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Default avatar.png RosaLindtCodes: hi

nishantsinha: hi all

nishantsinha: how are you?

mr.bossman: good


nishantsinha: join here

Default avatar.png RosaLindtCodes: doin good

nishantsinha: great


nishantsinha: join COC

Default avatar.png Abhishek__Jain: ok

Default avatar.png Abhishek__Jain: ko

Default avatar.png Abhishek__Jain: ok

nishantsinha: o

nishantsinha: k

nishantsinha: ok

nishantsinha: h

nishantsinha: e

nishantsinha: y

nishantsinha: he

nishantsinha: hy

nishantsinha: ey

nishantsinha: hey

ProCoder03: can we convert a base 12 number to base 10 in C# ??

ProCoder03: without manually doing it ??

eulerscheZahl: no, only for a few bases like 2 and 16 it's possible with System.Convert

eulerscheZahl: don't ask me why, would have been easy to support all bases up to 36 at least

eulerscheZahl: python does that btw

ProCoder03: I have to write my own converter then, okay Thanks eulerscheZahl

raizbro: APA

raizbro: what

raizbro: who kiked me tell it

raizbro: ok

raizbro: he

raizbro: hi

raizbro: halo

raizbro: halo

raizbro: helo

ProCoder03: can you please go to #spam for spamming

raizbro: ok that make me said

raizbro: of kors

eulerscheZahl: thanks ProCoder, I just tabbed away for a few minutes

raizbro: ok

raizbro: friend tell me the code

jacek: you dont get electroshock everytime someone spams?

gavi: @eulerscheZahl Hello! do you remember the fun TicketToRide puzzle?

gavi: You solution was ;-p the fastest by a factor of 2x.... now there is one slightly faster and that uses less memory.... ;-p

jacek: huh

eulerscheZahl: i assume that you are telling me you wrote a more efficient one? congratulations

jacek: impossibru

jacek: i dont see that puzzle

eulerscheZahl: tbh i don't remember that puzzle in detail. solved it > 2 years ago

eulerscheZahl: looking at my code formatting I was still using MonoDevelop when I wrote it

Default avatar.png Stickmin: test

jacek: :upside_down:

el-musleh: what "CHARACTERS" in the result means?

NeevShah: hello

jacek: characters are part of string :tada:

NeevShah: i just started a it is hard to code

**NeevShah slaps NeelShah around a bit with a large fishbot

Default avatar.png Swaiyzr: y'a quoi comme module python pour faire des jeu ?

darkhorse64: it depends on what you want to achieve: for writing a bot for a multiplayer, all the usual modules are available. For a precise list, see If you want to design a game, you must use CG SDK and Java or Kotlin

eulerscheZahl: or Scala, Groovy, Clojure. But no one should use Clojure for the sanity of those trying to read the referee afterwards

Default avatar.png tbt485: How to start as a beginner

Default avatar.png tbt485: know nothing

Default avatar.png Daki404: hi

Default avatar.png cooboth: Hello

evilDeimos: ;)

gavi: I did not mean to criticise. Your code is at least 2x faster than all other C#. And of course you are amazing, so high in the rankings it is super impressive. I am just starting here. And yes, you were on a different version of C#, which makes a lot of difference, and often times I have got the impression that you prefer elegant , short code with a cool strategy rather than maximizing speed.

eulerscheZahl: i didn't see it as criticism, no worries. just saying that i don't remember what I did there or what the puzzle was about

gavi: OK, cool, I just want to say how impressive is what you do. I always go to see your solutions to learn something.

eulerscheZahl: and it's totally possible that I called it a day when all testcases were green. sometimes i try to find a performant solution, sometimes not

eulerscheZahl: glad to hear

gavi: Yes, indeed. Also, you answered an incredible amount of puzzles. Of course, once you get the green light, you don't keep optimizing each one

Default avatar.png DimitrisLamprinos: Hey guys! Can I enable vim mode somehow?

eulerscheZahl: there should be something in the IDE settings. not sure how well it works since CG switched from ACE to Monaco Editor

Westicles: what does BA mean in french?

eulerscheZahl: there are multiplayer games and optimization games for this purpose. I try to write more efficient code in those cases. Unfortunately you can't see them, as this would spoil the competition

eulerscheZahl: BA? Bachelor degree?

Scarfield: Baguette?

BlaiseEbuth: In what contest ?

eulerscheZahl: context?

BlaiseEbuth: *context

BlaiseEbuth: ^^

eulerscheZahl: the lack of contests hits us hard

69razer69: 69 in shortest

Westicles: Er, I was angry at the troll so J'ai fait une BA en fait :p

eulerscheZahl: i even went to yare. now i feel this tension the whole day already. glad when it's finally over

gavi: I am only a hobbyist... I learn to code for fun and as a hobby

BlaiseEbuth: Bonne Action

Scarfield: how did your match go yesterday euler?

eulerscheZahl: that's how I (and probably most of us) started

eulerscheZahl: now i'm getting paid for writing code

gavi: that's why I was so surprised of how well that solution did in comparison with the others (time/memory)

eulerscheZahl: there was no match tomorrow. finals in 1.5h

Westicles: ah, thanks Blaise

Scarfield: You got to the final then?

eulerscheZahl: yes. someone even made a video summary

Scarfield: nice, grats!

eulerscheZahl: thanks

Scarfield: will the final be streamed? think i saw mention that the semi finals were streamed

eulerscheZahl: will be streamed, see video description of my link above

Scarfield: sure :) good "luck"

eulerscheZahl: i've been busy the last 2 days to prepare for this fight. we'll see if it's good enough

eulerscheZahl: completely destroyed boom-bot. but thebitspud is another league

gavi: cool video! Spoiler eulerscheZhal won!

eulerscheZahl: but it was close

eulerscheZahl: me made a few mistakes, he had the win already

gavi: you are inspirational

eulerscheZahl: *he made well, I did too

Scarfield: its weird to see a game that has a level of interactiveness, pretty cool idea

struct: gl on the match euler

Default avatar.png Stickmin: any Asean here?

eulerscheZahl: yes, you

eulerscheZahl: i can assure you that my bot is not as interactive as Aecert's

eulerscheZahl: when he attacked my star from the side, i just couldn't counter it and place my units in between. because the code didn't cover it

eulerscheZahl: i always move on a straight line

eulerscheZahl: from by base to his

eulerscheZahl: my*

eulerscheZahl: other contest:

eulerscheZahl: Submit your agent by 11.59PM UTC today (~12H from now) to qualify for the Round 1 Leaderboard. Submission instructions:

eulerscheZahl: but i don't have a bot there

struct: is that the same game?

struct: from previous gocoder

eulerscheZahl: oh wow, it's 3 vs 3 now

eulerscheZahl: i muted most of their discord so i missed out a lot

struct: I always thought that 2vs2 bomberman would be better than 1vs1

struct: maybe 3vs3 is good too

struct: I was gonna port it to cg, some version of it

eulerscheZahl: we have hypersonic already, i don't think we need it

eulerscheZahl: and not all rules of their game convince me

struct: i hate multiple players games

eulerscheZahl: and possible copyright?

eulerscheZahl: vindinium was fine because MIT. i have no idea about bomberland


struct: no prizes this time?

eulerscheZahl: at bomberland? i have no idea

eulerscheZahl: "Join the leaderboard to win prizes, get featured on Twitch streams, and live your AlphaGo dreams."

eulerscheZahl: and i thought CG certificates were exaggerated

struct: ah

struct: this is jsut to check the game

struct: "We've just released an early access version of our first sandbox environment, Bomberland, and plan to launch our first competition in late 2021."

struct: With the low amount of players that participated last time

struct: I might give this time a try

eulerscheZahl: sometimes the player count and game design are related

eulerscheZahl: but yare deserves more than 23 players IMO

struct: very high prizepool for just 23 players

eulerscheZahl: or very few players for that prizepool, as the prize was announced before the players joined

eulerscheZahl: to be fair: you had to beat boom-bot to join the contest. that's like silver boss on CG i would say. so reaching gold

eulerscheZahl: keeping the player count low is reasonable when you can't automate the matches because of human interaction

eulerscheZahl: and i think i would have joined the contest for a much lower prizepool like the standard tshirt prize as well

struct: yeah, people on cg dont join the contest for the prize

eulerscheZahl: a small carrot hanging in front of me helps to get my attention and stand out from other games that I could play at the same time

eulerscheZahl: but a tshirt is enough is the game design is solid

eulerscheZahl: i decided against bomberland despite money prizes for top ranks. would have been pretty easy to get a few bucks at least

wlesavo: euler finals will be on the same twich channel right?

eulerscheZahl: yes

wlesavo: gl

eulerscheZahl: thanks

eulerscheZahl: right now it has some weird advertising. not sure when the stream starts but should be soon

wlesavo: yeah, thats why asked

eulerscheZahl: this one might stream it too, at least did so for the semifinal

eulerscheZahl: yes, opened yare right now. but spanish

eulerscheZahl: cat is here. why now :(

eulerscheZahl: sleeping outside all day long

eulerscheZahl: roxkstar is there too

struct: I see

struct: gl euler

struct: the spanish streamer is watching your cg profile :p

eulerscheZahl: i just closed him as i don't understand a word

gavi: @eulerscheZhal i see that you prefer C#. CG site is is my fav so far. Are there other interesting sites with a very updated version of C# ?

gavi: if it can be asked here

Kawaii-san_Shadow_Wolf: Hi everyone

struct: gg euler

Scarfield: gg

wlesavo: gg

Astrobytes: i'm late, did I miss it?

wlesavo: yes

Astrobytes: score?

wlesavo: 3-1 fast games

Scarfield: latestrobytes

Astrobytes: yeah, sorry, youtube moderating, totally forgot about this

eulerscheZahl: toad only won the first game with cheese. bitspud could counter

eulerscheZahl: you don't have to excuse yourself, you don't have to watch ;)

Astrobytes: I was looking forward to it!

eulerscheZahl: i mostly got my but kicked

Astrobytes: Tough opponent that one

Scarfield: nice prize though, had no idea about the ethereum prices

Astrobytes: Well done regardless euler, you did well

eulerscheZahl: i may have done some misjudgement about shape strength. or he's just the better coder of us

eulerscheZahl: could quickly react to my cheese, i couldn't have done the same with my bot

Scarfield: bool cheeseCounter = false/true

Astrobytes: Your bot was a little rigid/inflexible in certain situations yeah

Scarfield: maybe circles where just better than squares? there were triangles mentioned as well?

eulerscheZahl: triangles were eliminated quickly. not sure if bad bots or bad shape

eulerscheZahl: anyone experience with ETH? is there something to store your coins offline like Electrum for BTC?

eulerscheZahl: i see lots of websites to store it for you but that's not what I want

Scarfield: i think its called a wallet, no idea though, never got into bitcoin

eulerscheZahl: i have BTC but now i need an ETH address

eulerscheZahl: there is the official one: but archived

eulerscheZahl: i guess i'll ask on the yare discord directly

struct: I guess you could use a temporary one and then convert it into bitcoin and send it to the btc wallet

eulerscheZahl: downloaded MyCrypto now, that's an offline wallet

eulerscheZahl: asks you to re-enter your recovery key each time

Default avatar.png 3r1c_02: You mean something like the CDC Defi Wallet or a Ledger Wallet? Are you looking for a spftware or a hardware wallet?

eulerscheZahl: i don't want to buy extra hardware, i trust my OS

eulerscheZahl: and a written recovery phrase as a backup

Default avatar.png 3r1c_02: Do you also want to perform DeFi-Transactions with the wallet or do you want to use it only to store the value?

eulerscheZahl: only as a storage. keep it there and maybe react to prize changes in a year or 2. but i've created my wallet now

eulerscheZahl: and yare already sent the prize. really fast

Astrobytes: That was indeed extremely fast!

Scarfield: easy shipping

eulerscheZahl: hackerrank took 1 month to transfer $75 worth of BTC

jacek: maybe they didnt pay for the fee

eulerscheZahl: they even managed to ship the tshirt faster to my place than the money (i won both in the same contest)

Astrobytes: lol, noobs

eulerscheZahl: a tshirt from India. with a tracker showing different locations there for 2 weeks until it got international. faster than bits

eulerscheZahl: and during that month BTC climbed, so i got less BTC out of it

eulerscheZahl: still was around $900 at that time. so a huge win on the long run

eulerscheZahl: winner got $2500 iirc. but not in BTC, so I actually won more

Default avatar.png Eden998: when creating a contribution, what is validator?

eulerscheZahl: a testcase that's only executed on submit

Default avatar.png Eden998: so whats the difference between this and test?

eulerscheZahl: testcase: visible in the IDE validator: to make sure that you don't hardcode vs the visible testcases

Default avatar.png Eden998: oh so I do something similar to the test but different situation?

eulerscheZahl: yes. if the testcase asks you to primefactor a large number, make the validator another number in a similar range (a bit smaller maybe)

eulerscheZahl: a validator should never be harder than a testcase so you don't get random timeouts on submit

eulerscheZahl: and cover the same aspect of the problem

eulerscheZahl: testcase: is a prime number validator: should also be a prime

jacek: not much love for counting tictactoe?

struct: ptsd from uttt

Default avatar.png Eden998: I see, thanks :D

jacek: lets make it counting uttt

jacek: woah teapot updated loa

jacek: and increased to 150ms :thinking:

eulerscheZahl: how many turns?

eulerscheZahl: 200?

jacek: max 150

eulerscheZahl: then he could go up to 200ms

jacek: but sane games end around 40

struct: limit should be like 100

eulerscheZahl: and the insane ones?

struct: I dont see any game with good bots lasting that long

struct: a good bot vs a bad one will be under 20 turns

jacek: their wives dont like it either

struct: most long games happen due to move repetition

Default avatar.png Eden998: when entering a string to input in a test case, do I need to write it with quotation mark?

struct: no

struct: should negamax return the same number of iterations that minimax does?

struct: Currently its a massive diference :/

jacek: you mean alpha beta?

Default avatar.png Eden998: is there anyway to check my contribution before submitting?

struct: yes jacek

struct: negamax with ab

jacek: dunno if the same. but at the very least the same order of magnitude

jacek: Eden998 private contribution

Default avatar.png Eden998: kk thanks :D

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: how do we code a app

struct: What kind of app?

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: what ever

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: app

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: i can

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: like minecraft

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: or a platformer

struct: i have no idea how to code minecraft

Uljahn: learn Unity like a true indie gamedev, also Ren'Py for visual novels

jacek: code yourscraft

jacek: struct you sure you get the sign alright?

jacek: i based my code on this and it works

jacek: it also has TT

struct: I must have something wrong

struct: I think its the wincheck condition

struct: I must be doing it wrong

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: wave you ever herd of scratch up

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: struck are you there

struct: temp.boards[0] &= ~moves[i]; temp.boards[1] ^= moves[i];

struct: ...

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes:

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes:

struct: stop spamming

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: k

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: pleas play scetchup

struct: I think you might be on the wrong place

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: no

DimiMav: hello all! I am trying to play a challenge of tic tac toe in javascript and i get confused with that readline() is doing. Does someone have an idea?

struct: reads the next line in input

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah... This name isn't explicit at all...

DimiMav: i dont get what it actually reads and how am i supposed to play this game

Uljahn: isn't it more reasonable to start with something more simple and feasible

DimiMav: i cant find many games that are more simple than this one

struct: puzzles

struct: work the same way

DimiMav: others seem more complicated

Uljahn: Power of Thor ep.1

struct: or the descent

jacek: coders strike back

jacek: it has tutorial

struct: :notebook::soccer:

DimiMav: the descent i tried and it was ok

DimiMav: I will try the other too

Uljahn: also read the hints on the left

DimiMav: it would have been a bit more helpful for these games to have some starting instructions on how the written code is being used

DimiMav: for someone to start the game

struct: only coders strike back has that

DimiMav: as whats makes it difficult for me is not how to play but how to translate the starting code to my benefit

jacek: yeah, it teaches inputs and outputs


DimiMav: thank you!

struct: jacek how do you add randomness to negamax?

Scarfield: The statements describe how the input is given, not all statements are as clear as others though. Are you sure you have read the statement fully, also error printing can be used both for debugging and checking the "format" of the input

struct: do you just add randomness to the eval

jacek: i use no randomness for negamax

jacek: at most random few first moves

struct: due to iterative deepening?

jacek: yes

struct: Ill add that next I guess

struct: and then the TT

struct: also will still need to figure how to hash

jacek: just smoke it

Westicles: what's the best way to store a hexagon shaped grid of hexagons?


Westicles: I was afraid that would be the answer

struct: which size Westicles?

Westicles: 2 to 578

struct: ah ok, I was thinking about spring challenge 21

struct: Than the answer would be bitboards

Westicles: Nah, just looking at this


Thyl: good evening

Schwase: damn thyl 1 second

Thyl: Im so sad

Thyl: 1 second

Thyl: I want to cry

jacek: :c

Default avatar.png bucketsarec0ding: hi

Default avatar.png Loule95450: Oui

Default avatar.png AyakorK: We are together my friend Thyl

Default avatar.png Loule95450: no

Default avatar.png Loule95450: Retourne travailler

Default avatar.png AyakorK: Let me join you to cry

Default avatar.png Loule95450: Retourne travailler

Default avatar.png HyruleHiker: hi

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hi i am back\

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: here

jacek: hi back here

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hi i am going to folo you

jacek: :scream:

bucketsarec0ding: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Kawaii-san_Shadow_Wolf: Hi

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hi

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hih

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hi

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hi

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hih

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hi

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: j

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hi

bucketsarec0ding: who does javascript

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hii

Astrobytes: Arlo_codes: stop it

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: hi hi hi hi hi ih ihi hi hi hi hin hi hi hi hi yhi hinhi ih ihhn i hi hi

bucketsarec0ding: oh hi moderator

Astrobytes: bye bye

bucketsarec0ding: do you have any knowledge of javascript

Astrobytes: A little yes.

bucketsarec0ding: well i need help

bucketsarec0ding: i jsut started this website and have absouletly no experience

Astrobytes: You asked on the discord correct?

bucketsarec0ding: yes

bucketsarec0ding: they said to look at a page in codingame but i havent found anything useful

struct: I dont think this is the place to learn programming

Astrobytes: ^

Scarfield: spent half an hour figuring out i forgot to convert rad/deg... bah

bucketsarec0ding: then whats its for?

Astrobytes: Practicing

struct: to improve your current skills

Default avatar.png siddharthdeo99: it is for enhancing your skills

Astrobytes: You need to have a solid basic knowledge

bucketsarec0ding: ohhh

bucketsarec0ding: lol

Default avatar.png siddharthdeo99: you just need basics

bucketsarec0ding: well where can i get some basics

bucketsarec0ding: how did yall learn to code?

Default avatar.png ProgrammerWanabe218: school

bucketsarec0ding: ok

Default avatar.png ProgrammerWanabe218: which language do u want to learn?

bucketsarec0ding: javascript

ericlovesmath: Is there a way to hide the colored braces?

ericlovesmath: I'm not sure if I like them

Uljahn: they will remove them with the next update

Default avatar.png Lewisss: sup

Default avatar.png Lewisss: what language do you guys use?

struct: cpp

Default avatar.png JBM: french

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: uijahn: stop it

Uljahn: :rolling_eyes:

Uljahn: no you

Default avatar.png Arlo_codes: no

Default avatar.png ljtechdotca: hi

icecream17: wow, close one:

icecream17: what??? it was worse?

icecream17: I can't find trolls vs castles...


struct: if I edit and send

struct: does it refresh the timer?

struct: or only the original contributor can do that?

Default avatar.png Timusz: hi there

Westicles: struct, not sure

AlexWord: hi

struct: h

struct: hi*

Thorcode: guys how can i speed down my pod in coderstrike back

Thorcode: cause I can see I move towards at power

Default avatar.png CoreJavaSirs: hello sirs;

solution.cpp: Error - Unknown datatype "hello" on line 1

Thorcode: ?

struct: Thorcode on csb

struct: you need to output the coordinates where you want your pod to go

struct: he will aim and thrust there

Thorcode: oh

Thorcode: I fixed it

struct: but he can only rotate 18º per turn

Thorcode: now I know how to slow it down

struct: nice

Thorcode: by changing thrust

Thorcode: thanks

Wontonimo: hey struct

struct: hi Wontonimo

struct: had tab muted

Thorcode: Thanks struct I'm gonna reach sliver soon

struct: nice Thorcode

struct: after silver its a bit harder

Thorcode: yeah

Thorcode: like gold

Thorcode: I need to control 2 pod

mr.bossman: well

Thorcode: wow almost all puzzle of the week is hard

Wontonimo: my tab doesn't notify me about mentions struct. how do you do that?

struct: do what?

Wontonimo: i found it

Wontonimo: can you try using my name plz

struct: sure Wontonimo

TheHeroShade: Probably enable mention notifs

TheHeroShade: aaand nevermind

struct: Did it work Wontonimo?

Wontonimo: nope

Default avatar.png doonsibi: hhhh

Wontonimo: weird

Thorcode: hi doonsibi

Default avatar.png doonsibi: hello

Wontonimo: hows your latest bot coming along struct?

struct: im still working on lines of action

Default avatar.png doonsibi: where are you from guys??

struct: hard to say tbh

struct: Portugal

NeevShah: hello

Wontonimo: i've seen you talking about LOA

Wontonimo: i tried the counting TTT contribution

struct: I dont know a lot about minimax

Wontonimo: doonsibi, if you hover over peoples names you can see their country

Wontonimo: I got 2nd on the leaderboard by simply playing as close to the middle of the board as possible


struct: nice

Wontonimo: i think it could benefit from the "second move can steal" concept.

struct: is the game hard?

Default avatar.png doonsibi: :grimacing:

Wontonimo: getting 2nd place was simply taking the closest space to the center. that's not hard at all

Wontonimo: no bit board, no simulation, no search, no nothing other than 1 if statement

struct: im sure msmits can solve this one easily

struct: and prove that 4 4 is a win

Wontonimo: hehe

Wontonimo: yeah

struct: I need to figure how to sort good moves now

Wontonimo: for LOA ?

struct: I added negamax and iterative deepening

struct: yes

Wontonimo: congrats on the negamax

struct: I also tried transposition tables but is not very good yet

Wontonimo: were you able to add alpha-beta to negamax?

struct: yes

struct: I had a bug where I was doing this

struct: temp.boards[0] &= ~moves[i]; temp.boards[1] ^= moves[i];

struct: And took me so while to find

struct: temp.boards[player] ^= moves[i]; temp.boards[player ^ 1] &= ~moves[i];

struct: I needed to do this instead

struct: I was forgetting to change player :)

Wontonimo: ah, the hardcoded player number

struct: I can get depth 5-6 now

struct: instead of always 5

struct: due to the iterative deepening so I guess it was worth

Wontonimo: that's pretty good depth

struct: eval will be quite hard to do I think

struct: Maybe when I sort moves I can go always depth 6

Wontonimo: sorting moves vastly improves the pruning from alpha-beta, so even depth 7 is a possibility

Wontonimo: using the previous best move to start with when deepening is a good start

struct: I need to figure how to do that

struct: currently I just increase depth and do the negamax again

struct: while I have time

Wontonimo: in UTTT, do you keep a pointer to the parent in your nodes?

struct: no

Wontonimo: right, of course not

Wontonimo: you have a list


Wontonimo: that you make

Wontonimo: where i'm going with this is ...

struct: ah

struct: ok continue :p

Wontonimo: what if you ALSO had a "best parent list" that you copied the current stack of parent node pointers over to when you find the next best move

Wontonimo: no, wait ... that's silly. it won't work

struct: If I store all the moves that lead to taht it should right?

struct: i could even do it before initializing negamax the 2nd time

struct: just to get the alpha and beta

Wontonimo: yes

struct: seems like the easy way to do it

struct: or I can just store the best state

struct: which seems even simpler

struct: ofc the list is more usefull if I want to do more stuff than just update the alpha and beta

Wontonimo: are you doing this as a recursive function?

struct: yes

Wontonimo: good luck. i've not tried ordering minimax

Wontonimo: gotta go

Wontonimo: gn

struct: gn