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Default avatar.png iknowlua: i hate blacks

Alex-1: what do you mean iknowlua

Default avatar.png iknowlua: black as in the color

Default avatar.png iknowlua: mb i made it plural

Alex-1: why

Default avatar.png iknowlua: i dont like the shade

Alex-1: ohh

gilufin: is anyone wants to play escape room

Alex-1: yeah gilufin

Alex-1: #Codingescape

booalgo: yeahhhh let's go

Alex-1: Notter will you play with us

gilufin: creating another one


gilufin: the first one is full

gilufin: hey

gilufin: join to the audio

zukarinkuari2: whats the best coding category for game bash or python?

zukarinkuari2: heyyyyyyyyy

Uljahn: there's the only way to find out, Automaton2000

Automaton2000: we might be able to do something else

Alex-1: Automaton2000 What about the Contest

Automaton2000: makes me feel like a lot of it is just not as good as it gets

Alex-1: Automaton2000 what was going on 6th May 20201

Automaton2000: do you know it's going to be a good start :p

Alex-1: Auromaton2000 you know about CodinGame

Alex-1: Automaton2000 you know about CodinGame :p

Automaton2000: i want to write your own

booalgo: in the escape game can we give output in a loop to try a password instead checking every time

Default avatar.png AndyTM:

Default avatar.png AndyTM:

Default avatar.png AndyTM:

jacek: :o

booalgo: Automaton2000 tired

Automaton2000: well, i am not sure how to deal with that

booalgo: :unamused:

jacek: :upside_down:

Default avatar.png NinjaAuntieOfWisdom_b4c6: hello world

booalgo: hi

PeyoakaJesus: cheh

Default avatar.png Switch64: cheh

Hubcan: chchchchcheh

booalgo: hola

Coder_prabhat: hola

Coder_prabhat: Automaton2000

Automaton2000: i'll have to fix that :p

Coder_prabhat: how are you doing Automaton2000 bot?

Automaton2000: not sure what happens if i print the value of the first and last

Default avatar.png Switch64: help

**Hubcan slaps Switch64 around a bit with a large fishbot

Default avatar.png Switch64: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

**Hubcan cocou

Hubcan: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

MadKnight: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

KiwiTae: (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Alex-1: hi

jacek: UwU

MadKnight: oh hey Alex-1

MadKnight: what the hell jacek

Alex-1: hi MadKnight

Alex-1: :smile:

Alex-1: How are you

MadKnight: well nice

MadKnight: are u just starting to learn programming Alex-1 ?

Alex-1: noo

Alex-1: Automaton2000 nice thought

Automaton2000: but if i did something wrong

MadKnight: oooh okay i c

MadKnight: if he knows Automaton2000 he's good

Automaton2000: we want to know about this

KiwiTae: Alex-1 you need to fix your moto

Alex-1: Alex-1 what wrong in itKiwiTae

Alex-1: KiwiTae

KiwiTae: I am not sure it seems gramatically incorrect :3

Alex-1: ohh

Alex-1: No One Can Born With Legend Skill And Never Be Born

Alex-1: what mistake in this

Passifi: I am pretty sure its purpose is to give you a seizure so it seems to be doing fine :P

KiwiTae: ><

Alex-1: yeah i want to insert more thing in my moto but no spaces to write something more

Passifi: aside from that its >> can BE born with legendARY skill

Alex-1: Passifi what are you doing in those days

Astrobytes: He travelled back in time to fix your bio.

Alex-1: :smile:

Passifi: mostly checking for grammar errors its the german past time

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Alex-1: Passifi you like as your avtar

Alex-1: Astrobytes how was you life going

Astrobytes: Fine until I woke up.

Alex-1: hehe

Default avatar.png andflow: Helo

Default avatar.png andflow: Hello

Alex-1: hi andflow

Default avatar.png andflow: Hi Alex

booalgo: :wave:

Alex-1: booalgo are you clasher

Default avatar.png alt0173: nam ngu

booalgo: yup

Alex-1: can you speak clearly alt0173

Alex-1: what do you want to say

Alex-1: Automaton2000 what about new coders

Automaton2000: if you get it right

booalgo: Automaton2000 2020

Automaton2000: so it's more like a puzzle

Alex-1: Astrobytes you like coding challanges

Default avatar.png bossyboots: hello #

Alex-1: hello bossyboots

Default avatar.png bossyboots: does anyone know wether this game is easy or hard

**Alex-1 is saying hello to all CodinGamers

Alex-1: which game bossyboots

Default avatar.png bossyboots: clash of code

booalgo: :D

Alex-1: it easy bossyboots but i recommended to solve easy puzzle

booalgo: easy to medium level problems are in clashes

Default avatar.png bossyboots: what do i do if the exclamation marks come up

booalgo: :rolling_eyes:

booalgo: where

Default avatar.png bossyboots: on the test case

booalgo: check your code, fix it : p

Default avatar.png bossyboots: i do but the other text case come up with the exclamtion mark

Alex-1: it means your code is wrong bossyboots can you show me your code

Default avatar.png bossyboots: has anyone played the game called the descent

Alex-1: yeah

Alex-1: bossyboots

Default avatar.png bossyboots: can u tell me how to play it

Alex-1: create a condition to hit the biggest or tallest mountain

MadKnight: print tagret

MadKnight: id of the target

Alex-1: or MadKnight is right

booalgo: the while loop is a little confuse when i started :)

Default avatar.png bossyboots: that isnt right

Alex-1: what don't right

MadKnight: Automaton2000 do u right ?

Automaton2000: just like in real life

KiwiTae: bossyboots if you struggle use the hints table

MadKnight: so true Automaton2000...

Automaton2000: there was no need to check if they are in a different way of thinking

Alex-1: Automaton2000 is MadKnight is a Legend

Automaton2000: i don't have the time

booalgo: Automaton2000 :p

Automaton2000: im in school right now

MadKnight: Automaton2000 u are supposed to do correct inglesh to troll people

booalgo: oh

Automaton2000: i wanted to get into it

MadKnight: "is MK is" just doesn't work Automaton2000....

Automaton2000: you are good at it

Alex-1: Automaton2000 what about Alex-1

Automaton2000: they have a lot of work

Alex-1: Automaton2000 but i have no work

Automaton2000: but i suppose at least the way i do it on the leaderboard

jacek: AutomatonNN?

jacek: :(

Alex-1: Automaton2000 is it easy to learn programming

Automaton2000: to avoid having to do a lot of weird stuff

Alex-1: jacek is good Automaton2000

Automaton2000: there is a way to write it as a win for p1

Alex-1: Automaton2000 is my contribution is nice

Automaton2000: well i guess i can try


Astrobytes: :smirk:

Alex-1: guys any want to play Coding Escape with me

Astrobytes: Nope, sorry. Done them all.

Alex-1: ohh okk but anyother

Astrobytes: Also, y'know, work.

Alex-1: yeah

struct: hi

booalgo: hi

jacek: and yet you have time to chat :thinking:

Astrobytes: hey struct

struct: ill play escape for info about the contest

Astrobytes: I work from home jacek

Alex-1: hehe struct

booalgo: :heart_eyes:

Astrobytes: And I don't chat constantly

Alex-1: i am helping other in the escape

jacek: escape from responsibilities?

Alex-1: if anyone want to join


Alex-1: jacek you are funny guy

Alex-1: struct nice bot programming

Alex-1: jacek also

struct: Thanks but im not good

Alex-1: better than me

Alex-1: struct you do job

NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: Why is my pee white?

Uljahn: mypy?

NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: dunno

Alex-1: what a long name

NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: what a short name

Alex-1: hey see that is big than my moto and anyother

booalgo: :joy:

Alex-1: hey anyone help i forget how to set the fourth clock

Default avatar.png AllIghtyPushFromPainOftheAkatsuk: hi

Default avatar.png AllIghtyPushFromPainOftheAkatsuk: hi

Alex-1: hi AndyTM

Wontonimo: SpringChallenge2020 is just so random. One submit I'm Gold 450th, then the next Gold 80th with the same bot

Wontonimo: seriously demotivating

Wontonimo: am i missing something? Anyone here have any good traction on SpringChallenge2020?

Astrobytes: which one was that? PacMan?

Wontonimo: yeah

Astrobytes: I wasn't very keen on the game.

Wontonimo: my implementation is similar to smitimax, except dynamic tree instead of fixed size

Alex-1: we won from stream escape room

struct: Just wait for pac man 2

Wontonimo: sigh ... is that the next contest?

Wontonimo: is there any word about the next challenge?

struct: :zipper_mouth:

Wontonimo: ah

Astrobytes: Not sure smitsi is the way to go in pacman

Astrobytes: But don't ask me. Don't think I bothered trying to get out of bronze

Astrobytes: Admittedly I was on a lot of painkillers at the time.

struct: I didnt like pacman

Astrobytes: I didn't either.

struct: I liked FC2020

Alex-1: pacman is already exit in codingame

DomiKo: FC2020 was great

Wontonimo: my first implementation that got me very far was simply diffusing the value of each pellet along the paths in the maze, then making the pacs step in the direction of the largest diffused value. 1ply. it did great, rocketed to top of silver.

Alex-1: Admittedly I was on a lot of painkillers at the time. reply Astrobytes that not good

Wontonimo: yeah, maybe walking away and doing a different contest would be best for mental health

Astrobytes: Did you read the PMs?

Astrobytes: Alex-1: back problem

struct: or you can save yourself a bit until next contest

Wontonimo: Astrobytes yeah, read a bunch.

Astrobytes: ah ok

Wontonimo: there were complaints about some randomness, but the amount I'm experiencing is crazy, from nearly top of gold to bottom. That isn't a bit random, that's a lot

struct: I got pushed from 40th gold to legend

Wontonimo: maybe people in the PM where pulling punches

struct: in 1 day

Astrobytes: I seem to remember lots of people complaining about turning corners only to insta-die

Astrobytes: I mean, when you literally add rock paper and scissors to a game, with fog-of-war....

Wontonimo: yeah. FOW with narrow 90 degree angles. insta-die is real

struct: I hope next one doesnt have fog

struct: are the creatures from the art also from zelda?

Wontonimo: conceptually, i love the idea of dealing with unknowns. practically speaking, i hate it. I'm with you Struct

struct: fog only makes sense on some games

Astrobytes: OOC was a decent kind of fog

struct: Wondev Woman and ooc

struct: code busters

Westicles: Next contest is based on My Neighbor Totoro: Aruite Sagaso Totoro`s Dondoko Game

Default avatar.png alt0173: phoinggo

Astrobytes: Westicles: sticking with the acorn theme I see :P

Westicles: Yes, and those little beasts do look a bit like Totoro

Alex-1: hi Westicles

Westicles: They even have the little blueberry looking guys


Westicles: hi Alex-1

Alex-1: Westicles that you are right

jacek: amazoNNs looking good

jacek: but i wont submit until someone detronizes me

struct: What does this mean?

struct: I only see lines

jacek: winrate against my current bot

jacek: different lines are for different arch i experiment

jacek: nevertheless I find >90% winrate a success

Wontonimo: which game jacek ?

jacek: amazons

dbdr: # e.g. d10d9d2 (move piece at d10 to d9 and wall d2) d10 on a 8x8 board?

struct: ups

jacek: who approved this garbage?

struct: I had 10x10 board before

struct: sorry

Wontonimo: right ... cuz you said amazNNs

dbdr: :D

Westicles: dbdr, looks like the chat wiki has been dead a while now?

Astrobytes: Was working yesterday, just very, very slow

struct: dbdr are you reading from github?

struct: I dont see it on the live version

dbdr: it's in the stub struct

struct: ah

struct: ty ty

struct: Almost uploaded 16x16 by mistake

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Westicles: You know, I was joking earlier, but he contest artwork was clearly based on this game

kovi: while we are at it...dbdr, how you managed to stop fireworks spam with me having avg 3rd place for last 12 games...

dbdr: it's my special "anti kovi" strat

kovi: worked well

dbdr: or more realistically, just randomness

dbdr: since the pack order is random, there is a lot of noise I think

dbdr: and top 3 is basically tied

Default avatar.png IceRize: someone wants to try escape with me?

Westicles: Do you like piña coladas?

struct: stuck on " Please wait, we are building your project..." :(

ZarthaxX: f

Astrobytes: SnarfaxX

jacek: struct wait for friday evening to update

Alex-1: IceRize i play it more sorry

Alex-1: jacek very funny bro :p

jacek: :innocent:

Astrobytes: jacek was born with funny skill and yet was never born

ZarthaxX: Snarf?

ZarthaxX: :P

Astrobytes: Yes. From ThunderCats

ZarthaxX: what's that

Astrobytes: :o

ImhotepHUN: Hey Fellas, anyone interested in Cin

ImhotepHUN: Coding escape ?

Astrobytes: Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats, Hoooooooooo!

Astrobytes: ZarthaxX

Astrobytes: 80s cartoon

ZarthaxX: i havent seen it :(

ZarthaxX: you are too old or im too young (?

Astrobytes: You haven't felt the magic, or heard the roar of ThunderCats on the loose

ZarthaxX: and i think it's the first one :D

ZarthaxX: no haha

Alex-1: Astrobytes you change my moto bro

Astrobytes: snarfsnarf

Astrobytes: Yes, the first one ZarthaxX

Alex-1: jacek was born with funny skill and yet was never born

ZarthaxX: :P

ZarthaxX: was it a cool show?

ZarthaxX: well, is it?

KiwiTae: ZarthaxX o3

Astrobytes: OK. jacek can born with funny skill and not be born

Alex-1: hehe

Astrobytes: Yes it was ZarthaxX

Alex-1: :smile:

Astrobytes: How can any show with a villainous Egyptian mummy called Mumra not be awesome

Astrobytes: *Mumm-Ra

ZarthaxX: hi kiwo :*

ZarthaxX: Astrobytes noice :)

jacek: RoboStac ping

ZarthaxX: the only "old" show i watched was saint seiya

ZarthaxX: :P

Astrobytes: "Old" - Released: November 9, 2002


Default avatar.png Neetoo_: help me my friend

Default avatar.png Neetoo_: please

Alex-1: you mean Knights of the Zodiac ZarthaxX

ZarthaxX: it's old for me :(

Astrobytes: Are you trapped down the well Neetoo_?

Alex-1: Neetoo_ what can i do for

Alex-1: you

ZarthaxX: Alex-1 emmmm

ZarthaxX: im gonna link a page

ZarthaxX: i mean pic

Alex-1: okk


Astrobytes: Couldn't you find a larger picture LargaxX

jacek: weeb

jacek: axx

Astrobytes: nice jacek

ZarthaxX: :D

Alex-1: really cool ZarthaxX

ZarthaxX: wait, knights of the zodiac is like a remaster of this??

Astrobytes: Apparently so

Default avatar.png Neetoo_: A contribution from remedcu

Default avatar.png Neetoo_: help me

ZarthaxX: it's in netflix and was made in 2018 damn

Astrobytes: Won't see Zarthy for a while until he finishes binge-watching that

Alex-1: we can tell solution but can tell how to solve it Neetoo_

jacek: introduce him to one piece

Alex-1: ohh print(Alex-1 message.replace("can", "can't")

ZarthaxX: wont watch it.. haha

Alex-1: craxy guy

Astrobytes: So craxy

Default avatar.png Neetoo_: ahaha

Default avatar.png Neetoo_: so funny

Alex-1: Astrobytes is a wild cat that know programming :smile:

Alex-1: ZarthaxX is a polar bear

ZarthaxX: fox*

Scarfield: ^

ZarthaxX: ahh the author is here

ZarthaxX: :)

Alex-1: ohh it polar fox

Scarfield: xD

Astrobytes: ZarfoxX

ZarthaxX: oh god

Alex-1: :p

ZarthaxX: AstroCat sounds cool

Astrobytes: Yes ZarthaxX?

Alex-1: :joy:

ZarthaxX: lmao dont even try that again

ZarthaxX: not gonna believe you are god sir

Scarfield: FoxyaxX

Astrobytes: :rofl:

ZarthaxX: just a low lvl mod (?

Astrobytes: oof

Alex-1: :joy:

Astrobytes: :fire:

ZarthaxX: fun fact, my gf's dad does the same when someone says the word god

Alex-1: wait guys

Astrobytes: buuuurn

Astrobytes: Yeah, I normally say "Yes my child?"

ZarthaxX: :rofl:

Alex-1: Astrobytes :angry:

ZarthaxX: mod threatens me with fire D:

ZarthaxX: Scarfield that name sounds weird :rofl:

ZarthaxX: hi scarfo btw :*

Astrobytes: No, it was the burn from your comment

Alex-1: ZarthaxX you don't get fire you live in North Pole cool

Scarfield: hi hi :kissing_heart:

Astrobytes: and yeah, hey GraphicalField

Alex-1: :joy:

ZarthaxX: true Alex-1 :P

Scarfield: PaintjobPro

ZarthaxX: Astrobytes ah ah ok hehe

Astrobytes: hahaha

Default avatar.png DJSchaffner: How do you guys program more complex puzzles on cg? Do you program it in some IDE with multiple files and stuff everything in one file to work with cg in the end? Im looking for a nice way to convert a Java project into a single file :D

ZarthaxX: bundler

ZarthaxX: merger

ZarthaxX: but yes, work with multiple and merge it in one

Astrobytes: Yeah, for multis/contests. I think there's are one or two java mergers in the forum somewhere?

Alex-1: agree with ZarthaxX

ZarthaxX: i dont know, havent tried with java :D

struct: Everything on same file and I use cg IDE

Default avatar.png DJSchaffner: Alright i will take a look in the forums. Or does anyone have a link maybe?

ZarthaxX: i did my own for cpp :rofl: obviously full of bugs

ZarthaxX: also DJSchaffner look at CG sync extension for chrome

struct: I know 2 for cpp

ZarthaxX: connects a file of your pc with the CG ide


ZarthaxX: so you dont have to keep copypasting everytime you update something on your localm achine

Astrobytes: locam?!

Default avatar.png DJSchaffner: yeah i saw that one ZarthaxX might use that too

Scarfield: xD

Alex-1: struct

Alex-1: you know C++

Alex-1: only

Astrobytes: DJSchaffner: check that forum link

struct: No I dont know C++

Default avatar.png DJSchaffner: Thanks! will check if that one works. How do you mention people in the chat btw?

Alex-1: Cool Bro

Alex-1: struct

Astrobytes: Just type the name DJSchaffner


Scarfield: just say their name DJSchaffner, also there is autocomplete: sca-> tab

Default avatar.png DJSchaffner: ah, alright ty guys :)

struct: seed=-5372814513092559900

struct: ups

Astrobytes: :grin:

Alex-1: Automaton2000 True if Astrobytes is a Cat

Automaton2000: we will be able to go to bed

DetoBot: So reading a Morse code will help you escape, Nice!

Alex-1: DetoBot hii

Alex-1: why you guys stop chating

Alex-1: hi kovi

Alex-1: Automaton2000 thanks :p

Automaton2000: is there something like a ga

Alex-1: Automaton2000: Why all get silent

Automaton2000: i think its time to go to legend

Alex-1: Thanks for Information Automaton2000

Automaton2000: depends on the map is symmetric

Wontonimo: where did you learn your vocabulary and grammer Automaton2000 ?

Automaton2000: time to move on to the next turn

Wontonimo: yeah, avoiding the question about your creator... i get it

Kitkat260: hey sorry i had wifi problems yesterday

struct: ok updated amazons, random vs random should always draw now

jacek: always?

struct: if they output random every round yes

struct: I mean the 2 matches will be exactly the same

jacek: exactly the same? not so random then

struct: They can write an AI if they want to actually win

Default avatar.png Hiderr: Hejka tu lenka ((:

Static_Language_Programmer: @booalgo

Kitkat260: hey

jacek: good afternoon

TheBatMan_TM: @booalgo u there?

Digginwings: hello

Wontonimo: oh wow, Amazons is so new! Nice job

Astrobytes: New? struct was working on it on and off for months :P

jacek: and it is just a port, amazons were invented earlier

Astrobytes: "This is a port of the board game Amazons."

Default avatar.png dkim19375: why is it always shortest mode ;-;

Esdeathmylove: hello

DCoderOP: hlo

DCoderOP: Any java coders here ?

Kitkat260: yea no only python 3

SammyTheHut: same here

SammyTheHut: anyone knows a good html5 css3 book?

Kitkat260: nice pic

SammyTheHut: hahahah

Kitkat260: what happened


Kitkat260: want to join anyone

Kitkat260: nvm



struct: dont post clash of code links here

struct: use #clash

Notgoodatcoding5: Hi

DarkLord__28: hiiii

Notgoodatcoding5: How are you?

DarkLord__28: m fine wbu

Esdeathmylove: lol

Notgoodatcoding5: I'm good but the fact that we have a test today is why.

Default avatar.png ShaeShay: um i dont understand how to do the coding games bc im new to all of this

Notgoodatcoding5: Just saying I'm terrible at coding too.

Esdeathmylove: welcome in club

DarkLord__28: its okay bro

DarkLord__28: want to do coding with us?

Smelty: :0

Esdeathmylove: in hogwart?

DarkLord__28: lol

Esdeathmylove: just tell me how to get to here

Esdeathmylove: and tommorow i am

Wontonimo: ok Astrobytes and jacek, i dont look around much at the new bot challenges. This challenge is new to me.

jacek: its already 1 days old

jacek: slowpoke

Wontonimo: that's 24 hours of failure to launch

Kitkat260: sup

Smelty: o . o

Kitkat260: hru

Smelty: good

Smelty: also, theres only two leagues? :0

Kitkat260: thats good

Kitkat260: and yes

Smelty: wood1 and wood2

Smelty: lolol

Kitkat260: sent it to me

Smelty: its called amaz0n

Kitkat260: ok

BlaiseEbuth: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

BlaiseEbuth: Hii?

Notgoodatcoding5: Hi

jacek: moshi moshi

DarkLord__28: heyyy

Smelty: hii blaise

Default avatar.png Camden272: bruv i in school

Smelty: lol

BlaiseEbuth: :3

Smelty: :)

KiwiTae: lucifer our lord BlaiseEbuth

BlaiseEbuth: Nam gloria lucifer KiwiTae

Default avatar.png Camden272: school sadge

Smelty: le lucifier

jacek: regina, noctris pro nobis

BlaiseEbuth: :bow:

Smelty: Thank you, kind 17th follower

Smelty: *18th

KiwiTae: 19th! hehe

BlaiseEbuth: You're strange... I don't like when people follow me. The last who's try is not here to tell anymore. :smiling_imp:

KiwiTae: :joy: yolo

BlaiseEbuth: :grin:

Smelty: thank you kiwi

Smelty: :rofl:

jacek: clash follow?

Smelty: hmm...

5nr: I just played 3 CoC in a row, all of them were way too easy: many people finished in less than 1 minute. Are puzzles getting easier or is it just a case? Some time back it wasn't like this

Smelty: its randomized i think

struct: I think if there are new players the clashes are easier

Smelty: also kiwi is my only follower who is of a higher level than me xD

5nr: I see, thanks. I played more often few months back, and do not remember something like this

KiwiTae: >< I dont count im lvl30 since 2years ago lol

Smelty: lol

KiwiTae: 5nr maybe you improved n ow it feels easy

Smelty: possible

Smelty: i find myself way better at the calculating clashes rather than string modifying clashes

booalgo: same :D

Smelty: i take that back, just failed one

Smelty: xzD

Smelty: xD

booalgo: xD

KiwiTae: Smelty \o/ im gonna unfollow if u fail again

KiwiTae: :grin:

Smelty: xD


Smelty: :0

Smelty: is that okay master

Smelty: kiwitae

Smelty: lolol

BlaiseEbuth: Why don't you show your rank?

jacek: sensei*

Smelty: ah yes sensei

Smelty: i was first when i submitted.

Smelty: also i hate shortest

struct: my rank

BlaiseEbuth: Shortest is the only mode that is (a bit) interesting in coc...

Smelty: lol

Smelty: 'tis just that java sucks at golf

Smelty: also it appears that i was a bit slow on the uptake:


Smelty: 8 ppl btw

BlaiseEbuth: Don't do coc if you're not able to use the more adapted language to the situation.

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: i have returned after absolutely destroying blaiseebuth self esteem yesterday

BlaiseEbuth: Lel. If my self esteem had to suffer of all the random frustrated guys that insult me on a chat, I'll be depressive since a long time...

struct: You should sue him

BlaiseEbuth: sue ? For what ?

Default avatar.png ShaeShay: are there any games that teach lua instead of just doing it??

Westicles: oh boy, here we go

struct: emotional damage

BlaiseEbuth: There's no damage...

Denshire: attempted emotional damage then

BlaiseEbuth: There's no shuch thing...

struct: Im sure America has it

Denshire: well attempted murder is a thing why not attempted emotional damage

Denshire: same thing really

Westicles: Wait, are there two lua guys now? I am getting them mixed up

BlaiseEbuth: Na. I mean I don't think he tried to make emotional damage.

BlaiseEbuth: In fact he made me laugh, so that's ok.

Westicles: There was the guy yesterday that can't learn Lua from videos because he has brain damage...

BlaiseEbuth: And yes. Why another lua guy is appearing right now

struct: lua is popular

BlaiseEbuth: Conspiracy I say

Default avatar.png ShaeShay: i need help with lua

Trist0214: ShaeShay: For the basics I would recommend a book or other learning resources, this is more for practice and extending knowledge than it is for teaching

struct: I can give you some tutorials in portuguese for lua

struct: Since its a language made by brazilians

King_Coda: lua is a "high level programming language"

King_Coda: For some reason I either don't believe that, or I just don't care

King_Coda: I think it's a combination of the 2

Default avatar.png Tony12C: tf

Default avatar.png ShaeShay: what book for lua do you rec?

struct: Do you want to code lua while playing a game?

struct: Garrys mod allows it

Default avatar.png Tony12C: Lua for dummies

Trist0214: Lua Quick Start Guide: The Easiest Way to Learn Lua Programming

BlaiseEbuth: Are you sure you know what "high level" mean King_Coda ?

Default avatar.png ShaeShay: i only need lua for roblox scripting....

King_Coda: No BlaiseEbuth


Default avatar.png Tony12C: high level means its easy

Trist0214: except for the setup ^


King_Coda: you know what's funny about that Tony12C?

King_Coda: nobody asked

King_Coda: :sunglasses:

Default avatar.png Tony12C: You know whats funny about that king?

Default avatar.png Tony12C: Nobody asked that I asked

Trist0214: whyd you ask

struct: ShaeShay

King_Coda: Oh, I understand now. Thanks BlaiseEbuth

struct: a = {} -- new array for i=1, 1000 do

   a[i] = 0


Default avatar.png Tony12C: :eggplant:

struct: i = 1 :nauseated_face:

Default avatar.png Tony12C: Did anyone eat :eggplant: today?

King_Coda: No Tony12C

Default avatar.png Tony12C: Oh ok

King_Coda: Eggplant isn't a very common household food item, so I doubt that anyone here has eaten it today

BlaiseEbuth: Yesterday in fact.

struct: Never tried it before

Smelty: Struct lol

jacek: its like purple zucinni

Westicles: you eat it roasted with olive oil, gives you cancer

Westicles: lots of free radicals

BlaiseEbuth: What food doesn't give cancer...

Marchete: hmm roasted

struct: ill steal your rating Smelty

Smelty: sad face

struct: what is this clash...

struct: print(s.replace(/\d/g,))

Smelty: lolol

Smelty: rip my 3400

King_Coda: yo gaes ai got thuh are tee ex thir tee nine tee

Astrobytes: Do you require some kind of medical assistance?

Default avatar.png ApolloMS1: What?

_Flippy: Someone motivated for a coding escape room ?

King_Coda: say it out loud

King_Coda: yo gaes ai got thuh are tee ex thir tee nine tee

Astrobytes: I can read it. I'm just curious as to why you felt the need to write it as if you're auditioning for a part in Idiocracy

BlaiseEbuth: psychobytes

King_Coda: Because I felt like it

Westicles: King, I got just the book for you

Westicles: Tahoe Leap Eyeball, Kink Shames Virgin

Kitkat260: where is darklord

BlaiseEbuth: An obfuscated version of the bible...

Kitkat260: and kingcoda

Astrobytes: From Chin Assess to Raffle Haitian

King_Coda: "Kink shames virgin"

Default avatar.png ApolloMS1: What is the easiest form of code to learn?

Astrobytes: Morse.

King_Coda: that's kinda hot ngl

BlaiseEbuth: square

Default avatar.png ApolloMS1: I meant computer programming. I already know morse.

BlaiseEbuth: Binary

BlaiseEbuth: 0 and 1 that's it

BlaiseEbuth: ezpz

Default avatar.png ApolloMS1: Thanks.

BlaiseEbuth: :thumbsup:

King_Coda: hahahaha

Astrobytes: I tend to recommend C++ first. Unpopular opinion maybe but I stand by it.

King_Coda: the second he walks into chat, ApolloMS1 just gets lighted

Default avatar.png Nicholas_003: C

Default avatar.png ApolloMS1: OK, thanks!

King_Coda: I would recommend C# before learning C++

BlaiseEbuth: C more than C++

Trist0214: C++ is a good one tbh, you'll know pretty soon if you dislike coding

King_Coda: but that's just me

Astrobytes: C++: you can write C code in it

Astrobytes: Or you can go modern

Default avatar.png ApolloMS1: Ok, thank you for the input! I am gonna go learn C++ now!

BlaiseEbuth: what's that fallacious arg :rofl:

King_Coda: coolio

**King_Coda finally gets of his chair to go do his school work

BlaiseEbuth: And he said "the simpliest to learn"

Astrobytes: Nah C is good. Especially for first lang.

Kitkat260: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

BlaiseEbuth: (╯°□°)╯︵ 09ᄅʇɐʞʇıʞ

King_Coda: LOL

Astrobytes: But I guess it depends if you want to learn how things work or not. Or just import things in python.

BlaiseEbuth: ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

**Kitkat260 slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

**King_Coda slaps Kitkat260 around a bit with a large fishbot

King_Coda: stop slapping

Astrobytes: Poor fishbot is probably a fshbot by now.

Wontonimo: i agree that coding C will really help you know whats going on abstractly

Wontonimo: if the student is really into pretty colours and doesn't like math and logic, i'd not recommend C.

Astrobytes: Yeah totally, that's where I was going with the subsequent "learn how things work or not" comment. Though - it can't hurt to do at least a little.

King_Coda: i wonder what exactly a fishbot is

Astrobytes: A robotic fish?

krishna_jalan_: some one up for coding escape mode?

EllipticBike38: an elettric silverfish?

jacek: escape becoming the new clash eh

Astrobytes: Nah. Takes longer.

Astrobytes: Escape > CoC though, imo

jacek: i meant chat spamming

Astrobytes: Ah

Astrobytes: Yeah, seems so

krishna_jalan_: hmm,

Kitkat260: kingcoda

BlaiseEbuth: -> #escape

Astrobytes: krishna_jalan_: I won't do it as I've done them already

krishna_jalan_: okay

King_Coda: that's because it's easier and more accesible to people without coding experience

King_Coda: escape, i mean

Smelty: o.o

King_Coda: this is how i feel right now /flip

King_Coda: ...

Smelty: lol

Smelty: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

King_Coda: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

King_Coda: ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

**Smelty dies

King_Coda: pffffffffffff

**King_Coda chokes on a bagel and literally dies

King_Coda: that happened to me once. minus the dying part, but i almost died.

Astrobytes: King_Henry_Heimlich_Coda

Secret_sister2: ( う-´)づ︻╦̵̵̿╤── \(˚☐˚”)/

Kitkat260: what´s happening

King_Coda: LOL

King_Coda: good one Astrobytes

Kitkat260: wow

Astrobytes: :grin:

Secret_sister2: |−・;) *hides in terror*

Secret_sister2: "who wants a hug" (.づ◡﹏◡)づ.

Kitkat260: me

Secret_sister2: okay *hugs* (.づ◡﹏◡)づ.

Secret_sister2: ur welcome

Kitkat260: im lonely

Secret_sister2: me too ;-;

King_Coda: take it to dm's guys

Westicles: Ha, the FBI guy pretending to be a 13-year-old girl finally got a hit

King_Coda: lol

Kitkat260: why

Kitkat260: ugh

Kitkat260: anyone home?

Kitkat260: hello?

VizGhar: everybody is home

Kitkat260: thx

VizGhar: why u following me? :D

VizGhar: guys? help?

Kitkat260: because u r a coder

VizGhar: everybody here is coder :facepalm:

Kitkat260: ik

EllipticBike38: maybe not °O°

Kitkat260: ugh

Kitkat260: can someone make happy instead of me being stressed?

EllipticBike38: please don't text me, thx

jacek: :upside_down:

Kitkat260: fine :(

orangesnowfox: ... Seriously though, why do people keep following me, lol

orangesnowfox: I'm boring af

jacek: dunno

Kitkat260: no u r not

King_Coda: people started following me for no reason

jacek: maybe this is twitter

Kitkat260: so u want me to un follow you

BlaiseEbuth: Probably huntsmen orangesnowfox, be careful.

Astrobytes: Followed orangesnowfox :P

Kitkat260: same

jacek: what a bunch of trolls

Astrobytes: Kitkat260: Not being funny, but if you could just go somewhere else that would be excellent. I am sure there are other better places to fulfil whatever need it is you have.

Kitkat260: rude

BlaiseEbuth: Astrudebytes

Astrobytes: "hi", "hello", "hru" on repeat all day isn't particularly helpful Kitkat260

King_Coda: lol

Kitkat260: so

King_Coda: just followed orangesnowfox

Kitkat260: just trying to be nicee

BlaiseEbuth: Have a break KitKat.

Kitkat260: thx

Astrobytes: More coding less "hi", "hello", "hru", "sup", "hey"

Kitkat260: ughhhhh!!!!

BlaiseEbuth: :rofl;

King_Coda: :rofl:

Kitkat260: where is my sister

Kitkat260: she can help me

King_Coda: "Calculations Involving Colligative Properties". What does that even mean?

Astrobytes: chemistry problem?

King_Coda: Not a problem, no.

Astrobytes: Context?

King_Coda: Just don't appreciate the american education system

King_Coda: Why are they teaching me this garbage. Why do I have to go out of my own way just to learn the stuff i'll ACTUALLY use.

Astrobytes: I used chemistry a fair bit doing my biology degree and cell biology masters

Krakenus00: Don't you think that python is imbalanced in Clash of Code? It takes much less time to write the needed code and it is much smaller.

Astrobytes: Try ruby Krakenus00

Astrobytes: brb

King_Coda: Python is a bit OP tbh

King_Coda: it's won me a few clashes

VizGhar: I learnt ruby just to beat everybody in CoC

Krakenus00: Nah. Actually, I want to have fun, using my favourite C++, but can't win Python guys.

VizGhar: "everybody" :P

Krakenus00: CoC[k]

VizGhar: Shortest is funny CoC... you can simply google 15 minutes

King_Coda: :laughing:

jacek: if you want to have fun, what do you clash? ;v

VizGhar: I'm not clashing anymore. But some might find it funny

BlaiseEbuth: jacek is faster than me

Krakenus00: I'm new here

VizGhar: jacek crow of judgement


jacek: Krakenus00 have you tried something else than clash here?

VizGhar: But to be honest, I picked some of those clashes as assignments/exercises for my students

VizGhar: sometimes there are some good ideas

jacek: as punishment?

Krakenus00: I've tried everything

VizGhar: of course. Do you think they want to code for fun?

Krakenus00: Just play CoC sometimes

VizGhar: and what exactly you need Krakenus00 ?

Denshire: imagine coding for fun pfft who does that

Astrobytes: VizGhar: The Crow of Judgement is my Spirit Animal

VizGhar: Sure Astrobytes :D

VizGhar: ok, time to put kids to sleep... see ya in 2 hrs :P

Astrobytes: Well, Corvids in general. Cya in a bit :)

Krakenus00: I think it would be better to separate CoCs by language. i.e. there are only devs with the same language in the room.

Astrobytes: You can do that with private clashes I believe Krakenus00

KelvinAndHubbles: why is solving sudoku a medium puzzle while solving mini sudoku is hard?

Krakenus00: Uh, that's sad, cause I have no friends or colleagues

King_Coda: Mini sudoku provides less options, and smaller room for error.

King_Coda: .msg Tychkorg

Astrobytes: You can still make a clash and post it in #clash channel then ask in here if anyone wants to join an x language clash Krakenus00

King_Coda: oops

Smelty: yes

King_Coda: all of the games belong to saltaxatlas

Astrobytes: This account is a CodinGame bot for Clash of Code.

Smelty: sure

Astrobytes: re. Tychkorg

King_Coda: "/" not "."

Astrobytes: Tychkorg is a clash bot

King_Coda: They are?


King_Coda: Oh.

Astrobytes: The linked article explains it all.

King_Coda: I was going to compliment their Will Ferrell pfp

King_Coda: How many CoC bots are there?

pindsz: 8 i thinnk

King_Coda: who is this saltAxAtlas guy and why does he make a clash every 10 minutes

Astrobytes: A guy who likes clashing?

KiwiTae: ^

Astrobytes: Oh, he's livestreaming on Twitch

Astrobytes: Or was

King_Coda: How does he get the clash_bot to announce his clashes

synchoz: King_Coda every one here is trying to improve :D

King_Coda: is it because he streams on twitch?

Astrobytes: I think you put Codingame in the title of your stream and the twitch bot picks it up KingSherriff

Astrobytes: *King_Coda

King_Coda: OOHHHHH

Astrobytes: Apologies KingSherriff whoever you are


King_Coda: I knew that

King_Coda: Man, what about my boys streaming over on youtube, huh?

King_Coda: We can't leave them out

Astrobytes: I think for that you post in the streaming channel on discord

Astrobytes: I don't know the public YT API

King_Coda: *sigh* On twitch you have control over your audience with all of it's fancy features, but on youtube your audience controls you.

jacek: soviet yt eh

Astrobytes: In Soviet YT, *you* are The Algorithm

King_Coda: Our Algorithm

jacek: is Automaton2000 an algorithm

Automaton2000: happens to me as well, but it is much faster than you think

Astrobytes: :D

King_Coda: I'm going to get x rays for my wisdom tooth today

King_Coda: hooray for me

Astrobytes: Let's hope you're still as wise thereafter...

jacek: still?

King_Coda: Haha, I was never wise

King_Coda: Perhaps one day I will be.

King_Coda: But that day is not today

King_Coda: Jesus christ, a single chrome gmail tab takes up 264 megabytes of RAM

Smelty: perhapsn't

King_Coda: Chrome takes up 20% OF MY CPU

Default avatar.png Nicholas_003: use edge

King_Coda: It's a chromebook

King_Coda: I can't

Default avatar.png Nicholas_003: lol

Default avatar.png Nicholas_003: use chromium

EllipticBike38: use internet explorer, is the best. Anyway happy 2005

King_Coda: It takes 50% of my GPU just to render ONE MESSAGE popping up on this chat

King_Coda: Internet explorer doesn't exist anymore

King_Coda: it's rebranded as microsoft edge

King_Coda: which i think is stupid

Default avatar.png Nicholas_003: it actually exists

EllipticBike38: well yes but actually not. Internet explorer still exists

King_Coda: Good

King_Coda: Hmm, i wonder what "end process" does

Default avatar.png Nicholas_003: lol

King_Coda: maybe I should click that whie hovering over my GPU

Default avatar.png Nicholas_003: maybe you should buy a good pc

King_Coda: Oh yeah, just buy a pc, that easy

King_Coda: how about you give me $700, then I'll buy a decent laptop

Default avatar.png Nicholas_003: :grimacing:

King_Coda: mmmm, i love it when chrome takes up 25% of my cpu

Default avatar.png Nicholas_003: try go to

King_Coda: mmm i love having a 1.1 ghz processor and 4 gb of lddr4 ram

King_Coda: mmmmmm, bluetooth 4.1

King_Coda: 2MB of cache? dude that's crazy

Astrobytes: Use lynx

orangesnowfox: ... No joke, I have had times where I've actively kept data larger than 4 gb in memory all at once

jacek: noob, my training data can take 10-20gb

jacek: i paid for RAM so im gonna use all of it

Zenoscave: jacek only 20gb in memory?

Zenoscave: new

Zenoscave: b

jacek: 32gb

orangesnowfox: lol, tru though, I have like 64 gib

Zenoscave: orangesnowfox I was being sarcastic. Jacek has some of the strongest bots on here

orangesnowfox: jacek is pretty amazing yea

Zenoscave: astro hi

Astrobytes: pewpewpew

pharesmostafa: hallo

Astrobytes: How the hell did my youtube suddenly go from a Veritasium video to some random girl talking about her home dungeon?!

orangesnowfox: :eyes:

jacek: personal preferences

Astrobytes: Literally went from Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why to BDSM Dungeon Tour

jacek: :no_mouth:

orangesnowfox: umm, perhaps you're a person of varied interests? lol

Astrobytes: ngl, still watched it

Astrobytes: Don't fully get it tbh but whatever

Astrobytes: I don't judge

jacek: what happened to crow of judgement

Astrobytes: I identify with the crow more than the judgement :P

Astrobytes: Corvids in general.

jacek: covids? oO

Astrobytes: No. Highly intelligent and interesting birds they are.

Astrobytes: Oh wait. It's probably connected to the Home Street Home musical.

struct: So many lines and my bot still sucks :(

jacek: vacuum cleaners game?

struct: Which one is that?

jacek: dunno, but your sucking bot would fit there

struct: :'(

jacek: which game?

Astrobytes: lol, jacek using the java sucking meme again

jacek: hmm i cant click on toll vs castles in contributions. i get error -1

struct: same

struct: even middle mouse doesnt work

Astrobytes: Did TvC finally break CG? Or did CG finally break TvC?

struct: I cant link you ide right?

Astrobytes: you can, but we get our own one


struct: I hope i didnt paste wrong link :)

struct: It worked on anonymous tab

Astrobytes: Seems working

ZarthaxX: hi

struct: hi

struct: Are you hyped for CSB remaster ZarthaxX?

jacek: CSB remaster!?

struct: Possibly next contest

King_Coda: so I went to the dentistry that my mom is the manager of

King_Coda: and they looked at my wisdom teeth

ZarthaxX: what?

ZarthaxX: ???????????????

ZarthaxX: what contest

struct: I look at that art and I get csb vibes

King_Coda: one is already erupting, and the other is growing in sideways

King_Coda: so now im going to get surgery in a couple of weeks. hooray.

Astrobytes: trolololostructo

ZarthaxX: the incoming one?

ZarthaxX: can someone ban him ty

struct: I was trying to bait you

ZarthaxX: cant bite me

struct: Iam suspicious that you are testing it

ZarthaxX: bait

ZarthaxX: *ye*

Astrobytes: Don't worry King_Coda, when I was pre-teen years I had too many teeth growing in, I had 8 surgically removed under local anaesthetic and 4 under general. You got this.

King_Coda: Haha, thanks Astrobytes. I will admit i'm a little nervous. Never had to undergo oral surgery before.

Astrobytes: Local or general anaesthetic?

struct: im going to say general

King_Coda: whats the difference?

struct: one puts you to sleep

Astrobytes: General puts you to sleep, local numbs your gums

struct: its like variables local variables vs global variables

King_Coda: idk, my Mom said i wouldn't be put to sleep, but then the doctor said that I would

KiwiTae: King_Coda the pain starts when the anaestetics fades

King_Coda: My mom is the manager there, but the doctor is the doctor so like...

King_Coda: i don't know who to trust

Astrobytes: Just go with it. Trust me, it can't be worse than having 8 removed surgically (some just pulled) under local

KiwiTae: u'll survive I had a jaw bone removed with 12teeths at once i just woke up lighter

KiwiTae: Astrobytes competition :joy:

King_Coda: Yeah, I heard the first 2 days after surgery are the worst

Astrobytes: Owwww KiwiTae dude, you win

King_Coda: that coming from my older brother, who had his taken out last year

struct: yes they 2 days after are the worse

struct: you will have a hole there for a while

struct: Its fine though

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: enc = encoder.get_encoder(model_name, models_dir)

King_Coda: Ew, gross.

jacek: i had a 'slight' lingual nerve during 'standard' tooth procedure

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: TypeError: get_encoder() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given how do i fix?

King_Coda: Oh yeah, and apparently i'm borderlining on gingivitis.

jacek: BigFatDecker python?

jacek: and whats encoder

Astrobytes: I went for a burger after the general anaesthetic 4-tooth removal

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: yes im trying to set up gpt 2

Astrobytes: Brush yer teeth King_Coda

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: im using spyder on anaconda eniviroment with python 3.6

King_Coda: I already focken do mate, i just dont do it good enough

King_Coda: ;-;

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: but i cant seem to get gpt 2 to work

Astrobytes: Cut out the sugary drinks if you take them, and drink a lot of water

King_Coda: ...

King_Coda: i'm drinking a slushie right now...

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: heres the project

jacek: do keto diet [solved]

King_Coda: EW


Astrobytes: Don't eat sweet stuff much without brushing your teeth or at least rinsing after

KiwiTae: BigFatDecker you forgot the self

King_Coda: *Ahem* sorry, my parents are very annoying about their diet

KiwiTae: probably

King_Coda: and my mom wont shut up about her 4,000 instagram followers

jacek: aww

King_Coda: I will admit though, keto food id fricking delicious

King_Coda: *is

Astrobytes: Isn't that just like Atkins++?

Astrobytes: I'm veggie so it wouldn't work for me.

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: lol im guessing nobody can help?

Astrobytes: I could drink vegetable oil or something I suppose.

Astrobytes: :P

King_Coda: You're Vegitarian Astrobytes?

jacek: BigFatDecker i never did gpt-2 sorreh

jacek: also i dont get the error. where do you try to use that?

jacek: maybe give more code

King_Coda: oh i have a brain freeze now

Astrobytes: King_Coda: yeah for almost 5 years now I think

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: line 49

King_Coda: Ooh, 5 years no meat? I wouldn't last 5 days.

Astrobytes: Not that I hate meat or anything, but I don't like the mass farming industry, the quality is bad, good meat costs a fortune and animals are not looked after as they should be.

King_Coda: Okay, well that's fair.

Astrobytes: I used to be a chef, I loved good meat.

Astrobytes: :P

King_Coda: You don't even eat fish? I used to catch my own fish for dinner all the time.

Astrobytes: Seriously though, yeah. When you taste that crap that's in supermarkets and most fast-food - it's a straight up no.

KiwiTae: BigFatDecker you tried import encoder as encpkg? maybe its confused with the encoder class nae

Astrobytes: Yeah, I'm not completely averse to a little bit once in a while, but there's so much overfishing, and pollution in local waterways. IT's grim.

Mr_PhM: hai

King_Coda: That's good Astrobytes. I just fish out of a small glacier-fed lake. Trout and whatnot.

King_Coda: Ah yes, yet another "hi"-er

Astrobytes: Glorious fishing, I used to fish for trout round here when I was younger, and pike up at the canal just for the fight

Astrobytes: Used to go poaching at the salmon lochs/rivers too, but usually we were too drunk to do any fishing after setting up the rods :D

King_Coda: You sound... so very scottish right now Astrobytes. It's quite charming :laughing:

Astrobytes: I wonder why that might be :thinking:

King_Coda: :thinking: hmmm

Astrobytes: Also the gamekeeper used to come and chase you

King_Coda: :point_up::grinning: perhaps it's because you are Scottish?

Astrobytes: At the salmon places (you need a permit)

Astrobytes: No shit Sherlock :P

King_Coda: Sounds like a lot of fun and mischief

Astrobytes: We'd just sit there and go "aye check the rods man, wur too pished" and he'd leave us alone

Astrobytes: Did do some good poaching once in a while too though.

Astrobytes: Yeah, really fun times I admit

King_Coda: I'm goin up to lake chelan in the summer with my gramps. Perhaps we ought to do some fishing.


King_Coda: He turned me on to it at the young age of 5

Astrobytes: Fishing, camping, general wilderness stuff I always recommend

Astrobytes: lol jacek, I had a Congolese workmate who used to heat up his fish curry in the staff kitchen. It smelled like actual Hell but it tasted amazing :D

Astrobytes: I've also made salted cod pierogis, that salted cod reeks a bit when you soak it

King_Coda: Sounds tasty though.

Astrobytes: Anything with salted cod is usually good

Astrobytes: Ackee and saltfish (the Jamaican dish) is epic, though I used to make it with smoked pork sometimes

Astrobytes: *salt-cured smoked pork

Astrobytes: A brine works just as well for meat tbh

King_Coda: Oooooh, i've had a brined chicken once

King_Coda: I almost ate the whole damned thing in one night

King_Coda: it was so good :grin:

Astrobytes: It's an oldskool method, and it needs decent meat - you cannot polish a turd.

King_Coda: :rofl:

King_Coda: true

Astrobytes: And when it's good, it's amazing.

samueI: im learning ruby

King_Coda: never really cared much for ruby

King_Coda: don't see the point in learning it tbh

Astrobytes: If you like clashing on here it's worth it

King_Coda: Eh, CoC isn't really my thing

Astrobytes: Also it does actually have real world uses that are not going away any time soon

King_Coda: what uses are those?

Astrobytes: Do I look like I code Ruby? I'm a cat!

King_Coda: Hahaha, indeed. It seems to be a lot like Python in that it can be used for just about anything

King_Coda: Doesn't really strike me as something I would like to learn. I'll just stick with the C languages and Javascript thank you very much

Astrobytes: Yes, it's a general purpose scripting lang, but has a few frameworks that are very much in use still

Uljahn: like RoR?

Astrobytes: Heh yeah

King_Coda: Ruby on rails?

Astrobytes: Yes

King_Coda: Hmmmm... not really into the web side of coding tbh

King_Coda: I'll stick with the video game stuff

Astrobytes: What's your javascript fetish for then?

King_Coda: Just because it's used in almost everything. Not like I want to learn it, I just have to.

King_Coda: Twitch uses Rails? Interesting.

Astrobytes: But it's not used in everything.

Astrobytes: Or even almost everything.

King_Coda: Seems like it.

Astrobytes: You're looking at web, frontends, backends, you'll see it a lot. It has plenty uses elsewhere but I guarantee that's where you're seeing that it's needed

Astrobytes: *web frontends & backends

King_Coda: You talking about Ruby, not javascript, right?

Astrobytes: javascript

King_Coda: Okay, just making sure.

Astrobytes: To confirm, you did mention you were wanting to do some kind of game programming? Or was that someone else King_Coda?

King_Coda: No that was me.

King_Coda: I know Javascript is very inefficient to use for games, I just thought it would be a good common language to learn.

DomiKo: Ohhh yes win aginst MSmi.. in connect4 :D

Astrobytes: Learn data structures, learn basic algorithms, learn something that you can work with to show you results. There are levels. You can want an API just to do most things for you and you just script it. Or you can go lower level and want to make parts of the system.

Astrobytes: Nice Domiko. I disabled my C4 bot the other day after breaking it and not finding the bug. Need rewrite.

DomiKo: :(

DomiKo: rewriting is often paintful

Astrobytes: Nah. Sometimes it's for the best!

OBenjOne: Is there a way to save data between games in coders strike back? I want to write data to a file and then use that data to change how future games are played If that's possible. I am only asking this because the game suggested a neural network or machine learning was a skill useful in the higher leagues

OBenjOne: When I create a file it does not seem to save

DomiKo: nope you can't

King_Coda: I forgot that Java and Javascript are two different things.

Astrobytes: Ah. You have to download replays if you want that information. And run simulations locally OBenjOne

DomiKo: You have to train the network offline and then upload trained version to CG

Astrobytes: ^

Astrobytes: You can use some kind of online search with great success though.

OBenjOne: oh ok thanks for the advice

King_Coda: Darn, am I going to have to learn both?

Astrobytes: OBenjOne: this might be helpful regarding scraping replays etc

Astrobytes: Anyway, I'm out early tonight, gn all

Astrobytes: or good day/afternoon/morning

King_Coda: Good afternoon Astrobytes

OBenjOne: thanks

King_Coda: Nevermind, looks like I'll be sticking with javascript

Default avatar.png MassiveMaster_bbcd: hello

King_Coda: we need a code of conduct rule that states that it is against guidelines to come into chat and only say the word "hello" "hi" "hai" or "hru"

pardouin: o/

pardouin: (kidding)

Default avatar.png MassiveMaster_bbcd: im still here

Default avatar.png MassiveMaster_bbcd: just saying hello

Default avatar.png MassiveMaster_bbcd: geez

King_Coda: lol imagine

Roxxx: Hello World! ;)

struct: hi

Default avatar.png RescuedCookie22: hai

Roxxx: @King_Coda i usually write hello, whenever i log in so people know that i'm online and that they can contact me, nothing wrong with saying hi :)

booalgo: king_kobra :smiling_imp:

gon: sup

Stormalix: soup

JustAProgrammer01234: Hello World

JustAProgrammer01234: everyone

Mortalitor: Hello World to you too

Dan4Life: hELlo_woRlD

Dan4Life: :point_up:

JustAProgrammer01234: how long have you guys been programming?

orangesnowfox: Uhh... 6 years? more?

King_Coda: Nothing wrong with saying hello

King_Coda: It just gets annoying sometimes when a string of 17 people say it non-stop for 10 minutes straight

Smart_Widgeon: @JustAProgrammer01234 4 years

Default avatar.png JustALaptopUser: hello

Stormalix: a year and a half

BlaiseEbuth: :older_man:

Stormalix: :eyes:

BlaiseEbuth: Something like 13 years or something...

BlaiseEbuth: Half of my life! :scream:

orangesnowfox: BlaiseEbuth: By the time I'm your age I'll have been programming for a bit over half my life :smirk:

BlaiseEbuth: Poor child... Go play outside! Now!

orangesnowfox: I'm... 19

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah... :baby:

orangesnowfox: w-with a full time job? I grew up so fast :sob: (/lh/j)

BlaiseEbuth: Who needs a job...

BlaiseEbuth: Grow up. And go make money like an adult, by playing games, making vlogs on youtube, or asmr on twitch.

Smelty: xD

King_Coda: lol

crystal_prince: hello

Default avatar.png AndrewJason: chat section be like ...

Alex-1: hi

Alex-1: hi

Default avatar.png justonjay: holla

Alex-1: hi BlaiseEbuth

Smelty: um for the byte pair encoding, how do I output the appropriate number of repititions given a string such as "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcccccccccc"


Smelty: also, what variables do you use after you run out of the Z,Y,X,....,A

Alex-1: hi Smelty

Smelty: hi

Alex-1: what was going

Smelty: i was doing byte pair encoding

Alex-1: i tried it but failed

Smelty: currently have two problems: same chars in a row and what substitutes to use after z-a

Smelty: (currently has a 40% TwT)