NoiselessKnight_28b2: OKAY! Good news. I came back to it, and I solved the problem. I think that I can give some hints to whomever might be struggling. My discord is NightRaven#4025
Uljahn: Automaton2000: what's your discord?
Automaton2000: what are u doing it in c++ and c#
jacek: good morning
Wangxy: Afternoon
NoiselessKnight_28b2: the weekly puzzle
NoiselessKnight_28b2: anyone know why all the validators for this weeks puzzle pass except for the last one? Anyone solve this?
icecream17: weeks puzzle is hard. i'm still trying to figure out how not to use too much brute force
icecream17: but with only 27 lines of code a heap already ran out of memory
Andrew-Causelof: day
Andrew-Causelof: hey
jacek: winter wrap up winter wrap up, lets finish our holiday cheer
jacek: winter wrap up winter wrap up, cause tomorrow spring is here!
Uljahn: winter wrap up is 20 percent cooler with AVX :sunglasses:
struct: I think ill pause on CSB a bit
struct: Do you want arimaa?
Uljahn: Omar Syed announced a $10,000 prize for the creation of such an Arimaa bot which could win a 10-game match against Sharp. This has not yet been done. :thinking:
Uljahn: "we are offering a prize of at least $10,000 USD until 2020" :(
struct: 2020 still counts right?
struct: AutomatonNN give me an idea
AutomatonNN: why do you see the result of the game?
AmoSimo: can anyone tell me what i did wrong ?
AmoSimo: challenge is "There is no spoon"
AmoSimo: says: "invalid input. Expected 'x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3' but found '0 0 0 0'"
eulerscheZahl: you are supposed to print 6 numbers in a line, not 4
MostComplicatedUsername: Why can't I test my code?
MostComplicatedUsername: It's showing me the results of the test, but not the replay
eulerscheZahl: do you have a premium account?
MostComplicatedUsername: That's a thing?
eulerscheZahl: kidding, which game?
MostComplicatedUsername: CSB
PatrickMcGinnisII: is that python? hell if i know... but your logic has holes in it where x and y == ""
eulerscheZahl: test results for CSB? :thinking:
eulerscheZahl: you mean win/loss?
MostComplicatedUsername: Yes, it shows that
eulerscheZahl: there should be a replay too F12, go to console
eulerscheZahl: any errors?
RoboStac: replays often break, refreshing normally fixes it (I'm assuming you are getting err output, but the replay doesn't change?)
PatrickMcGinnisII: AmoSimo see the hole in the logic?
MostComplicatedUsername: Doesn't even show
MostComplicatedUsername: The output
eulerscheZahl: screenshot?
MostComplicatedUsername: Just who won
MostComplicatedUsername: k
AntiSquid: MostComplicatedUsername are you AmoSimo ?
PatrickMcGinnisII: what if j+1=width AmoSimo
AntiSquid: just confused with chat
MostComplicatedUsername: no
MostComplicatedUsername: how do I post screenshot?
eulerscheZahl: or any other image hoster
MostComplicatedUsername: ill just post on discord?
eulerscheZahl: ok...
AmoSimo: this may be a dumb question cuz i didn't use python for quite a while, let alone this site, but is there a syntax error in "if (j+2) => (width):"
RoboStac: yes, its >=
dbdr: >=
MostComplicatedUsername: o nvm
MostComplicatedUsername: found problem
dbdr: you don't need the brackets
jrke: please share code at end
icecream17: Is it possible to not use brute force in the weekly puzzle?
Muffle9: :eggplant::peach::taco:
Uljahn: icecream17: what do you mean?
Uljahn: i searched all combinations with some optimizations in python with 100-200 ms per testcase
icecream17: does pemdas apply?
icecream17: e.g.: Is 2 + 3 * 4 + 5 * 7
icecream17: Nevermind, it does....
jthemphill: @icecream17: you just choose two numbers and an operation, there's no need to consider order of operations
icecream17: time to rewrite my whole code....
struct: happens to me too
FabioSmeriglio: Sorry guys, if a second validation test (one of those AFTER the submit) keeps failing, is there a way to test that case specifically when it is not in the Test Cases inside the IDE?
darkhorse64: No. Validators are hidden
struct: which puzzle is it btw?
FabioSmeriglio: Alright, thanks, then i don't know how to solve the horses one
struct: can you put your code here ?
FabioSmeriglio: the 6th validation keeps failing: called "Horses in disorder" but i expect it to be the same as "Horses in any order" inside the test cases...and that one works
struct: FabioSmeriglio put your code here
struct: Ill check
FabioSmeriglio: sorry, forgot a piece
darkhorse64: why check if diff == 1 ?
struct: if I remove $diff == 1
struct: itr works
struct: Now I got php achievement
FabioSmeriglio: freak...i didn't read properly...the minimum difference could also be zero
struct: how to remove?
FabioSmeriglio: i thought the min value was 1
struct: fixed right?
FabioSmeriglio: yep, stupid error XD Thanks
dsetzer: ouch the weekly puzzle is so stupid...
dsetzer: there's also an error in test case 04, this can be done in 3 operations but it says it's expecting 5
MostComplicatedUsername: uh oh are submits broken again?
MostComplicatedUsername: nvm