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LelouchVC2: hey weirdos

Default avatar.png IcaroX.: hello

Default avatar.png pressplayontape: excuse me, how many minutes can solve this puzzle ?

5DN1L: time can heal a wound, time can solve a puzzle

Default avatar.png pressplayontape: :joy:ù

5DN1L: i can't even peek aty your screen to see what "this puzzle" is

5DN1L: at*

jacek: happy Caturday

gaoguai: 这个怎么搞

gaoguai: 不会

gaoguai: 有没有QQ扩列的?有的加462619243

gaoguai: 咱们一起探讨

5DN1L: no chinese here

5DN1L: use #cn channel

jacek: or #openingbooks

RivalRickson: hi

5DN1L: Curiously I haven't seen any Japanese or Korean typed here before

5DN1L: #jp channel is in use

5DN1L: #kr channel does not seem to be used

jacek: we need to be more weeb


5DN1L: You still aren't able to find someone to play escape with you?

Prince6502: ya you can say that!

Ayza: day 2 puzzle search site down

PatrickMcGinnisII: Ayza Euler ran out of dinos i think

5DN1L: yeah he mentioned that

5DN1L: wait for a few days then the site should be up again

jacek: apparently dice duel coins arent enough

eulerscheZahl: hey. the puzzle search will be up again on the first of the next month

waterproofsodium: :taco: jacek

eulerscheZahl: or when i pay $7

waterproofsodium: errr

Ayza: so 2 days, great

TINOUAINANI: Goood morning

eulerscheZahl: i never expected that much interest in my puzzle search tbh. 550h per month is a lot (that's the free dynos i get, heroku shuts down the page after 30min of inactivity)

eulerscheZahl: upon checking my logs: a lot of requests for robots.txt, so it must be web crawlers causing most of the traffic

eulerscheZahl: SEO optimization disallow: *

PatrickMcGinnisII: robot nofollow

PatrickMcGinnisII: they'll still do it tho

jacek: those robots :unamused: right, Automaton2000?

Automaton2000: i get the same output

WillChang: Automaton2000?

Automaton2000: this is why you can have a look at the board

WillChang: I think so too

WillChang: Automaton2000?

Automaton2000: at least not in the top 5

WillChang: that makes total sense, eh?

WillChang: Automaton2000?

PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 NN Clash of Bots for me, k?

Automaton2000: that is just a way to deal with it the same way

Automaton2000: i only do it for the same thing

jacek: woah stockfish has some nn changes

PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 throw a MSE at jacek for me

Automaton2000: so i have to do it

PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000square pants

Automaton2000: is there some kind of search do you use?

**PatrickMcGinnisII looks under the sea for Automaton2000

Automaton2000: i think it makes sense

waterproofsodium: under the sea hmm

waterproofsodium: I think you don't even frogs to chew on there

waterproofsodium: *find frogs

jacek: or toads

waterproofsodium: croak

waterproofsodium: (doom monsters make that sound)

Default avatar.png Ghost420X: Yo

Ylan-Cipher: hello world

Ylan-Cipher: print me!!

jacek: do you even print, Automaton2000?

Automaton2000: can you do it with a simple eval

Default avatar.png Ulrick7: hello


zakacat: :taco:

Default avatar.png hasna_h: does anyone have more beginner friendly coding games like this?

Default avatar.png hasna_h: i think this is too hard for me still

5DN1L: try codewars

jacek: have you tried power of thor or temperatures?

Default avatar.png hasna_h: thank you!

Default avatar.png hasna_h: no i havent tried many yet, im still exploring

Ayza: there are a couple of beginner friendly puzzles here

Default avatar.png hasna_h: i tried clash of code and couldnt complete any, which is the next stage after the intro:disappointed_relieved:

Ayza: did you try classic puzzles?


Default avatar.png hasna_h: no not yet, i might try those then

Default avatar.png hasna_h: thank you

Ayza: they are harder than clash of code, but some are fairly easy

Ayza: np

zakacat: and there is no time limit, and Google is your friend

zakacat: I dunno about you guys, but some of the puzzles take me 2 or 3 days to do as I need to think about it quite a bit sometimes

jacek: DomiKo how come i have the same games against you and magmasa? :thinking:

DomiKo: our model is kinda dog s....

jacek: and converged to the same point?

jacek: :upside_down:

struct: how many people are working on it domiko?

DomiKo: 2

DomiKo: me and him

DomiKo: same team as in CSB :D

DomiKo: jacek coverage to something, not really good thing

struct: did you manage to run code from py3?

struct: I tried but I get timeouts :/

DomiKo: didn't really tried it

struct: and now I just found the asm I get for a simple function is very different with -O3 and without


DomiKo: yeah, apparently pragma can't do a lot of things

jacek: theyre not so pragmatic eh

Westicles: is there something about C# HashSet that would make it faster than C++ unordered_set?

j4at: unordered_set is randomized

j4at: so that's why maybe its slower

jacek: wouldnt that make it faster?

Westicles: hmmm, supposed both are O(1) for find/contains

jacek: maybe its O(5) for C# and O(100) for c++

Default avatar.png bbies: hey hey

Default avatar.png bbies: what's shaking everybody

jacek: Westicles and you sure youre measuring only set's things, not other things?

Westicles: Not sure, I was just doing this contrib and my c++ times out half the time on the last on and his c# doesn't


Default avatar.png MaxMustermann123:

jacek: with pragmas?

Westicles: pragmas didn't make any difference

Westicles: I had to make my own hash, maybe something wrong with that

jacek: MaxMustermann123 to check if there is next line. without the if, in.nextLine() could wait forever if there is really no next line

Default avatar.png MaxMustermann123: @jacek thanks, make sence

j4at: jacek "wouldnt that make it faster?" No. randomization stops attacks. If you have very random inputs then randomization doesn't make it faster

Default avatar.png KrzysztofRozenberger: @jacek pozdrawiam

Default avatar.png galuso: i am given a string where there's only one letter that doesn't follow the alphatical order. how do I inf it?

Default avatar.png galuso: talkin about c++

Default avatar.png galuso: i meant find

struct: is it just in a random spot?

Default avatar.png galuso: nono

Default avatar.png galuso: i'm giving u one example

Default avatar.png galuso: ABCDFEHI

struct: ah

struct: just do a for loop

Default avatar.png galuso: it was ABCDFEGHI sry

struct: if ('A' + i != str[i])

struct: you have the letter

struct: or doesnt it have to start at A?

Default avatar.png galuso: don't have the precidse letter

Default avatar.png galuso: it could be in every position

Default avatar.png galuso: it cahnge the position ofone char with the following one

struct: check next letter with the current one

Westicles: just sort it and look for the first difference with unsorted

struct: if difference is different than 1

struct: that or im not understanding the problem

struct: ah the string is unsorted

Default avatar.png galuso: it was like: You r given a string with letters in alphabetical order except one, find that one and count that

struct: what westicle s said should work

Default avatar.png galuso: makes sense

Default avatar.png galuso: thank u

StevenV: hello guys

struct: hi

jacek: good evening

Default avatar.png 1C0D3R: hi

Default avatar.png xiaoping: good morning

Default avatar.png Tengy28: hi some0ne can help me to the MAD POD RACING plz

5DN1L: Please explain what help you need

Default avatar.png Tengy28: i have to win the race with 2 new variables : next_checkpoint_dist, next_checkpoint_angle but i don't understand how can i do. i'm coding in python

Uper-Ed: Never gonna give you up never gonna let you down

5DN1L: I'm gonna kick you out

jacek: Tengy28 is this the one with checkpointY and checkpointY?

5DN1L: no Wood 2

jacek: so angle < -90 or angle > 90?

5DN1L: yup

Default avatar.png Tengy28: yes

jacek: it says that in the comment what you should do

Default avatar.png Tengy28: i try with if else but it doesnt work

regismeysso22: -1

5DN1L: What's the code you've tried? Tengy28

Westicles: hey regismeysso22. love your work

regismeysso22: thx

Default avatar.png Tengy28: @5DN1L

Default avatar.png Tengy28: if next_checkpoint_angle > 90 or next_checkpoint_angle < - 90 :

   next_checkpoint_y = "0"

else :

   next_checkpoint_y = "100"

jacek: umm

jacek: thrust = "0"

5DN1L: it should be thrust instead of next_checkpoint_y

5DN1L: read the pseudocode again

Default avatar.png Tengy28: but thrust is not in print()

Default avatar.png Tengy28: print(str(next_checkpoint_x) + " " + str(next_checkpoint_y) + " 100")

5DN1L: 100 is the default thrust

5DN1L: you should change that to a variable too

jacek: print(str(next_checkpoint_x) + " " + str(next_checkpoint_y) + " "+thrust)

Default avatar.png Tengy28: ah ok !

Default avatar.png Tengy28: i'll try thanks sorry :(

5DN1L: No need to say sorry :)

Uper-Ed: ...

Default avatar.png Tengy28:

jacek: str(thrust) maybe

Uper-Ed: ...

Default avatar.png Tengy28: doesn't work may i did a mistake

Uper-Ed: ...

5DN1L: stop it, Uper-Ed

Uper-Ed: Okay

Uper-Ed: sorry

jacek: Tengy28 either do str(thrust) in print or thrust = "0" ... = "100"

5DN1L: because you can't add an integer to a string, Tengy28

Default avatar.png Tengy28: ok so i have to take of the var next_checkpoint_x,y and replace by thurst

Default avatar.png Tengy28: it's strange

jacek: huh?

5DN1L: your code pasted above is fine, except that you have to convert integer to string first

5DN1L: that's what jacek and i are trying to tell you

Default avatar.png Tengy28: ah ok i'm going to tcheck that thank you

Default avatar.png Tengy28: i'm a noob

Uper-Ed: Hmm?

Default avatar.png Tengy28: thanks for your time

Uper-Ed: What

Default avatar.png frk4209: sa

Ajaiy: Automaton2000 can you just quickly tell some object?

Automaton2000: one thing i need to have more tacos first

Ajaiy: Thanks


4nthracene: join!!

5DN1L: please use #clash channel for clash invites, thanks. 4nthracene

Ajaiy: Here you go Automaton2000, A taco profile picture. I hope you now have more tacos to see

Automaton2000: but it is quite a bit

SUwUn: I really wish we could make public code clashes of a specific type

SUwUn: I really like Shortest mode, but it basically never shows up

jacek: and restrict to java :imp:

Ajaiy: Wait I have an idea Someone tell a random (proper) thing and I will try to make it my pfp

jacek: Automaton2000 what would that be?

Automaton2000: you need to track the opponent

Ajaiy: jacek any idea?

Ajaiy: btw I asked Automaton2000 and he said tacos

jacek: rick roll

Automaton2000: you can also do a lot of variance

Ajaiy: oof

Ajaiy: i regret my decisions now

Ajaiy: ill try

jacek: oh my

Default avatar.png Motseki: can anyone help me with the test??

jacek: what test

Default avatar.png Motseki: I have been preparing for the test from a employer, so I kind have a imposter syndrome

jacek: as do we all

Default avatar.png Motseki: so can you help if i need help??

jacek: i have never done employer test here

Default avatar.png Motseki: its a test from a certain company, they used codegame to set the test

Default avatar.png mmahir: guys how old are you

Default avatar.png mmahir: im 26 and now started learning

Default avatar.png mmahir: am i too old for this?

jacek: if you have question you can ask here. someone who knows will probably answer

Default avatar.png mmahir: im looking for job

Default avatar.png mmahir: but dont what to do

Default avatar.png 1C0D3R: nah 26 isn't too old you got alot of catching up to do though

Default avatar.png 1C0D3R: becease its really competitive

Default avatar.png 1C0D3R: and most poeple on here i geuss are around 12 - 35

antiwonto: [auto] 'test' was defined as ' this is a test '

Wontonimo: mmahir , 26 is a fine time to learn. I've been helping my neighbour who is 41

Wontonimo: he started a year ago and now has a job programming

Wontonimo: what level of math do you have mmahir ?

Wontonimo: :wave: jacek :grin: How ya doing today?

jacek: i think i got this loss thing

jacek: derive of (x - y)^2 is 2*(x - y) but for some reason 2 is omitted ~

Default avatar.png whomItMayConcern: i feel like the clash is hard. im not quite there yet i guess

Wontonimo: okay, let's say you keep the 2 in the loss function ... and then you have your SGD learning rate of 0.1

Wontonimo: how is that different than skipping the 2 and having a SGC learning rate of 0.2

Wontonimo: i think some times things like this are factored out in some work without really telling people why and it makes it confusing

Wontonimo: or, i'm wrong. it's happened before

Wontonimo: why not use tensorflow jacek? or is the point to do it yourself?

Wontonimo: because you could do training in python with tensorflow then prediction using c++/c# on codingame

Wontonimo: gotta go, would like to catch up later jacek. feel free to DM me on discord

struct: cya


j4at: Wontonimo jacek ^

Default avatar.png DOMINER: hi

Default avatar.png DOMINER: :taco: Wontonimo

antiwonto: [auto] Sorry but you can only award tacos once per day

Default avatar.png DOMINER: wow... not yet

Default avatar.png DOMINER: i will back later

Westicles: :taco: BlaiseEbuth

antiwonto: [auto] Spread the love. Give tacos to someone else, not someone you spam with tacos.

Default avatar.png DOMINER: give me tacos

DomiKo: taco DOMINER

DomiKo: :taco: DOMINER

antiwonto: [auto] DomiKo has awarded DOMINER 4 tacos. DOMINER now has 13 taco. DomiKo now has 5 taco

struct: :taco: DOMINER

antiwonto: [auto] Sorry but you can only award tacos once per day

struct: o.o

Westicles: I won user of the month!


j4at: :taco: j4at

antiwonto: [auto] You used your taco giving ability for the day to discover that you cannot give tacos to yourself

j4at: lol

j4at: :taco: DOMINER

antiwonto: [auto] Sorry but you can only award tacos once per day

j4at: well

Default avatar.png DOMINER: :,c

Default avatar.png DOMINER: ty for all

Westicles: :taco: b0n5a1

antiwonto: [auto] Westicles has awarded b0n5a1 1 tacos. b0n5a1 now has 1 taco. Westicles now has 66 taco

b0n5a1: :nauseated_face:

b0n5a1: :D

Westicles: Somebody approve this so we'll have something to do


TobiasA: It'll be nice if there were more machine learning/data science puzzles like that one

b0n5a1: Thanks for the giggle.

struct: okay I solved it

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: Do y'all ever run into an issue where standard out is completely ignored

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: Getting this warning but don't know why: "Warning: your code did not read all available input before printing an instruction, your outputs will not be synchronized with the game's turns and unexpected behaviour may occur."

Things work fine at first, then desync ad the puzzle starts ignoring stdout while stderr outputs as expected

Westicles: well done struct

struct: that happens when you dont read all inputs

struct: or output more than one time per turn

struct: Westicles dont you think its too easy though?

Westicles: nah, the kids need easier easy puzzles

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: am I supposed to be solving a turn synchronization problem on top of the puzzle itself? kek

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: ok I guess... the reason I havent read all inputs is cause the solution doesnt need them all

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: but if that causes the thing to desync then idk guess I'll try better

papjim: if your code runs as intended, then you may leave it as is

papjim: if you are code golfing for example

papjim: if you dont care about that, the just read everything and use what you need

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: What's odd is that everything is read in Main, I left it as it is

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: so I really dont get what's the issue

papjim: I presume you're trying a bot programming puzzle so just read the description for how many times you can output for every iteration

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: kk ill try that

papjim: you may be trying to output multiples times inside a loop, not the infinite loop of the puzzle, while it expects only one

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: hmm

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: oh perhaps

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: let me check

papjim: if you run a for each on an array let's say and print every time a condition is met

papjim: but you want only one value

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: That was it^^^

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: thanks :)

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: Made sure there was only one output per game loop and passed all tests

Default avatar.png RedKittenOfDeath_c53e: ty

DomiKo: any resources about compressing here?

struct: compressing NN DomiKo?

DomiKo: yeah

jacek: other than unicode?

struct: today I tried agade tool

struct: but not sure if it applies for Nns

DomiKo: I remember people using Unicode, but I can't figure it out


DomiKo: Yeah, I remember this, but I would like to encode only weights

DomiKo: Right now, I'm using base64


jacek: a msg i sent to agad once

DomiKo: Thank you

DomiKo: interesting method, with that rounding

AngelicCapy: Hey

struct: DomiKo maybe you can try to message robo

jacek: marchete article doesnt have unicode tutorial?

DomiKo: nope

DomiKo: I mean, yes... He is usings his ENCODER16k.cs

JeeNeeUhs: hey

DraH: ???

JPK3lly: Hello discord

DraH: hello


Foxboy: :DDDD

DomiKo: jacek compression works thanks :D

Default avatar.png BoldSausage_2f7c: Hello

Default avatar.png MuZz14321: hello nigga

SuperKritical: HxH, been waiting for new chapters for like 5 years :D

waterproofsodium: 3 times place 1 in a row. then shortest code => 7/8 ..

antiwonto: [auto] Hey waterproofsodium, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 35 tacos

waterproofsodium: at least I get my cheer up taco

chaosabordine: hello community

chaosabordine: i have an hist

chaosabordine: history question sry

chaosabordine: coding legend history that is. any buffs on that subject?

Husoski: I was learning to code when Fortran IV and COBOL 68 were still widely used. Does that count as history?

chaosabordine: hmmm I'd say so :)

Husoski: What question did you have in mind?

chaosabordine: I'm looking for the name of a man that worked in Philips or Bell in the 70s i think. He coded a game in assembly and quit when he was asked to let his game loose. No one but him really understood his code

chaosabordine: its pretty vague im sorry...

Husoski: That doesn't ring a bell (no pun intended).

chaosabordine: ya I know its far stretched...

chaosabordine: not intended but nice notheless

Husoski: Lot's of people still coded in assembly in those days. My first full-time job was doing IBM mainframe applications in assembler. (In IBM-land, it's "assembler" or "ALC", not "assembly".)

chaosabordine: I chated with a guy who met THE Mandelbrot at IBM this morning...

chaosabordine: I'm nowhere near using proper terms lol, very approximative in that respect..

Husoski: Cool! Mandelbrot was known more for math than programming, but that's pretty interesting all by itself.

DaNinja: Ken Thomson lost his game machine

chaosabordine: sure is, somehow I wouldnt have expected someone contemporary to a fractal set father where I found them this morning...

Husoski: Thomson, wasn't he the guy who invented Unix?

DaNinja: yep

chaosabordine: Yes, and B, and some of C?

Husoski: That game was probably "Space War". I played a version of that on an IBM 1620 in the basement of one of the UC Berkeley physics buildings around 1974 or so. A friend and former classmate I was visiting up there showed it to me.

Husoski: The code wouldn't have been Thomson's, since the 1620 looked nothing like any of the DEC PDP machines.

chaosabordine: Not sure that's the one Im looking for. His game was meant to be exposed at some expo but it was too hard to win against it and so it wouldnt have sold their supercomp enough coz clients were fustrated

chaosabordine: thank you for your help, ill look into the shared info!!

Husoski: c/probably/possibly/

Husoski: ...but I guess "probably" is still okay for small enough values of the probability. :)

chaosabordine: you guys are on another level.. i tinker really...

Husoski: Nope,. "Spacewar!" was done by Bob Saunders and other at MIT. But it was originally on a PDP-1 according to WIkipedia.

Husoski: Make that "Steve Russell", along with Saunders and others.

Husoski: Tinkering is good. It's how I got started down the path of failure as a physics student and happiness coding!

DaNinja: Thomson made Space Travel

Husoski: Space War wasn't easy to play either, btw. More because the human input was done through four toggle switches ("sense switches") on the front panel. The hardware hackers at UCB added the oscilloscope display. That wasn't stock equipment on the 1620.

chaosabordine: Ill look into all these names thank you so much

waterproofsodium: gm

antiwonto: [auto] Hey waterproofsodium, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 36 tacos