Wontonimo: :wave:
AzrielCodes: python looks so easy comparitively
Wontonimo: yeah, that something really nice about it
AzrielCodes: lol
AzrielCodes: i just gotta say, since i've been thinking about this for a bit, I respect your knowledge and the hard work that went into your acquisition of it.
Wontonimo: oh thanks !
Wontonimo: i stole if from someone smarter
Wontonimo: *it
TimberStalker: I had to leave my computer so if anyone answered my previous question sorry. In labyrinth, i cant find a path short enough from C to the start in test case 05. What is the correct path?
AzrielCodes: i'm sorta stealing it from you
Wontonimo: let me look TimberStalker
Wontonimo: that's what my program found going there
Wontonimo: and you can see the shortest path just eyeballing it
TimberStalker: I see it now.
Wontonimo: so the question is, if you put this maze into your search, what path does it find?
TimberStalker: Why is my program going the other way
Wontonimo: do you print out a map of what your program knows every turn ?
Wontonimo: something like this
TimberStalker: ya i do
TimberStalker: for some reason A* takes me this way
Wontonimo: that's A- , not A*
TimberStalker: wait
TimberStalker: it switches direction
TimberStalker: why
TimberStalker: doesent a star guarantee the same path at any point on the path?
Wontonimo: why doesn't that pass? looks like it should pass to me
TimberStalker: Because it then goes like this
Wontonimo: did it actually explore and know of both paths?
eulerscheZahl: codejam is live
TimberStalker: Yes, it knows both paths. It was able to pathfinde both ways. For some reason though, it switches to the longer one
Wontonimo: ? don't know
Wontonimo: which codejam eulerscheZahl ?
TimberStalker: Its probably a mistake in my minheap implementation
TimberStalker: or something
Wontonimo: floodfill will solve it also. you don't actually need A* as it is overkill for this problem
Wontonimo: start from your target and flood, starting with painting the number 0, the 1 in the next squares, then 2 in the next, etc
Wontonimo: anyway .... it's late here. ng
TimberStalker: a actually floodfill anyway. To find the nearest unknown tile and to see if i can reach C
TimberStalker: then i A* to the point i found
TimberStalker: which means i probably dont even need A* does it
linjoehan: I dont get D or E but I still qualify
antiwonto: [auto] Hey linjoehan, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 5 tacos
linjoehan: * I dont get it yet
linjoehan: I know the solve of E will be a mind f*** if I don't get it before it's all over
linjoehan: but also I loled at eulerscheZahl when he said you need half hour to get the qualify problems done and I did it in under half hour
linjoehan: the real challenge is to get all 100 points
eulerscheZahl: i have D solved
eulerscheZahl: for E i get 100% correct locally but wrong answer on submit (so less than 90%)
eulerscheZahl: i'm even well within the error margins, not even close to the 33% tolerance. more like 1-2%
eulerscheZahl: i'm clueless
eulerscheZahl: :taco: linjoehan
antiwonto: [auto] eulerscheZahl has awarded linjoehan 6 tacos. linjoehan now has 11 taco. eulerscheZahl now has 30 taco
PatrickMcGinnisII: antiwonto hates me
ASM_MOV_INT: they REALLY need a dark theme for this website.... all the cool kids are doing it, microsoft with windows and edge...!
antiwonto: [auto] Hey ASM_MOV_INT, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 15 tacos
ASM_MOV_INT: i open a powershell instance, and set the background color to 60% transparency, then fit it over the window
eulerscheZahl: can't you just install an addon like ?
Westicles: or just use settings:theme:dark side?
PatrickMcGinnisII: ^ that
eulerscheZahl: oh, that's a thing? i never looked into it, i'm fine with light themes
eulerscheZahl: i use whatever the default is
Westicles: it only applies to IDE pages though
Slee: Hello, any one have some good learning ressource for modern C++? book / ebook name
jacek: happy Caturday
dbf: Caturday! Anyone in participating in code jam?
eulerscheZahl: yes dbf. 71 points so far, clueless why the last one doesn't accept my submission (works offline)
antiwonto: [auto] Hey eulerscheZahl, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 31 tacos
eulerscheZahl: eat taco
antiwonto: [auto] eulerscheZahl has eaten 10 :taco: and your Strength is now 6. You have 21 left
eulerscheZahl: even tourist with 5 failed attempts on the interactive problem
dbf: cool, I've just completed punchcards :)
eulerscheZahl: ASCII art
eulerscheZahl: "just completed" as in "30 minutes ago"
dbf: do you know, what does it mean if there is output for a test but 'SERVER ERROR' is displayed on the top? And test is marked as Completed in submissions?
dbf: just submitted it and it is fine, one more to go :)
eulerscheZahl: the 3rd problem is a simple one as well
dbf: based on your/mine performance on task 2 should solve it in ~30 mins :)
dbf: lol, done in 31 min :)
eulerscheZahl: congrats, you are now qualified. will you still try the other tasks?
eulerscheZahl: i have a long delay between 3rd and 4th. but not that hard, just got distracted by cat
dbf: maybe later today, need to finish my breakfast :)
dbf: thanks for the comment abount task #4, I was scared to see that you spend 1 hour on it
eulerscheZahl: it's definitely harder than the first 3. but still doable with a bit of thinking. and you don't need to know fancy graph algorithms to solve it
DomiKo: Talking about Code Jam?
antiwonto: [auto] Hey DomiKo, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 4 tacos
eulerscheZahl: yes
DomiKo: eat taco
antiwonto: [auto] you need at least 10 tacos to make a proper meal
DomiKo: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
DomiKo: :(
eulerscheZahl: :taco: DomiKo
antiwonto: [auto] sorry eulerscheZahl but you can only award tacos once per day
DomiKo: Any nice tasks?
eulerscheZahl: first 3 are boring. 4th is a bit of thinking
eulerscheZahl: on 5 (interactive) i fail and no idea why (maybe they hardcoded some inputs while the local runner generates randomly)
DomiKo: yeah they do that
DomiKo: local generator dont use 'brain'
jacek: :upside_down:
antiwonto: [auto] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo '
AlexandreAllard: Hello!
Nerchio: what code jam did you talk about?
DomiKo: Google Code Jam
eulerscheZahl: you can google it
antiwonto: [auto] Hey eulerscheZahl, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 22 tacos
eulerscheZahl: lmgtfy Nerchio code jam
antiwonto: [auto] hey Nerchio let me google that for you
Nerchio: thank you
eulerscheZahl: 1000 tshirts up for grabs
martinpapa69: how much effort do you think it takes to get in the t-shirt zone ?
antiwonto: [auto] Hey martinpapa69, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 9 tacos
martinpapa69: it would be nice to show my collegues how superior programmer am I with a google tshirt
DomiKo: I guess it depends on how much you already know
eulerscheZahl: time-wise: qulification: 30min
eulerscheZahl: then round 1+2 about 3h each
DomiKo: But T-Shirt zone isn't "free"
orendon: t-shirt is for top 100?
eulerscheZahl: but it's not that easy to reach top1000. i have 2 tshirts out of 5 or 6 attempts
eulerscheZahl: top 1000
orendon: got it
martinpapa69: shiet
martinpapa69: i dont have too much free time rn
eulerscheZahl: you only need 30min now
martinpapa69: oh sure that cool
eulerscheZahl: there are 3 first rounds (for time zones)
eulerscheZahl: and a common round 2 with the best from the previous first rounds
eulerscheZahl: that's the tshirt round
eulerscheZahl: top of round 2 or round 3, then finals
orendon: did you sole all in 30min? thats super fast to me
eulerscheZahl: you only need 30 points
eulerscheZahl: that's 2-3 puzzles, depending on which you take
orendon: I just did 44 points, but I spend >30
eulerscheZahl: linjoehan needed less than 30min for the qualifiers. i considered it a realistic average for users here who do well in bot programming but haven't trained for that type of task
orendon: yeah, I think is a good rationale
martinpapa69: holy, i get bored by just reading the problem
orendon: yeah 1st one is boring
eulerscheZahl: qualifiers always have some boring tasks
eulerscheZahl: the 4th starts to get interesting
eulerscheZahl: will get harder in later rounds
eulerscheZahl: skip the statement, task 1 is just ASCII art
orendon: I havent join CG in a while, are bot contests once a year now?
eulerscheZahl: we don't really know
eulerscheZahl: 2 contests per year but we don't know the format of each
eulerscheZahl: next one will be bot though
orendon: hope is not the cooperate kind
orendon: but the old classic ones
eulerscheZahl: will be business back to usual
eulerscheZahl: i even took off a week
eulerscheZahl: no excuses for me if i fail
orendon: I just started a new job, so can't do that, but will try to join anyway
orendon: do you often take some time off to reach legend?
eulerscheZahl: Medellin, isn't that where Pablo Escobar is from?
eulerscheZahl: reaching legend isn't the problem for me. i want to do better than that
eulerscheZahl: and yes, taking off for a CG contest isn't that unusual for me
DomiKo: week off - so it means FULL mode?
orendon: yep, but Pablo's thing where like 30 years ago, totally different now
DomiKo: I will take a little break at Uni too :sweat_smile:
eulerscheZahl: stupid question from my side, must be like Americans asking if Hitler is still alive
eulerscheZahl: my grades definitely tanked a bit, thanks to CG
eulerscheZahl: back then, contests were more regular
orendon: no worries, it's all good now if you happen to come someday
orendon: Hi Mr_FaZ3a
orendon: I just started working, kind of jelous to have that time school time back euler/domiko
eulerscheZahl: i finished university 4 years ago
eulerscheZahl: fun times
eulerscheZahl: but i can take off when I want to
orendon: very cool
orendon: in your exp, what's needed to reach legend nowadays?
eulerscheZahl: rebuild the game engine and simulate a few turns ahead
DomiKo: I am slowly finishing my studies, and taking a little bit more than for CG comes with big cost.
eulerscheZahl: as a rule of thumb, might be different for heuristics contests
eulerscheZahl: any plans for the time after graduation?
eulerscheZahl: PhD vs other employment
DomiKo: Right now I'm searching for the best place in the world for me
DomiKo: And I don't really see myself at PhD. Definitely not right now
eulerscheZahl: i can relate, was done after my master thesis
eulerscheZahl: as much as i like to study, writing isn't my thing at all
DomiKo: I believe I like more coding.
eulerscheZahl: that's what I do now. results in less motivation for coding own projects like CG bots :(
DomiKo: :(
eulerscheZahl: i can motivate myself for contests but not much more
DomiKo: Right now I can do most of my study projects at CG, so it's a nice merge.
eulerscheZahl: that's really cool
DomiKo: yeah it is
DomiKo: But one thing's for sure: you'll see me here for a while longer.
eulerscheZahl: it's a lovely place
DomiKo: It really is
DomiKo: And the coolest thing is that community is growing. Not only in terms of people, but in knowledge too.
eulerscheZahl: too bad that the chat will be removed :(
DomiKo: Yeah, that's a bit sad
martinpapa69: why tho ?
DomiKo: Money is always a answer
martinpapa69: :/
eulerscheZahl: maintenance effort, lack of moderation abilities
DomiKo: However, maybe discord will be better.
eulerscheZahl: for now it's mostly spam. i left the server
DomiKo: It's true.
DomiKo: Never really used it, because most conversations were here.
DomiKo: But Discord has some potential.
DomiKo: I would like to see really nicknames from CG. Maybe even ranks from CG.
eulerscheZahl: should be possible. topcoder discord renames everyone to match the nicknames
eulerscheZahl: codeforces assigns roles based on CF ranking
DomiKo: Yeah I know.
eulerscheZahl: afk, cat is yelling for attention :D
DomiKo: Cat is cat. You have to give him what he wants :smile:
Slee: Hello guys, do we agree the C++ certification is like an easy task?
abt8601: It looks like a number of people on Discord say so
Slee: i consider myself as a bad C++ programmer, and managed to obtains 99%+, that's seem a bit wrong
abt8601: Well, the problems don't seem to be particularly difficult, so I guess it's pretty easy to ace the test :thinking_face:
eulerscheZahl: 90% are better than 99% of all users. i highly doubt that the score has anything to do with actual results of others
orendon: which cert?
orendon: should I join the discord?
Slee: c++ one, the problems are easy af and there is no need to use some langage specific thing
Slee: i don't really get the goal of theses certifications
eulerscheZahl: it's on your CG profile page
martinpapa69: google t-shirt here i come :smirk:
antiwonto: [auto] Hey martinpapa69, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 10 tacos
martinpapa69: eat taco
antiwonto: [auto] martinpapa69 has eaten 10 :taco: and your Swag is now 1. You have 0 left
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
Nerchio: this bot is annoying lol
eulerscheZahl: it's gotten harder to receive t-shirts here in Germany :(
eulerscheZahl: they just get sent back by customs without even informing me
martinpapa69: maybe its easier to just print one
Westicles: gute fahrt t-shirt
eulerscheZahl: i found another user willing to play proxy. I hope it's easier once it's inside the EU
eulerscheZahl: backup plan would be to reach onsite-finals and pick it up in person
Ajaiy: I just realized that someone with four CodinGame accounts which have all played 50 Clash of Codes can approve any CoC contribution
eulerscheZahl: 4 to approve own contributions, 3 for someone else's
eulerscheZahl: you can also edit approved ones with 300 clashes played
Wontonimo: i'd really like to see some auto-mod tools that look for recurring groups of people self-approving and prevent it. wouldn't be hard to write at all
Ajaiy: but what if people have totally random names?
Ajaiy: for each of their accounts?
Wontonimo: 1st iteration is easy : have you approved or been approved by [user] recently, then not allowed
Wontonimo: 1st iteration also : same ip? not allowed
Ajaiy: ohhhh
Ajaiy: that's smart
Wontonimo: there are obvious work arounds, but it just becomes more work
Wontonimo: and just like locks, they are not unpickable, but the extra work involved deters most
Ajaiy: It does fail when you have 3 or more friends in CodinGame who are rready to approve all your contributions
Ajaiy: *ready
macobo: Every process has failure points and trying to design for eliminating these failure points results in bureaucracy more often than not
macobo: Piling complexity on top of complexity and whatnot
Uljahn: it's easy to check for instantly approved low quality contributions and warn or ban those cliques of users, happend in the past already
Wontonimo: so, are you saying we should get rid of software because it is an additional process on top of hardware ?
Wontonimo: :disappointed: tbh, I did that once. An instant approved contrib but I'd like to say it was good quality. The people involved actually checked it
jacek: oO
eulerscheZahl: space maze had a questionable moderation
eulerscheZahl: so did this puzzle, some intersection in approvers:
eulerscheZahl: puzzle itself is ok. but it's a verbatim copy of a hackerrank puzzle which is why i gave 1 star
eulerscheZahl: wait, there was 1 change: "print it modulo 10^7 + 7"
eulerscheZahl: original was 10^9 + 7 (which is a prime number)
eulerscheZahl: the CG author even copied a hackerrank solution that assumed mod prime at first, thus providing wrong solutions
Wontonimo: yeah, i hang my head in shame jacek
Westicles: the trend lately are accounts that approve everything
eulerscheZahl: i gave up, moderation only frustrates me
eulerscheZahl: is it too much to expect a statement without typos in every sentence?
Wontonimo: it seems so
jacek: :taco: Automaton2000
antiwonto: [auto] jacek has awarded Automaton2000 10 tacos. Automaton2000 now has 51 taco. jacek now has 41 taco
Automaton2000: let's say you have a bug or something
Automaton2000: you can also do that
Westicles: I think part of the reason twitch died here is so many bad clashes approved
Wontonimo: or the reduced frequency of multi events
Westicles: nah, the clash guys don't care about that
Wontonimo: yeah, but where are the people to watch ? without the regular competitions it is pretty dead with viewers
Wontonimo: idk, i never watch the twitch stream anyways. you are probably right
Wontonimo: hey, there are 8 spectators right now on the codingame twitch stream
eulerscheZahl: i got used to all the notification circles, didn't even realize there's a stream right now
Westicles: very exciting content
Westicles: but the best is JBM playing with his rubik's cube for hours
dbdr: anybody doing codejam?
eulerscheZahl: of course
eulerscheZahl: i gave up after reaching 71 points
eulerscheZahl: last task must have some non-uniform graphs
eulerscheZahl: some other users played codejam too
eulerscheZahl: DomiK o linjoeha n Astro to not name a few
dbdr: just started
dbdr: I thought it's going for the whole weekend
dbdr: and was busy before
dbdr: is it long?
eulerscheZahl: 30min max to qualify
eulerscheZahl: you need 30 points
dbdr: ok :)
Westicles: heh heh
dbf: > 30min max to qualify
dbf: it is also possible to spend 1.5 hrs to qualify :)
Westicles: hey Wontonimo, check it out he solves fax machine. 1 star
macobo: So clash of code used to have a lot of bot participants - is that still the case?
eulerscheZahl: dbdr shouldn't take that long
Ajaiy: wait lemme try that
a-Rye: Hey Wontonimo, I'm preparing for a stream on my Beginner Java playground. But if you ever get bored, I try to upload all my past streams to my YouTube. This will be my second or third tutorial set for Java, but Playgrounds are much easier to explain things
a-Rye: I mean, it's all beginner stuff for now. But when others get ideas for what would be useful to see explained, it helps
dbdr: Test 1 - Apr 2 2022, 19:22 SERVER ERROR
dbdr: gg google :D
eulerscheZahl: someone else (i think dbf) also had that at first
eulerscheZahl: those haskell solutions always look like magic to me. first he has compiler errors and then boom, solved
dbdr: where do you see the haskell solutions?
dbdr: btw, looks like 35 minutes is enough to get 100 points :D
Ajaiy: It's very easy to solve though
eulerscheZahl: check westicle's link
eulerscheZahl: wow, 35min for all is really solid
eulerscheZahl: i failed the last, not sure what i'm supposed to do. but let's not get into detail while the challenge is still running
Ajaiy: Which one?
Ajaiy: There are two of them
dbf: congrats, dbdr :)
dbdr: oh, that's not me!
dbdr: that's #1
dbf: haha, lol
dbdr: i'm doing the dice now.
dbdr: i guess it's a pattern that the statement makes the problem look harder than it is
dbdr: I think it will be easy, but maybe I'm missing sth :D
dbf: dice was the easiest from #1, 2, 3 i think
dbdr: lol
Synergyforge: I get my wheels back from HRE today! :D How do I get FedEx to use a shortest path algorithm to get to me as soon as possible? :D
dbdr: I guess I'm qualified? :)
dbf: :thumbsup_tone2:
eulerscheZahl: > oh, that's not me! that's #1
- rofl:
Synergyforge: Does anyone actually use Haskell or is it just for cool points? :P
dbdr: Astro optimized for minimal efforts it seems :+1:
dbdr: 1 and 3 are enough for 31 points
eulerscheZahl: oh had to use that one framework at work. technically C# but feels like haskell
eulerscheZahl: i hate it
eulerscheZahl: good thing i could pass that project on to another poor soul
eulerscheZahl: C# has List<T> so let's make out own Lst<T> and Seq<T>
eulerscheZahl: our*
Ajaiy: Why Lst though?
eulerscheZahl: i still have no clue how to convert those back to standard C# collections
dbdr: probably the worst of both worlds
eulerscheZahl: because it follows the immutable pattern (there are immutable lists in .net too)
dbdr: are they lazy too?
eulerscheZahl: and when you use those over standard collections, you have .map instead of .select and such
eulerscheZahl: so knowing C# and the .net framework doesn't help you at all with that framework
eulerscheZahl: and the project made heavy use of it
eulerscheZahl: also with a database that's too slow for online use. they decided to have a local copy. but no mechanics for incremental changes. takes 7 minutes just to update 2 rows
dbdr: lol
Synergyforge: Immutable lists are the devil's creation.
eulerscheZahl: and when your API returns types like A<B<C<D>>> (nested generics), it's no fun to work with
Ajaiy: When I was solving Death First Search, the names got as ridiculous as NeighNeighNeighs
Ajaiy: I guess it's part of coding?
eulerscheZahl: it's part of bad coding? ;)
eulerscheZahl: but names are hard
Ajaiy: I think so. My final code somehow didn't use such names
NJX: hey guys i'm nb on code, how is the most easy tut to i made?
Synergyforge: Uh... What?
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Synergyforge, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 6 tacos
flowerowski: print("Hello guys")
wlesavo: heh, thx for reminder completely forgot about code jam
wlesavo: Chain Reactions took me awhile
Kasanji: Hi. I am doing Power of Thor (easy puzzle). Test case took me a while and not solving it. I have all 4 lines specifically for N, E, W, and S in a straight line.
Kasanji: Third test wants me to go diagonally so I did this else if (lightX < initialTx && lightY > initialTy) { SW}
Kasanji: thor kept going SW without turning to West in a straight line. What did I do wrong?
Astrobytes: I did bare minimum to qualify for codejam as I had to go out, was gonna continue but too tired
Astrobytes: Kasanji: are you updating thors position
Kasanji: I still have first two test cases running correctly.
Astrobytes: you are updating his position with every movement though?
Kasanji: This is what I have on thor right now
Astrobytes: broken, pastebins must be broken again
Kasanji: ok uh
Kasanji: I will try different one
ASM_MOV_INT: just have to use copybins in the meantime
ASM_MOV_INT: :joy: ba doom boom tsh!
Astrobytes: yeah, pick a 'bin'
Astrobytes: ASM_MOV_INT: groan
Kasanji: eh
Astrobytes: lol, the link was too long?
Astrobytes: try hastebin or something
Kasanji: not seeing hastebin
Astrobytes: well, in the absence of any code, make sure you update thors x and y position every time he moves once in whatever direction
Kasanji: lightY == initialTy && initialTx < lightX
Westicles: how do they calculate penalty time? time since you first opened the problem?
Kasanji: System.out.println("E")
Kasanji: I do the same for W,S, and N if they are equal respectively, and move toward to that point in a straight line.
Astrobytes: initialTy and InitialTx need to be updated or it's as if thor never moved
Kasanji: oh okay
Astrobytes: Westicles: no clue, first time I tried codejam
Astrobytes: Westicles: seems it's "It is 4 minutes for every incorrect submission of the small data set of a question"
Kasanji: thank you. i was wondering because it does show the position is changing
Astrobytes: from 2014, the minutes may have changed, but that seems about right
Kasanji: Game information: Failure: Thor wandered off the path and died (invalid position). Thor position = (17,18). Light position = (0,17). Energy = 31
Westicles: oh I see, normally it is time from start of contest
Astrobytes: Kasanji: it will tell you where thor ended up and his current position but in the code you have to track it yourself
Astrobytes: Westicles: I think it's for tiebreaking purposes anyway
Astrobytes: time from start of contest is a little harsh unless it's running for a specific timezone surely
Westicles: Astrobytes, probably too tempting to cheat otherwise
CoolandonRS: Is there an easy way to reorder test cases?
Westicles: I am highly ethical like you so don't understand the need :P
Astrobytes: :rofl:
Nik05: Westicles i just did your balls puzzle, can't i submit my solution?
antiwonto: [auto] Nik05 be respectful and watch your language
Astrobytes: lol, that again. Can't say balls
antiwonto: [auto] Astrobytes be respectful and watch your language
Nik05: Maybe rename to touching testicles
Astrobytes: :rofl:
Nik05: That is allowed :P
Astrobytes: I strongly approve
Astrobytes: anyway, goodnight/day all
Nik05: Have a goodnight Astrobytes
Westicles: Nik05, you can't submit a solution until it is approved
Westicles: oh wait, it is a clash, so you never can...
Magmi: balls
antiwonto: [auto] Magmi be respectful and watch your language
Nerchio: maybe I will eat some meatballs tomorrow
Magmi: meat balls?
antiwonto: [auto] Magmi be respectful and watch your language
Wontonimo: seriously ? trying to provoke the bad word detection? shame on all of you
Wontonimo: keep it up and I'll kick you
Nerchio: :thinking:
Wontonimo: lol, are you weighing the options of provoking the bad word detection vs being kicked Nerchio ?
Nerchio: I don't provoke anything, it's just a bad bot.
Westicles: better kick whoever sent this
Wontonimo: haha
Wontonimo: Nerchio , there was a rash of 13 yr olds who were just spamming that particular word. it's not a bad bot, it really cut down on that behaviour
Nerchio: just because it solved one problem doesn't mean it didn't create more
Wontonimo: okay mr negative, propose a solution
Magmi: a big tyranny on this site when this word is banned
Nerchio: having an opinion doesn't mean being mr negative
Magmi: baIIs
Magmi: it got unbanned now
Westicles: this is all Astros fault
Nik05: Westicles damn that is a clash, well guess it can be written a lot shorter...
Wontonimo: baIIs baIIs ... yeah, see, it doesn't mind when I say it either. It's just people who are rude about it
Magmi: why you ban the word and not the people
Synergyforge: Decriminalize all words! :D
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Synergyforge, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 7 tacos
ASM_MOV_INT: decriminalize minecraft
ASM_MOV_INT: and tacos. i want minecraft and taco freedom, who's with me?
Synergyforge: I bought two copies of Minecraft years ago when it was like 37 cents. :P I haven't played in a while but I enjoyed exploring and building worlds with my gf at the time. My current gf doesn't even play games. :(
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Synergyforge, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 8 tacos
Nik05: How do you get tacos?
Synergyforge: You have to perform a ritual to the taco gods.
Nik05: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Nik05, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 1 tacos
Thorcode: hey antiwonto
antiwonto: [auto] hey Thorcode. I'm a bot :robot:
Thorcode: yaya
Thorcode: hi antiwonto
antiwonto: [auto] hey Thorcode. I'm a bot :robot:
Thorcode: antiwonto
antiwonto: [auto] 'antiwonto' was defined as ' A bot, possibly assembled in Central America. Programming questionable '
linjoehan: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] Hey linjoehan, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 12 tacos
linjoehan: give
ASM_MOV_INT: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
NonVeganTeacherFan: hi antiwonto
Synergyforge: Can haz taco?
Erinengmullen: How do you loop through an array to find the highest value
Synergyforge: Sometimes, there are built-ins you can use, but that is kind of cheating. Try setting a variable outside of the loop to something like 0 or negative infinity, then on every iteration of the loop, compare the current value to the highest value variable you set earlier.
Synergyforge: Then set the var to the current value if it's greater.
Husoski: Make the starting max value the first value of the sequence. That doesn't need a separate "infinity" value.
Synergyforge: Yeah if you just create an empty var, but sometimes that's not possible/optimal.
Synergyforge: You need the variable to be instantiated outside of the loop, and the implementation could determine how you do that.