tuanpenspinner: hi
MrZee: Ok, now I've officially done my first hard level puzzle! Thought I did yesterday, but it was actually medium lol
ninjadip: tight
ninjadip: i'm here trying to get this farmer and his pet wolf and goat on the same side of the river
Xascoria: why would a farmer have a pet wolf
MrZee: You don't have a pet wolf?
Xascoria: i have but im not a farmer
Aimal: how do i use boost in mad pod?
Thorcode: just print("Boost") if you want
Aimal: i did that, but it doesn't seem like it's working
5DN1L: replace the thrust with BOOST
Aimal: ignore the empty space between checkpoint y and boost
Thorcode: nô
Thorcode: no
5DN1L: Did you forget "else"? Aimal
Thorcode: del the nextCheckpointX + " " + nextCheckpointY + " " + at the print boost sentence
derjack: :upside_down:
Aimal: does having else matters here?
Thorcode: i think no
Aimal: so do you know how do I fix it?
Uljahn: without else you will print twice
Aimal: but it still doesnt boost
Uljahn: you have one boost only
Uljahn: every next boost is equal to max thrust
Thorcode: fix what?
Aimal: he said "every boost is equal to max thrust" so how do i not make it equal to max thrust
Uljahn: use it once per race
Aimal: should I delete the if statement
Thorcode: dunno
5DN1L: We need to see your whole code
Thorcode: it depend in this nextCheckPointDist < 500 i think
Uljahn: guess you could use a boolean variable to track the state of your boost, add a condition to use boost when it's available, and make it unavailable after the use
5DN1L: You need to add a space before BOOST
derjack: like System.out.println( nextCheckpointX + " " + nextCheckpointY + "spaceBOOST" );
5DN1L: 💯
5DN1L: Automaton2000 spaceBOOST now
Automaton2000: i thought you meant that
RaymondPang: hello everyone
RaymondPang: i am playing abalone
RaymondPang: i am stuck at wood 1 league
RaymondPang: how can i get promoted?
RaymondPang: to next level?
RaymondPang: any hints or help can i search?
derjack: its typical minimax or mcts game
derjack: do you have simulation of next moves
derjack: and abalone is community game, so wood1 is the highest league
RaymondPang: really? wood 1 is the highest... ~.~"
RaymondPang: i keep trying to improve the rank...
Iceblock28: someone can give to me the solution of ascii srt episode 1__
5DN1L: no
Fasader: 100 billion dollars
Iceblock28: i send you them tomorrow in 2100
Fasader: ok, you get solution 2105
5DN1L: the year?
MrZee: Jokes on you, they're a vampire and will be there to collect
5DN1L: sucking the blood from others' brains
derjack: theyll starve
derjack: no events after CoC event? :x
Wontonimo: "coming soon"
katrini.bashmak: goodbye
aliska.pipiska.bootinok: HIiiiiii
katrini.bashmak: hehehe
katrini.bashmak: katrini bot
aliska.pipiska.bootinok: aliska idjet lesom
katrini.bashmak: vi znali?
5DN1L: English only please
aliska.pipiska.bootinok: nenenene
katrini.bashmak: no
aliska.pipiska.bootinok: vsjem hiiiii
Passifi: Hey y'all anyone who could tell my code here just never exists the last while loop ? I coded a test version of it in visual studio code and there it works fine... and I am really at a loss here
Passifi: it is in c++ :)
Passifi: the error stream does give me a 0 value when the pointer is set to NULL and then the while loop doesn't seem to repeat anymore, but the execution just stops seemingly, can't make heads or tails of it.
therealbeef: in the if statements you are dereferencing the target pointer
Passifi: ohhh
therealbeef: if it's 0, those lines cause crash
Passifi: yeah I get it ... silly thanks
therealbeef: you're welcome
ninjadip: if using c++ and pointers you should use the nullptr for null and not NULL
ninjadip: nullptr is a keyword that represents zero as an address (its type is considered a pointer-type), while NULL is the value zero as an int
Marcos_Rocha: :grin:
Uljahn: featured puzzle event again :pensive:
ninjadip: yay
ninjadip: what is it
Uljahn: similar to puzzle of the week with voting for the best solution
ninjadip: i meant what is the event... not what is an event
Uljahn: i don't understand you, sry :slight_smile:
ninjadip: oh it's unknown
ninjadip: what the puzzle is Uljahn, i was wondering. i've only done one, i forgot they don't tell you until it starts
Uljahn: ah, i see
Uljahn: they don't tell PotW either
ninjadip: pot?
derjack: is multiplayer game a puzzle?
Uljahn: indeed, some multis happend to be PotW
ninjadip: whats pot2
ninjadip: potw
Uljahn: puzzle of the week
Uljahn: you can find past potws in your notifications (click "show read")
ninjadip: k
derjack: is mayonnaise an instrument
TKirishima: Hello World
Uljahn: guess you can hammer a nail with frozen mayo
Aquajag: i swear i'm looking at classic puzzles and i can't even understand what they're asking me to do....
5DN1L: which ones
Aquajag: anything medium. like "there is no spoon." find a node and neighbor. what?? input is number and somehow I'm supposed to know what a node is?
5DN1L: there is an example
5DN1L: in the statement itself
Aquajag: i'll admit i didn't scroll that far before my brain gave out
5DN1L: always do so then!
Uljahn: might be better to start on easy puzzles though, there are some with hints
KalamariKing: even the easy puzzles can be difficult to beginners, keep that in mind
MysteriousGirl: anyone a C++ pro here?
5DN1L: you asked the same question yesterday didn't you
MysteriousGirl: ye ig
struct: I barely know c++
abt8601: I can write things with C++, but not really a pro
slogslog: What task will come now? Compute the sum of two integers?
struct: that task is not trivial
Hugesn0wduck: pog
5DN1L: just the right time for that
darkhorse64: If you feel a CoC is pure crap, downvote it, it will be eliminated if enough people share your opinion
Uljahn: can we eliminate all CoCs from the pool? :thinking:
Hugesn0wduck: fish yumyum watermelooooooooooon
slogslog: Slowest of the 100%.... well, better than a stone against the head.
slogslog: Ah.... 14:46 good job
struct: coc is just memorization after a while
Angs: How large is the question pool?
eulerscheZahl: 1636 or so
eulerscheZahl: some are already removed because of poor rating
eulerscheZahl: and one of them breaks my formatting at the bottom
slogslog: to be honest. Such a Clash of Code week is nice if the clashes are diffictult enough but I like this site much more for the puzzles.
slogslog: But it's good for novice coders.
Angs: I only saw one Haskell CoC: who's the fastest to write a*x+b
Angs: Wasn't really worth the wait
Angs: Better clash curation would have been nice
MohamedMiri: hello , does the Coc rating in the end of Coc do something ?
Uljahn: it affects your rank
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: it would take 15 EMPs to take out the whole U.S.
5DN1L: it would take 1 more spam for you to be kicked out
MohamedMiri: no , when we rate the CoC
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: fine, is it probably to make a coded EMP?
Wontonimo: hi antiwonto
antiwonto: [automated] hey Wontonimo. I'm a bot :robot:
5DN1L: you wanted to code a lot of things, but did you ever start on any ONE of them, eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers?
Wontonimo: making new definitions has been disabled
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i coded one thing
struct: But old ones are still active?
Wontonimo: mcts
antiwonto: [automated] 'MCTS' was defined as ' Monte Carlo Tree Search ' by Wontonimo
Wontonimo: some
Wontonimo: i had to curate it a bit
Wontonimo: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
5DN1L: eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers, just one?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: yup, the other are not possible with my coding skill
Wontonimo: make 100 that are within your coding skills. that's how you get more skills
struct: try breakthrough simple game
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: im still working on my skill on anytime i can
5DN1L: how?
5DN1L: don't see you solve more puzzles here?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i have homework and that takes time
Marn: Depending on what you want to make you might have to do some research into what you have to work with. Your skill might not even be what's stopping you.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i try to do the best on my homework
5DN1L: good for you. what homework do you have? coding assignments?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i mean in school, and im trying to get into coding classes
struct: you dont need coding classes to learn how to code
KP56: why are clashes so weird now
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: plus i cant work on coding outside of school
KP56: its more like daily tournaments
5DN1L: KP56 you can still get usual clashes
Uljahn: it's a new type of events
Wontonimo: antiwonto what do you do?
antiwonto: [automated] Here are the commands I know : identify bad words, redirect clash of code, lmgtfy, share definition, welcome known user, say hi, award taco, welcome new user, what can the bot do
Uljahn: hi antiwonto
antiwonto: [automated] hey Uljahn. I'm a bot :robot:
slogslog: 42 seconds.... Douglas Adams time....
Uljahn: antiwonto :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] Uljahn has awarded antiwonto 10 tacos. antiwonto now has 40 taco. Uljahn now has 31 taco
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hm
Wontonimo: :taco: Uljahn
antiwonto: [automated] Wontonimo has awarded Uljahn 10 tacos. Uljahn now has 41 taco. Wontonimo now has 84 taco
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] You used your taco giving ability for the day to discover that you cannot give tacos to yourself
5DN1L: eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers why can't you do coding outside of school?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: im not trusted
struct: code in your head
5DN1L: you don't have a computer at home? eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers
Wontonimo: with pen and paper
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i do but im not trusted
Wontonimo: pen and paper , that's how i did 80% of my coding for the first 5 years
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i brought the computer two year ago and i have not touched it for a year and few months
Wontonimo: draw out work flows, draw out data diagrams, write out the function names you'll use
5DN1L: and? eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers
Marn: "Not trusted" can you elaborate ?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i did some "stuff"
5DN1L: you're talking in riddles
Uljahn: you did "attention seeking"? :scream_cat:
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: im not japaanese
Wontonimo: yup, attention seeking
5DN1L: at least some coding-related fiction
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i stopped that since i went to "health center"
Wontonimo: go do programming eve, then come back
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: but im doing homework
Wontonimo: I've given you a few min time out. Please come back *after* you've programmed and hhave something programming related to talk about
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i have one last question rn then i'll do coding
Wontonimo: no
5DN1L: better focus on your homework OR programming
Wontonimo: another and i'll ban. ttake a break for the day eve
Marn: In C++ are structs just public classes are are there more differences ?
struct: they are just public by default
Wontonimo: not that i'm aware of
Wontonimo: what struct said
Ceekay77: yup, struct is correct
Andriamanitra: aren't structs also passed by value?
Andriamanitra: quick googling says yes, and also structs are allocated on the stack rather than on the heap like classes
struct: Classes are not stored on the heap
struct: are we talking about c++?
Andriamanitra: yes, i guess geeksforgeeks is wrong then (which does not surprise me much)
struct: you can store it in the heap or stack
Ceekay77: both can be stack or heap, depending on how you allocate
Ceekay77: Personally, I rarely use a struct without allocating it dynamically from the heap
ninjadip: structs and classes differ from their ability to encapsulate/polymorph and all that cool class stuff right?
ninjadip: i usually use structs for small things that can stand alone and that have no methods. just like a structure of variables, no methods on how to act, i know they can, but that's what i do
SandmanSW96: what language ninjadip ?
bmacho: well I hate both structs and classes equally
bmacho: esp in c++ and in other languages
bmacho: the very top Java solution represents points in a grid as numbers, and calls x[i] and y[i] for their coordinates instead of p.x and p.y
BlaiseEbuth: bmacho doesn't like C++! Delete the language!
Pollard_Rho_Algorithm: Pollard_Rho_Algorithm
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have 10 tacos?
bmacho: let the functions store the data instead of the data storing its value for the same functions!
Pollard_Rho_Algorithm: 10 tacos?
Pollard_Rho_Algorithm: wow
jacek: oO
ZackEdwards: goddam only 36 seconds from jiangrui???
bmacho: oh he's called struct
bmacho: lol
Wontonimo: bmacho
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have undefined tacos?
Wontonimo: undefined!
Wontonimo: wow
Wontonimo: Wontonimo
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have 84 tacos?
Wontonimo: struct
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have 26 tacos?
Wontonimo: ;(
Wontonimo: I'll send you more when I can
struct: lol, its fine
BlaiseEbuth: BlaiseEbuth
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have 76 tacos?
FortniteGamerXXL2000: FortniteGamerXXL2000
BlaiseEbuth: Poor boy...
BlaiseEbuth: FortniteGamerXXL2000 :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] BlaiseEbuth has awarded FortniteGamerXXL2000 10 tacos. FortniteGamerXXL2000 now has 10 taco. BlaiseEbuth now has 77 taco
FortniteGamerXXL2000: j'ai rien compris au jeu, merci Blaise
BlaiseEbuth: :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others ' by Wontonimo
eulerscheZahl: :taco: struct
antiwonto: [automated] eulerscheZahl has awarded struct 10 tacos. struct now has 36 taco. eulerscheZahl now has 27 taco
struct: Is this for playing onitama?
eulerscheZahl: oh, you play onitama? that's good and bad at the same time
struct: why bad?
eulerscheZahl: good because: hey, it's onitama
eulerscheZahl: bad because i still haven't touched any of yours
struct: its fine
struct: My games are not for everyone
struct: I dont play them either
struct: :p
eulerscheZahl: and i'm retired
eulerscheZahl: except for contests
struct: how did the contest go?
eulerscheZahl: probably 5th
struct: nice
eulerscheZahl: waiting for final rerun with more testcases but looks settled to me
eulerscheZahl: annoying that you have to login to see the leaderboards
eulerscheZahl: nika completely crushed us
struct: who is he?
eulerscheZahl: 2nd of last marathon
eulerscheZahl: 2nd in overall topcoder marathon ranking
eulerscheZahl: for comparison: i'm 15th. there aren't that many users actually
eulerscheZahl: with this i'll probably earn a red color for the next higher rank
Idk.-_-: :expressionless:
eulerscheZahl: does my definition still work?
eulerscheZahl: yes
eulerscheZahl: :(
eulerscheZahl: it's removed
Idk.-_-: i wrote the code test cases was green and than submited
i saw 0%
Elena.: struct can I dm you?
antiwonto: [automated] 'help' was defined as ' ' by Uljahn
KeviYzeiri: I get first number of r=1-3
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: hi
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: who's the nogoodnik who undefined it?
eulerscheZahl: some definitions were removed. i invested 5 tacos on "yes" :(
eulerscheZahl: code
eulerscheZahl: it
eulerscheZahl: also gone :sob:
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: CM
eulerscheZahl: sdk
antiwonto: [automated] 'sdk' was defined as ' ' by eulerscheZahl
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: CG
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: [CG]
antiwonto: [automated] '[cg]' was defined as ' CodinGame ' by Wontonimo
eulerscheZahl: Wontonimo your bot has a selective memory
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: Wontonimo
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have 84 tacos?
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: that used to be quite a bit spicier
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: BlaiseEbuth :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker has awarded BlaiseEbuth 10 tacos. BlaiseEbuth now has 87 taco. Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker now has 27 taco
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: is the chat logger dead for good?
jacek: :upside_down:
antiwonto: [automated] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo ' by jacek
Hurricane_vr: how do yuo play thsi
ninjadip: my magic ball isn't working to see your screen
ninjadip: you can share the url and we can seethe game
BlaiseEbuth: lol
BlaiseEbuth: Who removed all my defs?
BlaiseEbuth: thx Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker
BlaiseEbuth: oO
BlaiseEbuth: xd
BlaiseEbuth: flip
BlaiseEbuth: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
BlaiseEbuth: antiwonto
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have 40 tacos?
BlaiseEbuth: Wontonimod
BlaiseEbuth: Why?
Quidome: what do you mean Hurricane_vr
BlaiseEbuth: What's the point of letting us defining things if you delete them?
BlaiseEbuth: MCTS
antiwonto: [automated] 'MCTS' was defined as ' Monte Carlo Tree Search ' by Wontonimo
MCTS: antiwonto undefine MCTS
BlaiseEbuth: antiwonto undefine MCTS
Hurricane_vr: Quidome sorry that wasnt me
BlaiseEbuth: antiwonto undefine MCTS
Quidome: :thinking:
Hurricane_vr: it was my stupid freind
Quidome: :punch:
Quidome: no worries :)
BlaiseEbuth: antiwonto undefine :upside_down:
BlaiseEbuth: antiwonto [automated] = [automated]
BlaiseEbuth: Can't define anymore?
BlaiseEbuth: antiwonto :turtle: = Walking soup
struct: Yeah I dont think its possible to define atm
BlaiseEbuth: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
struct: For undefine you need 40 tacos and then it costs 1
Quidome: BlaiseEbuth :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] Quidome has awarded BlaiseEbuth 10 tacos. BlaiseEbuth now has 97 taco. Quidome now has 14 taco
struct: oh maybe cant undefine either
BlaiseEbuth: Broken bot
BlaiseEbuth: Thx Quidome
slogslog: Go!!! Ouch.
Wontonimo: There was a lot of abusive definitions made by BlaiseEbuth or BlaiseEbuth imitating other users. So it has been disabled
slogslog: Lovely... i := 1
Like in Pascal in the early days
Wontonimo: oh, and like that my latest contribution just got another downvote in the last 5 min. :eyes:
solaimanope: i am learning python recently.. i tried Power of Thor code golf.. i could get my solutio down to 192 chars.. but I see top solutions with very less chars.. can I see those solution so I can improve my 'python skills'?
Wontonimo: try this
Wontonimo: its no secret that the golfed answers use a compression
solaimanope: thanks man
solaimanope: but what the hell is this output xD
Wontonimo: its a python program
solaimanope: understood... it combines two adjacent chars into one utf-16 char
BlaiseEbuth: Imitating? What?
UUolfo: WOW that compression is great, got me into the top 900 in a few
struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
KalamariKing: ive seen that compression before but always forgot how to do it manually
KalamariKing: that put me in the 300s easily
van_doc_Minh_vuong: :)
van_doc_Minh_vuong: hello
van_doc_Minh_vuong: :v
2010david: hello
2010david: i'm back
denis_semen_danil_777: Hello
ASM_MOV_INT: clash time