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SteindelSE: That's actually a really cool way to think of it

SteindelSE: Have the ghosts emit a smell too and have pacman avoid that smell

TimothyAlexisVass: Is it possible to write monospaced text in the Statement of a contribution?

VizGhar: sounds like some kind of inverse ACO :)

VizGhar: TimothyAlexisVass `monospace` isn't what you need?

TimothyAlexisVass: It says `Monospace` renders as:

VizGhar: it will print monospace but on next line

VizGhar: Shows like that for some reason? i dont understand

Westicles: TimothyAlexisVass, when you have too many contribs people tend to downvote them all

TimothyAlexisVass: Instead of showing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 with a monospace font, it shows like this: `1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0`...

Default avatar.png brianS: hi

Westicles: I have too many myself right now as well

TimothyAlexisVass: OK, it shows correctly in the IDE.

TimothyAlexisVass: Westicles, Thanks, I've made some private.

derjack: puzzle of the week contains "Settlers of Catan". where is the copyright police!?

Default avatar.png PlzDrWill: Lets say F=WXYZ, L=5, j= 0 and i = 1. What does this in Python? (F .index(p [j])-F .index(p [i])) % L

Default avatar.png Flowersquare: F.index(a) means " find the index of a in the 'F' string", it returns a number

Default avatar.png Flowersquare: it seems to calculate the difference of two characters in "WXYZ"

Wontonimo: make each pellet emit a smell to the nearby connecting cells. iterate 30 times or so, such that the smell will go mostly across the board. Then just pick the direction that has the greatest smell.

Default avatar.png PlzDrWill: thak you mate!

Thorcode: How to know there is no x

Thorcode: in my input

Uljahn: if not x in my_input:

Thorcode: thanks

JHBonarius: Hey guys, question

Thorcode: where is it bro

JHBonarius: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

Default avatar.png mremregok: Hi everyone

JHBonarius: yo homie

Thorcode: Who is your homie JHBonarius?


Thorcode: can you guy check my test case again and fix the unsolveable testcase thanks

JHBonarius: mremregok said hi

Thorcode: oh ok

Thorcode: is my contribution too easy?

JHBonarius: I don't know. I don't do clashes. I'm a slow coder

Thorcode: could you take a little look at the input and output?

Thorcode: is it impossible to solve?

TechnoBot: hey

TechnoBot: Thorcode

Thorcode: ?

TechnoBot: check discord

Thorcode: chat private bro

LelouchVC2: just add some vinegar and the recipe is complete

Default avatar.png Notpro21: hi

TechnoBot: hi

TechnoBot: Notpro21 Hello

ProCoder03: :wave:

Shiv...: hello...

Medoo: Morning

Marcos_Rocha: o/

Linze: Help

Linze: My pasta is burning

Medoo: Quick pour some water

Default avatar.png nyloc: Less chili ;)

Default avatar.png Overbed: what does % mean in python code?

elio27: modulp

elio27: *modulo

elio27: ==remainder

Default avatar.png Sariali: hi

Thorcode: hi

derjack: no more mining via dice duel eh

Thorcode: ?

tukyiytgblen: провет

tukyiytgblen: здравствуйте

Astrobytes: #ru

eulerscheZahl: but how shall I earn money now, derjack?

struct: derjack did you see what happened to CTTT?

eulerscheZahl: :mirror:

eulerscheZahl: no mirror? :(

struct: yes euler mirror

eulerscheZahl: but should be possible with 9x9 too, right?

eulerscheZahl: just mirror around the center cell

eulerscheZahl: and start with the center if you have the first move

struct: yeah

Default avatar.png Staxx: banan:rage:

eulerscheZahl: there was this game with a similar problem of p2 mirroring p1. that 3D game where you build towers

eulerscheZahl: "focus"?

eulerscheZahl: they solved it my doing a slightly randomized, asymmetric setup

eulerscheZahl: maybe that's how to solve counting TTT: start the game in turn 3 or 4

struct: yeah that should work

struct: I guess the author has some work to do

eulerscheZahl: who approved that mess? :P

eulerscheZahl: oh, no jacek in the list. nvm

struct: im surprised no one noticed before

AntiSquid: ya nevermind uniqueness

eulerscheZahl: same

darkhorse64: because people tried to win the game, not to draw it

darkhorse64: ?

derjack: whats the problem

eulerscheZahl: fun thing: even the initial proposal (9x9 without 2nd match) would have worked better

struct: cttt is solved as a draw for either player derjack

AntiSquid: so then question is how many tic tac toe games until there's too many? although you could consider tulips and daisies one of them :joy:

derjack: how it was solved

eulerscheZahl: it's still broken

struct: by Waffle3z

struct: you only have to mirror opponent move to force a draw

AntiSquid: perfect excuse to instantly and urgently remove it then


AntiSquid: it looks like low effort

derjack: w00t

struct: he submited a 100% draw bot before

derjack: i know! lets make steal rule!

struct: has p1 you play a random move then you just copy opponent move if its possible

struct: if its not you play a random one

struct: opponent will have to end up playing one of your mirrored cells

AntiSquid: add a bomb rule, you get 1 bomb per game that will remove anything in a 3x3 area !!

struct: fog

AntiSquid: velocity, you have a certain amount of fuel you can use to place your symbol down slightly faster, you get +1 fuel per turn, strategising is key

eulerscheZahl: delete it just like these clashes

AntiSquid: well urgent deletion was my first thought

struct: Can you even delete a multi?

struct: or only CG?

eulerscheZahl: low rating and it will just get removed

eulerscheZahl: only applies for community contributions. you can't downvote an official one hard enough

struct: brb

derjack: still, draw is better than massive p1 advantage :v

Default avatar.png GodlyAndy: HELLO

AntiSquid: why are you yelling at us ? :(

eulerscheZahl: why are you using a French space_?

AntiSquid: euler, that won't work very well 7 votes of 5 stars lol

AntiSquid: why not ? )))))

eulerscheZahl: we need 20 votes in total anyways

swtr: i fuck your mom

swtr: i fuck your mom

swtr: v

eulerscheZahl: average of 7*5, 13*1

Default avatar.png GodlyAndy: 20

swtr: v

Default avatar.png GodlyAndy: im in school

eulerscheZahl: thanks astro

eulerscheZahl: squiddy*

**eulerscheZahl lost the ability to read

humanbeethoven: hweqeqeqweqe

AntiSquid: do you think it's wrong to ask maybe thibaud to delete it ? quite sure the rules stated you need to aim for an unique enough game

eulerscheZahl: let's give the author the possibility to change something

eulerscheZahl: author is aware of the issue

AntiSquid: w/e king domino has 2 versions approved ...

AntiSquid: oh so he's going to change something, that's good

AntiSquid: rezasi use different art style please

derjack: why?

derjack: UTTT pstd?

derjack: ptsd ~

AntiSquid: nah i won't use that term so lightly, it's not even discontent with UTTT, but definitely would be great to have games more distinguishable

eulerscheZahl: *struct taking notes*

AntiSquid: > hex tic tac toe ?

eulerscheZahl: let's do counting hex tic tac toe. you have 2 possbile actions: claim a cell and rotate the 6 cells around a center cell

eulerscheZahl: each pair of (cell, mirror cell) can only be rotated once

Scarfield: is it really a problem that you can force a draw, you will have to win games to get up the leaderboard?

eulerscheZahl: the draw bot can equalize everyone by repeatedly submitting it

Scarfield: makes sense, sad times

eulerscheZahl: you could also minimax the last few turns to beat the bad bots at least

PrincessTrunks: Oh PRINCESS TRUNKS

eulerscheZahl: *those which don't also mirror

Astrobytes: PrincessTrunks: Talk sense

eulerscheZahl: my clipboard already contains a kick, let's see if i'll need it

PrincessTrunks: You lied to me

PrincessTrunks: You dirty boy

eulerscheZahl: there it is

Astrobytes: was just waiting for it

Scarfield: chat has been "interesting" lately

eulerscheZahl: so, 3 days left for the rubik cube

Scarfield: Astroibytes

Astrobytes: ScarboroughFairfield

eulerscheZahl: i still wonder how to play this properly. my current solution just tries random sequences and compares scores

Scarfield: haha thats the first fingerpicking song i learned xD

Astrobytes: :D

eulerscheZahl: i'm completely lost

Astrobytes: Scarborough Fair, it's an old piece of music

Astrobytes: Scarfield -> ScarboroughFairfield

eulerscheZahl: that explains why I didn't get it

Astrobytes: Yes indeed.

Scarfield: oh thats right, you dont listen to music do you?

Astrobytes: SA for the rubiks?

eulerscheZahl: i don't think SA will work well

eulerscheZahl: 1 changed twist in the middle of the sequence, completely different outcome

eulerscheZahl: i listen to silence

Astrobytes: I see. Hmm.

eulerscheZahl: as the game is right now: find some sequences that swap a few tiles without ruining the rest

eulerscheZahl: then apply those for some careful improvements

Scarfield: can you solve a rubiks cube by hand? could implement those algos, but sounds boring though

eulerscheZahl: the optim is designed in a way that it's not solvable

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: ok

eulerscheZahl: intentionally bad inputs

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: Is coding AI hard?

eulerscheZahl: depends how deep you want to get into it

eulerscheZahl: if you consider reaching bronze or silver league as your goal, then it's not that hard

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: Oh okay.

eulerscheZahl: if you want to go for the very top, it's extremely hard

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: I probably won't get that far so ill just be in the easy side.

Astrobytes: Aim high, you learn more

Scarfield: didnt check out the cube contrib before, damn its cool, but the colors are weird, yellow and white are usually opposite

eulerscheZahl: i even suggested having testcases with 5 or 7 different colors

eulerscheZahl: but jrke didn't get that far which is fine too

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: How do I add the thrust to the pod thing.

Scarfield: output a string "x y thrust"

Scarfield: 1200 550 200

eulerscheZahl: no 200 in lower leagues

Scarfield: true, but you get the idea i suppose LigmaCheese? :)

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: Yes

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: :thumbsup:

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: Wait do I have to make a console.log line for it?

PrincessTrunks: kmkk

Default avatar.png Ning_Ning: i HAVE A QUESTION

Default avatar.png Ning_Ning: sorry

eulerscheZahl: do we have an answer? let's find out

eulerscheZahl: if it's a multiple choice question, I take C

Astrobytes: A

Default avatar.png Ning_Ning: Im new and domt really know how to code

Default avatar.png Ning_Ning: and sorry for trolling

Default avatar.png Ning_Ning: I actually need to know

eulerscheZahl: CodinGame probably isn't the best place if you already struggle with the basics

Default avatar.png Ning_Ning: oh ok

eulerscheZahl: there's one website that others keep recommending, what was it again? codemy?

eulerscheZahl: some "demy" at the end, I really don't remember

Astrobytes: no idea

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: Or Karel if you're trying to learn Java and things like that.

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: CodeHS i think.

jacek: or learn x in y minutes

5DN1L: Codecademy?

eulerscheZahl: yes, I think that's the one

eulerscheZahl: at least Thibaud recommended it

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: console.log(nextCheckpointX + ' ' + nextCheckpointY + ' 50'); Would the "x y thrust" go inside this code?

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: In the " ' ' "

eulerscheZahl: thrust is the ' 50' part

eulerscheZahl: replace 50 by 100 and you will go twice as fast

Default avatar.png LigmaCheese: Oh okay


TheBlueBias: I added a new section on cg.spdns, feel free to complete it if you have an account. :3 (Or dm me the screen links and I'll add them)


Default avatar.png AdamSF: whats the best lang for codegolf?

Astrobytes: Java.

_NikJ: I'd say Ruby, Perl, Bash, at least for CG CoC

Astrobytes: ^

Astrobytes: You can go far with python too

Uljahn: python with utf16 encoding :smirk:

Makea84: I think python is the best at least for CoC

Astrobytes: TheBlueBias: hahaha "pour la gloire de satan" :rofl:

_NikJ: True, but most utf16 encoding python solutions will result in 60+ char codes. I've seen Ruby and Bash with 15 char solutions

Uljahn: ye, it makes sense for longer solutions

TheBlueBias: :imp:

_NikJ: for stupid-ass ascii arts and stuff like that, yes

eulerscheZahl: TheBlueBias

TheBlueBias: :p

TheBlueBias: Added

69razer69: any video toturial on making a game for codingame

eulerscheZahl: no, just the written documentation and other games to dive into source codes

eulerscheZahl: and a chat that can be helpful sometimes

Default avatar.png adamgosnell: Can I get a troubleshoot on my ANEO Sponsored Puzzle?

Default avatar.png adamgosnell: DM me?

Default avatar.png Notpro21: what can i do because i have no experience in coding whatsoever

TheBlueBias: Learn? Practice?

eulerscheZahl: work as a news reporter

jacek: you cant, then teach

Default avatar.png adamgosnell: (Javascript) why aren't my dependent variables changing within my while-loop?

ipsissimus: print hello world to the screen in python

Default avatar.png adamgosnell: For example, I have a while loop that says (while false, speed--) but it's not changing my conversion for speed_mps.

Default avatar.png adamgosnell: I'm using var

ipsissimus: what language

Default avatar.png adamgosnell: me? javascript.

Default avatar.png adamgosnell: This is crazy to me.

Default avatar.png adamgosnell:

69razer69: hey euler wheer the input of the player is handled in

69razer69: *where,referee

eulerscheZahl: do you mean what you have to do or how the SDK does it internally?

Waffle3z: any recent discussion about the cttt draw issue, chat doesn't scroll up that far


eulerscheZahl: that's sending input to the player and calling the player to wait for output

eulerscheZahl: that's how many lines of output you expect. you can change that for every turn

Default avatar.png ankan2526: Winter is coming

69razer69: no i mean where does i recieve the output of the players code

69razer69: ugh a lot of relative outputs and inputs


eulerscheZahl: that's where you get the player action

69razer69: thanks

eulerscheZahl: this line is outdated btw. heavily outdated

eulerscheZahl: current version is 4.1.2

Wontonimo: hey adamgosnell, did you solve your javascript issue for ?

Waffle3z: how do you try to exploit weaker opponents in a game that's drawn? how can you evaluate any one move to be better than a move that leads to a draw? the one that gives your opponent the most chances to make a mistake?

69razer69: are u playing breakthrough

jacek: :rage:

eulerscheZahl: minimax the endgame

jacek: no draws in breakthrough

Waffle3z: if you minimax the start position it's a draw, so wouldn't minimax not care what move you make

Waffle3z: so long as it doesn't lose, they're all equal

Waffle3z: the only way one non-losing move is better than another is if you assume some level of incompetence from your opponent

jacek: makes moves that maximize the amount of mistake an opponent can make

eulerscheZahl: i suggested to minimax the last few turns when you can simulate until the end of the game

Waffle3z: yeah that was something I was thinking of, play draw strat until the game is small enough that it can be solved, but even then, how do you prioritize "better" moves over the ones that draw, since the opponent can always draw

69razer69: am lost there is a lot of sample projects and everything is diffrent


69razer69: is this valid

69razer69: the docs have beign updated week ago

Waffle3z: moves that maximize the amount of mistakes the opponent can make might be the tiebreaker

eulerscheZahl: it's the official SDK so it's probably valid. check maven to be sure


eulerscheZahl: latest is 4.1.4 it seems

69razer69: yup

eulerscheZahl: you don't have to look into the repo that you just linked, until you want to do really advanced stuff

eulerscheZahl: like having a game with 1000 player interactions while the limits are set to 600

jacek: wah

eulerscheZahl: evil toad, ban him!

ipsissimus: *all glory to the hypnotoad*

69razer69: ow thats for a multiplayer game

69razer69: should i just change multiplayergamerunner to sologamerunner

69razer69: and remove agents

eulerscheZahl: what do you want to create?

69razer69: a solo game

eulerscheZahl: then yes: delete a few lines and put the outcommented ones in place instead

69razer69: did u missed deactivate function in abstract player ?

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: eulerschezahl, are you there?

69razer69: or thats something i should do

struct: razer i would read sdk documentation

Queuebee: how do you look for an algorithm for something you're pretty sure exists but have no clue what the name of is

DomiKo: ask someone

69razer69: describe for google

69razer69: he will understand

Queuebee: no google doesn't understand my brabble :(

69razer69: what is it maybe someone here knows

struct: describe it

69razer69: @struct am reading it its my first time making a game for cg so i am a bit confused

Queuebee: with two sets of points, I want to assign combinations such that the average distance between points is smallest? or something like that Its to distribute targets for a bunch of agents but I dont want them all to go to the same and i dont want one to go all the way across the map because some other agent claimed something

Queuebee: does that make sense :$

69razer69: points have cords

69razer69: ?

Queuebee: yes

69razer69: combinations of length 2

69razer69: or can be more

Queuebee: if i have 5 agents and 6 targets I need 5 combinations

69razer69: the average distance between every agent for every target

jacek: graph coloring?

Queuebee: I guess the minimum total distance

Default avatar.png pihack: js is difcult

Default avatar.png 5922: Is there a reason some puzzles don't have an associated forum topic, or is that due to an auto-creation error?

69razer69: auto creation

69razer69: thats a 2100 stuff

Wontonimo: what about js is difficult pihack ?

Wontonimo: for all the new people here : if you see text in red, all it means is that your name was mentioned

Default avatar.png pihack: i learn all of the js method but i cant solve even one question

eulerscheZahl: FBF_Luis 06:54PM eulerschezahl, are you there?

i was afk, now i'm back

jacek: :scream:

struct: maybe its some how related to multi agent path finding?


eulerscheZahl: sounds a bit like the pacman contest where you have up to 5 units to collect the pellets

struct: maybe utg

Wontonimo: have you tried this puzzle pihack

eulerscheZahl: crystal rush*

jacek: path finding? :notebook: :soccer: ?

Default avatar.png lets_think: how?

Queuebee: I'm just bruteforcing all combinations now ._.

struct: Queuebee which game are you playing?

Queuebee: game of drones

Queuebee: trying to get out of bronze :joy::joy:

jacek: game of what?

Queuebee: of drones :joy:

eulerscheZahl: but for how much longer will it be game of drones?

Queuebee: depends on how it's pronounced?

eulerscheZahl: copyright

eulerscheZahl: likely to be renamed

Astrobytes: I propose: Flying Things Go To Places

eulerscheZahl: could have come from squiddy

AllYourTrees: "Spinny things collect stuff from bigger spinners"

Astrobytes: except he'd be serious euler :D

eulerscheZahl: i proposed "Drone wars" (in reference to Clone wars)

eulerscheZahl: much better

Astrobytes: Droningame

Scarfield: Dancing Dirty Drones, Indiana Drones

jacek: gerdarmes

jacek: err gen

struct: I think paper soccer is next

jacek: paper football?

Astrobytes: Papyrus Football

Default avatar.png WhoTho: tree ball

Scarfield: Wood based flat sheet sphere game

Default avatar.png WhoTho: tree o

Astrobytes: Geniusfield

Scarfield: xD

struct: Yinsh might be the only game I ported that is at risk

Astrobytes: Contact the creator

Scarfield: didnt you get permission? or was that another game

struct: I didnt ask for permission for any of them

struct: But Yavalath creator knows the game is on CG

Scarfield: thought you got permission to port one of them, np you have my permission

jacek: yavalath was made by computer

struct: Maybe Pie rule is copyrighted

struct: I must delete it

Astrobytes: Yinsh could become: Ring Pieces :rofl:

Astrobytes: (search for "ringpiece"

Astrobytes: )

Scarfield: changing the name of a ported game wouldn't avoid infringing i guess.

eulerscheZahl: how did the Yavalath creator find out?

Scarfield: ill skip searching for that, i have a bad feeling :p

eulerscheZahl: the Vindinium creator (ornicar) knows about the CG port too, Unihedron told him on another discord server

struct: a Cat told him

Astrobytes: :peach: :hole:

Scarfield: xD

eulerscheZahl: Onitama might be a problem. but for now they only take action on official games

eulerscheZahl: and Bender 4 :scream:

eulerscheZahl: and blockout, sokoban, minesweeper

eulerscheZahl: oh dear, what have I done?

struct: "aCat" knows him from board game conventions or something like that

Astrobytes: Bender should be easy. Just call it twister and draw your own excellent artwork euler

struct: iirc user games fall under other license or something

Astrobytes: yeah something like that

eulerscheZahl: if copyright holders find out and dislike it, it's at least a removal from the platform

eulerscheZahl: but as long as CG doesn't proactively remove it, i think it's safe

struct: ofc

struct: if the author of yavalath was against it i would remove it

struct: maybe MSmits bought the game due to cg

eulerscheZahl: i even got someone into buying the Onitama board game because of the multiplayer game here

Scarfield: you should sue them for advertisement payment

Astrobytes: remember the Photosynthesis creators complained loudly on YT about CG not even mentioning or linking to the game

eulerscheZahl: that's a valid complain

struct: yeah

Astrobytes: Absolutely

struct: They probably jsut forgot

eulerscheZahl: make it clear where you got it from, then no one should be angry in theory (the larger the company, the less logic applies)

Astrobytes: yeah that's what I thought struct

struct: it wasnt mentioned on the test channel though

struct: My first message was that the game was photosynthesis

struct: Because I thought of porting that game before

eulerscheZahl: imagine releasing the contest game a bit before the official contest by accident

jacek: :imp:

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: helo

Astrobytes: :helicopter:

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: yes

Default avatar.png MrGrease: no

UMUT-hue: oh

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: how?

Default avatar.png MrGrease: yo people wassup

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: heyyy

Default avatar.png MrGrease: what language are you maining

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: c++

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: not a pro but trying my best

Default avatar.png MrGrease: nice how do you like it so far

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: how do i like it?

jacek: is it possible to like c++? :thinking:

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: yes

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png MrGrease: i liked c# idk about c++

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: very possible, it's kinda pain in the a** but when u master it, you can do everything

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: that's what i'm trying to do

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: what about you guys?

Default avatar.png MrGrease: good luck

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: thanks

Default avatar.png MrGrease: i'm on python

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: great

Default avatar.png MrGrease: it's kinda challenging but i'm liking it

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: yeah python is pretty awesome, good luck with that

Default avatar.png MrGrease: thanks you too!

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: no problem

jacek: i only use python for prototyping

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: same

jacek: :scream:

Default avatar.png Hagan: deez

Default avatar.png Ouranos666: nuts

Astrobytes: Stop it please.

Default avatar.png Hagan: no

Default avatar.png Kena_C: Hey does anyone have any tips for this? Im kind of going in blind and could use some help ^^

TheBlueBias: 'this'? :thinking:

Astrobytes: this->thing

TheBlueBias: Oh! :o

Default avatar.png Kena_C: Just the formatting of the code and such, I've really only used CSS & HTML (Teacher told us to use javascript for this)


struct: Kena_C the teacher told you to come here to learn js?

TheBlueBias: Drop teacher

Default avatar.png Kena_C: To practice with different codes yeah, just as a small sidebar assignment from our main ones

struct: I think this site is a bit too hard for people that dont know any programming language

Default avatar.png Kena_C: I see I see

struct: What is the assignment?

Astrobytes: If you choose to learn javascript (or whatever) alongside this, it's possible. But you need a solid foundation.

Default avatar.png Kena_C: We were told to start on the Chuck Norris puzzle and had to pick Javascript since HTML wasn't on there

ipsissimus: chuck norris was hard af for me

jacek: the descent or temperatures should be easier eh

ipsissimus: struct had to hit me with sage wisdom

Astrobytes: HTML to solve a puzzle . . .

jacek: "HTML is a programming language!"

eulerscheZahl: this already shows the lack of background knowledge :(

Astrobytes: Quite.

TheBlueBias: CSS is Turring complete!

struct: I dont think many people will be able to complete this assignment

eulerscheZahl: Turring?

TheBlueBias: Yup. Roll the rrrrrrr

Astrobytes: Nice try

TheBlueBias: trry

Astrobytes: :expressionless:

ipsissimus: i watched a youtube vid where the guy made animations using only CSS

ipsissimus: said if you make it more than 4MB

ipsissimus: it will crash browser

ipsissimus: because thats all they usually allocate for it

TheBlueBias: 4MB? What kind of CSS file is that? Oo

jacek: dice duel assets

ipsissimus: python shortening question

ipsissimus: input() for i in input().split():

print(f'[ ] {n}'if n%2==0 else f'[x] {n}')

ipsissimus: can this be written more concisely?

TheBlueBias: Yes

jacek: i.e. reverse if, n%2 instead of n%2==0

ipsissimus: ah right, because 0 is false

ipsissimus: good eye

jacek: but i think map etc would be more useful here

ipsissimus: what about the n = int(i)

ipsissimus: is that superfluous

ipsissimus: please elaborate on the map()

ipsissimus: i really need to get it under my belt

jacek: or lambda

jacek: im writing random smart words, i dont know them

ipsissimus: nah cmon now, I've seen a ton of map() usage to shorten code, but implementation is still a problem for me

ipsissimus: im sure it will be a huge boost to my capability if I can learn to use it correctly

ipsissimus: all i can see is map for the int() cast

ipsissimus: but im not sure the syntax for it

RoboStac: input() for i in input().split():print(f"[{' x'[int(i)%2]}]",i)

jacek: oO

ipsissimus: im trying to understand your usage of the {} here

ipsissimus: they seem out of place to my eyes,

ipsissimus: :thinking:

RoboStac: they're just to get the variable into the f string

RoboStac: ' x'[ int(i) % 2 ]

RoboStac: gives ' ' if i is odd, 'x' if i is event

ipsissimus: and if it has to be ' ' instead of

ipsissimus: ?

ipsissimus: oh nvm

ipsissimus: you wrote that

RoboStac: ah yeah, didn't spot the original didn't have a space in there

RoboStac: hmm

RoboStac: that makes it more awkward

ipsissimus: yeah its usually just one operation that makes me not know a better way to implement

ipsissimus: if it werent there, then i could stack it better

ipsissimus: but its not usually so easy

RoboStac: input() for i in input().split():print(["[]","[x]"][int(i)%2],i)

RoboStac: isn't too much worse

ipsissimus: and without format?

ipsissimus: i need to plug it in to an ide and see for myself

ipsissimus: thanks for the suggestions

ipsissimus: i hate that my intuitions that it can be easily one lined are always right, even if i cant figure out how to do it in the time alloted

RoboStac: ah, actually can do the same size as my first attempt

RoboStac: input() for i in input().split():print(f"[{'x'[:int(i)%2]}]",i)

RoboStac: (drop's the space but adds a :)

ipsissimus: job interview in 5 mins, wish me luck

ipsissimus: ill be back

struct: gl

TheBlueBias: a=input a() for i in a().split():a(f"[{'x'[:int(i)%2]}]",i)

jacek: if there are only 2 input there is not saving

RoboStac: he's trying to use input() to print as well, but I think that'd fail with more than 1 number?

TheBlueBias: Oh? Didn't try

Default avatar.png hamzapro: hi

Default avatar.png hamzapro: I am new

jacek: hello new

Default avatar.png hamzapro: hi

Default avatar.png hamzapro: how are you

jacek: im fine

Default avatar.png hamzapro: cool :)

Uljahn: hi fine, im cat

Default avatar.png hamzapro: sup cat

Default avatar.png hamzapro: cat

Default avatar.png hamzapro: meow

Astrobytes: Hi cat, I'm cat2

Default avatar.png hamzapro: hi

Default avatar.png hamzapro: cat2]

Default avatar.png hamzapro: I am new

Astrobytes: Hi new

Default avatar.png hamzapro: samee

Default avatar.png hamzapro: I suck a codeing

Default avatar.png hamzapro: I mean at

Default avatar.png hamzapro: I got to go

Default avatar.png hamzapro: bye

Westicles: ah, a new puzzle. time to pop over to #fr and see if they hate it

TheBlueBias: Of course they do

Westicles: heh heh... "throw the puzzle in the trash"

ipsissimus: im back

ipsissimus: company that prints "currency stock paper" looking for vision engineer

ipsissimus: :O

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: guys, if my contribution has 2 approvals and I change it, will it lose the approvals?

TheBlueBias: No. You can even change it completely after validation...

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: doesn't make much sense that I can change it, but thanks :)

Westicles: If it expires you lose the two approvals. So if it gets close change it to WIP and back

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: it is dangerously close (20 hours lol) but I think I can get it approved

struct: you can always resubmit it

struct: it will never be truly gone

Westicles: yeah, but if you go WIP before it expires it goes to 30 days with the 2 approvals intact

Waffle3z: do changes to multis have to come from the creator? I don't think RezaSi has been on lately to notice the game was solved

struct: I think anyone can tbh

struct: But I would wait a few days

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: anyways, if by tomorrow morning is not approved I will change it to wip and back

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: nvm, I will do that now because tomorrow I have no time

Waffle3z: doesn't look like anyone can modify multis, not like clash of code contributions

struct: hmm

struct: maybe you need level 30

Westicles: 29, yeah

Waffle3z: I'm level 27, gotta grind some something I guess

Westicles: It isn't set to allow people to download source code, so you have to know the trick

struct: no trick can help for that Westicles

struct: at least that im aware

struct: For the source code I mean

Westicles: Oh, I thought the download boss option gave you the whole code...

struct: nope

darkhorse64: The source code is available on Github. You can pull a request if you wish

Westicles: Well, that explains why people were getting cranky when I asked about it. I could care less about bosses

Westicles: *couldn't

struct: wdym Westicles

Westicles: I wanted to get at source to figure out the SDK, but it probably looked like I was after bosses

struct: ah I see

struct: you dont even have multiplayer bots I dont think why people would think you want the boss codes lol

darkhorse64: Is there really a way to save the multi ? I understand that 9x9 is also a forced draw at least from p1

Westicles: I'm a shady character :P

Waffle3z: how is 9x9 a forced draw?

Waffle3z: I mean it probably is but not solved is it?

struct: darkhorse64 its forced win but you will still have to get the most lines possible

darkhorse64: play center and then mirror p2 moves

struct: wait is it forced draw?

struct: But p1 has 1 extra move

darkhorse64: I read that on the chat this afernoon

darkhorse64: afternoon

struct: I think that is only for even sized boards

darkhorse64: does not "play center and mirror p2 moves" end the same ? p1 may even win

darkhorse64: for add sized boards

darkhorse64: odd

struct: Oh it will end up as a draw because that strategy will possibly minimize the points p1 can get

struct: I see

Waffle3z: if p1 plays in the middle and then mirrors p2, they end up with the exact same set of 3 in a rows as p2, plus some extra ones that might include the middle. how many extra ones is important, because if p2 gets more extra ones in the second round, they win

Waffle3z: maybe it's easy to control that though and the game is just solved for any size

Waffle3z: if it's not then that's the game

jacek: welp, now you tell us

Waffle3z: or maybe turn 1 steal fixes it

Waffle3z: ig you just go in the middle after turn 1 though

LelouchVC2: the answer is flex tape

Queuebee: I build my code out of flex tape

Wontonimo: or on each turn you specify your placement and a shift applied to the previous move of North, South, East, West, Stay which cannot move into other occupied squares

struct: He can always make it 3d

struct: like 3d ttt

struct: maybe you can also play same move as opponent though

Astrobytes: steal move was suggested to the author, did he not try it? I guess he just switched board size from the previous WIP discussion

struct: I guess it needs some testing

struct: I never had to test any of the games, because they already existed :p

Astrobytes: That was said previously.... in WIP...

Astrobytes: lol

Astrobytes: anyway, I'm outta here, gn

LelouchVC2: good mornin

EimantasJ: Hello

Default avatar.png mathod31: I have a question, I'm a beginner, sometimes I do clashes where I have to finish the fastest, I finish first, but in the end I end up 2nd or 3rd, is that normal?

Default avatar.png mathod31: the number of characters is important? However they say that we have to finish as soon as possible

Waffle3z: in shortest mode the shortest solution wins

Wontonimo: hello everyone, new and old

Queuebee: hi

Wontonimo: hey Queuebee, are you working on multis? Like this CTTT everyone is chatting about?

Default avatar.png Deiwyy: Hows life everyone?

Wontonimo: good. like actually pretty stellar. How about you?

Wontonimo: looks like you just joined Deiwyy and are also from Netherlands like Queuebee.

Wontonimo: There is more on this platform than clash of code, like puzzles and multiplayer bot battles

Queuebee: the CTTT what now

Queuebee: I have NO clue

Queuebee: I'm just trying to get a RANDOM NUMBER in rust

Wontonimo: CTTT = Counting TicTacToe

Wontonimo: that's a multi bot battle.

Wontonimo: there are puzzles that are solo. This is actually one of my fav series called mars lander

Wontonimo: (turn off your volume if you play mars lander. you have been warned)

Queuebee: I.. this.

Queuebee: this is too complex

Wontonimo: tell me more about what you know and I may be able to find a puzzle that is a better match

Wontonimo: looks like you've got python and c++ skills

Wontonimo: do you know about loops, arrays, and functions?

Queuebee: yes I just don't understand anything more theoretical than elementary maths

Wontonimo: okay, cool. I'll keep that in mind.

Wontonimo: let's start with the beginning, here is "The Descent"

Queuebee: I did that one ;o

Wontonimo: give it a try and tell me how easy/hard it was

Wontonimo: oh,

Wontonimo: cool

Wontonimo: okay, try my puzzle "Fax Machine"


Queuebee: oo interesting

Wontonimo: it is similar to the encoding used in a much harder puzzle called "music scores"

Queuebee: okay well

Queuebee: it's veryt interesting but my brain can't handle

Wontonimo: what part ?

Queuebee: actually maybe it can wait

Queuebee: it can, wait*

Waffle3z: thinking about odd board sizes in cttt. If p1 plays in the center and then mirrors all of p2's moves, I've found that p2 can guarantee that the center adds no points, so this strategy leads to a draw. If p1 wants to win then they have to do something else.

Wontonimo: very interesting

Waffle3z: considering what happens if p1 goes in the center, then p2 moves, then p1 doesn't mirror it, and p2 mirrors all of p1's future moves. since p1 is doing the leading, they can make the center worth points, so the mirroring strategy is losing for p2

Waffle3z: so if p1 uses the mirroring strat, the best they can hope for is a draw, and if p2 does it, they lose. If p1 forces a draw in round 1, the opponent can try to win in round 2 when they become p1

struct: yeah is at least a proven loss for p22

struct: p2*

struct: since p1 can just mirror p2 moves

Waffle3z: not a loss, p2 can force a draw if p1 mirrors

struct: sure but is at least a draw

Waffle3z: only if p1 mirrors

struct: yeah

Waffle3z: p1 just shouldn't do that

Waffle3z: and if they don't and p2 does, p2 loses, so they shouldn't do it either

Waffle3z: so mirroring doesn't work on odd boards

struct: not sure if the game is salvageable

Waffle3z: if p1 draws in round 1, the opponent can still win round 2

Waffle3z: afaik p2 can't trivially force a draw on odd boards

Waffle3z: if p1 wants to win, they probably have to play normally, and so does p2

Waffle3z: p1 can force a draw and p2 can't

Default avatar.png Deiwyy: do yall ever just

Default avatar.png Deiwyy: cum in a jar

Dren: for what purpose?

Wontonimo: Deiwyy - keep it generally polite, on topic, related to coding, and generally PG

Wontonimo: there are mods online and can get banned easily

struct: yeah let that be a warning

struct: next time will be a kick or ban

struct: 50/50

LittleFlea: struct ,may i show you again my answer for there is no spoon puzzle challenge like the other code work .i am sure of it from the error log.but it still says i don't get all the input

struct: sure

LittleFlea: nevermind i achieved to find why.i have all the right node.not in the right place.which is still just an issue of finding the right order

LittleFlea: got it at 50% 0_0 so close

LittleFlea: i am learning so much about array manipulation tho

LittleFlea: lol just forgot a ++ i got 100% thanks struct

struct: well you did the puzzle solo

struct: dont need to thanks lol

LittleFlea: and the code is so much better looking than when i showed it to you the other day.created a class to hold each node and output all of the registered node at once.and the default value if not change is set to "-1 -1".

LittleFlea: sorry i am just genuinely happy with the code and the achieved puzzle.been on my mind for 2 weeks.

struct: gj on the puzzle

LittleFlea: by the you know a decent tutorial for MCDS . all i find are explanation on what it is and not the implementation.

struct: whats mcds?

LittleFlea: monte carlos tree diagram or something like that

struct: mcts?

struct: monte carlo tree search

struct: or is that not it?

LittleFlea: yup exactly.

struct: maybe


struct: I never read any tutorial on it so dont have any reference

LittleFlea: i do not know where to learn it otherwise.

struct: check that tutorial

LittleFlea: i will.thanks for your the way what is the icon next to your name?

struct: just random lines

LittleFlea: nvm i just hovered on the said icon and saw you are a moderator.

struct: ah that icon

struct: i thought it was my profile pic sorry

skotz: anyone know the reasoning behind league promotions taking hours to go through?

Thorcode: skotz, it needs time to do all of the battles and calculate your point.

Thorcode: I only know that

skotz: yeah, i'm talking about after the battles and ranking stabilization complete and it says "you'll be promoted to [league++] in 2h 30m"

Thorcode: It need to check that if in that hour the bot beats you.....

Thorcode: or another player beat you

skotz: it would make sense for it to wait a little while, but 2+ hours is crazy... guess it's proportional to the number of people in the league? i'll be out of the zone by then :)

struct: it only happens on older multis

skotz: to protect higher leagues from getting bloated?

Wontonimo: to make something for people to talk about on world chat

skotz: success

_Royale: skotz: if you are playing CSB (Mad Pod Racing) I suppose this is to avoid simultaneous resubmits when someones beats the boss and promotes many other players with him.

_Royale: there are so many players on this game that it used to slow down the whole platform when someone beats the boss :-)

skotz: ah, interesting

Wontonimo: that sir is a much better answer

Wontonimo: hey Thorcode and LittleFlea

Thorcode: Hi Wontonimo

Wontonimo: have you done any puzzles lately Thorcode?

Thorcode: I almost done mars lander

Thorcode: and I realize that my code need to fix alot

struct: episode 2?

Thorcode: yep

Default avatar.png LonelyRubberDuckFromHell_9696: XD

Thorcode: I ran out off power

Thorcode: and I can use this code

Thorcode: b = [c for c in ly if ly[c]>1]

Thorcode: ly = list

Thorcode: oh my ly is not list

Thorcode: I'm stupid

Default avatar.png ankan2526: Valar Morghulis

Default avatar.png adamgosnell: how do I round to, say, the 2nd decimal place in Javascript? Math.round only goes to the whole number.

Thorcode: use round(a,)2

Thorcode: round(a,2)

struct: toFixed(2)

struct: n.toFixed(2)

Thorcode: oh

Thorcode: it is not python

Thorcode: b = [c for c in ly if ly[c]>1] how to fix this code not error

Thorcode: it got list index out of range

M1nerman: c in ly gives each object of your list ly, not the index

Thorcode: thanks

M1nerman: so if you're checking if each element is greater than 1 then just use [c for c in ly if c>1]

Thorcode: I'm trying to check if the element is dupilcate

M1nerman: oh, then you can use ly.count(c)

Dren: yeah if you want to just create a list with duplicates

Dren: filter(lambda x: ly.count(x)>1, ly)

Thorcode: i got it

Thorcode: import collections b = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(y).items() if count > 1]

Thorcode: I got a list x = [1,2,3,4,5] and b =[2] how to know x[?]=b

Thorcode: I was trying to find this on internet for a few days

Dren: x.index(item)

Dren: or x.find()

Thorcode: x.find(b)?

Thorcode: thanks

Dren: yeah though since b is a list here it might be b[0]

Default avatar.png yoursosussy: i dont know how to code

Default avatar.png yoursosussy: im so sussy

Default avatar.png yoursosussy: :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

Thorcode: try to learn in an another site like w3school and etc

Thorcode: yoursosussy

LelouchVC2: Best programmer NA