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Husoski: Ken Thompson's B language was named in honor of the earlier BCPL language. C was the next letter in BCPL. The successor to C was theoretically supposed to be P, but Stroustrup named it "C with Classes" and then adopted "C++".

Husoski: [Dennis Ritchie's C language was a substantially improved version of B, designed for rewriting the Unix kernel in a "high level language."]

Default avatar.png dctrdee: ur sus

spokr: (mogus)

Default avatar.png dctrdee: sugma

ja_fica: robostac, you should resubmit your bot in C4, you deserve the 1st...

ja_fica: its more consistent, I made _Royale get first because my bots sucks against him

Default avatar.png Naknik: I just finished my first contribution, if u have a name idea, please comment

eulerscheZahl: so you are talking about prime digits rather than the full numbers in the input?

eulerscheZahl: the example should just help in understanding, not introduce new rules

NinjaDoggy: eulerscheZahl say something unique

NinjaDoggy: i already commented on that :P

eulerscheZahl: hfudihbduij

eulerscheZahl: unique enough?

Default avatar.png Naknik: Yeah so you are talking about prime digits rather than the full numbers in the input?

eulerscheZahl: ah right, scrolled down to see your comment

NinjaDoggy: dang he got me

Default avatar.png Naknik: I changed it

Default avatar.png Naknik: oops didnt notice I mistakenly copy pasted your message lol

michaellan: NinjaDoggy

xxd: I think I know you

xxd: I remember you were wearing a codingame shirt in our class

xxd: thats actually how i was introduced to codingame

xxd: damn this is nostalgic

eulerscheZahl: was he sleeping because he put an all-nighter to win the tshirt last second? then it probably was ninja doggy

69razer69: i want a codingame shirt

Default avatar.png Naknik: how do u even get one lol

69razer69: yeah how

Default avatar.png Naknik: hey! wanna support minors? | upvote this

69razer69: yeah i am working on it

Default avatar.png Naknik: support minors today!

69razer69: btw 123 goes to 5 right

Default avatar.png Naknik: yes

69razer69: 55555 -> 25 -> 7

Default avatar.png Naknik: yeah

eulerscheZahl: usually top20 of a contest get a tshirt. that's 20 out of 7000 participants

69razer69: oh

69razer69: when fall 2021 will begin

eulerscheZahl: my guess: November (but i don't know)

eulerscheZahl: at least it was November last year

69razer69: so top 10 in clash of code dont get tshirt

eulerscheZahl: no, only contests

69razer69: sad

Default avatar.png Naknik: euler

Default avatar.png Naknik: if I have a WIP

Default avatar.png Naknik: how do I release it

Default avatar.png Naknik: do I need to remake it?

eulerscheZahl: you go to the edit page and change the status to "ready"

Default avatar.png Naknik: cant find it

Default avatar.png Naknik: not ready yet

Default avatar.png Naknik: so doesnt matter

Default avatar.png Naknik: I wanna get 10 upvotes before

eulerscheZahl: i never created a clash myself. i just know how it works for SDK contributions

eulerscheZahl: (these are more likely to receive 10 upvotes also)

Default avatar.png Naknik: what are SDK

Default avatar.png Naknik: contributions

eulerscheZahl: something like or

eulerscheZahl: not purely textbased but with graphics and interaction

Default avatar.png Naknik: i like mine tbh

Default avatar.png Naknik: its similar to the happy numbers puzzle

69razer69: i made two contributions a puzzle and a clash my next contribution gonna be a game

eulerscheZahl: great, prepare for a long journey :)

69razer69: did u made a game before i mean for codingame

69razer69: oh btw i think today brackeys gamejam will start

eulerscheZahl: i made a few for CodinGame. some smaller stuff before outside of CG but really nothing big

69razer69: any advices?

eulerscheZahl: for CG games?

69razer69: yup

eulerscheZahl: you start here

eulerscheZahl: there are dozens of existing games already. you can look up their source code to see how certain things can be done

eulerscheZahl: the hardest parts are having a nice idea for a game and the artwork (at least for me)

eulerscheZahl: this links to a few sources of free assets

eulerscheZahl: my favorite one is

69razer69: ah so is there a doc for how the game api works in cg or i have to dig in this source codes

eulerscheZahl: you start by reading the docs that I linked first

mikhiyoe: hi gaiz

69razer69: are all this assests free license

eulerscheZahl: other games might help you if the docs aren't clear enough

mikhiyoe: this world chat feature reminds me of clasj of clans

mikhiyoe: lol

eulerscheZahl: you have to be careful about the license. the craftpix freebies are all free to use

mikhiyoe: why doensn't codingame has dark mode

eulerscheZahl: for some other sites you have to give credits. just link the source in the statement

mikhiyoe: my eyes are damaged

eulerscheZahl: CG has dark mode in the IDE

69razer69: freebies

69razer69: ?

mikhiyoe: IDE toh obviously

mikhiyoe: but in these home screen etc

mikhiyoe: that's main

eulerscheZahl: chat has dark mode too

mikhiyoe: bruuuhhh:nerd:

mikhiyoe: where yu from

eulerscheZahl: hover over my avatar and you'll see ;)

Westicles: chat dark mode is #fr

mikhiyoe: wtf why don't yu tell me

eulerscheZahl: :D

69razer69: hes #1

mikhiyoe: oh wow

mikhiyoe: #1

eulerscheZahl: i tell you how to find out for all users without asking everyone

mikhiyoe: you moderator or waht

eulerscheZahl: yes. but not staff

mikhiyoe: that's pretty good, you know

69razer69: my goal is top 10 clash of code

mikhiyoe: so tell me how is this codingame differenet

mikhiyoe: from codeforces/atcoder

eulerscheZahl: there are puzzles similar to codeforces gym

eulerscheZahl: but also multiplayer and optimization games

mikhiyoe: i mean its good, then also you may know something that i don't

mikhiyoe: yeah, optimization games that's true

eulerscheZahl: here you can play a game. against other programs that were uploaded by other users

eulerscheZahl: like you won't find suh a thing on codeforces

mikhiyoe: oh rihgt

mikhiyoe: thanks

mikhiyoe: where you work then having sonice cp skills

69razer69: check my puzzle


mikhiyoe: no

69razer69: not u i bet you cant solve it :sunglasses:

jacek: :upside_down:

mikhiyoe: i can

mikhiyoe: but i won't

Westicles: Your contribution looks like a 2nd grader texted it

mikhiyoe: whom are you talking to?

mikhiyoe: bruh

Westicles: the guy who posted his contribution

Westicles: sista

mikhiyoe: oooo

mikhiyoe: theank god

mikhiyoe: i thouht you saying to me

mikhiyoe: nice chat feature this has

mikhiyoe: can we get a girlfriend here.?

  • khi* *khi*

69razer69: lol chill

martinpapa69: if you want a 40yo girlfriend with :cucumber:, sure you can

mikhiyoe: lol

mikhiyoe: btw, how to find geometric mean of and b?

seshoumara: ruby used to be available to bash clashes as a command, but now it is not?

Westicles: you have to use the full path /usr/local/bin/ruby

Westicles: for golf you can sometimes use /*/*/b*/ruby

seshoumara: thank you

Westicles: or I should say /*/*/b*/r*y

seshoumara: And dc isn't available?? It's like the oldest UNIX program or so.

ProCoder03: does codingame sync has any vs code plugin ??

ProCoder03: * a

whatevericando4you: 8/2(2+2)=?

TobiasA: 61

whatevericando4you: 61?

TobiasA: yup

whatevericando4you: 3head

TobiasA: :nerd:

martinpapa69: avx convulution yepp: 3x speedup :ok_hand:

Default avatar.png Chaipzor: sup! How can i challenge a friend in coders strike back?

Default avatar.png Chaipzor: we follow eachother, but we cannot invite

jacek: you cant challenge in multiplayer game

eulerscheZahl: you have to delete the default AI and place your friend. you'll only find players in the top1000 of your own league (or below)

eulerscheZahl: so the opponent selection in CSB is such a 5% feature

TobiasA: space shooter is harder than i expected

jacek: oh its been approved

jacek: loal just stay in one place and fire missle randomly left or right

TobiasA: :joy:

Default avatar.png chaitanya.patil: hey bruh

Default avatar.png chaitanya.patil: i wanna ask

Default avatar.png chaitanya.patil: what da dog doing

Default avatar.png chaitanya.patil: :grimacing:

jacek: oO

AllYourTrees: oh wow royale took #1 in C4

YurkovAS: AllYourTrees you use NN or mcts in C4?

AllYourTrees: ya NN. ja fica definitely boosted me with their latest submits. i was #9 solidly, then the rankings shifted a bunch

AllYourTrees: a bit confusing tbh lol

YurkovAS: do you use avx? this give huge speedup

AllYourTrees: no

AllYourTrees: i think rust auto does it? i tried using it but it was slower

AllYourTrees: well at least it was slower for NN portion, i haven't put anywhere else

AllYourTrees: what approach are you using YurkovAS?

YurkovAS: i'm use mcts, add avx for win check in move - this give huge performance improvement

YurkovAS: but not score improvement

YurkovAS: and adding avx is was interesting for me

AllYourTrees: interesting!!

basically: hellow

basically: any tips to improve the score in clash of code

YurkovAS: i'm show rollouts count K in first number

AllYourTrees: wow pretty high, what was it before avx?

YurkovAS: left - fast bitboard without avx

AllYourTrees: oh yeah wow that is a pretty big performance boost!

YurkovAS: with bitboard you also can fast win check with bit shifts magic

Westicles: What's the point to these examiner achievements?

YurkovAS: Westicles i'm like improving app performance. And usual this give higher score in leaderboard.

Westicles: Hi YurkovAS

YurkovAS: hi

Westicles: Did you guys every try to figure out what dbdr did to get his 2048 score?

Westicles: It seems odd that nobody else can get it...

YurkovAS: Don't know about it. I'm used beam search (online).

Westicles: Yeah, same here

Westicles: Oh, not actually... offline for me

Q12: Did you see the new feature, Budding examiner?

Westicles: Yep. I was wondering if the rankings actually do anything... I guess not.

Q12: I think it does, why else would they do it?

Westicles: Just a scheme to get you to look at solutions?

eulerscheZahl: and to order them when showing top solutions

Westicles: Looks like they are ordered by upvotes

eulerscheZahl: upvotes have a problem: and older solution had more time to collect upvotes

eulerscheZahl: thus the mediocre solution might be on top. getting more visibility and thus more upvotes

BlaiseEbuth: Problems on Codingame... Tss. Toxic community, and judas mods...

eulerscheZahl: onboarding solutions in Java:

eulerscheZahl: definitely not by score

eulerscheZahl: maybe a mix of both to start with a non-random order when you add the new feature

Westicles: Ah, okay that makes sense

Westicles: Kind of difficult to compare two solutions in those tiny little windows though

eulerscheZahl: yes

eulerscheZahl: and the window doesn't even use its full size to show the code

BlaiseEbuth: Just click to get the achevment and forget it.

eulerscheZahl: 18 lines of code. then the same size of blank area.

eulerscheZahl: and scrollbars only show up when you hover over it

**eulerscheZahl doesn't care about the achievement

eulerscheZahl: i won't do CG's work on ranking solutions

BlaiseEbuth: Not a priority

Q12: another problem is ranking solutions which isn't in your language (English)

Westicles: I assume ultimately you won't be able to see solutions without ranking first?

Q12: you can skip ranking

Q12: at the bottom right

eulerscheZahl: Westicles wonders if we can skip it in the future?

BlaiseEbuth: For now that even allows you to see non-published solution...

eulerscheZahl: really? :o

BlaiseEbuth: In certain cases yes. When there's not enough solutions in your language, it seems the site takes some liberties...

BlaiseEbuth: At least two reports in that way from regular users on Fr

eulerscheZahl: at least it keeps the language. i didn't get a solution shown when I was the first (or 2nd?) to solve it in C#

eulerscheZahl: probably the 2nd after Westicles

Panavia_tornado: Points in code vs zombies are only given for the levels that are in the test cases or will there be other levels in the submit?

eulerscheZahl: submit has different testcases

eulerscheZahl: to avoid hardcoding certain tests (spoiler: does not work)

BlaiseEbuth: Probably a bug, cause doesn't happen anytime. I found a puzzle with no published solutions, and made a test with two other users, and nothing happened. Though the users who reported the problem are pretty sure of them.

Westicles: Well, if it is C++ with a wrapper, tell them to give it an upvote :P

BlaiseEbuth: ^^

Panavia_tornado: Is there a limit to the choice of starting location for zombies/humans/Ash e.g. distance>2000 from Ash to zombies at the starting point?

Panavia_tornado: I'm trying to do a simulation of the game in an external editor for a genetic algorithm or neural network.

MSmits: eulerscheZahl I just made a rookie mistake

MSmits: In C#

MSmits: I was building a 20 MB long string by using += instead of stringbuilder :P

MSmits: wasnt done after 15 mins even

eulerscheZahl: wow, that's really inefficient

eulerscheZahl: once i got to rewrite another program and had a look at the code (wondering why opening a 10MB file easily takes 1min)

eulerscheZahl: that file contained a list of points. the code was like: create an empty array

eulerscheZahl: while (point to add) resize array by +1, add that 1 point

eulerscheZahl: pretty much what your string concat does too

eulerscheZahl: with the exception that the program I got to see was in Delphi. There aren't even Lists (except for the Stringlist)

MSmits: ahh yeah, it was pretty dumb of me. I was using the string concat thing with my opening books because they were all tiny, but now i was trying to generate data for my nn and that was a lot more.

eulerscheZahl: i admit i also use the += on strings when I don't expect much data. it's just easier to code and more readable

eulerscheZahl: and implicitly calls ToString() for extra convenience

MSmits: yea, it's usually no problem

MSmits: inside CG context anyways

Default avatar.png Kepe55: what's with that "If you ever get stuck, use a hasmap" saying?

ProCoder03: isn't it supposed to be a "Java" sayings ?!?

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Not sure, but do hashmaps really help if you are stuck?

BlaiseEbuth: If you get stuck use a context?

martinpapa69: i've you get stuck. call your stepbro

BlaiseEbuth: :eggplant:

spokr: fr

BlaiseEbuth: fr?

Tsloa: frfr??

michaellan: I want to write NN

BlaiseEbuth: So write NN...

martinpapa69: or write an N

michaellan: N

michaellan: Panavia_tornado: you dont pick starting location

AspectCodin: hola

Default avatar.png muck: my brain is about to explode

michaellan: from what

michaellan: i know the feeling

michaellan: and you better not say a clash

TobiasA: it's most likely clash of code

TobiasA: except if it isn't

Default avatar.png IndecisionTree: it is

jacek: meow

Default avatar.png SevenGaming: meow

Default avatar.png oddly: HOLA

Default avatar.png oddly: how are you guys?

martinpapa69: :ok_hand:

Default avatar.png oddly: what is the best place for practice on this website

JimmyJams: I literally coded myself a girlfriends using a fine tuned model of GPT-3 based on past conversations I've had with my exs and some of my mom and sister.

martinpapa69: have you seen the quest map thingy on the start page ?

JimmyJams: how sad are you boys that you're not on my level right now?

Ifthel: Very

Default avatar.png IndecisionTree: but can you write it in hAsKeLl Jimmy?

Prof.Moriarty: New here, a had a lot of work doing a puzzle and it was the "easy", do you guys have any tip on how to improve my skills? (it is python the language I am studying)

jacek: what easy puzzle?

jacek: there are some that i find quite medium, and there are medium/hard ones that i find easy

Default avatar.png oddly: where can i practice? like everything from nothing

Default avatar.png oddly: i have 0 exp in this feild.

Prof.Moriarty: had a good time in it haha

Default avatar.png oddly: :> thanks

Default avatar.png oddly: where is that again? lmao

jacek: there is search at top

Default avatar.png oddly: ok thanks <3'

Default avatar.png oddly: hello there! does anyone know how to finish the first ai test

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: hi, has anyone here done the defibrillators problem 100%?

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: Can't do validator 2 :/

michaellan: is that the dijkstra one

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: no, it's an easy one

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: the point is to find the nearest defibrillator based on coordenades

BlaiseEbuth: use radians not degrees

BlaiseEbuth: Or the reverse, don't remember. But there's a conversion to do

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: maybe that's the thing

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: will try that

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: it worked, but that wasn't the problem

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: formula said cos((a+b)/2) but I was using cos(a+b)/2

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: and the conversion to radians is not needed

michaellan: it should be needed for the next level

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: maybe, haven't look at it yet

Wontonimo: hey :wave: what's the topic?

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: the defibrillator problem (1st level)

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: was not getting one of the validators, but turns out I'm just dumb xD

Scarfield: Thats usually the problem, pesky computers do what you tell them :p

Default avatar.png FBF_Luis: stupid computers, can't even do whatever they want

Scarfield: they should know what you want them to do, not what you tell them :rage:

spokr: this is why i hate computers

KalamariKing: you could just get good

michaellan: bru

Nanosplitter: Does anyone know how I can programatically feed data into python's input() function on my local machine?

Nanosplitter: I'm trying to run test runs of my code on my local machine and I want to copy the input from codingame and put it into a text file that my code's input() function will read like it does in codingame's IDE

Nanosplitter: (Yes I have tried googling it, I can't find any useful information about it)

michaellan: sure

michaellan: It's known as redirection and its super duper useful

michaellan: so you'd just do

michaellan: python < your_input_file

michaellan: Nanosplitter: see above

Nanosplitter: That's super helpful thank you!

LittleFlea: hello all.

Nanosplitter: xxd When I try and run it like that I get the error "The '<' operator is reserved for future use.". I think it is because I am on windows and am using powershell. I googled it and found this:

Nanosplitter: But I don't really understand the top answer

Nanosplitter: Thanks for all your help, I'm a total command line noob lol

Nanosplitter: Oh hey! I found a workaround: I put this into the command line and it seems to have worked cmd /c 'python < input.txt'

Nanosplitter: I'm not quite sure why it worked though

Wontonimo: magic

Nanosplitter: true

michaellan: you also could've just searched up "redirection in powershell" or something along those lines

Wontonimo: that sounds hard

jacek: thats what she...

Default avatar.png tran1903xd: anyone join my private game?

JimmyJams: I love a good private game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Default avatar.png tran1903xd:

Default avatar.png tran1903xd: yes lets go sir

Default avatar.png tran1903xd: join my private game

Default avatar.png dtnguyen123: Hi

Default avatar.png dtnguyen123: ok\

Default avatar.png dtnguyen123: ok

Default avatar.png dtnguyen123: ok

Default avatar.png dtnguyen123: ok

Default avatar.png dtnguyen123: ok

Default avatar.png dtnguyen123: ok