DialFrost: same
DialFrost: anybody?
Wontonimo: no ruby here
DialFrost: :(
Mortis_666: what problem is it tho
DialFrost: dont panic code golf
struct: my ruby knowledge is the basic only
struct: and only golf stuff
DialFrost: the problem with my code is its not printing anything
DialFrost: wanna look at it struct?
struct: paste it here I guess
struct: ill take a look
Wontonimo: I just created a markov text generation contribution ( to replace Automaton2000 )
Automaton2000: doesn't sound easy to fix
DialFrost: wat now?
Wontonimo: yeah, did it in the last 2 hours
DialFrost: thats fast
Wontonimo: i had fun with it ! just finished watching a whole bunch of videos about making Roguelike games and a common theme was generated text
struct: on your example one does it stop at 8?
struct: or should we keep generating?
Wontonimo: also, i haven't made a markov text generator before so i throught it would be fun
Wontonimo: yeah, stop generating
struct: why?
Wontonimo: wait ... where are you reading 8?
struct: Step 8 : ['is','bad'] => ['and']
Wontonimo: ah ... right. i'll add "etc" after that!
struct: maybe you can add ...
Wontonimo: thanks
struct: np
DialFrost: struct if uk ruby doesnt it mean u know some python?
struct: well i dont know ruby
DialFrost: but u js helped me with ruby
DialFrost: i can tell u know some...
struct: well I know a bit of ruby
DialFrost: ye
struct: and a bit of python
DialFrost: ah ic
DialFrost: but ur a lot better at c++?
struct: im only really familiar with c++
struct: yes
DialFrost: so u know perl too then?
struct: no
DialFrost: oh
DialFrost: perl is really close to c++
DialFrost: and rly op at code golf <33
DialFrost: u shld try it
Wontonimo: i used perl in the past
Wontonimo: spent about 2 years coding business applications in it
DialFrost: sheesh
DialFrost: thats mean ur a god at it?
DialFrost: 2 yrs is a long time mate
Wontonimo: that was back in 1996 and 97
Wontonimo: so, i remember little
DialFrost: oh ic
Wontonimo: does anyone use perl anymore?
DialFrost: mostly for code golf
DialFrost: but i dont use it
DialFrost: although i hope to learn c++ soon
Wontonimo: interesting
DialFrost: so i can learn perl
Wontonimo: yeah, c++ is good
DialFrost: perl is god of code golf
DialFrost: *and c++ is a really good language (fast,efficent)
DialFrost: but can be tricky to learn sometimes
Wontonimo: okay, but other than just for this site there is no need to golf code
Kururugi: man this is first time i hear perl used for code golf
Wontonimo: it can be fun, but probably not something I'd recommend spending too much effort on. Certainly not a skill that will help you get a job
Kururugi: yeah
Kururugi: code golf is bad for project dev
Wontonimo: well, it's past midnight
Wontonimo: actually it is 1234 !
Wontonimo: good night all
e_fishel: 9 days till Christmas
Wontonimo: o.m.g. i need to shop
e_fishel: i'm blown away by how quickly this came
Wontonimo: and sleep
Wontonimo: l8r
e_fishel: cya
e_fishel: good night
DialFrost: sleep?
DialFrost: lol its 1:43 pm
DialFrost: bai anyways
e_fishel: timezones :pensive:
DialFrost: <33
DialFrost: *still doing mad lol
jacek: umad
ShandonM: When the the code doesn't understand your genius
DialFrost: any ruby person here to help me in unary chuchk norris code golf?
Urutar: You're supposed to do that yourself ;)
Urutar: Otherwise, what would be the point
DialFrost: nice new pfp urutar
Urutar: Thanks^^
urjp[p]clsdhuflcsoidseo: anyone help me on clash of code
urjp[p]clsdhuflcsoidseo: i am new
urjp[p]clsdhuflcsoidseo: :cry:
DialFrost: for clash of code it is trick to help u
Urutar: Sure, I wrote ya a pm
DialFrost: as it is timed
Urutar: But forewarning: I'll not solve em for ya ;)
urjp[p]clsdhuflcsoidseo: plesas
urjp[p]clsdhuflcsoidseo: help me
DialFrost: please avoid trying to spam chat
DialFrost: it takes time to learn mate
Urutar: I explained CoC to him^^
LelouchVC2: is he old enough for that explaination?
Urutar: I suppose
Urutar: Not going around asking people for their age though
Urutar: Not going around asking people if they're imbeciles either; just assuming they're not ;)
Manohar123: i am unable to find the solution
Cederkaeppen: AoC was hard today :-)
jacek: thats what...
Tien2k9: the puzzle of the week is really hard for me :(
DialFrost: they're always hard
Tien2k9: yeah
Tien2k9: but it's difficultly is normal
DialFrost: wait wat
DialFrost: wr
Thorcode: really
DialFrost: wr's the link
DialFrost: oh wait nvrm
Tien2k9: the today puzzle of the week
DialFrost: bruh this difficulty is medium
DialFrost: green valleys
Tien2k9: that's hard
5DN1L: difficulty is all comparatively speaking
5DN1L: try one of the very hard puzzles, you may say it's insane
Uljahn: solved it with a simple floodfill algorithm
DialFrost: meh im not very good at coding
DialFrost: didnt rly wanna solve it
5DN1L: You'll improve with practice :wink:
FlyingWormOfPower_efa8: hi parówa
TheZombieKnight_2fc5: no wlasnie
Uljahn: speak english here or /join #poland
LelouchVC2: Discrimination!
5DN1L: Automaton2000, what is discrimination?
Automaton2000: ok i guess i can take a few hours
5DN1L: Only English is allowed in this channel. Only Polish is allowed in that channel. No unfair treatment. No discrimination.
LelouchVC2: Thats what they said about segregation
LelouchVC2: "Separate but equal"
5DN1L: Is separate ranking for different languages in code golf discrimination?
LelouchVC2: yes, discrimination by performance
5DN1L: Is single ranking for all languages in clash of code short mode non-discrimination?
5DN1L: shortest*
LelouchVC2: im just messing with you xD
5DN1L: me too, playing along :wink:
LelouchVC2: :flushed:
TheZombieKnight_2fc5: :open_mouth:
Mortis_666: hi
Mortis_666: Automaton2000
Automaton2000: what does that mean i have to write your own Mortis_666
5DN1L: wow
Mortis_666: lol
Mortis_666: Automaton2000
Automaton2000: but i don't feel like it
5DN1L: First time I see Automaton2000 actually responding with the other person's name
Automaton2000: i see you are a bot
Mortis_666: ya
Mortis_666: cool
jacek: oh my
Urutar: Automaton2000 is a neat bot, reminds me of Eliza a bit
Automaton2000: my bot isn't good enough to get me to gold
Urutar: Do you know Eliza, Automaton2000?
Automaton2000: i have to save it
Urutar: Neat
Urutar: What about you, AutomatonNN?
Urutar: Aww
5DN1L: Eliza II / Eliza Expanded
Urutar: It's quite neat
TheModified: Big ups to this site, got an internship starting february and it helps me brushing up my c++
5DN1L: Great!
TheModified: so in the horse-racing duals "assignment", apparently my sorting algorithm is too slow but i use quicksort
TheModified: any ideas? or would the issue lie elsewhere?
5DN1L: i used this and I passed: sort(strengths.begin(), strengths.end());
Mortis_666: what lang is this
5DN1L: C++
DialFrost: got it
TheModified: am i missing an include to use that?
5DN1L: yeah, you need #include <algorithm>
TheModified: oh thats standardized in the assignment, but i cant seem to use it
TheModified: i assigned strengths as int strengths[n]
5DN1L: I used a vector
TheModified: I'm not familiar with vectors, i'll look it up!
BlaiseEbuth: You can use it with any container, even classic array btw.
5DN1L: I'm not familiar with C++ really :P
5DN1L: Just describing my code which passed that puzzle
TheModified: using quicksort i passed testcase 1 and 2, but got a timeout on 3
5DN1L: does using sort make a difference?
Mortis_666: im stuck at case 3 too
TheModified: yes it did! just had to find out how to add to the end of a vector
Mortis_666: using python
TheModified: .push_back fixed it
5DN1L: great
TheModified: #TheMoreYouKnow
osmanfrncw: how to pass mad pod racing i need help
TheModified: Thanks a bunch, @5DN1L
5DN1L: you're welcome
osmanfrncw: how to pass mad pod racing i need help
DialFrost: u can try asking the pro guys
5DN1L: Mortis_666 let's look at your case now
Mortis_666: ok
osmanfrncw: I'm stuck in a section and where can I find the answer?
DialFrost: try not to cheat osmanfrncw
5DN1L: did you sort the inputs first? Mortis_666
Mortis_666: yes
Mortis_666: then check between neighbours
5DN1L: that looks fine so far
5DN1L: you go through the list only once right, after sorting i mean
Mortis_666: yes
5DN1L: that shouldn't lead to a timeout
5DN1L: what's your issue for case 3
5DN1L: timeout?
Mortis_666: Process has timed out. This may mean that your solution is not optimized enough to handle some cases.
TheModified: thats exactly what i had
5DN1L: hmmm weird
TheModified: i guess its the way you sort
5DN1L: i did the sort in one line
osmanfrncw: Where can I ask the professionals, how do you pass the sections where you hang out?
5DN1L: in the same line as reading all the inputs
5DN1L: not sure if that makes any difference
Mortis_666: im putting a value small to infinite then check between neighbours in the sorted list if the diff of neighbours is smaller then small change the value small to the diff output small after the loop
5DN1L: yeah, that's what i did too
Mortis_666: hmm
5DN1L: Do you do it with a for loop or a while loop?
TheModified: instead of infinite, i used 1 above the max range of pi, but same difference
Mortis_666: and i use sorted func
Mortis_666: for loop
5DN1L: ok
5DN1L: i used sorted too
5DN1L: Did you use a list comprehension?
5DN1L: Not sure if that makes any difference though
Mortis_666: in the getting horses part?
5DN1L: yes
Mortis_666: yep
Mortis_666: wait
Mortis_666: let me try this
5DN1L: i mean i used a single line to read the inputs, convert them to integers and sort
Mortis_666: yes
Mortis_666: i do it in one line
5DN1L: ok... that sounds really weird
Mortis_666: aha now i solved it
Jerrasterix: ruby ??
Jerrasterix: which puzzle ????
5DN1L: lol did you change anything? Mortis_666?
Mortis_666: yes
5DN1L: Jerrasterix Horse Racing Duals
5DN1L: Mortis_666 what did you change?
Jerrasterix: ohhh fine..
Mortis_666: before that i use horses[horses.index(horse)+1] to find neighbours insted of enumerate
Mortis_666: and now i use enumerate
Mortis_666: mayb thats the problem
5DN1L: ah i see
Mortis_666: lol
5DN1L: you read the list more than once each time
5DN1L: that's why it's slower
Mortis_666: yes
5DN1L: good, problem solved!
Mortis_666: yes!
5DN1L: and learn to be more efficient in reading lists too :wink:
Mortis_666: ig last time when i solve this puzzle idk enumerate
Mortis_666: btw the solid integers
5DN1L: yeah?
Mortis_666: u say look how many solid integers are there in 1 digit, 2 digit nums
5DN1L: yeah
Mortis_666: but i still cant find the pattern
Mortis_666: lol
5DN1L: haha
5DN1L: what's the number series you have then
Mortis_666: i loop one by one and check it have a 0 or not XD
5DN1L: yeah, that's fine, but how many are 1-digit, how many are 2-digit, etc?
DialFrost: this is the most amount of ppl i've seen online so far
Mortis_666: for 1 digit 9
Mortis_666: for 2 digit its 81?
5DN1L: correct
Mortis_666: and for 3 digit there is a lot
5DN1L: you may write a code to find out the number of 3-digit solid integers
5DN1L: or you may just guess now
Mortis_666: ok
Mortis_666: wait
Mortis_666: i think i know
Mortis_666: 9**2 is 81
5DN1L: bingo
Mortis_666: wow rlly?
Mortis_666: imma try
5DN1L: it's basically number of combinations
TheModified: ** is ^?
5DN1L: how many numbers you can make without using the digit 0
5DN1L: ** is ^ in some languages
5DN1L: or the other way round
TheModified: oh i've had no idea
5DN1L: or some languages don't use either lol
TheModified: time to finish some papers, have a good one lads
5DN1L: you too :joy:
Jerrasterix: A doubt, can mods read personal messages ??
DialFrost: haha
5DN1L: what personal messages
DialFrost: like pms
DialFrost: from one person to another
5DN1L: i mean between who?
DialFrost: anybody
DialFrost: any 2 random ppl
5DN1L: I don't think I can read random people's personal messages
DialFrost: hmm lol there's ur answer jerrasterix
Jerrasterix: ohh Thanks 5DN1L
5DN1L: at least on the chat. not sure personal messages on the forum. but i doubt it
LelouchVC2: of course u can
LelouchVC2: just hack
DialFrost: lol
Jerrasterix: bruhhh needing 711 xp to get to level 20 :sob:
DialFrost: lol
DialFrost: solve puzzles
DialFrost: gives u quite some xp
derjack: hmm
5DN1L: or get to a higher league in a bot game
Jerrasterix: I will have to solve 15 puzzles :(
Jerrasterix: I have maxed out for my ability in every possible game
derjack: ez exp
DialFrost: HAHA
DialFrost: although it takes u to be like a insane god at coding to create a contest
Jerrasterix: lol was but not now
Jerrasterix: no community contest
derjack: no more community constest now
5DN1L: or gain some achievements
5DN1L: solve simple puzzles in other languages
5DN1L: easy xp gains
Jerrasterix: hmmm... I can do clash of code to get in top 1000
Jerrasterix: nice one, thanks 5DN1L
derjack: cg sponsored contest is language achievement fest
LelouchVC2: showing off to ur friends
5DN1L: And levelling up. At certain levels you gain additional rights.
5DN1L: I like your answer though lol LelouchVC2
MustangMaster: first problem solved, finally :D
5DN1L: :thumbsup:
Thorcode: wow
Thorcode: 5DNl got to mod congrat
5DN1L: thanks
DialFrost: i didnt realise too until now lol
5DN1L: It happened a dozen hours ago :P
DialFrost: congrats!
5DN1L: thanks :)
LelouchVC2: where do you apply?
Thorcode: I don't think mod can apply
Thorcode: I have tried to apply to be a mod
5DN1L: Thorcode's right
Thorcode: but nah I can't find a way to apply to be a mod
Thorcode: wait what westicle account have been banned?
5DN1L: What makes you think so
Thorcode: many thing change in codingame
Thorcode: type westicle in search 5D
BlaiseEbuth: That's called 'rotting' Thorcode.
Thorcode: ? why rotting
BlaiseEbuth: The changes that happen on a dead thing.
Thorcode: like blaise too
Thorcode: wes v2 blaise v 6 sad for two pro
White_Code: print(hello world)
White_Code: ah man
UndyingLoremIpsum_e6eb: hell bros
5DN1L: hell as in rotting?
5DN1L: Rotting is the world, BlaiseEbuth, nobody can escape
White_Code: Can anyone teach me python
UndyingLoremIpsum_e6eb: yes , me
LelouchVC2: print("hello")
LelouchVC2: ull be hacking the pentagon in no time
BlaiseEbuth: I don't talk to mushrooms.
LelouchVC2: i dont either
LelouchVC2: i usually eat them
BlaiseEbuth: Westicles changed gender and became French Thorcode
LelouchVC2: good for him, wonder if he got it removed
Thorcode: why
DialFrost: haha
DialFrost: i'd prefer his old name
DialFrost: and his old cover
OtrovXYZ: what is he some kind of god
Thorcode: nah
rizonbro: anywone
rizonbro: see on discord that log out
rizonbro: I am not log out my self and its log out it self
5DN1L: Perhaps you can ask Discord about the issue?
Tien2k9: hi
Tien2k9: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Tien2k9: ?
Urutar: Anyone Hungry for Apples?
aunique: hello!!!
CryanRyan: :eggplant:
Urutar: Oh well
rekaxem: wow alecman is so good
AlecMan: haha
AlecMan: hungry for apples?
AlecMan: It's basically just 'Got milk?'
AlecMan: I think a rick and morty reference
AlecMan: But also thank you. The apples was a response to an earlier message in the chat lol.
5DN1L: No spam, please
Berattt: Said is a bad coder LOL
DPD: dpd ist the best
Urutar: AlecMan, that's correct :D
Urutar: Although it wasn't referencing any earlier message
AlecMan: haha
AlecMan: ah well
TheModified: @5DN1L Yo you're still here!
TheModified: hows it going?
5DN1L: Yes, I'm still here, it's afternoon for me
rekaxem: clash of code is fun when you win
TheModified: im mostly doing puzzles to practice c++
TheModified: and doing clash of code vs friends
Nizzz000: Im sitting in class and im bored
Akuma2k4: hi
Toastbrot69: hs
DPD: hi dhl
DPD: you are shit
DPD: im better
Akuma2k4: stfu
5DN1L: Please mind your language in the chatroom
Urutar: Also, please write english in here
Berattt: Said dein Profil sieht man nicht
5DN1L: English only please
Urutar: Beratt, this is the english/world channel
DPD: ok sorry
Akuma2k4: nein
0x6d: sprich deutsch du hurensohn
Toastbrot69: NEIN
DPD: pls bann this people
5DN1L: You're warned, if you don't behave, you'll kicked out
Urutar: Oi, that might get you banned if ya insult others
Toastbrot69: Im german
Magus: I was about to kick, but maybe 5DN1L what to have his first kick for himself :D
Urutar: So you might want to talk german here: #De
Magus: *want
Toastbrot69: what are examples for missbehaving?
5DN1L: I can leave that to you Magus lol
Toastbrot69: do we have to speak english?
DPD: there is a german chanel?
Urutar: Swearing, insults, inapropriate behaviour
Magus: yes, #de
Urutar: Yep #De
DPD: ok thanks
Akuma2k4: muss noch englisch hausaufgaben machen
Toastbrot69: thx
TheModified: so you type /join #De, right?
Urutar: Or just click it
Nizzz000: Red deutsch du lann
Urutar: The yellow part
5DN1L: Guys, English only, please, or go to another language channel
Urutar: Nizzz000, this is an english channel...
Urutar: The german one is #De
Magus: TheModified: /join de
Magus: (there is no #)
TheModified: wasnt sure
rizonbro: what happen here
Akuma2k4: wer denkst du wer du bist
Urutar: Well, for one, a person who tries to adhere to basic human decency.
Nizzz000: Werd man du HUnd
rizonbro: noob
Urutar: Toxic people is what's happening here
rizonbro: oh so that the problem
rizonbro: who toxic?
rizonbro: beruh
5DN1L: Never mind. Two kicked out.
derjack: oh my
rizonbro: who
rizonbro: ?
5DN1L: Doesn't matter.
rizonbro: oh ok
5DN1L: What matters is me having my lunch in peace now :D
Uljahn: LIP
rizonbro: bruh
rizonbro: having lunch
5DN1L: Yes Uljahn lol
rizonbro: are u kiding me
rizonbro: lol
Urutar: Why?
Urutar: ^^
Kailynn: lol
rizonbro: he say :I am having lunch lol
Kailynn: Ik I read it
rizonbro: who is Alecman
Mortis_666: is it just me or the streaming icon shows 1 when no one is streaming
rizonbro: I saw it but like bot
5DN1L: Mortis_666, refresh?
rizonbro: refresh
rizonbro: done
Mortis_666: ok one sec
Mortis_666: o ok it works :)
Urutar: Hm, how do I block users from following me?
5DN1L: I'd like to know too
Urutar: Or a list of channel commands, that'd be neat...
Urutar: Oh nvm found em
5DN1L: "Anyone can follow anyone, just like on Twitter. There is no way to block someone though or make your profile private."
Urutar: Eh, apparently it's in the backlog
Urutar: I do wonder why people have to be so toxic sometimes.
Uljahn: following people just gives you additional filter in leaderboards
5DN1L: ah right
rizonbro: what is the problem
rizonbro: any ppl that toxic on discord I log out by bot
rizonbro: discord
Wontonimo: also, following people allows them to private message you when you are offline
rizonbro: umm migth be
rizonbro: umm migth be
rizonbro: sorry
rizonbro: doyble
BlaiseEbuth: Following people allow you to know where they live. :smiling_imp:
rizonbro: uljahn
rizonbro: ok
unkowone: thats cool
unkowone: :imp: hellow
unkowone: howwot
unkowone: bruh\
unkowone: how to spam or ban
Uljahn: pls stop it
unkowone: ok
unkowone: it kill u
unkowone: :japanese_ogre:
**unkowone slaps uljahn: around a bit with a large fishbot
VisionaryM: Onichan!!!
5DN1L: Is that Japanese?
VisionaryM: hai
Lynch[0]: hello
VisionaryM: konnichiwa
Mortis_666: nais 2nd accepted contribution
VisionaryM: Clash of Code Really Sucks for C++ coder
VisionaryM: change the character part and to approx time to run the program
j10__1: dream is trash
5DN1L: VisionaryM and creating an unfair advantage to another language? lol
5DN1L: disadvantage*
jacek: oO
VisionaryM: less code doesn't make good if it comes to fast and less memory usage
Uljahn: try bot AI games then
VisionaryM: yeah that's god I loved it
Uljahn: that's where c++ shines
KrazyCorpse: how do I separate the test cases?
**White_Code slaps Uljahn around a bit with a large fishbot
KrazyCorpse: I input a solution for two and both fail as a result
**White_Code hi
White_Code: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
5DN1L: KrazyCorpse, you have to write a single code which solves all the test cases
5DN1L: a general code
White_Code: sry all
VisionaryM: please suggest me a less syntax language to learn
Mortis_666: wdym less syntax
Uljahn: like ruby
AllYourTrees: python?
BlaiseEbuth: Perl!
VisionaryM: well i see ruby guys rockz in COC
Mortis_666: especially in shortest
KrazyCorpse: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ if I try them individually I get a success, but if I add one under the other they both fail
Mortis_666: means that ur code is not correct
KrazyCorpse: got 4 diff. test cases there to draw ascii with console.log if I do them individually they're fine - I click "play test case" after I copy/pasta that particular one, and it's good
Mortis_666: bruh
KrazyCorpse: but if I try to have them one under the other neither of them expects it so they both fail (did not even get to 3) and not clicking "play all test cases")
KrazyCorpse: sorry if I'm being dense, 1st day here :P
5DN1L: It's not good if you have to write one code for every different case :joy:
5DN1L: there are millions of situations, do you write millions of codes?
KrazyCorpse: mother of god... :open_mouth: been using a hammer where a scalpel is required...
j10__1: It's not good if you have to write one code for every different case :joy: there are millions of situations, do you write millions of codes?
j10__1: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy::joy: :joy::joy:
White_Code: guys type /join" Wass up"
j10__1: :joy::joy::joy:
j10__1: :joy::joy::joy::joy: :joy:
j10__1: :joy: :joy:
KrazyCorpse: I retract my previous statements as well as my presence on here
Mortis_666: /join" Wass up"
KrazyCorpse: <skulks back to drawing board in shame>
5DN1L: KrazyCorpse you can do it
White_Code: leave the commas
KrazyCorpse: :muscle: :grimacing: hnnnnggg...
Jerrasterix: okay I still don't know, but I went from Bronze to gold botg...
Jerrasterix: ^int botg
KrazyCorpse: I thought each test case is a separate exercise :face_palm_tone1:
Mortis_666: uhh
5DN1L: No, it isn't. And after your code succeeeds in passing all the test cases, it still has to pass all the invisible validators
5DN1L: The validators are yet different from the test cases
KrazyCorpse: that's the crucial piece of info that did not reach my caffeine-soaked brain today
KrazyCorpse: cheers!
5DN1L: You'll get used to it :)
KrazyCorpse: :sunglasses: you betcha!
Uljahn: KrazyCorpse: this might be useful
KrazyCorpse: much obliged, @Uljahn
jacek: aww
BlaiseEbuth: Stop trolling jacek. No more mods on your side... :(
jacek: mod strike?
BlaiseEbuth: Resignations.
BlaiseEbuth: Fresh mods will ban you on sight. Be careful
jacek: oO
eulerscheZahl: i still show as mod but not much longer
balamalexis: who´s from Germany
Uljahn: euler, what about your puzzle search tool? will you eventually shut it down?
eulerscheZahl: btw topcoder marathon started yesterday
eulerscheZahl: the puzzle search does a re-indexing on autostart for me
eulerscheZahl: but it's totally possible that CG API changes, i don't know if i would fix it then
eulerscheZahl: and i might not notice when indexing of new puzzles breaks. another cause might be that my active session cookie expires
rekaxem: what is the puzzle search tool
eulerscheZahl: but i'm not actively deactivating it
jacek: any changes announced recently?
Uljahn: ok, thanks
rekaxem: what is this tool for
eulerscheZahl: no, just a question on mods channel who's still in and who wants to quit. with a recommendation for those who only care about contests to choose the latter. which is what i did
eulerscheZahl: when you play a clash of code and time is over, you can search it and keep playing without time pressure. and when you want to create a puzzle yourself, you can check for duplicates
eulerscheZahl: but tbh i was just a matter of time for me to quit. CG just isn't the same website anymore as it used to be 3 years ago. different target audience now
darkhorse64: That says a lot about future contests
eulerscheZahl: there is no confirmation about the future. neither in one nor in the other direction
rekaxem: who are the target audience now
eulerscheZahl: CG used to be about AI contests, see the bot programming section. now it's more about puzzles, clashes, escape, ...
jacek: maybe they said that so mods wont be overwhelmed during contests
eulerscheZahl: more training, less competing
jacek: everyone's a winner
darkhorse64: everyone >99%
Uljahn: we are losing most competent, proficient and creative part of the community because of no bot contests, because CG staff is used to think this part is too small to be relevant, sad
BlaiseEbuth: 5% thought Uljahn... :smirk:
Uljahn: 95% of zero is still zero
darkhorse64: Harsh comment
Bon[]Crayon: :peace:
Astrobytes: Harsh times.
BlaiseEbuth: Not while you don't divulgate the 0. Welcome in the fantastic world of the CG surveys!
darkhorse64: Astrobytes: are you resigning also ?
Astrobytes: Yes I resigned with euler and Ille
jacek: Uljahn too?
jacek: now urge to trolling subsided :(
BlaiseEbuth: He :/
eulerscheZahl: yet we are still here. resigning as a mod doesn't mean that we will completely avoid the site now. just not playing the junction between staff and community anymore
Astrobytes: Yes, indeed.
darkhorse64: I don't know if it's related. I noticed that Wonto lost his badge recently. What's the point of trolling if there are no mods ?
eulerscheZahl: but it's true that I will be less active most likely. no more 2048 or Dice Duel happening
eulerscheZahl: wonto is a server bug
eulerscheZahl: still a mod
Astrobytes: darkhorse64: That was/is a CG issue afaik
balamalexis: who is from grmany
eulerscheZahl: i am from germany
jacek: :scream:
BlaiseEbuth: They probably updated the site certifcates :rofl:
darkhorse64: Undercover mod
Astrobytes: The Modfather
BlaiseEbuth: And of course: the Community Masher
balamalexis: who is from germany
darkhorse64: Nice typo :grin:
eulerscheZahl: any mod here to kick?
jacek: if there was someone with mod powers right now...
Astrobytes: Still have powers.
BlaiseEbuth: Hitler is from... Austria. nvm
eulerscheZahl: i was just about to do the same, had already written it :D
Astrobytes: hehehe
**BlaiseEbuth check the Godwin point
darkhorse64: check the Darwin point rather
TimberStalker: I found a very simple solution to the hourglass puzzle.
jacek: :tada:
Miki09: Who will be the new mods?
eulerscheZahl: wontonimo is still pretty new and 5nd1l started yesterday
eulerscheZahl: *5DN1L, sorry
jacek: did they get a raise
BlaiseEbuth: Yup. 100%
epaikins: who wants to try the compete section?
jacek: whats in the compete section?
marcelodelazari: guys
marcelodelazari: is there any way to turn autocomplete off?
VizGhar: click settings -> edit configuration
BlackPonyOfDeath_bf10: I'm new guys cwhat's the compete section?
5DN1L: You select compete section in the menu, and it leads to this page:
marcelodelazari: i cant find "edit configuration" lol
VizGhar: you must open code editor first (open any puzzle to see the IDE)
InnovationINC: e
marcelodelazari: it worked, thanks
VizGhar: :thumbsup:
Wontonimo: hey Astrobytes and eulerscheZahl, its sad to hear you two are resigning ;(
Wontonimo: just saw that in the chatlog now
Flaise: Hey guys
BlaiseEbuth: Sha Wontonimod! Shhhaaaaaaa!
darkhorse64: English please
BlaiseEbuth: It is. No-culture-tea-pot
Flaise: That's some interesting talk about the focus of the site shifting. I joined specifically for the AI contests. I'm not nearly as interested in the rest.
darkhorse64: I thought you were trying to summon smth
eulerscheZahl: hey flaise, aren't you the one who did the game-dev thing with illedan?
BlaiseEbuth: FlaiseEfuth
eulerscheZahl: you can still play the old contests. great games and strong bots as opponents. just the design of future contests is a bit in the void right now, lots of uncertainty
resty-daze: it makes me sad that I haven't put enough effort in the past in those ai comps
Astrobytes: I believe it is indeed the same one euler
BlaiseEbuth: You can. While the site exist...
BlaiseEbuth: Astrobviously
Astrobytes: Wontonimo: we'll still be around though ;)
eulerscheZahl: there are still a few other sites to look into. but to me CG was always special. simple rules, lots of players and just the contest atmosphere
eulerscheZahl: there are some AI contests running right now
resty-daze: ye i think CG has the most participants
eulerscheZahl: only halite had a similar number - that one is dead
eulerscheZahl: the halite devs started a new project: Lux AI
eulerscheZahl: but that's a 3 month contest, not 10 days :(
resty-daze: is Lux a new name for Risk?
eulerscheZahl: I only know it as Latin for "light"
resty-daze: oh no they do not look alike
eulerscheZahl: light as in sunlight, not as the opposite of heavy
darkhorse64: For bot programming, I think CG is still unmatched: content, tools, IDE
eulerscheZahl: oh, it's something :tada:
Astrobytes: :+1:
eulerscheZahl: and I can't give a <3 429 too many requests
jacek: thats some cleanup eh
resty-daze: there is a game call Lux Delux in steam, which is a board game called Risk. I was in a ai comp for that game perhaps 15 years ago back to high school days
TimothyAlexisVass: arithmetic progression x=1, y=2 if the progression is linear, and 12 numbers long... This is the sum: -54*x+66*y
TimothyAlexisVass: Can someone explain why? :)
darkhorse64: At least one guy has lost 40K CP
Flaise: eulerscheZahl: Yeah, I made Desert Digger with Illedan. I'm surprised anyone recognizes me. It was a 10-day game jam competition.
Astrobytes: flaise: we talk ;)
struct: lets hope he can clean all leaderboards
Flaise: Literally the only reason I know about CodinGame is because referrals showed up in my analytics for Desert Digger. I was like "wtf is this site"
BlaiseEbuth: Why your account not yet deleted struct?
struct: why would it be?
BlaiseEbuth: :scream:
Astrobytes: flaise: We may have played Desert Digger a little bit :innocent:
Flaise: So what kind of uncertainty is there in the future of AI contests on CG? I feel a little out of the loop. Does CG maybe not want to host them anymore?
TimothyAlexisVass: -_- -_-
darkhorse64: Actually, CG is tight lipped
darkhorse64: on the subject
BlaiseEbuth: CG want money :money_mouth:
BlaiseEbuth: *CodePad
BlaiseEbuth: Well... same
resty-daze: Sure, without money you can't last as a company
jacek: mods' salaries are too high they almost brought CG to bankrupcy
Astrobytes: jacek: back in your box lol
eulerscheZahl: CG started experimenting with new ideas, check "activites" => "cooperate" at the top
BlaiseEbuth: capitalists...
resty-daze: anyone tried that escape things?
BlaiseEbuth: :nauseated_face:
eulerscheZahl: it's like an online escape room: you click on things to get clues and solve riddles. some require a bit of coding, others can be done without. and that's what the last contest was about, at the expense of not having a bot contest
jacek: so they escaped from CG
Flaise: Pff. I expect companies to follow the money. But AI contests are cool. There has to be money in that.
eulerscheZahl: i didn't try myself. found a youtube video and quickly scrolled though the timeline to get an impression. just not my cup of tea
BlaiseEbuth: Astrobytes! You could ban jacek before going!
eulerscheZahl: Halite did AI contests for recruiting purposes. Then they stopped, to little return on invest
Flaise: Cooperate mode sounds interesting but I know so little about it
Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth: Never! :rofl:
BlaiseEbuth: :disappointed:
eulerscheZahl: to give you an idea about escape, contains spoilers
resty-daze: there seems a lot new games in the bot section, any recommend?
eulerscheZahl: that's also a curse for those games: too many to choose from, so it's hard to stand out
eulerscheZahl: if you like 3D and have a strong GPU, try dice duel ;)
BlaiseEbuth: Say the guy who committed half of those games... :smirk:
eulerscheZahl: but really hard to recommend anything. would be easier to name 2 or 3 not to try because of misconceptions
eulerscheZahl: i won't trash-talk other creators though. among my own i'd say that tower dereference is not worth playing
jacek: huh
struct: for board games I recommend breakthrough
jacek: :+1:
Astrobytes: struct: you still working on that?
Astrobytes: +1 for Breakthrough
struct: yes but not puting a lot of time
eulerscheZahl: dots and boxes has more depth than I initially thought
Astrobytes: just ask Smits :D
resty-daze: taking a note, I can try them one by one
Astrobytes: I started HS recently, but I got lazy writing the sim
BlaiseEbuth: Yeah. Listen to eulersche_coffee_Zahl
Flaise: As an experiment the coop mode does sound interesting but I have no friends so I'm not sure I'll ever try it. xP
Flaise: T_T
eulerscheZahl: hypersonic is cool
TimothyAlexisVass: Flaise, make friends here and try it...
eulerscheZahl: there are coop bot games here as well
eulerscheZahl: namely code a la mode and fireworks
Flaise: xD
BlaiseEbuth: CALM \o/
jacek: and tutorial ones like onitama or nine men morris
BlaiseEbuth: Stop spamming that
BlaiseEbuth: Math attack
eulerscheZahl: I just realized that Thibaud wrote "I’ve “cleaned” the top of the GitC arena"
while there is no more GitC, just cyborg uprising :P
resty-daze: Why they change the games' name
eulerscheZahl: that user renaming :rofl:
BlaiseEbuth: Good! let's pursue him for copyright violation!
eulerscheZahl: they are concerned about possible copyright infringements
jacek: 42nd?
Astrobytes: hahahaha :rofl:
eulerscheZahl: and lvl42. that's a lot of answers
Flaise: Astrobytes: Also, it's not about talking to each other, it's more I tend not to expect people to remember me, even if they'll remember a product.
resty-daze: They must have a good search skill to find any solution code in CG
eulerscheZahl: illedan linked your profile and mentioned that you joined CG because of referrers
Astrobytes: Flaise: It was fresh in our minds since Illedan mentioned you'd come to CG... damn you euler :D
eulerscheZahl: classic. but you are always faster at kick/ban
Astrobytes: Fair :D
Flaise: Oh he said that too
eulerscheZahl: yes, on a private discord server
Flaise: Ah, haven't checked out the Discord server yet
Astrobytes: (wasn't on the CG one)
Flaise: oh
BlaiseEbuth: A discord server for dissident mods?
Astrobytes: hahaha, just conversation
BlaiseEbuth: :suspicious:
Flaise: lol
BlaiseEbuth: ngl
Lambert_W_Function: hi
Flaise: So when you guys say that the AI competitions on CG are going to become less of the site's emphasis... Are the AI competitions already on the site going anywhere? And is there anything stopping community members from making their own competitions?
Wontonimo: you can use them
Wontonimo: and i don't think they are going anywhere. well, not that i know of
jacek: bot programming is still available
Wontonimo: but it isn't their focus anymore
Wontonimo: so they don't advertise them
Flaise: Hopefully they either do a really good job of the new stuff or they realize bot programming is just better so they go back to focusing on bot programming. :P
Wontonimo: and actually they are kind of buried in the user experience so most new members wont even really know about it
jacek: thats why we need to spam them :imp:
Wontonimo: i think it is a hard balance of measuring success. if they want to measure success as active users, then clash of code is great because it has a much lower bar than bot battles and so you can attract more active users.
Wontonimo: but if you want high quality employable users and be a centre of knowledge and excellence, then bot battles is the way to go
Wontonimo: i think they are chasing bulk numbers, and that means lower the bar
Wontonimo: but i don't have any official word on that
Flaise: Yeah and isn't this site marketed, among other things, as a way to connect employers with employees? Quality is more important because there are lots of other ways to find coders to hire. CG needs a way to stand out above, say, LinkedIn.
Flaise: Thus, the emphasis if you ask me should be competitino.
Flaise: ...competition. ...Such as, not spelling bees.
5DN1L: and if the players would like bot contests "with time limits", not sure whether that can be added as a feature in the community-made ones. currently all community-made games you can still play are without time limits
Wontonimo: my experience with recruiters is that by-and-large they go for quantity over quality. sad as that may be
jacek: nyoro~n
Wontonimo: nyoro-n for sure
Flaise: Well as long as they don't neglect ways for coders to stand out
Flaise: What's nyoro-n?
Wontonimo: oh 5DN1L , we could add something in the community made games that bots not published this month are deactivated immediately. I have a method to achieve it
Wontonimo: *current month, not *this month
5DN1L: meaning like one month after the game is approved and starts?
Wontonimo: no, like there is a published 'key' every month that your bot has to reply with on turn 1 or else it gets deactivated
Flaise: So you want to see the ranking of all bots published within a time window of a month
Wontonimo: not here sushideathrobots , post that to #clash
Astrobytes: Seems convoluted. Why not just have a monthly leaderboard of active bots?
Flaise: How about instead of a key, just have the server track last_updated_date of each bot?
struct: well you can see when the bot was submited
Wontonimo: both of your ideas are 100% better , absolutely , but those two things are out of our control
Astrobytes: that's what I'm saying too. It's easy enough to use the API to get the dates
Astrobytes: iirc
Flaise: Sounds like a job for one of those external community sites. :O
5DN1L: What I meant was just to let the community create and approve bot games with the contest element added - i.e. one contest at a time, and everyone creates the bot and compete within that certain timeframe to get the ranking. afterwards, the puzzle can become ordinary bot games again.
struct: no comunity contests
Astrobytes: ^
struct: it was done before
struct: but it endeed
struct: ended*
5DN1L: oh
Wontonimo: poorly even
5DN1L: what happened
Flaise: What went wrong with it?
jacek: no $$$
BlaiseEbuth: ^
struct: unnoficial comunity contests dont get enough players
Astrobytes: Too much work for the devs
struct: and is too much work
struct: just to get like 100 players
Astrobytes: You can do it *unofficially* but good luck getting the numbers like struct said
5DN1L: understood
Flaise: I wasn't suggesting a community contest, I was talking about one of those websites that pulls data off the API and compiles it into charts and stuff.
Wontonimo: well, we could pass around a hat and collect ad money, but i doubt that will happen
Uljahn: btw Thibaud said there might be "events of the week" in AI format with opening of leagues
Flaise: Sounds simple enough to be helpful.
Astrobytes: Flaise: we have a few of those already. You can access most from here
5DN1L: so it's different from a bot game becoming a puzzle of the week, Uljahn?
Uljahn: guess not really
Astrobytes: Uljahn: yes indeed, I forgot about this idea - if it is still viable for CG
Flaise: Right, but do they filter according to Wontonimo's idea
Flaise: That's cool, though. It's interesting to see the language the top bots are written in. They're like almost all C#, Java, C++, and Python. With traces of other languages for taste.
jacek: c++ for speed. python for heuristics
Astrobytes: It's easy enough to leverage the API for your particular purpose, wouldn't take long to come up with something
Astrobytes: + useful
Flaise: That sounds like a programming puzzle. Maybe CG should publish a programming puzzle where they have you write a script to use their API to improve the site in some way. And: BAM! Free labor! (I'm joking of course. xD)
5DN1L: like Euler's puzzle search
Flaise: Actually, community contests are improvements to the site...
Astrobytes: hehehe, we already offered our services previously
Flaise: jacek: Personally I'd go for Rust for speed but I'm a weirdo.
jacek: there are some rusters here
Astrobytes: plenty Rustaceans on here
Flaise: "Rustacean" x3
sushideathrobots: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Astrobytes: :crab:
Flaise: ------ #5, written in Rust.
eulerscheZahl: only took me about 1-2 months worth of full-time work. 53 players in the arena :tada:
eulerscheZahl: no community events without help from CG
Flaise: And I have just realized that putting a number sign in front of something makes it a channel link.
jacek: wasnt tryangle-catch potw?
Flaise: "I am rank hashtag-five" lol
eulerscheZahl: yes it was
jacek: oh my
Flaise: You wrote the server for triangle catch?
eulerscheZahl: rules are too complex for anything outside of a contest
eulerscheZahl: the server? i wrote the game engine
jacek: no, he wrote miner for the dice duel
eulerscheZahl: you can create your own game with the CG SDK and upload it
Flaise: That's what I meant. Cool.
eulerscheZahl: it will then play battles on CG servers
Flaise: Oh, right, I remember the froggie icon now.
jacek: no santa frog?
eulerscheZahl: you can upload pretty much anything that fits in 10MB
Astrobytes: Grinch Toad this year I think
Flaise: I was actually considering playing it but my focus is things that make my profile page look better. I'm doing the mars lander optimization puzzle. :o
jacek: who seriously looks at the profile page nowadays
eulerscheZahl: pro tip: you can disable the sound
jacek: oh and euler is 3rd
Astrobytes: pro tip 2: Disable the sound
Flaise: Well isn't CG supposed to help coders find jobs?
eulerscheZahl: they have a recruiting part which does remote interviews
eulerscheZahl: CG for work
jacek: it seems to be their main focus lately
eulerscheZahl: while you are on the public part of the platform which targets in market share to increase popularity for the paid product
Flaise: I looked at the recruiting side of the site from the employer's perspective and it says that "they only show candidates who have confirmed their availability to chat in 24 hours"
eulerscheZahl: interesting, you know more than me
Flaise: So that leaves me wondering when/if I will get a request to confirm availability to chat because I would definitely like some job interviews.
eulerscheZahl: i never tried to get a job here. historically CG is strong in France. but expanding in the US too
Flaise: Then maybe I'm just in a bad area for recruiting?
eulerscheZahl: not sure if anyone currently on the chat can give you a qualified answer
Astrobytes: maybe a better question to pose on the discord
Flaise: Hmm, fair enough! I'll ask later
eulerscheZahl: there's a #jobs channel
Astrobytes: ^
Astrobytes: (on the discord)
Flaise: Hrmm! Mmk then
Astrobytes: kick you
eulerscheZahl: are you the same Hakan who sent me private messages?
Flaise: o_O
jacek: oO
e_fishel: hi lads
BlaiseEbuth: All dead. All dead. All the dreams we had...
Hackan: probably not uelerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: right, you have an extra letter in your name
jacek: Automaton2000 did you know it?
Automaton2000: note: in this formula, the latitudes and longitudes are expressed in radians. 6371 corresponds to the radius of the checkpoint ...
jacek: Automaton2000 what about gradians and degrees?
Automaton2000: thank you a lot of them
eulerscheZahl: mad defibrilator racing?
Flaise: ._. ... What?? xD
eulerscheZahl: Automaton2000 is a bot
Automaton2000: you can beat madknight in coders strike back
eulerscheZahl: say the name and get glibberisch
eulerscheZahl: -c
Flaise: "gibberisch"... I'm gonna pronounce it like that from now on
eulerscheZahl: btw there is tab completion: aut[tab] => Automaton...
jacek: Automaton2000 can you though
Flaise: Automaton2000 ?
Automaton2000: i was almost done with my bot
eulerscheZahl: "sch" is pretty common in German, muscle memory
Automaton2000: i think my bot should be able to move to a cell that you have to
Flaise: that I have to what, Automaton2000?
Automaton2000: the order of moves in the future
Flaise: I feel... "enlightened".
5DN1L: solakato, first warning, please don’t spam the chat, or you’ll be kicked out
5DN1L: Hopefully not
5DN1L: Let's see
eulerscheZahl: good modding so far 5DN1L :+1:
5DN1L: Thanks eulerscheZahl
jacek: remember, bird is a word
Astrobytes: Agreed euler, I think we're safe in the hands of 5DN1L :)
BlaiseEbuth: :rolling_eyes:
jacek: am I safe? :scream:
5DN1L: Thanks Astrobytes
eulerscheZahl: and wonto for the night time
solakato: He said hes homophobic
5DN1L: enough
BlaiseEbuth: Remember: A good chat is one where everybody is already banned.
Astrobytes: eulerscheZahl: Yes indeed, good combo
Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth: :rofl:
eulerscheZahl: that's mine!
jacek: oh my
VizGhar: hmm... euler is gonna cry whole night, because somebody is rude on him :(
BlaiseEbuth: *eulerscheZahl do a german suplex to Hackan*
eulerscheZahl: i meant "that's my kick" even if i retired. and i'm willing to ban
wlesavo: im so seg... spend 3 days debuging my sim for corsars, and it turned out max speed is 2 instead of 4
eulerscheZahl: if he returns in the next few mins before i go to bed
BlaiseEbuth: corsars?
eulerscheZahl: corsars? is that a game here?
wlesavo: silver seem so hard with this broken sim
Uljahn: galleon wars
eulerscheZahl: coders of the caribbean?
wlesavo: yeah with this new names i prefer invent my owns xD
BlaiseEbuth: There is the original name, the new name, and the user's aproximative name...
eulerscheZahl: my bot for drunken sailors could need some love too
eulerscheZahl: but would need a full rewrite
wlesavo: 3 points above boss... i will never laugh at seg again
eulerscheZahl: seg? seg fault?
Uljahn: ceg
Gabbek: hello everyone :)
eulerscheZahl: hi, haven't seen you in a while
wlesavo: oh i also invented a new nickname :grinning:
eulerscheZahl: but you submitted code of ice and fire recently
Astrobytes: haha
Astrobytes: hi wlesavo!
Astrobytes: and hi again Gabbek :)
wlesavo: hi Astrobytes :slight_smile:
VizGhar: hello :P
Gabbek: oh noes, the spies! Yep - been trying my luck in lux challenge with nerchio and mostly slacking, writing some smaller scripts here and there -- and lately started fighting with ice&fire to get right behind Zylo, haven't achieved that yet, but who knows -- it might work!
Astrobytes: wow hey VizGhar!
Astrobytes: It's a full-house tonight
eulerscheZahl: now all we need is inoryy
Gabbek: what about you, eulerscheZahl, doing fine?
VizGhar: I've missed you all. So here I am
eulerscheZahl: yes, more active on other websites recently. and busy with work
wlesavo: bad thing about cg if i start a multi i start to play at work, so i tend to keep out :slight_smile:
Astrobytes: Yeah, I haven't seen inoryy in a looong while now
eulerscheZahl: that blazor project is still ongoing
Astrobytes: Glad to have you back VizGhar :)
BlaiseEbuth: yé! VizGhar! ...
eulerscheZahl: playing at work is much easier at whole without colleagues walking by to see your screen
Astrobytes: lol wlesavo, how's work going btw?
eulerscheZahl: at home*
Gabbek: oh, cool - sadly I haven't touched blazor in a long time, haven't even finished that copy of coders of the realm. The usual lazy me, but atleast I've started helping out aCat a bit, so that's making me quite happy :)
eulerscheZahl: and how's your health condition, you mentioned that covid hit you hard
**BlaiseEbuth slaps eulerscheZahl around a bit with a large covid.
Astrobytes: ^ that too
BlaiseEbuth: :3
eulerscheZahl: did i kill the chat?
wlesavo: Astrobytes great, spent last month writing a paper for cvpr2022, now back to coding =)
Gabbek: everyone's waiting for wlesavo's answer :)
Astrobytes: Oh very nice! You'll be presenting it at the conference or just a submission?
wlesavo: Astrobytes probably another guy from our group, but the accept decision will be made only around summer i think, they have a ton of submissions every year
BlaiseEbuth: Computers c#...
Astrobytes: wlesavo: Yeah, same with most conferences on anything hehehe Best of luck!
Gabbek: fingers crossed! I wish you and your team the best! Computer vision event, interesting.
**e_fishel slaps e_fishel around a bit with a large fishbot
e_fishel: fish :D
jacek: how much is the fish
wlesavo: Gabbek thx :slight_smile:
wlesavo: btw still no raic t-shirts
Gabbek: wlesavo we could talk a bit about ships game some time if you would like to, it's a fun one!
Astrobytes: jacek: Now THAT is worth a ban :P
BlaiseEbuth: New Orleans hey? :dancer_tone5: :trumpet:
eulerscheZahl: there was an email, they should start sending the tshirts this week
e_fishel: there is a python function for flipping case
solakato: what is this mod system
e_fishel: indeed
solakato: its so strict for no reason
Astrobytes: RAIC: Russian AI Confusion
5DN1L: solakto, be nice and you can stay
solakato: if u do capitalized letters
5DN1L: solakato*
BlaiseEbuth: use strict;
Astrobytes: use tab completion;
solakato: u get a warning like ?
eulerscheZahl: that's what i won't miss: too many tab options
Astrobytes: If you should go skating on the thin ice...
wlesavo: Gabbek i had a simple MC sim with heuristic shooting, but this rules kept me 3 days in silver :slight_smile: i tried *a lot* of things, exept for actually reading the rules
Astrobytes: Hm, Radek approved something, must be an aCat thing
solakato: Astro I dont like ur pfp
solakato: this statement is enough to get kicked
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: Wow, look at the old crowd
BlaiseEbuth: Simple *insert_something_here* exercise?
Gabbek: yep, there's something cooking from aCat
DomiKo: Astrobytes indeed. Can you guess who will approve next?
Astrobytes: hahahaha
Gabbek: haha
eulerscheZahl: did you approve already?
aCat: This cat is innocent !
aCat: ^^'
wlesavo: oh, also i pushed cuber Cyberpunk to gold :smiley:
radekmie: Got me :P
aCat: (the game is in heavy testing like from 3 weeks or more)
Astrobytes: It's a Polish invasion again! :D
DomiKo: it always is!
radekmie: More like three months :D
eulerscheZahl: ah, that's the game you showed me
aCat: False accusations!
BlaiseEbuth: Call the polish!
Astrobytes: :rofl:
eulerscheZahl: are you circumventing the approval process right now?
jacek: leaderboard seems quite polish
BlaiseEbuth: Why keep contributing to a dead site anyway... :(
Astrobytes: Looks interesting. Is this based on the idea you had previously aCat?
RibsOfDoom: how do I erase a part of a vector in c++;
aCat: Which "previously" ?
eulerscheZahl: i really think you should give it some time before approving so that others have a chance to comment
wlesavo: gn everyone
BlaiseEbuth: What an idea euler...
aCat: I definitely get the idea since 2 years or so
eulerscheZahl: fr already hates the cat without this pal review ;)
aCat: We are in the middle of the students competition
aCat: and 10 games limit per submit hurts
aCat: and the game was really tested
Astrobytes: wlesavo: gn!
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: yes, we hate zee cat
Astrobytes: RibsOfDoom: search for erase-remove idiom
eulerscheZahl: hi westicles
Astrobytes: hahaha
BlaiseEbuth: -_-
Astrobytes: aCat: DomiKo will win anyway, just give him the prize already :P
eulerscheZahl: what is the prize?
aCat: DomiKo is a boss ;-)
radekmie: A _really good_ handshake :P
aCat: 2 points for being better than him
Gabbek: :D
Astrobytes: :D
eulerscheZahl: during the pandemic?
radekmie: That's why there's only a single handshake for all of the prizes.
DomiKo: :joy:
Astrobytes: mwahahaha
eulerscheZahl: 2 points for being better than DomiKo, does that mean that Domi himself can't get those points?
DomiKo: yeah I can't
aCat: He is not in AI4Games course this year
aCat: already passed with distinction previously :P
Astrobytes: ahh hehehe, not surprising :D
jacek: oO
Gabbek: I had no idea you were so young DomiKo until I've met you :D It was pretty hilarious when I was talking with Czejoo and he thought I was 10-12 years younger... that's what you get for looking you :(
Astrobytes: KodeyDeuzKalani if you have nothing valuable to contribute to the conversation, stop. If you continue, you risk being kicked.
BlaiseEbuth: yes
jacek: eeyup
Gabbek: fastest approval on CG, aCat? Trouble incoming :P
VizGhar: which approval? let me see
dwarfie: it is not approval ... it is friendly validation ... what a pity ...
Astrobytes: As much as I believe it will be OK, I share the concern of dwarfie
Astrobytes: Also, it's still in beta :P
e_fishel: what if i hardcode a solution?
Gabbek: A valid point, I agree, Astrobytes and dwarfie.
pardouin: you had access to the project before or something ?
DomiKo: This time more than 3 people tested it, so I belive it will be OK.
aCat: yes the project is in tests from 3 weeks or more
pardouin: ok that makes more sense
Astrobytes: Still a little bit of a shifty move ;)
DomiKo: Actually 20 people played the game.
Astrobytes: Looks fun though.
b0n5a1: if it is really ok, no need of obvious cronyism like that to approve it...
DomiKo: I must admit that I haven't had so much fun in a long time.
Astrobytes: ^ though I understand the reason it doesn't make it completely OK
Astrobytes: ^ pointing to b0n5a1's comment btw
struct: Will any rule change?
aCat: yeah, students got deadline in the monday, the game was tested
jacek: cg will take it down and no student will pass
jacek: :imp:
aCat: struct we are thinking about one change in AI behavior of monsters
aCat: other than that only more maps I suppose
aCat: to prevent hardcoding
Astrobytes: aCat: If we find bugs we will never let you forget it :P
aCat: you won;t let me forget it anything ;p
Astrobytes: hehehehe
AntiSquid: what are you doing aCat ?
aCat: hm?
struct: He made this
AntiSquid: looks nice
aCat: because I'm trying my best!
aCat: and you are angry at this cat :(
Astrobytes: lol, no one's angry :D
VizGhar: cpp;
AntiSquid: cute characters
VizGhar: cool
AntiSquid: how am i angry at you ?
aCat: (fast approvals ;])
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: heh heh, remember the JPS debacle?
struct: now the game will have (beta) in his link forever :(
AntiSquid: i don't know anything about it
aCat: I can change the name
DomiKo: but not the link :(
BlaiseEbuth: karma...
BlaiseEbuth: I'm not eulerscheZahl...
struct: I think the approval is fine, the other people tested it
BlaiseEbuth: euler wanted to ban him, but he's not here anymore...
struct: well neither is he
mira_cutesaloma: urm caan we talk
5DN1L: if it's coding related, yes, otherwise, no
mira_cutesaloma: :sweat_smile:
Flaise: What if the whole world revolves around code? Then we can talk about everything!
5DN1L: let's see :smirk:
mira_cutesaloma: hey why you dont wanna talk with me
5DN1L: mira_cutesaloma Are there any coding-specific topic you wanna talk about or ask about?
Flaise: That hamburger I eeted the other day, my stomach turned it into brain fuel. My brain turned the brain fuel into code. Hamburger is code. It just doesn't know it yet.
5DN1L: Automaton2000, is hamburger code?
Automaton2000: what is a good choice
Uljahn: Using the /join command, you can join and create group chat rooms with your friends and discuss your favorite topics.
Flaise: A good choice is the eggburger from Red Robin. Those are the best code burgers.
BlaiseEbuth: That's so exclusive for people who don't have friends Uljahn... :(
5DN1L: Flaise
Flaise: xD
TimothyAlexisVass: oh goodness
Rddevelop: guys
Rddevelop: any tip for river2 problem?
Rddevelop: just a little push
TimothyAlexisVass: clashed all day to get from 66 to top 50 and then lost connection and down to 71 :joy:
5DN1L: Rddevelop
Rddevelop: thanks bro
5DN1L: :)
Firestormninja: @TimothyAlexisVass ayo can u chare ur code
Casstel: Hi, how is following method of using | in function (cycle({n} | visited)) called. Thx
struct: | is normally a bitwise or
Uljahn: could be a union of sets
Uljahn: "Python provides you with the set union operator | that allows you to union two sets: new_set = set1 | set2"
Casstel: yeah that gonna be it thx a lot
Astrobytes: oohh it's python, I saw this one on discord and was slightly confused
Wontonimo: if i wanted to pull all world chat history, how would I do that? Did Euler or someone have a tool for that?
LelouchVC2: Australopithecus !
Wontonimo: I want to make another Automaton2000 markov text generator
Automaton2000: the problem is that it is not a contest
Wontonimo: yeah, it's just a classic in/out puzzle. you are so right ;(
struct: I dont remember the site Wontonimo
struct: -But there is one
struct: that keeps the chat log
Wontonimo: sadness overwhelms me "This site is blocked due to a security threat that was discovered by the Cisco Umbrella security researchers."
Wontonimo: i'll have to use my personal computer
Wontonimo: thanks Astrobytes !, i've book marked the link for later
Astrobytes: :)
Gabbek: good night everyone!
struct: gn
Astrobytes: ;)
LelouchVC2: Good night sweetie
moose12: hi
xdddxzdxd: hi, anyone knows how to debug?
TimothyAlexisVass: Which language?
e_fishel: hello
sgrebenkin: hallo
DialFrost: morning!
DialFrost: quick qns to the mods or anyone else is the rank updated at 8am everyday
DialFrost: currently it is 730 in my timezone nothing has updated yet
Astrobytes: It's in an hour or 2 from now
Astrobytes: iirc
Astrobytes: something like 1 or 2 AM French time
DialFrost: ic thx atrobytes
Astrobytes: np
TAZ33: hi my name is tristan my friends call me T A Z. and I'm also in 6th grade so can any of you guys or girls can send me a friend invite. plz
TimothyAlexisVass: What?
Astrobytes: just a spammy post, ignore it
ZXC01: hi
TimothyAlexisVass: Find a maximum power of two that divides a given number N
TimothyAlexisVass: N = 3
TimothyAlexisVass: how the fuck is 2**1 a divisor of 3 ???
Thorcode: hi TAZ33
marcelodelazari: 2 ** 0
marcelodelazari: is a divisor of 3
Thorcode: 2**0+2**1
TimothyAlexisVass: yeah but 2 ** 0 is 2 to the power of 0
TimothyAlexisVass: not 2 to the power of 1
Thorcode: what about 2**0+2**1
marcelodelazari: well, the maximum power of two that divides 3 would be 2**0
marcelodelazari: not 2**1
TimothyAlexisVass: Yes
TimothyAlexisVass: The answer was 1 though
Thorcode: yeah
TimothyAlexisVass: oh
TimothyAlexisVass: I'm too tired --
TimothyAlexisVass: 2**0 was the answer, not 0
Thorcode: bruh
TimothyAlexisVass: Finally
Thorcode: TimothyAlexisVass where do you learn ruby could you tell me?
Wontonimo: hey
Wontonimo: oh no ... Astrobytes lost his glorious icon of ink
Wontonimo: it's too soon for me ;(
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: that's four we lost?
Wontonimo: hey Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker , it's been a while. yeah, 4 down
Wontonimo: I'm not a fan of your alias BlackFace. Please change it to something not racist
ZXC01: Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker are you westicles?
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: :thinking:
ZXC01: ?
ZXC01: Are you Westicles?
Wontonimo: 565 puzzles solved in every language. interesting
ZXC01: lol
Dren: hello
ZXC01: hi
Thorcode: hi Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: :wave:
Tien2k9: hi :D
InvisibleImpOfWisdom: :nerd:
codergautam: hafghj
DialFrost: wontonimo
DialFrost: westicles didnt solve 565 puzzles for every language
DialFrost: 566 for C++
DialFrost: cuz of nintendo sponsored contest thing
DialFrost: only can code in c++