Wontonimo: :taco: Kaelidian
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Wontonimo, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 33 tacos
Wontonimo: :taco: Kaelidian
antiwonto: [auto] Wontonimo has awarded Kaelidian 2 tacos. Kaelidian now has 3 taco. Wontonimo now has 34 taco
Wontonimo: throw :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] Wontonimo has thrown 10 :taco:s on the floor for the taking but 1 was eaten by a software bugs!
SilverEagle: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] SilverEagle has taken 1 :taco:s off the floor and now has 1. There are 8 left
SilverEagle: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] sorry SilverEagle but you have to give someone else a turn
Wontonimo: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] Wontonimo has taken 4 :taco:s off the floor and now has 28. There are 4 left
Wontonimo: okay, now try
SilverEagle: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] SilverEagle has taken 2 :taco:s off the floor and now has 3. There are 2 left
SilverEagle: thanks bruh
Wontonimo: np bruh
Wontonimo: huntdown taco
antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel
Wontonimo: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] sorry Wontonimo but you have to give someone else a turn
Wontonimo: there are more tacos on the floor!
Wontonimo: someone please take some so I can have a turn
Uljahn: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] Uljahn has taken 1 :taco:s off the floor and now has 1. There are 10 left
Wontonimo: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] Wontonimo has taken 5 :taco:s off the floor and now has 33. There are 5 left
Wontonimo: why you only have 1 Uljahn ?
Wontonimo: very sad
Uljahn: don't need them
Wontonimo: tru dat
Wontonimo: ng
Westicles: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] Westicles has taken 3 :taco:s off the floor and now has 20. There are 2 left
zakacat: take rest of tacos
zakacat: take taco
zakacat: there are two left
zakacat: take taco
zakacat: TAKE TACO
zakacat: wow
zakacat: tacoless
Husoski: eat taco
Husoski: take taco
MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Automaton2000 where do you think NN went?
Automaton2000: yeah i thought that was just mean
MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: mhm mhm
MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: I agree
MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: oof my rank dropped to 9k
MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: more than 3000 :/ maybe I should be more active here
SilverEagle: take taco
Westicles: one of you fine lads should approved this
MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: ok but gerrymandering is bad
MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: smh
MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: cant believe ur rigging elections like this
Westicles: heh heh
PatrickMcGinnisII: Next H lines doesn't make any sense Westicles
PatrickMcGinnisII: Oh it's giving you a 2d matrix for scoring
PatrickMcGinnisII: not clear to me what was going on
Westicles: oh, yeah for gerrymandering
PatrickMcGinnisII: someone trying to prevent cut/paste in contributions? If they are it's effecting the IDE too
Not_The_One: what i9s this about taco?
Uljahn: Automaton2000: wanna taco 'bout it?
Automaton2000: [auto] miki09 has awarded wontonimo 10 tacos. wontonimo now has 42 taco
Thorcode: how possible
Thorcode: automaton can chat like wonton's bot
Uljahn: it's learning from the chat logs
Thorcode: hello Automaton2000
Automaton2000: you don't need a lot of effort into it
Automaton2000: darkhorse64 is eligible for prizes
Thorcode: oh cool
jacek: oO
Darleanow: gimme tako :o
3omar_ahmed: llolll
PenguinPero: can I share a youtube video, I solved one of the puzzles here (Surface) in the video guide ?
Nickilarson: yes
PenguinPero: I have a lot of videos now, mostly interview questions, and a Sudoku Solver :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: PenguinPero since the landscape doesn't change and you are running multiple start points thru it, you could have pre-processed a bit
dostros: Guys someone has done shadows of the knight episode 1 please ?
PenguinPero: I think I know what you mean by preprocessed it a bit, but it is a guide video that I wanted to keep simple
PatrickMcGinnisII: if it wasn't c# the 100 pts thru 1kx1k wouldn't have time imo
PatrickMcGinnisII: coord pairs could have been done differently, but that's a style choice
PatrickMcGinnisII: I'll shut up now
PenguinPero: xd no problem but yeah as I said, I think this is good enough for a youtube guide
PenguinPero: my mind also always goes after recording soemthing, oh I could have done that thing better and more optimised
PatrickMcGinnisII: PenguinPero it's all good, no one would be interested in my videos. Twitchers during contest are interesting, although my lang. never matches. So the effort you put in is commendable. I'm not trolling, just sugg.
PenguinPero: thanks man :)
PatrickMcGinnisII: sun is coming up her in Florida, so I gotta stop watching youtube and stangnating code. Have a nice day.
PatrickMcGinnisII: my code on Block the fire is now 681 lines... eventually i can submit again
NewCoder09: can someone with bag of balls
NewCoder09: help
NewCoder09: bag of balls
CSPigeon: what do you need help without
NewCoder09: everything
Uljahn: That's because you're trying to solve medium puzzle. Are easy puzzles too easy for you?
Hugesn0wduck: hi yall
NewCoder09: Uljahn me?
Darleanow: guys, why do i hate so much ppl who dev in ruby ?
Darleanow: i mean this language needs a nerf, being able to solve something in 20 chars is a shame
Uljahn: you mean it's impossible for you to learn ruby?
Darleanow: no, but i'm using py.
luka74: yo les geeker qui se douche une fois par ans vous puez la merde
Wontonimo: wrong chat room. use #fr luka74
antiwonto: [auto] luka74 be respectful and watch your language
Wontonimo: luka74 you have been kicked. you are welcome to come back if you act respectfully
darkhorse64: all this guy deserves is a ban
Wontonimo: okay, will do
Not_The_One: Man, I really hate it when people are mean online. You don't even have to mean you niceties, just be nice. Its easy to fake online.. Some people need to learn that.
darkhorse64: level3, first words are insults -> troll
Wontonimo: agreed
eulerscheZahl: i won't let this guy ruin my weekend
Not_The_One: Same.
Not_The_One: I'm going on spring break tomorrow, heading back to the home land
Not_The_One: The sweet beloved US of A
Not_The_One: :kissing_closed_eyes:
Not_The_One: :flag_us:
Wontonimo: speaking of level 3 ... Not_The_One, get some levels and rank :grin:
Not_The_One: Lmaooo
Not_The_One: Will do!
Wontonimo: I love the mars lander series. let me know in a DM if you want help with 1 and 2
Not_The_One: I'm gonna do the descent first, see how that goes
Wontonimo: also practice here (sorry if I already sent this to you)
Wontonimo: I tried to ban luka but didn't get a confirmation :shrug:
Not_The_One: oosh
Not_The_One: that took me longer then i wished
darkhorse64: May because he is disconnected
darkhorse64: Maybe
Sarstan: Is there an exercises site like that, but for other languages?
eulerscheZahl: we have about 25 languages here, which ones are you missing?
eulerscheZahl: list of other websites:
eulerscheZahl: most of them are more puzzle-centered. no animated viewer. and with frequent contests
Sarstan: I'm focused on C#, but that HackInScience site has a nice format.
eulerscheZahl: we have C# here on CodinGame too
Sarstan: I know. Just not much chance to learn on site alone.
eulerscheZahl: are you looking for a more beginner level?
a-Rye: Code Wars is better for beginners. That's what I was doing before I found CodinGame
Sarstan: To some degree. I've gone through Codecademy's lessons for C#, but there feels like a big gap between that and most of what's on here.
1mpossible_c: what happened to the connection
Sarstan: I signed up for code wars and didn't get into it. Guess it's time, lol.
Husoski: @Sarstan - I agree with a-Rye; over at CodeWars I've got my Ruby skills jump-started from "Hello World" up to "Hello Fizzbuzz, let's make a Christmas Tree"
eulerscheZahl: and in 2 weeks: come back here, we will have a contest
eulerscheZahl: the first for a year, so don't miss it
dbf: hope that first and not the last :)
Husoski: Sarstan, more to the point...the best way to get better at problem solving is to solve problems. Tutorial sites like Codecademy are a good way to get an introduction to syntax, but tend to be a bit lightweight on problems that take some extended thought.
eulerscheZahl: we'll see, i don't have any insider info anymore
eulerscheZahl: and probably even CG doesn't know the format of the next contest yet
Husoski: That's what I think you get more of here and at other competitive programming sites.
Not_The_One: Yo yo i thought you said codewars was for beginners??
Not_The_One: I almost failed the entrance exam
Wontonimo: also, going back and re-solving puzzles you did in the past without using google or your previous solution is fantastic practice for mastery
Husoski: Amen
wlesavo: hm, i think i've almost never used google for a puzzle, except maybe the golf ones
Sarstan: I think the gap really comes in from getting challenges that you've never seen anything like and not sure where to even begin. What tools are out there.
Wontonimo: Sarstan , I don't know where to begin for half the puzzles here other than to research and try several approaches
Sarstan: True, and I've been able to claw my way into some things I stumble across. But I imagine most people just drop it when coming to an unfamiliar issue. Like I wouldn't have the first idea how to do floodfill or anything related to that. I know some of the puzzles offer hints, but it would be cool if there was a stepping stone toward that stuff on site.
Wontonimo: some of the skills are clickable and go to pages like this on codingame
Wontonimo: with external references
Wontonimo: yeah, CG is more like a do-it-yourself research thing with just links to external resources. Sometimes there are good playgrounds , but I haven't found it really promoted or linked to puzzles
Sarstan: I dread when a wiki article is all that's available. Either it's just an overhead explanation or my eyes glaze over with pseudocode that feels vague. Or maybe I'm lazy and don't want to read, lol. I'm glad that example has another more practical application to show and explain.
a-Rye: Wontonimo's got the right idea, I've been looking back at my previous solutions and refactoring them. Also, some concepts blend over between CW and CG. I just did a Sudoku Validator puzzle here using the logic I used on CW with the level 4 Kata: Sudoku Solution Validator
a-Rye: Although, a lot of my being able to recognize concepts on the code clashes comes from many unseen attempts at said clashes. If you do enough clashes, you'll remember the quick answers and be done
1zanie: hello world
Not_The_One: Hello 1zanie
1zanie: feels good to be back.
Not_The_One: Welcome back old friend
Not_The_One: :hugging:
Not_The_One: How was your journey?
Sarstan: Always fun to get into a clash and know you're in over your head, lol. Start to type something of a code before the time is up. It definitely helps to see what others submit though.
PainEXE: clash of code is fun except when they give you some random unclear goal
PainEXE: that is 10 pages long
Sarstan: Oh geez, that too. Eat away at least a minute just reading the backstory.
Wontonimo: i don't like it. i find it stressful :shrug: I like time to think
Husoski: What I do like about clashes is when people share. You can look at solutions in whatever languages were used, not just one that you succeeded in.
PainEXE: at simple puzzles are fun
PainEXE: Imma just make a bunch of clash of code puzzles that are simple
Sarstan: Getting puzzles in codewars done. Nice to have some really simple stuff for a change, lol.
Wontonimo: :thumbsup:
jacek: clash? fun? O:
NewCoder09: hey
Kyouma960: ok
jacek: have you tried chess960
PainEXE: Anyone got any simple clash of code puzzle ideas?
PainEXE: I wanna add some more
PainEXE: just made another simple puzzle
PainEXE: someone check it out and gimme feedback
NewCoder09: Its nice
jacek: MSmits is this true?
Wontonimo: looks right to me
Wontonimo: oh man, i love that projection into 3d
NewCoder09: PainEXE it's good could be better
Sarstan: I agree, a really cool display of that.
CatboyCodes: that image looks cool ngl
jacek: hex for the win
jacek: they should have made 3d hex
Sarstan: How would you draw that?
Sarstan: Flat tops and bottoms?
Wontonimo: they? you mean the programmers who originally created the universe? Or the artist who made that pic?
jacek: artist
jacek: and is this 3d hex no?
Wontonimo: nope
jacek: :c
Sarstan: Dog's chew toy.
Wontonimo: some have 5 sides, some have 6
jacek: something something euler graph law
jacek: :taco: Automaton2000
Automaton2000: i can just take the first move
antiwonto: [auto] jacek has awarded Automaton2000 10 tacos. Automaton2000 now has 51 taco. jacek now has 25 taco
Automaton2000: i use the same thing
jacek: :upside_down:
antiwonto: [auto] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo '
jacek: eat :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel
jacek: :rage:
Valtesar: ❤
AlexandreAllard: Hey there!
ethaneCH3CH3: :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others '
NewCoder09: :taco: Wontonimo
antiwonto: [auto] NewCoder09 has awarded Wontonimo 10 tacos. Wontonimo now has 43 taco. NewCoder09 now has 12 taco
Wontonimo: eat :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel
Wontonimo: :taco: NewCoder09
antiwonto: [auto] sorry Wontonimo but you can only award tacos once per day
Wontonimo: ;(
Darleanow: why do i get sooo much captcha's recently ?
macobo: stop being so good at codingame
macobo: not kidding btw - codingame seems to punish frequent submissions
TheRealSayel: i punish frequent submissions into your mom
Darleanow: macobo, punish ??? I'm just playing coc :)
k0sn1k4: oioi
zakacat: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] zakacat has taken 1 :taco:s off the floor and now has 1. There are 1 left
zakacat: sick
Stilgart: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] Stilgart has taken 1 :taco:s off the floor and now has 33. There are 0 left
Stilgart: food waste is not acceptable
DisguisedCrows: Mmmm tacos...
antiwonto: [auto] Hey DisguisedCrows, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 3 tacos
DisguisedCrows: Nice
Silver_Indigo: Hello all, running into an odd error
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Silver_Indigo, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 2 tacos
Silver_Indigo: i have a list of lists in python (site_list)
Silver_Indigo: this is a list of lists of info from one of the gmae coding challenges, resource management
Silver_Indigo: site_list = [[0, 410, 640], [1, 1510, 360], [2, 1170, 464], [3, 750, 536], [4, 536, 360], [5, 1384, 640], [6, 711, 158], [7, 1209, 842], [8, 967, 849], [9, 953, 151], [10, 182, 823], [11, 1738, 177]]
Silver_Indigo: I am trying to iterate through it in a for loop and getting a "TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not list"
Silver_Indigo: for i in site_list:
dist_x = queen_x-site_list[i][1][0] dist_y = queen_y-site_list[i][2] site_list.insert[i][0](dist)
Silver_Indigo: error occurs on dist_x = queen_x-site_list[i][1] (thats a typo there is no "[0]") buyt would likely happen on the next line as well
anp0: i in your case is a list
anp0: if you want to access both the index of the sublist and the sublist, use enumerate()
anp0: for i, sublist in enumerate(site_list):
Silver_Indigo: interesting, i guess i didnt know as much about for loops as i thought previously
anp0: yep, the for loop in Python for lists, iterates over the content of your list. So think, "for human in humans". Good luck!
Silver_Indigo: ty, and to you for endeavor in your_endeavors
zakacat: give taco
zakacat: drop taco
antiwonto: [auto] zakacat has thrown 1 :taco:s on the floor for the taking but 1 was eaten by a software bugs!
zakacat: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
zakacat: umm, excuse me
Silver_Indigo: how many did a grammar bugs eat?
zakacat: all of dem
Wontonimo: looks like som grammar na*i want's a special if statement coded to exclude them
Wontonimo: :eyes: Silver_Indigo
Wontonimo: joking aside, thanks for pointing it out :grin:
Wontonimo: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
Silver_Indigo: sounds like someone forgot to add an exception for Hurt_Feelings on their grammer ;)
Silver_Indigo: ahh ruined not only my spelling but also my syntax, alright coding jail it is
Wontonimo: ey, but debauchery is me way of compensating :beer:
zakacat: I don't drink
zakacat: alcohol
zakacat: can I drink taco?
zakacat: I am dumb
zakacat: 10 is not a digit
zakacat: got it
zakacat: level up motherf*cka
ASM_MOV_INT: mushroom
antiwonto: [auto] Hey ASM_MOV_INT, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 17 tacos
ASM_MOV_INT: clash!
ASM_MOV_INT: !hsalc
PatrykJagielski: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
Rebollo: Guys, DAWG have N children and N parent?
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Rebollo, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 12 tacos
linjoehan: annyone here in gcj get the last one?
linjoehan: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
zakacat: give taco
zakacat: drop taco