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GamingKiller006: hi

KamalOS: why can't message people in private?

KamalOS: There was a button next to follow?

KamalOS: for "message private"

davilla: you can if they're in chat

KamalOS: thanks

gilufin: I think only if they follow you

Tiramon: just click on the name of a person in chat and a pm will open up KamalOS

Tiramon: same for the user list in the bottom of the chat

KamalOS: ok thanks all

KamalOS: but how to tag sm1 like u tag me Tiramon

KamalOS: + I saw sm1 in Clash of Code multiple times He got 1st place in all of them but he is not sharing his code so I want to message him

jacek: :c

KamalOS: Anyway How can I tag sm1 here in chat?

davilla: well he might be a bot, I don't know for sure

davilla: but there's not a lot of activity at this time, typically

davilla: otherwise, there's a chat for the clash

davilla: if you type his name, it will alert him

davilla: like when I say KamalOS

KamalOS: ok tnx davilla

gigolo: X)

Default avatar.png poweroverwhelming: @lysk

Whatar: So if you are levl 20 you can approve contributions?

Whatar: maybe I didn't quite understand the conversation

Whatar: enlighten me

davilla: if you are level 20 you can approve puzzles

davilla: not sure at what level you can approve clash of code, but that comes first

Uljahn: have to play 50 clashes

Uljahn: not private

davilla: ah, there ya go

davilla: so I guess it's possible that it doesn't come first !? that would be odd

Default avatar.png vunjes: hello everyone

cheeze2000: :flag_pt::flag_pt::flag_pt::flag_pt::flag_pt::flag_pt:

KiwiTae: o/

Default avatar.png I-Am-Programming: Hello

TobiasA: :sleepy:

JustAProgrammer01234: print('Hello')

TobiasA: the morrow is today

TobiasA: hooray

TobiasA: bonjour

TobiasA: c'mon cava

TobiasA: ?

JustAProgrammer01234: print('I speak in english lmfao')

TobiasA: print(me.language==english)

TobiasA: True

TobiasA: print(me.language==french)

TobiasA: False

Default avatar.png Tannazsh: hey

Default avatar.png Tannazsh: hi hru all i'm new here

Default avatar.png Tannazsh: can someone tell me how can i get around here ?

Manchi_o6o7: someone who could help me with directories in C


Manchi_o6o7: it isn't printing anything

davilla: what is unos.txt ?

Manchi_o6o7: there I get the input form

davilla: do you know if it's reading any input?

Manchi_o6o7: I know what is wrong. The memory allocation for the stirng arrays

Manchi_o6o7: char *brand=(char*)malloc(count), this is holding only one char?

Manchi_o6o7: it should be an array of char pointers dynamically. If I am not mistaken.

davilla: wow, I would not have gotten that

Manchi_o6o7: Is it the case, what do you think?

davilla: sorry I can read C/C++ but I get lost with some of that

Manchi_o6o7: :(

Default avatar.png Pinux: whats a language worth learning?

davilla: C# isn't bad

KalamariKing: Tannazsh wdym?

Bellololol: Japanese :)

Bellololol: haHAA

KalamariKing: ?

gigolo: o/

KalamariKing: Oh hello gigolo

gigolo: hi

KalamariKing: which reminds me nice work with the weekly puzzle struct

Intp: anyone wanna play a coding escape game.

gigolo: yeahhh

Manchi_o6o7: Guys, what could be the problem. The first time I excuted my C code, it worked. Completly fine reading from a .txt. The second time I compiled it and it won't print. The code is the same.

gigolo: check the input file

Manchi_o6o7: it is the same

DaNinja: whats it supposed to do?

Manchi_o6o7: to read %s %s %d

Manchi_o6o7: I can paste the code, if it helps

DaNinja: why realloc every line?


Manchi_o6o7: just playing wiht it

Manchi_o6o7: practicing for an exam

Manchi_o6o7: someone?

DaNinja: when you realloc *array then you cant print array[count-1]

DaNinja: dont realloc every line

Manchi_o6o7: how should I do it, because I don't know how much lines will be there

DaNinja: you want to store all the lines into an array?

Manchi_o6o7: array of structs

Manchi_o6o7: dynamically

Passifi: does anyone know why its called big endian if it actually ends on the least significant byte ? This throws me for a loop everytime ^^ it doesn't end on big it ends on little :scream:

Manchi_o6o7: it starts on the big hahahahah

Passifi: ohhh so now I get it the end of the data is stored in the little memory location... this is just such a confusing way to call things ... ^^ Somebody needs to reform computer speech asap

RoboStac: Manchi_o6o7 - you are can't do a realloc on a pointer that isn't currently allocated (eg line 16 you realloc array[count-1].brand and thats currently an undefined pointer as it's never been assigned)

Manchi_o6o7: array=(PHONE*)realloc(array,(count+1)*sizeof(PHONE));

Manchi_o6o7: isn't this part allocating it

Manchi_o6o7: I solved it

Manchi_o6o7: without the allocation of struct parts, it works

RoboStac: thats allocating the pointer to the structures. The pointers inside the structures are still undefined

Manchi_o6o7: got it

Manchi_o6o7: thanks a lot

Manchi_o6o7: if someone wants to see how it works


KalamariKing: And we back, howdy all

KalamariKing: Someone explain Python to me: what is the difference between int() and math.floor() for positive numbers

Manchi_o6o7: floor takes the bottom of a floating point number

Manchi_o6o7: floor(8.6)=8

Manchi_o6o7: the difference is only with negative numbers

Manchi_o6o7: int(8.6)=8

Manchi_o6o7: floor(-5.5)=-6

Manchi_o6o7: int(-5.5)=-5

KalamariKing: I knew about the negative difference, but why does it give a different response?

Astrobytes: 'bottom part'

KalamariKing: Dealing with absolute values, so it would all be positive

KalamariKing: Replacing int() with floor() passed test cases int() would not

Astrobytes: -6 < -5.5, -5 > -5.5, hence floor returns the former

KalamariKing: Hmm, thanks

KalamariKing: That makes more sense

KalamariKing: Imagine switching classes in the middle of a clash and wasting 10 minutes of precious time to get back and nobody's done

azriel1rf: How can I suppress badge count for community?

struct: Which badges?

jacek: click them

jacek: the contributions page

azriel1rf: thanks

struct: What was he talking about jacek?

jacek: when theres new contribution theres badge in community tab

azriel1rf: anyway, the count seems not related to me. what does it mean?

struct: new contributions

azriel1rf: all the new post?

struct: number of new contributions

struct: yes

azriel1rf: thanks

azriel1rf: *in my opinion*, it's useful to count only post related to me such as reply or comment to my post.

azriel1rf: or, it can be selectable all the post or related to me

MSmits: I know you don't mean it like that, but this sounds funny to me :P

jacek: hm?

MSmits: it's like you're saying: Hey, I got to this forum and people were talking about something other than me, whats up with that

azriel1rf: :thinking:

MSmits: again, i know you dont mean that, but i read it like that at first :P

azriel1rf: We can select

azriel1rf: We can select "world" tab and specific user.

Kitkat260: hey MSmits

MSmits: hey Kitkat260


i_m_Bot: hey

Default avatar.png Klap: sup

KalamariKing: Howdy

KalamariKing: What if we used a genetic nn to determine nn node nums

jacek: in other words, neuroevolution

KalamariKing: Is that a thing


KalamariKing: its big brain time

Default avatar.png bossyboots: hello

Astrobytes: Stop.

Astrobytes: Hammertime!

Westicles: jacek, that sounds like all those professors in the 80s trying to make AI bugs

Marchete: :regional_indicator_n::regional_indicator_e::regional_indicator_u::regional_indicator_r::regional_indicator_o::regional_indicator_e::regional_indicator_v::regional_indicator_o::regional_indicator_l::regional_indicator_u::regional_indicator_t::regional_indicator_i::regional_indicator_o::regional_indicator_n:

jacek: huh

Marchete: == crappy GA that does sh*t on multi AIs

jacek: you tried?

darkhorse64: you can also write a GA to tune the weights of your NN but it does not look like an optimal way to train

jacek: or NN topology - numbers of layers, nodes etc

jacek: good luck tuning millions of parameters

Marchete: why a GA? it can be any other search arlgo

Marchete: algo*

KalamariKing: Right but a GA will slowly hone in on parameters, plus I'm not too familiar with other algos

jacek: GA is smart brute force. brute forcing thousands or millions parameters is a no-no

Marchete: anyone knows about Span<T> and Memory<T> on C# .Net?

Marchete: I'm a bit out of the loop

jacek: try writing inside the loop's { }

Astrobytes: :expressionless:

Marchete: solved! thanks jacek :D

eulerscheZahl: these seem to convert into low-level code like SIMD iirc

eulerscheZahl: wanted to test them at a recent topcoder marathon. but they still use Mono and an older C# version

eulerscheZahl: and don't even compile with unsafe

eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

eulerscheZahl: also congrats struct for you puzzle of the 3 days

eulerscheZahl: for your*

jacek: of 3 days? will it change?

eulerscheZahl: contest starts soon

KalamariKing: Oh sick

KalamariKing: 3 days lets go

jacek: yeah, who wants a puzzle of the week during contest

eulerscheZahl: exactly rotated jacek

eulerscheZahl: kjace

jacek: ajcke

Marchete: if euler doesn't know them we are doomed

Astrobytes: kja... ffs

eulerscheZahl: I saw djoums using the Span<T> in some published solutions

Marchete: btw .Net makes working with AVX2 a piece of cake

Marchete: Span is like a pointer + size

Marchete: like a window to manipulate stuff

Astrobytes: Ah, the clue is in the name I guess

Marchete: I ported my NN to .net fairly good

Marchete: and with a good performance

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: this website is jank init mush

Marchete: but a lot of websites praise about Memory<T> and Span<T> and I'm a bit old

Marchete: I'm like C# 2.0

Astrobytes: No ChavyMush31

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: :(

eulerscheZahl: i recently used the interface implementation to get something like multiple inheritance

ZarthaxX: toooooooooooad

eulerscheZahl: foooox

KalamariKing: ChavyMush31 First off, why, I think this site is quite great. Much less toxic than, say, s/o Second off could you say that in english

ZarthaxX: damn bear sounded better

ZarthaxX: :(

ZarthaxX: multiple inheritance doesnt sound good

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: yo my mums a shoe stylllllll

ZarthaxX: ban?

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: yo mans a boxennit

eulerscheZahl: kick

ZarthaxX: damn

Astrobytes: Ban next time

eulerscheZahl: i'm out of shape, let's start slowly ;)

Astrobytes: Upping your kill count before the contest euler? :D

Astrobytes: hehehe

ZarthaxX: lol

eulerscheZahl: anyone with a highly efficient BFS on a hex board for me?

ZarthaxX: nope

KalamariKing: Seems the trolls are out today

ZarthaxX: if its a small hex boeard you could apply bitboards

ZarthaxX: e.e

eulerscheZahl: s/today/toady

Marchete: hex? why hex?

Astrobytes: :D

Marchete: the new contest has it?

ZarthaxX: yes Marchete

ZarthaxX: 3 hex boards in parallel

eulerscheZahl: maybe, i have such a feeling

Marchete: then I'm out

Marchete: I hate hex

eulerscheZahl: no, just 1

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: hi guys

ZarthaxX: :rofl:

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: im sorry

ZarthaxX: wait, the contest is a hex board?

Astrobytes: ChavyMush31: Ban if you continue

ZarthaxX: no joke?

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: sorry blud mans got back yanno

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: no im sory

ZarthaxX: wtf

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: sorry

eulerscheZahl: i'm serious. but obviously i don't have any insider knowledge

Astrobytes: Yes, I am aware that you got back.

ZarthaxX: im not liking how this is turning out

ZarthaxX: :D

Astrobytes: He's just talking like a roadman

ZarthaxX: AstroShame

eulerscheZahl: even Automaton2000 is more coherent

Automaton2000: guys i have a project to work on the code

eulerscheZahl: MK sometimes is

ZarthaxX: meanwhile im trying to enter into an IT Bootcamp iof a big company here

ZarthaxX: gonna mess with my cg contest schedule

Marchete: 11000 registered?

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: mans a ford focus styll

Marchete: like wth

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: mans mum is a box yanno

ZarthaxX: Marchete but not all of them appear :P

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: mans a drill artist stylllllll

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: boogey bano

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: bando

eulerscheZahl: i won't defend him if you do what you think about doing Astrobytes

Default avatar.png ChavyMush31: my sister is bandokay

Marchete: can you ban him?

eulerscheZahl: he did

Astrobytes: Done.

KalamariKing: epic

ZarthaxX: good

KalamariKing: How would you go about traversing a hex board though?

Marchete: perfection

Astrobytes: Why he feels the need to talk like an inner city London roadman I do not know. Innit blud, get me

ZarthaxX: you can represent it in a matrix KalamariKing

eulerscheZahl: just BFS with more neighboring cells

ZarthaxX: take each row and shift it

ZarthaxX: you can look it up online :P

Marchete: pick the referee and do a heavy C&P

ZarthaxX: ^

eulerscheZahl: coders of the caribbean


eulerscheZahl: that's the link from the CotC statement

ZarthaxX: that's the one ^

ZarthaxX: it's perfect

eulerscheZahl: (not "code of the rings" here)

Astrobytes: Yeah, Amit's explanations on that site are pretty comprehensive and easy to follow.

KalamariKing: Ok thanks

KalamariKing: I'm still quite new to some of these challenges :(

Astrobytes: Everyone was at some point ;)

KalamariKing: Are there leaderboards for coc

Astrobytes: Yep.


eulerscheZahl: i'm at 5794 there

eulerscheZahl: :trophy:

Astrobytes: My hero

p0int3r: 2

p0int3r: beast ,keep it up :clap:

Westicles: I've been beta testing the contest, very tricky

eulerscheZahl: i bet against

Astrobytes: He lies.

eulerscheZahl: (the beta-testing part, not the tricky one)

Westicles: hex grid, you buy acorns to capture grid spaces. global warming cards to counter

Astrobytes: I gotta say though, your daily variants have been rather good :)

Westicles: oh, they are telling me not to talk about it. disregard

eulerscheZahl: just climb the damn hex tree and reach the center

jacek: hex eh?


Westicles: Actually, the real surprise is they pulled in some schedules and it is an escape room!

Astrobytes: I know for a fact that the contest is a game.

eulerscheZahl: see the tree from top, then it's a hey board

Astrobytes: A hey board eh

jacek: oh my

eulerscheZahl: your what?

jacek: yes

eulerscheZahl: your tilt?

Westicles: Ah, the old My Neighbor Totoro: Aruite Sagaso Totoro`s Dondoko Game (2019)


eulerscheZahl: "old", "2019" don't make be feel old again

Illedan: jacek, how big is your network for Oware?

jacek: 1 hidden layer of 48 units

Illedan: That's it?

Astrobytes: Wow jacek, a relevant anime clip

jacek: of course theres input and output layer :v

Illedan: Yeye :P

jacek: but yeah, from NN point its pretty small

Illedan: My 96x2 is failing vs the one without any hidden layer

jacek: and 820 possible inputs

Illedan: 820?

Illedan: 1 for every amount of beads?

eulerscheZahl: beads? :bed:

Illedan: Oware beads

jacek: 12 houses 0..31, * 2 for the side to move, then 2 * 0..25 for the scores

Astrobytes: *seeds

eulerscheZahl: grains

Illedan: hmmm

Illedan: thx

jacek: that gives about 40k weights in my NN

Illedan: I have 14 inputs :D

jacek: as you can see, every state has exactly 14 activated 'ones', the rest being zero

jacek: one-hot inputs

Illedan: Makes sense

jacek: though the score inputs could be made into scaled [0-1]

Marchete: ahh, you have single inputs

Marchete: one-hot or whatever

Marchete: that's one thing I hate on NN

Marchete: it seems so clunky

Marchete: having normalized isn't good?

Marchete: asking for a friend

KalamariKing: It's not bad, but the network can't be unsure

KalamariKing: If its not precise enough, it will give wrong answers

KalamariKing: Whereas with one-hot, it can be anywhere from 0.00001 to 0.9999 as long as its higher than the other values, giving more accurate answers

BlaiseEbuth: Hello there.

Astrobytes: hii

jacek: Marchete i could probably get away with normalized input for the scores. as for the houses, 0 seed house or 1 seed house is much different from 5 seed house

KalamariKing: e.x. 10 outputs -- a difference of 0.1 would become wrong for normalization, but not one-hot, if that makes more sense

Marchete: one hot is for separating independent data that doesn't fit into a gradient

jacek: so i treat it differently, like different 'chess piece'

Marchete: but I thought seed count was some kind of gradient

Illedan: I guess the exact amount is too important

jacek: in scores. in houses no.

jacek: maybe for 3+ seeds in house

Illedan: Is 31 the max amount of seeds on 1 house?

Marchete: then when you have a grid game the one-hot will explode

Marchete: that's not scalable at all

Illedan: This is where CNN comes to play :P

jacek: no but i assumed that. any <31 will be 31, its very rare

Marchete: CNN is slow af

KalamariKing: Not always

KalamariKing: Some cnn's can be pretty fast

jacek: Marchete yeah its not scalable, but sufficient for most of my purposes

Marchete: CNN compared to MLP is slow af*

eulerscheZahl: like this CNN?

RoboStac: I just pass raw seed numbers into mine and it works pretty well

jacek: needs more friendshipp

jacek: oO

Marchete: RoboStac, I'm interested in your POV :D

Illedan: :D

Marchete: because you have a more Alphazero like

jacek: you pass not normalized 10, 20?

Marchete: so passing raw numbers?

RoboStac: yeah, 14x floats that are the exact values in each house / score

Marchete: it seems weird

jacek: and its MLP?

Marchete: then you have some layers and a policy and value?

KalamariKing: Also; for hexagons, do you all prefer a 2d grid with shifted rows or a 3-axis representation? Which is easier to program and which is easier to conceptualize, would you say?

KalamariKing: jacek multilayer perceptron

RoboStac: 3x dense layers of 96 node and then 6 policy outputs / 1 value

Marchete: so all is shared until the last dense


jacek: see? and i need only 1 dense layer :*

KalamariKing: Marchete what's the difference between cnn and mlp then? They look rather similar to me

Marchete: CNN predict/inference takes more computation time

eulerscheZahl: an invite code to join codingame? shared on a chat that's only accessible when you already have an account? great plan Josephtulaferme

jacek: CNN treats input as image and has image manipulation stuff

KalamariKing: eulerscheZahl just gonna say that

RoboStac: I'm not sure if I've tried less layers

KalamariKing: jacek But what about cnns and mlps with other classification problems?

RoboStac: I tried adding one and it didn't help

Marchete: 3x96 seem a lot of nodes

Marchete: I don't think I can fit all

jacek: could be because i have somewhat filtered input

RoboStac: it's only 21032 floats - can probably fit even if they were full 32 bit weights

Marchete: 80KB, maybe with some zip help

Marchete: yes

Default avatar.png antis: hi

jacek: i can fit ~14bit float into 1 character

Marchete: no you can't

jacek: so i can fit 70k-80k weights

Marchete: ahh

Marchete: yes

RoboStac: yeah, thats what I do too for the bigger ones - my oware is still 16bit floats in 1/2chars

Marchete: you are talking when sending

Marchete: ok


Marchete: I have it prepared

Marchete: but I went for the binary+model->Zip->Compress

RoboStac: I don't send a binary either, only the weights get converted

Marchete: it's probably better on your way

jacek: RoboStac no input for side to move?

RoboStac: no, it's always passed in with the first 7 values as the current player

jacek: ah, rotation/mirroring

PatrickMcGinnisII: May the 4th be with you

Marchete: training policy and value at the same time is like in Alphazero? What's the best kind of optimizer?

Marchete: because that's a bit blur to me

RoboStac: I've tried RMSProp and Adam and not found any noticeable difference

Marchete: I think I'd get scores and policy train values from endgame + visits or smth like that

Marchete: but the learning rate and these kind of values are a bit confusing, I can't see what is good

RoboStac: every turn during training it stores the visit counts per node for policy and then at the end backprops the game result for value

Marchete: sorry Illedan I kidnapped your question, please continue

Marchete: yeah I had some of your chats saved somewhere

Marchete: from last year :)

jacek: what question

Marchete: I imagine Ille will ask more things

Illedan: No problem good reads. Continue discussing details. Just paste all code too. No worries. I have to pack and go anyway

Marchete: but the one-hot approach was suprising to me and I interrupted him

jacek: oh

KalamariKing: Anyone been asked if they were a robot after clicking Submit?

jacek: too much clashes eh

KalamariKing: Oh I've been playing a lot

KalamariKing: I went to onboarding and started messing around with languages I've never used, and well the C's are all similar so I got them all correct first try lol

KalamariKing: It didn't like that

ZarthaxX: system just doesnt like you to click submit many times in a short period of time

ZarthaxX: :P

KalamariKing: Probably

ZarthaxX: it works like that

KalamariKing: Yeah

KalamariKing: I'm learning that most programming languages are similar

ZarthaxX: well they serve the same prupose

KalamariKing: True

ZarthaxX: but you are using imperative ones

ZarthaxX: if you try functional it will be different

ZarthaxX: or OOP

KalamariKing: Wdym?

ZarthaxX: like true OOP lol

ZarthaxX: just learn haskell

ZarthaxX: you will see

KalamariKing: Challenge accepted

Astrobytes: You'll love it

ZarthaxX: ironic?

Astrobytes: Perhaps. But it is pretty cool. I'm no expert but I find it quite elegant.

ZarthaxX: i like it too

ZarthaxX: :)

ZarthaxX: now kiss me

ZarthaxX: :*

Astrobytes: :kissing_heart:

Astrobytes: :rofl:

ZarthaxX: hurrayyyyyyy

jacek: ghey

Astrobytes: ...said the brony :P

KiwiTae: Astrobytes o/

Astrobytes: hey KiwiTae


ZarthaxX: hai

Default avatar.png Manhar: Hello

KiwiTae: ZarthaxX :* :*

struct: also congrats struct for you puzzle of the 3 days

struct: Who pinged me?

struct: i wasnt here :/

Astrobytes: jacek or euler iirc

struct: thanks

struct: I see that euler is also making an ai for next contest

struct: lets hope he got the game right :)

Astrobytes: hehehe

HoangH7: struct, do you know claass?

struct: thats private

Astrobytes: :smirk:

KalamariKing: struct a couple of us pinged our congrats on the cotw

struct: thanks

Default avatar.png jaceey101110: hi

Default avatar.png jaceey101110: i new here

KalamariKing: Hello jaceey101110!

Default avatar.png jaceey101110: hi are you new

The_ZimaBlue: I am new

The_ZimaBlue: just joined last week

KalamariKing: I am in fact not new

KalamariKing: Hello to you both! Welcome to CG!

TheBatMan_TM: guys help

TheBatMan_TM: I am getting a <Response [500]> when i use put

TheBatMan_TM: it's a python (flask) api, purerly expiremetal (for fun)

TheBatMan_TM: *purely

TheBatMan_TM: code, which is making the error

TheBatMan_TM: source file


TheBatMan_TM: source file:


TheBatMan_TM: ignore the delete method

TheBatMan_TM: it's not edited

TheBatMan_TM: the error thrown: sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (sqlite3.IntegrityError) UNIQUE constraint failed: [SQL: INSERT INTO name_search_model (name, level, region) VALUES (?, ?, ?)] [parameters: ('KDawg@1', 43, 'India')] (Background on this error at:

KalamariKing: Gimme a sec and I'll search it

Default avatar.png Camden272: hello people

KalamariKing: Something's wrong with the integrity of the database keys, i.e. check here ig?


KalamariKing: Howdy, Camden272

eulerscheZahl: going by the error message he just tried to insert the same entry twice

BlaiseEbuth: Srlsy who banned KitKat ? She's crying now. :/

eulerscheZahl: not me. i missed that opportunity unfortunately

TheBatMan_TM: what is it euler?

BlaiseEbuth: Same... :(

eulerscheZahl: name = db.Column(db.String(10), primary_key=1)

TheBatMan_TM: maybe i should recreate the db? @eulerscheZahl

eulerscheZahl: that primary thing makes your name a unique key

eulerscheZahl: if you try to enter two values with the same value, you'll get an error

TheBatMan_TM: ok, but when i entered it the first time too i got the same error

eulerscheZahl: (caution, i'm partially guessing, I know some other frameworks like DJango and the Entity Framework but not flask)

TheBatMan_TM: maybe i should recreate the db?

eulerscheZahl: you connect to an existing DB

TheBatMan_TM: ohk they r similar ig

eulerscheZahl: you might already have that entry from before

TheBatMan_TM: yeah, so lemme delete and recreate the db and see

eulerscheZahl: as we are talking about databases:

eulerscheZahl: Hi,

You have used 80% of your 550 free dyno hours for April 2021. The following steps can help you keep your app running smoothly.

TheBatMan_TM: what?

eulerscheZahl: heroku threatens to turn my puzzle search off for the rest of a month if the uptime further increases

eulerscheZahl: for

BlaiseEbuth: Do You Need Ocarinas ?

struct: :(

TheBatMan_TM: hey @eulerscheZahl

eulerscheZahl: yes, hi to me :)

TheBatMan_TM: the get() is malfunctioning now

eulerscheZahl: of course, you deleted that entry :D

eulerscheZahl: or even the whole table

TheBatMan_TM: i am getting this {'name': None, 'level': 0, 'region': None}

TheBatMan_TM: no i recreated the table, and the put worked

eulerscheZahl: open the database with an SQL editor

eulerscheZahl: (or how do we call those programs)

TheBatMan_TM: but after "putting" it, i tried to get the same, but it doesn't work

eulerscheZahl: check with an external tool if it's correctly entered in the database

TheBatMan_TM: like i put in this {'level':43,'region':'India'},and i got back (as expected) {'name': 'KDawg@1', 'level': 43, 'region': 'India'}

TheBatMan_TM: but when i tried this requests.get('') it returns {'name': None, 'level': 0, 'region': None}

TheBatMan_TM: i use a file to call these:


KalamariKing: What happens if you try to get a non-existent entry

Default avatar.png [0_o]Surya: hello

KalamariKing: Howdy

TheBatMan_TM: no that's what i am saying, i literally accessed (get) the data i just put

Default avatar.png [0_o]Surya: is anyone playing ghost in the cell?

KalamariKing: Right, but what happens if you try to get non-existent data

TheBatMan_TM: i think we get back a serializable object with null columns

KalamariKing: So the data being returned is NOT the same as null data? Or it is?

BlaiseEbuth: About 5153 persons [0_o]Surya

eulerscheZahl: or their ghosts spooking on the server

eulerscheZahl: oh, my ghost dropped a rank. who's that nierin guy?

TheBatMan_TM: I think we r supposed to get this when we access non-existent data (and this is what i am getting too) {'name': None, 'level': 0, 'region': None} @KalamariKing

TheBatMan_TM: @eulerscheZahl help me bro

eulerscheZahl: i told you to access the database with a tool outside of your application just to make sure the entry exists in the database as expected

eulerscheZahl: helps to limit the possibilities where it goes wrong

Default avatar.png [0_o]Surya: @BlaiseEbuth actually I have a doubt at wood 2 but idk where to ask

eulerscheZahl: here [0_o]Surya

BlaiseEbuth: Just with good questions

BlaiseEbuth: :p


TheBatMan_TM: @eulerscheZahl do i have to install the sql setup in pc to do that?

KalamariKing: Where is the data hosted

eulerscheZahl: depends on your database

KalamariKing: A file I presume?

eulerscheZahl: sqlite => get sqliteman or something like that

TheBatMan_TM: i am using flask_sqlalchemy

eulerscheZahl: app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///database.db'

KalamariKing: Where does sqlalchemy store to

TheBatMan_TM: yeah a .db file @KalamariKing

eulerscheZahl: hmm, i don't know what that is :D

eulerscheZahl: oh, db file

eulerscheZahl: great

KalamariKing: So use an external viewer on the file

eulerscheZahl: windows or linux?

TheBatMan_TM: i am running it on, as i told u i am just experimenting and learning something new

eulerscheZahl: (sorry, I joined late)

TheBatMan_TM: @KalamariKing I am not sure i know how to do that ;p

KalamariKing: eulerscheZahl is it ok to ask to send the repl? I know some communities don't like that

eulerscheZahl: there are command line tools to read the data too. i just don't know how to use them from the top of my head

KalamariKing: If so, TheBatMan_TM send the repl link

TheBatMan_TM: @KalamariKing ok bro

eulerscheZahl: i don't see a problem with the link

KalamariKing: Ok thanks euler

TheBatMan_TM: @eulerscheZahl which link bro?

eulerscheZahl: repl

TheBatMan_TM: oh

TheBatMan_TM: @KalamariKing KalamariKing

TheBatMan_TM: oops one sec

KalamariKing: lol

TheBatMan_TM: @KalamariKing

KalamariKing: Btw you don't need the @ for pings here TheBatMan_TM I learned that a few days ago

eulerscheZahl: now I have to find trucks to see you code

eulerscheZahl: and you can tab-complete the names

eulerscheZahl: kal[tab] => KalamariKing

TheBatMan_TM: i am new here idk

TheBatMan_TM: I am a hackerrank and codeforces guy, I am kinda new here :upside_down:

KalamariKing: Hey its fine I've only been here a few weeks

eulerscheZahl: i'm on those 2 websites as well but not very active

Default avatar.png [0_o]Surya:

KalamariKing: btdubs you got two errors, 43 and 44, for unknown references

TheBatMan_TM: ok @KalamariKing , and @eulerscheZahl :disappointed:

TobiasA: i finally completed there is no spoons after 5 months of procrastination

KalamariKing: lmao same

eulerscheZahl: now on to "There is no Spoon 2"

BlaiseEbuth: Can you share a replay [0_o]Surya

TheBatMan_TM: @KalamariKing I know, i haven't edited that part out yet, anyways that doesn't have anything to do with the get query

KalamariKing: TheBatMan_TM try adding a bunch of print statements everywhere, in like every function, with func name and passed data

KalamariKing: See where the data goes and at what point it gets nulled

TheBatMan_TM: that doesn't work too

eulerscheZahl: [0_o]Surya try without the semicolon at the end

KalamariKing: Oh does flask not allow prints?

TobiasA: wait what?!!

TobiasA: what do you mean "2"


Default avatar.png [0_o]Surya: @BlaiseEbuth


TheBatMan_TM: the method call is handled differently by flask @Kalamariking

Default avatar.png amartya9: hello all !

KalamariKing: Helo amartya9

BlaiseEbuth: You've don the easy one, there's the true one now :3

TheBatMan_TM: @KalamariKing, how do i do it without using @?

eulerscheZahl: [0_o]Surya don't listen to BlaiseEbuth and just remove the trailing semicolon

TobiasA: bruuuuuuuuuuuh

TobiasA: i can't do that

KalamariKing: same

KalamariKing: I can't even do those without code

TobiasA: just pretend that one doesn't exist and praise me for my good deed

BlaiseEbuth: What don't listen to me? I did'nt say anything

TheBatMan_TM: @KalamariKing , any other suggestions?

Default avatar.png [0_o]Surya: @eulerscheZahl After removing semicolon: invalid input. Expected 'A valid action' but found 'MOVE 1 2 1MOVE 1 3 10MOVE 1 4 10MOVE 1 5 5MOVE 1 6 1MOVE 1 0 1'

TheBatMan_TM: I have to virtually see the table ig

BlaiseEbuth: He said "the trailing semicolon"

BlaiseEbuth: Not all

eulerscheZahl: you were supposed to remove the last one

eulerscheZahl: or add a WAIT at the end

TheBatMan_TM: but how do i do that online? as i have saved it in a file

KalamariKing: TheBatMan_TM same as normal, without the @ sign, pretty ez

TobiasA: now my next mission is to win one more fastest mode in coc to get 50 xp

TheBatMan_TM: ok just KalamariKing then?

KalamariKing: TheBatMan_TM try this, and yeah :P


TobiasA: guess i know what i will be doing for the next 7 months

KalamariKing: lol

eulerscheZahl: and you want to select * instead of "blah"

KalamariKing: Yeah

KalamariKing: That

TheBatMan_TM: KalamariKing , but that's for sqlite right?

KalamariKing: Yeah, run apt-get install sqlite in the repl shell and then continue with that answer (still in repl shell)

Default avatar.png [0_o]Surya: @ BlaiseEbuth,@ eulerscheZahl It worked than you

gigolo: lol for a clash there is only 4 numbers in that range are becomes true i could use that in shortest :\

KalamariKing: Wdym

gigolo: perfect numbers

gigolo: from 1 to 10^4

KalamariKing: I hated that one

KalamariKing: Hated with a passion

gigolo: only 4 numbers are perfrct

KalamariKing: Wait really


gigolo: yeah :D

KalamariKing: Awwh f in the chat

KalamariKing: I spent so long on that

eulerscheZahl: you only need 6=perfect

eulerscheZahl: rest isn't covered by validators

KalamariKing: :'(

gigolo: :\

TheBatMan_TM: KalamariKing something like this? python -c "import sqlite3; print(sqlite3.connect('database.db').cursor().execute('SELECT * FROM SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI ').fetchall())"

eulerscheZahl: SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI i don't think that that's your table name

KalamariKing: TheBatMan_TM there should be a shell tab. It's literally just a bash shell, for the repl virtual machine. Type sudo apt-get install sqlite3

KalamariKing: And then run sqlite [name].db

TheBatMan_TM: no i got it this works:

KalamariKing: And then you can simply type in the 'SELECT * FROM ... ' stuff straight into the shell

TheBatMan_TM: python -c "import sqlite3; print(sqlite3.connect('database.db').cursor().execute('SELECT * FROM name_search_model').fetchall())"

TheBatMan_TM: ok KalamariKing

KalamariKing: I mean, it will work, but I find it easier to work straight from shell

TheBatMan_TM: KalamariKing, it shows that the record is inserted but still the get doesn't work why?

KalamariKing: Could be something with the keyword, idk

KalamariKing: Does a different library work on the database?

TheBatMan_TM: idk

TheBatMan_TM: it SHOULD work, but idk y it isn't

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: 5 2 2 1 1 -> 216 5 4 3 -> 120

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: What's the pattern?

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: 2 1 1 -> 12

TheBatMan_TM: KalamariKing, wait i got it

TheBatMan_TM: I didn't use filter_by().first()

TheBatMan_TM: now it works

KalamariKing: GeorgiD I really don't know

TheBatMan_TM: thanks a lot for your help anyways

KalamariKing: Ofc

TheBatMan_TM: :slight_smile:

KalamariKing: What we're here for

KalamariKing: :)

TheBatMan_TM: ty

TheBatMan_TM: bye

eulerscheZahl: any more samples GeorgiD?

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: 2 2 2 -> 27

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: And 1 1 -> 4

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: No one in my lobby got it

eulerscheZahl: (x+1) multiplied

eulerscheZahl: (2+1) * (2+1) * (2+1)

KalamariKing: oh my god

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: No way, now I feel stupid loll

KalamariKing: euler you're a genius

Default avatar.png GeorgiD: Thank you

struct: euler knows all the clashes by hearth

eulerscheZahl: nope

KalamariKing: oh hello structure

eulerscheZahl: and i even figured that one out myself as the puzzle search failed me

eulerscheZahl: 35 results

eulerscheZahl: ah, found it

KalamariKing: yes finally a legend achievement

eulerscheZahl: 15 puzzles with the same language?

Smelty: hm...yinsh as a weekly puzle

Digginwings: yello

BlaiseEbuth: sup

BlaiseEbuth: marine

BlaiseEbuth: \o/

Digginwings: oy mate

Digginwings: what do be doin

Smelty: hello

Digginwings: smell ty ay

Smelty: lol

Digginwings: auto coret is bad

Digginwings: hey i beat you in the puzzle of the week

Smelty: congrats

Smelty: in case you didnt know, i just made a random ai

Smelty: xD

Digginwings: thank u it means so much

Digginwings: :joy:

XeroOl: hello how are you guys doing

KalamariKing: Ugh

XeroOl: good morning or afternoon or evening

KalamariKing: Afternoon for me

Smelty: :rofl:

Smelty: morning for me

Digginwings: morning

KalamariKing: The most boring teacher of the day has a 'fun' 60 slide presentation lined up for the next hour and a half

XeroOl: exciting

XeroOl: how does one get to the top 2% of the bot leaderboard lol

Digginwings: guess how old i am

XeroOl: I'm going to guess 20

KalamariKing: 116 years 40 days

XeroOl: I like that guess

KalamariKing: You're this guy

Digginwings: im 12


KalamariKing: Digginwings so many younger folk here... not much older here, but pretty young for such good coding! Pretty impressive!

Digginwings: thank u

Westicles: Advertising on boxes of pop tarts really payed off for CG

KalamariKing: Wait did they really

BlaiseEbuth: baby diapers are next

KalamariKing: Btdubs is it faster to use sqrt or fractional exponents

Hjax: man reading old code you wrote

Hjax: makes you question your sanity

KalamariKing: ikr? recently redid onboarding in a different language... seeing the old code was rough

Hjax: the question is was i insane before, or am i insane now

BlaiseEbuth: Why not both?

Hjax: its entirely possible

KalamariKing: Hjax you're more insane, faster

Digginwings: this is a game i made:

KalamariKing: Digginwings that's pretty cool ngl

Digginwings: thank u

KalamariKing: I've neber written a game, so you got one on me ;)

KalamariKing: never*

Digginwings: i made another game but need to debug it

KalamariKing: oh lol

KalamariKing: debugging sucks, always

Default avatar.png Matronx: nice game, you need to start organizing your repository

KalamariKing: Anyone know Python here?

Default avatar.png Philbot: are there any good articles on MCTS applied in multiplayer games ?

VizGhar: jeez... you haven't learned you have to ask right away KalamariKing? :)

eulerscheZahl: i always have (3) crossed out

Hjax: i do

eulerscheZahl: i still need (4) for my bingo

Hjax: back in the day the #python channel on the freenode server had the description "Don't ask to ask"

Hjax: meaning, dont go "hey can i ask a question" just say your question

KalamariKing: Well this is main and idk if you all write strictly F#

KalamariKing: However

eulerscheZahl: we just flood with channel with whatever comes to our mind

Default avatar.png Philbot: figures

eulerscheZahl: i know that I wrote this wrong

KalamariKing: *our* mind

KalamariKing: collective hive mind

Hjax: we are the borg

Astrobytes: Yes

Default avatar.png Philbot: sorry for pressuring you

Astrobytes: Who asked about MCTS for multiplayer?

VizGhar: KalamariKing 14 mesages and you still didn't ask :)

KalamariKing: Philbot idek what those are sorry

eulerscheZahl: 50...sentences...laaateeerrrrr.....

eulerscheZahl: we can still get there

TobiasA: what is MCTS?

eulerscheZahl: monte carlo tree search

Default avatar.png Philbot: i asked about MCTS

KalamariKing: VizGhar yes however I don't know how to ask... it's kind of a 'why doesnt this work' and that's not a good question

davilla: monte carlo tree search

KalamariKing: Philbot yeah mcts, I haven't heard of it until now, sorry

TobiasA: when is the contest?

VizGhar: Not without context :)

Hjax: contest is in 2 days

eulerscheZahl: the idea is that you play a random game. and then learn from it to understand that some moves are more likely to lead to a win than others

TobiasA: woah woah woah

Default avatar.png Philbot: i didn't ask anyone specifically kalamari

TobiasA: and i am still a noob

Astrobytes: Turn-based or simultaneous philRG?

Astrobytes: *Philbot

eulerscheZahl: we are getting close to the contest, tabbing is getting less effective again

Default avatar.png Philbot: any either all, want to know how it's usually being applied

TobiasA: what is tabbing?

Default avatar.png Philbot: searching single tree is easy but how do you merge the two trees

Astrobytes: Well for simultaneous you can look into Smitsimax/UCT Forest

eulerscheZahl: eul[tab] => eulerscheZahl (auto completion)

Hjax: im using MCTS for othello

eulerscheZahl: MCTS for connect 4 in C#

TobiasA: oouuuu that awesome feature

Hjax: although my own code is currently confusing me

TobiasA: i found out about it yesterday

Hjax: if you have specific questions about my MCTS othello program, feel free to shoot me a pm @Philbot

VizGhar: Philbot it's not about 2 or more trees. Simplest (but not right version) is to randomly search one tree again and again until you say. Yup this next move leads to most wins

KalamariKing: Btw how does the pastebin/codingame thing work when people post code

eulerscheZahl: >= 5 lines turns into a pastebin

Hjax: what i really want to know is why constraining my eval to juts the discrete values [0, 0.5, 1] makes it play better than a continuous eval

eulerscheZahl: and a certain number of characters (I forgot the limit) does the same

KalamariKing: oh sick

Astrobytes: You can store a reward vector for n players I guess, like maxN

eulerscheZahl: and then there is ̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤

jacek: oh my

Astrobytes: But then I haven't done > 2 player MCTS

eulerscheZahl: never gets old

KalamariKing: Could someone look over my distance formula I think its right but idk

Astrobytes: Vandalism!

VizGhar: my chat is falling apart

eulerscheZahl: just share the formula and find out if we can

KalamariKing: eulerscheZahl this is pure beauty and i forgot I had to paste it lol

Default avatar.png Philbot: chat graffiti

KalamariKing: def dist(coord1, coord2):

Marchete: do you use MCTS on some games, euler?

KalamariKing: I'm in class and my attention is very divided, if I forget something that's why, sorry

eulerscheZahl: do you convert between degree and radians?

eulerscheZahl: yes Marchete

eulerscheZahl: UTTT and Bandas

KalamariKing: Does it need to be?

jacek: btw. chat didnt break for me

VizGhar: and 2048 :)

philRG: Astrobytes philBot and philRG belongs to 2 different indviduals

eulerscheZahl: not sure anymore if I have another one in the arena

eulerscheZahl: 2048 is beam search

jacek: not in onitama?

VizGhar: ah sure... my bad

KalamariKing: As long as its all using the same units (rad or deg) then does it matter?

eulerscheZahl: minimax

VizGhar: onitama is minimax

jacek: right...

jacek: if you say so

Astrobytes: Yes, I just answered your message PhilRG, sorry for the ping :)

eulerscheZahl: :rolling_eyes:

KalamariKing: Wait why do I have to use the given formula for distance


KalamariKing: Couldn't I just use Pythag th

philRG: Astrobytes no problem :-)

KalamariKing: eulerscheZahl that's the one I'm doing rn

eulerscheZahl: and it asks you to find the distance

KalamariKing: Yeah

KalamariKing: I used the given formula

KalamariKing: Something isn't working and that's what I think it is

eulerscheZahl: and I told you to check if you use radians

Smelty: hmmrm

eulerscheZahl: as you are given coordinates in degrees

KalamariKing: Yeah its using rads

KalamariKing: OH

KalamariKing: ok thanks, I'm blaming this on trig being next year's class

VizGhar: I think some guys said, you can solve this without that complicated formula?

KalamariKing: VizGhar imma try pythag and see if it works

eulerscheZahl: there are different formulas for distances

VizGhar: just sqrt(dxˆ2+dyˆ2) not sure though

eulerscheZahl: different approximations

KalamariKing: VizGhar ye thats the one

eulerscheZahl: that sounds off to me. you can get lucky with the testcases

eulerscheZahl: the points are close together, making it almost a flat surface

eulerscheZahl: and the earth isn't even a perfect sphere (which most formulas assume)

eulerscheZahl: more like a rotated ellipse

VizGhar: anyway... you code seems to be correct. U sure the problem is in this part of code?


Marchete: I was able to do all AVX2 stuff on C#

Marchete: and it goes as fast as C++

eulerscheZahl: oh cool. thanks for sharing Marchete

eulerscheZahl: even if i don't want to use the NN part, I can still use it as a reference for AVX

Default avatar.png Philbot: you have a C++ version too?

PatrickMcGinnisII: defib.... i tried my code without multiplying the distance by 6371 and the precision caused it to fail. depends on lang., i actually did this one in java so i wouldn't have to fight precision

VizGhar: hmm I used kotlin, so it's same as Patrick's

eulerscheZahl: i don't see how the 6371 could change anything. are you converting to integers or something?

KalamariKing: I'm back

KalamariKing: The 6371 is the radius of the earth, in km

PatrickMcGinnisII: i originally used php euler ... the rounding error without using bcmath

KalamariKing: I'm saying screw that and trying pythag

PatrickMcGinnisII: Double';s are fine

KalamariKing: Are you looking at my code

KalamariKing: Wait no nv,

KalamariKing: nvm*

KalamariKing: can you not raise a float to a power

KalamariKing: oh wait python uses **

KalamariKing: nvm

VizGhar: There was a calendar of events for fall challenge. I mean. when will silver/gold/legend leagues opened


eulerscheZahl: fionally, that's #4

eulerscheZahl: BINGO!!!

KalamariKing: oh lmao

VizGhar: is there calendar for this event?

VizGhar: euler the one was for me? :D

eulerscheZahl: no, for the python power

eulerscheZahl: league opening is always monday, wednesday, friday

VizGhar: ah thanks god I already felt ashamed

eulerscheZahl: 6pm UTC+2

VizGhar: tnx

Default avatar.png Philbot: hard to follow with chat

King_Coda: hello

Default avatar.png Philbot: at one point i thought we're not supposed to ask questions

King_Coda: good morning

davilla: I'm coding a very hard puzzle, watching a movie, changing a flat tire, and giving a presentation on slot machines all at the same time, so sorry if my thoughts are a little scattered. </sarcasm>

King_Coda: who the hell is Phoenix09 and why are they following me

eulerscheZahl: i prefer a series over a movie. i'm bad at remembering faces :(

King_Coda: well they're banned now, so it doesnt really matter

eulerscheZahl: easier for me when i get some episodes to get used to them

davilla: funny, I have the same problem in real life... but actors usually have very distinct features

davilla: when they don't, I get super confused

eulerscheZahl: remembering shoes can help. easier with men usually, they don't wear a different pair every day :D

PatrickMcGinnisII: My GF remembers people's pet's names and references people by "...watzerface with Binky, Fuzzy, or whatever "

davilla: The Departed was super confusing, for instance

orangesnowfox: good morning peoples

eulerscheZahl: good evening to you as well

Default avatar.png Philbot: it is said first thing women look at are your shoes perhaps that's how they remember me

davilla: and some other movie I saw as a teen, set somewhere it snows, that had 3 blonds

eulerscheZahl: nowadays it's my initials in the teams meeting

eulerscheZahl: which they see first

eulerscheZahl: i didn't put a profile pic there

PatrickMcGinnisII: I have multiple pairs of Tevas, women know if your wearing your good pair or your work pair

Astrobytes: DM's all the way

eulerscheZahl: none for me

davilla: the difference between an introverted mathematician and and extroverted mathematician, is that an introverted mathematician looks at his shoes when he talks to you

davilla: an extroverted mathematician looks at your shoes

Astrobytes: heh heh

eulerscheZahl: i knew that one already

Westicles: I was surprised when I started working, all the guys were wearing shorts with their balls hanging out

eulerscheZahl: working at a ball park?

PatrickMcGinnisII: gotta keep 'em dry

Westicles: That's why I never found the movie The Matrix realistic. Having to be on time and wear a suit for a programmer?

davilla: a noob here for the first time might see the name Westicles and the topic of conversation and be very confused what this is all about

TobiasA: how come i can't output an angle for the pod to turn in coders strike back

TobiasA: ?

Astrobytes: I see chat is having an 'eclectic' day

Smelty: yes.

davilla: it's excitement about the upcoming event

davilla: that people aren't addressing directly

Astrobytes: :grin:

Smelty: TobiasA: Just output the place you want it to go and the thrust, it will automatically turn a maximum of 18 degrees in each direction to point at the place you want it to go

PatrickMcGinnisII: and here i am trying to bitblt smash the code to squeeze more iterations

PatrickMcGinnisII: i give up, glhf

davilla: bitblt = ?

PatrickMcGinnisII: bit twiddling

davilla: oh there's a pedia on it

Default avatar.png Philbot: is there something i should not use bitboards for?

eulerscheZahl: readable code

Marchete: sanity

Default avatar.png Philbot: are there any particular contests where bitboards don't work

Astrobytes: Anything without a board, generally speaking ;)

Astrobytes: But you can still use bitwise ops, packing stuff etc

Default avatar.png Philbot: but any values can be encoded as bits

Astrobytes: Yep.

Manchi_o6o7: how can I compare two strings in C, alphabetically. So I can bianry search a word

eulerscheZahl: if you are happy with reaching legend and don't plan to win the contest, you won't need bitboards

eulerscheZahl: str_cmp as "asciibetical"

eulerscheZahl: you can toupper it and then compare that way

Manchi_o6o7: str1>str2 won't work*

Manchi_o6o7: ?


eulerscheZahl: note that this function is case sensitive

Manchi_o6o7: I need to determine the high and low in a binary search

Manchi_o6o7: I have an array of strings alphabetically sorted, and the key string

Westicles: Heh heh. "Haskell is already supported". I don't know anything about that guy to tell if that is straight up or not

KalamariKing: Westicles is haskell support poor?

KalamariKing: And I've heard the term bitboard a few times now, what does it mean


Manchi_o6o7: binary search isn't working :(

KalamariKing: strcmp takes two strings

KalamariKing: wait i didn't see the ,

Default avatar.png Philbot: there is a free book for haskell kalamari

KalamariKing: I was just questioning westicles' statement

Hjax: @KalamariKing imagine a game of checkers, on a 8x8 board

Hjax: you can use 1 64 bit integer for each color

Westicles: The version seems to be 3 years old. I'm sure they've added lots of stuff to make it even more incomprehensible in that time

Hjax: each bit of the integer represents one square of the board

KalamariKing: Oh that's cool

Hjax: 1 = theres a piece there, 0 = theres no piece there

Hjax: it lets you represent a game state in a very compact way, do efficient move generation,

struct: VS does not compile on debug but compiles on release

Hjax: if you are after performance, bitboards are often the answer

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Manchi_o6o7: struct, can you help me out with my code

KalamariKing: istg this actually sucks

KalamariKing: I cannot for the life of me do this and idk why

struct: sorry im solving some problems atm

Default avatar.png nikcode: hello

KalamariKing: Hello nikcode!

KalamariKing: struct what kinda problems?

Default avatar.png nikcode: wassup guys - too much reading in problems

KalamariKing: wdym

Default avatar.png Philbot: nikcode are you reading the same article as me?

Default avatar.png nikcode: not sure

Default avatar.png Philbot:

Default avatar.png Philbot: best first, minimax and uct

Default avatar.png nikcode: I just joined this today and trying just for understanding - what it is

Default avatar.png Philbot: first paragraph talks about NN too

KalamariKing: What what is

Default avatar.png nikcode: How does it work and improve coding - can anyone explain/

KalamariKing: How does WHAT improve coding

Default avatar.png nikcode: I mean how to use for better result

KalamariKing: how to use WHAT

Default avatar.png Philbot: i am still reading it nikcode

Default avatar.png nikcode: ok

Westicles: Philbot, maybe try this?


Default avatar.png Philbot: not now

Default avatar.png Philbot: besides i am looking through ideas

KalamariKing: oh my god

KalamariKing: this whole time

KalamariKing: the lat and lon were switches

KalamariKing: switched*

KalamariKing: whoever made this puzzle don't know their coordinate systems

Default avatar.png Philbot: i don't understand the article at all

Default avatar.png Philbot: if they can evaluate best move at depth 0 what is the role of the tree?

KalamariKing: Maybe the best move changes based on what the opponent does?

KalamariKing: Idk

Default avatar.png Philbot: is there a way to block people in this chat?

KalamariKing: Idts

KalamariKing: Not in main, only admin can do that, but maybe in dms? You'd have to talk to struct or BlaiseEbuth or smn

Astrobytes: Is someone bothering you Philbot? Like in DM or something?

KalamariKing: Astro is also a mod, yeah

eulerscheZahl: so many mods :scream:

KalamariKing: Indeed

KalamariKing: What purpose have you of 10 active mods

Marchete: fame and girls

Astrobytes: :D

Astrobytes: Not usually all active at the same time

Astrobytes: Different time zones too

eulerscheZahl: we still have a problem during European night time

eulerscheZahl: mods are very centered

KalamariKing: What time is it in europe rn btw

Astrobytes: Hm, we only have re Curse overnight really

eulerscheZahl: 8:42pm

Astrobytes: 7:42pm

KalamariKing: That's so weird to think about, idk why

KalamariKing: Some people are waking up when others are going to sleep

eulerscheZahl: and some are below you without falling down

Westicles: Yeah, MK is about the only one who sometimes takes a night shift

eulerscheZahl: is he mod again?

eulerscheZahl: chat server crashed and mod permissions got a bit shuffled

KalamariKing: :o

Astrobytes: Yes, I think he's still mod eulerscheZahl

eulerscheZahl: or again? not sure

Astrobytes: Again yeah.

Hjax: every time ive come here at night for me, theres just been a massive wall of spam :joy:

Astrobytes: Message removal capability would be an enormous help, but it's not going to happen.

Astrobytes: Ignore functionality, etc

Marchete: /ignore all

Astrobytes: that's just ?disableChat :P

KalamariKing: How do you re enable I wanna try this out

struct: Im only allowed 1 ban per week

Astrobytes: On a diet?

Astrobytes: Re-enable what Ruler of Fried Squid?

jacek: huh

King_Coda: ?disableChat

King_Coda: ?disableChat

Astrobytes: No you add that to the URL

jacek: alt+F4

KalamariKing: Oh hey again King_Coda

King_Coda: ?fortheloveofgodpleasedisableChat

struct: I add that to the special ide

Astrobytes: chat commands are prefixed with /

King_Coda: wait i want to try this

KalamariKing: What chat commands are there

Astrobytes: Click that question mark

King_Coda: holy crap that works

KalamariKing: Oh lol

KalamariKing: can you not pm yourself

Astrobytes: ...

KalamariKing: I need this astro

King_Coda: wait let me look at the source code for the site real quick

King_Coda: god dammit CG, why didn't you clean up your code

King_Coda: how the hell am I supposed to find my post ID in this mess?

eulerscheZahl: because they use Angular

eulerscheZahl: analyze the network traffic

eulerscheZahl: source code is unreadable and the same on every page

King_Coda: ugh

King_Coda: i need my post key

KalamariKing: why

King_Coda: oh wait

struct: This scroll bug

struct: Every time

King_Coda: oh yeah I hate that

King_Coda: I found my profile ID

Astrobytes: It's been getting worse recently that scroll issue struct

King_Coda: {"level":53,"xpThreshold":3858,"cumulativeXp":83701}"

King_Coda: found where they keep the level data

KalamariKing: epic

KalamariKing: but now what

King_Coda: "chatChannels":{"privateConversations"

King_Coda: that's where they keep pm's

Marchete: hackerman

King_Coda: "channels":[""]

King_Coda: that's the public channel

King_Coda: there are only 9 lines of code, the lines are just super long for some reason

King_Coda: you can find all of this stuff at the bottom of line 1

Astrobytes: ooh it's 1337 h4x0r time again Marchete

King_Coda: "impersonated":false}

King_Coda: they have a line of code that checks if the user is impersonating another user

KalamariKing: wait can admin do that

KalamariKing: can MODS do that

KalamariKing: astro are you astro

King_Coda: it's just a boolean i think

King_Coda: {If user IP matches user ID then "impersonated":false}

Hjax: im actually astro

Hjax: see look, cat profile picture

King_Coda: or something like that

King_Coda: i don't know if they match ip's or if they check impersonation some other way

Astrobytes: Brain wave patterns.

King_Coda: lol

Hjax: maybe its code analysis

Hjax: this guys code is trash, must be hjax

Astrobytes: You mean me

Astrobytes: You're astro

Hjax: ah right, im astro

Astrobytes: HastroJax

struct: I cant even read what you typed :/

struct: after I typed it fixed

KalamariKing: struct are you struct

King_Coda: "chatChannels":{"privateConversations":[{"id":"4279233","nick":"Astrobytes"}]

Therabidpanther: wtf

King_Coda: this is my pm with astro

KalamariKing: spooky

Astrobytes: Yeah, now do something with that.

Therabidpanther: how did you get the json from your chat lol

King_Coda: Ctrl+u

Therabidpanther: is that a thing for any site? lol

KalamariKing: nah

struct: can you stop with the random pings Kalamari?

KalamariKing: hacks

KalamariKing: sorry lol

King_Coda: "4279233", i don't think I can do anything with that

King_Coda: ctrl+u works with any site

Astrobytes: 'Inspect' is usually a little more interesting no?

King_Coda: yeah, but that only...

King_Coda: OH

King_Coda: WAIT

KalamariKing: lmao

King_Coda: If I can get the chat ID of a different PM, then use inspect, I can change my PM to a different PM

KalamariKing: wack

Astrobytes: gl with that

KalamariKing: wait can you see other pms?

King_Coda: "channels":[""

King_Coda: this is the id for a public channel

King_Coda: if I can change the id to say...

King_Coda: [""

King_Coda: then it should change the world channel to the clash channel

Therabidpanther: So all channels have email addresses?

Therabidpanther: time to spam! lol

King_Coda: I can only see the PM's that are directly linked to my userID

King_Coda: I can't see the ID's of other users PM's

Therabidpanther: but if you were to guess the ID, could you eavesdrop? lol

King_Coda: guessing an id would be difficult

Therabidpanther: very

Astrobytes: Scroll to the bottom:

King_Coda: AHA

BlaiseEbuth: Warzazat ping?


King_Coda: I know what the number is, that's the userID

Therabidpanther: thats your user id? lol

Astrobytes: Such a 1337 h4x0r

King_Coda: if i were somehow able to get someone elses userID then could I impersonate them?

King_Coda: my user id is not 0000000

Therabidpanther: wanna be me? lol

King_Coda: no, i think the server would be sus

King_Coda: remember: "impersonated":false}

King_Coda: there might be a check that will cuc me

KalamariKing: More than likely

King_Coda: i don't want to get cucced

KalamariKing: What happens if you set that to true btw?

BlaiseEbuth: Don't underestimate the mess that is the chat server config...

Therabidpanther: im sure the admin password is "password"

Astrobytes: p455w0rD actually

King_Coda: if I set that to true i don't think it would do anything

King_Coda: but i dont want to risk it

King_Coda: i remember something like this on a different website

King_Coda: when you made a new account, you couldnt type in chat for 24 hours

Therabidpanther: how do you plan on changing the value? lol

KalamariKing: Inspect element

King_Coda: however, if you got your post id and typed it into a special url, then typed the message you wanted to send and hit enter, it would send the message and ignore the wait

King_Coda: the site only checked input from the actual chat bar, not from the post key itself

Default avatar.png fvla: that's so funny

King_Coda: codingame has no post key system, or it does not tell me what my post key is, so I can't do anything with that

King_Coda: however i can still mess around with chat values and still have some fun

Astrobytes: As I said. Good luck :)

KalamariKing: But what if he finds a hol

Default avatar.png fvla: test

KalamariKing: hole*

TobiasA: what are you hacking?

Therabidpanther: {"isAdmin": true}

KalamariKing: fvla whatchya testing

Default avatar.png fvla: network response

Therabidpanther: we need codingame nfts

Astrobytes: Go go n00b13 1337 h4x0r5

KalamariKing: I have a question and before you all link the 'how to ask a good question' or whatever I just a hint or something, I've been at this for like two hours

Astrobytes: Dude: the point is - forget the preamble And Just Ask The Question

Default avatar.png Philbot: :)

KalamariKing: im sorryyyyy used to other servers

KalamariKing: The mayan number puzzle is kicking my butt. I got the numbers working and the equation and all working, but the final piece is putting it all into base-20

KalamariKing: how does one change bases FROM base 10 TO something else, in python

Astrobytes: don't make me letmegooglethatforyou

KalamariKing: int(x, n) converts FROM base n TO base 10, but I need the opposite

BlaiseEbuth: Language does not matter

Default avatar.png fvla: look up radix change?

Default avatar.png fvla: that's the name of the numeric base: radix

King_Coda: try int(n, x)

King_Coda: that's the opposite

KalamariKing: blaise yeah but if it were javascript. a simple tostring() would do it

Default avatar.png fvla: lmao

Astrobytes: ...

BlaiseEbuth: Python is such an assisted language...

KalamariKing: yeah

Default avatar.png i_dont_want_a_nickname: Is it just me or is the auto complete continuously breaking in the codingame editor right now? I have refreshed several times.

KalamariKing: you have to spam escape i_dont_want_a_nickname

King_Coda: ctrl+w will fix it

Astrobytes: It does that from time to time, sometimes it's fine (rarely ime)

KalamariKing: I can't find the python func to do this and idk how to do it mathematically yet

Default avatar.png fvla: KalamariKing I literally just googled "radix change python" and got perfectly sound answers in a matter of half a minute

BlaiseEbuth: ^

BlaiseEbuth: Ah no. Haven't seen the python.

King_Coda: so the variable is unchangeable as far as i know

Astrobytes: Honestly KalamariKing, the purpose of these puzzles is sometimes to learn something that you don't know...

King_Coda: there is no way to leave world chat sadly

King_Coda: but yes, you can change all other channel variables

BlaiseEbuth: I can make you leave if you want

Astrobytes: That learning doesn't usually constitute asking in chat without even attempting to look it up yourself and making a go of it.

King_Coda: no thanks blaise

King_Coda: :innocent:

KalamariKing: I've looked it up a couple times and it's usually different every time

Astrobytes: It's not an instant gratification thing, it requires thought and time if you need to learn a different technique

King_Coda: just try all the different solutions and see which one works

Astrobytes: ...

King_Coda: ezpz

Astrobytes: And learn... nothing.

King_Coda: No, then you do a bunch of the same puzzles and use the same solution, that way you remember how to do it

King_Coda: :grinning:

Astrobytes: Btw, first person who DM's me during the contest asking "how do I solve this" gets a Free Ban.

King_Coda: OH YEAH

KalamariKing: me

KalamariKing: i wanna

King_Coda: Contest is after tomorrow!

King_Coda: I just realised this morning that I turn 16 tomorrow

Hjax: lol astro

Astrobytes: You want a medal or something King_Coda?

Hjax: do people dm you more now that youre a mod?

King_Coda: Yes

TobiasA: yo Astrobytes

King_Coda: I want my State ID

TobiasA: hope you got my back the day after tomorrow

Astrobytes: TobiasA: Please state the nature of your coding emergency.

TobiasA: hehehehe

King_Coda: TobiasA...

TobiasA: free ban for me

TobiasA: haha you all have to pay

King_Coda: No we don't/

TobiasA: you do

Astrobytes: Oh no, it rolls over. Don't worry about that.

King_Coda: What you think: :money_mouth: In reality: :expressionless:

TobiasA: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Astrobytes: Contest questions go here

TobiasA: burning burning burning lalalala la la

King_Coda: I'll clean that up

TobiasA: where

TobiasA: wher

KalamariKing: where

TobiasA: e

Astrobytes: here

King_Coda: ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

TobiasA: me first

KalamariKing: here?

KalamariKing: on the table?

King_Coda: There

King_Coda: under there

Astrobytes: In world chat. Do you suddenly have a reduced mental capacity or something?

TobiasA: question 1

TobiasA: what is the best method for approaching bot programming

King_Coda: Approach it politely

Astrobytes: Leaving chat and opening one.

TobiasA: i tried it and it didn't work

King_Coda: Cantankerous: Astrobytes and I

TobiasA: i also tried approaching it aggresively

KalamariKing: question 1.499999999 if I were to win, would someone else win

King_Coda: What happened to the braincells of this chat

TobiasA: there goes my last brain cell

King_Coda: Did me and Astro take them all

King_Coda: ?

KalamariKing: question 1.50000000001 if my dog were to somehow pull this off would I reap the reward

TobiasA: seems like it

Astrobytes: KalamariKing: give it a rest please

TobiasA: ooooh King_Coda and Astrobytes want to use our braincells for the contest

KalamariKing: More serious question what IF someone uses your acc

KalamariKing: You would win, right? It's your acc at the tip

KalamariKing: top*

Astrobytes: If you mean 'getting a smart friend to write your bot for you' - these accounts get sniffed out rather fast

BlaiseEbuth: תסתום את הפה

BlaiseEbuth: Sorry

King_Coda: BLAISE

King_Coda: RUDE

TobiasA: Astrobytes you can borrow my account on the contest day

BlaiseEbuth: I cuss in Hebrew when I'm angry. Old habits...

TobiasA: do as you please with it but return it loaded

King_Coda: How do they figure out which accounts are doing that?

Westicles: They look for "impersonated":true

SwagColoredKitteh: tfw qts everywhere

Astrobytes: hey swaggeh

SwagColoredKitteh: heyy !

SwagColoredKitteh: how are you ?

King_Coda: Who is this? Another Westicles troll account?

Astrobytes: Other than having my resolve crushed by the hopelessness of this chat today I am well. You? :D

SwagColoredKitteh: oh no D: get your resolve back! grab some hot chocolate!

SwagColoredKitteh: well, surviving, i guess :P

Astrobytes: Always helpful. Ready for the contest?

SwagColoredKitteh: no but it does sound fun!

BlaiseEbuth: Rototo brew!

SwagColoredKitteh: i will not be here at the start as i have an appointment with my psychologist around that time :P

SwagColoredKitteh: but i will join in

Astrobytes: it's 11 days, all good

Astrobytes: It better not be another potion making malarkey BlaiseEbuth

BlaiseEbuth: With fow and elastic collisions!

Astrobytes: Now we're talking.

King_Coda: Nice rap sheet SwagColoredKitteh. Good jobo getting top 0.2%

King_Coda: *job

SwagColoredKitteh: fog of war is always fun

SwagColoredKitteh: thanks uwu

King_Coda: eulerscheZahl IS NUMBER 2???

SwagColoredKitteh: elastic collisions ayooo

SwagColoredKitteh: b o u n c e

Astrobytes: boing!

KiwiTae: omgg SwagColoredKitteh hellooo

KiwiTae: long time

King_Coda: Wait, who is number 1??

KiwiTae: Royale prob

Astrobytes: Royale probably

TobiasA: in situations like this i wish i was smart

King_Coda: _Royale

Astrobytes: lol Kiwi

BlaiseEbuth: We are number one.

King_Coda: lol

BlaiseEbuth: eulerscheZahl is there a way to be be number 2

TobiasA: i don't understand anything that is going on

Astrobytes: Yes, we try not to tag unnecessarily King_Coda

King_Coda: Ohhh, sorry :grimacing:

KalamariKing: TobiasA we're talking about rankings in something, idk what

King_Coda: Rankings in Codingame

KalamariKing: Overall?

BlaiseEbuth: Astrobytes is right King_Coda, don't ping eulerscheZahl like that.

TobiasA: oh i bet i'm rankless

King_Coda: i think im 32,000th

KiwiTae: 13365th for you TobiasA

Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth is completely correct in this assertion King_Coda and here you have one too TobiasA

gigolo: me trying to get top 5000 :)

King_Coda: PLease stop pinging me Astrobytes

Default avatar.png KinectTheUnknown: We are

Astrobytes: As you wish

KiwiTae: gigolo just do the contest or a bot programming and thats it

BlaiseEbuth: Astrobytes is pinging you King_Coda ?

gigolo: :)

KalamariKing: lmao

King_Coda: Yes BlaiseEbuth, he is

BlaiseEbuth: Astrobytes are you pinging King_Coda ?

gigolo: :D

Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth stop pinging me and King_Coda

gigolo: lol

Astrobytes: Right.

Astrobytes: Enough of that crap.

SwagColoredKitteh: KiwiTae hey!

KalamariKing: lmao

BlaiseEbuth: Do I pinging you and King_Coda Astrobytes ? :/

gigolo: :laughing:

KalamariKing: MOD vs MOD: FIGHT

King_Coda: :no_mouth:

Astrobytes: Wot. We don't fight.

KalamariKing: anyone wanna pore over my code and help me figure out why some is working and some isnt?

KiwiTae: sure

BlaiseEbuth: It's python?

KalamariKing: ye

Astrobytes: Or pythong?

KiwiTae: Blaise will only help if its clojure

King_Coda: Just go to SO, they're a real helpful bunch!

BlaiseEbuth: You have your answer

KalamariKing: it's probably pretty easy to spot, just not to me

KiwiTae: KalamariKing gimme if its short

Astrobytes: Just post it

KalamariKing: KiwiTae see there's the issue


KalamariKing: There's the full code

BlaiseEbuth: pleonsam

KalamariKing: Its the mayan numbers thing


Astrobytes: um

BlaiseEbuth: *pleonasm

SwagColoredKitteh: pythong sounds great

SwagColoredKitteh: i am personally a roost programmer

Westicles: With python I always get some weird error about inconsistent use of tabs and spaces for indenting

Astrobytes: Yeah Swaggeh, pythong is both underwear for snakes and a very useful language

KalamariKing: It passes 1-4, 6, and 9 5, 7-8, and 10-11, something is really wrong and i don't know what :(

SwagColoredKitteh: the compiler shouting at me is just mmf

Astrobytes: Roost :rofl:

SwagColoredKitteh: i dig that stuff

King_Coda: What are you talking about Swaggeh, C-- is the best

King_Coda: C-- is the superior language

SwagColoredKitteh: i can't borrow this mutably? well watch me, roost

King_Coda: -the hassle -the fun

orangesnowfox: is Roost just a weird spelling of Rust? ]

SwagColoredKitteh: who needs fun when you can fight the compiler all day

SwagColoredKitteh: yes

Astrobytes: Yes

orangesnowfox: Who needs to fight the compiler all day when you could just be good :sunglasses:

BlaiseEbuth: AskHell is my language

Astrobytes: Barn-storming borrow checker

SwagColoredKitteh: i like being good at fighting the compiler

orangesnowfox: Yeah, but like, why fight the compiler when you could come to a mutual agreement

orangesnowfox: :p

SwagColoredKitteh: every time i do a cargo run, the mortal combat theme starts playing

SwagColoredKitteh: agreement? with rustc? that does not exist

orangesnowfox: Umm, it does tho

SwagColoredKitteh: you just agree to disagree

Astrobytes: Make friends with Ferris

SwagColoredKitteh: qt crab

orangesnowfox: Nah, I agree and like, actually agree... You know you've hit that point when you actually make a `str` kind of type

orangesnowfox: and when you see `'a, 'b` in the same function lol

SwagColoredKitteh: oh the fun of DSTs

orangesnowfox: yeee

SwagColoredKitteh: 10/10 would recommend

SwagColoredKitteh: spent 10 hours fighting with rustc

orangesnowfox: I've probably spent 30 hours... Total, out of thousands of hours using Rust

SwagColoredKitteh: i make mistakes on purpose just to piss rustc off

orangesnowfox: lol

orangesnowfox: Oh, I have a joke for you SwagColoredKitteh

SwagColoredKitteh: im gonna borrow this mutably whether you want it or not

Astrobytes: That's crab baiting!

orangesnowfox: When will ! get stabilized?

orangesnowfox: !

SwagColoredKitteh: haha

SwagColoredKitteh: indeed

SwagColoredKitteh: i wonder why they call it !

SwagColoredKitteh: why not just give it an actual name

SwagColoredKitteh: just have std::void::Void or something

King_Coda: I made an Advertisment for C++, you guys wanna hear it?

XeroOl: My main complaint with rust is that the compile times take forever

orangesnowfox: (for those who don't know what ! is, it's the "Never" type, and it's been having trouble with stabilization because they want to change it to the fallback type for expressions but that causes bugs sometimes

KiwiTae: KalamariKing I do you got issue in your base

KiwiTae: its not 606-7 test 5

SwagColoredKitteh: XeroOl that is what coffee is for

KalamariKing: Wait so what is it?

KiwiTae: its 123-7

SwagColoredKitteh: in all seriousness yeah, rust compile times can get quite long

KalamariKing: Hmm

KalamariKing: Ok thanks

King_Coda: C++. What's the plus? More work, more sleep lost trying to find out why you keep getting std::error_code::message. string message() const;, only to find out you misspelled cout as cuot!

SwagColoredKitteh: there are ways to mitigate it but it's still not great

SwagColoredKitteh: ok King_Coda you explained one plus but there are two, mind explaining the second plus?

orangesnowfox: SwagColoredKitteh, you too can write your own ! type Actually, there are quite a few out there

SwagColoredKitteh: yeah, exactly, so why make ! a type

SwagColoredKitteh: err

SwagColoredKitteh: rather, why name a type that

orangesnowfox: well, because it already is one sometimes

SwagColoredKitteh: it's so magical

King_Coda: more work = + number 1

King_Coda: the rest = + number 2

King_Coda: :slight_smile:

XeroOl: I dunno if any of you have looked at zig

orangesnowfox: like... fn foo() -> ! { loop {} } compiles on stable rust

SwagColoredKitteh: zig is cool

XeroOl: but that is a programming language that I enjoy

SwagColoredKitteh: i wish zig had unicode support in the stdlib and got rid of null-terminated strings though

orangesnowfox: and you can call `foo` from a function that returns `T`, and it'll be okay (in fact, if you try to execute any code after `foo`, it'll warn you that it's unreachable)

SwagColoredKitteh: but the rest of the language feels really cool to me

King_Coda: Anyways, I gotta go learn C# for the contest. See ya

SwagColoredKitteh: see you! and good luck!

orangesnowfox: Wait, do you *have* to, or *want* to?

XeroOl: why learn c# for the contest?

King_Coda: I like the C languages

XeroOl: ???

SwagColoredKitteh: C# is more similar to java than C or C++

King_Coda: Also need to learn it for my job

XeroOl: ahh, that makes sense

SwagColoredKitteh: fair enough :D

King_Coda: C#, C++, Javascript, all of that

XeroOl: I use Kotlin for those types of competitions

Astrobytes: your job?

KiwiTae: you got a job at 16 Oo

orangesnowfox: Same though?

DomiKo: It so strange seeing chat right now

orangesnowfox: I lost it a few months later

King_Coda: Yeah, getting a job soon.

KalamariKing: I got a job two days ago, after just turning 15

orangesnowfox: But I did have a job at 16 for a while

XeroOl: I feel like I should try the competition with a ridiculous language

KalamariKing: a lot of my friends had jobs all the way back at 14

XeroOl: just for fun

KalamariKing: do it

orangesnowfox: ... And then I got it again at 17, lol

King_Coda: Use Go XeroOl

KiwiTae: XeroOl do that to get cherry on top achievmeent

XeroOl: I know all my friends will also be using lua

XeroOl: so why not Lua lol

King_Coda: All I hear is lua this lua that

Astrobytes: I did too. First serious job was 17-18. Junior web dev, promoted from data entry by mucking around at lunchtime

King_Coda: whats the big deal?

XeroOl: Have you worked with lua?

King_Coda: Nope.

King_Coda: High level or low level?

XeroOl: it's pretty high level

Astrobytes: don't make me letmegooglethat

XeroOl: they don't have integer types, only float

DomiKo: Why go to work at this age?

Astrobytes: And indices start at 1

XeroOl: that too

OnTheBrink: anyone know the timezone for the spring challenge? not sure if the time is in my timezone or another.

Astrobytes: Our country is backwards DomiKo

Astrobytes: Mine at least

DomiKo: :(

XeroOl: it's kind of slow though, so I dunno if it's a good idea

KalamariKing: DomiKo when do you all start?

King_Coda: I don't really care for lua, eh

DomiKo: I didn't

struct: OnTheBrink there is a link ytou can click and it shows your time

KalamariKing: My country starts at 14 in most states

DomiKo: I will this year when I will be 22

KalamariKing: :o

KalamariKing: why so late

orangesnowfox: DomiKo, at 16 it was "having money", at 17 it was "because I wouldn't have anywhere to live otherwise"

KalamariKing: lol same

XeroOl: King_Coda, you don't need to, it's not a great language

Astrobytes: Yes orangesnowfox :D

King_Coda: I need to start saving up money as soon as possible

KiwiTae: i was escort at 21 :no_mouth:

DomiKo: Some people told me, learn to get a good job first, then go to work

King_Coda: That way I have enough when I move out

KalamariKing: Lucky

Astrobytes: Escort like 'escort' KiwiTae?

orangesnowfox: I don't really want to get all into it, but the person providing money stopped being able to do so, and I was the only one who could pick up the slack to a decent degree at the time, plus the job offer landed in my lap

KalamariKing: Some people told me, 'youre 15 now you can pay your rent or you can live on the streets' and now I have a job

DomiKo: that's just sad

DomiKo: :(

King_Coda: I just want enough money to move out at 18

OnTheBrink: @struct, ok. thanks. Usually there is a countdown to confirm, and I didnt see a timezone on the time so wanted to be sure.

King_Coda: Living with my parents eh

Astrobytes: I had a rough time early on too, did my biology BSc and cell bio MSc way later in life

King_Coda: no thanks

orangesnowfox: lol, imagine being able to afford moving out at 18 even with a job .-.

orangesnowfox: good luck though

King_Coda: fox, apartments are cheap around here, and I'm moving in with my brother as well.

orangesnowfox: oh? how much, usd?

KiwiTae: Astrobytes old times ~ now I am doing robotics

orangesnowfox: if you're willing to share, anyway

King_Coda: 1500 a month for a 2 bedroom

XeroOl: ouch

orangesnowfox: haha... That... Isn't cheap, but still cheaper than where I'll be

KiwiTae: ouch

orangesnowfox: $1300 for a 1 bedroom .-.

orangesnowfox: or more maybe

Astrobytes: KiwiTae: That's quite an admission for public chat tho :rofl: Well done to you sir

King_Coda: It's actually not that bad

orangesnowfox: California? Because that sounds like Cali prices

King_Coda: wages around here are very generous

KiwiTae: Astrobytes :joy: nobody will remember

Zenoscave: I'm going to make a bot to remind people Kiwi

orangesnowfox: Now I'm going to just to spite you :p (seriously though, I probably won't remember)

Astrobytes: I will! :smiling_imp:

DomiKo: We will ;P

Zenoscave: Hive mind

King_Coda: I will remember

Astrobytes: hehehehe

Zenoscave: Also hi all. chat sure is active today

orangesnowfox: hey Zenoscave

KiwiTae: (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \).

jacek: eeyup

Astrobytes: Hey Zeno

King_Coda: Hello Zeno

DomiKo: Chat now is like "HEY IT"S CONTEST TIME"

orangesnowfox: protip Kiwi, if the internet is going to forget something, don't tell them that, they.... woon't

Zenoscave: Did you know the contest is in less than 48 hours?

struct: yeap

Astrobytes: It's been a bit of a clusterfuc* earlier but a little more coherent now

struct: I already have my bot ready

Zenoscave: struct gz on game of the week

struct: at least the first version

gigolo: wow good luck everybody

Zenoscave: wait was the game leaked?

struct: thanks zeno

struct: no

Astrobytes: Many new users on Yinsh struct?

King_Coda: Yes it was leaked

struct: I have no idea

Astrobytes: It wasn't King_Coda

struct: My cpu has been on 100% for the last 12 hours

King_Coda: I can't trust the validity of the source though

Zenoscave: how do you have your first v1 then struct

Astrobytes: Magic.

KiwiTae: you already got your NN ready and trained ? lol

struct: no NN

gigolo: i think the contest is related to pathfinding ?

orangesnowfox: struct clearly bruteforced the possible rulesets until they came up with the right one

jacek: muzero eh?

orangesnowfox: gigolo, pathfinding? That reminds me of AStarCraft from a while back... I started it and then never submitted lol

King_Coda: Yo, struct got puzzle of the week?

King_Coda: gg

jacek: and they said yinsh would never be potw

KalamariKing: anyone wanna help me make sense of something in python yes we're back here

KalamariKing: before you all yell at me to 'just ask' i gotta type it all out

KalamariKing: so shush

King_Coda: I seriously need to make that chat activity graph

Zenoscave: just ask

Zenoscave: don't shush me while we're at it

Hjax: hes been hinting he has a question without asking it for hours zeno

King_Coda: I'll do that tomorrow. I feel like chat activity may be influenced by the event but eh i'll take multiple samples

Hjax: maybe some day the question will come

KalamariKing: I've asked a couple times, somewhat

Astrobytes: Well he sort of did eventually Hjax

KalamariKing: Just as I type it out I find the answer

Zenoscave: King_Coda it is. have you been here before a contest before?

KalamariKing: But the answer involves changing something and it becomes another bug

KalamariKing: I've narrowed it down to this:

Zenoscave: Hiya Hjax

King_Coda: Nope zeno

Astrobytes: Welcome to programming KalamariKing

Zenoscave: Get ready for the scroll


gigolo: h > 0 ?

KalamariKing: Yeah

Zenoscave: what puzzle KalamariKing we need context

KalamariKing: Oh ye

KalamariKing: Mayan calc


Zenoscave: lol I remember that one

King_Coda: Apparently I solved a puzzle in javascript once

King_Coda: i don't even know js

Zenoscave: struct what lang for contest will you do?

DomiKo: here is more than one language? lol

Astrobytes: :rofl:

KalamariKing: Here's full code if you wanna try yourself


KalamariKing: It's something wrong with the parsing of the two operation numbers, specifically if there are two

Zenoscave: Right my bad. C# it is

King_Coda: Yeah, C# gang

DomiKo: :worried:

KalamariKing: I feel like something is wrong with the *num1.append( (20**i)*numerals[lines] )* at the end of each loop

Zenoscave: I'll beat Euler this time. I know it

orangesnowfox: I'll either be using Kotlin or Rust, haven't decided yet

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: ummm hi

orangesnowfox: hi, Kawaii2007

KalamariKing: Hello

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: Im new

Astrobytes: Hi new.

KalamariKing: Well welcome to CodinGame!

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: thanks

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: I love coding then i found this

KalamariKing: Ignore Astro, he's... well, Astro

KalamariKing: A lot of us got here that way to lol

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: lol

King_Coda: Don't ignore Astrobytes, he's my father!

King_Coda: I will not let you disgrace my kind.

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: lol

King_Coda: Also Astro, what are you doing?

Astrobytes: I have never sired an American child.

Zenoscave: Talking to me

King_Coda: When you say "Hi new", you follow up with "I'm dad"

Astrobytes: And stroking my beard furiously

King_Coda: You should know this!

Astrobytes: I'm 38. Why the hell should I know that.

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: oh shit

King_Coda: Because it's the most basic of dad jokes!

Zenoscave: Hi 38, I'm dad

King_Coda: SEE

King_Coda: Zeno understands.

Uljahn: hi dad, im cat

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: ummm

Zenoscave: I'm not a good reference for understanding or common

King_Coda: Lol

Zenoscave: I have a dad joke calendar

Astrobytes: :older_man:

King_Coda: Astro, if you're going to be a dad, you have to equip yourself with an arsenal of over-used cheesy jokes!

Zenoscave: If two vegans get in a fight is it still having a beef?

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: OMG my coding teacher tells us the worse jokes about computers

Zenoscave: Orions belt is a real waist of space

Astrobytes: I am not, will not, and will never be a dad. Not if I can help it anyway.

King_Coda: Have a free notification KalamariKing

Hjax: astro do you actually have a beard?

Zenoscave: that joke is only about 3 stars

Astrobytes: Zenoscave :rofl:

Astrobytes: x2

KalamariKing: King_Coda I was in another chat so that came through as an actual notification

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: .........

Zenoscave: Double dad joke Pewpew

Astrobytes: A goatee Hjax

King_Coda: Ooooh, goatee

Zenoscave: I have the mountain man beard

Zenoscave: I look like 85% of software engineers in Denver

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: ......................

Solzerid: My dad is a physics teacher. I get the best hybrid dad/science teacher jokes.

King_Coda: I'm still growing in on the sides of my face.

Astrobytes: Lockdown beard was like a monstrous facial invasion of wiry scoundrels

Hjax: do you frequent microbreweries Zenoscave

Zenoscave: "facail invasion of wiry scoundrels" dot com

Hjax: to complete the stereotype

Zenoscave: Hjax, don't call me out like that

King_Coda: LOL

Zenoscave: And I only drink IPA'

Zenoscave: And I only drink IPA's

Astrobytes: I do. Or did. AND I vape.

King_Coda: I've only had a ginger beer

Astrobytes: I don't ride a penny farthing though.

Astrobytes: Or wear +4s

Zenoscave: wait are those still a thing

King_Coda: Actually I had champagne once.

Zenoscave: the penny farthings

King_Coda: Kawaii2007, welcome to chat.

Astrobytes: Other than novelty, I don't think so

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: Im learning javascript

Zenoscave: That's just being a d**kNozzle

Astrobytes: Just doing the hipster stereotype

Zenoscave: Kawaii2007 how's JS going?

King_Coda: I'm also looking to learn JS

kingbojo: emos

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: I just started

Zenoscave: emo hasn't been a thing since 2011 Kingbojo

Astrobytes: It's my party and I'll cry if I want to kingbojo

Astrobytes: Isn't it all screamo now?

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: i don't understand

jacek: they all killed themselves?

Zenoscave: ... The artist in the ambulance started playing as I said that on spotify

TobiasA: i fell asleep while lurking

TobiasA: bye you guys

King_Coda: Bye TobiasA

Astrobytes: It listens...

Hjax: hey jacek, how many nodes do you search per move in othello, i feel like ive asked someone this before, but i dont remember who or the answer

Astrobytes: 42

Zenoscave: 43

orangesnowfox: 42

orangesnowfox: Wait... 53

Zenoscave: You have to give the wrong answer guys

King_Coda: kingbojo, how dare you disgrace the King username with your foultries.

Astrobytes: 128

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: wtf

orangesnowfox: A nation of moves, truely indivisible

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: ummm Im 14

Astrobytes: One nation under a move

King_Coda: Hi 14, I'm dad

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: *Kicks King_Coda*

**King_Coda slaps Kawaii2007 around a bit with a large fishbot

Zenoscave: Kawaii2007 the chat here gets a bit sporadic. If you want to focus on coding, come in like 2 weeks. The contest starts in 2 days and will be a bit hectic at that time

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: your not my dad

King_Coda: Your kicks are no match for my slap

King_Coda: *you're

Astrobytes: *you're not my dad

King_Coda: LOL

King_Coda: :rofl:

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: Im a soccer player fight me

Zenoscave: astro I saw that comming

Astrobytes: I resist

King_Coda: I'm 6 ft tall, fight me

orangesnowfox: I was a soccer player, umm, was a Hockey player too, I wouldn't want to fight

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: fuck

Astrobytes: I'm astro, byte me

Zenoscave: Hi 6 ft tall, I'm Dad

King_Coda: LOL ASTRO

Zenoscave: astro :rofl:

KalamariKing: astro lmao

King_Coda: ZENO LOL

orangesnowfox: okay...

DomiKo: 6ft? Do you have 6 feet?

**orangesnowfox turns astro into 8 bits

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: im 5" 1 1/4'

King_Coda: Also Kawaii2007 I'm 2 years older than you

Zenoscave: No just 6 toes

Hjax: no he only has 4 feet, hes a cat

**Astrobytes is in bits

orangesnowfox: you now only have 256 states of information

KalamariKing: We're talking that 'murican DomiKo

Zenoscave: he's ~1.85 metres

DomiKo: 82

DomiKo: he's small

King_Coda: I'm 182 centimetres

Astrobytes: also Kawaii2007: try not to swear/cuss without reason

Zenoscave: Damn close enough

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: okay

orangesnowfox: 185 .-. I don't like being tall

Zenoscave: 188 here

orangesnowfox: get smacked on ceilings or w/e

DomiKo: damn Zeno 1cm more than me

King_Coda: I'm still growing too

KalamariKing: Alright

KalamariKing: You all said not to ask, so

Zenoscave: slanted ceiling stairwells are the bane of my existence

Astrobytes: I'm about 6'4"

King_Coda: got about 9 more years left in me

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: Can u guys donate some inches to the ones an need

Hjax: im like 172, not very tall


KalamariKing: help

KalamariKing: do it

orangesnowfox: Kawaii, would totally do it

King_Coda: Nah, I'll keep mine thank you very much

orangesnowfox: I'll donate up to a foot of height

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: YEAH

orangesnowfox: free of charge

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: YAY

KalamariKing: haha imagine being tall

Astrobytes: And that's 193cm in metric

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: imagine be a higher coder then ur whole class

Zenoscave: noice

King_Coda: IMagine being short

orangesnowfox: conclusion: humans have been getting taller on average because gravity has been decreasing /s

orangesnowfox: err, not /s, /j

King_Coda: Indeed

Zenoscave: Kawaii2007 you're exactly the same as every one of your classmates. within an order of magnitude. In any coding metric.

orangesnowfox: Dang

King_Coda: Some people are better at coding AI, some are better at manipulating algorithms.

Zenoscave: Everyone of the same learning time is. It takes time to learn. there are no gurus

orangesnowfox: Zeno, I was about to say we were exactly the same by that logic ("less than 1 OOM rank wise") but you're actually in a different OOM lol

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: Then why am i in javaspcrit and my class is still in HTML

orangesnowfox: html... html isn't a programming language

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: Yes

KalamariKing: html is markup :o

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: it

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: yep

King_Coda: html is nasty

Zenoscave: Kawaii2007 i didn't say you aren't better. you're just not *that* much better

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: thats what she said

King_Coda: HTML5 is a slight improvement

KalamariKing: zeno lol

Zenoscave: Basically humble yourself

orangesnowfox: html5 + css3 is a programming language tho

KalamariKing: its really not

orangesnowfox: turing complete tho

Zenoscave: It is turing complete. not a lang.

orangesnowfox: good point

Zenoscave: It is only turing complete through GoL emulation

KalamariKing: javascript... now we're coding

Zenoscave: which is turing complete. It has no means of stdio

Astrobytes: which doesn't say a great deal

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: why me

Hjax: theres a lot of weird things that are turing complete

Zenoscave: My point

Hjax: minecraft is turing complete lol

King_Coda: Javascript is used in 97% of web applications

orangesnowfox: minecraft isn't even accidentally turing complete lol

Zenoscave: Coffee brew bubbles are quantum machines

KalamariKing: turing complete means what again? asking for a friend, i totally know

Zenoscave: Being turing complete means nothing in the grand scheme

Hjax: means it can do anything a turing machine can

orangesnowfox: ^

jacek: universal turing machine*

orangesnowfox: Which, is basically all computers nowadays

KalamariKing: You all are impressive with your knowledge

King_Coda: Anyways, I gotta bounce. See all you chuckleheads later


jacek: nah, they dont have infinite capacity

KalamariKing: glhf King_Coda

Astrobytes: chuckleheads...

orangesnowfox: and if they aren't *stronger* than a turing machine, they can't solve the halting problem :p

King_Coda: Well I would have said Chucklef*cks...

Hjax: the lack of infinite tapes is really puts a damper on our computers :P

King_Coda: but Astro said no cussing

King_Coda: Bye

orangesnowfox: You're right, we need to have infinite ram, but first, we need infinite engergy

orangesnowfox: *energy, heck

Rabeeb: what is the time zone of the soring event time?

Rabeeb: *spring

Hjax: is it not localized automatically?

Hjax: mine says 10am

Rabeeb: oh then it is localized ig

Zenoscave: 10am here too

orangesnowfox: > The event starts on Thursday, May 6th at 2 pm UTC and ends on Monday, May 17 at 8 am UTC. It starts at the same time for all players in the world, whatever the time zone. It's definitely localized (my browser timezone is utc)

Zenoscave: I think???

Zenoscave: 8AM !? I'm missing the first hour at least

davilla: mine says 9am so yeah local

Hjax: 10 am is about when im getting to work

Zenoscave: Ah there's no way i'm waking up at 7am

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: for its 2:06pm

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: me

Rabeeb: mine is 8pm

Hjax: so ill have all day of rereading the spec and waiting to go home

davilla: so what do people do, code 24 hours straight, no sleep?

orangesnowfox: yeah, no way I'm waking up at 7 am

orangesnowfox: davilla, there's 11 days to the compo

Zenoscave: I may be comming down with covid... *Cough cough* can't work for 13 days

Hjax: the contest is 11 days long, and usually the full rules arent unlocked at first @davilla

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: its 14 tbh

davilla: oh so I can sleep in, that's good

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: lol

orangesnowfox: Sleeping enough is actually important because it keeps your mind in a condition to code

davilla: wait I thought it was 11 days

orangesnowfox: lol

Hjax: its 11 days

Astrobytes: that's 14 in KiwiTae-me

Zenoscave: baduntiss

davilla: I was thinking, I'd better do taxes now

BlaiseEbuth: Pew pew pew in the aire

BlaiseEbuth: *air

KalamariKing: hello again blaise

Zenoscave: pew pew pew blaise

KalamariKing: you only help with some obscure language starting with an r right

KalamariKing: Like rust or ruby or somthing

KalamariKing: something*

BlaiseEbuth: Ruby ? Me ? Never !

Astrobytes: There was something in the air that night, pewpew so bright, Blaise Ebuuuth

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: HOW DO U DO THE CLASH OF CODE

KalamariKing: by doing do

KalamariKing: so*

BlaiseEbuth: Stop screaming

Zenoscave: Ruby's good

KalamariKing: you click start, you code uber-fast, and you win

KalamariKing: ez

BlaiseEbuth: pz

Default avatar.png Kawaii2007: what

KalamariKing: ezpz

orangesnowfox: KalamariKing lol, imagine Rust being obscure

Zenoscave: ezpz fix it

orangesnowfox: fix Rust?

Astrobytes: Remove the moisture and the O2 and rust begone!

KalamariKing: just gotta do a thing, I want the link, ignore it (or not, idk)


KalamariKing: k thanks

Kawaii2007: idk

Astrobytes: Thank you for posting code with no context.

KalamariKing: yw <3

Astrobytes: Again.

KalamariKing: ofc, always, for you astro <3

Kawaii2007: Why me

KalamariKing: if you NEED context, I wanted the link

Astrobytes: If ye don't stop yer nonsense laddie ah'll hae t'gie ye a kick

KalamariKing: That's the code for the mayan thing, yes, its been 6 hours straight and yes, I still havent done it

KalamariKing: 90% tho and based on it being division, its probably a float vs int thing

BlaiseEbuth: *no

KalamariKing: whatever

Astrobytes: There is no shame in spending time on a puzzle.

KalamariKing: my brain hurst blaise

KalamariKing: *hurts, god

Astrobytes: Yes my child?

Uljahn: use debug printing [solved]

BlaiseEbuth: 99% that's because you're using python

KalamariKing: yup

Kawaii2007: I was i had a someone

KalamariKing: you do

Kawaii2007: yeah

KalamariKing: the voices in your head don't count? they're offended

Astrobytes: Was a someone I had I?

BlaiseEbuth: doubidoubidoudododo

Kawaii2007: I want a special someone

Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth:

BlaiseEbuth: :thumbsup:

Kawaii2007: I can't watch it school computer

Astrobytes: Unlucky.

Default avatar.png billygoat2233: sup peeps

KalamariKing: what happens if I


KalamariKing: the boi, he swims

Kawaii2007: omg

Kawaii2007: I found my new back ground

Default avatar.png billygoat2233: yo

KalamariKing: Howdy

Default avatar.png billygoat2233: hows it going

KalamariKing: billygoat2233 you new?

Default avatar.png billygoat2233: yes

KalamariKing: Thought so. Welcome to CodinGame!

Default avatar.png billygoat2233: thanks

KalamariKing: ignore this, i just need to go there and idk how so i click this --> #clash

Default avatar.png billygoat2233: ok

struct: You can type /join clash instead

Astrobytes: or /join goatking

KalamariKing: wait can I really

KalamariKing: oh sick

KalamariKing: chat's bursting at the seams with features

AntiSquid: geez what's this red thing doing in here?

AntiSquid: someone having fun with alts again?

struct: you have been slacking AntiSquid

struct: Time to bring the hammer

KalamariKing: we back

AntiSquid: sure, who's the main account?

KalamariKing: :o

KalamariKing: howd you know

BlaiseEbuth: Main account of who?

AntiSquid: of that prank someone's trying to pull in here

BlaiseEbuth: :thinking::interrobang:

KalamariKing: AntiSquid of whom do you speak

AntiSquid: ok guess it's genuine then

Astrobytes: He speaks of the name that cannot be spoken.

Default avatar.png r-k-g: ??

AntiSquid: "That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die."

BlaiseEbuth: I'm probably too exhausted to follow this conversation...

AntiSquid: idk maybe

Astrobytes: You should be well versed in the Necronomicon BlaiseEbuth

AntiSquid: good point, did you read any of Lovecraft books BlaiseEbuth ?

struct: ofc its an alt

struct: its same thing

struct: recycle

BlaiseEbuth: I am. That's the only sentence I understood...

AntiSquid: well it's level 14 and never seen it before

struct: ah not him

struct: Avatar just wasnt loading

Astrobytes: There are a large number of kids this past month or so

struct: Well during contest it will bans left and right

Astrobytes: I think struct may have referred to Kawaii

BlaiseEbuth: If you're speaking of the kalamar he's here since a few days...

struct: I have enough time during contest

struct: I already coded afterall

AntiSquid: i guess i missed most of the "fun" lately

Astrobytes: No fun.

Astrobytes: my babe

Astrobytes: No fuuuuun.

Default avatar.png r-k-g: no ban pls

Astrobytes: *see The Stooges or the Sex Pistols to interpret my comment

AntiSquid: babe .

BlaiseEbuth: Antisquid you're frightening users

Default avatar.png r-k-g: lol

Astrobytes: Yeah, not the pig


AntiSquid: is that envy? BlaiseEbuth

Default avatar.png r-k-g: why does it seem like there's such a large french presence on this site?

KalamariKing: AntiSquid I've seen you plenty of times

BlaiseEbuth: A little yeah... One day users will beg by seeing me too.

Astrobytes: Because it's a French company, based in France.

AntiSquid: where ? KalamariKing

BlaiseEbuth: Under the sea

KalamariKing: In main anti

KalamariKing: This chat

KalamariKing: A couple times, though some days ago and with a different pfp

Astrobytes: Down where it's wetter, down where it's better, take it from me

BlaiseEbuth: :crab:

AntiSquid: r-k-g Napoleon did win the war after all and the rest is a conspiracy

Astrobytes: Or the other way around, it's been a long time since I heard that crab sing

BlaiseEbuth: Why was I searching that crab emoji in the food tab...

Default avatar.png r-k-g: lol

AntiSquid: on a serious note, watching these inflation videos and hope it's just "scaremongering", i know it isn't :/

KalamariKing: inflation? As in monetary?

BlaiseEbuth: Anarchy in th UK!

Default avatar.png r-k-g: ah yes the uk

AntiSquid: i am sure it's coming to the US first KalamariKing

Default avatar.png r-k-g: cool place but I'm glad I don't live there

Astrobytes: 1. It's not cool 2. Yes.

AntiSquid: canada literally a cool place, glad i don't live there

KalamariKing: anti So you do mean monetary

Default avatar.png littlewhinging: Herro

KalamariKing: Howdy

Astrobytes: Always preferred this alt take of Anarchy in the UK. Bit rougher!

BlaiseEbuth: <3

BlaiseEbuth: Well. Coffin time. GN corpses!

Astrobytes: Wake well BlaiseEbuth

struct: Whats better currently intel or amd?

struct: My 4 threads cant keep up

KalamariKing: I'm diehard AMD

KalamariKing: AMD is cheaper per arbitrary unit performance

AntiSquid: i have a ryzen struct

KalamariKing: Sites like UserBenchMark are HEAVILY on the side of intel, so don't trust the reviews

KalamariKing: Intel runs hot

KalamariKing: AMD runs well

KalamariKing: That's how I think about it... but its up to you, idk

KalamariKing: Upgradability in the future? AMD for sure, intel you need a whole new mobo most of the time

AntiSquid: is your main a hardware specialist? :thinking:

struct: I see, guess I will have to do some research

AntiSquid: useful site:

Kawaii2007: im back

Astrobytes: Great. He's front. Some one else is right. In a minute I left.

AntiSquid: level 3 : im back

Kawaii2007: hi

Kawaii2007: hi

Astrobytes: You share my suspicion

struct: I was waiting for the 3rd

AntiSquid: oh that? you think it's that ?

Astrobytes: 3 hi's to make a kick

struct: no

struct: ban

Astrobytes: I think it's That One

Westicles: kk?

Westicles: I don't think that's hii

AntiSquid: no, something worse

Astrobytes: No one mentioned hii

struct: o.o

AntiSquid: gn8, don't let the chat trolls bite

struct: gn

Astrobytes: gn AntiSquid, I'm off soon too

struct: gn

Astrobytes: Soon, not instantly lol

struct: sorry

struct: Anyone has any idea why nth_element is different on gcc and msvc?

Astrobytes: It is?

struct: It doesnt exactly do the same

struct: let me show an example, 1 sec

struct: msvc: 2 3 10 23 33 45 47 56 gcc: 3 2 10 23 33 56 45 47


KalamariKing: What time is it for you all? Why y'all leaving?

struct: 00:00

KalamariKing: Is it actually

struct: 23:53

KalamariKing: Bruv

KalamariKing: Sleep

Astrobytes: 23.53 here too

struct: Im fine

KalamariKing: SLEEP

struct: isnt it a bit strange Astro?

KalamariKing: I'm not one to talk I stay up rather late but you need sleep, so get some. plus with the contest coming up, every little bit of mental capacity is an edge

struct: Its like nthelement sorts on MSVC

struct: while on gcc it doesnt care

struct: I think I should ask this question to Robo

struct: oh the code is different

DomiKo: yeah STL implementations could differ across compilators

Astrobytes: I was about to say about the implementation, I think it's an issue

DomiKo: sort could differ too

DomiKo: like if you have array [(1, 'A'), (1, 'B')]

DomiKo: if you sort that only by first element in pair

DomiKo: you could get [(1, 'A'), (1, 'B')] or [(1, 'B'), (1, 'A')]

struct: I see, thanks

Astrobytes: Yeah, check that out before anything else

struct: I guess I will test on gcc then

Astrobytes: And now I will sleep. Gn all

struct: gn

DomiKo: gn

Notter: Hi

struct: hi

Notter: Can you comment on my contribution?

KalamariKing: _struct you should sleep too

KalamariKing: Notter i gotchu, but what for?

KalamariKing: Post the link I dont wanna search

Notter: Wait

Notter: Also, sorry for disrupting you sleep schedule


KalamariKing: str​uct never sleeps ig

KalamariKing: I'm in eagle-central so its still day here

KalamariKing: Why capital O's

KalamariKing: Why not something like #'s which would look more 'full' in the rings

Notter: Uhh let's go to the contribution chat

Notter: Nice suggestion though

CryptoZenith: i pulled my first official all nighter last night

KalamariKing: amazing

KalamariKing: welcome to the sleep deprivation club

Notter: How do you ping?

KalamariKing: Just type their name

KalamariKing: If the name matches anyone within chat, you can press tab to autocomplete

KalamariKing: e.x. 'kala[tab]' --> 'KalamariKing'

KalamariKing: try it with 'not'

KalamariKing: 'not[tab]' --> 'Notter'

Notter: [tab]

Notter: I thought that would work

Notter: Not[tab]

Notter: not[tab]

KalamariKing: You have to actually press tab

KalamariKing: 'not{press the tab key}'

KalamariKing: Notter

Notter: Notter

KalamariKing: yeah! see?

KalamariKing: ezpz

CryptoZenith: Notter

Notter: Yes

KalamariKing: We do try to cut down on unnecessary pings tho, it can get annoying CryptoZenith

Zongle: Are there any tutorials about how to get setup for machine learning during a contest? Like idk how to use an actual IDE but still have the game available, like in the browser

KalamariKing: I have no clue, but would love to know the answer

KalamariKing: Most of the people that I know are good with ml are asleep rn

Zongle: Gotcha. They might just rebuild the whole game in a private environment for all I know. Just wish I knew how the people good at contests even get their environment set up haha


KalamariKing: God I got a lot of reading to catch up on tomorrow :/

davilla: wow hypnotoad is everywhere

KalamariKing: indeed

Notter: It's already May 5th where I'm living

KalamariKing: :o

KalamariKing: time flies

davilla: that means it starts sooner for you :-P

Default avatar.png msys: heey

KalamariKing: Hello!

davilla: yeah, ouch, this isn't for me

Notter: Wait

KalamariKing: Wait what

Notter: Why is the start date at May 6th?

KalamariKing: Idk

Default avatar.png msys: returning back after years of sleeping haha

davilla: today is May the 4th be with You, tomorrow is 5 de Mayo, couldn't start on a holiday you know

KalamariKing: oh lol

CryptoZenith: lmao

KalamariKing: may 7th is the 127th day of the year and for a coding competition, 127 is a power of two (0-indexed)

KalamariKing: may 6th is just boring

davilla: if I can get technical for a moment, those are formally known as "computer numbers"

KalamariKing: Sure

XeroOl: hahaha I have created a contribution

XeroOl: it is the first step in my plan to world domination

davilla: you're going to dominate the world with Ruby?

XeroOl: I guess lol

davilla: trying to figure out how your code works but I don't get.&it

XeroOl: maybe I should make the example solution more clearly follow the problem lol

davilla: it's just doing a count of the distance, right?

XeroOl: yeah

davilla: because ultimately that's all that burble sort does

XeroOl: the reason I reverse the list is because `inputs.index` finds the first index of the item

XeroOl: but I really want the last index

davilla: oh, index is a function on inputs, and it takes inputs.max as a parameter?

XeroOl: yeah

davilla: Ruby is so weird

XeroOl: ruby lets you leave out parentheses in some cases

XeroOl: I probably should put them in

davilla: well, it's the choice of the language

davilla: to be difficult to read I mean

XeroOl: should I do it in python, and do an actual bubble sort?

joniebear: Ruby is lovely but I follow the path of the 🐍

XeroOl: it would be easier to follow

XeroOl: python can be pretty confusing too lol

davilla: don't worry, I just like complaining

XeroOl: okay, have the same code but with more parentheses

davilla: your solution is fine, approvers have to code their own

davilla: I will approve if you say "Burble Sort is a terrible algorithm..."

XeroOl: lmao

XeroOl: let me code a confusing python one liner first, and then I'll say that

davilla: I'm going to invent a language that doesn't allow one-line programs

davilla: I think I'll call it Java

XeroOl: it will be a bad language lol

XeroOl: you can do some pretty illegal stuff with long lines in java

davilla: I think I'll call it Pascal

XeroOl: those long lines will include ".stream()" in them :)

joniebear: From a recent CTF where you had to inject code but weren't allowed quotes :P

davilla: +1 good programming practices

XeroOl: hold on should I do this in java then?

davilla: all the true golfers use Bash for what it's worth

joniebear: There's an achievement if you solve a specific puzzle in Bash. It's like walking on broken glass or something :D

davilla: a language that's named after the verb you presume someone used on their keyboard to generate the code

davilla: do you know which puzzle?

joniebear: Yeah, give me a sec

davilla: cool this might be my very first Bash program


davilla: or I might fail and go live in a hut in the middle of the woods

joniebear: There's also 10xp for the first time you solve a puzzle in a new language, I got 70% of the languages done. Don't drink and code, kids...

davilla: but now your profile is littered with languages

davilla: nevermind I'm not going to start a new language unless I can get 5 bars

joniebear: No, they are neatly listed in a box :) :)

joniebear: Yeah, unfortunately clashes don't count towards that. I don't enjoy the puzzles as much...

davilla: not even the bot programming?

joniebear: Also, there is "Babylon Tower", which requires 100% in 15 languages.

XeroOl: I got that one lol

joniebear: Not even the bots, nah. It's completely outside my domain, so it takes a long time and is frustrating.

davilla: there you go, the Old Testament has stood the test of time

joniebear: I like the clashes because they are shorter problems, bite sized :)

davilla: I don't think you can really say you know a language, unless you can clash in the language

joniebear: define "can clash"

davilla: put it this way: I'd like to redo that branch of the Quest Map in C#, and again in Javascript, etc.

davilla: I only did one clash in each of those languages, and all the others in python

davilla: and I was Googling like mad

joniebear: Because Python is generally superior, except for some cases of "shortest".

davilla: well also because I've been using python for many years now, and only occasionally delve into another language

davilla: but I mean it's hard to disagree with you, that's why I use it :-P

joniebear: I have to admit, I'm a late convert. My daily driver used to be Perl until maybe 2-3 years ago, when I forced myself to use Python instead, even if it took me 10x the time at first.

davilla: Perl is the one they call write-only?

davilla: mostly all regular expressions

joniebear: It has the capability for that, yes. But regular expression are the same in any language. Perl just has them without all the fancy noise around them. I recently had to convert something ancient and unmaintained from Perl into Python, and was surprised how smooth that went.

XeroOl: lmao I got a java that mostly works

XeroOl: but fails on duplicates

XeroOl: with as much code as humanly possible on one line

davilla: RegEx always felt like they were a compression of something that didn't have a more conventional format... kind of when you look at f-strings and you think, why can't they just spell this out, why so cryptic?

XeroOl: f strings aren't that cryptic though?

davilla: one line? I put you up to this

XeroOl: I guess all the formatter properties are a bit funny

XeroOl: it doesn't work because Collections.binarySearch isn't consistent with duplicates

XeroOl: but

XeroOl: here's the monster line:

XeroOl: System.out.println( -> {int k = Collections.binarySearch(l, x); l.add(k<0?~k:k, x); return k<0?~k:k; }).sum());

XeroOl: not the only line I wrote

XeroOl: but it's pretty scary looking java

joniebear: f strings aren't cryptic at all. It makes so much sense to write print(f... :D

davilla: when I look at f-strings, I find an example of exactly what I want to do, because if I try to read the docs on it my eyes start to glaze over

XeroOl: ah, yes, lets just use c's printf instead

XeroOl: where everything is better

joniebear: And all the stuff that goes inside, is just regular format() format...

joniebear: And they offer so much room for abuse in shortest clashes 💌

davilla: printf along the same lines... maybe I shouldn't have brought that up as an example

XeroOl: ahh yes, c++'s famously easy formatting system

XeroOl: std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << x << "\n";

davilla: yeah I'm sure RegEx would be great in shortest if you needed pattern matching, but my point is what's the expanded version? there is none

XeroOl: have you ever worked with something called a Parsing Expression Grammer?

XeroOl: PEG?

XeroOl: look up pyPEG

davilla: I've seen formal stuff like this, but haven't coded in anything like it

davilla: maybe in a compilers class or something

XeroOl: well, it's not a trivial thing to express

XeroOl: that's why regex is so useful

davilla: uncondensed RegEx would be something like: optional("1"), digit, ":", digit, digit, optional(("A" or "P"), "M")

joniebear: But they DID invent RegEx, so we don't have to do that anymore :P

davilla: I mean that could be a RegEx spec

davilla: and if it was, you could actually comment it, and wouldn't that be useful!?

joniebear: I'll look into pyPEG though, that's something I haven't used since the Perl days.

davilla: this is the hour, these are the minutes

joniebear: Fair point, comments would be helpful if you aren't used to reading it.

joniebear: But then you got all these websites now that dissect it for you and explain it.

davilla: and even if you are

davilla: you've never looked back at your Perl code and thought, what was I trying to do here?

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: hello world

joniebear: Nah. I have looked at it and not understood why it succeeded at doing what it was supposed to do :D

davilla: heh

davilla: same difference

joniebear: But none of that was because of the RegEx...

joniebear: Most of it comes from dereferencing nested arrays and hashes :D

joniebear: Okay, maybe this one:

davilla: yeah, I love the comment :D

davilla: :laughing:

joniebear: truth be told, it only exists in that comment. the actual one in use is simple and elegant...

davilla: ah OK

joniebear: alright, out for today. not getting any progress in the clashes right now.

davilla: later

AI_one: {

Smelty: *depression*

Default avatar.png spiralpinata: lmao I didnt know comments are also counted

Default avatar.png spiralpinata: that would shorten my code by a lot

Default avatar.png spiralpinata: I think they should make it so that comments wont be counted as characters in code

Default avatar.png cytolytic: bum bum