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Default avatar.png Rice_Puddn: I H A D C A P S L O C K O N

Default avatar.png Rice_Puddn: D:

Default avatar.png SeanDaSheep: lol

Default avatar.png SeanDaSheep: I suck at coding

WhoTho: same

rizonbro: lol

rizonbro: I am soooo stupid in coding

rizonbro: lol

rizonbro: me

DrQuarius: We all start that way. Practice easy puzzles. : )

DrQuarius: and read through the standard library of your language. : )

jacek: happy Caturday

RandomAustralian: Has anyone been noticing a lot more math related questions?

RandomAustralian: Like questions that require very little programming, and just a knowledge of mathematics

jacek: where

Default avatar.png ommprakashmohanty9-0: mcvj jn ;kn df

Default avatar.png ommprakashmohanty9-0: v

Default avatar.png ommprakashmohanty9-0: f

Default avatar.png ommprakashmohanty9-0: d bv

Default avatar.png ommprakashmohanty9-0: b

Dawar: cuz those r easier to make

eulerscheZahl: if you want coding, may I introduce you to the multiplayer section of this page?

Default avatar.png diosssss: wazzuopp

Default avatar.png ZXC01: ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

eulerscheZahl: 1 "hi" is enough

Andret0701: hii

jacek: hihi

MSmits: morning

MSmits: been doing puzzles lately. When I am a bit too tired to work on a bot, I can still do puzzles I noticed

jacek: in 9mm tric quite often wins by blocking opponent

MSmits: yeah thats how 9mm is often won

MSmits: which is also why my piece counting AI is bad

MSmits: I think i'll just write an ab bot using one of the evals you can find in papers

MSmits: (free papers!)

jacek: what papers

MSmits: sec


MSmits: thats just the first thing that popped up

MSmits: there are many

MSmits: a lot has to do with positioning

jacek: thankies

MSmits: piece count is just one part of it

MSmits: np

MSmits: apparently humans suck at this game

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: the opening sentence is deep

jacek: lets book it

MSmits: I think I can fully book the opening by solving the game, but you still need to play well in the moving phase

MSmits: probably can also fit an endgame book for 3v3 by generating it in the first second

MSmits: maybe also 4v3

MSmits: but not 9v9 and some such. That takes too much time

MSmits: (and memory)

MSmits: so one of those NN could still beat me when I put in all the tricks I mentioned. But I am thinking about training NN for this one because it's fully solvable and that makes it a nice case for supervised learning

jacek: fully strongly solvable?

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: there's 24 endgame db's required 9v9 all the way to 9v3 and 3v3

MSmits: but they take less than 1GB

MSmits: as opposed to several TB for oware

MSmits: so then all you need to solve is the opening 18 plies

MSmits: this can be done with simple ab search

eulerscheZahl: do puzzles

MSmits: the real bottleneck for solving it is the coding, it's a lot of work

MSmits: yeah eulerscheZahl, been enjoying them

MSmits: i do easy ones first, so will be a while till i hit yours

MSmits: 60 easy's left

MSmits: 2-4 a day, so will be a few weeks, then medium

MSmits: isnt your minesweeper in there? Or is that hard?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: :)

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: @MSmits, are you doing all of them one by one?

MSmits: yeah until i get bored with it. Last time i went on a spree i solved 50 easy's

MSmits: so far all puzzles were good ones

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: this is quite a feat indeed

MSmits: i guess because they get recommended in order from good to bad?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I am not sure how goodness is measured

MSmits: people rate it

MSmits: my rating is useless, i give everything 5 stars :P

Default avatar.png Nerdnee: how are you supposed to optimize this for larger numbers?

MSmits: "this"?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I give 5 or 4 stars usually

MSmits: Nerdnee there's thousands of things to do on codingame. Be more specific :)

Default avatar.png Nerdnee: the lucky number question by dogther


Default avatar.png Nerdnee: yes

MSmits: have not done that, but it's classified as very hard so yeah... apparently thats what it is :)

MSmits: successrate 21%

Default avatar.png Nerdnee: yeah that's why I'm attempting to challenge myself but it's a bit difficult

Default avatar.png Nerdnee: obviously

eulerscheZahl: you are really brave enough for the easy puzzles?

MSmits: I am :grin:

Default avatar.png Nerdnee: I could try more of those too

eulerscheZahl: i see most of them as a pile of junk

MSmits: it's just relaxing for me.

eulerscheZahl: and repetitive

MSmits: so far I don't think they were. But i didnt do as many as you did

UnicornFlake: It is really good

MSmits: I liked westicles water puzzle and some of those made by java coffee cup

eulerscheZahl: at some point i just got annoyed

MSmits: yeah i quit at some point also

MSmits: but not yet

eulerscheZahl: harder ones get more interesting, at least some of them

UnicornFlake: i gonna clasch

MSmits: the ones i did always required some insight, or using the right collection (like a set, dictionary or several lists)

MSmits: with the wrong collection type you time out

MSmits: thats good I think

MSmits: but yeah it could be repetitive

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I am cherry picking

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: and yes the ones I have done are not bad

eulerscheZahl: i guess i did some more of that kind (most just on CG) so i quickly get bored

MSmits: yeah and also you quickly get bored in general. Well compared to me anyways

eulerscheZahl: cherry picking is what I do as well. but it's hard to find the cherries


eulerscheZahl: have you been kicked before UnicornFlake?

MSmits: yeah it's hard to find the cherries if you dont solve them. All you can say is the description looks amateurish or not

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: hm

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: tags also help

eulerscheZahl: when I see a wall of text, I usually close it right away

MSmits: true, but they arent always correct

eulerscheZahl: tags are spoilers on how to solve it :(

MSmits: true, but for easy puzzles that i sok

eulerscheZahl: finding the algo is the fun part of it

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: to some extent yes

MSmits: oh and now that I feel comfortable with python it is also a joy to use it for this

eulerscheZahl: let's take this one for instance:

eulerscheZahl: could be interesting to figure it out on your own (not for me, I had this topic covered in my CS lecture)

MSmits: oh it's hard

eulerscheZahl: but the statement tells you to use the CYK algo. where's the challenge now? just look it up

MSmits: ah but that assumes that you can easily implement any algorithm that is new to you

MSmits: you are a veteran at this


MSmits: I still struggle to implement something when I read about it

MSmits: yeah i am sure you can convert something like that to real code quite easily, but it would take me some time to get it to work

eulerscheZahl: or in python

MSmits: well ok that makes it easy :)

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: now I see that I have tried it and fail from the 4-th test

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I bet I did not get the dynamic programming part

MSmits: I think i looked up the definition of dynamic programming 5 times and keep forgetting what it means

MSmits: it's not a very descriptive name

eulerscheZahl: store the results instead of recomputing

MSmits: yeah, something i do all the time

MSmits: "dynamic" makes it sound a lot more than it really easy

MSmits: is

MSmits: caching results is common sense

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: even if you have pseudo code and know which is the right algorithm it is still a challenge to understand how it works

MSmits: yeah I agree

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: copy/paste is pointless of course

MSmits: sometimes it's presented in a perfectly pluginnable way, but usually yeah

RandomAustralian: can anyone please tell me why this code:

MSmits: plugginable :tm:


RandomAustralian: Keeps on giving me the value of 21845

MSmits: invalid paste

eulerscheZahl: fun fact: "linear programming" isn't really about programming and more about math. it's called programming to get research funds


Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes, and sometimes you can find it in many languages

MSmits: RandomAustralian start b at 0

MSmits: it's not initialized

RandomAustralian: oml

RandomAustralian: ty ;o

eulerscheZahl: declaring m twice is also something to reconsider

RandomAustralian: I have been struggling with it going too high for ages

RandomAustralian: ty for the help

RandomAustralian: euler that was a typo, ty for pointing it out (need to change one of em to another letter)

MSmits: yeah, c++ doesn't care about any of that stuff you're doing wrong. Might want to try a different language

MSmits: avoid headaches

MSmits: unless you're specifically practicing c++

MSmits: in that case have.... fun :)

RandomAustralian: damn

RandomAustralian: Guess learning it will be a pain then xD

MSmits: well it has major advantages if you care about performance

MSmits: but for puzzles, you generally don't

eulerscheZahl: C# is close to C++ regarding basics syntax

MSmits: C# is nice for puzzles.

eulerscheZahl: but doesn't allow you to make some of the C++ mistakes

MSmits: I do python now because I lost some speed with C# because I haven't used it in a long time

MSmits: python is so nice. Try declaring a list in C# and python and compare how much you need to type

eulerscheZahl: List<int> l = new();

eulerscheZahl: vs l = []

MSmits: ye

eulerscheZahl: did you know the C# syntax I just used?

MSmits: no, i didnt

eulerscheZahl: that new(); is, well... new

MSmits: new List<int>()

eulerscheZahl: not sure if CG already supports it

MSmits: is what i'd use

MSmits: i always thought that part of C# syntax was weird

MSmits: why specify the type twice

eulerscheZahl: even Java has List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>();

eulerscheZahl: the diamond <>

MSmits: ArrayList is a stupid name

MSmits: is it a list or an array

eulerscheZahl: it tells you what kind of implementation it uses under the hood

eulerscheZahl: as opposed to linked list

MSmits: ah

Peppsi: does codingame actually give you a chance to get a job?

eulerscheZahl: they are hiring

Peppsi: I don't mean the company, i mean the "Get a Job" section


MSmits: it trains you at some things Peppsi, it depends on what you do here. But it's not like you can show your CG profile and people hire you because of that

eulerscheZahl: 34k-46k€ for backend. not that much

Peppsi: like, does the "Get a job" function work?

MSmits: probably yeah

eulerscheZahl: no idea. i have a job already and ignored it

Peppsi: thanks the same

MSmits: they make money getting people jobs and getting companies new employees

MSmits: so i'd assume it works

Peppsi: yeah makes sense

MSmits: depends on how well you qualify ofc

Peppsi: true

MSmits: btw, I joined a company sponsored contest once, did not even rank all that high and got phonecalls so...

eulerscheZahl: they stopped those sponsored contests

MSmits: really, those too?

MSmits: i thought just community ones

eulerscheZahl: concentrating more on clashes and escapes for team building

MSmits: oh I see

eulerscheZahl: no more sponsored contests according to Thibaud discord message

eulerscheZahl: Sogeti was the last one

MSmits: I wonder why, I always thought these were good for CG

eulerscheZahl: maybe not the return that organizers were hoping for? that's why halite stopped

MSmits: I see

MSmits: well what I noticed from them it was always the same crowd at the top ranks and they already have jobs if they want to

eulerscheZahl: and let's have a look at those CG private contests: top spots were all taken by CG veterans who do it for the fun of competing and not for a job interview

eulerscheZahl: yes, that

MSmits: right makes sense

eulerscheZahl: just speculating here

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I activated the get a job thing, a while ago, not sure if anyone actually looked at it, so I would say it does not work

MSmits: maybe noone looks in switzerland

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: maybe

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: but it is unlikely

MSmits: I think if you live in Paris or some such, the result might be different

MSmits: probably linked in could get you a job quicker than that link

MSmits: if you like getting spammed by recruiters

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: my linked in account is very shy and modest :)

MSmits: ahh modesty is not how you get jobs I think

MSmits: should at least say there you enjoy bungeejumping and such

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: hah

MSmits: bungeejumping while working on a spreadsheet

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: :))

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I am utterly poor at self advertising

MSmits: you can probably find someone on linked in who will do that for you

eulerscheZahl: same

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: it is a skill for itself

eulerscheZahl: "why should we hire you?" um, no idea

RandomAustralian: man c++ can be annoying ;/

MSmits: because I suck less than the other guys applying for this job

eulerscheZahl: got a paid study with practical training as an electrician included. that hiring process had a group interview included

eulerscheZahl: i ranked 8th out of 8

eulerscheZahl: somehow still got the job. i'm still there (or again, let my contract end to do my master degree)

MSmits: wait, you are an electrician?

eulerscheZahl: bachelor in electrical engineering. and a practical degree

MSmits: nice

eulerscheZahl: i can legally do wiring up to 1000V

MSmits: I can barely switch out a light bulb

eulerscheZahl: but the comp sci part got me more interested than how transistors work

MSmits: ye

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: kind of same with me

eulerscheZahl: had exams that demanded knowledge how they work down to the level of atoms. forgot most of it again :(

MSmits: don't know many electricians that look at a broken fuse and say: "I think this has too few atoms"

eulerscheZahl: computing some micro current effects and such

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: pnp npn

eulerscheZahl: yes, but in more detail

eulerscheZahl: real life problems, not just the idealized model

MSmits: I had some practical classes for this, but my study mate did all the work

MSmits: i could not keep up with him

eulerscheZahl: :D

MSmits: I was trying to understand the reading while he was blowing up fuses

MSmits: he didnt even read the stuff

MSmits: he just guessed whether it was *5 or /5 resistance and if it started smoking he assumed he did it wrong

MSmits: i was good with the laser optics and such

eulerscheZahl: for one class we had to solder. there was this guy who had no clue and tried with his bare hands (you will burn them)

MSmits: yeah

eulerscheZahl: i stopped him. that's how i got my group partner, wasn't a great help

MSmits: you learn the most though

MSmits: i learned nothing because of my partner

MSmits: one of the first things i had to teach when i became teacher was parallel and serial stuff

eulerscheZahl: this was the only exam in my whole study that I didn't write directly but postponed for a semester

MSmits: while i understood the theory, i didnt even know how to measure the current through them

eulerscheZahl: my nightmare class

eulerscheZahl: but thanks to the pratical part of my education that I did in parallel, I had to pause for 1 semester anyways (was planned from the beginning already)

eulerscheZahl: so i just had this 1 exam the whole semester

eulerscheZahl: worked out in the end

MSmits: ah that's nice

MSmits: I am more suited for theoretical stuff... any time I need to do something real it goes bad

MSmits: one time they had me work with an invisible laser that caused subdermal wounds. That was a nightmare

eulerscheZahl: :D

MSmits: We had to use a camera to see where it was pointing

MSmits: really scary

MSmits: and the guy that worked there showed us his arms

MSmits: horrifying

MSmits: was an infrared pulse laser, very high powered

eulerscheZahl: i once got in touch with H2O2 at chemistry class

eulerscheZahl: the skin at the thumb turned white instantly

MSmits: in touch? I slurped it

eulerscheZahl: really?

MSmits: yeah accidentally

eulerscheZahl: doesn't that cause severe damage?

MSmits: i spit it out

MSmits: was low concentration i think

eulerscheZahl: lucky you

MSmits: it was wide in the middle and thin at the top

eulerscheZahl: for me it was the chemistry teacher who spilled a bit on my desk. I tried not to touch it but at some point Iforgot

MSmits: so we had to suck on the thing and when it got past the wide area it shot up

MSmits: my current colleague tells me it's no longer allowed to have students do that

MSmits: for obvious reasons

MSmits: students are stupid :P

MSmits: one of my fellow students once asked why the thermometer is not at 0 when it's not being used

MSmits: oh and if any of my students read this, i am not talking about you of course (mostly)

eulerscheZahl: reminds me of an Hg thermometer blowing up in the physics class

eulerscheZahl: we were supposed to heat water and keep track of used energy vs temperature

eulerscheZahl: now idea how they did it

eulerscheZahl: but the lesson ended early that day

MSmits: ack... yeah you dont want Hg all over the plac

eulerscheZahl: hat maker problems

MSmits: :confused:

MSmits: you also have a hatmaking degree now?

MSmits: full of surprises :)

MSmits: or is this a German expression that doesn't translate well?

eulerscheZahl: in the past hat makers used Hg (not knowing about the health consequences)

MSmits: ohh ok

MSmits: like radium paint for watches

eulerscheZahl: yes

MSmits: and lead in paint

eulerscheZahl: no English version? :(

MSmits: weird, probably it exists but is not connected

MSmits: i edited a wiki once, you need to manually connect them


eulerscheZahl: "mad hatter disease", i like that one

eulerscheZahl: even has a German link. but it doesn't really fit

MSmits: ahh I see

jacek: theres description of the eval

MSmits: nice thanks

MSmits: it's weird to have an evaluation property for "winning" with some weird param

MSmits: I'd just backpropagate a solved node

jacek: eeyup


jacek: phew

MSmits: invalid paste

rizonbro: what invalid paste?

rizonbro: but hey

rizonbro: uljahn

rizonbro: can u help me pls



rizonbro: sorry no longer

ANONYMOUS42: int main() {

  printf("Hello world!");
  return 0;



ANONYMOUS42: the problem is with the codingame pastebin thingy

ANONYMOUS42: just use and share the link

rizonbro: what link

jacek: Automaton2000 what link

Automaton2000: is anyone here really good at it

rizonbro: me nooo

rizonbro: so

rizonbro: what to do now

rizonbro: fornite!

jacek: oO

rizonbro: whattt

rizonbro: wtf'

rizonbro: 02

rizonbro: 023

rizonbro: I am sorry


rizonbro: mmmmmmmm

eulerscheZahl: i'm tempted to kick you rizonbro

Uljahn: he's been warned multiple times iirc

eulerscheZahl: i remember the name too

eulerscheZahl: whatever

eulerscheZahl: isn't that they guy with the among us avatar?

eulerscheZahl: wanted to write "rizonbro was not the impostor" upon kick but missed the moment

Peppsi: zamn codingame asked me if i was a bot

Peppsi: i'm that good? /s

eulerscheZahl: new login, affects all of us

Peppsi: ik, i was joking

Uljahn: might be too frequent clashes

Peppsi: yep im kinda spamming

Peppsi: it's quite fun

jacek: clash? fun? :O

Peppsi: stressful but fun

Peppsi: just like league lmao

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: how do i print mutli of the answers on python?

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: nine men's morris viewer does not work on my side (shows gray screen). can anyone confirm?

jacek: refresh or restart browser

jacek: it works for meh

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: works on firefox

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: thanks

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: how do i print multiple answers/strings into a code

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: how do i print multiple answers/strings into a code

jacek: you print line by line

jacek: but what do you mean by multiple answers?

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: when i do that it work work

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: for like clash of code

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: it bugs out

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: and won't wokr

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: work

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: bruh i suck

Default avatar.png GamingZone: hi

Default avatar.png GamingZone: can someone help with mad pod racing java language

struct: what is the question?

PatrickMcGinnisII: What is dark matter?

zukarinkuari2: dark matter.....

zukarinkuari2: hmmmmmmmmmmm

zukarinkuari2: i think its uhh

zukarinkuari2: i think its a carrot

jacek: is fluttershy a tree?

Beretta_Vexee: It's a my little pony.

jacek: :horse2:

MSmits: :racehorse:


jacek: :unamused:

eulerscheZahl: what a weird email that I just got from (supposedly) topcoder

eulerscheZahl: Hi Ralph,

eulerscheZahl: oh, pastebin dead?

eulerscheZahl: I'm not kidding! I'm not supposed to just email you whenever I want but today I broke all the rules! It's 2021 Topcoder Open time so rules don't apply. We are running a $10,000 Hackathon with Velo by Wix being announced right now. You get early access ;)

eulerscheZahl: the sender is as far as I can tell

eulerscheZahl: and they sent it to the email that I use for topcoder. but somehow it looks like phishing

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: "Please give us your paycard informations to register."

eulerscheZahl: Join us at the live event to learn more. Details and coding starts on Wednesday, November 17. Register now. See you at TCO21 Finals!

eulerscheZahl: that's the rest of the mail that the broken pastebin ate

eulerscheZahl: with 2x the same link

eulerscheZahl: hm, links to a real topcoder contest

eulerscheZahl: strange advertising


eulerscheZahl: no clash links here please

jacek: D:

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: no D: here please

MASTER123: stop

Manjius: :fearful:

Crackouille: C clash of code

philRG: pas de liens de conflit ici s'il vous plaît

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: No fr here please.

philRG: ooops wrong window

philRG: sorry BlaiseVonEbuthIV

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: :3

jacek: omelette du fromage

eulerscheZahl: it's fine, just chat with us instead of your French friends

jacek: euler why dont you go to french channel. theyll like you, you frog

MSmits: isn't he a toad?

MSmits: hypnotoad

jacek: Toads are a sub-classification of frogs, meaning that all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads.

MSmits: are you sure?

eulerscheZahl: and even if, i'm not sure if the French would be so picky

eulerscheZahl: it's safer when they come here

MSmits: you talk like #fr is a warzone

eulerscheZahl: i'm prepared

MSmits: indeed

eulerscheZahl: on a more serious note: they don't like it when I write English on #fr

eulerscheZahl: or German for the matter

MSmits: why does the one frog have a handheld gaming thingy?

MSmits: or is that a remote for his garage door

eulerscheZahl: because he stole it from a kid

MSmits: ohh... badass!

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: :french_bread::frog::wine_glass:

eulerscheZahl: oh, a delicious Blaise salad right ahead of me. every mod likes that taste

philRG: :yum:

jacek: here, have an aww instead

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Is that some kind of proposal?

eulerscheZahl: that was unexpected jacek

eulerscheZahl: don't worry Blaise. Thibaud is on weekend

MSmits: a Giant Cat !!!

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Giant cats are the best! More to eat.

MSmits: yeah they eat you

jacek: welp

MSmits: that's the main question to ask when buying a car. "But does it fit a tank?"

Default avatar.png agamagarwal: Is anyone interested in trying the escape room game?

Default avatar.png Amigurumi: I came across this - is this an official repository? CodinGame open source?

Default avatar.png Amigurumi:

jacek: it seems so

jacek: so far 9mm resists my NN training attempts

jacek: nine men's morris, yet another tutorial game

struct: Amigurumi yes its official

MSmits: jacek, just solve it and use supervised on the results

struct: maybe you will need the 2 nets

MSmits: like the xor example only bigger

jacek: Automaton2000 how do you know this game

Automaton2000: what do you want me to fix it though

Default avatar.png Simen: Anyone know how to debug? I'm using python and it tells me to do print("Debug messages...", file=sys.stderr, flush=True) to print, but nothing shows up when I play all testcases

jacek: there should be text in red

eulerscheZahl: have some red jacek

Default avatar.png Simen: nothing showing up in console

jacek: :rage:

jacek: whats the code

jacek: code could be crashing before the print

Schwase: debugging debugging

Schwase: haha

Default avatar.png Simen: lol

Default avatar.png Simen: hmm, it's "There is no Spoon - episode 1"

Default avatar.png Simen: just added a print under the for i in range(height) loop

Schwase: i use VS Code a lot and the computer I use in the lab has a space in the adminstrator account name and it makes it that I can't click on the linked debugging lines because it just tries to open the root file (which doesnt exist because its cut by the space) in a separate VS Code window

Schwase: Simen, start by making the first line of your code "print('test',file=sys.stderr,flush=True)" just to make sure its working

Uljahn: first line should be import sys

Schwase: yes make sure you dont delete sys

Default avatar.png Simen: okey

Default avatar.png Simen: removed everything, only import sys on first line and print on the second

Default avatar.png Simen: got nothing

Schwase: copy and paste here pls?

Default avatar.png Simen: import sys print('test',file=sys.stderr,flush=True)

Schwase: do it after the input() lines

Schwase: OH

Schwase: scroll to a different game turn

Default avatar.png Simen: oh huh

Default avatar.png Simen: how do I do that?

Uljahn: i got Standard Error Stream: > test

Uljahn: last line in red

Schwase: yeah

Schwase: it works for me

Schwase: with your exact code

Schwase: import sys print('test',file=sys.stderr,flush=True)

Schwase: Standard Error Stream: test Game information: Initializing APU weaponry...

Schwase: go to "console output"

jacek: it works

Schwase: make sure you have all 3 optinos in the dropdown selected

Schwase: options*

Schwase: you prolly have debug stream toggled off

Default avatar.png Simen: got all 3 selected

Schwase: :O

Default avatar.png Simen: but how do I go to a different game turn?

Schwase: in the top left

Schwase: using the arrows

Schwase: on the player

Schwase: do you have "python 3"

Schwase: as the language?

Default avatar.png Simen: hmm, like go to another challenge?

Default avatar.png Simen: yeah python 3

Uljahn: you have to read inputs in the loop and output a command to progress to the next turns i guess

Schwase: nah it still outputs debugging

Default avatar.png Simen: I tried going to another challenge and it worked

Schwase: with 2 lines

Default avatar.png Simen: but not on this one

Schwase: did you try refershing?

Schwase: an attempt to spell refreshing was made

Uljahn: with two lines you get one frame, no next turns

Schwase: yeah but its still 0 and 1

Default avatar.png Simen: tried refreshing, but still nothing

Default avatar.png Simen: but oh well, if it's just this challenge then it's okay, I can do another

Default avatar.png Simen: thank you for the help!

Schwase: NO!

Default avatar.png Simen: xD


Default avatar.png Simen: hahah

Default avatar.png Simen: yeah it doesn't

Schwase: try unselecting debugging

Schwase: and selecting it

Schwase: and combine that with refreshing the page

Schwase: also does it only happen when you select "play all testcases"? or is it when you try any testcase?

Default avatar.png Simen: hmm, still nothing

Default avatar.png Simen: it happens for both

Default avatar.png Simen: nothing shows up in console

Schwase: change language and change back

Default avatar.png Simen: nope, still nothing

Default avatar.png Simen: did you make it work on that challenge?

Default avatar.png Simen: There is no Spoon - Episode 1

Schwase: yes it worked for me

Uljahn: sure


Schwase: well thats cool

Schwase: thanks


Schwase: was trying to show that its the same game and the stderr prints

Westicles: ooh, another dawg approval. I hope someone actually solved it

Default avatar.png Simen: hmm

Schwase: why is there no comment from the approving contributor?

Westicles: a french conspiracy?

eulerscheZahl: you can delete your own comment after approving

eulerscheZahl: Schwase the pastebins are broken

Schwase: oh that makes sense

Schwase: also, good to know, ty

Westicles: others can delete it as well, but I think I lost that ability over prior shenanigans

eulerscheZahl: right, lvl29+ can moderate these comments

eulerscheZahl: i tend to forget what comes from mod status and what from other requirements

eulerscheZahl: e.g. when you are an active forum user (includes likes given+received in a certain amount of time, comments written, ...), you can change the title of forum threads

eulerscheZahl: and when you flag a comment, it becomes invisible instantly and not just after mod review

jacek: :thinking: :imp:

eulerscheZahl: i had that status for a short amount of time. then contests became less frequent and my like-rate dropped below the bar

Jay10890: anyone have the solution for thor puzzle

Schwase: the are 307,852 codingamers with the solution

jacek: you have hints on the left for thor

Jay10890: ik

Jay10890: do you have solution

Uljahn: please stop asking for solutions or ban

Jay10890: its coding related

Jay10890: and the other times i asked it was yesterday

Uljahn: copy-pasting is not coding

Schwase: thats... one argument

Jay10890: its learning

Schwase: is there like an achievement or something for completing that puzzle?

Jay10890: yes


jacek: oh my

Schwase: a·chieve·ment noun 1. a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill.

Jay10890: i know what achievement and i must have effort to ask for anser

Jay10890: answer

Schwase: you've asked unsuccessfully unfortunately im afraid

Uljahn: why are you practicing asking for answers instead of coding?

Schwase: and an achievement must be done successfully

Schwase: its in the defintion

Jay10890: im not gonna argue with you

Schwase: its a losing argument so id say thats a wise choice

struct: you could have solved most of the puzzles by now

Westicles: the worst part is impersonating a US citizen. we are all too honest for that kind of behaviour

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: @Westicles, I solved DAWG based on implementations similar to your which pop up on the first google search page

Westicles: UnnamedCodinGamer, oh that's great! I always worry I messed something up

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: well it took me some time to get my head around it

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I think it is spot on, except for the case that we both a wrong

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: :)

Westicles: I have an old c++ version that I actually used back in the day, but it probably isn't minimal and I haven't played with it

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: I looked at this page for visual aid

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: there are also links to implementations

Westicles: nice

Default avatar.png AlexHamiltonsSuicidalCousin: hey

Default avatar.png LexDigitals: hii

Default avatar.png PATTRIM: hi

Pensa: Hi

Crackouille: Hey

Crackouille: Anyone want to clash of code only C ?

Default avatar.png PATTRIM: i do python

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: yo psttrim how do you add multiple answers in python for print it bugs out for me

Default avatar.png Lazerbeamyeet: for clash of code

Default avatar.png MrMoose356: anyone know how to resolve this message after completing a puzzle? "The following validators differ from the puzzle test cases to prevent hard coded solutions. This is why you can have some fails here even if all of the tests provided in the IDE have been successfully passed."

Stephen10121: After you submit that puzzle, you solution is tested with more puzzles to make sure your not cheating

Default avatar.png MrMoose356: the ones it fails at - I should refactor to try and pass these other tests?

Stephen10121: if your solution fail any of the puzzles, then it may be wrong, or the creator messed up.

Default avatar.png MrMoose356: looks like it fails on potentially arbitrary answer choices

Stephen10121: i never created a puzzle so I don't know if the creator add the tests or it is automated. In any case it shouldn't be arbitrary.

Default avatar.png MrMoose356: found the rule . it was buried "If two words win the same number of points, then the word which appears first in the order of the given dictionary should be chosen."

Stephen10121: Almost this exact thing happened to me

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: bye