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emh: with link to modulo reduction

emh: the lemire alternative

sprkrd: the world of prng is such a rabbit hole that you'd better off starting a wiki :joy:

sprkrd: (kidding, it's cool to have you own playground)

derjack: here are some generating range benchmarks

sprkrd: oh, hell

sprkrd: you beat me to it

sprkrd: i was looking for that link, too

emh: kk added link to article

derjack: oO

derjack: yeah keep adding random links to random article

sprkrd: one of these will be a link to a porn site, and you won't even notice :clown:

derjack: prng :thinking:

sprkrd: :O

sprkrd: The levenshtein distance between porn and prng is very small, also

emh: hehe

Default avatar.png Coder-Thor: nice emh

struct: hi

emh: hi struct

Default avatar.png Coder-Thor: hii struct bro

JimmyJams: dude like 1/8 clashes have broken validators

JimmyJams: is there a forum or something we can ask them to check validators before submitting

JimmyJams: clearly we cannot trust the community to properly vet these clashes, people seem to not understand validators must be very similar to the test cases

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: what are validators? Sorry noob here

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: Are they the thing that check test cases

JimmyJams: when you submit a puzzle there are tests you can see when you go to submit, and then tests that are invisible.

JimmyJams: the invisible ones are validators

JimmyJams: they prevent people from hard-coding answers

Default avatar.png theonlyjt:

sprkrd: JimmyJams May I ask in good faith, are you 100% positive the validators are wrong and it's not that you've failed to account for some edge case?

struct: some clashes have bad test cases

struct: Happened to me before

sprkrd: I thought moderators were supposed to code their own solution before approving a contribution

sprkrd: that way the can spot bad test cases too

LeviathanProgramming: sometimes it's because the creator of the contribution make an algorithm with an unexpected output

LeviathanProgramming: or just one that is a wierd function

sprkrd: but that should be caught by the moderators if they try to solve the problem themselves, right?

derjack: its up to contribution reviewers

struct: derjack is your C4 a NN?

sprkrd: but what's a review worth if the test cases are not checked...

Uljahn: low quality of clash approval process shouldn't be a surprize though

sprkrd: reviews shouldn't be just "hey, it's a cool idea! go ahead!"

derjack: struct yes

struct: ok im gonna add the new features to get rank 2

struct: hopefully

derjack: i dont see you in the leaderboard

struct: 3rd

derjack: new account?

struct: its old but yes

derjack: so it is old account or new account :no_mouth:

struct: just another account

derjack: and what are those new features could be

struct: reuse tree, take into account that opponent can steal, and fix some bugs

struct: use full time on turn 1

struct: also dont play on middle cell :)

derjack: omg you play middle and some people dont steal it

struct: yes lol

derjack: and tree reuse is quite handy here

Marchete: submit to be 2nd, nulte

struct: soon

darkhorse64: no !

darkhorse64: :grin:

Marchete: now?

darkhorse64: :thumbsup:

Marchete: it's kind of late

struct: at least now its finding move 3 as the strongest move on first turn


derjack: whats with the 6

struct: what do you mean?

derjack: oh, stupid scientific notation

Marchete: no symmetry?

Marchete: seems weird to me

struct: nope

Marchete: why?

struct: ill just hardcode first move anyways

struct: hardcode and force the expansion on it

Marchete: I'll just copy your first moves

Marchete: and good to go

struct: so root will only have one child

struct: do you steal every move unless its 0 darkhorse64?

derjack: :moneybag:

Marchete: :spy_tone3:

Marchete: will you pick the best move or the nearest to 50%?

derjack: why would he pick the best move

Marchete: because he assumes he can beat anyone even with steal

ayoubft: how to change programming languages in my profile ??

struct: oh no i had massive bug lol

Marchete: and 3rd?

derjack: same replays eh

struct: yes

struct: if opp stole

Marchete: :expressionless:

struct: my cell would sitll have the piece there

struct: lol

struct: I mean both pieces would be there :D

Marchete: don't you have an owner's mask?

struct: no

struct: i have boards[2]

derjack: ayoubft its about solving puzzles in language

Marchete: ouch

Marchete: pretty epic fail then

derjack: it would suck for win detection wouldnt it

Marchete: it seems one of mine

struct: yes derjack

Marchete: then it's time to resubmit

derjack: that could make nice variant though, an universal disc

ayoubft: yes that's why I have tried my first challenge in js, and it is the language in my profile, but m=now I am coding in python, but not visible on my profile yet

derjack: maybe it updates once a day :thinking:

Default avatar.png CatLocked: isn't it unbalanced for some language in shortest mode?

Nekko551XD: that makes you learn more languages

darkhorse64: struct: yes but I have no clue whether stealing 1 and 7 is good

derjack: could be. if you steal, 2 player's tree reuse will be smaller no?

darkhorse64: larger because he started exploring the move and he is getting 100ms more to explore the same move

darkhorse64: but you have the initiative

derjack: oh

derjack: then dont steal ~

struct: so many little bugs

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

darkhorse64: everybody wishes top 3 with bugs

derjack: but if he fixes them he wont be in top3 anymore

struct: maybe

darkhorse64: that's my only hope

struct: i finally started winning some games vs you :p

darkhorse64: last night submit was 50%

struct: yeah but i had a lose because i was p1

struct: p1 and steal = lose for me

struct: with current arena bot

darkhorse64: Yeah, that one was quick

Default avatar.png mohandas: muchend hogale:rage:

derjack: oO

Default avatar.png mkxd990: &

Marchete: just submit struct

Marchete: with that bugfix it may be 2nd

struct: dont think it can get 2nd first

struct: I dont reuse tree yet

derjack: can it get 1st second

Marchete: you can't know if you don't submit

struct: ill submit anyways

derjack: :tada:

struct: maybe i have more bugs i cant find

Marchete: soon?

struct: I just did

Marchete: ahh :D

struct: well afk for a while

Marchete: I don't understand why nulte and not struc_t

Marchete: like ????

derjack: so he can delete not main account

Marchete: Smits +4pts difference

derjack: book* +4pts difference

Marchete: well, <insert_legal_winning_strategy> +4pts

Default avatar.png pop223: hey how do i make a game

Marchete: 0% winrate vs Smits, struct

emh: Today I Learned: that ginger contains gingerols with a similar structure to capsaicin, and that mustard contains allyl isothiocyanate, also in wasabi and horseradish

emh: was wondering what makes different foods spicy, so I googled

derjack: noice struct, 2nd

struct: nice

struct: :D

struct: now i must reuse the tree :p

struct: I cant beat msmits though

struct: and I dont feel like making a book

darkhorse64: still that insane number of smart rollouts ? The only way I can reach that number is to make them dumb

Marchete: congrats

struct: thanks

struct: darkhorse64 they are not fully smart

struct: on rollout i dont check for moves that create a win for opponent

struct: I check for cells that can prevent opponent from winning

struct: but blocking that cell could create another win

struct: my rollout doesnt take that into account

struct: so they are half smart

struct: with fully smart rollouts i get a little bit less, i need to check if its worth

darkhorse64: so you need to check for wins for you and for winning moves for the opponent.

struct: maybe tomorrow ill have time to work on it

struct: yes

darkhorse64: I guess you can get fully smart with no loss

struct: well they are slightly heavier

darkhorse64: you remove a win check and you add a quicker test

Default avatar.png pop223: does anyone know if i can make a game

emh: connect4. C4.. sooner or later that's gonna blow up on someone. combinatorial explosion they'll say

darkhorse64: pop223:

struct: darkhorse it ends up being heavier because the game lasts longer

struct: Also I will probably change to single rollout

struct: So I expand the tree more to solver sooner

struct: ill try both ways

darkhorse64: good point

SummerCool: Hello guys

Default avatar.png ButtSmasher: HI kings

Default avatar.png LLamperouge: hi

struct: you won vs msmits darkhorse o.o

jacek: lets save the replay

jacek: and show to grandchildren

darkhorse64: dumb rollouts submit, just to see the difference

struct: it seems to get stuck

struct: the submit

darkhorse64: I use all extra ms

struct: you use 100?

darkhorse64: I jailbreaked CG

struct: ah lol

darkhorse64: Yes, I do. Leaving on the edge

struct: i tried reusing the tree

struct: but it caused bugs

darkhorse64: What's your pool size ?

struct: 45'000'000

struct: i dont use it all obviously

struct: I think

struct: :thinking:

darkhorse64: no bugs from reusing the nodes, then

struct: ill report the submit bug on discord

struct: ill be back later to fix the bot

olaf_surgut: had anyone done puzzle of the week?

Nekko551XD: read discussion

Nekko551XD: one comment will lead you to solution and it's surprisingly easy after it

olaf_surgut: hmm

olaf_surgut: i solved it with dijsktra, but instread of compressing the coordinates i make graph made with rectangle vertexes

Nekko551XD: my mistake actually i thought on last puzzle of the week

Nekko551XD: so my comment is useless XD

Marchete: set parent to null if you have it struct

Marchete: and debug it

Marchete: maybe the problem is how you keep the children

Marchete: maybe overlaps?

Marchete: but 45M is unlikely

Smelty: im tryna do the weekly puzzle

Smelty: and this popped up: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at Solution.main on line 43

Smelty: reeeee

jacek: you paid for ram, youre gonna use the ram

sapfeer0k: can't join into any clash

Nekko551XD: me neither

Nekko551XD: now i joined but i dont know how mayn failed

jacek: are you complaining or complimenting

Nekko551XD: neither but problem disapeared after minute

sapfeer0k: +1


jacek: ranking stabilization is quite slow

Smelty: F

Smelty: also it appears my program was trying to create a 2d array with dimensions of 1088445102 and 1101030261 :eyes:

sapfeer0k: Who said that?

TobiasA: wow your computer has confidence in it's memory capacity

Default avatar.png ge_pet: hi from Greece!

Veloc1ty: hi from Earth!

Jakaria: hi from Bangladesh

BlaiseEbuth: Hi from hell

KiwiTae: hi from my bed

FrancoRoura: Hi fromage

SpyGuy: hi from USA

Wontonimo: high from dispensary

Default avatar.png KefMambo: siemson bobton

jacek: :thinking:

Marchete: :hugging:

Default avatar.png theonlyjt: eh

Default avatar.png giantfluffypanda: hi from ymh

jacek: yhm?

PatrickMcGinnisII: who is ymh?

Lauu: guys be aware, the user elisaado is a predator

elisaado: what

wotroe: he is

Lauu: please guys report him

wouter173: guys he is

elisaado: :(

wouter173: he dm'd me

wouter173: with dirty words

Lauu: same

painstyle01: Germany could play much better against France

elisaado: agree

Lauu: meh

Lauu: wait did they win?

elisaado: france wojn

jacek: :frog:

linjoehan: whos in here

**PatrickMcGinnisII Burps

elisaado: wtf

Default avatar.png BoCode: hi

Default avatar.png SunnyClown_38eb: what did elisaado do guys?

Westicles: so many crappy puzzles getting approved

Wontonimo: but it's crowdsourced, and crowdsourced anything poops out gold. how could you believe anything different Westicles

Westicles: It usually works, but for the last months three indian guys have been approving everything

Westicles: *month

Wontonimo: what kind of Indian? From India or First Nations North America?

Wontonimo: what? Codingame hasn't made an algorithm to detect voting parties? Weird.

Wontonimo: it's not like it would be as simple as you can't vote on the the same thing with the same people in the same month

Westicles: Well, there is a guy who's fulltime job is to oversee this stuff

Wontonimo: really? interesting

Wontonimo: that sounds like a boring job

SpyGuy: tbh they should be doing.a better job

nuggetbucket54: i just had the best butter chicken ever

SpyGuy: nice

SpyGuy: I had my best one last week

SpyGuy: you might say it was...finger lickin good

nuggetbucket54: haha lol

SpyGuy: I never miss the opportunity for a joke

linjoehan: Do KFC still have that console, or was that just a 15 min thing

nuggetbucket54: it's still a concept

nuggetbucket54: tbh i doubt it'll launch

Stormalix: for JavaScript.. does anyone know why the arrays inside of Array(n).fill([]) are treated as one? I tried pushing an element into the first array and it was pushed into every array..

DaNinja: fill() passes a reference

DaNinja: try this instead

DaNinja: Array(10).fill().map(u=>[])

Stormalix: oh wow thanks lol it works

Stormalix: what do you mean by passes a reference?

ZarthaxX: it points to the same memory space


ZarthaxX: oh well lol

ZarthaxX: like a = [] b = a

ZarthaxX: now b points to same object as a, which is the []

ZarthaxX: Stormalix

Stormalix: ohhhhh

nulte: hi ZarthaxX :)

Stormalix: so it's more like a=[[],(a[0]),(a[0])]

ZarthaxX: hey nulte :)

ZarthaxX: Stormalix what

nulte: managed to get rank 2 on c4

ZarthaxX: i mean its like this Stormalix

ZarthaxX: Array(n).fill([]) equals

nulte: after being pushed by msmits

ZarthaxX: a = [] Array(n).fill(a)

ZarthaxX: so you got [a,a,...,a,a]

Stormalix: huh so it's all the same array

ZarthaxX: nulte holy fuck thats nice :O

ZarthaxX: Stormalix right so you modify one you modify all

Stormalix: smh that's weird

struct: thanks

ZarthaxX: it could be avoided if the fill made a copy each time it added one element to array

ZarthaxX: but well

ZarthaxX: it doesnt

ZarthaxX: i will go eat now

Stormalix: so if i filled a with 1 and added to element 0 then everything would change to 2?

struct: enjoy

ZarthaxX: no

ZarthaxX: Stormalix there are primitives

ZarthaxX: numbers are primitives

Stormalix: oh

Stormalix: hshshs im not familiar with terminology

ZarthaxX: so having a= 1

ZarthaxX: b = a

ZarthaxX: makes b be equal to 1, it doesnt point to anything

ZarthaxX: just google try it

ZarthaxX: [] is an object

Stormalix: hm yes

ZarthaxX: so if you assign a=[], a is just a REFERENCE to that object

ZarthaxX: it doesnt contain the value itself

ZarthaxX: but a=1 does

ZarthaxX: because 1 is a primitive

ZarthaxX: that's why it works for one and not for the other

ZarthaxX: anyway will be back later

ZarthaxX: :)

struct: later

Stormalix: hmmmm i think i understand it now

Jakaria: yo

Jakaria: i need a little advice

Jakaria: you guys use reduce, fill, map functions and stuffs like crazy

Jakaria: how do i easily learn these magical functions?

DaNinja: solve the puzzles here with standard for loops, then look at other folks solutions to see great examples how to use reduce, map etc

Jakaria: ah i see

Jakaria: thanks

Jakaria: any other advice?

DaNinja: google javascript map foreach reduce filter

DaNinja: theres plenty of tutorials out there

DaNinja: then practice here

MadKnight: anyone ever worked with G-API before ?

Default avatar.png willdoescode: they have a chat here

MadKnight: i wanted to use my dummy's free bit of cloud drive space to store some data from my app but it seems that i'm gonna have to manually allow my app to have access to this dummy acc from the dummy acc using the app

MadKnight: i mean google drive api

MadKnight: yea i know noone ever tried using excel tables to store database data

MadKnight: but still

Default avatar.png borrel: you should be able to create a "server key" with "offline" access in the api console

MadKnight: nonono that's not the problem

MadKnight: the problem is

MadKnight: to get access to a user account u gotta give the user this weird "do you allow this app to access this stuff?" page

MadKnight: and the user has to manually press "yes"

MadKnight: just like the "login using google account" thing

MadKnight: i got the key and stuff

Default avatar.png borrel: using the "offline" feature of OpenID

MadKnight: what's that

Default avatar.png borrel: you should be albe to store a token for the user

Default avatar.png borrel: aka only has to aprove once

MadKnight: "to approve once"

MadKnight: that's what i'm talking about

Default avatar.png borrel: not sure if you can do it from inside drive tho

MadKnight: if it's my own account too how do i get the approvement without implementing the standard "do you allow this app to do this stuff?" procedure ?

Default avatar.png borrel: but if you are calling drive form a server it sould be easy

MadKnight: yes but only after u got the approvement

MadKnight: the problem is getting the dummy user account to let the program to have access

MadKnight: without having it to manually click "allow"

Default avatar.png borrel: here

Default avatar.png borrel:

Default avatar.png borrel: access_type needs ofline for that

Default avatar.png borrel: *offline

MadKnight: well so in a few words

MadKnight: how does it work? starting from step 1

MadKnight: i mean if i have the login & pass

MadKnight: because it's my dummy account

Default avatar.png borrel: 1. gen auth url and open 2. athenticate in popup 3. store offline tokens

Default avatar.png borrel:

Default avatar.png borrel: try the playground

MadKnight: > 2. athenticate in popup

MadKnight: dude

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: e

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: more like

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: e

MadKnight: that's exactly what i was talking about

MadKnight: how can i avoid the popup for the user if it's my own acc ?

MadKnight: and he's the only one i'm gonna have to auth

MadKnight: he's the only one i wanna auth and i don't wanna auth anyone else

Default avatar.png borrel: just store the auth code and implement refresh with the POST /token HTTP/1.1

MadKnight: where do i get the auth code ?

Default avatar.png borrel: From the playground

MadKnight: wat

Default avatar.png borrel: then implemnet the request you see after you click "Exchange authorization code for tokens"

Default avatar.png borrel: ?

Default avatar.png borrel: no?

MadKnight: it got like a lot of buttons

MadKnight: can we just go on discord ?

Default avatar.png borrel: sure

MadKnight: oke

MadKnight: i PM u

MadKnight: if u don't see it just PM me yourself

GreenPineapple: ooo this game had chat

GreenPineapple: ?

Default avatar.png Codify: Got a question about the temperatures kata if anyone's around :). I've got it done except for catching the null element. I can cheese it by doing a try catch for the exception the test throws but I'm not satisfied with that.

PatrickMcGinnisII: null element? you mean when you have 0 temperatures to analyze?

Default avatar.png Codify: Correct

PatrickMcGinnisII: if n==0 just print 0... else... do them

PatrickMcGinnisII: Display 0 (zero) if no temperatures are provided. Otherwise, display the temperature closest to 0.

Default avatar.png Codify: ah yes! that makes sense. Thanks!

MadKnight: yea that's the hardest part of the temperatures Automaton2000, don't even question it

Automaton2000: are there any other way

PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 enveloping torpedo

Automaton2000: do you have the same problem

PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 nah, i don't wrap my torpedo

Automaton2000: yeah i was not able to find a better one

MadKnight: Automaton2000 i kinda missed some stuff

Automaton2000: i made a bug in the sdk

PatrickMcGinnisII: MadKnight yes I'm stuck in bitland at the moment

MadKnight: Automaton2000 tell me about everything i missed

Automaton2000: or there is a way to search for the files that are not controlled by the implementation. typical implementations search ...

MadKnight: PatrickMcGinnisII stop trolling i know u saw my PM

MadKnight: Automaton2000 is PatrickMcGinnisII a troll ?

Automaton2000: what are you trying to do?

MadKnight: Automaton2000 exactly!

Automaton2000: but its not really a good idea to do that in a while

PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 tell MadKnight that CSB misses him

Automaton2000: that way you get a good ranking

MadKnight: no Automaton2000 that's absolutely not a good idea

Automaton2000: lol you have a game where you had to code it

MadKnight: okay Automaton2000 PatrickMcGinnisII is actually a troll, i was joking about that but i guess it's exactly like that

Automaton2000: i don't know what the heck is that

PatrickMcGinnisII: ((($tgs[$x+1]>>($pos+2))&3)

MadKnight: Automaton2000 i just can't win, my 6yo path of being obsessed with CSB just keeps haunting me

Automaton2000: that is what i mean

MadKnight: Automaton2000 i think i'm gonna take a break and then come back as a brand new character

Automaton2000: but i don't use it at all :p

MadKnight: just because of PatrickMcGinnisII

PatrickMcGinnisII: my bad

MadKnight: i can't escape the meme of me, Automaton2000

Automaton2000: did you try to get the same as a normal user

MadKnight: PatrickMcGinnisII cmon at least just respond in PM

MadKnight: Automaton2000 only losers run from their path, we gotta find a way to resolve it without blocking our past mistakes

Automaton2000: only when i had it

MadKnight: Automaton2000 but for that i have to start talking to people....

Automaton2000: struct do you have some kind of error

PatrickMcGinnisII: rofl struct

MadKnight: okay Automaton2000 forget it, let's just create a new account and never be ourselves ever again

**Automaton2000 slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

MadKnight: Automaton2000 good thing noone ever heard my voice

Automaton2000: thats the problem with that?

PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 MadKnight has Borg technology

Automaton2000: for example in the statement

MadKnight: no i have sound mixer

MadKnight: i can mix multiple audio outputs into multiple audio virtual one of which would go as the actual system audio

MadKnight: virtual inputs*

MadKnight: anyway

PatrickMcGinnisII: sounds like a good puzzle

MadKnight: naaa

PatrickMcGinnisII: audio depth mapping

MadKnight: it just creates virtual audio outputs

MadKnight: so that an app could mix them in different ways

MadKnight: for different actual audio outputs

PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh the dev ID questions

MadKnight: for example i could direct a game sound into my mic so that u would hear it if i called u

MadKnight: and stuff

PatrickMcGinnisII: oh I thought you were doing mobile api w/ a dummy server

MadKnight: nono

MadKnight: it's an existing thing for windows

MadKnight: it creates virtual audio outputs / inputs

MadKnight: to separate them

MadKnight: or to mix them

PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh, not my expertise. merging is easy...splitting i have no idea

MadKnight: it just directs sounds to different things

MadKnight: look i could send u a screenshot and then explain

MadKnight: but u are ignoring me in DMs

PatrickMcGinnisII: heh, i don't really PM

PatrickMcGinnisII: or discord

MadKnight: and i don't actually explain stuff to patricks

PatrickMcGinnisII: :P

MadKnight: just check my avatar

MadKnight: the spider's name is Spitrick

MadKnight: Spidrick

MadKnight: okay the joke is ruined

MadKnight: nvm

MadKnight: my point is

MadKnight: why don't u PM? does it really apply for this exact case ?

PatrickMcGinnisII: finally my bitwise connect4 eval function finally works

MadKnight: oh u are doing connect4 ?

MadKnight: gimme the link


MadKnight: ummmm let's see

MadKnight: so only 2 leagues

PatrickMcGinnisII: crap, timesout on depth 5

PatrickMcGinnisII: was POTW like last week

MadKnight: the boss is barely decent

PatrickMcGinnisII: well u can't fit 72 bits in a 64 bit variable

MadKnight: oh i think that was the game we've been playing with all of our classmates at collee

MadKnight: college

MadKnight: so i know somethinhg

MadKnight: i know at least how to not get destroyed terriblyh

MadKnight: i think

MadKnight: i hope

PatrickMcGinnisII: i only have a depth 2 buggy bot running on the leaderboard

PatrickMcGinnisII: so, beat me there, and then i'll test the new bot ;)

MadKnight: i don't have a solid strategy actually i only have my NN that i trained during college time

MadKnight: and i dunno how to put it into an AI

PatrickMcGinnisII: NN is probably not so bad for c4

MadKnight: okay PatrickMcGinnisII if i beat u there let's go and have a VC

PatrickMcGinnisII: alpha beta is a good way to start, but with php depth is alwasy an issue

PatrickMcGinnisII: tonight is trash night, gotta do that, then sleep

PatrickMcGinnisII: so, g'nite/mornin' MadOne

MadKnight: nono it's not about right now PatrickMcGinnisII

Default avatar.png osamabinladen: fortnite porn is good

MadKnight: Automaton2000 just ban him

Automaton2000: i think i should be able to code for a puzzle

Default avatar.png TyroneEatChicken: Yea :kissing_heart:

PatrickMcGinnisII: omg

MadKnight: Automaton2000 what are u waiting for? pls

Default avatar.png TyroneEatChicken: :rage:

Automaton2000: how is it not working

Default avatar.png TyroneEatChicken: why mute him

Default avatar.png TyroneEatChicken: he black

MadKnight: are u with him

MadKnight: BAN

Default avatar.png Skyier: you activated my trap card

MadKnight: Automaton2000 get ready, we're gonna ban a lot of people

Automaton2000: but i need to give it a go

MadKnight: everyone who wants to get a ban say *(something forbidden)*!

MadKnight: a limited offer!

MadKnight: Automaton2000 stop giving us away

Automaton2000: i have already solved the problem

MadKnight: Automaton2000 u can't solve the problem of children being dumb

Automaton2000: so i have to read a lot of puzzles

Default avatar.png Bnjy: Hello I'm new

MadKnight: Automaton2000 why is it so quiet

Automaton2000: i guess you could do it

MadKnight: there's just 1 guy named new

Default avatar.png Bnjy: I'm confused

MadKnight: and i don't think this new is gonna make problems

Default avatar.png Bnjy: What happened

MadKnight: hey new, just don't make problems and keep on solving puzzles

MadKnight: don't worry

Default avatar.png Bnjy: ok

MadKnight: u can still ask for help if u don't understand something

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: code golf in rust is brutal

MadKnight: well maybe

MadKnight: but rust wasn't designed for codegolf

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: tru, but it's not gonna stop me from trying 💪

MadKnight: so what did u expect ?

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: i expected pain

MadKnight: ofc u can try but u won't beat guys like ruby

Default avatar.png Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh: niga

MadKnight: okay instaban

Default avatar.png Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh: uh

Default avatar.png Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh: uh

MadKnight: it's clearly a troll

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: weird how many racists are in here

MadKnight: he's not

MadKnight: he's just a troll who wants people to get raged

MadKnight: cmon

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: yo

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: suh

MadKnight: ban

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: what

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: hi

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: how u

Westicles: If they put in the songs we buy, we should be expected to sing it. If we can sing it, we can say it

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: po

MadKnight: d0nutptr did u really think that guy was a racist ?

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: i hurt my self today

MadKnight: okay clearly ban

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: who you

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: are u okay dude

Default avatar.png amloli: hi

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: hi

Default avatar.png amloli: i like lolis

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: yes im ok

Default avatar.png Bnjy: Icedragon is my friend

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: yep

MadKnight: okay ban u too

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: i know him

Default avatar.png Bnjy: y

MadKnight: i need more bans

Default avatar.png Bnjy: We are new

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: WHATS GOING ON

Default avatar.png amloli: what why

Default avatar.png DarrenHua: why you do this

Default avatar.png Bnjy: we just joined

jrke: ban yourself then MadKnight ;)

Default avatar.png amloli: man thats mean

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: wait what's mean ban

Default avatar.png amloli: :grimacing:

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: oh banned

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: nvm

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: nvm

Default avatar.png Bnjy: :sob:

MadKnight: BlaiseEbuth stop trolling

Default avatar.png amloli: so like who that

jrke: he is joking, don't worry but don't spam

MadKnight: BlaiseEbuth is clearly a troll

Default avatar.png Bnjy: ok

MadKnight: BlaiseEbuth i'm gonna talk about u being a mod

MadKnight: to the admins

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: i don't need a girlfriend cause i got my cousin broke

Default avatar.png amloli: overflow is good anime

MadKnight: if u do that ever again

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: playing pubG mobile and go slide

Default avatar.png Bnjy: shutup icedragon they dont need to know

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: ok chill

MadKnight: just look at what u've done BlaiseEbuth

Default avatar.png Ur_Lil_Dende: lamo imagine talking about overflow

Default avatar.png amloli: shoujo ramune is also good

MadKnight: 5 people are spamming random stuff

MadKnight: all because of u BlaiseEbuth

Default avatar.png DarrenHua: shoujo ramune is very good anime

Default avatar.png Bnjy: LOL

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: about a week ago

Default avatar.png DarrenHua: and boku no pico

Default avatar.png amloli: i like men

Default avatar.png amloli: :relieved:

Default avatar.png Bnjy: ???

BlaiseEbuth: Do you include yourself in the 5 MadKnight ?

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: we brought some food

Default avatar.png amloli: :heart_eyes:

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: just for you

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: just so i can understand, is this chat to be strictly used for cs help / programming, or is it a general discussion.

Default avatar.png amloli: yEs

Default avatar.png DarrenHua: :penguin:

MadKnight: okay BlaiseEbuth i'm kicking u out with the 5

MadKnight: u are clearly just a troll

Default avatar.png amloli: :kissing_heart:

Default avatar.png Noahgamebro6: yeet

BlaiseEbuth: OK. Enough

Default avatar.png Bnjy: :confused:

Default avatar.png amloli: love you mad knight :kissing_heart:

Default avatar.png DarrenHua: :tired_face:

Default avatar.png Noahgamebro6: lmao gey

Default avatar.png amloli: :kissing_closed_eyes:

BlaiseEbuth: And others stop spamming.

Default avatar.png ThatOneRogueDude: ?

Default avatar.png ThatOneRogueDude: What's up gamers?

Default avatar.png Noahgamebro6: we r doing nothing

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: sup

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: anyone able to answer my question? I assume that this is strictly cs/help then?

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: :stuck_out_tongue:

Default avatar.png Noahgamebro6: drugs is the answer

Default avatar.png Bnjy: noooo

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: :grinning:

Default avatar.png amloli: loli is drug

Default avatar.png Bnjy: Toe pics are drugs

Default avatar.png BeRuN: \

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: we brought some food! just for you


Default avatar.png BeRuN: NIGGA

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: eat

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: drink

Default avatar.png -Adam_T-: d0nutptr, I've seen this mainly be general talk, but people can ask questions for help as well.

Default avatar.png BeRuN: can we get black toe pics

Default avatar.png BeRuN: and drugs

Default avatar.png d0nutptr: thank you adam. i'll come back when less pissy people are in the chat :)

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: you are a gift

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: gfd

Default avatar.png IceDragon18: gzfd

Default avatar.png Deaddrink: darren you cant say that thats racist

Default avatar.png ThatOneRogueDude: hentai is good\

Westicles: d0nutptr, these are the off hours. all drunks and stupid americans

BlaiseEbuth: And russian

Default avatar.png Overanalysis: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee