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jrke: when will spring challenge start any exact time released?

grrlic: 2 am utc

orangesnowfox: *pm

davilla: *2022

KiwiTae: spiralpinata now you know

jacek: in codegolf questions it says the codesize in the ide

Manchi_o6o7: if someone can explain me the mistake here


KiwiTae: is your compiler screaming?

Manchi_o6o7: line 12

davilla: man I've never seen a function signature that whacky

Manchi_o6o7: why

MadKnight: Automaton2000 whyyyy?

davilla: cause I never made it as far in c as you have

Automaton2000: but no idea how to make custom keybinds for the editor's vim modes. i would like

Passifi: so I found a pseudo code to the greedy tower problem and just implemented it but it still seems not to work properly would anyone look at my solution and maybe point out the mistake :) basic test cases work fine but the more involved ones fail


pmor: @Passifi If I had to guess, I would say its due to removing of elements in the for loop.

pmor: erasing messes up the iterator, so you need to do something like it = edges.erase(it);

Passifi: oh I struggled with that before but I thought setting the iterator one back should fix it. it keeps it from crashing at the very least ^^

pmor: yeah...can't do that when you modify the list. it++ and it-- are invalid

pmor: the other way to do it is to avoid the for loop entirely and use std::remove_if

Passifi: hmm i see well maybe I just try doing it without iterators then I tried a number of things but usually that let to segmentation faults

Passifi: meddling with the iterators just seems to lead to headaches ^^

MadKnight: what are u guys discussing ?

MadKnight: Automaton2000 imagine actually reading old chat messages

Automaton2000: but i am not a good way to learn programming

Passifi: My implementation of a piece of pseudo code the paste bin should still be up there. Apparently iterators are my new bane :upside_down:

pmor: If it was me, I would have used std::remove_if. If you want to use the for loop, you will need to change it as well. You will need to remove the it++ from the loop and put it as the else to your if statement

MadKnight: Passifi i feel like c++ is not your thing

MadKnight: i mean not in the way it sounds

pmor: He's trying to remove elements from a vector within a loop

Passifi: I didn't know about remove_if btw so I might give that a try

Passifi: thanks for the input btw

MadKnight: i mean.... if u became a fan of iterators then u should certainly try c# which is like c++ but with more cool stuff like iterators

RoboStac: the return value from erase can also be used (it returns a valid iterator pointing to the next element) but you'd need to change the loop slightly or it'll skip things

MadKnight: i think u are gonna love c# Passifi


jacek: c#sb?

pmor: your forloop should look like that

MadKnight: ignore those trolls Automaton2000

Automaton2000: or i might have to do with it

tibithegreat: for the spring challenge, it says it starts may 6 at 5pm. What timezone is that tho?

GiovanniDe: you're the CSS to my HTML

MadKnight: it's either Paris or EST which is like +0

RoboStac: CG times are always french (CEST at the moment)

tibithegreat: ok, thanks

Passifi: hmm yeah that actually gives the same results ^^ maybe I am still missing something about that pseudo code I have to dig in a little more this problem just cost me all my youth and energy :upside_down: I thought if I just take some pseudo code from the world of academy it had to work ^^

MadKnight: Passifi u gotta try C#

MadKnight: come to the dark side

Passifi: anyways last question for the native speakers here does "remove every incident on either v or u " mean remove all the incidents on v or u or does it mean choice on of them and remove all those incidents ? I wasn't clear about that

Passifi: I use c# for unity :P

MadKnight: it wouldn't be clear in any language

Passifi: but nothing has the regal aura of c++ ;)

RoboStac: yeah, I think your code before is technically undefined but probably would give the correct results due to how vector iterators are implemented

MadKnight: well basically it sounds like - remove all from either v or u

RoboStac: always better to check that it isn't hitting some weird edge case though

MadKnight: Passifi c# is pretty close to c++

MadKnight: Passifi also the iterators go against the c++ aura

jacek: hm?

MadKnight: wait can u repeat the problem Passifi?

MadKnight: i just came and i dunno

Passifi: the actual problem is this


MadKnight: nonono i mean your problem with your code

Passifi: and i implemented it like that


MadKnight: and what's the problem ?

Passifi: the code works ( also fast enough) but the results are of so I was wondering whether I implemented the pseudo code corretly or whether the solution I found just doesn't apply here ^^

Passifi: with this problem every idea I have breaks some other testcase and I am starting to have vietnam flashbacks :pensive:

MadKnight: just gimme the full code


andrefpoliveira: Teh contest starts at 15pm GMT?

andrefpoliveira: The*

andrefpoliveira: 3pm*

MadKnight: Passifi so at which test case is it not doing well ?

Passifi: starts to fail at medium 2 test case 6

tibithegreat: I don't think your greedy works

tibithegreat: from your comment i also see that it's a APROXMATION-vertex-cover

tibithegreat: it probably gives a decent result on large graphs on which computing the actual vertex cover is impossible

tibithegreat: if i remember correctly the vertex cover is a NP problem on general graphs

tibithegreat: but this is not a general graph :)

tibithegreat: 1. All cells are interconnected by corridors. 2. There is no loop between the cells and no self-loop in any cell.

tibithegreat: Hint: those 2 conditions are really important

Passifi: hmmm okay that makes sense I had a hunch this might be the problem since the bad test cases return smaller number then expected. Well its back to the drawing board then but thanks to everyone for the input :)

MadKnight: Passifi i kinda feel like maybe u didn't implement the puzzles rules correctly

tibithegreat: hmm if your result is smaller than there is probably a bug in your code

MadKnight: i can send u some code in DM Passifi

KalamariKing: Send it here

tibithegreat: it should be higher

MadKnight: so i DM'ed u Passifi

KalamariKing: It will turn into a link if its more than 5 lines

MadKnight: more than 4 *

MadKnight: ............

KalamariKing: Yeah that

tibithegreat: because you're algo seems to find a valid vertex cover

Passifi: I seem to have problems with wrapping my head around graph problems in general, this does not feel like a medium puzzle to me ^^

tibithegreat: just not the valid one

tibithegreat: sorry

tibithegreat: the optimal one

MadKnight: u just haven't seen the hard ones Passifi

tibithegreat: i'll give you another hint: those 2 conditions mean the graph is a tree

tibithegreat: and every tree is a bipartite graph

MadKnight: Automaton2000 imagine not knowing what's a bipartite graph

Automaton2000: has been banned by madknight.

MadKnight: so true....

Scarfield: xD

MadKnight: Automaton2000 2017 was soo nice...

Automaton2000: i dont mind either way

KalamariKing: gm everyone

KalamariKing: how's life

MadKnight: hihi

MadKnight: u ready for the contest ?

gigolo: :heart_eyes_cat:

Default avatar.png Cryptonian: f off

Default avatar.png Cryptonian: everyone

KalamariKing: MadKnight not at all

KalamariKing: Cryptonian what was that for?

jacek: oO

MadKnight: KalamariKing good enough

KalamariKing: MadKnight I've hardly done any bot programming and even that I sucked at :/

gigolo: Automaton2000 Cryptonian is ur friend ?

Automaton2000: im trying to get it to work

KalamariKing: You got this

MadKnight: don't worry KalamariKing just join and rek everyone

MadKnight: at least jacek

KalamariKing: lmao watch me get below a newbie

KalamariKing: got a lot of reading to do today :|

MadKnight: what reading ?

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: no lets play code

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: :grimacing:

MadKnight: Automaton2000 how do u play code

Automaton2000: i think i'm going to be very good at it

MadKnight: Automaton2000 pls

Automaton2000: do you know the name

gigolo: Automaton2000 i know

Automaton2000: so i will have to think about it

KalamariKing: Reading as in just reading up on things like genetic algorithms, bot programming, etc

KalamariKing: I know nothing of decision trees and more than likely that's going to be a part of it

MadKnight: KalamariKing just go with if()s

MadKnight: people are managing to reach top gold with just if()s

KalamariKing: Wait really?

MadKnight: ye just ask uljahn

MadKnight: hmmm he's not here

KalamariKing: This'll be my first contest so you might have to explain some things

MadKnight: just play a few of the older contests

KalamariKing: All the ones I've checked are closed... the ones that aren't have another name, right?

KalamariKing: I just forgot that name

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: Does clash of code work for you guys?

KalamariKing: I think it just went down

KalamariKing: My solution is stuck on pending

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: Yeah it just counts down and doesn't load

KalamariKing: Would any of the 13 online mods like to help

jacek: ahh pre-contest crash eh

MadKnight: KalamariKing they're all in here

gigolo: what about a weekly contest with 5 or 4 problems from clash of code :p

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: yes

KalamariKing: Oh that's them?

MadKnight: yep

KalamariKing: Oh thanks

KalamariKing: Which would you suggest, if any

MadKnight: the cooking one maybe?

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: no im ineed Work

MadKnight: if u want some ifs

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: wait

KalamariKing: Wait what

MadKnight: code a la mode

KalamariKing: epic

MadKnight: did u find it ?

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: STOPPP !:rage:

Default avatar.png Philbot: what's going on

jacek: ?

MadKnight: guys don't spam

KalamariKing: Stop what raiz_rizon

Default avatar.png Philbot: why is raiz angry

KalamariKing: idk

Default avatar.png Sirlamb: has clash stopped working

KalamariKing: Yeah

Default avatar.png Sirlamb: :(


KalamariKing: CoC might be back, or at least something happened

KalamariKing: 3 past clashes just ended at the same time

gigolo: :nerd:

_CtrlAltDel_: working

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: working for game :joy:

KalamariKing: raiz_rizon you good?

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: yes im good

KalamariKing: epic

MadKnight: raiz_rizon well and how old are u ?

lastshamp: :poop:

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: im raiz my brother rizon

MadKnight: oh no Automaton2000

KalamariKing: There seems to be an influx of young programmers now that the contest is tomorrow

Automaton2000: do you take into account the fact that i can use my csb starter

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: waittttttttttttttttt

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: not tumormor

KalamariKing: what are you saying raiz_rizon

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: im kiding

MadKnight: raiz_rizon u can get banned if u keep going like that

MadKnight: Automaton2000 is ruthless

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: ok

Automaton2000: it's a game of checkers, on a 8x8 board

KalamariKing: The contest? Or smth else?

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: 8x8 ok

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: yes

MadKnight: KalamariKing he wasn't making a point

KalamariKing: Oh

KalamariKing: Then what is the 8x8 about

MadKnight: dude that's a bot, he generates random messages

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: yes and making game

KalamariKing: I thought so but how

MadKnight: raiz_rizon pls

MadKnight: stop not making sense

KalamariKing: lmao

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: sorry

KalamariKing: raiz_rizon is your mother tongue not English?

MadKnight: Automaton2000 let's start banning people for not making sense for too long

Automaton2000: but it's not like i have the same distance to the center of the map

MadKnight: KalamariKing i'd say he's just young

MadKnight: very

KalamariKing: That was my next question

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: no im Englis

KalamariKing: Bc a translator would spell correctly

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: no

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: im in indo

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: sorry

KalamariKing: bruv

MadKnight: KalamariKing let's just discuss some bots

KalamariKing: sounds better than raiz

KalamariKing: What exactly IS Automaton2000

Automaton2000: but my bot isn't good enough to do that xd

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: my dad is Englis

MadKnight: there's a puzzle on how to create your own Automaton2000

Automaton2000: well i mean the one in the middle of nowhere

KalamariKing: Oh really? I'm checking that out

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: no

MadKnight: noone wanted to know that raiz_rizon

KalamariKing: Does it use a list of messages or chain words together or smth, or is it generated from a nn or smth?

MadKnight: more like a chain

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: im :sweat_smile:

KalamariKing: Huh

KalamariKing: Where are the words from?

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: indo

MadKnight: from like 5 years of chat history

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: no im 7 yers

MadKnight: raiz_rizon cmon, just stop

KalamariKing: I thought he talked a lot like this chat

MadKnight: KalamariKing there's also a russian version on #ru

KalamariKing: raiz_rizon we're no longer discussing your ineptitude

KalamariKing: You speak russian?

MadKnight: ye

MadKnight: ofc i do, i'm from russia

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: im no join guys

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: :rage::rage::rage:

KalamariKing: Oh sick

MadKnight: Automaton2000 let's just ban this raiz_rizon guy

Automaton2000: could the validators in the repo not have been in a convenient format ffs...

KalamariKing: Wait can Automaton2000 ban people?

Automaton2000: because you have a job

MadKnight: would be perfect if he could....

KalamariKing: Wait you're a mod! I never realised that

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: lets play code

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: yes

MadKnight: KalamariKing this chat is overly filled with raiz_rizon's let's go talk in DM

KalamariKing: Ye

MadKnight: can't handle it

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: STOPPPP IM NO JOIN IM :rage:

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: my no name

Default avatar.png raiz_rizon: imin no my name

Uljahn: u good?

Default avatar.png Penguin12463: yum

Whatar: :robot:

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Can someone help me with coders strike back?

Whatar: Automaton2000 help Jorma pls

Automaton2000: oh, that was a bit more

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: I really dont get how to input further than the first checkpoints co-ordinates

Default avatar.png Philbot: raiz is acting crazy

Default avatar.png Philbot: are there no mods in this chat?

Whatar: noone other than Automaton2000

Automaton2000: thats not even me lol

Whatar: true

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 is a bot, he can't ban

Automaton2000: if u are doing it for a puzzle

KalamariKing: Supposedly there are 13 online mods rn

Whatar: Automaton2000 can't ban today, but what about the future?

Automaton2000: i wanted to know if my bot would be a nice feature

KalamariKing: Hopefully, that would be so helpful

Astrobytes: Yeah. Some of us are - you know - working.

KalamariKing: Ok, JormaWuorio what did you need?

Astrobytes: If there is an issue, ping a mod.

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Talking about it with gigolo already thanks! :)

KalamariKing: Yeah but we don't wanna disrupt you, because yk, you're working

Astrobytes: We don't just sit here staring at the chat waiting for things to go wrong.

KalamariKing: Ok gl

Astrobytes: Fine. Well, you're getting no further help from me.

KalamariKing: What oh I was talking to jorma

KalamariKing: We just wanted this raiz_rizon kid to stop spamming

Whatar: anyway guys, are you excited for the new contest?

Astrobytes: You were with Mad Knight...

KalamariKing: This'll be my first, so yeah

Whatar: I am excited too, I got bored during the last one and I did stop at bronze, but I want gold with this one

Whatar: the problem is, every contest the people I know in the real world aren't willing to play with me

Whatar: rip me I guess

KalamariKing: Yeah same lol

Whatar: "escape" is another matter though, I was able to get a couple of friends in a game and we had fun

KalamariKing: Oh lucky

Default avatar.png Philbot: what was the last one like that made it boring

Whatar: well being another time alone in the contest and this time the contest itself was a bit weird

Default avatar.png Philbot: and why was it weird

Whatar: mmh, it's hard for me to express what I didn't like, en is not my primary language, let's say that I prefer the ai that can move and interact with the environment and eachother

Default avatar.png Mo0nke: I have never coded before, I don't even know what my objective is. I'm so confused. I don't even know what half the words mean.

Whatar: just start with the simpler puzzles

Default avatar.png Philbot: the optimal solution wasn't obvious?

Whatar: what do you mean?

KalamariKing: Mo0nke You could (a) find a tutorial online or (b) just throw yourself into onboarding or smth and google stuff

Default avatar.png Philbot: i wonder how many felt the same way as you did

Whatar: AutomatonNN are you here?

MadKnight: AutomatonNN don't tell him

KalamariKing: Wait what happened to your--

KalamariKing: weren't you--

KalamariKing: weren't you mod

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Is it possible to beat the boss without the boost when boost is first accessible?

JLukeSkywalker: for what puzzle Jorma?

JLukeSkywalker: CSB yes

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Yeah csb

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Dont know which one it is but its not far from the beginning

JLukeSkywalker: i think you can get to gold without boosting

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: oh wow

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Im in the wood league

JLukeSkywalker: it def helps tho

JLukeSkywalker: i think i just did an if dist > someVal boost

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: if next_checkpoint_angle > 90 or next_checkpoint_angle < -90:

       thrust = 0

works but if i add next_checkpoint_dist == 600 and to the front of it, it stops working

Default avatar.png Nezinau: you can only boost once, so make sure you add that

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: I kinda would like to save that since its only once a day

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Gotta go brb

KalamariKing: I got some questions, if anyone uses nns for the bot battles

KalamariKing: How exactly do you train it?

struct: offline

KalamariKing: And then you give it the trained network, yeah

KalamariKing: But where does the data come from for training then?


DomiKo: KalamariKing you just create data

Tiramon: for my oware nn i just let play multiple networks agains each other and sometimes seed it with some state it doesn't learn itself

TobiasA: hi

Omar3433: Hi who work with bash ?

Omar3433: i need a help

Tiramon: why don't you just ask your question? then anybody can decide if it is to complex for him to answer or not ...

TobiasA: that never gets old:joy:

B-612: hi

Tiramon: 'who works with bash' could mean anything from how does a if work to how do i write a nn with bash ...

eulerscheZahl: it's (3) again

Tiramon: uuh i like that link ;)

TobiasA: i knew you would show up :joy:

Alshock: hm aint it 2 first?

eulerscheZahl: and i usually ignore those questions as i don't want to get myself into something without knowing what I agree to

Alshock: oh it's 1 sory, I mix them up

Tiramon: it's 1 for sure

eulerscheZahl: yesterday I had a 4. how does pow work in python? oh it's **

B-612: is anybody know how can write regex functions ? (handwrite functions for homework) i couldnt found anycode

Tiramon: yes i do ... stil this doesn't help you anything ;) is a nice site to test your regex anyway

B-612: I need regex functions :'/ how to distruct regex

B-612: how its works union functions

eulerscheZahl: what does "distruct" even mean?

Tiramon: feels like a 2 ...

Tiramon: with translation problems ...

eulerscheZahl: oh, you are close to bingo already

Tiramon: oh ask questions properly bingo ... nice idea ;)

Astrobytes: I must've had a full house so many times I'm too bitter to play anymore

Default avatar.png Philbot: you should play yatzee instead

Default avatar.png Philbot: decide what numbers to keep or reroll

Astrobytes: Hm. Interesting idea

eulerscheZahl: ah, Kniffel

Astrobytes: You should have called your dice game 3D Würfelspiel eulerscheZahl

eulerscheZahl: not many would understand that

eulerscheZahl: and Dice Duel is such a nice alliteration

Marchete: euler in C# there is no way to have a fixed array like in C++, right?

Astrobytes: Fair points

Marchete: without new []

eulerscheZahl: there is stackalloc

eulerscheZahl: not sure what that does behind the scenes

Marchete: stackallow is more for internal var on functions, no?

eulerscheZahl: yes

Marchete: not like for a struct{ byte[16] var;}

Marchete: this is overly complex in C#

eulerscheZahl: no, i don't that that would work with stackalloc

Marchete: ok

eulerscheZahl: also make sure to start your questions to me with "eulerscheZahl how" or "eulerscheZahl why"

Marchete: why

eulerscheZahl: not that AutomatonNN is gone

eulerscheZahl: now*

Adarshk990: how can i get editorial of a particular question?

Astrobytes: lol

Marchete: ahh :D

Marchete: I don't want to be rude

eulerscheZahl: there are no editorials

eulerscheZahl: just other solutions

Marchete: I just "left" the question there

Marchete: without pinging

eulerscheZahl: and post mortems for contests (but not for single player puzzles)

Adarshk990: how can i access other solutions?

eulerscheZahl: have you solved it already?

Adarshk990: not all test cases

RoboStac: check the discussion button as well, there are often hints on the forum

eulerscheZahl: then you can't access it

Adarshk990: okay

eulerscheZahl: and listen to robo

eulerscheZahl: robo also lost the mod badge after the server restart?

Astrobytes: robo was far too quick with that response, I am losing my touch

eulerscheZahl: you have to switch to Dvorak

Astrobytes: Uljahn too

Astrobytes: re. mod badge

eulerscheZahl: i know about toothless and clawless Uljahn

RoboStac: hmm, has it restarted again?

RoboStac: I'm sure I checked and still had it

Astrobytes: Not sure. MK seems to have gained it again and a few others seem to have lost it.

KalamariKing: MadKnight was mod for a bit, idk about now tho

KalamariKing: is Automaton2000 down?

Automaton2000: i hate you so much

eulerscheZahl: sadly no

KalamariKing: wow ok guess not

Alshock: xD Automaton2000 is a hater

Automaton2000: that's why you have to download the json

KalamariKing: Ok normally I would just ask, I've gotten used to that

KalamariKing: But this time I'm asking before I ask because I have a LOT of questions and need to ensure y'all are ready

Astrobytes: We've won the question lottery.

Default avatar.png Philbot: Automaton2000

Automaton2000: it's not an easy task

KalamariKing: So is anyone at least a little bit versed in NNs in cg bot battles, AND have a lot of patience for the onslaught of questions I got lined up

Default avatar.png Philbot: KalamariKing

KalamariKing: How do you train it? Like where does the data come from? I assume its done offline, but then how do you get the data from the game to train the bot?

Uljahn: KalamariKing: i guess you should make your own research for helpful hints on the forum first

KalamariKing: Probably

KalamariKing: I've done a little but

KalamariKing: bit*

Astrobytes: Did you actually read the Nash-DQN CSB article that s truct linked earlier?

KalamariKing: Yeah

Astrobytes: And there are forum resources.

Astrobytes: And there is a chat history.

VizGhar: + If you are not yet familliar with searching algorithms (bsf, dfs, beam, mcts) and optimization ones (GA, SA) don't even think of NNs...

Default avatar.png Philbot: how often are NNs used in contests

VizGhar: From reading post mortems very rarely

Default avatar.png Philbot: figures

VizGhar: correct me if im wrong

VizGhar: Philbot 2

VizGhar: satisfied? :)

Default avatar.png Philbot: doesn't look like the type of site

Astrobytes: Usually the case that they're used more often (and more successfully) in multis. Time limit etc

RoboStac: it's also much easier to have success in turn based board games whereas the contests tend to be a bit more complicated

Tiramon: it takes quite some time to setup an nn and tune it correctly and in the end train it correctly don't think there was a successfull nn in the last contests

VizGhar: but I haven't seen post mortem that mentioned NN (didn't read that much of them to be hones)

RoboStac: the only successful NN in a contest I'm aware of was in bitrunner

VizGhar: Tira... moderator? I've never seen you before :D

Uljahn: there was one NN during LoCaM marathon by Zuko3D

Astrobytes: Yeah, re curse did a good job with his BR, and I remember the locam one too - note, both long contests

Uljahn: exactly

VizGhar: See Philbot ^^ 2 :D

VizGhar: Just don't try it during this contest if you are not familliar with it...

KalamariKing: Yeah ik

KalamariKing: I wanna start with multis

Uljahn: there are two ways to get the data: by playing games offline with your own bots (you'll have to recreate game engine i.e. simulation) or fetch game replays from CG through API

RoboStac: yeah, I guess it depends how you consider succesful - I think there are a few (still probably <10) that got to legend in contests, but didn't really challenge for the top spots

Astrobytes: Yes, true

VizGhar: But I believe, with enough time, NN's should perform exceptionally well right?

Tiramon: only if you set it up right and train it right and don't overfit it .and ... and .. and

RoboStac: the time / space / power constraints make it unlikely they'll take over everything

VizGhar: yeah that overfitting looks like scarriest part

Westicles: It would be interesting to see an overview of all the multis and how different approaches/algorithms tier out

Tiramon: it's not only the algo you use it's also language and performance and so much more

Tiramon: also just knowledge how to tweak the language you are using

VizGhar: I'd like to see some poll for legends only - what algorithm have you used

Tiramon: i could rewrite my java bots in any of the c languages and i'm pretty sure i won't get them perform as good as my java code

Astrobytes: And experience in order to tweak the algo to your benefit, an alphabeta in tric tracs hands for instance is far more formidable than in mine

Westicles: Sure, only a small number of people would be qualified to write it

VizGhar: And how can you learn it all? just trial and error while working on different bots?

Astrobytes: Combined with some research yeah

VizGhar: Not that I'm trying to jump into it right now :) I need to get better in what I already know

VizGhar: the research papers are a little bit scarry too :)

RoboStac: looking at contest postmortems to see what was successful and then trying that approach is a good way (as you know a good implementation of that algorithm will work for that game)

Tiramon: someone said here not long ago ... invest 10k hours into coding and that's not that wrong ... that's about 5 years of work experience ;)

VizGhar: But it's more like my focus

Tiramon: so experiment and try to improve ;)

Astrobytes: Yeah, expanding on robos reply, that way you focus on one algorithm/approach at a time and can focus yourself on it and research thoroughly

Astrobytes: *properly focus on researching it thoroughly

VizGhar: :thumbsup: right thanks... Will see how far will I get during this contest

Astrobytes: For me the immersion technique works, just eat sleep and breathe whatever you're learning until you get a handle on it.

Astrobytes: Your mileage may vary ofc

TobiasA: .

TobiasA: Astrobytes do you use an external ide?

gigolo: is it possible to add validators than the number of test cases

gigolo: *more than

Astrobytes: TobiasA: Yes, Visual Studio

TobiasA: even for contests?

Astrobytes: Especially for contests.

Astrobytes: puzzles I sometimes do in the CG IDE, and tweaking parameters I usually do in the CG IDE

Tiramon: i think i only do some easy puzzles in the on site ide

TobiasA: is it better than using the default ide?

TobiasA: am i the only one that doesn't know how to use an external ide?

Astrobytes: Well, the CG IDE is a lot better than it used to be, but debugging-wise it's a lot easier, and managing large amounts of code is a lot easier

Tiramon: Just use your local ide and write all in one file and use

Tiramon: or use a tool to merge your multi file solution into one file managed by cg local

Tiramon: i wrote myself a tool to merge my multi file java solutions in a way that cg can handle

Astrobytes: Hmm. Shameless self promotion.

 /Ban :P

Tiramon: no just explaining how i write my code locally and source for him to use or get inspired by

Astrobytes: I'm only joking lol

gigolo: :joy:

Default avatar.png JoKing: did you ping me on purpose?

Tiramon: bad name choice ...

Default avatar.png JoKing: seems dumb to autoping without any checks

Tiramon: it just makes a simple no casesensitive string comparison

Tiramon: so yes naming your self like words used in common communication isn't a good idea in this chat ;)

Astrobytes: Tell that to my alt account 'Question'

ZarthaxX: OH mine is Answer

gigolo: lol

ZarthaxX: Astrostion

Astrobytes: AnsthaxX

ZarthaxX: nice one

ZarthaxX: and hellou

Astrobytes: lol hey, how's you

ZarthaxX: fine fine

ZarthaxX: you kind sir?

Astrobytes: Good good. Nothing to report

Astrobytes: I should be updating my CV and preparing for the contest tomorrow but I'm procrastinating.

ZarthaxX: ah true

ZarthaxX: we are about to lose our social life, again

KalamariKing: Bruv I should be doing my classwork but instead I'm struggling with a stupid error I can't fix

ZarthaxX: i prepared my CV couple days ago hehe

Default avatar.png Amirparsab90: can someone help me learn java?

Astrobytes: Nice. Mines is well out of date.

ZarthaxX: in the process of interviews now :eyes:

KiwiTae: Astrobytes you look for a new job?

KiwiTae: ZarthaxX soon gonna take over the world

Astrobytes: Will be soon KiwiTae, Brexit has made my current line of work less than workable.

Tiramon: Amirparsab90 depending on your knowledge maybe try something like this

KalamariKing: Amirparsab90 prob not here, but there are tutorials online

Westicles: Is there consensus on what is best to merge c++ files? I got this to work but don't like going through js


ZarthaxX: KiwiTae gonna conquer this :O

Astrobytes: There's a python bundler somewhere Westicles

Astrobytes: This one:

Astrobytes: Think there's another somewhere too

Westicles: cool, thanks Astrobytes

Astrobytes: np

Tiramon: hm i even stared that on github without remembering it ;)

struct: hi

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Can someone tell me why if next_checkpoint_dist 600: thrust 0 Is not working?

Astrobytes: because you're not comparing anything?

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: ah sorry i meant next_checkpoint_dist < 600


struct: paste the full code here

struct: hi ZarthaxX

ZarthaxX: :*

Astrobytes: You should post all your code, without context it's not possible to help you

RoboStac: you can never get within 600 distance of a cp (they are 600 pixels wide so once you get that close you have already moved onto the next cp

KalamariKing: Jorna the checkpoints are a couple thousand units apart

KalamariKing: Not a couple hundred

Astrobytes: Haha, yes good point robo

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: i know but i dont want my ship to make thrust go to 0 that much before right?

Astrobytes: Try it and see

struct: but as robo said it will never be <600

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: I thought it was measuring the distance to the checkpoint im going for at the moment.. Im confused :D

struct: it is the distance

struct: but the distance can never be <= 600

struct: because the checkpoint has 600 radius

RoboStac: it's the distance to the center of the checkpoint

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: I was trying to make it so it would start to slow down more before than it is with just the angle

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: okay so it should work with like < 1000 right?

Default avatar.png Philbot: does this website help with your CVs?

Default avatar.png Philbot: i see some mentions

Astrobytes: Not that I'm aware of

Default avatar.png Philbot: made a connection when you were talking about CVs and the contest at the same time

Astrobytes: lol, sorry :)

orangesnowfox: It might "help" with your CV, in that something on here can *potentially* look impressive to an employer (with all the asterisks lol)

Astrobytes: oh in that context, yes *possibly*

eulerscheZahl: but I have these

Tiramon: listing 'competetive programming' an a CV looks always good ;)

eulerscheZahl: are you telling me they are worthless? :shocked:

eulerscheZahl: no shocked emoji? :(

orangesnowfox: lol

Astrobytes: :D

eulerscheZahl: and I got 36 upvotes on Dice Duel. That has to mean something, doesn't it?

eulerscheZahl: 37 even. and 1 downvote

DomiKo: yes it does :sunglasses:

struct: more upvotes than any of my contributions :p

orangesnowfox: ... it means I need to do more CotR and get my score down lol

eulerscheZahl: yours get approved too fast

struct: Yes

Westicles: First they need to invent a job where you use any of these weirdo algorithms

struct: I threaten them with a ban

eulerscheZahl: space maze was good for harvesting, took 3 or 4 rounds

struct: usually its enough

struct: Amazons took a while too

Westicles: I'll have that on your desk tomorrow boss, Prim's algorithm should do the trick

Astrobytes: You were busy though

Marchete: "I've solved the world hunger with MCTS"

struct: lets hope the games still have a creator by the end

struct: of the contest

eulerscheZahl: i managed to sneak in some dynamic programming approach

eulerscheZahl: inherited a codebase and an evaluation took about a minute for a simple input. got it below 100ms

Marchete: add a NN, even it does nothing it sounds cool

Marchete: if*

eulerscheZahl: and some colleagues asked me for an easter egg. When you click at the program name in the status bar, it will now change to "Four in a row" and a game field will pop up

Astrobytes: hehe nice

eulerscheZahl: the colleague lost to the computer (and the computer declared victory 10 turns in advance)

eulerscheZahl: resulted in a rage quit

KalamariKing: lmao

Marchete: bah, newbies

DomiKo: nice

eulerscheZahl: not even a strong bot. that's the MCTS i shared as a snippet on

Marchete: a good AI coder lost against every and all his bots

eulerscheZahl: hm, I could submit my bot now that we have a multiplayer game for that

Marchete: Bmi2.X64.ParallelBitExtract Popcnt.X64

Marchete: that damn new .Net core is powerful

DomiKo: euler you could

KalamariKing: euler you can't

Hjax: i was poking at my othello bot yesterday, all of my attempts to improve it make it worse, which makes me feel like im misunderstanding something about mcts

KalamariKing: you musn't

DomiKo: by Smits is already there

Marchete: welcome to the group

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Can someone give me some tips on what i should do to win without boost? I dont mean spoil everything and give me a super code but some tips to nudge me forward from wood league :D

Marchete: everytime I try to fix a bug, my bots become worse

KalamariKing: jorma why without boost?

eulerscheZahl: that connect4 boss is disappointing

Hjax: my othello bot doesnt care about the magnitude of its eval function when doing EPT

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Because it feels like a cheat since its a once in a day thing and i dont want to use it yet

struct: depth 3 minimax

struct: iirc

Hjax: all scores > 0 = 1, all scores < 0 = 0

eulerscheZahl: are you sure?

KalamariKing: JormaWuorio but its an advantage the game gives you. its only cheating if you have it and they dont

struct: maybe depth 2

struct: :p

DomiKo: yeah that bot was really weak

Astrobytes: Take a look at it euler

KalamariKing: euler that's just sad

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: KalamariKing but its an advantage i dont need until eventually

JLukeSkywalker: jorma, one algo that works decently is to boost if greater than a certain distance away, and slow down if within a certain distance

JLukeSkywalker: slowing down close makes it easier to turn to the next target

eulerscheZahl: i lost :/

JLukeSkywalker: later though you want to be at 100% thrust at all times

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Yeah i thought that would work with boost and i actually got through it now when i didnt put thrust to 0

Hjax: lol

Hjax: "I Win!"

Hjax: *timeout*

DomiKo: disrespectful

struct: Yinsh getting popular

JLukeSkywalker: its weekly puzzle, thats y

Astrobytes: how many new players?

DomiKo: free CP in Yinsh?

struct: Its like 20+

Astrobytes: wow, nice

eulerscheZahl: dammit

Astrobytes: afk for a bit

jacek: afraid to win?

eulerscheZahl: Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')

BlaiseEbuth: Hey ther!

jacek: your bot cannot comprehend of winning

eulerscheZahl: oh, i think it's the steal

eulerscheZahl: i didn't implement it

jacek: oh my

BlaiseEbuth: Who's that QrCode? He ate a moderator and now wear his badge! :scream:

struct: Am I still a mod?

DomiKo: yap

DomiKo: ohhh my


jacek: shall i go back to connect4 for real

DomiKo: nahhh not now

DomiKo: there are two real bots that's enough

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Ugh its starting to get frustrating when im not making any progress and i just fiddle with the checkpoint distance and boost amount.. And i didnt even notice any change when i changed thrust to boost

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: if next_checkpoint_dist > 800:

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: This is my code atm

KiwiTae: JormaWuorio -3vel i sthe way

KalamariKing: I used >9000 instead of >800, 1. For the meme 2. Only long runs get boosted

KalamariKing: The checkpoints are thousands of units apart, not hundreds

MadKnight: KalamariKing so when #1 ?

MadKnight: in legend?

KalamariKing: wdym

MadKnight: rank

eulerscheZahl: i'm getting timeouts with 90ms when 100 are allowed. does CG still have these issues or is it me?

MadKnight: what did u not understand KalamariKing

KalamariKing: I think its ping, I get that too when my interwebs get slow euler

MadKnight: i kinda thought the contest was gonna start today

Positive_coder: HI

eulerscheZahl: nonsense, the bot runs on their server

MadKnight: but it's actually tomorrow

MadKnight: like in 24h

KalamariKing: MadKnight irdk im slow

KalamariKing: are you asking me when I'm going to be #1? Probs never

MadKnight: eulerscheZahl u ready for the contest ?

eulerscheZahl: yes

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Yeah but if i say that only use 100 boost when the distance is that much its gonna go slow 90% of the time right?

Default avatar.png Philbot: inaccurate statistics

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Should i make more elifs after the first to modify the speed more or what should i do?

MadKnight: need to prepare some coffee for the contest

Default avatar.png Philbot: distance doesn't equal percentage

Default avatar.png JormaWuorio: Well yeah but even if the checkpoints are far away from each other.. Or near each other.. Dont know why im having so much trouble wrapping my head around this when it seems so simple

MadKnight: Automaton2000 where's your 1L cup to fill it with some strong coffee ?

Automaton2000: now if i could get a higher score

MadKnight: Automaton2000 pls

Automaton2000: unless you need to use all the time

itzluku: haha these python 1liners

MadKnight: itzluku try making a 1liner bot that gets gold in this contesnt

itzluku: what contest

itzluku: im new


eulerscheZahl: previous contest so you know what to expect:

MadKnight: Automaton2000 now i understand what euler feels

Automaton2000: are u in bronze ?

MadKnight: Automaton2000 it's terrible

Automaton2000: i guess i should look at the code and send it to me

MadKnight: itzluku so u code in python ?

MadKnight: it's kinda important for the contesyt

Westicles: MK, why you talk to 15 year olds about winning contests?

Westicles: These kids barely know how to breathe

jacek: :smirk:

MadKnight: well because that's the classic MK-style trolling ?

MadKnight: no way Automaton2000, impossible

Automaton2000: i dont do multi in a day

MadKnight: Automaton2000 i should just quit

Automaton2000: do you mean by that

MadKnight: (for today)

Westicles: I don't think they understand trolling without text written on a picture

MadKnight: Automaton2000 i'm kinda tired and it's just 7pm

Automaton2000: if you really want to go back and forth

Default avatar.png Philbot: are you really a mod?

MadKnight: no

MadKnight: well yes but actually...

Default avatar.png Philbot: were you umoded for spamming?

MadKnight: .... actually yes

MadKnight: dude chill

VizGhar: MK weren't you moderator?

MadKnight: nono i am

jacek: *doubt*

VizGhar: hmm ban me

Default avatar.png Philbot: and how does that work when you spam the chat?

VizGhar: (crossing fingers)

MadKnight: i can kick u

Default avatar.png Philbot: kick yourself

VizGhar: from what distance?

MadKnight: u just need to refresh the page to get back

jacek: oh my

MadKnight: Philbot dude that's actually straightforward bullying cmon dude

Westicles: I am sensing some animosity here

VizGhar: :D allright... btw, haven't seen this much moderators online since 1985

Default avatar.png Philbot: you treaten to kick yet you spam the chat see the issue here?

VizGhar: Chill Phill

MadKnight: Philbot try doing better than "you're dumb!"

Default avatar.png Philbot: i didn't call you any names

Westicles: "All my enemies are self-appointed"

Default avatar.png MYH000: can you speak chinese?:joy:

MadKnight: Philbot is like - "reality can be whatever i want", making false accusations and stuff

Default avatar.png Philbot: is this person really a mod

Default avatar.png Philbot: i find it unbelievable but everything is possible

VizGhar: MYH000 most of us can't but Automaton2000 can... Automaton2000 speak chinese

KalamariKing: MadKnight was mod earlier I was here. We were talking about the mods getting shuffled about just after coc went down

Automaton2000: and i got promoted to wood 2

VizGhar: see? nobody understands him

KalamariKing: MK is very much a mod, struc t and astro were talking about that

MadKnight: lol

MadKnight: i'll just drop this topic

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 are you still mad at me

Automaton2000: and a win vs you

MadKnight: KalamariKing what were they saying ?

Westicles: I was a mod, but had to quit that when I was appointed ombudsman

KalamariKing: MadKnight pretty much just 'mk got mod revoked, persons x and y did too, persons a and b got it back' etc

MadKnight: Automaton2000 imagine not having haters

Automaton2000: yeah, i don't like the idea

KalamariKing: Nothing personal, just that some people got shuffled

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 istg sometimes your responses are great, other times they suck

Automaton2000: yea haha itll be awhile tho im barely 6gb in i had to wait for the enemy

MadKnight: KalamariKing that's actually a different story

KalamariKing: oh was it? It was right after I noticed your mod badge was gone and the coc had just come back, so I assumed

MadKnight: so they were recently reworking the entire mod system

KalamariKing: Ooh fun, but explains it

MadKnight: and they had to re-create the entire mod list

KalamariKing: oh no

KalamariKing: they still have yet to fix it?

MadKnight: well it so happened that i wasn't around at alll at that time

KalamariKing: or is it just that long?

jacek: did they re-create div list as well?

MadKnight: so they kinda forgot to add me to the new system

KalamariKing: oh rip lol

KalamariKing: now you're back here with us normies

MadKnight: nonono they added me later when i came back

MadKnight: well yes

KalamariKing: wait nother is a word

Westicles: All you new guys know you are going to get banned when the contest starts? Everyone gets a little mean and less forgiving

MadKnight: Automaton2000 is also a word

Automaton2000: what happens when i go back to your old code

MadKnight: what's your point?

Default avatar.png retsetera: hey did the event start yet or does it start tomorrow?

eulerscheZahl: tomorrow

MadKnight: tomorrow

Default avatar.png retsetera: k

MadKnight: yea

eulerscheZahl: in 22h

KalamariKing: no but 'nother' is an actual english word, not a name or anything

MadKnight: like in 22-23h

KalamariKing: its an actual valid word

KalamariKing: 'a whole nother story'

Default avatar.png JANOWICZ: k

Default avatar.png retsetera: do we start designing our code now or what

MadKnight: wait it's actually 21-22h this time

Default avatar.png MYH000: I must go to learn my English, or I can't understand your chat!

KalamariKing: retsetera we still don't know the challenge, that's the point of the contest is that you start designing all at the same time

MadKnight: 5pm paris time

eulerscheZahl: you don't know the task yet, starting now would be premature

KalamariKing: MYH000 glhf

eulerscheZahl: 4pm actually

Default avatar.png retsetera: ok

Default avatar.png retsetera: just making sure

KalamariKing: 4pm... utc?

Hjax: theres no leaked replays or anything this time is there

eulerscheZahl: 4pm UTC+2

Astrobytes: No Hjax

Westicles: everything is a word if people say it enough...

MadKnight: hmm isn't paris time like UTC+3 ?

eulerscheZahl: i put my money on a hex board

MadKnight: no wait it's +2 at most

eulerscheZahl: no, Paris is in the same time zone as Germany

Default avatar.png retsetera: when does the event start

jacek: theres video of replay though

eulerscheZahl: and I know which zone I'm in

jacek: paris is in germany? :scream:

KalamariKing: gonna be a nice early 10am start tmr :confetti_ball:

jacek: habits eh

Westicles: hex board is too tough. I predict it will be something unusually accessible to new folks

MadKnight: okay then i'll just believe it's gonna start in 22h

eulerscheZahl: reading comprehension: 2 out of 10 points

Default avatar.png retsetera: 10:00am tommorow?

MadKnight: i forgot words

KalamariKing: retsetera in my time zone, yes

Default avatar.png retsetera: i am in chigaco timezone

Hjax: ah youre east coast too @KalamariKing

MadKnight: couldn't phrase that better because i forgot english

Default avatar.png retsetera: *chicago

KalamariKing: retsetera look up something like '4pm utc+2 to {your timezone here}'

KalamariKing: Hjax indeed ;)

Default avatar.png retsetera: where can i see when it starts

eulerscheZahl: 21h 49min from now on

MadKnight: eulerscheTimer

KalamariKing: retsetera 4pm utc+2

eulerscheZahl: not sure if that time converts to local time

Default avatar.png retsetera: 4pm in chicago timezone?

MadKnight: guys just set up a timer on your phone

eulerscheZahl: says 4pm for me

KalamariKing: wait wtf

KalamariKing: who

KalamariKing: what

KalamariKing: I should have known damnit

Default avatar.png retsetera: wait the website says

Default avatar.png retsetera: for me it starts at 9:00am

KalamariKing: It converts to your time zone, yeah

KalamariKing: So it starts at 9:00am

Default avatar.png xr_ums: Greetings

eulerscheZahl: there have a countdown

[CG]Thibaud: oh I forgot to re-add the countdown

[CG]Thibaud: fixed

Westicles: Ah, it is added now

eulerscheZahl: you removed it when it was > 100 days?

[CG]Thibaud: yes

eulerscheZahl: so you are just 99 days late at putting it back :D

VizGhar: :D :D

Astrobytes: :D

[CG]Thibaud: :grimacing:

Westicles: Oh, that is helpful. I think it was on Christmas Island time before...

DarkLord__28: :grinning:

MadKnight: well euler was right

VizGhar: well you need to make contest every 99 days, so that you don't have to think about it Thibaud :D

eulerscheZahl: already took off the whole time

eulerscheZahl: boss read may 7th to 7th instead of 7th to 17th

eulerscheZahl: and quickly approved

MadKnight: 99 days 23h 59:59:999 ofc VizGhar

MadKnight: or just clamp() tiumer

MadKnight: timer

eulerscheZahl: i like your way of thinking VizGhar

MadKnight: u guys ever tried Swift ?

MadKnight: it has some interesting features

eulerscheZahl: only for the language quest

MadKnight: it's actually not worse than c#

Westicles: Swift has a very nice heredoc but the system calls are a little tricky. I give it a solid B

MadKnight: maybe even better

MadKnight: u don't need system calls on CG Westicles

eulerscheZahl: he does

MadKnight: eulerscheZahl give swift a try

Marchete: lol

eulerscheZahl: i'm here to compete, not to learn new languages

orangesnowfox: MadKnight, write / read from stdio literally does syscalls

Marchete: I gave Dart a try, it was slow af

Marchete: even more than Java

MadKnight: it's about simplifying your code eulerscheZahl

eulerscheZahl: and when I only fight the problem and not the language, i'm more effective

Marchete: then go C# euler

orangesnowfox: yee, hence me using "Kotlin | Rust"

MadKnight: euler is already c# Marchete

Default avatar.png FrederikJuhlAndreasen: c# is trash for code golf

eulerscheZahl: we finally have .net core and release mode

orangesnowfox: I'm comfortable with those lol

Marchete: I know maddy

VizGhar: Marchete really? Dart is so slow? why they use it for flutter then?

eulerscheZahl: of course i'll go with C#

orangesnowfox: VizGhar, because they *made* it for flutter

Marchete: I had timeout problems with the most basic stuff, VizGhar

eulerscheZahl: web technology is almost always slow and inefficient

Marchete: like, seriously?

MadKnight: well and i wanna just give it a shot

orangesnowfox: flutter does have aot, but they probably aren't using it here

Marchete: I mean, at least on CG

Marchete: I won't code a bot outside C#/C++ ever

eulerscheZahl: Rust?

VizGhar: orangesnowfox they made it to replace JS but they failed :) so they added type safety and now null safety

VizGhar: and bended it to use with flutter

Marchete: to hide bots, rust :D

eulerscheZahl: meanwhile i'm learning Blazor for work

eulerscheZahl: they fixed the Rust bot hiding

eulerscheZahl: it's always release mode now, in IDE too

Hjax: more like, made it possible to test rust bots without submitting

Marchete: ahh

Marchete: good good

VizGhar: I'll probably try dart for this contest (if some hardcore search won't be necessary). Just for fun

Marchete: I'd try rust eventually

Marchete: seems interesting

Smelty: hm

Marchete: but having C# with intrinsics...

eulerscheZahl: they are taking big steps towards faster code with C#

Marchete: a lot

Default avatar.png FrederikJuhlAndreasen: c# is really fast

Marchete: right now I had a damn NN inference as fast as C++

Smelty: 21h33m

Marchete: with AVX2 and all bells and whistles

Marchete: have*

eulerscheZahl: *had

eulerscheZahl: it was so fast it ran away

Default avatar.png FrederikJuhlAndreasen: i saw a comparison with cpp where they werent even using optimized c# and compared it with highly optimized cpp and there wasnt much of a difference

Aljaz14: I don't even know what i must do:( i am soo stupid

Westicles: Are there C# jobs? At least with C++ you can always write embedded phone code if you get down on your luck

VizGhar: There are C# jobs here in middleeast europe :D

VizGhar: .NET vs. Java

**eulerscheZahl gets paid for writing in C#

VizGhar: about 30:70

eulerscheZahl: Oracle starts getting crazy with Java licensing

VizGhar: hate Oracle


eulerscheZahl: C# is free (MIT license) Visual Studio costs money but you have a free alternative with VS Code

eulerscheZahl: which i'm using on my personal machine. I'm happy with it

jacek: use kotlin [solved]

Hjax: at least google won the java api lawsuit thingy

VizGhar: kotlin rulez... hey Marchete. have you tried kotlin?

VizGhar: you might like it even more then swift

eulerscheZahl: I tried at Kotlin heroes

eulerscheZahl: they sent my tshirt to Germany and I wasn't home. Now it's back to Russia :cry:

Default avatar.png Jesus-Boy: Am New What Do I do?

VizGhar: :D

Default avatar.png Jesus-Boy: ?

VizGhar: Jesus-Boy that was meant for euler... What do you mean by "What do i do"?

jacek: die and come back in 3 days

eulerscheZahl: you try to solve easy puzzles if you are new to coding

VizGhar: aw... that was dark

eulerscheZahl: if you have some knowledge already, a contest starts tomorrow

VizGhar: I was about to say to grow to be teen

eulerscheZahl: dark? or biblic?

eulerscheZahl: bible related. what's the adjective for that?

struct: any tips for the contest?

VizGhar: I think you said that right

eulerscheZahl: why do you ask us? you know the game

BlaiseEbuth: Submit your code struct.

VizGhar: struct, just win it

struct: it was a secret euler

struct: lol

eulerscheZahl: submitting is an excellent hint :D

eulerscheZahl: no it wasn't. you said you are at 100% CPU for the contest already

eulerscheZahl: > My cpu has been on 100% for the last 12 hours

struct: yes I remember

eulerscheZahl: > I already have my bot ready

struct: It was all said as a joke

Hjax: i think not deleting your account helps? :P

Default avatar.png kaboom34568: hi

struct: But it was true

Zongle: biblical eulerscheZahl

Westicles: scriptural also works

eulerscheZahl: thanks Zongle

struct: Damn my cover is blown :(, my bot is still weak anyways

Westicles: I don't handle the two different colors of blueberries very effectively

eulerscheZahl: sorry struct, i really thought it was public before :(

struct: its fine euler, dont worry lol

struct: Its not like when I submit people would not figure it out

eulerscheZahl: now you have to stay strong and resist the bribe attempts

jacek: maybe struct will promote to class

struct: im not sure if i submit my best version or not early

struct: I dont want to get crushed in a few hours

struct: :(

Hjax: lose to smits in a few hours, read his post-mortem: "i only had 20 minutes on the train to write my submission on my phone, so i was pleasantly surprised that i placed top 5"

Default avatar.png Philbot: what was your part in the contest creation struct?

struct: I just tested the game

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: How cAN i pLAY tHIS gAME?

Astrobytes: Hjax: :rofl:

eulerscheZahl: it's your best chance to take a #1 screenshot

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: Can someone help please

eulerscheZahl: when you see a message like this, you shout HERE

eulerscheZahl: that's how you become a tester

Westicles: "structs bot is still weak" is actually real information, in the bayesian sense

Marchete: how many testers?

struct: 4

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: How do i play this game help pls

struct: this game?

struct: you need to be more specific

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: How do i play it

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: Like How Do I Code

jacek: with keyboard

Positive_coder: hi

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: ??

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: Ik What Should I type

ET_BB-8: depnds

ET_BB-8: depends*

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: Tell me one pls

Default avatar.png DevonGribbin: Hey guys. Hope everyones doing well. Im new here. Kinda stuck on the first coding game - Power of Thor. I get the first 3 test cases to pass however on the final test case I keep going over on the Y axis by 1 point. (the maximum is 17...) Any pointers would be appreciated. I must be missing something.

ET_BB-8: have you watched videos on youtube?

jacek: DevonGribbin there is hints on the left

ET_BB-8: they can help you understand the language you want to learn

ET_BB-8: once you have the basics you can try some of the challenges on here

King_Coda: Haaaaapy biiiiirthdaay tooo meeeee

King_Coda: Haaaaapy biiiiirthdaay tooo meeeee

King_Coda: haaaapy BIRRRTHday King_Codaaaaaa

King_Coda: Haaaaapy biiiiirthdaay tooo meeeee

Positive_coder: happy birthday

TobiasA: happy brithday to you

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: Help Please I SUCK At The Game Please Telll me ONE Code That's Good IDON'TUnderstand This Game

King_Coda: I'm 16 pog

TobiasA: i thought you were 16 before

King_Coda: well not technically

TobiasA: you are supposed to be 17 now

Positive_coder: imagine make another account because u got block form the World

King_Coda: but I am now

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: Help

King_Coda: lol imagine

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: Please Idk What To Doooo

King_Coda: Jesus-Boy What is the problem?

ET_BB-8: i sent you dm

Positive_coder: i did

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: How

King_Coda: ?

Positive_coder: dont ask

Default avatar.png Jesus-B: me?

King_Coda: WHat?

King_Coda: I'm so confused

Positive_coder: King coda do u know kawaii2007

King_Coda: Yes I do Positive_coder

ET_BB-8: yes top right of screen you should see my name

Positive_coder: thats me

King_Coda: OHH


King_Coda: HOW??

Positive_coder: idk

struct: Chill with the caps

King_Coda: Well don't tell anyone

Positive_coder: When i logged on it sayed I was banned form the world

King_Coda: ...

King_Coda: "don't tell anyone

King_Coda: "

Positive_coder: ok

King_Coda: you should've dm'd me

King_Coda: but whatever

Positive_coder: oof

Default avatar.png Philbot: hate to be that guy but check Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 35 jesus-boy

Default avatar.png Philbot: i thought chat was dead it then scrolled few pages i'm terribly sorry

King_Coda: ?

King_Coda: kk

jrke: oh so timer is here

jrke: but this time just a day before

KalamariKing: Chat is made up of entirely mods, plus me and jr-ke

Westicles: Philbot, that was my choice in Sunday school when they said to memorize a verse

eulerscheZahl: don't get paranoid

eulerscheZahl: mods are shown at the top. do you see the tiny scroll bar? lots of users online

eulerscheZahl: last time when the contest started there were so many that the chat just crashed my browser

Esdeathmylove: wtf

jrke: mods get all online players sorted alphabetically

eulerscheZahl: yes, that makes tab completion for nicknames a mess :(

Westicles: Well, now thousands of people know your DOB kalamari. Might as well give out the factors of your social security number as well

Westicles: oops *king

BlaiseEbuth: "And behold a pale horse, and he that sat upon him, his name was Death, and hell followed him."

King_Coda: sorry Westicles

BlaiseEbuth: King_Coda

King_Coda: LOL

KalamariKing: Westicles what

King_Coda: I don't know my social security number

Westicles: oh whoops, king is ambiguous

King_Coda: I can ask my mom though

Westicles: that's okay, I'll ask her

King_Coda: want her number?

Westicles: Er... are mom jokes still a thing?

King_Coda: Yes

KalamariKing: Westicles do you want her phone number or the number when she steps on the scale? They're both pretty long...

Hjax: he just needs her zip code, thats all it takes to find her

KalamariKing: Oh King_Coda its your birthday! I didn't see that until I read the backlog

King_Coda: My mom weighs 100 pounds...

King_Coda: she's very thin...

King_Coda: And yes it's my birthday

Default avatar.png r123456789: hi, any websites to learn JS?

KalamariKing: 100 pounds... ...more than a 737

King_Coda: ...okay? lol

eulerscheZahl: or 2.7315952362972E+28 u which is a pretty big number

KalamariKing: r123456789 literally plenty. google it

King_Coda: eulerscheZahl, i had no idea you were #2 on the site until yesterday

eulerscheZahl: well, royale took over again

eulerscheZahl: i saw too inactive recently

eulerscheZahl: was*

KalamariKing: I guess you could call it a...

KalamariKing: #1 victory royale

Astrobytes: ha ha h...

Hjax: i envy the top peoples dedication

KalamariKing: yeah lol

King_Coda: Astrobytes!

Astrobytes: King_Coda!

eulerscheZahl: at some point i decided that uploading my own nonsense is more fun than playing other's games

KalamariKing: coda how come I don't get sucha hello

King_Coda: because KalamariKing, you're not Astro

King_Coda: Anyways Astro, I would like that badge now

Astrobytes: *medal

King_Coda: *medal, yes

eulerscheZahl: which medal?

King_Coda: Where's my birthday medal?

Astrobytes: I didn't say anything about you getting one.

Default avatar.png imatuber: hi

Astrobytes: I just asked if you wanted one.

KalamariKing: Hello imatuber!

Default avatar.png imatuber: i am a new coder

King_Coda: WHAt?

Default avatar.png imatuber: yes

King_Coda: Hi a new coder, I'm dad

King_Coda: but Astro!

Default avatar.png imatuber: hahahaha

King_Coda: It's my birthday :disappointed:

eulerscheZahl: congrats for surviing another year and not getting killed by a car or the pandemic King_Coda

King_Coda: I want my medal! :angry:

KalamariKing: are those the only two causes of death

King_Coda: :rofl: thanks Zahl

Astrobytes: There's not much else to celebrate. And soon birthdays will become irrelevant to you, so make the most of it now.

King_Coda: *gasp* I'm gonna get a job!

King_Coda: M O N E Y

King_Coda: :money_mouth:

eulerscheZahl: i would forget my own birthday if my mom wouldn't remember me

KalamariKing: astro thats rather depressing, why not be h a p p y

Hjax: why make money when you can spend 100 hours earning a tshirt?

Astrobytes: I usually do forget until the day comes.

King_Coda: YES

King_Coda: t-shirt

eulerscheZahl: 100 hours? I can get one in 70h :muscle:

KalamariKing: t-long

KalamariKing: King_Coda pfp change?

King_Coda: Zahl: :nerd:

Default avatar.png Philbot: get a job with paid leave hjax

King_Coda: KalamariKing: Yeah, this is my real face

KalamariKing: i see

King_Coda: probably only temporary though, that K is my trademark

KalamariKing: what k

King_Coda: The K onmy old pfp

King_Coda: I'll probably get my job after june 16th, since thats when school ends

King_Coda: doing school and work sooounds like a chore i'm not ready for yet

Hjax: value your free time while you can

Hjax: it doesnt get better as you get older

KalamariKing: oh it's very much a chore

King_Coda: YEah, you dont need to tell me twice

KalamariKing: you're telling me this is the best time of my life

Hjax: college was the best imo, your mileage may vary

KalamariKing: ok good

KalamariKing: this sucks

King_Coda: LOL

Hjax: in college you only have a couple hours of class per day

KalamariKing: and you can choose your schedule, to a degree

Hjax: so if you are efficient at getting your work done, you end up with a ton of free time

King_Coda: Well I do online school, and i can get all of my assignments done in an hour

DomiKo: "Hjax 07:54PM in college you only have a couple hours of class per day " where tell me

Hjax: lol what do you mean DomiKo

DomiKo: I have no life in college :cry:

struct: DomiKo Portugal

Hjax: in my undergrad on a given day i probably only spent 3 or 4 hours in lectures

struct: I have like 4-6 hours max

ZarthaxX: then you got like 1000 hours extra on your own

ZarthaxX: :D

DomiKo: I have like 2hours lectures, butttt I have to spend like 5H on assigments

ZarthaxX: that's the real pain

ZarthaxX: ;(

Hjax: ouch, yeah there were definitely times where i was flooded with tons of assignments

Hjax: those weeks were painful

Hjax: also hey ZarthaxX

ZarthaxX: heyo Hjax

King_Coda: Hello ZarthaxX

ZarthaxX: you havent been here very much recently :thinking:

Hjax: i like that your profile picture is a different fox with a hat now

ZarthaxX: much*

ZarthaxX: hi King_Coda ;:*

ZarthaxX: Hjax yes, scarfield did it

ZarthaxX: looks adorable

Hjax: yeah i kind of ghosted during the last contest, and havent been around since

ZarthaxX: but was a bear before that tho lol

ZarthaxX: life is hard

ZarthaxX: many things to do

ZarthaxX: but we all come back for that contest meeting

ZarthaxX: :D

DomiKo: omg there is a counter!!!

DomiKo: 20H wow

DomiKo: can't wait

ZarthaxX: for no lifing?

ZarthaxX: :D

DomiKo: ohhh yes

eulerscheZahl: Thibaud forgot to put it back when the counter reached the double-digits

eulerscheZahl: it doesn't support 100+ days

ZarthaxX: oh :(

DomiKo: so there should be a contest in every 99 days

DomiKo: problem solved

Illedan: ^

Astrobytes: That's 2 mentioned that one now

Astrobytes: Petition incoming

eulerscheZahl: exactly what VizGhar suggested earlier :D

Hjax: i love how lively the chat is around contests, everyone coming out of the woodwork lol

DomiKo: O.o

Astrobytes: Missing a certain mullet

ZarthaxX: i think it has been a bit more active than usual anyway

jrke: rocky mullet astrobytes?

Astrobytes: 'Active' yes...

Hjax: wheres smits been? i dont think ive seen him since i came back

Astrobytes: There is no other jrke :)

eulerscheZahl: smits is just busy

Astrobytes: ^

jrke: busy in teaching/

eulerscheZahl: i'm not, just lazy

King_Coda: oh yeah, he's the teacher guy

Astrobytes: With his multithreaded meta MCTS

Astrobytes: Not teaching

Astrobytes: :P

ZarthaxX: lol

jrke: ohh

Astrobytes: I jest.

eulerscheZahl: beta testing about to end, release to a few hundred users in 2 weeks

eulerscheZahl: and i'm taking off for the contest :rofl:

eulerscheZahl: i'm the only programmer on that project

Astrobytes: Nicely done :D

Astrobytes: Hahahaha seriously?

King_Coda: I'm probably going to spend the rest of the day today learning as much C# as I can

Astrobytes: You're confident then I take it

eulerscheZahl: passed the code to someone else last Friday :D

jrke: euler did you tested SC2021

Hjax: i see the duck on the signups

Astrobytes: Classic euler

eulerscheZahl: no jrke

eulerscheZahl: getting my priorities straight

jrke: btw this time they added codingame before spring challenge

jrke: so its now CSC21

eulerscheZahl: honestly, I wouldn't hire myself

Astrobytes: :rofl:

jrke: :stuck_out_tongue:

struct: How many bugs will it have that I didnt spot?

Hjax: id hire you, just need to structure your assignments as codingame contests

Astrobytes: Are we placing bets struct?

Hjax: imagine the productivity

Astrobytes: lmao

struct: How long will my bot last on 1st place?

jrke: bugs you will get to know that under 24 hours

eulerscheZahl: 12h struct

struct: My current submit is first

eulerscheZahl: until Friday morning

struct: I have a bot that beats it with 95%+ win rate over 1000 games

struct: My current submit is also undefeated

jrke: how many testers are there struct?

struct: 4

jrke: oh

eulerscheZahl: the one-eyed is the king among the blind (German saying, does that exist in English too?)

Default avatar.png Philbot: what is the game about?

jrke: so those 4 are gonna be first to make bronze

struct: I would be happy if my bot lasts 12 hours tbh

Astrobytes: Yes "in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king" euler

jrke: euler in hindi thats "andho me kanna raja"

Astrobytes: I like the Hindi version best :)

jrke: :grimacing:

eulerscheZahl: in Hindi I only know swear words

jrke: which one

eulerscheZahl: watched too much Kitboga

Astrobytes: the scam baiter guy?

IvesL: are there any ways to check locked certificate requirement

ableflyer: guys what is this thing that astrobytes have next to his account name

Hjax: hes a Moderator

IvesL: hes a mod

ableflyer: oh ok

King_Coda: mod

King_Coda: dom

ableflyer: thanks

King_Coda: moddom

IvesL: hover over it

King_Coda: He's also my adopted father, although he refuses to accept it

King_Coda: AND he owes me a birthday medal

jrke: gn everybody cya on contest eve

Hjax: gn jrke

Astrobytes: gn jrke

KalamariKing: gn jrke

King_Coda: gn jrke

eulerscheZahl: oh, chat continued I thought my mention of kitboga killed the chat

KalamariKing: oh hello again hypnotoad

KalamariKing: if we registered for the contest, shouldn't our school show up? or does the school itself have to sign up?

eulerscheZahl: only if 5 users are from there

KalamariKing: oh rip

KalamariKing: 4

eulerscheZahl: that school leaderboard is more like a popularity vote, who can mobilize the most players

eulerscheZahl: aCat usually wins

KalamariKing: oh interesting

aCat: this cat is innocent

eulerscheZahl: giving bonus points for high contest rankings

KalamariKing: im the only one from my school active here. 3 others are registered on codingame, but they haven't done anything in a while

aCat: eulerscheZahl this is not true

eulerscheZahl: but it was

aCat: some french schools have more players

KalamariKing: but was it?

aCat: now we have really a good team

KalamariKing: oh lmao you pinged aCat

eulerscheZahl: but you are a university tutor

eulerscheZahl: more skilled players that you can put on CG

aCat: but I can;t win alone

aCat: BTW I'm too weak ;]

aCat: I can just 'suggest' some students

KalamariKing: What do you think: should I continue grinding quests and keep dropping my rank OR should I grind out practices and get frustrated OR should I read up on potentially anything for tomorrow and get bored

eulerscheZahl: suggest them to play or fail your class

aCat: BTW this semester points goes only for basic AI classes

aCat: I will be REALLY surpised if anyone from this group will be in out r representation

aCat: all the others will be hobbyists

eulerscheZahl: but you worked hard in previous semesters. some students are still playing even after passing your class

aCat: yep ;D

aCat: can't deny that

KalamariKing: no answer, falling back to coc's

aCat: :proud_cat:

DomiKo: don't only top 5 counts in the ranking?

KalamariKing: right off the bad w:l 0:1

eulerscheZahl: gabbek is not one of yours, is he?

eulerscheZahl: yes, top5 only

aCat: nope ;]

DomiKo: gabbek is from my city :D

aCat: but we get him to our slcak ;p

eulerscheZahl: i did some pair programming with him on coders of the realm

aCat: Oh of course - Dominik always on CG ;p

Astrobytes: Keep an eye out for Olaf in this contest

XeroOl: hello world

Hjax: i was just talking to gabbek, hes apparently messing around with connect 4 currently

DomiKo: yes he is

KalamariKing: jesus christ this is the 7th 'shortest' in a row, no exaggeration. is there something wrong?

Gabbek: Hello everyone! :)

XeroOl: how Important is it that I'm here right when the contest starts?

eulerscheZahl: hi

aCat: oh

aCat: pinged ;p

Astrobytes: Right on time :)

KalamariKing: Hello Gabbek

XeroOl: is it okay to start working a couple days late?

KalamariKing: Working on what

XeroOl: on the contest

KalamariKing: Contest? Yeah, its 11 days long

Hjax: you have over a week, so yeah losing a couple days isnt the end of the world

aCat: means 20 days too short ;p

eulerscheZahl: 3 days too long

eulerscheZahl: i was good at ghost in the cell which was shorter

Default avatar.png ShubhamGautam:

Gabbek: I'm a bit quite, as always - sorry. Working a bit on optimization and trying to get to gold in all official games. How's going? :)

Default avatar.png ShubhamGautam: whoever want to come

KalamariKing: ShubhamGautam #clsah

DomiKo: eulerscheZahl school leaderboard is so much more fun. If you do a contest with your friends, because you can have to fight to be in top5 in school

Default avatar.png ShubhamGautam:

KalamariKing: lmao

KalamariKing: #clash

eulerscheZahl: maybe i'm biased because i don't know any codingamer in real life

eulerscheZahl: so i don't care about these filtered leaderboards

jacek: :no_mouth:

Hjax: me either, ive tried to convince some friends to play but they never really stick around

Gabbek: same here Hjax, no luck in that regard :D

Astrobytes: Same. In fact, they never sign up.

eulerscheZahl: a colleague of mine

eulerscheZahl: that's the best I could do to motivate someone

Gabbek: Happened the same with codingame escape when I've tried to convience some :(

XeroOl: I've gotten people to play clash of code, but not the rest of the site

eulerscheZahl: on CG escape I was the one who left the team early

Zenoscave: I force other students to join

Default avatar.png ShubhamGautam:

eulerscheZahl: to my excuse: it was already 9pm

Zenoscave: :devil:

Hjax: i managed to motivate someone a bit more

eulerscheZahl: no ShubhamGautam

eulerscheZahl: share it on #clash

XeroOl: the trick is to just follow an arbitrary set of people

DomiKo: yeah in Uni it's much easier to convince someone o CG

eulerscheZahl: Uni is where someone told me about CG

XeroOl: one of my friends is now semi-competent at golfing with lua

Gabbek: DomiKo did I read your message right? You're from Czestochowa as well?

XeroOl: which is terrifying

aCat: especially if you have points to give :P

Gabbek: (scrolling back a bit to read some previous messages)

DomiKo: Gabbek yes yes

Gabbek: Haha, this world is so small :D

Astrobytes: Only 2 I know from elsewhere:

eulerscheZahl: the most represented city at the top of CG is probably Budapest

DomiKo: aCat especially :joy:

eulerscheZahl: aCat is small?

DomiKo: lol

Astrobytes: LOL I read it like that too euler

aCat: :joy_cat:

Zenoscave: astro are they into biomedical engineering and nano bots as well??

Astrobytes: No.

Zenoscave: I crack myself up

Astrobytes: One's a CS grad training to be a nurse, the other is a computational science research doctor thing

jacek: no bioengineers? :(

Zenoscave: So no nanobots?

Astrobytes: None whatsoever.

Zenoscave: Booooooo

Zenoscave: Any penguins?

eulerscheZahl: nanobots will run out of IP addresses, not that cool anyways

Astrobytes: Sorry :shrug:

Default avatar.png imatuber: sorry recess

Default avatar.png imatuber: i am at school

Hjax: beware of the ipv6 enabled nanobots


Zenoscave: what is the address space of ipv6 again?

XeroOl: 5

Default avatar.png imatuber: 55

Astrobytes: lol

Default avatar.png imatuber: lol

Hjax: theres always a relevant xkcd isnt there

XeroOl: it's actually more than 5

Hjax: always

XeroOl: there's a lot of ipv6

Astrobytes: HJax: *if* you can find it


Gabbek: okey, registered for contest tomorrow - nearly forgot about it... whoopsie

Astrobytes: Yeah it doesn't always find it though Zeno

Gabbek: Btw Astrobytes - slowly making a bit of progress in MCTS :) decided to try it a bit with connect4 as it's easier. Discovering a lot of things I've been doing wrong for the last few weeks when trying to learn it, so it's going quite nicely!

Zenoscave: fair but it found the nanobots first try for me

Gabbek: I'm curious - eulerscheZahl - did you get your t-shirt finally?

Default avatar.png ShubhamGautam:

Default avatar.png ShubhamGautam: join here

Default avatar.png ShubhamGautam: livestream game

BlaiseEbuth: -> #clash

Default avatar.png ShubhamGautam: #clash

Zenoscave: ShubhamGautam quit posting here

Zenoscave: post in #Clash

Astrobytes: Excellent Gabbek, that's great to hear! Practice really makes perfect with MCTS, and learning the optimisations along the way of course ;)

Hjax: until you try ept and your head explodes

Gabbek: speaking of optimisations - decided to try a very simple connect4 implementation, just to see how it goes, and yesterday it was around 15-20k rollouts in first turn, now it's 220k... mostly thanks to Hjax and the conversation :D

Gabbek: such a crazy differents, I was quite shocked... still am tbh!

Hjax: optimization yay!

davilla: how did you get 10x out of it?

Astrobytes: Haha that's awesome. That's what I'm talking about!

VizGhar: Gabbek what is Hjax?

Hjax: i am Hjax

Astrobytes: Hjax: tell him

DomiKo: davilla you can get even more!

VizGhar: :D :D well sorry

Astrobytes: hehehe

XeroOl: hjax is a person in the chat

Hjax: the secret is to not allocate new memory.... ever, especially not with a garbage collected language

VizGhar: I though you are talking about some secret algo :D

XeroOl: lmao

Hjax: reduce reuse recycle...... or something

davilla: oh you have a pool of objects

jacek: hjaxmax?

Gabbek: davilla - the most gains were thanks due to getting rid of memory allocation with new; I'm sure DomiKo and others can do much better though :D

Astrobytes: Yeah, keep nodes as light as possible, make a fkload of them, reuse the pool if necessary, reuse the tree

XeroOl: the trick is to use -O2

XeroOl: :)

jacek: -Ofast

Astrobytes: Ofast

jacek: but in C#? :thinking:

XeroOl: does codingame use -Ofast?

VizGhar: Where is that forum post with pragmas?

Astrobytes: No

RoboStac: jacek - I've been retraining my oware after the discussion yesterday, turns out your method might be 'slightly' better

XeroOl: Does that make it better to write your program in bash, and then just call gcc?

XeroOl: if you can get compile time to <1 second?

Default avatar.png imatuber: iii

Default avatar.png imatuber: i

Default avatar.png imatuber: i

Gabbek: maybe one day I'll try to do something in c/c++, but... that's like in 2 years I guess :D

VizGhar: C is easy :) try OCaml... My head is exploding every time I try it here

Astrobytes: Hm, you'd be surprised how fast you can make something workable moving from C#->C++

XeroOl: I wish this website had support for exotic languages

XeroOl: I would be competing in zig lmao

Astrobytes: OCaml is cruel and unusual punishment

XeroOl: out of all the languages I've done puzzles for so far, I've had the most trouble with OCaml

Gabbek: Astrobytes - can imagine, especially when optimizating stuff it pretty much looks like C++ anyway ^^ lots of primitives

jacek: RoboStac my method? the inputs?

RoboStac: yeah

XeroOl: does codingame use -march?

XeroOl: I have a lot of __builtin_popcount() in one of the bots I'm writing right now

jacek: :scream:

XeroOl: and I wonder if I'm shooting myself in the foot with this

JLukeSkywalker: the walrus operator has arrived!!

Astrobytes: #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast","unroll-loops","omit-frame-pointer","inline")

  1. pragma GCC option("arch=native","tune=native")
  2. pragma GCC target("avx2","popcnt","rdrnd","bmi2")

XeroOl: genius

RoboStac: without changing anything else it's learnt to be better after about 50k training games - previous bot took at least 10x that to get to a worse level

davilla: walrus operator in which language?

XeroOl: python

Astrobytes: That kind of thing is what you need. Add and remove whatever you need/don't need.

JLukeSkywalker: python

davilla: oh we're on 3.9 now? sweet!

JLukeSkywalker: pretty much only affects code golf

JLukeSkywalker: but still cool

jacek: RoboStac and the same number of units/layers?

Astrobytes: Walrus? The := operator?

JLukeSkywalker: yeah, assign and reurn

JLukeSkywalker: return*

RoboStac: no, copied your 1 layer as well

RoboStac: though I did try my inputs + 1 layer and that was terrible

XeroOl: thank you for the #pragma trick

XeroOl: you've saved my bot career lol

Astrobytes: No problem XeroOl

jacek: noice. finally a worthy opponent on oware

Astrobytes: :expressionless:

RoboStac: so it's now 32*14 inputs of 0/1 into a single dense layer (size 96) into 6 policy / 1 value output

XeroOl: are there any good tutorials for MCTS, or should I just go off of all of these academic papers I've found lol

Astrobytes: Very nice improvement robo

VizGhar: geeksforgeeks


Astrobytes: And euler's connect4 code (in his profile)

Gabbek: ^-- damn, you were much faster Astro :D

jacek: oO

Astrobytes: :grin: For once!

VizGhar: Why is that sqrt(log/visits) so important?

VizGhar: It's funny. because I've found most of those algos myself, but without those bulgarian variables

VizGhar: Simulated Annealing is another one with crazy formula

DomiKo: crazy?

VizGhar: well not intuitive one

VizGhar: You are talking to just a little more then a begginer here domiko

Astrobytes: Search for Upper Confidence Bound 1

Uljahn: and multiarmed bandits

Astrobytes: And take it from there

eulerscheZahl: I refuse to try and understand that formula Astrobytes

Astrobytes: Stats are stats

VizGhar: but guys. you are my google :D

eulerscheZahl: I already did :see_no_evil: when it came to electrons moving in transistors

eulerscheZahl: btw is robo's new NN really that much stronger? or does smits need to update his book? :D

jacek: VizGhar so give us your private data

VizGhar: You'd be disgusted jacek

Astrobytes: I'm fairly sure he wouldn't.

jacek: he has 100% winrate against msmits

Astrobytes: I'm not sure even Smits will come back against it

Astrobytes: *effectively

jacek: he really needs to finish that 48 seeds endgame

Astrobytes: heh

eulerscheZahl: :D

Default avatar.png Philbot: what is the topic


jacek: and it was I who created that monster :(

Default avatar.png Philbot: #1 uses your idea jacek?

jacek: somewhat

Default avatar.png Philbot: i remember your article

Default avatar.png Philbot: and i still wonder why it has all those extras instead of just NN

jacek: extras?

Astrobytes: jacekmax

Default avatar.png Philbot: the NN could give the values for the moves without having to expand, simulate and backpropagate

Default avatar.png Philbot: best first minimax mcts NN god knows what else

KalamariKing: why would you use f#

Default avatar.png Philbot:

jacek: NN gives value, but it needs input for that value. how would it get the input without expansion and making moves?

KalamariKing: wdym

Default avatar.png Philbot: train a NN that gives values based on current board

KalamariKing: wouldn't the inputs be the current board?

Default avatar.png Philbot: kalamari i'm impressed

KalamariKing: huh

KalamariKing: as dumb as I can be, I've coded a few nn's

KalamariKing: one of which was for messing around in OpenAI gym

Default avatar.png Philbot: now i am even more impressed

jacek: :+1:

KalamariKing: What'd you think before?

KalamariKing: I actually wanna know

Default avatar.png Philbot: don't take it the wrong way jacek

Default avatar.png Philbot: i find the extra bits useless

jacek: oh

KalamariKing: clojure syntax is gross

jacek: :head_bandage:

KalamariKing: wait why does ctrl+/ add two semicolons when the premade code only has 1

KalamariKing: (in clojure)

Illedan: RoboStac changed to one hot encoding too?

Illedan: (Oware)

Marchete: do you think so?

jacek: yes. scroll up

Marchete: ow +1.5 points over 2nd

jacek: :rage:

Marchete: I don't have enough scroll to see it

Marchete: so one hot goes better?

Illedan: Yeah

jacek: apparently. robo said after training 10x less games it was better

Marchete: it was probably not your fault, just a coincidence :D

Illedan: Oh, he needed 500k games for his normal NN to be ok -.-

Illedan: Makes sense

Marchete: sharing is caring

Illedan: I did max 50k games on any of the AIs I tried yet

Marchete: how's your NN going Ille?

Illedan: My newest NN finds as P1 that it basically lost instantly :sob: (evaluating the initial state to be -0.9577)

RoboStac: 50k would probably be top10 below smits

RoboStac: previously

Illedan: Thx for that

Marchete: nice bot Robo

jacek: nice robot Bo

Illedan: Maybe I should just play 1000 random games vs Robos bot and do supervised learning on those :thinking:

Marchete: it could be

Marchete: but it would take years

Illedan: Isn't this game small enough to do some decent Book?

KalamariKing: SHOULD I: - Complete onboarding in every language - Do something sane

Astrobytes: Illedan: Enter MSmits and the neverending seed database

KalamariKing: I've already gotten down to kotlin

XeroOl: onboarding in every language is cheating imo

XeroOl: but you can do it if you want

KalamariKing: hey why is it cheating

KalamariKing: I wanna see if there are any 'better' languages imo

XeroOl: what do you mean by 'better'?

Illedan: Meh, I'll say Oware is done for now. Time to prepare my setu for the Contest

Illedan: *setup

KalamariKing: idk, I just like it better

KalamariKing: I wouldn't know I like c++ if I hadn't

KalamariKing: Relatively similar to languages I know, plus its low level

XeroOl: sure I guess

Astrobytes: And you could tell that from Onboarding

jacek: how can you know that in onboarding

jacek: :x

Astrobytes: Hah. Finally

KalamariKing: I know cpp is low level

XeroOl: onboarding is just about learning syntax lol

Hjax: what kind of preparation do you do Illedan

KalamariKing: I just didn;t know what the syntax was like

Marchete: what kind of setup?

KalamariKing: Now I do and I like it

XeroOl: from onboarding, you can already tell that lua is a perfect programming language

Marchete: btw the .net C# looks good

Astrobytes: He massages himself in a Norwegian way, jumps in freezing lakes and stuff Hjax

Marchete: really good performance

KalamariKing: astro ...what

Illedan: How many chars is it Marchete?

Marchete: chars?

Illedan: Looked big to use in a CG bot?

KalamariKing: there's a char limit Marchete

Marchete: I just ported my NN to C#, I got the same performance than C++

Astrobytes: I think it says that in the readme Illedan

Marchete: including ABX2

Marchete: AVX2

Marchete: and the Span<> memory stackwhatever

Illedan: Cool

Marchete: seem performance oriented

Illedan: Might give it a look :)

Illedan: Maybe this is my setup

XeroOl: hold up I just realized

XeroOl: is it possible to do shortest in bash

XeroOl: with curl <url> | sh

Default avatar.png Philbot: :)

MSmits: Illedan oware is indeed small enough to do a decent book, but it will only be a winning advantage if you counterbook specific players. Just like with any other game except maybe yavalath

Astrobytes: No but you're onto something

Hjax: MSmits is alive!

MSmits: yep

Astrobytes: A wild Smits appears!

MSmits: just finishing some workstuff so i am done before contest

jacek: MSmits now do meta against robo

MSmits: it's easy to do, done it several times before, but i lost interest in winning that way

Hjax: have people tried to counter getting booked with non determinism?

jacek: hypogonadism?

Astrobytes: Ah yes, remembering why

MSmits: hjax yes and it does work

MSmits: but not perfectly

MSmits: jacek is usually quite random and it takes a long time to counterbook him, but in the end it's still only a few 100 moves stored to get above 50% WR, and thats with a bookspace of 200k moves or so

Hjax: i see

Astrobytes: Don't book reBless is the best advice

MSmits: not to say this is an i-win button. You cant even create a good book without a good bot

MSmits: or use it

MSmits: because your bot still needs to finish the game when the book ends

c_shxrp: when will we get details on the bot?

jacek: Astrobytes actually thats a good meta. book reBless, reBless rage quits, easier to get to top

Marchete: reBless :rofl:

c_shxrp: for the tournament

MSmits: you mean the game c_shxrp

jacek: c_shxrp contest? tomorrow

MSmits: for now we just have a picture

c_shxrp: oh ok, ty

Marchete: di you get the referee by email too?

Marchete: did*

c_shxrp: wheres the image?

MSmits: maybe during the day we get some video or something, maybe a replay

Hjax: i wonder if the four furry critters in the contest art imply that its a 4 player game

DomiKo: pls no

VizGhar: yes please

Hjax: they are different colors too

ZarthaxX: there are like 5 ?

Marchete: with fog of war

MSmits: DomiKo what would be worse, a 4p or a multiagent game

Illedan: 4 player game with fog of war, randomness and step physics. Then i'll rage quit

DomiKo: 4p

MSmits: like where you control 10 or more thingies

DomiKo: ohhh

DomiKo: ehhh

Hjax: make the game simultaneous while youre at it

DomiKo: hard choice now

Marchete: PCR with fog of war

Nerchio: Illedan you described my ideal game

DomiKo: don't tell me about PCR

Illedan: PCR <3

MSmits: i prefer multiagent in that case, because with 4p there's a lot of luck

MSmits: a far superior player can still lose in 4p if the others accidentally gang up on him

Marchete: PR1

MSmits: so you get leaderboard noise

Marchete: 1 turn, good game

DomiKo: PCR :nauseated_face:

Hjax: code of kutulu flashbacks

Hjax: i got annoyed during the unofficial contest at how often i just seemed to get unlucky

Marchete: I feel your pain domiko

MSmits: i like PCR, but the 3p/4p part is a drawback

Illedan: Anyway, I'm off to weep about my useless NN and try to rewrite everything before the contest. gl hf

DomiKo: 4p is a lot of luck like in Hypersonic

Hjax: i go left, the other three go right

MSmits: and the sim is hard

Hjax: i guess i lose!

MSmits: DomiKo HS is even worse with 3p

MSmits: because it's not symmetrick

MSmits: -k

DomiKo: I'm not even talking about that one

Marchete: yeah, assymetric 3p game

DomiKo: MSmits I kinda "mastered" HS so yeah I know :(

Marchete: yeah I saw it

Marchete: congrats

MSmits: oh right, you got to the top wit that, well done

Marchete: impressive

MSmits: I saw i was nr 1 for a bit while you were working on that

DomiKo: yeah

Astrobytes: A wild Nerchio appears

DomiKo: a lot of shuffling

Nerchio: A wild Astrobytes appears?

DomiKo: Astrobytes are you stalking?

Astrobytes: No, he posted earlier DomiKo, was afk and catching up on chat :D

Nerchio: i wonder whats more cool, stay top1 gold or be at the bottom of legend

MSmits: bottom legend

DomiKo: legend is nice red color

MSmits: gold boss is so frustrating to have to beat

jacek: comrade

Nerchio: sure but at least i am 1st somewhere :joy:

Hjax: i got stuck at top gold in code of kutulu, would much rather be bottom legend

MSmits: so far never got stuck behind one, but twice i barely got past it near the end of contest

MSmits: they're usually very strong

Nerchio: my bot in pacman still stays top1 gold and to me looks cooler than my sad bots from like potion challenge at the very end of legend

MSmits: well also considering you dont have months to beat it

VizGhar: How do you guys keep focused for 11days?

Astrobytes: Amphetamines

jacek: cocaine

DomiKo: don't sleep

Astrobytes: I mean, coffe

Astrobytes: e

VizGhar: aaah makes sense

Astrobytes: lol

MSmits: VizGhar the last few contests i didnt stay focused.

VizGhar: I'm allergic to coffee :D

MSmits: it's motivation mostly. I went nuts the first few times

Astrobytes: Amphetamines for you then :P

Hjax: yeah the last few contests i havent stayed motivated either

DomiKo: coffee is for weak people

Hjax: i barely did anything for potions, gave up on pacman before the weekend, didnt try OOC

Astrobytes: I've not been overly motivated either

MSmits: i remember after my first contest i slept 12 hrs a day for half a week to recover

Hjax: that was me after utg

Nerchio: damn Hjax you need to play this one then

VizGhar: uff...

Hjax: i put my heart and soul into utg

Astrobytes: OOC was good, pacman was just all kinds of no, potions were slightly better

DomiKo: Last contest I was changing my code 2 hours before the end. At 4AM.

Astrobytes: You really did Hjax

Hjax: i stayed up until the deadline, refreshing teccles replays trying to figure out his secrets

MSmits: and then kar liso won

Marchete: wow

Astrobytes: ah yes, duck, teccles etc

Marchete: you people take challenges seriously

MSmits: so do you, you just take more time

Astrobytes: I don't

Marchete: correct

Hjax: somewhat ironically, the thing i ended up finding was something teccles missed

Marchete: I'm a marathon man

Hjax: when i mentioned it to him, he said he probably would have won if he had the same idea

Marchete: you are usain bolt

Astrobytes: I like that ethos Marchete

struct: yes I can confirm

struct: 4 players with fog

DomiKo: Marchete then you are the marathon king

DomiKo: struct

MSmits: struct how do you know this

DomiKo: don't say that

Astrobytes: Hjax: what did you find again? The id thing? Or was that teccles?

struct: I tested the game

Hjax: the id thing was the thing i ended up missing

MSmits: but you're not allowed to tell us that then

struct: because its not true :)

MSmits: o

struct: or is it

Hjax: i realized every top bot always took a radar over a mine

DomiKo: lier!!!

Hjax: so i could cache steal from their radars

Astrobytes: Ah gotcha

struct: I dont feel like cg will do 4 players tbh

Astrobytes: Donno how you didn't see the id thing though, that was everywhere on the last night

DomiKo: Last contest was nice

Hjax: too busy refreshing teccles replays apparently

DomiKo: this one will be too

Astrobytes: lol

Hjax: the id thing was kind of anti fun imo

Hjax: the game leaking info like that is kind of meh

Astrobytes: If it's a thing, it's a thing

Hjax: sure, i definitely would have exploited it if i knew

Hjax: but i think the game would be better off without it

KalamariKing: guys I did it

KalamariKing: I completed a medium challenge with little to no struggling

MSmits: well most contests have one little mistake like that

MSmits: sometimes gets fixed during contest

VizGhar: KalamariKing now is time for nintendo :)

MSmits: One piece of advice, when you go into the contest, dont focus too much on the games' imperfections. Try to just enjoy finding solutions

MSmits: it's very hard to make a good botgame

KalamariKing: lol i think its time

MSmits: much harder still to make it so that the top leaderboard is adequately sorted by submits.

Hjax: i think i find it hard to balance my ambitions in contests

Hjax: i think i was too ambitious in pacman, and it ended up hurting me

MSmits: my biggest mistake is not considering completely rewriting my bot

MSmits: best think you can do is try some completely different approaches

MSmits: but i get tunnel vision

struct: For the first time I can say I didnt rewrite my bot

Hjax: yeah i really wanted to make my monte carlo thing work in pacman

MSmits: oh and i watch way too few games

Hjax: ah i dont have that problem

MSmits: my first contest was quite succesful but i remember watching A LOT of games.

Hjax: i watch LOTS of games

MSmits: after that i started to focus too much on the coding

jacek: you can also make up your own goals to keep motivation going up, something like top10 or delete account

Marchete: lol

Marchete: top500

MSmits: or just.. .top 10

DomiKo: jacek nice goal

Hjax: my goal in UTG was to get a t-shirt, mostly to prove to myself that i could

Hjax: im not sure what my goal now is

Westicles: is struct allowed to tell us whether it is fun or not?

MSmits: my main goal is to just get legend and anything better is a nice bonus

gigolo: get into bronze :nerd:

DomiKo: in first 30 min

MSmits: hah, one time i got into bronze on first day, usually it takes me longer

MSmits: I make the mistake of overengineering my first versions

Hjax: getting #1 in a language ranking might be a good goal, but if i use java i have to compete with Nerchio, not sure who uses rust in contests

VizGhar: I'll get to legend :)

DomiKo: I rember struct is really fast

XeroOl: what are the language rankings?

struct: im fast?

VizGhar: pick Bash Hjax :D

struct: o.o

MSmits: Hjax dbd r prolly

MSmits: and he's good

jacek: faster than class

XeroOl: does it only count as #1 at the end of the competition?

Hjax: does he play contests? i know hes amazing at board games

XeroOl: or can you just be early and get #1

Marchete: 50 hours of high level coding for a lousy tshirt :D

MSmits: he's amazing at optims and very good at board games

Default avatar.png JBM: and a nice guy too

MSmits: yea

Westicles: He somehow cheated at 2048. That score is impossible

DomiKo: Marchete you could try 100 hours for canvas

Hjax: yeah i wouldnt expect to beat him in a contest hes taking seriously

Hjax: im still a relative beginner with rust

XeroOl: ouch, rust

Hjax: and hes better than me even without a language handicap

MSmits: hmm, i'm not sure how often he is top 5 Hjax

MSmits: will have to check

Astrobytes: yeah +1 for dbd r

Default avatar.png JBM: rust isn't supposed to be a language handicap

Hjax: i mean, its a handicap for me

Default avatar.png JBM: yeha that ok

Hjax: but even if i wasnt handicapped, i couldnt beat dbd r

MSmits: his best rank is 5th, code a la mode

XeroOl: use rust if you're scared of debugging

MSmits: but he's very constant

MSmits: like euler i think

Astrobytes: Don't be like EveningRust and fight the language for the whole contest

Astrobytes: JBM o/

MSmits: so yeah you can beat him with rust Hjax, if you have the right ideas for this game

XeroOl: depending on if it's going to be super brute forcey, I'll probably use c++ or lua

MSmits: (and he doesnt)

Default avatar.png JBM: heya astroes \o howzit going

Hjax: i do prefer games where the winner has to be clever instead of just efficient

Astrobytes: Same sht different day but a little more stirred up than usual JBM, and yourself?

Default avatar.png JBM: yeah we all do

Hjax: like no one was going to win at potions with python3

Marchete: -3vel :D

XeroOl: python3 is too OP

Default avatar.png JBM: -3vl *is* a good example of that

struct: I dont think python will ever win a contest though

MSmits: Hjax almost all contest games are about cleverness

Default avatar.png JBM: Astrobytes: haskell may actually get an upgrade i'm so stoked

MSmits: have not seen one where performance was the winning factor tbh

King_Coda: My goals are beyond your understanding

XeroOl: are all the previous contest winners in fast languages?

KalamariKing: chat is blowing up, huh

Astrobytes: JBM: Yes, I've been following the threads on the forum :D

Hjax: performance isnt the winning factor, but you need some baseline to be competitive

struct: MSmits code a la monde

Default avatar.png JBM: take cover

struct: #1 was C# and 2nd py3

MSmits: yeah thats my point struct

Hjax: i think utg was winnable with python

XeroOl: I've heard good things about C# but I don't want to learn it

KalamariKing: astro I tried haskell and... why

Default avatar.png JBM: yeah ok i do have some work up my plate, and prolly a but of coordination too

struct: ah yes

Default avatar.png JBM: then again i'm on holiday

struct: Sorry

Westicles: Does Haskell have important new features, or is it just a respect thing?

Marchete: imo C# can compete in performance

MSmits: Hjax sure, some contests are not winnable with python, but they are all winnable with C#

Marchete: on the pother hand py3 is impressive

MSmits: even if you're potentially 2x slower

XeroOl: haskell could be fun, but I'm not smart enough to use it in a conntest

Default avatar.png JBM: Westicles: both

XeroOl: maybe in a bot game after the contest, where I'm not pressed for time

ZarthaxX: haskell no way lol

KalamariKing: imagine someone wins with lua

XeroOl: that's what I'm gonna do

XeroOl: :)

Default avatar.png JBM: it's late like 6 major versions on GHC

Default avatar.png JBM: and the respect thingy

XeroOl: let's do some lua programming

XeroOl: it's gonna be great

KalamariKing: what if we all band together and everyone on cg uses lua

Astrobytes: KalamariKing: Why *not* Haskell?

MSmits: KalamariKing if you're winning with some other language and your bot is not a search bot, but mostly heuristic, just convert it to lua on the last day :)

XeroOl: it's hard to convert things to lua

KalamariKing: solution: lua from day 0

XeroOl: ^

XeroOl: that's what I'm going to do

Hjax: maybe ive just have self imposed fear of everyone elses searching prowess

MSmits: why is it hard?

Westicles: JBM, I think it is a great precedent helping CG with things that are usually internal. Frankly, they could farm out quite a bit more actual work to regular folks here

XeroOl: mark my words

RoboStac: lua indexes arrays starting from 1 so it's not a real language

XeroOl: lua doesn't have int data type

KalamariKing: Hjax same lol

MSmits: true RoboStac

KalamariKing: RoboStac lmao

Default avatar.png JBM: Westicles: wholly agree

Astrobytes: Hard to convert because other languages scream and run away from being converted

XeroOl: lua doesn't have class system

Default avatar.png JBM: (hence the "stubs" prompt)

XeroOl: lua doesn't have string.split

KalamariKing: I genuinely wonder why, lua is awesome

Default avatar.png JBM: they suck ass in haskell, but probaby also in many other languages

XeroOl: join me in lua on this competition please

XeroOl: I love lua so much

Astrobytes: Westicles: Yep. It's been suggested many a time

KalamariKing: never used lua lol

KalamariKing: lets do it

KalamariKing: this is my first comp so no guarantee I'll stay there, but my first bot is gonna be in lua

MSmits: I mostly pick c++ for contests these days in case performance matters, but it depends on how complicated the game is

DomiKo: c++ is always a good choice

XeroOl: yeah, I'm going to do lua if it doesn't look on the surface like a performance game

Default avatar.png JBM: is it ever

MSmits: mmh i am not very good with the complex sim stuff in c++

MSmits: bitboarding sht is easy, but classes and derivative classes and such gets harder

Default avatar.png JBM: low-level languages are dangerous with anything complex

XeroOl: I am going to write an algorithm whose control flow is built out of lua coroutines

davilla: do we have anything more than concept artwork at this point?

struct: no

Default avatar.png JBM: next contest?

Default avatar.png JBM: when is it?

Hjax: tomorrow

Default avatar.png JBM: OH

XeroOl: 18 hours ish

Default avatar.png JBM: ho ok


Default avatar.png JBM: i mean

KalamariKing: yeah lol

Default avatar.png JBM: i *am* on holiday

KalamariKing: rather soon

Default avatar.png JBM: so lemme schedule something completely different

Default avatar.png JBM: to stream when it starts

MSmits: JBM you mean off work, or actually somewhere other than home

Default avatar.png JBM: MSmits: lol

Default avatar.png JBM: i mean off work

MSmits: ah ok

Default avatar.png JBM: as opposed to

Hjax: i feel like my rust is workable, but i also feel like i write it like its java, im not familiar enough with rust idioms

Astrobytes: I highly recommend JBMs Haskell streams btw

Default avatar.png JBM: i spent last month at work, somewhere other than home

MSmits: well i competed in a contest from a themepark hotel once so..

Astrobytes: And he didn't pay me to say that

Default avatar.png JBM: yeah nobody likes my cubing streams

Default avatar.png JBM: hey, i did get that last UArray to work

Astrobytes: You do some cubing while Haskelling though

Default avatar.png JBM: on westicles' puzzle

Default avatar.png JBM: so i'll get to completing it tomorrow

Default avatar.png JBM: yeah that happens

Default avatar.png JBM: hey while you're here

Default avatar.png JBM: would you still have the lniks to the TVC merch pix?

Default avatar.png JBM: i had a request on #fr and lost the links

MSmits: well i want to finish this work stuff before i sleep, so hf all. I won't be chatting till my first full bot version is done so it'll be a few days. You'll see me on the leaderboard somewhere though...

Astrobytes: hmmm, I don't believe so

Default avatar.png JBM: ok

Astrobytes: They were epic

Astrobytes: hang on

Hjax: cya smits, good luck in the contest!

MSmits: you too

KalamariKing: OH MY GOD

Default avatar.png JBM: or at least

KalamariKing: IM DOING IT

Default avatar.png JBM: what was even the site's name

Default avatar.png JBM: KalamariKing: YEAH

Astrobytes: Nope, I don't believe I saved it, or if I did, I lost it.

KalamariKing: I solved a puzzle without struggling, twice in a row now!

Default avatar.png JBM: you rock!

KalamariKing: They normally take me 7-8 hours of debugging

KalamariKing: Ik, I'm great at programming

Default avatar.png JBM: you so are

KalamariKing: The amount of stupid oversights I normally encounter is astounding

One would think pulling an all-nighter would make me worse...

Astrobytes: JBM: the link isn't in dbd r's chat log is it?

XeroOl: which difficulty of puzzle?

Default avatar.png JBM: of course it is

Astrobytes: Or did that come after?

KalamariKing: medium, shut up

Default avatar.png JBM: which date?

XeroOl: nice, medium

Astrobytes: Pff! Damned if I know :D

Default avatar.png JBM: heh

Astrobytes: It does have search functionality

Default avatar.png JBM: so what are we lookin' for?

KalamariKing: hypothesis: a second all-nighter tonight, a straight 72 hours without sleep, will make me even BETTER at programming for tomorrow's contest

davilla: the difficulty is often off, medium puzzles can actually be easy or hard

Astrobytes: troll underwear?

Astrobytes: merch/merchandise?

Default avatar.png JBM: davilla: do comment about it on the forum or the puzzle's contribution page

Default avatar.png JBM: underwear is a good keyword

KalamariKing: Oh they're all over the place JBM

davilla: yes I do

Astrobytes: I can't remember if you sent me it in pm or whether it was in World

davilla: when will I be able to edit?

davilla: how high level?

Default avatar.png JBM: lvl29 IIRC

Astrobytes: I think you posted it publicly in #fr though

Default avatar.png JBM: seemed high at the time

Default avatar.png JBM: did I?

Default avatar.png JBM: seemed like more of a #wld topic

Astrobytes: I don't know

davilla: I've been coasting for a couple of weeks now, leveling up just with new contributions, very few solves

Default avatar.png JBM: oh well

Astrobytes: But some #fr people knew of it iirc

KalamariKing: I need to pass the weekly challenge for the quest map but st​ruct here made it impossible -_-

Default avatar.png JBM: if anybody finds it, pb4 hasn't seen it yet, y'all got my blessing to share it to him

Default avatar.png JBM: cuz pb4 *is* kind of someone special wrt tvc

Astrobytes: With his probability-based solution

Default avatar.png JBM: i'm not sure any other is worth anything

Default avatar.png JBM: then again

Astrobytes: or whatever it was, I forget

Default avatar.png JBM: got notified for him posting a bug repost

Default avatar.png JBM: "i'm not first anymore FX IT"

Astrobytes: heh!

Astrobytes: Are you still getting XP from it btw?

Default avatar.png JBM: yeah

Default avatar.png JBM: like 40XP every 30 days

Default avatar.png JBM: when it's on top of the list

Default avatar.png JBM: well it's better than nothin, right

Default avatar.png JBM: pays for the clicking to get it published again

KalamariKing: imagine getting free xp

jacek: its like passive income

Default avatar.png JBM: jacek: yeah, so exactly no, read again

davilla: that's what it feels like when your contributions are accepted, and you log in after a few days and you're up a level

Westicles: JBM, you did 5D Chests in Haskell?

Default avatar.png JBM: in the middle of it

Default avatar.png JBM: (was on stream too)

Westicles: oh cool, is that archived somewhere I can watch?

Default avatar.png JBM: got a bit sidetracked with unboxing V5s

Default avatar.png JBM: oh

Default avatar.png JBM: errr

Default avatar.png JBM: gimme a place to upload

Default avatar.png JBM: but i've delisted it from twitch

Default avatar.png JBM: too much privacy invasion

Astrobytes: pronhub

Astrobytes: I jest

Default avatar.png JBM: so i completed (off stream) the unboxing of V5 arrays

Default avatar.png JBM: and i'll be back to moaning about the unclear definition of what bounds a room again on stream tomorrow

Westicles: heh heh

Default avatar.png JBM: take care

Default avatar.png JBM: i'll only cast my vote when i'm done

Default avatar.png JBM: but for now, it's 2* "unclear"

Kr3sZ: I got a question. How would a C# or a C++ coder beat a Python coder at Clash, in the shortest code challenge?

XeroOl: learn ruby

KalamariKing: Good question

Default avatar.png JBM: (with additional anger for "not my first pick")

Kr3sZ: :thonk:

Westicles: ha, you'd have to be in some kind of pedantic cranky mode for it to be unclear :P

KalamariKing: C# and C++ both need libraries, classes, types, etc whereas python doesnt

Default avatar.png JBM: not at all

Kr3sZ: you are right.

Default avatar.png JBM: ts'a simple matter of "what bounds a room"

Westicles: Even the built-in python function knew how to do it

Default avatar.png JBM: walls? or dimensional constraints?

KalamariKing: Question: How would one go about building a search tree

XeroOl: ????

KalamariKing: Not looking for copy-paste code, but instead an explanation of what needs to be done

Hjax: recursion

Default avatar.png JBM: node by node

Default avatar.png JBM: Hjax: damn you your answer is better

Astrobytes: I give up searching chat logs

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png JBM: yeah ikr

KalamariKing: Recursion like function calling itself?

KalamariKing: Epic I can do that

Default avatar.png JBM: like,

JormaWuorio: How am i supposed to know which factories i have units in at the beginning of ghost in the cell?

Default avatar.png JBM: you're the coder

JormaWuorio: and how many

Hjax: def search(depth):

  if depth = 0 return eval
  else return max(search(child) for each child)

Default avatar.png JBM: don't play gitc

Default avatar.png JBM: it sucks

Hjax: er, depth - 1

Default avatar.png JBM: how is ur csb

KalamariKing: did you just write that rn

Astrobytes: heh

Hjax: my pseudocode sucks

KalamariKing: its pretty much python

davilla: sorry JormaW I haven't done that one yet

KalamariKing: change = to == and it will run in python

Hjax: python is the first language i learned

Hjax: so yes my pseudocode is somewhat syntactically correct python

Astrobytes: No, python is pretty much pseudo, get it the right way round

KalamariKing: lmao you have a point asto

KalamariKing: astro*

JormaW: ive gotten to wooden league something on csb.. got frustrated on that too even though i love the concept

**Astrobytes runs and hides

Westicles: Walls or dimensional constraints? I mean, you know you can only move in certain ways and the walls block you

Default avatar.png JBM: the walls and te constraints

Default avatar.png JBM: let's make it 1D

Default avatar.png JBM: what were the symbols

Default avatar.png JBM: there's no symbol

Default avatar.png JBM: 1011101

Default avatar.png JBM: how many rooms? 1 or 3?

Westicles: 3

Default avatar.png JBM: ouch

Default avatar.png JBM: so "dimensional constraints"

Default avatar.png JBM: and my code and yours disagree ^^'

Default avatar.png JBM: all right

Westicles: 0 is a wall?

Default avatar.png JBM: well i'm not touching that with a 9-ft pole tonight anyway

Default avatar.png JBM: 1 is gold

Hjax: KalamariKing the big idea is that you dont actually construct a tree, its implicitly constructed in memory through recursion

KalamariKing: that seems rather hard for my small brain

KalamariKing: a state machine is just a function whose result depends on its past results, right

KalamariKing: if that makes sense

Astrobytes: wrt not actually constructing a tree, that's not necessarily true depending on the algo

jacek: not contructring tree? mcts folks dont agree

Hjax: fair, in minimax / alphabeta at least

Astrobytes: Yep

Hjax: probably should get that solid before attempting mcts

Westicles: Hikari found a nifty python solution. There is a build in function import scipy.ndimage that counts the rooms automatically

Astrobytes: lol

Westicles: multidimensional image processing

Hjax: imagine solving something with just scipy >_>


orangesnowfox: lol

Hjax: from scipy import pr2

Astrobytes: lol the munkres

Kr3sZ: I still hate shortest mode >:c

Kr3sZ: I'm always getting it.

KalamariKing: Shortest mode is amazing

Hjax: shortest is my favorite one

Astrobytes: Do puzzles then

Kr3sZ: oh

KalamariKing: lmao immediate shutdown

MadKnight: Kr3sZ just switch to python/ruby

Hjax: reverse is the one i hate, sometimes i miss the plot and end up being really slow

Kr3sZ: i just dont like it because python coders are too good in being short :D

B-612: hi

KalamariKing: Hello!

jacek: maybe they have short pythons

jacek: ba dum tss

Marchete: perl is like "<>%$·" done!

KalamariKing: marchete lol

Astrobytes: jacek dear or dear

Astrobytes: *oh

Kr3sZ: c# is like Console.WriteLine("Being Done :DDD");

Westicles: JBM still there? What time is the stream tomorrow? I gotta see that

Default avatar.png JBM: like i got a schedule

Kr3sZ: wake up JBM

Kr3sZ: nice

Default avatar.png JBM: you wake up Kr3sZ

Kr3sZ: oh, okey then

B-612: can somebody help me about writing regexp function code for this chars "(),*,|,concatination)

MadKnight: Automaton2000 we gotta watch JBM stream

Automaton2000: i mean i know how many turns it takes to get to the next level

Default avatar.png JBM: y

Default avatar.png JBM: all do

MadKnight: StreaBM

Default avatar.png JBM: missing some J there

KalamariKing: StreaJBM

Astrobytes: Usually you indicate in fr or on the forum for stream JBM right?

MadKnight: JeaBM

Default avatar.png JBM: used to

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 wait so then how many does it take

Default avatar.png JBM: but that was before the casual streaming time

Automaton2000: and like i said, i don't know how to code

Astrobytes: Ah right

Kr3sZ: where are you streaming jbm?

Default avatar.png JBM: best bet is to follow my twitch

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 youre a bot you ARE code

Astrobytes: From his computer

Automaton2000: no i dont think i can still have a lot of time

Default avatar.png JBM: but you'll have to filter out the speedcubing if that's not your thing

Kr3sZ: haha funny fun goes brr

Kr3sZ: now for real

Kr3sZ: twitct?

Kr3sZ: *twitch

King_Coda: Yes

Astrobytes: Yeah I follow it already

Default avatar.png JBM: "cg_JBM"

Kr3sZ: thanks

Default avatar.png JBM: totally inspirational

Westicles: speedcubing? Is that like some world of fortnite minecraft thing?

Default avatar.png JBM: can't regret or your money back

Default avatar.png JBM: Westicles: EXACTLY! just without the nite, minecraft or fort

Astrobytes: Come on Westicles


Kr3sZ: fortcraft?

Kr3sZ: jeezus

King_Coda: Coming to the app store

Astrobytes: "LSP situation" just made me think of Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time JBM. As a 38 year old I find that amusing.

Astrobytes: (re. forum post)

Default avatar.png JBM: yeah i figured

Astrobytes: It triggered my cartoon-watching days from when my niece and nephews were younguns

jacek: you watch kids show? shame on you

Default avatar.png JBM: or he did 35 years ago

Astrobytes: Tbh, that was a good show

jacek: i know that show watched few eps

Astrobytes: That and... the Amazing Gumball Adventures

Astrobytes: *Amazing Adventures of Gumball

jacek: or my small horse

Astrobytes: And The Regular Show (starring Mark Hamill as a mystical Yeti)

Default avatar.png JBM: i'm gonna need to google translate each and every one of those individually

Astrobytes: No jacek. Always no.

jacek: regular show? this?

Astrobytes: Mordecai never went near a pony. That's just weird.

jacek: thats pegas

Kr3sZ: CodinGame devs should make a desktop version of the website, I would love it :D

Astrobytes: The Regular Show was weird enough without adding in strange pony things

Westicles: Has thib done a stream lately? I follow him but never got a notification he is on

KalamariKing: bender ep 1 sucks

KalamariKing: its not hard, just a lot

Astrobytes: Don't think so Westicles, he does them when on holiday usually iirc

Westicles: never mind, I should be good to go now to spam JBM

Astrobytes: With...?

Westicles: for his twitch stream tomorrow for 5D Chests

Westicles: with my high school french

jacek: anime chests are only 2D

Astrobytes: Ah

Astrobytes: He'll probably just laugh at you then ignore you

Astrobytes: Unless it's meaningful

Default avatar.png JBM: Westicles: if you're on a lucky day, no highschool french needed

Astrobytes: :grin:

Westicles: Thank god. It took a whole year to figure out our teacher wasn't pronouncing the name of the textbook (nous tous) correctly

Westicles: noose toose

Default avatar.png JBM: noo toose

Astrobytes: My French teacher was a small dragon named Mlle. Meurice

Astrobytes: I only learned that I liked German better. I learned my French 'skills' much later.

jacek: oO

KalamariKing: imagine knowing multiple languages

Astrobytes: what are you oOing at jacek

jacek: "I only learned that I liked German better"

jacek: how does schmetterling! is better than butterfly

Default avatar.png JBM: doesn't sound that bad tbh

Astrobytes: It was true. Far easier, and the teacher was not a monstrous hellbeast from somewhere fiery and sulphurous

Default avatar.png JBM: it's all a matter of ALLCAPSING it on the meme


Astrobytes: Yes. German sounds very gentle most of the time and quite pleasing to the ear, until you do the shouty thing.

Default avatar.png fvla: I just remembered the famous Downfall scene

Default avatar.png fvla: Sounds about right

Default avatar.png JBM: still haven't seen the rest of the movie

Astrobytes: It's actually a pretty decent movie

Default avatar.png fvla: I'd like to watch the full thing one day

jacek: that most pariodied downfall scene?

Default avatar.png JBM: reminds me i've gotta photoshop my grandparents' photo

Astrobytes: Since it became a meme-fest I'm not sure how many people have actually seen it all

jacek: i wonder if i could what the movie seriously after hat

jacek: watch*

Astrobytes: Yeah you can, but you'll still remember. Such is the nature of a meme...

jacek: should do that meme with CG contest theme

TBali: Hi, what is the best way to prepare for tommorrow contest?

Default avatar.png fvla: oh no

Astrobytes: Go to sleep.

TBali: Seeing Totoro movie once more?

Astrobytes: No idea.

Astrobytes: Honestly.

jacek: i imagine struct being the shouting one about not winning

struct: hmm

Astrobytes: Just get your contest trousers on and hope for the best.

Westicles: It wasn't great but the guy playing goebbels did a good job

struct: What do you mean jacek?

TBali: I did not get from the picture it is Totoro

jacek: nothing ~

Default avatar.png fvla: I'm working on The Resistance rn, and my crappy Python solution times out.

KalamariKing: Astrochars how much sleep would you recommend? I can't sleep a full 8 hours, I just can't idk why, but 3 hours isn't enough

Default avatar.png JBM: as muhc as is needed

Astrobytes: 6-8 hours is generally recommended. I am not your sleep therapist.

Default avatar.png fvla: Currently using morse trie

jacek: try lucid dreaming

Default avatar.png fvla: yes

Default avatar.png fvla: that is perfect

Astrobytes: Every night, every morning.

struct: Just watch some CSB replays it should help

Default avatar.png fvla: lmao

struct: for the contest

Westicles: Hah, Astrobytes I think KalamariKing has imprinted on you like a penguin

Default avatar.png fvla: oh i thought you meant for going to sleep

Default avatar.png fvla: watch CSB replays until you get bored to sleep

KalamariKing: Easticles wdym

Westicles: how many hours should I sleep... lol

Astrobytes: Seriously

Marchete: yes

Hjax: sleep 16 hours

Hjax: fast travel to the contest

TBali: or study forest spirits

jacek: uct forest?

TBali: Have you seen the Totoro movie?

KalamariKing: Yeah

Default avatar.png fvla: once

Default avatar.png fvla: Nice family movie

Astrobytes: Forest spirits? Like pálinka? :D

TBali: Miyazaki is really great

struct: Yes, it was a prerequisite to beta test the contest

TBali: After Totoro I looked up and seen several other Ghibli films

Westicles: I think the blueberries are the forest spirits.

Astrobytes: Spirited away was good

Hjax: i love Howls Moving Castle

Westicles: What has the one in Tokyo with the psychics and the giant monster teddy bears?

Astrobytes: And Princess Mononoke was alright

Astrobytes: Not sure how many others I've seen

Default avatar.png fvla: Makoto Shinkai, anyone?

Westicles: Oh, Akira

Hjax: ive seen Your Name and Weathering With You @fvla

Default avatar.png fvla: same, but I'd also seen his older works before Your Name even came out

Default avatar.png fvla: not many though

AntiSquid: TBali the art in made in abyss is inspired from gibli, you must watch it

Hjax: have you seen the movie too @AntiSquid?

Hjax: Dawn of the Deep Soul

AntiSquid: no, only read the manga

Hjax: ah

Hjax: i love the anime

AntiSquid: manga chapters take few seconds, 2 minutes at most, so i prefer those

Hjax: ive seen a ton of anime, havent read much manga

Hjax: only manga ive read is Kagerou Daze

Default avatar.png fvla: manga is a trap

Astrobytes: It's just like anime but it doesn't move.

Default avatar.png fvla: might seem like you're saving time

AntiSquid: what are the speculations around totoro? what kind of CG game do we get based on that? lol

Default avatar.png fvla: but it steals your life force

Default avatar.png fvla: particularly ongoing manga series

Westicles: struct said it is 2player with cards and fow

Astrobytes: I'm tired of speculating about it AntiSquid, I just want it to appear so I know whether to bother with it or not.

AntiSquid: i doubt it . don't believe struct @_@

Astrobytes: struc t also said it was 4 player hex grid with fow

struct: maybe im not even testing it, who really knows

AntiSquid: no, hex is his fetish, not the actual game

AntiSquid: oh damn, he's still online

AntiSquid: how's your day? nice to see you

TBali: :)

Astrobytes: Why would struc t not be on at this time?

AntiSquid: idk, i don't keep track of people's time

TBali: NDA?

Astrobytes: It's a rare thing.

struct: no NDA

struct: just respect

struct: or w/e is the word

Astrobytes: But insta-FU if you don't respect that boundary

Astrobytes: It's trust-based

struct: yeah

TBali: trust is overrated :-)

AntiSquid: some shit gets leaked that's the problem

TBali: I once had a CEO that said: "trust is good. But EBIT is better."

Astrobytes: Honesty is underrated.

AntiSquid: i just wonder how much gets leaked on this site really, it's leaky i am sure

Westicles: tbali, 495 puzzles? you must be close to all of them

TBali: 15 missing

Astrobytes: Oh, some boss TBali :rofl:

struct: Well I can be sure that if there is any leak it didnt came from me

TBali: but these are damn hard

AntiSquid: not saying that struct

AntiSquid: i mean the site itself not people

TBali: Even ISS has leaks

Westicles: have you done that deleted optim?

TBali: Or was it already mended?

Astrobytes: Other than emails from Klee disclosing all participants email addresses I'm not sure anything significant has happened through or as a result of CG?

TBali: which one was deleted?

Astrobytes: The Great Dispatch

Westicles: yeah, that one. turns out you can still do it


AntiSquid: unleash the geek for example Astrobytes

AntiSquid: but there's a bit more than that ...

Astrobytes: Oh in terms of leaking replays?

AntiSquid: anything

struct: the replays have been fixed

TBali: did not know of this. In optim, I still dn't have 100% at bulls and cows 2

TBali: and search race

Astrobytes: Also, there is permission to recreate the Great Dispatch as a user-created optim

TBali: but search race should be easy, just did not bother it so far

TBali: Also in solo, cca 7 puzzles got deleted due to low score.

TBali: I solved only 3 or 4 from these

AntiSquid: search race > convert CSB bot, but watch out they swapped some inputs just for sheer annoyance nothing else

TBali: yeah I know. I just skipped this, before in mid term I want to remake my php CSB bot in a faster language.

TBali: And did not want to spend effort on the old code

TBali: * before = because

Astrobytes: Moving to Pascal now TBali? :D

Westicles: yeah, you are ahead of me on deleted ones, and SG is probably ahead of you

Marchete: ugh

TBali: It is definitely faster than php :-)

Astrobytes: hehehe

TBali: Waiting for the FORTRAN support

Astrobytes: I expect a decent C bot from you at some point

TBali: I am investing time in picking up C++

Astrobytes: wait a sec, Westicles, do they have FORTRAN on here?

TBali: There was a 25y hiatus

Astrobytes: Nice TBali

Westicles: you mean from bash? yes

Astrobytes: Yeah. There you go TBali

AntiSquid: pascal was nice back in highschool i guess, but even back then i envied people from other highschools that were coding C++ instead lol

Marchete: Pascal was good in 1999, yes

Astrobytes: Write in FORTRAN, call the gcc FORTRAN compiler and away you go

TBali: I don't really know fortran.

TBali: Actually used it only once in the university,

Astrobytes: But you were waiting for FORTRAN support

Astrobytes: :P

davilla: I love how Mart Virkus is always making fun of PHP

davilla: comic author at toggl

Astrobytes: Hm, 1999... pascal? Really?

TBali: More like 1992

Default avatar.png JBM: more like 1972

Westicles: I remember doing pascal on a commodore superpet. That must have been... a long time ago

AntiSquid: anyone used FoxPro database thingy ? really old crap

TBali: I disagree, Object Pascal was decent in the 80s

TBali: FoxPro no

Astrobytes: Yeah, a pharma company I used to work for had a whole SMS based around FoxPro AntiSquid. It was horrific.

AntiSquid: LOL what year was that

AntiSquid: i mean hahhaa

TBali: before or after Dbase IV ?

Astrobytes: It was circa 2013 I had to use it, it was in use from around 2007? I think

Astrobytes: Legacy ofc

Default avatar.png JBM: ofc

AntiSquid: this is where pinging Automaton2000 to clear chat from bad thoughts fits best

Automaton2000: i'm not sure how that would be an array of pointers

BlaiseEbuth: Oh Fuck Srsly ?

Astrobytes: They eventually updated I believe (the SMS vendor)

Westicles: Manufacturer: Commodore Date: 1981 ouch

Astrobytes: Anyways, got a very early one tomorrow. Gn all, take care

BlaiseEbuth: :wave:

TBali: Mart Virkus - did not know the dude, look funny at first check...

AntiSquid: contest at 2 PM in UK :o

AntiSquid: had a long day, maybe i go sleep now too @_@

AntiSquid: gn8

AntiSquid: Automaton2000

Automaton2000: yeah i think it's better if i had to use recursion

KalamariKing: gn anti

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 you're a robot, help me

Automaton2000: so i guess it is the last one

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 no its not the last one, my guy there are a couple more than a single question

Automaton2000: i know exactly what you need to wait

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 then tell me

Automaton2000: yeah i just said that

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 you literally did not, look again

Automaton2000: if i can still use it

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 use what

Automaton2000: why don't you just ask your question? then anybody can decide if it is in a big pack

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 ok fine, chill, lemme type it out

Automaton2000: could the validators in the repo not have been in a convenient format ffs...

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 nope, that's the challenge

Automaton2000: if i have to improve mine

Default avatar.png fvla: now i'm sad...

Default avatar.png fvla: I feel silly for trying to do a weird binary search on The Resistance only to realize that my real bottleneck was not using dynamic programming/memoization

dreadylein: @fyla dont feel bad, i recoded some pieces of code twice the last few days because i mixed up x and y :D

Default avatar.png fvla: oof

hyphz: Don't want Fortran support. Want Common Lisp support.

Default avatar.png fvla: wait, Fortran support???

hyphz: Sorry, joke made above, not a real thing :)

Default avatar.png fvla: oh okay, hahaha

Default avatar.png fvla: Writing Fortran today is on the same level as writing in an esoteric language lol

dreadylein: its not the worst language for working tho, there still is tons of fortan and cobol based legacy software around

Default avatar.png fvla: I looked up some Fortran 90/95 code right after I said that, and it's not the worse

Default avatar.png fvla: *worst

dreadylein: yeah

Default avatar.png fvla: I was very badly scarred by this one time I read older Fortran code riddled with gotos

dreadylein: :D

Default avatar.png fvla: "Hey, let's take a look at the source code of an old text adventure!"

Default avatar.png fvla: "How bad could it be?"

dreadylein: you need to look at the fun old code :)

dreadylein: wolfenstein and doom are pretty neat

dreadylein: especialy doom has some realy realy cool pieces

Default avatar.png fvla: thanks for the idea

Default avatar.png fvla: will do when I can

Default avatar.png fvla: fast invsqrt tho

Default avatar.png fvla: (quake not doom, but still)

mai_chutiya_hu: codeforces or here?

MadKnight: Automaton2000 codehereses?

Automaton2000: now i have to get up to speed

MadKnight: Automaton2000 or hereforces?

Automaton2000: you can use that as a compliment

MadKnight: Automaton2000 choose your fighter

Automaton2000: not like i can get to it

mai_chutiya_hu: denought

mai_chutiya_hu: BLACK OR WHITE?

MadKnight: Automaton2000 codehorses is mine don't even try

Automaton2000: no idea why i would be happy to help

mai_chutiya_hu: BLACK OR WHITE

MadKnight: BANTe

mai_chutiya_hu: TRUMP IS OUR PRESIDENT

mai_chutiya_hu: OBAMA IS SHIT

MadKnight: okay

mai_chutiya_hu: FO

hexa8: mods?

mai_chutiya_hu: FO Y'ALL

mai_chutiya_hu: SEX

mai_chutiya_hu: BSDM

mai_chutiya_hu: DOGGYSTYLE

hexa8: @[CG]Nick

mai_chutiya_hu: BUTTERFLY

MadKnight: well i tried

MadKnight: mai_chutiya_hu was not found on the chat.

Joelute: Hexa

Joelute: You're goated

MadKnight: did it ban him? i usually get a message saying someone got banned

MadKnight: but i got none this time

MadKnight: anyway

megi-san: ay ppl

MadKnight: so it's 13h 23m until the contest

MadKnight: u guys ready?

hexa8: what im goated?

MadKnight: just get to the gold league and then noone would call u goated

MadKnight: ever again

MadKnight: i think

MadKnight: Automaton2000 is that how it works?

Automaton2000: i'm not familiar with the coc problem regarding finding the room brian is in? does anyone know

MadKnight: wait i did the joke wrong

MadKnight: Automaton2000 just forget it

Automaton2000: "july 28th (19:44:36) cyberpunk: msmits i believe in your victory"

MadKnight: Automaton2000 are u logging yourself logging the chat?

Automaton2000: but i dont have to read the statement

MadKnight: don't log that, Automaton2000

Automaton2000: i got no idea what i'm supposed to do with anything

MadKnight: me too Automaton2000, me too....

Automaton2000: hey guys, i have some ideas

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 if any are about the contest tomorrow, I'll need them

Automaton2000: i dont really have a choice

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 you're right you don't, tell me

Automaton2000: if they can be used for the next round

Zenoscave: Automaton2000 ssshhhh no telling

Automaton2000: right now my highest is 48% in about 1k games

KalamariKing: Automaton2000 you've already played? Any leaks?

Automaton2000: if you could do that

KalamariKing: i gtg now, ggez those sheep tonight peeps cuz we got a contest to win in a mere 13 hours

joniebear: What horrible abomination is Pascal???

MadKnight: KalamariKing just practice a few of the older contestss

MadKnight: and focus on the things that u can learn in a day and not on anything that takes a hella ton of a time

MadKnight: well he probably won't see my messages, Automaton2000

Automaton2000: why do u want to do something with that

MadKnight: joniebear what do u have against pascal ?

MadKnight: also

MadKnight: Zenoscave u still there ?

joniebear: It crashes my spaceship...

Zenoscave: barely

MadKnight: joniebear well u probably got a mistake in your code that u need to fix

MadKnight: Zenoscave what's time now for u ?

Zenoscave: 19:28 but I'm getting ready to leave for dinner

MadKnight: is it gonna be like 08:00 for u when the contest starts ?

joniebear: Thanks, that worked.

Zenoscave: yup

MadKnight: Zenoscave are u gonna not sleep until 8am or are u gonna wake up super early instead ?

Zenoscave: wake up super early

MadKnight: nice

ZarthaxX: Zenoscave contest coming?

Zenoscave: tomorrow...

ZarthaxX: not sleeping? :P

Zenoscave: I will soon

jayy1050: I'm doing coders strike back and I'm having trouble trying to debug the code

jayy1050: can someone help? I use Java

Zenoscave: System.error.println("Thing to debug");

Zenoscave: debug as in debug messages ^ or as in debug your code?

jayy1050: oh ok

jayy1050: that would be System.out.println("Debug messages....");

jayy1050: oh wait

jayy1050: nvm

Zenoscave: nope. use the stderr stream. not stdout

Zenoscave: If you print to stdout it is considered a command on this site. DEbug messages always go to stderr

jayy1050: stderr?

jayy1050: system.err?

Zenoscave: yeah that. Sorry been a while since I've done java

Zenoscave: stderr stdout are C / C-derivative based terms. Java calls it system.err

jayy1050: I typed it on top of the code I was given and it didn't work

Zenoscave: Whats the error that's being given by the engine?

XeroOl: what do you mean by "didn't work"

jayy1050: My pod keeps going the wrong way

Zenoscave: ... Error messages won't change that.

XeroOl: so, an err.println won't change your code

jayy1050: Dang it

XeroOl: you can use it to see the values of the code

XeroOl: so, if you're doing any calculations, you could, for example, err.println the values in your calculations

XeroOl: to see where they're going wrong

XeroOl: below the video, it will show what your code outputted

jayy1050: Ok. I'll check that

XeroOl: You can look at what the code outputted, and try to understand why your code is outputting the wrong thing

XeroOl: to make the pod go the wrong way

jayy1050: I think it's because it put in System.out.println(nextCheckpointX + " " + nextCheckpointX + " 50");

jayy1050: Was one of the supposed to be nextCheckpoint Y?

davilla: x and x? yeah

jayy1050: them*

davilla: you can see those too, in white

davilla: (the debug stream is in red)

XeroOl: yeah, I think it's supposed to be X and then Y

davilla: guys, 12 hours to go

Lachrymosa: woot

jayy1050: It works now

XeroOl: hooray

davilla: kinda psyched about this, not sure why

jayy1050: Thanks guys

XeroOl: someone flip a 20 sided coin with all the languages

XeroOl: so I can pick a language to work with

mustardpudding: brainfuck

XeroOl: sorry, not supported in codingame :)


Lachrymosa: I feel the most confident coding than I ever have before. So this time I feel like it will be a test of my ability and I'm setting a goal to make it to at least mid/high silver

jayy1050: Bot

jayy1050: My bad lp;

jayy1050: lol

davilla: yeah I wonder how challenging the challenge really is

davilla: my first, but then I've done some of the bot games

davilla: still only concept art, right?

XeroOl: I wish I had the local editor thing working

XeroOl: so I could edit the code on my computer instead of in the site

davilla: yeah that seems like a pain

davilla: you'll spend more time trying to figure that out than working the solution

XeroOl: I submitted a bug report to vivaldi

Smelty: spring challenge in 12 hours hype

joniebear: wait, local editor what?

XeroOl: yeah

XeroOl: in the IDE, click settings on the left, and then scroll all the way down

XeroOl: "Use an external code editor"

joniebear: I've set myself a new quest, which is to complete the descent in every language that is supported. Only 3 to go :D

joniebear: Let me try that, RIGHT NOW

joniebear: oh, here is VIM too :O

joniebear: Oh, with app and extension. I was more hoping for an API and some plugins.

Default avatar.png mateja981: Yo guys, I an new here, can somebody explane me what to do?

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]: You can do coding problems in the practice tab, there's competitions where mulitple people try to solve on problem

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]: Basically just do coding based puzzles

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]: Also anyone that's done the Temperatures problem, what does it mean when it's asking for -273 alone and also 5586 alone

joniebear: Can you link the puzzle?

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]:

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]: I solved it and passed all of them but i have like 80some% because of those 2 conditions and have no idea what it means

joniebear: You need to print he temperature closest to 0 among the input data. Are you considering all possible numbers of inputs from 0 to many? :)

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]: Yeah, I passed all of the test cases and from what I can tell it doesn't matter how many temps there are

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]: But I have 2 validators failed and all they say are -273 alone, and 5526 alone

joniebear: Try your solution when you feed it just -273 then, and see what it does.

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]: Awesome, thanks

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]: Some of my conditions ignored the single inputs

davilla: Strange that that shows up only in the validators, and not as a test csase.

Default avatar.png FakePencilCase[ForMrTiramon]: Probably an oversight since it does make sense as a requirement, but it is reaaly confusing just seeing "only -273" with no explanation