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Default avatar.png Mchamburger: anyone use this platform to have coding interview?

MadKnight: yea there were some people

Default avatar.png Raidorx: y this fucking hard

Tarkro: so... I got a clash of clan.. reverse mode.. no idea what was going on tbh

Tarkro: input= 101

Tarkro: output = 10201

impatmcb: n**2

Tarkro: input = 1111 output = 1234321

impatmcb: n*n

impatmcb: or n**2

Tarkro: input = 22 output = 484

Tarkro: those are the ones i can remeber

impatmcb: You want me to give you the answer again?

Tarkro: i think another one was something like this input = 264 output = 696969 But I'm really not sure about this one though

impatmcb: 264 * 264 = 69696

Default avatar.png Raidorx: what u guys think of my title its called escape the doors

Default avatar.png Darkdarkbruhbruhlmao: DARK DARK BRUH BRUH LMAO

Default avatar.png Raidorx: ()_()

Default avatar.png Xotiic_312: hello

Default avatar.png Xotiic_312: this is hard

Default avatar.png Xotiic_312: but fun at the same time

derjack: woah tryangle catch as potw

Default avatar.png Halo1005: hi

Default avatar.png TheArchitect485: Hello

Radu_Sav: I dunno this triangle game looks hard....

derjack: you are so squared

Radu_Sav: :flushed:

Default avatar.png OMEGALUL0: guys anyone know a coding puzzle in some gaming bar? cant remember the name

Default avatar.png OMEGALUL0: it had 1970-1980 vibes

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor: A puzzle on codingame?

Default avatar.png OMEGALUL0: yes

Default avatar.png OMEGALUL0: u get some hints and u solve problem with coding

derjack: the escape thing?

Default avatar.png OMEGALUL0: no idea cant find it

[CG]Thibaud: this?

darkhorse64: @[CG]Thibaud: Is there a way to change boss names in contributions ?

Default avatar.png OMEGALUL0: oh yeah that one

AntiSquid: ^ people are yearning to express their creativity

Default avatar.png hahahabro1: rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt

anantaCodes: Does making semi correct submission for problems in Practice lead to deduction of XP in case I make a fully correct submission later on?

MadKnight: nop

[CG]Thibaud: I'm not sure darkhorse64

darkhorse64: ofc, I have looked into the SDK documentation/samples but I found nothing.

Default avatar.png tarsumae: :heart_eyes:

derjack: :thinking:

derjack: hmm is the player is boss you could set different text in the viewer

darkhorse64: Reading the message after the move and if "ClobberSan", tweak a few things. It will change only the viewer part. Not a satisfying solution

Astrobytes: Hacky. And only partial.

Astrobytes: Oh, Tryangle Catch potw

darkhorse64: I am looking into BotG repo. There is a "bossNames.txt" file

AntiSquid: right

AntiSquid: i am not sure if that was for saiksy to look at and add the names manually

Astrobytes: Also that was pre-SDK iirc

darkhorse64: I'll do a quick test back home.

AntiSquid: ya it was for human reading :P

wlesavo: hey guys, does anyone have a link for A* validators, i remember seeing it somewhere

AntiSquid: pre-sdk was very similar to current env from what i can see Astrobytes

AntiSquid: well that wasn't pre, more like beta version

Astrobytes: gotcha

AntiSquid: mean max was pre

darkhorse64: So boss names is a hidden feature ?

Gilqamesh: I have 10 fps on the website, does anyone know how to improve that? :)

Astrobytes: wlesavo:*Craft

AntiSquid: no, it's manually added

AntiSquid: DarkElf3

AntiSquid: darkhorse64

wlesavo: Astrobytes nice, thx a lot

Astrobytes: no problem

darkhorse64: :disappointed:

wlesavo: been out for quite a while, looking for it job, but now im done, so back to cg :slight_smile:

Astrobytes: Wondered where you'd been, welcome back :)

AntiSquid: oh double Hulk for wood6 :D

AntiSquid: forgot about it

AntiSquid: hey darkhorse64 just give it a try anyway? there is at least 1 in a million chance it will work

Butanium: anyone here who did the platinium rift 2 code programming challenge?

wlesavo: Astrobytes yeah, those interviews and test projects take most of my free time after raic

AntiSquid: Butanium yes

AntiSquid: only question i will answer though

darkhorse64: Butanium: read the post mortems. There is a lot of information here

Astrobytes: wlesavo: I can believe that. Found a good new job then?

wlesavo: Astrobytes yeah, in c++ actually, didn't started yet, but im pretty excited

Astrobytes: Ah excellent, well done!

AntiSquid: had a job interview late last year, one of the questions was how i will feel about working from home 99% of the time and not seeing anyone face to face, no human interaction ... i said we still have online team meetings, it doesn't bother me :D

Butanium: do you know how I can get the opponent base in this challenge?

AntiSquid: i think they wanted to hear something else

Astrobytes: It sounds ideal! :D

AntiSquid: this was one of those jobs where i didn't care if i get it or not once they made the details of day-to-day work clear

Butanium: Like is this possible to get the ID of the opponent base?

AntiSquid: the advert was overhyped basically

wlesavo: thx :slight_smile: i really didn't expected to get a decent job with no experience, but cg counts for smth, and i did learned a lot during interview stage

Astrobytes: Butanium: When you read inputs on first turn

AntiSquid: didn't you 10 year lab experience count wlesavo ?

AntiSquid: or what was it you're proficient in anyway?

wlesavo: well it is not programming related in any way, so for most companies it didnt matter

Astrobytes: Butanium: If your current zone owner id matches yours, it's yours. Otherwise if it's the opponent id, it's the opponent base

Astrobytes: On the first turn.

darkhorse64: First turn, only bases are populated

Astrobytes: ^

AntiSquid: what do you need to do if you don't mind me asking wlesavo ? either way congratulations on finding something you like

wlesavo: AntiSquid but i ended up in a partially scientific development, so it mattered for them

AntiSquid: AHA ! .... well that's diff then :P

Astrobytes: Certainly can't hurt anyway :)

wlesavo: AntiSquid well it is computer vision lab, but im in computer tomography division

Astrobytes: Nice!

Butanium: oh wait doesn't the fog war prvent me from knowing who own the base?

wlesavo: and they do actually publish most of their results, so kind of scientific

AntiSquid: close enough

darkhorse64: The base is always visible

Astrobytes: ^

Astrobytes: Fun game.

darkhorse64: Completely different from PR1 and more accessible

Butanium: only the base, not every zone right?

Astrobytes: Yes and yes.

Butanium: ok thanks a lot ^^

Astrobytes: YurkovAS: welcome to Clobber :)

YurkovAS: Astrobytes thanks

derjack: clopper?

YurkovAS: :)

Hiskiss: hello

Dsrlsae: damn dude

Dsrlsae: how are u

Dsrlsae: where a u punk?

Sloyz: be kind toto

Dsrlsae: everyone can b touched by COVID

Imsure1200q: what the

Imsure1200q: my code thinks 0 > 3

Dsrlsae: that's a pb

Imsure1200q: what

Dsrlsae: I can't help u

Imsure1200q: today my code doesnt like me

Cristinel: hi @all, did somebody played the Equivalent Resistance Circuit ?

ZULU_AKA_LUCU: hey dudes

Hiskiss: hey man i am an alcoholic

Cristinel: I wonder if the float rounding should be done only on the output or to each sub-circuit?

Hiskiss: it's a joke


Hiskiss: i don't know

ZULU_AKA_LUCU: do a+B bro

Dsrlsae: they are so dumb miskin

Hiskiss: don't worry be happy

Sloyz: do you know how to remove microsoft edge ?

Cristinel: why?

Dsrlsae: we can't

Dsrlsae: I've tried it before

Dsrlsae: but it doesn't work

Cristinel: I'm using edge instead of chrome

ZULU_AKA_LUCU: cristinel where do you come from

Cristinel: Romania

Sloyz: because my pc has some issues with it

Dsrlsae: pls don't rob me

Cristinel: haha

Dsrlsae: love u dude

Dsrlsae: <3


Hiskiss: you live in a caravan?

Dsrlsae: oooooh

Dsrlsae: is not funny

Cristinel: every forest has dead trees

Dsrlsae: ahahahaha

Hiskiss: okay

Sloyz: ok and for my problems

ZULU_AKA_LUCU: english is difficult for you

Sloyz: ?

Hiskiss: ?

Dsrlsae: ?

Cristinel: ??


Dsrlsae: so sloyz

Sloyz: so so maness

Dsrlsae: I maybe can help u

Dsrlsae: shut the fuck up and switch off ur pc

Hiskiss: it's an hidden camera

Dsrlsae: yeah

Dsrlsae: we are friends lol

Sloyz: no wtf

Dsrlsae: I don't know how they are

Dsrlsae: was a joke

Dsrlsae: who*

Cristinel: Sloyz, let it be, not sure you can unistall it

Hiskiss: kiss

Cristinel: hisfrenchkiss

Cristinel: :P

Cristinel: you should change your name

AntiSquid: #school_kids chat for spam

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png Raidorx: gawdgsr

Default avatar.png Raidorx: av

Default avatar.png Raidorx: av

Default avatar.png Raidorx: bf

Default avatar.png Raidorx: zdb

Default avatar.png Raidorx: bd

jacek: agreed

Crocogirl: some one from lama?

Crocogirl: latam*?

ZarthaxX: yes

ZarthaxX: Crocogirl

jacek: :?

NoisNette: codingame just asked me if i was a robot and it made me feel good about myself. im so good that even they think i might be a robot

NoisNette: lmao jk

JLukeSkywalker: we cant have ai's on here writing ai's, the world would end

JLukeSkywalker: the beautiful captchas will save us

MadKnight: NoisNette that's the wrong kind of robot

MadKnight: what they meant was a spamrobot

NoisNette: i know

NoisNette: it was a joke

thanshaw: how's everyone doing today?

creeperZnation4: Pretty good if I do say so myself

thanshaw: Awesome, same here. It's my day off of classes, figured I'd take a break from this queue project and do some practice on here

jacek: queue project?

thanshaw: have a project for my data structures class, need to solve a maze using a queue implemented with a linked list. Have t find the quickest path through the maze, it's pretty fun - but my first time working with a queue

creeperZnation4: Queues are interesting, aren't they XD

AntiSquid: FIFO thanshaw

thanshaw: They really are :p and yup, FIFO! I'm a little stuck on it, but I just need to put in some more time, it's not too bad

Lachrymosa: Is the maze always exterior wall entrance and exit?

thanshaw: you start at 0,0. It's built from a 2d array of type char - and ' ' represent spaces you can move to, and '*' represent blocked off spaces. What you do is you mark the path taken with an 'X' as well

AntiSquid: thanshaw

Lachrymosa: do you know the exit coordinate?

thanshaw: and you end at [height - 1][width - 1]

AntiSquid: what language do you need it in lol

thanshaw: c++, i made some good head way though already :)

AntiSquid: click link

thanshaw: we actually are using an implemented queue al;ready, no libraries for it, so we can really learn the concepts fromt he ground up

AntiSquid: ...

AntiSquid: lol

Lachrymosa: I'm not sure how I'd solve it with a queue but I would flood fill from the exit. Or hand on right wall method for initial sim solve and trim extraneous paths with heuristics.

jacek: just use reverse stack [solved]

thanshaw: it's a classic queue problem i guess

AntiSquid: you add the neighbours of 0 0 to queue, then remove the 0 0 from queue then proceed with next element

thanshaw: but i'd prefer learning it this way rather than using a library, i mean in the future i'll probably only use a library for it. but this way i get hands on work with a queue, and really understand what's going on under the hood

AntiSquid: there's not much to learn about it

Lachrymosa: AntiSquid wouldn't that be similar to just going by nodes without a struct?

thanshaw: well i know how a queue works, but actually using it is what i've never done before, it's why i'm in data structures haha

AntiSquid: the queue is implemented as a list Lachrymosa

AntiSquid: not the maze

thanshaw: it's super interesting though, i'm having fun learning it

AntiSquid: what do you mean you're in data structures?

Lachrymosa: hm, im not getting it then

jacek: his house is heap

thanshaw: i'm in a class about data strcutures, queue's binary trees, linked lists

thanshaw: how to implement them without libraries, and how to use them practically

AntiSquid: ok not much to learn then

thanshaw: kek

thanshaw: to each their own

AntiSquid: less typing and you'll be done in 10 mins

Lachrymosa: like this?

thanshaw: pretty similar yeah, he gave us the que implementation already. so all we have to do is write out solve method that takes queue objects and adds them into the queue

AntiSquid: Lachrymosa that image explains what i said earlier lol

Lachrymosa: Yea, I like pictures better, it helps me

AntiSquid: thanshaw if you didn't finish yet your project, you're overthinking it, remember this line every 5 minutes

thanshaw: my understanding is you keep ENQUEUEing until you hit a barrier which is '*' in my case, once you hit that you DEQUEUE right? this is my first time working with a queue, so i'l still trying to grasp it

jacek: this is what you do with graphs

Scarfield: thanshaw has some really nice illustrations and explanations of pathfinding algorithms, that will help with understanding it :)

thanshaw: yeah sorry, i've only been working with c++ for a little bit now, this is my first actual in depth class using it - before this we just learned a lot of the basic things like struct's, class's, dynamic allocation

thanshaw: thank you! :) not looking for answers or anything, figuring it out on my own is how i really grasp it - but this helps a ton!

AntiSquid: what is the point of DEQUEUEING after you reach * ? and how would you do that anyway?

Lachrymosa: When would it be beneficial to use a queue for maze solving over say flood fill?

AntiSquid: i kind of do most of the time Lachrymosa

Lachrymosa: Is it down to preference or are there benefits to one over the other?

thanshaw: not sure, all i know is solving mazes is a classic queue problem, may not be the best but it's been used as a queue example for a very long time

AntiSquid: queues and floodfill aren't mutually exclusive either

jacek: doesnt floodfill use queue?

Lachrymosa: I suppose that is true, you're just queuing from the end first?

Lachrymosa: I haven't implemented a floodfill with a queue before, but I also do some hacky solutions to things being self-taught lol


AntiSquid: trying to find an animated gif

jacek: use queue to search for it

AntiSquid: ... this discussion is way too long lol

Default avatar.png EmirGanovic: hello

AntiSquid: hi EmirGanovic

thanshaw: yeah you add to the queue from the back of the list, and DEQUEUE from the front

thanshaw: if you;re using a linked list, but it's similar with arrays and other data structures i think


NINJAPRIYANSH: Hey can anyone help me with The Descent


jacek: hm?

rjpvroegop: How can I add someone as friend, I only see a follow option

ZarthaxX: that's the one rjpvroegop

ZarthaxX: NINJAPRIYANSH what do you need?

Default avatar.png Boreal: shibbydibbydoo badababa boop

Default avatar.png Boreal: babadabap boop

AntiSquid: lol their usernames do look like that don't they ?

AntiSquid: get avatar or kick, can't spam like that without avatar btw

jacek: if you get avatar, you can spam all you want

AntiSquid: if you also engage in a meaningful conversation once a month why not ?

Default avatar.png Boreal: ?

Default avatar.png Boreal: oh nice

Default avatar.png Boreal: well

Default avatar.png Boreal: i mean for some reason I wanted to say it cause a puzzle I said had that as a test value

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png Wilster: -=W=-

MadKnight: is that the W from your nick?

jacek: UwU

KelvinAndHubbles: It could be the W from his nick, but its also a symbol he just randomly says. He said it around last thursday at 3 in the afternoon

Westicles: He loves Tungsten

Default avatar.png Wilster: =_O

AntiSquid: no avatar = no spam

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: hello does anyone knows what kind of problemes oracle gives for fullstack engeneers

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: and if they are timed

AntiSquid: ya i just found out on google

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: what kind of problems found here?all graphs and mazes related?

AntiSquid: very varied, but not related to fullstack for most part

AntiSquid: why oracle btw? i see negative interview reviews

AntiSquid: need to cook something ttyl, will read chat when i return if you wish to answer

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: cause i like the company

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: and if i fail i gained some experience anyway

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: win-win for me

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: especially since it is my first job after graduating

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: btw i don't live in US so it is a good choice here

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: can you help with what topics to focus on in exemple:graphs,dynamic programming etc

AntiSquid: :thumbsup:

AntiSquid: fullstack topics

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: i have a test here first :D

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: can't open the link to not start the timer


AntiSquid: you have to fill out interview questions on CG ?

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: yeah

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: a challenge i think

AntiSquid: never done mine on CG

AntiSquid: do some of the puzzles

AntiSquid: if you can get decent rank in one of the multiplayers i think you should be fine

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: thanks :D


Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: seems pretty random

AntiSquid: if you beat this one you can easily beat interview questions imo

AntiSquid: problems for interviews are usually very random and vary from company to company

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: yeah,i got rejected from an interview cause i didn't explain how djistra works lol,hate randomness

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: anyway ,thanks for the help,will try your challenge

Astrobytes: Was Dijkstra relevant to the job?

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: nah,i m fullstack dev,don't see graph theory that relevant

Astrobytes: Well if you're called upon to be doing some backend stuff you very well may have to be.

AntiSquid: hey i had to do a reverse engineering puzzle in one of the interviews and it wasn't relevant to my job, but it was related to the company and its history sort of, still most fun interview puzzle of them all :D Astrobytes

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: guess i just did,'t expect that

Astrobytes: AntiSquid: yeah, that sounds fairly cool actually

AntiSquid: job was for coding using an in-house created script language basically and some side tasks different languages

Astrobytes: SunnyCommitter_8582: they might be using graph based tech for one or more aspects of their product(s) so...

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: yep ,i understand :D

Astrobytes: Fullstack means fullstack, not as little backend as possible and loads of frontend :P

AntiSquid: well it's oracle, do a bit of research you should find out very soon where you need them

Default avatar.png Daymato: hi, do I learn javascript or php after html css ?

Astrobytes: Yes.

AntiSquid: quite sure graphs can be useful for some of the backend stuff, some .

AntiSquid: but sometimes it's like this:

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: and i ll just copy the implementation from google,as all devs do

AntiSquid: hm you might get something similar in the interview, better be prepared lol

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: time to prepare ,enjoy your day guys :D


Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: does the impostor syndrome ever go away?

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: most devs i know suffer from it

AntiSquid: maybe if you wouldnt fail graphs

Astrobytes: lol Only if you're fully confident in your expertise.

Default avatar.png SunnyCommitter_8582: sad squid noises

Astrobytes: It's not just a dev thing.

Astrobytes: Also, look at it as hubris vs humility. You have to know when to go for one and balance it out.

AntiSquid: funny but you're not helping anyone, not even yourself

AntiSquid: just acknowledge where you stand, realize it doesn't matter, try improving, simple @_@

AntiSquid: also do

Astrobytes: sigh

AntiSquid: why sigh ?

Imsure1200q: sighting

Lachrymosa: Check out the dunning krueger effect. Theres a lovely curve of confidence to experience and it dips pretty low before it goes back up again. If you maintain the mentality that you're never the best because the best is a perpetually moving target you're doing alright

AntiSquid: :100:

Wontonimo: what's shaking? talking about imposter syndrome again.

Wontonimo: i vote you off the spaceship... to the airlock with you! Wait, that's a different game

R3Ked: amogus

PiterMac: wo keyi liaotianle

nonknight: hi nihao

Default avatar.png dmnc17: hi

Default avatar.png dmnc17: if u want to attend on devops.js conference bro u can sign up using this link. You will get a free ticket once you refer 3 persons and they register using your link

Default avatar.png dmnc17: