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Miki09: I'm in public clash and it's working.

Miki09: I'm taking back. You have to reload the page to see the changes.

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: can someone help me with the thor challenge, i can not find the flaw logic in my codes at all. I dont know what I missed

Miki09: episode 1 or episode 2?

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: 1

Miki09: Musíš jen najít směr od jednoho bodu k druhému.

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: I wrote the code. but somehow it did not work as intended

Miki09: You just have to find the direction from one point to another.

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: I did

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: 'but my code did not work as expected

Miki09: And the trick is you must update points by jourself

Miki09: *yourself

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: it passed the first two test cases

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: is there anyway i can send the code to u

Miki09: Idk

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: can u check message i sent to u

Miki09: Can u pls send it again?

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: ín private message

Miki09: Give me a moment please

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: Okay

jacek: happy Caturday

Illedan: :cat:


Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: BORING CATURDAY

Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: jacek

Korw1n: hey folks! trying to solve "Don't panic - Episode 2" right now and can't pass the last 3 cases, it always fails with a timeout. Does anyone know if it's even possible to solve this task with depth-first search? should I keep trying refactoring that code? or should I try do it with breadth-first search instead?

Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: sorry i don't solve it

Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: so i can't help

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: Can you guys play clash?

jacek: there seems to be problems today

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: I cant seem to start any clash

jacek: probably yet another friday deploy to production ~

Default avatar.png Papyrus_HB: oh need to refresh the tab

davilla: Don't Panic doesn't require any complex search

davilla: depth- or breadth-first

jacek: ep 2?

davilla: Yes, the elevators always go up.

davilla: Hold on, no episode 1.

davilla: Sorry, scratch that.

Korw1n: yeah, episode one is simple, but I was talking about episode 2 :)

davilla: Now you've got me curious.

davilla: OK but the elevators still always go up, so why can't you just use any available elevator? Sorry thinking out loud here.

Korw1n: because in episode 2 sometimes there are no elevators on the floor and you need to build one to get up

Korw1n: and usually there is no enough turns to complete the task, so you need to find the best place where to build that elevator to be able to complete the round

davilla: So the first twist is pretty straightforward, just build an elevator immediately if you need one.

davilla: Why wouldn't you want to go up immediately?

Korw1n: because you do not have unlimitend number of elevators you can build

Korw1n: you have a fixed number

davilla: OK interesting, I'm going to try the naive approach right quick just to get kicked in the butt.

Korw1n: good luck! :)

Uljahn: i guess you have to use existing elevators in the right order with your elevators built in-between to make the shortest path

davilla: ah OK I get it

davilla: if there's no elevator, building one immediately is always optimal

davilla: it's not a question of using them in the right order then

Korw1n: so have you passed the last 3 test cases?

davilla: 5 cases

davilla: but not the last ones

davilla: not most actually

Korw1n: yeah, the order doesn't matter for the first 7

Korw1n: you can build an elevator first or go left/right - you will not get a timeout

Korw1n: but for the last 3 it's somehow different

davilla: so the difficulty comes when you don't have enough clones to complete, but you do have extra elevators?

Korw1n: not sure, since I get a timeout, which means it takes too much time to find the right path

davilla: ah OK

davilla: damn now I have to finish this

Korw1n: the eights test case has 12 floors and 35 columns and a lot of elevators (sometimes more than one on a floor)

davilla: what does this have to do with HHGG anyway? :-P

davilla: getting to the next level up is easy, just trip and forget to fall

jacek: jrke is i can only DEGRADE soldiers in ATTACK range?

jacek: jrke also, can i ATTACK soldier in y+2 if there is someone blocking in y+1?

jrke: jacek there is DEGRADE bug created by my mistake yesterday in animation update i am just fixing it

jacek: but, can i DEGRADE anywhere, or only withing ATTACK range?

jacek: the statement doesn't say anything about it

jrke: anywhere

jrke: i am just fixing it

jacek: ah

jacek: second question, can soldier in x+2 be attacked if there's someone in x+1

jrke: yes

jrke: no blocking is there

AntiSquid: Automaton2000

Automaton2000: i mean the amount of turns

BlaiseEbuth: AutomatonNN

BlaiseEbuth: Automaton2000 you're supposed to restart your brother.

Automaton2000: there's a lot of calculations

Illedan: Chat :tada:

jacek: meow

aCat: meow ^^'

BlaiseEbuth: Nya!

AntiSquid: now we can discuss clashes

BlaiseEbuth: Oo

geppoz: hi was the chat down all day or it was just my problem?

jrke: yes the chat was down

jacek: oO

MSmits: hey guys

MSmits: I finished my elm implementation. Oware abapa in a FP language

MSmits: anyone want to try?

MSmits: this was for my FP class

BlaiseEbuth: elm? fp?

MSmits: functional programming

MSmits: elm is a language

MSmits: try here if you want:


BlaiseEbuth: oh.

MSmits: I used a negamax for the AI

MSmits: goes up to depth 6, but it beats me at depth 0 :P

MSmits: either i suck or the eval function is just good

MSmits: maybe both

AntiSquid: i get some terms of service bs

AntiSquid: no way to adblock that entire crap @_@

MSmits: oh

BlaiseEbuth: It's amazon, don't worry, you can click eyes closed.

MSmits: weird, maybe i accepted it a long time ago

AntiSquid: then i am more worried BlaiseEbuth

AntiSquid: amazon / facebook and those types of shady businesses

MSmits: it's just an elm IDE instance with a compiled html app

AntiSquid: why elm? smaller size ?

MSmits: this is the product of a FP class

MSmits: I will be graded for this

MSmits: we had to write an app in elm

MSmits: elm is easy because it compiles to JS

AntiSquid: i know the benefits

MSmits: so you can make web apps fast

AntiSquid: but i didn't know why you use it

MSmits: i guess thats useful for a class

MSmits: I think i could write a program in haskell now too, it's very similar

AntiSquid: do you teach web dev courses now too ?

MSmits: no you still misunderstand :)

MSmits: I am the student here

AntiSquid: so you learn web dev ?

MSmits: I am doing this to get my CS teaching degree

MSmits: it's just one of 4 classes like this

MSmits: i also did an AI class, internet securty and game design

AntiSquid: how long are you studying in total for cs teaching degree ?

BlaiseEbuth: I really don't see what you mean... These little "human sized" business are totally worth of confiance...

jacek: oware in elm? :scream:

MSmits: i could waive part of it, so only a little over a year

MSmits: almost done

MSmits: will be done before summer

MSmits: jacek yeah, they suggested tic tac toe, but meh

MSmits: too obvious

MSmits: also it was supposed to be a 2p game

BlaiseEbuth: counter strike teaching degree ?

MSmits: but it's a point of pride for me to write AI instead

MSmits: BlaiseEbuth lol

jacek: and eval is from that site?

MSmits: yeah that site we all used when first writing oware bot

MSmits: it's not particularly strong for a bot, but compared to a clueless human it's fine

BlaiseEbuth: Do it in clojure now.

MSmits: no thanks :) I did get an appreciation for FP languages but I still prefer imperative

MSmits: the elm coding style is horrible btw, you can click a button to auto style my code in ellie

MSmits: it doubles the number of lines

MSmits: so i just used my own coding style

MSmits: it's amazing how you can code an entire program without using variables and loops

jacek: oh my

MSmits: so just constants, functions and recursion

jacek: :tada:

AntiSquid: "jacek yeah, they suggested tic tac toe, but meh" - should have done oware abapa with tic tacs instead of numbers

jacek: ultimate oware?


**BlaiseEbuth call the DEA...

MSmits: lol AntiSquid yeah tictacs

jacek: or trictacs

AntiSquid: idk wtf i'm watching:

Zenoscave: hi all. PEWPEW

BlaiseEbuth: pewpew !

Zenoscave: long time!

Zenoscave: How goes it in these parts?

AntiSquid: it's like the wild west, but without any cowboys

Zenoscave: I've been stocking up on PTO for the contest

AntiSquid: i have time off too, but have lots of other more urgent things to take care of T_T

AntiSquid: will see how much overlaps

Zenoscave: Have we learned anything about it? Multi? Single-player?

BlaiseEbuth: Rototo

AntiSquid: it's inspired from Made in Abyss if you check cover art you'll see

AntiSquid: zeno

Zenoscave: I definitely see BlaiseEbuth 's version

jacek: its obviously MLP

BlaiseEbuth: Marine LePen ?

Zenoscave: jacek, I feel like you would/do run ponyOS

BlaiseEbuth: :thinking:

AntiSquid: Automaton2000 initiate votekick for MLP suggestion @_@

Automaton2000: anyway got to go now

KiwiTae: Zenoscave pewpew

jacek: for new episode?

KiwiTae: o/

KiwiTae: hi guys

BlaiseEbuth: \o

AntiSquid: KiwiTae what does look like to you ?

AntiSquid: made in abyss anime/manga right?

AntiSquid: this *

Zenoscave: Anti, I didn't say jacek should... just seems up the right alley...

Zenoscave: KiwiTae pewpew

KiwiTae: princess mononoke

KiwiTae: dunno makes me think of the gremlins too

MSmits: wait isn't that the anime figure jacek reads papers about?

Zenoscave: Did you mean: Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo

MSmits: I think i'll be able to join this next contest with some seriousness. Been a while

BlaiseEbuth: :scream:

MSmits: most of my study stuff will be done

jacek: MSmits shes called Quetzalcoatl

MSmits: oh ok

jacek: youd knew if you paid for the paper

MSmits: sure

BlaiseEbuth: Who pay for paper

MSmits: oh noes, not again

AntiSquid: it does look liek totoro but it must be the episode when the descend into the hole and reach level 6 of the abyss !!!

MSmits: one time, it was one time

Zenoscave: MSmits are you gunning for top 3?

MSmits: nah

MSmits: maybe if there were 1k participants

MSmits: but these days it's 5k

MSmits: will be happy with t-shirt

Zenoscave: I'm still holding the t-shirt goal

Zenoscave: Might need to practice more these next few weeks

MSmits: i actually havent won a t-shirt in almost 2 yeara i think

Zenoscave: get my C# chops back

BlaiseEbuth: That's why I directly buy my T-shirts???

MSmits: think last one was code a la mode?

Zenoscave: I never have T.T

Zenoscave: Closest was

Zenoscave: Ocean and the last one

AntiSquid: lucky to have 1 i guess

MSmits: ahh no, my last one was ice and fire

MSmits: got 17th there in my weekend sprint

AntiSquid: it was 7k last time and during pacman there were also some very strong contestants compared to other times MSmits

Zenoscave: nice MSmits

MSmits: Zenoscave whats the main obstacle to getting top 20?

MSmits: time or ideas?

Zenoscave: ideas

BlaiseEbuth: Being naked.

MSmits: lol

Zenoscave: I always plateau in top Gold

MSmits: I see

MSmits: with me it's mostly time/energy even when I invest 80 hrs or so

BlaiseEbuth: Come in France, the plateau can go up...

MSmits: i keep getting new ideas

Zenoscave: Maybe send any extra ideas you don't have energy for to me???

MSmits: this is also why i get hooked to multis for months

MSmits: well i usually do that with multis

Zenoscave: Just figured I'd try that shot...

MSmits: and i would not mind sharing some in contests but i dont even chat due to lack of time

Zenoscave: maybe i'll do GAImax

MSmits: usually i chat a little bit 6 days in or so

Zenoscave: I have to plan work deployments around the contest this time. Let's hope I don't have any production pushes that week

BlaiseEbuth: Sell your extra ideas MSmits, you can buy a lot of t-shirts.

MSmits: sounds like labor

AntiSquid: sabotage the proj so it gets delayed Zenoscave

MSmits: i dont even wear t-shirts much

MSmits: and my wife hates the CG ones

Zenoscave: Anti... ssshhh

BlaiseEbuth: :flushed:

AntiSquid: did you wear the shirts in front of her MSmits ?

KiwiTae: quit your job before the contest

Zenoscave: I need the income to live sadly. It's expensive near me

AntiSquid: say you tested positive for covid

Zenoscave: I work 100% remote. So I don't think that'd do much Anti :D

KiwiTae: get a sugar mamma

Zenoscave: I think KiwiTae has the right idea

AntiSquid: ugh

KiwiTae: :joy:

Zenoscave: Seeing how my rent is ~1200 GBP/ mo. she better be a really good sugar availability

AntiSquid: i have the feeling it will be something similar to so in a way probably somewhat like PCR ?

Zenoscave: It's just a bot clone

Zenoscave: with fog of war


MSmits: I think they are annoying, but why would you suck at those

MSmits: once you coded the sim, it's like other games

MSmits: it's the sim that's annoying

Zenoscave: I have yet to finish the sim...

AntiSquid: i have mildly improved after doing a bit of search race

MSmits: ahh ok

Zenoscave: for any of them

MSmits: but thats not an idea problem

MSmits: it's just coding speed

MSmits: it's not fun but it's not hard either

Zenoscave: I get the +/- on the vector to UI coords messed up every time

MSmits: well me too

MSmits: but try it both ways, one will stick

AntiSquid: you have to copy the referee for those and then translate or use the sims you have for other phys games @_@

MSmits: thats what i do

Zenoscave: Do they use the same engine each time?

AntiSquid: no

AntiSquid: not really

MSmits: they have different versions with small changes

AntiSquid: i mean mean max is different from the rest

MSmits: collision engine changed at some point

MSmits: it's simpler now

Zenoscave: What game would be the most up to date engine?

MSmits: csb, pcr and FB are the same i think?

Zenoscave: Speed or br2048 perhaps?

MSmits: br2048 is not by the cg devs

Zenoscave: Ah right.

MSmits: csb is probably still the newest?

MSmits: or did meanmax come later?

Zenoscave: mean max came later I believe

MSmits: ah ok

KiwiTae: yes meanmax was my first contest

MSmits: i have no actually done any physics contest

KiwiTae: csb waqs already a thing

AntiSquid: but we had search race and br2048 so i imagine they took some inspiration from there IF it is a physics game

MSmits: they are fairly close to csb though, just more friendly to codes

MSmits: coders

KiwiTae: it always takes me 4days to read wood rules

Zenoscave: gotcha

AntiSquid: could be grid based too, but not sure what the game would be like then, i mean there's a lot of grid games

Zenoscave: At least you read em. *cough cough* ceg.

Zenoscave: I have pretty good handle on grid games

MSmits: I always have 1 horrible misread that caused me to have to recode like 200 lines

MSmits: usually a line with a dubious meaning of which i pick the most unlikely interpretation

Zenoscave: I usually forget to read past wood and end up in gold with a bot compatible with wood

darkhorse64: MSmits: not tempted to try smitsimax on the sofia labs challenge ?

AntiSquid: or since there are tree in the background maybe you'll need some heavy use of trees - bfs like in fall2020 ?

Zenoscave: sofia labs darkhorse64?

MSmits: darkhorse64 when is that? I wont have time in the near future, maybe in 2 weeks or so

AntiSquid: OMG !! what if it's auto-chess !? with fury beasts ?


MSmits: fury or furry?

AntiSquid: 3 merge into a 2 star puff balls and 3*2 stars merge into a 3 star ! :o

MSmits: as to that, does beasts also lack an r?

AntiSquid: maybe just the later

MSmits: ahh contest already started

MSmits: no time unfortunately

Zenoscave: And you can't register from USA

darkhorse64: it's a semi private contest organized rn.

Zenoscave: Ah gotcha

darkhorse64: csb like: one pod, several boosts, instant rotation

AntiSquid: long week ahead

AntiSquid: i'll save my energy#

MSmits: ow yeah, i am guessing pb 4 already has a NN

AntiSquid: csb NN ? i don't think even transfer learning could help much ... gotta retrain from ground up and if it's 1 week ? no time

MSmits: from what i know of nns on cg, some of them train overnight

MSmits: i mainly meant the framework

AntiSquid: oh that's a hypersonic version, didn't look

darkhorse64: It has not been heavily promoted. Just in case some people here are interested

AntiSquid: wrong again it's some csb version ... why the funny picture ?

MSmits: it's just a standard picture to explain the CG botting system

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor: So the contest is not an april fools prank?

AntiSquid: this looks like search race multiplayer

MSmits: yeah it does

darkhorse64: not it's not. With collisions

MSmits: well in search race you also collide with all opponents

MSmits: there just aren't any

AntiSquid: ya that's some good manoeuvring on pb pod


Default avatar.png lukkaku12: Can someone help me with Dungeons and Maps? in JavaScript

Kellthazar: Ugh... this last test case of nuggets numbers.

Default avatar.png Pepis: how to debug in here.. ?

Default avatar.png Ordonnateur: depend on the language (try the error message of yours)

struct: hi

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png Pepis: can i view clash, after its finished?

jacek: only the result, in notifications

Default avatar.png Pepis: thanks

Wontonimo: finally got an adequate bot for SC2020 submitted

Wontonimo: yeah me

jacek: protoss?

Wontonimo: haha , no the CG pacman game

davilla: hi folks, question about contributions: how do you add an image to a description?

davilla: I guess I could turn a classic puzzle into a solo puzzle, but that seems like overkill

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: I am 11 years old

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: and im doing coding

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: i know some codes

BAWSMAN: good stuff codechamp, consider javascript to become a codebaws