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Puru299792458: hello

Puru299792458: deep birecurison

Default avatar.png peteza: ww

Default avatar.png peteza: hi lua

Default avatar.png LualOVER: hi lua

Default avatar.png MAHUSSAIN: hi

Default avatar.png MAHUSSAIN: how's everyone doing?

Default avatar.png endermannotfound: hey

Default avatar.png endermannotfound: im having a problem

Default avatar.png endermannotfound: with the coders strike back

Default avatar.png junhu: 안녕하세요

Default avatar.png junhu: 이거 어떻게 하는거에요?

jacek: go as puzzle of the week :thinking:


leojean890: will read that tomorrow^^

Astrobytes: It's a good read

Astrobytes: Anyway, gn leojean890, AntiSquid

leojean890: gn as well:)

AntiSquid: gn

pathus90: gn

magaiti: 항상 옳다!

Default avatar.png TheAlps: Is that japanese ? :D

KiwiTae: korean

Default avatar.png TheAlps: Thanks

derjack: equestrian

Default avatar.png dksgusrms: how do i use "BOOST"?

AntiSquid: 좋은 아침

Aiger-Akabane: hii see all of you after a long time

derjack: good morning

Aiger-Akabane: gm

Aiger-Akabane: derjack

Default avatar.png vanya.delova: Hello everyone

Default avatar.png vanya.delova: I have a question related to Application error handling

Aiger-Akabane: u have to ask it CG admins

derjack: oO

Default avatar.png endermannotfound: hhe

Default avatar.png endermannotfound: y

Default avatar.png endermannotfound: I'm new here and i dont know a lot about coding

Default avatar.png endermannotfound: But i want to learn

Default avatar.png endermannotfound: Where shoud i start

Default avatar.png vanya.delova: sorry where do i have to ask? also new here :)

derjack: try easy puzzles

derjack: descent, temperatures, horse racing...

SaidRasinlic: how to send private message I mean if we can?

MadKnight: /msg nick

MadKnight: or just click the user in chat

AntiSquid: what kind of private massage ?

AntiSquid: uh nvm, Automaton2000 clear chat

Automaton2000: oh i guess you need to know the basics of coding

derjack: AutomatonNN send me a private message

AutomatonNN: hey guys, is there a way to read the code of the contest to see the code? i really want to be more s

StarBoyG: thanks:D

KiwiTae: MadKnight o/

StarBoyG: bruh fuck

AntiSquid: not in chat SaidRasinlic

StarBoyG: my name is StarBoyG

MadKnight: oh hey KiwiTae

StarBoyG: i changed name xD

MadKnight: \o

StarBoyG: try StarBoyG

MadKnight: what are u working on KiwiTae ?

AntiSquid: is that a stage name ?

StarBoyG: yea lol

KiwiTae: crashing a jetson nano MadKnight

MadKnight: nice nice

KiwiTae: also did Thor2 yesterday :sweat_smile:

MadKnight: oh gg

MadKnight: what about mars lander 3 ?

KiwiTae: just started TAN

AntiSquid: do botters :o

KiwiTae: i got stuck on ml3 3years ago

KiwiTae: AntiSquid botg?

AntiSquid: yes

AntiSquid: hey kiwi what are some good taiwanese pop bands ?

KiwiTae: im already in legend i think

KiwiTae: AntiSquid wang leehom

KiwiTae: MAYDAY too is cool

KiwiTae: lol dunno what kind of music u like hehe

AntiSquid: was just curious what taiwan pop sounds like but i keep getting chinese-pop results and those songs aren't from best China

AntiSquid: monkey majic is one of the bands i like

Default avatar.png NicknameAlreadyTakenHelp: download on playstore

AntiSquid: no

derjack: Oo

HunterEhrenfeld: no

StarBoyG: anyone here completed coders strike back pilot pod with Java language?

**StarBoyG se e

Lachrymosa: Morning CG

HunterEhrenfeld: mornin to ya

MadKnight: StarBoyG what's the problem with that?

AntiSquid: the wording :thinking:

HunterEhrenfeld: lol

Lachrymosa: SassySquid

AntiSquid: good morning Lachrymosa

Lachrymosa: mern

Kitkat260: hi

StarBoyG: AntiSquid's mom is the problem actually, however I found out how to handle dat

StarBoyG: sassy gurl

StarBoyG: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:7

ill-be-waiting-outside: hi

**Wontonimo frowns

derjack: oh my

AntiSquid: shit joke

HunterEhrenfeld: savage

AntiSquid: the joke was too shit and too random

AntiSquid: otherwise i wouldn't care

Wontonimo: and hence required no come back

AntiSquid: just explaining the kick

Wontonimo: just a rating :D

AntiSquid: in case he wonders

Wontonimo: interesting ... i don't see when someone is kicked

Wontonimo: is anyone playing 2048 ? I know orangesnowfox was but that fox isn't online

StarBoyG: lol

StarBoyG: I was kicked from the world chat interesting :D

AntiSquid: maybe my joke was shit too? wasn't making fun of him, was a joke based on MK's wording, should have paraphrased it as: "yeah, starg, what's your problem?" would it be obvious then? lol

AntiSquid: ya because your joke is too low quality starboyg

StarBoyG: im solving puzzle for 3 hours and then u mock me

StarBoyG: what would u expect me to say

AntiSquid: i didn't, see?

AntiSquid: read above big paragraph

StarBoyG: okay I did, it wont happen anymore

Wontonimo: what puzzles u be solving StarBoyG ? (feeble attempt to derail the conv)

AntiSquid: i mean you could have made a better random joke at least ?

StarBoyG: I just checked moderation team list

StarBoyG: better jokes are for better people :D

AntiSquid: /kick

StarBoyG: hahaha

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: Wontonimo, I played it

StarBoyG: it doesn't metter which I thought you can ask for help here but u getting mocked

StarBoyG: which is absolutely nonsense

AntiSquid: nobody was mocking you lol

StarBoyG: meeeh..

Uljahn: i was real in my mind

Uljahn: *it

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: you do beam search, use snake heuristic, continue your search through the turns

StarBoyG: Moderators are volunteers who enjoy CodinGame and its community. While they'll usually be happy to help you with a programming question, they don't have to answer you, so don't ping them for that. Prefer an open question or check the forum.

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: this is what I did

Wontonimo: UnnamedCodinGamer - so i just tried something new that jumped me from 45th to 27th. I only check 3 of the moves in my search.

AntiSquid: ok you're a bit paranoid now, honestly. Mad Knight said: what is your problem with the puzzle, and it almost sounded like asking "what's your problem", hence my reply, stop taking shit personally starg

StarBoyG: I sent him private message

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: three is enough

Wontonimo: haha ... i just figured that out. it doubled my score

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: the trick for me was to exclude the time factor, as I mentioned

Wontonimo: the time factor?

AntiSquid: i still have a basic bot i think for 2048

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: you make one continuous search as if you are solving it locally without time constraint

Wontonimo: ah, yes, continue your search... that would pay big

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: locally I get the same results

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: then it comes down to evaluation

Wontonimo: and also switching to c++ and optimizing my code .... that'd all help also :D

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: that might help

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: but I think the time is enough

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: what was it 400 moves?

Wontonimo: cool cool. I figured out the snake thing on my own... it's 601 moves

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I saw it in a paper

Wontonimo: i remembered it from playing

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: after eulerscheZahl pointed out that it should work better

AntiSquid: 601 moves of what ?

Wontonimo: i got up to 16k once... it took a month part time on my commute.

Wontonimo: 2048 AntiSquid

AntiSquid: ya i know which game, but what do you mean by that? it ends in 601 moves ?

Wontonimo: not moves, but 601 turns. you can move a lot each turn

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes

AntiSquid: ah yeah

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: time is not a constraint

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: evaluation is

AntiSquid: and what is the "snake thing" ?

Wontonimo: start at one corner

HunterEhrenfeld: i just output random moves in this tic tac toe and im winning most the games lol

Wontonimo: and evaluate that corner the highest, then move right, then the next row left, then right

AntiSquid: ah that thing ... exponential series :P better ?

Wontonimo: 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 9 10 11 12 16 15 14 13

Wontonimo: ^^ that but as the power

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: higher numbers work better I think

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes

Wontonimo: I don't do that currently. Mine is b[x,y] > b[x-1,y] kind of stuff

Wontonimo: and it stops adding once the constraint doesn't match

Wontonimo: but it follows the above snake pattern

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: mine is just multiplication

Wontonimo: thanks for the idea about continuous UnnamedCodinGamer. Don't think i'm going to implement that anytime soon, but if it do I'm sure that'll rocket my score

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: you are welcome

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: it is relatively easy to implement

Wontonimo: how about time budget ... i've hear other people say they can only get 35ms per turn ... are you getting more and how much?

Wontonimo: I'm only getting 39ms, but to be honest I'm not starting my timer right after the first ... OMG

Wontonimo: I can save so much time

Wontonimo: why am I parsing the input after the first input?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: after the end of the turn you collect the common path of all moves and bring the starting game state for the next turn to be the end of the common path

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: that way you do not loose information between turns

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: time is irrelevant

derjack: we are eternal

Wontonimo: i was reading in the state after each turn and reseting my board like a fool. legacy code from 1 move per turn that never got cleaned up

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: Jacek :)

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: hi

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: noobs

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: #toxic

Default avatar.png stefannn: i exist

Wontonimo: i was wondering stefannn. thanks for clarifying

Default avatar.png stefannn: np :)

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: lol

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: #idiotsjoin

Wontonimo: but until you participate in a bot battle, do you fully exist? try

Default avatar.png stefannn: i am a bot

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: ok

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: me too

derjack: is AutomatonNN bot too?

AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to solve the problem with contest ends and don't use memory of it

Default avatar.png stefannn: apparently not

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: yes derjack

Default avatar.png stefannn: but i am

Default avatar.png stefannn: ::::::::::)

Default avatar.png stefannn: (::::::)

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Default avatar.png stefannn: :disappointed:

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: i am so borede

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: borat

Default avatar.png Saad-py: ok

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: #idiotsjoin

Default avatar.png Saad-py: what ;anguages do you know

Default avatar.png Saad-py: l

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: amm

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: roamananananan

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: a

Default avatar.png stefannn: if the minecraft world is infinite, how does the sun revolve around it?

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: engleshi

Default avatar.png Saad-py: lol

Default avatar.png Saad-py: programming languag e

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: c++

Default avatar.png Saad-py: ok I know ruby, python and Rust

Default avatar.png Saad-py: Ruby and rust are a bit weak

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: #idiotsjoin

Default avatar.png stefannn: i write c++

Default avatar.png stefannn: and html

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: nobody cares

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: lol

Default avatar.png stefannn: i cry

eulerscheZahl: no spamming

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: yaya

Default avatar.png stefannn: i cry

Default avatar.png stefannn: i crt

Default avatar.png Saad-py: ok

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: ok

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: losers

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: i am back

Default avatar.png stefannn: i am sad i cry

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: ofc

Default avatar.png Saad-py: lol

JNSoleil: hi bro

Default avatar.png Saad-py: hi man

JNSoleil: what up

JNSoleil: ?

Default avatar.png Noralfo: I'm fine and you

Default avatar.png psy1: hey

Default avatar.png Saad-py: nothin that muc

Default avatar.png psy1: How are you guys ?

JNSoleil: yea fine

Default avatar.png Saad-py: stefannn RIP English

Default avatar.png Saad-py: thanks I am fin

Default avatar.png Noralfo: It's a good to code my guys

Default avatar.png Saad-py: what

Default avatar.png Noralfo: day*

Default avatar.png Noralfo: mb

Default avatar.png Saad-py: oh

Default avatar.png Noralfo: I can't write

Default avatar.png psy1: nice

Default avatar.png Taquare: hi how are y'all ?

Default avatar.png Saad-py: You are hungry to eat that word

Default avatar.png Saad-py: FINE :|

Default avatar.png Taquare: nice

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: i am back

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: again

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: #idiotsjoin

Default avatar.png Andrei2008: Help me I cant write anymore

KiwiTae: help you do what? ><

darkhorse64: UnnamedCodinGamer: what are your BS parameters (depth, width) ? I try to increase them but no way

AntiSquid: wow ...

AntiSquid: Andrei2008 ?

Default avatar.png Saad-py:

Default avatar.png Saad-py: do*

darkhorse64: I have a sweet spot that reaches 20 M but when I go outside my score decreases

Wontonimo: have a super duper day everyone! I'm outta here for today

Default avatar.png Saad-py: ok bye

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: to you too Wontonimo

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: darkhorse64, I have only one parameter beam width 55

darkhorse64: 200 for me

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: It seemed to produce best results between 45 - 65

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: if I remember correctly

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: It was a while ago

darkhorse64: I won a million by decreasing the width. Not too bad

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I get around 20 mill with your setting

darkhorse64: 24 M with width 64, depth 500 (output first 400 only)

Tiouz: Are you talking about 2048 ?

darkhorse64: yep

darkhorse64: 25.6 M

Tiouz: I am implementing the beam search, but I think I will quickly be stuck in terms of performances in python

darkhorse64: If you care about performance, do not use Python

orangesnowfox: Wait, why does smaller beam size help? (my depth: "oh")

darkhorse64: If I only knew

Tiouz: Yes, I will translate to C++ afterwards, but I am really bad at C/C++. I don't know the structures enough to code quickly

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: orangesnowfox did you see my last message from yesterday?

darkhorse64: There is a huge gap between 16th and 17th

Tiouz: For example, what structure do you use to represent the tables ? list of lists or integers ?

orangesnowfox: Not sure UnnamedCodinGamer

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I explained how best move is picked for the next turn

orangesnowfox: snake strats?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: as the one that shares the common path

darkhorse64: tiouz: a 2d array

orangesnowfox: No, I don't think I saw that

derjack: no bitboards?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: after the end of the turn you collect the common path of all moves and bring the starting game state for the next turn to be the end of the common path that way you do not lose information between turns time is irrelevant

orangesnowfox: Ah, yes, I have *short circuiting* behavior, but I don't do depth increases till I run out of time... I should probably do that

darkhorse64: Not enough space for highest value tile

orangesnowfox: darkhorse64: takes 5 bits to store the value of a tile

darkhorse64: UnnamedCodinGamer: aha, that a big difference with what I do

Tiouz: I definitely have a time issue. I can currently only go up to 100 depth max

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: darkhorse64, what do you mean?

MadKnight: hey guys what was that game where u move your pawns up and the opp moves them down, where u have 1 pawn per X and u can't bypass the opponent's pawn ?

darkhorse64: orangesnowfox: you need more for 65536 tile

Nevozy: :rage:

Nevozy: :worried:

Nevozy: :joy:

darkhorse64: UnnamedCodinGamer: I take the most valued beam

Nevozy: :fist:

MadKnight: ban

Nevozy: :eye:

Nevozy: :bust_in_silhouette:

Nevozy: :woman:

MadKnight: struct

Nevozy: :person_frowning:

Nevozy: :fist_tone2:

Nevozy: :icecream:

MadKnight: AntiSquid Astrobytes

Nevozy: :pear:

MadKnight: darkhorse64 u recall that game ?

orangesnowfox: orangesnowfox: no you don't. These are all powers of 2

orangesnowfox: store the power

orangesnowfox: err

orangesnowfox: darkhorse64: see above

orangesnowfox: (store the power, with an exception for 0, more specifically)

darkhorse64: I got the idea but 5 x 16 bits is more than 64 bits

orangesnowfox: wait, where did 64 bits come from?

darkhorse64: I was assuming that you store the game state on a uint64_t

orangesnowfox: Nah, I store it on 16 u8s

orangesnowfox: ... Although, I could store it on 10... 1 sec, debating cache efficiency vs increased indexing costs...

orangesnowfox: benchmark needed; too lazy

darkhorse64: I did not think char vs int really matter. uint64_t would make a real difference but it does not fit

Default avatar.png MateiBalaur: helloo

Default avatar.png MateiBalaur: :)

Default avatar.png MateiBalaur: :(

Default avatar.png MateiBalaur: cmf?

orangesnowfox: darkhorse64: u64 would probably help a lot more... but int vs char means like 4x the space in your game state

orangesnowfox: In fact, u64 is exactly twice as good as char


MadKnight: found it

AntiSquid: yes MadKnight

darkhorse64: I will not start a lengthy discussion but there is more to bitboarding than just memory optimisation. I am assuming that char vs int will not make a big difference in performance but I have not made benchmarks

AntiSquid: nevozy what's with the emote spam lol?

MadKnight: that's why the ping AntiSquid

AntiSquid: MateiBalaur english

AntiSquid: she even direct messaged bloody emotes lol, MadKnight

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: darkhorse64, as far as I remember, selecting only the best beam, instead of the common path of all brought me to around 20 million

orangesnowfox: darkhorse64: true, there's more than just memory. I was just thinking that char vs int would have a difference *because* of memory.

MadKnight: i have no idea what those emotes were supposed to mean AntiSquid

MadKnight: darkhorse64 orangesnowfox it's all about processor caching

darkhorse64: UnnamedCodinGamer: I am somewhat relieved that you achieve the same performance with the same settings :relaxed:

MadKnight: it saves 64b cache packs

orangesnowfox: Yes, I know how caching works :p

MadKnight: but do u use it to the fullest ?

orangesnowfox: I make attempts

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: if you do not discard beams for the next turn you should score at least as I have

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: at the end it becomes evaluation game

Kitkat260: hi

darkhorse64: I'll look at implementing the idea

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: :thumbsup:

Default avatar.png Enwynn: There is no spoon ep1 was a hard nut to crack!

Kitkat260: sup y´all

Default avatar.png MateiBalaur: As Logan's 4 year-old daughter is new to maths, she has trouble understanding sums when they are given in a string with numbers in an arbitrary order, such as 3+5+2. Therefore, her father will help her to understand sums by arranging the numbers of each string sum in ascending order, such as 2+3+5.

Your job is to help Logan arrange the numbers in ascending order and print the sum in a form that his daughter can understand.

Default avatar.png MateiBalaur: help pls

Default avatar.png MateiBalaur:

AntiSquid: why post it all in chat? and help with what lol

snoyes: Yay, my first contributed puzzle:

Kitkat260: hi

davilla: hi, anyone know who makes these puzzles?

snoyes: davilla: If you want to, it could be you!

davilla: oh cool, I have a puzzle I made for a different website, I guess it'd be OK to use it since it's my design

jacek: :tada:

davilla: wait, where's the graphics?

davilla: or does that come later?

jrke: which graphics you are talking about?

davilla: when you make a new puzzle

Unicorn123321: hi

davilla: none of the ones in community have graphics added yet

AntiSquid: ya pretty cover image, was expecting something with retro Duke Nukem looks :D

AntiSquid: snoyes

AntiSquid: there are some with graphics, but it's optional davilla

davilla: oh yeah? OK cool, that's what I want to learn

AntiSquid: check out the other ones then

snoyes: davilla: you mean like the ones where there's an animation as play progresses?

davilla: yes, that's a better way of putting it

snoyes: Those are only for the game types

AntiSquid: you can make a solo game puzzle

snoyes: most of the contributed ones are classic puzzles or clash of code, which don't have those turn-based animations

AntiSquid: see "escape the cat" or "space maze" or even "breach" puzzles

davilla: oh OK let me check it out

jrke: i am waiting for 2 approval to make my multi get approved very much interested to see it :grin:

AntiSquid: link jrke ?

AntiSquid: i will check it now

jrke: here it is -

AntiSquid: what is it based on ?

jacek: oh my

jrke: basically a strategy war game

jacek: your own?

jrke: strategy war board* game

jrke: yup my own

jacek: did smits check the balance yet?

AntiSquid: lol

jrke: ummm i think not yet

jrke: but the board is big enough make balance

jacek: the board size is fixed?

jrke: yes for each league its fixed

jrke: 8*8 for last league

Default avatar.png Ismayil: Does anyone do VB.NET

AntiSquid: no link to referee jrke ?

AntiSquid: rarely Ismayil

jrke: its in last league

AntiSquid: why only in last league ?

AntiSquid: put it in all league :/

Default avatar.png Ismayil: I'm looking for people to collab with on a project

jrke: ok will put it

AntiSquid: what in excel ?

Default avatar.png Ismayil: Yes VB.NET excel

Default avatar.png deliax: hey

AntiSquid: not my type of game jrke, if it gets popular i play it, that's all

AntiSquid: won't downvote, no point

jrke: no problem

Unicorn123321: hi

Unicorn123321: :bird: Bye

davilla: I've done some VB but not a fan, sorry otherwise I'd be curious

Default avatar.png deliax: hey hey hey

Default avatar.png 123456789_69: hi!

Default avatar.png deliax: anybody single?

davilla: dude, really?

davilla: haha

davilla: there's like 12-year olds and tons of guys here

davilla: good luck

ill-be-waiting-outside: im 15 and a girl

Default avatar.png deliax: anybody 18+?

davilla: ooh bot bait, this site is awesome

ill-be-waiting-outside: does age matter

AntiSquid: yes

AntiSquid: always

Scarfield: does wage matter

Default avatar.png Mircea99: someone pls unplug the ai bots talking ^^

ill-be-waiting-outside: ik i was just asking

davilla: /disable ill-be-waiting

ill-be-waiting-outside: why me

AntiSquid: for example biden sniffing little girls is extremely creepy, while him touching a certain ashton carter's wife in public isn't as creepy as touching little girls, see? age matters a lot

ill-be-waiting-outside: nvm i just won't ask question like that anymore

ill-be-waiting-outside: just about codea

AntiSquid: glad to help regardless

jrke: btw anybody here knows about kociemba algorithm?

ill-be-waiting-outside: Kociemba's Algorithm was an improvement on Thistlethwaite's algorithm. Korf's Algorithm was developed by Richard Korf in 1997

jacek: sounds like rubik cube

ill-be-waiting-outside: it is

jacek: not that i know anything about it

davilla: fun reading about God's no.

ill-be-waiting-outside: i know a little bit about it

AntiSquid: i need to cook something, name a random recipe or any ingredients @_@

Jaman: avacado

derjack: pierogi

davilla: my go-to recipe is a frying pan and whatever's left over in the fridge

derjack: light

ill-be-waiting-outside: ground beef

AntiSquid: had pierogi in poland btw :P

AntiSquid: ok ... some random pierogi like stuff it is

AntiSquid: need to shop @_@ Automaton2000 watch over the chat

Automaton2000: there is a nice one

ill-be-waiting-outside: Pesto Chicken Bake.

Unicorn123321: Hi

davilla: OK so I'm reading about the types of puzzles/games, and there seems to be a pretty big gap in here

davilla: the way I see it, classic puzzle is very much like solo puzzle, but multiplayer is very different

davilla: multiplayer games themselves are competitive, and it also divides into levels of progress

davilla: there's no category that I see for levels of progress in something that isn't competitive multiplayer

ill-be-waiting-outside: how is everybody today

Unicorn123321: good..................................

davilla: I guess I should get on Discord

Kitkat260: hi

Scarfield: discord is generally better for more serious questions/debate whatever. You have seen the optimization puzzles i suppose davilla?

Astrobytes: ill-be-waiting-outside: nothing better to do than repeat the same stuff over and over? Unicorn123321: don't push your luck Kitkat260: don't even try it Scarfield: Clobberfield

Astrobytes: davilla: You mean via the quest map or...?

Unicorn123321: umm....................................

Kitkat260: don´t try what?

ill-be-waiting-outside: ok sorry

davilla: I know there are other types (besides optimization there's clash of code and contests) but I don't think there are any single-player leveled categories, are there?

derjack: single-player? like optimization?

Astrobytes: Kitkat260: Your usual repeated "hi" etc etc

Unicorn123321: ok.... if i did something sorry

davilla: an example would be the ones that come in a series... you landed, but now do it with less fuel or what have you

Astrobytes: Unicorn123321: Try to make meaningful conversation

Scarfield: ClobstroBytes, did you change to MCTS for clobber?

Astrobytes: Not yet not

Astrobytes: *no

derjack: mcts are for noobs who cant eval

Scarfield: you dont eval, your NN does that :p

AntiSquid: too many repeated hi, once is enough

davilla: neural net?

derjack: eeyup

davilla: what's mcts then?

derjack: monte carlo tree search

davilla: ah

Astrobytes: Scarfield: What are you using currently?

AntiSquid: gambling with extra steps

Scarfield: just basic mcts, needed a break from chess, and this turned out to be simpler than i thought (for once)

derjack: now do mcts for chess

davilla: too many rules, simpler games are better :-P

davilla: actually I've always wanted to learn go, that'll have to be my next puzzle

derjack: its puzzle of the week

Astrobytes: Scarfield: yeah, the sim is ridiculously simple. That's where the simplicity stops :P

Scarfield: ab is next up for chess, have some bugs that i dont feel like debugging atm

davilla: oh yeah? oh right, it's a new week, awesome!

derjack: its atari go

derjack: each league has its own size, first 9x9, then 13x13 and 19x19. but once you advance you cant go back :/

AntiSquid: what do you use currently for your chess bot Scarfield?

davilla: I don't see a link, other than the quest map I guess

derjack: its in quest map now. it will be notification in monday evening

davilla: oh OK nice

Scarfield: minmax for chess, want to add AB, but since i added castling and enpassant i have bugs

davilla: thanks for all the info everyone, laters

AntiSquid: is this your company Scarfield ?

AntiSquid: just now noticed

LelouchVC2: Antisquid

LelouchVC2: You remember little old me?

Scarfield: its not an intended reference, just a dumb joke after CG kept telling me my profile wasnt 100%

AntiSquid: ah yes the guy with the spicy odd jokes i believe, LelouchVC2

Astrobytes: Correct.

AntiSquid: took wrong approach for my secret sauce for vindinium Astropilot, realized after initial part (1/3) was completed i should have built the object structure slightly differently

AntiSquid: Astrobytes *

Astrobytes: Ah, lol. Yeah, try making rough notes first before you dive in - you have time, it's not a contest :P

AntiSquid: mm but it's a general overall approach

AntiSquid: so technically i should know better for contest

AntiSquid: LelouchVC2 came back for clash or are you doing bot programming?

LelouchVC2: I would drop in from time to time @AntiSquid

Default avatar.png XxShruthikxX:

LelouchVC2: I was just banned from world chat, I don't know when I became unbanned

LelouchVC2: Just some clashes here and there

AntiSquid: maybe you triggered someone LelouchVC2

AntiSquid: XxShruthikxX

LelouchVC2: @AntiSquid Probably did! xD

Default avatar.png buckybaugh507: lol

Default avatar.png Nathanbaugh307: hi

Default avatar.png Bjb2: nathan

Default avatar.png Enwynn: Are the practise problems a good way to waste time here? What do you all think?

Uljahn: it's more like investing not wasting

Default avatar.png Enwynn: :thumbsup:

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: New to programming this is some hard stuff

Default avatar.png Enwynn: Hard but they are fun to do :)

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: yes lol if i knew what i was doing, I'm doing this for a class assignment and lost

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png Enwynn: What class are you taking?

KiwiTae: TheCaptainKitten_32d8 you made it to lvl 3 :muscle:

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: Its a programming class and my teacher is wanting us to complete dont panick

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: C

KiwiTae: TheCaptainKitten_32d8 you can do it

KiwiTae: episode 1?

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: yea

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: I need to change this username i swear lmao

KiwiTae: solve it on paper first, its not hardcore logic that one

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: so i can just create an if statement that says if the clone pos=-1 then block?

KiwiTae: pos = -1 means theres no clone alive no? i forgot lol

Astrobytes: I think it's what direction the clones are moving iirc KiwiTae, hi btw

KiwiTae: aaaah oki my bad~ too far away ><

KiwiTae: Astrobytes :* hello

Astrobytes: Still loving France?

KiwiTae: ssooso nothing to do

Astrobytes: Yeah, hopefully that will change soon. Everyone is in the same situation at the moment :/

KiwiTae: i beat my 50km time saturday so quite happy :D

Astrobytes: Oh nice :) There are lovely places to walk/run in your area (or at least not too far from it)

Astrobytes: It's not quite jungle but there are hills at least :D

KiwiTae: yaa theres like a seashore path quite hilly on cliffs

KiwiTae: its pretty

KiwiTae: thanks god they let us go there already cant go dancing or bar :'(

Astrobytes: Yeah, well, knowing your area you might run somewhere and discover a wild party in the fields - depending what time you go for a run lol

KiwiTae: :joy:

KiwiTae: french people are wild

Astrobytes: Ohhhh yeah

Astrobytes: In a good way ofc :P

AntiSquid: did you have a good look at the assortment of cheese ?

Astrobytes: No need to. There is raclette. And raclette. And reblochon. And raclette.

StarBoyG: If i put three negative nums -5,-6,10 shouldnt this return -11 but it returns 1 as closest gap between two numbers for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {

           d = Math.min(d, n[i + 1] - n[i]);

StarBoyG: Java is the language..

StarBoyG: how the fuck

StarBoyG: oh found it

StarBoyG: cheers for AntiSquid

StarBoyG: my fav moderator

MadKnight: lol

MadKnight: StarBoyG what are u working on now ?


MadKnight: oh no Automaton2000 it's a clash link! run!

Automaton2000: this is what im doing wrong

MadKnight: no Automaton2000, running from a clash link isn't wrong

Automaton2000: but if you already know the answer

MadKnight: that's the point Automaton2000

Automaton2000: not the only one i know

MadKnight: is there other answers Automaton2000 ?

Automaton2000: is there anything i should know that

MadKnight: are there*

MadKnight: Automaton2000 u didn't make sense, fix it

Automaton2000: i guess you are right

MadKnight: i know Automaton2000t

Automaton2000: this is why you can have a look at my code and see what happens

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: anyone care to help me with dont panic eps. 1

MadKnight: what's the problem ?

MadKnight: i could but i need u to explain your problem exactly

MadKnight: TheCaptainKitten_32d8

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: okay so its c language

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: I am stuck when it comes to the elevators. I had if and else statements for the first two levels and it worked fine. but when i add more statements to try and beat level three it affects the other levels and it wont work for them either.

Default avatar.png TheCaptainKitten_32d8: I created another array to make it easier on the elevators

MadKnight: well i gotta see your if()s

MadKnight: and your code in general

Default avatar.png Gamak: Hi, I am getting trouble in learning filters in javscript, can someone help?

MadKnight: just explain what's your trouble exactly

Default avatar.png Gamak: So I have to filter a variable for a particular property using a function

Default avatar.png Gamak: example = var cart=[

 {"name":"Biscuits", "type":"regular", "category":"food", "price": 2.0},

Default avatar.png Gamak:

Default avatar.png Gamak: extracting from the cart array all the prime items

Default avatar.png Gamak: So how can I do that, if someone can help?

MadKnight: Gamak u actually got a map

MadKnight: with key=>value

MadKnight: and not just an array

MadKnight: so u gotta look up how to filter a map

Default avatar.png Gamak: I understand but I am not having enough knowledge

MadKnight: not enough knowledge to look up how to filter a map?

Default avatar.png Gamak: working on it

Default avatar.png Gamak: I am just looking it up

MadKnight: wait what criteria do u need to filter by ?

MadKnight: Gamak

Default avatar.png Gamak: type: prime

Default avatar.png Gamak: example = var cart=[

 {"name":"Biscuits", "type":"regular", "category":"food", "price": 2.0},

MadKnight: then u gotta have an array of carts

MadKnight: because that's just a single cart

MadKnight: with a single type

Default avatar.png Gamak: I do have that

MadKnight: where's your array of carts ?

MadKnight: that's what u need to filter

Default avatar.png Gamak:

MadKnight: cool

MadKnight: onlyPrime = carts.filter(cart=>cart["type"]=="prime")

MadKnight: but then u need to rename your var cart to carts

MadKnight: because it's carts and not just a cart

Default avatar.png Gamak: done

Default avatar.png Gamak: it failed

MadKnight: PM

etkgjt: hello world

Default avatar.png Dinhappy: hallow

Default avatar.png LocTran12310: Hello world!

Default avatar.png Snovrain: hello

hello_world_1: yes what?