ChampionCoder: One question: In the Mars Lander Episode 2, is the coordinates of the landing ground given in the input?
Unable to find it: which is why I'm asking
FlamingComet_9d13: subscribe Evan lin-- gaming
FlamingComet_9d13: you will have a free Nintendo Switch if you subscribe me on youtube
_O-MEGA: for sure no scam :)) free nintendo lmao
FlamingComet_9d13: quick subscribe me on youtube, I wanna see it, lol
jacek: merry Caturday
VizGhar: How come, there are still more moderators online then common users_
mzbear: that user list isn't reliable
jacek: smits finally winning some games vs remi
eulerscheZahl: VizGhar because you only see 2 types of users in the list: moderators and active chatters while moderators see all the active users
eulerscheZahl: see the scrollbar on the right
eulerscheZahl: external clients also show the full list
jrke: damn smits bot !!!
jacek: oO
MSmits: :)
MSmits: just fixing some bugs
MSmits: hope that will get me > 50% vs remi
MSmits: otherwise picking the right randomseed will
jrke: what you did btw
MSmits: he's very deterministic
MSmits: the right randomseed will be like an opening book in 1 number :P
jrke: i think some minmaxing at few steps before endgame to get good gamestate
MSmits: not exactly, but yes, a few steps before the endgame i pick the lines that give me control over the endgame
MSmits: not by minimax though
jrke: ah ok
MSmits: I use Nim theory
MSmits: as I am sure Remi is, in some way
MSmits: my first 50 plies are still random
jrke: i am writing endgame solver its breaking some where (timeouts) but don't know why
MSmits: which, in combination with the winrate, shows you that noone has any idea how to play the early game
jrke: yes i see
MSmits: hm
MSmits: well timeouts can be caused by anything
MSmits: it should be similar to minimax though, except it's not depth limited
SupSon: strings and coins
MSmits: thats a dual representation of D&B
MSmits: my bot printed as strings and coins
MSmits: board
MSmits: a star is a coin (or a box), lines are strings instead of sides
MSmits: instead of setting lines, you cut strings
MSmits: can be helpful sometimes to gain some insight
MSmits: but otherwise it's just a way to print the board
MSmits: end game solver is fun, but jrke, if you want to win significantly more, endgame solver is not enough. It only helped me a tiny bit compared to other players
MSmits: the nimstring stuff is more important
jrke: so didn't you used your endgame solver in this bot?
MSmits: yeah its in there
MSmits: it's 1500 lines out of 3k total :P
MSmits: the nimstring search is like 500 lines
MSmits: the rest of the bot is other stuff
jrke: i am choosing smallest chain and playing it and reverting last 3 moves and then i am minimaxing them and for its eval i again choose smallest chain and it continues
jrke: is it correct for solving endgame^ and getting maximum values gained by me and opp if no one do mistake
MSmits: there's also loops
MSmits: often it's better to open loops first
MSmits: because to control them, you leave 4 boxes
MSmits: so if the opponent wants to keep control he has to give you 4
jrke: i am minimaxing last 3 reverted moves so it should decide to keep control or not
MSmits: there is no one size fits all heuristic here. It depends on the exact combination of chains and loops
MSmits: ah ok
MSmits: well if you minmax it all, then it will be ok
MSmits: but this way might be extremely expensive
MSmits: for some endgames
MSmits: there could be 10-15 such choices to make
MSmits: you need lots of pruning
MSmits: meaning heuristics to choose what options to even consider
MSmits: also, you say "smallest", but what do you do when several have the same size
MSmits: the way they are connected by joint, might have an impact on how the game continues
MSmits: merging some chains etc.
MSmits: well... good news. my CG benchs says 80% vs remi
MSmits: bad news, i see a horrible bug sometimes and i dont know what it is =/
jrke: congrats 1st then
MSmits: might not get it on first submit, he has been pushed a lot
jrke: try 2-3 times then
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: allright, have to feed my daughter :p
MSmits: brb
jrke: bye
zhoubou: What kind of thing are you guys doing? 3k lines??
jrke: some search + some heuristic stuff
zhoubou: Is it tied to CodinGame or some outside project?
jrke: dots and boxes bot
zhoubou: Oh, I see. Seems there are beasts awaiting me in the future. Here I am battling 100 lines of crude code.
MSmits: 3k lines is insane, most of my bots are barely over 1k
jrke: my average lines atm are 500 from lat 3 months it became 800
jrke: looks 1 submit is enough MS
MSmits: maybe
jacek: just keep hammering
MSmits: will do :)
MSmits: the games i lose vs remi is when in the 5-10 plies before the endgame i have 0 options to change the outcome of the nim value calculation, meaning he has control
MSmits: often he leaves me an option though
MSmits: he has some probabilistic approach, maybe mcts, to get control
jrke: another 50 pointer
jacek: like another over 50 years old?
jrke: 50 points
MSmits: only in spirit jacek :)
k4ng0u: lose first game to keep some suspens then win the next 8 haha
jrke: new first ranker
MSmits: looks like made it, only 1 lost game lol
jrke: yes
jrke: gtg bye
MSmits: bye
jrke: i will be fixing my bot and i will be there
jacek: time to pm remi
jrke: if i got succeded in my bot
MSmits: lol
MSmits: you mean you want me to pm, or are you?
jacek: yes
MSmits: you have a short line to the great Remi?
MSmits: or maybe he will get an automail if you pm him on the forum
jrke: i have like (my lifespan - 13) years to complete my bot lol
MSmits: you do
MSmits: but as i said
jacek: well there is also his twitter
MSmits: you need to focus on the math here
MSmits: this is one of the few games that is about the math
jacek: and he made d&b for phones
MSmits: wow
MSmits: no wonder he is that good
jacek: and jrke is on the screenshot
MSmits: he is really invested in this game
jacek: "Hmm, just gives me a black screen on my iPhone. And an ad. Disappointing"
jacek: hmm
MSmits: lol
MSmits: maybe a troll
jrke: now we need new league in D&B too much in wood 1 atm
MSmits: did you ever check the csb leagues?
jrke: :smiley:
jacek: make new league and smits bot as boss
jrke: a league of 1 person lol
SupSon: need a batman signal for remi
MSmits: I still have 3 more ideas to improve bot though
MSmits: bit tired of looking at this 3k monster atm, but if he comes back, so will i
jacek: :scream:
jacek: so what now? b? Y? something else?
MSmits: well i was gonna rewrite uttt again until someone pushed me to try D&B
MSmits: forgot who it was, maybe jrke
MSmits: but not really feeling like uttt
MSmits: i really want to do bt, but i am a bit out of ideas
MSmits: i can totally see why darkhorse got stuck on his own game there
jacek: oh im out of top10 in uttt :c
MSmits: he thinks like me
MSmits: maybe bit less obsessed
jacek: i am obsessed with bt
MSmits: yeah, well i would be too if i knew how to play it well
MSmits: it's a nice game
jacek: even before NN, id optimize piece-square tables and other params
MSmits: oh so you're saying i just gave up too soon
jacek: if youre not 1st, its always too soon
MSmits: good point
MSmits: not sure yet though, i put off a long list of work i am supposed to do during this christmas break
MSmits: so maybe i'll just let my two meta mcts work while i do actual work
jacek: yeah, heating the house
MSmits: exactly
SupSon: get bopped jacek
jacek: hm?
MSmits: thats just how he says merry christmas
SupSon: bopped you outta top 10
MSmits: ohhh
MSmits: you bopped re curse above me also
MSmits: i dont mind, he needs the boost of confidence
MSmits: :P
YurkovAS: has public info about progress in top10 uttt? some new heuristics or mcts improvements...
3569066: Oo
MSmits: not much has changed
MSmits: it's just shifts due to people submitting
MSmits: and supson improved his bot i think
YurkovAS: ok, thanks
YurkovAS: +-3 month ago amurushkin find great mcts improvement (+5-15%), he told me by secret. And my bot started win Nagrarok.
MSmits: oh ok, cool
MSmits: yeah there are a lot of little things like that
MSmits: but sometimes they dont combine well
MSmits: so A works, but not if you also do B
MSmits: B works, but not if you also do C, etc.
SJ_01: can someone give a source for learning Trilateration please?
MSmits: no idea what that is
MSmits: bilateral is 2 people talking
MSmits: maybe if we find another person, we can have a trilateral
darkhorse64: I guess it's for shadows of the night 2. You have to explore x direction then y direction. Also look at the graphics, they explain which part of the building you can drop.
MSmits: aha
MSmits: well gonna go to celebrate christmas for most of the day
MSmits: dont steal my new nr 1 while i am out
ChampionCoder: Is there the landing coordinates of the Mars Lander-Episode 2 given?
eulerscheZahl: you are 2 days late
ChampionCoder: Not sure if it is
darkhorse64: There is a Connect4 in the WIP, I am writing a bot for it. You can do bitboarding, books, mcts minimax
MSmits: we have 2nd christmas day for some reason
MSmits: i guess thats not international
eulerscheZahl: have have a public holiday today as well
eulerscheZahl: we have*
MSmits: ah ok
ChampionCoder: Is there the landing coordinates of the Mars Lander-Episode 2 given?
ChampionCoder: Not able to find it if it is
MSmits: you need to land on a flat area
MSmits: any
eulerscheZahl: 2 consecutive points with same y
ChampionCoder: Oh so no coordinates?
MSmits: nope
ChampionCoder: Thanks will try that
MSmits: allright thats it, ttyl guys
eulerscheZahl: bye
johnytep24: hi
VizGhar: yeey made almost 400k score on 2048. Reaching that 600 commands limit with BFS... Now I need to switch to beam and solve the limit problem :)
VizGhar: tnx
zhoubou: I went for the simplest solution just to solve it without going Up all the time. I'll need to solve a lot of easier puzzles to practice first...
VizGhar: yeah... Probably the best way
alenic: Hi guys, in optimization puzzle, is it possible to hard code a series of moves computed offline, without writing any algorithm ? (only when the test coincides with validation) Or is it frobidden ?
eulerscheZahl: for some optim puzzles that hardcoding is pretty common at the top ranks
eulerscheZahl: 2048 is probably the only one where you can't fully do it (as there are so many actions and you have a code size limit on codingame)
zhoubou: Miles-M I solved 1D spreadsheet using 2 simple recursive functions.
alenic: thank you eulerscheZahl, you hit my problem :), I'm thinking about an hybrid solution where the first moves are hard coded and the rest is a tree search. By the way, nice puzzle ;)
VizGhar: if you have already slved it, ypu can see others solutions
alenic: I focused too much on a compression algorithm than a good tree search :joy:
eulerscheZahl: thanks alenic and also thanks for not stopping after the 100% and completing the puzzle quest
eulerscheZahl: zip your path and encode it (base64 for starters, other encodings with unicode are more efficient)
alenic: I used a bit packing (is more efficient than zlib) with a base85 encoding, I reached a 3.7x compression
VizGhar: Yeah main criticis was on "how easy this 2048 is" :P
eulerscheZahl: and if you do some cheap heuristic for your next action and only compress those moves where your heuristic is different?
alenic: nice idea ! I will think about it...
eulerscheZahl: evil me used 2048 to farm language achievements
alenic: ehehe, I'm only at 11 million score, 62 million is very insane...
VizGhar: :D thanks for recommendation eulerscheZahl finally will reach silver on ocaml :D
eulerscheZahl: A*Craft is also great for language achievements
k4ng0u: on 2048 I feel like it's fine to get a good score with a beam search but to reach the top it's actually pretty hard. I don't know how top players do, but they either need a real good eval function, or game state hash or they use a totally different algorithm
k4ng0u: overall my feeling is that beam search usually provides an better than average solution but rarely the best :p (but maybe I am missing some heuristics or good eval)
wlesavo: k4ng0u all top players beam search with snake eval, maybe apart from dbdr
alenic: maybe top palyer use some neural network trained offline used for example to evaluate a grid ? (like Q network)
VizGhar: I wonder how to evaluate snake properly :) I'm only counting how long is the snake and I'm pretty far
VizGhar: Also I feel like I'm making too much operations just to evaluate the board. Everything else looks fine
k4ng0u: wlesavo what is snake eval?
VizGhar: you are trying to keep tiles in descending order in "snake-like" shape
VizGhar: so better is to have 2048-1024-16-4 in first row then 2048-512-1024-16
wlesavo: k4ng0u basically sum of tiles witth discount in snake order, you can use that as hash also, it is not the best way but works for me
k4ng0u: thx VizGhar and wlesavo for the tip, I will try it when I have the time, it'll certainly better than the raw score eval I currently use
k4ng0u: by the way wlesavo, I see you are participating in raic. how would you grade the competitiveness compared to codingame contests?
wlesavo: k4ng0u top200-300 close to cg silver, but finals aka top60 close to cg legend, although it is quite harder to start, since you have to deal with the api they provide. overall it is not much harder but very much different
wlesavo: first raic for me, but cg prepared me well enough
k4ng0u: I read the rules quickly, how do you handle the max time per game? do you allocate time to first time and then divide the rest by the max nb turns afterwards?
eulerscheZahl: you have 40s for the total game (1k ticks) and max 1s per turn
eulerscheZahl: so there is that "time bank" that we are missing on CG
Astrobytes: very different but great fun
eulerscheZahl: and all submits are public, you can always play vs older versions of opponents. and even test matches are public, which makes hiding your bot less unfair
eulerscheZahl: of course you can still hide. at the cost of not testing vs others in the arena
eulerscheZahl: i would agree that finals are similar to CG legend
eulerscheZahl: the tshirt on the other hand is really easy to get if you have 1 or 2 afternoons to invest
Astrobytes: ^
wlesavo: k4ng0u also this one is more heuristic, so with faster languages you basically dont care much about time. i think some tops do, but you can get quite far even without custom pathfinding
k4ng0u: ok I see, very interesting
eulerscheZahl: but you just missed the time for RAIC
eulerscheZahl: maybe there will be a contest on otherwise you have to wait until next year
eulerscheZahl: is all Russian (rules, website, ..) but you are still allowed to play and win prizes
k4ng0u: yep I know :( I discovered it by chance on the chat the other day. I am just looking at the ranking, and it seems like there are a lot of current/previous codingamers participating to it and not doing too bad!
eulerscheZahl: yeah, the CG raid was efficient this year ;)
jrke: i discovered CG this year and started hackerrank a month ago nothing else
eulerscheZahl: hackerrank is pretty much dead
eulerscheZahl: they had contests with real prizes
eulerscheZahl: but now these very rare contests for limited groups only
eulerscheZahl: like for women in the US
jrke: lol
leojean890: RAIC games are complex compared to CG. amurushkin recently told that all previous RAIC contests will be soon released as multiplayer games.
eulerscheZahl: cool, I didn't know that
Astrobytes: that will be awesome
leojean890: he told that on #RAIC2020
eulerscheZahl: too bad that many previous bots are public
Astrobytes: yeah I thought I saw him mention it
leojean890: it will be interesting
Astrobytes: Didn't somebody say something about moving to new servers too?
eulerscheZahl: i read about the current one remaining active
eulerscheZahl: missed the info about previous ones
leojean890: maybe, and would be good news, because there are too few games in my opinion^^
eulerscheZahl: next: RAIC SDK
eulerscheZahl: create whatever game you couldn't do on CG because of server limitations
leojean890: previous contests seem to be very hard.. 3D collisions :)
eulerscheZahl: in 2018 they gave a lot of code at least
leojean890: to make some football with cars :p
eulerscheZahl: i played that
leojean890: are you saying that many codes are public ?
leojean890: oh ok, I think that it was hard, no ?:)
eulerscheZahl: yes, most of top10 shared their bots on github
leojean890: arf ok
leojean890: too bad :s
eulerscheZahl: there's even a repo collecting those links
leojean890: so not only PMs but full code :s
leojean890: (on CG it happens as well..)
leojean890: but not often
eulerscheZahl: even I shared some code
eulerscheZahl: because RAIC is over when it's over
leojean890: ok I see^^
eulerscheZahl: no one could expect a revival
leojean890: because it was not planned for a long time that multis would be released..
Astrobytes: it will be nice to have something to play outside of CG. Not that we are lacking games here :D
eulerscheZahl: RAIC is just different
Astrobytes: It was a refreshing change.
eulerscheZahl: finally no guesswork about missing input
Astrobytes: :D
Astrobytes: The API is a little odd, but you get used to it soon enough
leojean890: different and more complex so different challenges:)
leojean890: the API is not very intuitive, yeah :s
eulerscheZahl: CG is like: there's a unit. I won't tell you the current HP
Astrobytes: hahaha, so true
eulerscheZahl: RAIC is like: and the unit has green pants. not sure if you have to know but i tell you anyways
Astrobytes: Totally on point :D
leojean890: there are too much info I think indeed:p
leojean890: like in CG "BOTG"
Astrobytes: Nah it's not *that* bad :P
eulerscheZahl: BOTG lacked rage info
eulerscheZahl: or however it was called
leojean890: rage ?
Astrobytes: rage was MM
leojean890: ah MM yeah:)
eulerscheZahl: when minions attack your heroes and not your minions
leojean890: I didn't understand the rage concept:p
leojean890: in MM
leojean890: oh ok
leojean890: I did BOTG multi in 2 hours so I don't know very well this topic^^ but it was.. complex!
eulerscheZahl: I meant aggro
eulerscheZahl: not given in input
eulerscheZahl: squid is offline, so i can say it: i hated BOTG :P
Astrobytes: I gave up on botg after all those wood leagues. It certainly aggravated me
Astrobytes: How that was a contest is beyond me in all honety
Astrobytes: *honesty
eulerscheZahl: they even removed 2 more heroes
Astrobytes: Still, each to their own I suppose :shrug:
eulerscheZahl: but it's a lesson learned, there won't be such a contest in the future or took place after
Astrobytes: The concept is nice, if not the game itself.
eulerscheZahl: remove some aspects and it fits better to CG
eulerscheZahl: hero selection, items, potions, gold, minions, tower, aggro, groot, bushes
eulerscheZahl: just too much for CG expectations
eulerscheZahl: and I forgot to mention hero skills
leojean890: I didn't struggle with woods, use one liner I think ? but bronze was harder and didn't make it fast, maybe I will go on one day
Astrobytes: Yeah, it was easy to pass but I was totally bored by the time I got to bronze
eulerscheZahl: maybe i'm a little too negative about the game as it was unfinished when the contest started
eulerscheZahl: so that's my first impression and then it's hard to change my mind
Astrobytes: Maybe someone will revisit the concept some day
struct: Well I dont really have an opinion about it, I havent really played it
eulerscheZahl: hell no
eulerscheZahl: and also no to locam 2.0
Astrobytes: :D
jacek: locam 2.0?
struct: stop spamming
eulerscheZahl: there is a locam version with 2 lanes
struct: use #clash channel
yazilimogrenyegen: it is my failiure
struct: np
Astrobytes: the link is on a Cats website I think
eulerscheZahl: and on discord
eulerscheZahl: oh, the channel got deleted
leojean890: I don't want to do LOCAM multi:)
jacek: oO
Astrobytes: thibaud is streaming?
eulerscheZahl: indeed
jacek: eeyup
eulerscheZahl: "Watch me fail at easy puzzles"
Astrobytes: lol
eulerscheZahl: and he has those annoying follower animations
Astrobytes: what annoying follower animations?
eulerscheZahl: animation shown on the whole screen
eulerscheZahl: with the name of the follower
Astrobytes: Oh. II haven't followed and didn't see
eulerscheZahl: someone else just followed when i opened the stream
Astrobytes: we should really be in there trolling him :P
eulerscheZahl: i think he did ?disableChat
eulerscheZahl: but twitch chat might work
Astrobytes: yeah I meant the twitch chat
eulerscheZahl: spoiler: it was the gardener
Westicles: Ooh, his mom just barged in with the vacuum cleaner and they are yelling at each other
jacek: oO
jacek: AutomatonNN do you seks
AutomatonNN: eulerscheZahl is there a way to see a game really nice to see the code and come back after a contest
eulerscheZahl: false alert, no one pinged me
jacek: AutomatonNN is that so
AutomatonNN: and I don't know what that is
JavaSuck: yo does some1 got covid right now ?
if__name__.__fox__: I bet many do
Toby75: Hi, has someone time and effort to test something together with me? I wrote a code, that I tried out anywhere and it should work, but the test cases still show errors...
Toby75: It's the Temperatures challenge written in JS
jacek: test cases or validators?\
Toby75: [SPOILER ] paste this into the Temperatures example, and view the validators. They say that I must print the positive one, if there is a positive and a negative number equally to zero. Now test it with node or on a web page with a positive and negative number, and you will see, that only positive numbers are getting printed.
Toby75: So what the Validators say makes no sense
Toby75: And before I did it another way, there the test cases showed me 100%, but not the validators
BrunoFelthes: man, you misunderstood the problem
BrunoFelthes: only it the negative and the positive are equal, you must get the positive
BrunoFelthes: *if
Toby75: When the array is [10, -3, 7, 3] I would need to print 3
Toby75: That's what my code does
jacek: what if its [10, -3, 7, -3]
jacek: will it print -3?
BrunoFelthes: you even dont do any comparation without the Math.abs..
jacek: hmm
Toby75: I would not have called this out if I was not sure that there is a big problem
Toby75: I'm quite sure that my code should work, sadly I can't see which test cases have failed
jacek: it failed 4th test case
Toby75: I tried out the array [10, 5, -5, 7, 11] AND [10, -5, 7, 5, 11] in node, and it always printed 5
Toby75: so it also does not matter which one is first, the negative one or the positive one
jacek: [42 5 12 21 -5 24] it fails, dunno why yet
Toby75: I just checked that one in node
Toby75: that's why I am so confused
Toby75: just lmk if you find out what happened lmao
jacek: mhm
Toby75: was really an issue with codingame
Toby75: their node version does not support array.includes
Toby75: but it did not show me an error
jacek: huh
Toby75: the weird thing it, that every other node runner supported array.includes
Toby75: I tried it on several websites and on my own node on my pc
Toby75: that one used to work, instead of the .includes
zhoubou: My browser supports `includes`, but it still returns -5
Toby75: all pages like showed 5 not -5
zhoubou: Inputs is an array of strings
zhoubou: Of course it doesn't find -5 in [..., '-5', ...]
Toby75: thought that would not make a difference
Toby75: +"" would have fixed all
Toby75: So just newer versions of node dont't care about types in the .includes
Toby75: that's why I could not find that out on any other pages
Toby75: yeah, nvm at least I know that now :joy:
jacek: this one would work
zhoubou: It doesn't work in
zhoubou: It doesn't. You have the wrong inputs
zhoubou: Inputs is an array of strings in the puzzle
Toby75: oh now I get what you mean
Toby75: that's probably the problem when coding without type definitions
zhoubou: I'm proud of my 108 characters Python solution, and I'm not even a golfer :P
Toby75: python is just on another level
jacek: mhm
elePHPant: I am hosting a meetup in 1.5 horus for devs to share their code with other devs Code Clash - meetup!
jacek: oO
VizGhar: 4.3M points in 2048... 58M more and I'll be first :D
Uljahn: guess 20M is doable in python
VizGhar: I'm trying C++ :) came with pretty fast eval function, but it's doing weird stuff after reaching 8192 tile :|
darkhorse64: Signed/unsigned or overflow in eval
darkhorse64: ?
VizGhar: most probably...
VizGhar: need to clear that spahgetti
mzbear: i claimed ~100k score with a hardcoded DLDLDLDR-loop without even bothering to inspect the board state at any point ;D
mzbear: couldn't quite decide on internal board representation format so i never really got started with it
mzbear: the dreaded analysis paralysis ... sometimes it would be better to just start writing code instead of thinking too much
VizGhar: 64 bits is nearly enough
Westicles: Fun problem. Only 14 of the cases can get the 131k tile (the rng needs to spit a 2 at the right time or it is impossible)
Westicles: or maybe a 4, I forget which
cazka: why is String.replaceAll() not a function in this IDE for JavaScript?
struct: use replace
struct: with global flag
struct: replace(/a/g, 'b');
cazka: thanks
ZzzTRAPzzZ: Tychkorg and Matheiu OP
NguyenDinhDuong: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: