invented monte carlo tree search

MSmits: yeah

Astrobytes: lol right

darkhorse64: yesterday, struct posted a snippet that made me realize that I was doing something wrong (= inefficient) in nearly all my mcts

jacek: hmm

jacek: calculating log(parents) everytime?

darkhorse64: doing ctz on masks followed by 1 <<

MSmits: why is that wrong?

struct: is not needed

darkhorse64: because pdep gives you the mask

struct: did it improve performance?

MSmits: but you dont always use pdep do you?

struct: on rollout I do

MSmits: do you mean this darkhorse64

MSmits: int safeCount = __builtin_popcountl(safeBoard); int rnd = FastRand(safeCount); uint64_t selectedBit = _pdep_u64(1ULL << rnd, safeBoard); int bit = __builtin_ctzl(selectedBit);

darkhorse64: yes, slighly. On rollout, for selecting moves, you can also loop on bits with pdep(1, bits). Yes, MSmits

MSmits: i dont know what i can leave out though

MSmits: I also need the bit index for lookups

MSmits: so i will need ctzl

struct: bit index for lookup?

darkhorse64: True, it depends on the multi, on C4 or bt I have no lookups

MSmits: yes, to change various yavalath maps

MSmits: to update them

MSmits: they all have different masks depending on which hex you played

MSmits: (for which you need the bit index)

struct: Well now i shared most of my tricks

MSmits: let me check if i do something weird in c4 then

struct: it can be used in more games

darkhorse64: anyway on C4, the vast majority of time is spent on getting winning moves

darkhorse64: *my time*

MSmits: int moveCount = __builtin_popcountl(allowed); int rnd = FastRand(moveCount); uint64_t selectedBit = _pdep_u64(1ULL << rnd, allowed); boards[player] |= selectedBit;

MSmits: i am not doing ctzl here

MSmits: so applying the 1 bit mask straight to the board

darkhorse64: This is what I do now. The drawback of reusing too blindly

MSmits: ahh ok

MSmits: yeah it happens

struct: do you also update the move mask like I said darkhorse?

MSmits: trying to fix a TT + ab negamax currently. it's tough

MSmits: the TT stuff i mean

jacek: youre using negamax? oO

MSmits: yeah for D&B

jacek: what century is it

darkhorse64: No, I found that computing it was faster than updating it. I agree it's a bit weird

struct: so you calculate it everytime you make a move?

darkhorse64: yes

struct: wasnt faster for me

struct: ah maybe it is similar

struct: I get around same rollouts so maybe my way is not faster

darkhorse64: Just looking at ops count, your code seems faster.

MSmits: jacek as you said, D&B is all or nothing, so you need a full solve. Don't know what else to use :)

MSmits: could do mcts with solver, but TT's are extra strong in this game

MSmits: so negamax has the advantage

Rddevelop: does anyone know about the "polindrome substrings perfect word" clash of code game and if so can you share the best solution?

BlaiseEbuth: Indeed! Just the time to remind me the good one between the 1200+ clashs, that I've of course perfectly memorized. And I give you the answer... :smirk:

jdsigg: Blaise you have seen duplicate clashes before?

BlaiseEbuth: A lot. Since the guidelines don't forbid them.

BlaiseEbuth: And just like that, without the statement, I doubt that anybody can just throw up the solution...

BlaiseEbuth: If he even wanted to...

BugKiller_328: how are you!

BugKiller_328: I learned FlatMC. what I have to learn for the next step between these 2. MCTS VS MiniMax. Any suggestion ?

byteful: put ur favorite programming language below

struct: minimax might be easier to learn

BugKiller_328: learn minimax first and then goto MCTS ?

struct: yeah

BugKiller_328: Thanks for your suggestion @struct.

after that 2, what I need to learn ?

BugKiller_328: now I'm trying to make plan for about 40 days.

struct: depends on what you want to do

BugKiller_328: so wanted to know the thing I need to learn (4 ~ 5 algorithm in order easy to hard)

jacek: there is so much to minimax (and alphabeta) and mcts that it will suffice for a while

jacek: so many modifications and enhancements to them

BugKiller_328: learned FlatMC and understood about it and had fun. so want to learn more and more.

BugKiller_328: @jacek: so minimax, mcts is enough for a while ?

BugKiller_328: what is alphabeta though ?

BugKiller_328: sorry for dummy question ;)

jacek: enhancement to minimax. learn minimax first, then alpha-beta. it prunes a lot moves so you can search much deeper

BugKiller_328: I got it. I'll ask again after learning that things.

Counterbalance: You could also take a quick peek at SA and GA; they are just modifications of 'FlatMC'

BugKiller_328: Thanks a lot for your suggestion.

BugKiller_328: SA and GA ? Can you write the full text instead of abbreviation for me ?

jacek: simulated annealing and genetic algorithm

Counterbalance: simulated annealing and genetic algor..

Counterbalance: dang :)

jacek: slowpoke

Counterbalance: It's the weekend :)

BugKiller_328: ah.. sorry :D

BugKiller_328: weekend is just good for me for the self development. but sorry to ask much :)

jacek: its alright :+1:

Counterbalance: Asking is good

Counterbalance: btw, smits mentioned 'TT' before - what's that?

Astrobytes: BugKiller_328: Counterbalance was just responding to jacek with the 'weekend' thing, don't worry :)

Astrobytes: Transposition tables Counterbalance

Counterbalance: ah thanks astro

Counterbalance: TMA - too many acronyms :)

Astrobytes: right :D

jacek: eeyup

BugKiller_328: You all who's on top in ranking here are just AI engineers ?

jacek: for ai stuff im just hobbyist. at work i make apps for android, not much ai there

Counterbalance: Nah just doing it for fun - job is not as interesting as AI

Astrobytes: Not too many AI/ML only people, you have inoryy (anyone seen him recently btw?), I think Wontonimo and a few others

eulerscheZahl: I just stack different layers of incompetence and ignorance on top of each other

Astrobytes: :D

jacek: i wish i had job in bioengineer department, for a thing

Astrobytes: :smirk:

Astrobytes: :smiley_cat: :girl:

jacek: :thinking:

BugKiller_328: :smiley:

BugKiller_328: I've tried few bot programming and just wondered how this makes visualization of battle for so many bot programming problems..

BugKiller_328: (how this website makes visualization..)

Astrobytes: There is an SDK, it's in Java and utilises JS

eulerscheZahl: in the end it's pixi.js

BugKiller_328: so, if someone makes a problem, he needs to make the visualization with sdk ?



darkhorse64: Yes

eulerscheZahl: haha astlock

eulerscheZahl: Astrobytes

Astrobytes: hehehe

Astrobytes: Literally a photo finish there :D

jacek: haha Automaton2000

Automaton2000: yeah, and i think this is a good one i think

jacek: AutomatonNN ?

jacek: :(

Astrobytes: 1 down, 1 to go

eulerscheZahl: 2000 with die with the CG chat

Astrobytes: Most probably.

jacek: die as in dice?

Astrobytes: Die as in "will die"

jacek: die bart, die

Astrobytes: why you little... <strangles jacek>


Astrobytes: heh heh perfect, was just gonna say I missed your Simpsons clips

eulerscheZahl: i'm easy to predict

eulerscheZahl: simpsons or xkcd

jacek: there is xkcd for everything, so is simpsons

Astrobytes: True.

Astrobytes: Sometimes Futurama gets a look-in too though.


Astrobytes: What can I say :D

jacek: royale pushes me further :heart:

jacek: so close

jacek: for some of you: scroll up in leaderboard

Astrobytes: I think that was me, my first game was against you

jacek: and this abomination :rage:

Astrobytes: I care not

Rddevelop: BlaiseEbuth dude, just say no or do not answer, why waste your energy like that just in the hope that someone finds you funny enough to fill up your "in need of attention" bar

emh: hmm.. would be fun to work for Google Deepmind. anyone here work for them? I wonder if my CodinGame ranking would be sufficient to get hired haha

MSmits: just show them your special csb version

Astrobytes: inoryy does emh but I haven't seen him around recently

Astrobytes: MSmits :rofl:

emh: lol

Astrobytes: Job guaranteed

BugKiller_328: I'm working as full-stack web dev but I want to be good enough in algorithm.. :thinking:

BugKiller_328: spending time by solving something here will make me archive my goal/hope ?

Astrobytes: BugKiller_328: I don't even work in a dev-related field so all you have to is keep building your knowledge and I'm sure you'll get there in the end

Astrobytes: *have to do

jacek: to be frank i havent done any heavy algorithm related stuff at work

MSmits: BugKiller_328 nowhere better to be

BugKiller_328: :yum:

BugKiller_328: happy to hear..

BugKiller_328: can anyone list here most practical algorithms used a lot, (or good to know ..)

MSmits: sure

MSmits: genetic algorithm, various sorts of neural networks

MSmits: minimax/negamax

Rddevelop: in work you dont need to be good at algorithm

jacek: BFS, DFS, minimax, mcts, GA/SA, NN

MSmits: monte carlo treesearch

jacek: jacekmax :v

Rddevelop: i work for a company that is involved in the photovoltaic sector, we have to develop calculations for solar profitability and best inverters calculation and even there you dont need to be an expert in algorithims

MSmits: oh cool, I teach a class on solar

BugKiller_328: :disappointed_relieved:

MSmits: about 8 weeks

MSmits: pretty basic stuff though

BugKiller_328: then algorithm is just hobby thing for even developer ?

MSmits: not all developers, just most of them

jacek: MSmits you teach them photosyntesis?

Rddevelop: thats cool smits

MSmits: no i teach them about solar cells

KiwiTae: algorithm design is most of my job lol

MSmits: they do some experiments and we look at factors that maximize the power output

MSmits: such as angle and resistance

BugKiller_328: of course, I've worked so many years for webdev, and I didn't feel that I need to learn for algorithms in depth. but I feel more happy when I work something which needs a thought alot. than just web-dev. lol.

MSmits: Rddevelop you will probably understand this:


MSmits: same solar panel with a lamp at various distance

MSmits: to find the optimum resistance

MSmits: which moves with a smaller or greater light intensity

MSmits: the less light, the higher the optimum resistance

MSmits: students make these graphs in class

Astrobytes: ah the good old days of classroom physics experiments. Not half as fun as chemistry tho' :P

MSmits: well i dont blow anything up

MSmits: (on purpose)

Astrobytes: hehehe

BugKiller_328: why chat history is not persist here ? even for 1:1 chat.

MSmits: there's a log for world chat somewhere


Astrobytes: ^ chat log

BugKiller_328: Cool, thanks.

Rddevelop: MSmits very cool. we take into consideration things like tilt_gain, shadow losses module degradation, slowly making it more complex without risking the user usability regarding speed

MSmits: good stuff

MSmits: I guess this and an astrophyics course are the last 2 remains of my physics activities after the summer

MSmits: other than that it's all computer science now

Astrobytes: astrophysics more fun imo

MSmits: yeah it sure is

MSmits: we work on supermassive black holes

Astrobytes: Man I wish we were doing that in highschool :)

MSmits: me too, we didnt have anything like that either

SubwayMan: does anyone know how to remove the tips/suggestions dialogs when code editing? they often cover my code so I can't see what I'm looking at

jacek: i dont see any tips dialogs o.O

Astrobytes: We did some basic black hole stuff but with what's now known... sheesh, woulda been amazing

MSmits: SubwayMan if it keeps annoying you, you can always use a local editor and just copy paste for testing and there's also some send ing tool i think

SubwayMan: yeah - usually it's just a hindrance but it can be really frustrating in activities like clash

jacek: you get that in clash? i thought it was only onboarding or csb

RoboStac: I think he means the code suggestion things rather than the tip dialogs

SubwayMan: yeah I'm talking about the suggestions/information dialog that can pop up

jacek: from the IDE? oh

RoboStac: as far as I know the only setting you can change for that is whether enter chooses the selection or not

Astrobytes: Yep.

SubwayMan: yeah I changed that

Westicles: I have a new criteria for ranking which languages are best

Astrobytes: shortest syntax and easy exec?

jacek: :flag_pl:?

Westicles: Those that understand /*/*/b*/r*y and those that don't

jacek: /b/, that brings some memories

Westicles: The way to call ruby these days

Astrobytes: insanity

jacek: or php

jacek: :F

1zanie: hello world

Rddevelop: php is cool, it has improved a lot

MSmits: yay improvement


MSmits: check solved scores from frame 45

MSmits: I lose but because my old bot doesnt solve as well, it makes mistakes

MSmits: and then I win

MSmits: it's not enough to beat nr 1, but i'll take it

jacek: oh my

struct: does it win vs your current bot everytime?

MSmits: not sure yet, but it can be improved a lot still

MSmits: I am ignoring two important strategies and the search method nr 1 is using (still have to code that)

struct: what is nr1 using?

MSmits: chain counting

MSmits: cheap way to know who has control over the endgame

MSmits: as opposed to my calculating the exact optimum score

MSmits: he considers a game where he ends up in control as a win, but there are exceptions. in those cases his "win" message is sometimes incorrect

MSmits: so what i need to do is to take his method for earlier game and switch to my score-solving later on

MSmits: should give me a small edge... but lots of coding left to do

Marchete: why did you retake D&B? It's just 1 place

MSmits: because I like it, mostly and because I know what to do to be nr 1. If I was all about the cp I would do something else of course

Marchete: then better do it now

MSmits: how so

Marchete: I prefer to be alone when I retake it :D

MSmits: ohh ok

Marchete: it seemed I did a lot of noise on Oware

Marchete: and now it's changing each half day

MSmits: sure, well, i'll be going on vacation at some point, so expect to take 2-3 weeks

Marchete: don't worry

Marchete: I'll retake it someday

MSmits: whats changing ?

Marchete: leaderboard

MSmits: oh

MSmits: doesnt have to be noise

MSmits: rock paper scissors is pretty extreme with these nns

MSmits: so whoever is submitting is doing this

Marchete: pretty extreme indeed

MSmits: btw, if you're interested, you can see how mikkla wins here:


MSmits: my solver says i win, but then mikkla does a sacrifice move and the score turns upside down

MSmits: almost noone knows how to do proper sacrifice moves

MSmits: it's just the top 4

Marchete: he is very verbose

Marchete: no one knows?

MSmits: most of it is meaningless. All thats useful from his text is his "win" message

Marchete: that's pretty common on papers

MSmits: yes, I mean the players on the leaderboard dont know

MSmits: they just fill up the board, giving away no boxes

MSmits: until the endgame

MSmits: also, even if you know it can be good, you need to figure out how to make your bot do it correctly. It's pretty messy

Marchete: but then if we two read the papers

Marchete: and apply all logic behind

Marchete: it will be similar to mikla

Marchete: I guess

MSmits: we can do better I'm sure

Marchete: I see it as as graph problem

Marchete: with counting

MSmits: I do too

MSmits: well almost

Marchete: early game it's "hard" to do something good

MSmits: the endgame for me is a graph, the time before that is a bitboard

Marchete: I thought about going to some kind of patterns

Marchete: that I know they can be better for your player id

MSmits: I think you can reliably gain control after frame 30 or so

MSmits: miklla does it at 38 roughly

Marchete: I see the Win msg

MSmits: yes

MSmits: thats it

Marchete: Win uppercase

MSmits: what you do is, you write a function for a chain counter given an endgame

MSmits: and then a negamax or mcts solver that searches till endgame

MSmits: with TT and such

MSmits: so thats about frame 55 when endgame starts

MSmits: so he goes 17 deep, which seems really hard, but TT is strong here since you share the same board

Marchete: with graphs many moves are pruned

Marchete: you end with a couple of moves per graph

MSmits: thats in the endgame, I am ignoring that completely

MSmits: it's 1 function to calculate control

MSmits: no search required

MSmits: only if you want to know the exact score

MSmits: your graph thingy is really useful to calculate the exact score.

MSmits: but mikla doesnt even do that

MSmits: doesnt matter if you win 29-20 or 36-13

MSmits: (but there are rare cases)

Marchete: I can cut 3 way graphs efficiently

Marchete: that's not endgame

MSmits: to me it is

Marchete: ahh then yes

MSmits: my solver starts working when there are no safe moves left and all moves give away boxes

Marchete: ok

MSmits: so that can include 4-ways and 3-ways

MSmits: on average it can solve 1000 such boards per 100 ms

MSmits: but they vary wildly in required calc time

MSmits: but my point was, the entire board can be handled with a single function if you just want to know who ends up being in control and grabbing most of the boxes

MSmits: so instead of 1000 such boards, you can solve 100x as many

MSmits: you still need to know how to actually play out the end game efficiently, so your graph thingy is still useful

Marchete: I guess

Marchete: it's also good for hashing

Marchete: less similar boards

MSmits: ohh, i have been wanting to know how to hash a graph

MSmits: it seems complicated

MSmits: btw my graph nodes are the 3-way and 4-way splits with links between them that just have a size. I dont keep the separate boxes

MSmits: i guess it might be harder to hash a graph if the links also have a size

Marchete: length, type etc

Marchete: at some point it's an approximation

Marchete: but I think it worked nicely

MSmits: hmm

MSmits: dont you have a way to check if the graph is equal>

MSmits: to find the right graph in your bucket, as it were..

Marchete: doing it by hand

MSmits: but whats the approximation then?

MSmits: do you just mean you get some hash conflicts?

Marchete: initial boards

Marchete: with tons of strings

MSmits: well I always get hash conflicts, thats fine

MSmits: that happens with bitboards even

MSmits: hash collisions was the word i was looking for

Default avatar.png Deekhann: hi

Marchete: I think not

Marchete: I mean I can't hash very well the boards with too many degrees

MSmits: sure, that makes sense

Marchete: but I do care about if an edge is on edge or not

Marchete: it's important

MSmits: I cant solve very well in that case

Marchete: "ground" are important

MSmits: yeah


MSmits: function name :)

Marchete: lol german like

MSmits: well it's all English

MSmits: sort of..

MSmits: getting some sleep, gn!

Marchete: gn

rahulgo8u: which language is the best to use in clash of code?

Default avatar.png Gamini: Ruby

Default avatar.png aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab: Javascript, there is no easier language than javascript

Default avatar.png aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab: just so intuitive

Alfredb: Python is best for speed, Perl is best for shortest

KamadoTanjiro: hi

MACKEYTH: A lot of ppl like RUst

mathiasx: Perhaps I've missed something -- I'm trying to do one of the first "medium" puzzles, and it mentions being able to use STDERR. I'm not seeing stdout or stderr print anywhere, and each example just fails without output. How can I tell what's going on?

juice0: to the right of console output is a drop down menu, make sure it's all checked

mathiasx: It is, hasn't shown anything yet

mathiasx: I've tried really basic stuff like just stderr logging at the beginning some text

juice0: iirc even if i'm timing out or not reading all the input correctly, i can still see stderr and stdout

juice0: unless it's not compiling

mathiasx: Yeah, I now have it passing and there's no output

mathiasx: I hate to say it, since it sounds like someone who doesn't know better, but I think this is broken.

mathiasx: (The first example can be hardcoded, so it passes. No output shown.)

juice0: it wouldn't be the first time

mathiasx: I think that's where I'll have to call it a night; there's no way to make any progress in this without being able to debug the data at each step

juice0: if it happens again later, say something in chat then. there's usually someone around who knows more than me

mathiasx: Thanks!

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