UZUHAMA: Is there a way to reset my progress in a league-based game?
UZUHAMA: i want to start again from wood league
Wontonimo: you have to make a new account
Wontonimo: it's sad
UZUHAMA: oh no
Wontonimo: yeah
UZUHAMA: I forgot all about tictactoe ;-;
Wontonimo: ??
UZUHAMA: Ultimate Tic-Tac-Tpe
UZUHAMA: I totally forgot all of the stuff'
Wontonimo: yeah, i know uttt. it seems like such a non sequitur though
Wontonimo: is that want you want to start back at wood ?
Wontonimo: why?
UZUHAMA: I looked at my previous code, and I recognize nothing
Wontonimo: oh, yeah, that happens to me all the time
UZUHAMA: comments doesn't help..
UZUHAMA: Also code sucks
Wontonimo: have strong words with the author
Wontonimo: let them know how you feel
UZUHAMA: hahaha
UZUHAMA: Author says sorry
Wontonimo: what algo was it (trying to be)
UZUHAMA: it's very messy
UZUHAMA: hard to understand
Wontonimo: yikes
UZUHAMA: to summarize
Wontonimo: is it bitboard?
UZUHAMA: full of dots
UZUHAMA: You told me to use it?
UZUHAMA: right?
UZUHAMA: i think i remember that
Wontonimo: dots? that doesn't sound like me
Wontonimo: what kind of dots?
Wontonimo: no, i'd never recommend such rediculousness
UZUHAMA: yeah, you told me to use it, but I didn't
UZUHAMA: I just did it my way
Wontonimo: i'd recommend stuff like this
UZUHAMA: Should've listned to you
Wontonimo: and this
UZUHAMA: yeah that thinng I remember
Wontonimo: return 0b111111111 ^ taken;
UZUHAMA: what's that
Wontonimo: bitboard stuff
UZUHAMA: but bitboard wouldn't work in 9x9 grid, would it?
Wontonimo: here is a full example of 3x3 bitboard
Wontonimo: yeah, it does for me
Wontonimo: i used nine 3x3 bitboards for the smaller boards
Wontonimo: which use exactly the code I had for wood league
Wontonimo: and a special 3x3 board that has rules for ties and stalemate and win-by-majority
Wontonimo: so ten 3x3 boards.
UZUHAMA: :drooling_face:
UZUHAMA: my brain goes dead
Wontonimo: each board has 2 16 bit ints. So that's 20 16 bit ints, plus a couple for ties and stalemates
Wontonimo: it took me a few days to code up the 3x3s to work together smoothly. it's not a 30 min project
UZUHAMA: i really don't know what to say
UZUHAMA: overwhelmed by knowledge
Wontonimo: oh
UZUHAMA: ugh ok so
Wontonimo: UTTT is a very technical challenge
UZUHAMA: it looked easy...
Wontonimo: something like Spring Challenge 2021 or Botters of the Galaxy you can get further using if/else
UZUHAMA: I have a question:raised_hand_tone1:
jrke: yeah SC21 has lot of things to mine just with if/else
UZUHAMA: What does it mean by each board having 2 16 bit units?
Wontonimo: for a 3x3 board you can keep track of all the positions that 1 player has using a 16bit integer
UZUHAMA: 0b000000000 is a 16 bit?
Wontonimo: look at the first 9 binary bits of a 16bit integer 000 000 000
jrke: for 3x3 you need 9bits but there is no such 9 bit int so you need 16 bit int one for each player so 2 16 bit int
Wontonimo: yeah
UZUHAMA: and what about other 7 digits?
UZUHAMA: You can just get rid of it like that?
Wontonimo: hide secret info in them for fun
Wontonimo: no, just ignore it
jrke: not to use them or just some other info if you want
Wontonimo: it's wasted
UZUHAMA: ok I began to understnad a bit now...
Wontonimo: first follow this advice, then after you are at the top 50 in legend, then think of how you can reuse those other bits
jrke: now understand 16bits :grimacing:
Wontonimo: if player 1
Wontonimo: 010 010 000
Wontonimo: and player 2 is 001 000 010
Wontonimo: then you can find all spaces that are used via
Wontonimo: used = player1 | player2
Wontonimo: used will be 011 010 010
Wontonimo: all in 1 operation, no loops
Wontonimo: to find all the available positions
Wontonimo: available = 111111111^used
Wontonimo: 100 101 101
Wontonimo: again, just 1 operation
Wontonimo: very fast
UZUHAMA: ^ means substract?
Wontonimo: ^ means XOR
UZUHAMA: reverse thingy
jrke: btw wontonimo can minimax give me legend in UTTT?
Wontonimo: i don't know. maybe with NN
Wontonimo: hey jrke!
jrke: hey hey
Wontonimo: :taco: jrke
UZUHAMA: Oh yeah I love your new bot
Wontonimo: well that sucks. where is antiwonto?
Wontonimo: hi antiwonto?
UZUHAMA: it's still sleeping?
jrke: nice name btw `antiwonto` :grinning:
UZUHAMA: Thought it was Autonimo at first
Wontonimo: i think once it goes to sleep it never wakes up
Wontonimo: :taco: jrke
antiwonto: [auto] Wontonimo has awarded jrke 10 tacos. jrke now has 1 taco. Wontonimo now has 172 taco
jrke: ohh noice
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
jrke: where did you hosted it wontonimo?
Wontonimo: it's on my pc
jrke: oh oki
Wontonimo: "hosted" in my living room
UZUHAMA: hahahaha
UZUHAMA: Making an AI...
UZUHAMA: for fun...
UZUHAMA: One day I'll become a computer geek like you
UZUHAMA: hopefully
UZUHAMA: Bye world
Wontonimo: you already are a computer geek by virtue of being on this site
Akshat_UNT: Heyy, wassup here!
Wontonimo: not much. i'm falling asleep, so gn
Akshat_UNT: Ouu GN buddy
Akshat_UNT: btw do u have discord?
Girlperson: um hi 😃
YS_Yousef: hi
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
Girlperson: hru
Stilgart: Automaton2000 :taco:
Automaton2000: automatonnn what is your question?
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Stilgart, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 21 tacos
Uljahn: Stilgart :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] Uljahn has awarded Stilgart 10 tacos. Stilgart now has 31 taco. Uljahn now has 97 taco
Thorcode: :taco: Uljahn
antiwonto: [auto] Thorcode has awarded Uljahn 10 tacos. Uljahn now has 107 taco. Thorcode now has 23 taco
KubkoFrano: Yo, how do I create a lobby to play with friends?
Thorcode: got to the clash of code section
Thorcode: and scroll to the end then click the start a private clash
Thorcode: if you want to make a private clash KubkoFrano
KubkoFrano: yeah I got it, thanks a lot man
Thorcode: np
Darleanow: I got a question , are checkpoints numberised ? I mean by this, that checkpoint 1 is associated to something, etc
Darleanow: in order for the AI the go on the first one it should right ?
5DN1L: You give them numbers yourself
Darleanow: because i want make in sort that it will boost when the distance is the max
Thorcode: you will need it until reach gold XD
5DN1L: in the lower leagues you aren't given all the checkpoint positions at the beginning
5DN1L: you will have to keep track of them yourself when you go to each checkpoint for the first time
5DN1L: in the Gold league they're given to you at the beginning
Thorcode: just learn to drift Darleanow
Darleanow: okay but i don't understand what u mean by this x), i will play the car game !!
Darleanow: okay i do maybe have something, the more speed you have, the further you will go
Darleanow: and the wider the angle will be
Darleanow: but the less speed you will lose
Darleanow: depending on the angle
Darleanow: i think i have the drift mechanic here
derjack: car game?
derjack: tesla car?
5DN1L: Pods are for the mad
5DN1L: Landers are for the Mars
Darleanow: oh shoot, so i meant pod
derjack: and theres car with similar physics
Darleanow: what does sending to IDE means ?
5DN1L: means your existing code will be replaced
5DN1L: by the code you have in your history
5DN1L: if you decide to send it
5DN1L: so let's say you have submitted Code 1 to the arena, then you make some changes to your code but do not submit it (Code 2)
5DN1L: If you look for Code 1 in the history and click Send to IDE, then your Code 2 will be replaced by Code 1
5DN1L: i.e. all your changes are gone
5DN1L: you're back to Code 1
5DN1L: bad idea unless that's what you want to do
Darleanow: okay i see thanks man !!
5DN1L: :)
DaNinja: send to IDE when looking at Last Battles does not affect your code
DaNinja: it just sets opponent and game setting
5DN1L: So there's Send to IDE in code history
5DN1L: and Send Game Parameters in replays history
5DN1L: those are two different things
5DN1L: Send Game Parameters to IDE*
Darleanow: I'm so bad, this is frustrating
C26_1: I'm gonna paste this link every day in the afternoon to share my contribution, make sure to comment and try to code the solution.
Thorcode: lmao
Thorcode: ?
Thorcode: bruh
Darleanow: I've been trying so hard, but still
Darleanow: i cant find how to make it better
Thorcode: ok
Fasader: C26_1 real men count indexes from 0 !
Thorcode: ah he's not rlly good at eng XD
Darleanow: guys, is there any games that are easier than mad pod ?
Thorcode: no
Thorcode: i think you should try puzzle
5DN1L: Try these ones first, Darleanow
5DN1L: The Descent Power of Thor Episode 1 Temperatures
Darleanow: im at the descent now !!!
5DN1L: Good
5DN1L: ok :joy:
Idk.-_-: hi guys
NasrAllah: hey guys
NasrAllah: there was a python code that change the format of your code and make it half size ?
NasrAllah: can someone share it?
NasrAllah: thank you very much
Andriamanitra: truly the stupidest way to golf
Thorcode: hey is anyone has a code for drifting in mad?
Thorcode: or could tell me the logic of it?
wlesavo: -3vel
Thorcode: bruh i used it
Thorcode: but it not rlly better than -2vel
wlesavo: well you can use a real algo then
Uljahn: Thorcode: share a replay with your -3vel
Thorcode: here
Thorcode: oj i just relize that my pod is fighting with each other
Uljahn: ye, try too use boos for one pod at start
Uljahn: *boost
darkhorse64: Hilarious:
Uljahn: geez
Uljahn: Automaton2000: here we go again
Automaton2000: the referee is in java
Thorcode: wow lionel_fr is cool
Thorcode: oops wrong chat
Thorcode: I think i should solve the search race to have more experience
StraumliPerversion: well that's one thing I won't miss about this chat, talking about pods a million times
Hackker: yeah
Hackker: pod is ez
Darleanow: ok the descent is too hard for me
Hackker: so that many beginner coder would talk about it
5DN1L: Darleanow you can read the hints on the left
Hackker: you can see the solution
Hackker: to learn from it
Darleanow: yes i did, but i don't like to cheat :'(
Wontonimo: hi
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
Hackker: also a hint for the des is
Wontonimo: hey Darleanow :wave:
Darleanow: i went back to mad pods
Hackker: make a list to contain all the mountain height
Hackker: then print the index of the maxium element in that list
Darleanow: is there any way to reduce the gliding of the pod ?
Darleanow: yeah hackker i saw the answer, but didnt ctrl+c ctrl+v on the page so i can validate it
Darleanow: I'll go back to it after
Wontonimo: this site may be too advanced for you atm Darleanow. It's not really a beginner site. Don't go away, but definitely try using other sites to learn
Hackker: like w3school
Wontonimo: turn down the thrust and you'll glide less
Hackker: what league you in ?
Darleanow: but sometimes i'm missing checkpoints bc i glide too much
datu12: Hey all for the problem mars lander
datu12: do I just need to rewrite a single part of it?
Hackker: omg I can't see the bot at the bronze league
Hackker: 35 pp beated it
5DN1L: datu12 you just need to rewrite the part after reading the variables
5DN1L: Darleanow anything up to your second if-block is rendered useless by the line "thurst = 0"
5DN1L: is that your intention?
Krait_MkII: anyone done the shield smashing thing ?
datu12: yow i just got lost in which part hey
datu12: like in the loop section?
Hackker: what lander?
Hackker: ep 1 or 2?
5DN1L: datu12 read the hints on the left if you're in episode 1
derjack: :taco: Automaton2000
antiwonto: [auto] derjack has awarded Automaton2000 10 tacos. Automaton2000 now has 81 taco. derjack now has 15 taco
Automaton2000: but they are not the same
Automaton2000: it should be a bug
5DN1L: datu12 and you're supposed to revise the code below the comment which says "write an action"
StraumliPerversion: :taco: derjack
antiwonto: [auto] Sorry StraumliPerversion but you are too new. Get someone to give you tacos first
struct: :taco: StraumliPerversion
antiwonto: [auto] sorry struct but you can only award tacos once per day
Hackker: yeah
Hackker: i solved the mars lander 1
Wontonimo: yeah!
Wontonimo: how?
5DN1L: what do you mean
5DN1L: and no all caps please
5DN1L: do you see any timer in the top left corner now?
5DN1L: next to the league name
Darleanow: i mean that before 14h54 (timer time) i was in top 2, now the timer moved to 15h54 and im still in bronze
Darleanow: even though i was ahead of the boss
Hackker: chill out
Darleanow: i'm chill :) just explaining
5DN1L: what's the time in your place now
Hackker: the first mars lander wwas not rlly hard as i thought
5DN1L: do you receive any message that you're promoted? Darleanow
Hackker: no
Hackker: i think
5DN1L: you can PM [CG]Thibaud Darleanow
Hackker: no
StraumliPerversion: users!
Hackker: i'm at top 8 too
Hackker: but wwe can't rankup
Hackker: i only saw the top 1 rank up
5DN1L: oh well
5DN1L: Darleanow patience is the answer then
Hackker: yeah
Hackker: just wait XD
Darleanow: i'm like a child, i hate having to wait
Darleanow: as my brain is already slow enough x)
5DN1L: Remember: even longer wait for higher league promotions
Hackker: well solve a puzzle to kill time XD
Ismaellamgadar: wth i dont get episode 1 of mars lander who can help
5DN1L: read the hints on the left
5DN1L: Ismaellamgadar
Hackker: or better read the instruction carefully
Ismaellamgadar: which variable shows the distance between lander and surface
Hackker: i think you won't need that
Hackker: and the surface is0
Hackker: you already have your xy
Darleanow: nooo hacker won :'(
Hackker: np
5DN1L: Darleanow no worries
5DN1L: you won't be pushed back to bronze again
Darleanow: nah was like a joke ahah !
Darleanow: i don't really mind loosing, if i keep getting better :)
NewCoder09: :taco: Wontonimo
antiwonto: [auto] NewCoder09 has awarded Wontonimo 10 tacos. Wontonimo now has 182 taco. NewCoder09 now has 13 taco
StraumliPerversion: :taco: NewCoder09
antiwonto: [auto] Sorry StraumliPerversion but you are too new. Get someone to give you tacos first [sleeping]
StraumliPerversion: imma shell of a man
Darleanow: i wanna give tacooooos
Hackker: :taco: Darleanow
Hackker: ah
Hackker: anti has slept
Darleanow: how do u make it in red ?
Hackker: ah
Darleanow: maybe i'm talking too much this why he aint wanna answer me
NewCoder09: no hes asleep
5DN1L: just type the name, the other person will see the message in red Darleanow
5DN1L: yup
5DN1L: it's red to me
NewCoder09: no anti is asleep
Darleanow: can we wake him up ?
NewCoder09: no
Hackker: no
NewCoder09: he wakes up in 1 hour'
Hackker: how do you know that
NewCoder09: because im on here alot
NewCoder09: and when hes asleep an hour later hes awake
NewCoder09: no hes tired hes been answering all of yall
Hackker: can someone fight with me?
5DN1L: please use the #clash channel for clash invites, thanks
Hackker: ok thanks 5d
jacek: :taco: Automaton2000
Automaton2000: but it's a good place to start
jacek: :s
Miki09: Automaton2000 do you use deep q learning?
Automaton2000: i have done a bit of a challenge
Hackker: hey Automaton2000 how to learn deep first search>
Automaton2000: has anyone heard of the game is called
Scarfield: :taco:
jacek: :upside_down:
ahozepha: f**** python is so straightforward compared to c#
ahozepha: there is not method like isalpha or isdigit in c#
Andriamanitra: yes there is :D
jacek: oh my
ahozepha: really?? same of isalpha??
Andriamanitra: there's a list on the left side of that page
Andriamanitra: isLetter is probably the one you want
ahozepha: owww thanks i was always eliminating digits by regex
jacek: regex :scream:
ahozepha: var output = Regex.Replace(S, @"[\d-]", string.Empty);
ahozepha: like this
ahozepha: but yeah you've saved my life
ahozepha: thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks
Andriamanitra: you're welcome
ahozepha: actually never used is professionally i don't know why
jacek: who ever uses c# professionally :v
struct: is C# still a thing?
Andriamanitra: why wouldnt it be a thing?
jacek: because he doesnt wear glasses
ahozepha: :no_mouth:
KiwiTae: unity programming is in c# usually
ahozepha: yeah and .NET core api as well as .NET Microservices
ahozepha: and yeah unity 3D of course they completely gave up unityscripting
ahozepha: the huge problem in C# is it's "too wordy"
ahozepha: :sweat_smile:
jacek: then dont try java :no_mouth:
eulerscheZahl: the huge problem in C# is it's "too wordy" C#9 allows to code without class and Main() function
eulerscheZahl: i think C# has just the right amount of wordiness. Also you have List<int> myList = new(); since recently
eulerscheZahl: while java only has the diamond syntax
jacek: :diamonds:?
ahozepha: yeah righ
Schnretzl: is there a way to make breakpoints or some such in this IDE?
Andriamanitra: nope, debug prints are as good as you're going to get
NewCoder09: x=4*9+19*0.5
antiwonto: [auto] x = 45.49999999940025
eulerscheZahl: :taco: struct
antiwonto: [auto] eulerscheZahl has awarded struct 10 tacos. struct now has 106 taco. eulerscheZahl now has 58 taco
struct: ty
NewCoder09: x=4*9+92*12*0.5
antiwonto: [auto] x = 588
eulerscheZahl2: :taco: eulerscheZahl
antiwonto: [auto] Sorry eulerscheZahl2 but you are too new. Get someone to give you tacos first
NewCoder09: :taco: eulerscheZahl
antiwonto: [auto] sorry NewCoder09 but you can only award tacos once per day
eulerscheZahl: oh, wonto was more thoughtful than i expected
eulerscheZahl: eulerscheZahl2
eulerscheZahl: deleted manually?
struct: You need to receive tacos before you can give
jacek: :taco: Automaton2000
antiwonto: [auto] jacek has awarded Automaton2000 10 tacos. Automaton2000 now has 91 taco. jacek now has 90 taco
Automaton2000: i already have a bot for that
Automaton2000: if you didnt do that
eulerscheZahl: i can build a chain today (euler => euler2 => euler3 => ...) and benefit tomorrow
Wontonimo: good luck with that
eulerscheZahl: 91 for automaton? how? did that bot also give tacos once?
Astrobytes: y=0xFEED*0xBEEF
Wontonimo: i think *someone* pretended to be that bot
Astrobytes: hmph, no hex?
Wontonimo: and no y
Astrobytes: ah
Wontonimo: just x
Wontonimo: x+7 = x +7
antiwonto: [auto] x = 0
eulerscheZahl: sagemath is much better than that. and wolframalpha beats antiwonto by miles
jacek: x = x^2
antiwonto: [auto] x = 0
Astrobytes: lol, one would hope so!
eulerscheZahl: the opposite would be impressive
eulerscheZahl: a random chatbot competing with state of the art math software
Astrobytes: CG mathbot
Wontonimo: i work on it a bit to try and get it to return multiple solutions if there were some ... but it was kludgy beyond belief
Astrobytes: You could call it NumeroHero
eulerscheZahl: x = users['eulerscheZahl'].tacos += 100
Wontonimo: x = x + 2
antiwonto: [auto] x = end of the universe
eulerscheZahl: you do some eval, don't you?
Wontonimo: yes, but only if /[0-9 x=\-+*^\//
eulerscheZahl: no ] ?
Wontonimo: typo
Wontonimo: yes, a ] at the end
Wontonimo: i'm not interested in having injection attacks on my home pc
Astrobytes: :D
Wontonimo: i guess i could run this on a pi
**Wontonimo looks at box on shelf with pi in it
Astrobytes: Do it. Don't let it gather dust
Wontonimo: meh
jacek: x = rm -rf /*
jacek: :x
Wontonimo: lol
struct: o.o
Wontonimo: Automaton2000 , format jaceks computer
Automaton2000: when would you use a dictionary
jacek: antiwonto fold yourself 12 times
struct: hi
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
Duculet: heyo
NewCoder09: Wontonimo
Wontonimo: yeah
NewCoder09: How has your day been so far
Wontonimo: good thanks
Wontonimo: and you ?
NewCoder09: Good
jacek: oO
Wontonimo: how have you been jacek?
jacek: im fine
Wontonimo: good
NewCoder09: Earlier i ranked 33 in mad pod racing on wood league 2
Wontonimo: oh, we can get you higher than that!
jacek: :tada:
NewCoder09: now im 2,143rd
NewCoder09: :sad:
Wontonimo: share a replay
NewCoder09: :cry:
NewCoder09: of what
NewCoder09: Madpod
Wontonimo: yeah
NewCoder09: ?
NewCoder09: Which one
jacek: yes
Wontonimo: i'm not sure how to say this any other way ... 1 random replay
NewCoder09: ok
xxd: for bot programming games, how do you get a message to appear on the game screen?
xxd: Oh nvm
xxd: shoulda RTFM fully
jacek: no. just ask in the chat
NewCoder09: how do i share the code
Wontonimo: okay, so you are correctly targeting the X and Y and thrust 100
Wontonimo: now you just need to check if abs(angle to checkpoint) > 90
Wontonimo: and if so to use thrust = 0
jacek: i dont thrust you
Wontonimo: :O
NewCoder09: where would i input "abs(angle to checkpoint) > 90" using c++
Wontonimo: that's english i sent you, not code. you need to translate it into working c++ code
xxd: with an MCTS, how would I get the "chance of winning" for debug output
NewCoder09: oh ok
xxd: i tried doing w_i / n_i but I feel like that's wrong
Wontonimo: it depends what w_i is
jacek: thats basically it is
struct: score/visits?
xxd: yeah
Wontonimo: is it from 0 to 1, or -1 to 1
Wontonimo: or something else
xxd: my scoring system uses -1 and 1
xxd: but for some reason score/visits works and not (score+visits)/visits
Wontonimo: then 0.5*score/visits + 0.5
NewCoder09: would that be " if nectcheckpoint angle . 90 or nextchecpointangle < -90 then thrust = 0
xxd: by "works" i mean the output falls in between [0,1]
NewCoder09: else thrust =100 end if print x y thrust"
NewCoder09: ?
Wontonimo: yeah NewCoder09, but in proper c++
NewCoder09: ok
NewCoder09: hold up
xxd: Oh cool. 0.5*(score/visits)+0.5 works
xxd: i guess i had the right idea with (score+visits)/visits, just didn't divide by 2
xxd: thanks wonto
Wontonimo: anytime xxd !
Wontonimo: what are you using mcts for ?
xxd: I just wanted to add some output for my C4 bot
xxd: since i'm demoing MCTS to my school computer science club today
Wontonimo: oh cool !
eulerscheZahl: 0.5*(score/visits)+0.5 adding a 0.5 as a constant? looks redundant to me
NewCoder09: xxd your at school too?
Wontonimo: if you can make it interactive you can show that it will DESTROY THEM
eulerscheZahl: interactive version:
jacek: [-1,1] to [0,1] is x/2 + 0.5 no?
xxd: yea
eulerscheZahl: line 100 in the link above is wrong, should use rollouts of parent instead of root
jacek: so you get an F for that
Wontonimo: sure eulerscheZahl, you could rearrange it to be 0.5*(score/visits + 1)
xxd: how would you access the parent from the child?
jacek: in my code a node has pointer to parent
xxd: are you talking about N being # rollouts of root
struct: o.o
eulerscheZahl: just replace N by n in my snippet
Wontonimo: are you using that eulers snippet or your own code xxd ?
xxd: i'm probably going to use eulers for C4
struct: my mcts is just euler code
xxd: since TTT is too trivial, UTTT is too arcane
xxd: and the C4 impl on CG needs you to input the board
xxd: which is really annoying
eulerscheZahl: you really took that inefficient thing struct?
struct: ofc not
Astrobytes: of course not lol
xxd: also: how do I build this file on macOS
eulerscheZahl: i don't get sarcasm :(
Astrobytes: It's not easy being German I guess ;)
eulerscheZahl: install netcore
eulerscheZahl: or run it on
eulerscheZahl: it's not easy being me. real life friends also made fun about me not understanding irony
jacek: well being on spectrum is job requirement for it, no?
Astrobytes: lol, it's one of those things. Not everyone gets everything. You're better with numbers so nothing to worry about
NewCoder09: eulerscheZahl none of my irl friends even know how to code :joy:
jacek: neither do you :V
Astrobytes: :fire:
eulerscheZahl: story from years ago. other student changed a + for a - while i was gone for a few seconds. i came back, set down, looked at the screen and had a feeling that something is off
xxd: :skull:
Astrobytes: I was waiting for more
jacek: te suspense
eulerscheZahl: oh. i quickly spotted and fixed that line of code
eulerscheZahl: end of story
Astrobytes: Thanks. That was a real gem.
eulerscheZahl: sarcasm?
Astrobytes: You got it! :tada:
eulerscheZahl: got the message, i'll show myself out
Astrobytes: lol
jacek: oO
5DN1L: oh i thought the moral was either lock your computer or lock other students when you're away
Astrobytes: Or: never leave your desk
5DN1L: yup, that too :D
Girlperson: im on the couch at school in my classroom
xxd: I compiled with `csc $file` but how do I run it now?
Astrobytes: sounds like a job for a search engine xxd ;)
xxd: I tried
Girlperson: HEYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!
Astrobytes: I haven't a clue then, sorry
jacek: csc?
Girlperson: whattssssuppppppppp???????
jacek: oh c# compiler?
xxd: yeah
xxd: I compiled it to an exe and I want to run it on macOS
Girlperson: hi people
struct: you dont need to say hi 3 times
xxd: I can use `mono` but apparently its deprecated in the sense that .NET is the future of C#?
jacek: afaik .net is also available to linux now?
Astrobytes: it is yes, for some time
Girlperson: @struct ok lol
Wontonimo: how did you find this site Girlperson ?
Wontonimo: the text is red if someone uses your name. it does't mean anything btw
Girlperson: CODING😑
Girlperson: and ik
Girlperson: thx tho
Wontonimo: what's your language of choice
Girlperson: wdym?
Girlperson: do u mean language i speak?
Wontonimo: coding lang
Sarstan: Alright, time to get this sorted out. I've got an entityId. Its correlated X and Y, etc. How do I tell the system if it's entityId A, then do something with X and Y for that entityId's values?
Girlperson: Wontonimo idk
xxd: .___.
Wontonimo: probably this site isn't for you then Girlperson. This is more geared for people who already know functions, arrays, loops, and some basic data structures
Astrobytes: if entityId equals A, then entityA.x = someX ?
Astrobytes: Girlperson: quit DMing me
xxd: if entityId == A, do something with entityId.X and entityId.Y ?
Wontonimo: take a break Girlperson. I've kicked you for a few minutes
Wontonimo: go learn basics, then feel free to come back
Astrobytes: I sense it's a troll
Wontonimo: the force is strong in this one
xxd: yeah; username gives it away
Wontonimo: they followed antiwonto so they must have good taste :P
Sarstan: That's definitely helped. But in doing entityId == "A", I'm getting an error that == can't be used for strings.
Wontonimo: what lang?
Sarstan: C#
Wontonimo: .equals( ) maybe
Astrobytes: possibly the equals method yeah
xxd: you should reference a C# quick start guide or the documentation
Astrobytes: since you're comparing String objects
xxd: .Equals() would be it
xxd: C# and their weird case conventions
Astrobytes: Java to C#: UpperCaseEverything
Sarstan: Oh, I'm dumb. It's giving 1 for player and -1 for enemy. And I'm searching for player instead of 1.
Sarstan: So essentially when you find an element in the string, it will reference that particular element when looking at other values?
Astrobytes: the equals method?
Wontonimo: let me know if this gperson is bothering you
Wontonimo: :hammer:
Wontonimo: it's ready
Sarstan: No, like when you have all these inputs and you have something like unitId. It can pull up the related object's values too.
Sarstan: So like I have a list of unitId, faction, unitType, health, positionX, positionY, etc.
Wontonimo: isn't that just an array?
Sarstan: Seems like it. I'm still at a loss in wrapping my head around arrays properly.
Astrobytes: yeah, you can retrieve the instance of the object with the attributeId that you're looking for
Wontonimo: practice arrays. it's a really useful concept in programme
Sarstan: I know you can store values in an array like ratings of 3, 5, 2. But then trying to match them to a separate value throws me off.
Astrobytes: Yeah, I would focus on learning those kind of things first before trying to move further
Astrobytes: Kind of essential knowledge that you then build on
Sarstan: I had a feeling. But I'm confused how that's different from a list.
Wontonimo: it's spelt differently
Astrobytes: :D
c0r3dump: An array is typically static in size, while a list is extensible.
Sarstan: I had a friend I mentioned what I was trying to do and he made it sound like it's not an array I'm after.
Wontonimo: what language ?
Astrobytes: C#
Sarstan: C#, but he's more familar with Java I think.
Astrobytes: In that respect they are both pretty similar
Wontonimo: in java there is something called a Map, and specific implementations like a HashMap, that allows you to make an arbitrary association between a key and a value
Wontonimo: in other languages this is called an associative array, or a hash
Astrobytes: or a map
Wontonimo: a map (aka hash, associative array) is very useful and definitely something you should put on your learning to-do list after you get a firm grip on lists (aka arrays)
Wontonimo: use a struct for that
struct: you use data structures
Wontonimo: or a class
Sarstan: Sounds like another item on my checklist to look into.
struct: I think class is more common in C#
Sarstan: Thanks for pointing that out though. I think I'm thinking too hard on this stuff. Like wondering how to store several types of of information into an array, which sounds like I'm just not looking at it right.
Wontonimo: is c# your lang of choice?
Sarstan: Yes.
Astrobytes: I strongly recommend following some C# or just computer science fundamentals to get a grasp on the foundations
Wontonimo: ah. see if you can find an intro tutorial on it that covers arrays, functions, and basic classes
Sarstan: I might go to Java though. Have a new buddy who works in Java.
Sarstan: I've gone through Codecademy's basic tutorial and noticed I struggled hard on arrays.
Astrobytes: You'll be able to do both when you get the basics down
Astrobytes: Right, look for tutorials on that then. And also refresh yourself on how the language works (ie. objects and such)
Wontonimo: and don't just go through the tutorial once. repeat going through it ever week until you can do it without googling answers or looking at hints
Astrobytes: ^
Sarstan: Sure thing. Nice to get some guidance on that.
c0r3dump: Something I like a lot are cheatsheets. Hopefully this one can be of use to you:
Wontonimo: noone would suggest reading about throwing a ball, then throwing just a couple times until it leaves your hand once. But for some reason coding tutorial sites seem to leave people thinking that's how it works with coding
StraumliPerversion: everyone is so friendly today
Astrobytes: A lot of them, yeah. Worthless content.
Sarstan: c0r3dump nice! A visual helps a lot.
Wontonimo: oh, i just now noticed your name is core-dump. nice!
Sarstan: I noticed programming tutorials like to leave you high and dry with a "google it" mentality. I appreciate not just handing the answer over. But you need that to get a feel for what you're looking for.
Sarstan: Nevermind reading dry Microsoft documention.
Astrobytes: well, a nudge in the right direction helps. And a good solid tutorial that doesn't leave you googling without knowing what you're doing.
Astrobytes: Docs and references are useful, not initially, but very useful once you know the language(s) better
StraumliPerversion: easiest for me is to fine a snippet of code that runs with all the basics in it
Sarstan: Definitely. It's how I first learned HTML years ago. Just grabbed from somewhere and played with it until I got it how I wanted. Was able to build simple sites from scratch after a while.
jacek: HTML is programming language :rofl:
StraumliPerversion: Coming from a country who stole Indonesia's flag but hangs it upside down...
derjack: :rage:
StraumliPerversion: heh heh, nice
Astrobytes: lol
jacek: 1 2 7 3 down to rockefeller street ~
NewCoder09: i need help with mad pod racing
NewCoder09: i can send my link of my coding and what it says each time i run it
5DN1L: what does the console say?
NewCoder09: this is word for word of what it says
Wontonimo: NewCoder09 , i think this site is too advanced for you. From working with you I'd say you should do a tutorial on basics, like variables, if/else, functions, and loops
NewCoder09: no
5DN1L: you miss a right bracket there
NewCoder09: im good with puzzles
Wontonimo: change this if ((next_checkpoint_angle > 90) || (next_checkpoint_angle < -90) { to this
Wontonimo: if ((next_checkpoint_angle > 90) || (next_checkpoint_angle < -90)) {
NewCoder09: im good with looping and all the puzles just not ai coding
5DN1L: NewCoder09 the console tells you exactly what the issue is :wink:
Wontonimo: it's not ai coding, it's just if/else
5DN1L: Automaton2000, are you AI?
NewCoder09: oh ok
Automaton2000: did you find the puzzle of the week ?
jacek: no :(
jacek: :taco: Automaton2000
antiwonto: [auto] sorry jacek but you can only award tacos once per day
Automaton2000: makes me think about it
StraumliPerversion: :taco: jacek
antiwonto: [auto] Sorry StraumliPerversion but you are too new. Get someone to give you tacos first
Wontonimo: :taco: StraumliPerversion
antiwonto: [auto] sorry Wontonimo but you can only award tacos once per day
5DN1L: Automaton2000, the puzzle of the week is Let's make a cheap ASCII 3D engine
Automaton2000: i'm doing the power of 2
Wontonimo: who did i give tacos to?
StraumliPerversion: puzzle of forever
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: :taco: StraumliPerversion
antiwonto: [auto] Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker has awarded StraumliPerversion 10 tacos. StraumliPerversion now has 3 taco. Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker now has 53 taco
StraumliPerversion: hmm
StraumliPerversion: :taco: derjack
antiwonto: [auto] Sorry StraumliPerversion but you are too new. Get someone to give you tacos first
StraumliPerversion: pretty impressive if that is working as intended
jacek: hm?
StraumliPerversion: the taco bot seems pretty robustly protected against name changes
linjoehan: well hello there.
struct: hi
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
NewCoder09: hi
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
NewCoder09: balls
antiwonto: [auto] NewCoder09 be respectful and watch your language
NewCoder09: oop sorry
NewCoder09: pogers
NewCoder09: men
Scarfield: StraumliPerversion :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] Scarfield has awarded StraumliPerversion 10 tacos. StraumliPerversion now has 7 taco. Scarfield now has 33 taco
Scarfield: you had -3 oO
nulte: StraumliPerversion :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] nulte has awarded StraumliPerversion 10 tacos. StraumliPerversion now has 15 taco. nulte now has 25 taco
nulte: ??
nulte: math
Scarfield: there is a risk of dropping the awarded tacos i guess
Wontonimo: the 10 was hardcoded text. i've changed it to be the amount awarded
nulte: so its random now?
Wontonimo: i guess there are tacos on the floor at this moment
Wontonimo: no, it is the min( givers taco count , receivers taco count + 1 , 10)
nulte: ah
StraumliPerversion: :taco: Scarfield
antiwonto: [auto] StraumliPerversion has awarded Scarfield 10 tacos. Scarfield now has 43 taco. StraumliPerversion now has 16 taco
Astrobytes: Who will help me rake those tacos?
Scarfield: om nomnom
Wontonimo: raises had
Scarfield: taco monster
Astrobytes: admittedly I'm more of a burrito guy but I'm not too fussy
Wontonimo: just add rice and beans to your taco, and roll it completely closed
Astrobytes: More or less yes :D
Wontonimo: mmmm ... yeah, i could go for a burrito
Astrobytes: Man, when I worked in London as a chef there was an amazing place for burritos on Kings Road in Chelsea, was 5-10 min walk from my work so used to go there around 4pm when I'd finished lunch service and all, then come back, eat it, then be almost comatose for the first hour of evening service :D
Astrobytes: they were enormous
Scarfield: xD
Scarfield: now im getting hungry :angry:
Astrobytes: *hangry
Scarfield: did you try and read the 100 year old i mentioned?
Astrobytes: Not just yet, it's on the list though and not forgotten
Scarfield: noice
Astrobytes: Was telling my mother and my mate Erik about it not long after you mentioned it (separately I may add), Erik also recommended it
Scarfield: i will reach out to the writer and ask for royalties
Astrobytes: That will make you rich, I guarantee it
Scarfield: i think my next books will be Arthur C. Clarke, or some other scince fiction, havent really read much in that genre
Astrobytes: Just tell him your name is Erik Eriksson from Eriksborgensmultronland, Sverige and demand payment
Scarfield: actually have a collection of Jules Verne i still need to read, but am open for suggestions :)
Scarfield: xD
Astrobytes: Jules Verne definitely worth a read. Also War of the Worlds and HG Wells' other books.
Astrobytes: Arthur C. Clarke for sure though
Wontonimo: and hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
Astrobytes: I loved ACCs Space Odyssey series, and the Rama books
Astrobytes: I guess you already read some Asimov
Scarfield: heard hitch hikers guide with stephen fry as narator, was great :)
Scarfield: actually not any asimov either, i have so much scifi materil ahead of me
StraumliPerversion: Good to stick with the oldies. All the new stuff is garbage. Well, except for the murderbot books
NewCoder09: :taco: Scarfield
antiwonto: [auto] sorry NewCoder09 but you can only award tacos once per day
Wontonimo: asimov is fantastic. the foundation series is grea
Astrobytes: I quite liked some of John Ringo's mil-sci stuff, he gets old really really quickly though
Scarfield: went to the library the other day, and realised Asimov, ACC and generally scifi is something i almost havent read
Astrobytes: as MrsGloryholeWesticlesPerversion says, stick to the old classics at least initially
StraumliPerversion: Yeah, the John Ringo one where the aliens were addicted to maple syrup was pretty good
Astrobytes: I preferred the posleen series myself, what was the maple syrup one?
Astrobytes: Troy rising?
StraumliPerversion: yes
Astrobytes: gotcha
Astrobytes: Ringo writes some good stuff but if you read a few it gets repetitive real quick, and I think he knows it
Scarfield: nice, ty for the "tips" :) made an actual to read list now
Astrobytes: :tada:
Astrobytes: If you read any Ringo, best not start with Die Wacht am Rhein
Astrobytes: though it is very Iron Sky-ish
StraumliPerversion: Sad to see good ones like Neal Stephenson go back. His latest book is about global warming and Covid-21/23/29. Great job guy
StraumliPerversion: *go bad
Astrobytes: Read it, maybe you'll like it :P
Scarfield: have to "shoot" some noobs with a friend, ttyl :)
Astrobytes: later Scarfield
Astrobytes: I should probably fk off too, got a goddamn annoying fever. Might listen to Jeff Waynes Musical War of the Worlds since I'm feeling nostalgic
jacek: next contest eh
Astrobytes: Plus if my fever spikes and I hallucinate it'll be great
StraumliPerversion: gn from MrsGloryholeWesticlesPerversion
Astrobytes: ooh, I remember their previous work Cheers for the link jacek and gn
Astrobytes: StraumliPerversion: :rofl: gn dude
jacek: previous work? csb?
Astrobytes: naturally
AdemDj12: what this two symbols do in brainfuck
AdemDj12: [ ]
Katespizer: everything
jacek: :thinking:
Wontonimo: wow, thanks AdemDj12 !
Wontonimo: woot, last contrib finally approved
AdemDj12: np
Wontonimo: hope you enjoyed it
AdemDj12: last .. why
AdemDj12: i did
Wontonimo: "last" as in, the most recent one
AdemDj12: oh you broke my heart for a moment
jacek: "latest"
Wontonimo: what algo did you settle on ?
AdemDj12: ml
AdemDj12: the one i implemented first with dict bug
StraumliPerversion: wow, great new puzzle approved!
StraumliPerversion: park pilot
dexter2601: Anyone gave a test for pelicargo?
struct: promotions are still bugged?
NewCoder09: hey
struct: hi
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
NewCoder09: can someone check my code and tell me where i would put the boost power on madpod racing
struct: sure
C26_1: I think to only boost if you have reach the previous pod and make sure the direction of your bot is follow the next pod
struct: you can replace 100 by boost
NewCoder09: oh ok thank you
C26_1: everyone
C26_1: I have a small problem
C26_1: In python we have an array right
NewCoder09: i think so
NewCoder09: i use c++ so imnot real sure about it
C26_1: What's the standard way to "Add an element"
C26_1: Like I have this code
C26_1: array = [3,5,4] array.append(10) array[4] = 11 print(array)
C26_1: In the line 2 and 3
C26_1: .append() or assign?
C26_1: @5922, ok I'm forgot that
Krait_MkII: regarding best boost location, im calculating pod distances in 1st lap. then find max distance between pods. there i use boost.
Krait_MkII: but make sure to use boost when next pod angle is 0, otherwise will boost in a wrong trajectory
Krait_MkII: is it a good idea ? :thinking:
struct: doesnt need to be 0
DarkMatriac: I havent work on pod racing in a while, But I think it is fine to boost even if the angle is not perfectly 0
Krait_MkII: thats correct too but i dnt kw a way to calculate the max angle
Krait_MkII: hv u done shielding challenge ? im there dnt much idea abt it
nulte: i would not worry to much about shield
C26_1: @Krait_Mkll, Why does your text so weird
C26_1: Does the keyboard have a problem?
Krait_MkII: how weird ? im using web chat
Krait_MkII: You now have access to SHIELD which lets you slam into your opponents with greater weight.
Preza: hi guys
C26_1: @Krait_Mkll, what?
DarkMatriac: have there always been shields? I dont remember using those at all. Could be why I never manage to get out of gold league xD
struct: shield is not needed until legend league
DarkMatriac: Oh well just bad coding then xD
Wontonimo: you can use shields as a break
Krait_MkII: its kind of 3 or 4th test
Wontonimo: because it reduces your speed down to zero
Krait_MkII: nice idea mate :thumbsup:
Wontonimo: -3v
antiwonto: [auto] '-3v' was defined as ' A PID controller reference for mad pod racing. Check out ' by Wontonimo
struct: does the shield even help to slow down?
Wontonimo: yeah, velocity goes to zero instantly
struct: it does?
struct: I dont think so
Wontonimo: its been a while. i thought it does.
DarkMatriac: I even have memory leak in my code , what was I doing back then lol
Wontonimo: oh, i may be wrong
struct: that would mean your pod would instantly stop
C26_1: speed = 0
C26_1: But you can make your speed turns back through print()
struct: all shield does is increase mass by 10
struct: 10x
Wontonimo: mass effect
Krait_MkII: its better to use it when front of opponent
Wontonimo: idk
C26_1: Waiy
C26_1: Wait
C26_1: How can I made a neural network tho
Wontonimo: first get a small mammal or an undesired uncle
Wontonimo: C26_1 someone here named jacek made this great tutorial
Krait_MkII: im using separate thread to track target's properties. i dnt kw if its best. im just starting to learn
C26_1: wait everyone
C26_1: I'm using the simplest logic by default in Mad Pod Racing
C26_1: But somehow I have reached Rank#1 in Wood leauge
C26_1: League
C26_1: What
C26_1: My bot needs to be better than the boss 3 to be able to reached the next rank
Krait_MkII: its more like random luck sometimes. i played without changing code :D
Rebollo: @struct
Rebollo: I remember once you showed a data sctructure in c++ without pointers
struct: The node I use for MCTS?
Rebollo: Ye I think so
Rebollo: some different data type something strange to me
Rebollo: what was that?
struct: this?
Rebollo: yes
Rebollo: but not sure if it was exactly this one
Rebollo: but anyway
Rebollo: how dod you keep the references
Rebollo: and move from node to node?
struct: I have an array inside the tree
struct: MCTSNode** parents;
struct: Every time I select a node I added there
struct: I add it there*
Rebollo: hum
Rebollo: the tree itself is an array?
struct: I allocate all the memory at the start
struct: so yes
struct: The tree has an arary in it
struct: with all the nodes Ill need
struct: I allocate 30M+ nodes on first turn
Rebollo: would you share a piece of this code?
struct: which part?
Rebollo: you have N childs?
struct: number of children for each node is stored inside the node
struct: child_count
Rebollo: wow very nice
Rebollo: would share the expannd and backpropagate?
xxd: first_child and child_count together designate a contiguous segment of the big array as the node's children
xxd: bruh are you just tryna steal his algorithm now
Rebollo: my goal is to learn
Rebollo: I am not stealing anything
Rebollo: I would never copy anything
Rebollo: I will try to understand and if so try to implment by my self
xxd: why do you have float visits as a parameter?
xxd: is visits != 1?
struct: yes because I rollout all the nodes expanded
xxd: or is this for more complicated stuff (and speaking of that, what's the optimization where you can begin to backpropagate results where you're sure of a win)
xxd: ah i see
xxd: s/a win/a win or a loss/
xxd: i just want the name by which to refer to it so i can do some research on it
struct: MCTS
antiwonto: [auto] 'MCTS' was defined as ' Monte Carlo Tree Search ' by Wontonimo
Wontonimo: it's called MCTS solver
xxd: ah solver, i recall now. thanks!
Wontonimo: :avacado:
Wontonimo: ;(
xxd: :avocado:
xxd: :P
struct: rollout_score = temp.eval() should be rollout
struct: But Im not doing any rollout on that mcts I shared
struct: do you understand Rebollo?
Rebollo: not yet
Rebollo: But I will get there
Rebollo: I need some time to digest..
Rebollo: but really compact code congrats
struct: current_node is selected in the select function
struct: which uses UCB
struct: I coded my first mcts without even reading the papers
struct: But i coded it wrong at the time
struct: but it still did well enough
struct: was like 100 rank on uttt at the time
Rebollo: I wish I had this talent
Rebollo: but I am just a struggler
xxd: 'tis okay
Wontonimo: here is some reference code Rebollo
Rebollo: let me see
Rebollo: why do you choose this strategy instead of common data structures?
Rebollo: many benefits?
xxd: it is good for saving space
xxd: less indirection
Wontonimo: Rebollo , if you use classic object oriented programming then you code will be nice, readable, modular, reusable
Wontonimo: what it won't be is performant
Wontonimo: check out this video Rebollo
Wontonimo: about how to program specifically to the task to get the most performance possible
Rebollo: cool I got it
struct: all you need is cppcon videos
Rebollo: whats the goal of the game example you sent?
struct: the tech io is four in a row
struct: connect 4
struct: or w/e its called
Wontonimo: hey, i just realized i have 2 of the 4 machine learning puzzles :grin:
Rebollo: did not get the goal of this game
Rebollo: rs
Rebollo: lol
struct: The easiest game to test is mcts
struct: you can run all the possible states
Rebollo: how the AI whin with this?
struct: and check if it matches all the possible ones
struct: it knows N moves ahead
struct: that it will win
Rebollo: hum
xxd: how large is your node pool array
struct: depends on the game
xxd: how would i go about figuring out how big i should make it
struct: Usually its 30M plus
xxd: branch factor ^ depth?
xxd: ok
struct: 768MB is the ram you have
xxd: uint8_t status inside MCTSNode is for MCTS Solver right?
struct: yes
struct: I use values to check
struct: 0 unsolved, 1 loss, 2 draw, 3 win
xxd: :thumbsup:
nulte: promotion keep bugging...
Wontonimo: :(
nulte: Its only a bit annoying
nulte: Im not even sure if its worth to report it
nulte: Not sure if it was reported already
nulte: now i get 0.01 away from boss ofc
nulte: I guess its worth to report it now
nulte: :p
Wontonimo: which multi?
nulte: amazonial Im gonna keep resubmiting
nulte: I guess
Wontonimo: is the boss at 25.64
nulte: yes
nulte: 2562 now
Wontonimo: are you using your usual mcts ?
nulte: nah
nulte: this is my old code
nulte: I just wanted to get all the rules
nulte: this is just 1 depth search
nulte: ok it worked now
nulte: Now I must bitboard this :)
Wontonimo: but what about your gold bot?
nulte: The bot is the same
nulte: I just prefer to code on this account
antiwonto: [auto] hey Timegoeswell, dont paste those links here. Use the channel #clash
Wontonimo: nice to see the clash channel get some traffic
Ninjatron: I am the traffic man
Ninjatron: call me Mistaa Toraffiku from now on
Wontonimo: hey trafficman, where is your red stop sign thing?
Wontonimo: do you have water?
Wontonimo: you have water, then you are a waterboy
Ninjatron: no water stop is right here
Ninjatron: somehow I feel more authoritative
Wontonimo: nice new stop sigh
Ninjatron: it is like I am commanding people without commanding them
Ninjatron: the guy in the photo must be you old man
Wontonimo: nothing compared to the power of my 1000 yard stare which makes people hallucinate lightenbolts
Wontonimo: i bet you see on while you stare at my eyes
Ninjatron: what lightenbolt?
Wontonimo: unreasonable denial is the secondary effect
Ninjatron: denial of what?
Wontonimo: complete befuddlement and repeating yourself is the final effect of the stare before total mental collapse
Ninjatron: you talking to me?
Wontonimo: :thinking:
Wontonimo: anyway ...
Wontonimo: that went nowhere funny.
Ninjatron: i said you talking to me?
Wontonimo: yeah
Ninjatron: why?
Ninjatron: i wasn't talking no one...
Wontonimo: that's a good question
Wontonimo: why was i talkingto you
Ninjatron: i don't know you said something about lights in your head
Ninjatron: maybe having seizures old man?
Ninjatron: oooohhh
Ninjatron: now I see
Ninjatron: you are a prophet
StraumliPerversion: please limit all conversations to MPR
Ninjatron: what is MPR?
StraumliPerversion: thank you for complying
Ninjatron: what is MPR? Map pod racing?
MrZee: Mom's perfect rice
MrZee: Or possibly, manual propeller rotation