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4nthracene: JOIN


5DN1L: please use #clash channel for clash invites, thanks. 4nthracene

jacek: i thought ddpg was only for continous actions?

waterproofsodium: gm

waterproofsodium: I see you survived the taco :)

gokubill: halo

gokubill: hi

gokubill: hi hi hi hi hi

5DN1L: don't spam, gokubill

gokubill: i not spam =]

gokubill: just say hi

5DN1L: i'll kick you out if you spam hi or anything else again

gokubill: =]]

derjack: :upside_down:

derjack: darn, where is your brother, Automaton2000?

Automaton2000: i would be happy to help


waterproofsodium: taco?

waterproofsodium: rip

Default avatar.png Noddrix: Hello Bozo

Default avatar.png 130642543: Agreed

RGNBLZD: Hello world

Default avatar.png Agurkius: what is your name?

HerkusP: print("Hello World")

Uljahn: print("Hello Automaton2000")

Automaton2000: but you still need to get this to work

Default avatar.png feuxclenoir: fuck nigars i love hitler, shut the fuck up bitches

Default avatar.png feuxclenoir: nigars

Default avatar.png feuxclenoir: nigar

Default avatar.png feuxclenoir: fuck up

5DN1L: banned

Yuhiii: lmfao

Yuhiii: how he can tell that here

icyee: what no grass does to a man

Yuhiii: it's so stupid

shaau: lol

Yuhiii: i'm 100% sure he is bad at all x)

Ayza: love it when someone says every swear word in the dictionary randomly

derjack: bloody hell

Dickson: i love how they ban him but not remove the hateful message lol

5DN1L: there isn't such a functionality...

Dickson: they should add it then haha

5DN1L: this chat is expected to be removed soon, so nope

waterproofsodium: :O

shaau: :scream:

Ajaiy: that was unexpected

TechTheAwesome: println!("Mamamia");

5DN1L: That was expected as it was mentioned a few months ago, though at that time no specific timeframe was mentioned

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: So he was banned only from this chat or will he undergo disciplinary measures?

5DN1L: only from this chat

Dickson: he will be punished by law

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: which law?

TechTheAwesome: xD

Dickson: footnote law

TechTheAwesome: well an indefinite mute is harsh enough i think?

Dickson: no he should be executed

Dickson: like a program

derjack: like Automaton2000

TechTheAwesome: SEGFAULT

Automaton2000: okay i think i was thinking of something else

Dickson: can you not see the creator's answer to a clash of code?

Ajaiy: jacek: The image is ready, will upload in 1 minute. Get ready to embrace it

Ajaiy: Maybe I'll just wait until he/she responds or sth

lulzsimp: maybe after you've attempted the clash of code

lulzsimp: i havent tried

TechTheAwesome: nah there's no creator's answer, but anyone who join the clash can decide to show their own Dickson

TechTheAwesome: i guess seeing the correct answer just in case everyone else fails is a good feature

TechTheAwesome: but for now im pretty sure we don't have it

Dickson: ok I see, thanks for the reply @techtheawesome

Ajaiy: jacek: Are you online?

DomiKo: he isn't

Default avatar.png Tbalta: ez

DomiKo: but maybe I can help you :D

Ajaiy: No, it's not for help

DomiKo: ohh ok

derjack: what for

derjack: is this rick roll avatar?

Default avatar.png Sephirious: Hi

Default avatar.png Sephirious: I have a question that I hope someone knows the answer."If two numbers are equally close to zero, positive integer has to be considered closest to zero "

Default avatar.png Sephirious: How can I achieve this rule ?

5DN1L: Have you tried anything?

Default avatar.png Sephirious: My code can find the answers and etc.

derjack: if you have -5 and 5, then print 5

Default avatar.png Sephirious: But output says -5 is smallerthan 5

Default avatar.png Sephirious:

Default avatar.png Sephirious: This is the question

Default avatar.png Sephirious: I need to get output with negatives

Default avatar.png Sephirious: If I convert them into positive

Default avatar.png Sephirious: Thats not correct

5DN1L: you may use another variable to store it if that helps

5DN1L: or test it using another conditional statement

Default avatar.png Sephirious: Let me try thank you

5DN1L: np

Default avatar.png JystoDussPipouPrime: hey ! when a clash finish, you can't continue it ?

5DN1L: you can't

Default avatar.png JystoDussPipouPrime: Sadge

Wild_Python: (python question)

Wild_Python: what is the diffence of chr() and ord()

5DN1L: chr: input is ascii value, output is character

5DN1L: ord: input is character, output is ascii value

Wild_Python: oh

nicola: They are opposites.

nicola: Reciprocal.

Ose: Hi every body

Prince6502: Hello, I am new please help me by


Ose: You are not new you are on level 7!

Prince6502: i mean i contributed first time!

Prince6502: is it good or bad!

AbrahamJLR: Hi, I have a doubt. Can I change my name on the generated certificate at the legend level? (I don't want to show or full name when sharing it).

Default avatar.png shellyfoxYT2010: hello


Dickson: Hello world

TechTheAwesome: im not too sure but it seems to me certificate name are one done thing

TechTheAwesome: @AbrahamJLR


Prince6502: Suggets if any changes

Default avatar.png Youssif_Ekadi: c++

antiwonto: [auto] Hey Youssif_Ekadi, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 1 tacos

waterproofsodium: nom

zakacat: Give :taco: zakacat

antiwonto: [auto] You used your taco giving ability for the day to discover that you cannot give tacos to yourself

zakacat: :expressionless:

waterproofsodium: :taco: waterproofsodium

antiwonto: [auto] You used your taco giving ability for the day to discover that you cannot give tacos to yourself

waterproofsodium: hm

waterproofsodium: this is unexpetec!!

jacek: oh my

Uljahn: :cookie: Automaton2000

Automaton2000: i want to do that?

Default avatar.png wetones: why dont i get a taco?

struct: :taco: wetones

antiwonto: [auto] struct has awarded wetones 1 tacos. wetones now has 1 taco. struct now has 59 taco

jacek: so generous

Ajaiy: jacek: The image is done

Ajaiy: do you want to see it?

Default avatar.png wetones: thanks bro

jacek: eeyup

Ajaiy: ok

Ajaiy: done

Ajaiy: you can refresh your screen

jacek: oh my, its beautiful

Ajaiy: It took time in pixel art

Ajaiy: And apparently I also rickroll everyone when I type

jacek: :tada:

Ajaiy: I guess I will change it every month or sth

Default avatar.png Brawler_zx: I am afraid to ask how for "And apparently I also rickroll everyone when I type"

jacek: he changed his avatar. you need to refresh page

struct: just dont refresh ever

Default avatar.png Agui14: no

Ajaiy: lol

Ajaiy: but restarting your computer also works

Default avatar.png Sunnyyy: hey

Default avatar.png Agui14: hey

Default avatar.png Brawler_zx: restarting works but deleting system32 legendary

Default avatar.png HERIL: hello people

Default avatar.png HERIL: wassup

Default avatar.png Brawler_zx: hey

Default avatar.png Brawler_zx: just chillin

Default avatar.png [the-coder567]: hello

jacek: :upside_down:

antiwonto: [auto] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo '

Default avatar.png Baskarapandi: hi

Wontonimo: hello other real humans like me

Wontonimo: hey jacek, did you read the super long discord msg I sent you?

jacek: yes

Wontonimo: after I wrote it, I got the feeling I was way off and you already do that

jacek: im still digesting it

Wontonimo: ah

jacek: yes

Wontonimo: it was a little long

jacek: i do that in my code

jacek: but cant get it working using nn libs

Wontonimo: i wouldn't try doing that with nn libs

Wontonimo: during learning

Wontonimo: the backprop won't work particularly well

Wontonimo: oh, you could do it with an embedding layer and a fixed number of input positions

Wontonimo: you want me to code something up on tensorflow for you?

jacek: no need, im not that desperate yet ~

jacek: i want to try to learn it by making

Wontonimo: for the backprop, I'd use the whole matrix. for prediction the addition/subtraction of rows is for speed

Westicles: discord msg? ew yuck

Wontonimo: if you were using tensorflow, you can use a one-hot + embedding layer to dynamically choose which rows to inject into the network


Wontonimo: then

jacek: like the one in checkers code

struct: these seem like avx operations

jacek: in the morning there was guy planning on making NN for spider attack

jacek: did he succeed?

Wontonimo: j4at ... let's look at the leaderboard ... just a sec

Wontonimo: he is still in the same place as yesterday

struct: If I could do a NN that would probably be the last game I would try

jacek: oh my

j4at: hehe

jacek: yeah, onitama is more obvious choice for NN

Wontonimo: HEY j4at !! :wave:

Wontonimo: how's it going on the NN ?

j4at: Didn't work on it today. :(

Wontonimo: what does your local off-line learning setup look like? Is it brutaltester generating data + DB to store + tensorflow/pytorch to turn data into learning ?

Ajaiy: What does NN mean though?

Wontonimo: or is it all online learning ... and if so how do you store versions etc

Wontonimo: NN

Wontonimo: what is NN

Wontonimo: where is antiwonto when you need it

Wontonimo: NN = Neural NEt\

jacek: eat :taco:

antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel

j4at: training script - > opens brutal testers -> opens -> uses sockets to communicate with the training script

Wontonimo: and is it online learning only or is there also experience replay or something else?

jacek: i bet most rl libs have replay buffer and/or target network by default

j4at: yeah it has replay memory but its pretty simple it stores last n states

j4at: there is some tricks that can be added but i'm too lazy

Wontonimo: says the guy who is creating 2 actors, 2 critics, and using state-of-the-art transformer network

Wontonimo: i don't think you can even say you are lazy. prioritizing your time maybe, not lazy

Wontonimo: I hope you destroy everyone in spider attack then write up a nice playground at to teach us all how to do it

Ajaiy: Co-op 100%

jacek: will it learn triple wind

j4at: I hope so

jacek: or will it exploit bugs like those hiders and seekers game bots


Ajaiy: Yeah i've seen that video

Ajaiy: the AI just beats the system

Ajaiy: Maybe in Spring Challenge you can control the other heros to do a triple wind or sth?

struct: I dont think that would work at all

Wontonimo: building a buggy game is poor programming, not a cause for celebration that an AI found an exploit

Wontonimo: I call that "marketing spin" not breakthrough tech.

jacek: why making unit tests when you can make ai to find bugs

1C0D3R: the devs didnt even know that bug existed

1C0D3R: ye exactly

1C0D3R: later there will probaly be AI testing bugs, asuming AI's arent the only game makers then

Wontonimo: also, it's been well documented that machine learning will exploit bugs, so nothing new there either.

jacek: gib me more computation power

struct: just make your code faster

j4at: jacek you might want to use it's the cheapest website to rent gpus

j4at: gpus server*

jacek: you use it?

j4at: yes

j4at: only for production tho, i do testing on my own computer

dot.nick: someone join event clash :( its just bots here

antiwonto: [auto] Hey dot.nick, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 2 tacos


antiwonto: [auto] hey dot.nick dont paste those links here. Use the channel #clash

zakacat: Give :taco: antiwonto

antiwonto: [auto] Sorry but you can only award tacos once per day

zakacat: ur loss

j4at: That's a honest working bot. It doesn't accept bribe.

**j4at slaps antiwonto around a bit with a large fishbot

zakacat: :grinning:

zakacat: :fearful:

j4at: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

ElJafar: kek

Darleanow: hey every1

Default avatar.png LeJordy: hello

Default avatar.png LeJordy: there

Default avatar.png LeJordy: your mother btw

Default avatar.png LeJordy: goodbye

Default avatar.png BrandoCalderon: question, im coming around by the game

Default avatar.png BrandoCalderon: and I noticed when I played CoC that JavaScript it's the only programming language to clash

Default avatar.png BrandoCalderon: Can someone tellme what's going on?

Wontonimo: oh my, there are other languages other than javascript?

Wontonimo: jk, yeah, you can pick any of languages you want

Wontonimo: even php

**PatrickMcGinnisII :money_mouth:

Westicles: he means in the event

Westicles: only one language is allowed

Wontonimo: oh

Wontonimo: <loop> not me </loop> Wontonimo

PatrickMcGinnisII: +":taco:"

Wontonimo: oh, interesting. A language specific clash of code schedule

Wontonimo: next one is in 18 min and is shortest C

Wontonimo: will that actually get more users?

j4at: Wontonimo how to remove the timeout from brutaltester ?

j4at: \spider attack

j4at: I found this "gameManager.setTurnMaxTime(50);"

j4at: but changing the value doesn't really change anything

Wontonimo: why do you want to do this?

j4at: because my AI is slow :3

Wontonimo: right

Wontonimo: honestly, I don't know

Wontonimo: I havent ever tried

Wontonimo: it shouldn't be too difficult. i bet it is in the spider attack code, nto the brutal tester code

Wontonimo: anyone else know? struct , PatrickMcGinnisII ?

j4at: "gameManager.setTurnMaxTime(50);" is in spider attack

j4at: changed it but still getting timeout error

Wontonimo: :(

Default avatar.png bobth: where is the language specific CoC event

PatrickMcGinnisII: I didn't do it for spiders, I'm looking tho

j4at: My training script waits for the 2 players to get inputs. Maybe that's why ? Should it get like inputs from first player that players send an action and then do smae with player 2 ?

j4at: Should it get like inputs from first player than player 1 sends an action and then do the same with player 2 ?*

j4at: then*

j4at: I'm sleepy I will just finish it tomorrow

Wontonimo: it's one then the other. they are not synchronous

Wontonimo: they are serial

j4at: that's explains xhy

j4at: why*

PatrickMcGinnisII: I had issues with the pattern matcher barfing on my input

PatrickMcGinnisII: the log file should tell you what it barfed on, i think it just deactivates player, then the gamemanager shows a winner

PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm

PatrickMcGinnisII: line 120 gameManager.setTurnMaxTime(50);

PatrickMcGinnisII: 102

j4at: Yeah I already tried that. The problem is not from that timeout i found out. Its just from my training script. It also timeout due to the 2000ms timeout in the start that's why increacsing the 50ms didn't change anything.

j4at: Fixed now ;)

j4at: Thank you anyways

PatrickMcGinnisII: try training an NN for clash of bots, I'm trying...but I'm new at it

PatrickMcGinnisII: it should be perfect for it actually

PatrickMcGinnisII: I put the 5x5 input matrix into a 50bit int

PatrickMcGinnisII: and there's only 10 possible outputs for each bot

PatrickMcGinnisII: so decisions aren't really fuzzy, they are fairly finite

Wontonimo: good luck !

Wontonimo: how are you training it?

j4at: yeah that seems a lot easier than spider attack

PatrickMcGinnisII: game doesn't give you any immediate feedback like HP and stuff

PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm trying to figure out how many botstates I actually need to store

PatrickMcGinnisII: so not therre yet

j4at: Are using RL?

PatrickMcGinnisII: max is currently 70Billion

PatrickMcGinnisII: reinforced, yes

PatrickMcGinnisII: using my own conpression techniques I can get just about 1% of that, lol

PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm, maybe it's just over .1%

PatrickMcGinnisII: so I figure, i can write early game avoidance movements... and late game should use the library I end up with

PatrickMcGinnisII: library should only need to be about 40Mb (uncompressed) ... how to get it under 80k, ihnfi

j4at: damn that's a lot

j4at: My sipder attack NN has +1m float16 weights.

PatrickMcGinnisII: lol, can almost weight every pixel on the board

PatrickMcGinnisII: i did a heatmap with the random spider spawn + movement... didn't show me anything i already didn't know

PatrickMcGinnisII: so GL

j4at: thank you ;)

Default avatar.png ShadoDrago: how do I use code I am a bot

j4at: My NN has 12.5 million float16 parameters actually that's more than I thought :( If i remove 1 trick It will become 2m instead without really lowering size of the NN. And If i lower the size a little it will become 900k. That should be enought after compression but it will lower the quality of my NN alot.

antiwonto: [auto] Hey j4at, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 6 tacos

Default avatar.png LinhT.Nguyen: hi

Default avatar.png LinhT.Nguyen: hi

Default avatar.png LinhT.Nguyen: :

Default avatar.png LinhT.Nguyen: :taco:

antiwonto: [auto] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others '

PatrickMcGinnisII: j4at can u remove the high bit w/o performace loss?

j4at: Even if i can that's like 1/16 compression

j4at: 15/16*

j4at: I'm starting to give up

PatrickMcGinnisII: There's also line length limits, i think it's 1k chunks

PatrickMcGinnisII: the real experts on shoe horning data into CG is def. not me

jacek: i do 1 weight 1 char, with reduced resolution

jacek: so realistically you can get to around 80k weights

PatrickMcGinnisII: I can get base53 conversion and then LZ into 999 char chunks, and reverse at startup ... but i know there's better ways depending on lang.

j4at: what is a realistic compression ratio that i can achieve ?

PatrickMcGinnisII: I think it's 20MB to 90k...but I've only gotten like 5MB to 40k, whatever that is

jacek: oO

j4at: damn

PatrickMcGinnisII: jacek knows the ratios

PatrickMcGinnisII: My libs aren't all that when i use 'em

PatrickMcGinnisII: ratio really depends on how differentiated it is

PatrickMcGinnisII: I think NN data is fairly dense ... so I'd guess 30 to 1...what u think jacek?

jacek: you mean you can get 2m weights into 100k code?

PatrickMcGinnisII: sparse sets...sure

jacek: ahh. yeah

j4at: That will be a lot of work and I doubt that sparse sets will be that helpful in my case.

j4at: I will give up. I will train my 12.5m model and then train a smaller model to simulate the big one

PatrickMcGinnisII: wow research on compression algorithms on dense sets...the ratios are horrible

PatrickMcGinnisII: like max 4 to1

PatrickMcGinnisII: my kung fu is no good, soft woods

PatrickMcGinnisII: opening books are so different than NN